Hand Health. How to prevent and manage soft tissue disorders of
Hand Health. How to prevent and manage soft tissue disorders of
Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne Opus: Research & Creativity at IPFW Dental Education Faculty Publications Department of Dental Education 2011 Hand Health. How to prevent and manage soft tissue disorders of the hands. Nancy K. Mann Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, [email protected] Mary D. Cooper Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: http://opus.ipfw.edu/dental_facpubs Part of the Dentistry Commons Opus Citation Nancy K. Mann and Mary D. Cooper (2011). Hand Health. How to prevent and manage soft tissue disorders of the hands.. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene.9 (4), 72-75. Santa Ana, CA: Belmont Publications, Inc.. http://opus.ipfw.edu/dental_facpubs/62 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Dental Education at Opus: Research & Creativity at IPFW. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dental Education Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Opus: Research & Creativity at IPFW. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A Dimensions CE Feature For the CE questions and answer sheet, see the card appearing at page 68. Earn 2 CEUs This CE Course is written for dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants. Hand Health How to prevent and manage soft tissue disorders of the hands. By Nancy Kane Mann, RDH, MSEd, and Mary D. Cooper, RDH, MSEd The frequently repeated movements so common to the practice of dental hygiene often lead to cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs).1,2 Additional behaviors specific to dental hygienists that increase their risk of CTDs include limited hand movements, use of vibrating instruments, and holding stressful body positions.3-5 The number of working hours, number of difficult patients treated, and years of practice also affect dental hygienists’ risk status.6 Mechanical stress caused by glove use and instrument design may also affect the well-being of practitioners.6 Typically, the upper extremities are more prone to CTDs when performing repetitive tasks.5 Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common type of CTD experienced by dental hygienists.3 EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES However, thoracic outlet syndrome, After reading this course, the participant should be able to: cubital and ulnar tunnel syndrome, extensor wad strain, and 1. 2. 3. 4. glove-induced injuries are also common among dental pro- List possible causes of cumulative trauma disorders. Differentiate between de Quervain’s disease and Raynaud’s syndrome. Discuss treatment and management options for de Quervain’s disease. Identify possible risk factors associated with secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon. 5. Detail management options for Raynaud’s phenomenon. fessionals.6 These CTDs have been extensively reviewed in the literature. However, two soft tissue disorders that affect the hands—de Quervain’s disease and Raynaud’s phenomenon—are not as frequently discussed but can have debilitating effects for dental hygienists. Nancy Kane Mann, RDH, MSEd, is a clinical associate professor of dental hygiene at Indiana University-Purdue University in Fort Wayne. With more than 35 years’ experience in private practice and dental hygiene education, she has presented and published nationally and internationally. Mann is also a member of Dimensions of Dental Hygiene’s Peer Review Panel. Mary D. Cooper, RDH, MSEd, is a professor of dental hygiene at Indiana University-Purdue University. She has written textbooks, book chapters, and several articles on topics applicable to practicing dental hygienists. 