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talk - SPaCIoS
Model-Based Vulnerability Testing for Web Applications F. Lebeau, B. Legeard, F. Peureux, A. VERNOTTE FEMTO-ST Institute / University of Franche-Comté UMR CNRS 6174, 25030 Besancon, France. Smartesting R&D Center, 25000 Besancon, France. SecTest 2013, Luxembourg March 22, 2013 A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 1 / 22 Table of contents Introduction Current Dynamic Application Security Testing Techniques Model-Based Vulnerability Testing Detailed Process with Example Discussion Conclusion A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 2 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Web evolution and Security Continued growth and complexity of the internet: I increasing ubiquity of uses (banking, e-commerce, social...) I increasing combination of technologies (server, client) → maintaining security is a real challenge An urgent issue: Web Application vulnerabilities The later a vulnerability is found, the more expensive it is to fix. ⇒ Vulnerability discovery part of the development process. Two main techniques: I SAST: Static Application Security Testing I DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 3 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Web evolution and Security Continued growth and complexity of the internet: I increasing ubiquity of uses (banking, e-commerce, social...) I increasing combination of technologies (server, client) → maintaining security is a real challenge An urgent issue: Web Application vulnerabilities The later a vulnerability is found, the more expensive it is to fix. ⇒ Vulnerability discovery part of the development process. Two main techniques: I SAST: Static Application Security Testing I DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing Penetration Testing Scanners A. Vernotte et al. Fuzzing Model-Based Security Testing MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 3 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Current DAST techniques Manual/Tool-Based Penetration testing Strengths I Precise and Reliable to detect design flaws I Based on insights and experience Weaknesses I Fastidious (thorough testing for XSS) I Constant need of manpower and expertise I Based on insights and experience D. Allan, Web application security: automated scanning versus manual penetration testing, Somers, IBM White Paper, 2008 A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 4 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Current DAST techniques (2) Vulnerability Scanners Strengths I Point-and-shoot solutions I Efficient for a majority of technical vulnerabilities Weaknesses I Suffer from a fair amount of false positives I Struggle with complex vulnerabilities (Multi-step XSS) I Struggle with vulnerabilities related to business logic A. Doupé et. al., Why Johnny can’t pentest: An analysis of black-box web vulnerability scanners, Journal of Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, pp 111–131, Springer, 2010 A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 5 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Current DAST techniques (3) Black-box Fuzzing Strengths I Low cost solution I Efficient to spot unattended behaviors (or “black swans”) Weaknesses I Weak Oracle (crashes, freezes) I Improving the Oracle is challenging R. McNally et. al., Fuzzing: The State of the Art: DSTO-TN-1043, DSTO Formal Reports, 2012 A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 6 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Existing DAST techniques (4) Model-Based Security Testing Strengths I Efficient to address functional security properties I Automation capacity I Handle well application evolution Weaknesses I Needed effort to provide models I Needed effort to develop a concretization layer I. Schieferdecker, Model-Based Fuzz Testing, Invited talk of the 5th IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2012 A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 7 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Model-Based Vulnerability Testing (MBVT) MBVT: Vulnerability testing based on models and test patterns. Goal: Improve the accuracy and precision of vulnerability testing. Precision Accuracy Capability to focus on the relevant part of the software (e.g. from a risk assessment point of view) depending on the targeted vulnerability types. A. Vernotte et al. Capability to avoid both false positive and false negative. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 8 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion MBVT Overall Process This MBVT approach is composed of 4 activities: 1. Test purpose definition 2. Model design 3. Test generation 4. Concretization, test execution and verdict assignment A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 9 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Challenge: Multi-step XSS Discovery A1 - Injection A6 - Sensitive Data Exposure A2 - Broken Authentication and Session Management A7 - Missing Function Level Access Control OWASP TOP 10 2013 A3 - Cross-Site A4 - Insecure Scripting (XSS) Direct Object References A8 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) A9 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities A5 - Security Misconfiguration A10 - Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards Multi-step XSS is a challenging vulnerability for automated tools1 . → It requires knowledge from the targeted application. This MBVT approach deals with this class of vulnerability, by applying a “Def/Use” approach (All-def criterion). Experiments have been conducted on WackoPicko. 