Fall into Learning! - University of Missouri
Fall into Learning! - University of Missouri
Fall 2015 September 21st – December 13th Issue #168 Fall into Learning! Beyond DIY • Learn To Knit p. 3 • Bookbinding p. 4 • French For Travelers p.17 • Bread Sculpture p. 5 Get Fit • Start Running p. 28 • Tai Chi for Arthritis p. 24 • West Coast Swing p. 9 Computers • Computer Literacy p. 17 • Enter the Blogosphere p. 12 Let’s Perform • Acting Workshop p. 11 • Stand-up Comedy p. 11 SIGN-UP ANYTIME ONLINE: Http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu 2 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTS—3 ARTS & CRAFTS............................................3 DANCE............................................................8 MUSIC...........................................................10 PERFORMANCE........................................... 11 WRITING & READING..................................12 SKILLS & STUDIES—13 MONEY.........................................................13 BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION.................14 PRACTICAL SKILLS.....................................17 HOME & GARDEN........................................17 LANGUAGE ..................................................17 PEOPLE’S LAW............................................18 COMPUTERS................................................18 SCIENCE & PHILOSOPHY...........................18 HISTORY & CULTURE..................................20 CAREERS.....................................................20 FOOD—22 PANTRY........................................................22 ETHNIC ........................................................22 DRINK...........................................................23 REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 People teaching people since 1970 Communiversity has been an integral part of the fabric of Kansas City since 1970. This is the Fall 2015 issue #168. Communiversity is published three times per year in August, January and May. Each issue of this catalog introduces new courses, activities and ways of thinking to encourage learning and community. People teaching people is an important part of the Communiversity story and this program would not exist without the numerous conveners who eagerly share their knowledge, hobbies and experiences with fellow Kansas Citians. Communiversity Staff Karen English, Director of Communiversity Vincent Tabb, Office Support Assistant Graphics UMKC is an affirmative action/equal Heather Burton, guest artist opportunity institution. Thanks Thank you to our many supporters including the individuals and organizations who have opened their homes and businesses to house the courses taught in this program. Thank you to Communiverstiy Catalog special advisor and former Editor, Rick Mareske for his guidance and expertise. Printing and binding of Communiversity Catalog by Tribune Publishing on recycled paper. Karen English Karen is the new Director of UMKC’s Communiversity program but she is no stranger to the university. Karen has served as the Director of Advancement for the College of Arts and Sciences for fifteen years and she is very proud to work at the University and calls UMKC her home. HEALTH—24 YOGA & TAI CHI...........................................24 MASSAGE.....................................................25 NUTRITION...................................................26 HEALING.......................................................26 FITNESS.......................................................28 BEAUTY........................................................28 “The Communiversity program is important because of its long tradition and healthy following among the Kansas City community. It’s a very unique program that you can’t find in other places. I am excited to continue this great tradition and to begin tying it in with our talented pool of local alumni.” ME & YOU—28 SINGLES.......................................................28 RELATIONSHIPS..........................................28 SELF DEVELOPMENT.................................28 SELF HEALING.............................................30 If you are interested in teaching a class in the future, or if you have course offerings you’d like to INNER PATHS—31 SPIRITUALITY..............................................31 MEDITATION.................................................31 PSYCHIC.......................................................32 PHILOSOPHY...............................................34 OUTER PATHS—36 MARTIAL ARTS.............................................36 RECREATION...............................................36 TRIPS & TOURS...........................................36 SOCIAL CONCERNS....................................36 ONLINE CLASSES—32 ED2GO/COMMUNIVERSITY........................32 CALENDAR BY DAY.....................................34 REGISTRATION FORM................................35 UPCOMING DEADLINES: FALL CLASSES BEGIN: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 WINTER ISSUE CLASS & AD DEADLINE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 WINTER CLASSES BEGIN: MONDAY, JANUARY 18 Under Karen’s direction, the Communiversity program will combine tradition with innovation. She plans to stay loyal to the many classes the program already offers but to also incorporate new ideas and offerings. Vincent Tabb Vincent is a 2015 graduate of UMKC. He came to Kansas City from St. Louis, Missouri. He chose Kansas City and UMKC because it allowed him to both venture out into the world and stay connected to family back home. While an undergraduate student, Vincent was active on campus. He worked in the Chancellor’s office and was a cofounder of the Men of Color on-campus organization. Working in the nonprofit sector is a goal of great importance to Vincent and he is excited to bring his communications experience to the program and to grow his skills and connect with the people of Kansas City. “Assisting the Communiversity program is important to me because of my desire to help build relationships. The people of UMKC were so welcoming to me when I came here and I want to continue that tradition,” Vincent says. Look for a special Computer Literacy class taught by Vincent this fall. See p.17 in the Communiversity catalog. Heather Burton Heather is a sophomore studying studio art at UMKC and the creator of this semester’s catalog cover and the design elements throughout the catalog. “Art has been my number one passion for as long as I can remember,” she says and she recalls taking every art class she could in school. Heather’s passion for art led her to UMKC where she has been able to follow her own path and express herself in her work. She loves to incorporate different textures and materials in her images and says that doing so allows her to enhance the story she is trying to tell. “My inspiration for the cover piece was simple. We were told to draw a hand. We were given no direction or specific instructions about how the hand was to be formed. The “I Love You” hand signal has always signified a great deal of love that words cannot express,” she says. UMKC students are encouraged to submit work for consideration for the catalog. If you are interested in submitting work to be considered for future issues of the catalog and you are a current UMKC student, please contact us. Only original artwork will be considered. art REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU FALL ‘15 3 Arts & Crafts #1005 A, B or C Figure Drawing Join us in a relaxed setting where you can do a lot of figure drawing. We cycle through several quick one-minute gesture drawings, then gradually work up to longer fifteen-minute drawings. This class is open to all levels of artists, beginners to seasoned. This class is non-instructive; guidance and advice is given on request. Easels and drawing horses are provided. Please bring your art materials and supplies and a one-time fee of $45 to the first class for model fee and room rental. CONVENER: Jeff Widener (913-788-3467) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 5 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 23; Sec. B: 5 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, October 28; Sec. C: 5 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, December 02; MEETS: 7:15 PM - 9:15 PM; Buena Vista Studio, 4301 W. 51st St., Roeland Park, Ks, I-35 to Roe; Roe south to 51st Street; 51st Street east to Buena Vista; LIMIT: 12 Online learning anytime, anywhere... just a click away! www.ed2go.com/commu oo #1006 A or B Mixed Media Girls Come meet the new girl in your life! In this acrylic painting class, we will create an adorable mixed media girl. I will walk you through the process of creating a whimsical, folk art girl using mixed media techniques. We will use acrylic paint, india ink, stamps, collage paper, and stencils to create an adorable background. Then, you can freehand your girl or use my templates if you prefer. The end piece normally turns out to be a reflection of yourself which is a really cool process to see evolve. Your girl will make you smile each time you see her in your home. CONVENER: Stacy Krieg Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $30.00 material fee = $40.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, December 05; MEETS: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Livestock Exchange Building, 1600 Genessee, Ste. 408, Kansas City, Mo; LIMIT: 6 #1007 A, B or C #1011 A or B Collage encaustic painting means to burn into a surface using a heat source and beeswax. Encaustic can be just like any other painting method with some practice. The wonderful part about this ancient art form is that it is very versatile and beautiful. In this class, we will learn how to paint with encaustic (beeswax) while we collage photographs, drawings, words, and found objects to create an awesome piece for your home. Class is for beginners to advanced students. Get ready to let go and have some fun! This is a hands-on class intended for those who have basic experience sewing on a home sewing machine. You will learn how to make a 14”x14” pillow cover. Sewing machines provided. A seamstress will be on hand to assist. Students are welcome to bring their own sewing machines and two pieces of 14”x14” fabric. Materials fee of $15 includes a 14”x14” polyester pillow form. Wax On—Wax Off CONVENER: Stacy Krieg Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $30.00 material fee = $40.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 6:00 - 8:00 PM; Sec. B 1 session; Saturday, October 24; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Sec. C: 1 session; Wednesday, November 11; 6:00 - 8:00 PM; MEETS: Livestock Exchange Building, 1600 Genessee, Ste. 408, Kansas City, Mo; LIMIT: 6 #1009 A or B Knitting Basics Knitting is fun, portable and easier than you might think. With some string and two sticks, you can make fabric without a loom, create fitted garments and make intriguing patterns. But first you have to learn to cast on, knit, purl, increase, decrease and bind off. Bring a ball of worsted weight yarn and a pair of number 8, 9, 10 or 11 needles (large ones are easier to work with starting out), and we’ll knit up some good times. CONVENER: Marilyn Evans (816-361-1041) CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 23; Sec. B: 2 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, October 07; MEETS: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Marilyn Evans, 8212 Summit KCMO; LIMIT: 10 Sew a Pillow Cover CONVENER: Cora Campbell (816-841-2783) Email: [email protected] Website: www.everlastingthreads.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 20; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 6 Sec. B: 1 session; Tuesday, November 17; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 6 New Online Easy Sign-up http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ #1012 A or B Learn To Knit Have you ever wanted to learn how to knit? We will learn the basics of casting on, knitting and purling, and cast off. Please bring $20 to class for materials. CONVENER: Kellie Waldron CLASS FEE: $16.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Mondays, beginning, September 28; 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 305, 52nd & Rockhill Road, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 5 Sec. B: 3 sessions; Mondays, beginning, November 02; 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 305, 52nd & Rockhill Road, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 5 4 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS #1013 A or B Fall in Love with Watercolors Even if you have never painted before you can create in this relaxed, peaceful venue. You will enter or continue in the wonderful world of watercolors with this simplified, step-by-step approach. We will cover all of the basics; color selection, palette layout, brushes, paper selection, splattering, wet on wet technique, etc. There will be a demonstration during each class, then handson artwork. Our goal is for you to have a finished painting at the end of each session, i.e. flowers, leaves, trees, landscapes, K.C. Plaza and more. CONVENER: Robert Maurus (816-659-4945) CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $15.00 material fee = $33.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, September 22; 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; First Church of the Nazarene, 11811 State Line Road KCMO 64114; LIMIT: 25 Sec. B: 4 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, September 26; 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 25 #1014 A Create Your Own Mandala Join Jackie Denning and learn a simple, fun way to create a personal mandala. Jackie provides a template, colors and instructions on how to complete your project. This is good for any age. Everyone loves it! CONVENER: Jackie Denning (727-420-2596) Email: [email protected] Website: jackiedenningart.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 5:15 PM - 7:15PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 15 #1015 A Dye Your Own Silk Scarf Jackie Denning will show how to use non-toxic dyes in a simple technique to add permanent color to a silk scarf. This is really fun and playful. Everyone loves them. CONVENER: Jackie Denning (727-420-2596) Email: [email protected] Website: jackiedenningart.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, November 05; 5:15 PM - 7:15PM Location to be announced; LIMIT: 8 #1016 A Carve Your Own Greeting Card Sized Blockprint You will be provided a 4”x6” block similar to linoleum, but more forgiving, and tools to carve and test print one or two designs. The block is yours. You can then take it home and print more to your heart’s content. Great for greeting cards. The sky is the limit on what else you can do with them. CONVENER: Jackie Denning (727-420-2596) Email: [email protected] Website: jackiedenningart.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, November 19;5:15 PM - 7:15PM Location to be announced; LIMIT: 8 REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #1018 A Make Your Own Silkscreen Join local artist and Kansascityscape screenprinter Jackie Denning for a simple class on how to make your own silkscreen. You will be provided an 8”x10” silkscreen and materials to create a permanent screen that can be used over and over at your own home. We use water-based non-toxic materials .You can test print one or two in class if screen is dry enough. A demo will be provided and information on what kind of ink to buy for home use. CONVENER: Jackie Denning (727-420-2596) Email: [email protected] Website: jackiedenningart.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 22; 5:15 PM - 7:15PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 10 #1019 A Mandala Ornament Workshop We will make small mandalas that are decorative and fun and can be strung up around the house or office. It will add nondenominational festivity to any situation. Easy and simple to do, but always looks fabulous. CONVENER: Jackie Denning (727-420-2596) Email: [email protected] Website: jackiedenningart.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, November 12; 5:15 PM - 7:15PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 11 #1020 A Bookbinding: Pocket Journal Looking for an analog (ink on paper) equivalent to your Digital device (smartphone, tablet or e-reader)? This little book is perfect for carrying in your pocket or bag to keep track of your schedule or jotting down anything from your brilliant ideas to your grocery list. The Hedgehog is an unabashed knock-off of the popular Moleskine journals and demonstrates the basics of hand-bookbinding. Please send $20 for handout and materials to The Craftboy Workshop at the address below. #1022 A or B Letterpress Holiday Greeting Cards Impress the folks on your holiday card list with a handmade, hand-printed greeting. In this workshop you will get an introduction to printing with handset metal type, decorative ornaments and vintage images. Expect to print about 20 4-1/4” x 5-1/2” folded note cards. Please bring $20 to class for materials. Chuck, a production manager for a book publisher in Kansas City, has practiced papermaking, letterpress printing and bookbinding for nearly 20 years. CONVENER: Chuck Harper (816-547-1176) Email: [email protected] Website: www.craftboyworkshop.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Beginning Saturday, December 05; 9:00 AM - 1:00 AM; Craftboy Workshop, 5622 Locust Street KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 6 Sec. B: 1 session; Beginning Saturday, December 05; 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM; Craftboy Workshop, 5622 Locust Street KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 6 #1023 A Aran Crochet Intro Lovely cable overlay stitches aren’t hard and rival the beauty of their knitted cousins (without two sticks and cable holders and all that mess). You only need to know basic double crochet. This is the first class in a series with progressively more complex designs. The next classes will be a poncho or cape and the last classes will be a project of your choice. Keep in touch with me or thestudiokc.com for more details. CONVENER: Nirmal Kaur Khalsa (816-753-1781) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 30; 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM; The Studio Knitting & Needlepoint, 9555 Nall, Overland Park, KS; LIMIT: 12 CONVENER: Chuck Harper (816-547-1176) Email: [email protected] Website: www.craftboyworkshop.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM; MEETS: Craftboy Workshop, 5622 Locust Street KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 4 Online learning anytime, anywhere... Just a click away! www.ed2go.com/commu oo #1021 A Letterpress Stationery Using a vintage printing press and individual pieces of hand-set metal type, create some luxurious stationery notecards perfect to give away as a gift or to keep for yourself. This relief printing process is the same technology that Johannes Gutenberg used in the 15th century to create the first printed Bible, but it’s widely used today for upscale social stationery, such as business cards, greeting cards, and invitations. Chuck is a production manager for a book publisher in Kansas City and has been practicing the “book arts” for more than 15 years. Please send $20 for handout and materials to The Craftboy Workshop at the address below. CONVENER: Chuck Harper (816-547-1176) Email: [email protected] Website: www.craftboyworkshop.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM; MEETS: Craftboy Workshop, 5622 Locust Street KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 4 #1024 A Learn to Crochet Cozy up with a crochet hook and some yarn and learn all the basic stitches: chain, single, double and treble. From there you can make afghans, scarves, hats, dresses, baby clothes, purses, decorations, boxes, or whatever you can imagine. Bring your own supplies or buy them at class. Nirmal has been crocheting ever since her grandmother taught her at age seven. CONVENER: Nirmal Kaur Khalsa (816-753-1781) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, October 03; 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM; The Studio Knitting & Needlepoint, 9555 Nall, Overland Park, KS; LIMIT: 8 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU #1025 A Register Online Crochet for the Beginner Always wanted to learn how to crochet, but books and videos aren’t for you? During this course, all the basics will be covered in a personal and interactive setting. The end result is a scarf you made and can wear all winter long. Topics covered will include: choosing a pattern, picking the perfect yarn, reading the pattern, hold the yarn and hook, basic stitches and abbreviations, beginning chain first row and beyond and finishing touches. The first class will be in a store so hooks and yarn can be selected and purchased by you. Store’s name and location will be sent before first class. FALL ‘15 5 http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ 816-838-0660 CONVENER: Maggie St. John CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $15.00 material fee = $33.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Thursdays, beginning, October 08; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 305, 52nd & Rockhill Road, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1026 A Bread Sculpture 101 Learn to make a delicious edible centerpiece for any occasion from French bread dough. We’ll make our sculptures from premade dough and make up a batch of dough from scratch to take home and freeze for later use. Projects can be eaten or varnished to preserve. Bring a clean pair of scissors to class. CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, November 11; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 T The Writers Place ake your writing to the next level in our writing workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Taught by working writers, they’re perfect for beginners, inspiring for everyone. The Writers Place 3607 Pennsylvania Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 753-1090 Learn Pottery! Back Door Pottery Overworked or Stressed Out? POTS Take A Pottery Class! CLIP THIS COUPON Classes on Tuesdays—7-9 PM Personalized instruction • Adult classes: M-Th, 6-9 pm, Tue. 10-1 pm, Sat. 9:30 am - 12:30 pm • Kids classes every Saturday • Friday & Saturday “Fun Nights” • Workshops and exhibits • Raku Firing events • Adult and kid parties • Events for non-profit orgs 816-363-1373 Studio by appointment 816-483-6964 backdorpottery.com hours: M-Th, 10-9p, F-Sa, 10-10p, Su, 1-5p BRING A FRIEND: Buy One Get One Free offer with this ad www.kcclayguild.org 200 W. 74th St. KCMO 3922 St. John, Kansas City, Mo., 64123 writersplace.org We offer hand-building & wheel throwing for children and adults. Drop in for a free tour... our volunteer staff would love to meet you! 6 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS #1027 A Intro to Silk Screening Students will learn about the variety of silk screening techniques available to the home artist. We will learn the basics of silk screening by hand. Each student will make their own original print on fabric or T-shirt. Please bring a solid white fabric or T-shirt to class. Ages 10 and up. CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, November 17; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1028 A or B Watercolors 1 Explore the wonderful world of watercolors in this beginners class. Students will learn several techniques and implement them in the picture we will be painting today.The first in a series of 4. Each will cover different techniques and subjects. CONVENER: Marla DiBenedetto Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 15 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, October 24; 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 15 #1029 A Watercolor 2 Learn new techniques in this session which builds on the previous class. Students will take home a completed picture using techniques learned. CONVENER: Marla DiBenedetto Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 31; 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 15 #1030 A Watercolor 3 REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing. ~Rollo May #1032 A Holiday Watercolor Cards Join me for an afternoon of designing and painting your own watercolor holiday cards which you’ll be proud to have copied and mailed to family and friends. CONVENER: Marla DiBenedetto Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $12.00 material fee = $22.