74 Dimensions OF DENTAL HYGIENE www.dimensionsofdentalhygiene.com ETIOLOGY OF DE QUERVAIN’S DISEASE De Quervain’s disease is named for the Swiss surgeon, Fritz de Quervain, who first identified it in five women in 1895.7 The cause of de Quervain’s is idiopathic. However, repetitive motions, such as ulnar (bending the wrist in the direction of the little finger) and radial deviation of the wrist (bending the wrist in the direction of the thumb), are considered contributing factors (Figure 1).8 Dental hygiene procedures increase the probability of APRIL 2011 placing the wrist in ulnar deviation. To ment of de Quervain’s disease with corticos- RAYNAUD’S SYNDROME maintain health, dental hygienists must con- teroid injections is successful in approxi- Raynaud’s syndrome is named for the French centrate on keeping the wrist in neutral mately 50% to 80% of patients.11 physician, Maurice Raynaud, who first recog- position during instrumentation. Reaching If conservative medical treatment is not nized the condition in 1862.13 Raynaud’s syn- for dental instruments is another common successful, outpatient surgery may be rec- drome, sometimes referred to as a disease or cause of ulnar deviation. 8 To avoid this, ommended. Surgery involves releasing the phenomenon, is a type of vascular disease that instruments should be placed within easy tendon sheath to relieve pressure or con- affects the arteries. There is an interruption of reach of the patient treatment area. striction around the tendon, which elimi- blood flow to the fingers, toes, nose, and/or In de Quervain’s disease, the extensor pol- nates the friction that causes inflammation, ears when a spasm occurs in the vessels of licis brevis and the abductor pollicis longus thus restoring the tendon’s smooth gliding these areas. The hands are most commonly tendons in the wrist at the base of the thumb capability. 11 Following surgery, physi- affected.14 7 become inflamed. Inflammation in these cal/occupational therapy may be recom- Raynaud’s syndrome can occur alone or in tendons of the thumb can cause pain that mended to strengthen the thumb and wrist. association with other rheumatic diseases. extends to the base of the wrist (tenosynovi- Recovery times vary, depending on age, When it occurs alone, it is referred to as Ray- tis) and possibly into the forearm and shoul- general health, and how long the symptoms naud’s disease or primary Raynaud’s phenom- der.5,8 Thumb motion may be difficult and have been present. Individuals whose dis- enon. Primary Raynaud’s phenomenon is the painful, particularly when twisting or pinch- ease has developed gradually may be more most common form of the disorder and is not ing/grasping objects. The pain may increase resistant to treatment. associated with any underlying disease or with ulnar deviation of the wrist or if direct The clinical management of any CTD is pressure is applied to the area. De Quervain’s based on identifying and treating individual medical problem. Secondary Raynaud’s typically accompa- affects middle-aged women eight to 10 component pathologies. Referral to a knowl- nies connective tissues diseases such as scle- times more frequently than men.7,9 Its onset edgeable physical/occupational therapist, roderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjö- can occur gradually or suddenly. with an understanding of ergonomic behav- gren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and ioral, postural, and workspace modification, polymyositis. 14 Although secondary Ray- DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT is recommended. Prevention and manage- naud’s is less common, it can be more seri- The Finkelstein test is most frequently used to ment of the disease involves: ous. Signs of secondary Raynaud’s initially 12 diagnose de Quervain’s disease. When con- • Keeping hand/arm in neutral position appear around the age of 40, whereas the ducting this test, the patient makes a fist with during instrumentation, avoiding repetitive primary form of Raynaud’s occurs indiscrim- fingers closed over the thumb and the wrist is ulnar deviation of the wrist. inately. bent toward the fifth (little) finger (Figure 2).5,8 • Placing instruments within easy reach of When the wrist is bent toward the outside, patient treatment area to prevent ulnar devia- CONTRIBUTING FACTORS the swollen tendons are pulled through the tion of the wrist. Arterial spasms from Raynaud’s syndrome space in the wrist and stretched, which causes pain. A physical examination is also recom- • Practicing ergonomically correct posi- are caused by exposure to cold or emotional tions. stress. More important to dental hygienists, Figure 1. Bending the wrist in the direction of the little finger or ulnar deviation is a risk factor for de Quervain’s disease. Figure 2. The Finkelstein test, where a patient makes a fist with