Capon Springs CFO
Capon Springs CFO
COMEJOINUSAT CAPONSPRINGS cFo FORA MOUNTAINTOP EXPERIENCE! November2-7,2014 CaponSpringsand Farms CaponSprings,WV F o\ : o(\ o cn o- 5= FR 6 . 9nuJ d\OLU An interdenominational spirituallife retreatcenteredin JesusChrist Beginning with dinneron Sunday and endingafterbreakfast on Friday TheLordwill ministerto usthrough... MOYEWESTSTAUFFER Dr.JIM RAWLINSON worksasa Jimcurrently physician in familypractice Ml.Inhis32years Lansing, in privatemedicalpractice, hehasemphasized physical, and emotional, with his wellness spiritual patients andmedicalstaff. of the prayerministry Jimisoneof the leaders for bringingGods with a passion at hischurch, Kingdom to earththroughthe powerof believingprayer. with CFOfor 20years. Jimhasbeeninvolved with Hewillsharemanyof hisexperiences prayerandhealing. Moyeattendedherfirst CFOwith herparents Wayne andRuthin 1975. Thecampsbecamean integralpartof her andteens.She childhood at Messiah studiednursing College, siteof herfirstCFO. Sheworksasa Pediatric Oncology nurseat the PennStateChildren's Hospital PA.Moyehasspokenat in Hershey, for her several retreats andledBiblestudies her church. Additionally, shehasaddressed peersin professional She conferences. passionately peopleto findtheir chalienges to fulfillallthatGodhas truevalueinJesus created andherhusband themto be.She livein Lititz,PA, Lavon, married for 23years, wheretogethertheyfacethe dauntingtaskof raising threegrowingsons WAYNE& RUTHWEST Wayneattendedhis Wayne& Rutharewellknownto CaponSprings. Sincethenhe andRuthhaveledour singingand firstCFOherein 1974. alsoservedasourspeaking rhythmsmanytimesand,on occasion, and havetwo daughters WayneandRuthlivein Lititz,PA.They leaders. fourgrandsons. preaching, teachingBible, andleadingworshiptakes Theirministry, and nationally andretreats othercamps, andchurches themto CFO's, tours.Morningandeveningtheywill leadusintoour TheyalsoleadChristian internationally, presence aswe praiseandworshipHim.Aftereachmorningtalk,theywilldirect Heavenly Father's devotion in motion. CREATIVELEADERS Art - VickieLivelsburger Cards- HelgaBrackett Music-TBA - MadgeDell PrayerHostess Drama- LindaZach Writing- BillJenkins Nature- RogerGatchell WHAT15CFO? ACCOMODATIONS gatherings Outareinterdenominational CampsFarthest and-viaCFO in the UnitedStates andCanada Christian lnternational-aroundthe world.Wepractice prayer. Webaskin the loveof emphasizing disciplines, HisSon, withJesus enjoycommunion Godthe Father, guidance thusbecoming fromHisHolySpirit, andreceive together. the Bodyof Christthroughfellowship secluded CFOisheldat a beautiful, CaponSprings water a spa,sparkling mountainresortfeaturing provided springs, andclean, by underground righton lnvigorating air.Thefoodisgrownorganically are Farms. Delicious, amplemeals CaponSprings you'llenjoy graciously familystyle.At Capon, served asyourestfromallthe mountain scenery incredible noisethatmakesup muchof modernlife.Youmaygolf playtennis,hikeup mountain on the hilltopcourse, watersource. trails, andvisitthe natural college CFOwasfoundedin 1930by Dr.GlennClark, prayer. He taught professor, of and man coach, athletic self-consciousness, thattrustin Godwilleliminate andworry.Hefeltthattrustingin the Lord selfishness, healthandhappiness, in greater withallour heartresults power in play,and forworkandenjoyment more good we trulycommune for because enhanced influence withGod. The missionof CFOis to provide a Christ'centered, Holy Spirit-led program through which people can discoverthe Kingdomof Godin the midstof today's world. CFOIS: 1n n nnn r+r rht+\/ tn. self Christ-centered - Discover one'sTRUE - Learnto prayaloneandwithothers - Livein the Kingdomof God,hereandnow - Fellowship andfindingGod. withothersseeking cFo15Nor... areurgedto supportthechurch ...achurch.Allcampers in effectiveness CFOintensifies of