Journal 2137 - Patents Office
Journal 2137 - Patents Office
PATENTS OFFICE JOURNAL IRISLEABHAR OIFIG NA bPAITINNÍ (Cláruithe mar Pháipéar Nuachta) (Registered as a Newspaper) Iml. 84 © Rialtas na hÉireann, 2006 © Government of Ireland, 2006 Cill Chainnigh 11 November 2009 Uimh. 2137 CLÁR INNSTE Cuid I Cuid II Paitinní Trádmharcanna Applications for Patents Applications Published Patents Granted European Patents Granted Applications Withdrawn, Deemed Withdrawn or Refused Supplementary Protection Certificate Granted Supplementary Protection Certificate Withdrawn Supplementary Protection Certificate Rejected Short Term Patent Deemed Void Errata Leath 6216 6218 6219 6221 6268 6270 6270 6271 6271 6272 Applications for Trade Marks Trade Mark Re-Advertised Oppositions under Section 43 Application(s) Amended Application(s) Withdrawn Trade Marks Registered Trade Marks Renewed Unpaid Renewal Fees Trade Marks Removed Merger of Separate Trade Mark Registrations International Registrations under the Madrid Protocol International Trade Marks Protected Cancellations effected under the Madrid Protocol Changes/Corrections in the International Register Errata Dearachtaí Designs Information under the 1927 Act Designs Extended Designs Expired 6273 6273 Designs Information under the 2001 Act Designs Registered Design Rights Expired 6274 6276 BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH ARNA FHOILSIÚ AG OIFIG AN tSOLÁTHAIR Le ceannach díreach ón OIFIG DHÍOLTA FOILSEACHÁN RIALTAIS, TEACH SUN ALLIANCE, SRÁID THEACH LAIGHEAN, BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH 2, nó tríd an bpost ó FOILSEACHÁIN RIALTAIS, AN RANNÓG POST-TRÁCHTA, AONAD 20 PÁIRC MIONDÍOLA COIS LOCHA,CLÁR CHLAINNE MHUIRIS, CONTAE MHAIGH EO (Teil: 01-6476834/37 nó 1890 213434; Fax: 01-6476843 nó 094 - 9378964 ) nó trí aon díoltóir leabhar. Praghas €10 Leath 4999 5046 5047 5047 5049 5049 5050 5053 5066 5075 5075 5102 5104 5105 5106 This Journal is published fortnightly by the Stationery Office on behalf of the Patents Office and is forwarded to subscribers on the date of publication. Annual Subscription is €234.00 payable in advance to Government Publications, Postal Trade Section, 51 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6215 Patents Office Journal Irisleabhar Oifig Na bPaitinní Cuid I Paitinní agus Dearachtaí No. 2137 Wednesday, 11 November, 2009 NOTE: The office does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications nor undertake any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. In this Part of the Journal, a reference to a section is to a section of the Patents Act, 1992 unless otherwise stated. 6216 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Applications for Patents From 06/10/09 to 15/10/09 The names of applicants are in alphabetical order. In the case of joint applicants, each name is given independently. The title of the invention should not be regarded as an exhaustive indication of the subjectmatter. The date immediately following the title is that on which the application was filed; in the case of a divisional application, the filing date of the earlier application is added within parentheses. In the case of a Convention application the Convention country and priority date(s) claimed are given in square brackets and where an application claimed the priority of an earlier application filed at the office, this information is given within the square brackets. The number is that of the application and should be used for correspondence purposes up to the date of grant of a patent. The letter S preceding the number indicates that the application is for a short-term patent. A new number will be given when a patent is granted and this new number should be quoted in all correspondence subsequent to grant. BENNETT PAUL; MOONEY DOMINIC Improved taxi meter apparatus 14 October S20090796 2009 BOMAC RESEARCH LIMITED Improved medicament formulation 15 October 20090802 2009 BURNS JOSEPH; CLARE RICHARD Illumanight indicators 06 October 2009 20090778 CLARE RICHARD; BURNS JOSEPH Illumanight indicators 06 October 2009 20090778 CUDDY THOMAS JOSEPH; O'HARTE THOMAS PETER; MAYE MARTIN S20090780 MARIAN JOSEPH An odour extraction system for extraction odours from a toilet pan 07 October 2009 [Ireland-07 October 2008] DORAN DAVID A modular load-handling vehicle 12 October 2009 S20090789 DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY Apparatus and method for biological assays 14 20090797 October 2009 [Ireland-14 October 2008] FLIP TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED A device for facilitating monitoring the cross- S20090784 sectional area of a gastric sleeve during formation thereof, and a method for forming the gastric sleeve 09 October 2009 GRANDARE LIMITED Money counter and fund transfer apparatus and systems 13 S20090790 October 2009 HANDY BABY PRODUCTS LIMITED A measuring device 12 October 2009 S20090788 HARVEY DAVID Hydrogen fired steam generator for all steam powered turbine S20090795 engines and for gas refinement 14 October 2009 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal LAVERTY OWEN PAUL PATRICK Shape memory activator mechanism 07 (No. 2137) S20090779 October 2009 MAYE MARTIN MARIAN JOSEPH; O'HARTE THOMAS PETER; CUDDY S20090780 THOMAS JOSEPH An odour extraction system for extraction odours from a toilet pan 07 October 2009 [Ireland-07 October 2008] MCCORMACK JOHN Method and system for operating exchanging of existing S20090781 financial products for other financial products together with other products and/or services 08 October 2009 MOONEY DOMINIC; BENNETT PAUL Improved taxi meter apparatus 14 October S20090796 2009 MURRAY ANGELINE MARY; MURRAY CORNELIUS NOEL An inflatable S20090786 balloon, and a method for producing an inflatable balloon 09 October 2009 MURRAY CORNELIUS NOEL; MURRAY ANGELINE MARY An inflatable S20090786 balloon, and a method for producing an inflatable balloon 09 October 2009 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, GALWAY A system and method to S20090792 measure the macular pigment optical density 13 October 2009 NEARY DENIS MARTIN An energy storage device 08 October 2009 S20090782 O'CONNOR ADRIAN A layered air freshener 09 October 2009 S20090785 O'HARTE THOMAS PETER; MAYE MARTIN MARIAN JOSEPH; CUDDY S20090780 THOMAS JOSEPH An odour extraction system for extraction odours from a toilet pan 07 October 2009 [Ireland-07 October 2008] OSENEY LIMITED An exhaust valve 13 October 2009 20090794 SIGMOID PHARMA LIMITED A delivery system 13 October 2009 [Ireland-13 20090793 October 2008] SLIEVE MISH INVENTIONS LIMITED A communication system and method 14 20090798 October 2009 [Ireland-14 October 2008] TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS LIMITED A differential assembly for a vehicle 13 October 2009 S20090791 6217 6218 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) THE PROVOST, FELLOWS AND SCHOLARS OF THE COLLEGE OF THE S20090801 HOLY AND UNDIVIDED TRINITY OF QUEEN ELIZABETH NEAR DUBLIN A method for producing a polymer film with an array of pores therein 14 October 2009 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, S20090783 DUBLIN Wireless communication network 08 October 2009 UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK; WATERFORD INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY S20090787 Optical devices and methods of manufacture of optical devices 09 October 2009 VISION HOLDINGS LIMITED A method for analysing data transmissions 14 20090799 October 2009 VISION HOLDINGS LIMITED A method for analysing data transmissions 14 S20090800 October 2009 Applications Published Under Section 28 The following applications become open to public inspection as from the date of this issue of the journal. The date given is the date of filing of the application or the earliest priority claimed. 2008 20080050 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK; TEAGASC, THE AGRICULTURE AND FOOD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Listeria monocytogenes cytotoxin Listeriolysin S. 24 January 2008. Int. Cl. (2009) C07K 14/195; A61K 38/16; C12N 15/00; C12Q 1/68. 20080208 RAINFOREST R&D LIMITED, A method of improving anti-corrosion characteristics of anodized aluminium. 20 March 2008. Int. Cl. (2009) C25D 11/18; C23C 22/82. 20080212 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, GALWAY, Dendrimers and dendrimer applications. 20 March 2008. 20080248 BRIAN CRISTOPHER ALLPORT, Fuel burning stoves. 31 March 2008. Int. Cl. (2009) F23B 80/04. 20080338 KEVIN PAUL SAMMON; GEAROID RONAN PAUL MCKENNA, A box for housing an electrical circuit for controlling an emergency light fitting and a method for entering the box into a ceiling void. 30 April 2008. Int. Cl. (2009) F21S 8/02; F21S 8/04; F21S 9/00; G08B 5/00. 2009 20090338 VIP-SYSTEM LIMITED, Licence Plate Assembly. 02 May 2008. Int. Cl. (2009) B60R 13/00; G09F 7/00. 20090345 K. A. ENVIRO MANUFACTURING LIMITED, A space heater. 01 May 2008. Int. Cl. (2009) F24D 15/00; F24H 3/02. (11/11/2009) S20090358 Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6219 BRIAN MURPHY, Baling press for tyres. 07 May 2008. Int. Cl. (2009) B29B 17/00; B29C 53/00. Patents Granted Under Section 34 The number of a patent is given in heavy type; the letter S preceding the number indicates a short-term patent. The code numbers following the title of each invention are those of the International Patent Classification. The date of filing the application follows the proprietor’s name. The patent application number, which follows the date of application in parenthesis, has been superseded by the patent number. In the case of an application claiming the priority of an earlier application, the name of the country where the earlier application was made and the date of the earlier application are shown in square brackets. By virtue of Section 65(3), the application relating to any short-term patent appearing in the following list whose date of filing is later than the date which is 18 months prior to the date of this issue of the Journal becomes open to public inspection as and from the date of this issue of the Journal. 85383 Railway level crossings. Int. Cl. (2009) B61L 29/00; G08B 21/00; G01V 3/00; E01F 9/00. WESTINGHOUSE BRAKE AND SIGNAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 23 September 2005 (20050635) [United Kingdom-27 October 2004] 85385 Apparatus for locating a misplaced item. Int. Cl. (2009) G08B 3/00; G08B 21/00. PATRICK J CAREY 14 February 2005 (20050072) [Ireland-14 December 2004] 85386 A tool for forming a plurality of spaced apart ribs in a sleeve. Int. Cl. (2009) B29C 43/04; B29C 43/10; B29C 43/32; B30B 15/02. WELMOUNT LIMITED 28 June 2005 (20050436) 85389 NANBV diagnostics: polynucleotides useful for screening for Hepatitis C virus. Int. Cl. (2009) C12Q 1/70; C12Q 1/68 C12N 15/51. Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, Inc. 18 May 1990 (19901808) [United States of America-18 May 1989 United States of America-21 December 1989 United States of America-04 April 1990] 85390 Process for partially cooking bivalves with and without a sauce. Int. Cl. (2009) A22C 29/00; A23L 1/333; B65B 11/50; B65B 25/00. RIDWAN LIMITED 16 April 2008 (20080287) [Ireland-19 April 2007] 85391 Process for packing mussels. Int. Cl. (2009) A22C 29/00; A23L 1/333; B65B 11/50; B65B 25/00. RIDWAN LIMITED 16 April 2008 (20080288) [Ireland-19 April 2007] 85392 Post drivers. Int. Cl. (2009) E04H 17/26; E02D 7/00. JOHN MOWATT BRYCE 31/03/2008 22/02/2006 2006/0133(20080228) [United Kingdom-23 February 2005] 6220 S85384 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) A gas powered heating unit and a heat not burn vaporising device. Int. Cl. (2009) F23C 6/00. OGLESBY & BUTLER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 28 August 2008 (S20080696) [Ireland-28 August 2007] S85387 Bread production process and apparatus. Int. Cl. (2009) A21D 8/02; A21C 14/00. JACK CUTHBERT; FIONA CUTHBERT 23 December 2008 (S20081026) S85388 Apparatus and method for analysing a golf swing. Int. Cl. (2009) A63B 69/36. BRIAN FRANCIS MOONEY 14/08/2009 05/11/2008 S2008/0888(S20090626) [Ireland-05 November 2007] (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6221 Patents Granted Under European Patent Convention Designating Ireland The Irish serial number appears first followed, respectively, by the proprietor’s name, the date of filing of the application, the filing number and the European Patent Office publication number. If the specification of the European patent was published in French or German the word ‘French’ or ‘German’, as appropriate, will appear as the last item of information. In such cases, it is necessary to file a translation in English and pay the prescribed fee, within six months of the publication date of the grant, in order that the patent may continue to have effect. Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 42/09, dated 14th October 2009 0749300 J. RETTENMAIER & SÖHNE GmbH 05/01/1996 0749300 96907007.7 + CO. KG 0830377 1149336 ONTARIO INC. 12/04/1996 0830377 96908973.9 0930845 The Trustees of Columbia University in 25/06/1998 0930845 98932867.9 22/02/1999 0983635 99902770.9 the City of New York 0983635 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. PHILIPS AB 1000471 QUALCOMM Incorporated 21/07/1998 1000471 98938016.7 1005481 Life Technologies Corporation 22/04/1998 1005481 98920859.0 1007740 Giesing, Michael 24/08/1998 1007740 98946419.3 1038834 AMCOL INTERNATIONAL 17/03/2000 1038834 00302226.6 16/02/1999 1056489 99934245.4 German CORPORATION 1056489 Philadelphia Health and Education Corporation 1058861 Ashwin-Ushas Corporation Inc. 18/02/1999 1058861 99908208.4 1061110 OTSUKA CHEMICAL COMPANY, 10/07/1998 1061110 98931038.8 19/06/2000 1065093 00112898.2 LIMITED 1065093 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, German A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1075584 Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. 30/03/1999 1075584 99914297.9 1076975 Auric Web Systems 29/04/1999 1076975 99920165.0 1080741 Asahi Kasei Kuraray Medical Co., Ltd. 13/05/1999 1080741 99919562.1 1108066 AJ Roboscreen GmbH 27/08/1999 1108066 99953632.9 1108525 Top Glass S.p.A. 17/07/2000 1108525 00115409.5 1120485 Lindauer Dornier GmbH 30/11/2000 1120485 00126165.0 1122543 DAINICHISEIKA COLOR & 25/10/2000 1122543 00123141.4 CHEMICALS MFG. CO. LTD. German German 6222 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1123048 United States Surgical Corporation 16/10/1999 1123048 99956599.7 1123980 Roche Diagnostics GmbH 09/02/2001 1123980 01103113.5 German German F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1128011 DORMA GmbH + Co. KG 12/02/2001 1128011 01103256.2 1136593 GE Aviation Services Operation (Pte) 26/03/2001 1136593 01302772.7 Ltd. 1138632 Evonik Degussa GmbH 29/03/2000 1138632 00106687.7 1139793 Mount Sinai School of Medicine of 22/12/1999 1139793 99967519.2 German New York University 1144447 ISIS INNOVATION LIMITED 03/11/1999 1144447 99952697.3 1146532 Nokia Corporation 02/04/2001 1146532 01660059.5 1147615 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 26/01/2000 1147615 00904171.6 1153129 AVI BioPharma, Inc. 29/01/2000 1153129 00905838.9 1167929 FAFNIR GmbH 27/06/2001 1167929 01114793.1 1172782 Fuji Seal International, Inc. 30/08/2000 1172782 00956781.9 1180686 CMIC Co., Ltd. 21/03/2000 1180686 00909752.8 1181985 Saint-Gobain Calmar Inc. 18/04/2001 1181985 01303517.5 1182396 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 14/08/2001 1182396 01203099.5 French 1184653 Schenck RoTec GmbH 29/08/2001 1184653 01120560.6 German 1188036 Vortek Instruments, LLC 17/03/2000 1188036 00918146.2 1195417 Evonik Degussa GmbH 18/08/2001 1195417 01119989.0 1211243 Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. 06/06/1997 1211243 02005248.6 1212033 Sara Lee/DE N.V. 29/08/2000 1212033 00961251.6 1217377 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbH 05/12/2001 1217377 01128431.2 1226759 Kraft Foods Global Brands LLC 17/01/2002 1226759 02250320.5 1227843 BioPheresis Technologies, Inc. 10/11/2000 1227843 00992499.4 1228607 ITT MANUFACTURING 09/11/2000 1228607 00980256.2 German German German ENTERPRISES, INC. 1230268 Pharmexa Inc. 20/11/2000 1230268 00979208.6 1232257 ACGT Progenomics AG 03/11/2000 1232257 00983106.6 1233442 Harmotec Corporation 12/07/2001 1233442 01306016.5 1238115 BIO MERIEUX 17/12/1999 1238115 99961233.6 15/12/2000 1250577 00984426.7 German Affymetrix, Inc. 1250577 Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 1252970 TORNOS S.A. 25/04/2001 1252970 01810411.7 French 1256437 Evonik Röhm GmbH 03/04/2002 1256437 02007543.8 German 1258872 LG ELECTRONICS INC. 09/03/2002 1258872 02005461.5 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1259212 L'ORÉAL 11/12/2001 1259212 01270305.4 1261286 Hunt, Robert, B. 23/01/2001 1261286 01956182.8 1261429 THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR 07/03/2001 1261429 01910001.5 04/06/2002 1267075 02012266.9 6223 French DEFENCE 1267075 KOBELCO CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., LTD. 1270512 Evonik Degussa GmbH 25/06/2001 1270512 01115294.9 1279255 Gannett Satellite Information Network, 25/04/2001 1279255 01927456.2 Inc. 1281159 NXP B.V. 18/04/2001 1281159 01938124.3 1281749 De Smet Engineering N.V. 31/07/2001 1281749 01202906.2 1284190 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 13/08/2002 1284190 02018076.6 1289139 Broadcom Corporation 23/08/2002 1289139 02255904.1 1289671 REXAM SOFAB 14/06/2001 1289671 01945428.9 1290469 IPG Electronics 503 Limited 25/04/2001 1290469 01945044.4 1291649 Centro Nacional De Investigaciones 07/06/2001 1291649 01942956.2 French Cientificas (CNIC) 1292325 Institut Straumann AG 20/06/2001 1292325 01940884.8 1293772 Amtec Anwendungszentrum für 30/08/2002 1293772 02019420.5 German Mikrotechnologien Chemnitz Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE 1294999 PATEA GmbH 07/06/2001 1294999 01933534.8 German 1303302 AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG 11/07/2001 1303302 01965110.8 German 1308244 Ludwig Ehrhardt GmbH 29/10/2002 1308244 02102507.7 German 1309522 Lignotech USA, Inc. 11/04/2001 1309522 01926831.7 1310284 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 12/11/2002 1310284 02025093.2 1311700 Showa Denko K.K. 21/08/2001 1311700 01957004.3 1313860 BASF SE 30/08/2001 1313860 01962989.8 German 1315346 Thales 22/11/2002 1315346 02292905.3 French 6224 1319294 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal Hind, Hugh R. (11/11/2009) 29/08/2001 1319294 01968230.1 Knowles, Michael Naqvi, Noushad Bajar, David Burns, Tony Patterson, Ian Lewis, Allan Mousseau, Gary Lazaridis, Mihal Research In Motion Limited 1321234 Ludwig Ehrhardt GmbH 31/10/2002 1321234 02102519.2 German 1321639 Friedrich Boysen GmbH & Co. KG 05/08/2002 1321639 02017484.3 German 1331665 Danfoss Silicon Power GmbH 26/01/2002 1331665 02001846.1 German 1331950 Donahue, Kevin J. 15/10/2001 1331950 01983146.0 05/11/2001 1337527 01993604.6 07/11/2001 1338264 01980996.1 Marban, Eduardo Nagata, Koichi Lawrence, John H., III THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 1337527 Novartis AG Novartis Pharma GmbH 1338264 TEIKOKU SEIYAKU CO., LTD. Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft 1338721 Unilin Beheer B.V. 07/06/1997 1338721 03076384.1 1339314 B. BRAUN MEDICAL INC. 14/11/2001 1339314 01989740.4 1339318 Ensisheim Partners LLC 13/11/2001 1339318 01993422.3 1339750 Philogen S.p.A. 06/12/2001 1339750 01999662.8 1342095 ABB AB 14/12/2001 1342095 01270778.2 1344459 Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. 12/03/2002 1344459 02075957.7 1346287 CP8 Technologies 20/12/2001 1346287 01990601.5 French 1347424 PaX AG 18/03/2003 1347424 03005987.7 German 1348275 Gemalto SA 20/11/2001 1348275 01271712.0 French 1350407 Nokia Corporation 04/12/2000 1350407 00987341.5 1352356 VIRCO BVBA 01/06/2001 1352356 01945251.5 1354134 SCHATZ, Jürgen 17/01/2002 1354134 02719704.5 1356046 ZymoGenetics, L.L.C. 28/11/2001 1356046 01988203.4 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company German (11/11/2009) 1360498 Patents Office Journal The Government of the United States of (No. 2137) 07/01/2002 1360498 02704064.1 29/02/2000 1361172 03013108.0 6225 America, as represented by the Secretary, Department of Health & Human Services 1361172 Unilever PLC UNILEVER N.V. 1362845 Les Laboratoires Servier 01/09/2003 1362845 03292145.4 1363742 KOHLER CO. 29/01/2002 1363742 02702098.1 1369091 Align Technology, Inc. 19/06/1998 1369091 03012114.9 1372539 Kim, Sung-Kon 04/06/2001 1372539 01938766.1 1372710 EMORY UNIVERSITY 01/03/2002 1372710 02721259.6 French THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as represented by THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 1373827 Werth Messtechnik GmbH 02/04/2002 1373827 02745207.7 1377755 Black & Decker Inc. 22/01/2002 1377755 02707533.2 1378334 Diehl AKO Stiftung & Co. KG 26/06/2003 1378334 03014341.6 1379126 Strobel, Gary A. 11/04/2002 1379126 02741671.8 1382439 Airbus Deutschland GmbH 16/06/2003 1382439 03013611.3 1384095 Lockheed Martin Corporation 06/05/2002 1384095 02725918.3 1385603 Life Technologies Corporation 18/03/2002 1385603 02713876.7 1386548 Bragel International, Inc. 30/12/2002 1386548 02029083.9 1387070 Volkswagen AG 08/07/2003 1387070 03090205.0 1390343 Chebigen Co., Ltd. 29/05/2002 1390343 02728253.2 1392835 Mogam Biotechnology Research 27/07/2001 1392835 01957013.4 German German German German Institute Neurotech Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. 1393584 Ericsson AB 14/05/2002 1393584 02743551.0 1397137 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB 23/05/2002 1397137 02741724.5 COMPANY 1397249 Treofan Germany GmbH & Co.KG 31/05/2002 1397249 02745332.3 1397416 Towns, Carl 20/06/2002 1397416 02740886.3 10/06/2002 1397643 02748576.2 German O'Dell, Richard Cambridge Display Technology Limited 1397643 Vodafone Holding GmbH German 6226 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1404376 Bracco Imaging SPA 19/10/2001 1404376 01987641.6 1409170 Bültmann GmbH 10/06/2002 1409170 02743169.1 1411091 BASF SE 23/06/2000 1411091 03104951.3 1412391 Advanced Biopolymers AS 29/07/2002 1412391 02745687.0 1417461 Senx Technology 21/03/2002 1417461 02723541.5 1418041 TECHNE TECHNIPACK 05/11/2003 1418041 03025222.5 26/07/2002 1419612 02765876.4 23/08/2002 1420836 02754093.9 German 06/11/2003 1421968 03025276.1 German German ENGINEERING ITALIA S.p.A. 1419612 International Business Machines Corporation 1420836 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Roche Diagnostics GmbH 1421968 Pajunk GmbH & Co. KG Besitzverwaltung 1423019 Simply Thick LLC 02/08/2002 1423019 02759246.8 1425096 BASF SE 28/08/2002 1425096 02797635.6 German 1425632 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 19/08/2002 1425632 02797593.7 German 1429157 Service Pétroliers Schlumberger 13/12/2002 1429157 02293082.0 Schlumberger Technology B.V. SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED 1432737 Biotecnol S.A. 10/07/2002 1432737 02784853.0 1433867 Wieland-Werke AG 04/11/2003 1433867 03025163.1 1433965 YAMAHA HATSUDOKI 29/12/2003 1433965 03029941.6 German KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1434023 Kaeser Kompressoren GmbH 15/12/2003 1434023 03028831.0 1438923 Olympus Corporation 14/01/2004 1438923 04000613.2 1439146 HILTI Aktiengesellschaft 04/12/2003 1439146 03104539.6 1440041 Bionomics Ltd. 31/10/2002 1440041 02771946.7 1442892 FUJIFILM Corporation 29/01/2004 1442892 04001920.0 1443889 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 11/11/2002 1443889 02779547.5 1445322 Crucell Holland B.V. 14/06/1996 1445322 04101716.1 1448025 Wu, Ronghua 22/10/2002 1448025 02774272.5 1450845 MILLENNIUM 04/12/2002 1450845 02794118.6 PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 1452524 UCB Pharma, S.A. 21/02/2001 1452524 04007878.4 1458305 Nobel Biocare AB (publ) 18/12/2002 1458305 02793667.3 1461135 Wen, Sheree H. 27/11/2002 1461135 02789912.9 1461337 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 20/12/2002 1461337 02795262.1 German German German (11/11/2009) 1464115 Patents Office Journal Avago Technologies Wireless IP (No. 2137) 03/01/2003 1464115 03729291.9 6227 (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Infineon Technologies AG 1465154 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 01/04/2004 1465154 04007985.7 1465524 Medic4all AG 10/12/2002 1465524 02793299.5 1467692 Hill-Rom Services, Inc. 03/01/2003 1467692 03729322.2 1470197 BASF SE 23/01/2003 1470197 03704453.4 1472432 Blafro Tools AS 30/01/2003 1472432 03703541.7 1474158 Brassica Foundation for 18/12/2002 1474158 02805203.3 Chemoprotection Research, Inc. 1482809 Burcon Nutrascience (MB) Corp. 11/03/2003 1482809 03706188.4 1483269 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited 22/11/2002 1483269 02786781.1 1483911 Intellocity USA, Inc. 04/02/2003 1483911 03715982.9 1487959 Griebl, Matthias 22/03/2003 1487959 03744763.8 German Berres, Markus 1488240 Université de Liège 12/03/2003 1488240 03711987.2 1491153 Olympus Corporation 22/06/2004 1491153 04014581.5 1491403 Olsa S.p.A. 14/06/2004 1491403 04013875.2 1492802 Tate & Lyle Technology Limited 04/04/2003 1492802 03718196.3 1493141 Lyon, Ian 10/04/2003 1493141 03715134.7 09/04/2003 1493212 03721605.8 11/04/2003 1494661 03746454.2 Lyon, Roy Lyon, Roger 1493212 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1494661 Kowa Co., Ltd. Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. 1494867 Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 14/06/2002 1494867 02732233.8 1494906 Desmoulins, Jean Pierre 07/03/2003 1494906 03743917.1 French 1495755 Laboratoires Biocodex 08/07/2004 1495755 04291738.5 French 06/07/2004 1495922 04090271.0 German UNIVERSITE RENE DESCARTES (PARIS V) 1495922 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Basell Poliolefine Italia S.P.A. 1498394 ASAHI GLASS COMPANY LTD. 23/04/2003 1498394 03719187.1 1500706 Kabushiki Kaisha Yakult Honsha 11/04/2003 1500706 03746461.7 1504083 Reckitt Benckiser N.V. 12/05/2003 1504083 03730313.8 1506523 Mineral Lassen LLC 23/05/2003 1506523 03755253.6 1506995 ARKRAY, Inc. 21/05/2003 1506995 03730537.2 6228 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1507394 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 14/07/2004 1507394 04103361.4 1508263 Agritecno Yazaki Co., Ltd. 10/08/2004 1508263 04018951.6 1509474 STEVENEL OY 21/05/2003 1509474 03752780.1 1510098 Nokia Corporation 30/05/2003 1510098 03732908.3 1510472 L'ORÉAL 24/08/2004 1510472 04292085.0 1515144 ARKRAY, Inc. 28/04/2003 1515144 03720984.8 1517604 Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. 15/05/2003 1517604 03808374.7 1527146 CYTEC SURFACE SPECIALTIES, 09/07/2003 1527146 03766137.8 French S.A. 1528716 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 08/08/2003 1528716 03783903.2 1529097 Unilever PLC 01/08/2003 1529097 03792247.3 UNILEVER N.V. 1529442 BARILLA G. E R. FRATELLI S.p.A. 04/11/2004 1529442 04026153.9 1531744 Schwarz, Markus 25/08/2003 1531744 03790750.8 German 26/08/2003 1532053 03788694.2 German German Pott, Peter 1532053 Schoeller Arca Systems GmbH Robust Plastics GmbH 1532187 Bayer MaterialScience AG 01/08/2003 1532187 03750407.3 1532326 Swedwood International AB 12/06/2003 1532326 03733730.0 1534099 Viöl, Wolfgang 21/08/2003 1534099 03750421.4 1534339 Novartis AG 13/08/2003 1534339 03787785.9 German Novartis Pharma GmbH 1534473 Alden Corporation 01/07/2003 1534473 03762297.4 1536045 Asahi Kasei Fibers Corporation 27/08/2003 1536045 03791348.0 1539323 Nordic Water Products AB 13/08/2003 1539323 03788206.5 1539843 Basell Polyolefine GmbH 19/08/2003 1539843 03793737.2 1539948 The Board of Trustees of The Leland 18/08/2003 1539948 03788625.6 17/12/2004 1544320 04029929.9 Stanford Junior University 1544320 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung German der angewandten Forschung e.V. 1545150 HTC Corporation 16/12/2003 1545150 03028893.0 1547561 UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 29/08/2003 1547561 03795252.0 1551220 Radio Systems Corporation 09/08/2002 1551220 02806896.3 1551508 UK Investments Associates LLC 15/09/2003 1551508 03748299.9 1554572 Raptor Pharmaceutical Inc. 25/07/2002 1554572 02756731.2 1555080 HONDA GIKEN KOGYO 08/05/2003 1555080 03721065.5 27/10/2003 1558720 03778466.7 KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1558720 RHODIA CHIMIE French (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1558747 The Scripps Research Institute 15/10/2003 1558747 03777634.1 1558927 GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB 18/08/2003 1558927 03791513.9 1562542 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE 31/10/2003 1562542 03778025.1 6229 COMPANY BASF SE 1562846 FABIO PERINI S.p.A. 18/11/2003 1562846 03780637.9 1565522 BASF SE 11/11/2003 1565522 03811368.4 German 1566874 Elektromotoren und Gerätebau 18/02/2005 1566874 05003482.6 German Barleben GmbH 1567319 ANDRITZ SPROUT A/S 21/11/2002 1567319 02781166.0 1569418 Research In Motion Limited 26/02/2004 1569418 04251097.4 1570635 Research In Motion Limited 12/11/2003 1570635 03775011.4 1571158 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN 04/08/2000 1571158 04027742.8 19/12/2003 1572248 03782655.9 CALIFORNIA Northwestern University 1572248 GE Healthcare Limited Hammersmith Imanet Limited 1572791 Sabic Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 05/12/2003 1572791 03813021.7 1576782 Nokia Corporation 22/12/2003 1576782 03780455.6 1576852 BERNAFON AG 09/12/2003 1576852 03813282.5 1576889 Unilever PLC 16/02/2004 1576889 04250803.6 22/12/2003 1576965 03767380.3 UNILEVER N.V. 1576965 CENTRO DE INGENIERIA GENETICA Y BIOTECNOLOGIA (CIGB) 1577675 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 02/07/2003 1577675 05008927.5 1577964 Samsung Mobile Display Co., Ltd. 11/03/2004 1577964 04090102.7 1579908 The Regents of the University of 18/10/1995 1579908 05012305.8 16/12/2003 1581115 03814826.8 German California Symyx Technologies, Inc. 1581115 Roche Diagnostics GmbH F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 1581185 Novosom AG 24/11/2003 1581185 03785534.3 German 1581431 Keuchel, Josef 27/08/2003 1581431 03750453.7 German 1581675 AMMONO Sp. z o.o. 11/12/2003 1581675 03778842.9 Nichia Corporation 1581707 VKR Holding A/S 31/10/2003 1581707 03813085.2 1582106 Olejnik-Bicat, Adela 18/03/2005 1582106 05290605.4 French 6230 1584548 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal YAMAHA HATSUDOKI (11/11/2009) 04/08/2004 1584548 04771216.1 KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1584562 ILAPAK INTERNATIONAL S.A. 24/03/2005 1584562 05006561.4 1588699 Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc. 26/07/1995 1588699 04076135.5 1594858 Pfizer Products Inc. 14/08/2003 1594858 03791110.4 1599476 NEUROSEARCH A/S 04/02/2004 1599476 04707948.8 1600671 ElringKlinger AG 06/04/2005 1600671 05007477.2 German 1601285 Nirlus Engineering AG 10/03/2004 1601285 04718910.5 German 1601453 Lyondell Chemical Technology, L.P. 19/12/2003 1601453 03816285.5 1602478 SMITH INTERNATIONAL, INC. 26/02/2003 1602478 05076331.7 1604377 3-Cs Ltd. 05/03/2004 1604377 04717702.7 1605101 EUDUR-Bau GmbH & Co. KG 08/06/2005 1605101 05012379.3 1606202 Fountain Patents B.V. i.o. 01/03/2004 1606202 04716070.0 1607726 Tamtron Systems Oy 18/06/2004 1607726 04396039.2 1610817 Intervet International B.V. 03/03/2004 1610817 04716603.8 German Institute for Animal Health 1610876 Techno Bloxx AG 01/04/2004 1610876 04724962.8 1612234 FA. M INC. 10/11/2004 1612234 04799566.7 1613702 Eckart GmbH 02/04/2004 1613702 04725370.3 1615626 JAGOTEC AG 23/04/2004 1615626 04729172.9 1616803 Schoeller Arca Systems AB 19/12/2000 1616803 05019979.3 1617164 SAAB AB 06/03/2000 1617164 05109495.1 1621018 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 27/04/2004 1621018 04729700.7 1622897 Novartis AG 30/04/2004 1622897 04730527.1 German Novartis Pharma GmbH 1623791 W.C. Heraeus GmbH 27/07/2005 1623791 05076782.1 German 1627962 Komatsu Utility Europe S.p.A. 19/08/2004 1627962 04425634.5 1629122 The Trustees of Boston College 11/05/2004 1629122 04775984.0 1631639 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 25/05/2004 1631639 04734679.6 German 1632463 PLANSEE SE 30/08/2005 1632463 05018756.6 German 1632971 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, 25/08/2005 1632971 05107807.9 German A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1633427 Medlogic Global Limited 11/06/2004 1633427 04742922.0 1635619 Osram Gesellschaft mit beschränkter 11/08/2005 1635619 05017526.4 Haftung 1636235 Asubio Pharma Co., Ltd. 11/06/2004 1636235 04736704.0 1637650 Voith Patent GmbH 27/07/2005 1637650 05106907.8 German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1644271 LM GLASFIBER A/S 09/07/2004 1644271 04738994.5 1644539 BASF SE 15/11/2004 1644539 04799033.8 1645511 Japan Tobacco Inc. 15/07/2004 1645511 04747599.1 1646609 Roche Diagnostics GmbH 07/07/2004 1646609 04740740.8 19/07/2004 1648099 04738426.8 6231 German F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1648099 Da Tang Mobile Communications Equipment Co., Ltd. 1648360 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 23/07/2004 1648360 04763451.4 1649474 ISRA-JUK Electronics Ltd 08/07/2004 1649474 04744952.5 1651543 SMPA 24/06/2004 1651543 04767432.0 1652344 International Business Machines 13/05/2004 1652344 04752285.9 German French Corporation 1654045 Parvia Corporation 11/08/2004 1654045 04780750.8 1654501 Airsonett AB 12/08/2004 1654501 04775304.1 1655802 Thales 04/11/2005 1655802 05110380.2 French 1656327 E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH 28/05/2004 1656327 04735234.9 German Ashland Licensing and Intellectual Property LLC E.On Engineering GmbH 1656384 Givaudan SA 13/08/2004 1656384 04738144.7 1657369 Dometic Corporation 10/11/2005 1657369 05024571.1 1658123 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH 14/08/2004 1658123 04764138.6 1658267 IRM LLC 19/08/2004 1658267 04809589.7 1658353 MERCK PATENT GmbH 02/08/2004 1658353 04763699.8 German 1658615 Carl Zeiss SMT AG 27/08/2003 1658615 03747934.2 German 1662342 The Swatch Group Management 26/11/2004 1662342 04028072.9 French 16/11/2005 1662453 05110809.0 German German Services AG 1662453 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1664096 Novozymes A/S 10/06/2004 1664096 04736507.7 1664108 NOVO NORDISK A/S, an 18/08/2004 1664108 04739039.8 Aktieselskab organised and existing under the laws of Denmark 1667095 Panasonic Corporation 04/08/2004 1667095 04771489.4 1668197 Simmons, Robert J. 08/09/2004 1668197 04783476.7 1668838 INTEL CORPORATION 29/09/2004 1668838 04789200.5 1669777 Agfa-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH 13/12/2004 1669777 04106500.4 German 6232 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1670111 gabo Systemtechnik GmbH 07/12/2005 1670111 05026663.4 1670967 Praxair S.T. Technology, Inc. 26/08/2004 1670967 04782186.3 1671885 FIMA S.R.L. 09/12/2005 1671885 05111889.1 1676279 Areva NP 21/10/2004 1676279 04805264.1 1676826 Otsuka Chemical Co., Ltd. 20/10/2004 1676826 04792981.5 1676869 Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. 17/06/2004 1676869 04746314.6 1679268 Plastivit, S.A. 16/12/2005 1679268 05380267.4 1679358 Brink, Gerhard 11/01/2005 1679358 05000411.8 1679952 Klimrek I.E. B.V. 25/10/2004 1679952 04793674.5 1680449 Universite de Limoges 21/10/2004 1680449 04805265.8 German French German French CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1681509 OMRON CORPORATION 16/01/2006 1681509 06100391.9 1681807 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., 12/08/2005 1681807 06113607.3 LTD. 1683441 Bock 1 GmbH & Co. KG 16/06/2005 1683441 05012945.1 German 1683980 Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG 10/11/2005 1683980 05024492.0 German 1685138 North Carolina State University 17/11/2003 1685138 03790030.5 1685712 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 08/11/2004 1685712 04799084.1 1687276 NOVEXEL 15/11/2004 1687276 04805450.6 1688112 UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 30/12/2005 1688112 05258111.3 1688237 Wedi, Stephan 03/02/2006 1688237 06002222.5 1688427 Cipla Ltd. 18/11/2003 1688427 06076083.2 1688783 ASAHI GLASS COMPANY LTD. 26/11/2004 1688783 04819455.9 1690064 Flexiblast Pty Ltd 24/11/2004 1690064 04798657.5 1691673 Richard Wolf GmbH 19/11/2003 1691673 03782097.4 1692813 International Business Machines 20/08/2004 1692813 04744314.8 French German German Corporation 1693393 LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 09/02/2006 1693393 06002627.5 German 1694451 Koussaifi, Ghattas Youssef 10/12/2003 1694451 03799612.1 French 1694702 IQ Corporation 13/12/2004 1694702 04817636.6 1696735 Hill's Pet Nutrition Inc. 03/12/2004 1696735 04813066.0 1697920 Thomson Licensing 21/12/2004 1697920 04816458.6 1698380 Interactive Sports Games A/S 28/02/2006 1698380 06004069.8 1701722 Dong Wha Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 22/11/2005 1701722 05817697.5 1702870 VANDERLANDE INDUSTRIES 07/03/2006 1702870 06075536.0 NEDERLAND B.V. French (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6233 1703201 GEA Ecoflex GmbH 09/03/2005 1703201 05005089.7 German 1703609 Tehalit GmbH 14/03/2006 1703609 06005146.3 German 1703749 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10/01/2005 1703749 05700405.3 1708354 Grundfos Management A/S 31/03/2005 1708354 05007029.1 1711844 BAE SYSTEMS Information and 02/11/2004 1711844 04821774.9 German Electronic Systems Integration Inc. 1714580 La Siesta GmbH 11/04/2006 1714580 06007545.4 1715747 DANISCO A/S 17/12/2004 1715747 04806521.3 1715977 Rehm Thermal Systems GmbH 10/01/2005 1715977 05706673.0 1717289 Morizane, Shigeru 28/04/2005 1717289 05009354.1 1718480 Continental Aktiengesellschaft 20/12/2004 1718480 04804935.7 1718582 MALLINCKRODT, INC. 02/12/2004 1718582 04812695.7 1718896 SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER 21/02/2005 1718896 05715427.0 1720829 Sanofi-Aventis 25/02/2005 1720829 05732902.1 1720896 DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES 18/02/2005 1720896 05713770.5 German German German French INC. 1724417 HEWI HEINRICH WILKE GMBH 14/03/2006 1724417 06005206.5 German 1724619 LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. 08/04/2004 1724619 06015946.4 German KG 1724726 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 27/04/2006 1724726 06008727.7 German 1726034 SCHOTT Solar AG 08/03/2005 1726034 05715818.0 German 1726222 KABUSHIKI KAISHA 20/02/2002 1726222 06076598.9 HAYASHIBARA SEIBUTSU KAGAKU KENKYUJO 1726793 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 18/05/2006 1726793 06300492.3 French 1727316 Alcatel Lucent 23/05/2005 1727316 05291106.2 1727474 Accessclosure, Inc. 08/03/2005 1727474 05725259.5 1727726 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 28/01/2005 1727726 05701226.2 German German Aktiengesellschaft 1727751 Visval AG 14/03/2005 1727751 05714695.3 1727880 AS Laser Diagnostic Instruments 15/03/2005 1727880 05715175.5 1729584 Werner & Pfleiderer Industrielle 19/03/2005 1729584 05716244.8 German Backtechnik GmbH 1729771 Eli Lilly & Company 09/03/2005 1729771 05724939.3 1730059 Lanxess Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG 16/03/2005 1730059 05735063.9 German 1731740 PEUGEOT CITROËN 02/06/2006 1731740 06290905.6 French AUTOMOBILES S.A. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 6234 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1731805 AFT Sp. z o.o 16/05/2006 1731805 06460013.3 1732440 Bioresonator AB 06/04/2005 1732440 05730829.8 1732569 GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. 21/01/2005 1732569 05706024.6 1734069 Hexcel Composites Limited 14/06/2006 1734069 06253096.9 1734423 ASULAB S.A. 05/05/2006 1734423 06009294.7 1737255 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 08/06/2005 1737255 05757313.1 1738033 Mailleux 12/04/2005 1738033 05757165.5 1738520 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 13/04/2005 1738520 05718720.5 1739342 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 30/06/2006 1739342 06013673.6 1740183 Nycomed GmbH 03/03/2005 1740183 05716901.3 1744680 THE CLEVELAND CLINIC 12/05/2005 1744680 05750628.9 French French German FOUNDATION 1746203 Voith Patent GmbH 22/05/2006 1746203 06114301.2 1747002 Chemor Kutato, Fejleszto es Kereskedo 13/05/2005 1747002 05745024.9 26/07/2006 1747760 06253901.0 German Kft. 1747760 APPLIED SPINE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1747761 Covidien AG 28/07/2005 1747761 05016399.7 1748007 OCME S.r.l. 20/07/2006 1748007 06117548.5 1750550 SKJP Holdings, LLC 24/03/2005 1750550 05730816.5 1752204 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 31/07/2006 1752204 06015900.1 1752354 Westinghouse Brake and Signal 23/08/2005 1752354 06076792.8 18/07/2006 1753025 06014878.0 Holdings Limited 1753025 Semikron Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG German Patentabteilung 1753792 Basell Polyolefine GmbH 25/04/2005 1753792 05740091.3 1754504 Venetec International, Inc. 21/01/2002 1754504 06023912.6 1755604 ALCASYNN PHARMACEUTICALS 12/05/2005 1755604 05742958.1 21/04/2005 1756929 05747171.6 GMBH 1756929 MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 1757981 Agfa Graphics N.V. 26/08/2005 1757981 05107827.7 1760468 PerkinElmer Cellular Technologies 30/08/2005 1760468 05107912.7 Germany GmbH 1760563 OMRON CORPORATION 25/08/2006 1760563 06017829.0 1761167 Alma Mater Studiorum -Universita' di 14/06/2004 1761167 04736776.8 Bologna Oregon Health and Sciences University French (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6235 1762230 Siegfried Generics International AG 10/08/2006 1762230 06016747.5 German 1763419 Metabowerke GmbH 08/07/2004 1763419 04740807.5 German 1765545 Schunk Sonosystems GmbH 07/07/2005 1765545 05760759.0 German 1765902 Cognis IP Management GmbH 22/06/2005 1765902 05752890.3 German 1766981 OY Gamecluster Ltd 01/07/2004 1766981 04742155.7 1767087 Frielinghaus GmbH 22/09/2006 1767087 06019873.6 1767778 IN.SER. S.p.A. 26/09/2005 1767778 05425668.0 1768204 ElringKlinger AG 02/08/2006 1768204 06016088.4 1768502 NESTEC S.A. 08/07/2005 1768502 05770292.0 1769074 BASF Plant Science GmbH 15/07/2005 1769074 05781182.0 1771074 Feyecon Development & 16/06/2005 1771074 05753065.1 German German German Implementation B.V. 1771420 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 08/07/2005 1771420 05759728.8 1771911 BASF Fuel Cell GmbH 21/07/2005 1771911 05773445.1 German 1773636 Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 04/08/2005 1773636 05779844.9 German 1774979 Vanguard AG 21/08/2006 1774979 06017369.7 German 1776247 Continental Aktiengesellschaft 08/07/2005 1776247 05771477.6 German 1776334 FIRMENICH SA 03/08/2005 1776334 05764079.9 04/08/2004 1781982 04774862.9 UNIVERSITE LOUIS PASTEUR CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1781982 Van Ootmarsum, Harry Robert Monzeglio, Marco 1783132 LG Display Co., Ltd. 07/11/2006 1783132 06023131.3 1784121 Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH 17/08/2005 1784121 05772068.2 1784232 3M Innovative Properties Company 11/08/2005 1784232 05784255.1 1786336 St. Jude Medical, Cardiology Division, 31/08/2005 1786336 05812177.3 Inc. 1786634 Schaeffler KG 12/08/2005 1786634 05774385.8 1786774 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 26/08/2005 1786774 05792007.6 1787139 Nokia Corporation 29/06/2005 1787139 05754885.1 1787621 Bullfrog International, L.C. 09/07/1997 1787621 07004603.2 1791202 HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. 24/12/2004 1791202 06027133.5 1791537 Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc. 19/08/2005 1791537 05785433.3 1792161 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 31/08/2005 1792161 05858394.9 1792903 L'ORÉAL 08/11/2006 1792903 06123701.2 1793277 ASML Netherlands B.V. 20/11/2006 1793277 06077059.1 German French 6236 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1794095 Sparkling Services Limited 04/07/2005 1794095 05757621.7 1794827 Byd Company Limited 22/09/2005 1794827 05797886.8 1797208 Umicore AG & Co. KG 31/08/2005 1797208 05782154.8 1799031 Nehls, Reinhard 18/08/2005 1799031 05799916.1 1801340 ROTO FRANK AG 20/12/2005 1801340 05027822.5 1801470 Kokoku Intech Co., Ltd 27/07/2005 1801470 05767023.4 German HONDA GIKEN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1803493 Infiltec GmbH 22/12/2006 1803493 06027132.7 German 1804858 Novo Nordisk A/S 20/10/2005 1804858 05799793.4 1805107 Rhodia, Inc. 25/10/2005 1805107 05812709.3 1806416 Université de la Méditerranée 08/03/2004 1806416 07007462.0 1807233 Berkshire Precision Tool, LLC 30/08/2005 1807233 05796034.6 1807234 Dauphin Precision Tool, LLC 30/08/2005 1807234 05796035.3 1809349 Ziscoat N.V. 05/07/2005 1809349 05767989.6 1809639 Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 10/11/2005 1809639 05857829.5 1812883 VERMOP Salmon GmbH 26/10/2005 1812883 05811198.0 German 1813018 COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE 08/11/2005 1813018 05817343.6 French ATOMIQUE 1815801 ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY, INC. 07/02/2007 1815801 07250493.9 1816175 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 29/01/2007 1816175 07001862.7 1819331 Novartis AG 28/11/2005 1819331 05852316.8 NOVARTIS-PHARMA GMBH 1819382 Novo Nordisk A/S 20/10/2005 1819382 05796880.2 1820413 Dainese S.p.A. 20/02/2007 1820413 07102717.1 1820469 Institut Straumann AG 10/01/2007 1820469 07000466.8 German 1824434 AUTOFLUG GMBH 08/12/2005 1824434 05817597.7 German 1824707 Robert Bosch GmbH 08/11/2005 1824707 05804537.8 German 1826635 Patek, Philippe SA 24/02/2006 1826635 06003786.8 French 1827544 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 10/11/2005 1827544 05801153.7 1827809 Ranpak Corp. 22/08/2005 1827809 05788749.9 1829705 Fu, Chun Fu 08/06/2006 1829705 06115163.5 1829806 E.C.H. Will GmbH 26/02/2007 1829806 07003862.5 1829890 National Institute of Advanced 08/12/2006 1829890 06256255.8 German Industrial Science and Technology 1830012 Feigl, Bernhard 01/03/2006 1830012 06004122.5 German 1831617 SorTech AG 05/12/2006 1831617 06829310.9 German 1832189 Vectronix AG 10/03/2006 1832189 06110937.7 German (11/11/2009) 1833830 Patents Office Journal Bayer Schering Pharma (No. 2137) 19/12/2005 1833830 05850343.4 6237 German Aktiengesellschaft 1833843 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 22/12/2005 1833843 05824259.5 1834042 Matisa Materiel Industriel S.A. 11/08/2005 1834042 05774088.8 German 1834158 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 26/11/2005 1834158 05825524.1 German 1835343 FUJIFILM Corporation 14/03/2007 1835343 07005242.8 1836289 Unilever PLC 28/11/2005 1836289 05817768.4 UNILEVER N.V. 1836951 Fujinon Corporation 24/05/2006 1836951 07012487.0 1837031 Waratah Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 09/06/2003 1837031 07010865.9 1837243 MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft 09/01/2007 1837243 07000310.8 1838395 Rapid Rail International Limited 28/11/2005 1838395 05814098.9 1838668 INVISTA Technologies S.