Strive for LIFE Eyes On Path


Strive for LIFE Eyes On Path
In this edition we explore
Eyes On Path
Issue 1 2013
Strive for L.I.F.E
Strive for L.I.F.E News
Issue 1 2013
From The MD
Ian Edwards
Managing Director, Leighton Asia, India and Offshore
Welcome to the first edition of our Strive for L.I.F.E News for 2013. This
is now our 4th year of publishing the News and I am extremely proud of
how it continues to support our Strive for L.I.F.E initiative.
In this edition of the Strive for L.I.F.E News we will be demonstrating
how our projects embrace the opportunity to educate our people on
safety awareness. With over 18,500 people on 50 different project sites
across LAIO this is an enormous challenge, however I am confident we
have the right leaders and safety culture in place to be successful.
Safety is our collective responsibility and we all have an important role
to play. Each of us as individuals need to ensure that we abide by the
safety rules that have been put in place to protect us. Whilst this may
seem straight forward it is the failure to follow these safety rules that
result in a safety incident.
My expectation of you is to follow these rules and support your
colleagues and managers to do the same. Together we can ensure
everyone’s safety and we can Strive for L.I.F.E.
From The Safety Leader
Justin Gardiner
Head of HSE, Leighton Welspun India
It is recognised that leadership is important in the
creation of a culture that supports and promotes
the strong health and safety performance of an
It is because of this that safety has become well embedded into our
organisational culture at Leighton. We strive for an incident free environment
by managing safety in a structured and systematic way and the continually
review what we have done in the past to better control our operations in the
future. In 2012 we commenced our Strive for L-I-F-E journey in India and
strongly feel this program will further assist us in empowering our leaders to
build a culture that is aligned to our values.
We also believe that our commitment to safety and an incident-free
environment will contribute to improve operations, lower costs, and increase
productivity. Leighton is a recognised leader for safety and we firmly believe
that by continuing to challenge ourselves by setting measurable targets for
our operations, we can become a globally recognised safety leader. We are
confident we can achieve this through the commitment of all our people to
put health and safety first in everything they do.
Strive for L.I.F.E News
Issue 1 2013
The “Eyes on path” Campaign in
Leighton Welspun
Recently we undertook an analysis of
involved in understanding hazards, handling
number of them directly relate to our Strive for
safe measures, safe working procedures and
incidents and we identified that a large
L.I.F.E behaviour “Eyes on Path”. As a result
a safety campaign was launched focusing on
the reduction of incidents that are aligned to
At every one of our many work sites within
continually reinforced so that they are well
the campaign the workers were educated and
level of stakeholders.
such as drawing slogans writing poems
National Safety week celebration
staff and workers in order to enhance their
On 4th of March 2013, 42nd National Safety
Day was celebrated at TRIL project site to
encourage workers and project staff to think
more about safety.
To mark the occasion, we conducted a
number of special safety theme events
known and demonstrated every day.
We will continue to demonstrate the “Eyes on
Safety Updates
Strive for L.I.F.E Behaviours are now being
L.I.F.E behaviours “Eyes on Path” as a cue at
all sites during the month of February. During
were actively conducting HSE promotional
Path” behaviour.
The campaign was well received and the
an awareness campaign taking Strive for
India, all Leighton Welspun project sites
personal responsibility towards safe “Eyes on
the “Eyes on Path” behaviour.
Leighton Welspun India we have carried out
During the recent national safety week in
and working along machinery, road crossing
and holding speaking competitions for both
safety skills. The celebrations started with a
dance followed by a safety street play, both
performed by the workers to demonstrate
the projects current class-1 risk activities
of scaffold erection and dismantling and
Electrical testing and commissioning works.
The 42nd National Safety Day created a good
awareness about safety culture and behavior
within the project staff, and reminded them
all of the importance of maintaining a Class 1
incident Free environment which will facilitate
us to achieve our next milestone of 16 million
LTI free man-hours for the TRIL project.
path” and promote the road safety to different
Strive for L.I.F.E News
Issue 1 2013
Safety Updates
Strive for L.I.F.E Movie and Rules for LIFE Launch
Recently Mr. Andrew Hall - Corporate HSE Manager along with Bachtiar Lewai - OHS
Manager - travelled from Jakarta to Freeport Project in West Papua, to kick off the Strive for
L.I.F.E Movie and Rules of L.I.F.E launch.
These two important initiatives were held to focus attention on Class 1 Risk management at
the workplace. The launch was held on 28 October 2012 at Freeport Lowland attended by
more than 150 people and on 14-15 December 2012 at Freeport Highland attended by more
than 200 Leighton employees and subcontractors.
Strive for L.I.F.E souvenirs and Rules for L.I.F.E Comic books were provided to the attendees.
Special quiz sessions were also held to test the understanding of Class 1 Risks and the new
Rules for L.I.F.E. The attendees recommitted themselves to Strive for L.I.F.E and promised to
follow the Rules for LIFE by signing a large commitment banner.
It is hoped this initiative will re-invigorate and further support the Strive for L.I.F.E programme,
promoting Class 1 Risk identification and application of controls at an individual level.