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, November 14; 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 15 #1033 A, B or C Life Drawing Accented With Props Variety of models posing with assorted props to add interest. Occasionally models do artist themes, (for example Egon Schiele). First hour short poses from 1 minute to 10 minutes. Remaining 2 hours filled with 20 to 30 minute poses, sometimes ending with an hour pose. Besides interactive props, occasionally models will pose in costume or street clothes for those wanting source material for paintings. We are also open to requests for settings/ themes. Easels, tables and drawing horses are provided. Bring your own art supplies. $20 due at first session. CONVENER: Kent Van Dusseldorp (816-210-4778) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, September 26; Sec. B: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, October 24; Sec. C: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, November 28; MEETS: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Buena Vista Studio, 4301 West 51st Street Roeland Park, KS 66205; LIMIT: 12 A continuation of watercolor 2. Learn even more new techniques to use and implement in the picture of the day. CONVENER: Marla Di Benedetto Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, November 07; 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 15 #1031 A Watercolor 4 Here in the final installment of this watercolor series. We will add a few more techniques and implement them in our picture of the day. CONVENER: Marla Di Benedetto Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, December 05; 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 15 #1035 A Life Drawing Class With Teacher Strengthen your life drawing through the study of classical techniques. Working from the live model, we will begin with quick gesture drawings and build up to longer poses. A great class for all levels of draftspersons, this course will provide focused instruction and critiques to help you take your life drawing to the next level. Easels and drawing horses are provided. Bring 18” x 24” newsprint, vine or willow charcoal, compressed charcoal, kneaded eraser and $20 to cover model and space rent. Buena Vista Studio, 4301 W. 51st St., Roeland Park, Ks, 66205 October 4, 1:00 to 4:00pm CONVENER: Kent Van Dusseldorp (816-210-4778) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Sunday, October 04; 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Buena Vista Studio, 4301 W. 51st St., Roeland Park, Ks, I-35 to Roe; Roe south to 51st Street; 51st Street east to Buena Vista; LIMIT: 10 #1036 A Holiday Pop-Up Greeting Cards Learn to make greeting cards that will “Wow” your friends and family. I will teach you three basic pop-up greeting card styles. Expand your idea of holiday cards to include Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, New Year’s, Festivus etc. Students will leave the class with 3 cards to mail to three special people. Glue-stick, scissors, markers, stamps, stamp pads and stickers will be provided to be used in the classroom. CONVENER: John Sims (831-251-0898) Email: [email protected] Website: http://jscards.typepad.com/ CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $30.00 material fee = $40.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 24; 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 10 #1037 A Gourd Snowman Ornament #1034 A Holiday Painted Glassware Enjoy designing and painting glasses and plates to adorn your own table or give as gifts this holiday season. Class includes 2 glasses and 2 plates. Additional glassware may be ordered in advance. CONVENER: Marla Di Benedetto Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $18.00 material fee = $28.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, December 12; 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 15 Turn these cute little bottle neck gourds into a snowman ornament that will melt your heart. All the supplies need to adorn this sweet character are provided. Bring $15 to class for materials. CONVENER: Sheryl Godsy (816-287-1531) Email: [email protected] Website: www.daretodabble.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, December 03; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Dare to Dabble, 1329 Swift, North Kansas City, Mo 64116; LIMIT: 10 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU #1039 A #1042 A It’s better with leather. Learn basic skills to create a simple tooled leather wrist band. You will be able to stamp a design and dye this project, as well as learn about leather resources and techniques. Presenters are Mike, owner of Thomas Leatherworks, and Sheryl, creativity coach, owner of Dare to Dabble. Learn the surprising art you can create with alcohol inks! Sheryl Godsy - Dare to Dabble Creative Coach, will walk you through the steps of making a dreamscape scene with inks. We’ll provide the ambiance to inspire your creativity, the supplies and a couple hours of relaxing Dare to Dabble art experience! Best of all, at the end of this class you will have a finished dreamscape tile to take home and brag about. Bring $20 to class for materials. FALL ‘15 7 Alcohol Inks—Dreamscape Intro to Leathercraft CONVENER: Sheryl Godsy & Mike Godsy (816-287-1531) Email: [email protected] Website: www.daretodabble.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, November 19; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Dare to Dabble, 1329 Swift, North Kansas City, Mo 64116; LIMIT: 6 #1040 A Upcycled Owl with an Attitude We’ll be hand-stitching and stuffing this hoot of a character. Using upcycled wool fabric and vintage buttons, you can create your own little owl with attitude. Bring $15 to class for materials. CONVENER: Sheryl Godsy (816-287-1531) Email: [email protected] Website: www.daretodabble.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 22; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Dare to Dabble, 1329 Swift, North Kansas City, Mo 64116; LIMIT: 10 CONVENER: Sheryl Godsy (816-287-1531) Email: [email protected] Website: www.daretodabble.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 30; 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Dare to Dabble, 1329 Swift, North Kansas City, Mo 64116; LIMIT: 10 #1043 A 3925 Main, KCMO 64111 School of dance, professional dance company and producer of dance since 1985 Tie Dye Learn three simple techniques for making groovy tie-dye T-shirts. We’ll use cold water Procion dyes creating brilliant permanent color. Bring three pre-washed 100% cotton T-shirts and rubber gloves to class. fall Session Begins CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, November 03; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO; LIMIT: 10 Fall Classes for Beginning Adults August 29th Specials Available The fall schedule includes these new classes and many more: Pre-ballet and Creative Movement, Storybook Dance, Math Dance for Children, Ballet, Modern Dance, Jazz Dance, Tap for adults and kids, Afro-Aerobic dance, Belly Dance Technique, Burlesque, Clowning, East Coast Swing, Flamenco, Hip Hop for Kids and adults, Indian Dance, Social Dancing, World Dance Fusion, and Yoga/Pilates Blend. Youth: Mixed Media Stop Motion Animation • Character Development • Constructing with Color A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Now offering 20% discount for new students! Call 816-802-3333 for class and discount information. Learn more at www.kcai.edu/artforeveryone. KCAI offers community education classes for ages 6 to adult. Daytime, evening and weekend classes are available. The new student discount applies to all non-credit fall classes. All skill levels welcome! High School: Portfolio Preparation • Figure Drawing • The Blog Class Adult: Beginning Oil Painting • Intaglio Investigations • Sculptural Ceramics The KCAI School for Continuing Studies also offers certificate programs in graphic design, multimedia studies and photography. For a complete schedule Call 816-561-2882 or visit: www.cityinmotion.org Save the Dates! school for Continuing & Professional Studies New location: 32 E. 46th St. Kansas City, MO 64112 – On the corner of 46th and Walnut Dance in the Park September 12th, 2015 8 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #1044 A or B #1048 A, B, C or D #1102 A or B In the first session, we will learn basic handbuilding techniques and produce pieces to be bisqued, glazed and raku-fired. In the second session we’ll glaze fire our hand-built work. Be prepared to cut some wood and stoke the kiln to maintain temperature of 1950° F. The pots can be completed in the afternoon. Please send $35 for materials and firing to Back Door Pottery. If we have blowing rains, we will reschedule the second meeting. Rain alone will not cancel the firing. You may bring lunch or hotdogs to roast. This class is aimed at playing with the materials, learning the tools and finding out that this is the most addictive art form ever.The course covers tools for nipping, cutting, proper adhesives and substrates. Students will be introduced to a wide variety of materials exploring both traditional and contemporary techniques. This comprehensive class offers a strong foundation for constructing interior mosaics. Love the dance shows on TV and cinema? Take a step in the direction of dancing like the stars. You will be able to dance at office functions and parties after this introductory class. You will learn the foxtrot, waltz, swing, rumba and a bonus dance of your choice. This is a perfect class to prepare for upcoming weddings. Bring your guests and in-laws. Toi is a former ballroom competitor. Please bring $5 to each class for room rental. Wood Fired RAKU CONVENER: Rebecca Koop (816-808-2789) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, October 17; Sec. B: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, November 07; MEETS: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM; Back Door Pottery, 3922 St. John Ave., KCMO, 64123; LIMIT: 10 #1045 A Make a Beaded Bracelet and Matching Earrings Learn how to make compatible bead combinations to create a stunning bracelet and earring set designed by you. Learn about various styles of clasps and findings for bracelet construction. All materials included. CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $20.00 material fee = $30.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 22; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 #1046 A Make a Day of the Dead Decorative Mask Halloween and Day of the Dead are everyone’s favorite holidays. Am I right? They certainly offer the most interesting options for décor. We’ll sculpt a whimsical skull mask out of terra cotta clay to add to your holiday decorations. Your creation will be earthy and awesome as is or ready for you to paint in colorful DOD fashion. CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 + $20.00 material fee = $34.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, September 29; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 #1047 A or B Henna: Temporary Indian Tattoos Learn about the history of henna and several ways to apply it. We’ll practice application, look at traditional and modern designs, learn how to use henna for natural tanning and also how to grow the plant. Sabira learned this art of adorning the different parts of the body with temporary tattoos (henna) at a very young age. Ajay and Sabira use their skills to promote the Indian culture through this medium. Material fee is for henna kit and a booklet. CONVENER: Ajay Sood & Sabira Sood (913-268-3608 or 913-963-1787) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 28; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 12 Sec. B: 1 session; Friday, November 13; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 12 Mosaic Basics CONVENER: Laura Rendlen Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $35.00 material fee = $45.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 24; 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Laura Rendlen Studio, 1709 Belleview KCMO 64114; LIMIT: 10 Sec. B: 1 session; Wednesday, October 28; 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM; Laura Rendlen Studio, 1709 Belleview KCMO 64114; LIMIT: 10 Sec. C: 1 session; Saturday, November 07; 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Laura Rendlen Studio, 1709 Belleview KCMO 64114; LIMIT: 10 Sec. D: 1 session; Wednesday, November 11; 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM; Laura Rendlen Studio, 1709 Belleview KCMO 64114; LIMIT: 10 #1049 A Wine & Watercolors Paint and Sip Adventure Join the adventure of painting in watercolor in a relaxed, social environment and take home a finished painting at the end of the two-hour session. No prior experience is needed. All painting supplies provided with $15 fee. Step-by-step guidance by Marcia Willman, watercolor and plein air artist. BYOB. Wine & Watercolors is a recipe for amusement with a sense of accomplishment. http://Marcia willman.com/wine-watercolors/ “I have loved every one of my Wine & Watercolor classes. I always leave with my own masterpiece and a sense of accomplishment.” Trudy H. CONVENER: Marcia Willman Fine Art CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Beginning Saturday, October 03, 2015; 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM; French and Music House, 4118 Baltimore, KCMO 64111; LIMIT: 8 Dance #1101 A or B Argentine Tango This dance originated in Argentina and is one of the most popular dances in America. Learn to dance this passionate dance step-by-step starting with the basics and ending with very impressive but simple combinations. No experience required, nor do you need a partner. We will have a practice party (Milonga) each Wednesday to give you a chance to try your new tango skills. Please bring $5 to each class for room rental. Come join the fabulous tango community in Kansas City! CONVENER: Toi Shaw (816-305-2931) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Mondays, beginning, September 21; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 4 sessions; Mondays, beginning, October 26; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 Beginning Ballroom Dance CONVENER: Toi Shaw (816-305-2931) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, September 22; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 4 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, October 27; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 #1103 A or B East Coast Swing We’ve got rhythm! We’ve got music—swing music! From 40’s swing music to rhythm and blues, we’ll do it all! Are you ready to put the bounce in your step? This beginning to intermediate swing class features many fun and flashy variations. It’s so much fun, you won’t notice what a great workout you’re getting! Please bring $5 to each class for room rental. CONVENER: Toi Shaw (816-305-2931) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, September 22; 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 4 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, October 27; 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 #1104 A or B Salsa! It’s time to heat up with one of the most popular dances on the dance floor today. With the resurgence of Latin and Cuban music, this dance has become a phenomenon. We will start with basic moves, adding technique and style as we become comfortable with leading and following. No partner is necessary. There are many venues in which to practice your new-found salsa skills. Please bring $5 to each class for room rental. CONVENER: Toi Shaw (816-305-2931) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 23; 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 4 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, October 28; 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU #1105 A or B West Coast Swing This type of swing dance is a smooth dance done to many types of music. Traditionally danced to rhythm and blues, it has now branched out to country, rock, disco and funk. It is danced on a slot, allowing each partner freedom of expression. We will start with the basic pattern and add a new pattern weekly. No partner necessary. Review each week! Bring $5 per meeting for room rental. CONVENER: Kyle Patel CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Sundays, beginning, September 27; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 4 sessions; Sundays, beginning, November 01; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 Give a Gift of Learning You can now send Communiversity gift certificates to your friends online for any amount. http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ 816-235-1448 #1109 A Rhythm Workshop with Women of the Drum Here is a chance to get in the groove with a hands-on workshop with Regina Compernolle and Women of the Drum. We will provide a variety of percussion instruments and teach simple rhythms and vocal patterns to weave into a complex tapestry of sound. We’ll also incorporate your newly learned skills to improvise and create a new sound. Bring your own percussion instrument or use one of ours. CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Sunday, September 27; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 8 #1110 A World Folk Dancers of Kansas City Folk dancing can be a visit to the past. Sometimes it combines modern music with old dances. It is a way to exercise with music, and have fun at the same time. Folk dancing is a window to other cultures. CONVENER: Vivian Hunt & Henry Temchin (816-756-2952) CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $30.00 material fee = $48.00 Sec. A: 10 sessions; Fridays, beginning, October 02; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Immanuel Lutheran Church, Luther Hall, 1700 Westport Rd.Kansas City, Mo 64111, Use back door on north side of church.; LIMIT: 25 #1106 A or B #1111 A A partner dance for modern ballads. It became popular in the early 80’s in California as an alternative to dancing alone to the slower songs. It has basic patterns that all can follow. Turns for the adventurous. Lots of room to improvise once you have the basics. It can be very romantic or modern depending on the song. Lady in Red was the first Night Club Two Step song. Bring $5 per meeting for room rental. Inspired by the world music/fusion movement, this class will present a sampler of contemporary ethnic and fusion dance forms, urban Gypsy fusion, rumbera, Latin, pop, pirate/port, Bollywood, Polynesian/Hula fusion, tropical, Caribbean, etc.). Learn universal and ethnic dance moves, traditional and fantasy folkloric steps, combined in new and interesting ways, and set to world music. Fun exercise with opportunities for performance! Suitable for all ages and all levels. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. Night Club Two-Step CONVENER: Toi Shaw (816-305-2931) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, September 21; 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 1 session; Monday, October 26; 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM; KC Dance, 6101 Martway, Mission, KS, 1 blk. S. of Johnson Dr. and 1/2 block E. of Lamar. 2 story bldg. across the street from Powell Community Ctr. Park anywhere and go downstairs when in building.; LIMIT: 20 #1108 A Beginning Tango in Kansas City Have you admired Tango in the movie “Shall We Dance?” Are you interested in learning? Have you tried Tango in the past and want to try again? Come to our Beginning Argentine Tango classes. We won’t make you look like Richard Gere, or Jennifer Lopez, but we will have fun. Bring dance shoes or socks, and $5 for hall rental. CONVENER: Kim Wade CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Sundays, beginning, September 27; 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM; Center States T’ai Chi Assn, 111 E. Gregory, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 World Dance Fusion CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Nicole English CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1112 A Adult Jazz Dance Strut your stuff in this fun and energetic class. Learn basic dance technique, work on flexibility and toning, and explore several styles of jazz dance. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Stephanie Whittler CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, September 22; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 FALL ‘15 9 #1113 A Belly Dance is Fun You know you’ve always wanted to take a belly dance class, so ... come on down! Get loose and coax your body to flow in ways that you’ve never imagined with the upbeat, captivating rhythms of far-away places. Belly dance is a combination of strength, posture, flexibility and muscle control. Fun and fitness can be yours if this addictive habit is right for you. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Halah Zeki CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 30; 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1114 A Tap Dance for Adults of All Ages: Basics Beginners or Beginners Again If you have always wanted to learn to tap dance, but never had the time, the confidence, or the opportunity, now is the time to prove you can do it! Also, if you are a former tap dancer who wants to brush up and renew old skills, Billie Mahoney, internationally acclaimed tap dance artist, is the one to help you. Emphasis is on technique and style while learning the first steps of shim sham and soft shoe. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Billie Mahoney CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, September 21; 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1115 A Flamenco! This workshop will be geared toward adults interested in an introduction to the rhythms, movement, and history of Flamenco dance. Wear comfortable workout type clothing and heeled shoes. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Cindy Bleck CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1117 A Math Dancing for Kids Dance is an excellent way to kinesthetically explore various math concepts. As children progress in their gross motor skill and mathematical understanding, movement can be used to explore shapes and geometry. In addition, movement can be used to increase knowledge in areas of time, space, distance and weight. Dance gets students off the paper and into their bodies in order to fully grasp concepts in a new way. Ages 3-6. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Abby Davis CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 10 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #1118 A #1125 A Learn some of the most popular and exciting social Latin dance and be equipped to handle every situation:club, wedding, or prom. This will have you moving to pretty much any genre of music in no time. No partner required. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. Learn the basics of East Coast swing plus a variety of turns and moves that will give you confidence on the dance floor. Come with, or without, a partner and be prepared to have fun! Please bring $5 to class for room rental. Social Dance CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Ian Staten CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, September 29; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1119 A Body Conditioning for Dancers Body conditioning designed to improve overall strength and flexibility. Combines elements of yoga, Pilates, several dance genres, and gymnastics. Great for dancers, performance artist, athletes, or anyone wanting to improve their overall agility. Please come in stretchy clothes and be prepared to SWEAT!!! Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Christina Hentzen CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1120 A Hula Hoop Flow The basics (and some tricks) of hula hooping! The class starts off slowly getting used to the physics of the hoop (on body, off body, hand hooping, doubles etc.) and then we’ll incorporate the fitness, stretching and dance flow of hula hooping. Bring a hula hoop if you have one or hoops will be provided. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Miss Conception CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1121 A Kids Hip Hop Dance Hip-hop dance originated from rap music. Learn basics of this ever-evolving, high-energy exciting dance style including isolation, and fun dance steps to kid-friendly music. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Bobby Ray CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 12; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1122 A Beginning Adult Modern Dance Learn awareness of space, weight, suspension and release with proper body alignment and technique. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Andrea Skowronek CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 05; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 East Coast Swing CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty & Ann Shaughnessy CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Friday, September 25; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1126 A Indian Classical Dance: Manipuri We emphasize technique and style while learning the traditional Manipuri dance pattern. Learn the exotic “Mudras” (hand symbols), rhythmic body techniques and vigorous acrobatics of Manipuri dance with live “Mridanga” (drum). Open to all levels of dancers. We dance barefoot. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Rafia Rasu CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, September 29; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1127 A or B Hip-Hop Hip-Hop dance originated from rap music. This ever-evolving form creates a high-energy, visually exciting dance style just like music videos. Come learn choreography from street dance to club dance. Teenagers and adults welcome. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Bobby Ray CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 05; 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM; Sec. B: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM; MEETS: City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1128 A Beginning Adult Ballet No prior experience required! This is an introduction to ballet. We utilize an anatomy/ physiology approach to gently stretch and strengthen the body. Come learn the basics of this art form. This is a great class for first-timers or those who would like to be reintroduced to ballet. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty & Lillian Francis CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #1129 A Afro-Aerobic Dance This class is for anyone who would like to feel and look good in the body that nature gave us. We will do African and Caribbean Dance aerobics to recorded and live Reggae and West African music. So, come have fun and get into shape at the same time. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Vanessa Gibbs CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 30; 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 Music #1201 A Beginning Jazz Guitar Learn how to voice chords (major 7, dominant, minor 7, half diminished and diminished) and combine chord inversions. Also find out what and how to practice. You must be able to read tablature or standard notation and play basic bar chords. Bring a guitar (electric or acoustic) that is playable at least up to the 12th fret and a music stand if you have one. The convener plays in several ensembles, has studied with John Elliott and Danny Embrey and has played guitar since 1968. You’ll receive scads of music written in the jazz vernacular. CONVENER: Rick Mareske (913-952-8951) Email: [email protected] Website: www.mareskemusic.com CLASS FEE: $16.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, October 21; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 6 #1202 A Re-Discover Your Voice Explore the connection between your voice and your inner and outer selves. We’ll focus on the fundamentals, such as practices that strengthen your posture and respiratory system, vocal warmups to keep your voice vital and strong, and the foundation of healthy vocal production to maintain your voice throughout your lifetime. This holistic approach addresses the body and the mind, utilizing yoga stretches and meditation. Riva Capellari has a Masters in Vocal Performance from the University of Michigan. Bring $2 to class for handouts. CONVENER: Riva Capellari Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Haag Hall, Rm. 212, 52nd & Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 12 New Online Easy Sign-up http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ #1204 A Introduction to the Scottish Bagpipes Stirring, powerful, emotional—all describe the amazing music of the Great Highland Bagpipe. Begin your playing journey with an established Kansas City bagpipe band and instructors with decades of teaching and playing experience. You must have basic music reading abilities. Wind instrument experience is a plus. Your instruction begins on a “practice chanter” (a small mouthblown instrument similar in size and sound to a recorder). The material fee includes a new practice chanter, reed, and instruction book. CONVENER: Steve Kidwell (816-984-7049) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $82.00 = $100 Sec. A: 6 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, October 17; 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM; St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 40th & Main, KCMO 64111; LIMIT: 6 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU #1205 A or B Practical Music Theory for Amateur Musicians This course is geared toward playing along in music jams or providing basic instrumental accompaniment to songs, with a focus on chords. We’ll cover scales, chords, and chord sequences. The aim is to take some of the mystery out of music, so it’s easier to understand and to know what to expect. What you learn won’t get you into Juilliard, but it should make your next music session more fun. Please bring $3 to class for materials. CONVENER: Gary Tannen (816-699-5889) CLASS FEE: $16.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Thursdays, beginning, October 08; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Community Christian Church, Centennial Hall, 4601 Main St., KCMO, access on south side of building through small church parking lot; parking available in lot at NE corner of 47th and Main; LIMIT: 8 Sec. B: 3 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, November 03; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Community Christian Church, Centennial Hall, 4601 Main St., KCMO, access on south side of building through small church parking lot; parking available in lot at NE corner of 47th and Main; LIMIT: 8 #1209 A Sea Chantey Singing Join us for an evening of sea songs. We will sing traditional sea chanteys (the work songs of the sea that helped sailors synchronize their hard and repetitive tasks), sailors’ songs, songs of Stan Rogers and other contemporary songwriters, and have a rollicking good time. CONVENER: Kathy Peters Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 19; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; KKFI FM Community Radio, 3901 Main (above the bank entrance in back), KCMO 64111; LIMIT: 20 Give a Gift of Learning You can now send Communiversity gift certificates to your friends online for any amount. http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ 816-235-1448 #1206 A How to Listen to and Love Classical Music #1210 A This course equips students with the skills needed to listen to and love Western classical music. Topics covered include the elements of music, how music communicates, powerful listening techniques, major periods, composers and works of Western classical music. Many musical examples will be presented and analyzed. No musical background or training is assumed or required. Please bring $15 for material to first class. We’ll explore concepts and rhythms from three continental influences: Africa, South America and the Caribbean. Receive hands-on experience playing an array of percussion instruments. Join us and see how rhythm is the foundation of music and why it is the essence of our very existence. Musical instruments will be provided. Presented by the Traditional Music Society. CONVENER: Tom Nanney (816-401-0047) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $15.00 material fee = $33.00 Sec. A: 7 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, September 26; 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 310, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 80 #1207 A, B or C Kansas City Jazz Did you know that Kansas City is known as one of the four crown jewels of jazz in the United States and continues to be a hotbed of talent for this truly American art form of music? Did you know that Kansas City even has its own style of the music form named after it? Learn about jazz music - where it was born and where it grew up. Get to know the contributions dozens of musicians like Charlie Parker, Count Basie, Tommy Ruskin, Jay McShann and Bobby Watson helped make to pave the way to that wonderful heritage and give this city the reputation as a great place for some of the best jazz in this country. CONVENER: Jennifer Enderson & Doug Rushing Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 205, 52nd St, between Rockhill & Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 1 session; Wednesday, October 21; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 Sec. C: 1 session; Thursday, November 12; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 World Percussion CONVENER: Bird Ellington Fleming (816-520-1934) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 3800 Troost Ave., (at Manheim) KCMO, 64109, Enter on north side. Room is on third floor.; LIMIT: 15 #1211 A Drumming in a Scottish/ Irish Drum Corps Do you love drumming? Discover the fun and excitement of playing in a drum corps, or further develop your existing skills. Drumming experience is preferred, but not required and you must have basic music-reading abilities. Instructor has decades of teaching and playing experience. The instructor’s corps plays drum salutes, casual music, traditional, and competition pieces at festivals, competitions, parades and parties. Once you learn this unique drumming style, those opportunities may be available to you as well. The materials fee includes a practice pad, drum sticks, and instruction book. CONVENER: Kenn Blurton CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $50.00 material fee = $68.00 Sec. A: 5 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, October 24; 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM; St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 40th & Main, KCMO 64111; LIMIT: 6 FALL ‘15 11 Performance #1301 A, B or C Introduction to Storytelling Performance storytelling is everywhere. From The Moth and This American Life to schools and theaters, oral storytelling is captivating audiences everywhere. Have you always wanted to tell a good story but weren’t sure if you had anything to say? Have you had adventures or funny family stories? Do you love fairy tales? Have you always just wanted a chance to tell your story? Learn the basics of story creation, practice and performance. You’ll have a chance to tell your tale to your fellow students and will leave with a story worth hearing. Bring $10 to class for materials. CONVENER: Laura Packer Website: http://www.laurapacker.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 203, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 12 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 203, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 12 Sec. C: 1 session; Saturday, November 14, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 203, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 12 #1302 A Acting Workshop Improve your acting performance regardless of experience and skill level. Each workshop will begin with a warm-up that will develop your mind and body as an instrument to portray human drama and emotions across a wide variety of situations. Pairs will then be assigned to develop a scene. Audition and cold-reading technique will be covered to help students rapidly connect with their characters. Scenes will be from contemporary tv and film productions. Participants must be 18 years of age or over.” CONVENER: J MIchael Hudson Email: [email protected] Website: www.jmichaelhudson.com CLASS FEE: $16.00 + $20.00 material fee = $36.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, September 26; 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 104, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 24 #1303 A Stand-Up Comedy Workshop Have you ever dreamed of trying stand-up comedy? This class goes into the basics of the craft. We will cover technique, material generation, practice, confidence building, delivery, and timing. The instructor will do a couple routines as time permits. Show what works and what doesn’t and why, in actual routines. First week will be in classroom; second will be attending a local comedy club. CONVENER: Luke Eide Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, September 22; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 12 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #1304 A or B Clowning Learn to move like Chaplin, dance like Danny Kaye and juggle like Brian Wendling. Some of the skills that will be covered will be slapstick combat, how to take a pie in the face, stilt walking, hula hoop, tumbling, character development, make-up application and much more; red nose optional. Instructors include a variety of Kansas City’s top professional clowns, mimes and juggling artists including but not limited to: Richard Renner, Stephanie Roberts, Jay and Leslie Cady, Beth Byrd, Heidi Stubblefield, Kent and Kevin Mercer and more. Please bring $5 to class for room rental. CONVENER: City in Motion Faculty Organization & Beth Byrd CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 Sec. B: 1 session; Wednesday, November 18; 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM; City in Motion School of Dance, 3925 Main (across Main St. from CVS Pharmacy), KCMO; LIMIT: 10 Writing & Reading #1401 A Enter the Blogosphere Have you ever wanted to start your own blog but didn’t know how or what to write about? There are many ways to get your thoughts and opinions out there and a whole host of platforms to help you get started. Anyone and everyone can have a blog. This class will teach you the basics of blogging and help you get your own blog started. We will discuss blog names, topics, posting, tagging and more! CONVENER: Sara Kincaid Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM; Scofield Hall, Rm. 104, 711 E 51st St., Kansas City, MO 64110; LIMIT: 8 Online learning anytime, anywhere... just a click away! www.ed2go.com/commu oo #1402 A Poetry of William Blake We will be reading William Blake’s Poetry in this class. We will look at his poetry closely and learn about the messages he is trying to explain. (Bring your favorite poem to class) CONVENER: Cynthia Newman CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 30; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Newman home, 3733 Wyoming Kansas City Mo 64111; LIMIT: 10 Misc. Art #1701 A Zentangle Off the Page: Pendants Take your favorite Zentangle design, color it, or leave it in black and white, and add it to an attractive glass pendant. Class includes all supplies needed to make a beautiful and unique glass pendant. Come Zentangle with us! This class is held in an 1899 Victorian in Historic Northeast KC. CONVENER: Christine Shuck (816-318-0169) Email: [email protected] Website: http://thedeadlynightshade.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, December 05; 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM; 3225 E. 10th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64127; LIMIT: 15 #1703 A Creating Zendala Art Mandala and Zentangle—two fascinating and meditative art forms combine to make Zendala art! Attendees will learn about the history of mandala art and get a chance to make their own art while looking at a wide range of mandala and zendala-inspired art. CONVENER: Christine Shuck (816-318-0169) Email: [email protected] Website: http://thedeadlynightshade.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; 3225 E. 10th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64127; LIMIT: 15 #1704 A Perchance to Zentangle Not an artist? Challenged when drawing stick figures? Learn how to take “doodling” to a whole new level. The practice of Zentangle is calming, centering, and self-affirming. It is creating art…for the non-artist. Learn how Zentangle can help you focus, expand artistic abilities you didn’t know you had, and create beautiful art in the process. This class includes a powerpoint presentation, handout, materials for hands-on learning and step-by-step instructions for several tangle patterns to help you learn the art of Zentangle. Be warned, it is addictive! CONVENER: Christine Shuck (816-318-0169) Email: [email protected] Website: http://thedeadlynightshade.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; 3225 E. 10th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64127; LIMIT: 15 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU Skills & Studies Money #2001 A #2004 A or B What are Medicare Part A and Part B? How do Medicare supplement plans fill coverage gaps? What is a Plan C and Plan F. And let’s not forget the new Part D prescription drug plan. Learn about Medicare PPOs and HMOs. In this fun, relaxed and pain-free two-hour class. I will help you master the ABC’s of Medicare insurance. Jeff has been an insurance professional since 1987, holds the professional designation of Life Underwriters Training Council Fellow and has a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Indexed Annuities have become a favorite for retirees. Learn the basics of the indexed annuity policy, how they earn interest and the ways to receive Money back from them. There will be a Q & A session afterwards where you can get your specific questions answered. Alphabet Soup of Medicare Insurance CONVENER: Jeff David (816-436-2622) Email: [email protected] Website: www.jeffdavidinsurance.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 1:00 PM-3:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 #2002 A or B Social Security, Medicare, and Your Retirement Social Security and Medicare have been frequent news items as of late — and the news has been overwhelmingly negative. Reports of potential insolvency, tax hikes, and increased eligibility ages have generated controversy and confusion. This workshop will explain how Social Security and Medicare work, what is being done to ensure their survival, and how individuals plan for their retirement and medical care so that they do not have to rely heavily on either program. Please bring $2 to class for materials. CONVENER: Eric WyMore (913-214-3728; 816-519-5664) Email: [email protected] Website: www.metcalfpartners.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Royall Hall, Rm. 202, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 12 Sec. B: 1 session; Wednesday, October 14; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 262, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 #2003 A Health Insurance Made Easy Are you still left wondering what the “Affordable” Care Act is and how it applies to you? Do you need health insurance, but the premiums are out of reach? Come to this relaxed, informative class and walk away feeling empowered to make your own health care decisions. CONVENER: Jeff David (816-436-2622) Email: [email protected] Website: www.jeffdavidinsurance.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, November 16; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 Learn the Basics of Indexed Annuities CONVENER: Marc Molina & [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, November 07; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 #2005 A How to Rollover Your Retirement Plan or Manage Cashflow in Retirement. We are offering a set of 3 classes in our Leawood office. Each class is one hour and occur Tuesday, October 6, Tuesday, October 13 and Tuesday October 27. It is a great opportunity to meet the members of the Falcon Financial Group and learn from them the proper ways to: formulate a financial plan, invest money, roll over retirement accounts, make pension and social security elections, make insurance decisions and preserve your estate. This class is taught by Jake. 913-345-3278 jake.falcon@ ubs.com www.ubs.com/team/theffgroup CONVENER: Jake Falcon (913-345-3278) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $16.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, October 06; 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM; 11150 Overbrook Rd Ste 300 Leawood KS 66211; LIMIT: 15 #2006 A 21st Century Retirement Retirement today looks a whole lot different from the good old days, when people generally retired at 65 to a life of leisure, supported by a company pension plan and guaranteed government benefits such as Social Security and Medicare. In the new age of retirement, many of us expect that we’ll be working well past the age of 65. This is particularly true for baby boomers that have been caught by the economic and market setbacks of the past few years. If you have concerns about outliving your money during retirement, this workshop is for you. CONVENER: Eric WyMore & Jeb Graham, CFP (913-214-3728; 816-519-5664) Email: [email protected] Website: www.metcalfpartners.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 FALL ‘15 13 #2008 A or B Save Thousands by Investing Yourself Investing in mutual funds on your own is easier than most people think if the resources and processes are known. I’ll explain how to research information, open accounts, monitor investments, and understand some psychology of investing. Doing it yourself results in very significant savings. Specific investment suggestions will not be made since goals vary, but you will learn to find what suits your needs. CONVENER: Alan Wigodner (816-941-0043) CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, November 21; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 #2009 A or B Buying Real Estate Learn about the benefits of buying vs. renting, down-payment options and down payment assistance programs, credit scores and credit repair, the loan approval process and required documentation, home warranty programs, foreclosure properties, special programs for police officers, teachers, EMT’s and firefighters and equal housing statutes. We’ll also discuss the time lines and expectations involved in the process of purchasing a home. CONVENER: Pierre Heidrich & Jennifer Enderson (816-210-7333) Email: [email protected] Website: BuyorSellKCHome.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 302, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 45 Sec. B: 1 session; Tuesday, October 13; 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 302, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 45 T The Writers Place ake your writing to the next level in our writing workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Taught by working writers, they’re perfect for beginners, inspiring for everyone. The Writers Place 3607 Pennsylvania Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 753-1090 writersplace.org 14 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #2016 A How Money Works There is a common misunderstanding that average and ordinary folks can’t become millionaires. Nothing is further from the truth. You have the power to accumulate wealth beyond your dreams. Many people who never earned a six-figure income become financially independent. No need for a big salary, large inheritance or winning the lottery! No matter what your income level, you can achieve financial security if you take the time to learn a few simple principles about how money works. It’s up to you. You have the power to change your life forever. Let’s get started! #2010 A #2013 A Learn the mistakes to avoid while selling your home. We’ll discuss how to prepare your home to sell, how to clear your title and estimate seller proceeds. We’ll also discuss time-lines and expectations for sellers, inspection processes, how to properly price your property and showing your home. Learn to work with buyers and buyer agents and possible hurdles and how to over-come them. Join us for an educational workshop and learn how “mile marker” conversations can help make your road to retirement a smoother one. Review your asset allocation and retirement strategy. Consider taking advantage of “catch-up contributions,” review your healthcare and long-term care costs, weigh the pros and cons of rolling money over to an IRA. Consider ways to help retirement income last two lifetimes with strategies to maximize Social Security benefits. Knowing what’s down the road can help you prepare for expected and unexpected events in retirement. How to Sell Your Home CONVENER: Pierre Heidrich & Jennifer Enderson (816-210-7333) Email: [email protected] Website: BuyorSellKCHome.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 28; 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 45 #2011 A Emotions, Expectations and Economics Many people have questions about their investment strategy, yet they never find the time to get them answered. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how emotions affect investment decisions, general market expectations for three types of investors and lessons from the last 82 years of U.S. economic history. CONVENER: Warren Varney (816-861-7449; 816-309-5815) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 27; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 306, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 #2012 A Investment Fundamentals Join us for an educational presentation where we will focus on: Five myths and truths of investing; Strategies that could help your money work smarter and harder; How to select investments that match your objectives; Diversifying your portfolio to help limit your exposure to risk; The potential benefits of professionally managed investments; and How to help your money accumulate with tax-advantaged accounts. (A workbook will be available for $2.95). CONVENER: Warren Varney (816-861-7449 816-309-5815) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 20; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 Roadmap to Retirement CONVENER: Warren Varney (816-861-7449; 816-309-5815) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 06; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 #2014 A Planning for Health Care in Retirement Balancing income, growth, protection and risk and understanding health care, likely one of your greatest expenses in retirement, is one of the most important decisions you can make between the ages of 55-70 ½.. Learn to create a plan to address health care costs. CONVENER: Warren Varney (816-861-7449 816-309-5815) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, September 22; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 #2015 A Getting the Most from Social Security Are you aware that a few key decisions can make a big difference in the amount of your Social Security benefit? Learn strategies to maximize your benefit by joining in a brief and informative seminar. This session will cover key Social Security benefit decisions, simple steps that can help maximize your benefit, and how to get started. Warren Varney (MoneySmartLiving) has 29 years of experience helping build successful and fulfilling lives. Peak Brokerage Services, LLC, member FINRA/SPIC. CONVENER: Warren Varney (816-861-7449 816-309-5815) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 211, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 CONVENER: Tanice Logan (816-582-4770) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 #2017 A How to Buy Real Estate Using Down Payment Assistance Money Too often we leave money on the table. Accessing funds for real estate is more important than ever! In the Kansas City market, there are more than 77 down payment and grant programs available that the public may not know about. This course will help you identify your strategy to access these funds, learn to locate properties that fit your criteria and understand how to find the right team of professionals you need to complete the transaction. CONVENER: Tameka Bryant (816-523-1515) Email: [email protected] Website: www.treh-academy.com CLASS FEE: $14.00 + $22.00 material fee = $36.