lengths, light can speed the healing process
lengths, light can speed the healing process
GETTING THE BEST FROM YOUR MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF EQUIPMENT ll Pain?Liuhtl|p AT VERY SPECIFIC WAVELENGTHS, LIGHT CAN SPEED THE HEALING PROCESS BY NEIL WOLKODOFF n LL ITTAKESis onemechanically Flunsound golf swing to causemuscle pain or injury. In go[ where pain management and healing are exffemely important, sine triphosphate),the energy compound device that will help with those achesand light therapy has become popular as a drug- readily available to cells. pains from playing golf) Myriad low-cost free alternative to reduce pain and speed healing. Research has shown that light therapy improves inflammatory conditions such as home devices have hit the market, and have just as quickly been yanked becauseofnon- tendonitis, speedingthe healing processfor compliance with FederalDrug have started using Jight therapy becauseit wounds and tissue,and controlling the pain Administration (FDA) rules; the FDA gov- appearsthat light, in certain wavelengths, associatedwith inflammation. In addition, erns any device that emits light or energy. will reduce pain and speedtissuehealing. light ofthis nature enhancescirculation, also The application of light is thought to initi- important for both pain management and low end of the cost scaleis the LumiWave ate a seriesof enzymatic reactionsand bio- healing.The key is for the light to be of the electric events that srimulate the natural right wavelength and applied for the proper an infiared device @iocaresystems.com), with a transformer, control and four iight- healing processat the cellular level.The ncrinrl emitting pads.This device,which has FDA Doctors and physical therapistsrecentiy light is actually converted to AIP (adenotuww. rclo ra d o av i dgo lfer. com nftimc So where do you get a light-therapy Among the approved products on the clearancefor over-the-counter applications, September2005 CQLOF.I'DO AVIDGOLFER 71 A STRONGER SWING. AN EVENSTRONGER ENDORSEIVIENT. JohnOgden,HeadGolfProfessional TheCountryClubat CastlePines. "l havenevergonethrougha workoutthatwas so gentleon my bodybut provided a challenging workout.I wentout andhit someballsafterwards andwas amazed howflexibleandstrongI felt.My balance was muchbetterandI couldtellmyswinghadquitea bit morespeedthannormal. GYROTONIC@ is without a doubt,the bestworkoutprogram I haveeverseento yourgolfgame." helpimprove Pilates in the Pinescombines functionality with aesthetics Pilatesin the Pines,offeringGYROTONIC@and Pilates, hasdeveloped andenjoysthe reputation of specifictrainingprograms for golf.Call720-733-9307. beinga world-class studio. PILA:TES r,rses light emitting diodes (LEDs) to deliver theraper,rticenergy through the skin to the deep tissue.It wont give you the same application 1eve1 you d get fronr a medical professional,yet it's a therapy you can apply yourself and even use when traveling.This device is designedto be applied twice per day,for three to six minutes per session,and retailsfor $499. On the other end of the scaleis the Solaris (dynanonics.comlsolaris),r,vhich provides electrical stimulation, ultrasound and laserlight therapy modalities in one r"rnit.Thisis a medical unit that requires a physician'sprescription to acquire and use it for treatment, and knowledge of how to apply the different therapies.At more rhan $4,000, it's no bar-gain,but it could be well worth it if you have significant need. Recendy,Vijay Singh purchaseda Solari nultifunction laserunit, with the prescrip- IN THE PINES THEPERFECT WORKOUT IN THEPERFECT ENVIRONMENT. 7280Lagae Road, KingSoopers Center, CastlePines Parkway, CastleRock w w w . plia t e s i n t h e p i n e s . c o m C r q OO \ C - a ? g _eca a o e n . ' , o f C f o r o l ' c 5 o e s L o p . a n o : ( L . "poeqn r . - o r tion of a physician,to help with pain relief and healing fiom his rigorotis pr-actice schedule.For those who have a real need for a unit of this level, it does have some unique featuresthat have made it a popular choice with medical clinicians.For exam- On the day of your colonoscopy, the LONGESTobject you shouldcontend with.,, ..,isyour driver. Consider VirtualColonoscopy. A highly accurate advance in the detection of significant polyps and colon cancer, EBT colonography (virtual)is ideal for those who have been putting off conventionaltesting. The advantages are clear: An easier prep. NO scopes, NO sedation,NO risks and an immediate return to normal activity.Colorado Heaft and Body lmaging uses top rated 3D workstations and the lower radiation,FDA-approved ultrafast EBT scanner - you could even screen your heart, lungs, abdomen and bones at the same time. Finally,there s an easierway to screenVirlualColonoscopy-a quick, complete exam that doesn't involvethe insertionof a 5' scope. Now it's your choice-make that 1Oam tee time or hang out in a recoveryroom! ple, the XP option has an 8x10-inch pad that can treat the entire lower back in just 4-7 minutes.In one universiryresearch study,the Solaris unit with laserlight therapy w.rsdemon\trJredro greldy redut c the level of Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS), which can persistup to 48 hours after strenuousexercise. So how do you know iflight therapy is right for you? If your golf game and fitness scheduleleaveyou with chronicpain.cspccielly resultingfrorrrr reocculring injury. then you are a candidate.Thereisjust so much aspirin and ibuprofen you can take without risking liver damage,and opiatebasedpainkillers are potentially addictive. Like any othcr rpplicatron. Lighrther.rpy should not be a substitutefor proper equipment, instruction, swing mechanicsor a regular Etnessprogrem.Light thcrrpy.ilapprovedby the FDA for specificuse by a nrrnuftcrurcr. showsgre.rtprorrrise. May the light be with you. EE Contributingeditur Neil Wolkodoff Ph.D., trahts proJessional dnd amateurgol:fers. Reachhim at physicalgolf,com. 72 COLOI\AI)O AVII)GOLFEl{ S c p t e n t b c2r0 0 6 t uu, rt. co I o r d d o a t i dgoI fc r. cttur
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