April 2014 - The Harley School
April 2014 - The Harley School
The Harley School Parent Council Gazette April 2014 Happy Spring Harley Friends, The snow is melting...again! Slowly but surely we are leaving winter behind and we hope you are enjoying the longer days and the wonderful sunshine. We finished March with another successful Blast and we have a very busy spring here at the Harley School From coffeehouse, plays and class trips to a full activity week, there is never a dull moment. Spring HAC sports teams are starting outdoor activities and we are ready to cheer them up. As we tackle the last to months of school we wish you a wonderful Spring Break. Tammy Allen Mariana Zanandrea (Mana) Parent Council Co-Chairs Harley Happenings Special Sections April 4th MS dance grades 6-8 at Harley 7:30-9:30 pm (not in the printed calendar) April 3rd, 4th & 5th Upper School Musical 7:00 pm (NO pasta dinner) April 14th-18th Spring Recess April 25th MS/US Coffee House 7:00 pm details April 28th - May 2nd MS Activity Week Harley Happenings SAVE THE DATES May 12th Parent Coffee May 15th Oak Tree Ceremony 2:00 pm May 18th Harley Day at a Rochester Red Wings game May 19th Faculty Appreciation Day details June 10th Seabreeze Night 6:00 - 10:00 pm Lower School Corner Middle School Corner Upper School Corner CMEE Hartman's Corner McDowell's College Corner Upper School Play April 3rd, 5th and 5th 7:00pm A musical celebration of the songs of Richard Rodgers and Lorentz Hart. Lower School Corner Dear Lower School Parents, The snow might be melting outside but the Lower School will be cooling down while they study Alaska, this year's theme for Focus Week. Kids love the special activities that Focus Week brings. You have probably already heard a lot about the giant igloo. April 14 - 18: SPRING RECESS Vacation Camp is available Monday - Thursday. Let Adele Latham know if you are interested: [email protected]. Lower School Classroom Happenings *Second grade play" will be on April 9th during assembly. All the best, Becca Tiffin and Jessica Lieberman Lower School Co-Coordinators Middle School Corner Happy April Folks, The sun is out and the birds are singing. The days are longer and the temps are a bit warmer. Spring is in the air! It's a quick month of school having Spring Break in the middle of it but there's always something going on inside these walls of Harley. April 9: Meeting for 6th Grade Parents 6:15pm Come find out more information about the upcoming Outdoor Ed trip that is planned for the end of the month. April 9: Math Fair 7:00pm Following the meeting, we will be having the Math Fair. The kids have been working hard at creating fun math games and are excited to show us all they have learned in the wonderful world of math! April 12-20: Spring Break & Happy Easter Enjoy the time with your family, wherever you may be! April 25: MS/US Coffeehouse 7:00pm This is a super fun evening where students can show off their many talents whether it be singing, dancing, juggling, playing instruments, telling jokes, etc. Please come out and support all of the wonderful performers. April 28: MS Activity Week Prior to students leaving later in the week for their class trips, each day will bring a new theme. Stay tuned for more details. April 30: Departures! 6th Grade leaves for their Outdoor Ed trip 7th Grade leaves for their Boston trip From their first hit song in 1925 through their final show-stopper in 1943, the prolific team of Rodgers & Hart was continually redefining the musical theater with its wit, freshness and intelligence. In this rousing pastiche, the first act sets the stage for romance while the second act is comprised of their more satiric gems. The brief narration highlights the Rodgers & Hart story, but it's the songs that explain their success. Perhaps master tune-smith Irving Berlin summed it up best: 'Tuneful and tasty, schmaltzy and smart-music by Rodgers, lyrics by Hart. McDowell's College Corner The SAT and "Me" The College Board's recent announcement about revisions to the SAT has created understandable jitters in the lives of many of us who work in the college admission process, as well as in families with soon-to-be college students. While the proposed changes are theoretically beneficial and noble, most of us simply want to know, 8th Grade leaves for their Washington, DC trip May 2: Departure! 5th Grade leaves for their day trip to Niagara Falls One last thing... we are starting to plan for next year in terms of finding room reps for each class grade. If you are interested in volunteering your time and helping out as a rep, please let us know. You can contact me at [email protected] or Maria @[email protected]. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with either Maria or myself about any questions you may have about anything related to the Middle School. If we can't help directly, we can sure point you in the right direction! Thanks for readingChrissy Miller & Maria Furgiuele, Your Middle School co-coordinators Upper School Corner Dear Upper School families, 1) Forensics (AKA Speech and Debate): This upcoming weekend several students from grade 9-12 will have the honor of representing Harley in the state Forensics championship in Oneonta, NY. Three of these studnets have also qualified to compete in the national Forensics championship in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. All that debating that students do with their parents over phones, curfews, etc seems to be paying off! 2) Spring sports are in full swing: Come on out and cheer for students playing baseball, tennis, and running cross country. Sports schedules can be found on the HAC athletics website and in Larry Frye's weekly newsletter. 3) This is a very exciting time for Harley seniors as students are receiving news back from colleges. Stay tuned for the list of the Class of 2014 plans for the upcoming year. 4) The 10th grade will be visiting Hobart William & Smith Colleges on Friday April 25. The purpose of the visit is to get 10th graders thinking about college. 