New SonicByte Non-Destructive Acoustic System Family for
New SonicByte Non-Destructive Acoustic System Family for
New SonicByte Non-Destructive Acoustic System Family for Microstructure Characterization and Quality Control of both Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Materials Claude Allaire and Alain Carbonneau MQC Technology Inc. 1207 Antonio Lemaire, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada, G7K 1J2 [email protected] ABSTRACT Knowing the elastic properties of materials is of prime importance. These properties not only reflect the extent of bonding in the material, but also permit to characterize its behavior under stress. The measurement of such properties in refractory and carbon materials, such as anodes and cathodes in aluminum electrolysis cells, may be difficult due to their heterogeneous nature. This paper presents a new non-destructive acoustic system family for quality control and microstructure characterization of both homogeneous and heterogeneous materials, including the estimation of their strength and critical flaw size, based on the measurement of their elastic properties, at room or high temperature. INTRODUCTION Refractory and carbon materials, such as anodes and cathodes in aluminum electrolytic cells, are heterogeneous materials containing pores, cracks and multi-phases aggregates. Such materials are generally exposed in service to thermo-mechanical abuses such as thermal shock, mechanical impact, abrasion and erosion. Such abuses provoke microstructural changes in the materials thereby affecting their properties and consequently their behavior during operation. Non-destructive acoustic testing is commonly used to characterize the microstructure of materials such as fine ceramics and metals. However, it is usually difficult to apply such technique to heterogeneous materials due to multiple acoustic wave and microstructure interactions which favor high acoustic wave attenuation and multiples acoustic wave propagation modes. In the literature, the use of different techniques for the characterization of refratories has been reported [1 to 7]. However, none of these techniques allows for high temperature measurements of the set of elastic properties, i.e., the Elastic Modulus (under both flexural and longitudinal conditions), the Shear Modulus and the Poisson ratio. An example of a reported apparatus allowing such measurements at room temperature is the Grindo-Sonic apparatus. According to Headrick et al. [8], this apparatus has been used at high temperature with refractory, but only for the measurement of their Elastic Modulus under flexural conditions. The new SonicByte Acquisition System and Software family manufactured by MQC Technology Inc. can not only obtain the set of elastic properties, both at room and at high temperature, but also allows materials' strength and critical flaw size estimation with the use of specially designed algorithms. Moreover, this new system allows testing large material units since unlike most conventional commercial acoustic equipments, it is not limited to high frequency range measurements. ACOUSTIC TESTING PRINCIPLE Sonic or acoustic testing is based on time-varying deformation or vibration in materials. All materials are comprised of atoms, which may be forced into vibration motion about their equilibrium positions. Many different patterns of vibration motion exist at the atomic level, however, most are irrelevant to acoustic testing. Acoustic testing focuses on particles that contain many atoms that move in unison to produce a mechanical wave. Provided a material is not stressed in tension or compression beyond its elastic limit, individual particles yield elastic oscillations. In solids, sound waves can propagate under different modes that are based on the way the particles oscillate. Sound can propagate as longitudinal waves, shear waves, surface waves, and in thin materials as plate waves. Longitudinal and shear waves are the two modes of propagation most widely used in sonic testing. When an elastic material is impacted, it resonates at a given natural frequency, which is a function of its elastic properties, i.e., E (Elastic or Young’s modulus), G (Shearing or Coulomb’s modulus) and (Poisson’s ratio). The relationship between these properties is given by the following equation: G E 21 v (1) The natural resonance frequency, f, is reached when a stationary acoustic wave, of wavelength /2 and velocity V, is created in the material, where: V f 2 L f 2 L T (2) In the above equations, L represents material dimension, such as the length of a thin cylindrical section, and T is the resonance period. The calculation of the elastic constants from measured resonance periods is achieved