Microclimatic Effects of Habitat Reconstruction in Ksour
Microclimatic Effects of Habitat Reconstruction in Ksour
2012 International Conference on Environmental, Biomedical and Biotechnology IPCBEE vol.41 (2012) © (2012) IACSIT Press, Singapore Microclimatic Effects of Habitat Reconstruction in Ksour Djamel Alkama and Moufida Sebti Architecture department, Biskra University, Algeria Abstract. The traditional Saharan habitat, named ksar, was characterized in the past by a favorite microclimate conditions; however this habitat is transformed with time by reconstruction with modern materials and techniques which destructed it adaptation with hot climate. The morphologic transformation in construction procreate an unfavorable conditions of microclimate in the transformed tissue, which are affected by the warming of the heat transferred from the energy consumed by buildings and the sensible heat stored in the building materials. Keywords: Ksar, Saharan habitat, Microclimate adaptation, Morphologic transformation. 1. Introduction The Saharan ksour meet the weather conditions by adapting the physical environment and protection against adverse climatic factors. This adaptation involves several levels (in the form of houses, the rail system, fragmented system, the facade and building materials). The ksar of Ouargla (Algerian Saharan city) knows recently a various transformations generated by the socio-economic changes of modern life which alter the microclimatic adaptation getting by its genius design with environment and climate. In this paper we introduce the results of a comparative study based on an experiment applied to the case of the Ksar Ouargla between transformed and untransformed urban space. 2. Study Description 2.1. Case Study This study is applied to the case of the city of Ouargla, chosen for its representativeness of the Saharan cities with hot, dry climate in Algeria. Ouargla includes a vast area of over 180. 000 square kilometers, almost in its entirety desert, which stretches between 28 and 32 north latitude and the meridians 4 and 8 East. It is bounded on the north by the municipality of Touggourt, east by that of El Oued, the south by those of Ajjer Tidikelt and to the west by those of El Gole and Ghardaia 1 The climate in Ouargla is "one of the hardest of the North Eastern Sahara". The average annual temperature is 23.4 °C, 35.7 °C for the warmest month (July) and 11.6 °C for the coldest month (January), this figure masks extreme high, exceeding 50 °C under shelter. Fig. 1: Location of Ouargla, height: 1630 km. Source: Google earth 2010. 185 2.2. Methodology of This Study This work is based on a comparative study through an experimental method, the microclimatic factors measured are: air temperature, radiant temperature, relative humidity and air velocity. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the negative microclimatic effects in the urban ksouran, caused by the different morphological changes inadequate and inappropriate to the local context and which have varied levels of discomfort. The desire to work on urban microclimatic condition necessarily involves recourse to both measures of its physical parameters (climate). To do this, it was mainly used metrology (measurement campaign) to identify the different parameters of the thermal environment in order to be able to assess in a quantitative and objective. This method was elaborated and explored by many authors researches such as A. Bennadji (1999) [2], F. Ahmed Ouameur (2007) [3] and S.D. Boutabba (2007) [4], etc. We choose two tissues for this study which make subject of campaigns of microclimatic measurement, we refer to oppositions showed by the differences existed between the two tissues for selecting areas of measurement in order to avoid the duplication and to be representative of all the tissue. Among these oppositions are: Traditional / planned, cement / clay, winding / straight, wide / narrow, open / closed, indoor / outdoor, sunny / shaded, compact / loose, etc. The choice of these two trajectories is motivated by: • The diversity of the urban tissue between the two axes (traditional and modern) and the distinct characteristics of the physical structure (density built-up factor of the sky seen through the surface, factor of ground reflectivity, etc ....) of each of the urban tissue. • The joint ownership of the urban tissues promoting dynamic investigation using a route explored by the investigator. 2 1 Fig. 2: Situation of two trajectories invested in the Ksar of Ouargla This experiment was performed on two different tissues inside the Ksar. So we divided the measures to be implemented on two companions in each set was five points. Measurements of four climatic factors must have taken parallel to an altitude of: 1.60 m above the ground [5]. The measurement points were chosen so as to be distributed along the two trajectories which represent transformed and untransformed tissues. Fig. 3: Identification of measurement points selected from the trajectory 01. Fig. 4: Identification of measurement points selected from the trajectory 02. 2.3. Instruments and Moments of Measurement 186 In this study the measurements m s are taken using two instruments thaat are: An Ennvironment Meter M modell 8820 and a Hot Wire Annemometer. Fig. 4: Hot-w wire anemometter. Fig.. 5: Environm ment meter 882 20. These devices d are used to obbtain direct measuremen nts of climaatic factors 4. Like any y measuringg instrument Multi-Functtion Environnment Meteer model 88 820 and Hott Wire Aneemometer haave its ownn characteristics relating to the condduct of its opperation and d harvesting quantities oof which theey is able too d to acquire a four sizes using different prrobes and byy switching each time a measure. Thhe first is designed switch for either: e the airr temperaturre, relative huumidity, noise or lighting, the secondd is designed d to acquire:: the air tempperature andd the air vellocity. Thesee materials are a the only elsewhere iin the posseession of thee Departmentt of Architectture at the University U of Biskra. The choosen momentts are relatedd to daily tem mperature reg gime [6]: • Befoore sunrise: first f heat gainn. • Afteer the sunrisee: early gain. • At noon: n when thhe sun is direectly overheaad. • Befoore the sun: after a a maxim mum accumuulation of heaat. • Afteer the Sunset: Beginning the return off the stored heat. h The mooments choseen for compaarison are thoose extracted d: 5:00, 9:00, 12:00, 17:000 and 21:00. 