60oW N 40oW 80oW 20oS 20oS Second Plateau o o 40 S 60 W First Plateau 0 Third Plateau 2000 km You are here Serra do Mar Geological Site 0oS 0oS Depression Calcareous Pavement Rapid Chimney Nature Circuit 1 Marmeleiro Church 6 7 Cave Balcony Dry hollow Curtain 2 5 Galleries Stalactites 3 Pacotuba Church 4 Stalagmites Impermeable Layer Almirante Tamandaré 8 9 Seminary 10 13 Juruqui Church 16 15 12 11 Surgence 24 17 Underground Pond 23 São Miguel Church 14 Disruption Anibal Khury Environmental Park Column Water supplies Underground Stream 18 Acidic Rain 21 Co2 - rich water 20 Fractures in limestone 19 Solo Calcário Rodovia dos Minérios Volcanic and sedimentary rocks Sights of the Nature Circuit The stream disappears Limestone Caverna Cave River Volcanic and sedimentary rocks 1 4 Rhodinia 2 5 3 6 Pantalassa Ocean Geological time Pangea Estromatólito If the 4.6 billion years of geological history Realization: Partners: have been on Earth since 8:14 p.m. December 31 Mankind appears were scaled to one single year, Mankind would 4,600 550 Pre-Cambrian 500 450 400 Paleozoic 350 300 250 200 150 Mesozoic 100 50 Cenozoic 0 (present) SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA INDÚSTRIA, DO COMÉRCIO E ASSUNTOS DO MERCOSUL Elaborati on G i l F . Piekarz Graphic