5D Astrology Report June 2016: A Bottle Labelled Drink Me


5D Astrology Report June 2016: A Bottle Labelled Drink Me
5D Astrology Report June 2016:
A Bottle Labelled Drink Me
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you
would have a key to the universe” Nikola Tesla
: In June 2016, at the midpoint of this 9 Year
the rare and stunning celestial dance is showcasing the near future –the time stream from Now to
the Event Horizon of the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn in 2020.To see from this
meta perspective, you need to take in a 360 degree panorama of the new astrology, drop your need
to understand and simply absorb the quantum shift in our knowledge of the Solar system. It is said
that life is a balance of holding on and letting go, and this has never been as true as it is right now in
the 9 global year of 2016. If you try to move forward and hold on to the past at the same time, all
you achieve is stagnation. In order to move forward, you have to release your grip and let go of what
is holding you back. It is fear of the unknown – fear of the Different – that keeps you locked inside
this system of decay and entropy. One of the many functions of 9 is to give you a jolt of some kind
to wake you up and make you look at what you have been unable see before. Are you aware that
our Solar system has increased in size by three times in the last ten years? Did you know that the
original number of 9 planets that orbit our Sun has doubled, and that every one of the planets in our
local system represents a new archetypal energy we now have access to, conscious of it or not?
Nothing happens by accident. Each of these new celestial bodies has its meaning and purpose in the
scheme of your evolutionary journey. This information just might be the most important news
available to you in the midst of this huge wave of transformation. When you understand the
cosmos we live in, you understand your higher Self.
The 2016 Event Horizon
In early June we reach the watershed between the Pluto/Uranus years of deconstruction and a
radically different energy threshold; a turn in the story; or as the current astrology describes, an
entirely new evolution of both consciousness and world events -- at the same time. Paradoxically,
the world has shrunk and the world has exploded. 2016 is not simply another year in a linear timeline, it is not a passing trend. It will infuse and enmesh itself into consciousness, rather than seem to
pass us by.
The remarkable astrology charts of June 4, 6 and 9th- the Gemini New Moon, the Mutable Grand
Cross and the Uranus/Eris conjunction- when inner planets align with outer and deep space planets hold the codes for the next 3 years. This is the bridge between the Personal, the Transpersonal and
the Suprapersonal.
There are 4 distinct patterns of sacred geometry overlapping each other:
A Grand Mutable Cross
A Grand Earth Trine
A Cardinal T Square
Uranus at the midpoint between Chiron and Sedna
The Mutable Grand Cross aligns Neptune in Pisces, with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter/the Node of
Fate in Virgo and Sun/Venus in Gemini. The mutable Grand Cross is the process of downloading new
frequency information (Gemini) via eternal laws and truth (Sagittarius), adjusting and tweaking
(Virgo) limiting outdated viewpoints and opinions that are not based on universal, timeless principles
(Pisces). In other words, as you seek to understand the human journey in a holistic and universal
sense, your viewpoint and perspective expands to reflect this evolution within consciousness. It has
been described as the process of moving from the microscope to the telescope. In April 2014 there
was the Grand Cardinal Cross which brought external crisis after crisis. Now the shift on to the
mutable axis is a crisis in receptivity to new data.
The Grand Earth Trine forms a re-generating triangle of manifestation between Pluto in Capricorn,
Jupiter in Virgo and Mercury/ Sedna in Taurus. Your old root systems have been clearing out,
excavating and purging the debris of inauthentic perceptions, reactions and attachments, raising
your frequency to attune to a much higher consciousness and mental operating system .Everything
is recalibrating, everything is shifting. Mercury the Guide of Souls conjuncts deep space planet Sedna
the Record Keeper during the Uranus Eris conjunction on June 8 and 9. This is a circuit being created
for the lower body system to align with some of the highest consciousness available to you. A true
re-membering and resurrection.
The Cardinal T Square aligns Pluto in Capricorn with Uranus/ Eris in Aries and Haumea in Libra in a
powerfully radical awakening. Eris and Haumea are extremely slow moving deep space planets with
extreme eccentric orbits bringing awareness or knowledge from distant realms of consciousness by
cutting through the comfort zone of our existing sense of reality.
Image courtesy of Nick Anthony Fiorenza
What is the effect when the extremely revolutionary and dynamic forces of these three planets
synthesise? Eris cuts through our consciousness in an even sharper, more intense and dramatic way
than Pluto, but in a longer process. Eris demonstrated, right from the start, her no-nonsense
astrological role as the Great Disruptor and the Discomforting Other. Although discordant Eris
creates quite a commotion, it clearly is not without purpose. Eris opens us to see beyond the finite
bounds of our current perception, beyond the bounds we place upon ourselves, sort of shaking up
what is stagnant in consciousness. In doing so, we are left to redefine and reorganize our world view
to embrace a far vaster reality—a view more fitting to our rapidly expanding awareness. Haumea –
known as the Terrible Gift-sweeps away the past and introduces the vastly different, as potent as
Pluto. Pluto is control and power but Haumea is change and transformation-a total break with the
past. Look at how our sense of ourselves in the cosmos has radically changed this year, blowing wide
open old constructs and power structures-scientifically, astronomically, medically and politically.
