Manchester Valley High School - Carroll County Public Schools


Manchester Valley High School - Carroll County Public Schools
Manchester Valley High School
August-September, 2015
Volume 7, Issue 1
Dear Students and Parents,
On behalf of the faculty and staff of Manchester Valley High School, welcome back! We offer a special
welcome to our new Mavericks in the Class of 2019. We hope that everyone has had a chance to enjoy
the summer break. We are looking forward to the beginning of the school year.
3300 Maple Grove Road
Manchester, MD 21102
This year will be an exci ng chapter in Manchester Valley History. I would like to announce that Ms.
Betsy Donovan has been appointed as our new Assistant Principal. Ms. Donovan comes to us from
North Carroll High School, where she served the past two years as the Academic Facilitator. Most
importantly, I am excited to announce that we will have nine outstanding new teachers join our school;
three are new to the profession, five have transferred to us from other CCPS schools, and one has
transferred to us from another school district.
Main Office:
Counseling Office: 410.386.1674
Web site:
I look forward to mee ng many of you during the school year. On Wednesday, August 12 I will hold the
first, of many, Meet the Principal events from 7 to 8 AM in the cafeteria. We have many exci ng plans
next year, including a focus on Career and College Readiness, recer fying as a Maryland Green School,
and improving our students’ Character. A ending this mee ng is your chance to hear, firsthand, how
we will work with students on these goals. During the year, I will hold two more informa on sharing
sessions. While this is a good way to find out what’s happening at MVH, you do not have to wait for a
session to speak with me. If these mes do not work for you, feel free to call the school to speak with
me, schedule an appointment, or just drop by!
Our first opportunity to meet you as a group will be at our Back to School Event on Thursday, August 27.
We will hold two separate events for our new and returning students. For our new students,
New Student OrientaƟon will be 1 PM to 3 PM and begin in our auditorium. For our returning
students, our Meet the Teacher ac vity will be 5 to 7 PM and will also begin in the auditorium. I also
hope to see EVERYONE come out to our annual kickoff the Maverick Stampede on September 2. You
don’t want to miss this fun event!
As you prepare for the school year, we would like to remind you to look very closely at the Carroll
County Public Schools Dress Code (page 23) when selec ng school-appropriate a re. We will enforce
the dress code as wri en. Also, please note that the school day will begin at 7:30 AM with first mod.
On the first day, students will report to their advisory loca on. School is dismissed at 2:20 PM.
Looking for ways to be involved as a parent, we could use your help! Every bit of help is appreciate, no
ma er how small. Three easy ways to be involved are to support one of our three parent groups. The
MVH Advisory Council is a group designed to support the academics of students and meets on Monday,
September 21. The Athle c Boosters meet on Wednesday, September 9. The Performing Arts
Boosters meet on Thursday, September 17. All three mee ngs are at 7 PM and signage will be posted at
the entrance for the mee ng loca on.
Office Hours: 7:15am-3:30pm
The Manchester Valley High
School Community is responsible
for a rigorous, innovative, and
supportive learning culture that
fosters achievement, individuality,
and service.
Kenneth B. Fischer, Ph.D.
Todd Hicks
Assistant Principal
Betsy Donovan
Assistant Principal
Kirstie Troutman
Academic Facilitator
Please be reminded that many of our fall sports start on August 12. A completed physical form is
required before par cipa on. Please check this newsle er for specific dates and mes if your child
plans to par cipate in a fall sport. Please know that this year students will also have to have a parent
sign the sudden cardiac arrest form in addi on to the completed physical, signed pre-par cipa on
form, and concussion test already required for par cipa on. Those forms are available in the office.
David Dolch, Ed.D.
Athletic Director
In closing, we hope to use our school le er to share important informa on that may be of interest to all
members of the Manchester Valley High School community. Please take me to read the newsle ers as
they arrive, mark important dates on your calendar, and consider how you can become involved in our
programs throughout the year.
• Wednesday, August 12th 7AM
We hope that you enjoy the rest of your summer break and look forward to seeing everyone back on
August 31.