fingers closed over the thumb and the wrist bends toward the fifth finger to see if pain results, is the tool most commonly used to diagnose de Quervain’s disease. mended to rule out any other possible conditions that could cause pain in the same area, such as osteoarthritis, scaphoid (navicular) bone disorders, disruption of the scapholunate ligament, and carpal tunnel syndrome.8 Initially, the patient continuously wears a spica splint for 4 to 6 weeks (Figure 3, page 76).5,8,10,11 This not only immobilizes the affected area, but inhibits activities that may aggravate the condition. Ice may be applied to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes to reduce inflammation. The area should be warmed for 45 minutes before icing again. If symptoms continue, a physician may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, such as naproxen or ibuprofen, or inject the area with corticosteroids to decrease the pain and swelling.5,8,11 ManageAPRIL 2011 www.dimensionsofdentalhygiene.com Dimensions OF DENTAL HYGIENE 75 DISEASE MANAGEMENT Table 1. Raynaud’s syndrome management for dental hygienists. A physician may prescribe medication to relax Instrumentation Position Daily Schedule Recommendations Avoid 1. Alternate use of vibrating instruments with hand scaling. 1. Maintain neutral seating and hand/arm positions. 1. Incorporate brief (5-10 minutes) breaks in the daily work schedule for rest and stretching exercises. 2. Alternate ultrasonic/sonic scaling appointments with routine maintenance patients. 1. Consult with a physical or occupational therapist or rheumatologist. 2. Practice stress reduction protocol. 3. Assess activity-based risk factors. 4. Take niacin (vitamin B3).21 5. Wear gloves when handling cold or frozen items. 6. Exercise regularly.21 1. Prolonged use of vibrating instruments.15 2. Prolonged exposure to cold.21 3. Smoking.21 4. Nonwork-related activities that constrict the wrist and hand, such as typing, playing the piano, and/or gardening.22 5. Stress.21 6. Direct contact with frozen foods or cold drinks.22 7. Caffeine.21 the walls of the blood vessels to prevent smooth muscle contraction and arterial damage. Medications prescribed include topical nitroglycerin, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and calcium-channel blockers, especially nifidepine and sildenafil (Viagra).18,19 Transdermal, oral, or topical nitrates may cause adverse effects such as headaches, which can limit their use.14 Nondrug treatments and self-help measures can also decrease the severity of Raynaud’s attacks and promote overall well-being. Keeping the body, hands, and feet warm is helpful. Other measures include not smoking (constricts blood Additionally, occupational Raynaud’s phe- vessels), minimizing stress, exercising regularly, nomenon may be caused by thrombosis or and having regular physical examinations.20 In clot of the ulnar artery. Raynaud’s phenome- addition, dental hygienists with Raynaud’s non related to ulnar artery thrombosis is typ- should limit their use of instruments that pro- ically unilateral and associated with small duce vibration. blood clots.15 Lifestyle changes and supplements that encourage better circulation may be effective SYMPTOMS alternatives for managing Raynaud’s. Niacin, Due to an imbalance of vasoconstriction and also known as vitamin B3, causes blood ves- vasodilation in Raynaud’s disease, the affected sels to dilate, increasing blood flow to the area turns white, then blue, followed by bright skin.21 Although niacin supplements may be red over the course of the attack (Figure 4). useful in treating Raynaud’s, they do cause Skin discoloration occurs because an abnor- flushing of the skin, most commonly in the Raynaud’s also can be caused by repetitive mal spasm of the blood vessels causes a face and trunk.21 trauma that damages the nerves supplying diminished blood supply to the local tissues. In Other complementary and alternative med- the blood vessels in the hands. Use of vibrat- addition, there may be associated tingling, icines used to treat Raynaud’s have been tested ing, hand-held power instruments over time swelling, or painful throbbing. Chemotherapy with positive results. In a double-blind, can produce a type of secondary Raynaud’s is a risk factor for developing these symptoms, phenomenon known as