1 J Bau et. al., State of the Art: Automated Black-Box Web Application Vulnerability Testing, 2010. A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 10 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion 1 - Test Purpose Definition Vulnerability Test Patterns (vTP) are the entry-point of MBVT: I Based on a study from the ITEA2 DIAMONDS project I Express testing needs and procedure to highlight a breach The goal is to translate vTP into a machine-readable language. ⇒ Reuse of the Smartesting Test Purpose Language 2 : I Designed for security means I Textual language based on regular expressions I Reasons in term of states to be reach and operations to be called 2 J Botella et. al., MBT of Cryptographic Components, Lessons Learned from Experience, ICST 2013. A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 11 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Test Purpose for Multi-step XSS Name Description Objective(s) Translation from vTP to test purposes Prerequisites Procedure Oracle Variant(s) Known Issue(s) Affiliated vTP Reference(s) Multi-step XSS ... Detect if an input can embed malicious datum enabling a Multi-step XSS attack. N/A Identify a sensible user input, inject the malicious datum <script>alert(rxss)</script>. Find the page where the input is rendered, and check if a message box ’rxss’ appears. ... ... Reflected XSS ... A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 12 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion 2 - Model Design MBVT behavioral notation is based on UML4MBT3 . A generic class diagram depicts the structure of the SUT: pages, actions, and in/out data (following the def/use concept). MBVT also requires: I Class Diagrams: defines the static aspect of the SUT I Object Diagrams: defines the initial state of the SUT I State Diagrams: defines the dynamic of the SUT 3 F Bouquet et. al., A subset of precise UML for model-based testing, 2007. A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 13 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Modeling: WackoPicko Example Class Diagram Statemachine A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 14 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion 3 - Test Generation Test cases are generated using Smartesting CertifyIt. Test generation process is driven by test purposes and models: I Test generator unfolds test purposes I Models give the path to follow in order to reach each stages of a given test purpose Result: A suite of abstract vulnerability test cases A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 15 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion 4 - Execution and Verdict Assignment Human Intervention during concretization: I List of malicious vectors (xml file) I Body of the SUT’s operations (HTTP level, Browser level) Observation Technique for XSS: crawl the source page to see if the injected vector has been sanitized. Test terminology dedicated to Vulnerability Testing: I Test verdict is OK → Attack-pass: System is vulnerable I Test verdict is KO → Attack-fail: System is resistant A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 16 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Early Results on WackoPicko Experiment on Multi-Step XSS testing: I I 1 test purpose 2 abstract test cases: I I I 210 test executions: I I login input comment input 105 variants retrieved from OWASP’s XSS Cheat Sheet Results: I I All failed for login input 85 Successes / 20 fails for comment input Concordant with our manual experiments. ⇒ 0 false positive, 0 false negative A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 17 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Early Results on a real application Application Under Test presentation: I Virtual Learning Environment I Highly used by french learning academies (> 90%) I More than 15000 users Experiment on Multi-Step XSS testing: I 1 test purpose I 11 abstract test cases I 1155 test executions: I I I 105 variants retrieved from OWASP’s XSS Cheat Sheet 16 steps per test case 8 steps between injection and observation Concordant with our manual experiments. ⇒ 0 false positive, 0 false negative A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 18 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Discussion MBVT appears as an accurate and precise technique. It also has its limitations, inherited from MBT: I Needed effort to provide Models I Needed effort to design Adaptation Potential solutions: I Use of a behavioral crawler to infer most parts of models I Use of User traces to complement the results of the crawler I Identify the reusability capacity of each artifact A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 19 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Discussion MBVT does not suit every vulnerability type. ⇒ MBVT Scope based on OWASP TOP 10 2013: A1 - Injection A2 - Broken Authentication and Session Management Legend A3 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Done A4 - Insecure Direct Object References Doable A5 - Security Misconfiguration Out of scope A6 - Sensitive Data Exposure Under study A7 - Missing Function Level Access Control A8 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) A9 - Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities A10 - Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 20 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Conclusion and Future Works MBVT is a novel technique for Dynamic Application Security Testing. Goal To improve the precision and accuracy of vulnerability testing. Limitations Needed effort to provide models and design adaptation layer. First Approach I vTP into Test purposes I Modeling of the SUT I Test cases fed with a vectors battery Work in Progress Model inference, User traces, generic artefacts, test purposes extensions, real-life applications experiments. A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 21 / 22 Introduction SoTA MBVT Process Discussion Conclusion Thank you for your attention Source - A. Vernotte et al. MBVT for Web Applications - SecTest’13 22 / 22