à.r.l. 21/12/2005 1838668 05854931.2 1838670 ZaCh System S.p.A. 05/12/2005 1838670 05815876.7 1840455 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 06/03/2007 1840455 07004510.9 1842014 Agramkow Fluid Systems A/S 14/12/2005 1842014 05815292.7 1844797 TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP 05/04/2007 1844797 07007177.4 1844813 TTI ellebeau, Inc. 02/02/2006 1844813 06712873.6 1845268 Howden Netherlands B.V. 11/04/2007 1845268 07075273.8 1846067 Peter Loos und Arnold Neuhold 17/08/2006 1846067 06791584.3 26/08/2005 1847294 05781862.7 German German German Gewerbliche Schutzrechte GbR 1847294 CHONGQING HAIFU(HIFU)TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD 1847524 Cellzome Limited 21/04/2006 1847524 06112934.2 1848446 VIFOR (INTERNATIONAL) AG 18/01/2006 1848446 06707742.0 1849351 CNH Belgium N.V. 19/04/2007 1849351 07106511.4 1851565 Marinvent Corporation 17/01/2006 1851565 06701615.4 1852011 Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH 24/04/2007 1852011 07008279.7 German 1852012 LASCO Heutechnik GmbH 12/02/2007 1852012 07002916.0 German 1852981 Mitsubishi Electric Information 04/05/2006 1852981 06290717.5 10/02/2006 1853681 06710875.3 03/02/2006 1854262 06709244.5 German Technology Centre Europe B.V. MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1853681 Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1854262 LOVRIC, Ivan French 6238 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1854404 GE Healthcare Finland Oy 30/04/2007 1854404 07107194.8 1854420 OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS 10/05/2007 1854420 07009436.2 08/05/2006 1855456 06009468.7 CORP. 1855456 Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH 1855501 QUALCOMM Incorporated 12/02/1999 1855501 07016648.3 1855603 Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 31/01/2006 1855603 06719745.9 1856082 Boehringer Ingelheim International 20/02/2006 1856082 06708381.6 GmbH Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 1856090 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 09/02/2006 1856090 06720513.8 1857441 ZheJiang Medicine Co., Ltd. Xinchang 16/05/2007 1857441 07009776.1 Pharmaceutical Factory 1857700 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 05/05/2007 1857700 07009098.0 German 1858200 Research In Motion Limited 15/05/2006 1858200 06113953.1 1858976 BASF SE 08/03/2006 1858976 06708681.9 1859182 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 15/03/2006 1859182 06723453.4 German 1860044 Winkler + Dünnebier 23/05/2007 1860044 07010208.2 German German Aktiengesellschaft 1860246 SCHÖCK BAUTEILE GmbH 30/01/2007 1860246 07001938.5 1860908 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17/07/2006 1860908 06761462.8 1861477 Merck Patent GmbH 08/03/2006 1861477 06707477.3 1863822 Hetero Drugs Limited 29/03/2005 1863822 05732994.8 1864565 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 25/04/2006 1864565 07114294.7 1864618 TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 31/05/2007 1864618 07010799.0 German OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 1864628 Steiner, Hans-Peter 06/06/2007 1864628 07450103.2 German 1866591 Emitec Gesellschaft für 23/03/2006 1866591 06742525.6 German Emissionstechnologie mbH Behr GmbH & Co. KG 1867113 Panasonic Avionics Corporation 29/03/2006 1867113 06740274.3 1867257 Rhea Vendors S.p.A. 14/06/2006 1867257 06012333.8 1867588 Keith Investments LLC 12/01/2005 1867588 07117957.6 1868288 ABB Oy 15/06/2006 1868288 06115523.0 1868961 3M Innovative Properties Company 13/04/2006 1868961 06724345.1 1868977 BASF SE 05/04/2006 1868977 06725585.1 German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1869674 Clariant Finance (BVI) Limited 05/04/2006 1869674 06725561.2 1871798 Rappaport Family Institute for Research 10/04/2006 1871798 06728255.8 6239 in the Medical Sciences 1874637 EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY 20/04/2006 1874637 06750818.4 1875794 Ubaldi, Denis 27/04/2007 1875794 07008618.6 24/04/2006 1877367 06724540.7 Ubaldi, Raffaele 1877367 Novartis AG NOVARTIS-PHARMA GMBH 1877605 EYBL International AG 27/04/2006 1877605 06724604.1 German 1877670 Zimmer, Günther 10/04/2006 1877670 06722768.6 German Zimmer, Martin 1880051 INVISTA Technologies S.à.r.l. 02/05/2006 1880051 06758836.8 1880810 Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. 11/07/2007 1880810 07013586.8 1880813 Inovapak SRL 18/12/2006 1880813 06126308.3 1881132 Talleres De Escoriaza, S.A. 04/07/2007 1881132 07252681.7 1881140 VITA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. 19/07/2006 1881140 06015002.6 1882491 MT Derm GmbH 25/07/2006 1882491 06015461.4 1883618 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL 23/05/2006 1883618 06771215.8 German INDUSTRIES LTD. 1884636 Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 02/08/2006 1884636 06425556.5 1885571 Webasto AG 30/01/2006 1885571 06705868.5 German 1886223 Sigma Elektro GmbH 02/06/2006 1886223 06753235.8 German 1886320 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, K.U. 06/06/2006 1886320 06763541.7 Leuven R&D IMEC 1887024 Evonik Goldschmidt GmbH 04/07/2007 1887024 07111703.0 German 1887128 Konrad Hornschuch AG 09/08/2006 1887128 06016612.1 German 1887484 Tellique Kommunikationstechnik 06/11/2003 1887484 07021917.5 German GmbH 1887704 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19/07/2006 1887704 06761498.2 1887718 Alcatel Lucent 10/08/2006 1887718 06291298.5 1888165 CARDIAC PACEMAKERS, INC. 08/05/2006 1888165 06752356.3 1888427 Teva Women's Health, Inc. 28/04/2006 1888427 06758682.6 1888948 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 07/06/2006 1888948 06754181.3 1889416 TELIASONERA AB 05/06/2006 1889416 06755409.7 1889838 SmithKline Beecham Corporation 24/05/2001 1889838 07112106.5 1890176 Fujinon Corporation 02/08/2007 1890176 07015201.2 1890360 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 15/08/2007 1890360 07075688.7 German 6240 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1890526 Research In Motion Limited 18/08/2006 1890526 06119181.3 1891009 Hetero Drugs Limited 15/06/2005 1891009 05760546.1 1893603 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 23/05/2006 1893603 06755285.1 1893850 VOLVO LASTVAGNAR AB 14/06/2006 1893850 06747921.2 1893905 BASF SE 08/05/2006 1893905 06755080.6 1894181 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 22/06/2006 1894181 06779758.9 1894634 Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. 29/05/2006 1894634 06756690.1 1894691 Schmidmeier, Alexander 31/08/2007 1894691 07115447.0 1894826 CATEYE CO., LTD. 24/08/2007 1894826 07016651.7 1895324 Agfa HealthCare NV 29/08/2006 1895324 06119721.6 German 1896431 BASF SE 01/06/2006 1896431 06763451.9 German 1897090 Intel Corporation 28/06/2006 1897090 06785901.7 1898705 Bayer CropScience AG 13/05/2006 1898705 06753600.3 German 1900654 GEBR. WILLACH GmbH 21/08/2007 1900654 07114704.5 German 1900886 KdB Isolation 22/08/2007 1900886 07291030.0 French 1901208 Moldtek Precision Corp. 24/08/2007 1901208 07016679.8 1902609 CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen 04/07/2007 1902609 07013086.9 German German German GmbH 1903459 Research In Motion Limited 23/11/2005 1903459 07121636.0 1903720 Research In Motion Limited 21/01/2005 1903720 07124188.9 1904161 Boston Scientific Neuromodulation 21/07/2005 1904161 05774879.0 Corporation 1907402 Rhodia UK Limited 20/07/2006 1907402 06764234.8 French 1907910 Airbus 20/07/2006 1907910 06778894.3 French 1908321 Motorola, Inc. 30/05/2006 1908321 06771513.6 1912745 Kriesmair, Bernd 09/08/2006 1912745 06776707.9 1913053 EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY 30/03/2006 1913053 06749073.0 1913267 Acument GmbH & Co. OHG 02/08/2006 1913267 06775782.3 1914018 Tecnopress s.r.l. 05/06/2007 1914018 07109654.9 1917383 LENZING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 17/08/2006 1917383 06760827.3 1917835 Qualcomm Incorporated 28/08/2006 1917835 06813917.9 1918004 Imc. Toys, S.A. 31/10/2007 1918004 07380296.9 1919138 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16/08/2006 1919138 06775393.9 1919758 Actiflow B.V. 04/08/2006 1919758 06763008.7 1920283 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 21/07/2006 1920283 06777906.6 German 1921443 Actaris SAS 31/10/2007 1921443 07119724.8 French 31/08/2006 1922043 06795490.9 Dalkia France 1922043 GDM S.p.A. German German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6241 1923140 Guala Dispensing S.P.A. 16/11/2006 1923140 06425779.3 1923404 Borealis Technology Oy 16/11/2006 1923404 06023851.6 1923417 Bayer MaterialScience AG 03/11/2007 1923417 07021437.4 1923592 TMD Friction Services GmbH 06/11/2007 1923592 07033542.7 German 1923754 ETA SA Manufacture Horlogère Suisse 14/11/2006 1923754 06124059.4 French 1924468 Schmuecker, Hartmut 01/08/2006 1924468 06762926.1 German 1924509 NUK USA LLC 29/08/2006 1924509 06802587.3 1924590 Merck Patent GmbH 25/08/2006 1924590 06791659.3 1926547 Porex Corporation 09/05/2007 1926547 07776937.0 1927530 Vari-Form, Inc. 01/12/2006 1927530 06125281.3 01/12/2006 1927534 06125282.1 German Ford Global Technologies, LLC 1927534 Ford Global Technologies, LLC Vari-Form, Inc. 1927547 Europool S.r.l. 31/08/2007 1927547 07115478.5 1928609 Hansa Metallwerke AG 03/08/2006 1928609 06776579.2 German 1928747 Maschinenfabrik Gerd Mosca AG 08/09/2006 1928747 06805675.3 German German Cyklop GmbH 1928765 Bellheimer Metallwerk GmbH 22/06/2006 1928765 06762131.8 1928784 HERCULES INCORPORATED 24/08/2006 1928784 06802362.1 1931851 Itrec B.V. 22/08/2005 1931851 05775179.4 1932658 BOBST S.A. 05/12/2007 1932658 07023515.5 1933869 Schering Corporation 30/08/2006 1933869 06813945.0 22/12/2006 1936149 06026684.8 French The Government of the United States of America as represented by The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services 1936149 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, German A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1937072 BASF SE 08/08/2006 1937072 06778193.0 1937935 Services Pétroliers Schlumberger 02/06/2006 1937935 06756057.3 Schlumberger Holdings Limited Schlumberger Technology B.V. 1943143 Reinhardt, Gaby Traute 25/04/2007 1943143 07728486.7 1944950 LG Electronics Inc. 23/12/2004 1944950 08006879.4 1945607 USV Limited 09/11/2005 1945607 05826478.9 1947807 Research In Motion Limited 18/01/2007 1947807 07100718.1 1947891 Innovative Sonic Limited 22/01/2008 1947891 08001142.2 German 6242 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1948955 Pex Kabeltechnik GmbH 16/11/2006 1948955 06818590.9 German 1950148 Hagleitner, Hans Georg 23/01/2007 1950148 07001378.4 German 1951322 Biodefense Corporation 14/11/2006 1951322 06849882.3 1952010 Filtertek, S.A. 23/11/2006 1952010 06818768.1 1953616 ABB Oy 01/02/2007 1953616 07002189.4 1956128 Kufner Textil GmbH 31/07/2007 1956128 07014997.6 German 1957217 Trumpf Maschinen Austria GmbH & 29/11/2006 1957217 06817467.1 German SIEMENS CORPORATE RESEARCH, 05/12/2006 1958034 06838989.9 German CO. KG. 1958034 INC. 1959346 Hitachi, Ltd. 09/11/2007 1959346 07254428.1 1959985 GHC RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT 19/10/2006 1959985 06826240.1 CORPORATION 1960423 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 22/12/2005 1960423 05823175.4 1961281 Sew-Eurodrive GmbH & Co. KG 06/12/2006 1961281 06829353.9 1961389 BENOIST GIRARD SAS 24/01/2008 1961389 08250297.2 1961471 Thunder Tiger Corporation 31/01/2008 1961471 08001842.7 1961886 Wilhelm Layher Verwaltungs-GmbH 15/04/2006 1961886 08010308.8 1962625 Dainese S.p.A. 21/12/2006 1962625 06842651.9 1962922 Medela Holding AG 21/12/2006 1962922 06817768.2 German 1963688 Sidel Participations 21/12/2006 1963688 06841563.7 French 1964943 Applied Materials, Inc. 28/02/2007 1964943 07004187.6 1969054 PIRELLI TYRE S.p.A. 29/11/2005 1969054 05815294.3 1970547 YAMAHA HATSUDOKI 13/03/2008 1970547 08004733.5 German German KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1970645 SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 25/08/2003 1970645 08011094.3 1971573 Medichem S.A. 22/12/2006 1971573 06850451.3 1972490 C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER 21/03/2007 1972490 07425164.6 05/03/2008 1972492 08004040.5 AZIONI 1972492 fischer automotive systems GmbH & German Co. KG 1972564 Bär GmbH 22/03/2007 1972564 07005953.0 1973978 BASF SE 09/01/2007 1973978 07703717.4 1977154 HYDAC TECHNOLOGY GMBH 26/09/2006 1977154 06792276.5 1979360 IRM LLC 25/01/2007 1979360 07717086.8 1979962 Nilar International AB 15/01/2007 1979962 07703860.2 1981232 TeamOn Systems Inc. 31/01/2008 1981232 08150924.2 1981815 Prom Limited 30/01/2007 1981815 07705077.1 German (11/11/2009) 1982547 Patents Office Journal British Telecommunications Public (No. 2137) 27/10/2006 1982547 06808368.2 6243 Limited Company 1985518 Voith Patent GmbH 25/04/2007 1985518 07106914.0 German 1985826 YAMAHA HATSUDOKI 22/04/2008 1985826 08007784.5 02/02/2007 1987120 07703299.3 16/02/2007 1987591 07726404.2 German KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1987120 Unilever PLC UNILEVER N.V. 1987591 Osram Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung 1988113 EMS-PATENT AG 20/03/2008 1988113 08102840.9 German 1989103 Spinwood Trading & Consulting Ltd. 01/03/2007 1989103 07701343.1 German 1989740 Q-Cells AG 28/02/2007 1989740 07726561.9 German 1990176 DMT Technology GmbH 11/05/2007 1990176 07009531.0 1996395 SCA Hygiene Products GmbH 17/03/2006 1996395 06723517.6 1996641 Alzchem Trostberg GmbH 15/03/2007 1996641 07711963.4 German 1997751 Dematic GmbH 15/05/2008 1997751 08156233.2 German 1998928 Trumpf Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + 24/02/2006 1998928 06723106.8 German Co. KG 1999018 Airbus Operations GmbH 29/03/2007 1999018 07723789.9 2002998 HÜBNER GmbH 14/06/2007 2002998 07011654.6 2005044 Vir Valvoindustria Ing. Rizzio - S.P.A. 12/04/2007 2005044 07724193.3 2007260 SEB SA 22/02/2007 2007260 07731028.2 2009042 Ilypsa, Inc. 03/11/2004 2009042 08164715.8 2010427 Sakirov, Pavel-Tivadar 27/03/2007 2010427 07731210.6 2010880 NXP B.V. 19/04/2007 2010880 07735544.4 2011131 NHKM Consulting GmbH 24/04/2007 2011131 07718405.9 2011975 Yamaha Motor Research & 06/07/2007 2011975 07013319.4 German French French German Development Europe s.r.l. 2013305 Sika Technology AG 26/04/2007 2013305 07728540.1 German 2014727 TESA SE 02/06/2008 2014727 08157390.9 German 2016243 Abloy Oy 23/04/2007 2016243 07730702.3 2018518 Leopold Kostal GmbH & Co. KG 16/05/2007 2018518 07725340.9 2018694 ABB RESEARCH LTD. 16/05/2007 2018694 07729237.3 2020561 Engel, Hartmut S. 02/08/2007 2020561 07015211.1 German 2021149 Index-Werke GmbH & Co. KG Hahn & 12/05/2007 2021149 07725164.3 German German Tessky 2021893 Vassilev, Plamen Spassov 10/04/2007 2021893 07732352.5 2023035 Engel, Hartmut S. 02/08/2007 2023035 07015210.3 German 6244 2024388 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal Obschestvo S Ogranichennoi (11/11/2009) 04/12/2006 2024388 06843998.3 Otvetstvennostyu "sia Peptides" 2024574 Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu 30/05/2006 2024574 06755391.7 2025249 Konings NV 31/07/2007 2025249 07113522.2 2025708 Enthone Inc. 10/08/2007 2025708 07015812.6 German 2025799 LEIFHEIT AG 18/07/2008 2025799 08013016.4 German 2025921 C.R.F. Società Consortile per Azioni 30/07/2007 2025921 07425481.4 2026720 CAMP SCANDINAVIA AB 11/06/2007 2026720 07765363.2 2027175 E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND 12/06/2007 2027175 07796120.9 COMPANY 2027366 FIREP Rebar Technology GmbH 29/05/2007 2027366 07725617.0 German 2027476 THALES 06/06/2007 2027476 07765336.8 French 2028934 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 15/06/2007 2028934 07726043.8 der Angewandten Forschung e.V. 2029445 System S.p.A. 23/05/2007 2029445 07734824.1 2029459 Deutsche Post AG 16/03/2007 2029459 07711235.7 German 2029759 BASF SE 16/05/2007 2029759 07729179.7 German 2029822 Brell-Cokcan, Sigrid 20/06/2007 2029822 07718510.6 German Pottmann, Helmut 2030207 Sabic Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 03/05/2007 2030207 07761810.6 2031807 Alcatel Lucent 31/08/2007 2031807 07291056.5 2032759 BASF SE 01/06/2007 2032759 07729773.7 German 2032885 Roman Seliger GmbH 21/06/2008 2032885 08773698.9 German 2033473 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 26/06/2007 2033473 07765630.4 2035740 Aker Engineering & Technology AS 20/06/2007 2035740 07793892.6 2038465 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte 06/06/2007 2038465 07729920.4 German GmbH 2038484 MEA Bausysteme GmbH 27/06/2007 2038484 07764879.8 German 2038534 AIRBUS OPERATIONS 04/07/2007 2038534 07803840.3 French 2039127 Group 3 Technology Limited 28/06/2007 2039127 07733413.4 2041502 Sixt, Bernhard 11/07/2007 2041502 07765159.4 German 2041850 DEHN + SÖHNE GMBH + CO KG 29/05/2007 2041850 07729611.9 German 2044076 N.V. Organon 03/07/2007 2044076 07801417.2 2052171 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, 13/08/2007 2052171 07802585.5 02/08/2007 2054806 07802478.3 A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 2054806 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION German (11/11/2009) 2062139 Patents Office Journal International Business Machines (No. 2137) 30/03/2007 2062139 07727594.9 6245 Corporation 2063125 Grundfos Management A/S 02/11/2007 2063125 07021379.8 German 2067617 N.C.A. Technologies 04/12/2007 2067617 07122260.8 French 2079007 Research In Motion Limited 07/01/2008 2079007 08150074.6 2085729 Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für 18/01/2009 2085729 09075031.6 Polar- und Meeresforschung German 6246 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 43/09, dated 21st October 2009 0900416 Danaher Motion Särö AB 15/04/1997 0900416 97918461.1 0965866 Prysmian S.p.A. 04/06/1999 0965866 99110784.8 0986372 Wyeth 30/04/1998 0986372 98920077.9 0988091 Regenesis Biomedical, Inc. 15/01/1999 0988091 99902275.9 1007743 Adisseo France S.A.S. 06/05/1999 1007743 99917026.9 1020096 HARMAN INTERNATIONAL 14/07/1999 1020096 99934040.9 05/01/2000 1028325 00890003.7 INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 1028325 Franz Plasser Bahnbaumaschinen- German Industriegesellschaft m.b.H. 1034984 Navteq North America, LLC 24/12/1999 1034984 99310566.7 1038678 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 17/03/2000 1038678 00105651.4 1041871 Environmentally Sensitive Vegetation, 09/12/1998 1041871 98960827.8 LLC 1047436 Synchroneuron, LLC 13/01/1999 1047436 99901314.7 1047784 Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics S.r.l. 14/01/1999 1047784 99900583.8 1049241 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 28/04/2000 1049241 00303628.2 29/08/2000 1080619 00118654.3 INCORPORATED 1080619 CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen German GmbH 1086439 Symbol Technologies, Inc. 07/04/2000 1086439 00923162.2 1108213 Sensortec Limited 24/08/1999 1108213 99940398.3 1109576 Baxter Healthcare SA 18/08/1999 1109576 99945115.6 1112508 QUALCOMM Incorporated 02/09/1999 1112508 99968718.9 1117672 Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 23/09/1999 1117672 99948416.5 1138785 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 30/03/2001 1138785 01108170.0 1139448 Robert Bosch GmbH 01/04/2000 1139448 00107202.4 1147217 Qiagen GmbH 20/01/2000 1147217 00900717.0 1148571 Revatech S.A. 06/04/2001 1148571 01108707.9 1158907 Abbott Laboratories 02/03/2000 1158907 00916048.2 1162295 Karl Mayer Textilmaschinen AG 25/04/2001 1162295 01810404.2 1162869 Thomson Licensing 29/05/2001 1162869 01401396.5 1162968 Color Access, Inc. 11/01/2001 1162968 01900994.3 1164991 HYDROMER, INC. 12/01/2000 1164991 00904312.6 1169062 AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 08/03/2000 1169062 00914867.7 1169462 Monsanto Technology LLC 12/04/2000 1169462 00922076.5 1170827 Tyco Electronics AMP España S.A. 03/07/2001 1170827 01116072.8 French German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1179254 NXP B.V. 05/02/2001 1179254 01905735.5 1187598 BASF SE 08/06/2000 1187598 00949173.9 1203180 Century Industries Company 03/02/2000 1203180 00904650.9 1207877 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF 10/08/2000 1207877 00952688.0 6247 German HEALTH THE BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, INC. 1210797 Broadcom Corporation 31/08/2000 1210797 00961475.1 1216695 Clariant International Ltd. 17/12/2001 1216695 01129936.9 German 1217463 Eastman Kodak Company 24/11/2001 1217463 01128009.6 German 1219384 KAWASAKI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI 21/12/2001 1219384 01130674.3 KAISHA 1219801 ALSTOM Technology Ltd 04/12/2001 1219801 01128786.9 1228620 Highway to Health Inc. 02/11/2000 1228620 00976817.7 1230998 Rothenberger Aktiengesellschaft 10/01/2002 1230998 02000190.5 1232264 Kyoto University 16/11/2000 1232264 00982154.7 German German Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc. 1236159 Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 27/11/2000 1236159 00979261.5 1241092 Greghi, Renzo 08/02/2002 1241092 02002852.8 1243706 J.C. BAMFORD EXCAVATORS 21/03/2002 1243706 02006413.5 LIMITED 1244884 Swagelok Company 20/12/2000 1244884 00986670.8 1245483 SHIMANO INC. 12/03/2002 1245483 02005637.0 1247573 Japan Polypropylene Corporation 04/04/2002 1247573 02007331.8 1247843 Draka Comteq B.V. 13/03/2002 1247843 02290635.8 1249219 Swiss Caps Rechte und Lizenzen AG 29/12/2000 1249219 00128701.0 1250879 Mediclinics, S.A. 04/04/2002 1250879 02380074.1 1275081 Anoto AB 05/04/2001 1275081 01920052.6 1275797 Leys, Leopold 12/07/2002 1275797 02447133.6 1277638 ALSTOM Transport Deutschland 05/07/2002 1277638 02015023.1 German 24/04/2001 1280776 01925566.0 German German GmbH 1280776 Bayer Schering Pharma Aktiengesellschaft 1283197 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 24/04/2001 1283197 01922073.0 1288306 SYSMEX CORPORATION 05/06/2001 1288306 01934540.4 1292680 Genentech, Inc. 22/06/2001 1292680 01950429.9 1296840 AGC Flat Glass Europe SA 12/03/2001 1296840 01923662.9 6248 1302377 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal TRIAS Transportwerktuigenindustrie (11/11/2009) 15/10/2002 1302377 02079265.1 03/08/2001 1305807 01953276.1 B.V. 1305807 DIRECT THRUST DESIGNS LIMITED 1307967 Juniper Networks, Inc. 18/07/2001 1307967 01955862.6 1309691 Centocor Ortho Biotech Inc. 07/08/2001 1309691 01957489.6 1311238 Bitop Gesellschaft für Biotechnische 16/08/2001 1311238 01976087.5 German Optimierung mbH 1314255 Icera Canada ULC 19/06/2001 1314255 01944827.3 1315304 NXP B.V. 14/11/2002 1315304 02102577.0 German 1318357 Siegwart, Emil 26/11/2002 1318357 02026210.1 German 1320630 MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY 29/08/2001 1320630 01962481.6 1322624 Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 28/08/2001 1322624 01980288.3 1327645 H.C. Starck GmbH 16/12/2002 1327645 02028036.8 1332786 THE BOC GROUP, INC. 14/01/2003 1332786 03250219.7 1333311 Cheong, Lak 06/11/2002 1333311 02257699.5 1334570 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 03/11/2001 1334570 01996928.6 1336345 Japan Tobacco Inc. 01/11/2001 1336345 01978990.8 1337239 Vectura Limited 30/11/2001 1337239 01998327.9 1338711 fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG 16/01/2003 1338711 03000917.9 1340982 Gen-Probe Incorporated 13/11/1998 1340982 03012050.5 1341088 Bull HN Information Systems Inc. 07/02/2003 1341088 03290307.2 1341099 Mortensen, Soren Alain 13/02/2003 1341099 03250903.6 1346993 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 29/11/2001 1346993 01998549.8 1351500 Nokia Corporation 28/02/2003 1351500 03100497.1 1352449 Le Cloirec, Pierre 18/01/2002 1352449 02712001.3 German German French Subrenat, Albert 1358345 Kucharczyk, Krzysztof 07/02/2001 1358345 01902877.8 1360530 FINISAR CORPORATION 14/02/2002 1360530 02706255.3 1362496 Nokia Corporation 15/02/2002 1362496 02742451.4 1363980 ISIS INNOVATION LIMITED 26/02/2002 1363980 02700479.5 1369213 BOBST S.A. 24/05/2003 1369213 03011777.4 1371373 Sichuan Biotechnology Research Center 28/02/2002 1371373 02702211.0 1372590 Colgate-Palmolive Company, a 11/03/2002 1372590 02713806.4 09/04/2002 1377329 02747269.5 corporation organised and existing under the laws of the Sta te of Delaware, United States of America 1377329 IPSEN PHARMA French (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1380649 Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd. 22/03/2002 1380649 02707130.7 1383778 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 30/01/2002 1383778 02704296.9 6249 PATENT FOUNDATION 1389530 Océ-Technologies B.V. 01/08/2003 1389530 03077417.8 1392359 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research 13/05/2002 1392359 02739258.8 Ltd. 1394115 Haldor Topsoe A/S 06/08/2003 1394115 03017936.0 1394534 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 14/08/2003 1394534 03450187.4 1395615 BASF SE 04/06/2002 1395615 02778878.5 1395811 Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques - 17/04/2002 1395811 02727052.9 28/05/2002 1397386 02741737.7 German French Centrum voor de Research in de Metallurgie 1397386 THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1397547 Siepmann, Stephanie 07/06/2002 1397547 02754202.6 German 1401227 Société Française du Radiotéléphone- 29/08/2003 1401227 03292138.9 French SFR 1401674 Cactus Marketing Services, L.L.C. 01/07/2002 1401674 02737184.8 1404265 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 26/06/2002 1404265 02754760.3 1407139 Selsam, Douglas Spriggs 14/06/2002 1407139 02756217.2 1407276 Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut voor 24/04/2002 1407276 02727576.7 26/03/2002 1408736 02720425.4 German Biotechnologie vzw. D. Collen Research Foundation vzw 1408736 Yissum Research Development Company, of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1408745 S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 24/05/2001 1408745 01946003.9 1409669 E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND 21/03/2002 1409669 02719477.8 COMPANY PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1410868 Fronius International GmbH 15/11/2000 1410868 03017244.9 1415154 The University of Chicago 29/03/2002 1415154 02728619.4 1419780 Martek Biosciences Corporation 02/06/1994 1419780 04075413.7 1421139 Chemtura Corporation 28/08/2002 1421139 02757445.8 1421548 Anoto AB 10/07/2002 1421548 02749482.2 1423413 Astellas Pharma Europe B.V. 28/08/2002 1423413 02758940.7 1424453 Pfeifer Holding GmbH & Co. KG 26/11/2003 1424453 03027158.9 German German 6250 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1425322 MERCK PATENT GmbH 21/08/2002 1425322 02772180.2 German 1426301 Huhtamaki Ronsberg 03/12/2003 1426301 03027807.1 German Zweigniederlassung der Huhtamaki Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG. 1427468 Boston Scientific Limited 12/09/2002 1427468 02798953.2 1427790 Sika Schweiz AG 07/03/2002 1427790 02707060.6 1429623 Advanced Bionutrition Corporation 27/08/2002 1429623 02766118.0 1432517 Metso Paper, Inc. 22/08/2002 1432517 02760965.0 1434432 United Video Properties, Inc. 24/06/1999 1434432 04075877.3 1436605 Medtronic MiniMed, Inc. 04/09/2002 1436605 02768784.7 1438107 Eckert, Christian 22/10/2002 1438107 02782743.5 German French Eckert, Knut Raeder, Niels 1438936 Tornier 16/01/2004 1438936 04356004.4 1444710 H.C. Starck GmbH 01/11/2002 1444710 02778712.6 1445559 Kältetechnik Kaspar Karl 04/02/2004 1445559 04002417.6 1448229 Dandrit Biotech A/S 29/11/2002 1448229 02803755.4 1448526 Schering Corporation 25/11/2002 1448526 02786803.3 1450750 Aventis Pharma S.A. 07/11/2002 1450750 02793210.2 1450811 OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 27/11/2002 1450811 02795691.1 1450928 Yoon, Roe-Hoan 20/02/2002 1450928 02723176.0 1451535 Endress + Hauser GmbH + Co. KG 08/11/2002 1451535 02781310.4 1453221 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY 23/06/1997 1453221 04010946.4 German French German CORPORATION 1453386 BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY 14/11/2002 1453386 02789698.4 1455022 Roxbury Limited 03/03/2004 1455022 04251218.6 1456451 Rockwool International A/S 20/12/2002 1456451 02796696.9 1457590 KURARAY CO., LTD. 05/03/2004 1457590 04005307.6 1458546 Prysmian S.p.A. 21/12/2001 1458546 01994956.9 1463506 AstraZeneca AB 20/12/2002 1463506 02788214.1 1463678 Magaldi Ricerche E Brevetti S.R.L. 06/01/2003 1463678 03702398.3 1465010 FUJIFILM Corporation 30/03/2004 1465010 04007650.7 1466055 Maard, Ake 13/12/2002 1466055 02793641.8 1466308 Endress + Hauser GmbH + Co. KG 20/12/2002 1466308 02793094.0 1468032 Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 04/12/2002 1468032 02794119.4 1472480 WEIR DO BRASIL LTDA. 10/01/2003 1472480 03729393.3 1472671 Philips Intellectual Property & 23/12/2002 1472671 02781703.0 Standards GmbH German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1473127 Jeld-Wen, Inc. 28/04/2004 1473127 04252468.6 1473206 ALSTOM Transport Deutschland 11/12/2003 1473206 03028409.5 6251 German GmbH 1474324 Manta Design Ltd 26/03/2002 1474324 02704981.6 1476269 KENNAMETAL INC. 15/02/2003 1476269 03742523.8 German 1483959 Le Bihan, Loic 03/06/2004 1483959 04013147.6 French German Le Bihan, Yvan 1484246 Diehl Aerospace GmbH 27/05/2004 1484246 04012549.4 1487362 Anderson, David Greg, MD 19/03/2003 1487362 03716726.9 1491672 SIPRA Patententwicklungs- und 26/05/2004 1491672 04012385.3 German Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH 1494440 LG ELECTRONICS INC. 30/06/2004 1494440 04015393.4 1496118 Yamazoe, Yasushi 15/04/2003 1496118 03717587.4 Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. 1499885 Cellomics, Inc. 01/08/2002 1499885 02773169.4 1501408 Von Zitzewitz, Falk 06/05/2003 1501408 03727441.2 1501465 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 02/05/2003 1501465 03728653.1 1501899 BASF Coatings AG 28/04/2003 1501899 03717322.6 1501938 BIOLOG, INC. 16/04/2003 1501938 03719801.7 1503679 Roei Medical Technologies Ltd. 14/05/2003 1503679 03723020.8 1505881 Unilever PLC 15/05/2003 1505881 03735454.5 German German UNILEVER N.V. 1509533 McMaster University 02/06/2003 1509533 03724739.2 1511697 International Business Machines 15/05/2003 1511697 03727666.4 Corporation 1512404 CAC Corporation 12/11/2002 1512404 02788607.6 1513093 Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, 26/08/2004 1513093 04020254.1 Corp. 1513531 Menarini Ricerche S.p.A. 05/06/2003 1513531 03757025.6 1515724 Merck & Co., Inc. 12/06/2003 1515724 03739093.7 1516050 Agrinomics, LLC 24/04/2003 1516050 03747331.1 1516085 ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. 04/06/2003 1516085 03734405.8 1518803 BOBST S.A. 06/09/2004 1518803 04405551.5 1525500 INTEL CORPORATION 23/07/2003 1525500 03765942.2 1528457 ASULAB S.A. 31/10/2003 1528457 03024851.2 1528864 NESTEC S.A. 01/08/2003 1528864 03784137.6 1529218 Landis+Gyr AG 12/05/2003 1529218 03790773.0 German 1530432 W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES GmbH 13/08/2003 1530432 03747896.3 German French French 6252 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1531182 Cognis IP Management GmbH 05/11/2004 1531182 04026275.0 German 1532770 Telecom Italia S.p.A. 07/07/2003 1532770 03765018.1 1532848 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 11/08/2003 1532848 03792583.1 German 1533674 Schneider Electric Automation GmbH 19/11/2004 1533674 04027581.0 German 1534094 Noble Ideas, Inc. 30/05/2003 1534094 03761037.5 1534427 Lucite International UK Limited 06/08/2003 1534427 03784257.2 1534459 Railtech International 12/08/2003 1534459 03756542.1 French 1537372 Dung, Arndt 28/08/2003 1537372 03794958.3 German 1537969 MASONITE CORPORATION 27/07/1999 1537969 05003031.1 1539346 Lyondell Chemical Technology, L.P. 15/08/2003 1539346 03797841.8 1539826 Celanese Emulsions GmbH 26/07/2003 1539826 03793646.5 1540564 Nahla, Ibrahim 21/03/2003 1540564 03744732.3 1542643 Wetling, John F. 05/08/2003 1542643 03766120.4 1543477 DATACARD CORPORATION 18/09/2003 1543477 03797916.8 1545194 Contech Europe Holding S.A. 18/07/2003 1545194 03765234.4 1551038 Servicios Condumex S.A. 31/12/2003 1551038 03380313.1 1551113 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., 31/12/2004 1551113 04031087.2 German LTD. 1552781 Schock Metallwerk GmbH 22/12/2004 1552781 04030389.3 German 1552938 Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 05/01/2005 1552938 05000142.9 1553606 Invensys Appliance Controls S.A. 05/01/2005 1553606 05356003.3 French 1560334 Thales 17/01/2005 1560334 05100257.4 French 1564332 Wirtgen GmbH 01/02/2005 1564332 05002009.8 German 1566497 J. de Beer B.V. 22/02/2005 1566497 05075430.8 1567273 BMH Technology Oy 02/12/2003 1567273 03775434.8 1567478 Rhodia Opérations 25/11/2003 1567478 03789490.4 French 1567696 SiCrystal Aktiengesellschaft 28/07/2004 1567696 04763570.1 German 1570257 The Industry & Academic Cooperation 19/11/2003 1570257 03774255.8 in Chungnam National University (IAC) Amplet Inc. Vigitasystem Inc. 1571036 Renault s.a.s. 14/02/2005 1571036 05300112.9 French 1571239 Marx, Joachim 25/02/2005 1571239 05004164.9 German 1573359 Saab AB 20/12/2002 1573359 02808358.2 1573747 NXP B.V. 03/12/2003 1573747 03775665.7 1575796 Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 15/12/2003 1575796 03778926.0 (11/11/2009) 1578504 Patents Office Journal MOLTEN CORPORATION (No. 2137) 20/12/2002 1578504 02786161.6 6253 adidas International Marketing B.V. 1578660 Det Norske Veritas AS 01/12/2003 1578660 03812393.1 1581766 Machine Support B.V. 06/01/2004 1581766 04700302.5 1584739 CORTINOVIS MACHINERY S.P.A. 25/01/2005 1584739 05100465.3 1586319 Noscira, S.A. 04/04/2005 1586319 05075779.8 1590387 3M Innovative Properties Company 16/01/2004 1590387 04702949.1 1590467 Aigner, Ludwig 28/01/2004 1590467 04705802.9 1592598 Steerable Wheel Systems Pty Ltd 28/01/2004 1592598 04705741.9 1594108 Kursiv AG 07/05/2004 1594108 04405291.8 1595339 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 17/02/2004 1595339 04711853.4 1595459 Solae, LLC 12/05/2004 1595459 04076387.2 1597888 Research In Motion Limited 06/03/2003 1597888 03706176.9 1599347 Galvanin, Claudio 26/02/2004 1599347 04714766.5 1599409 Seaquist Perfect Dispensing Foreign, 03/03/2004 1599409 04716920.6 German Inc. 1600591 Faiveley Transport Italia S.p.A. 24/05/2005 1600591 05104392.5 1600982 AREVA NP GmbH 12/05/2005 1600982 05010386.0 German 1602495 Francotyp-Postalia GmbH 30/04/2005 1602495 05009546.2 German 1603612 Jouvin, Jean-Luc 11/03/2004 1603612 04719498.0 French 1605867 Veryan Medical Limited 18/03/2004 1605867 04721558.7 1606031 Creative Kingdoms, Llc 23/03/2004 1606031 04758234.1 1606130 O'Brian, Woody V. 05/03/2004 1606130 04717935.3 O'Brian, Sean Vincent 1607267 SC2N 12/05/2005 1607267 05103986.5 1608274 Boston Scientific Limited 18/03/2004 1608274 04721762.5 1608461 SÜD-CHEMIE AG 27/03/2004 1608461 04723903.3 German 1608830 Drumm GmbH 19/03/2004 1608830 04721833.4 German 1609291 Cisco Technology, Inc. 16/09/2003 1609291 03795710.7 1610313 Konica Minolta Opto, Inc. 17/06/2005 1610313 05105373.4 1611042 TAU MACHINES S.R.L. 19/03/2004 1611042 04721983.7 1615595 Cook Incorporated 21/04/2004 1615595 04760327.9 1615847 Hopper, Michael Blair 31/03/2004 1615847 04759076.5 1616267 Nokia Corporation 23/04/2004 1616267 04729160.4 1616670 Black & Decker Inc. 13/07/2004 1616670 04254159.9 1617182 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 12/05/2005 1617182 05010388.6 German 1617983 Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics 07/02/2004 1617983 04709133.5 German Machinery GmbH French 6254 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1620250 SCA HYGIENE PRODUCTS S.p.A. 28/08/2003 1620250 03793764.6 1621882 UST Umweltsensortechnik GmbH 02/06/2005 1621882 05011919.7 1623431 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 16/04/2004 1623431 04760554.8 1623537 NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS 01/04/2004 1623537 04725065.9 German German German GMBH & CO. KG 1627611 W & H Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbH 17/08/2005 1627611 05017799.7 1631153 CENTRO DESIGN s.a.s. di ALDO 08/06/2004 1631153 04736344.5 CIABATTI 1632188 TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 26/08/2005 1632188 05018586.7 1632189 TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 26/08/2005 1632189 05018587.5 1632339 Mayr-Melnhof Karton AG 24/03/2005 1632339 05006592.9 1634811 Mori, Akihide 13/06/2003 1634811 03736215.9 1636882 SPI Lasers UK Limited 23/06/2004 1636882 04743063.2 1638220 Space Data Corporation 07/06/2000 1638220 05026040.5 1639512 Jung, Kyong-Ja 15/06/2004 1639512 04773935.4 1641365 NIKE International Ltd. 16/06/2004 1641365 04753444.1 1641704 Daimler AG 04/05/2004 1641704 04731005.7 German 1645459 Heuliez 01/08/2005 1645459 05291639.2 French 1646822 Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. 22/07/2004 1646822 04741298.6 German 1654378 SYNTONIX PHARMACEUTICALS, 06/05/2004 1654378 04751356.9 31/03/2005 1657304 05007088.7 INC. 1657304 Daiwa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Hitosugi, Masahito 1660528 Pieris AG 24/08/2004 1660528 04764425.7 1660573 Inmat Inc. 27/07/2004 1660573 04816788.6 1660710 Cellresin Technologies, LLC 03/09/2004 1660710 04769267.8 1661362 International Business Machines 09/07/2004 1661362 04766174.9 Corporation 1662358 Research In Motion Limited 24/11/2004 1662358 04106054.2 1663060 The Gillette Company, a corporation 13/09/2004 1663060 04783758.8 organised and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America 1663635 BTG Eclépens S.A. 07/09/2004 1663635 04764897.7 1664545 Honeywell International Inc. 13/09/2004 1664545 04783754.7 1665013 Koninklijke Philips Ele ctronics N.V. 27/08/2004 1665013 04769872.5 1665375 Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 03/08/2004 1665375 04779798.0 German (11/11/2009) 1666788 Patents Office Journal Osram Gesellschaft mit beschränkter (No. 2137) 6255 03/06/2005 1666788 05012057.5 German French Haftung 1667931 Yerly, Jean-Marc 14/09/2004 1667931 04761917.6 1670268 Gemalto SA 08/12/2004 1670268 04300857.2 1672084 Fortuna Spezialmaschinen GmbH 26/10/2005 1672084 05023384.0 German 1672280 Elster GmbH 09/11/2005 1672280 05024386.4 German 1673178 O'Connor, Joe 30/09/2004 1673178 04768700.9 1674048 Novus Scientific Pte. Ltd. 23/12/2004 1674048 04106923.8 1674283 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 22/12/2005 1674283 05028217.7 1674536 FUJIFILM Corporation 21/12/2005 1674536 05028052.8 1675423 Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe 24/12/2004 1675423 04293117.0 B.V. MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1678281 Standard Brands (UK) Limited 12/07/2004 1678281 04743352.9 1680032 KCI Licensing, Inc. 28/09/2004 1680032 04789154.4 1681355 Dröge, Peter 29/08/2000 1681355 06008807.7 1682226 Enzymotec Ltd. 21/10/2004 1682226 04791830.5 1682313 Worktools, inc. 04/11/2004 1682313 04798388.7 1682585 Bayer CropScience AG 21/10/2004 1682585 04790873.6 1682922 UCTec Beteiligungsgesellschaft AG 29/10/2004 1682922 04818409.7 1685400 Intelisys Ltd. 08/11/2004 1685400 04798451.3 1689232 Syngenta Participations AG 25/11/2004 1689232 04803278.3 1689883 Aureon Laboratories, Inc. 19/07/2004 1689883 04778619.9 1690372 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 01/12/2003 1690372 03781185.8 1690646 Black & Decker, Inc. 25/01/2006 1690646 06100849.6 1690783 Xie, Jin-Long 09/02/2005 1690783 05002632.7 1691671 Solianis Holding AG 04/09/2002 1691671 02760503.9 1692955 Nothum, Robert, G., Jr. 22/02/2006 1692955 06003623.3 1693064 Biocodex 16/12/2005 1693064 05292721.7 1696611 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 08/12/2005 1696611 05111831.3 1696981 NOVO NORDISK A/S 21/10/2004 1696981 04762946.4 1697043 BASF SE 02/12/2004 1697043 04801200.9 1697412 ARES TRADING S.A. 16/12/2004 1697412 04803960.6 1700139 Abbott Medical Optics Inc. 29/12/2004 1700139 04817067.4 1700147 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI 07/12/2004 1700147 04817975.8 1700992 NORSK HYDRO a.s.a. 09/03/2006 1700992 06352004.3 French 1700993 NORSK HYDRO ASA 09/03/2006 1700993 06352005.0 French German German German 6256 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1701113 Sagem Défense Sécurité 27/01/2006 1701113 06290168.1 1701250 IMEC 09/03/2006 1701250 06004813.9 1702166 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 05/01/2005 1702166 05700519.1 1703211 BASIC HOLDINGS 10/02/2006 1703211 06101559.0 1703858 SCIMED LIFE SYSTEMS, INC. 19/11/2004 1703858 04811411.0 1703929 Tecpharma Licensing AG 29/11/2004 1703929 04797272.4 1705238 Tsinghua University 29/11/2004 1705238 04797388.8 1705319 Salto Systems, S.L. 21/03/2006 1705319 06380055.1 1708997 Merck and Co., Inc. 25/11/2004 1708997 04798681.5 French German German MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD. 1709842 TRILUX GmbH & Co. KG 28/01/2005 1709842 05714905.6 1710247 IDEMITSU KOSAN CO., LTD. 24/01/2005 1710247 05709295.9 1713353 Blenkarn, Michael D. 13/12/2004 1713353 04821767.3 1714828 EMILCAMION S.r.l. 06/04/2006 1714828 06112338.6 1716176 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, 09/02/2005 1716176 05756372.8 German Inc. 1716185 Stichting Dutch Polymer Institute 14/02/2005 1716185 05707416.3 1718413 Pursuit Dynamics PLC. 25/02/2005 1718413 05717801.4 1718833 WAYNE-DALTON CORP. 25/02/2005 1718833 05723760.4 1720255 Electrolux Home Products Corporation 24/04/2006 1720255 06008401.9 N.V. 1721671 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. 23/05/2003 1721671 06012493.0 1725009 IPG Electronics 504 Limited 12/05/2005 1725009 06113715.4 1725690 METALLHÜTTENWERKE BRUCH 17/03/2005 1725690 05731900.6 08/05/2006 1726765 06009410.9 19/03/2004 1727524 04721911.8 German GMBH 1726765 Reynaers Aluminium, naamloze vennootschap 1727524 Zentiva Kimyasal Ürünler Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 1728496 Episode 1 Partners Ltd. 02/06/2006 1728496 06252857.5 1728581 TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH 31/05/2005 1728581 05011709.2 German + Co. KG 1730314 Genisphere Inc. 31/03/2005 1730314 05733420.3 1730315 Klein, Hanns-Georg 29/03/2005 1730315 05736111.5 German (11/11/2009) 1730751 Patents Office Journal THE PROVOST, FELLOWS AND (No. 2137) 12/03/2004 1730751 04720130.6 22/02/2005 1730925 05716766.0 6257 SCHOLARS OF THE COLLEGE OF THE HOLY AND UNDIVIDED TRINITY OF QUEEN ELIZABETH NEAR DUBLIN 1730925 International Business Machines Corporation 1733830 Röhm GmbH 28/01/2006 1733830 06001776.1 German 1734184 Ed. Züblin Aktiengesellschaft 14/06/2006 1734184 06115417.5 German 1734629 SETOLITE Lichttechnik GmbH 13/06/2006 1734629 06115355.7 German 1737194 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 14/06/2006 1737194 06012263.7 German 1737323 Oase GmbH 14/04/2005 1737323 05739615.2 German 1737934 Institut Français du Pétrole 22/03/2005 1737934 05742728.8 French 1738008 Sefar AG 15/04/2005 1738008 05733881.6 German 1739169 SYSMEX CORPORATION 27/06/2006 1739169 06013241.2 1739285 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, 01/07/2005 1739285 05014377.5 German A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1739887 Renaissance Learning, Inc 20/06/2006 1739887 06290998.1 1742309 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 06/07/2005 1742309 05014705.7 04/05/2005 1743428 05740257.0 German German der Wissenschaften e.V. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 1743428 ENDRESS + HAUSER WETZER GmbH + Co. KG 1743616 Roche, Charlotte 12/07/2006 1743616 06117044.5 1746850 Infineon Technologies AG 03/08/2001 1746850 06022869.9 1747717 Inauen R. AG 09/06/2006 1747717 06115215.3 German 1747917 ebm-papst St. Georgen GmbH & Co. 04/07/2006 1747917 06013774.2 German KG 1749696 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. 01/08/2006 1749696 06118232.5 German 1749753 KHS AG 23/06/2006 1749753 06012934.3 German 1752076 Black & Decker Inc. 11/08/2005 1752076 05255024.1 1755456 Becton, Dickinson and Company 06/05/2005 1755456 05746249.1 1755723 RADI MEDICAL SYSTEMS AB 01/06/2005 1755723 05746826.6 1756616 Nokia Corporation 11/05/2005 1756616 05750812.9 1756953 Qualcomm, Incorporated 29/04/2005 1756953 05744347.5 1757349 Waters Investments Limited 13/02/2006 1757349 06002849.5 6258 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1757426 BASF SE 09/08/2006 1757426 06118652.4 1759721 VASCUTEK LIMITED 02/06/2006 1759721 06252862.5 German TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1760048 Ohara Inc. 04/09/2006 1760048 06018439.7 1760634 QinetiQ Limited 13/11/2003 1760634 06024926.5 1761034 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26/08/2005 1761034 05781849.4 1761446 Blueprint Automation B.V. 20/06/2005 1761446 05753070.1 1761553 Immatics Biotechnologies GmbH 24/05/2005 1761553 05752606.3 German 1761759 RICO GESELLSCHAFT FüR 23/04/2005 1761759 05757765.2 German MIKROELEKTRONIK mbH 1762768 Klann Spezial-Werkzeugbau GmbH 25/08/2006 1762768 06017696.3 German 1762777 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. 