Kenneth B. Fischer, Ph.D.
• Saturday, November 11th 8 M
• Saturday, March 5th 8AM
ImPACT Concussion Testing
Monday, August 10, 2015
2:30pm and 3:30pm
Room C225
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
2:30pm and 3:30pm
Room C225
This test is valid for two years.
Athletic Requirements
All prospec ve studentathletes trying out for fall
sports must:
Be academically eligible
Complete the ImPACT
Field Hockey
Cross Country
Wednesday, 8/12/15
Thursday, 8/13/15
Friday, 8/14/15
Wednesday, 8/12/15
Thursday, 8/13/15
Friday, 8/14/15
Wednesday, 8/12/15
Thursday, 8/13/15
Friday, 8/14/15
Saturday, 8/15/15
Meet at the front gate
of MVHS stadium.
Saturday, 8/15/15
Wednesday, 8/12/15
Thursday, 8/13/15
Friday, 8/14/15
Saturday, 8/15/15
Wednesday, 8/12/15
Thursday, 8/13/15
Friday, 8/14/15
Saturday, 8/15/15
1:00-3:00pm at Oakmont Green Golf Course
concussion tes ng
Have had a physical within
the past 13 months
Have a signed Sudden
Cardiac Arrest Form
Have a signed Concussion
History Form
Wednesday, 8/12/15
Thursday, 8/13/15
Friday, 8/14/15
Saturday, 8/15/15
Wednesday, 8/12
Incoming Freshman
meet at school for a tour
at 8:00am
PracƟce for all 9:00am12:00pm
Thursday, 8/13/15
Friday, 8/14/15
Student Orienta on ~ Thursday, August 27, 2015
Parents welcomed. Plan your visit to MVHS and have all your ques ons answered. Students will be able to pick up their schedule, get their locker assignment, pick up the list of
class materials, and meet their teachers.
This session is open to all NEW students to MVHS (including Freshman)
This session is open to all RETURNING students
Stay Connected
Our school website contains
valuable up-to-date informa on for our students, parents and community. You can
find the school’s mission state-
First Day Back to School ~ Monday, August 31, 2015
Students will report to their Advisor at the sound of the bell (7:30am)
• All students will receive a copy of the CCPS 2015-2016 Student/Parent Handbook
• Students will receive a list of required items from their teachers as they proceed through
the day
• Incoming Freshman will receive an Agenda book. All other students may purchase one
from the School Store for $3.00
School Pictures ~ September 1 and September 2
All underclassmen are scheduled to have their pictures taken as they must be photographed for student IDs, school records, and yearbook inclusion. We ask that students adhere
to the CCPS dress code and wear school-appropriate a re. The photographers will not take
pictures that do not meet the dress code.
ment, our goals, staff email
addresses, morning announcements, newsle ers, ac vi es,
and links to athle c schedules.
You are welcome to surf 24
hours a day/ 7 days a week!
Connect 5 Announcement
The Connect 5 system will deliver announcements to you via
email and phone alerts. There
Staying A er School
Students are to stay a er school ONLY for school-sponsored ac vi es and must be supervised by a staff member at all mes. We do not have the staffing to supervise students a er
school hours. Unless students are involved in a specific program or ac vity, they cannot be in
the building a er 2:45pm. Students wai ng for a ride a er school must wait outside in the
parent pick-up area.
For safety and security reasons, students must take their regular means of transporta on
home and then return to school at the designated me before an a er-school event or program is due to begin.
If you have any ques ons, please contact your child’s administrator. We appreciate your
help and support in this ma er.
is no need to sign up for this
system. All informa on is taken
from the Emergency Procedure
Follow us on TwiƩer
Weather-Related School Closings
Any disrup on to the day due to inclement weather will be relayed to parents through
Connect 5 and/or an email message. The CCPS website (, local and regional radio and television sta ons will also make weather related announcements. In an
effort to keep our phone lines open for emergency communica ons, please refrain from calling the school.
