Property Flyer
Property Flyer
UNIQUELY Austin | 04 801 BARTON SPRINGS At 801 Barton Springs we believe in creating innovative and dynamic work spaces that reflect the spirit of a community. In Austin that means inspiration, invigoration and conservation. 801 Barton Springs captures that spirit with beautiful architecture, the most technologically advanced building infrastructure in Texas, striking views framing Austin’s skyline, environmentally sustainable design, a location in the heart of south Austin and parking to accommodate employees and visitors. | 05 TH E B U I LD I N G Featuring a bold, contemporary exterior design, sophisticated common areas and floor to ceiling glass windows with epic views, 801 Barton Springs is Austin’s most technologically advanced building and a prime office opportunity. P R O D U C T: C L A S S A O FFI C E SIZE: 90,500 SF R E S TAU R A N T: 1 , 8 0 0 S F S TO R I E S : 4 FLO O R S O F O FFI C E A B OV E 5 L E V EL S O F PA R K I N G PA R K I N G : 3 : 1 , 0 0 0 W I T H T H E A B I L I T Y TO S U P P L EM EN T G R E E N D E S I G N : D E S I G N ED FO R L EED S I LV ER C ERT I FI C AT I O N T Y P I C A L F LO O R P L AT E S I Z E : 2 1 , 0 0 0 S F 06 | TH E TECH N O LOGY 801 Barton Springs incorporates enterprise technology to create a fully networked building. This building embraces the functionality its tenants demand. It is not yesterday’s building, but the building of today. 08 | TH E AM EN ITI ES 801 Barton Springs offers many state-of-the-art amenities to create a perfect balance of work and play. S H OW E R S & LO C K E R S COV E R E D B I K E R AC K S D OW N TOW N & H I L L CO U N T RY V I E W S LANDSCAPED SITTING AREAS 1 , 8 0 0 S F R E S TAU R A N T A B U N DA N T N AT U R A L L I G H T D I R EC T AC C E S S TO PA R K I N G 14 | G ET TI N G ARO U N D BY B U S BY B I K E Within a five minute walk there are numerous bus stops, providing access to over ten of CapMetro’s bus lines. 801 Barton Springs will feature covered bike racks for commuters who prefer to pedal their way to the office. ON METRO RAPID AND MORE Riverside Station, which provides access to MetroRapid, is a quick five minute walk from the property. Get around Austin with numerous transportation options such as car2go, BCycle, Uber, Lyft and taxis. THE NEIGHBORHOOD Located in the hip and trendy 78704 zip code, 801 Barton S prings is the perfect blend of business and pleasure. • DIRECT ACCES S TO HIKE AND BIKE TRAILS AS WELL AS L ADY BIRD L AKE • ACCES S TO BIKE L ANES ALONG BARTON SPRINGS ROAD • DIRECTLY ACROS S FROM THE PALMER EVENTS CENTER AND THE LONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS • WALK TO AUDITORIUM SHORES • Z ACH THEATRE • NUMEROUS RESTAURANTS IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA AND WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE INCLUDING : EL ALMA , TERRY BL ACK’ S BBQ , Z A X , CHUY ’ S , SHADY GROVE , AND AUSTIN JAVA . • ADJACENT TO BUTLER PARK PITCH & PUT T • ZILKER PARK & BARTON SPRINGS POOL | 17 FITN E S S Right Outside Your Door Walk out of your office and stumble upon the city’s best fitness offerings. Go for a run on the Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail, or grab a kayak and hit the lake. Organized fitness and yoga programs abound in the park and across the street at Auditorium Shores. Essentially Austin EFFO RTLE S S LY AUTH ENTI C . 