vibration white fin- especially for patients being treated for ovar- ger or hand-arm vibration syndrome ian cancer.16 Figure 4 shows the fingers of a (HAVS). HAVS is characterized by excessively dental hygienist, who is undergoing reduced blood flow; blanching of the fin- chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, experienc- gers; and limited supply of blood to the ing Raynaud’s symptoms—red, white and muscles, nerves, and tendons. Symptoms of blue fingers—when exposed to prolonged HAVS include pain and/or tingling and cold temperatures. Figure 3. Spica splint used in the management of De Quervain’s disease. numbness of the hand leading to loss of manual dexterity. While there is no single blood test that identifies Raynaud’s, blood work can rule out Vibrations also may cause injury to sym- the presence of autoimmune antibodies asso- pathetic (unmyelinated) fibers, leading to ciated with scleroderma, lupus, mixed con- sympathetic overactivity. When the myelin nective tissue disease, undifferentiated con- sheath starts to degrade, nerve impulses are nective tissue disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, conducted improperly or lost completely, and other diseases that may have Raynaud’s as leading to tingling sensations or heat sensitiv- a possible component. Differential diagnostic ity. Signs of sympathetic overactivity include tests include dopplar ultrasound, nailfold cap- increased color changes (blue/red), sweating, illaroscopy, antinuclear antibody test, and ery- and cold periphery with vasoconstriction. throcyte sedimentation rate.17 76 Dimensions OF DENTAL HYGIENE www.dimensionsofdentalhygiene.com Figure 4. Skin discoloration experienced with Raynaud’s disease. APRIL 2011 Hand Health placebo-controlled study, the consumption of nated since it impairs circulation. Recognizing fish oil showed an increase in digital systolic and avoiding stressful situations may also help CE Questions—The answer sheet and pressure as well as the time of onset of symp- control the number and severity of attacks.23 further instructions are located on the tear-out card that appears at page 68. toms after exposure to cold. 22 In addition, evening primrose oil, which is a rich source of Specific recommendations for dental hygienists are listed in Table 1. 1. Which behavior increases dental hygienists’ risk of cumulative trauma disorders? gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), demonstrated a A. Repetitive movements in the wrist and arm decrease in the frequency of Raynaud’s attacks. CONCLUSION GLA is an omega-6 essential fatty acid that can- Dental hygienists routinely use instruments C. Use of vibrating instruments not be made by the body and, therefore, must that vibrate and perform hand–intensive, D. All of the above be obtained from food. Also known as polyun- repetitive movements often in cramped con- 2. Which area is more prone to cumulative saturated fatty acids, GLAs are found predomi- ditions. Therefore, they are at greater risk for trauma disorders when repetitive tasks are per- nately in plant-based oils and are effective in developing hand disorders from lack of reducing inflammation and stimulating skin proper circulatory flow, pinched nerves, and B. Lower back growth.14 Before beginning complementary compromised hand positions. Once symp- C. Upper extremities and alternative medicine treatments, a physi- toms develop, timely intervention is essen- cian should always be consulted. B. Limited hand movements formed? B. Lower extremities D. Pelvis tial. A medical evaluation and diagnostic tests 3. Which cumulative trauma disorder is most com- provide supplementary information to the mon among dental hygienists? A. Carpal tunnel syndrome PREVENTION physical examination and history. A compre- General exercise improves circulation and, hensive strategy for treatment and preven- C. Extensor wad strain therefore, may help prevent or minimize tion is essential for a life-long career in dental D. All of the above attacks. In addition, smoking should be elimi- hygiene. D B. Thoracic outlet syndrome 4. De Quervain’s disease is more common in women than men. References 1. Liskiewicz ST, Kerschbaum WE. Cumulative trauma disorders: an ergonomic approach for prevention. J Dent Hyg. 1997;4:162-167. 