Our “Fatigue Awareness Day” family event
was launched on 14 February 2013 and
was attended by 21 people from the local
This response from the family members
Recognize the Community
of our Leighton employees was very
good. They are happy and proud to be
In the wake of the recent typhoon Pablo in the
involved as part of the Leighton family.
southern region of the Philippines, Leighton
The response from our employees’
Contractors Philippines successfully delivered
family members was very good and
food provisions for about 859 families in the
they now understand more about safety
region during December 2012. In addition
requirements and are also more aware of
to the hundreds of casualties and missing
their role at home to support and manage
individuals, great damage to property and
the “fatigue” to avoid accidents.
commerce was inflicted to the country by the
typhoon, particularly in the Mindanao region,
such as Davao Oriental and Davao del Norte.
Leighton joined forces with our client, Aboitiz
Power, in a dedicated Relief Operation for the
typhoon victims. Collectively the Leighton
staff contributed, 250,000 pesos worth of
goods which victims by Leighton and Aboitiz
volunteers. We sincerely wish those affected
families and residents could recover from the
disaster soon.
Strive for L.I.F.E News
Issue 1 2013
Safety Knowledge Corner
How Strive for L.I.F.E supports our safety management system?
In Leighton Asia, India and Offshore, the commitment from the Executive Managers can be seen through our Health and Safety Policy which
stipulates the requirement for effective application of the Strive for L.I.F.E program and the elimination of class 1 incidents.
The Strive for L.I.F.E program has become the main catalyst driving management involvement and worker participation towards this goal of
eliminating Class 1 incidents. Many actions and events through the launch of Strive for L.I.F.E program, such as mandatory Strive for L.I.F.E
training for frontline management, Strive for L.I.F.E Walks and Class 1 risk management reviews have had a significant impact to the workforce’s
perception of management commitment toward Health and Safety.
At the project level the periodical review of class 1 risks and implementation of hard controls does not only increases the assurance of the
management team but it is also a visible demonstration to the workforce. Lead indicators (or KPI) on planned Strive for L.I.F.E walks vs. actual
walks completed has also continually increased the visibility of management to “walk the talk” at project sites and provide opportunity for our
workforce to comment/ highlight on opportunities for improvements.
Outstanding safety achievements
Leighton Offshore has achieved a
Safety Award from Government
significant HSE milestone, as a business
we have worked over 6,000,000 man hours
without a lost time injury. The period of
reporting is from 31st October 2011 to
28th February 2013, a total of 16 months and
covers all our Project Operational areas. We
are committed to building a reputation for
excellence in Health and Safety practices in
our business, and remain vigilant to ensure
that this performance continues across all
our areas of Operations.
• Project C935 in Singapore achieved
1 million man-hours work with free LTI
• Project LTSF in Ipoh (Malaysia) achieved
2 million man-hours work with free LTI
MSJ Project was recently presented with a special safety award from the Governor of
East Kalimantan in recognition of over 6 million man-hours LTI Free for the period of 2012.
This is another significant recognition for our mining business by the Government. Well
done to the MSJ team for waving the Leighton flag proudly and for your continued efforts
in workplace health and safety.
On January 2013 BSF received a Zero Accident Award (period 2004-2012) on
Occupational Health and Safety from the Mayor of Balikpapan.
Strive for L.I.F.E News
Issue 1 2013
Outstanding safety achievements
LWIN Tril project chennai continues to achieve the excellence by achieving 12 million man-hours without LTI and environmental harm.
In addition, the submission for Leighton Group Awards by the Tril project was accepted by the Leighton Group Award as a nominee.
The project team were very proud to be selected as a nominee for this award given the higher standards of safety achievement across the
Leighton Group.
LWIN - Wave Project has achieved milestone
4 million man-hours without any LTI and
environmental harm. This is a noteworthy
achievement considering such a huge labour
force and multiple class 1 activities going on
right now in the project site.
Strive for L.I.F.E News
Issue 1 2013
Construction Industry Safety Awards H2552 HKA – Gold Award (Building Site, Private Sector); Merit Award
(by Labour Department)
H2538 XRL822 – Silver Award (Civil Site); Safe Worker Award
H2540 CWB – Gold Award (Subcontractor); Merit Award (Safety Team);
Merit Award (Civil Site)
H2488 HATS – Merit Award (Civil Site); Safe Worker Award
M2554 CLP – Bronze Award (Subcontractor)
MTRC Awards
H2538 XRL822 – Grand Safety Award; Gold Safety Award; Lowest
Accident Frequency Rate Award
H2547 SIL903 – Workplace Hygiene Champions
Hong Kong Occupational Safety and
Health Council (OSHC)
• House Keeping Forum and Award
Presentation 2012
• Safe Lifting Competition (by OSHC)
M2554 CLP - Bronze award in Best Presentation; and Merit award in Good
H2514 STF – Gold Award for Crawler Crane Operation Category
Best Signalman Award – Mr. Kwok Siu Lun
Best Operator Award – Mr. Sin Hing Yin
Best Rigging Team Award
H2488 HATS - Bronze Award for Crane Lorry Operation Category
H2561 810A - Bronze Award for Crawler Crane Operation Category
Tunnel Safety Campaign
(by Drainage Service Department)
H2488 HATS - Gold Safety Award
Protect yourself from common site hazards and risks
by keeping your eyes on the path and being
aware of your surroundings
▪ Look where you walk
▪ Use walkways where provided
▪ Keep walkways clear
▪ Beware of rough and uneven surfaces
▪ Scan the path ahead, particularly when you are carrying heavy or awkward objects – look for the safest route
▪ Avoid talking to others and speaking on the phone or radio when walking on site
▪ Always use three points of contact when using ladders