801 Barton Springs is nestled into the heart of the Zilker neighborhood. Its authenticity is effortless. It embodies the true essence of Austin. Known for its iconic Austin restaurants, breath-taking views of the skyline, and crowd-drawing events such as Blues on the Green, ACL and Trail of Lights, this neighborhood is synonymous with the heart and soul of the city. Good Eats, N E AR BY At 801 Barton Springs you’re never more than a quick walk, convenient bike ride or short drive away from some of the neighborhood’s trendiest coffee shops, bars and eateries. Whether you’re treating your employees to a Thursday evening happy hour or grabbing a breakfast taco on the way into work, you’ll have plenty of top notch options just a stone’s throw away. | 19 AM EN ITI ES MAP RE SIDE NT I AL R E STAU RA N TS Live work play comes to life in this neighborhood. In the neighborhood, living options are bountiful - in fact, more apartments have been built in 78704 in the past 5 years than in any other zip code in Austin. From new favorites like Uchi, to Austin classics like Chuy’s and Shady Grove, 801 Barton Springs is nestled in the heart of Austin’s hottest restaurant scene 1 . ZILK R O N T HE PA R K 6. COLE 24 . C H U Y ’S 49. EL I ZA B ETH ST R E E T CAF É 2 . COLDWAT ER 7. TH E CATH E RINE 25. JU I C E L A ND 50. GO U RD O U G H S 3 . G IB SO N F LATS 8. CRE SCE N T APARTM E N TS 26. S H A DY GROV E 51. A LCO M A R* 4 . LA MA R U NIO N 9. CIT Y VIEW AT SOCO 27. AU STI N JAVA 52 . GU ERO’S TACO BAR 28. U NC L E B I L LY ’S 53 . H O M E S L I C E P I ZZA 29. JU L I ET RI STO RA NTE* 54 . H O PD O D DY B U R G E R BAR 30. GREEN M ES Q U I TE B B Q 55. PERL A’S 3 1. EL A L M A 56. B OTI C EL LI ’S With the hike and bike trail at its doorstep, Palmer Events Center across the street and Zilker Park just down the street, 801 Barton Springs is at the center of all things cool. 32 . TERRY B L AC KS B B Q 57. S NAC K BA R 3 3 . SA NDY ’S H A M B U RGERS 58. D O C ’S 3 4 . ZA X 59. FREEB I RDS 1 0. PA LMER EV ENTS C E NTE R 14 . H IKE & BIKE TRAIL 3 6. TOA STI E’S S U B S H O P 1 1 . THE LO NG C ENT ER FOR PER FO R MING A RTS 15. ZACH TH E ATRE 37. FLO U R A ND V I NE 16. Z ILKE R PARK 3 8. P. TERRY ’S 1 2 . AU D ITO R IU M S HO RE S 17. BARTON SPRING S POO L 5 . POST S OU T H LA MA R ENT E RTA I N ME N T 1 3 . B U TLER PA R K 3 5. AU S S I E’S 39. U C H I 40. S H A K E S H AC K* 41. VOX TA B L E* 4 2 . A L A M O D RA F TH O U S E HOT ELS 801 Barton Springs is just minutes from both Austin’s top brand name hotels and the city’s trendiest boutique hotels. 1 8. HYAT T R EGENCY 1 9. EMBA S SY SU IT ES 4 3 . CA NTI NE I TA L I A N CA FÉ* 4 4 . M AU D I E’S TO O 4 5. O D D D U C K 46. EL M ERCA D O 47. TO RC H Y ’S TACOS 48. SWAY 2 0. S OU T H CO NG R ES S H OTE L 2 1 . HOTEL SA N J OSE 20 | * Listed as one of the top 10 Hottest Restaurants in Austin by MA R A V EN UE D OW N TOW N AU S T I N LA 14 TR Z I L K E R PA R K AIL 1 17 2 15 24 26 27 25 6 28 29 30 RIV ER 36 SI 37 38 DE DR 13 BAR 12 IVE 18 TO 10 N S 11 PRI NG S R O 31 32 AD 7 34 35 19 33 RE 59 ST H 5 58 46 57 47 55 21 48 49 50 S A VEN U E 54 52 CO NG RES 51 20 56 53 KE 9 A DL 8 IR Y B ET LAD 39 42 41 40 43 4 45 44 3 T D B IKE 1S AN UT 16 KE SO HI FOR LE AS I NG I N FORMATI ON CON TAC T: Bethany Perez 512.684.3813 [email protected] Chad Barrett 512.684.3807 [email protected] Bart Matheney 512.684.3808 [email protected]