Trail Map April 2009 Update
Trail Map April 2009 Update
Welch Creek Aurora Legend Parks ID School ID Sugar Grove School Locations Trails Trail Status Future Internal (Private/Public Trail Link) City Owned/Maintained Asphalt County Trail In Developer PUD Agreement Private/Public Trail (HOA) Asphalt Private/Public Trail (HOA) Limestone Proposed Conceptual Secured By City G Trails Outside of Yorkville Local Parks/Forest Preserves 33 City Forest Preserve Montgomery Hoover Educational Center State 34 Yorkville Planning Boundary The Data is provided without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. It is the responsibility of the “Requester” to determine accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and appropriateness of its use. The United City of Yorkville makes no warranties, expressed or implied, to the use of the Data. 25 This map is for reference only. The conceptual trails indicated on this map, including County Trails, Future Internal, and Proposed Conceptual are subject to change and are not final. 31 H Plano F k 27 C rry kbe 26 k ree Bi g Ro ck Cr ee c Bla Ro o bR yC ree 01 k 17 29 03 A 21 07 B 32 E 15 k Oswego 28 rg Mo an eek Cr Fox River 18 12 D C 16 24 Millbrook Ho lle nb ac k Cr ee I Yorkville k Middle Aux Sable Creek Park IDs 01 - Purcell Park 02 - Fox Hill East Park 03 - Fox Hill West Park 04 - Hiding Spot Park 05 - Emily Sleezer Park 06 - Town Square Park 07 - Beecher Park 08 - Van Emmon Park 09 - Price Park 10 - Riverfront Park 11 - Kiwanis Park 12 - Rice Park 13 - West Hydraulic Park 14 - Rivers Edge Park 15 - Crawford Park 16 - Sunflower Park 17 - Cannonball Ridge Park 18 - Gilbert Park 19 - Rotary Park 20 - Whispering Meadows Park 21 - Hoover Educational Center 22 - Jaycee Pond 23 - Cobb Park 24 - Raintree Village Park A 25 - Steven G Bridge Park 26 - Stepping Stones Park 27 - Wheaton Woods 28 - Autumn Creek Park A 29 - Riemenschneider Park 30 - Grande Reserve Park A 31 - Grande Reserve Park B 32 - Heartland Circle Park Joliet School IDs Plattville Trail Map April 2009 Update 1 0.5 0 1 A - Yorkville High School B - Yorkville High School Freshman Campus C - Yorkville Intermediate School D - Circle Center Grade School E - Yorkville Grade School F - Grande Reserve Elementary School G - Bristol Bay Elementary School H - Bristol Grade School I - New Yorkville Middle School 2 Miles United City of Yorkville GIS