The Eladio Dieste Symposia
The Eladio Dieste Symposia
Spring 2001. Volume X. No.1· The Eladio Dieste Symposia Edward Allen, University of Oregon [email protected] Eladio Dieste, arguably one of the finest structural engineers and architects of the twentith century, died last summer at the age ofeighty-four, leaving a legacy ofhundreds of remarkable buildings that range from long-span industrial roofs to two of the most poetic churches ever erected, all of them made of reinforced brick and tile masonry. His death occurred just weeks before a previously scheduled pair of symposia organized in his honor by Stanford Anderson ofthe Massachusetts Institute ofTechno logy (MIT). The first ofthese took place in Montevideo, Uruguay, Dieste's home town, September 26 and 27. The second was held at MIT on September 29 and 30. The programs were nearly identical, but the Montevideo symposium featured a two-day tour of Dieste's buildings immediately prior to the event itself. The tour alone was worth the long flight. Dieste is worthy of role-model status for architecture students. He worked with one material only for his entire professional life. He knew it intimately. He exploited its strengths and converted its weaknesses into archi tectural character. He designed and built special machines to meet his constructive needs. He developed special details and calculation techniques. He championed the cause of regionalism in architecture and disdained the importation of styles and materials from abroad. He never cloaked his structures in other materials: If they were to be taken as architecture, they had to make it on the inherent beauty of their funicular geometries. He (continued on page 2) The walls of the Church ofAtlantida, Uruguay, are straight at ground level, changing to sinusoidal at the top, where they join shallow reinforced brick barrel shells to fonn two-hinged arches. Connector H \ ..•...•........ :.:'; •.•...... (continued from page 1) wrote thoughtful essays on engineering, ar chitecture, town planning, craft, art, eco nomics, and philosophy. He worked toward a self-defined g'oal of "cosmic economy" that is closely related to the ideas embodied in Schumacher's Small is Beautiful and today's "green" architecture. He never mounted the glitzy runway of high fashion The Church of San Pablo at Duranzo, Uruguay, was built to replace the old nave of the church, which had been destroyed by fire. It is composed of folded plates of reinforced brick masonry. or sought the fame that he could have at tained easily. He just built well. He also built economically. His structures were built be cause they were the cheapest; he was the low bidder. Eladio Dieste built buildings that touch the human spirit at the deepest level. The stunning Durazno church of San Pablo, a folded-plate brick phoenix rises from the ashes ofa burned church, its brick roof float ing like a whispered prayer on an astonish ing halo ofGod's own light. The voluptuous Atlantida church is made of nothing but bricks and mortar-floor, walls, roof, stairs, railings-everything but the translucent ala baster slabs and bits of Venetian glass that serve as windows. His own house for a happy family with nine is children, grace fully sheltered with low brick barrel shells comfortably arrayed around three garden courtyards. Stanford Anderson wisely set a broad theme for the symposia: scientific innova tion in structure and construction with tra ditional materials. Highlights included Mark West's presentation of concrete formed in cloth fabric, Remo Pedreschi's interpreta tions of the Dieste works, Martin Speth's experiments with reinforced brick shells, and Julius Natterer's presentation ofhis own wonderful structures all of them made of timber. Most moving were the papers and talks by Dieste's family, associates, and stu dents: Antonio Dieste, an accomplished en gineer in his own right; Gonzalo Larrambebere, chief engineer in the Dieste office, and Dieste student Lucio Caceres, now minister of transportation and public works for the Republic of Uruguay, who gave a heartbreakingly beautiful eulogy that was equally eloquent in Spanish and En glish. Informal tour bus conversations of fered an opportunity to get to know these and several other extraordinary people re lated to Eladio Dieste: son and office di rector Eduardo Dieste, engineer Ariel Valmaggia, and tour leader Federico Sanguinetti, a young architect in the Dieste office. For those unfamiliar with Dieste's work and thought, the most accessible source is his article, "Some Reflections on Architec ture and Construction," published in Perspecta, volume 27, pages 186-203. Anderson is currently editing a book that will contain numerous contributions related to Dieste, to be published in 2002. Posttensioned brick barrel shells balance delicately at midspan. Agroindustrias Massaro, Uruguay. I Spring 2001. Volume X. No.1 I Bruno M. Franck, University of Minnesota [email protected] American structural engineers must increase their awareness of design in or der to successfully integrate structural concepts into architectural aspirations. Structural engineers could then practice the "art" ofstructural design and reestab lish it as fundamental to creating cultur ally significant buildings. I hope to ini tiate discussions among academicians and professionals in architecture and structural engineering. Similar discussions could engage designers from the entire technol ogy spectrum. It would also be interest ing to discuss why few American archi tects take full advantage of the qualities ofa well-designed structural system. This article, however, focuses on reasons why American structural engineers too rarely form'structural systems worthy ofrecog nition by the design community. Designs are successful when archi