28/08/2006 1762777 06119632.5 German 1762963 bekuplast Kunststoffverarbeitungs- 12/08/2006 1762963 06016889.5 German German GmbH 1763463 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 14/04/2005 1763463 05735717.0 1764554 ROSEMOUNT AEROSPACE INC. 22/08/2006 1764554 06017450.5 1766138 Arjowiggins 12/07/2005 1766138 05792022.5 French ARJOWIGGINS SECURITY 1769187 Humanscale Corporation 10/06/2005 1769187 05760459.7 1769610 VERAZ Networks Ltd. 13/07/2005 1769610 05759996.1 1771347 Mandzsu, Jozsef, Sr. 26/05/2005 1771347 05748389.3 Mandzsu, Jozsef Jr. Mandzsu, Zoltan 1773076 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 28/06/2006 1773076 06753054.3 1773553 L.B. - Officine Meccaniche-S.p.A. 22/07/2005 1773553 05771039.4 1773563 S.I.P.A. Societa' Industrializzazione 25/05/2005 1773563 05753976.9 Progettazione Automazione - S.P.A. 1774100 International Paper Company 06/07/2005 1774100 05771020.4 1774190 Ifa Technologies GmbH 06/08/2004 1774190 04763885.3 German 1774274 ThyssenKrupp EGM GmbH 26/08/2005 1774274 05782944.2 German 1774843 Deere & Company 03/08/2006 1774843 06118380.2 1776138 Angiosyn, Inc. 21/07/2005 1776138 05759912.8 1778877 Canon U.S. Life Scie nces, Inc. 28/07/2005 1778877 05857703.2 1779209 Dresser, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) 08/08/2005 1779209 05782966.5 1780911 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13/07/2005 1780911 05763202.8 1781608 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 08/08/2005 1781608 05772210.0 1781673 AstraZeneca AB 16/08/2005 1781673 05771781.1 1781802 Wyeth Research Ireland Limited 26/08/2005 1781802 05791482.2 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6259 1782341 Gemalto SA 08/08/2005 1782341 05772817.2 1782947 Politec Polimeri Tecnici S.A. 07/11/2005 1782947 05077533.7 1783773 Pioneer Corporation 01/08/2005 1783773 07102247.9 1784052 Panasonic Corporation 24/08/2005 1784052 05780883.4 1785114 MAQUET GmbH & Co. KG 07/11/2006 1785114 06123596.6 German 1788299 Vogt, Philippe 22/11/2005 1788299 05405652.8 German 1788865 Groß, Fritz 01/08/2005 1788865 05778438.1 German 1789456 BASF SE 09/08/2005 1789456 05771174.9 German 1790113 Research In Motion Limited 31/10/2005 1790113 05850121.4 1790805 Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG 06/11/2006 1790805 06123545.3 1791973 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH 31/08/2004 1791973 04782716.7 German CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL 1795334 Mulet Martinez, Mauricio Eduardo 29/11/2006 1795334 06124984.3 1796490 X-Technology Swiss, Gmbh 17/08/2005 1796490 05777586.8 1797527 Gemalto SA 20/06/2005 1797527 05754612.9 1801233 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics 04/12/2006 1801233 06024985.1 German German German Products GmbH 1801334 Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG 14/11/2006 1801334 06124037.0 1802437 Husky Injection Molding Systems S.A. 29/08/2005 1802437 05778711.1 1803515 Black & Decker, Inc. 28/11/2006 1803515 06124896.9 1805055 Haldex Traction AB 21/12/2005 1805055 05804978.4 1807697 Aventis Pharma S.A. 24/10/2005 1807697 05812049.4 1807961 Qualcomm Incorporated 20/09/2005 1807961 05798731.5 1809500 Valeo Climate Control, Corp. 30/09/2005 1809500 05804103.9 1812181 SMS Siemag AG 30/11/2006 1812181 06829190.5 German 1812291 Gesellschaft für Lärmschutz mbH 03/11/2005 1812291 05807551.6 German 1813662 MERCK PATENT GmbH 29/12/2006 1813662 06027041.0 1813832 ZF Sachs AG 06/08/2002 1813832 07009775.3 1814080 Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret 01/03/2006 1814080 06251101.9 02/11/2005 1815499 05798141.7 French German A.S. 1815499 Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1815938 Force Technology 06/02/2006 1815938 06388006.6 1816408 Emerson Network Power S.R.L. 22/01/2007 1816408 07100880.9 1817707 Alcoa Inc. 25/10/2005 1817707 05816025.0 1817997 IEG S.A. 09/01/2007 1817997 07380003.9 1821390 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 10/02/2007 1821390 07002876.6 German 6260 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1826484 Tempratec Limited 07/08/2006 1826484 06118562.5 1827669 Lubrizol Limited 06/12/2005 1827669 05852979.3 1827837 Silverbrook Research Pty. Ltd 06/12/2004 1827837 04801129.0 1829296 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 03/12/2004 1829296 04803497.9 1829466 Aladin-Music-Hall Gastronomie GmbH 12/01/2007 1829466 07000595.4 German German Linnenbaum, Bernhard 1830548 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19/12/2005 1830548 05819599.1 1833728 Loadhog Limited 21/09/2005 1833728 05784413.6 1835063 Miele & Cie. KG 15/02/2007 1835063 07003177.8 German 1835201 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 27/02/2007 1835201 07103122.3 German 1835638 QUALCOMM Incorporated 31/10/2000 1835638 07011317.0 1836204 Forschungszentrum Dresden - 08/12/2005 1836204 05822589.7 German Rossendorf e.V. 1836257 BOREALIS POLYMERS OY 12/01/2006 1836257 06700628.8 1836745 Wärtsilä Finland Oy 02/01/2006 1836745 06700071.1 1838318 EURO-CELTIQUE S.A. 17/01/2006 1838318 06700652.8 1838910 Lindauer Dornier GmbH 22/12/2005 1838910 05824203.3 German 1841392 Selt, Hermann Josef 27/01/2006 1841392 06705854.5 German 1841560 3M Innovative Properties Company 29/12/2005 1841560 05856022.8 1842461 Künne van Haselen, Adriana 03/04/2007 1842461 07006917.4 German 1842630 Universitätsklinikum Freiburg 06/04/2006 1842630 06007301.2 German 1843216 Park & OPC Co., Ltd. 26/01/2007 1843216 07001725.6 1845826 Inventum Group B.V. 21/12/2004 1845826 04804975.3 Electrical and Electronics Limited Coval Art Tec Limited 1846412 Fermion Oy 06/02/2006 1846412 06708893.0 1849447 Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH 17/04/2007 1849447 07007748.2 1851030 ECIM Technologies B.V. 23/12/2005 1851030 05822955.0 1851031 ECIM Technologies B.V. 23/12/2005 1851031 05822957.6 1851322 IEP GmbH 21/02/2006 1851322 06723073.0 German 1852360 De Bastos Almeida, Artur 22/02/2007 1852360 07102896.3 French 1853474 Knorr-Bremse Gesellschaft mit 09/02/2006 1853474 06706773.6 German German German beschränkter Haftung 1853582 AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG 14/02/2006 1853582 06706932.8 1853688 Unilever PLC 25/01/2006 1853688 06706481.6 UNILEVER N.V. 1853724 Epigenomics AG 02/03/2006 1853724 06707458.3 1853953 Tyco Electronics Raychem BVBA 10/01/2006 1853953 06700422.6 German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6261 1854665 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. 10/05/2007 1854665 07107888.5 German 1854709 Fontaine International Europe Limited 01/05/2007 1854709 07251833.5 1854965 Carl Freudenberg KG 02/05/2007 1854965 07008832.3 1855901 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 17/02/2006 1855901 06723060.7 German German der angewandten Forschung e.V. Faurecia Innenraum Systeme GmbH 1855946 CFS Germany GmbH 01/03/2006 1855946 06707349.4 1857084 Alcon, Inc. 16/05/2007 1857084 07108391.9 1862250 Railtech International 22/05/2007 1862250 07108671.4 1863443 Actavis Group hf. 02/03/2006 1863443 06711375.3 1864564 HONDA MOTOR CO., Ltd. 25/04/2006 1864564 07114293.9 1865094 BCT Coating Technologies AG 08/06/2006 1865094 06115181.7 German 1865128 Clotures Michel Willoquaux 11/04/2007 1865128 07350004.3 French 1865358 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 05/06/2007 1865358 07109640.8 1867376 Pfannenberg GmbH 05/02/2007 1867376 07002402.1 1867899 Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd. 31/05/2006 1867899 06011167.1 1868500 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 06/04/2006 1868500 06724086.1 21/03/2006 1869133 06732955.7 30/07/1999 1870103 07116909.8 French German German Roche Diagnostics GmbH 1869133 Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 1870103 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1870203 Leitz GmbH & Co. KG 15/06/2007 1870203 07011806.2 German 1870996 SMA Solar Technology AG 24/06/2006 1870996 06013068.9 German 1871220 Roche Diagnostics GmbH 10/04/2006 1871220 06724204.0 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1871674 P.E. Labellers S.p.A. 12/04/2006 1871674 06742571.0 1871686 fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG 11/04/2006 1871686 06724225.5 1872729 The University of Dundee 29/06/2006 1872729 06013422.8 1873596 NBB Controls + Components AG 01/07/2006 1873596 06013696.7 German 1874797 Centre National de la Recherche 27/04/2006 1874797 06755456.8 French 11/01/2006 1875020 06706197.8 German German Scientifique Université Montpellier II 1875020 Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG 6262 1875940 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal Shue, Ming-Jeng (11/11/2009) 01/07/2004 1875940 07018178.9 27/06/2007 1876353 07290797.5 Huang, Deborah Shue, Philip 1876353 Continental Automotive Asnieres French France 1876615 Eaton Corporation 06/07/2007 1876615 07013278.2 1877317 Becton, Dickinson and Company 02/05/2006 1877317 06758985.3 1877459 SIKA TECHNOLOGY AG 28/04/2006 1877459 06763062.4 1878647 YAMAHA HATSUDOKI 27/06/2007 1878647 07252611.4 German KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1878880 ALSTOM Technology Ltd 05/07/2007 1878880 07111783.2 1880481 Manx Electricity Authority 28/04/2006 1880481 06726931.6 1884155 Deere & Company 24/07/2007 1884155 07112994.4 1884616 OMRON Corporation, a corporation of 26/07/2007 1884616 07113232.8 German German Japan Mitsubishi Jidosha Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 1885581 AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT AB 09/05/2006 1885581 06755093.9 1888740 Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff- 01/06/2006 1888740 06753237.4 German Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V.Hans-Knöll-Institut- (HKI) 1889078 Liebert Corporation 30/05/2006 1889078 06771512.8 1889894 MERCK PATENT GmbH 02/07/2007 1889894 07012928.3 German 1890926 SchmitterChassis GmbH 22/03/2006 1890926 06725230.4 German 1891380 Huber Kunststoff & Technik GmbH 06/06/2006 1891380 06791518.1 German 1891791 Alcatel Lucent 02/06/2006 1891791 06795276.2 1892414 ULMAN Dichtungstechnik GmbH 21/07/2006 1892414 06015242.8 1892703 Harman Becker Automotive Systems 22/08/2006 1892703 06017456.2 German GmbH 1895078 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 30/08/2006 1895078 06291376.9 1895659 MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., 09/06/2006 1895659 06766541.4 French LTD. 1896110 Cook Incorporated 09/06/2006 1896110 06772709.9 1896237 Albrecht-Huijsmans, Antonia Maria 18/08/2005 1896237 05775155.4 1897893 Emsland-Stärke GmbH 29/08/2007 1897893 07115213.6 1898397 Panasonic Corporation 27/06/2006 1898397 06767396.2 1898557 Research In Motion Limited 08/09/2006 1898557 06120402.0 1899207 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 13/06/2006 1899207 06763659.7 German German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1900333 TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP 08/08/2001 1900333 07022943.0 1901572 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25/07/2006 1901572 06761577.3 1901617 Innova s.a. 16/05/2006 1901617 06745100.5 1901698 Indena S.p.A. 14/06/2006 1901698 06754350.4 1902571 Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. 29/06/2006 1902571 06777501.5 6263 German KG 1903634 Research in Motion Limited 16/06/2003 1903634 07123380.3 1903897 Ioto International Indústria e Comércio 07/07/2006 1903897 06766054.8 de Produtos aromáticos Ltda 1904471 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 05/07/2006 1904471 06776122.1 1904502 Aryx Therapeutics, Inc. 14/07/2006 1904502 06787500.5 1904745 SEKO S.p.A. 07/07/2006 1904745 06766377.3 1906890 Thuasne Deutschland GmbH 26/02/2007 1906890 07722929.2 German 1907250 JOST-Werke GmbH 20/07/2006 1907250 06791543.9 German 1907345 Enzychem Co., Ltd. 18/07/2006 1907345 06783328.5 1909603 Philip Morris Products S.A. 28/04/2006 1909603 06765532.4 1909635 Ayoun, Gilles 26/06/2006 1909635 06778665.7 French German Merran, Joel 1910454 CATENA Additives GmbH & Co. KG 23/06/2005 1910454 05755095.6 1911756 Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 09/01/2006 1911756 07023528.8 1914070 FUJIFILM Corporation 07/02/2003 1914070 08002311.2 1916644 RUAG Electronics 19/10/2007 1916644 07405313.3 1916833 Nortel Networks Limited 30/10/2007 1916833 07394026.4 1917062 Abbott Laboratories Vascular 17/08/2006 1917062 06776921.6 German Enterprises Limited 1918509 Cameron Systems (Ireland) Limited 01/06/2004 1918509 08000994.7 1919714 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 14/08/2006 1919714 06776846.5 German 1920097 Spielmann, William Steven 23/08/2006 1920097 06775150.3 French German Spielmann, Anton Percy 1920355 Hiflex Software GesmbH 28/07/2006 1920355 06776494.4 1920434 Nokia Corporation 25/08/2006 1920434 06795778.7 1921305 MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, 12/07/2007 1921305 07013689.0 LTD. 1922192 GIBEN INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. 24/08/2006 1922192 06795407.3 1922207 ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL 10/08/2006 1922207 06764321.3 (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 6264 1922513 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal ARNOLD & RICHTER CINE (11/11/2009) 06/09/2006 1922513 06791956.3 German TECHNIK GMBH & CO. BETRIEBS KG 1923851 THE BOEING COMPANY 12/11/2007 1923851 07254430.7 1923886 ODS Technology GmbH 15/11/2006 1923886 06023768.2 1924471 WashTec Holding GmbH 02/08/2007 1924471 07802473.4 1925174 Cisco Technology, Inc. 11/09/2006 1925174 06814374.2 1925284 KPSS-Kao Professional Salon Services 17/11/2007 1925284 07022336.7 German GmbH 1926886 Colquhoun, Ross 19/09/2006 1926886 06779458.6 1927335 KPSS-Kao Professional Salon Services 14/11/2007 1927335 07022067.8 GmbH 1928240 BASF SE 31/08/2006 1928240 06793096.6 1928662 KBA-GIORI S.A. 11/09/2006 1928662 06795983.3 1930120 PREWI Schneidwerkzeuge GmbH 22/12/2006 1930120 06127069.0 1930309 BASF SE 29/06/2005 1930309 08151913.4 1932088 Pace Plc 25/09/2006 1932088 06809402.8 1932410 ETABLISSEMENTS FRANQUET 06/12/2007 1932410 07291464.1 1932506 KPSS-Kao Professional Salon Services 17/11/2007 1932506 07022337.5 German German French GmbH 1933346 ABB AB 07/06/2001 1933346 08101936.6 1934950 FABRIANO SECURITIES S.R.L. 27/02/2006 1934950 06710494.3 1935280 L'ORÉAL 20/12/2007 1935280 07123781.2 French 1935750 OM Carrelli Elevatori S.p.A. 30/11/2007 1935750 07023262.4 German 1937568 Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 20/07/2006 1937568 06800159.3 1939031 GM Global Technology Operations, 16/08/2006 1939031 08005092.5 German 14/11/2007 1942065 07022071.0 German Inc. 1942065 BWG BERGWERK- UND WALZWERK-MASCHINENBAU GMBH 1942131 Borealis Technology Oy 29/12/2006 1942131 06027119.4 1942717 Arnetoli, Fabrizio 02/11/2005 1942717 05813333.1 1944053 ASAHI INTECC CO., LTD. 06/12/2007 1944053 07254723.5 1944139 Leu Anlagenbau AG 17/12/2007 1944139 07024374.6 1945432 PIRELLI TYRE S.p.A. 27/10/2005 1945432 05813689.6 1947223 Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik KG 18/01/2007 1947223 07001067.3 German 1949020 Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH 09/11/2006 1949020 06818419.1 German 1950135 Voith Patent GmbH 28/01/2008 1950135 08150694.1 German German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 1952983 manroland AG 30/01/2008 1952983 08001686.8 1954220 PeriTec Biosciences, Ltd. 16/11/2006 1954220 06837842.1 6265 German THE CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION 1960298 Avery Dennison Corporation 08/12/2006 1960298 06829454.5 German 1960777 Choongwae Pharma Corporation 27/11/2006 1960777 06838470.0 1963109 SAF-HOLLAND GmbH 20/12/2006 1963109 06841054.7 1966416 INVISTA Technologies S.à.r.l. 01/12/2006 1966416 06838819.8 1968033 Tennagels, Thomas 04/10/2007 1968033 07117879.2 1970287 Team-Tex 17/03/2008 1970287 08102684.1 1970644 SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 25/08/2003 1970644 08011093.5 1971601 Array Biopharma Inc. 15/11/2006 1971601 06837728.2 1972204 Vontavon, Paul 03/03/2008 1972204 08003872.2 1972715 Elettrotecnica Rold Srl 19/03/2008 1972715 08005083.4 1973769 Renault SAS 03/01/2007 1973769 07718207.9 1973802 Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 17/01/2007 1973802 07718328.3 1975021 VALEO VISION 06/03/2008 1975021 08152396.1 French 1978583 Universität Duisburg-Essen 12/04/2007 1978583 07007509.8 German 1979320 AstraZeneca AB 05/01/2007 1979320 07716336.8 1981903 AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG 25/01/2007 1981903 07703035.1 1982088 Freni Brembo S.p.A. 07/02/2006 1982088 06711417.3 1982571 AL-KO KOBER AG 18/04/2008 1982571 08007547.6 German 1983495 Fabrication d'Applications et de 15/04/2008 1983495 08103541.2 French German German German French German Réalisations Electroniques 1984006 Orthogen AG 02/02/2007 1984006 07711428.8 German 1984250 CFS Germany GmbH 08/02/2007 1984250 07703367.8 German 1984254 SACMI Packaging S.p.A. 08/02/2007 1984254 07705565.5 1985664 EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY 02/03/2006 1985664 08012673.3 1985930 Electrolux Home Products Corporation 24/04/2007 1985930 07008272.2 N.V. 1986173 SkiData AG 26/04/2007 1986173 07008485.0 1986317 ABB Oy 27/04/2007 1986317 07107115.3 1986826 Ferrobotics Compliant Robot 23/02/2007 1986826 07710497.4 German German Technology GmbH 1987131 Medical Research Council 23/02/2007 1987131 07705249.6 1988909 Flen Pharma N.V. 30/07/2007 1988909 07801465.1 1989045 K.M.B. Klebetechnik GMBH 18/01/2007 1989045 07702859.5 1989247 ARKEMA FRANCE 19/02/2007 1989247 07712238.0 German 6266 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 1991125 Couzan, Serge 02/03/2007 1991125 07731072.0 1991590 CYTEC SURFACE SPECIALTIES, 02/02/2007 1991590 07704335.4 07/02/2007 1991596 07763364.2 French S.A. 1991596 H.B. FULLER LICENSING & FINANCING, INC. 1992858 Flexa GmbH & Co. KG 17/08/2000 1992858 08012975.2 German 1994283 Linde AG 13/02/2007 1994283 07703444.5 German 1994325 Novatec SA 14/03/2007 1994325 07731146.2 French 1996128 Otto Bock HealthCare IP GmbH & Co. 15/03/2007 1996128 07711243.1 German KG 1998656 SEB SA 07/03/2007 1998656 07731103.3 French 1999392 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 27/02/2007 1999392 07726531.2 German 2000226 Presezzi Extrusion S.p.A. 05/06/2008 2000226 08010226.2 2001943 REHAU AG + Co 09/03/2007 2001943 07723128.0 2004783 R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Company 10/04/2006 2004783 06812887.5 2008874 REIMO Reisemobil-Center GmbH 27/03/2008 2008874 08005799.5 2013967 QUALCOMM Incorporated 20/04/2007 2013967 07761014.5 2015796 Medela Holding AG 03/05/2007 2015796 07720117.6 2016686 Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson 19/04/2007 2016686 07728304.2 German German German (PUBL) 2019775 AIRBUS France 28/03/2007 2019775 07727430.6 French 2019933 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 25/04/2007 2019933 07728479.2 German 2020052 Telefonaktiebolaget L.M. Ericsson 19/05/2006 2020052 06753740.7 2021420 Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 31/05/2006 2021420 06754005.4 2022049 Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique 03/05/2007 2022049 07731406.0 French 2022884 Miele & Cie. KG 05/07/2008 2022884 08012188.2 German 2024072 Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH 24/04/2007 2024072 07724494.5 German 2024387 Obschestvo S Ogranichennoi 04/12/2006 2024387 06843997.5 Otvetstvennostyu "s ia Peptides" 2024696 Arçelik A.S. 29/05/2007 2024696 07729633.3 2025261 Anton Schneider GmbH & Co KG 02/07/2008 2025261 08011890.4 2025597 G.D S.p.A. 11/12/2007 2025597 07122956.1 2025634 Wang, Ching-Hsiang 02/08/2007 2025634 07015225.1 2025991 SICK AG 04/06/2008 2025991 08104249.1 2026771 YISSUM RESEARCH 23/01/2007 2026771 07706027.5 DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM German German (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 2026920 Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH 01/06/2007 2026920 07729813.1 2027572 Philips Intellectual Property & 11/05/2007 2027572 07735862.0 6267 German Standards GmbH Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2028463 InfraTec GmbH 13/08/2007 2028463 07015884.5 German 2028673 SCHURTER GmbH 27/06/2008 2028673 08011657.7 German 2029671 Sabic Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 18/05/2007 2029671 07797575.3 2029958 Brydges-Price, Richard Ian 15/06/2007 2029958 07733254.2 2030647 Covidien AG 14/07/2008 2030647 08012657.6 2032282 Singh, Sumanjit 19/06/2007 2032282 07785829.8 German 2032620 GTI PROCESS 21/06/2007 2032620 07803920.3 French 2032830 FACC AG 22/06/2007 2032830 07718515.5 German 2033795 Mimaki Engineering Co., Ltd. 01/07/2008 2033795 08290642.1 2034293 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 10/09/2007 2034293 07017650.8 German Roche Diagnostics GmbH 2034862 Nuova Pansac S.p.A. 02/07/2007 2034862 07785879.3 2035350 Johnson Matthey Public Limited 22/06/2007 2035350 07789014.3 19/06/2007 2035514 07812195.1 Company 2035514 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2035771 THE TIMKEN COMPANY 29/05/2007 2035771 07797851.8 2040581 Kusch & Co. Sitzmöbelwerke GmbH & 10/07/2007 2040581 07785955.1 German Co. KG 2040703 Sanofi-Aventis 03/07/2007 2040703 07803831.2 French 2041153 LABORATOIRES FOURNIER SA 12/07/2007 2041153 07823569.4 French 2042001 FRANCE TELECOM 19/06/2007 2042001 07803885.8 French 2042885 Acorde Technologies, S.A. 26/09/2007 2042885 07075834.7 2044046 THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR 22/05/2007 2044046 07733705.3 DEFENCE 2044648 Kathrein-Werke KG 24/05/2007 2044648 07725541.2 2049724 Indesit Company S.p.A. 30/05/2007 2049724 07734768.0 2052349 Fotonation Vision Limited 18/06/2007 2052349 07764695.8 2054298 Moog Inc. 30/07/2007 2054298 07810902.2 2059463 KHS AG 16/08/2007 2059463 07818027.0 2062001 Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 10/09/2007 2062001 07820085.4 2098548 Sika Technology AG 05/03/2008 2098548 08152325.0 German German German 6268 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Deemed to have been Withdrawn - Section 23(5) 20080755 An implement. ZAX INNOVATIVE DESIGNS LIMITED S20080757 A pharmacy prescription processing system. DAIRE SCANLON S20080758 A re-useable shopping bag system. PAUL DOYLE 20080760 A device. EMBRICON LIMITED 20080767 A gutter. KINGSPAN HOLDINGS (IRL) LIMITED 20080768 A gutter. KINGSPAN HOLDINGS (IRL) LIMITED S20080771 A dispenser for particulate matter. Handy Baby Products Limited 20080773 Composition and method for treatment of premature labor. THE PROVOST, FELLOWS AND SCHOLARS OF THE COLLEGE OF THE HOLY AND UNDIVIDED TRINITY OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, NEAR DUBLIN; THE COOMBE LYING-IN HOSPITAL 20080778 A device. STAMFORD DEVICES LIMITED 20080779 A System. STAMFORD DEVICES LIMITED 20080780 A Device. STAMFORD DEVICES LIMITED 20080781 A device. STAMFORD DEVICES LIMITED 20080782 A device. STAMFORD DEVICES LIMITED S20080784 Microwave plasma sintering. WENDT GMBH; UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, DUBLIN S20080785 An apparatus and method for indicating cardiac output. HEARTSINE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED S20080787 A composition for use in the treatment of herpes simplex virus and other ailments. WILLIAM OTTO REHLING S20080788 A method for operating a computer to determine a cause of a problem in an industrial process. EDEL MARY JONES; WILLIAM PATRICK JONES S20080792 A storage and display unit. PAUL MOORE S20080799 A seat recline system. PROMEK SEATING SYSTEMS LIMITED (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) Refused - Section 31(1) 19920594 Int. Cl. (2009)A61K 31/42. PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING INTERLEUKIN-2. Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd. 19921218 Int. Cl. (2009)H02G 3/36; H02G 3/30. Improvements in and relating to trunking. PERFECTLY POSSIBLE LIMITED 19980439 Int. Cl. (2009)B60P 7/00; B60P 3/06. Mounting kit connector. MOFFETT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 19980983 Int. Cl. (2009)F03B 15/00. An hydraulic drive system and controller. MOFFETT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 20080011 Int. Cl. (2009)H01Q 3/08. Remote Electrical Tilt with Azimuth Steering capability. NAOMI THOMPSON; JAMES BROWNE; EDWINA BROWNE; JUSTIN COLLERY Withdrawn – Section 33(1) 20080861 Hinge positioning and routing template. JIM POWELL 20080862 Door mounting apparatus. JIM POWELL 6269 6270 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Supplementary Protection Certificates Granted The name and address of the grantee follows the number allocated to the application for grant of a certificate; this number applies also to the granted certificate. The date in brackets following the name and address is the date of grant of the certificate. The number of the basic Patent and the title of the invention are followed by the name of the product for which the certificate is granted. Market authorisation references in respect of the product concerned are also shown, followed by the date of expiry of the certificate. 2009001 Research Corporation Technologies, Inc, 5210 E. Williams Circle, Suite 240, Tucson, Arizona 85711-4410, United States of America (13/10/2009) Patent No: 0888289; ANTICONVULSANT ENANTIOMERIC AMINO ACID DERIVATIVES Product: Lacosamide Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/08/470/001-016, 29/08/2008 Certificate Expires on: 16/03/2022 Supplementary Protection Certificates Withdrawn The name and address of the requestor follow the number allocated to the request. The date in bracketsfollowing the name and address is the date of receipt of the request. The Patent number is that under whichthe product in respect of which a certificate is sought is, allegedly, protected. Market Authorisationreferences in respect of the product concerned are also shown. 2007020 Prosidion Limited, Windrush Court, Watlington Road, Oxford OX4 6LT, United Kingdom (18/04/2007) Patent No: 0896538; USE OF ACTIVITY INHIBITING DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE IV EFFECTORS FOR LOWERING THE BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL IN MAMMALS Product: Sitagliptin, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, in particular the phosphate salt Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/07/383/001-018, 21/03/2007 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6271 Supplementary Protection Certificates Rejected The name and address of the requestor follow the number allocated to the request. The date in brackets, following the name and address, is the date of receipt of the request. The patent number is that under which the product in respect of which a certificate is sought is, allegedly, protected. Market authorisation references in respect of the product concerned are also shown. 2006/004 ASTELLAS PHARMA INC. 3-11, Nihonbashi-Honcho 2-chome, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 103-8411, Japan (18 January 2006) Patent No: 0634408 Depsipeptide derivative, production thereof and use thereof Product: Emodepside or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof Market Authorisation: EU/2/05/054/001-017 (EMEA/V/C/907) (27 July 2005) Application rejected under Article 10(2) of Regulation (EC) No. 469/2009 Short Term Patent Deemed Vo id Under Section 64 S83578 Int. Cl. (2009) A61B 5/11. A measurement apparatus. JOHN CARTY S84623 Int. Cl. (2009) A61K 9/20; A61K 31/403; A61P 29/00. A process for the preparation of an orally administered unit dose tablet. MICHAEL HILARY BURKE S84888 Int. Cl. (2009) A61K 9/20; A61K 31/138; A61P 9/00. A process for the preparation of an orally administered unit dose tablet. MICHAEL HILARY BURKE 6272 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Errata - Patents European Patents Designating Ireland Treated as Always Having Been Void in Accordance with Section 119(7) 1682232 In Journal Number 2136, of 28 October 2009 under the heading European Patents Designating Ireland Treated as Always Having Been Void in Accordance with Section 119(7) , European Patent number 1682232 was advertised in error as always having been void. Applications for Patents 20090610 In Journal Number 2133 of 16 September 2009 under the heading Applications for Patents, patent number 20090610 was advertised incorrectly. The correct application is as follows Ó hINNEIRGHE KARL; HENRY ANTHONY T-lock 07 August 2009 HENRY ANTHONY; Ó hINNEIRGHE KARL T-lock 07 August 2009 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) Copyright in Designs Extended for a Third Period of Five Years 13321 23-02 An ablutionary shower control unit. 13361 09-01 Bottle with cap. Copyright in Designs Expired 10455 07-01 A carafe. 10491 09-01 Bottle. 10496 09-01 Bottle. 10498 09-07 Container closure with tubing extending there form. 10501 07-01 A mug. 10502 07-02 A coffeemaker. 10523 09-03 A container. 10524 09-03 A container with cap. 10534 09-01 A bottle. 10536 19-06 A fountain pen. 10537 19-06 A fountain pen. 10538 19-06 A ball- point pen. 10539 19-06 A ball- point pen. 10559 09-01 A bottle. 10560 09-01 A bottle. 10577 09-01 A bottle. 10586 24 10624 08-09 Automatic protective device with slide able windows/panels 12840 07-99 A utility lighter. 12903 09-01 A bottle. 12914 06-08 Garment hanger. 12915 04-02 Toothbrush handle. 12916 04-02 Toothbrush handle. 12919 08-06 A handle for a handbag. 12944 14-03 Telephone apparatus. 12945 14-03 Telephone apparatus. 12946 14-03 Telephone apparatus. 12978 28-02 A decolourant block. 13037 12-02 A luggage cart. A training means for inhaler and part there of. 6273 6274 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Designs Registered Under The Industrial Designs Act, 2001 21023 02-02 CARMEL TYNAN Glowgoat Ltd, Cloonacauneen, Castlegar, Co. Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CARMEL TYNAN, Glowgoat Ltd, Cloonacauneen, Castlegar, Co. Galway, Ireland. Date of Registration: 19 April 2007. A trendy high visibility jacket for children/youths/adults. One arm will be in fluorescent yellow and other areas will be highlighted with reflective strips (11/11/2009) 21192 15:99 Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 6275 MARC TORRADES Carrownree House, Dromard, Co. Slig o, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MARC TORRADES, Carrownree House, Dromard, Co. Sligo, Ireland. Date of Registration: 03 June 2009. Aerofoil of a vertical axis windturbine / wind turbine 6276 21193 (No. 2137) 15-04 Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) NICHOLAS HOWARD Dangan, Kilmacow, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Address for service is c/o NICHOLAS HOWARD, Dangan, Kilmacow, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Date of Registration: 16 July 2009. A crushing attachment for excavators. Designs Registered Under The Industrial Designs Act 2001, which have expired due to non-renewal Design number 20582 20626 20627 20636 20638 Class 21-01 02-03 02-02 09-03 19-99 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 4998 Patents Office Journal Irisleabhar Oifig Na bPaitinní Cuid II Trádmharcanna No. 2137 Wednesday, 11 November, 2009 NOTE: The office does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications nor undertake any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. In this Part of the Journal, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to the 1963 Act means the Trade Marks Act, 1963, a reference to the 1963 Rules means the Trade Marks Rules, 1963, a reference to the 1996 Act means the Trade Marks Act, 1996 and a reference to the 1996 Rules means the Trade Marks Rules, 1996. 4999 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) Application for Registration of marks published under Section 43(1) of the 1996 Act following acceptance Notice is hereby given that Applications for the Registration of the undermentioned trade marks have been accepted. Any person who desires to oppose the registration of these trade marks may within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. It should be noted that under the provisions of Rule 63(2) no extension of the opposition period is allowed for lodging opposition under Rule 18. It is desirable before lodging formal opposition that a communication should be addressed to the Applicant affording him an opportunity to withdraw his application for registration. In this way cost of opposition proceedings may be avoided . SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG, Schwarzwaldallee 215, 4058 Basel, Switzerland. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. 241911 20 May 2009 Class 12. Baby carriages, prams PAUL SHAUGHNESSY, 232 Boireann Beag, Roscam, Galway, Ireland EVELYN GARVEY, 232 Boireann Beag, Roscam, Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o PAUL SHAUGHNESSY & EVELYN GARVEY, 232 Boireann Beag, Roscam, Galway, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) yellow pantone 122u and grey pantone 425u KODE 241913 24 June 2009 Class 33. Alcoholic beverages (excluding beer) EUNAN RYAN, 115A Haddington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o EUNAN RYAN, 115A Haddington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. RELEAFIX 241912 02 July 2009 Class 5. Preparations for destroying vermin; insecticides, fungicides (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5000 CLEANMARINE CLEAN MARINE CLEAN-MARINE Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 241914 29 July 2009 Class 41. Application is for a Series of 3 Trade Marks. 241916 Cinema services; entertainment; leisure centres; ten pin bowling; organisation of recreational activities. ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPRISES (TRADING), Leisureplex Retail Park, Malahide Road, Coolock, Dublin 17, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The first mark in use will be in the colours red, blue and grey 30 June 2009 Class 5. Dietary supplements; dietary supplements containing fish oils; dietary supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids; all of the above provided in the form of a capsule. DARRAGH HAMMOND, Naturalife, 4/5 Charvey Business Park, Rathnew, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. DOMINIC GALVIN, Naturalife, 4/5 Charvey Business Park, Rathnew, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Michael Lucey, PURDYLUCEY, The Capel Building, Suite 138/139, Mary's Abbey, Dublin 7, Ireland. DUBARRY 241915 01 July 2009 Class 16. Greeting cards DESIGNER GREETINGS, INC., 11 Executive Avenue, Edison, New Jersey 08817, United States of America. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. 241917 30 June 2009 Class 25. Class 35. Clothing; headgear; footwear; boots; shoes; slippers. Retail services relating to clothing, headgear, footwear, leather items and bags. GLENTAWN INVESTMENTS LIMITED, Glentaun, Ballinasloe, Co Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 5001 (11/11/2009) 241918 30 June 2009 Class 39. Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) Taxi transport TIIT NIGLAS, 20 Innisfree Court, Tonaphubble, Sligo, Ireland. Address for service is c/o TIIT NIGLAS, 20 Innisfree Court, Tonaphubble, Sligo, Ireland. Application is for a Series of 3 Trade Marks. 241920 05 August 2009 Class 30. RAMYTE 241919 30 June 2009 Class 5. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances sold by prescription only. ACTAVIS IRELAND LIMITED, 6 Kempton Grove, Navan Road, Dublin 7, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Confectionery, sugar confectionery, breath fresheners, frozen confectionery, chewing gum and mints TREBOR BASSETT LIMITED, Cadbury House, Sanderson Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1DH, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. The first mark, in use, will be in the colour(s) blue, red, white and grey. The second mark, in use, will be in the colour(s) green, red, white and grey 241921 16 July 2009 Class 25. Clothing; footwear; headgear. (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5002 ALAN CASEY, Alan T Casey & Associates, 108 Bohermore, Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o ALAN CASEY, c/o Battle for Trademarks Ltd, BATTLE House, 18 Hermitage Lawn, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16, Ireland. 241923 01 July 2009 Class 35. 241922 05 August 2009 Class 30. Confectionery, sugar confectionery, breath fresheners, frozen confectionery, chewing gum and mints Data search for others in a property register database SUSAN PLUNKETT, 63 Turnberry, Baldoyle, Dublin 13, Ireland. Address for service is c/o SUSAN PLUNKETT, 63 Turnberry, Baldoyle, Dublin 13, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) blue & white TREBOR BASSETT LIMITED, Cadbury House, Sanderson Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1DH, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. CARAMELICIOUS 241924 05 August 2009 Class 30. Confectionery; chocolate, chocolate confectionery; sugar confectionery; frozen confectionery; chilled confectionery; cakes, biscuits and wafers; chewing gum CADBURY UK LIMITED, Bournville, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. 5003 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) companies and individuals and the provision of Bureaux de Change services for companies and individuals DENSERUM 241925 16 July 2009 Class 1. Chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; plant growth regulators; fertilizers SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG, Schwarzwaldallee 215, 4058 Basel, Switzerland. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. EUROPEAN STUDENT SERVICES LTD, 20 Eden Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. Address for service is c/o EUROPEAN STUDENT SERVICES LTD, C/o, IDA Business & Technology Park, Ring Road, Kilkenny, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) red pantone 186C SORTED 4 SCHOOL ULTRA - TEX 241926 16 July 2009 Class 21. Cleaning cloths for cleaning purposes, impregnated or not impregnated with detergents or cleaning fluids. PGI NONWOVENS BV, P.O. Box 15, 5430 AA Cuijk, The Netherlands. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 241927 241928 21 July 2009 Class 30. Preparations made from cereals, breakfast cereals, cereal-based snack bars KELLOGG COMPANY, One Kellogg Square, P.O. Box 3599, Battle Creek, Michigan 49016-3599, United States of America. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. 06 August 2009 Class 35. Class 36. Business administration, namely administrative assistance in relation to the opening of bank accounts for companies and individuals Financial services, namely the transfer of funds for 241929 03 June 2009 Class 41. Sports camp services. (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5004 ROB ELLISON, 52 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. JASON HEFFERNAN, 52 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. ANDREW SEXTON, 52 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. TOM GALLAGHER, 52 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o JETA SPORTS, 52 Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Dublin, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) royal blue, yellow, red, white Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 241931 26 September 2007 Class 29. 241930 03 June 2009 Class 41. Sports camp services. JASON HEFFERNAN, 52 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. ROB ELLISON, 52 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. ANDREW SEXTON, 52 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. TOM GALLAGHER, 52 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o JETA SPORTS, 52 Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Dublin, Ireland. Class 30. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) orange, green, white Class 35. Meat, fish, poultry and game (none being live); meat extracts; preserved, dried, frozen, canned and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, fruit sauces; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; fat containing mixtures and fat based preparations for bread, pastry and dough and products therefor; cream cheese and cheese products; potato products; sauces and other food dressings; prepared meals and ingredients therfor included in Class 29; snack foods; soups; desserts; all included in Class 29. Sugar, rice, tapioca, sago; flour, cereals and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and non-medicated confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; biscuits, cakes, pastries; pasta and pasta products; snack foods; seasonings; salad dressings; ice cream; chocolate and chocolates; puddings and desserts; all included in Class 30. The bringing together for the benefit of others a variety of goods, namely clothing, footwear and headgear, household items, cleaning 5005 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal preparations and apparatus, kitchen appliances, kitchen implements, cooking implements, cooking appliances, furniture, rugs, door mats, telephone apparatus and instruments, stationery, books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, literary material, packaging, printed matter, maps, hammocks, tents and tarpaulins, groceries, fresh and frozen foods and prepared foods, meat, poultry and game, fruit and vegetables, oils and fats, preserves, pickles, food and drinks, dairy products, bread, confectionery, cakes, ice cream, frozen confections, sugar, condiments, alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, tobacco, smokers’ articles, personal toile tries, perfumes and cosmetics, health and beauty products, sanitary materials and preparations, brushes and cleaning apparatus and materials, catering products, nappies, napkins, medicines and pharmaceuticals, giftware, sporting goods and articles, bags, luggage, toys, games and playthings, glassware and other tableware, cutlery, home furnishings, goods relating to home decoration, hardware, oils and fuels, firelighters and barbeque sets, garden furniture, plants and flowers, records, tapes, CDs, DVDs and other audio visual materials, computer software, contraceptives, heating, electrical and lighting apparatus, allowing customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a supermarket and grocery store (No. 2137) Gala Retail Services Limited, 12 Dundrum Business Park, Dundrum, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Eoin Cunneen, L.K. SHIELDS SOLICITORS, 39/40 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. The first mark in the series, in use is/will be in the colour(s) white and shades of green (pantone references 376 and 3302) and the second mark in the series in use is/will be in the colours black and white Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 241932 25 June 2008 Class 9. 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; (No. 2137) Class 38. Patents Office Journal fire-extinguishing apparatus; apparatus for the transmission of sound and image; telecommunications apparatus; mobile telecommunication apparatus; mobile telecommunications handsets; computer hardware; computer software; computer software downloadable from the Internet; PDA's (Personal Digital Assistants), pocket PC's, mobile telephones, laptop computers; telecommunications network apparatus; drivers software for telecommunications networks and for telecommunications apparatus; protective clothing; protective helmets; computer software recorded onto CD Rom, SD-Cards, glasses, spectacle glasses, sunglasses, protective glasses and cases therefor; contact lenses; cameras; camera lenses; MP3 players; audio tapes, audio cassettes, audio discs; audio video tapes, audio-video cassettes, audio-video discs; video tapes, video cassettes, video discs; CDs, DVDs; electronic publications (downloadable); mouse mats; magnets; mobile telephone covers, mobile telephone cases; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Telecommunications; telecommunications services; mobile telecommunications services; telecommunications portal services; internet portal services; mobile telecommunications network services; fixed line telecommunication services; provision of broadband telecommunications access; broadband services; broadcasting services; television broadcasting services; broadcasting services relating to internet protocol TV; provision of access to internet protocol TV; internet access services; (11/11/2009) Class 41. Class 42. 5006 email and text messaging service; monitoring services relating to telecommunications networks and apparatus; expert activities in the field of telecommunications; rental of access time for data networks and data banks; information services provided by means of telecommunication networks relating to telecommunications; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; handling and rental of access time to data networks, data banks and databases, and particularly the Internet; communication services for accessing a database, leasing of access time to a computer database, providing access to computer databases, rental of access time to a computer database. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; interactive entertainment services; electronic games services provided by means of any communications network; entertainment and information services provided by means of telecommunication networks; provision of news information; television production and television programming services provided by means of internet protocol technology; provision of entertainment by means of television and internet protocol television; provision of musical events; entertainment club services; discotheque services; presentation of live performances; night clubs; rental of music venues and stadiums; casino services; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid Scientific and technological 5007 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; IT services in relation to compilation of information relating to information technology, consultancy services relating to information technology, engineering services relating to information technology, information services relating to information technology, technical consultancy services relating to information technology; computer programming services; programming of data processing apparatus and equipment; recovery of computer data; consultancy in the field of computer hardware; computer programming; duplication of computer programs; computer rental; computer software design; installation of computer software; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; rental of computer software; rental of computer hardware; computer system design; computer systems analysis; consultancy in the field of computer software; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining websites for others; data conversion of computer programs and data (not physical conversion); hosting computer sites (web sites) of others; engineering services relating to information technology and telecommunications; technical consulting; rental of data processing apparatus and computers; services of network provider ; services of information brokers and providers, namely product (No. 2137) research for others; weather forecasting; research relating to telecommunications; research of field telecommunic ation technology; expert activities relating to the aforesaid services; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid O2 Holdings Limited, Wellington Street, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1YP, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 241933 16 June 2009 Class 16. Printed matter; calandars; posters; stationary JOHN MCKENNA, 68 Ard na Mara, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o JOHN MCKENNA, 68 Ard na Mara, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. COLOR COLLECTOR COLOUR COLLECTOR Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 241934 04 August 2009 Class 3. Impregnated treated synthetic cellulose non-woven apertured sheets used in washing; laundry fabric (No. 2137) Class 21. Patents Office Journal conditioners, softeners, dirt and dye attracters; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations. Articles for cleaning purposes; cloths for cleaning. (11/11/2009) 5008 PROCTER & GAMBLE BUSINESS SERVICES CANADA COMPANY, C/O STEWART MCKELVEY, Stirling Scales, Suite 900, 1959 Upper Water Street, P.O. Box 997, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 2X2, Canada. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. PUNCH INDUSTRIES, Wallingstown, Little Island, Co. Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. GOORONIMO 241937 01 October 2008 Class 30. Confectionery; chocolate, chocolate confectionery; sugar confectionery; frozen confectionery; chilled confectionery; cakes, biscuits and wafers; chewing gum CADBURY UK LIMITED, Bournville, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. 241935 16 June 2009 Class 16. Printer matter; posters; booklets JOHN MCKENNA, 68 Ard na Mara, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o JOHN MCKENNA, 68 Ard na Mara, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. EASYGLIDE 241938 22 July 2009 Class 29. 241936 05 August 2009 Class 21. Dental floss. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, 5009 (11/11/2009) Class 30. Class 31. Class 35. Class 39. Patents Office Journal jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, bakingpowder, salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Retail services connected with fresh fruit and vegetables including potatoes. Packaging of fruit and vegetables including potatoes. K & K Packs Limited, Broughan Lane, The Ward, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. 241940 (No. 2137) 03 July 2009 Class 43. Restaurants; cafés RAHIM TALEGHANI, Borlin Lodge, Riverbank, Douglas, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o COAKLEY MOLONEY SOLICITORS, 49 South Mall, Cork, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) yellow, orange and black eighteen84 241939 03 June 2009 Class 25. Clothing; footwear; headgear. LD2 LTD, Lancer Building, Great Northern Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland BT18 5EJ, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Dewdney Drew, Hugh Christian Finn, Joanne Lecky, Stuart Wallace, MURGITROYD & COMPANY, Unit 1, Block 8, Blanchardstown Corporate Park, Cruiserath Road, Dublin 15, Ireland. 