Buy a Lulav, and support Parent Council!


Buy a Lulav, and support Parent Council!
The first night of sukkot is Sunday, September 27
Buy a Lulav, and support Parent Council!
FJA, in conjunction with Coby’s Judaica, is offering
a special lulav set for only $50.
By buying through FJA Parent Council you will:
! have a beautiful lulav & etrog set this Sukkot
! save on the regular price for a set
! support Parent Council
Orders must be placed by Wednesday, September 9.
Return the form below along with a check made payable to
Frankel Jewish Academy to the FJA office.
The Lulav & Etrog orders can be picked up at Coby's Judaica
(located inside the JCC)
*Thursday, September 24th (11:00am – 6:00pm)
*Friday, September 25th (10:00am – 3:00pm).
** Note: All orders not picked up by 3:00pm Friday, September 25th will be donated. **
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent’s name: ________________________ Student’s name: ______________________
Parent Cell Phone: ____________________________
Parent E-mail: ________________________________________
Number of lulav sets (@ $50) _______
I have attached a check for $__________
(Please make check payable to Frankel Jewish Academy, with “Lulav” in the memo line.)
The Lulav & Etrog orders can be picked up at Coby's Judaica (inside the JCC)
Thursday, September 24th (11:00am – 6:00pm)
Friday, September 25th (10:00am – 3:00pm).
** Note: All orders not picked up by 3:00pm Friday, September 25th will be donated. **