tects and engineers collaborate. This col laboration must start in schools by rees tablishing the lost link between architec tural and structural design; a link that re sulted in some of the greatest structures in the world. Currently, architecture de partments do a better job ofteaching struc tural technology than engineering depart ments do ofteaching architectural funda mentals. Engineering students are rarely exposed to architectural issues that are (mistakenly) understood by engineering faculties as irrelevant to making reliable structural systems. Schools of engineer ing must close this gap. Design aspirations for a building come from history, cultural values, societal needs, and design styles. They encapsulate the aesthetics and ser viceability ofa building, and consequently relate to its form. To understand the rea sons behind the design of most building systems, engineers must understand: if k • The architectural program, with its implications for internal order, circu lation, volumes, skin, and structure • How building typology and environ mental context correlate to structural requirements • The influence ofarchitectural aesthet ics on the shape, location, and size ofthe structural system Collaboration between architectural and structural engineering departments is limited because engineering schools de value practice-based teaching while archi tectural schools build it into the curricu lum. A typical engineering teacher devel ops an academic career with few interrup tions to acquire professional experience. The subsequent "publish or perish" aca demic environment prevents tenure-track engineering faculty members from gain ing practice-based experience. The imme diate pedagogic outcome is that applied design and construction knowledge is vir tually absent from engineering curricula. Even though a key societal justification ofengineering is to identify and solve real problems, and even though those very problems are the genesis ofmost creative engineering, little of the corresponding knowledge appears in contemporary text books and curricula. In engineering education there is a heavy reliance on analysis to teach prob lem solving. Students are exposed to well defined structural problems, the unique solutions to which are found using spe cific engineering analysis techniques. Le gitimate research investigations using computer or laboratory-based structural models often transform into ends in them selves rather than being means ofmodel ing and understanding components of an engineering system. Students are seldom challenged with ill-defined design prob lems for which there may be multiple, and sometimes conflicting, solutions. The techniques that shape structurally efficient building systems are found in the art of engineering design, the teaching of which is rarely considered a university re sponsibility. They were familiar to Eiffel, Roebling, Torroja, and Maillart; yet they have disappeared from most engineering curricula and are seldom included in mod ern comtemporary textbooks. Structural engineering teachers have been charmed away from teaching graphic statics by the Siren-like allure offinite element programs. In abandoning one for the other, they lost one ofthe gems at the heart of engineering design and its teaching: graphic form find ing. Graphic form finding provides the techniques to shape, and therefore design, a structural system that can meet both en gineering and nonengineering require ments. It can address: • Architectural form, clearance, and design-appropriate structural depth • Flow of forces in plane or space and corresponding strength requirements • Systems with built-in forces that meet specific materials requirements • Geometric constraints such as the size ofmechanical systems Most structural engineering textbooks used in the United States teach sizing of common structural materials by closely following engineering design codes. The code formulas become the basic references taught to the students. As a result, too many engineers view the building codes as all encompassing repositories of engineering knowledge. They should instead of inter pret them as the minima that must be met by common systems built using standard construction techniques and designed for somewhat predictable conditions. For stu dents to understand the possibilities and limits set by the codes, engineering educa tion must go well beyond the codes and reemphasize fundamentals. It is only by understanding architec tural concepts and recognizing their struc tural implications that engineers will be able to collaborate with architects to par ticipate in the design of building systems. Students who begin to understand the deeper implications ofstructural design will be able to create innovative structural forms and to engineer systems that support broader design aspirations. Connector Alison Kwok, University of Oregon [email protected] How did you get started teaching technology subjects? Were you a gradu ate student instructor? Did you receive mentoring or specific training in methods and curriculum development? Are build ing performance evaluations and case study development part ofthe curriculum at your institution? The U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Post Sec ondary Education (FIPSE) recognized the importance of these questions with a S75,OOO award to (l) evaluate the effects of the Vital Signs projects on teaching, learning, and curricular reform, (2) test and evaluate two mini-regional training sessions for faculty-teaching assistant teams in the application ofthe Vital Signs approach, (3) develop and expand this ef fort into a three-year project. Students measure illuminance at the University Art Museum in Berkeley. Difficulties in Addressing the Needs for Reform in Architectural