241941 11 June 2009 Class 5. Nutritional mineral supplement for animal feeds NUTRIBIO LTD, Tivoli Industrial Estate, Tivoli, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o EMMELINE EDGE, Co-Operative Animal Health Ltd, Tullow Industrial Estate, Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5010 NUTRIBIO LTD, Tivoli Industrial Estate, Tivoli, Cork, Ireland. Address for servic e is c/o EMMELINE EDGE, Co-Operative Animal Health Ltd, Tullow Industrial Estate, Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. 241942 11 June 2009 Class 5. Nutritional mineral supplement for animal feeds NUTRIBIO LTD, Tivoli Industrial Estate, Tivoli, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o EMMELINE EDGE, Co-Operative Animal Health Ltd, Tullow Industrial Estate, Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. 241945 11 June 2009 Class 5. Nutritional mineral supplement for animal feeds NUTRIBIO LTD, Tivoli Industrial Estate, Tivoli, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o EMMELINE EDGE, Co-Operative Animal Health Ltd, Tullow Industrial Estate, Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. 241943 11 June 2009 Class 5. Nutritional mineral supplement for animal feeds NUTRIBIO LTD, Tivoli Industrial Estate, Tivoli, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o EMMELINE EDGE, Co-Operative Animal Health Ltd, Tullow Industrial Estate, Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. 241944 11 June 2009 Class 5. Nutritional mineral supplement for animal feeds 241946 03 July 2009 Class 41. Organisation of a marathon, 1/2 marathon & 10k running event in Limerick. 5011 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) PADDY SWEENEY, 126 Creagán, Barna, Co. Galway, Ireland. MACDARA HOSTY, 126 Creagán, Barna, Co. Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MACDARA HOSTY, 126 Creagán, Barna, Co. Galway, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) red & grey 241948 16 June 2009 Class 44. Hairdressing KATARINA TOTH, 137 Sycamore House, Mespil Estate, Sussex Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o KATARINA TOTH, 137 Sycamore House, Mespil Estate, Sussex Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland. 241947 16 June 2009 Class 42. Computer programming; computer software consultancy; computer software design; computer software (installation of); maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; computer system design; design (computer system); hosting computer sites; rental of web servers The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) blue, white, black, magenta PETER O'BRIEN, Escombe Cottage, Lockstown, Valleymount, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Address for service is c/o TADPOLE SOFTWARE LIMITED, Wicklow Enterprise Park, P.O. Box 8, The Murrough, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/wil be in the colour(s) Blue 241949 16 July 2009 Class 34. Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco, pipe tobacco, hand (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; substances for smoking sold separately or blended with tobacco, none being for medicinal or curative purposes; snuff; smokers' articles included in class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches. (11/11/2009) 5012 GALLAHER LIMITED, Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0QU, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The mark in use will be in the colours Dark Blue, Blue, Silver, Red GALLAHER LIMITED, Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0QU, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 241951 06 July 2009 Class 42. Architectural consultation; architecture; consultancy in the field of energy saving; decor (design of interior); construction drafting; design of interior decor; surveying; drafting (construction); energy saving (consultancy) SIOBHAN O'CONNELL, 19 Ascot Terrace, O'Connell Avenue, Limerick, Ireland. Address for service is c/o SIOBHAN O'CONNELL, 19 Ascot Terrace, O'Connell Avenue, Limerick, Ireland. 241950 16 July 2009 Class 34. Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco, pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; substances for smoking sold separately or blended with tobacco, none being for medicinal or curative purposes; snuff; smokers' articles included in class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) dark & light orange MÜLLER RICE SURPRISINGLY NICE 241952 06 July 2009 Class 29. Yogurt, desserts comprising of yogurt and honey, yogurt and fruit, yogurt and nuts, 5013 (11/11/2009) Class 30. Class 32. Patents Office Journal yogurt and cereals, all made wholly or principally of yogurt; yogurt drinks, drinks containing yogurt and fruit juice; drinks containing yogurt and fruit puree; dairy products; dairy desserts; preparations all for use as desserts and puddings; milk; milk products; milk beverages; jellies; jelly desserts; jams; fruit sauces; fruit purees; fromage frais; ready to eat snack foods; snack dips; dairy spreads; margarine; meat; fish; poultry and game products; fruit, vegetable and nut products; potato products, potato based snack foods, potato crisps and chips; dips; salads; preprepared salads. Desserts, all made wholly or principally of rice; desserts and puddings; ice cream; frozen yogurts; croissants; ready to eat snack foods all being repackaged with dips; snacks; snack dips; bread and pastry products; tortilla snacks; snack foods made from corn; salted snacks; pretzels; corn and taco chips; burritos; enchiladas; pancakes; corn chips; tortilla chips; prawn crackers; crackers; snacks made from extruded potato/maize flour; flour based chips; biscuits; cookies; cereals and cereal preparations; cereal bars; chutney; relish; sauces, salad dressings. Non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks, fruit juices; drinks containing fruit juice and yogurt. MOLKEREI ALOIS MÜLLER GMBH & CO. KG, 86850 Aretsried, Germany. Address for service is c/o MOLKEREI ALOIS MÜLLER GMBH & CO. KG, c/o Mrs Gemma Wisniewski, Muller Dairy (UK) Limited, Shrewsbury Road, Market Drayton, Shropshire TF9 3SQ, United Kingdom. 241953 (No. 2137) 06 August 2009 Class 30. Pizzas RIAAN ROETS, 4 Joyce Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o RIAAN ROETS, 4 Joyce Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland. 241954 06 August 2009 Class 30. Pizzas RIAAN ROETS, 4 Joyce Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o RIAAN ROETS, 4 Joyce Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) black, white, yellow (code 012) and red (code 032) PLANT RESCUE 241955 31 July 2009 Class 5. Preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5014 SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG, Schwarzwaldallee 215, 4058 Basel, Switzerland. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. 241957 06 July 2009 Class 37. Class 42. 241956 17 June 2009 Class 9. Class 35. Class 36. Class 38. Class 41. Class 42. Software Retail services in relation to software. Provision of prepaid sms text credits Telecommunications Training in relation to computer software Design and development of computer software; installation, support and upgrade of computer software; consultancy in relation to computer software Construction information; construction; building insulating; demolition; information (construction); information (repair) Architectural consultation; architecture; consultancy in the field of energy saving; decor (design of interiors); construction drafting; design of interior decor; surveying; drafting (construction); energy saving (consultancy) SIOBHAN O'CONNELL, 19 Ascot Terrace, O'Connell Avenue, Limerick, Ireland. Address for service is c/o SIOBHAN O'CONNELL, 19 Ascot Terrace, O'Connell Avenue, Limerick, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) charcoal, grey/black & red GERARD RYAN, Cappatteemore West, Meelick, Co. Clare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o GERARD RYAN, Cappatteemore West, Meelick, Co. Clare, Ireland. Point Depot The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) blue, white, black, grey 241958 14 July 2009 Class 35. Class 36. Class 37. Class 41. Class 43. Office functions and office services. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Building construction; repair; installation services. Entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. 5015 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal AMPHITHEATRE IRELAND LIMITED, The O2, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. Address for service is c/o WILLIAM HOLOHAN, Water View House, 16 Sundayswell Road, Cork, Ireland. AVERY DENNISON 241959 05 August 2009 Class 16. Binders and storage binders, plastic laminating sheets for protecting documents, storage boxes for stationary use, modules for binders and folders, storage boxes, dividers and covers for stationery use, clips for holding stationery in Class 16; unprinted labels and blank label stock; printed labels; labels for commercial and industrial uses; tags; laminates; stickers supplied in sheet and/or roll form; bar code labels for commercial, industrial and inventory uses; pressure-sensitive base papers; paper facestocks; selfadhesive sheet and roll materials for making labels, signs, badges, graphic displays, and the like; heat transfer labels; unprinted and partially printed self-adhesive labels not made of textile, marketed to label converters and end users having equipment capable of mirror image imprinting of bar codes and alphanumeric characters; adhesives release liner; specialized and customized labels used to provide security and safeguard against fraud; security labels, namely, labels which encode identification information; labels for store shelves to indicate price, products and/or promotions; (No. 2137) address labels; paper for packaging, cardboard, printed and unprinted paper and cardboard tags for generalpurpose use; paper labels and tags; laminated paper, stickers supplied in sheet and roll form; release coated papers for copying, displays and label and film production; pressure sensitive printing papers for labels and displays; paper stock; paper for printing photographs, computergenerated and/or digital images; cardboard packaging cards and inserts for apparel; index, rotary-file and business cards and tabs, and postcards; self-adhesive label holders; self-adhesive business card holders; gummed labels and reinforcements; adhesive letters, numbers and symbols; adhesive reinforcements; selfadhesive paper for use in laser printers; embossable seals; data, floppy-disk and protective mailing envelopes; name tags and badges; carbon paper; binders; hanging file binders; ring binders; presentation binders; reference binders, storage binders; easel binders; report covers; presentation portfolios; sheet protectors; presentation, reference and storage sheet protectors, partitioned sheet protectors; transparent-plastic binder pages for holding and displaying trading cards, business cards, and photographs; tabbed transparent-plastic binder pages; sheet protector index dividers; transparent-plastic laminating sheets for protecting cards, photographs, certificates, and similar documents; binder inserts; sheet lifters for binders; selfadhesive label holders; zippered vinyl storage cases for stationery use; binder paper; business forms; (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal envelopes; and message books; tabbed and untabbed divider sheets for binders and the like, and index tabs; printed and unprinted paper and cardboard tags for general-purpose use; photography albums; tabbed transparent-plastic binder pages; sheet protector index dividers; transparent plastic laminating sheets for protecting cards, photographs, certificates, and similar documents; sheet lifters for binders; self-adhesive label holders; self-adhesive business card holders; binder inserts; pocket portfolios; name tags and badges; ring binders; presentation binders; easel binders; memo books; zippered vinyl storage cases for stationery use; presentation portfolios; gummed labels and reinforcements; data, floppy disc and protective mailing envelopes; stationery folders; file folders; file folder fasteners; personal organizers and organizers for stationery use; pocket portfolios; memo books; computer printable badges and supplies, namely, self-adhesive name badges, security badges, self-adhesive security badge labels, card and card inserts for plastic holders, identification badges, photo identification badges and tags; banner and sign paper; warning and tracking labels of paper, labels of paper for permanent component marking during the manufacturing process, vehicle identification and logistics; labels and tags incorporating detectors that measure the freshness of food products; decorative labels bearing pictures or images for use with and/or to resemble postage stamps; adhesive backed or adhesive coated sheets, tapes, and webs of (11/11/2009) 5016 paper or primarily of paper for decoration, displays and label stock; self-adhesive materials in rolls and sheets, including those made from paper, for every purpose including decoration, displays, automobile striping, fleeting marking, safety and information marking; plastic films and laminates for commercial or industrial packaging purposes supplied in sheet or roll form; reflective labels for commercial, graphic or industrial uses; labels and tags not of textile; warning and tracking labels not of textile, non textile labels for permanent component marking during the manufacturing process, vehicle identification and logistics; a variety of decorative items and nontextile label products for interior of motor vehicles, namely, heat-sealable labels and heat-sealable adhesives for cloth and fabric substrates, airbag warning labels on sun visors and child seat warning labels on seatbelts; non-textile barcode labels used to track parts in powertrain plants. AVERY DENNISON CORPORATION, 150 North Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, California 911033596, United States of America. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. LUBRITOSE 241960 13 August 2009 Class 1. Excipients, other than for medical use; chemical 5017 (11/11/2009) Class 5. Patents Office Journal preparations for use in pharmaceuticals; chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; chemical preparations for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Lactose; lactose or derivatives of lactose for use as excipients in the manufacture of pharmaceutical or veterinary products or dietetic supplements adapted for medical use; excipients for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use. (No. 2137) The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) gold and cream 241962 29 January 2009 Class 35. KERRY GROUP SERVICES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, Prince's Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Class 36. 241961 17 July 2009 Class 14. Jewellery; precious stones SAMAN ANSARI, 22 Foxrock Green, Foxrock, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CAROLINE FANNING, C/o Fanning & Associates Solicitors, 49 Foxrock Avenue, Foxrock, Dublin 18, Ireland. Management of commercial business (affairs), commercial administration, information and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services; management of computing files, economic forecasts, statistical information, check of accounts Insurance services; financial services, financial expertise assessment services; financial investments advice services, management of financial heritage, asset management services, estimations and financial analyses; investment and constitution of capital services; financial transactions; debt collection, fiscal estimations, fiduciary services, services of financing, fund collection services, electronic funds transfer; banking services, monetary services, credit agency services, stock exchange quotation services, stock exchange brokerage services, credit card issuing services, debit card services, pledges of personal property as a security for financial debt, foreign-exchange transactions, cheque issuing services, safe deposit services, credit services, arranging leases for rental property, arranging lease agreements, arranging of lease of real (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5018 estates and financing of lease purchases, consecutive deposit services, consecutive check issuing services, online banking services, financial and monetary transactions on telecommunic ation networks and computing communication networks; real-estate services, real-estate estimation and assessment services, real-estate evaluation services, consultation in realestate services, real-estate investment services. AXA, 25, Avenue Matignon, 75008 Paris, France. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) blue (pantone 287) and red (pantone 185) and white SAY BULMERS FOR CIDER 241963 21 July 2009 Class 33. Alcoholic beverages (except beers); cider; cider beverages; perry and perry beverages. BULMERS LIMITED, The Grange, Stillorgan Road, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 241964 16 July 2009 Class 34. Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco; pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; substances for smoking sold separately or blended with tobacco, none being for medicinal or curative purposes; snuff; smokers’ articles included in class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches. GALLAHER LIMITED, Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0QU, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The mark in use will be in the colour(s) blue, light blue, silver 5019 241965 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) 16 July 2009 Class 34. Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco; pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; substances for smoking sold separately or blended with tobacco, none being for medicinal or curative purposes; snuff; smokers’ articles included in class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches. GALLAHER LIMITED, Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0QU, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The mark in use will be in the colour(s) blue, light blue, white, silver Class 16. Class 35. cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materia ls; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Priority Date Claimed: 17 December 2008 United Kingdom CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Ulster Cars 241966 28 January 2009 Class 9. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5020 FASHIONLAYER LTD., Unit 18, Fashion City, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Road Upper, Dublin 24, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FASHIONLAYER LTD., Unit 18, Fashion City, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Road Upper, Dublin 24, Ireland. 241967 16 July 2009 Class 34. Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco; pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; substances for smoking sold separately or blended with tobacco, none being for medicinal or curative purposes; snuff; smokers’ articles included in class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches. 241969 28 January 2009 Class 9. GALLAHER LIMITED, Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0QU, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The mark in use will be in the colour(s) dark green, green, silver Class 16. CITY 6O 241968 08 July 2009 Class 25. Clothing, footwear and headgear Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in 5021 (11/11/2009) Class 35. Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Priority Date Claimed: 17 December 2008 United Kingdom CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Class 5. 241970 22 April 2009 Class 3. Cosmetics; face and body creams, face and body emulsions, face and body lotions, face and body gels, face and body foams, skin oils and balsams, foot cleaning and foot care preparations; soaps; wash and bath preparations; hair cleaning and hair care preparations, shampoo, hair balms, hair conditioners, hair creams, hair emulsions, hair lotions, hair gels, hair foams; perfumery products; perfumes; toilet waters and eau de colognes; essential oils; deodorants and anti-perspirants; make-up and make-up removing preparations, fluid foundations; lip care and lip make-up preparations; nail care and nail colouring preparations; intimate hygiene preparations; suntan preparations and preparations protecting against ultraviolet radiation; self-tan preparations; depilatory preparations; make-up powders; after-bath powders; hygienic powders; dentifrices and preparations for oral cavity care, toiletries, shaving foams, shaving gels, after shave balms. Medicinal products and preparations for skin care; face and body creams for medicinal purposes, face and body emulsions for medicinal purposes, face and body lotions for medicinal purposes, face and body gels for medicinal purposes, face and body foams for medicinal purposes; medicinal oils and balsams; medicinal products for feet, bath salts for medicinal use; preparations for medicinal baths, medicinal preparations in form of medicinal creams, emulsions, lotions, gels, oils and balsams for allergy-prone and sensitive skin, for dry skin, for acne prone skin, for skin with dilated capillaries, for skin with acne rosacea, for skin with discolorants, for skin after oncologic treatments, for skin irradiated due to radiotherapy, for skin with psoriasis problems, for pregnant women or for women after labour, medicinal preparations for children's skin, preparations for atopic skin, medicinal preparations for scalp skin, medicinal products for hair, vitamin preparations, dietetic substances for medical purposes, dietary supplements supporting slimming for medical purposes; herbal teas. (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal Priority Date Claimed: 24 November 2008 Poland LABORATORIUM KOSMETYCZNE DR IRENA ERIS SPÓLKA AKCYJNA, ul. Armii Krajowej 12, 05-500 Piaseczno, Poland. Address for servic e is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. (11/11/2009) RICHARD DONOVAN, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o RICHARD DONOVAN, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway, Ireland. 241973 14 August 2009 Class 41. 241971 14 August 2009 Class 41. Organisation of a halfmarathon running event in Galway, Ireland. RICHARD DONOVAN, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o RICHARD DONOVAN, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway, Ireland. 14 August 2009 Class 41. 14 August 2009 Class 41. Organisation of a marathon running event in Galway, Ireland. Organisation of a marathon running event in Galway, Ireland RICHARD DONOVAN, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o RICHARD DONOVAN, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway, Ireland. 241974 241972 5022 Organisation of a relay marathon running event in Galway, Ireland RICHARD DONOVAN, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o RICHARD DONOVAN, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway, Ireland. 5023 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) other dispute resolution services; provision of expert evaluations, expert advice, expert reports and expert witness services in connection with litigation, arbitration, mediation, conciliation and other dispute resolution methods; protection of legal rights; litigation services; employment law advice; information services relating to legal matters; information, advice, and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. SURETAX 241975 02 July 2009 Class 35. Accounting, Bookkeeping, Preparation of tax returns, taxation consultancy, taxation advice. PETER MURPHY, 365 Sundays Well, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Peter Murphy C/O SURETAX TAXATION CONSULTANTS, Office Unit No. 4, Station House, The Waterways, Sallins, Co. Kildare, Ireland. BEACHCROFT LLP, 100 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1BN, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The first mark in use will be in the colour(s) grey and orange. The Mark is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Registered Community Trade Mark Nos. 1151281 and 4945481. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 241976 SYMETECH 06 May 2009 Class 36. Class 45. Claims handling on behalf of insurers; debt recovery and collection; insurance claims quantification and loss adjustment services; real estate services; asset management; advisory services relating to insurance claims and insurance contracts; insurance claim assessment and adjustment services; insurance investigations; insurance services; information, advice and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Legal services; legal research; advocacy services; arbitration, mediation, conciliation and 241977 13 August 2009 Class 2. Colours, paints, varnishes, fixatives (varnishes), lacquers, preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants, mordants, raw natural resins; paints for wood (for inside and outside); dyes for wood; metals in foil and powder form for painters and decorators; finish coatings (paints) for inside and outside of buildings; façades paints; acrylic paints; products against corrosion; thinners, thickeners and binders for colours and pigments; binders and thinners for paints. (No. 2137) Class 16. Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Paint brushes, brushes, house painters rollers. PPG ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS IRELAND LIMITED, Unit 20, Naas Road Business Park, Muirfield Drive, Naas Road, Dublin 12, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Class 16. 5024 acrylic paints; products against corrosion; thinners, thickeners and binders for colourants and pigments; binders and thinners for paints. Paints brushes, brushes, house painters rollers. PPG ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS IRELAND LIMITED, Unit 20, Naas Road Business Park, Muirfield Drive, Naas Road, Dublin 12, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. GOLDEN SHAMROCK 241978 25 July 2008 Class 32. Class 33. Non-alcoholic beverages, beers, mineral and aerated waters, fruit drinks, fruit juices. Liqueurs; cream liqueurs; wines; spirits. ORGANIC FOR US 241980 16 July 2009 Class 29. FIRST IRELAND SPIRITS COMPANY LIMITED, Mountrath Road, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Milk; milk beverages, milk predominating; milk products DONEGAL CREAMERIES PLC, Crossroads, Killygordon, County Donegal, Ireland. Address for service is c/o V P McMullin Solicitors, Donegal Street, Ballybofey, County Donegal, Ireland. Registration of this Trade Mark gives no right to the exclusive use of the word "organic" BRISTECH 241979 26 June 2009 Class 2. Colourants, paints, varnishes, fixatives (varnishes), lacquers, preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colourants, mordants, raw natural resins; paints for wood (for inside and outside); dyes for wood; metals in foil and powder form for painters and decorators; finish coatings (paints) for inside and outside of buildings; façades paints; JACQUES VABRE PROFESSIONEL GRANDS CRUS 241981 07 May 2009 Class 30. Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee substitutes, coffee beverages and preparations for such 5025 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) beverages, tea. conducting of); writing of texts (other than publicity texts); book (publication of); academies (education); arranging & conducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of seminars; arranging & conducting of symposiums; correspondence courses; exhibitions (organisation of) for cultural or educational purposes; nursery schools. KRAFT FOODS FRANCE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SAS, 13 Avenue Morane Saulnier, 78140 Velizy-Villacoublay, France. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. VALERIE MULLALLY, 233 Beechpark, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o VALERIE MULLALLY, 233 Beechpark, Lucan, Co. Dublin, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Blue - C: 63%, M: 0%, Y: 0%, K: 0%, Red - C: 0%, M: 84%, Y: 85%, K: 0% 241982 29 July 2009 Class 41. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; arranging & conducting workshops (trainin g); education information; educational examination; educational services; information (education); guidance (vocational) [education/training advice]; instruction services; practical training (demonstration); providing online electronic publications (non downloadable); publication of books; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; publication of texts other than publicity texts; seminars (arranging & conducting of); teaching; texts (publication of-)[other than publicity texts]; texts (writing of -) [other than publicity texts]; training (practical) [demonstration]; tuition; vocational guidance (education or training advice); workshops (arranging & ARA 241983 14 August 2009 Class 33. Alcoholic beverages (except beers and sparkling wine). WINEGROWERS OF ARA LIMITED, Level 28, PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower, 188 Quay Street, Auckland, New Zealand. Address for service is c/o ALISTAIR PAYNE, MOP Trade Mark Advisers, 70 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland. (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5026 VALOTIX 241985 06 August 2009 Class 5. 241984 22 July 2009 Class 29. Class 30. Class 31. Class 35. Class 39. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, bakingpowder, salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Retail services connected with fresh fruit and vegetables including potatoes. Packaging of fruit and vegetables including potatoes. K & K Packs Limited, Broughan Lane, The Ward, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances. ROWEX LTD., Newtown, Bantry, County Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o ANNE RYAN & CO., 60 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 241986 07 August 2009 Class 41. Education training; education information; education advice ANTHONY BELLEW, 16 Glenwood, Herbert Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Address for service is c/o ANTHONY BELLEW, 16 Glenwood, Herbert Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 5027 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal 241989 (No. 2137) 28 January 2009 Class 16. 241987 28 January 2009 Class 16. Magazines. CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Magazines. CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. The Mark is proceeding based on distinctiveness acquired through use The Mark is proceeding based on distinctiveness acquired through use. XIPIVIX 241990 07 August 2009 Class 5. 241988 28 January 2009 Class 16. Magazines. CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. The Mark is proceeding based on distinctiveness acquired through use Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Priority Date Claimed: 06 May 2009 United States of America BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY, 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154, United States of America. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5028 ANAM CARA PARENTAL & SIBLING BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP LIMITED TRADING AS ANAM CARA, Unit 3, 78 Walkinstown Road, Dublin 12, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. 241991 13 August 2009 Class 30. Biscuits; cookies RICHARD GRAHAM-LEIGH T/A PÂTISSERIE RÉGALE, Maulanimirish, Dunmanway, Co. Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o RICHARD GRAHAM-LEIGH T/A PÂTISSERIE RÉGALE, Maulanimirish, Dunmanway, Co. Cork, Ireland. ZIPIVY 241993 07 August 2009 Class 5. Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. Priority Date Claimed: 03 June 2009 United States of America BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY, 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154, United States of America. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Application is for a Series of 4 Trade Marks. 241992 10 July 2009 Class 14. Class 36. Class 45. Charitable wristbands. Charitable collections; charitable fundraising; organisation of charitable collections and fundraising. Charitable services, namely mentoring [personal or spiritual], charitable services; charitable services that offer peer support and information to bereaved families after a death; charitable services that offers peer support and information to bereaved families after the death of a child. FREESTYLE 241994 07 August 2009 Class 30. Edible ices, ice creams, water ices. UNILEVER PLC, Port Sunlight, Wirral, Merseyside, United Kingdom. Address for servic e is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 5029 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal STYLEMOVER 241995 (No. 2137) BENSON & HEDGES LIMITED, CityPoint , One Ropemaker Street, London , EC2Y 9SS, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 26 June 2009 Class 25. Class 35. Clothing, related accessories, footwear and headgear Retail services, and online retail services provided via a website, in relation to clothing, related accessories, footwear and headgear The first mark in use will be in the colour(s) gold, bronze and red SUSANA SERRADAS, 13 Seabury Drive, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o SUSANA SERRADAS, 13 Seabury Drive, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. 241997 14 July 2009 Class 34. 241996 14 July 2009 Class 34. Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco; pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; substances for smoking sold separately or blended with tobacco, none being for medicinal or curative purposes; snuff; smokers’ articles included in class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches. Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco; pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; substances for smoking sold separately or blended with tobacco, none being for medicinal or curative purposes; snuff; smokers’ articles included in class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches. BENSON & HEDGES LIMITED, CityPoint, One Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9SS, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The first mark in use will be in the colour(s) grey, silver and red (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5030 CARPPUCCINO COFFEE CO. LTD, 83 Cartur Mor, Upper Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra, Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CARPPUCCINO COFFEE CO. LTD, 83 Cartur Mor, Upper Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra, Galway, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) cream & brown 241998 07 April 2009 Class 38. Class 41. Cable television broadcasting services. Entertainment services in the nature of ongoing television programs in the field of cooking and culinary arts, health, fitness and nutrition and distribution of television programs (excluding transportation) for others and production of television programs. TELEVISION FOOD NETWORK, G.P., 1180 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, United States of America. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 242000 30 July 2009 Class 43. Catering (food & drink-) CARPUCCINO COFFEE CO. LTD, 83 Cartur Mor, Upper Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra, Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CARPUCCINO COFFEE CO. LTD, 83 Cartur Mor, Upper Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra, Galway, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) cream RECEIPTMINDER 242001 04 July 2008 Class 35. 241999 30 July 2009 Class 36. Class 43. Catering (food & drink -) Tax preparation; preparation of tax returns; tax assessment (accounts) preparation; accountancy services, namely tax advice, tax consultancy and tax planning; receipt and storage of medical expenses; compilation of information into computer databases. Financial affairs; provision of information covering financial 5031 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal services provided by a database; advisory services relating to taxation; tax advice, tax consultancy, tax planning and tax returns consultancy, none of the aforesaid being accounting services; processing of medical expenses. 242003 GERALD O'CONNOR, Carrigafoyle, Windsor, Ovens, Co. Cork, IrelandJOSEPH O'CONNOR, Carrigafoyle, Windsor, Ovens, Co. Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 242002 06 August 2009 Class 37. Electric appliance installation and repair (No. 2137) 06 August 2009 Class 16. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not inclu ded in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CBG.IE LTD, Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. FERM ENG LTD, Old Laghey Road, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FERM ENG LTD, Old Laghey Road, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) red, black, white, yellow Westport Plaza 242004 19 June 2009 Class 43. Hotels, hotel reservations. CIARA JOYCE, c/o The Westport Plaza Hotel, Castlebar Street, Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Philip O'Byrne, C/o In1 Solutions, 145 Lakeview Drive, Airside Business Park, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland. (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal Castlecourt 242005 (11/11/2009) The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) hot pink and turquoise blue. 19 June 2009 Class 43. Hotels, hotel reservations. CIARA JOYCE, C/o The Castlecourt Hotel, Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Philip O'Byrne, C/o In1 Solutions, 145 Lakeview Drive, Airside Business Park, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland. COUNTRY CREST FROM THE FARM 242008 30 July 2009 Class 29. BULMERS DUBLIN DRAUGHT 242006 Class 30. 19 August 2009 Class 33. Alcoholic beverages (except beers); cider; cider beverages. BULMERS LIMITED, The Grange, Stillorgan Road, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 242007 5032 Prepared meals; ready meals; beef lasagne; pies; prepared snacks, lunches, dinners and suppers; meat and meat products; cooked and chilled potato and vegetable products; chilled and frozen food products; dairy products; soups and salads Prepared meals; ready meals; prepared snacks, lunches, dinners and suppers; pies; pizzas and pasta products; bakery products; chilled and frozen food products COUNTRY CREST, Rathmooney, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. 08 June 2009 Class 16. Artwork (paintings) CILL RIALAIG PROJECT LTD, Dungeagan, Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Address for service is c/o ORIGIN GALLERY, 83 Harcourt St, Dublin 2, Ireland. 242009 19 August 2009 Class 29. Meat and meat products, 5033 (11/11/2009) Class 30. Class 31. Patents Office Journal poultry and poultry pr oducts, sausages and sausage products; ready-to-serve meals essentially consisting of or containing the aforementioned goods; preserved dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; fruit jellies, fruit peels; processed almonds and nuts, processed fruits; milk products, especially Devon clotted brandy cream, cheese; desserts on basis of milk; edible fats. Bread and bread products; pastry and confectionery; sweets and candies; chocolate and chocolate goods; marzipan with chocolate and/or sugar coated nuts, almonds and fruits; prepared icings; desserts; spices, herbs; pies and pastries filled with meat and/or poultry and/or sausage. Fresh fruit and vegetables; nuts and almonds. LIDL STIFTUNG & CO. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, D74167 Neckarsulm, Germany. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. (No. 2137) CROWN BRANDS LIMITED, Crown House, Hollins Road, Darween, Lancashire, BB3 0BG, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. 242011 20 August 2009 Class 7. Sandblasting equipment MARK CLENDENNEN, Kinnitty, Birr, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MARK CLENDENNEN, Kinnitty, Birr, Co. Offaly, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Pantone 350c ATMOSCLEAN 242010 18 August 2009 Class 2. Paints, varnishes, enamels and lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; distempers; colorants, mordants. 242012 13 August 2009 Class 15. Musical instruments; reeds; buccins [trumpets]; horns [musical instruments]; cornets [musical instruments]; flutes; kettledrums; trombones; drums [musical instruments]; clarionets (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal TIANJIN JINBAO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CO. LTD., 1-2 of Haitai Road, Baodi District, Tianjin City, China. Address for service is c/o OLIVIER LAIDEBEUR, c/o Office Ernest T. Freylinger S.A., 234, route d'Arlon, P.O. Box 48, L-8001 Strassen, Luxembourg. (11/11/2009) 5034 HOUSE OF FRASER (STORES) LIMITED, Granite House, 31 Stockwell Street, Glasgow G1 4RZ, Scotland, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. BLACK TIP 242013 19 August 2009 Class 34. Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A., Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. CRAZY WATER 242014 30 July 2009 Class 25. Class 32. Clothing, footwear, headgear Aerated, mineral and table waters; non-alcoholic beverages 242015 06 August 2009 Class 9. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; all the aforementioned goods relating to the provision of digital communications and entertainment. 5035 (11/11/2009) Class 28. Class 35. Class 37. Class 38. Class 41. Class 42. Patents Office Journal Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all the aforementioned services relating to the provision of digital communications and entertainment. Installation services for telecommunications. Telecommunications Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; all the aforementioned services relating to the provision of digital communications and entertainment. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; all the aforementioned services relating to the provision of digital communications and entertainment. MAGNET NETWORKS LIMITED, International Exchange Centre, Clonshaugh, Dublin 17, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MAGNET NETWORKS LIMITED, International Exchange Centre, Clonshaugh, Dublin 17, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colours white, orange, red and dark yellow (No. 2137) ST. PATRICK'S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 242016 31 July 2009 Class 36. Fund raising services, including fundraising for charitable purposes THE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF ST. PATRICK'S HOSPITAL LTD, St. Patrick's Hospital, James Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. Ntegra Life 242017 31 July 2009 Class 9. Microscopes. NT-MDT SERVICE & LOGISTICS LIMITED, NTMDT HOUSE, National Technological Park, Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland. Address for service is c/o NEIL JOHN MUTTOCK, Hillgate Patent Services, Parchment House, 13 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0JP, United Kingdom. (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 242018 28 November 2008 Class 9. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teachiing apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; apparatus for the transmission of sound and image; telecommunications apparatus; mobile telecommunication apparatus; mobile telecommunications handsets; computer hardware; computer software; computer software downloadable from the Internet; PDA's (Personal Digital Assistants), pocket PC's, mobile telephones, laptop computers; telecommunications network apparatus; drivers software for telecommunications networks Class 35. 5036 and for telecommunications apparatus; protective clothing; protective helmets; computer software recorded onto CD Rom; SD-Cards; glasses, spectacle glasses, sunglasses, protective glasses and cases therefor; contact lenses; cameras; camera lenses; MP3 players; audio tapes, audio cassettes, audio discs; audiovideo tapes, audio-video cassettes, audio-video discs; video tapes, video cassettes, video discs; CDs, DVDs; electronic publications (downloadable); mouse mats; magnets; mobile telephone covers, mobile telephone cases; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail and online retail services relating to scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, fire-extinguishing apparatus, apparatus for the transmission of sound and image, telecommunications apparatus, mobile telecommunication apparatus, mobile telecommunications handsets, computer hardware, computer software, computer 5037 (11/11/2009) Class 38. Patents Office Journal software downloadable from the Internet, PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistants), pocket PC’s, mobile telephones, laptop computers, telecommunications network apparatus, drivers software for telecommunications networks and for telecommunications apparatus, protective clothing, protective helmets, computer software recorded onto CD Rom, SD-Cards, glasses, spectacle glasses, sunglasses, protective glasses and cases therefor, contact lenses, cameras, camera lenses, MP3 players, audio tapes, audio cassettes, audio discs, audiovideo tapes, audio-video cassettes, audio-video discs, video tapes, video cassettes, video discs, CDs, DVDs, electronic publications (downloadable), mouse mats, magnets, mobile telephone covers, mobile telephone cases, parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services provided over a telecommunications network. Telecommunications; telecommunications services; mobile telecommunications services; telecommunications portal services; Internet portal services; mobile telecommunications network services; fixed line telecommunication services, provision of broadband telecommunications access; broadband services; broadcasting services; television broadcasting services; broadcasting (No. 2137) Class 41. services relating to internet protocol TV; provision of access to Internet protocol TV; Internet access services; email and text messaging services; information services provided by means of telecommunication networks relating to telecommunications; services of a network provider, namely rental and handling of access time to data networks and databases, in particular the Internet; communications services for accessing a database, leasing of access time to a computer database, providing access to computer databases, rental of access time to a computer database; support services relating to telecommunications and apparatus; monitoring services relating to telecommunications network and apparatus; operation of a network, being telecommunication services; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid provided over a telecommunications network. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; interactive entertainment services; electronic games services provided by means of any communications network; entertainment services provided by means of telecommunication networks; information services relating to education, training, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities provided by means of telecommunication networks; provision of news (No. 2137) Class 42. Patents Office Journal information; television production services, television programming services; television production and television programming services provided by means of Internet protocol technology; provision of entertainment by means of television and internet protocol television; provision of musical events; entertainment club services; discotheque services; presentation of live performances; night clubs; rental of music venues and stadiums; casino services; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid provided over a telecommunications network. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; IT services; computer programming services; services of a programmer; recovery of computer data; consultancy in the field of computer hardware; computer programming; duplication of computer programs; computer rental; computer software design; installation of computer software; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; rental of computer software; rental of computer hardware; computer system design; computer systems analysis; consultancy in the field of computer software; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and (11/11/2009) 5038 maintaining websites for others; data conversion of computer programs and data (not physical conversion); hosting computer sites (web sites); services of engineers; technical consulting and expert activities; rental of data processing apparatus and computers; technical services relating to projection and planning of equipment for telecommunications; services of information brokers and providers, namely product research for others; weather forecasting; research in the field of telecommunication technology; monitoring of network systems in the field of telecommunications; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid provided over a telecommunications network. O2 HOLDINGS LIMITED, Wellington Street, Slough, Berkshire SL1 1YP, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. DECISION 242019 02 July 2009 Class 9. Computer software 5039 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS LIMITED, Hyde House, Adelaide Road, Dublin 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS LIMITED, C/o Fiona Daly, Hyde House, Adelaide Road, Dublin 2, Ireland. CRUSH IT, SCREEN IT, US IT! 242020 24 July 2009 Class 7. Crushing machines (No. 2137) Class 43. services, career advisory and training services and management consultancy and training services. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. KILKENNY LOCAL AUTHORITIES LEISURE COMPLEX LIMITED, Bohernatounish Road, Kilkenny City, Kilkenny, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Kilkenny Local Authorities Leisure Complex Limited, C/o Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Primary Pallette: pantone 201, pantone 5425, pantone 540, pantone 158, Secondary Palette: pantone 3272, pantone 2735, pantone 247, pantone 116, pantone 179, pantone 382, pantone cool grey 5, pantone 7525, pantone 639. This mark is proceeding with the consent of the proprietor of registered trade mark no 226976. NICKY HOWARD, Dangan, Kilmacow, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Address for service is c/o NICKY HOWARD, Dangan, Kilmacow, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) black BIOMNIS 242022 07 May 2008 Class 5. 242021 20 January 2009 Class 41. Education; providing training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities not including recruitment Class 9. Pharmaceutical, veterinary and hygienic products for medicine; dieting substances for medical purposes; plasters; material for dressings (with the exception of instruments); materials for tooth filling and for taking dental impressions; disinfectants for medical or hygienic purposes (other than soap); chemical preparations for medical or pharmaceutical purposes; vaccines; chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; products for diagnosis for medical and veterinary purposes. Scientific apparatus and instruments (other than for medical purposes) for (No. 2137) Class 10. Class 39. Class 41. Class 42. Class 44. Patents Office Journal weighing, measuring, signalling, inspection; detection equipment for microorganisms, bacteria, yeasts, not for medical purposes; equipment for analysing biological samples, not for medical purposes. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary equipment and instruments; medical equipment for the detection of microorganisms, bacteria, yeasts, viruses; apparatus for medical purposes for analysing biological samples; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic items; suturing equipment; apparatus for diagnosing for medical purposes; scientific measuring apparatus for medical purposes. Services for the transportation of medicine and laboratory samples; packing and warehousing services for laboratory goods and samples; delivery of drugs and laboratory samples. Education, training; cultural activities; book lending; publication of books, magazines, guides and databases in the medical field; training in the human public health and veterinary medical field; training of engineers in the human public health and veterinary medical field. Scientific and technolo gical services and research services, that is, chemistry research and biological and pharmaceutical research; immunology, epidemiology and vaccinology research, public human health and veterinary health research; chemical and biological analysis services in particular in the field of in vitro diagnosis; quality control; food inspection; drugs inspection; material testing. Medical services; veterinary services; hygiene and beauty (11/11/2009) 5040 medical care; medical analysis services in particular in the field of in vitro diagnosis. SOCIETE D'APPLICATIONS MEDICALES SOCAMED, 17-19, avenue Tony Garnier, 69007 Lyon, France. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 242023 07 February 2007 Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; 5041 (11/11/2009) Class 17. Class 25. Class 39. Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) candles and wicks for lighting. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Distribution of fuels, oils, lubricants and greases; travel arrangement. Class 41. LISSAN COAL COMPANY LIMITED, 16 Churchtown Road, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, BT80 9XD, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o William Fry, Solicitors, Fitzwilton House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. The Mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Pantone 1797EC and Pantone Orange 02IEC Class 43. information and consultancy services relating to the arranging of tours and excursions; travel agencies; tourist information services including information about prices, timetables and mode of conveyance by means of global networks; providing of computerized travel information and reservation services; information by means of global data networks in relation to the aforesaid services. Education; providing of training; entertainment; information concerning sport and cultural activities; information concerning the aforesaid services by means of global data networks. Advisory, information and consultancy services concerning food and drink, providing food and drink and temporary accommodation, including hotels, boarding houses, campgrounds, tourist homes, holiday farms, lighthouses, mountain cabins, summer houses, apartments, houses and bed and breakfast; information concerning the aforesaid services by means of global data networks. Priority Date Claimed: 22 September 2008 Norway INNOVASJON NORGE, Akersgata 13, 0158 Oslo, Norway. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 242024 12 March 2009 Class 35. Class 39. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; systemization of information for use in computer databases; distribution of advertising announcements; rental of advertising space. Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; advisory, The mark, in use, will be in the colour(s) Red and White (No. 2137) 242025 Patents Office Journal 12 March 1998 Class 9. Class 25. Class 35. Class 41. Protective helmets. Clothing, footwear. Advertising; organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; publicity material distribution; marketing studies and marketing analysis. Education; providing of training; further training; further education; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; organising and arranging trade conferences, seminars and congresses. IVM INDUSTRIE-VERBAND MOTORRAD VERWALTUNG GMBH, Gladbecker Strasse 425 , D-45329 Essen, Germany. Address for service is c/o Dr. David Stechern, C/O Klostermann, Schmidt, Monstadt, Eisbrecher, Kortumstr. 100, 44787 Bochum, Germany. (11/11/2009) Class 42. 5042 management, business administration and financial planning; computer software facilitating the analysis of business, financial, accounting and environmental information; software producing computer generated reports; downloadable software; interfaces for computer programmes; computer operating programmes. Computer programming; computer software development, consultancy and design; installation, maintenance, integration, repair and updating of computer software; technical support services in relation to computer software; computer systems design and analysis; providing access to computer databases for the retrieval of information; leasing, rental and licensing of computer software and computer programmes; analysis and advisory services in the fields of accountancy software, business management software, business administration software, financial planning software and information management software. ADRIAN FLEMING, 39 Gort Leamhan, Roslevan, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o KEITH BURKE, C/o Holmes O'Malley Sexton Solicitors, Bishopsgate, Henry Street, Limerick, Ireland. MANAGECO2 242026 03 July 2009 Class 9. Computer programmes, computer software and related goods; computer software packages for use in accountancy, auditing, bookkeeping, business 5043 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) The first mark, in use, will be in the colour(s) white, green, black and silver Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 242027 03 July 2009 Class 9. Class 42. Computer programmes, computer software and related goods; computer software packages packages for use in accountancy, auditing, bookkeeping, business management, bus iness administration and financial planning; computer software facilitating the analysis of business, financial, accounting and environmental information; software producing computer generated reports; downloadable software; interfaces for computer programmes; computer operating programmes. Computer programming; computer software development, consultancy and design; installation, maintenance, integration, repair and updating of computer software; technical support services in relation to computer software; computer systems design and analysis;leasing, rental and licensing of computer software and computer programmes; analysis and advisory services in the fields of accountancy oftware, business management software, business administration software, financial planning software and information management software. ADRIAN FLEMING, 39 Gort Leamhan, Roslevan, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o KEITH BURKE, C/o Holmes O'Malley Sexton Solicitors, Bishopsgate, Henry Street, Limerick, Ireland. Application is for a Series of 4 Trade Marks. 242028 31 July 2009 Class 27. Class 37. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors. Building construction, repair, installation services. DARA LEATHER, 22 Cois Chlair Complex, Claregalway, Co. Galway, Ireland. Address for service is c/o DARA LEATHER, 22 Cois Chlair Complex, Claregalway, Co. Galway, Ireland. The first mark, in the series, is/will be in the colours black and white, the second, third and fourth mark, in the series, is/will be in the colours blue and orange. EOLAS 242029 24 August 2009 Class 9. Downloadable electronic publications; electric or (No. 2137) Class 16. Class 35. Class 41. Patents Office Journal electronic directories. Printed matter; printed publications; magazines, journals, leaflets, pamphlets, newsletters, directories, advertisements, newspapers, books, reference books, annuals and periodical publications; programmes; calendars; diaries; stationery, pens, pencils; postcards; paper and cardboard articles. Organisation, planning, arranging and conduct of award ceremonies, conferences, seminars, demonstrations, displays, exhibitions, competitions, presentations, events and workshops for business, trade and/or commercial purposes; provision of information and advice in relation to the foregoing. Organisation, planning, arranging and conduct of award ceremonies, conferences, seminars, demonstrations, displays, exhibitions, competitions, presentations, events and workshops for cultural, educational or entertainment purposes; arranging residential courses; education and training; cultural activities; conference venue organisation; publication of texts (other than publicity texts); provision of information and advice in relation to the foregoing. BMF BUSINESS SERVICES LIMITED, Davidson House, Glenavy Road Business Park, Moira, Co. Down, BT67 0LT, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. (11/11/2009) 5044 CORPORATE PLANET 242030 20 August 2009 Class 42. Environmental consultancy services; advice, information and consultancy in relation to environmental matters, consultation in environment protection; energy conservation services; advisory services relating to energy; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services. COLLANE PLACEMENTS LIMITED, 89 Main Street, Cavan, Co. Cavan., Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The Avoca Range 242031 14 August 2009 Class 19. Treated and untreated concrete-based landscaping and ornamental features, products and materials; treated and untreated concrete-based replica stone walling, wall rendering, wall lining and wall cladding products and material; paving slabs, paving sets, stone, crushed stone, sand, gravel, tiles and pebbles; concrete blocks, bricks, posts and rails. KILSARAN CONCRETE, Piercetown, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MICHAEL FITZSIMONS, C/o Brian A. Rennick & Co. Solicitors, Main Street, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. 5045 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal The Inish Range 242032 14 August 2009 Class 19. Treated and untreated concrete-based landscaping and ornamental features, products and materials; treated and untreated concrete-based replica stone walling, wall rendering, wall lining and wall cladding products and materials; paving slabs, paving sets, stone, crushed stone, sand, gravel, tiles and pebbles; concrete blocks, bricks, posts and rails. (No. 2137) KILSARAN CONCRETE, Piercetown, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MICHAEL FITZSIMONS, C/o Brian A. Rennick & Co. Solicitors, Main Street, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. The Dolmen Range 242034 14 August 2009 Class 19. KILSARAN CONCRETE, Piercetown, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MICHAEL FITZSIMONS, C/o Brian A. Rennick & Co. Solicitors, Main Street, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. The Belvedere Range 242033 14 August 2009 Class 19. Treated and untreated concrete-based landscaping and ornamental features, products and materials; treated and untreated concrete-based replica stone walling, wall rendering, wall lining and wall cladding products and materials; paving slabs, paving sets, stone, crushed stone, sand, gravel, tiles and pebbles; concrete blocks, bricks, posts and rails. Treated and untreated concrete-based landscaping and ornamental features, products and materials; treated and untreated concrete-based replica stone walling, wall rendering, wall lining and wall cladding products and materials; paving slabs, paving sets, stone, crushed stone, sand, gravel, tiles and pebbles; concrete blocks, bricks, posts and rails. KILSARAN CONCRETE, Piercetown, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MICHAEL FITZSIMONS, C/o Brian A. Rennick & Co. Solicitors, Main Street, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. The Clara Range 242035 14 August 2009 Class 19. Treated and untreated concrete-based landscaping and ornamental features, products and materials; treated and untreated concrete-based replica stone (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal walling, wall rendering, wall lining and wall cladding products and materials; paving slabs, paving sets, stone, crushed stone, sand, gravel, tiles and pebbles; concrete blocks, bricks, posts and rails. (11/11/2009) 5046 RED COW 242037 25 August 2009 Class 41. KILSARAN CONCRETE, Piercetown, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MICHAEL FITZSIMONS, C/o Brian A. Rennick & Co. Solicitors, Main Street, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Class 43. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. T & S TAVERNS LIMITED, Red Cow Inn Complex, Naas Road, Dublin 22, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The Tara Range 242036 14 August 2009 Class 19. Treated and untreated concrete-based landscaping and ornamental features, products and materials; treated and untreated concrete-based replica stone walling, wall rendering, wall lining and wall cladding products and materials; paving slabs, paving sets, stone, crushed stone, sand, gravel, tiles and pebbles; concrete blocks, bricks, posts and rails. KILSARAN CONCRETE, Piercetown, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MICHAEL FITZSIMONS, C/o Brian A. Rennick & Co. Solicitors, Main Street, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Trade Mark Re-Advertised 241779 Advertised in Journal Number 2135 on 14 October 2009. The Mark should have been advertised as follows: PRO D PRO-D Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks 241779 24 June 2009 Class 16 Paint brushes, hand rollers for applying paint; painting utensils and paint applicators, all included in Class 16; distemper brushes and artists' materials (other than colours or varnishes); ancillary decorating lines namely paint roller sets, paint roller sleeves and decorating aids, all included in class 16. 5047 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal MOONAGUE LIMITED, Molesworth House, Moleswoth Street, Dublin, 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 241519 Advertised in Journal Number 2131 on 19 August 2009. The Mark should have been advertised as follows: Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 241519 11 May 2009 Class 37 Advisory services relating to development of property; services of property development; advisory services relating to the renovation of property; commercial retail property development services; property development; property maintenance CAPITAL ASSETS PAM LIMITED, Riverfront, Howleys Quay, Limerick, Ireland. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. (No. 2137) Opposition(s) under Section 43 of the 1996 Act 241303 O2 HOLDINGS LIMITED. Opposition filed 07 October 2009 241307 SIR CHARLES COLTHURST. Opposition filed 07 October 2009 238344 BOOST JUICE HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED. Opposition withdrawn 20 October 2009 240661 GUY DE BROMHEAD. Application withdrawn 14 October 2009 240704 WWRD Ireland IPCo LLC. Application withdrawn 13 October 2009 240742 RANA FIDA HUSSAIN. Application withdrawn 14 October 2009 240793 MOVIDIA LIMITED. Application withdrawn 23 October 2009 Application(s) Amended after Advertisement under the 1996 Act 231381 Advertised in Journal No: 2017 on 06/04/2005. Specification of goods amended to read: Cl. 16. Printed matter, including photographs, postcards, calendars, golf course books, none of the aforesaid relating to badminton, squash and tennis. Cl. 25. Golf clothing (other than gloves), golf trousers; water resistant jackets for playing golf; waterproof trousers for playing golf; golf shoes; golf caps and visors. Cl. 28. Golf balls, golf bags, golf apparel, golf gloves, golf equipment, and articles and apparatus for use in the game of golf in Class 28. Cl. 41. Recreation and sports services, provision of club recreation and sports facilit ies, provision of golfing facilities, organisation of golf tournaments, leisure centre services, provision of keep fit facilities, organisation of sporting events and the provision of recreational facilities; sporting lessons, particularly in golfing; publication of books, reviews; book (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal lending; film and video production; health club services; but not including the provision of badminton, tennis and squash court facilities for the organisation of badminton, tennis or squash tournaments, and not including the provision of badminton or squash court facilities or the organisation of badminton or squash tournaments. Cl. 43. Provision of accommodation and hotel services, conference facilities, catering services, restaurant services, bar and lounge services; booking of accommodation. 241307 Advertised in Journal No: 2128 on 08/07/2009. Specification of goods amended to read: Cl. 3. Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices, personal care, personal hygiene and perfumery products; pot pourri. Cl. 4. Candles, scented candles and wicks for lighting. Cl. 8. Cutlery, razors, knives, paper knives. Cl. 9. Decorative and souvenir magnets. Cl. 14. Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Cl. 16. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Cl. 18. Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Cl. 20. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Cl. 21. Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; (11/11/2009) 5048 brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semiworked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Cl. 22. Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Cl. 24. Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Cl. 25. Clothing, footwear and headgear. Cl. 26. Patches, embroidered patches, adhesive and iron-on patches. Ribbons, lace. Cl. 27. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile). Cl. 28. Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Cl. 29. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs. Cl. 30. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, bakingpowder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Cl. 31. Fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals. Cl. 32. Water, flavoured waters, sparkling and table waters, fruit juices and fruit and water based beverages. Cl. 34. Smokers articles; lighters; ashtrays. Cl. 35. Retail services in connection with clothing, footwear and headgear, giftware, souvenirs, stationery, confectionery, furniture books and guide books, household goods, leather goods, and other items in the nature of souvenirs. Cl. 39. Provision of information on tours; operation of tours and tourism services; the services of facilitation of, admission and access to, and management of a tourist attraction. Cl. 43. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. 5049 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Application(s) deemed to be Withdrawn under Section 45(2) of the 1996 Act 239746 240498 240500 240529 PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED TALMARC CLOTHING LIMITED TALMARC CLOTHING LIMITED LORCÁN MCNEELA CAOMHÁN CONNOLLY Trade Marks Registered under the 1996 Act 231892 236361 239383 240513 240598 240649 240650 240720 240856 240895 240908 240926 240933 240936 240946 240958 240959 240963 240964 240974 241013 241018 (2023) Cl. 5. ROWEX LTD. (2075) Cl. 35. AJT (IP) LIMITED (2105) Cl. 29 30 31. WHOLEFOODS WHOLESALE LTD (2119) Cl. 44. LORRAINE MCQUADE (2120) Cl. 5. ACTAVIS IRELAND LIMITED (2120) Cl. 1 2 3 6 8 9 16 19 20 22 24 25 27 28 31 35. ASSOCIATED HARDWARE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (2120) Cl. 1 2 3 6 8 9 16 19 20 22 24 25 27 28 31 35. ASSOCIATED HARDWARE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (2121) Cl. 6. BEN SCOTT (2123) Cl. 42. ADRIAN HEFFERNAN (2123) Cl. 33. ASESORÍAS E INVERSIONES ROCA S.A. (2123) Cl. 37. LIAM HAYES (2124) Cl. 1 2 3 4 5. DR. STEPHEN STENSON (2124) Cl. 29. COOMBE FARM WHOLESALE (2124) Cl. 20 40. MALACHY MULHALL (2124) Cl. 30. PAUL MACNAMEE (2124) Cl. 45. BRIEF COUNSEL LIMITED (2124) Cl. 16 41. SINEAD CUNNINGHAM (2124) Cl. 24. MICHAEL HOWARD (2124) Cl. 24. MICHAEL HOWARD (2124) Cl. 5. GALEN LIMITED (2124) Cl. 5 9 14 16 18 21 24 28. THOMOND PARK STADIUM COMPANY LIMITED (2124) Cl. 45. RECONNAISSANCE SECURITY LTD 241019 241036 241038 241040 241046 241064 241067 241068 241071 241072 241075 241083 241084 241085 241086 241088 241090 241092 241095 241106 241107 241108 241109 241110 241111 241125 241141 241151 241169 241173 241182 (No. 2137) (2124) Cl. 45. RECONNAISSANCE SECURITY LTD (2124) Cl. 44. OPTILASE CLINICS LIMITED (2124) Cl. 35 36 37 41 42. FRANCIS PERRI (2124) Cl. 41. EMERGENT EVENTS LTD (2125) Cl. 39. CITYJET LIMITED (2125) Cl. 1. CYALUME TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (2125) Cl. 1 5 31. BIOTAL LIMITED (2125) Cl. 30. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED (2125) Cl. 3 4 5 6 16 18 33 40 43. MUSGRAVE LIMITED (2125) Cl. 36. AFFORDABLE HOMES PARTNERSHIP (2125) Cl. 29. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED (2125) Cl. 29 30 43. THALIUS HECKSHER (2125) Cl. 29 30 43. THALIUS HECKSHER (2125) Cl. 29 30 43. THALIUS HECKSHER (2125) Cl. 29 30 43. THALIUS HECKSHER (2125) Cl. 1 4 11 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 45. GDF SUEZ (2125) Cl. 5 29 32. MERCK CONSUMER HEALTHCARE LIMITED (2125) Cl. 36. ULSTER BANK LIMITED (2125) Cl. 9 16 35 38 41. UK CHANNEL MANAGEMENT LIMITED (2125) Cl. 32. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED (2125) Cl. 5. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY (2125) Cl. 5. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY (2125) Cl. 5. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY (2126) Cl. 25. JERRY WREN (2126) Cl. 25. JERRY WREN (2126) Cl. 25. ANNE MCKEON (2126) Cl. 29 30 43. WESLEY CRAWFORD (2126) Cl. 16 41. TADGH THE CELTIC TIGER MEMORABILIA LTD (2126) Cl. 41. NOEL GRIFFIN (2126) Cl. 35 43. MCAVOY HIRE LIMITED (2127) Cl. 30. CADBURY UK LIMITED (No. 2137) 241187 241188 241190 241196 241201 241202 241216 241217 241218 241222 241229 241241 241242 241243 241244 241245 241250 241254 241262 241263 241264 241265 241266 241267 241281 241297 241298 241308 241326 Patents Office Journal (2127) Cl. 9 12 16 25 35 37 41. MR GREEN ENERGIE LIMITED (2127) Cl. 42. UNITED FISH INDUSTRIES LIMITED (2127) Cl. 1. BRANDON PRODUCTS LTD (2127) Cl. 44. Dr. JOHN HEENEY (2127) Cl. 41. CONOR HYDE (2127) Cl. 35. CONOR HYDE (2127) Cl. 25. TALMARC CLOTHING LIMITED (2127) Cl. 25. TALMARC CLOTHING LIMITED (2127) Cl. 25. TALMARC CLOTHING LIMITED (2127) Cl. 35. WEB TOWN LIMITED (2127) Cl. 5 16. Industrial Development Company "INDEVCO" s.a.l. (2127) Cl. 33. ASTROLABE WINES LIMITED (2127) Cl. 5 16. Industrial Development Company "INDEVCO" s.a.l. (2127) Cl. 5 16. Industrial Development Company "INDEVCO" s.a.l. (2127) Cl. 27. AML ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS LTD (2127) Cl. 43. NIALL HUGGARD (2127) Cl. 29 30 32 43. THE BLUE HAVEN PARTNERSHIP (2127) Cl. 37 42. GERALD EDWARD WARDELL (2127) Cl. 9. ARANTECH LTD. (ARAN TECHNOLOGIES) (2127) Cl. 9. ARANTECH LTD. (ARAN TECHNOLOGIES) (2127) Cl. 9. ARANTECH LTD. (ARAN TECHNOLOGIES) (2127) Cl. 9. ARANTECH LTD. (ARAN TECHNOLOGIES) (2127) Cl. 9. ARANTECH LTD. (ARAN TECHNOLOGIES) (2127) Cl. 9. ARANTECH LTD. (ARAN TECHNOLOGIES) (2128) Cl. 3. COSWELL S.p.A. (2128) Cl. 29 30. ALDON HOLDINGS LIMITED (2128) Cl. 29. MCCAIN FOODS (GB) LIMITED (2128) Cl. 44. HAMPTON MEDICAL LTD (2128) Cl. 16. BRIAN DOUGLAS (11/11/2009) 5050 Renewal of Registrations Under Section 48 of the 1996 Act 48502 56146 56161 56182 56187 59772 59841 60696 60789 67855 68125 69008 81177 81186 85115 85226 85330 85928 86022 86101 88917 88975 94196 94392 95773 96362 98912 100718 128066 128555 128746 129134 129162 129382 Cl. 29. Carapelli Firenze, S.p.A. Cl. 3. Cognis IP Management GmbH Cl. 3. MÄURER + WIRTZ GmbH & CO. KG Cl. 25. STYLO MATCHMAKERS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 3. MUELHENS GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 5. Bayer Healthcare LLC Cl. 3. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 25. TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. DEGESCH GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRANKTER HAFTUNG. Cl. 14, Cl. 18, Cl. 25. CHRISTIAN DIOR COUTURE Cl. 3. Ecolab Europe GmbH Cl. 29. Danish Crown AmbA Cl. 5. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 5. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 29. SUNSWEET GROWERS INC. Cl. 5. BSN Medical GmbH Cl. 7. DE BEERS INDUSTRIAL DIAMONDS (IRELAND) Cl. 33. MACDONALD & MUIR LIMITED Cl. 17. Klöckner Pentaplast GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 34. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 3. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 25. TRIUMPH INTERTRADE AG Cl. 12. TELEDYNE TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED Cl. 12. TELEDYNE TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED Cl. 32. Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. Cl. 3. PROCTER & GAMBLE NEDERLAND B.V. Cl. 6. POLY-CLIP SYSTEM GmbH & CO. KG. Cl. 1, Cl. 11. Everpure, LLC Cl. 23. AMOCO FABRICS AND FIBERS COMPANY Cl. 25. VAN DE VELDE NAAMLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP Cl. 9. CONFEZIONI F.G. S.p.A. Cl. 25. CHURCH AND CO. (FOOTWEAR) LIMITED Cl. 1. BK Giulini GmbH Cl. 25. UNICREDIT LEASING S.p.A. 5051 129739 129925 130116 130117 130289 130290 130291 130292 130390 130859 130925 130988 131178 131783 131813 131884 132966 133090 133516 133517 133518 133519 133520 133521 139182 140401 140403 140405 140407 140409 140411 140413 140415 140416 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 4. WINTERSHALL AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 10. BECTON DICKINSON INFUSION THERAPY AKTIEBOLAG Cl. 27. PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 27. PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 18. COMME DES GARCONS CO. LTD. Cl. 24. COMME DES GARCONS CO. LTD. Cl. 25. COMME DES GARCONS CO. LTD. Cl. 28. ODDZON, INC. Cl. 29. TRILBY TRADING LIMITED Cl. 30. IRISH BISCUITS LIMITED Cl. 25. Schott Bros. Inc. Cl. 9. BMG FRANCE Cl. 32. Holsten-Brauerei AG Cl. 31. BUD HOLDING B.V. Cl. 1. Beghin-Say Cl. 25. CHURCH AND CO. (FOOTWEAR) LIMITED Cl. 25. Schott Bros. Inc. Cl. 9, Cl. 16. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION Cl. 12. FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION Cl. 16. FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION Cl. 12. FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION Cl. 16. FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION Cl. 12. FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION Cl. 16. FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION Cl. 25. COFRA Holding AG Cl. 12, Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 12, Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 12, Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 12, Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 12, Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 12, Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 12, Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 16. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. 140417 141056 141242 148148 148200 148337 149600 149651 149652 149851 150152 150269 150477 150704 150731 150732 150850 150962 151027 151209 151457 151624 151625 151627 151758 151759 151916 152388 152451 152886 153021 153210 153211 153518 153737 (No. 2137) Cl. 16, Cl. 20. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. Cl. 11, Cl. 34. WWRD Ireland IPCo LLC Cl. 14. FABRICA NACIONAL DE MONEDA Y TIMBRE Cl. 3. DEBONAIR TRADING INTERNACIONAL LDA Cl. 11. BUTLER MANUFACTURING SERVICES LTD. Cl. 18. PRIMARK HOLDINGS Cl. 25. PRIMARK HOLDINGS Cl. 18. PRIMARK HOLDINGS Cl. 28. PRIMARK HOLDINGS Cl. 21. BORMIOLI LUIGI S.p.A. Cl. 29. MCM FOODS B.V. Cl. 31. SOCIETE POUR L'EXPANSION DES VENTES DES PRODUITS AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES SOPEXA Cl. 16. LAWNET LIMITED Cl. 16. AMERICAN BILTRITE INC. Cl. 9. TIMES NEWSPAPERS LIMITED Cl. 16. TIMES NEWSPAPERS LIMITED Cl. 30. LITTLE CAESAR ENTERPRISES, INC. Cl. 16. EUROCROSS INTERNATIONAL HOLDING B.V. Cl. 30. LITTLE CAESAR ENTERPRISES, INC. Cl. 29. Glanbia Plc Cl. 21. MARKS AND SPENCER PLC. Cl. 5. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 10. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 25. BESTSELLER RETAIL IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 18. PRIMARK HOLDINGS Cl. 28. PRIMARK HOLDINGS Cl. 25, Cl. 28. A.G. THOMPSON PROPRIETARY LIMITED Cl. 1. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 16. TIMES NEWSPAPERS LIMITED Cl. 21. PI-DESIGN AG. Cl. 26. HAIR CLUB FOR MEN LTD Cl. 31. SOCIETE POUR L'EXPANSION DES VENTES DES PRODUITS AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES SOPEXA Cl. 31. SOCIETE POUR L'EXPANSION DES VENTES DES PRODUITS AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES SOPEXA Cl. 3. Parfums Rochas S.A.S. Cl. 5. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY (No. 2137) 154120 154230 154411 154412 154413 154414 154436 154438 154440 154524 154676 154780 155139 155140 155299 156134 156142 156289 156394 156765 156807 157104 157456 157492 157637 157855 157918 158047 159619 160666 160727 161893 163018 175958 176393 176846 213349 213505 Patents Office Journal Cl. 25. ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 19. GIRPI Cl. 1. PURAC BIOCHEM B.V. Cl. 1. PURAC BIOCHEM B.V. Cl. 1. PURAC BIOCHEM B.V. Cl. 1. PURAC BIOCHEM B.V. Cl. 25, Cl. 28. A.G. THOMPSON PROPRIETARY LIMITED Cl. 25, Cl. 28. A.G. THOMPSON PROPRIETARY LIMITED Cl. 25, Cl. 28. A.G. THOMPSON PROPRIETARY LIMITED Cl. 16. THE HONORARY NATIONAL SECRETARY FOR THE TIME BEING OF AN OIGE, THE IRISH YOUTH HOSTEL ASSOCIATION Cl. 17. AEROBORD LIMITED Cl. 6, Cl. 19. PASCHAL-WERK G. MAIER GmbH Cl. 18. CAMPER, S.L. Cl. 3. CAMPER, S.L. Cl. 10. SCHNEIDER (USA) INC. Cl. 9. FRANCE TELECOM Cl. 30. LITTLE CAESAR ENTERPRISES, INC. Cl. 29. IRISH SEAFOOD PRODUCERS GROUP LTD. Cl. 3. BACCARAT Cl. 9. TIMES NEWSPAPERS LIMITED Cl. 25. BRITISH LIONS LIMITED Cl. 5. SHS INTERNATIONAL LTD Cl. 12. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 25. MAGEE & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 2. BASF COATINGS AG Cl. 16. EUROWINGS LUFTVERKEHRS AG Cl. 32. SAN MIGUEL, FABRICAS DE CERVEZA Y MALTA, S.A. Cl. 9. INTEL CORPORATION Cl. 29, Cl. 30. BOQUOI HANDELS OHG Cl. 30. HUHTAMAKI FINANCE B.V. Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 18, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. GOLDWIN INC. Cl. 31, Cl. 32, Cl. 33. MARKANT HANDELS UND SERVICE GmbH Cl. 29. GLANBIA PLC Cl. 30. LITTLE CAESAR ENTERPRISES, INC. Cl. 3. Hugo Boss Trade Mark Management GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 29. Chevallier Cl. 3, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 38, Cl. 39, Cl. 41. KERRY ROSE FESTIVAL LIMITED 214691 214692 214693 215003 215094 215129 215301 215424 215490 215570 215643 215646 215705 215729 215787 215951 216018 216292 216554 216672 216685 216745 216746 216794 216806 216845 216854 216919 216961 216962 216974 216975 216976 217056 217122 217318 217347 217469 217490 (11/11/2009) 5052 Cl. 9. ESSEX EUROPE Cl. 9. ESSEX EUROPE Cl. 9. ESSEX EUROPE Cl. 11. TRITON PLC Cl. 5. NOVARTIS AG. Cl. 7, Cl. 9. Chamberlain GmbH Cl. 30. IRISH BISCUITS LIMITED Cl. 16, Cl. 38. ESAT TELECOM GROUP PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY Cl. 30. GOLDSPEAR LIMITED Cl. 16, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. FRITO-LAY TRADING COMPANY GMBH Cl. 3. COTY B.V. Cl. 12. OPEL EISENACH GMBH Cl. 3. MÜLHENS GMBH & CO. KG Cl. 11. Reflex Winkelmann & Pannhoff GmbH & Co. Cl. 28. TY, INC. Cl. 16, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. FRITO-LAY TRADING COMPANY GMBH Cl. 9. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 35, Cl. 36. Leasimpresa S.p.A. Cl. 1, Cl. 3, Cl. 5, Cl. 10, Cl. 16, Cl. 21, Cl. 39. Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA Cl. 3. LABORATOIRE BIODERMA Cl. 5. Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 38, Cl. 42. FINECO S.p.a. Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 38, Cl. 42. FINECO S.p.a. Cl. 16, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 29, Cl. 30. PEPSICO, INC. Cl. 27. Tarkett Sommer SA Cl. 16, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. FRITO-LAY TRADING COMPANY GMBH Cl. 11, Cl. 37. POLYTECH PRODUCTS INC. Cl. 1. DSM IP Assets B.V. Cl. 16, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 29, Cl. 30. PEPSICO, INC. Cl. 29, Cl. 30. PEPSICO, INC. Cl. 28. TY, INC. Cl. 28. TY, INC. Cl. 28. TY, INC. Cl. 3. MÜLHENS GMBH & CO. KG Cl. 28. D.A.M. DEUTSCHE ANGELGERÄTE MANUFAKTUR HELLMUTH KUNTZE GMBH & CO. KG Cl. 28. TY, INC. Cl. 7. THK CO., LTD Cl. 29. AUNT BESSIE'S LIMITED Cl. 29. AUNT BESSIE'S LIMITED 5053 217532 217533 217544 217595 217706 217725 218083 218107 218228 218499 218613 218758 219057 219147 219367 220379 220727 220893 220956 221768 222496 222815 224495 225243 230702 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 10. B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 1. DSM IP Assets B.V. Cl. 1. DSM IP Assets B.V. Cl. 41. MONKEYNASTIX INTERNATIONAL (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 41. Aon Holdings B.V. Cl. 29, Cl. 30. FRITO-LAY TRADING COMPANY GMBH Cl. 12, Cl. 37. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN Cl. 5. B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 31. Imko Nut Products B.V. Cl. 29, Cl. 30. AUNT BESSIE'S LIMITED Cl. 16, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 29, Cl. 30. FRITO-LAY TRADING COMPANY GMBH Cl. 16, Cl. 41. ROYAL IRISH AUTOMOBILE CLUB Cl. 38, Cl. 42. Intel Corporation Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 37, Cl. 38, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. ERI BANCAIRE LUXEMBOURG S.A. Cl. 29, Cl. 30. OPPENHEIMER PTY LIMITED Cl. 20. Aran World S.r.l. Cl. 3. Hugo Boss Trade Mark Management GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 29. IRISH SEAFOOD INVESTMENT LIMITED Cl. 30. BLENDERS LIMITED Cl. 30. Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. Cl. 3, Cl. 25, Cl. 35, Cl. 39. LERNCO, INC. Cl. 35, Cl. 38, Cl. 42. InterXion Holding N.V. Cl. 3, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 38, Cl. 39. KERRY ROSE FESTIVAL LIMITED Cl. 30. CELTIC CHOCOLATES LIMITED Cl. 9. MANGO SPORT SYSTEM S.R.L. (No. 2137) Renewal Fees unpaid at date of expiry of Registration or renewal thereof - Rule 39(1) of the 1996 Rules 30804 30822 30823 31401 34967 34976 35252 35258 36018 36023 36024 36028 36094 55210 55220 55588 55595 55601 55636 55638 55870 55915 55916 56076 Cl. 11. 08 April 2009. OSRAM GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRANKTER HAFTUNG Cl. 3. 07 April 2009. SUNKIST GROWERS, INC. Cl. 32. 07 April 2009. SUNKIST GROWERS, INC. Cl. 25. 19 April 2009. THE H. D. LEE COMPANY INC. Cl. 5. 12 April 2009. INTERNATIONAL DIAMALT CO. LIMITED Cl. 6. 16 April 2009. TEXON UK LIMITED Cl. 5. 12 April 2009. Heinz Italia S.p.A. Cl. 34. 30 April 2009. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 29. 12 April 2009. Heinz Italia S.p.A. Cl. 29. 29 April 2009. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 30. 29 April 2009. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 30. 09 April 2009. KRAFT FOODS SCHWEIZ HOLDING AG Cl. 3. 26 April 2009. BRUNNER MOND & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 3. 29 April 2009. WHITEHALL LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 5. 17 April 2009. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 5. 15 April 2009. ORGANON TEKNIKA B.V. Cl. 5. 09 April 2009. IRISH DRUGS LIMITED Cl. 25. 19 April 2009. DUNLOP FOOTWEAR LIMITED Cl. 32. 19 April 2009. CANADA DRY CORPORATION LIMITED (formerly called WORLDWIDE BEVERAGES LIMITED) Cl. 12. 26 April 2009. FORD-WERKE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 25. 23 April 2009. HEALTHTEX APPAREL CORP. Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. ALADDIN INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED Cl. 11. 14 April 2009. ALADDIN INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED Cl. 3. 06 April 2009. EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION (No. 2137) 59297 59335 59351 59353 59488 59489 59510 59513 59523 59524 59525 63785 63786 66734 66869 66875 66879 66923 66928 66981 67139 67206 67207 67533 67744 67746 67868 68088 83567 83568 83645 Patents Office Journal Cl. 11. 12 April 2009. FEDDERS NORTH AMERICA, INC. Cl. 5. 05 April 2009. ROUSSEL LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 29. 02 April 2009. W. & C. McDONNELL LIMITED Cl. 5. 05 April 2009. AVENTIS PHARMA S.A. Cl. 5. 02 April 2009. Actavis Group PTC ehf Cl. 5. 02 April 2009. Actavis Group PTC ehf Cl. 5. 09 April 2009. UCB S.A. Cl. 5. 14 April 2009. UCB S.A. Cl. 29. 22 April 2009. BIRDS EYE IPCO LIMITED Cl. 1. 25 April 2009. PAN BRITANNICA INDUSTRIES LIMITED Cl. 1. 25 April 2009. PAN BRITANNICA INDUSTRIES LIMITED Cl. 24. 17 April 2009. MAGEE & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 25. 17 April 2009. MAGEE & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 5. 09 April 2009. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 5. 23 April 2009. UCB S.A. Cl. 10. 28 April 2009. ALLIED HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS, INC. Cl. 12. 29 April 2009. WATTS TYRE & RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 24. 05 April 2009. ALAMAC KNIT FABRICS, INC. Cl. 9. 21 April 2009. GEC AVERY LIMITED Cl. 17. 30 April 2009. NGK INSULATORS LTD. Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. BAYER CORPORATION Cl. 25. 08 April 2009. Eminence S.A.S. Cl. 5. 23 April 2009. UCB S.A. Cl. 22, Cl. 23, Cl. 24. 30 April 2009. TORAY KABUSHIKI KAISHA TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. Cl. 3. 08 April 2009. CARVEN Cl. 3. 08 April 2009. CARVEN Cl. 17. 30 April 2009. NGK INSULATORS LTD. Cl. 25. 27 April 2009. MVG AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FUR INTERNATIONALE MODE Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. DyStar Textilfarben GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG 83646 83647 83648 83823 83824 83825 83827 83830 83835 83837 83925 83926 83928 83929 83930 83931 83932 83933 83934 83935 83936 83937 83940 83942 84030 84031 84032 84033 (11/11/2009) 5054 Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 30. 09 April 2009. PIZZA HUT INTERNATIONAL LLC Cl. 13. 28 April 2009. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 4. 28 April 2009. EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 21. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 22. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. DyStar Textilfarben GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 07 April 2009. FLEXSYS AMERICA, L.P. Cl. 5. 25 April 2009. Glaxo Group Limited Cl. 5. 25 April 2009. Glaxo Group Limited Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 5055 84035 84036 84039 84106 84107 84109 84110 84111 84112 84113 84114 84116 84122 84124 84198 84199 84201 84202 84203 84205 84210 84212 84213 84318 84319 84320 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 25. 16 April 2009. HOECHST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (formerly FARBWERKE HOECHST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, vormals Meister Lucius & Bruning) Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 19. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. 25 April 2009. Glaxo Group Limited Cl. 13. 28 April 2009. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 24. 16 April 2009. HOECHST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (formerly FARBWERKE HOECHST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, vormals Meister Lucius & Bruning) Cl. 5. 16 April 2009. MERCK KGaA Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 84394 84395 84396 84397 84398 84399 84400 84401 84403 84490 84492 84494 84495 84496 84498 84499 84500 84507 84509 84590 84594 84697 84698 84700 84702 84703 84704 84783 84784 (No. 2137) Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 30. 09 April 2009. PIZZA HUT INTERNATIONAL LLC Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 13. 28 April 2009. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 5. 30 April 2009. ACP B.V. Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 4. 28 April 2009. EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Cl. 4. 28 April 2009. EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Cl. 4. 28 April 2009. EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (No. 2137) 84786 84787 84887 84888 84889 84987 84988 84989 84995 84996 84999 85001 85074 85079 85175 85176 85179 85282 85384 85385 85492 85493 85494 85495 85564 85567 85687 85773 Patents Office Journal Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 30. 21 April 2009. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 07 April 2009. SOLUTIA INC. Cl. 3. 04 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER p.l.c. Cl. 27. 04 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER p.l.c. Cl. 18. 04 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER p.l.c. Cl. 1. 09 April 2009. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Cl. 16. 09 April 2009. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Cl. 6. 28 April 2009. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. KOFFIE F. ROMBOUTS N.V. CAFES F. ROMBOUTS S.A. Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. DyStar Textilfarben GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG Cl. 19. 28 April 2009. SAINT-GOBAIN VITRAGE Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 31. 29 April 2009. S.S. STEINER, INC. Cl. 10. 21 April 2009. HUDSON RESPIRATORY CARE INC Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. 18 April 2009. RHONEPOULENC CHIMIE S.A. Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 19. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 7. 02 April 2009. LEDERMANN GMBH 85774 86071 86072 86079 86080 86081 86082 86341 86610 86611 86612 87099 87187 87188 87189 87191 87192 87567 87568 87569 89401 89402 89403 89404 89405 92461 92660 92661 92817 92819 93424 (11/11/2009) 5056 Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BAKER HUGHES LIMITED Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. DyStar Textilfarben GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 29. 25 April 2009. ATLANTA HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT HARDER & CO. GMBH Cl. 30. 25 April 2009. ATLANTA HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT HARDER & CO. GMBH Cl. 31. 25 April 2009. ATLANTA HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT HARDER & CO. GMBH Cl. 32. 25 April 2009. ATLANTA HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT HARDER & CO. GMBH Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. 