5) The annual "Through the Student Lens" show is up at Image City Photography on University Avenue. Ten Harley students have their work featured in this show. Stop by if you get a chance. The photography displayed is quite impressive! _________ April 3rd, 5th and 5th 7:00pm Upper School Play: Sing for your Supper A musical celebration of the songs of Richard Rodgers and Lorentz Hart. "How will this affect me?" Here's how things appear to be shaking out. The Class of 2017, Harley's current freshmen, will be the first to give this newer SAT a try. According to the College Board, the latest version of the exam will be ready for students in March of 2016. By then, present juniors will have graduated, and current sophomores will be starting the final trimester of senior year, presumably awaiting returns on their college applications. The take-home message is this: present tenth and eleventh graders and their families can feel free to ignore the coming changes. In fact, while staying informed can't hurt, remaining focused on the current test-its format, content, and grading-is our recommendation. True, each year a handful of eager tenth- and eleventh-graders sit for their first SATs as early as January, but colleges requiring SAT scores likely will encounter difficulty comparing "old" and "new" scores. Moreover, attempting to navigate two very different versions of the SAT seems complicated and even risky for some students. In a moment of test-induced anxiety, a testtaker easily could forget, for example, which version of the SAT penalizes students for incorrect answers, and this in turn could lead to unhappy results. Therefore, we'll encourage present freshmen to wait until at least March of 2016 to take their first SATs, remembering that they could repeat the test in May, June, October, November, or even December of senior year. As an alternative, collegebound ninth-graders could bypass the SAT altogether and take the ACT, a truly viable option. Admissions offices at virtually all American colleges and universities will accept scores from either standardized testing organization, and at this point, we are unaware of any proposed changes to the Upper School Coordinators Priscilla Gumina & Catherine Burke The Center for Mindfulness & Empathy Education Mandala of Compassion Lama Tenzin Returns to Harley Did you notice the transformation in the gallery? Tenzin Nignyen is visiting Harley again to create the Mandala of Compassion in The Gallery until April 4th (this Friday). The event is open to the public, and all are encouraged to participate in the dismantling ceremony on the final morning of the event. What this wonderful tradition provides is not instruction in Buddhism, but a beautiful demonstration of the Golden Rule: we should treat others as we would wish to be treated. Here is a short video that may give you a better sense for what this event means for the Harley community and the world at large: Mandala 2013 Hartman's Corner GOOD FOOD Information Session Tuesday April 8th, 7:00 p.m. Come learn about The Good Food Collective and membership opportunities connecting Rochester to some of the area's best local, organic farmers and weekly distributions of GOOD vegetables, fruit, eggs, meat, and lots more. Join Chris Hartman, founder, along with the GFC team in The Commons at Harley for a brief presentation on the vision of the project, the details of the program, and plenty of time for questions and answers. Hope to see you there! WHAT IS THE GOOD FOOD COLLECTIVE? The Good Food Collective (GFC) is a membership program that connects individuals and families to local, organic farmers and a weekly supply of fresh vegetables and fruit throughout the growing season (Spring, Summer, and Fall memberships available). Created by our own Chris Hartman, the GFC will be delivering to Harley and a wide range of other community-based locations around Rochester. Learn more on The GFC. website: http://www.thegoodfoodcollective.com/ ACT in the foreseeable future. Proof of the ACT's legitimacy is that according to several reputable sources, the ACT has surpassed the SAT in national market share. To be clear: more students took the ACT than the SAT during the most recent application cycle for which such data are available. Worth considering is that a combination of ACT (with Writing) and College Board Subject Test scores could make a handsome bouquet for wooing nearly any college. While we all await further details about amendments to the SAT, we encourage you to be reassured in knowing that we in college counseling have successfully weathered previous major overhauls: namely, the revision of the SAT in 2006, and just last summer, the redesign of the Common Application. In a nod to longtime critics of the SAT, David Coleman, president of the College Board, promised that the newer SAT "will no longer stand apart from daily studies and learning." A move in that direction increasingly aligns with Harley School values. We applaud it. If, by the way, you'd like to keep abreast of progress on the new SAT, visit the College Board's microsite at http://deliveringopportunity.org Harley Store Come and check out the apparel New arrivals! Located next to the Auditorium Box Office Store hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 2:00pm to 3:30pm Box Tops The Harley School participates in Parent Council Activities Details MS/US Coffeehouse 7:00 pm Signup sheets will be available for this informal evening to celebrate all forms of performing arts. Come see our talented students in the Harley Theater. the Box Tops for Education program. This is a simple way to raise funds to enhance our children's learning environment. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Hall Faculty Appreciation Day May 19th This is a special day at Harley. Parents bring in breakfast, lunch and snacks to share with the Harley faculty. Contact Us If you have a story or event to share, or you have suggestions for the monthly newsletter, please fill out the form at this link: bit.ly/HarleyCC Contact us at anytime to get information or volunteer [email protected] Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved. This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. The Harley School | 1981 Clover Street | Rochester | NY | 14618
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