according to Spinner and Tefft [9]. Knowing the elastic properties of material is of prime importance. These properties not only reflect the extend of bonding in the material, but also permits to characterize its behavior under stress, such as shown on figure 1 and according to the following equations: L L0 u G G L0 E E r L v 0 L r0 (3) (4) (5) where and are the material's tensile and shear strains under the action of the applied tensile, , and shear, , stresses, respectively. Fig. 1: Deformation of a cylinder under both tensile and shear stresses. SONICBYTE NON-DESTRUCTIVE ACOUSTIC SYSTEM FAMILY The SonicByte non-destructive acoustic system family, manufactured by MQC Technology Inc. lies on a technique which consists in determining the elastic constants of a material by measuring its acoustic resonance periods under three different modes: flexural, torsional and longitudinal. Under flexural mode and when applicable, the measurements are made along two orthogonal directions with respect to the material's length. The two resonance periods thus obtained under that mode allow distinguishing the effect of the uniformly and non-uniformly distributed microstrutural defects in the material on their elastic properties, as well as on its mechanical strength. This technique also allows considering separately the effect of geometrical discontinuities within the material. The principle of the technique used lies in converting the tested material in the form of an equivalent material having two distinct zones: the active zone and the dead zone (see Fig. 2). The active zone only contains the original uniformly distributed microstructural defects conferring the flexural elastic modulus, E0F, to the tested material. The nonuniformly distributed microstructural defects originally contained in the tested material are converted into N equivalent uniform and equidistant straight cracks of length "aeq" extending form one side of the equivalent material. The location of these cracks delimits the dead zone whose rigidity is vanished since N is such that the distance between the cracks is no more than their length, which promotes cracks interaction. From the values of E0F and "aeq", the strength, R, of the tested material may then be estimated, as well as the size of the critical defects, ac, it contains, according to specially designed algorithms. The basic principle allowing the determination of "aeq" is shown on Fig. 3. NON-DESTRUCTIVE ANALYSIS OF LABORATORY SAMPLES For non-destructive analysis of laboratory samples, the main device to be used is the SonicByte XB-1000 signal analyser (see Fig. 4 (a)). The XB-1000 uses high frequency response microphones specially designed to capture fast audio impulses coming from hammer impacts (see Fig. 4 (e)). The resonance frequencies collected by the microphones are analysed by the XB-1000 using a technique similar to FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The signal is electronically processed with an ultra-fast analog to digital converter featuring very accurate timing. Mathematical calculations are performed with carefully built algorithms to quickly output (< 100mSec) the prominent resonance period, which corresponds to the average value from up to 2000 consecutive periods collected by the system during each impact. The SonicByte Excelbased software then uses the period readings and presents the results on the computer screen as well as storing repetitive results and maintaining a data bank that can be consulted further (see Fig. 4 (d)). The software allows viewing of the raw signal (see Fig. 4 (b)) and the period spectrum after each impact (see Fig. 4 (c)). A serial RS232 computer port is used for communication with the XB-300 Hammer Control Box (see Fig. 4 (f)). This provides computer controlled, single and repetitive hammer impacts of the sample. Using a controlled hammer instead of a manual hammer greatly increases chances of repetitive measurements, simply because a repetitive reading is, amongst other things, sensitive to the hit location. Although the SonicByte system may be used manually (see Fig. 5) it may more conveniently use a maximum of four specially designed electric hammers to repetitively hit the sample at exactly the same spot every time, at four distinct locations. Fig. 2: Example of (a) - A cathode block containing geometrical discontinuities, as well as uniformly distributed microstructural defects (such as pores and microcracks) and nonuniformly distributed microstructural defects (such as the crack shown in bold), and (b) The equivalent block without the geometrical discontinuities and containing in the "Dead Zone" the equivalent equidistant and uniform cracks of length "aeq", and in the "Active