Education In his article in Progressive Architec ture, "Can This Profession Be Saved?" Thomas Fisher of the University of Min nesota looked to the legal, medical, and engineering professional schools for solutions to architectural education problems. His hy pothesis is that architectural education could learn from successful strategies provided by cohort professions. Fisher concluded archi tecture schools need to offer a broad range of studies. They need to instruct students in re search methodology and post-occupancy evaluations and to provid more training for professional practice where building diagnos tics will be a focus of architectural activity rather than the marginal activity it is now. Beginning architecture faculty members and teaching assistants receive little or no for mal pedagogical training. They are ill pre pared to provide rich and rigorous learning environments since they often are thrown into situations where they are engaging course concepts for the first time and cannot ad equately master the material. An assistant professor typically has a year or two ofteach ing experience, usually as a teaching assis tant (TA). Environmental technology (active and passive building systems, comfort, energy use, daylight, air quality) is often regarded as a discipline completely separate from the de sign process, left to be handled by a small pool ofqualified yet segregated experts. Cur rently, more than one-quarter of all architec ture schools in the U.S. are conducting searches for faculty members in this area. While this circumstance may be a result of a vigorous economy, there are strong indica tions that not enough qualified instructors are available. Training TAs will expand the pool of qualified teachers. Teaching assistants, the backbone of many large lecture courses, require but lack specialized training for technology courses. Most institutions employ one or two gradu ate student TAs to help faculty members teach environmental technology courses. At some institutions undergraduates (whose sale quali fication is having done well when they took the course) assist faculty members. In a re cent straw poll of the Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE), eighty-five per cent of the respondents replied that they teamed with teaching assistants, but most said there was no specific training to prepare their TAs in methodology and equipment use for building analysis. Faculty members reported that TAs are often underutilized and rarely participate in active discussions and activi ties. Building on the Foundation of Prior Efforts To better prepare future teachers and ar chitects as stewards ofthe built environment, Agents of Change builds on a prior curricu larreform effort-Vital Signs and the intrin sic value of the unique role of TAs as both students and teachers. In a recent paper pre sented to the European Association for Ar chitectural Education, SBSE President Walter Grondzik of Florida A&M Univer sity wrote, " ... the Vital Signs project pro vides an excellent vehicle for expanding stu dent views of the built envirolID1ent. In ad dition, the project provides a structure that can enhance student communication and team planning capabilities. As establishing a methodology for a site investigation is es sentially a design problem, it could also be argued that the Vital Signs project can broaden students' design thinking." Evaluation We engaged an independent evaluator to assess the effectiveness ofthe Vital Signs project in terms ofcurricular reform and im provement in teaching and learning since its inception eight years ago. Because of the unique curricular context of architectural education, the proposed evaluation method ology in contrast to traditional methods of evaluation will use sense-making techniques. Sense making assesses the ability of a pro gram or series of practices to transport an innovation to the curriculum through the TAs by capturing as much of the story as pos sible, using a combination of quantitative and qualitative tools. These tools include in tensive narrative interviews, a web-based survey, ethnographies, and observations to assess the regional training sessions. Experiences from the Regional Training Sessions In two regional training sessions-one at Spring 2001. Volume X. No.1 the University of California, Berkeley; the other at the University ofWisconsin, Milwau kee participants learned the basics of data ac quisition and gained hands-on experience mea suring buildings and their environments. Uni versity of Oregon graduate teaching fellows (GTFs), teaching assistants, and "expert" SBSE faculty advisers led teams through ex ercises, protocols, and the case study ap proach. Each day's session incorporated peer to-peer teaching. The heart of the training in volves developing hypotheses, questions, and methodologies to carry out in a nearby build ing. In Berkeley, teams investigated visual and thermal comfort at the University Art Museum. In Milwaukee infiltration, condensation, tem perature stratification, and glare were exam ined at the office of Kubala Washatko Archi tects. On returning to their home institutions, the trained faculty-TA teams will engage their students in case study investigations. Nick Rajkovich, aVO GTF teaches Gwen Garrison and Jennifer Rachford (AOe evaluators) how to use a compass-clinometer. Attending the training session at Berke ley were faculty members and teaching assis tants from California State Polytechnic Insti tute, San Luis Obispo; UC Berkeley; and Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile. It was an action packed training, and we learned that two days did not allow time for discussion, critique, and development of hypotheses. The Milwaukee training session attracted teams from Lawrence Technologi cal University; University of Idaho; Univer sity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; University of Michigan; and George Armstrong School of International Studies (K-12). This training ~$M{§§f$-' ':':::~:/:~ t:::;~::;~::;:~:::::f:::?