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, October 03; 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 302, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 50 Business & Communication #2101 A Trench Marketing: How to Grow Your Business from Behind Your Own Counter This intense retail workshop will keep your attention as it hammers you with hundreds of low cost, extremely relevant, and proven growth methods for your retail shop. It will guide you through a simple business growth program and share documented successes, including record breaking return on investment, with graphs that layout the program. The workshop rounds out nicely with a photo essay highlighting examples of very unique business marketing ideas gathered from all ends of the globe. Please bring $8 to class for materials. CONVENER: Rudolf Waldner (864-616-8609) Email: [email protected] Website: www.TrenchMarketer.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 13; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 15 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU #2105 A How to Use Myers Briggs in Everyday Interaction Know and understand your type indicator and learn how to readily recognize others personality types to communicate more effectively. CONVENER: Darlene Johnson Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $16.00 + $25.00 material fee = $41.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Mondays, beginning, September 21; 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 212, 52nd & Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 15 #2106 A Innovate like Edison: The Neuroscience of “Eureka” Edison had a technique for inventive problem solving. So did Salvador Dali, Archimedes, Sir Walter Scott, Wagner, Poe, Einstein, Steven King, business leaders, inventors and even JK Rowling. Their biographies reveal three common elements. Copy high achievers to increase your success at work, in relationships and finding the meaning of life. We will review the science behind the system. A portable EEG machine will be available in class to observe your own brain waves as you move into the creative state of mind. The presenter is a 40 meditator, business owner and parent. CONVENER: Denis Greene (816-560-3641) Email: [email protected] Website: church-development.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 15; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 306, 52nd & Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 30 Give a Gift of Learning You can now send Communiversity gift certificates to your friends online for any amount. http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ 816-235-1448 #2107 A How to Ask for Capital Campaign Donations for your Charity Learn how to ask for donations for capital improvements or debt reduction for your 501(c)3 charitable organization. Use the neuroscience of influence for a good cause. Research from persuasion, linguistics, fundraising theory and real-life case studies will be covered. Presenter has 30 years experience asking for donations, and has raised over $100M. CONVENER: Denis Greene (816-560-3641) Email: [email protected] Website: church-development.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 30; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 reDiscover Your Voice A Healthy Wholistic Approach To Vocal Training Riva Capellari, M.M. Certificate of Vocology www.reVoice.biz 816/444-5089 Adult Voice Classes Gift Packages Available Goodden Jewellers Visit us online at: www.gooddenjewellers.com or at our beautiful new store Mark Twain Tower at 11th & Baltimore 816-421-0281 JULIE’S TAX SERVICE, L.L.C. Individual & Small Business Income Tax prep; Consulting; eFiling; all states. Starting a business? Have a letter from the IRS? Confused? Call me! Excellent customer service. Reasonable rates. By Appointment Only Julie’s Tax Service, LLC Julie B. Dailey, E.A., NTPI Fellow 8826 Santa Fe Drive #207 Overland Park, KS 66212 913-268-9430 [email protected] www.juliestaxservice.com FALL ‘15 15 New Online Easy Sign-up http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ Dissertations & Theses APA Formatting Expertise Proofreading - Editing - Typing 816-931-2276 FinalDraftSecretarialService.com 16 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS #2108 A Horse Sense for the Workplace Trouble focusing? Interruptions? Distractions? Petty office squabbles? Gossiping co-workers? Intrusiveness? Disrespect? Yuck! Let horses give you a new perspective on your ability to respond to common workplace challenges. Please wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. This is a ground-based class; there is no riding. Cathy is certified by EAGALA as an equine specialist and has a lifetime of experience with horses. Bonnie is certified by EAGALA as a mental health specialist and has many years of experience as a clinical social worker. CONVENER: Cathy Cowger & Bonnie E. Benson, LCSW (816914-3601) Email: [email protected] Website: cedarlanefarm.us CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Cedar Lane Farm, 13004 NW 81st Street, KCMO 64152; LIMIT: 10 #2109 A, B, C or D Selling on eBay Intro Got stuff? Have something that you don’t want that you want to sell i.e. collections, store merchandise, crafts, antiques, overstock, and junk? eBay is the place! This intro will teach you about pricing, shipping, listing, etc to allow you to be able to start selling things online. Some Internet and e-mail experience recommended. CONVENER: Robert Franke (816-942-9041) Email: [email protected] Website: kkannon.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $3.00 material fee = $13.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 212, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 16 Sec. B: 1 session; Wednesday, October 14; 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM; UMKC School of Medicine, Theatre C, first floor, 2411 Holmes, KCMO, Parking is on Charlotte, Bring picture ID; Sec. C: 1 session; Saturday, October 31; 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 212, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 16 Sec. D: 1 session; Tuesday, November 10; 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM; UMKC School of Medicine, Theatre C, first floor, 2411 Holmes, KCMO, Parking is on Charlotte, Bring picture ID; LIMIT: 16 #2110 A Team Building Learn to understand personalities and how to be strategic in placing team members for success. Learn to increase sales and production of teams, how to engage team members for maximum results, and how to look for the root cause in team dynamics. Bring out the best in your people and get the priceless facts. Take this opportunity to gain vital team-building expertise, both people skills and technical skills. This session is guaranteed to make your team more cohesive, motivated and productive. CONVENER: Katie Fetzer (816-564-0187) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $10.00 material fee = $28.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 30; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 Invest in Yourself. You can afford it. Trust me. ~Rashon Carraway #2114 A, B or C Starting a Business or Non-Profit Small & Growing It Large Starting a business or non-profit can be a great way to do what you love and still earn an income. Stop dreaming, and get closer to the reality of your business or non-profit. This workshop will help you learn how to evaluate your ability to succeed as a business or non-profit, research and use the tools, tips and techniques provided in the workshop to get your business or non-profit started. Course now includes creative financing and fundraising, market your business or non-profit to the right people, in the right place, and at the right time, develop an exit strategy based on the market. Please bring $11 for the required course materials. You can also bring $50 for the optional digital CD or flash drive with embedded links to resources and opportunities. CONVENER: Barbara Wright Email: [email protected] Website: www.certifieddreambuilder.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 19; 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Sec. D: 1 session; Saturday, November 21; 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 #2116 A, B or C Grant Writing Finally Made Easy Leave this workshop celebrating! Why? Because you could become one of the 100’s of people who became better grant writers, obtained a grant writing positions, or opened a grant writing business. Learn how to develop a collaborative grant writing team, research and use the tips, tools and techniques for finding the commonalities and differences in grant RFPs, locate sample grants, and currently open grants., and use the step-by-step exclusive questionnaire grant writing canvas for single organizations in half the time. Please bring $11 for the required course materials. You can also bring $50 for the optional digital CD or flash drive with embedded links to additional resources to ensure your success. CONVENER: Barbara Wright Email: [email protected] Website: www.certifieddreambuilder.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 260, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, November 07; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 260, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 Sec. C: 1 session; Saturday, December 05; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 260, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 #2117 A, B or C #2115 A, B or C Starting A Grant Writing Business Finally Made Easy Selecting the right college or career is the first step to ensuring your success. This workshop provides the tools, tips and techniques you’ll need to succeed. You’ll learn how to select the best college or career opportunities for your personality. Learn to research and use the test preps, self-marketing, and other helpful college and career tools, tips, and techniques, and locate funding for your college and career aspirations. Please bring $11 for the required course materials. You can also bring $50 for the optional digital CD or flash drive with embedded links to resources that will help to ensure your success in locating funding resources and lucrative career opportunities. If you’ve completed the Grant Writing Finally Made Easy course or had experience writing grants, this workshop will help to put you on the fast track to becoming a highly sought after grant writer! You will learn to evaluate your potential for developing a grant-writing business, use the exclusive budget wiz, use the multi-organization fill-in grant writing template and to use the tools, tips, and techniques offered to develop your time-saving grant writing system without losing quality. You will also learn to price your services, locate clients that have the potential to pay for a quality service, use the forms that are provided in your workbook. Please bring $20 for the required course materials. You can also purchase an optional business start-up kit, which includes the CD or flash drive and all the resources you need to succeed in your venture. College or Career Planning Finally Made Easy CONVENER: Barbara Wright Email: [email protected] Website: www.certifieddreambuilder.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 19; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Sec. C: 1 session; Saturday, November 21; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 CONVENER: Barbara Wright Email: [email protected] Website: www.certifieddreambuilder.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 260, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, November 07; 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 260, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 Sec. C: 1 session; Saturday, December 05; 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 260, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU Practical Skills #2201 A or B Basic Hand Sewing Techniques This is a hands-on class intended for those who have little to no experience hand sewing. Students will learn how to perform basic repairs on clothing, thread a needle, sew on buttons, repair fallen hems, and repair seams by hand. Material fee of $15, includes a take home sewing kit. CONVENER: Cora Campbell (816-841-2783) Email: [email protected] Website: www.everlastingthreads.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 13; 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 10 Sec. B: 1 session; Tuesday, November 10; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Location to be Announced; LIMIT: 10 #2202 A Identify and Develop Your Natural Abilities Everyone possess natural abilities or gifts which will increase individual potential and often increase personal levels of happiness as well. People often don’t recognize these natural abilities in themselves or will minimize the impact that they can have in their life. In this class, we will look for ways you can identify what they might be and ways you can apply them to your life. All you need to bring is a pen and paper and through this interactive study you will hopefully find some hidden or dormant areas of your life worth developing. CONVENER: Mark Bayer Ed.D. Email: [email protected] Website: www.markbayer.9f.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 22; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 212, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 18 #2203 A Dream It! Plan It! Do It! Do you have a dream and want to do something about it? Do you have a great idea, but don’t know where to begin to make it happen? Transform your dream into a plan of action with attainable goals. Julie Connor, author of Dreams to Action Trailblazer’s Guide, empowers you with tools to clearly define your dream, create a personal vision and mission, and find ways to fit your dream into your schedule. Please bring $5 to class for materials. Get clear. Get started today. CONVENER: Dr. Julie Connor Email: [email protected]. Website: www.DrJulieConnor.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, September 21; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 FALL ‘15 17 #2204 A #2302 A Using the computer is becoming more and more valuable to our society. Learn the basics of computer literacy in this class. There will be handson tips for using a computer and we will also learn how to use sites to give advice on the computer. Besides being expensive, commercial cleaners are toxic to you, your family and the environment. You will learn to clean almost anything with natural items you probably already have in your home. We will make an All Purpose Spray for you to take home. Please bring $5 for materials. Basic Computer Literacy Tips CONVENER: Vincent Tabb CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 14; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 10 #2205 A Role and function of the Kansas Long Term Care Ombudsman Program Introduction to the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program. What is a Certified Long Term Care Ombudsman/ What does an Ombudsman do? Who can benefit from an Ombudsman? Are you looking for a way to make a difference in the lives of seniors in your community? Long-term care residents need your help! Volunteer to become an Ombudsman and help improve the quality of life for residents in a Kansas nursing home near you. Classes begin in September. CONVENER: Phil Agee CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, September 22; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Johnson County Public Library, Oak Park Branch, 95th street and Blue Jacket, OPKS 66212; LIMIT: 10 Home & Garden #2301 A Food Not Lawns: Lawn Eradication 101 Turn your lawn into a garden and your neighborhood into a community. Fall is the best time to rid your yard of that turf infestation. You will learn about ecologically sound methods of replacing your lawn with gardens, edible landscaping and forest gardens. During this session, we will organize a work exchange system to share skills, tools, plants, transportation and labor for our lawn eradication, gardening, edible landscape projects in our yards, neighborhoods and communities. We will pick one site to have a hands on #permablits(Oct 10th) and Grow our Food Not Lawns Work Exchange Community. CONVENER: Steve Mann (816-352-9213) Email: [email protected] Website: prairietrading.com CLASS FEE: $14.00 + $5.00 material fee = $19.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, October 07; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; UMKC School of Medicine, Theatre C, first floor, 2411 Holmes, KCMO, Parking is on Charlotte, Bring picture ID; LIMIT: 40 How to Make Your Own Household Cleaners CONVENER: Rose Abrams (816-392-0782) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 29; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 261, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 #2303 A Designing the World We Want: Introduction to Urban Permaculture Permaculture is an integrative, ethics-based sustainable design system. The class provides an overview of permaculture design principles for the urban ecosystem. This class will be the first session of the Kansas City Urban Permaculture Design Course that starts Feb 2016. The Urban Permaculture Design Course uses the standardized curriculum in fulfillment of Permaculture Design Certificate requirements with a focus on the unique challenges and opportunities of the Urban Ecosystem. CONVENER: Steve Mann & Michael AlMon (816-352-9213) Email: [email protected] Website: prairietrading.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, December 16; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; UMKC School of Medicine, Theatre C, first floor, 2411 Holmes, KCMO, Parking is on Charlotte, Bring picture ID; LIMIT: 40 Language #2401 A French for Travelers This class will teach basic French phrases such as greetings, hotel reservations, transportation, etc. I will provide the handouts. Taught in a fun and meaningful manner. CONVENER: Kathleen Mamuric (913-206-2151) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 + $5.00 material fee = $19.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, October 17; 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 305, 52nd & Rockhill Road, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 10 #2402 A Parlez-Vous Francais Come and join the longest on-going French conversation group in Kansas City. Includes native speakers. We participate in a variety of activities and events such as movies, potlucks and parties with other language groups. CONVENER: Fred Hartwell & Jeanine McCarthy (816-353-4431) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 13 sessions; Sundays, beginning, October 04; 2:30 PM 4:00 PM; Aixois, 251 E. 55th, KCMO; LIMIT: 10 18 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS #2403 A Creole Made Easy Learn the basics of Haitian Creole to functionally communicate. Our hope is that you will choose to use your new found language skills in Haiti or with the Haitian community locally. The convener, Idalbert Joseph, is the founder of Glory House Services, a non-profit agency, working with Haitian immigrants in Kansas City and providing education and building strong communities in Northwest Haiti. If you are planning a mission trip, this class will teach you about the culture and language of Haiti. Please bring a notebook and $20 to the first class for a Creole language book. CONVENER: Haitian American in Kansas City & Idalbert Joseph (816-237-0447) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 7 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, September 26; 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 15 #2404 A Hora Feliz! en Español, Practice you Spanish Maintaining a language is a challenge, “Y la practica hace al maestro”. This is a relaxed conversation class that will help you maintain and improve your Spanish. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm in different restaurants within the Kansas city area. You will have the opportunity to practice with native speakers, play games, learn new vocabulary and meet new people. All levels are welcome. Locations will be provided prior to each session. CONVENER: Hugo Ximello & Practice you Spanish Conversational Spanish Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $15.00 material fee = $33.00 Sec. A: 8 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, October 07; 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM; The Other Place, 7324 West 80th Street Overland Park KS 66204; LIMIT: 40 REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 People’s Law #2501 A The Medicaid Five Year Look Back Myth—Saving Your Home from the Nursing Home Learn the truth about the legal ways to protect your home from the costs of nursing home care. Whether it’s Alzheimer’s, dementia, or a stroke, a nursing home may be the only solution for a parent or spouse. Learn the various legal tools necessary to protect the family home. CONVENER: Samantha Shepherd (913-333-3533) Email: [email protected] Website: www.shepherdelderlaw.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM; UMKC Administrative Center, 5115 Oak; Gillham Park Room, 2nd Floor KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 25 Sec. B: 1 session; Monday, November 02; 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM; Plaza Library, Small Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo 64112; LIMIT: 15 #2502 A How to Fight Back and Win: Three Demands for Electoral Reform Congressional approval never goes over 20% but 95% of incumbants are reelected. This is because the electoral system we use limits our choices as voters and the competition candidates must face. Three simple demands for change will fix it so voters choose candidates instead of candidates choosing their voters. The three changes will eliminate the spoiler scenario, eradicate gerrymandering and make all states competitive for the Presidential election. Come find out what these three changes are and how you can help make them a reality. You only have robo calls and negative TV ads to lose. CONVENER: Larry Bradley (402-321-4851) Email: [email protected] Website: www.TheCenterStrikesBack.org CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 13; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 #2406 A Mesa Español This is an informal discussion group where people can enjoy each other’s news, jokes, opinions and tall tales while practicing their Spanish. The group is always changing with people of many backgrounds, including native speakers. There is no program or teacher. We just discuss whatever comes up, while also sharing info about Hispanic arts, events and parties. The group meets on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. CONVENER: Gretchen Green & Berta Sanchez, CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 12 sessions; Sundays, beginning, October 11; 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM; Westport Coffee House, 4010 Pennsylvania, back room, KCMO; LIMIT: 15 Computers #2604 A Social Media for Beginners Are you ready to jump into social media but don’t know where to start. Social media strategist and goal-setting pro, Julie Connor, will explain how to get social on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest. This course is for beginnners. Bring your laptop or mobile device. Get social. Get started today. Learn more about Julie at www.DrJulieConnor.com.Please bring $5.00 to class for materials. CONVENER: Julie Connor (913-617-9979) Email: [email protected] Website: www.drjulieconnor.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 05; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Plaza Library, Large Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112; LIMIT: 25 #2605 A Social Media for Thought Leaders Not all social media platforms are created equal. Julie Connor, social media strategist and author of “Dreams to Action Trailblazer’s Guide”, will show you how to establish yourself as a thought leader across social media. Julie empowers you with tools to clarify your message and share it with others in ways that will attract followers and garner your place as an expert in your field. Learn how to effectively build an audience on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest. Please bring $5.00 to class for materials. CONVENER: Julie Connor (913-617-9979) Email: [email protected] Website: www.drjulieconnor.