Zone" the uniformly distributed microstructural defects conferring to the material the flexural elastic modulus E0F. Parallel 1) f Vibration direction b // h // 3) I // h0 aeq Perpendicular Vibration direction aeq 5) b// h// 12 h0 EI ml 4 2) I bh 3 12 3 4) I b / h 12 3 T h// T// h 6) b h 1 T 2 h hO 7) h// hO a T a eq hO 1 T // Fig. 3: Example of a parallelelipedic solid containing equidistant and uniform cracks of length "aeq" and submitted to flexural resonance period measurements along two orthogonal directions (Note: For simplicity, the equations presented in this example do not include the correction factors required to consider the solid boundary conditions) (a) (e) (f) (b) (c) (g) (h) (d) Fig. 4: SonicByte series of electronic instruments and SonicByte Software designed for non-destructive testing of material: (a) - The XB-1000 Signal Processor, (b) - Example of raw signal graphic showing accepted and rejected points for period calculation from up to 2000 points, (c) - Example of Spectrum showing the detected multi-resonance periods after one impact. Scroll bar position adjustments allow for the pre-selection of accepted periods; (d) - SonicByte DATA sheet as the main control room for measurement adjustments and commands; (e) - Mounting Table for the four coupled Hammers and Microphones disposed around the sample for room temperature testing; (f) - The XB-300 Hammer Control Box for hammer excitation energy control and microphones electrical signal collection; (g) and (h) - Specially designed furnace for high temperature testing including four coupled High Temperature Single Electric Hammering and Short Impacting Microphone systems. Fig 5: Manual use of the SonicByte analysis system For room temperature testing, the SonicByte system uses a Mounting Table for Hammers and Microphone disposition around the sample, as shown in Fig.4 (e). For high temperature testing, a specially designed furnace and set-up is used, as shown in Fig. 4 (g) et (h). For this latter case, ceramic waveguides are used to collect the audio signals from the sample following impacts from specially designed electric hammers coupled with ceramic wire. For both room and high temperature testing on parallelepipedic samples, the relative position of the hammers and microphones is as shown on Fig. 6. This allows the SonicByte software to calculate and report Elastic Modulus under longitudinal and flexural (in two orthogonal directions) modes, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's ratio. As mentioned previously, the measurement of the flexural resonance period along two orthogonal directions is the basis of a novel technique used by the SonicByte system to estimate the critical flaw size in a sample. Y Z X Fig. 6: Relative position of the hammers (arrows) and microphones for resonance period measurements under longitudinal (L), flexural (F) and torsional conditions (T). Note that a second set of hammers and microphones for flexural measurements (not shown on this figure) is used by the SonicByte system along the "z" direction to estimate defect size in the test sample NON-DESTRUCTIVE QUALITY CONTROL OF INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS For industrial materials' quality control, the SonicByte EP-1000 signal processor and SonicByteEP ExelBased Software should be used (see Fig. 7 and 8). As compared to the SonicByte XB-1000, the SonicByte EP-1000 is coupled to a digital filtering system unit that allows testing materials with various shapes, dimensions and sizes, which generally tend to generate undesirable vibrations under impacts, such as harmonics and surface waves. With the SonicByte EP system family, industrial materials' quality control can be conducted manually, with the use of manual hammers, or under fully automatic mode when a robotic system controlling electric hammers and microphones is used. Examples of industrial quality control applications with the SonicByte EP system family are: refractory bricks, pre-cast fired and non-fired refractory shapes, refractory ramming mixes, industrial ceramics, carbon materials, metals and composites. Among the pre-cast fired and non-fired refractory shapes that could successfully be tested are: tap hole blocks, straight and conic thermocouple shields, floor tiles, straight and curved launder sections, spouts and grid plates (see Fig. 9). With regard to carbon materials, successful results can also be obtained with both green and fired anodes and cathodes such as those used in aluminum electrolytic cells. EXAMPLES OF RESULTS To illustrate how the SonicByte non-destructive system family works, the following examples are presented. Laboratory refractory castable samples: Four sets of laboratory refractory monolithic samples were submitted to microstructure characterization with the SonicByte system family: (1) - Castable samples containing equidistant and interacting notches, (2) - Castable samples containing equidistant and non-interacting macroscopic cracks, (3) - Unfired Castable samples and (4) - Unfired Ramming Mix samples. Castable samples containing equidistant and interacting notches Refractory castable samples containing 15 equidistant and interacting notches, such as shown in Fig. 10, were tested according to the MQC technique. These notches, whose length, Lo, was varying between 0 to 20.74 mm, were produced using a 1mm thick diamond saw. The samples dimensions were 6.