~~::~{;:"?i·m1':::~:~m::::::::::·" ··}:::'::'::.::~~::t::~::,,:-,- ~~,*j%.:1~~t@~m~:::·- session demonstrated that a three-day train ing was the right length of time to synthesize information and network. Winter conditions can provide provocative building performance issues, and the timing (between terms) seemed to allow faculty members to make immediate changes to the curriculum while exercises were fresh in their minds. The lack of equipment does not preclude a school from developing high quality case studies. Not only has the Vital Signs project agreed to give preference for its toolkit loan program to the Agents of Change teams, the Agents ofChange project will assemble starter toolkits that will be available on loan. Addi tional training materials will be downloadable from the project website. Case studies and exercises will be posted on course websites at participating universities and linked to the project website. Scaling Up Data from the evaluation and the two brief training sessions will provide direction for a future proposal to expand the training to in clude training centers in locations such as San Francisco; Washington, D.C.; and Portland cities that are easily and economically acces sible by plane and have available institutional resources, peer-to-peer training and mentoring at SBSE retreats, and travel scholarships for students to national conferences to present experiences and findings. This expanded program would train 180 240 TAs and faculty members, produce more than 800 case studies, and engage six to tweleve thousand architecture students. This cadre oftrained TAs not only would train other TAs, upon graduation they would become part of an expanding pool of direly needed appli cants for faculty positions in architectural tech nology. These TAs; and faculty members would be trained in architectural education that integrates technology and design. As future ar chitects, our students would be better able to align design intent with building performance. Stay tuned with fingers crossed for news about the proposal. :::::::::~:t::~:~::::::::::-:·· "·<:·::::::1~!;::~~M;:"~~:::::;:::;~::::::::::::::::::'· ':':::,::::~:,-,-: :%.%::.~%fui~~?.illr$j~:::{:::~:::::'-'·;"·: .~:i:~®~~~~~m~:~~:r:::~t::::··· ....j$&%$:P#4 -·:·:·ti~:~~t::~::;:;·<t;mm·<· }~::;::i:{;::!:;:!::-:<:::?:::~:~,.@%~ Connector Steve Badanes, University of Washington [email protected] The standard lament of technology teachers is that we rarely get to teach our subjects in a meaningful design-based con text, and that unless there is an immediate need for the knowledge we impart, students will not retain it. Design-build studios, which have become popular in recent years at many schools, provide an excellent venue for the assimilation of technical knowledge. Infor mation is acquired on a need-to-know basis and immediately applied to real world situ ations. I have taught a number of design-build exercises where individual students or small groups tackle a series of design problems in various media-wood, concrete, metal, etc., and fabricate their solutions. Before begin ning construction, legible dimensioned working drawings must be signed off. How ever, edits and additions to the object are acceptable as long as they incorporate the original design concepts. Hands-on con struction inevitably yields new information, which impacts design decisions. These individual exercises are popular with students. They are responsible for de sign and consequently become more in volved. I avoid the difficulties and extra work inherent in a project that is designed and built by the entire group. However, I feel that group projects are worth the extra effort. Group projects can be larger, more service-oriented and provide experiences with real clients. Architecture has always been a service profession, but it has tradi tionally served only those who can afford it. By working for clients who do not normally have access to architects, students are ex posed to community outreach and to the notion of society as our real client. Many former students have entered careers in pub lic service, working for non-profits or com munity design centers. The traditional design studio reinforces some unfortunate assumptions about creativ ity, most notably that practice is a solitary endeavor. Students usually design indepen dently and learn to defend their ideas against criticism. In the "real world," however, little happens without collaboration. Teamwork is needed to achieve common goals. Bradner Gardens Park We do our initial design work during studio time, in groups, using a consensus method with a facilitator (usually me) and a written "group memory." All voices are equal, discussion proceeds by going around the table with all voicing pros and cons, and we never vote. We break into subgroups with drawings and models moving from group to group (people move as well) so that all share ownership in the design. In my first attempt at a group design-build studio, at the Uni versity ofMiami in 1983, we used a compe tition to decide what to build. This resulted in enormous pressure on the winner and bit terness amongst the losers, making the con struction phase a difficult experience. The consensus method has resulted in more egali tarian designs as well as shared responsibil ity and more enthusiasm during construc tion. Most students have never designed any thing that has been built and many have no previous construction experience. They learn that by working together, our projects can happen if they commit