Cancella on of Extracurricular Ac vi es Due to Inclement Weather
If schools close due to a weather related emergency, ALL prac ces, games, and extracurricular ac vi es will be cancelled. If schools close early and you do not want your student
driving home due to bad weather, please have an emergency plan in place PRIOR to the expected closing. This will help to limit the number of incoming and outgoing phone calls.
Change of Address,
Phone number or Email
Please noƟfy us immediately
when there is a change in
your contact informaƟon.
This is the only way we have to contact you in the event of an emergency. If a student’s address changes
during the school year, we MUST
SchoolOf iceHoursandContactInformation
The faculty and staff at Manchester Valley
High School have been diligently preparing for an exci ng 2015-2016 school year.
Our office hours are 7:15am to 3:30pm.
During these hours our staff is available to
answer phones and greet guests. You may
contact the main office at 410-386-1673
or the Counseling Office at 410-386-1674.
Our school fax number is 410-386-1561.
Our office staff will be able to answer any
ques ons or concerns you may have.
Mrs. Janet Albaugh, Office Manager
TBD, Administra ve Secretary
Mrs. Gayle Bien, Registrar
Mrs. Sherry Cooper, Administra ve/
A endance Secretary
TBD, Counseling Secretary
receive documenta on for the student’s permanent record. All addresses must be documented by an
appropriate proof of residence as
mandated by state guidelines. Acceptable documents include:
A signed contract on a home in
which your are currently living
A signed rental/lease agreement on a home/apartment in
which your reside
Recent bill for a service delivered to the residence (ie: BGE,
land-line phone, cable, oil,
Deed (must show the house
number, street name and name
of parent/legal guardian
Current se lement document
Resident Verifica on Statement
accompanied by an acceptable
proof of residence for the owner/renter of the property
Current tax document indica ng “primary residence”
Parents and students are encouraged to seek answers to ques ons as they arise. The most
direct source is your child’s teacher. However, other sources of informa on are our counselors
and assistant principals. Students and parents are urged to contact their respec ve counselors
to receive guidance services. If you need informa on concerning school programs or policies
you can contact the administrators listed below:
Counseling Staff
Direct Line to the Counseling Office 410.386.1674
Mrs. Carie Reese, Department Chair Students G-O
Mrs. Lea Nappier, Counselor
Students P-Z
Mrs. Rae Owens, Counselor
Students A-F
Mrs. Amy Cain, Facilitator of Student Support
Ms. Bridget Hoffman, Career Connec ons Coordinator
Assistant Principals
Direct Line to the Main Office 410.386.1673
Mr. Todd Hicks
Students Last Names A-J
Ms. Betsy Donovan
Students Last Names K-Z
Academic Facilitator
Mrs. Kirs e Troutman
**The date on the document must
be NO MORE than 60 days from me
of no fica on.
Once documenta on is received, the
student’s record will be updated.
The administra on strongly discourages the delivery of balloons, flowers, etc., to students during the instruc onal day. For obvious reasons, we will not interrupt classroom instruc on to make deliveries. All deliveries will be held in the main office un l
the end of the school day. Students will then be called to the office to pick up their
item(s). If a student rides a bus, please keep in mind that the item(s) must be easily
transportable on the bus or the student will need to call a parent/guardian to provide
transporta on.
Bus routes for the 2015-2016 school year are now posted on the front page of the
CCPS website: Approximate pick-up and drop-off mes are listed
for each individual stop. Addi onally a map of the MVHS bus routes will be posted in
the main street hallway in front of the cafeteria. If you have any ques ons regarding
the stop for your child you may direct your call to Transporta on Services at 410-7513229.
Driving to school and parking on the student lot is a privilege. All student drivers must display a valid MVHS Parking
Permit. Permit applica ons are available in the main office and on the brochure rack inside the main entrance to the
Students must be academically eligible (see Academic Eligibility Standards on page 9) and have at least 90% a endance
from the previous semester in order to apply for and maintain a parking permit
Permits will be sold at a cost of $20.00 per school year.
