Brand Identity
Brand Identity
Researching the Competition Gannon Ridge Taxidermy, Minnesota Colors: red, black, white, navy blue Images: animal mounts only, no people Design: images and illustrations, borders on images Target Market: Men ages 40-65 Kleinschmidt Whitetail Taxidermy, Wisconsin Colors: green, brown, black Images: men, animal mounts Design: frames Target Market: Men ages 40-65 Larry’s Taxidermy, Minnesota Colors: brown, cream, black, brown Images: men, women, kids, animal mounts Design: barn wood background, textures, illustrations Target Market: Families that hunt ages 30-55 Morse Taxidermy, Louisiana Colors: brown, black Images: men, animal mounts Design: wood, fence, metal frames Target Market: Men ages 30-55 1 1 Pete’s Taxidermy, South Dakota Colors: white, black, orange/gold Images: animal mounts, product Design: gradients, textures, images Target Market: Men ages 30-40 Riverland Taxidermy Studio, Wisconsin Colors: brown, cream, burgundy Images: men, boys, few women, animal mounts Design: images with white frames, no logo, passport theme in background Target Market: Men ages 30-55 S.R. Jennings Taxidermy, California Colors: white, black, red Images: animal mounts only, no people Design: images on images, boxes Target Market: Men ages 30-55 Willow Taxidermy, Minnesota Colors: black, white, purple Images: men, animal mounts Design: logo, images, primary colors Target Market: Men ages 30-55 Branding Brand Peterson’s Big Game Taxidermy is a place for hunters to “preserve the hunt forever.” Travis Peterson is an artist who captures the memory of the hunt in a taxidermy mount. All animals are mounted on gorgeous stained wood platforms in life-like form. Tagline: Do Something Wild Target Market Generation X Sex: Male Ages: 30-45 Characteristics: Fiercely independent. Technology savvy, skeptical of advertising and marketing, believe in personal style rather than designer products, many are entrepreneurs, and they easily transition from job to job. Detest incompetence. Don’t insult one’s intelligence―just tell it like it is, don’t play games. Don’t explain―just tell them the bottom line. Lifestyle Demographics 1. Total U.S. Population of Target Market....................................................................65,658,915 2. Racial Make Up of Target Market White..........................................................................................................................45,166,745 Hispanic/Latino.........................................................................................................8,254,211 Black/African American...........................................................................................8,145,381 American Indian/Alaska Native................................................................................577,286 Asian.............................................................................................................................2,704,975 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander................................................................................94,920 Other.............................................................................................................................3,644,495 3. Median Annual Income of Target Market.....................................................................$56,785 4. Percentage of Target Market that are Home Owners....................................................... 69% 2 2 Brainstorming Benefits ˚ Preserves memories ˚ Displays beauty of animal ˚ Quality work Potential Target Market ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ Men ages 30-45 Married Like to hunt Own a home Upper level income Negatives ˚ Expensive ˚ Large, takes up a lot of space ˚ Many wives will not approve Feelings and Emotions 3 3 ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ Happiness & Satisfaction - hunters Anger - Animal Rights Activists Sadness - animals have to die Frustration - against personal beliefs Sight ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ Masculine Professional Tasteful Outdoors Possible Creative Directions ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ Rams Bear print Horns Texture Logo Design 4 4 Brand Identity Primary Logo Brandmark Tagline DO SOMETHING WILD Black & White Logo Brand Colors c0 m1 y7 k0 r255 g53 b34 c24 m82 y100 k15 c48 m73 y85 k50 Reversed Logo #fffaec r170 g72 b37 r87 g53 b34 #aa4825 #573522 black Staging PETERSON’S BIG GAME TAXIDERMY “A” All elements must stay a minimum of the “A” height away from the logo. Typeface 5 5 Book Antiqua AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSs TtUuVvWwXxYyZz Available Weights: Bold Clarendon BT AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOo PpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Available Weights: Light Heavy Black Brand Identity Photography, Design Elements, and Color Scheme 6 6 Brochure Concepts 7 7 Brochure Final 8 8 Business Card Front Back 9 9 Website PETERSON’S BIG GAME TAXIDERMY Home About Me Showroom Services Preserve the hunt forever A self-taught artist, Travis Peterson has been a fulltime wildlife artist for seventeen years specializing in big game animals from all over North America. Take the first step in preserving your big game memories forever, call us today or come see our quality workmanship at Peterson’s Big Game Taximdermy showroom! DO SOMETHING WILD Owner: Travis Peterson 809 Stoddard Street, Houston MN 55943 (507) 896-3129 ~ [email protected] Home About Me Showroom Services 10 10 DO SOMETHING WILD
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