themselves to making them happen. They gain confidence in the power of commitment, not just in de sign and building. We deal with design is sues in a practical way in this studio and we learn building techniques and detailing, but the real lessons involve self-motivation, courage, self-reliance, perseverance, team work, and service to others. I've been involved in many design-build studios in diverse programs and locations. This article describes the studio I've done for ten years during spring quarter at the University of Washington in Seattle. The quarter is eleven weeks including exam week, and there are usually ten to thirteen students in the studio, which is open to undergraduate seniors and graduate stu dents in their final year. Damon Smith, a graduate of the university's master of ar chitecture program and a designer-builder with SHED in Seattle, co-teaches. I feel it's important for the students to complete the project(The clients appreciate this too!), so I select something that we can finish in eleven weeks. I choose a client in the fall and restrict potential clients to non-profit organizations. Clients are responsible for securing a grant for materials. Typical bud gets range from $5 to $15,000.00. I some times help with the grant process. The class meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoons and on Saturdays during construction. If we fall behind, Sundays also become workdays, and exam week is always there for a final push if necessary. On the first day, students introduce them selves, telling about their construction ex perience or lack of, and explaining their personal goals for the class. The rest ofthe afternoon is spent on three short, individual projects, each using a sheet of 8.5 x 11 pa per to build a bridge, a tower, and a foun dation, followed by a tour of the shop, fo cusing on safety issues. An individual de sign-build problem using another sheet material, plywood is assigned for the fol lowing Monday. This gives them something to build on their own, some experience in the shop, and an idea of what they can do. On Wednesday, we generally go to the site, possibly visiting some past projects on the way, to meet with the clients and commit to returning Monday ofweek three with a preliminary design. We return to the studio, share our initial reactions and, if there's time, begin group exercises. I al ways make a little speech about the impor tance of coming to a group decision. I gen erally say that ifthe goal is to build some thing really cool, maybe I should design it, and they can build it. This of course is to Spring 2001. Volume X. No.1 tally unacceptable, so it's a short step to get the class to realize that it would be equally silly to build the idea of a single class mem ber. I split the class into two groups and ask each group to make lists of both the posi tive and negative aspects of working in groups. This takes about twenty minutes. We then list these on a large piece ofbutcher paper, taking suggestions one at a time al ternating between groups until they're all listed. Then they split into two different groups and make another list-how to rein force the good qualities of groups and how to mitigate the bad ones. This also takes about twenty minutes, and the results are also listed on a large sheet of paper. These lists are on hand in the studio during the group design process and represent a con stant reminder of shared values. I'm in debted to Joel Loveland for this exercise. He did it with my class in 1988 and I've since done it with many groups. It gives stu dents a chance to focus on the group pro cess in the abstract before dealing with the problem at hand. Design work begins by splitting the class into three groups and having them brainstorm. After a few hours (or whatever time period we agree on) we gather around a central table and discuss initial ideas. Of- Danny Woo Garden, photo by Jared Polesky ten we'll have a "scribe" list important points of agreement (group memory). We search for places of commonality and usu ally we can agree on quite a few. We then split into different groups (very important) and continue designing using the new com mon ground as givens. The process contin ues as long as is necessary to reach consen sus on the site plan, structures, etc. We only work during class time, and we try to move into two groups and finally into one. My role is facilitator, technical advisor, and advocate for the client. It's important for the instructor not to have a design agenda. It's okay to be a part of the team and make an occasional tough decision (especially those concerning maintenance issues, which usually become apparent after the students are down the road), but the design must come out of the group. A neutral attitude commands the respect ofthe class, and helps to synthesize ideas that appear different to their proponents, but are really similar in many aspects. We review the plywood projects as a group on Monday of week two; the atmo sphere is informal, the criticism construc tive. Usually by the middle or end of the second week, we have an agreed upon di rection and can spend the weekend prepar ing a presentation for Monday (models are best for non-architect clients). At this point the class begins to function as a team or small design-build office. We do not present more than one proposal to the clients and let them choose. We may have called them several times to clatify issues, but when it comes time to present, we are unified in our approach to their problem. Almost everything in an architectural studio is about communication: drawings, models, critiques and presentations. Our focus is on communication within the group, finding common ground, setting agendas, priorities, and managing time-basically communicating more