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 19; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Science & Philosophy #2703 A Rotations: Cycles & Seasons There are wheels of time and space that can provide roadmaps of ways to enhance your life. Phenology, nature study, ecopsychology, folklore and festival traditions are some of the roads we can explore, with an occasional detour into esoterica (where you can find out, for example, why ROTA is capitalized). Compass your own personal routes, design your own journeys. Where there’s a wheel, there’s a way. CONVENER: Helen Park CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, September 21; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 15 #2705 A Jungian Psychology—An Introduction Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist who founded Analytical Psychology, essentially the psychology of the unconscious and how the unconscious impacts us on every level of our being. Jung was a contemporary of Freud who founded the school of psychoanalyses, but Jung’s ideas of the unconscious were vastly different from Freud. Jung was an avid reader and prolific writer who left us a 20-volume collected works. Jung’s concepts help to explain the base level of the human psyche – what we are, what we are made of, and how the elements of the human psyche impact us in our daily life. In the course we will discuss Jung’s ideas in relation to Freud, Jung’s ideas of complexes, archetypes, psychic energy, religion, some of the controversy that seems to surround Jung, and more. The class will be complimented with video of Jung himself explaining his ideas. CONVENER: Bret Aulgur Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Thursdays, beginning, October 08; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 261, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU FALL ‘15 19 UMKC Conference and Event Resources Planning events and conferences on a college campus has never been easier! UMKC’s model of single point-of-service is of benefit to all guests and clients that visit our campus. With the options we have for our guests, UMKC is a premier location and has many amenities to offer from special events to multi-day conferences to summer camps and conferences! Conference and Event Resources at UMKC coordinates the events in the following facilities in addition to summer camps and conferences on the UMKC campus Atterbury Student Success Center SIGN-UP & PARTY Tuesday, September 16th; 6:00-8:00 PM The Writer's Place—3607 Pennsylvania • Snacks • $3 off registration at the door! • Live Music • Early-Bird Discounts! • Save $1 off the first class • Save $2 off subsequent classes • Waive the $3 registration fee “just for comin' on down!” • Pierson Auditorium • 3 state of the art classrooms for breakouts • Chancellor’s Dining Room • 7 day a week availability UMKC Student Union • Large Multi-Purpose Room • 5 breakout rooms for all meeting needs • Large Theater suitable for performances and lectures • 7 day a week availability Summer Camps and Conferences • Both apartment and residence hall style of living • Flexibility in length of program over the summer • Multiple meeting spaces available for use • On campus dining options • Swinney Recreational Facility Please contact Travis Dixon, Conference Coordinator, to set-up time to discuss your conference needs! Thank you for your interest in holding a conference at UMKC! Conference and Event Resources 5100 Cherry Street, Suite 310, Kansas City, MO 64110 Phone: 816-235-1416 Email: [email protected] 20 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS #2706 A Introduction To Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand Author and philosopher Ayn Rand wrote such best-selling novels as The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. She called Objectivism “a philosophy for living on earth.” It holds the view of “man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.” This course will introduce the basic ideas of Objectivism and their application to everyday life. CONVENER: Kurt Colville Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, September 29; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 40 Teach History & Culture #2801 A #2804 A The convener produced a documentary film using Missouri experts, descendants of Missouri slaves, actors reading from the Missouri Slave Narratives and period newspaper articles. He depicts the dayto-day life and culture of an antebellum Missouri slave farm. You will see excerpts from the film and participate in a group discussion. This is a moving and intensive course centered on the wellness of Black folks within American society. In looking at the works of Black feminists and writers, the course will discuss the painful and hopeful future of self-recovery and how self-recovery can create wholeness after hurt. In the words of Toni Cade Bambara in The Salt Eaters,”Just so’s you’re sure, sweetheart, and ready to be healed, cause wholeness is no trifling matter. A lot of weight when you are well.” Negroes to Hire: Slave Life and Culture on Missouri Farms CONVENER: Gary Jenkins Website: www.ganglandwire.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, November 03; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 40 #2802 A a Communiversity Class Share What You Know With Others Deadline: Friday, November 13 REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 th Call 816-235-1448 for information http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ #2707 A Astronomy: Beyond the Dome Blast off with an introduction to astronomy that will examine purchasing equipment, observing, places to visit, handle and examine meteorites. Touch the sky by exploring the universe with telescopes at Warkoczewski Public Observatory as well as learning hands-on activities. Please bring $2 to first class for material fee. Gangland Wire: The Rise and Fall of the River Quay The Convener was assigned to the KCMO PD Intelligence Unit during the 1970s. He was a firsthand witness to the La Cosa Nostra war that ended the popular entertainment district known as the River Quay. He produced a documentary film about this situation titled, Gangland Wire. He will show excerpts from his film and share an insider’s knowledge of those events. CONVENER: Gary Jenkins Website: www.ganglandwire.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, November 10; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 310, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 40 CONVENER: Joseph Wright Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $12.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 16; 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 404, 52nd & Rockhill Rd., Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 30 #2708 A Fossils for Everyone Landlocked Kansas City was once submerged under a shallow sea, full of plant and animal life we can still learn about! The road cuts around the metro provide us a glimpse into our distant past, with some surprising finds! This class will introduce you to the study of fossils, paleontology, and will teach you the necessary tools to identify some common area fossils. We will tour the UMKC Geosciences museum on Friday night in preparation for our fossil dig Saturday, beginning at 10:30 a.m. CONVENER: Elizabeth Goodden (816-421-0281) Email: [email protected] Website: www.gooddenjewellers.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Friday, October 02; 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 271, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 15 Healing: Black Folks and Self-Recovery CONVENER: Lauren Anderson (816-359-8938) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, September 26; 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 #2805 A Worldcon 101 - The Anatomy of the 74th World Science Fiction Convention This is an introduction to the World Science Fiction Convention and the Hugo Awards for literature. In 2016, Worldcon returns to Kansas City after a 40 year hiatus. The last time Kansas City hosted was 1976. Come and learn how you can be a part of the fun this time. CONVENER: Margene Bahm Email: [email protected] Website: www.midamericon2.org CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 14; 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 305, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 30 Careers #2901 A Who Do You Think You Are? #2803 A A Brief History Of the Motorcycle The motorcycle has been a part of American history and culture for over 110 years, yet most know little about its development. In this class, we will look at the history and development of the motorcycle since the end of the 1800’s to today. I will also discuss KC’s first motorcycle, the O.J. Plummer dating back to around 1902. This class will be simple enough for those who have never studied motorcycle development, however, everyone will learn something. There will be plenty of discussion, so come and join in! CONVENER: Mark Bayer Email: [email protected] Website: www.markbayer.9f.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 15; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 262, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 18 Looking for a direction for your career? Discover your ideal work by finding and exploring the patterns in your interests, skills, values and natural gifts. Turn what makes you unique into a meaningful and lucrative career. If you are unhappy in your work, or are thinking about returning to work, this class will get you started on a solid path to discovering the perfect career choice for this time of your life. Jennifer Anderson is the author of Plant Yourself Where You Will Bloom (on the Amazon bestseller list for career advice in October 2013) and has been teaching this class for 17 years CONVENER: Jennifer Anderson Email: [email protected] Website: www.jenniferanderson.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $14.00 material fee = $24.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, December 09; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 food 22 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #3008 A Fruit Tarts Made Easy Want to impress your friends and family with a show-stopping dessert? You will work through each step of the process: from making the crust, cooking the custard and artfully placing seasonal fruit on top. Each person will take a mini tart home with them! CONVENER: Kelly Savage Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $20.00 material fee = $30.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 12 Pantry #3001 A Celebrate the Season: Pumpkin Extravaganza! Unusual pumpkin crafts, foods and more. Create Pumpkin Vodka for an easy, tasty Pumpkin Martini (Home Distiller’s Hand Book), Pumpkin Waffles, Cinnamon and Sugar Spicy Pumpkin Seeds, PullApart Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Spice Sugar Scrub This class is held in an 1899 Victorian private residence in Historic Northeast. CONVENER: Christine Shuck (816-318-0169) Email: [email protected] Website: http://thedeadlynightshade.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, November 14; 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM; 3225 E. 10th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64127; LIMIT: 15 #3002 A Comfort Foods: Oh! To Soup! With the onset of fall and winter comes a time to curl up inside and watch the snow fall. As the days shorten, everyone needs a little pick-me-up of comfort foods, and soup is the perfect solution! We will taste-test two fabulous hearty winter soups designed to warm you inside and out. Attendees will also receive a handout with all four tasty soup recipes. Come see how easy soup-making can be and enjoy the taste of some good old-fashioned comfort! This class is held in an 1899 Victorian located in Historic Northeast KC. CONVENER: Christine Shuck (816-318-0169) Email: [email protected] Website: http://thedeadlynightshade.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, November 14; 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM; 3225 E. 10th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64127; LIMIT: 15 #3003 A Kefir This! Have you heard of kefir and wondered how it is cultured, how it works? Wonder no more! We will discuss techniques for culturing milk kefir, taste test a smoothie made with kefir, and you will go home with your own kefir grains to culture. Health benefits, and recipes that include uses for kefir cheese and whey will be included. CONVENER: Christine Shuck (816-318-0169) Email: [email protected] Website: http://thedeadlynightshade.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM; 3225 E. 10th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64127; LIMIT: 15 #3004 A Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme: Cultivating & Cooking w/ Fresh Herbs Fresh herbs are easy to grow in even the smallest of yards or patios. But growing them is only half the fun, it’s time to add them to your food! You will learn how easy it is to cultivate fresh herbs and add them to your meals quickly and easily. Herb-infused tea, roast beef sandwiches w/several different herb spread choices, Sage Crisps, and Lemon-Thyme cookies will be served. Several other easy recipes will be included and methods for cultivating these plants will be discussed during the class. CONVENER: Christine Shuck (816-318-0169) Email: [email protected] Website: http://thedeadlynightshade.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM; 3225 E. 10th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64127; LIMIT: 10 #3005 A How to Cook with Fresh Herbs from the Garden This will be a hands-on, culinary herbal productmaking class. Class products will include an herbal butter, vinegar, and salt, which I provide. Besides making these products, there will be a fall garden tour, and some herbal dishes to taste. Please be on time and shoes need to be removed at the main door. Each person must bring the following: A 1 cup jar with lid, a 16 oz. glass bottle with lid, and a small tub to hold herbal product. Please have all pre-labeled with your name. Registrations will close for this class on 10/14 at 7 PM. No exceptions. CONVENER: Paula Winchester (816-361-2243) Email: [email protected] Website: www.paulawinchester.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $20.00 material fee = $30.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; 5742 Kenwood Ave., KCMO (home with brilliant blue shutters); LIMIT: 6 #3006 A Cooking Local Create an entire meal from local ingredients including local produce, cheeses, spices and beer. Class participants will cook and enjoy every part of the meal. CONVENER: Kelly Savage Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $20.00 material fee = $30.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 13; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 20 #3009 A The Secret of Soup We’ll begin with delicious homemade soup stock with fortifying herbs packed with calcium and other important nutrients. Choose from a vegan or chicken bone broth.Then we get creative! The possibilities are endless; from spices, vegetables, greens, beans, grains and immune boosting herbs. Meat is optional. We’ll show you what to add when to create yummy healthy soups. Come to class hungry! CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 Ethnic Food #3102 A or B Indian Cooking: Chicken Tikka Masala Learn to make this Indian favorite: chicken marinated in yogurt and spices and then served in a tomato cream sauce. You’ll learn to cook this dish from scratch using traditional spices and techniques. Ajay Sood ran an Indian grocery store and was often asked how to use Indian spices. He now teaches cooking classes along with his wife and his mother. CONVENER: Ajay Sood & Sabira Sood (913-268-3608 913963-1787) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 21; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 12 Sec. B: 1 session; Friday, November 06; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 12 #3103 A Midwest Mexican Cooking: How Ta’ Flauta This local mother-daughter team presents a hands-on class preparing a classic Flauta Dinner from their family recipes. Tender chicken and beef fillings wrapped in crispy tortillas and dipped in fresh guacamole, pico de gallo and a savory tomatillo salsa. A steamy side of rice completes this party! You will love the combination of simplicity and ease. Anna is a former restaurant owner/operator and together they share 20+ years of experience in the food service industry and successfully teaching together since 2001. CONVENER: Anna Walker & Christina Gallegos Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $20.00 material fee = $30.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 15; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Harvesters, 3801 Topping Avenue Kc,Mo. 64129; LIMIT: 10 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU #3104 A Midwest Mexican Cooking: The Enchilada Variable There are Southwest, Tex-Mex and traditional Mexican versions of this savory entrée, to name a few. Come join local mother and daughter uniting to share their original family recipes. This is an easy, hands-on class where you will learn to prepare a variety of delectable fillings and aromatic sauces using simple ingredients and techniques. Appetites invited and recipes provided! Anna is a former restaurant owner/operator. They share 20+ years in the food service industry. She and Christina have been successfully teaching together since 2001. CONVENER: Anna Walker & Christina Gallegos Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $20.00 material fee = $30.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; ; Harvesters, 3801 Topping Avenue Kc,Mo. 64129 LIMIT: 10 Drink #3301 A Chai and Chat in my Garden Do you enjoy learning about tea, like fascinating little details about plucking, processing, steeping, and tasting? The focus will be India, my fourth country of origin. Paula spent five weeks in India studying tea in Assam and Darjeeling in early 2014. Come with an inquisitive mind, open heart and immerse yourself into the mystical realm and toils of tea. This is an entertaining, educational evening class to socialize with your friends and find new ones too. Don’t drink any coffee within three hours of the class. CONVENER: Paula Winchester (816-361-2243) Email: [email protected] Website: www.paulawinchester.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $8.00 material fee = $18.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 21; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; 5742 Kenwood Ave., KCMO (home with brilliant blue shutters); LIMIT: 10 #3302 A Flying Magic Carpet, Teas from around the World Paula Winchester has traveled the world to study tea and will focus on four countries of origin: China, Japan, Taiwan, and India. Discussion will center around differences and similarities in tea production while tasting 4 teas: pu-erh from China, matcha from Japan, oolong from Taiwan, and a black CTC from India. Snacks and handouts provided. Please do not drink any coffee within three hours of the class. CONVENER: Paula Winchester (816-361-2243) Email: [email protected] Website: www.paulawinchester.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Sunday, October 25; 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM; 5742 Kenwood Ave., KCMO (home with brilliant blue shutters); LIMIT: 10 SAHARA Mediterranean Food 816-756-5444 320 E. 51st St. 64112 www.saharakc.com FALL ‘15 23 24 FALL ‘15 health FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS #3303 A, B or C Homebrewing for Beginners Attendees will learn the critical part of boiling, adding hops, chilling, sanitizing, pitching yeast and how to bottle a 5-gallon batch of beer (sugar and yeast dosing, sanitizing bottles, crimping crowns, and bottle conditioning). Each participant takes home beers for bottle conditioning at home and a detailed 2-page outline. After this session you’ll be confident to begin brewing at home. Convener has experience in a commercial brewery as well as homebrewing, is a beer judge, and owner/manager of a homebrew supply shop. CONVENER: Jennifer Helber (816-472-0516) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $50.00 material fee = $60.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 19; 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM; Grain to Glass, 1611 Swift North Kansas City Mo 64116; LIMIT: 12 Sec. B: 1 session; Sunday, October 18; 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM; Grain to Glass, 1611 Swift North Kansas City Mo 64116; LIMIT: 12 Sec. C: 1 session; Sunday, November 15; 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM; Grain to Glass, 1611 Swift North Kansas City Mo 64116; LIMIT: 12 #3304 A How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Coffee We’ve all endured the agony of sipping on nasty coffee... put an end to the madness today. Life is too short to drink nasty coffee. Attendees will learn the basics of how to brew the perfect cup of coffee. In the course, we will address water to coffee ratio for a variety of brew methods including French press, Clever Drip, Aeropress, V60 pour over and Chemex. We will discuss the benefits of grinding your coffee fresh each morning and helpful tips for achieving the gold standard of brewing. Waking up in the morning doesn’t have to be a drudge. CONVENER: The Bean Sensei & Courtney EdMonds Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, September 21; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; The Roasterie, 1204 West 27th Street KCMO 64108; LIMIT: 8 In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport. ~Julia Child REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 Yoga & Tai Chi #4001 A #4005 A Did you know that the ancient exercise science known as yoga has 22 aspects or systems? 90% of these techniques can be done sitting and there is no extreme pressure on body or joints. Join us as we practice mudra, mantra, kriya, relaxation and meditation. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat or towel to sit on. T’ai Chi and Qigong are both ancient Chinese healing methods. Gentle and simple in nature, these exercises can help you enhance your cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems. This class will focus on improving your energy level and on the health aspects of T’ai Chi. Kundalini Yoga for All Levels CONVENER: Alan Lee Lippincott (816-529-2771) CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 28; 6:45 PM - 8:00 PM; Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W. 47th Place, #328, Westwood, Ks. 66205; LIMIT: 10 T’ai Chi and Qi Gong CONVENER: Chun Man Sit Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM; Community Christian Church, Activity Center, 32 E. 46th St., KCMO, across 46th St. from the church, park on the street or in parking lot behind the Activity Center; LIMIT: 12 #4003 A T’ai Chi Wu style This course presents the Wu Style, 32 posture form, and Chi Gong, the art of building and balancing the energy of the body and self. The connection of breath to movement in T’ai Chi improves balance, strength, circulation, and flexibility. Please bring $20 to class for material fee. CONVENER: Mike Reyes Website: trueselfdefense.org CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $20.00 material fee = $38.00 Sec. A: 15 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, September 22; 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Mi Chuan Martial Arts and Fitness, 5502 Troost Kansas City 64110; LIMIT: 30 #4004 A or B Beginning T’ai Chi T’ai Chi is an ancient system of exercise, meditation, and martial art that unites mind and body: an exercise to cultivate the body, a meditation to cultivate the spirit, a martial art to cultivate harmonious relationships with others. Learn the first seven postures with the option to continue. Kim Kanzelberger, M.A., has been teaching T’ai Chi in the Kansas City area for over 30 years. He is the director of Center States T’ai Chi and leads retreats and workshops in the U.S. and Europe. CONVENER: Kim Kanzelberger (816-531-0065) Email: [email protected] Website: www.centerstatestaichi.com CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Meets Mondays and Wednesdays, September 14,16, 21 & 23; 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM; Center States T’ai Chi Assn, 111 E. Gregory, KC, Mo; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 4 sessions; Mondays and Wednesdays, November 9,11,16 & 18; 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM; Center States T’ai Chi Assn, 111 E. Gregory, KC, Mo; LIMIT: 20 #4008 A Acrobatic Style Partner Yoga Learn and and hone building blocks to a fun and safe partner acrobatic practice. In this all levels workshop, we blend yoga, acrobatic and Thai massage techniques for various positions as flyer, base and spotter. Come alone or with a partner —no previous experience in yoga or acrobatics necessary! CONVENER: Patrick Miller (816-210-4077) CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Sunday, October 04; 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM; Pop-Up Gallery, 2100 Main Kansas City Mo 64108; LIMIT: 27 Advertise HERE Reach People Who Enjoy Experiencing Life • 21,000 catalogs are printed 3 times per year • 6000 catalogs are mailed to previous participants • 15,000 catalogs are distributed to 400 locations 816-235-1448 http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU #4010 A #4013 A The moon is full tonight! Experience the energizing, relaxing effects of Reiki and other forms of healing energy. Reiki works on physical, emotional and spiritual levels to open the flow in your life. Techniques will be taught to help you be more sensitive to subtle energy. We will play with a variety of energy techniques including Reiki, bioforce, polarity, chakra balancing and healing with sound. The class is held in our home in beautiful Dogwood Forest. Kundalini Yoga Kundalini yoga is a form of physical and meditative yoga comprising various techniques using the mind, body and our senses. It goes beyond the physical performance of Asanas with its emphasis on breathing, meditation, mudras and chanting. It can be very intense and appeals to those who are up for both mental and physical challenges. Kundalini yoga helps in the better functioning of the digestive, glandular, cardiovascular, lymphatic and nervous systems. Please bring $10 material fee to class. Reiki Play Day CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 15; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 #4011 A Kundalini Yoga! CONVENER: Karen Carmack Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.anahatawellness.massagetherapy.com CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 6 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 23; 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM; The Wellness Wheel, 5742 N Broadway Kansas City Mo 64118; LIMIT: 15 Family Yoga Family Yoga is an open and friendly yoga class suitable for all types of family units and/or caretakers. Class is adapted to include toddlers and kids. Those too young to participate can play/stare at the other kids, be worn, be held, or hang out next to you! Yoga poses, breathing techniques, acting out yoga stories, and rest round out this community class. Bring $11.00 for room rental fees. CONVENER: Yogi Community with Amanda Garner (816-922-9900; 816-922-9900) Email: [email protected] Website: http://yogicommunity.net/ CLASS FEE: $16.