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Games PDF here
Ground Studios Company Overview GROUND STUDIOS GMBH 3D ANIMATION & VISUAL EFFECTS Kirchfeldstrasse 86 40215 Düsseldorf / Germany [email protected] Telefon +49 [0]211 - 1576.500 Telefax +49 [0]211 - 1576.505 About us Located in Düsseldorf / Germany, GROUND STUDIOS specializes in 3D animation, visual effects and the creation of assets for the games industry, television and advertising. GROUND STUDIOS is an established team with years of experience in the production of digital content. Founded in 2000 by Martin Fiege, Peter Marszalek and Michael Plängsken, the studio relies on the latest technology and 3D software packages such as Autodesk 3ds Max and Softimage. The quality of production, the transparent production processes and the meeting of agreed deadlines make us a reliable partner in realizing your ideas and concepts. Martin Fiege Managing Partner Digital Artist Michael Plängsken Managing Partner Digital Artist / 3D Supervisor Peter Marszalek Managing Partner Digital Artist Robert Freitag Rendering & Lighting TD / VFX Martin Geupel Simulation / VFX Artist Alexander Samouridis Animator / Character TD Oliver Maehler Concept Designer / 2D Artist Our Achievements Game Track Records: The Book of Unwritten Tales Task: Production of FMV Trailer / Animation and rendering of several cutscenes Production: KING Art GmbH Publisher: Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH Germanys Next Top Model Task: Production of several background scenes Production: Coreplay GmbH Publisher: Midway Games 1968 Tunnel Rats Task: Production of ingame assets and all first-person animations Production: Replay GmbH Publisher: Boll AG OGame Task: Concepts and production of planets, ships, units, buildings, backgrounds and wallpapers Production / Publisher: Gameforge AG Gütertrennung Task: Production of assets Production: Similis GmbH Publisher: Phenomedia Publishing GmbH Escape from Paradise City Task: Production of buildings and characters Production: Sirious Games A/S (Denmark) Publisher: Frogster Interactive Pictures K. Hawk - Survival Instinct Task: Production of assets and game-levels Production: Similis GmbH Publisher: JoWooD Productions Software AG Söldner - Secret Wars Söldner - Marine Corps Söldner - Reloaded Task: Production of all weapons, vehicles, planes and ships Production: Wings Simulations GmbH Publisher: JoWooD Productions Software AG Ikariam Task: Production of buildings, vehicles and characters Production / Publisher: Gameforge AG Clients: CDV, Coreplay, Gameforge, Hamburger Medien Haus, JoWood, KING Art, ML Enterprises, Replay Studios, Similis Software, Sirius Games, Wings Simulations, BBDO, Coffein, Crosswork DDB, feuerstake film,, Grey, Impact Films, Media Picture Group, Red Cell, Rudas Studios, RSK Group, SEA / The Gate, TBWA, Vignold ... References: 3M, Adidas, Allianz, Apollinaris, BASF, Bayer, British American Tobacco, Deutsche Bank, DHL Express, E.ON, Esprit, Hannover Messe, Henkel, Kiddinx, Mercedes Benz, METRO Group, Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, Novo Nordisk Pharma, Peek & Cloppenburg, RWE, Teekanne, TNT, Toshiba, Wincor Nixdorf ā¦ Examples: Games Examples: Games Ogame: Concepts and production of planets, ships, units, buildings, backgrounds and wallpapers Ikariam: Production of buildings, vehicles and characters GNTM Wii: Production of several background scenes Examples: Games Söldner: Production of all weapons, vehicles, planes and ships (Realtime 3D Models) TNT DS: Creative Direction (O.Maehler) Wildlife Park 2: Realtime 3D Models (O.Maehler) 1968 Tunnel Rats: Ingame assets and all first-person animations Examples: Cinematics Examples: Cinematics Book Of Unwritten Tales: Production of FMV Trailer Book Of Unwritten Tales: Animation and rendering of several cutscenes Examples: Concept Art Examples: Concept Art Amanda Affenstark Boulder Dash Rocks! (O.Maehler) Tanks āNā Tactics DS: Storyboards (O.Maehler) Examples: High-End 3D / Animation Examples: High-End 3D / Animation Example: 3D Stereoscopic Rendering Requirements: Red / Cyan Glasses We are glad to get to know you and to support you with your projects. COPYRIGHT BY GROUND STUDIOS GMBH - 3D ANIMATION & VISUAL EFFECTS
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