efficiently. The client and community meetings as well as occa sional presentations to city agencies require additional communication skills. We re hearse our presentations since a polished effort helps mitigate doubts that students have enough experience to build quality public projects. The meeting usually goes well. There are often some good suggestions, which are easily incorporated into the scheme. We spend the rest of the week do ing construction drawings, engineering, material take offs and pricing, etc., with the goal of breaking ground during the fourth week. This gives us seven weeks to com plete the construction. For the sake of efficiency, the class breaks into groups during the construction phase. Group membership is usually self selected, however we all work together on big items like a concrete pour, and students are encouraged to spend time on all aspects of construction to gain as much experience as possible. There is an inevitable hierarchy that arises on site as students with more building experience take the lead and teach those with less, but we have a group site meeting before each class to cover any is sues that arise. Students are responsible for material procurement. fabrication, and scheduling. Damon and I work on site with the students, but don't hog all the fun work, using the opportunity to teach building meth ods and tricks. I generally give the studepts a lower budget number than what is really available, because of inevitable cost over runs. Usually someone in the class takes on the role of bookkeeper, although I like to keep a close eye on costs as well. We've always finished and never gone over budget. Low-income clients are gener ally grateful which is rewarding for the stu dents. A ribbon cutting ceremony is usually scheduled to coincide with graduation, so that parents and family can attend. Every one involved benefits. Students work with real clients and learn something about build ing. Clients, who can't even afford the ma terials, reap the fruits of student labor. Cor porate sponsors polish their image by do nating the materials, and the city and uni versity receive credit for community service contributions without having to do very much. Community based design-build stu dios are really about the power of commit ment, service to others, and the lasting sat isfaction of group achievement. Frederick L. Walters, University of Oregon [email protected] As a practicing architect focusing on ex isting structures, I spend a lot of time field surveying, assessing, and evaluating elements of the built environment. Several years ago I was asked by the University ofOregon to teach some graduate level courses in the historic preservation program. One course addressed the technology ofhistoric masonry structures, i.e. stone, brick, and terra cotta. The second course addressed a methodology for conduct ing an assessment and evaluation of an exist ing structure. My experience as a teacher was nil. The best I could offer the students was the experi ence oftwenty-five years offieldwork. While the classes are structured somewhat around the usual twice weekly seminars, supported by lectures, slides, and technical handouts, it is fieldwork that offers the best opportunity for the students to "see," or experience, what one is trying to explain. One can show slides of various brick patterns or stonework, and the student just sees the slide. A fIeld survey al lows the students to make their own images. In his book, A River Runs Through It, Norman MacLean describes the following conversa tion with his brother while out fly-fishing: He said, "they are{eeding on drowned yellow stone flies. " 1 asked him, "How did you think that out...?" "All there is to thinking, .. he said, "is see ing something noticeable which makes you see something you weren't noticing which makes you see something that isn 'f even visible. " To give the student the opportunity to make his or her own image, and therefore be gin to see things that were not "visible" be fore, I know of no better way than to execute hand sketches on a field sheet. Hand sketch ing in the field is more than an exercise in simple recording of what one sees; it begins to make things visible that are not often ap parent. For example, in the masonry course, observation sheets were made for four historic masonry buildings on the campus with con struction dates ranging from 1876 to 1928. Each building exhibited a different type of brick coursing, masonry assembly, loading bearing wall versus veneer, use of arch work and other aspects of historic masonry tech niques. On the observation sheets, the students were asked to record such information as: brick size; vertical measurement of eight courses and joints; types ofbonds used on the structure; locations where queen and king clo sures were used; belt courses; use of rubbed bricks; types oflintels and sill; types ofarches; use ofmolded brick; use ofspecial brick faces (i.e. shiner, rowlock, soldier. sailor), type and character of cornice, use of stone. The infor mation was augmented with not -to-scale field sketches ofelevations and theoretical sections of each element. Grades were not given on the precise ac curacy ofdrawing, or the accuracy of the sec tion (for example: students were asked to try and surmise how the bricks were laid in the wall to achieve the character of, say, a brick cornice.) The mere fact that they were in the field recording and drawing their own obser vations made much of the material in class more revealing and understandable. Brick observations by ParimaAmnuaywattana. A second exercise in the masonry class required the assessment and evaluation ofthe fayade ofan historic masonry structure. Teams of two students were required to research the history of a building, conduct an assessment of its existing masonry elements, complete with sketches of all pertinent aspects, and evaluate the present condition of the fayade. Students had to address the original materi als, the critical physical aspects and perfor mance ofthe materials used in the system, how they were assembled, how they were originally meant to perform, what changes have oc curred, and how are they performing currently. Conducting the field survey and making the field sketches were the primary elements of Spring 2001. Volume X. No.1 11. Cornice ~ cl&I.