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Mondays, beginning, September 21; 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM; Kundalini Yoga Center, 3525 Walnut St., KCMO; LIMIT: 20 Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings. ~Publilius Syrus FALL ‘15 25 Massage #4101 A Couples Massage Massage is a great way to relieve stress, improve health, and connect with a partner. In this class, we will go over some basic massage techniques: From the arms and legs, hands and feet, to the head, shoulders, and back. Attendees will take turns giving and receiving. CONVENER: Patrick Miller (816-210-4077) CLASS FEE: $14.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Sundays, beginning, September 20; 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 18 #4102 A or B Consider Becoming a Massage Mentor The Massage Therapy Law in Missouri gives practitioners the option to “Apprentice/Mentor” students. Over the years I have really enjoyed teaching using this method. If you’re curious, let’s review Mentoring requirements and brainstorm how to fulfill student requirements. CONVENER: Necia Gamby (913-232-9119) Email: [email protected] Website: www.nrginMotion.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Sunday, September 20; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 LIMIT: 16 Sec. B: 1 session; Sunday, October 11; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 LIMIT: 16 Upcoming Events August Thurs. Aug 6 – Sun. Oct 4 Hiroshima-Nagasaki: 70 Years Beyond the Bombings Miller Nichols Library, Ground Floor Link Gallery September Sat. Sept 12 1:30 p.m-3:30 p.m. Latino Americans: 500 Years of History discussion and film series Mattie Rhodes Art Gallery, 915 W 17th St Kansas City, MO Thurs. Sept 29 6 p.m.—8 p.m. Founder’s Week portFOLio event: “The Guest Cottage” Nancy Thayer Book Talk & Reception Book Talk & Signing: Bloch Executive Hall Room 218 Reception: Bloch Executive Hall 331 October Wed. Oct 14th 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Push Has Come To Shove: Getting Our Kids the Education They Deserve book talk by Steve Perry Miller Nichols Library, 1st floor, iX Theatre Sat. Oct 17– Mon. Dec 21 Intra-Inter-Action: Presenting Painter Sharon Gradischnig in Retrospective Art Exhibit Miller Nichols Library, 4th floor Dean’s Gallery Thurs. Oct. 22 5 p.m.—8 p.m. “Intra-Inter-Action: Presenting Painter Sharon Gradischnig in Retrospective Opening Reception Miller Nichols Library, 4th Floor Dean’s Gallery November Wed. Nov 4th 12 p.m.— 1 p.m. Americanah book discussion Miller Nichols Library, iX Theatre 1st floor Sat. November 14th 1:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m Latino Americans: 500 Years of History Discussion and film screening National World War I Museum 100 W 26th st. Kansas City ,MO 26 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS Nutrition #4201 A 3 Steps To Overcome Emotional Eating If you’ve tried diet after diet and nothing ever seems to stick, this class is for you. Learn the common mistakes most people make when trying to lose weight that actually end up back-firing and what you can do instead. No deprivation, dieting, or willpower is required! Bring $2 for materials. CONVENER: Shannon Hodge (360-350-7801) Email: [email protected] Website: www.shannonhodge.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Friday, October 16; 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM; Plaza Library, Small Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112; LIMIT: 20 #4202 A One Green Smoothie a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away....Forever Do you have low energy? Can’t lose weight? Do you have problems with indigestion/elimination? Do you crave sweets? Do you want to eat healthy but just can’t find the time? If you have answered yes to at least one of these questions, this class is for you! Learn the health benefits of raw greens and an easy way to incorporate fruits, vegetables and greens into your diet. We will prepare a very tasty green smoothie that is also good for you! CONVENER: Sonia Malburg Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Harvestors, 3801 Topping Avenue KC MO 64129; LIMIT: 12 Give a Gift of Learning You can now send Communiversity gift certificates to your friends online for any amount. http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ 816-235-1448 #4203 A or B Are there GMO’s in my Organics? Have you ever wondered about GMO vs. organic and what it all means? Join Melissa Toye HN, LPN, LBWA, as we discuss the debate surrounding our food supply. How organic and GMO crops are defined, grown, and marketed to the consumer. Are there any benefits to either? Please bring $5.00 to class for materials. CONVENER: Melissa Toye (816-866-0392 816-868-2383) Email: [email protected] Website: http://midwestherbsandoils.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 Sec. B: 1 session; Wednesday, October 07; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #4204 A Herbal Infusions and Teas We’ll learn about a plethora of healing herbs and make blends tailored to the season and our personal needs. You’ll go home with a winter chai full of warming, fortifying herbs and a blend of your own making based on what you learn in class. CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, November 21; 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 Healing #4301 A Dispelling the Myths of Hospice Designed to explain the role of hospice care at the end of one’s life. This class reviews when to request hospice and the services provided will include clarification of many myths, ethical issues at the end of life, and how to design a legal document to assure one’s preferences are known. The speaker is a seasoned nurse who weaves an inspiring message that turns an uncertain moment into a holy moment. CONVENER: Carol Are (816-444-4611) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 05; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Grace Hospice, Suite 201, 9233 Ward Pkwy., Kansas City, Mo 64114; LIMIT: 20 #4302 A Basic Life Support for Healthcare Professionals This Red Cross class teaches professionals in health care and other workplace settings with a duty to respond, how to respond to cardiac and breathing emergencies in adults, children and infants. Students who successfully complete the class will receive a 2-year certificate from the Red Cross with anytime, anywhere access to training and certification verification. BLS will be taught by a certified Red Cross instructors, meets AHA and OSHA guidelines and CEU credit requirements for many educational programs. CONVENER: Yancy Davis CLASS FEE: $14.00 + $40.00 material fee = $54.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 01; 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM; UMKC Administrative Center, Plaza Room, 5115 Oak Kansas City MO 64110; ; LIMIT: 12 #4303 A American Red Cross First Aid Training Have fun learning to save lives. This class will teach you how to recognize and respond to first aid emergencies such as external bleeding, bruises, burns, cuts, fractures, sprains, strains, head, neck, back, cold and heat-related illnesses, stroke and diabetic emergencies. Students will receive a Red Cross certificate valid for 2 years at the end of the class. Taught by a certified Red Cross Instructor, this class meets current OSHA guidelines and CEU credit requirements for many educational programs. CONVENER: Yancy Davis CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $40.00 material fee = $50.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Friday, November 06; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Plaza Library, Large Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112; ; LIMIT: 25 #4304 A Red Cross CPR & First Aid for Caretakers Have fun and learn to save lives! CPR and First Aid for Caretakers is an American Red Cross training class designed for caretakers, companions, home health aides and personal care attendants who assist elderly and disabled family members or loved ones with daily living activities such as cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene and transportation to medical appointments. No exam is required. Students who complete the class will receive a 2-year certificate from the American Red Cross. Taught by Yancy Davis, a certified Red Cross Instructor. Light refreshments will be served. CONVENER: Yancy Davis CLASS FEE: $14.00 + $50.00 material fee = $64.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, November 11; 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 12 #4305 A Allergic Reactions & Bloodborne Pathogens Have fun learning to save lives. Learn how to recognize and respond to allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) at home, school, work and in the community, and to administer an adrenaline shot with an Epipen. Also, for those who risk on-the-job exposure, learn how bloodborne pathogens such as Hepatitis B, C and HIV are spread, avoid exposure and what to do if exposed to infectious material. Red Cross certificates are given at the end of class. Taught by a certified Red Cross instructor, the class meets OSHA guidelines and CEU credit requirements for many educational programs. CONVENER: Yancy Davis CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $40.00 material fee = $50.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 07; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Westport Library, Meeting Room, 118 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO 64111, please use street parking; ; LIMIT: 20 #4306 A Learning How to Manage Insomnia This course will briefly summarize basic information about sleep and insomnia; and then, present a step-by-step overview of standard techniques for self-management of insomnia. There will be handouts for each step of the course. CONVENER: Sid Nau, PhD. Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $5.00 material fee = $23.00 Sec. A: 5 sessions; Mondays, beginning, September 28; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 305, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 20 #4307 A Aromatherapy 1 (stress relief) for Humans and Animals Learn how to relieve stress using scent. Students will learn about herbs, essential oils and how to grow their own herbs. Seeds and more will be provided with supply fee. Stress relief for animals will also be covered. CONVENER: Marla DiBenedetto Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Brush Creek Blvd., KCMO 64108; LIMIT: 15 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU Advertise HERE Reach People Who Enjoy Experiencing Life • 21,000 catalogs are printed 3 times per year • 6000 catalogs are mailed to previous participants • 15,000 catalogs are distributed to 400 locations 816-235-1448 http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ #4308 A Your Guide to Coping with Cancer From one survivor to another, come learn how to cope emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with cancer - from diagnosis through recovery. We’ll meditate together, talk about managing the loss of identity that comes with diagnosis, and how to care for YOU while you’re caring for your body. CONVENER: Shani Enns Email: [email protected] Website: www.embraceyourhumanity.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Embrace Your Humanity, 1900 Swift, Suite 208, North Kansas City, Mo 64116; LIMIT: 25 #4310 A Quieting the Mind Through Meditation – Level II Continue to focus on mindful meditations by quieting the mind through breath, Mantra and Mudras. We will reinforce the importance of using our breath and experience Mudras positions of the body that focus on body energy. Mantra is an instrument of the mind, a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deeper state of meditation. CONVENER: Karen Carmack Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.anahatawellness.massagetherapy.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, September 15; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; The Wellness Wheel, 5742 N Broadway Kansas City Mo 64118; LIMIT: 15 #4311 A Mood Management Take control of your mood and life with the use of essential oils. Learn multiple ways to incorporate “Mood Management” into your life with these natural oils. Please bring $15 to class for materials. CONVENER: Karen Carmack Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.anahatawellness.massagetherapy.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; The Wellness Wheel, 5742 N Broadway Kansas City Mo 64118; LIMIT: 10 Supportive Counseling Services for Individuals, Couples, Children, Families and Groups Shelley Stelmach-Nigro, MS, LPC Westport Growth Center 4104 Central • Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 753-1110 www.WestportGrowthCenter.com FALL ‘15 27 28 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS #4312 A or B Essential Oils for Beginners! Do you want to begin using essential oils, but find all the information overwhelming? Join us in a casual conversation about the who, what, where, when, and why all about oils! Please bring $5.00 to class for materials. CONVENER: Melissa Toye (816-866-0392; 816-868-2383) Email: [email protected] Website: http://midwestherbsandoils.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 21; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 262, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 30 Sec. B: 1 sssion; Wednesday, November 04; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 262, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 30 #4313 A or B Herbs and Oils for the Season! Fall and winter are great times to use herbs and essential oils to warm up the home and bolster the immune system. I will share healthy recipes for the body, mind, and home. These recipes also make great homemade gifts! Please bring $5 to class for materials. CONVENER: Melissa Toye (816-866-0392 816-868-2383) Email: [email protected] Website: http://midwestherbsandoils.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, November 11; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 305, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 30 Sec. B: 1 session; Wednesday, December 09; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 305, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 30 #4314 A Herbal Home Remedies Learn what our grandmothers don’t teach us anymore. Facilitate your own healing. We’ll learn about a variety of remedies from herbal teas and medicinal foods to poultices and salves. We’ll make a healing salve and cough syrup in class for you to take home. Hands-on demonstration, samples and handouts included. CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $20.00 material fee = $30.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 24; 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 #4315 A How to Find Help with a Prescription Assistance Program People on a fixed income sometimes have to make a choice between eating and buying expensive drugs. Even those not on a fixed incomes need prescription drugs cost hundreds of dollars. Come and listen to John Alford explain how you can pay $25.00 plus a reasonable amount for prescription drugs costing hundreds of dollars. CONVENER: Phil Agee CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Johnson County Public Library, Oak Park Branch, 95th street and Blue Jacket, OPKS 66212; LIMIT: 10 , REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 Fitness Beauty #4402 A #4501 A Get into running or power-walking to get fit, make new friends and shed a pound or two. This is a class for new runners, runners who gave it up but want to start again, persons who walk with a vengeance. By the end of the ten weeks, you will be able to complete a 5K. You will be required to join the Kansas City Track Club ($20) at the first meeting. Your membership entitles you to a 10% discount on your running and power-walking needs. Youngsters welcome with parents. Natural Hair 101: An introduction to natural hair care basics. This class will provide an understanding of the structure of textured hair. Learn how to properly comb and detangling natural hair, as well as how to effectively grow and style your natural hair. Start Running or Power-Walking for Fitness, Fun and Friends CONVENER: Louis Joline (816-679-8185) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 10 sessions; Mondays, beginning, September 21; 5:45 PM - 8:00 PM; Garry Gribble’s Running Sports, Ward Parkway Shopping Center, 8600 Ward Pkwy., KCMO; LIMIT: 10 Natural Hair Care for Biracial Children CONVENER: Veronica Besch Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 205, 52nd St, between Rockhill & Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 me & you Singles Self Development #5001 A #5302 A Two in One: Fun Ways for Singles to Meet and Advantages (or not) of Being Single This class combines two of Davidson’s workshops into one session. The first half shares fun and clever ways a single person can get noticed and meet someone new. The second half is a discussion of the advantages versus the disadvantages of being single. Get both workshops in one evening. The material fee includes two booklets the convener has published that are used in the workshop. Please register by October 9 and bring $6.00 for class materials. CONVENER: Don Davidson CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $6.00 material fee = $16.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 12; 7:00 PM - 8:50 PM; Plaza Library, Large Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo 64112; LIMIT: 20 Relationships #5101 A When the Honeymoon Is Over No longer does love mean just meeting your soulmate or that love happens once. The Love Guru is redefining love in the 21st Century. Come learn how to spice up your life as love is in the air. This class will help you find the love of your life. CONVENER: Ajay Sood (913-268-3608 913-963-1787) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $25.00 material fee = $35.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 30; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 304, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 20 Adult-Child Trauma Syndrome and Codependency I will present an accurate definition of dependent personality disorder and adult-child trauma syndrome including: characteristics, accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment intervention. CONVENER: Lisa Doyle (816-205-0082) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $12.00 Sec. A: 2 sessions; Thursdays, beginning, October 08; 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM; Addiction Awareness, 117B Main Street Liberty Mo; LIMIT: 15 #5303 A or B How to Feel Good and Stay Positive, No Matter What! Award-winning author MK Mueller will help you get where you want to go in life! You’ll learn how to use 1-minute a day to increase energy, make your best decision every time, turn BC (Blaming and Complaining) into AD (Acting and Dreaming), practice her FGH positive attitude formula: Forgiveness of the past, Gratitude for the present and Hope for the future. Based on her book, 8 to Great: The Powerful Process for Positive Change, it’s excellent for managers, educators, parents. Please bring $5.00 for class materials. CONVENER: MK Mueller (402-212-3033 828-242-9033) Email: [email protected] Website: www.8togreat.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 material fee = $15.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Sunday, September 20; 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM; 5200 W. 94th Terrace, 5200 W. 94th Terrace Street, #107 Prairie Village KS; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 1 session; Sunday, October 25; 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM; 5200 W. 94th Terrace, 5200 W. 94th Terrace Street, #107 Prairie Village KS; LIMIT: 20 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU FALL ‘15 29 #5304 A Improving Self-Esteem Do you suffer from low self-esteem? In this workshop, we will use the techniques of EFT and hypnosis to help you feel more confident, less worried about what other people think of you, more relaxed in social situations, more confident about how you look, more confident about your ideas, and better able to stand up to bullies. Carol Henderson is a Certified Hypnotherapist. CONVENER: Carol Henderson (913-908-6907) Email: [email protected] Website: www.NewDayHypno.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, November 07; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Cloverleaf Office Park, Bldg. #3, 6405 Metcalf, #114, Overland Park, KS; LIMIT: 25 #5305 A or B Getting My Life In Order Do you want to live a stress-free, happier, healthier life? This course will help anyone who needs to start over, make some changes, and reinvent who they are. These tips will help you make the changes you need to a new, improved you. Bring $10 to class for workbook. CONVENER: Carmelita McRoy Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.carmelitamcroy.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $10.00 material fee = $20.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 212, 52nd & Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; ; LIMIT: 15 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, October 10; 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 212, 52nd & Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 15 Give a Gift of Learning You can now send Communiversity gift certificates to your friends online for any amount. http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ 816-235-1448 #5307 A Developing The Positives In Your Life Learning to look for the positives in life is more promising than dwelling on the struggles we all experience. This world can be a negative, unforgiving place. The antidote is looking for the good things in our lives which build us up! We will also look at many of the basic struggles that we all must encounter and see how we can respond to them in more positive and affirming ways. CONVENER: Mark Bayer Ed.D. Email: [email protected] Website: www.markbayer.9f.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 306, 52nd & Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 18 #5309 A #5306 A Integral Philosophy in Action: Cultivating Creative Community Are you facing any type of life transition, such as divorce, career/job change, empty nest, or health status? This is an opportunity to identify options and clarify choices about life directions while interacting with horses. Please wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. This is a groundbased class; there is no riding. Cathy is certified by EAGALA as an Equine Specialist and has a lifetime of experience with horses. Bonnie is certified by EAGALA as a Mental Health Specialist and has many years of experience as a clinical social worker. Please bring $10 for materials. Integral philosophy emphasizes the evolution of consciousness and culture as a central factor in the process of evolution. Exploration of Integral theory and its application for Community Development. Section A: Introduction to Integral theory developed over the last century through the work of Aurobindo, Whitehead, Teilhard de Chardin, Wilber and others. Section B: The Action Dialogue. We are here to Do! Having talked and talked. Section C: Community of Resource. Connecting to the FLOW of abundance all around us. Section D: Creating Fluid Networks and Circles of Exchange. Continuing Action Let Horses Help With Your Life Transition CONVENER: Cathy Cowger & Bonnie E. Benson, LCSW (816914-3601) Email: [email protected] Website: cedarlanefarm.us CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 26; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Cedar Lane Farm, 13004 NW 81st Street, KCMO 64152; LIMIT: 10 CONVENER: Steve Mann & Fred Culver (816-352-9213) Email: [email protected] Website: prairietrading.com CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $15.00 material fee = $33.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Wednesday, September 23; Wednesday, October 14; Wednesday, November 18; Thursday, December 17; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; UMKC School of Medicine, Theatre B, first floor, 2411 Holmes, KCMO, Parking is on Charlotte, Bring picture ID; LIMIT: 24 Online learning anytime, anywhere... just a click away! www.ed2go.com/commu oo #5310 A, B or C The Secret to Becoming Unstoppable and Creating Success Are you tired of setting goals but never reaching them? What if the next time you set out to lose weight, finish the project, grow your business, or find that dream job, you knew you couldn’t fail? This simple but powerful program will show you the secret to launch you to new levels of personal power and success! In this interactive presentation, Tina introduces you to the secret power behind goal setting and how you can finally reach the life of your dreams. Then she guides you through the process of applying this secret to your selected goal.Come prepared to be inspired and get motivated! CONVENER: Tina Joy Cochran Email: [email protected] Website: www,3amWoman.