theirchoicefaithfully. I activities. one'scongregationa ...anorganization.Thereisnothingto join,Weare growingthroughourown rathera_living organism, Christ. relationship withourLordJesus (CFO)... IN CAMPSFARTHESTOUT 'Wetakeasoursource of andcenterthe leadership allegiance and Christ... we givehimourcomplete Jesus to belongto Himandto Him loyalty.Wearesatisfied ourPlenty ourPeace, alone.ln Himwe haveourPower, In Himwe liveandmoveandhaveourbeinql' Alltalksand songsessions will be recordedon CD's and will be availablefor purchase. Oryoumaypreferto sitin a rockeron the spacious grownapple,read stonepatioandmunchon a locally chatwithold together, a goodbook,put a puzzle orjustdozebythe massive and/ornewfriends, fireplace. hat";soyoucanrelaxandtruly Thisplaceis NOT"high Ourhostsarewarm learnto enjoy"mountain-top'life. forCFOobjectives. in theirwelcomeandshowconcern preceded flag-raising beforebreakfast, Thetraditional heart-warming will become a coffee on the terrace, by sweet memoryforyou.Thelovelytreesandgrounds, in thedininghall,the smellof a woodfire,and aromas of autumnfoliageforman a kaleidoscope for makingwarmChristian backdrop unforgettable friendships thatwilllasta lifetime. HOWTOGETTHERE islocated31 milesfrom andFarms CaponSprings DC. Winchester, VA,102mileswestof Washington, VA,takeRt.50west FROMTHEEAST:FromWinchester, Turnlefton Rt.259andgo 14milesto for 12miles. Road; lefton Rt.16,CaponSprings CaponLake.Turn go 4 milesto CaponSprings. cross bridge, Driveeaston Rt.50to 5 mileseast FROMTHEWEST Turnrightoff Rt.50ontoRt.259.Go of CaponBridge. Turnlefton Rt.16,Capon l4 milesto CaponLake. andgo 4 milesto Road, crossthe bridge, Springs CaponSprings. eastto PATurnpike FROMPITTSBURGH:Take MD. l-70East(South)to Hancock, Breezewood.Take WV Springs, FollowRt.522souththroughBerkley VA/WVborder,go VA.Aftercrossing towardWinchester, Rt.50westfor5 miles. 13milesto Gainesboro,VA.Take Tr rrn l oft nn R t L?5Q.nn 14 mi l es to C anon I a k p TU fn Jlt Yv go 4 Rd.;crossbridge; lefton Rt.16,CaponSprings milesto CaponSprings. CAMPRATES REGISTRATION FORM (Youmaycopythisbrochureif you needto) Dateof Camp:November 2-7,2014 - 570.00perperson(580after10/15) Registration -5585 Roomandboard:5485.00 DAILYRATES Registration: 5i 4.00perday - 1'17.00 perday 597.00 (Thesepricesincludeallgratuities.) CaponSpringspolicy makesmealsavailableto overnight guests only. Name Address State_ City E ma il: WHATTOBRING (_ ) Ho meP h o n e - A hearthungryto hearfromGodl - YourBibleandmaterials fortakingnotes. - Casual clothingfor warm,cold,or rainysweater-or if evensnowlExpectanythinglBereadyto "layer" necessary! - Comfortable shoes(lowheelsor no heels). - A flashlight. -Yourgolfclubs,if yougolf.(Useof the golfcourseis available for a smallfee) Ce ll(_ ) ROOMASSIGNMENTS upon Roomassignments aremadeby the REGISTRAR feein the orderreceived. receiptof yourregistration Yourpaymentfor roomand boardisduewhenyou mustpay scholarships arrive.Those receiving registration feeto attendthe camp.Besureyou have reserveda room beforeyou comel WHILEATCAMP: Phone:(304)874-3695 Mail:CampFarthest Out andFarms CaponSprings W 26823 CaponSprings, Zip Roommate Firsttimeat CFO?Yes-No Nameasyouwantit to appearon nametag: (i) (2) (checkone) Roompreference: Withrunningwater-With privatebathlf you havea handicap or special need,please it in detail. enclose a noteexplaining FORMANDREGISTRATION FEEOF SENDTHIS TO PER PERSON, PAYABLE "CAPON $7O.OO TO; SPRINGSCFO" RichardDell 62 DellLane Elkton,MD21921 (410)398-0682 Email:[email protected] BEFORE CAMBCONTACT: Richard Dell. (410)398-0682 email:[email protected] GodsWordthe Bibleis aur roadmap. SCHOLARSHIPS A limited number to scholarships areavailable but NOT FIRST-TIME to coverroomandmeals, campers Dell. registration. Forinformation, contact Richard SORRY, NO PETSALLOWED! Registrationdeadline:October 15, 2A1H'l I