\.4\u\ Brick observations by Parima Amnuaywattana. the exercise. By the time a team of students had, for example, field sketched each piece of terra cotta on the four story building, detail ing where cracks exist, glaze is lost, or mortar joints failing, and then coalescing this infor mation into a single sketch, they begin to see things which were "invisible" when they started. In the class on condition assessment and evaluation, a single structure was the subject ofthe course. While the classroom time was a three-hour seminar once a week, the students also had to participate in forty-eight hours of field survey work. The goal was for the class to collectively produce a report, roughly one hundred pages in length supplemented with drawings, that addressed the major elements of the exterior envelope of the building: roof system, wall system, fenestration, building appendages (chimneys, balconies, etc), foun dation wall system, and intersections & ter minations. As part ofthe initial fieldwork, the students were given an introductory walking tour around the exterior of the building and a tour of the interior. To get the students accus tomed to making observations and sketching, they were asked to make a sketch of the floor plan and roofplan from memory immediately after the end ofthe tour. The t100r plan had to show the basic room arrangements, door lo cations and swings, and window locations and type. The roof plan had to show all ridges, valleys, penetrations and chimneys, and loca tions of all downspouts, if present. One can easily say in the classroom that observation ofexisting conditions is very crucial in condi tion assessment, but field survey exercises make the point much clearer. After the plans, the students were asked to make quick (not more that fifteen minute) sketches of each el evation. Again, this was done to make each student look closely at the building. It also provided the basis for the next step in the class. Pairs ofstudents selected the basic systems of the exterior envelope to research, assess, and evaluate in more depth for the final report. Their field sketches provided a basis for a dis cussion on what elements were in their sys tems and for which they were responsible. Once teams were comfortable with their role, they concentrated on producing field sketches for their area of responsibility. The masonry team identified the basic brick bonding pat terns, any specialty patterns, the presence and character ofbelt courses, arches, window sur rounds, etc. Understanding brick patterns, combined with simple wall thickness measure ments, can often provide valuable information on the nature of a wall (whether veneer, cav ity, cavity veneer, solid load-bearing, cavity load-bearing etc.) which allows a greater un derstanding of how the system was meant to perform and how it is performing now. This can all be taught in the classroom to a certain extent. Allowing the student the chance to notice what she or he didn't see at first is easier to do in the field, and can often make a more lasting impression. In the Fall 2000 issue of Connector, Ed ward Allen said the combined aspects of ar chitecture are magical. For students ofhistoric preservation, a great way to share in that un derstanding is to have them observe, sketch, and describe what they see in the field. Once they are asked to notice something closely by trying to draw it, and noticing something then makes them see something that isn't even vis ible, then the magic often emerges by itself. Connector Kirk Martini, University of Virginia [email protected] The arrival of easy-to-use, highly graphic, and completely free structural analysis software raises the question of how this software can and should be used in introductory courses. By definition, students in their first structures course don't have the knowledge to apply the soft ware skillfully in design, but I have found that it is possible to use the software effectively in teaching several important lessons. This article describes an exercise to introduce computer analysis to students in their first structures course. The Setup. I give two lectures on the underlying theory of computer analysis, introducing the tenninology of nodes, elements, boundary conditions, and sign conventions. Using RISA-2D and a computer projector, I demonstrate examples. I also emphasize the limits of linear analysis and give an example where the computer gives demonstrably wrong answers. These lectures are followed by an assignment where students interpret printed computer output without using the computer, drawing free body diagrams and identifying maximum displacements. The objective is to make sure they understand the meaning of the numbers and pictures the computer pro duces. By this point, most students are ready to get their hands on the program. Lab Day. Students, working in pairs, have two tasks to perform during the ninety-minute lab session. The first is a tutorial that I wrote, modeling a very simple structure; it shows step-by step what each screen looks like and what the results should be. The second is a simple design problem, Consider the conceptual design of a structure to suspend a platform from a cliff face, according t9 the geometry shown below. Il\!1 clifffacc I ~:;~~~:!