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 15; 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Sec. B: 1 session; Thursday, November 19; 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Sec. C: 1 session; Thursday, December 17; 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 30 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #5311 A The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People—The Most Profoundly Practical Book of the Last 100 Years If you could select only one book to study for your personal benefit, what would it be? Although we’re all very different, for many people, an outstanding selection would be Stephen Covey’s, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Published in 1989, it is still a hot seller, with people from all walks of life reading it, re-reading it, and almost unanimously being at least a little better for it. At the end of class, 3 copies of the 25th anniversary edition will be randomly given out. CONVENER: Scott Cline Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 27; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 #5312 A or B RED Hot Living The Secret Formula To Reclaim Fun and Passion In a Crazy, Stressful World You came here to make a difference, but then life happened. Constant demands from jobs, school, family, friends, you name it. If life is overwhelming and busy, come learn the formula for setting it straight and focusing on what matters so you can still get it all done. Walk away with two tools you can start using immediately to gauge and elevate your emotional power to beat stress and be way more productive while having FUN! Participants will receive a two-week implementation support journal and a complementary follow up strategy session with Linda, the RED Hot Coach. Please bring $10 to first class for materials. CONVENER: Linda Cordes (816-739-7923) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, September 21; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 Sec. B: 1 session; Monday, September 28; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 30 #5313 A Wear Your Confidence This course will focus on personal growth and confidence building. Each topic of study will allow the student to self-reflect as well as set a goal to build confidence in each topic of focus. The class will offer guest speakers. The student will complete a goal for each topic and evaluate their own personal growth throughout the semester. Most confidence books, groups, or programs make you feel good temporarily because they never give concrete ways to grow; this course will offer a 12week plan taking your confidence to the next level. CONVENER: Patricia Byrd Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $45.00 material fee = $63.00 Sec. A: 12 sessions; Tuesdays, beginning, September 22; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 305, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO 64110; LIMIT: 20 #5314 A or B Healing from Grief Getting over losing a loved one is not easy, but talking about it can ease the pain. I lost two of my children suddenly so I know how grief can try to take over your life. Come with me as I show you my journey to healing and I know it will help you. There is life for you after losing your loved one. Please bring $10.00 to class for materials. CONVENER: Carmelita McRoy Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.carmelitamcroy.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 15 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, November 07; 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 15 Self Healing #5403 A Meditation for Chronic Pain It’s been called the most powerful painkiller on the planet: meditation helps soothe your mind, body and soul. Learn new techniques for meditation success, even if you’ve struggled with it before and even if your pain makes it hard to sit still. Chairs and cushions provided, please feel free to bring additional cushions for comfort. CONVENER: Shani Enns Email: [email protected] Website: www.embraceyourhumanity.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 21; 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM; Embrace Your Humanity, 1900 Swift, Suite 208, North Kansas City, Mo 64116; LIMIT: 25 #5315 A #5404 A Shakespeare said that “in life we get the full catastrophe.” Boy that’s the truth. Developing a language of comfort reduces anxiety and doubt. Make life a series of joyful discoveries rather than a painful sentencing. New cutting-edge research in the field of interpersonal neurobiology teaches us how to steer our mind instead our mind steering us. We don’t have to believe everything our mind tells us. Hope management generates post-traumatic growth making now better so that later will be easier. Developing a basic faith in yourself is a gift that can’t be repossessed stolen or burnt. Resilience is how we cope with adversity, fend off damage and bounce back. Traumas, crises,and tragedies come in many forms. People benefit from them in three primary ways. Some people need adversity, set backs and even trauma to reach their highest levels of strength, fulfillment and personal development. Adversity radically changes our perspective about what matters in life. Learning how to grow post-traumatically breaks the contamination sequence that unhealed pain so generously delivers. We don’t receive wisdom, we must discover it. Do it while your young in order to lighten the load. When Living and Learning Hurt— Making Now Better so that Later is Easier CONVENER: Thomas W. Scott, M.S. L.P.C 913-579-6840 Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $16.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Thursdays, beginning, September 24; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 337, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 Post-Traumatic GrowthOvercoming Adversity and Building Resilience CONVENER: Thomas W. Scott, M.S. L.P.C.,913-579-6840 Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $16.00 Sec. A: 3 sessions; Thursdays, beginning, October 15; 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 306, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU inner paths Spirituality #6001 A A Course in Miracles—UR Text Part 1: This course is about awakening to one’s higher self and the higher selves in others. Students are expected to read and apply ACIM as homework and later discuss in class. The UR Text means Unrevised and its wording is closer to what was actually channeled from Jesus Christ and his coworkers. CONVENER: Reverend Shasta CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 13 sessions; Thursdays, beginning, September 24; 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM; School of Education, Rm. 117, 615 E 52nd St., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 30 #6002 A Listen—The Universe Is Talking to You Whether you pray, meditate, chant, or cast spells this class will talk to you. We will talk about the different ways the Universe talks to you and see if you are really listening. We will also talk about symbolism and understanding. CONVENER: Rose Abrams (816-392-0782) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, November 12; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 #6005 A Pagans, Witches and Wizards, OH MY! Paganism is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of religions, belief-sets and spiritual paths. For some, paganism refers to any preChristian religions, for others it refers to any polytheistic religion (those that include the worship of many gods and/or goddesses), for others it includes both of these and more. The lack of a firm and agreed definition makes the question ‘What is paganism?’ a very difficult one to answer. The Pagan community in Kansas City is represented by a wide diversity of spiritual beliefs and practices, and throughout the course of this class we will delve into some of the different spiritual practices that make up the Pagan community in Kansas City. It is my sincere hope that those who attend this class will walk away with a better understanding of what Paganism truly is. CONVENER: Angela Krout Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $5.00 material fee = $23.00 Sec. A: 6 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 23; 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 302, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 50 #6008 A Bible Studies / Bible Marking Classes Are you interested in learning what the Bible has to say concerning end-time prophecy and how it may affect us today? Are you interested in learning Bible prophecy and how it relates to world events? If so, the Three Angels Seventh-Day Adventist Church will be hosting Bible study classes, as well as Bible marking classes, to better help us to understand these misunderstood topics and to be ready for the soon coming of Jesus Christ. We will be covering topics such as: The Mark of the Beast, The Anti-Christ, Are the dead really dead?, The glorious second coming of Jesus and The lost day in history. CONVENER: Dejay Nelson (816-301-4732) Email: [email protected] Website: www.3angelssdachurch.com CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 15 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 23; 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM; Grandview United Methodist Church, 12613 Grandview Road, Grandview Mo 64030; LIMIT: 5 #6009 A Basics of Buddhism Buddhism is a 2,500 year-old tradition that teaches us how to end pain and suffering in ourselves and in others. This twelve-week course will cover all of the basics, including: meditation instruction, life of the Buddha, foundational Buddhist teachings, three schools of Buddhism, and much more. This course is open to all regardless of previous experience. Each class will begin with an optional meditation from 7:00 to 7:30. Please bring $20 for textbook to first class. CONVENER: Sergio Moreno CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $20.00 material fee = $38.00 Sec. A: 12 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, September 23; 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM; Rime Buddhist Center, 700 West Pennway, Kansas City Mo 64108, (N. on I-35, exit on W. Pennway, take a left, RBC on right); LIMIT: 60 #6011 A The Forgiveness Process Increase your spiritual practice by including forgiveness. We’ll discuss the meanings of forgiveness and how it benefits you. We’ll conclude with a short meditation that is respectful to all faiths. Craig is the author of the books Forgiving Judas—A Man’s Journey to Forgive His Brother and Forgiving Our Fathers, Forgiving Ourselves. They are works of fiction based on true events. Craig is also a counselor in the Kansas City area and has developed a forgiveness meditation on CD which will be available for purchase. CONVENER: Craig McAndrew (913-206-5317) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 24; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 8 FALL ‘15 31 Meditation #6201 A Krishnamurti: The Best Class You Will Ever Take on Meditation Topics include: Meditation, how it works and why common methods of meditation should never be practiced. 1) 24-hour-a-day meditation that does not interfere with other activity. No breath focusing. No mantra. No visualization. No subconscious influence. Straight talk and no bull. We will make sense where others don’t and will show you meditation that will put Buddhism in the dust. 2) Stop conflict and confusion in the mind anytime, anywhere, without effort or idea. 3) The stopping of any habit without effort or escape. 4) The transformation of the mind. 5) The transformation of pain. 6) The clearing of perception. This time it’s the real thing. We will not waste your time. We will do meditation in class. Later, we will watch a film about Krishnamurti— the 60-year career of the most unique and powerful religious teacher in the world. Too strong for television. The serious truth-seeker should never miss it. Free classic CD, color catalog and more. CONVENER: Marcus Williamson (816-531-6155) CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 27; 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 305, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 25 #6202 A Soul Clearing Meditation Join Jackie Denning for a guided meditation intended to clear three energy kinks in our subtle bodies. Jackie was trained in Palm Harbor Florida through Elasa Tiernan of Soulstarsource.com. You should be able to do the clearings on your own after one class, but private sessions are available by appointment if so needed. Sharing and worksheet follows meditation. Please bring $11.00 to class for materials. CONVENER: Jackie Denning (727-420-2596) Email: [email protected] Website: jackiedenningart.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, October 08; 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Hummingbird Touch Healing Center, 3937 Washington St., KCMO 64111; LIMIT: 11 #6203 A Meditation Workshop Meditation has been proven to lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and aid in coping with anxiety. It has also been shown to be very effective with chronic pain, insomnia, and panic disorder. Meditation can be practiced anywhere and has no dangerous side effects. In this one-session class, students will learn simple techniques to begin a life-changing meditation practice. This class is based upon the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. CONVENER: Sergio Moreno CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 23; 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM; Rime Buddhist Center, 700 West Pennway, Kansas City Mo 64108, (N. on I-35, exit on W. Pennway, take a left, RBC on right); LIMIT: 60 32 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS #6204 A Beginning Meditation Have you tried to meditate but experienced problems? Have you wanted to learn to meditate, but weren’t sure where to start? If you are ready to begin a meditation practice, then this is the course for you. Meditation reduces stress, increases blood flow and is beneficial in many areas of one’s life. Craig has also developed a meditation CD that is available for purchase. CONVENER: Craig McAndrew (913-206-5317) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 24; 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 8 #6205 A Mindfulness for Everyday Living Would you like to meditate, but can’t find the time? Discover mini-meditations to calm your nerves and enrich your life. CONVENER: Martha Childers Email: [email protected] Website: www.childerscounselingservice.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, November 14; 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 8 Give a Gift of Learning You can now send Communiversity gift certificates to your friends online for any amount. http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ 816-235-1448 #6206 A Rite of the Womb Mandala Meditation The Rite of the Womb comes from the Peruvian Shamanic tradition. This simple but powerful rite is for women only and provides healing an empowerment. After we receive the rite, we will create a womb mandala to seal this powerful energy within ourselves. There is an additional $15.00 material fee for this class. Please bring to class. Location is in Independence, convener will email directions. CONVENER: Linda VanBibber CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, November 02; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Location in Independence; she will email directions; LIMIT: 10 #6207 A Hands of Light Mandala Meditation We are all healers, sparks of the divine. This meditation will connect us to that reality where we are Light and Love. In that space, we will create a Hands of Light Mandala. These mandalas never fail to be beautiful creations! There is an additional $15.00 materials fee for this class. Please bring to first class. Location is in Independence, convener will email directions. CONVENER: Linda VanBibber CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Monday, October 05; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Location in Independence; she will email directions; LIMIT: 10 REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #6208 A #6302 A or B You will learn tools to help you with everyday stress and chaos, increase awareness, and enhance ability to cope with family. The emphasis of this class is experiential which means to experience meditation. The experiences made available in this session will be meditation as a contemplative practice. It is important to know going into this class, it is a contemplative practice that often increases awareness. Bring $15 to class for materials. Our deceased loved ones continue to share our experiences and provide help along our life’s journey. This lesson will be presented by local author, Lisa Cooper, as she discusses the afterdeath communication she has experienced with her mother, based on her book, You Are My Voice. In this session, you’ll learn specific techniques for remembering dream visits and receiving signs. Books are available for purchase,but are not required for class. Stress Relief Meditation CONVENER: Sharon Rodriguez CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, November 19; 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM; Plaza Library, Large Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112; ; LIMIT: 20 #6209 A Incense Magic Burning incense has long been a way of clearing the air and focusing energy toward desired results. Many ingredients are already in your kitchen. We’ll use kitchen spices and exotic oils and resins to make great smelling blends for prosperity, love and healing. Regina will share some recipes of Voodoo Priestess Miriam of New Orleans. CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 14; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 #6210 A T’ai Chi & Tea An introduction into Chinese martial arts, T’ai chi and Chinese teas. We will be teaching a basic Lu push set T’ai chi form as well as standing meditation called chi Kung. Each session is completed with a serving of traditional Chinese teas provided by Phoenix herb company. CONVENER: Chris Hutchings (816-582-4431) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 4 sessions; Saturdays, beginning, September 26; 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM; Chuan Fa Martial Arts Academy, 7132 Main St, Kansas City, Mo 64114; LIMIT: 20 Love Never Dies CONVENER: Lisa Cooper Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 205, 52nd St, between Rockhill & Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, November 14; 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 205, 52nd St, between Rockhill & Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 #6303 A, B or C Spirit Speaks Is there a friend or family member in spirit that you would like to hear from? Are you skeptical that our loved ones in spirit can no longer communicate with us? Each person is guaranteed at least one spirit connection. Jamie is a local psychic medium who has studied and trained with internationally renowned psychic mediums Paul and Deborah Rees as well as Sharon Klingler. Please bring $20 to class for materials. CONVENER: Jamie Collins (913-579-8258) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM; Waldo Branch Library, Rm. B, 201 East 75th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64114; LIMIT: 5 Sec. B: 1 session; Saturday, November 14; 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM; Plaza Library, Small Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo 64112; LIMIT: 5 Sec. C: 1 session; Saturday, December 05; 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM; Plaza Library, Large Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo 64112; LIMIT: 5 Psychic #6301 A Intro to Psychic and Mediumship Development What exactly does it mean to be psychic? Do you often wonder if loved ones in spirit can still communicate with us? Have you wanted to learn skills and techniques to take your abilities to the next level? If so, this interactive workshop promises to give you new and fun ways to connect with spirits and enhance your everyday life. Jamie is a local psychic medium who enjoys teaching and showing you new ways of connecting with spirits. Please bring $5 to class for materials. CONVENER: Jamie Collins (913-579-8258) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 19; 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM;Royall Hall, Rm. 305, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 30 #6304 A Intuition—The Gift We Ignore Did you know that you we were all born with a resource within us that can empower us in our everyday lives? Our intuition is our birthright and this class will teach you ways to begin listening to one of the most unique gifts we came into this world with. Jamie is a local psychic medium who enjoys teaching and showing you new ways of connecting with spirit. Please bring $5 to class for materials. CONVENER: Jamie Collins (913-579-8258) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, December 12; 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU FALL ‘15 33 Advertise HERE Reach People Who Enjoy Experiencing Life • 21,000 catalogs are printed 3 times per year • 6000 catalogs are mailed to previous participants • 15,000 catalogs are distributed to 400 locations 816-235-1448 http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ Ed2Go Meets Communiversity Communiversity is now partnering with Ed2Go to offer a wide range of highly interactive online courses. All of our online courses are instructor lead by expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, and provide convenience and flexibility. In fact they are all 6 weeks long with 24 hours of class time for $105. Enjoy! The only way to register for the online classes is online at www.ed2go.com/commu. 34 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 #6305 A #6401 A or B Kansas City’s astrology club, the Aquarian Organization of Astrologers (AOA) is pleased to offer a 5-part series of introductory classes. Local astrologer club members explain how and why astrology is an important tool for understanding ourselves, others and events. Classes cover: The Signs-What They Mean in a Chart; The PlanetsDescribing Chart Action; The Houses-The Areas of Your Life; The Aspects-Your Challenges and Gifts in Life; The Transits-Events in Your Life. Beginners are welcome. Looking for something different in your life? Couldn’t we all use a little more prosperity, a little peace between our walls (or maybe between our ears), or even some sizzle in the sack? Feng shui can help you realize these goals. Learn the what, where, why and how of feng shui. What is it? Where did it come from? Why did it evolve? Why should I use it? How does it work? How do I apply it? Apply all of this to your space and see what sizzles. Basics of Astrology CONVENER: Aquarian Organization of Astrologers (816-665-7685) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $18.00 Sec. A: 5 sessions; Wednesdays, beginning, October 07; 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM; Plaza Library, Large Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo 64112; LIMIT: 25 New Online Easy Sign-up http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ #6306 A Sisters of the Tarot Sisters! Learn to read tarot cards and other forms of divination in a supportive circle of women. We will explore the divine archetypes and learn to tell the story expressed through the cards. We will learn to trust our intuition as we share our perceptions. You will have fun! CONVENER: Regina Compernolle (816-547-0266) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, October 07; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Dogwood Forest in Kansas City, Kansas, Regina will contact with directions.; LIMIT: 10 The Art of Living Space CONVENER: Shea Geist (913-284-8177) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $15.00 material fee = $25.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 17; 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM; Waldo Branch Library, Rm. B, 201 East 75th Street, Kansas City, Mo 64114; LIMIT: 8 Sec. B: 1 session; Tuesday, November 17; 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM; Plaza Library, Small Room, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo 64112; LIMIT: 8 #6402 A Energy Healing Without the Cringe Factor If you’ve ever felt shy about exploring energy healing, this class is for you. You’ll learn about the theory behind energy healing and practical, sensible techniques to start practicing energy healing on yourself from the inside out - no nonsense, no cringing, all fun. CONVENER: Shani Enns Email: [email protected] Website: www.embraceyourhumanity.