3. Comp parison off Results between b t Two Tissues the T mparison off Mean Vallues of Air Temperatu ure and Raadiant Tem mperature between b 3.1. Com the Two T Trajecctories Air tem mperature trajectorry 1 Air tem mperature trajectorry 2 Meteo. air temperature 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) The graaphs below show the evoolution of daiily mean valu ues of air tem mperature annd radiant tem mperature inn the two trajeectories (tradditional tissuue +transform med tissue) du uring a summ mer day. 5 9 Time T 12 17 radiant temperature trajecctory 1 radiant temperature trajecctory 2 Meteo. Air temperature 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 5 21 Graph 1: Comparisoon of mean values of air ajectories tempeerature between the two traj 9 12 Time 17 21 Graph 2: Comparison off mean values of radiant temperaature between the two trajecctories 187 The graaphs below show s the evoolution of daaily mean vallues of gap in i air and raddiant temperrature of twoo trajectories (traditional tissue t +transformed tissuue) during a summer s day.. gap in aiir temperature of trrajectory 1 gapp in radiant temperrature of trajectoryy 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 5 9 12 17 gapp in radiant temperrature of trajectoryy 2 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) gap in aiir temperature of trrajectory 2 21 Time 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 1 2 -2 -3 -4 4 -5 5 -6 6 Graph 3: 3 variation off mean valuess of radiant temperaturee differences between b the tw wo trajectoriees 5 9 1 12 17 21 Timee Graph G 4: variaation of meann values of air temperature differennces between the two trajecctories Analysiis of these reesults shows that: t • The air temperatture measureed in the twoo paths is slightly above that measurred in the traj ajectory 1, inn exceeption of the value measuured at 9 o’cllock which reecorded a gaap of 1.38 ° C C. • From m 9 to 12: thhe mean valuues of air teemperature coincide withh those of thhe radiant tem mperature inn eachh trajectory, the values of either thee air or rad diant temperaature measurred in the trrajectory 022 exceeed those meeasured in thhe trajectory 01, they increase under the effect off beginning of o heat gain,, but they t are close to the valuue measured by b the meteo orological staation. • A 177 o’clock: thhe mean air temperature is confused d with the vaalue measureed by the staation in eachh trajeectory with a very smalll gap, whille the valuee of the radiiant temperaature exceed ds the valuee measured by thee station. Raddiant temperrature in the trajectory 2 takes its maaximum valu ue of 44 ° C,, exceeeding the vaalue measureed by the stattion with a gap g of 3 ° C,, while the raadiant tempeerature in thee trajeectory 1 slighhtly exceeds that of a stattion with a diifference 0.5° C. mparison off Mean Vallues of Relaative Humiidity betweeen the Twoo Trajectorries 3.2. Com relative humidity of trajecto ory 1 relative hu umidity of trajectory 2 relative hu umidity of meteo station s Relative Humidity (%) Relative Humidity (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 9 12 Time 17 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 21 Graph 5: Comparison of o mean valuees of relative midity betweenn the two trajeectories hum Gap in relative humidity of trajecctory 1 Gap in relative humidity of trajecctory 2 5 9 1 12 Timee 17 21 Graph G 6: variattion of mean vvalues of relattive humidity differennces between the two trajecctories Comparrison of meaan values of relative r humiidity shows: • The decrease in mean valuess of relative humidity fro om the station throughouut the day in each course,, aparrt from the vaalue measureed at 9 o’clocck. 188 • The average relaative humidity measuredd in the trajecctory 2 exceeds those meeasured in th he course byy bringging one of the t values measured m by thhe station in most of the time. • The value of relaative humidiity measuredd in the courrse a slightly above the vvalue of HR measured inn the trajectory t 02 mparison off Mean Vallues of Relaative Air Velocity V betw ween the T Trajectoriess 3.3. Com 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 G in air velocity in trajectory 2 Gap air veloccity of meteo statio on air veloccity in trajectory 2 5 9 12 Time 17 7 air velocity (m/s) air velocity (m/s) G in air velocity in trajectory 1 Gap air veloccity in trajectory 1 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 21 5 Graph 7: variation of mean m values of air velocity differences betweeen the two trajjectories 9 12 Time 17 21 Graph 8: Com mparison of m mean values off air velocity between the tw wo trajectories Comparrison of meaan values of air a velocity shows: s • The significant decrease d in the t values off air velocity y in the two courses from m the value measured m byy the station s througghout the dayy. • The values of thhe air velociity measuredd in the cou urse an overllap with thoose measured d in the twoo courrses, registeriing a significcant departurre from the station. • The maximum air a velocity iss recorded inn a course at noon, when we recordedd a minimum m value in thee two courses at thhis time. • Minimum valuess are recordeed in the two paths after sunset, s obserrved with a m maximum vaalue recordedd by thhe station. 3.4. Syntthesis This invvestigation allowed a us to t make a coomparison between b the processed annd unprocesssed ksourann tissue in terrms of the urrban microcllimate condiitions. The teemperature is i mainly afffected by sun nlight, wind,, and altitudee and soil tyype. The ratte of heatingg and coolin ng of the earrth's surfacee is the main n factor thatt determines the air tempperature whicch is in contaact [7]. In thee transformedd tissue, we identify a th hermal effectt characterizeed especiallyy the period of o the afternooon, which iss manifested in the increaase of the av verage valuess of air tempeeratures closse to those of the meteorrological stattion with a slight differennce of 0.34 ° C (at noonn and before sunset), whiile the averaage values off the radiantt temperaturees exceed thhose of the resort r with a significant difference d off 2.98 ° C (beefore sunset)). 4. Referrences [1] M. Cotee. The city andd the desert, down d the Algeerian Sahara. 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