~onns""N....;I-___--.~ '" 30' 30' (q I fl. I platfonn I I The platform is to be supported by suspension rods that attach to the structure you will design, cantilevered from the cliff face over the platform. Assume each hanger rod exerts a force of20 kips (combined dead and live load). Use RISA to design the struc ture using these highly simplified criteria. • • • • The maximum downward deflection of the structure should not exceed 2 inches. No single horizontal reaction should exceed 60 kips. No single vertical reaction should exceed 30 kips. All members should be steel Wl4x74 wide flanges. Attempt to modify your design to make it the lightest structure in the class that meets the performance criteria and constraints. These constraints are of course highly artificial; in particular, they completely ignore the issue of member sizing. This is a deliberate move to emphasize thinking about the relationship between structural configuration and behavior. As students finish the tutorial and begin to de sign, the room fills with a buzz of conversation. Typically, the first attempt does not work. Each pair of students must then change the structure to improve its performance. Students typically analyze ten or more proposals by the end of the ninety-minute session, and have engaged in extended discussions (sometimes arguments) about structural concepts. The Follow-up. Following the lab, I spend time clarifying the following important points and limitations. The problem highlighted some important aspects of design: • Design is a process of search within a constrained space. • Design is iterative and cyclic, not linear and direct. • Some things just don't work. The problem had good and bad points: Good: Allows broad exploration of design space, focusing on behavior rather than calculation details. Bad: The problem was pure model manipulation without any sense of a real structure and how it would be detailed for construction, braced in three dimensions, or how the structure would look in an architectural context. It was a "stress invaders" video game. Good: The problem allowed you to discover why trusses are used, and how to look carefully at the assumptions and constraints of a problem. Bad: The constraints were very incomplete, since they did not include checking the strength of the members, particularly buckling. Good: The problem offers an opportunity to show the value of back-of-an-envelope calculations to make decisions about overall form. We'll look at this. I then go to the board to explain successful approaches. Designs with lightest weight typi cally have a profile similar to those shown below. I derive the moment diagram for the load and span condition and show that the profile of successful structures is similar to the shape ofthe moment diagram in that its depth varies as the moment diagram varies. The moment diagram can also be used to calculate the required depth of the structure at the support. That depth times the maximum allowable horizontal reaction should equal the maximum moment for the cantilever. This calculation is an example of a back of-the-envelope calculation that an experienced engineer would do, interpreting the global stat ics of the situation to estimate bounds and overall form. Conclusions. Ninety minutes is not much time to learn a computer program, but learning to use the computer is not the main objective of this exercise. Students develop familiarity with the program which allows me to use it to explain the behavior of trusses, arches, and frames. Be yond the computer, the exercise demonstrates in miniature that structural design is an iterative process of generation, evaluation, and critical assessment: a point that can be difficult to demon strate in an introductory course. Ultimately, this small example illustrates my personal stance toward calculating and computing: We learn to calculate not to do complex calculations, but to understand behavior and make informed high-level decisions, leaving the more detailed calcu lations to the computer. Each tool is more powerful used in conjunction with the other. .{Yr t·Olf. ···l itw··· 4- A Forum for Teachers of Technology in Schools ofArchitecture UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Department ofArchitecture 1206 University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1206 © 200 I University of Oregon An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request (541) 346-3656 Connector Spring 2001. Volume X. No.1 Christine Theodoropoulos, University of Oregon [email protected] lntennediate studios are an ideal setting to address the de sign ofbuilding technologies, yet it can be difficult to convince students to focus on technical possibilities. In their experience, the design process usually begins with a site and a program. The analysis of these givens uncovers so many issues to resolve that technical decisions are often delayed until the concluding weeks of the tenn when they compete with the time crunch of final presentations. Designing backwards is an instructional strategy that de lays the introduction ofa building application until students have creatively addressed other challenges. At the University of Oregon a studio on tensile structures taught by Scott Howe and Christine Theodoropoulos began by developing an understand ing of tensile structures through models and case studies. Stu dent teams then designed a building system that could accom modate a variety of space types. Specific sites and programs were not introduced until the final weeks of the tenn when stu dents tested their building systems in response to one of several design competitions. Collapsing frame with tensile membranes by Adam M. Olsen
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