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 inches. The elastic constants EF// (Flexural Elastic Modulus under parallel direction), EF(Flexural Elastic Modulus under perpendicular direction), and E0F (Flexural Elastic Modulus of the material's active zone), as well as the equivalent equidistant and uniform crack's length, "aeq", for these samples are given in table I. Fig. 7: SonicByte EP-1000 signal processor Fig. 8: SonicByteEP ExcellBased Software main control room for measurement adjustments and commands Spout Grid Plate Launders Tap Hole Block Conic Thermocouple Shield Fig. 9: Examples of pre-cast fired and non-fired refractory shapes that could successfully be tested with the SonicByte EP System // Fig 10: Example of a notched sample. In theory, the E0F value for the five samples should be the same. This is almost what has been obtained, as shown in Table I. Moreover, the notches' length and the "aeq" values for these samples is very well correlated (R2 = 0.99), as shown in Fig. 11. Table I Elastic constants and equivalent equidistant and uniform crack's length for the tested samples Parameters Lo = 0 mm Lo = 4.23 mm Lo = 8.47 mm Lo = 12.7 mm Lo = 20.74 mm EF// (GPa) 11.76 ± 0.99 8.27 ± 0.69 4.44 ± 0.37 1.79 ± 0.15 0.22 ± 0.02 EF (GPa) 11.76 ± 0.99 11.87 ± 1.00 9.46 ± 0.79 7.01 ± 0.58 3.19 ± 0.26 12.22 0.94 ± ± 1.95 1.22 13.30 -4.03 ± ± 2.75 1.16 13.16 -8.21 ± ± 2.68 1.01 13.48 -12.96 ± ± 2.71 0.85 11.89 -18.99 ± ± 2.36 0.67 0 E F (GPa) aeq (mm) Lo=Notches' length. Note: A negative value for the equivalent equidistant and uniform crack's length "aeq" means that these cracks are oriented along the parallel direction. Otherwise, these cracks are oriented along the perpendicular direction. 25.00 (R2 = 0.99) aeq (mm) 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 -5.00 Lo (mm) Fig. 11: Correlation between the calculated equivalent equidistant and uniform cracks length, aeq, and the notches' length, Lo. Castable samples containing equidistant and non-interacting macroscopic cracks Refractory castable samples containing 0 to 5 equidistant and non-interacting macroscopic cracks, such as shown in Fig. 12, were first tested according to the MQC technique and then submitted to three-point bending test for the measurement of their modulus of rupture, at room temperature. These cracks were produced by inserting 0.1 mm thick plastic sheets in the material, during the forming process, to achieve cracks length, Lo, varying from 0 to 25.4 mm. The samples dimensions were 6.0 x 1.5 x 1.5 inches. // Fig. 12: Schematic representation of a sample containing one straight open edge macroscopic crack. As shown in table II, the sample with the shortest cracks' length was taken as the reference for the calculation of the relative strength values, for each three sets of cracks number (i.e, N = 1, 3 and 5, respectively). The relative strength, R(//) / R)ref(//), values were calculated according to two methods. The first method is based on the modulus of rupture (MOR) measured values, according to the following equation: R (//) _____ R) ref (//) MOR = ____________ (MOR) (6) ref The second method is based on the values of E0F and "aeq", according to the specially designed algorithm includes in the SonicByte Software. As shown in Fig. 13, there is a perfect correlation between both measured (Eq. 6) and estimated strength values (from E0F and "aeq"). Moreover, such very good correlation was also observed between L0 (the real cracks' length) and the estimated critical flaw size "ac", as shown in Table II. Unfired castable samples Unfired castable samples were submitted to flexural elastic modulus measurements during sintering. The results are presented in Fig. 14. Table II Estimation of the relative strength of refractory castables containing straight open edge macroscopic cracks along their width N Lo H =Heq Lo/H EF// EF E0F aeq ac Relative MOR (MPa) R/Rref (MPa) (mm) (mm) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (mm) (mm) 0 0.00 38.27 0.00 114.87 112.95 116.24 0.45 0.45 ---- ---- 1 6.35 37.84 