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Wednesday, September 30; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Embrace Your Humanity, 1900 Swift, Suite 208, North Kansas City, Mo 64116; LIMIT: 25 Philosophy #6501 A The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind Based on the book by Julian Jaynes. A review of the principles presented by Jaynes. - Pre-conscious brain function: “the gods spoke to me” - The 1206 BC Helka 3 volcano that caused a global drop in temperature, the Bronze Age collapse and massive migration that the Bible called “Moses/Exodus”, which caused the shift in consciousness - The lack of introspection/self awareness in the Illiad and Old Testament - The qualities of consciousness. And a discussion of: - correspondence with Kahnemann’s Nobel Prize winning work that was presented in Thinking Fast and Slow - implications for parenting CONVENER: Denis Greene (816-560-3641) Email: [email protected] Website: church-development.com CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Thursday, September 24; 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM; Haag Hall, Rm. 302, 52nd & Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 30 EZ Give a Gift of Learning You can now send Communiversity gift certificates to your friends online for any amount https://ecomm2.umkc.edu/commu/BuyGiftCert.aspx REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU #6502 A The New Science of Consciousness In this class, you will learn about new scientific research that explains how consciousness is the foundational substrate in which our thoughts create reality. We will view and discuss videos from leading researchers such as neuroscientist Stuart Hameroff MD, Nassim Haramein, quantum physicists, and other subject matter experts. We will discuss how the ancient wisdom teachings correlate with the new science and what the wider implications of this new research may mean for humanity as a whole and for us individually. Bring $5 for materials and an open mind. CONVENER: Deborah Ryan PhD Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, September 19; 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 238, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 20 Advertise HERE Reach People Who Enjoy Experiencing Life • 21,000 catalogs are printed 3 times per year • 6000 catalogs are mailed to previous participants • 15,000 catalogs are distributed to 400 locations 816-235-1448 http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ FALL ‘15 35 36 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 outer paths Martial Arts #7001 A Six Elbows Kung Fu Six elbows kung fu is a rare southern kung fu system from Canton, China. It is excellent for exercise and self-defense. It has many empty-hand forms, a fan form, a long pole form and a twoperson form. Instructor Chun Man Sit learned this art in his native city, Hong Kong in the 70s. CONVENER: Chun Man Sit Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM; Community Christian Church, Activity Center, 32 E. 46th St., KCMO, across 46th St. from the church, park on the street or in parking lot behind the Activity Center; LIMIT: 12 #7002 A Intro to Medieval Swordsmanship The novice class is geared towards learning the unarmored fighting techniques as taught by the medieval German Swordsman, Master Lichtenauer, in the late 1300s. You will learn basic guards, drills, and exercises as practiced seven centuries ago. The intro course includes up to two classes per week for a period of four weeks. At the end of the course, students may take a test to determine if they may continue to the apprentice level, or need a little more practice. The cost of the class includes a text book, guild t-shirt, water bottle and equipment usage. #7102 A Backpacking for Beginners Ever wanted to try camping deep in the peaceful woods, away from those obnoxious campground party animals? We’ll discuss the basics of backpacking with an overview of planning, preparation, safety and gear. We’ll also cover trail etiquette and ‘Leave No Trace’ principles. And, there will be an optional, one-night backpacking trip later in the fall so participants can give it a try! CONVENER: Renee Andriani & Melissa LeSage (913-488-4445) Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 + $3.00 material fee = $13.00 Sec. A: 1 session(s); Beginning Saturday, September 19, 2015; 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM; Location NA; LIMIT: 25 Trips & Tours #7201 A Foreign Independent Travel I will share my recent experiences traveling to Western Europe, Jordan, Israel, Romania and China. The class is designed to acquaint want-to-be travelers with how to travel independently without expensive packaged tours. We’ll explore the latest internet-based sites and apps dealing with ticketing, lodging and communications. The emphasis will be on how to plan your own trip, travel inexpensively and meet locals all over the world. I will demonstrate carry-on packing techniques, how to pick a good restaurant, how to travel on public transportation and how to find lodging with real people. CONVENER: Medieval Swordsman Guild of Kansas City & Trevor CleMons or Alyson Burnett Rawitch Email: [email protected] Website: www.kcsword.com CLASS FEE: $18.00 + $75.00 material fee = $93.00 Sec. A: 8 sessions; Thursdays, beginning, October 01; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Roeland Park Community Center, 4850 Rosewood, Roeland Park, KS 66205; LIMIT: 8 CONVENER: Robert McCollom CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, October 13; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Flarsheim Hall, Rm. 306, 5110 Rockhill Rd., UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 20 Recreation #8101 A #7101 A Naturism/Nudism 101 Explore the history, philosophy, and legality of clothing optional recreation. Learn in a respectful setting about clothing optional recreation on a local level. The class will take a simple discussion format and will be taught by a member of the Heartland Naturists. CONVENER: Mike C. CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, October 03; 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM; Royall Hall, Rm. 203, 52nd St. Between Rockhill and Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO; LIMIT: 12 Going Green Global Warming: A Slow Rolling and Ever Growing Crisis Using a slideshow from The Climate Reality Project, along with other sources of information, a basic overview of the global warming problem will be given. Humanity has been using increasing amounts of fossil fuels ever since the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago. Nature has not been able to cleanse all of the extra greenhouse gases humanity is pouring into our global atmosphere every year. Our climate is beginning to destabilize as a result, with the potential for catastrophic consequences this century. CONVENER: David Mitchell Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Saturday, November 07; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 236, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Social Concerns #8301 A Introduction to Cohousing Cohousing communities are intentional collaborative neighborhoods. They bring together the value of private homes (houses, condos, apts.) with the benefits of more sustainable living. That means residents actively participate in the design and operation of their neighborhoods and share common facilities and good connections with neighbors. Cohousing characteristics can also be worked into existing neighborhoods or communities. The US Cohousing website offers more information including the six defining characteristics of cohousing. CONVENER: Gayl Reinsch Email: [email protected] CLASS FEE: $10.00 Sec. A: 1 session; Tuesday, November 10; 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Atterbury Student Success Center, Rm. 237, UMKC Campus, 5000 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Mo 64110; LIMIT: 25 Teach a Communiversity Class Share What You Know With Others Deadline: Friday, November 13th Call 816-235-1448 for information http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/ 38 FALL ‘15 FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS REGISTER BY PHONE! 816-235-1448 calendar by day SUNDAY Sunday, September 20 Becoming a Massage Mentor.....4102A How To Feel Good.................... 5303A Couples Massage................. 4101A Sunday, September 27 Beginning Tango....................1108A Women of the Drum..............1109A West Coast Swing.................1105A Sunday, October 04 Life Draw Class.................... 1035A Parlez-Vous Francais........... 2402A Acrobatic Partner Yoga......... 4008A Sunday, October 11 Mesa Espanol....................... 2406A Become a Massage Mentor.. 4102B Sunday, October 18 Homebrewing for Beginners.3303B Sunday, October 25 How to Feel Good................. 5303B Magic Carpet, Teas............... 3302A Sunday, November 01 West Coast Swing.................1105B Sunday, November 15 Homebrewing....................... 3303C MONDAY Monday, September 14 Beginning Tai Chi.................. 4004A Monday, September 21 How to Use Myers Briggs..... 2105A Family Yoga...........................4011A Start Running........................ 4402A Brew the Perfect Cup........... 3304A Dream It! Plan It! Do It!......... 2203A Rotations: Cycles & Seasons...2703A Argentine Tango....................1101A RED Hot Living..................... 5312A Tap Dance for Adults............. 1114A Night Club Two-Step..............1106A Monday, September 28 Insomnia............................... 4306A Learn To Knit........................ 1012A RED Hot Living..................... 5312B Monday, October 05 Adult Modern Dance..............1122A Social Media for Beginners... 2604A The Myths of Hospice........... 4301A Mandala Meditation.............. 6207A Hip Hop..................................1127A Monday, October 12 Kids Hip Hop Dance..............1121A Ways for Singles to Meet...... 5001A Monday, October 19 Social Media for Leaders...... 2605A Sea Chantey Singing............ 1209A Monday, October 26 Argentine Tango....................1101B Night Club Two-Step..............1106B Monday, November 02 Medicaid Look Back Myth..... 2501B Learn To Knit........................ 1012B Mandala Meditation.............. 6206A Monday, November 09 Beginning Tai Chi.................. 4004B Monday, November 16 Health Insurance Made Easy.2003A TUESDAY Tuesday, September 15 Quieting the Mind................. 4310A Tuesday, September 22 Fall in Love with Watercolors.....1013A Adult Jazz Dance................... 1112A Tai Chi Wu style.................... 4003A Health Care in Retirement.... 2014A Wear Your Confidence.......... 5313A Beginning Ballroom Dance....1102A Stand Up Comedy Workshop.... 1303A Long Term Care.................... 2205A East Coast Swing..................1103A Tuesday, September 29 Day of the Dead Mask.......... 1046A Social Dance......................... 1118A Indian Classical Dance..........1126A Intro To Objectivism.............. 2706A Tuesday, October 06 Roll over Retirement Plan..... 2005A Roadmap to Retirement....... 2013A Tuesday, October 13 Basic Hand Sewing.............. 2201A Trench Marketing.................. 2101A How to Fight Back and Win.. 2502A Cooking Local....................... 3006A Buying Real Estate............... 2009B Selling on eBay Intro............ 2109B Foreign Independent Travel.. 7201A Tuesday, October 20 Sew a Pillow Cover................1011A Investment Fundamentals.... 2012A Tuesday, October 27 Emotions and Economics......2011A Habits of Effective People.....5311A Krishnamurti:........................ 6201A Beginning Ballroom Dance....1102B East Coast Swing..................1103B Tuesday, November 03 Tie Dye................................. 1043A Practical Music Theory......... 1205B Negroes to Hire.................... 2801A Tuesday, November 10 Hand Sewing Techniques..... 2201B Introduction to Cohousing..... 8301A Gangland Wire...................... 2802A Tuesday, November 17 Sew a Pillow Cover................1011B The Art of Living Space........ 6401B Intro to Silk Screening.......... 1027A WEDNESDAY Wednesday, September 16 Astronomy............................ 2707A Wednesday, September 23 Math Dancing for Kids........... 1117A Kundalini Yoga!..................... 4013A Medicaid Look Back Myth..... 2501A Hula Hoop Flow.....................1120A Wax On-Wax Off................... 1007A Knitting Basics...................... 1009A 21st Century Retirement....... 2006A Fruit Tarts Made Easy........... 3008A Bible Studies......................... 6008A Kansas City Jazz.................. 1207A GMO’s in my Organics?....... 4203A Cultivating Community.......... 5309A Pagans and Witches............. 6005A Figure Drawing..................... 1005A World Dance Fusion.............. 1111A Basics of Buddhism.............. 6009A Meditation Workshop............ 6203A Salsa!.....................................1104A Clowning............................... 1304A Wednesday, September 30 Alcohol Inks - Dreamscape... 1042A Afro-Aerobic Dance...............1129A Aran Crochet Intro................ 1023A Belly Dance is Fun................. 1113A When Honeymoon is Over... 5101A Poetry of William Blake......... 1402A Donations for your Charity.... 2107A Team Building........................2110A Energy Healing..................... 6402A Wednesday, October 07 Allergic Reactions ................ 4305A Hora Feliz! en Español......... 2404A Knitting Basics...................... 1009B Food Not Lawns................... 2301A GMO’s in my Organics?....... 4203B Basics of Astrology............... 6305A Sisters of the Tarot................ 6306A Wednesday, October 14 Social Security, Medicare..... 2002B Basic Web Literacy Tips....... 2204A Worldcon 101....................... 2805A Incense Magic...................... 6209A Wednesday, October 21 Beginning Jazz Guitar.......... 1201A Meditation for Chronic Pain..... 5403A Indian Cooking...................... 3102A Chai and Chat....................... 3301A Kansas City Jazz.................. 1207B Essential Oils ....................... 4312A Wednesday, October 28 Henna................................... 1047A Kundalini Yoga...................... 4001A Mosaic Basics....................... 1048B How to Sell Your Home......... 2010A Figure Drawing..................... 1005B Salsa!.....................................1104B Wednesday, November 04 Essential Oils........................ 4312B Wednesday, November 11 Red Cross CPR.................... 4304A Wax On-Wax Off................... 1007C Bread Sculpture 101............. 1026A Mosaic Basics....................... 1048D Selling on eBay Intro............ 2109D Herbs and Oils...................... 4313A Wednesday, November 18 Clowning............................... 1304B Wednesday, December 02 Figure Drawing..................... 1005C Wednesday, December 09 Who Do You Think You Are?....2901A Herbs and Oils...................... 4313B Wednesday, December 16 Intro to Urban Permaculture....2303A THURSDAY Thursday, September 24 Mood Management................4311A A Course in Miracles............. 6001A Create Your Own Mandala... 1014A How Money Works............... 2016A Midwest Mexican Cooking.... 3104A Flamenco!.............................. 1115A Social Security...................... 2015A Buying Real Estate............... 2009A Developing The Positives..... 5307A Making Now Better............... 5315A Hip Hop..................................1127B The Bicameral Mind.............. 6501A Thursday, October 01 Healthcare Professionals...... 4302A Medieval Swordsmanship..... 7002A Thursday, October 08 Adult Child Trauma............... 5302A Practical Music Theory......... 1205A Soul Clearing Meditation...... 6202A Crochet for the Beginner...... 1025A Jungian Psychology.............. 2705A Thursday, October 15 How Ta’ Flauta...................... 3103A Become Unstoppable........... 5310A Innovate like Edison............. 2106A History Of The Motorcycle.... 2803A Reiki Play Day...................... 4010A Post Traumatic Growth......... 5404A Thursday, October 22 Make Your Own Silkscreen... 1018A Upcycled Owl........................ 1040A Make a Beaded Bracelet...... 1045A Develop Natural Abilities....... 2202A Thursday, October 29 Make Household Cleaners... 2302A Thursday, November 05 Dye Your Own Silk Scarf...... 1015A Thursday, November 12 Mandala Ornament............... 1019A Kansas City Jazz.................. 1207C The Universe is Talking to You.... 6002A Thursday, November 19 Intro to Leathercraft.............. 1039A Become Unstoppable........... 5310B Carve Your Own Blockprint,.. 1016A Stress Relief Meditation........ 6208A Thursday, December 03 Gourd Snowman Ornament.. 1037A Thursday, December 17 Become Unstoppable........... 5310C FRIDAY Friday, September 25 East Coast Swing..................1125A Friday, October 02 Fossils for Everyone............. 2708A World Folk Dancers............... 1110A Friday, October 16 Overcome Emotional Eating......4201A Friday, November 06 First Aid Training................... 4303A Indian Cooking...................... 3102B Friday, November 13 Henna: Indian Tattoos........... 1047B SATURDAY Saturday, September 19 College or Career Planning...2115A Psychic Development........... 6301A Backpacking for Beginners... 7102A Starting a Business................2114A Homebrewing....................... 3303A Science of Consciousness... 6502A Saturday, September 26 Life Drawing.......................... 1033A Beginning Adult Ballet............1128A Re-Discover Your Voice........ 1202A Listen to Classical Music...... 1206A Social Security...................... 2002A Natural Hair Care.................. 4501A Let Horses Help With Life..... 5306A Basic Airbrushing.................. 1004A Cooking w/Fresh Herbs........ 3004A Fall in Love with Watercolors.....1013B Watercolors 1....................... 1028A Creole Made Easy................ 2403A Black Folks & Self-Recovery.....2804A The Secret of Soup............... 3009A Getting My Life In Order....... 5305A Kefir This!............................. 3003A Acting Workshop.................. 1302A Tai Chi & Tea........................ 6210A Saturday, October 03 Basics of Indexed Annuities.. 2004A Selling on eBay Intro............ 2109A Grant Writing.........................2116A Six Elbows Kung Fu............. 7001A Tai Chi and Qi Gong............. 4005A How to Buy Real Estate........ 2017A Start Grant Writing Business.... 2117A Aromatherapy....................... 4307A Love Never Dies................... 6302A Naturism/Nudism 101........... 7101A Mixed Media Girls................. 1006A Learn to Crochet................... 1024A Wine & Watercolors.............. 1049A Saturday, October 10 Letterpress Stationery.......... 1021A World Percussion................. 1210A Perchance to Zentangle....... 1704A Investing Yourself................. 2008A Horse Sense for Workplace.. 2108A One Green Smoothie............ 4202A Creating Zendala Art............. 1703A Coping with Cancer.............. 4308A Bookbinding: Pocket Journal...1020A Body Conditioning for Dancers.....1119A Getting My Life In Order....... 5305B Saturday, October 17 Wood Fired RAKU................ 1044A Scottish Bagpipes................. 1204A College or Career Planning...2115B Enter the Blogosphere.......... 1401A Medicare Insurance.............. 2001A Cook with Fresh Herbs......... 3005A Spirit Speaks........................ 6303A Starting a Business................2114B Introduction to Storytelling.... 1301A The Art of Living Space........ 6401A French for Travelers............. 2401A Healing from Grief................ 5314A Saturday, October 24 Life Drawing.......................... 1033B Scottish/Irish Drum Corps......1211A Mosaic Basics....................... 1048A Beginning Meditation............ 6204A Watercolors 1....................... 1028B Wax On-Wax Off................... 1007B Pop-Up Greeting Cards........ 1036A Herbal Home Remedies....... 4314A The Forgiveness Process......6011A Saturday, October 31 Selling on eBay Intro............ 2109C Watercolor 2......................... 1029A Saturday, November 07 Wood Fired RAKU................ 1044B Indexed Annuities................. 2004B Grant Writing.........................2116B Mosaic Basics....................... 1048C Improving Self-Esteem......... 5304A Global Warming.................... 8101A Start A Grant Writing Business.....2117B Watercolor 3......................... 1030A Healing from Grief................ 5314B Saturday, November 14 Mindfulness.......................... 6205A Pumpkin Extravaganza!........ 3001A Spirit Speaks........................ 6303B Holiday Watercolor Cards..... 1032A Love Never Dies................... 6301B Introduction to Storytelling.... 1301B Comfort Foods: Oh! To Soup!......3002A Saturday, November 21 College or Career Planning.. 2115C Investing Yourself................. 2008B Starting a Business............... 2114C Herbal Infusions and Teas.... 4204A Saturday, November 28 Life Drawing.......................... 1033C Saturday, December 05 Letterpress Greeting Cards.. 1022A Grant Writing........................ 2116C Spirit Speaks........................ 6303C Starting A Grant Business..... 2117C Watercolor 4......................... 1031A Mixed Media Girls................. 1006B Zentangle: Pendants............ 1701A Letterpress Greeting Cards.. 1022B Saturday, December 12 Intuition--The Gift We Ignore.....6304A Holiday Painted Glassware..... 1034A REGISTER & PAY ONLINE: HTTP://INFO.UMKC.EDU/GETINVOLVED/COMMU REGISTRATION DATES & TIMES Make a Difference CLASS FEES & DISCOUNTS: Creative Ways to Leave Your Own Legacy. • Class fees are from $10 - $18 depending on number of sessions and total class hours. • Some classes require a material fee to be paid at time of registration. • One child (12 or under) can attend free of charge when attending the same class with a paid adult (must call to register). • Senior citizens (65 and up) and UMKC Faculty & Staff receive the early bird price whenever they register. • FREE FOR UMKC STUDENTS* (UMKC Students must still pay material fees) You can help keep Communiversity vital and our inspiring catalog of classes as part of the Kansas City landscape. UMKC will assist you in targeting your gift to Communiversity? Our new gift planning website, complete with calculating tools is now available. Please visit: http://advancing.umkc.edu/plannedgiving. Early Bird Prices begin when you pick up a catalog and continue through September 18th Save $1 off first class and $2 off subsequent classes Office Closed for Labor Day Monday, September 7th: WE OFFER 4 WAYS TO REGISTER: 1) Online—24/7 (Visa/Mastercard/Discover) Register and pay online anytime at: http://info.umkc.edu/getinvolved/commu/. 2) By Phone (Visa/Mastercard/Discover) Regular Registration Hours— Begins Thursday, September 3rd, Weekdays, Monday—Friday; 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Call 816-235-1448; only Visa/Mastercard/Discover accepted. Please have credit card number and expiration date handy when you call. Confirmation of your registration is at the time you call and by email. Hearing Impaired: Call 1-800-735-2966 TT; 1-800-735-2466 (voice) 3) In-Person (Currency, checks or Visa/Mastercard/Discover) Sign-up Party Specials— Wednesday, September 16th, 6:00-8:00 PM at The Writers Place, 3607 Pennsylvania, KCMO. The registration fee of $3 is waived and you still receive the early bird discount. Regular Registration Hours—Thursday, September 3rd; Weekdays, Monday—Friday; 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Monday-Thursday.; Scofield Hall, PACE Office, 711 E 51st Street Kansas City, MO 64110 4) By Mail (checks or Visa/Mastercard/Discover) Begins when you find a catalog—Mail to: 711 E 51st Street Kansas City, MO 64110 Make checks out to Communiversity. Your registration is confirmed by email. Refund policy Refunds are not issued unless Communiversity or the Convener cancels the class. Letters of credit can be issued if you cancel 5 working days before the class. Material fees will be refunded only if you cancel 10 working days before a scheduled class. FALL ‘15 39 • • • • • Check out the multiple “libraries” of planned giving, financial planning and estate planning articles. Construct your own possible planned gift. Create a chart to compare the features and benefits of different planned gifts. See how much your income tax deduction will be for your particular planned gift. And, much more... To learn more about how to leave a legacy contact UMKC Foundation at 816-235-2672 We look forward to thanking all of our donors whose vision and generosity will raise our ability to insure an avenue of “free speech” for future generations. REGISTRATION FORMS Mail to: Communiversity, Scofield Hall, Room 104, 711 E. 51st, KCMO, 64110 __New Address Name ________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State_________________ Zip___________ Phone: Day (______)________-________________Night (_______)________________________ E-mail address________________________________________________________________ VS__MC__DC__#:________-________-________-________ Exp.Date____/____CVV______ Course # Course Title Class Fees 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) I am presently a UMKC Student (Pay ONLY material fees) Student ID #:_____-______-_________ I am interested in volunteering I am interested in teaching Subject:__________________________ Class Fee Total Donation (tax deductible and greatly appreciated) Registration Fee $3.00 (due once per person per catalog) Total Sent COMMUNIVERSITY LIABILITY WAIVER (Must Sign to Register) I understand that Communiversity is not an academic program of the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Its conveners are not employees of Communiversity or UMKC. Communiversity makes no representation as to, nor is responsible for, class content, manner of presentation, time or location. The undersigned releases the Curators of the University of Missouri and Communiversity staff from any liability for personal injury or property damage sustained while attending or otherwise being involved with classes offered through Communiversity. Signature________________________________________________ Date______________ COMMUNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI KANSAS CITY SCOFIELD HALL, PACE OFFICE 711 E 51ST STREET KANSAS CITY, MO 64110 See pages 31 for our classes listed inside! #6009A—The Basics of BudSee pages 30 and 31 for our classes listed inside! #6001A—The Basics of Buddhism dhism and #6203A—Meditation Workshop. and #6202—Meditation Workshop. Not For Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Kansas City, MO Permit #4026
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