10 April 2009. KOMMANDITGESELLSCHAFT SCHWARZHAUPT GmbH & CO. Cl. 1. 21 April 2009. SOLVAY Cl. 7. 21 April 2009. SOLVAY Cl. 9. 21 April 2009. SOLVAY Cl. 17. 21 April 2009. SOLVAY Cl. 20. 21 April 2009. SOLVAY Cl. 1. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 19. 04 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 01 April 2009. BORDEN, INC. Cl. 2. 01 April 2009. BORDEN, INC. Cl. 16. 01 April 2009. BORDEN, INC. Cl. 17. 01 April 2009. BORDEN, INC. Cl. 29. 01 April 2009. BORDEN, INC. Cl. 34. 26 April 2009. B.V. TABAKSFABRIEK J. GRUNO Cl. 1. 16 April 2009. AGFA-GEVAERT N.V. Cl. 30. 30 April 2009. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 3. 20 April 2009. ELLIS & EVERARD (UK) LIMITED Cl. 33. 25 April 2009. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 30. 05 April 2009. Masterfoods Limited 5057 93735 93736 93975 93977 94136 94562 94563 94564 94963 95123 95127 95130 95724 95765 97513 98279 98280 98281 98282 98283 99478 99501 100079 100080 100081 100082 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 16. 05 April 2009. HEARST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Cl. 8. 09 April 2009. Etablissements JOSEPH OPINEL & CIE Cl. 29, Cl. 30. 10 April 2009. Golden Wonder Limited Cl. 5. 12 April 2009. PHARMACIA & UPJOHN S.P.A. Cl. 10. 04 April 2009. Sediver Société Européenne d'Isolateurs en Verre et Composite Cl. 30. 23 April 2009. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 30. 23 April 2009. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 30. 23 April 2009. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 5. 12 April 2009. PFIZER ENTERPRISES SARL Cl. 3. 02 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 34. 26 April 2009. B.V. TABAKSFABRIEK J. GRUNO Cl. 34. 30 April 2009. B.V. TABAKSFABRIEK J. GRUNO Cl. 34. 03 April 2009. ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 34. 23 April 2009. B.V. TABAKSFABRIEK J. & A.C. VAN ROSSEM Cl. 3. 09 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 3. 10 April 2009. YAMAHA CORPORATION NIPPON GAKKI CO., LTD. Cl. 19. 10 April 2009. YAMAHA CORPORATION NIPPON GAKKI CO., LTD. Cl. 26. 10 April 2009. YAMAHA CORPORATION NIPPON GAKKI CO., LTD. Cl. 27. 10 April 2009. YAMAHA CORPORATION NIPPON GAKKI CO., LTD. Cl. 29. 10 April 2009. YAMAHA CORPORATION NIPPON GAKKI CO., LTD. Cl. 7, Cl. 9, Cl. 11. 20 April 2009. Miele & Cie. KG Cl. 3. 10 April 2009. MR. JEANJACQUES GOUPIL Cl. 24. 03 April 2009. J.C. PENNEY CO. INC. Cl. 25. 03 April 2009. J.C. PENNEY CO. INC. Cl. 24. 03 April 2009. J.C. PENNEY CO. INC. Cl. 25. 03 April 2009. J.C. PENNEY CO. INC. 101315 101339 101900 102491 125690 125813 126089 126094 126096 126261 126262 126377 126379 126384 126385 126386 126387 126389 126390 126393 126396 126552 126819 126821 126822 126827 126976 126977 126978 (No. 2137) Cl. 1. 23 April 2009. TANABE SEIYAKU CO. LTD. Cl. 1. 06 April 2009. ROQUETTE FRERES Cl. 33. 03 April 2009. DEINHARD & CO. KGaA Cl. 34. 03 April 2009. ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 5. 20 April 2009. SANOFI PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Cl. 5. 11 April 2009. ALMIRALLPRODESFARMA, S.A. Cl. 5. 06 April 2009. PHARMA X LIMITED Cl. 19. 21 April 2009. TEGRAL BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 16. 28 April 2009. SWADDLERS LIMITED Cl. 25. 25 April 2009. MANUEL RUIZ GARCIA Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. Knorr Bestfoods Limited Cl. 5. 05 April 2009. CHURCH & DWIGHT CO., INC. Cl. 25. 07 April 2009. KABUSHIKI KAISHA WORLD WORLD CO.,LTD. Cl. 16. 18 April 2009. Fabian GRANELL FELIX Cl. 5. 19 April 2009. SYNGENTA LIMITED Cl. 3. 20 April 2009. ROBERT MCBRIDE LIMITED Cl. 1. 21 April 2009. POLYONE CORPORATION Cl. 5. 24 April 2009. SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 10. 24 April 2009. SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. 25 April 2009. Honeywell Analytics Limited Cl. 25. 28 April 2009. MITRE SPORTS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 30. 18 April 2009. BIOQUELLE KLAUS LOSCH GES.M.B.H. Cl. 16. 11 April 2009. ZIPPO MANUFACTURING COMPANY Cl. 1. 12 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 12 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. 18 April 2009. Kodak Limited Cl. 18. 14 April 2009. CRUYFF INTERNATIONAL B.V. Cl. 25. 14 April 2009. CRUYFF INTERNATIONAL B.V. Cl. 28. 14 April 2009. CRUYFF INTERNATIONAL B.V. (No. 2137) 126982 126986 126989 127120 127126 127127 127250 127251 127260 127525 127534 127539 127540 127541 127546 127741 127755 127888 127889 127890 127891 127919 127920 128040 128041 Patents Office Journal Cl. 17. 20 April 2009. VIBAC S.p.A Cl. 25. 24 April 2009. Manuel SAEZ MERINO Cl. 3. 28 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 7. 07 April 2009. M & K QUARRY PLANT LTD. Cl. 25. 28 April 2009. Mr. José ARAGONES MONTSANT Cl. 25. 28 April 2009. Mr. José ARAGONES MONTSANT Cl. 33. 05 April 2009. VINOS JAIME SERRA, S.A. Cl. 17. 06 April 2009. KAYFOAM WOOLFSON LIMITED Cl. 5. 14 April 2009. ARLA, ekonomisk forening Cl. 21. 17 April 2009. RICHARDGINORI 1735 S.R.L. Cl. 16. 05 April 2009. LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 29. 17 April 2009. COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE Cl. 5. 19 April 2009. Elan Corporation Plc Cl. 10. 19 April 2009. Elan Corporation Plc Cl. 5. 25 April 2009. BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (NL), Zweigniederlassung Wädenswil Cl. 29. 25 April 2009. SYNDICAT PROFESSIONNEL DE DEFENSE DES PRODUCTEURS DE LAIT ET TRANSFORMATEURS DE BEURRE ET DE CREME D'ISIGNY-SUR-MER, BAIE DES VEYS Cl. 9. 17 April 2009. SIEMENS NIXDORF INFORMATIONSSYSTEME AG Cl. 29. 13 April 2009. Goki's Ltd. Cl. 29. 25 April 2009. SYNDICAT PROFESSIONNEL DE DEFENSE DES PRODUCTEURS DE LAIT ET TRANSFORMATEURS DE BEURRE ET DE CREME D'ISIGNY-SUR-MER, BAIE DES VEYS Cl. 10. 25 April 2009. SORIN BIOMEDICAL INC. Cl. 9. 27 April 2009. AST RESEARCH, INC. Cl. 10. 06 April 2009. PHARMAX LIMITED Cl. 30. 17 April 2009. LEAF IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 33. 05 April 2009. VINOS JAIME SERRA, S.A. Cl. 1. 13 April 2009. NEW PENDULUM CORP. 128047 128048 128049 128050 128051 128052 128053 128194 128285 128286 128287 128294 128301 128302 128309 128310 128314 128317 128318 128325 128326 128328 128329 128330 128331 128401 128408 128821 (11/11/2009) 5058 Cl. 25. 17 April 2009. INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS AND SPORTS EQUIPMENT LTD. Cl. 3. 24 April 2009. THE ELIZABETH TAYLOR COSMETICS COMPANY Cl. 3. 24 April 2009. THE ELIZABETH TAYLOR COSMETICS COMPANY Cl. 3. 24 April 2009. THE ELIZABETH TAYLOR COSMETICS COMPANY Cl. 3. 24 April 2009. THE ELIZABETH TAYLOR COSMETICS COMPANY Cl. 6. 24 April 2009. ASSOCIATED HARDWARE LIMITED Cl. 8. 24 April 2009. ASSOCIATED HARDWARE LIMITED Cl. 7. 25 April 2009. TETRA REX PACKAGING SYSTEMS INC. Cl. 5. 05 April 2009. PRODUCTOS DAMEL S.A. Cl. 29. 05 April 2009. PRODUCTOS DAMEL S.A. Cl. 30. 05 April 2009. PRODUCTOS DAMEL S.A. Cl. 3. 06 April 2009. SCOTT PAPER COMPANY Cl. 30. 14 April 2009. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 5. 14 April 2009. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 25. 17 April 2009. STATE OF ART B.V. Cl. 25. 18 April 2009. VULCANIZADOS Y CALZADOS, S.A. Cl. 1. 21 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. 27 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 5. 27 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 29. 28 April 2009. IGLO-OLA B.V. Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. IGLO OLA B.V. Cl. 18. 28 April 2009. CARBONE INTERNATIONAL Cl. 25. 28 April 2009. CARBONE INTERNATIONAL Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. CHIEFTAIN FOODS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 32. 28 April 2009. CHIEFTAIN FOODS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 5. 11 April 2009. CEVA SANTE ANIMALE Cl. 20. 04 April 2009. BULO KANTOORMEUBELEN Cl. 1. 25 April 2009. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft 5059 128822 128825 128826 128827 128828 128937 128938 129026 129099 129100 129116 129126 129242 129245 129248 129375 129619 129620 129621 129622 129623 129817 130358 130484 130487 130623 130783 130978 130980 130981 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 5. 25 April 2009. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 1. 28 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 28 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. 28 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. 28 April 2009. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 31. 28 April 2009. Pet Foods Plus Cl. 31. 28 April 2009. Pet Foods Plus Cl. 30. 25 April 2009. PAT THE BAKER Cl. 29. 25 April 2009. CHOCOLAT POULAIN Cl. 30. 25 April 2009. CHOCOLAT POULAIN Cl. 3. 13 April 2009. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & Cie Cl. 9. 28 April 2009. METZ-WERKE GmbH & CO KG Cl. 33. 24 April 2009. CHAMPAGNE DUVAL-LEROY Cl. 2. 27 April 2009. MANDER-KIDD (UNITED KINGDOM) LIMITED Cl. 31. 28 April 2009. THE ECONOMIC COMMITTEE OF BRITTANY Cl. 31. 21 April 2009. DANSTAR FERMENT A.G Cl. 1. 05 April 2009. SANOFISYNTHELABO Cl. 5. 05 April 2009. SANOFISYNTHELABO Cl. 9. 05 April 2009. SANOFISYNTHELABO Cl. 10. 05 April 2009. SANOFISYNTHELABO Cl. 16. 05 April 2009. SANOFISYNTHELABO Cl. 16. 12 April 2009. HARLEQUIN BOOKS S.A. Cl. 1. 12 April 2009. L.C.L. LIMITED Cl. 24. 07 April 2009. DONEGAL LINENS LIMITED Cl. 9. 25 April 2009. Le Ministre de l'Equipement, des Transports et de la Mer, DIRECTION DE LA METEOROLOGIE Cl. 30. 25 April 2009. CHOCOLAT POULAIN Cl. 5. 27 April 2009. BAYER CROPSCIENCE LIMITED Cl. 9. 20 April 2009. ALLSOP, INC. Cl. 16. 20 April 2009. ALLSOP, INC. Cl. 20. 20 April 2009. ALLSOP, INC. 131459 131460 131766 131767 132439 132440 132893 133429 133430 133991 134098 134170 134171 134172 135054 135055 135056 135057 135058 135059 135060 (No. 2137) Cl. 30. 19 April 2009. LUIGI LAVAZZA S.p.A. Cl. 30. 13 April 2009. LUIGI LAVAZZA S.p.A. Cl. 5. 13 April 2009. PFIZER INC. Cl. 25. 18 April 2009. SEALE CLOTHING LTD. Cl. 29. 24 April 2009. Unislim Clubs Limited Cl. 30. 24 April 2009. Unislim Clubs Limited Cl. 1. 18 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 9. 24 April 2009. Unislim Clubs Limited Cl. 16. 24 April 2009. Unislim Clubs Limited Cl. 19. 12 April 2009. VEKA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. ELIZABETH SHAW LIMITED Cl. 29. 12 April 2009. THAI AGRI FOODS Cl. 30. 12 April 2009. THAI AGRI FOODS Cl. 32. 12 April 2009. THAI AGRI FOODS Cl. 1. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 3. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 29. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 34. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 1. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 3. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 5. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED (No. 2137) 135061 135062 135063 135064 135065 135066 135067 135068 135252 135253 135254 137947 146702 146703 146910 147336 147457 147598 147760 147855 Patents Office Journal Cl. 29. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 30. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 31. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 32. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 34. 05 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 31. 28 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 32. 28 April 2009. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (FRAGRANCES, FLAVOURS, FOOD INGREDIENTS) UK LIMITED Cl. 5. 06 April 2009. PEAUDOUCE S.A. Cl. 16. 06 April 2009. PEAUDOUCE S.A. Cl. 25. 06 April 2009. PEAUDOUCE S.A. Cl. 12. 12 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 6. 21 April 2009. VICTAULIC Plc. Cl. 33. 12 April 2009. UNDERBERG AG Cl. 3. 05 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 17. 30 April 2009. VITA CORTEX HOLDINGS LIMITED Cl. 17. 14 April 2009. MANUFACTURE GENERALE DE JOINTS Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE 147934 147935 148041 148073 148085 148086 148126 148128 148129 148164 148216 148217 148263 148392 148492 148623 148624 148625 148657 148658 148659 148749 148775 148785 148809 148810 148861 148863 (11/11/2009) 5060 Cl. 1. 06 April 2009. NOVOZYMES A/S Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 12. 09 April 2009. HALDEX AB Cl. 5. 12 April 2009. BEELINE HEALTH FOODS LTD. Cl. 29. 27 April 2009. COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE Cl. 30. 27 April 2009. COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE Cl. 9. 12 April 2009. GE BETZ EUROPE, INC. Cl. 9. 26 April 2009. SPOROPTIC POUILLOUX S.A. Cl. 16. 27 April 2009. RAFLATAC OY Cl. 16. 21 April 2009. ZANDERS FEINPAPIERE AG Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY Cl. 5, Cl. 7. 12 April 2009. Bayer CropScience SA Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 5. 01 April 2009. PHARMATON SA Cl. 5. 08 April 2009. PHARMATON S.A. Cl. 30. 21 April 2009. RECKITT BENCKISER INC Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 5. 01 April 2009. MERCK KGaA Cl. 28. 06 April 2009. RAM GOLF CORPORATION Cl. 5. 12 April 2009. Enterprise Ireland (trading as BioResearch Ireland) Cl. 11. 09 April 2009. J.J. DWYER Cl. 16. 29 April 2009. Fort James Ireland Limited Cl. 11. 07 April 2009. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 8. 07 April 2009. JOHN AGNEW 5061 148865 148868 148873 148874 148875 148878 148880 148881 148906 149245 149272 149273 149416 149461 149482 149510 149511 149570 149780 149782 149934 149935 150003 150032 150047 150104 150105 150110 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 25. 08 April 2009. IC COMPANYS A/S Cl. 34. 08 April 2009. JAPAN TOBACCO INC. Cl. 5. 13 April 2009. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM KG Cl. 1. 13 April 2009. POLYMERLAND, INC. Cl. 9. 14 April 2009. JACOBUS GERARDUS MARIA HENDRIKX Cl. 33. 22 April 2009. STELLENBOSCH FARMERS' WINERY LIMITED Cl. 10. 26 April 2009. HOLLISTER INCORPORATED Cl. 29. 27 April 2009. APPEL & FRENZEL GmbH. Cl. 3. 13 April 2009. Colgate-Palmolive Company Cl. 1. 09 April 2009. AGLUKON SPEZIALDUNGER GmbH & CO. KG Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 25. 07 April 2009. LYLE & SCOTT LIMITED Cl. 16. 05 April 2009. SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC. Cl. 3. 29 April 2009. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & Cie Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. MERCK KGaA Cl. 29. 22 April 2009. LUISSIER S.A. Cl. 24. 27 April 2009. BIGGIE BEST HONG KONG LIMITED Cl. 9. 03 April 2009. MENNEKES ELEKTROTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 9. 09 April 2009. CREDO SOFTWARE LIMITED Cl. 16. 09 April 2009. CREDO SOFTWARE LIMITED Cl. 25. 26 April 2009. KABUSHIKI KAISHA FASHION SUGA FASHION SUGA LTD. Cl. 9. 20 April 2009. COMPAQ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, L.P. Cl. 4. 06 April 2009. CASTROL LIMITED Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. DIMMINACO AG Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. DIMMINACO AG Cl. 11. 29 April 2009. FILE S.p.A. 150242 150247 150367 150441 150510 150511 150680 150862 151078 151080 151149 151206 151360 151361 151755 151756 151862 152126 152158 152264 152291 152440 152673 152674 152820 152937 153031 153033 153058 153060 (No. 2137) Cl. 3. 07 April 2009. WELLA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. 29 April 2009. Norton Healthcare Limited Cl. 5. 23 April 2009. Divapharma Chur AG Cl. 12. 22 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 10. 22 April 2009. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. MERIAL LLC Cl. 3. 26 April 2009. L'OREAL Cl. 5. 29 April 2009. SCHERING CORPORATION Cl. 23. 01 April 2009. UNIFI, INC. Cl. 12. 22 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 12. 22 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 29. 06 April 2009. Princes Holding (Rotterdam) B.V. Cl. 16. 08 April 2009. COMPAQ TRADEMARK B.V. Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 9, Cl. 16. 01 April 2009. FORDWERKE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3, Cl. 5. 05 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 16. 22 April 2009. PRGRS, INC. Cl. 25. 14 April 2009. LAFPROM Cl. 12. 22 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 3. 08 April 2009. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & Cie Cl. 9. 05 April 2009. EMI (IP) LIMITED Cl. 30. 21 April 2009. GREENSLEEVES CONFECTIONERY LIMITED Cl. 8. 30 April 2009. TRUE TEMPER HARDWARE COMPANY Cl. 29, Cl. 30. 05 April 2009. PRE GEL S.p.A. Cl. 5. 02 April 2009. JOHNSON & JOHNSON Cl. 19. 22 April 2009. AHLSTROM CONSUMER PRODUCTS LTD. Cl. 6, Cl. 20. 01 April 2009. ULRICH BOHNACKER Cl. 6, Cl. 20. 01 April 2009. ULRICH BOHNACKER (No. 2137) 153062 153064 153066 153068 153200 153291 153321 153454 153511 153529 153574 153614 153669 153726 153789 153869 153993 153994 153995 153996 153997 153998 153999 154000 154001 154002 154003 154004 154005 Patents Office Journal Cl. 6, Cl. 20. 01 April 2009. ULRICH BOHNACKER Cl. 6, Cl. 20. 01 April 2009. ULRICH BOHNACKER Cl. 6, Cl. 20. 01 April 2009. ULRICH BOHNACKER Cl. 6, Cl. 20. 01 April 2009. ULRICH BOHNACKER Cl. 34. 21 April 2009. BENSON & HEDGES LIMITED Cl. 33. 23 April 2009. BONFOI WINE ESTATE CLOSE CORPORATION Cl. 3, Cl. 5. 07 April 2009. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 25. 13 April 2009. GARCIA TORRES, Estanilao, Pedro, and Vicente Cl. 7, Cl. 11. 12 April 2009. FRIGOPOL KALTEMASCHINEN GESELLSCHAFT m.b.H. Cl. 16. 13 April 2009. FOTOSTOP EXPRESS LIMITED Cl. 20. 02 April 2009. ANTAIX, S.A. Cl. 34. 21 April 2009. IMPERIAL TOBACCO LIMITED Cl. 3. 09 April 2009. Colgate-Palmolive Company Cl. 9. 21 April 2009. Mars Chocolate UK Limited Cl. 4, Cl. 9. 23 April 2009. TOTAL SA Cl. 5. 26 April 2009. BIOFARMA Cl. 2. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 3. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 8. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 9. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 11. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 14. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 16. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 18. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 20. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 21. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 24. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 25. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc 154006 154007 154008 154009 154010 154011 154012 154013 154089 154375 154376 154683 155308 155617 155618 155619 155620 155621 155622 155623 155624 155625 156172 156683 156871 157787 157788 (11/11/2009) 5062 Cl. 26. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 27. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 28. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 29. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 30. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 31. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 32. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 33. 21 April 2009. MARKS AND SPENCER plc Cl. 16. 08 April 2009. BANCO CENTRAL HISPANOAMERICANO, S.A. Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. S.A. CONFISERIE LEONIDAS Cl. 17. 06 April 2009. SYNTHETIC INDUSTRIES, INC. Cl. 12. 21 April 2009. OPEL EISENACH GMBH Cl. 34. 21 April 2009. BENSON & HEDGES LIMITED Cl. 7. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 9. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 16. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 7. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 9. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 16. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 7. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 9. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 16. 25 April 2009. SWITCH CARD SERVICES LIMITED Cl. 9. 01 April 2009. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 19. 02 April 2009. JONATHAN PYLE Cl. 3. 05 April 2009. LANCASTER GROUP GmbH Cl. 16. 09 April 2009. MAYO FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Cl. 16. 09 April 2009. MAYO FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH 5063 158841 158842 160367 162031 162032 164302 171844 172644 173990 176980 177059 177060 177061 212364 212394 212425 212426 212439 212443 212444 212549 212785 212786 212810 212815 212841 212850 212851 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 29. 21 April 2009. FRANZ WIESBAUER WURST- UND SELCHWARENFABRIK GESELLSCHAFT m.b.H. Cl. 29. 21 April 2009. FRANZ WIESBAUER WURST- UND SELCHWARENFABRIK GESELLSCHAFT m.b.H. Cl. 26. 22 April 2009. H-D MICHIGAN INC. Cl. 29. 29 April 2009. Materne Boin Cl. 30. 29 April 2009. Materne Boin Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 1, Cl. 5, Cl. 6, Cl. 7, Cl. 9, Cl. 11. 30 April 2009. PRAXAIR TECHNOLOGY, INC. Cl. 5. 12 April 2009. GRANOVITA UK LTD Cl. 4. 14 April 2009. RWE-DEA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FÜR MINERALOEL UND CHEMIE Cl. 2, Cl. 7, Cl. 16. 30 April 2009. PRAXAIR S.T. TECHNOLOGY INC. Cl. 29. 12 April 2009. GRANOVITA UK LTD Cl. 30. 12 April 2009. GRANOVITA UK LTD Cl. 32. 12 April 2009. GRANOVITA UK LTD Cl. 36. 07 April 2009. AXA Cl. 29. 14 April 2009. GENERAL MILLS MARKETING, INC. Cl. 3. 09 April 2009. BLUERIU LIMITED Cl. 31. 08 April 2009. Norsk Hydro ASA Cl. 9, Cl. 38. 23 April 2009. ESTUARY TECHNOLOGIES Cl. 9, Cl. 38. 23 April 2009. ESTUARY TECHNOLOGIES Cl. 9. 16 April 2009. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. Cl. 30. 06 April 2009. DE NEUVILLE S.A. Cl. 9, Cl. 41. 12 April 2009. CELTIC LINKS ON LINE LTD. Cl. 3. 08 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 3, Cl. 5. 28 April 2009. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 18, Cl. 25. 26 April 2009. MODA BRAND HOLDING S.A. Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 18, Cl. 25. 26 April 2009. MODA BRAND HOLDING S.A. Cl. 5, Cl. 10. 13 April 2009. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 9, Cl. 16. 15 April 2009. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG. 212853 212854 212855 212856 212868 212873 212901 212906 212922 212929 212930 212932 212933 212935 212937 212938 212980 212988 212994 213034 213035 213043 213044 213046 213047 213048 213049 213050 213051 (No. 2137) Cl. 3. 21 April 2009. GETZ BROS. & CO. INC. Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 39. 23 April 2009. SEA THRILL LIMITED Cl. 5. 27 April 2009. AMERICAN HOME PRODUCTS CORPORATION Cl. 5. 08 April 2009. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 34. 06 April 2009. VIAN LTD. Cl. 4. 06 April 2009. Fuchs Lubricants (UK) plc Cl. 1, Cl. 5. 09 April 2009. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 9, Cl. 42. 19 April 2009. HOCHTIEF Software GmbH Cl. 5. 07 April 2009. PFIZER ENTERPRISES SARL Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 21 April 2009. HOCHTIEF Software GmbH Cl. 5. 07 April 2009. PFIZER ENTERPRISES SARL Cl. 34. 08 April 2009. SEITA (SOCIETE NATIONALE D'EXPLOITATION INDUSTRIELLE DES TABACS ET ALLUMENTTES) Cl. 30. 13 April 2009. DUNHILLS (PONTEFRACT) PLC Cl. 20. 30 April 2009. Sofa Brands International Limited Cl. 20. 30 April 2009. Sofa Brands Internationa l Limited Cl. 3. 08 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 5, Cl. 10. 13 April 2009. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 31. 19 April 2009. ROYAL CANIN S.A. Cl. 3. 06 April 2009. THE HYGIENE PEOPLE LTD Cl. 3, Cl. 5. 06 April 2009. Grether AG Cl. 31. 16 April 2009. BIVIT Cl. 16, Cl. 42. 22 April 2009. SmithKline Beecham (Cork) Limited Cl. 2. 26 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 2. 26 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 2. 26 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 2. 26 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 2. 26 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 2. 26 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT (No. 2137) 213090 213091 213117 213118 213121 213122 213123 213124 213125 213135 213138 213147 213151 213153 213156 213202 213214 213220 213223 213224 213225 213229 213236 213237 213239 213240 213247 Patents Office Journal Cl. 5. 19 April 2009. RICHTER GEDEON VEGYÉSZETI GYAR RT Cl. 23, Cl. 24, Cl. 25. 28 April 2009. Diolen Industrial Fibers GmbH Cl. 14. 08 April 2009. TALL STORIES PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Cl. 14. 08 April 2009. TALL STORIES PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 18. 07 April 2009. KIERAN EGAN Cl. 3. 12 April 2009. PARFUMS GIVENCHY Cl. 39, Cl. 42. 12 April 2009. SIX CONTINENTS HOTELS, INC. Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. CHIESI FARMACEUTICI S.p.A. Cl. 5. 23 April 2009. ABBOTT LABORATORIES Cl. 3. 27 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Cl. 16, Cl. 36. 13 April 2009. UNION DES ASSOCIATIONS EUROPÉENNES DE FOOTBALL (UEFA) Cl. 3. 09 April 2009. Coty B.V. Cl. 36. 12 April 2009. The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland (established in Ireland by Charter in 1783 and having limited liability) doing business as Bank of Ireland Group Cl. 14. 13 April 2009. SEIKO HOLDINGS KABUSHIKI KAISHA (trading as SEIKO HOLDINGS CORPORATION) Cl. 29. 14 April 2009. LIDL STIFTUNG & CO. KG Cl. 5. 23 April 2009. ABBOTT LABORATORIES Cl. 25. 27 April 2009. R & A BAILEY & CO. Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 38. 27 April 2009. Vodafone Ireland Limited Cl. 5. 28 April 2009. FRESENIUS AG Cl. 5. 28 April 2009. FRESENIUS AG Cl. 7, Cl. 37. 30 April 2009. SCHINDLER AUFZÜGE AG 213262 213267 213268 213272 213294 213295 213296 213298 213299 213300 213301 213324 213345 213353 213355 213357 213358 213359 213361 213362 213363 213364 213365 213368 213388 213449 213473 213475 213490 213553 (11/11/2009) 5064 Cl. 5. 29 April 2009. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 5. 12 April 2009. N.V. Organon Cl. 20. 14 April 2009. EURO PLASTICS LIMITED Cl. 3. 08 April 2009. PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR Cl. 5. 08 April 2009. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 25. 08 April 2009. Code UK Limited Cl. 9. 09 April 2009. RedRock Technologies Limited Cl. 5. 20 April 2009. McDERMOTT LABORATORIES LIMITED, trading as GERARD LABORATORIES Cl. 5. 20 April 2009. McDERMOTT LABORATORIES LIMITED, trading as GERARD LABORATORIES Cl. 5. 20 April 2009. McDERMOTT LABORATORIES LIMITED, trading as GERARD LABORATORIES Cl. 5. 21 April 2009. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Cl. 6. 16 April 2009. CURUST INDUSTRIES LIMITED Cl. 7, Cl. 8. 13 April 2009. DIMAS AKTIEBOLAG Cl. 17. 21 April 2009. PROFINE GMBH Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. BIOFARMA Cl. 42. 22 April 2009. Clarke & Associates, L.L.C. Cl. 9, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 19 April 2009. HOCHTIEF Software GmbH Cl. 7, Cl. 12. 14 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 5. 26 April 2009. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 5. 26 April 2009. F. HOFFMANNLA ROCHE AG. Cl. 34. 27 April 2009. John Player & Sons Limited Cl. 39. 28 April 2009. LUNN POLY LIMITED Cl. 39. 28 April 2009. LUNN POLY LIMITED Cl. 25. 16 April 2009. FLAMAN, S.A. Cl. 16, Cl. 41. 27 April 2009. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 9. 07 April 2009. REMOTEWATCH EUROPE LIMITED Cl. 3. 20 April 2009. AVON PRODUCTS, INC. Cl. 9. 14 April 2009. Human Technology Ltd Cl. 3. 30 April 2009. Guerlain S.A. Cl. 35. 15 April 2009. ANDREW DESMOND 5065 213554 213568 213569 213570 213588 213595 213605 213637 213733 213735 213736 213739 213858 213859 213910 213924 213936 213995 214001 214026 214046 214065 214067 214097 214140 214173 214222 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 19 April 2009. AGIPLAN TECHNOSOFT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 35, Cl. 41. 22 April 2009. EMERGENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING LIMITED Cl. 33. 26 April 2009. ETABLISSEMENTS PELLISSON S.A. Cl. 29, Cl. 31. 27 April 2009. THOMAS SEYMOUR KENNY Cl. 5, Cl. 10. 23 April 2009. LOHMANN & RAUSCHER INTERNATIONAL GmbH & CO. KG Cl. 25. 14 April 2009. MICHAEL BYRNES trading as GLENCARRIG TRADING Cl. 31. 19 April 2009. ROYAL CANIN S.A. Cl. 21. 23 April 2009. INN CRYSTAL VERTRIEBSGMBH Cl. 17. 27 April 2009. Gerard Robinson Cl. 21. 27 April 2009. TIPPERARY CRYSTAL DESIGNS LTD. Cl. 21. 27 April 2009. TIPPERARY CRYSTAL DESIGNS LTD. Cl. 5. 29 April 2009. F. HOFFMANNLA ROCHE AG. Cl. 9. 22 April 2009. Enka tecnica GmbH Cl. 9. 28 April 2009. BC COMPONENTS HOLDINGS B.V. Cl. 9, Cl. 36, Cl. 38. 06 April 2009. TREXCO COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED Cl. 9. 22 April 2009. COMPAQ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, L.P. Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 15 April 2009. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cl. 18, Cl. 20, Cl. 25, Cl. 27, Cl. 28. 26 April 2009. ERIC PANCIULO Cl. 25. 12 April 2009. AVANCE Cl. 29. 28 April 2009. COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE Cl. 4. 30 April 2009. Standard Brands (Trading) Ireland Limited Cl. 1, Cl. 5. 20 April 2009. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 9, Cl. 15, Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 32, Cl. 34. 26 April 2009. National Toys Limited Cl. 41. 22 April 2009. Scouting Ireland CSI Cl. 2, Cl. 19. 23 April 2009. ISPO GmbH Cl. 29. 20 April 2009. LUISSIER S.A. Cl. 3. 21 April 2009. BLUERIU LIMITED 214264 214483 214499 214500 214652 214663 214734 214743 214789 214973 215033 215043 215048 215085 215115 215180 215182 215220 215232 215326 215500 215504 215711 215747 215761 215774 215963 (No. 2137) Cl. 3. 09 April 2009. BOUCHERON Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 37, Cl. 41. 19 April 2009. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 25. 26 April 2009. IRISH KNITWEAR EXPORTERS GUILD Cl. 29, Cl. 30. 28 April 2009. Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc. Cl. 35, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 19 April 2009. HOCHTIEF Software GmbH Cl. 12. 29 April 2009. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 5. 06 April 2009. PFIZER INC. Cl. 9, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 42. 13 April 2009. DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 42. 13 April 2009. DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9, Cl. 36, Cl. 38. 15 Apr il 2009. Telia AB Cl. 9, Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 38, Cl. 42. 15 April 2009. Telia AB Cl. 5. 16 April 2009. NOVARTIS AG. Cl. 25. 28 April 2009. Nine West Development Corporation Cl. 12. 19 April 2009. MMC COMMERCIALS LTD. Cl. 9. 29 April 2009. SWITCHCOM LIMITED Cl. 1, Cl. 4, Cl. 5, Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 31, Cl. 32, Cl. 33, Cl. 40, Cl. 42. 19 April 2009. UNION DES SUCRERIES ET DISTILLERIES AGRICOLES Cl. 36. 29 April 2009. Cogent Investment Operations Limited Cl. 25. 26 April 2009. LMB Sock Creations Cl. 16. 29 April 2009. JAMES MCNAUGHTON PAPER GROUP LIMITED Cl. 31. 07 April 2009. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 6, Cl. 11, Cl. 20. 08 April 2009. B.V. Staalindustrie v/h Reginox Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 38. 14 April 2009. Vodafone Ireland Limited Cl. 12. 29 April 2009. CARVER BOAT CORPORATION, L.L.C. Cl. 20. 30 April 2009. Sofa Brands International Limited Cl. 35, Cl. 38, Cl. 39, Cl. 42. 07 April 2009. KERRY CELTIC PRODUCE LIMITED Cl. 8. 07 April 2009. CREMCO MANUFACTURING LTD Cl. 1. 23 April 2009. BRUNNER MOND (UK) LIMITED (No. 2137) 216031 216062 216148 216899 216971 217103 217284 218166 218536 219378 219796 220836 221243 221472 221823 222644 225243 Patents Office Journal Cl. 5. 23 April 2009. Rooperol (NA) NV Cl. 5. 22 April 2009. Griffin (Europe) S.A. Cl. 5, Cl. 9, Cl. 10, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. 20 April 2009. THUASNE Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 38, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 06 April 2009. IPSOS (S.A.) Cl. 40, Cl. 42. 07 April 2009. PATRICK CHRISTOPHER DONALD Cl. 32. 26 April 2009. JOKER Cl. 5. 23 April 2009. ABBOTT LABORATORIES Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 32. 29 April 2009. MARS, INCORPORATED Cl. 3, Cl. 5, Cl. 10, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 35, Cl. 42. 07 April 2009. LOHMANN & RAUSCHER INTERNATIONAL GMBH & CO KG Cl. 41. 30 April 2009. Angela Heavey M..E.d., MCSP., B.L. (Lecturer) Cl. 9. 20 April 2009. SwitchCore AB Cl. 6, Cl. 11, Cl. 14, Cl. 40. 07 April 2009. LEYBOLD MATERIALS GmbH Cl. 11, Cl. 37, Cl. 42. 22 April 2009. FAY ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED Cl. 2, Cl. 7, Cl. 9, Cl. 37, Cl. 38, Cl. 42. 14 April 2009. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) Cl. 38, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 09 April 2009. Scripps Howard Broadcasting Company doing business as Home & Garden Television Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 38, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 26 April 2009. INTERTAINMENT LICENSING GMBH Cl. 30. 22 April 2009. CELTIC CHOCOLATES LIMITED Trade Marks Removed from the Register under Section 48 and Rule 39(2) of the 1996 Act and Rules. 30080 34845 55039 55129 55130 55156 55157 Cl. 25. W.W. GROUP LIMITED Cl. 30. UNITED BISCUITS (UK) LIMITED Cl. 29. CONOPCO, INC. Cl. 32. BASS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY Cl. 32. BASS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY Cl. 11. ALADDIN INDUSTRIES, L.L.C. Cl. 11. ALADDIN INDUSTRIES, L.L.C. 55189 55287 55288 55512 55566 55567 55612 55617 55618 55619 55622 55623 55655 55656 55770 55802 56448 59291 59301 59308 59319 59350 59484 59485 59486 59575 59821 59859 83638 83644 83726 83727 83729 83731 83732 83735 83818 83821 83914 84017 84019 84024 (11/11/2009) 5066 Cl. 5. EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Cl. 16. AGFA-GEVAERT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. AGFA-GEVAERT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. DSM IP Assets B.V. Cl. 5. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 32. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 27. FEDERAL-MOGUL FRICTION PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 1. OCE-NEDERLAND B.V. Cl. 9. OCE-NEDERLAND B.V. Cl. 16. OCE-NEDERLAND B.V. Cl. 5. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM p.l.c. Cl. 30. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM p.l.c. Cl. 29. Atlantic Industries Cl. 30. Atlantic Industries Cl. 5. EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Cl. 33. Pernod Ricard España, S.A. Cl. 9. THOMSON MULTIMEDIA SALES GERMANY & AUSTRIA GmbH Cl. 25. TAMARIND INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 34. ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 4. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 5. APLIN & BARRETT LIMITED Cl. 16. Fort James Ireland Limited Cl. 1. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 3. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 4. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 7. Candy Elettrodomestici S.r.l. Cl. 17. BOSTIK LIMITED. Cl. 3. HANS SCHWARZKOPF GmbH & CO. KG Cl. 1. COGNIS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Cl. 14. EMARNO LIMITED Cl. 7. TWIL LIMITED Cl. 25. LEVI STRAUSS & CO. Cl. 5. PFIZER INC. Cl. 1. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES PLC Cl. 3. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Cl. 5. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM KG Cl. 7. COVRAD HEAT TRANSFER LIMITED Cl. 33. MARTELL & CO. Cl. 2. CORDES & CO. GmbH Cl. 5. BIOFARMA Cl. 29. CENTRAL SOYA AARHUS A/S Cl. 25. DANER LIMITED 5067 84097 84099 84101 84194 84307 84587 84985 85070 85173 85380 85489 85675 85676 85677 85679 85680 85681 85769 85881 86245 87386 87387 87963 92451 92456 92812 93036 93037 93623 93731 93966 93970 93971 94127 94359 94766 94954 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 1. TESSENDERLO CHEMIE ROTTERDAM B.V. Cl. 3. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Cl. 19. MASONITE CORPORATION Cl. 30. WM. WRIGLEY JR. COMPANY Cl. 19. Glaxo Group Limited Cl. 32. KELLOGG COMPANY Cl. 25. ALEXON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 10. VARIAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Cl. 5. PFIZER INC. Cl. 5. ALLIANCE PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Cl. 2. BOSTIK LIMITED Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 17. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 7. FKI INDUSTRIES INC. Cl. 6. CLL Stressing International Limited Cl. 7. CLL Stressing International Limited Cl. 8. CLL Stressing International Limited Cl. 9. THOMSON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS GMBH. Cl. 12. HONDA GIKEN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.) Cl. 9. ZISKUA 92, S.L. Cl. 1. WINDMILL HOLLAND B.V. Cl. 19. WINDMILL HOLLAND B.V. Cl. 28. WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO. Cl. 29. ConAgra Foods, Inc. Cl. 5. WYETH Cl. 8. IRWIN INDUSTRIAL TOOL COMPANY Cl. 5. SCHERING-PLOUGH ANIMAL HEALTH CORPORATION Cl. 5. SCHERING-PLOUGH ANIMAL HEALTH CORPORATION Cl. 33. GONZALEZ BYASS, S.A. Cl. 5. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY Cl. 12. Nissan Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Cl. 5. G.D. Searle LLC Cl. 5. FISONS CORPORATION Cl. 18, 24, 25. Kabushiki Kaisha Kanebo Keshohin (Kanebo Cosmetics Inc.) Cl. 31. KERRY GROUP PLC Cl. 6. G.K.N. SCREWS & FASTENERS LIMITED Cl. 7. AP KNITTING ELEMENTS, INC. 95544 95721 95939 95940 95941 95942 95943 95944 95945 96100 96888 97083 97509 97740 98273 98722 99083 99084 99475 100074 103882 107478 108673 110472 111381 125367 125503 125505 125506 125514 125516 125517 125518 125660 125661 125666 (No. 2137) Cl. 12. BRIDGESTONE LICENSING SERVICES, INC. Cl. 30. NORTH KERRY MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 23. LANIFICIO ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA & FIGLI S.p.A. Cl. 24. LANIFICIO ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA & FIGLI S.p.A. Cl. 25. CONSITEX S.A. Cl. 1. BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. Cl. 1. BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. Cl. 9. Dade Behring Inc. Cl. 31. KERRY GROUP PLC Cl. 1. Dade Behring Inc. Cl. 5. Dow AgroSciences LLC Cl. 24. RECTELLA GROUP LIMITED Cl. 32. DAVIDE CAMPARI-MILANO S.P.A. Cl. 5. sanofi-aventis Cl. 25. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS INC. Cl. 9. FRAKO KONDENSATOREN UND ANLAGENBAU GmbH Cl. 1. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Cl. 3. REVLON CONSUMER PRODUCTS CORPORATION Cl. 29. NORTH KERRY MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 28. WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO. Cl. 34. GALLAHER LIMITED Cl. 5. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 34. ED. LAURENS LIMITED Cl. 10. LRC PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 16. Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. Cl. 3. The Procter & Gamble Company Cl. 6. INTERNATIONAL FERRY FREIGHT LIMITED Cl. 5. UCB S.A. Cl. 5. UCB S.A. Cl. 5. HOECHST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. NEXANS FRANCE Cl. 5. A/S GEA FARMACEUTISK FABRIK Cl. 2. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY Cl. 30. AUNT MOLLIE'S FOODS LIMITED Cl. 3. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM LIMITED Cl. 33. CAVE COOPERATIVE "LA CHABLISIENNE" (No. 2137) 125667 125785 125786 125790 125791 125792 125793 125799 125801 125802 125803 125804 125805 125808 125944 125945 125967 126076 126078 126088 126248 126252 126254 126372 126373 126533 126534 126535 126537 126538 126539 126540 126541 126542 126544 126671 126805 126807 126808 126809 Patents Office Journal Cl. 5. Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc. Cl. 16. INVERESK PLC Cl. 10. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Cl. 16. AUTOBAR INDUSTRIES LIMITED Cl. 21. AUTOBAR INDUSTRIES LIMITED Cl. 3. AUTOBAR INDUSTRIES LIMITED Cl. 16, 25. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 31. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VETMEDICA GmbH Cl. 30. WM. McKINNEY & SONS LIMITED Cl. 3. PROGAMAS EXTERIORES, S.A. Cl. 9. Garo Electrical Agencies Ltd. Cl. 5. G.D. SEARLE LLC Cl. 5. G.D. Searle LLC Cl. 30. Wardell Roberts plc. Cl. 9. SCANVAEGT IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 9. SCANVAEGT IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 3. SHULTON, INC. Cl. 9. FONTWARE LIMITED Cl. 10. KCI Licensing, Inc. Cl. 30. IRISH CEREALS LIMITED Cl. 25. RADIO CLOTHING COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 32. Del Monte Corporation Cl. 5. BAYER CROPSCIENCE LIMITED Cl. 1. MITSUBISHI RAYON CO., LTD. Cl. 9. CGK COMPUTER GESELLSCHAFT KONSTANZ MBH Cl. 25. Indigo Fusion Limited Cl. 30. Huhtamaki Oy Cl. 3. GROVENDALE LLC Cl. 14. GRUPPO FINANZIARIO TESSILE S.p.A. Cl. 16. GRUPPO FINANZIARIO TESSILE S.p.A. Cl. 18. GRUPPO FINANZIARIO TESSILE S.p.A. Cl. 23. GRUPPO FINANZIARIO TESSILE S.p.A. Cl. 24. GRUPPO FINANZIARIO TESSILE S.p.A. Cl. 25. GROVENDALE LLC Cl. 5. LABORATOIRE GOLAZ S.A. Cl. 30. Benny Nicolaisen Cl. 26. YKK CORPORATION Cl. 2. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 14. LORIS AZZARO B.V. Cl. 14. LORIS AZZARO B.V. 126815 126953 126958 127114 127236 127237 127238 127239 127241 127244 127248 127249 127283 127408 127409 127410 127520 127524 127528 127530 127913 127914 127918 128141 128160 128270 128272 128273 128283 128293 128463 128475 128850 128865 129019 129020 129232 129233 129464 129499 129500 (11/11/2009) 5068 Cl. 2. FORD MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 5. MUNDIPHARMA AG Cl. 9. GOBLIN LIMITED Cl. 9. RECREATIVOS FRANCO S.A. Cl. 7. DURKOPPWERKE GmbH Cl. 9. DURKOPPWERKE GmbH Cl. 25. GEORGES RECH Cl. 29. THE DIAL CORPORATION Cl. 10. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Cl. 25. MANIFATTURE CASUCCI DI CAUCCI UGO & C. S.A.S. Cl. 29. ESS-FOOD EKSPORTSLAGTERIERNES SALGSFORENING Cl. 29. ESS-FOOD EKSPORTSLAGTERIERNES SALGSFORENING Cl. 4. MOTUL S.A. Cl. 6. MORE GROUP PLC. Cl. 9. MORE GROUP PLC. Cl. 19. MORE GROUP PLC. Cl. 16. LOGITECH INTERNATIONAL S.A. Cl. 21. RICHARD-GINORI 1735 S.R.L. Cl. 25. P & Y HALAS PTY. LIMITED Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 5. FISONS LIMITED Cl. 5. CAPTEC PTY. LTD. Cl. 3. Miss Selfridge Retail Limited Cl. 9. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG Cl. 5. CEVA SANTE ANIMALE Cl. 8. Rovcal, Inc. Cl. 9. Garo Electrical Agencies Ltd. Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS SCHWEIZ HOLDING AG Cl. 5. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB PHARMA COMPANY Cl. 30. PRODUCTOS DAMEL S.A. Cl. 9. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG Cl. 9. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG Cl. 3. Stichting Greenpeace Council Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 1. DR. WOLMAN GMBH Cl. 5. DR. WOLMAN GMBH Cl. 30. Huhtamaki Oy Cl. 29. MY KINDA TOWN (UK) LIMITED Cl. 9. BOSE B.V. Cl. 9. ODME INTERNATIONAL B.V. Cl. 9. ODME INTERNATIONAL B.V. 5069 129615 129658 129659 129816 129896 129897 130069 130256 130357 130371 130372 130373 130374 130781 130782 130977 131128 131129 131237 131352 131550 131551 131552 131553 131596 131597 131960 132346 132448 132449 132524 132525 132526 132527 132529 132530 132531 132533 132535 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 16. REED INTERNATIONAL BOOKS LIMITED Cl. 7. MODULAR s.r.l. Cl. 11. MODULAR s.r.l. Cl. 21. FRATELLI RE S.p.A. Cl. 24. GUILHERME CALDAS PEIXOTO & COMPANHIA, LIMITADA Cl. 25. GUILHERME CALDAS PEIXOTO & COMPANHIA, LIMITADA Cl. 30. DAN CAKE A/S Cl. 9. LONDIS (HOLDINGS) LIMITED Cl. 5. ALCON, INC. Cl. 2. BRILLUX KÖNIG + FLÜGGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 17. BRILLUX KÖNIG + FLÜGGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 19. BRILLUX KÖNIG + FLÜGGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 27. BRILLUX KÖNIG + FLÜGGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 29. ELOSUA, S.A. Cl. 30. ELOSUA, S.A. Cl. 25. IC COMPANYS A/S Cl. 28. FRANCE MANCHE Cl. 28. FRANCE MANCHE Cl. 3. REVLON (SUISSE) S.A. Cl. 30. BARILLA G.e.R. Fratelli-Società per Azioni Cl. 1. BP p.l.c. Cl. 4. BP p.l.c. Cl. 1. BP p.l.c. Cl. 4. BP p.l.c. Cl. 29. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 16. CENTRE NATIONAL DES CAISSES D'EPARGNE ET DE PREVOYANCE Cl. 6. SEAWHEEL LIMITED Cl. 9. KUM GMBH, & CO. KG KUNSTSTOFF-UND METALLWARENFABRIK Cl. 16. KUM GMBH, & CO. KG KUNSTSTOFF-UND METALLWARENFABRIK Cl. 1. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 7. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 9. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 16. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 7. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 9. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 16. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 2. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 10. Hoechst GmbH 132536 132537 132538 132539 132540 132541 132590 132828 134093 134094 134095 134096 134478 136705 137946 139615 146196 146197 146198 146307 146308 146309 146313 146316 146318 146481 146485 146562 146755 146981 146982 147232 147233 147234 147237 147241 147242 147243 147244 147355 147366 147367 147444 147447 147449 147452 147504 (No. 2137) Cl. 17. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 22. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 23. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 24. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 25. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 31. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 30. Alfred Bird & Sons (Ireland) Ltd. Cl. 5. MERIAL LLC Cl. 7. JOHN CRANE, INC. Cl. 17. JOHN CRANE, INC. Cl. 7. JOHN CRANE, INC. Cl. 17. JOHN CRANE, INC. Cl. 3. S. C. JOHNSON & SON, INC. Cl. 9. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG Cl. 12. AUTOMOBILES CITROEN Cl. 32. Brandbrew S.A. Cl. 5. INTERVET INTERNATIONAL B.V. Cl. 25. WW GROUP LIMITED Cl. 33. CHAMPAGNE MOET & CHANDON Cl. 16. AVENTIS PHARMA S.A. Cl. 9. Mentor Graphics Corporation Cl. 5. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 5. Dow AgroSciences LLC Cl. 5. MADAUS GmbH Cl. 5. Chefaro Ireland Ltd. Cl. 5. Shire US Inc. Cl. 31. SCA Cl. 9. ORGANISATION EUROPEENNE DE TELECOMMUNICATIONS PAR SATELLITE "EUTELSAT" Cl. 3. CHLOÉ SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME Cl. 5. MARION MERRELL LIMITED Cl. 33. MAISON SICHEL Cl. 19. W.R. GRACE LIMITED Cl. 25. MONTEX HOLDINGS LTD. Cl. 24. TERGRUP, S.L. Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3. CRABTREE & EVELYN, LTD. Cl. 5. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 3. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 5. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 9. NETWORKS ASSOCIATES TECHNOLOGY, INC. Cl. 16. ECO SWISS CHINA TIME LTD. Cl. 14. ECO SWISS CHINA TIME LTD. Cl. 5. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY Cl. 30. CSM Nederland B.V. Cl. 25. Ballet International Limited Cl. 5. CLONMEL HEALTHCARE LTD. Cl. 5, 10. SCHERING CORPORATION (No. 2137) 147558 147559 147592 147593 147607 147609 147660 147661 147669 147704 147739 147853 147967 147968 148066 148295 148316 148361 148362 148378 148379 148449 148450 148488 148489 148490 148672 148747 148748 148806 148807 148848 148849 148851 148852 148853 148927 148934 148935 148941 148942 148943 148951 149041 Patents Office Journal Cl. 8. THE BLACK & DECKER CORPORATION Cl. 9. THE BLACK & DECKER CORPORATION Cl. 16. AVENTIS PHARMA S.A. Cl. 9, 11, 21. SCHOTT AG Cl. 5. A. MENARINI Cl. 1. SIR INDUSTRIALE S.p.A. Cl. 5. RALSTON PURINA COMPANY Cl. 32. RALSTON PURINA COMPANY Cl. 17. WILHELM KAIMANN Cl. 5. GALEN LIMITED Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 5. PAUL HARTMANN AG Cl. 16. FORT JAMES CORPORATION Cl. 21. FORT JAMES CORPORATION Cl. 5. MERCK KGaA Cl. 28. SUPERIOR SLIDES LIMITED Cl. 8. SNAP-ON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Cl. 4. CASTROL LIMITED Cl. 4. CASTROL LIMITED Cl. 5. DSM IP Assets B.V. Cl. 31. DSM IP Assets B.V. Cl. 5. CAREMARK INTERNATIONAL INC. Cl. 10. CAREMARK INTERNATIONAL INC. Cl. 14. ESCADA AG Cl. 18. ESCADA AG Cl. 25. ESCADA AG Cl. 5. WYETH HOLDINGS CORPORATION Cl. 5. RHONE-POULENC RORER SA Cl. 3. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 10. SIEMENS-ELEMA AB Cl. 33. JDC, S.A. DE C.V. Cl. 5. Dow AgroSciences LLC Cl. 9. APPLIED COATINGS, INC. Cl. 5. OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Cl. 1. SANOFI DIAGNOSTICS PASTEUR Cl. 5. SANOFI DIAGNOSTICS PASTEUR Cl. 5. AVENTIS PHARMA S.A. Cl. 5. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 5. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 25. M.A. INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 14. MONTRES BREGUET S.A. Cl. 5. GREENWICH PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Cl. 5. Dow AgroSciences LLC Cl. 29. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. 149042 149117 149151 149168 149187 149209 149270 149552 149553 149661 149681 149682 149749 149776 149795 149796 149882 149885 149979 149980 149981 149984 150011 150238 150248 150399 150448 150449 150492 150571 150666 150677 150729 150777 150948 150949 151269 151318 151504 151506 151508 151578 (11/11/2009) 5070 Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 5. ASTRAZENECA UK LIMITED Cl. 29, 30, 32. GRANOVITA UK LTD Cl. 9. COMPAQ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, L.P. Cl. 25. WW GROUP LIMITED Cl. 5. Bayer CropScience SA. Cl. 5. Novo Nordisk A/S Cl. 3. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 5. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 30. DANDY SAKIZ VE SEKERLEME SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI Cl. 14. OXBOW Cl. 18. OXBOW Cl. 5. EUROGENTEC Societe Anonyme Cl. 25. WW GROUP LIMITED Cl. 5. ALZA CORPORATION Cl. 5. STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG Cl. 5. MUNDIPHARMA AG Cl. 5. MUNDIPHARMA AG Cl. 1. Bayer CropScience SA Cl. 5. Bayer CropScience SA Cl. 31. Bayer CropScience SA. Cl. 1, 5. SANOFI DIAGNOSTICS PASTEUR Cl. 9. ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC Cl. 17. Durapak Limited Cl. 9. COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION Cl. 9. ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC Cl. 9. IN FOCUS SYSTEMS, INC. Cl. 25. Mexx Europe B.V. Cl. 29, 31. PRICE COSTCO INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 5. KERR CORPORATION Cl. 25. SARA LEE B.A. B.V. Cl. 3. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 25. WW GROUP LIMITED Cl. 9. SAFELAB SYSTEMS LIMITED Cl. 16. JOHN DICKINSON STATIONERY LIMITED Cl. 25. BABY TOGS, INC. Cl. 14. TAXOR INC. Cl. 9. COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION Cl. 29, 30. DALGETY SPILLERS FOODS LIMITED Cl. 29, 30. DALGETY SPILLERS FOODS LIMITED Cl. 29, 30. DALGETY SPILLERS FOODS LIMITED Cl. 16. Papeteries Hamelin 5071 151585 151700 151701 151702 151703 151704 151754 151854 151861 152041 152043 152045 152057 152081 152216 152217 152218 152219 152220 152290 152396 152407 152483 152560 152575 152577 152651 152672 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 25. CLAUDE MONTANA Cl. 9. DER GRUNE PUNKT - DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 16. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 21. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 25. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 28. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 29, 30. DALGETY SPILLERS FOODS LIMITED Cl. 5. Nutricia International B.V. Cl. 9. OXBOW Cl. 14. Citizen Holdings Kabushiki Kaisha, also trading as Citizen Holdings Co., Ltd. Cl. 16. SARRIO TISU, S.A. Cl. 16. Kodak Limited Cl. 6, 7, 8, 9. SNAP-ON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Cl. 25. Salvatore Ferragamo Italia S.p.A. Cl. 9. DER GRUNE PUNKT - DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 16. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 21. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 25. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 28. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION Cl. 19. Irish Dairy Services (Portlaoise) Limited Cl. 16. BIC U.K. LIMITED Cl. 6, 7, 9. SNAP-ON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Cl. 9. DANSK MOBILTELEFON I/S Cl. 11. FAST S.p.A. Cl. 28. SENECA SPORTS INC. Cl. 29. EYCKELER & MALT AG. Cl. 30. THE GREAT WESTERN TORTILLA COMPANY 152818 152883 152900 152968 152992 152993 153012 153014 153047 153048 153247 153289 153290 153338 153360 153419 153421 153422 153477 153478 153479 153606 153661 153734 153745 153762 153783 153971 154052 154241 154573 154603 154604 154625 155469 156282 156357 156358 156420 (No. 2137) Cl. 6. THE INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MOTORISTS LIMITED Cl. 5. HEMOSOL INC. Cl. 9. ABEILLE ASSURANCES Cl. 16. SIX CONTINENTS HOTELS, INC. Cl. 29. Plukon Royale B.V. Cl. 30. Plukon Royale B.V. Cl. 14. SHANGHAI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION Cl. 9. WALL DATA INCORPORATED Cl. 11. SHANGHAI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION Cl. 1. ADVANCED ELASTOMER SYSTEMS, L.P. Cl. 9. THE 3DO COMPANY Cl. 16. FORT JAMES CORPORATION Cl. 21. FORT JAMES CORPORATION Cl. 7. Blaw-Knox Construction Equipment Corporation Cl. 34. BATMARK INC. Cl. 29, 30. PREPARADOS ALIMENTICIOS S.A Cl. 5. NOBEL BIOCARE AB Cl. 10. NOBEL BIOCARE AB Cl. 14. ESCADA AG Cl. 25. ESCADA AG Cl. 18. ESCADA AG Cl. 21. SHANGHAI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION Cl. 18, 25, 28. CELTIC PLC Cl. 9. ANALYSES CONSEILS INFORMATIONS ACI Cl. 9. SHANGHAI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION Cl. 10. Mallinckrodt Inc. Cl. 25. WW GROUP LIMITED Cl. 3. GERMAINE DE CAPUCCINI, S.A. Cl. 16. ALFAR INSURANCE LIMITED Cl. 1. MERCK & CO., INC. Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 9. AXEL SPRINGER VERLAG AG Cl. 16. AXEL SPRINGER VERLAG AG Cl. 6. GFD Cl. 25. TAH HSIN INDUSTRIAL CORP. Cl. 3, 8, 9, 21, 28. TV-Shop Europe AB Cl. 34. GALLAHER LIMITED Cl. 34. GALLAHER LIMITED Cl. 32. MAHOU, S.A. (No. 2137) 156691 156692 157671 158062 158063 158064 158065 158066 158067 158068 158069 158070 158071 158351 158352 158379 158381 158382 160333 161046 161085 161086 161087 161088 161089 161090 Patents Office Journal Cl. 21. SHANGHAI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION Cl. 3. SHANGHAI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION Cl. 28. Lego Juris A/S Cl. 9. DER GRUNE PUNKT - DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 16. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 21. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 25. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 28. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. DER GRUNE PUNKT - DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 16. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 21. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 25. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 28. DER GRUNE PUNKT DUALES SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. ASTEC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 9. ASTEC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 30. Robt. Roberts & Co. (Ireland) Limited Cl. 30. Robt. Roberts & Co. (Ireland) Limited Cl. 30. Robt. Roberts & Co. (Ireland) Limited Cl. 33. ORLANDO WYNDHAM GROUP PROPRIETARY LIMITED Cl. 16, 25, 28. NBA PROPERTIES, INC. Cl. 3. LOCTITE CORPORATION Cl. 8. LOCTITE CORPORATION Cl. 9. LOCTITE CORPORATION Cl. 16. LOCTITE CORPORATION Cl. 3. Henkel Corporation Cl. 7. Henkel Corporation 161091 161092 161093 161094 161096 161097 161098 161099 161101 161102 161104 161372 162673 162714 164485 168278 175398 175700 175702 211806 211808 211916 211917 211968 211983 212015 212046 212049 212079 212080 212091 212092 212094 212095 212117 212118 212119 212143 212144 212166 212167 212171 212174 212201 212205 212206 (11/11/2009) 5072 Cl. 8. Henkel Corporation Cl. 9. Henkel Corporation Cl. 16. Henkel Corporation Cl. 17. Henkel Corporation Cl. 1. Henkel Corporation Cl. 1. Henkel Corporation Cl. 16. Henkel Corporation Cl. 16. Henkel Corporation Cl. 1. Henkel Corporation Cl. 16. Henkel Corporation Cl. 1. Henkel Corporation Cl. 30. Masterfoods Limited Cl. 12. EUROPEAN GAS TURBINES NV Cl. 16. LOCTITE PUERTO RICO INCORPORATED Cl. 25. WW GROUP LIMITED Cl. 25. WW GROUP LIMITED Cl. 9. DATATECH ENTERPRISES CO. LTD. Cl. 29, 30. DALGETY SPILLERS FOODS LIMITED Cl. 29, 30. DALGETY SPILLERS FOODS LIMITED Cl. 10. E.R. SQUIBB & SONS, L.L.C. Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 5. NORTON HEALTHCARE LTD Cl. 5. SANOFI-SYNTHELABO Cl. 41, 42. Tramlines Ltd Cl. 9. NEXANS FRANCE Cl. 1, 40. ICI CHEMICALS & POLYMERS LIMITED Cl. 38. NEXTRA AS Cl. 9, 16, 36, 38. EIRCOM LTD Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 5, 35, 42. Pfizer Products Inc. Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 3. Coty B.V. Cl. 3. AVON PRODUCTS, INC. Cl. 5. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 3, 5. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 3. AVON PRODUCTS, INC. Cl. 13. Nammo AS Cl. 5. COLOPLAST A/S Cl. 29. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 9. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 3. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 33. St. Brendan's Irish Cream Liqueur Co. Ltd. Cl. 28. ARGOS LIMITED Cl. 3. Coty B.V. Cl. 5. Pfizer Products Inc. 5073 212207 212208 212219 212265 212267 212270 212271 212291 212294 212296 212298 212299 212300 212301 212302 212353 212355 212356 212359 212360 212392 212417 212418 212420 212421 212422 212423 212427 212428 212429 212445 212529 212548 212565 212602 212615 212616 212617 212618 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 30. CADBURY LIMITED Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 30. SOREMARTEC S.A. Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 29. LIDL STIFTUNG & CO. KG Cl. 5. NOVARTIS AG. Cl. 29. COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE Cl. 32. BRANDBREW S.A. Cl. 9. Thomson Cl. 10. Cardinal Health 303, Inc. Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Jungen Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 30. INTERZUCCHERI S.p.A COMPAGNIA PER L'IMPORTAZIONE E IL COMMERCIO DELLO ZUCCHERO Cl. 9, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. FREESERVE PLC Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Grösse 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 3. HELENA RUBINSTEIN Cl. 25. Whelan Footwear Distributors Limited Cl. 38, 39, 42. Mr. Alexander von König Cl. 38. EIRCOM LTD Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 3, 5. COLOPLAST A/S Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 10. Hoechst GmbH Cl. 3. Coty B.V. Cl. 9, 14, 25. MARATHON SPORTS LIMITED Cl. 6, 21. Standard Brands (Trading) Ireland Limited Cl. 9, 16, 18, 25, 38, 41. Waterford Corporation Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 1, 5, 10. ALTANA PHARMA AG Cl. 30. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 38. FREESERVE PLC Cl. 29, 30, 42. Silvios Food Fare Limited Cl. 29, 30, 42. Silvio's Food Fare Limited Cl. 21. Noel Killoran Cl. 29. COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE 212619 212633 212636 212655 212656 212679 212681 212682 212744 212800 212801 212805 212839 212847 212848 212849 212886 212887 212899 212925 212936 212940 212946 212987 212989 212996 212998 213033 213178 213179 213184 213188 213190 213191 213193 213197 213213 213264 213275 213279 213286 213288 213289 213292 (No. 2137) Cl. 30. CADBURY LIMITED Cl. 9. ALCATEL Cl. 16, 36. EURO TRAVELLERS CHEQUE INTERNATIONAL Cl. 35, 42. NEWORLDESIGN LIMITED Cl. 35, 42. NEWORLDESIGN LIMITED Cl. 5. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 29. BONGRAIN S.A. Cl. 30. CADBURY LIMITED Cl. 16, 25, 41, 42. R & A BAILEY & CO. Cl. 1, 5, 10. ALTANA PHARMA AG Cl. 32, 33. PLB GROUP LTD. Cl. 5. MADAUS GmbH Cl. 30. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 3. NATURAL WHITE, INC. Cl. 5. Mundipharma AG Cl. 5. Mundipharma AG Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 14, 34. VILLIGER SÖHNE GmbH Cl. 35, 36. Deutsche Bank AG Cl. 33. IRISH DISTILLERS LIMITED Cl. 16. IGEPA INTERESSENGEMEINSCHAFT VON PAPIERGROSSHÄNDLERN GmbH & CO. KG Cl. 32. InBev S.A. Cl. 42. James Cullinane Cl. 18, 25. The Avenue, Inc. Cl. 7, 12. PRAMAC LIFTER B.V. Cl. 25. MAMSELLE LIMITED Cl. 41. STER-KINEKOR EUROPE LIMITED Cl. 35, 41, 42. The Identity Business Limited Cl. 38. Nextra AS Cl. 25. DEREK MCGARRY Cl. 3. LABORATOIRE GARNIER & CIE Cl. 1, 11. BRITA GmbH Cl. 3. LORIS AZZARO B.V. Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 9. Dassault Systèmes S.A. Cl. 9. KEVIN KELLY Cl. 31. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 6. HOEGANAES CORPORATION Cl. 9, 16, 38. Vodafone Ireland Limited Cl. 5. DR. GERHARD MANN, CHEM. PHARM. FABRIK GMBH Cl. 29. CAMPINA MELKUNIE B.V. Cl. 5. N.V. Organon Cl. 5. DR. GERHARD MANN, CHEM. PHARM. FABRIK GMBH Cl. 9. INDUCTOTHERM CORP. (No. 2137) 213306 213330 213332 213334 213367 213454 213455 213457 213462 213512 213514 213552 213563 213565 213592 213657 213680 213681 213690 213705 213746 213885 213981 214037 214210 214211 214212 214213 214214 214215 214228 214235 214265 214464 214472 214570 214686 Patents Office Journal Cl. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. CARREFOUR Cl. 7. Carryline AB Cl. 33. PISANG AMBON B.V. Cl. 1. INEOS CHLOR LIMITED Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 9, 42. SUEZ LYONNAISE DES EAUX Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 37. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 25. Ulla Popken Junge Mode ab Größe 42 GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 30, 32, 33. Asinto GmbH c/o Gustav Lienhard Cl. 29. AVIKO B.V. Cl. 9, 28. VTech Electronics Limited Cl. 30, 32, 33. Asinto GmbH c/o Gustav Lienhard Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 3. Guerlain S.A. Cl. 18, 25. The Avenue, Inc. Cl. 18, 25. The Avenue, Inc. Cl. 3. Guerlain S.A. Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS UK LTD Cl. 35, 41, 42. The Identity Business Limited Cl. 30. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 30. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 29. Masterfoods Limited Cl. 35, 36. DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 35, 36. DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 35, 36. DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 35, 36. DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 35, 36. DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 35, 36. DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3, 14, 18. BONITA Gefühl für Mode GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft Cl. 35, 42. J. URIACH Y CIA., S.A. Cl. 9, 42. Seagull Holding N.V. Cl. 3, 5, 35. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 39, 41, 42. Deutsche Seetouristik GmbH Cl. 9, 16, 35, 42. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Cl. 7, 16, 17. AB Åkerlund & Rausing 214735 214900 214908 214957 215029 215041 215044 215113 215130 215163 215259 215505 215558 215805 215815 215864 215964 215980 216071 216131 216583 216898 217484 218213 218317 218496 218777 218952 218964 219191 225601 (11/11/2009) 5074 Cl. 1, 9, 10, 16, 40, 42. COLORYTE HUNGARY OPTIKAI KUTATO, FEJLESZTO ÉS GYARTO RÉSZVÉNYTARSASAG Cl. 35, 36. HOOKE & MACDONALD LIMITED Cl. 5. ANTIGEN PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Cl. 9, 35, 37, 38, 42. FACILICOM INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C. Cl. 5. Griffin LLC Cl. 9, 42. COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. Cl. 11. Moran Insulations Limited Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. FUNDACION MCC Cl. 9, 37, 42. Vipond Fire Protection Ireland Limited Cl. 29. DEL MONTE GROUP LIMITED Cl. 9, 16, 25. TREVOR HART AND SIMON DRY Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 30. Masterfoods Limited Cl. 9, 16, 35, 42. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Cl. 32. ROBT. ROBERTS LIMITED Cl. 33. POITIN AOIBHINN TEORANTA Cl. 36, 37. Michael McNamara & Company Cl. 33. SOPROMA S.A. Cl. 1, 5, 10, 31, 42. AVENTIS Cl. 36. Standard Life Employee Services Limited Cl. 29, 30. VALRHONA S.A. Cl. 42. TOTAL FITNESS LIMITED Cl. 5, 10. LABORATOIRES THEA Cl. 5, 30. ERIDANIA BEGHIN-SAY Cl. 16, 38. Vodafone Ireland Limited Cl. 41. STER-KINEKOR EUROPE LIMITED Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 9, 42. AN POST Cl. 3, 9, 18, 25. René Lezard Mode GmbH Cl. 11, 19. Mid-West Mantle and Design Limited 5075 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) Merger of Separate Trade Mark Registrations - Rule 29 of the 1996 Rules 131077, 131078. Merged into one single registration bearing the registration number 131077 and covering classes numbers 19, 21. SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS BENELUX S.A. International Registrations under the Madrid Protocol seeking protection in the State. Any person desiring to oppose the conferring of protection in the State to the undermentioned marks may, within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. It should be noted that under the provisions of Rule 63(2) no extension of the opposition period is allowed for lodging opposition under Rule 18. It is desirable before lodging formal opposition that a communication should be addressed to the holder affording him an opportunity to withdraw his application for protection of the International Registration in the State. In this way cost of opposition proceedings may be avoided. rorax 0375447 23/06/2009 Class 3. Preparations for cleaning and polishing, preparations for cleaning artificial materials, earthenware, porcelain and metals; dishwashing preparations, chemical products for cleaning gutter pipes. WERNER & MERTZ GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H., Ingelheimstrasse 3, 55120 MAINZ, Germany Representative: Klingseisen & Partner Patentanwälte, P.O. Box 101561, 80089 München, Germany 0442021 05/03/2009 Class 14. Waterproof watches and their parts. Certina AG (Certina SA) (Certina Ltd), Chemin des Tourelles 17, CH-2400 Le Locle, Switzerland Representative: The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.), 6, Faubourg du Lac, C.P. 1185, CH-2501 Bienne, Switzerland (No. 2137) Address for service: Patents Office Journal David Phelan, HAYES SOLICITORS, Lavery House, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland (11/11/2009) 5076 Representative: Marta Martín Fernández COLOMER BEAUTY AND PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS S.L., WTC ALMEDA PARK, c/o Tirso de Molina N°40, E08940 Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain Address for service: FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland URALMASH 0768274 0770351 16/03/2009 Class 3. Skin moisturisers, depilatory lotions, cosmetic oils and creams, astringents and depilatories for body care, excluding the face, shampoos for hair, hair conditioning preparations, gels, beard preparations, pomades for hair, hair creams and lotions, hair fixative, hair sprays, permanent wave preparations, hair colouring substances, and hair dyes, hair fortifying lotions, relaxing lotions for the hair, cleansing lotions for the face, bathing kits namely bath oils, peppers for the bath, bath gels, herbal extracts and tablets for the bath, all for use for professional hairdressing salons and designed for a coloured clientèle; nailcare preparations, hardeners, creams, covering substances, polishing substances for nails, nail-varnish removing preparations, false fingernails, nail files, preparation for the care of facial skin. INTERCOSMO S.P.A., Via Zaccarelli, 5/7, I-40010 PADULLE DI SALA BOLOGNESE BOLOGNA, Italy 11/01/2009 Class 7. Class 42. Drilling rigs (floating or nonfloating); rolling mill cylinders; crank shafts; axles for machines; bending machines; mineworking machines; sifters; sieves (machines or machine parts); crushing machines; roller bridges; hoists; mangles; foundry machines; mills (machines); pumps (machines); presses (machines for industrial purpose); mixing machines; rolling mills; excavators; shovels mechanical; ore treating machines. Engineering; technical project studies. Société anonyme du type ouvert "L'usine de l'Oural des constructions mécaniques lourdes", Pervoï Pjatiletki pl. OAO "Uralmash", RU-620012 Ekatérinbourg, Russian Federation Representative: Uralskaya TPP, 6, Vostotchnaya oul, RU-620027 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation 5077 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) VitaRice 0877696 10/01/2006 Class 30. Rice, rice wafers and rice products as far as included in this class. SanoRice Holding B.V., Wageningselaan 6, NL-3903 LA Veenendaal, The Netherlands Representative: 0879400 Vereenigde, Postbus 87930, NL-2508 DH Den Haag, The Netherlands 08/04/2005 Class 6. Common metal and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable building of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; nonelectric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores; copper ores; copper ingots; copper plates and sheets; copper base alloy ingots; aluminium wires; copper wire, not insulated; nonferrous metals and their alloys; wire ropes; copper tubes; stainless ste el pipes; ores of metal; signaling panels of metal; memorials of metals; traps for wild animals; bird breeding enclosures of metal; bird baths of metal (structures); metal chains for Class 9. dogs; ladders of metal; money boxes of metal; money clips of common metal; containers of metal; boxes of metal; metal stoppers, lids, and caps for containers; safety cashboxes; door scrapers of metal; pinwheels and bells of metal for garden decoration; metal gravestones and tomb plaques; ferrules of metal for walking sticks; fire-dogs of metal (andirons); nails of metal; bolts of metal; nuts of metal; locks of metal (other than electric); anvils; filings of metal; iron and steel; welding rods; metal materials for buildings or construction; tiles of metal for building; other materials of metal for building; wind vanes of metal; traffic signals of metal (other than luminous or mechanical); loading pallets of metal and turntables for cargo; masts of metal; anchors of metal; artificial fish reefs of metal; paint spraying booths of metal; keys; cotters; valves of metal; diving boards and tent pegs of metal; crampons for climbing; stirrups and horseshoes of metal; spurs; buckles of metals; insect screens of metal; wire gauze; wire ropes; sculptures of metal. Fire-extinguishing apparatus; lead frames for semiconductors; rechargeable batteries; anode materials for rechargeable batteries; cathode materials for rechargeable batteries; storage batteries for cellular telephones; fuel cells; wireless chargers; storage batteries for wireless chargers; storage battery chargers; batteries and cells; slide rules and abacuses; measuring apparatus for carpenters; glasses and their parts and accessories; fire extinguishers; diving machines and apparatus; life boats and fire boats; satellites; (No. 2137) Class 12. Class 38. Patents Office Journal egg-candlers; ionization appartus, not for the treatment of air and electrolysers; whistles for sports; gloves for protection against X-rays for industrial use; gloves for protection against accidents; gloves for divers; helmets; protection masks; clothing for protection against fire; diving suits; music recorded audiotapes and parts for record players; recorded audiotapes or videotapes (not music) and magnetic cards; exposed films and animated cartoons. Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; rubber hoses for vehicles; tubes for vehicle wheel; tractors for agricultural purposes; wheelchairs; parachutes; transport machines and apparatus; ships and their parts and accessories (included in this class) (except air cushion vehicles); aircraft and their parts and accessories; railway vehicles and their parts and accessories; motor cars and their parts and accessories; bicycles and their parts and accessories; other transportation equipment; tires and tubes; prime movers and implements for land vehicles; power transmissions and gearing for land vehicles; shock absorbers for vehicles; brakes for vehicles; mechanical elements for land vehicles; motors for land vehicles; tractors for agricultural purposes; caterpillars for tanks. Telecommunications; communication by fiber (fibre) optic network; data communications; wireless communication; communication by ultra wide band; services related to communication; services related to broadcasting; communications by fiber (11/11/2009) 5078 (fibre) optic networks; data communication; paging services (radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication); rental of modems; wireless communication; VAN (Value Added Network) communication; message sending; rental of message sending apparatus; mail services; remote screen communication; satellite transmission; providing user access to a global computer network (service providers); providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; rental of telecommunication equipment; information about telecommunication; communications by telegrams; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications services); electronic mail; rental of telephones; telephone services; communications by telephone; computer aided transmission of messages and images; communication by computer terminals; telex services; telecommunications routing and junction services; news agencies; rental of facsimile apparatus; facsimile transmission; cellular telephone communication; teleconferencing services; education broadcasting; radio broadcasting; cable television broadcasting; Internet broadcasting; television broadcasting. Priority Date Claimed: 13 January 2005 Republic of Korea LS Corp., Samsung-dong 159, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, Seoul 135-798, Republic of Korea 5079 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Representative: Young-chol Kim, Korea Coal Center, 10th Floor, 80-6, Susong-dong, Chongro-ku, Seoul 110-727, Republic of Korea Address for service: TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland 0909833 (No. 2137) 15/05/2009 Class 6. Class 7. 0903337 19/05/2009 Class 8. Hand-operated grinding instruments; small agricultural implements; hand tools for forestry and garden; hand tools other than poweroperated; chisels; hammers; axes; spanners and wrenches; drills; cutting tools; files; screw taps; planes; handoperated instruments other than power-operated; spreaders; tube cutters; threejaw gear pullers; special hand tools; masonry tools; graving tools; tweezers; instruments for making clocks and watches; knives; scissors. HANGZHOU GREAT STAR INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD., No. 35 Jiuhuan Road, Jianggan Zone, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Representative: China Trademark & Patent Law Office Co., Ltd., 14, Yuetan Nanjie, Xichengqu, Yuexin Bld., 100045 Beijing, China Class 9. Class 16. Door openers, non-electric; money clips of common metal; door closers (nonelectric); safes (strong boxes); money boxes of metal; cashboxes of metal; safety cash boxes. Hydraulic door openers and closers (parts of machines); pneumatic door openers and closers (parts of machines); kitchen machines, electric; bookbinding apparatus and machines for industrial purposes; packing machines; knives, electric; grinders/crushers, electric, for household purposes; washing machines (laundry); cutting machines. Time recording apparatus. Fountain pens; bookbinding apparatus and machines (office equipment); labels, not of textile; catalogues; drawing materials; drawing boards; drawing instruments; drawing squares; document laminators for office use; paper shredders (for office use); punches (office requisites); paper cutters (office requisites); cigar bands; compasses for drawing. Barsukov Sergey Dmitrievich, 20 Yaroslavskoe Highway, case 1, ap. 100, RU-129337 Moscow, Russian Federation Representative: Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat and Partners - Patent and Trademark Attorneys, Bobruiskaya str. 46, Kharkiv 61054, Ukraine (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) Oerlikon 0927142 26/05/2006 Class 4. Class 7. Liquid fuel and lubricants for vacuum pumps; greases for vacuum sealing. Machines and machine tools; coating machines for tools and components; coating machines for for optical and magnetic data storage media; surface treatment machines for coating and etching of components and monitors; vacuum coating components and spare parts (included in this class), namely vacuum ducts, vacuum valves, vacuum reversing devices, control units, substrate carriers; vacuum pumps; rotary vacuum pumps, propellant pumps; condensation vacuum pumps; sorption pumps; parts of vacuum chambers, namely, vacuum blocking slides, vacuum valves, vacuum connections and vacuum chambers components; separators; filters for vacuum pumps; machines for lowtemperature engineering; surface treatment machines for operation under coarse vacuum, fine vacuum, high vacuum and ultra-high vacuum; vacuum machines for drying, freeze-drying, degassing, filling, impregnating, mixing, melting, atomizing, vaporizing, evaporation coating or coating of materials; vacuum heat treating machines for metals; vacuum coating machines for optical and magnetic data storage media; electric energy supply generators for space equipment, space probes, space stations, space laboratories and satellites, substantially consisting of mercury vapor turbines heated Class 9. 5080 by bundled sunrays, automatic assembly machines for the semiconductor industry; production machines for the manufacture of flat screens; ultrasonic cleaning machines for substrates which are to be coated in a vacuum apparatus; engines for space vehicles, in particular recoil engines, ramjet engines, solidpropellant and liquidpropellant rocket engines, gas turbine engines, also ion drive engines (for space crafts); parts of engines. Optical apparatus and instruments; optical components and systems for data and video projection, lighting industry, sensor systems, instrument construction and biotechnology; optical apparatus and its components with surface coatings; components and spare parts for vacuum coating apparatus, namely electronic control and regulation units; total pressure sensors, measuring devices and control devices, namely for the measurement of the total pressure in vacuum apparatus, partial pressure gages for vacuum apparatus; gas analysis devices, in particular for the determination of the gas composition at low and high pressures; electronic leak location devices for the finding of leaks in vacuumtight containers and in airtight containers, electronic chip carrier cleaners for the surface cleaning of electronic components; vacuum coating equipment, namely, sputtering cathodes, sputtering targets, sputtering shields, sputtering masks, evaporation coating filaments, ceramic crystals (included in this class); devices for the reception, transmission, transfer, receiving, reproduction and 5081 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal processing of sounds , signals and/or images; communication satellites, transmitters, devices of wired and of wireless information retrieval engineering, of information transfer engineering and of information processing engineering, including ultrahigh frequency engineering and acoustics, radio direction apparatus, radar and radio locating devices, radar probes and navigation devices, laser devices for the retrieval, transfer and processing of information, sonar devices, night-vision devices, ultrasonic devices, photoelectrical measuring, control and regulating devices, remote steering devices for the generation and wireless or wired transmission of control and steering signals to unmanned and manned land, air and water vehicles as well as to unmanned missiles and space equipment as well as apparatus composed of these devices; controlling devices for space electronics; semiconductors; integrated circuits; electrotechnical vibration meter components (included in this class); measuring, regulating, controlling and monitoring devices for vacuum pumps; sealing heater test apparatus; vacuum measuring devices; partial pressure gages; layer thickness gages and regulating devices; gas analysis devices; machine-like leak location devices; solar-electrical, photoelectrical and thermoelectrical energy converters as well as solar-thermal and photothermal energy converters, solar cells, devices for the absorption of the emission spectrum of the sun and for the reproduction of an emission spectrum comparable to that of the sun; (No. 2137) satellites and parts of satellites. Space vehicles, namely, unmanned aircraft, in particular remote-controlled aircraft with or without recoil drive; spacecrafts, in particular, space probes, controllable space rockets, parts of space vehicles (not included in other classes); payload fairings as parts of aircrafts for rockets or missiles. Treatment of materials. Scientific and industrial services as well as related research and development services; industrial analysis and research; design and development of computers and computer programs. Class 12. Class 40. Class 42. Priority Date Claimed: 29 March 2006 Germany OC Oerlikon Corporation AG, Pfäffikon, Churerstraße 120, CH-8808 Pfäffikon SZ, Switzerland Notings: The mark is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of International Trademark Registration No 0594493 and Community Trade Mark No 4683331. Representative: LORENZ SEIDLER GOSSEL, Rechtsanwälte - Patentanwälte, Widenmayerstraße 23, 80538 München, Germany Address for service: TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland 0964653 01/04/2008 Class 25. Clothing, footwear, headgear. (No. 2137) Class 31. Patents Office Journal Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Class 35. Colour Claimed: Red: Pantone 485; black. Representative: N.V. Organon, Kloosterstraat 6, NL-5349 AB Oss, The Netherlands Address for service: 0964654 N.V. Organon, Kloosterstraat 6, NL-5349 AB Oss, The Netherlands Address for service: FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland ACTIVE 0973320 Location of freight cars by computer. GOL PAKHSH-E-AVAL, No 9,34 Alley, Vali-e-Asr Avenue, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of) FRKelly, 27 Cly de Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland 0985672 Class 35. 20/06/2007 Class 39. 01/04/2008 Class 25. Class 31. 5082 Representative: Priority Date Claimed: 07 March 2008 Benelux Trademark Office (BBM) and Benelux Designs Schering Corporation, 2000 Galloping Hill Road, Kenilworth, NJ 07033, United States of America (11/11/2009) Clothing, footwear, headgear. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Priority Date Claimed: 07 March 2008 Benelux Trademark Office (BBM) and Benelux Designs Schering Corporation, 2000 Galloping Hill Road, Kenilworth, NJ 07033, United States of America 16/06/2008 Class 10. Class 35. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth and prosthesis; orthopedic articles; suture materials and sterilized covers; devices and equipments for sexual purposes; preservatives (condom); feeding bottles, baby bottles, teethers for babies. Services related to advertising, marketing and public relations (including exhibition and fair organization with commercial and advertising purpose); 5083 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal office functions and services; business administration, business management and counseling services related to these issues (including accountancy services); import, export agency services. (No. 2137) Representative: OASIS MEDIKAL URUNLER KIMYA SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Saray Mahallesi Bayraktar Caddesi 1016, Sokak No. 1 Saraykoy, Kazan, Ankara, Turkey Colour Claimed: Representative: Blue, grey and white. , The verbal elements of the mark are blue, grey and white, the dash between the verbal elements "hi" and "slip" is blue, the figurative element which is composed of grey and white, is similar to letter "i" and the graph which is inside the figurative element is heart shaped. SCHMIT CHRETIEN SNC, 8 place du Ponceau, F-95031 CERGY-PONTOISE Cedex, France Solar Med 0992925 04/02/2009 Class 3. Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Priority Date Claimed: 06 August 2008 Germany DALLI-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG, Zweifaller Strasse 120, 52224 Stolberg, Germany YANKI IP CONSULTANCY, Tunus Cad. 73/3, Kavaklidere, Ankara, Turkey ENAMEL REPAIR 0992479 23/01/2009 Class 3. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery products, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions. 0993013 23/12/2008 Class 27. Class 35. Class 39. Priority Date Claimed: 21 August 2008 France Henkel AG & Co. KGaA (société de droit allemand), Henkelstraße 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany Carpets, rugs and other floor coverings. Business management. Transport, packaging and storage. Priority Date Claimed: 25 July 2008 Benelux Trademark Office (BBM) and Benelux Designs Van Den Bosch Beheer B.V., Metaalweg 15, NL5527 AE Hapert, The Netherlands Colour Claimed: Various shades of gray. (No. 2137) 0994255 Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) telecommunications connections to a global computer network; teleconferencing services; computer aided transmission of messages and images; information about telecommunication. Providing of training, including in the fields of finance and business management; publication of books; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; publication of literature; arranging and conducting of seminars; arranging and conducting of conferences; providing recreation facilities. Technical project studies; computer programming; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; creating and maintaining web sites for others; industrial design. 27/12/2007 Class 9. Class 16. Class 35. Class 36. Class 38. Computer programs (downloadable software); computer operating programs, recorded; computer software, recorded; monitors (computer programs). Printed matter; printed publications; newsletters; handbooks (manuals); stationery. Marketing research; auditing; commercial or industrial management assistance; business management and organization consultancy; business appraisals; efficiency experts; commercial information agencies; compilation of statistics; business management assistance; advertising; import-export agencies; computerized file management; marketing studies; dissemination of advertising matter; direct mail advertising; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; demonstration of goods; sales promotion for others; office functions. Financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; leasing of real estate; apartment house management; rent collection; banking; bailbonding; debt collection agencies; mortgage banking; capital investments; insurance consultancy; insurance consultancy; fiscal assessments; fiduciary; financial analysis; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); financing services; safe deposit, services; insurance. Providing user access to a global computer network (service providers); providing Internet chatrooms; providing 5084 Class 41. Class 42. Obschestvo s ogranitchennoi otvetstvennostyou "Kompania "Bazoviy element", str. 2. dom 11, ul. Mashkova, RU-103064 Moskva, Russian Federation Representative: 0996763 Natalia N. Berkutova, Office 404, dom 49, ul. B.Semenovskaya, RU-107023 Moskva, Russian Federation 10/09/2008 Class 11. Apparatus for lighting, 5085 (11/11/2009) Class 12. Class 16. Class 18. Class 21. Class 25. Class 27. Class 28. Class 35. Patents Office Journal heating, cooking, refrigerating and drying purposes; air conditioners for automobiles; heaters for automobiles. Motor vehicles and parts therefor; engines for vehicles and parts therefor; trailers (vehicles); automobile wheels. Paper, cards made of paper, posters, cardboard and goods made from cardboard; printed matter, book binding materials; photographs; stationery; paint brushes; instructional and teaching material, and cards made from cardboard. Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks. Household and kitchen utensils and containers; chinaware; glassware; articles made of porcelain, earthenware, china and pottery; crystal; crockery; cups, mugs, drinking vessels, dishes, plates, coasters, decanters, figurines, statues and statuettes, goblets, jars, jugs, money boxes, tableware other than knives, forks and spoons, brushes, cleaning cloths, bottle openers, vacuum bottles, insulated containers, portable coolers, table utensils, trays, corkscrews, cleaning utensils for vehicles; ornaments of glass, crystal, ceramic, pewter; sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); articles for cleaning automobiles. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors. Scale model vehicles; miniature motor cars being toys; Playing cards. Retail services connected with the sale of motor vehicles and parts for motor vehicles, from a showroom or a motor (No. 2137) Class 36. Class 37. Class 38. Class 39. vehicles and parts stores or by telecommunications including telephone and the Internet; consultancy services relating to the acquisition of motor vehicles and parts for motor vehicles and services relating thereto; business management assistance to dealers in vehicles; advertising services relating to the vehicle industry; procurement (purchasing for others) of motor vehicle parts to the motor trade and advisory and consultancy services associated therewith. Financial services; credit card and charge card services; credit card services which promote the sale of motor vehicles by crediting of portion of card usage toward the vehicle purchase price; electronic funds transfer and payment services; financing of loans; mortgage services; insurance services; retail financing services; leasing of vehicles. Services relating to maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and engines. Telecommunication services, provision of on-line communication services, communications via computers, electronic mail, message sending, rental, hire or leasing of communications apparatus, consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid, preparation of reports relating to all the aforesaid services; rental of access time to databases, computers, the Internet and to electronic mail services; the provision of access to a computer database including the Internet. Rental of vehicles; car rental, truck rental, road transportation services, delivery of goods, car transport; car parking. (No. 2137) Class 42. Patents Office Journal Consultancy, information and advisory services, all relating to networking systems and software for information retrieval on networking systems, computer services, computer programming, computer systems analysis, computer time-sharing; consultancy information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services. Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; security services relating to vehicles. Class 45. (11/11/2009) Representative: Wildbore & Gibbons, Wildbore House, 361 Liverpool Road, London N1 1NL, United Kingdom Blue-Up! 0998319 09/01/2009 Class 5. Pharmaceutical products, veterinary products; sanitary products for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Beers, mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. General Motors UK Ltd, Griffin House, Osborne Road, Luton LU1 3YT, United Kingdom Notings: The Mark is proceeding with the consent of the Proprietor of Registered Community Trade Mark No. 004768099. Representative: Dechert LLP, 160 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4QQ, United Kingdom Address for service: 5086 Class 32. FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland Priority Date Claimed: 11 August 2008 Switzerland Laboratoire Mergens SA, 3bis, Cours des Bastions, CH-1205 Genève, Switzerland EMERGE 0996972 28/07/2009 Class 32. Non-alcoholic beverages; sports drinks, isotonic energy drinks, flavoured waters, soft drinks and fruit juices; powders and syrups for making soft drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices; mineral waters; aerated waters. Cott Beverages Limited, Citrus Grove Side Ley, Kegworth Derby DE74 2FJ, United Kingdom MACH 0998854 19/01/2009 Class 20. Furniture, in particular of stainless steel. MACH spa, Via Maggior Piovesana, 154-1, I-31015 CONEGLIANO (TV), Italy 5087 (11/11/2009) Representative: Patents Office Journal Giulio D'Agostini c/o D'AGOSTINI GROUP Società di Consulenza in Proprietà Industriale srl, Rivale Castelvecchio, 6, I-31100 TREVISO, Italy (No. 2137) (electricity); junction sleeves for electric cables; acoustic couplers. ZHEJIANG TONGSHENG ELECTRONIC CO., LTD., Second Industrial Estate, Danxi, Yueqing, 325608 Zhejiang, China Representative: WENZHOU JINDIAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AGENCY CO., LTD, Room 606.FortuneCenter, Chezhan Road, Wenzhou City, 325088 Zhejiang Province, China INVERSSOR 1008011 09/04/2009 Class 14. Cuff links, tie pins, rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, brooches, key holders, watches, chronometers, clocks; watchbands, boxes of precious metal for watches and jewelry. Priority Date Claimed: 04 November 2008 Switzerland PremiumCal 1008044 10/12/2008 Class 9. Richemont International SA, Route des Biches 10, CH-1752 Villars-sur-Glâne, Switzerland Representative: Richemont International SA, Département Propriété Intellectuelle, 50 chemin de la Chênaie, CH-1293 Bellevue, Switzerland Class 42. Electric and electronic measuring apparatus; flowmeasuring devic es for recording the volume flow rate and mass flow rate parameters of liquids, gases or suspensions; hydrometers; viscosimeters. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; technical appraisals; services for the certification of measuring instruments used for measuring industrial processes; measuring instrument inspections; measuring instrument calibration services. Priority Date Claimed: 13 June 2008 Switzerland 1008035 Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG, Kägenstrasse 7, CH4153 Reinach, Switzerland 01/07/2009 Class 9. Couplings, electric; connections for electric lines; terminals (electricity); cell switches (electricity); wire connectors (electricity); relays, electric; connectors (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) eyeglasses; protective eye pieces; sunglasses; lenses for sunglasses; glasses with a handle; swim goggles; snow goggles; ski goggles (ski glasses); goggles for sports; spectacles (optics); cases for spectacles and sunglasses; spectacle glasses; eyeglass chains; side guards for eyeglasses; eyeglass cords; chains for spectacles; eyeglass cases; eyeglass frames; frames for spectacles and sunglasses; frames for eyeglasses and pince-nez; spectacle holders; children's eye glasses; glacier eyeglasses; opera glasses; monocles; diving goggles; anti-dazzle spectacles; pincenez; pince-nez cords; pincenez cases; pince-nez mountings; contact lenses; contact lens cleaning apparatus; containers for contact lenses; polarizing spectacles; field-glasses. Majvest 1008078 31/03/2009 Class 17. Wind- and waterproof sheets for building construction, in particular for use on facades; sloping roofs, roof boarding and facade screens for insulating purposes; reclaimed cellulose sheets, plastic sheets, viscose sheets, sheets of padded materials, other than for packing purposes; stopping and packing materials; all the aforementioned goods being in particular for use as windproofing and protection from water. Construction materials, not of metal; coverings, not of metal, for construction. Class 19. Priority Date Claimed: 21 November 2008 Switzerland SIGA Services AG, Rütmattstrasse 7, CH-6017 Ruswil, Switzerland Representative: 1008109 5088 Bae, You Hwan, 1907Ho-101Dong Taewang Honors APT, 99-1 WangGeum 1Dong, Suseng-gu Daegu, Republic of Korea Troller Hitz Troller & Partner, Rechtsanwälte, Schweizerhofquai 2, Postfach, CH-6002 Luzern, Switzerland 10/04/2009 Class 9. Theatre glasses; spectacle frames made of metal and of synthetic material; monocular frames; reading eyeglasses; dustproof glasses; anti-glare glasses; eyeshades; corrective glasses; eyeglasses; protective 1008143 13/05/2009 Class 26. False beards; false hair; plaited hair; false moustaches; wigs; toupees. 5089 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) LIN CHAO, Room 204, Building 6, No.808, Tianyuan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, 510010 Guangdong Province, China Representative: GUANGZHOU LVDONG TRADEMARK AGENT CO, LTD., Room C8, No.205, Huanshi Middle Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China EASYLYO 1008223 1008232 02/04/2009 Class 35. Class 41. 26/03/2009 Class 21. Unworked or semiworked glass (except building glass); crystal (glassware); manually operated pump dispensers intended to be attached to containers designed for dispensing liquids; flasks and containers intended to contain pharmaceutical products; bacteriologically safe flasks and containers intended to contain pharmaceutical products; glass packaging, glass flasks (containers), spouts, glass stoppers, glass bowls, glass boxes, bottles, pots, jars, small flasks; fibreglass other than for insulation or textile use, fibreglass thread, not for textile use, ooze, enamelled glass, painted glassware, glass (containers). Priority Date Claimed: 08 October 2008 France SGD S.A., 1 rue du Général Leclerc, Immeuble Le Linéa, F-92800 PUTEAUX, France Representative: TMARK Conseils, Conseils en Propriété Industrielle, 31 rue Tronchet, F-75008 PARIS, France Business management assistance, business management consultancy: commercial or industrial management assistance; business management and organisation consultancy services; marketing studies; selection of staff by means of psychological testing. Education services, provision of training; cultural activities, correspondence courses; arranging and conducting of seminars, congresses, symposiums and training workshops; vocational guidance; professional consultancy relatin g to education. FERNANDO DE SALAS NESTARES, C/ Camino Alto, 40, La Moraleja, E-28109 ALCOBENDAS, Spain Colour Claimed: Red (Pantone 485) and blue (Pantone 287). Representative: MARISOL VILLÓ FERNÁNDEZ, C/ Serrano, 45, 6 planta, E-28001 MADRID, Spain (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) 5090 encryption of data for the creation of multimedia products; development of musical compositions for others. Priority Date Claimed: 16 December 2008 France MOOD MEDIA, Route Départementale 307, F-78810 FEUCHEROLLES, France 1008637 04/02/2009 Class 9. Class 16. Class 35. Class 38. Class 41. Class 42. Representative: Sound and image recording, storage and reproducing apparatus and carriers; computer software; computer software for sound and image recording, storage and reproducing apparatus and carriers; databases in the field of music, videos and data passing via computer. Printed matter, books, magazines, periodicals. Advertising; services relating to advertising via message and/or recorded picture broadcasting, advertising management. Services for transmission and broadcasting of images, sounds and messages via radio, television, Internet and satellite; rental of telecommunication equipment and supplies; telecommunication services via telephone. Musical, radio, television and video entertainment, film production, rental of films, sound recordings and material for sound and picture recording, storage and broadcasting; rental of lighting apparatus. Advisory services for space planning and for planning, technical arranging of these spaces for projection of video and audio cassettes, compact discs, CD-ROMs, DVDs; development, updating and maintenance of software for transmission and broadcasting of images, sounds and messages via the Internet, for MARCHAIS DE CANDÉ, 29 rue Marbeuf, F-75008 PARIS, France PERFORMA 1008984 18/06/2009 Class 9. Electrical apparatus and instruments, namely ducts. Priority Date Claimed: 03 February 2009 France SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS, 35 rue Joseph Monier, F-92500 RUEIL-MALMAISON, France Henkel-Sustainability#Master 1008987 09/06/2009 Class 9. Class 16. Class 35. Computer programs, computer software, books, brochures, catalogues, magazines, descriptions and operating manuals stored on data carriers. Printed matter, magazines, books, catalogues, brochures, operating manuals. Economic advice regarding logistics, marketing and 5091 (11/11/2009) Class 39. Class 42. Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) packaging, advice related to the marketing of products, the development of better logistical and packaging strategies considering sustainability aspects. Logistic services in the field of transport, packaging of goods. Computer software research; software design and development; services of a packaging designer; development and research related to scientific methods and procedures for evaluation of a degree of sustainability of products, processes, services and solutions in the field of logistics and packaging; industrial analysis and research services. Priority Date Claimed: 09 December 2008 Germany Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstraße 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany 1008989 22/04/2009 Class 3. Aromatics (essential oils), flavourings (flavorings) for beverages (essential oils), sachets for perfuming linen, lavender water, scented water, toilet water, decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes, deodorants for Class 9. personal use (perfumery), perfumery, perfumes, eyebrow pencils, cosmetic pencils, cosmetic creams, cream for whitening the skin, creams for leather, hair sprays, nail polish, after-shave lotions, hair lotions, lotions for cosmetic purposes, beauty masks, oils for perfumes and scents, oils for cosmetic purposes, oils for toilet purposes, essential oils, essential oils of cedarwood, essential oils of lemon, oils for cleaning purposes, bergamot oil, jasmine oil, lavender oil, almond oil, rose oil, almond milk for cosmetic purposes, cleansing milks, soaps, disinfectant soaps, deodorizing soaps, shaving soap, soap for brightening textile, cakes of toilet soap, medicated soaps, antiperspirant soaps, soaps for foot perspiration, almond soap, mint for perfumery, cosmetic sets, eau-deCologne, bases for flower perfumes, lipstick, pomades for cosmetic purposes, shaving products, cosmetic bath preparations, toiletries, hair waving preparations, leather bleaching preparations, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, make-up powder, false eyelashes, potpourris (fragrances), bath salts, not for medical purposes, fumigation preparations (perfumes), eyebrow cosmetics, hair dyes, cosmetic preparations for eyelashes, depilatories, cosmetic preparations for skin care, cosmetics, mascara, shampoos, shampoos for pets, flower extracts (perfumery), ethereal essences, badian essence, mint essence. DVD players, sound recording apparatus, video cameras, video cassettes, video telephones, video screens, holograms, recording discs, (No. 2137) Class 12. Class 14. Patents Office Journal magnetic discs, optical discs, interfaces for computers, cameras (cinematographic apparatus), magnetic cards, computer mouse pads, computers, notebook computers, sound recording media, magnetic data media, optical data media, spectacles (optics), sunglasses, sports eyewear, luminous or mechanical signalling panels, compact disc players, cassette players, sound recording strips, electrically heated haircurlers, electric make-up removing appliances, audio and video receivers, printers for use with computers, software (recorded programs), software for computer games, computer programs (downloadable software), record players, processors (central processing units), downloadable electronic publications, radios, walkie talkies, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), spectacle lenses, optical glass, antidazzle spectacles, personal stereos, television apparatus, mobile telephones, earphones, video recorders, sound reproduction apparatus, photographic apparatus, containers for contact lenses, spectacle cases, pince-nez cases, pince-nez chains, eyeshades, projection screens, screens (photography). Motor coaches, automobiles, sports cars, aircraft, snowmobiles, air balloons, bicycles, boats, mopeds, motorcycles, parachutes, aeroplanes, sleighs (vehicles), kick sledges, water vehicles, scooters (vehicles), air vehicles, vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, yachts. Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of or coated with these materials not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; (11/11/2009) Class 16. Class 18. Class 25. 5092 horological and chronometric instruments. Almanacs, tickets, pamphlets, booklets, wrapping paper, newspapers, printed publications, calendars, pencils, catalogues, books, greeting cards, periodical reviews, printed matter, prospectuses, manuals, photographs. Umbrellas, parasols, briefcases (leatherware), purses, sacks (envelopes, pouches) made of leather for packaging purposes, vanity cases not fitted, collars for animals, dog collars, umbrella handles, walking stick handles, suitcase handles, demonstration of goods rucksacks, travelling bags, travelling sets (leather goods), sling bags for carrying infants, garment bags for travel, handbags, bags with wheels, beach bags, sports bags, bags for campers, shopping bags, school bags, travelling trunks, walking stick seats, key cases (leather goods), suitcases, umbrella sheaths. Non-slipping devices for boots and shoes, motorists' clothing, bathing caps, bathing trunks, bathing suits, swimsuits, bath-robes, bath sandals, bath slippers, bandanas (neckerchiefs), head bands (clothing), hair slides, stockings, sweat-absorbent stockings, heelpieces for stockings, bibs, not of paper, babies bibs (not of paper), berets, smocks, boas (necklets), bodysuits (leotards), hosiery, bonnets, shower caps, boots, boot uppers, half-boots, tips for footwear, dress shields, braces, heavy duty boots, muffler, camisoles, leggings, bathing trunks, skull caps, vests, hoods (clothing), hat frames, caps, belts (clothing), money belts (clothing), shawls, dressing gowns, non- 5093 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal electrically heated footmuffs, sweaters, hats, hat frames, paper hats (clothing), headgear, chasubles, socks, sock suspenders, ankle garters, slippers, footwear, non-slipping devices for boots and shoes, tips for footwear, football boots, studs for football boots, beach shoes, ski boots, sports footwear, footwear uppers, fittings of metal for shoes and boots, heelpieces for footwear, welts for boots and shoes, shirts, shirt yokes, shirt fronts, chemisettes, head dresses, head coverings (headgear), muffler, tights, collars (clothing), collars, detachable collars, slips (underwear), combinations (clothing), wet suits for water-skiing, readymade clothing, underclothing, anti-sweat underwear, corselets, camisoles, corsets, suits, masquerade costumes, babies' napkins of textile, babies' pants, ear muffs (clothing), studs for football boots, neckties, leather clothing, imitation leather clothing, briefs and pants, disposable nappies, cyclists' clothing, underwear, dress shields, outerclothing, readymade linings (clothing accessories), shower caps, sashes for wear, footwear uppers, shirt yokes, espadrilles, fur stoles, detachable collars, fittings of metal for shoes and boots, sock suspenders, football boots, studs for football boots, scarves, furs (clothing), gabardines (clothing), girdles (underwear), galoshes, gloves (clothing), waistcoats, brassieres, gaiters, wimples (clothing), gymnastic shoes, items of clothing, clothing, top hats, raincoats, leggings, suspenders, garters, jerseys (clothing), skirts, petticoats, leotards (bodysuits), babies' napkins of textile, Windsor (No. 2137) Class 35. Class 38. ties, layettes, underclothing, anti-sweat underclothing, liveries, singlets, cuffs, muffs (clothing), maniples (liturgy), coats, mantillas, sleeping masks, mittens, mittens, mitres (clothing), topcoats, trousers, slippers, overcoats, parkas, fishermen's jackets, peignoirs, pelerines, pelisses, trouser straps, beach shoes, beach clothes, shirt fronts, pockets for clothing, pocket squares (clothing), money belts (clothing), pullovers, pyjamas, dresses, dressing gowns, clogs (footwear), sandals, saris, soles for footwear, inner soles, ski boots, wet suits for waterskiing, briefs and pants, shoes, trouser straps, underwear, anti-sweat underwear, brassiere, sports footwear, sports shoes, anti-sweat underwear, sock suspenders, overgarments, aprons (clothing), heelpieces for stockings, heels, tee-shirts, boot uppers, welts for boots and shoes, knitwear clothing, turbans, uniforms, pea jackets, jackets, fishermen's jackets, clothing, clothing for gymnastics, leather clothing, imitation leather clothing, paper clothing, pockets for clothing, underwear, cap peaks, veils (clothing), small veils. Demonstration of goods, organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes, organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes, rental of advertising material, publication of advertising texts, radio advertising, dissemination of advertisements, advertising copy writing, advertising, television advertising, modelling for advertising or sales promotion. Television programme broadcasting, cable television, (No. 2137) Class 39. Class 40. Class 41. Patents Office Journal electronic display services (telecommunications), electronic mail, radio programme broadcasting, teleconferencing services. Booking of seats for travel, transport reservations, arranging of cruises, arranging of tours, coach rental, vehicle rental, wrapping of goods, transport, sightseeing. Pattern printing, printing, dressmaking, silkscreen printing. Modelling for artists, academies (education), videotape recording (filming), publication of books, entertainment information, movie studios, health club services (physical fitness), club services (entertainment or education), nightclubs, microfilming, videotape editing, editing of radio and television programmes, music halls, providing online electronic publications (not downloadable), practical training (demonstration), organization of balls, organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes, providing recreation facilities, arranging and conducting of conventions, arranging and conducting conferences, arranging and conducting of concerts, arranging and conducting training workshops, arranging of beauty contests, organization of competitions (education or entertainment), holiday camp services (entertainment), organization of shows (impresario services), television entertainment, presentation of live performances, theatre productions, videotape film production, film production, rental of sound recordings, videotape rental, rental of show scenery, rental of motion pictures, rental of radio and tele vision sets, radio (11/11/2009) Class 42. Class 43. Class 44. Class 45. 5094 entertainment, entertainer services, entertainment, services provided by news reporters, party planning (entertainment), musical composition services, subtitling, education, recording studio services, digital imaging services, photography, production of shows. Graphic arts design services, cosmetic science research, research and development of new products for third parties, dress designing, design of interior decor, packaging design. Tourist homes, hotels, fastfood restaurants and snackbars, cafés, cafeterias, motels, boarding-houses, boarding for animals, providing of food and drink, self-service restaurants, canteens, holiday camp services (accommodation), bar services, providing campground facilities, catering services. Rest homes, manicure services, massage, hairdressing salons, beauty salons, visagists' services. Marriage bureaux, evening dress rental, clothing rental, dating services. Priority Date Claimed: 24 October 2008 Russian Federation Obchtchestvo s ogranitchennoi otvetstvennostyou "FECHN GROUPPA", str.2, dom 8/10, Bryousov per., RU-103009 Moskva, Russian Federation Representative: Dorenskaya Valentina Viktorovna, kv.15, korp.3, d.26, oul. Vvedenskogo, RU-117279 MOSKVA, Russian Federation 5095 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal SIMATIC IT Assembly line in-a-box 1009043 19/06/2009 Class 9. Data processing programs. Priority Date Claimed: 19 December 2008 Germany Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Wittelsbacherplatz 2, 80333 München, Germany SIMATIC IT MES in-a-box 1009049 19/06/2009 Class 9. Data processing programs. Priority Date Claimed: 19 December 2008 Germany Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Wittelsbacherplatz 2, 80333 München, Germany 1009065 03/03/2009 Class 16. Adhesives for stationery or household purposes, adhesive bands and tapes for stationery or household purposes, writing papers, manifolds, parchments papers, onionskin, copying papers, rollers for typewriters and calculators, (No. 2137) cards, notebooks, blotters, notepapers (block papers), envelopes, stickers, files (office requisites), albums, loose-leaf binders, covers (stationery); stickers, artists' materials and materials for writing, drawing, and painting namely, pens (office requisites), pencils, ball-point pens, nibs for pen and pencils, architects' models, modeling materials, modeling paste, modeling clay, modeling wax (not for dental purposes), modeling knives, paints for stationery purpose namely pastels, pastel crayons, oil pastels, watercolours, crayons, gouaches, finger paints, face paints; paint boxes, paint brushes, palettes for painters, copying pencils, pens for transparencies (stationery), liquid pen refills, fiber pens, roller pens, jell inky pens, mechanical (refillable) pencils, tattoo pens, highlighters, markers, stencils; typewriters (electric or nonelectric), addressing machines, franking machines (stamping machines), duplicators, document laminators for office use, inking ribbons, inking ribbons for computer printers, inking sheets for duplicators, ink cartridges; office requisites (except furniture), boxes of cardboards or paper, cabinets for stationery, pads, paper knifes, paper clips, cachets, stamp pads, ink, ink sticks, ink stones, Indian ink, inkwell, inkstands, correcting fluids, erasers, pencil sharpeners (electric or nonelectric), correction tapes, pencil trays, punches (office requisites), stapling presses, staples; instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus); printed games printed publications, printed matter, terrestrial globe, blackboards, drawing (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) instruments namely, rulers, square rulers, chalks, drawing squares, numbers and letters (type), numbering apparatus, compasses. claddings (for building); nonmetallic wall linings (for building); building stone; artificial stone; ceilings; platforms, prefabricated, not of metal; reservoirs; railway sleepers; non-metallic portal frames for buildings; building construction materials; posts; staircases; non-metallic building panels; crash barriers for roads; ducts; penstock pipes. Carrying out of construction work of all kinds; building construction supervision; factory construction; bricklaying; quarrying services; carrying out road construction (roads, motorways, bridges). Carting. Drawing up of building plans; technical project studies; expert reports of engineers; research and development of new products and new technologies for their production. ADEL KALEMCILIK TICARET VE SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI, Esentepe Mahallesi Anadolu Caddesi No: 7, Kartal, TR-34870 Istanbul, Turkey Representative: ANKARA PATENT BUREAU LIMITED, Bestekar Sokak No. 10, Kavaklidere, TR-06680 Ankara, Turkey Class 37. Class 39. Class 42. ZIPP 1009371 02/12/2008 Class 6. Class 19. Reinforcing materials, of metal, for concrete; metal containers; metal fittings for building; mixed materials of steel and concrete for buildings; metallic reinforcing materials for building; metal building materials; metal shuttering for concrete; metal constructions; metal building frameworks; containers for liquid fuel (metal); foundry moulds of metal. Concrete; materials for producing concrete; nonmetallic base constructions for buildings; non-metallic frameworks for building; materials for construction and road surfacing; concrete surface courses; cement posts; partitions, not of metal; buildings, not of metal; nonmetallic mouldings for cornices; non-metallic water pipes; non-metallic branching pipes; non-metallic beams; non-metallic props; gravel; non-metallic lintels; nonmetallic transportable buildings; non-metallic wall 5096 ZIPP BRATISLAVA, spol. s r.o., Stará Vajnorská cesta 16, SK-832 44 Bratislava, Slovakia Representative: Ing. Štefan Holakovský GENiUM, Drobného 13, SK841 01 Bratislava, Slovakia INTERCEPTOR 1009507 02/07/2009 Class 9. Scientific apparatus, namely, biosafety hoods. Priority Date Claimed: 09 January 2009 United States of America 5097 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal (No. 2137) Kewaunee Scientific Corporation, Post Office Box 1842, 2700 West Front Street, Statesville, NC 28687, United States of America Representative: Francis M. Pinckney K & L Gates LLP, 214 North Tryon Street, Hearst Tower, 47th Floor, Charlotte, NC 28202, United States of America brakes, derailleurs, handlebars, stabilizers, mudguards, saddles, spokes, stands, tyres, rims, wheels, pedals, chains, frames, hubs, racks, mirrors. Brushes for cleaning; brushes for cleaning bicycles. Class 21. Priority Date Claimed: 10 November 2008 United Kingdom Wiggle Ltd, 3 Optima, Northarbour Spur, Portsmouth P06 3TU, United Kingdom Representative: LIFELINE 1009645 Wildbore & Gibbons, Wildbore House, 361 Liverpool Road, London N1 1NL, United Kingdom 07/05/2009 Class 3. Class 4. Class 6. Class 8. Class 11. Class 12. Cleaning preparations; cleaning fluids; degreasing preparations for household purposes; cleaning preparations, cleaning fluids and degreasing preparations for use with bicycles. Greases, lubricants and oils; greases, lubricants and oils for use with bicycles. Bolts (metal); clips (metal); work stands (metal); metal work stands for bicycles; wall racks; metal wall racks for bicycles; locks of metal for bicycles. Hand tools and implements; multi tools; hand tools and implements, multi tools for use with bicycles; tool kits for bicycles. Bicycle lamps, lights and reflectors; torches. Bicycles; bicycle accessories all included in this class; parts and fittings for bicycles; bag carriers for bicycles; carrying racks for bicycles; puncture repair kits; panniers; bicycle pumps; bottle cages for bicycles; fittings for bicycles for carrying food and beverages; carriers for transporting bicycles on vehicles; bicycle bells, chains, 1009684 25/03/2009 Class 12. Class 35. Class 39. Pneumatic tyres and wheels for vehicles; wheel assemblies for pneumatic tyres and wheels for vehicles. Online retailing services for pneumatic tyres, wheel assemblies for pneumatic tyres and wheels for vehicles; planning services for fitting pneumatic tyres, wheels and wheel assemblies for vehicles. Delivery services for pneumatic tyres, wheels and wheel assemblies for vehicles, pneumatic tyres and wheels. Priority Date Claimed: 22 October 2008 France TYREDATING, 31 rue de Cuire, F-69004 LYON, France (No. 2137) Representative: Patents Office Journal Madame Claude GALLIOU, Salariée, Manufacture Française des Pneumatiques MICHELIN, Service SGD/LG/PI-LADOUX, F-63040 CLERMONTFERRAND CEDEX 09, France (11/11/2009) THERMAFIL 1009776 27/03/2009 Class 17. 1009704 02/06/2009 Class 3. Class 44. Priority Date Claimed: 16 March 2009 France SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER, "Les Miroirs", 18 avenue d'Alsace, F-92400 COURBEVOIE, France Representative: ADAM Olivier, Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, "Les Miroirs", 18 avenue d'Alsace, F-92400 COURBEVOIE, France Nails 4 Us - Comercialização e Distribuição de Produtos de Embelezamento de Unhas Artificiais, Lda., Rua de Inglaterra, n° 340, P-2765-231 Estoril, Portugal Representative: Packing, stopping and insulating materials, insulating materials made of mineral wool or mineral fibres in the form of loose wool, tapes, non-woven webs, felts, fleeces, boards, plates, weather strips, shells, pipes, rolls and moulded parts, for heat and sound insulation purposes, and for sealing; coated insulating materials made of mineral wool or mineral fibres. Bituminous goods; nonmetallic supporting structures for use in construction; surfaced or plain rolls, plates and boards, for heat and sound insulation purposes and for protection against humidity used in the construction of walls, partitions, ceilings, false ceilings, floors, roofs, false roofs, panelling. Class 19. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery; essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; in particular nail care and beauty preparations. Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; in particular nail care and beauty services. 5098 LUÍS MENDES, Avª. António Augusto de Aguiar, 56-2.° Dt.°, P-1050-017 Lisboa, Portugal COLVERDE 1009781 08/07/2009 Class 33. Alcoholic beverages (except beers); wine, sparkling wine. 5099 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Priority Date Claimed: 11 February 2009 United Kingdom Marks and Spencer plc, Waterside House, 35 North Wharf Road, London W2 1NW, United Kingdom Representative: BOULT WADE TENNANT, Verulam Gardens, 70 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8BT, United Kingdom VOLSHEBNIY KRAY 1009874 18/06/2009 Class 29. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; alginates for food; anchovy; peanuts, processed; albumen for food; white of eggs; beans, preserved; soya beans, preserved, for food; bouillon; ginger jam; fatty substances for the manufacture of edible fats; edible birds' nests; peas, preserved; mushrooms, preserved; game, not live; gelatine for food; meat jellies; jellies for food; fruit jellies; yolk of eggs; coconut fat; bone oil, edible; lard for food; suet for food; fruit-based snack food; charcuterie, sausages; raisins; caviar; casein for food; sauerkraut; isinglass for food; black pudding, blood sausage; meat, tinned; vegetables, tinned; fish, tinned; fruits, tinned; bouillon concentrates; gherkins; prawns, not live; buttercream; croquettes; silkworm chrysalis, for human consumption; toasted laver; spiny lobsters, not live; (No. 2137) salmon; onions, preserved; margarine; piccalilli; marmalade; coconut oil, colza oil for food, corn oil, maize oil, olive oil for food, palm kernel oil for food, palm oil for food, rape oil for food, sesame oil, sunflower oil for food; peanut butter; chocolate nut butter, cocoa butter; coconut butter; butter; shellfish, not live; almonds, ground; animal marrow for food; clams (not live), mussels, not live; soya milk (milk substitute); fishmeal for human consumption; fruit pulp; meat, preserved; potato fritters; olives, preserved; lobsters, not live; coconut, desiccated; nuts, prepared; tomato puree; liver pate; pectin for food; liver; pickles; powdered eggs; ham; milk products, namely cream (dairy products), kefir (milk beverage), koumiss (kumiss) (milk beverage), milk beverages, milk predominating, whey, yoghurt, fermented vegetable foods (kimchi); salted fish, foods prepared from fish; curd; protein for human consumption; pollen prepared as foodstuff; cranberry sauce (compote); apple puree; crayfish, not live, crustaceans, not live; fish, preserved; vegetable salads; fruit salads; bacon; sardines; pork; herrings; whipped cream; fatcontaining mixtures for bread slices; tomato juice for cooking; vegetable juices for cooking; salted meats; sausages in batter; preparations for making bouillon; preparations for making soup; tripe; soups; vegetable soup preparations; cheese; tahini (sesame seed paste); tofu; sea-cucumbers, not live; truffles, preserved; tuna fish; oysters, not live; rennet; fish fillets; dates; crystallized fruits, frosted (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal fruits; frozen fruits; fruit preserved in alcohol; potato flakes; hummus (chickpea paste); fruit peel; lentils, preserved; potato chips; fruit chips; weed extracts for food; meat extracts; snail eggs for consumption. Priority Date Claimed: 19 March 2009 Russian Federation (11/11/2009) substances, including all the aforesaid goods in extract form and instant form; natural sweeteners and sweetening substances. Priority Date Claimed: 11 February 2009 Germany CAFEA GMBH, Am Sandtorkai 2, 20457 Hamburg, Germany Representative: Harmsen & Utescher, Alter Wall 55, 20457 Hamburg, Germany Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu "Aston", 3B, ul. 1-ya Lugovaya, RU-344002 Rostovna-Donu, Russian Federation Representative: 5100 OOO "Soyouzpatent", 13 str. 5, Oulitsa Myasnitskaya, RU101000 Moskva, Russian Federation GELAGRI 1009953 08/04/2009 Class 29. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; eggs, milk and other dairy products; edible oils and fats; tinned meat and fish, pickles. Fresh fruits and vegetables; foodstuffs for animals. Class 31. 1009888 GELAGRI BRETAGNE, Zone industrielle de Lanrinou, F-29800 LANDERNEAU, France 13/05/2009 Class 30. Coffee, coffee made of grain, coffee substitutes including mixtures of the aforesaid goods; cocoa, chocolate, chocolate goods and confectionery, in particular bars, including the aforesaid goods with added milk products and fruit products, nuts and/or cereal products; tea; pastry and confectionery; coffee, coffee made of grain, coffee substitute, tea, cocoa and chocolate based beverages, including the aforesaid goods with added milk products and/or flavouring and/or sweetening Representative: CABINET FLECHNER, 22 avenue de Friedland, F-75008 PARIS, France M&S 1009975 08/07/2009 Class 35. Business information management services; management of farm records; 5101 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal recordal of animal origin; record-keeping; organisation, maintenance and management of livestock records; investigation and enquiry services relating thereto. (No. 2137) vehicle maintenance; vehicle cleaning; tyre repair including tuning and balancing of vehicle wheels. Hauling; rental of warehouses; freighting; freight forwarding; transport agents. Class 39. Priority Date Claimed: 14 January 2009 United Kingdom Marks and Spencer plc, Waterside House, 35 North Wharf Road, London W2 1NW, United Kingdom DALITRANS, s.r.o., Vel'ké Bierovce 206, SK-913 11 Vel'ké Bierovce, Slovakia Representative: Representative: JUDr. Viera Nováková, Skuteckého 30, SK-974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia BOULT WADE TENNANT, Verulam Gardens, 70 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8BT, United Kingdom BEDOSEAT HR4i 1010043 Class 35. Class 41. Computer software for use in connection with human resources. Employment agency services and personnel management consultancy; payroll preparation. Human resources development by basic and advanced training. Bayer AG, 51373 Leverkusen, Germany 1010227 31/10/2008 Class 37. 24/12/2008 Class 12. 24/07/2009 Class 9. 1010313 Motor vehicle maintenance and repair; vehicle washing; vehicle service stations (refuelling and maintenance); Land vehicles, motors and parts for land vehicles; bicycles and their bodies, handle bars for bicycles, mudguards; vehicle cases, dump cases, tractor trailers, frigorific cases, fitting equipments for trailers, dampers for vehicles, lifting equipments; vehicle seats, head-rests for vehicle seats, safety seats for children, for vehicles, seat covers for vehicles, covers for vehicle s, sun-blinds adapted for automobiles; signals for vehicles and arms for direction signaling, windscreen wipers, arms for windscreen wipers; inner tubes and tires for vehicle wheels, tubeless tires for vehicles, tire repair sets, patches for repairing tubes, patches for weld, valves for vehicle tires; windows for vehicles, safety windows for vehicles, rearview mirrors and side-mirrors for vehicles; chains for anti-skidding, (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal skids; luggage carriers for vehicle, bicycle and ski carriers, saddles for bicycles, cycles or motorcycles; pumps for inflating tire; burglar alarms and horns for vehicles; safety belts for vehicle seats, air bags for passengers; baby carriages, wheelchairs, perambulators; hand cars, shopping trolleys, one or multiple-wheeled hand cars, wheeled carriers for household goods; railway vehicles, locomotives, trains, tramcars, railway cars, aerial conveyors, chairlifts; sea vehicles and their parts other than motors and machines; air vehicles and parts thereof. Temsa Global Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Mersin Yolu Üzeri, 10. Km, Seyhan, Adana, Turkey Representative: Ankara Patent Bureau Limited, Bestekar Sokak No. 10, TR06680 Kavaklidere Ankara, Turkey (11/11/2009) Cl. 10 0884535 (2120) of Russian Federation Cl. 9, 16, 18 0890057 (2128) DICOTA GmbH of Germany Cl. 12 0897519 (2128) Yamaha Motor Europe N.V. of The Netherlands Cl. 14 0919301 (2128) Olszewski, Edward Bryan of United States of America 0934859 (2128) EFI AS of Norway Cl. 3, 5, 35 Cl. 6, 8, 11, 17, 37, 42 0948204 (2128) HAWLE Armaturen GmbH of Germany Cl. 18, 25, 35 0952638 (2128) BJ TEKSTIL TICARET VE SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 7, 11, 21 0966044 (2128) Liebherr-International AG of Switzerland Cl. 3 0966550 (2128) Henkel AG & Co. KGaA of Germany Cl. 7, 8, 11 0974061 (2128) DEPA ELEKTRONIK SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI of Turkey International Trade Marks protected in the State Cl. 1 0279393 (2128) Sika AG of Switzerland Cl. 14 0353878 (2128) Chopard International SA of Switzerland Cl. 34 0524696 (2128) Agio Sigarenfabrieken N.V. of The Netherlands Cl. 18, 25 0585674 (2128) FRANZI 1864 Srl of Italy Cl. 33 0699197 (2128) BERSANO VINI S.P.A. of Italy Cl. 7 0766024 (2128) FUJIAN FUSHAN BEARING CO., LTD. of China 5102 Cl. 7, 8, 11 0974062 (2128) DEPA ELEKTRONIK SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 9, 35, 37, 42 0975755 (2128) TeleLink EAD of Bulgaria Cl. 9, 35, 37, 42 0975756 (2128) TeleLink EAD of Bulgaria Cl. 5, 30 0976553 (2128) HARBIN PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP HOLDING CO., LTD of China Cl. 5 0976862 (2128) HARBIN PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP HOLDING CO., LTD of China Cl. 11, 20, 24 0978450 (2128) ROLF BENZ AG & CO. KG of Germany Cl. 9, 35, 42 0978703 (2128) Nyloplast N.V. of The Netherlands 5103 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Cl. 19, 27 0981641 (2128) Enia Carpet Management AG of Switzerland Cl. 3, 5 0984051 (2128) Henkel AG & Co. KGaA of Germany Cl. 3 0985227 (2128) Henkel AG & Co. KGaA of Germany Cl. 24, 25 0985380 (2128) Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH of Germany Cl. 16, 25, 41, 45 0988602 (2128) Young Life of United States of America Cl. 30 0997210 (2128) ALB-GOLD Teigwaren GmbH of Germany Cl. 5 0997222 (2128) Bayer Schering Pharma AG of Germany Cl. 25 0997411 (2128) INTERSERVICES & TRADING SA of Switzerland Cl. 9, 37, 42 0997557 (2128) innotec GmbH of Germany Cl. 3 0997606 (2128) GA MODEFINE S.A. of Switzerland Cl. 9 0997818 (2128) FUJIAN NEWLAND HI-TECH. GROUP CO., LTD. of China Cl. 5 0997866 (2128) Mibe GmbH Arzneimittel of Germany Cl. 30 0997870 (2128) August Storck KG of Germany Cl. 3, 5, 35 0997891 (2128) Cosmetics ATOK International s.r.o. of Czech Republic Cl. 6, 19 0997951 (2128) VKR Holding A/S of Denmark Cl. 9 0998022 (2128) RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEMS FRANCE of France Cl. 6, 7, 9, 12, 16, 20, 37, 41, 42 Ferag AG of Switzerland 0998025 (2128) (No. 2137) Cl. 7, 17, 24 0998173 (2128) FIBERFLON TEKNIK TEKSTIL SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 1 0998403 (2128) SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG of Switzerland Cl. 34 0998492 (2128) MONUS d.o.o. of Serbia Cl. 18, 25 0998505 (2128) LES HABITS DE DALIE of France Cl. 7, 9, 11 0998550 (2128) IHLAS EV ALETLERI IMALAT SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 32, 33 0998569 (2128) S. Fassbind AG of Switzerland Cl. 1, 5, 29, 30, 32, 33 0998631 (2128) CAFEA GmbH of Germany Cl. 18, 25 0998929 (2128) bon prix Handelsgesellschaft mbH of Germany Cl. 11 0998940 (2128) Wallnöfer H.F. srl of Italy Cl. 5 0999045 (2128) Zentiva, a.s. of Slovakia Cl. 30 0999087 (2128) Monika Krause of Germany Cl. 9 0999090 (2128) INCI AKÜ SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 28 0999116 (2128) Foil Core of United States of America 0999129 (2128) SGD S.A. of France Cl. 21 0999130 (2128) SGD S.A. of France Cl. 21 0999131 (2128) SGD S.A. of France Cl. 21 0999132 (2128) SGD S.A. of France Cl. 21 (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal Cl. 9, 35, 42 0999339 (2128) assist GmbH of Germany Cl. 35, 36 0999544 (2128) Ignis Investment Services Limited of United Kingdom Cl. 25 0999592 (2128) Mariusz Klimek of Poland Cl. 9, 42 0999646 (2128) Jauch Quartz GmbH of Germany Cl. 38, 42 0999684 (2128) Hitit Bilgisayar Hizmetleri Limited Sirketi of Turkey Cl. 36 0999845 (2128) BRANCA INTERNATIONAL S.P.A. of Italy Cl. 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43 Bacardi & Company Limited of Liechtenstein 0999938 (2128) Cl. 36 0999946 (2128) InShared Nederland B.V. of The Netherlands Cl. 36 0999947 (2128) InShared Nederland B.V. of The Netherlands Cl. 1, 3 0999984 (2128) PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR of France Cl. 19 0999988 (2128) IRIS CERAMICA - SOCIETA' PER AZIONI of Italy Cl. 5 1000024 (2128) Vifor SA of Switzerland Cl. 6, 11, 17 1000028 (2128) FANSKI GROUP of China Cl. 25 1000156 (2128) STRATEGIA S.R.L. of Italy Cl. 12, 37, 39 1000179 (2128) CONTAINEX Container-Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. of Austria 5104 Cl. 37 1000201 (2128) Stratus Franchising, L.L.C. of United States of America Cancellations effected for the following goods/services under the Madrid protocol 0912203 SCHNEIDER GLOBAL LOGISTICS Cancellation in respect of all goods and services registered at WIPO on 22/09/2009. 0918224 TALKPLUS Cancellation in respect of all goods and services registered at WIPO on 24/09/2009. 0906048 Ernest Erbe .E.E. sinds 1886 Cancellation in respect of all goods and services registered at WIPO on 05/08/2009. 0979529 SINFONIA TECH Goods and Services not cancelled: Class 7 Metalworking machines and machine tools; printing or bookbinding machines; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; water mills; wind mills; power transmissions and gearings for machines (not for land vehicles); brakes (machines elements not for land vehicles); starters for motor and engines; AC motors and dc motors (not including those for land vehicles but including parts of any AC motors and dc motors); AC generators (alternators); DC generators. Class 11. Drying apparatus (for chemical processing); recuperators (for chemical processing); steamers (for chemical processing); evaporators (for chemical processing); distillers (for chemical processing); heat exchangers (for chemical processing); industrial furnaces; nuclear reactors (atomic piles); cooking equipment for industrial purposes; industrial dish drying apparatus and installations; dish disinfectant apparatus for industrial purposes; water purifying apparatus. Cl. 9 0999823 (2128) BEIJING TIANYU COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. of China Cl. 9 0999824 (2128) BEIJING TIANYU COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. of China (11/11/2009) 5105 (11/11/2009) Patents Office Journal Class 12 Ropeways for cargo or freight handling; unloading tipplers (for tilting railway freight cars); pusher cars for mining; puller cars for mining; traction engine; non-electric prime movers for land vehicles (not including their parts); power transmissions and gearings (for land vehicles); AC motors or DC motors for land vehicles (not including their parts); aircraft and their parts and fittings; railway rolling stock and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. Class 37 Repair or maintenance of power distribution or control machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of power generators; repair or maintenance of electric motors; repair or maintenance of printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of industrial furnaces; repair or maintenance of vending machines; repair or maintenance of amusement machines and apparatus. Class 42 Designing of machines, apparatus, instruments (including their parts) or systems composed of such machines, apparatus and instruments; computer software design, computer programming, or maintenance of computer software; technical advice relating to performance, operation, etc. of computers, automobiles and other machines that require high levels of personal knowledge, skill or experience of the operators to meet the required accuracy in operating them; rental of computers; providing computer programs. Date of recordal of cancellation 14/09/2009 0888908 Smart Kids OMEGA 3 Goods/Services remaining: Class 29: Meat, fish, poultry and game; fish fillets, food products based on fish; alginates (food products); shellfish (not live); charcuterie; sausages; hamburgers (not contained in bread buns); chili con carne; mincemeat sauce; deep fried quenelles; pâtés; caviar; ready-made meals mainly (No. 2137) consisting of meat, fish or poultry; soups; bouillons; edible oils and edible fats; dairy products; tofu; curd cheese; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; edible sprouts; ready-made salads; treated nuts; potato-based snack foods; snack foods and natural sweets made of fruits and root vegetables; nutritional preparations made of proteins. Class 30: Ready-made meals mainly consisting of rice or pasta; sushi; pasta salad mixes; salad dressing; mayonnaise; tomato sauce; sauces (condiments); vanilla sauce; puddings. Date of Recordal of Cancellation: 23/06/2008 0853048 MIGUELINA Goods/Services remaining: Class 25: Men’s and women’s clothing, namely, shirts, blouses, dresses, shorts, underwear, pants, suits, skirts, scarfs, bathing suits, evening gowns, rainwear, leggings, belts, jeans, pajamas, jackets, blazers, hats and socks, headwear, footwear including shoes, boots, slippers and sandals. Date of Recordal of Cancellation: 03/09/2009. Changes/Corrections in the International Register 1006328 Advertised in Journal No. 2134 on 30/9/2009. Correction received from the International Bureau amending class 17 as follows: Class 17: Flexible non-metallic hydraulic hoses, in particular made of rubber; wire reinforced braided non-metallic hoses; non-metallic hoses, in particular for use with hydraulic fluids, oil or air; nonmetallic couplings and other connectors for use with hoses and hydraulic hoses, including those for hose ends for automotive and hydraulic systems use; reinforced non-metallic hoses; nonmetallic fluid transfer hoses; non metallic hoses for transferring hydraulic power (not included in other (No. 2137) Patents Office Journal (11/11/2009) classes), including wire reinforced hose for the transfer of fluids under pressure for use in hydraulic applications. 0908027 0962331 Advertised as protected in Journal No: 2076 on 11/07/2007. Class 9 is corrected as follows: Radios, Tape Players, CB Transceivers, Amplifiers, Graphic Equalizers, Antennas, Antenna Boosters, Speakers, Radio Converters and Mounts, Connectors, Cables, Adapters, Relays, and Harnesses Therefor; Motors and Belts for Tape Players; Power Supplies, Current Converters, and Voltage Converters; and Blank Tape Cassettes and Cartridges; Automobile security system comprising radio frequency remote control units, electric current sensors, alarm and loudspeakers; cellular telephones; home, mobile and portable audio, video and electronic equipment and accessories, namely, DVD players, batteries, remote controls, televisions, video monitors, clock radios, home theater systems comprised of DVD players, amplifiers, tuners and loudspeakers, video monitors and televisions with built-in DVD player, satellite radios, satellite radio antennas, compact disc players, two way radios, video cassette players, headphones, MP3 players, portable media players, subwoofers, satellite television receivers, satellite television antennas and dishes, navigation apparatus for vehicles in the nature of on-board computers; mobile video and audio electronic equipment, namely, overhead and headrest video monitors with built in apparatus for transmission, reception or reproduction of sound and/or images, overhead and headrest video monitors, FM modulators, cigarette lighter adapters, rear observation cameras and video monitors, vehicle reverse/backup sensors and warning devices, and docking stations for portable audio and video devices, namely, MP3 players, DVD players and satellite radios. Advertised in Journal No. 2129 on 22/7/2009 Class 16 is added as follows: Printed materials included with software for monitoring, measuring, 5106 analyzing and providing data relating to the performance of telecommunications networks, sold as a unit. Class 9 remains unchanged. 0790263 Advertised as accepted in Journal No. 2090 on 23/1/2008. Notification received from the International Bureau limiting the goods as follows: Class 5 to be deleted. Class 3 remains unchanged. 0467510A Advertised as protected in Journal No: 1966 on 16/04/2003. Class 34 is corrected as follows: Ashtrays, pipe holders, pipes, cigar humidifiers, tobacco humidifiers, cigarette boxes, cigar cases, snuffboxes; cartons of cigarettes, cigars and snuff tobacco. Errata - Trade Marks Application for Registration of marks published under Section 43(1) of the 1996 Act following acceptance. 241634 In Journal No. 2133 of 16 September 2009 under the heading Application for Registration of marks published under Section 43(1) of the 1996 Act following acceptance, Trade Mark No. 241634 was advertised incorrectly. The Mark should have appeared as follows: The Mark consists of a three-dimensional shape.
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