0.17 100.21 100.53 100.79 -0.09 -6.44 1.00 1.00 1 12.70 37.63 0.34 60.31 87.88 112.13 -8.14 -10.63 0.69 0.69 1 25.4 38.55 0.66 14.41 57.03 129.48 -21.55 -22.52 0.21 0.25 3 6.35 36.27 0.18 97.68 96.99 98.18 0.19 -7.62 1.00 1.00 3 12.70 37.61 0.34 49.41 86.70 123.80 -11.27 -13.38 0.61 0.62 3 25.4 38.51 0.66 10.12 49.71 126.58 -23.38 -24.14 0.19 0.20 5 6.35 37.46 0.17 81.98 99.01 112.21 -4.40 -7.36 1.00 1.00 5 12.70 37.64 0.34 39.23 78.11 120.18 -13.17 -15.05 0.65 0.58 5 25.4 38.92 0.65 8.75 46.55 124.01 -24.31 -24.99 0.21 0.20 Relative Strength (Estimated) N=Number of cracks; Lo=Cracks' length; H=Samples' height; R/Rref = Relative strength calculated from E0F and "aeq". Note: A negative value for the equivalent equidistant and uniform crack's length "aeq" as well as for the critical flaw size "ac" means that these cracks are oriented along the parallel direction. Otherwise, these cracks are oriented along the perpendicular direction 1.0 (Lo = 6.35 mm) 0.8 0.6 0.4 (Lo = 25.4 mm) N=1 N=3 N=5 (Lo = 12.7 mm) 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Relative Strength (Measured) Fig. 13: Measured .vs. Estimated Relative Strength 0.8 1.0 Fig. 14: Flexural elastic modulus variation during sintering of a refractory castable (after drying at 110 oC) Unfired ramming mix samples Seven unfired cylindrical ramming mix samples having different sizes were submitted to longitudinal and flexural elastic modulus measurements at room temperature. Although the acoustic wave attenuation in such materials is very high, the SonicByte system was able to produced relevant results, as shown in Fig. 15. Fig. 15: Results obtained with a refractory ramming mix Other examples of laboratory applications of the SonicByte system can be found in reference 10. Aluminum cast-house industrial spouts: Four aluminum cast-house industrial spouts having the geometry, sizes and dimensions shown on Fig. 16 were submitted to quality control with the SonicByte EP system family. These spouts were made from amorphous silica-based refractory castables. They were shaped in two-section molds creating geometrical defects such as shown in Fig. 17 after mold removal. Among those spouts, two were originals (SA and SB) and two others were had already been used in an aluminum cast-house (SC) and (SD). By referring to Fig. 16 and 18, these spouts were tested for the quality of their different zones with the use of the following hammer and microphone positions: Zone 1 (Conic Extremity): Hammer P3 and Microphone M3 Zone 2 (Cylindrical Core): Hammer P4 and Microphone M4 Zone 3 (Cylindrical Extremity): Hammer P2 and Microphone M2 Zones 1 and 2 and 3 (Overall spout): Hammer P1 and Microphone M1 The time required for testing each spout in these different positions was less than 30 seconds. Moreover, the spouts were rotated during the tests along their central axis to detect any sign of anisotropy. The results obtained are presented in Table III. Table III Relative resonance frequencies of the spouts associated to their different zones Spouts SA (unused) SB (unused) SC (used) SD (used) Zone 1 (P3, M3) 1 - 1.036 - 1.059 -1.096 Zone 2 (P4, M4) 1 -1.027 -1.040 -1.173 Zone 3 (P2, M2) 1 -1.044 -1.059 -1.168 Zones 1 + 2 + 3 (P1, M1) 1 -1.03 -1.042 -1.052 According to Table III, the original spout SA demonstrates the highest quality. The lowest quality is observed for the used spout SD. The quality of the latter provides evidence of more deterioration in service in zones 2 (Cylindrical Core) and 3 (Cylindrical Extremity). Moreover, as shown in Fig. 19, the geometrical defects that were introduced during the forming process of the tested spouts confer them lower elastic properties along the Yaxis. Conic Extremity Cylindrical core Cylindrical Extremity Fig. 16: Dimensions of the tested aluminum cast-house spouts (in mm) Geometrical defect Fig. 17: Geometrical defect introduced during the spouts forming process Fig. 18: Schematic representation of a spout submitted to quality control with the use of the SonicByte EP system Fig. 19: Spout anisotropy resulting from geometrical defects CONCLUSION The new SonicByte non-destructive acoustic system family for quality control and microstructure characterization of both homogeneous and heterogeneous materials, based on the measurement of their elastic properties, at room or high temperature, was presented. This new system which operates both under manual or fully automatic mode allows materials' strength and critical flaw size estimation for each manufactured material unit or laboratory tested samples. More information about this new system which is manufactured by MQC Technology Inc., can be found at the following web site: "". 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