2. Werner RA, Hamann C, Franzblau A, Rodgers PA. Prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome and upper extremity tendinitis among dental hygienists. J Dent Hyg. 2002;2:126-132. 3. Willard P. Patient reception and ergonomic practice. In: Wilkins EM. Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009:92. 4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Health Center. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Available at: www.webmd. com/pain-management/carpal-tunnel/carpaltunnel-syndrome. Accessed March 23, 2011. 5. Hamann C, Werner RA, Rhode N, Rodgers PA, Sullivan K. Upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders in dental hygiene: diagnosis and options for management. Contemporary Oral Hygiene. 2004;4:2-8. 6. Tavoc T, Gutmann ME. Preventive strategies can keep practice pain-free and ensure a long career in clinical dental hygiene. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. 2005;3(1):16-21. 7. Lamphier TA, Long NG, Dennehy T. De Quervain’s disease an analysis of 52 cases. Ann Surg. 1953;6:832-841. 8. Stitik TP, Conte M, Foye PM, Schoen D, Marini JS. An analysis of cumulative trauma disorders in dental hygienists. Journal of Practical Hygiene. 2000;9(2):19-25. 9. Arthritis Health Center. De Quervain’s Disease— Topic Overview. Available at: http://arthritis.webmd.com/tc/de-quervainsdisease-topic-overview. Accessed March 23, 2011. 10. Ilyas AM. Nonsurgical treatment for de Quervain’s tenosynovitis. J Hand Surg Am. 2009;5:928-929. 11. Hazani R, Engineer NJ, Cooney D, Wilhelmi BJ. Anatomic landmarks for the first dorsal compartment. Eplasty. 2008;8:53. 12. Chin DH, Jones NF. Repetitive motion hand disorders. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2002;2:149-160. 13. Belch JJ. The phenomenon, syndrome and disease of Maurice Raynaud. Br J Rheumatol. 1990;3:162-165. APRIL 2011 True 14. Pope JE. The diagnosis and treatment of Raynaud’s Pphenomenon—a practical approach. Drugs. 2007;4:517-525. 15. Al Qattan MM, Bowen V. Cumulative trauma disorders of the hand and wrist. Current Opinion in Orthopaedics. 1993;4(4):68-71. 16. Matei D, Miller AM, Monahan P, et al. Chronic physical effects and health care utilization in long-term ovarian germ cell tumor survivors: a gynecologic oncology group study. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:4142-4149. 17. Kim SH, Kim HO, Jeong YG, et al. The diagnostic accuracy of power Doppler ultrasonography for differentiating secondary from primary Raynaud’s phenomenon in undifferentiated connective tissue disease. Clin Rheumatol.2008;6:783-786. 18. Bakst R, Merola JF, Franks AG Jr, Sanchez M, Perelman RO. Raynaud’s phenomenon: pathogenesis and management. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008;59:633-653. 19. Olin JW. Other peripheral arterial diseases. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:80. 20. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease. Raynaud’s Phenomenon. Available at: www.niams.nih.gov/ Health_Info/Raynauds_Phenomenon/default.asp #5. Accessed March 23, 2011. 21. Mayo Clinic. Raynaud’s Disease. Available at: www.mayoclinic.com/health/raynaudsdisease/DS00433/DSECTION=alternativemedicine. Accessed March 23, 2011. 22. DiGiacomo RA, Kremer JM, Shah DM. Fish-oil dietary supplementation in patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon: a double-blind, controlled, prospective study. Am J Med. 1989;2:164-185. 23. NYU Langone Medical Center. Raynaud’s Disease and Phenonomen. Available at: www.med.nyu.edu/content?ChunkIID=11600. Accessed March 23, 2011. False 5. Which test is used to diagnose de Quervain’s disease? A. Finkelstein test B. FibroTest C. ACTH stimulation test D. All of the above 6. How long is a spica splint typically worn during treatment for de Quervain’s disease? A. 1 to 2 weeks B. 4 to 6 weeks C. 8 to 12 weeks D. None of the above 7. When was Raynaud’s syndrome discovered? A. 1778 B. 1823 C. 1862 D. 1959 8. Secondary Raynaud’s syndrome is the most common form of the disorder. True False 9. Which is a symptom of Raynaud’s syndrome? A. Skin discoloration B. Tingling C. Swelling D. All of the above 10. Which medication is prescribed to treat Raynaud’s syndrome? A. Topical nitroglycerin B. ACE inhibitors C. Calcium-channel blockers D. All of the above www.dimensionsofdentalhygiene.com Dimensions OF DENTAL HYGIENE 77