At the frontier of space – the addition of 8 deep space planets to the Solar System, Planet 9
,gravitational waves, exoplanets, discovering our home address in Laniakea in the Super
Galactic Centre, the Great Attractor
The search for planets bearing life Extra terrestrials
Hadron Collider
LGBT and the growth of gender neutral
Medical breakthroughs in cancer, stem cells and genetics
Personal technology
Whistle blowers
Air and space travel
The energetics set in motion by these two cycles, climaxing in 2017, along with the Jupiter-Haumea
conjunction in Libra, may mobilise and expand upon what we might experience as an acceleration or
quickening of the end of our current world paradigm, propelling us into new frontiers in
Uranus as Bridge between the Personal and Transpersonal
Tellingly, as the shift from the 7 Uranus/Pluto Squares of 2012-15 begins, the pivot point into the
quantum years is Uranus, the Great Awakener, archetype of the higher Mind, bridging the personal
and transpersonal. In June, Uranus is at the midpoint between Chiron at 24 Pisces and Mercury
/Sedna at 25 Taurus
Uranus /Eris ARIES 23
A bottle labelled "drink me."
The force of events sweeps away who we thought we were and plunges us to a deeper place beyond
the known. The sheer immediacy, the sudden clarity shifts mountains of intent into a different
octave altogether. Being taken by storm is the most direct path from here to there. And when
cosmic worlds are urgently coming through, the only smart thing is to step aside and make a huge
amount of room for unexpected guests, at events you could never have arranged in your wildest
Sedna TAURUS 25
Bees returning to their hive.
Thematic worlds coming round again just as before, just like always. The highest and the best,
maintained and sustained beautifully, impeccably, superlatively. Knowing inside that what counts,
what is essential, is to abide, to be. You are a vast world unto yourself, an extraordinary network of
intersecting dynamics. But the witness consciousness is blissfully sitting back in a restful perch,
letting everything go by. And in the very centre of this dispassion and wakeful scrutinizing, indwells a
Buddha realisation attained by hard work in many lives
Chiron PISCES 24
A spring festival. The participants are in a state of ecstatic frenzy.
Inward explosions. The pressure valve goes off. You sit inside collective and ancestral frequencies of
doubt, insecurity, and suppression until this can no longer be. The frenzied edge of new worlds; the
ancient accumulations of old worlds. Coming to that point where the inward power overthrows form
constraints, scatters semblances, and finds something magnificent that has been untapped and
forbidden for so very long, the final spark ignites, releases, and reveals. What was lost and forgotten
is more there than ever and not discouraged, never put down.
Year is a metaphysical spiral staircase – on which you can never quite see what’s around
the corner. It feels as if everything is spiraling – sometimes out of control, sometimes onward and
upward. 2016 is the 7th year of the decade of the 10s. Anything is possible because 10 is the number
of true innovation and forward movement. 7 represents consciousness and the mind. 7 is the
learning number – the number of wisdom. This suggests that a great opening of minds is likely to
occur in 2016. 10 brings things to the ‘next level’. As parts of your past enter the present this year,
you will also catch glimpses of future possibilities. And only by knowing exactly what you are
feeling can you sense what to do next. Old memories arise this year, bringing new meaning to old
situations that we thought were over. Secrets are uncovered in 9’s upheavals, and the karmic 16 in
2016 -the number of secrets, conspiracy, and the abuse of power-is producing some shocking
revelations which move your emotions even more. The instability and disorientation you experience
this year increases the opportunity for a positive change of direction – which is actually an increase
of intelligence. When you learn from experience, your mind is forced open by the vibrational
movement of your emotions. Alternating sensations of anxiety and enthusiasm are to be expected,
and are often experienced simultaneously. Each corner you turn, each level of the spiral you
encounter, will bring you to a new experience for which you are not prepared. But we have not
traveled this far in the course of time without having what it takes to deal with it effectively. We are
the ones we’ve been waiting for. Free Will is the future, and as we move further towards the end of
the decade of the 10s – and the year 2020 – it is more obvious than ever that if freedom really is our
goal, then this is the year in which we must commit to it .The issue is whether you will avail yourself
of the awareness the sky is offering, and empower yourself to consciously participate in creating a
future reality from all of the possibilities which still exist now. There's a Sufi saying, "Die many times
before you die," meaning die to your old Self over and over. The past is gone - there is only Now. The
choices you make will have far reaching repercussions.
“We're in a freefall into future. We don't know where we're
going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you're
going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you
have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn
your fall into a voluntary act. It's a very interesting shift of
perspective and that's all it is... joyful participation in the
sorrows and everything changes.” Joseph Campbell