Students may begin purchasing parking permits during the week of August 24th. Please bring your signed parking permit form and a $20.00 check or money order to the main office. An administrator will then sign and approve your applica on.
(Please allow 24 hours for processing.)
Students must display their permit by Wednesday, September 9th to con nue
parking in the student lot.
Welcome Back! CCPS believes in providing
a nutri ous lunch and breakfast to all students at affordable prices in support of
student achievement and the educa on
process. Our dedicated staff of compassionate and caring people will support the
educa on of our children by promo ng
healthy ea ng habits. The schools par cipate in the Na onal School Lunch Program/School Breakfast Program. Nutri ous
breakfast and lunch meals are served each
school day.
We have been busy making your school
cafeteria hi-tech and be er than ever. Here
are some things that we think you need to
know to enhance your cafeteria experience:
How do you add money to your child’s
account? That’s easy-just follow the
direc ons in the box to the right .
No more “use it or lose it”. Any money
that is le on your child’s account at
the end of the year will carry over
from year to year.
Did you know that your child has a
cafeteria account? Every student who
goes through our cafeteria line will
use a unique Personal Iden fica on
Number (PIN)
to access
their account.
Parents have
the op on to
add any de-
nomina on to the account for the
purchase of meals and snack items. It
is a convenient way to ensure that
money is not lost or forgo en during
the hec c morning rush!
So what is a PIN? Each student has
been issued a unique 5 digit PIN number. Please help them remember this
number. It makes the line move faster
and ensures that everyone has plenty
of me to enjoy their meal. If they do
happen to forget the number, the
cashier will be able to find it for them.
Snacks range
$0.30-$1.50 each
Pre-pay for Meals and Snacks
Direct to the Cafeteria:
You can send a check or cash of any
value directly to your child’s cafeteria. You may use the Pre-Payment
Form for your convenience. (Forms
can be picked up from the cafeteria
or main office.)
Online Payment and Account Monitoring System:
You can go online to and set up
a student internet account for free.
To set up the account you will need
to use your child’s PIN. With the account you will be able to view your
child’s cafeteria balance and view
purchase ac vity. You can also use
the online service to make a credit
card transac on as well as make
deposits into mul ple children’s accounts with one transac on fee.
Leaving School Early
Students leaving early must have a
wri en request from the parent or
guardian and is to be submi ed to
the a endance clerk before
7:25am on the day for which the
request is made. Students are then
to report to the office when leaving and/or returning to school. A
doctor/den st note must be provided in order to be eligible for
par cipa on in extracurricular
ac vi es. Students leaving school
for reasons other than a medical
or any other approved appointment are considered “INELIGIBLE”
and may not parƟcipate in extracurricular acƟviƟes.
College Visits
Students will be excused for two
days per year for college visits. A
College Visita on form must be
completed and returned to his/her
counselor prior to each visit. Forms
can be picked up in the Counseling
Office or downloaded from the
MVHS website. Please be sure to
return to school with some form of
verifica on from the college to
present to the a endance clerk.
While we recommend that parents
plan vaca on mes when school is
not in session, we realize that occasionally students are absent for
family ac vi es. Wri en no ce
from a parent is to be approved by
an administrator, signed by your
child’s teachers, and returned to
the Main Office prior to the vacaon in order to be considered excused. However, all absences will
apply to the school’s a endance
policy and could poten ally result
in the denial of course credit.
Both absences and tardiness are serious disrup ons to the educa onal process. A student is
counted present for a full day if the student is in a endance four hours or more of the school
day. A student is counted present for 1/2 a day if in a endance for at least two hours of the
school day, but less than four hours. A student is counted absent when in school less than two
hours of the school day. When students are absent, arrive late, or leave school early, their
parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are requested to inform the school the morning of the absence.
A student scheduled for less than a full day is to be counted present based on the amount of
me he/she is scheduled. Students must be present for that en re block of me in order to be
marked present for the day. If the student is absent for 1/2 of the designated me he/she will
be absent for 1/2 day. If the student is present for more than 1/2 of the scheduled me he/
she will be marked late, but present for the en re day. If the students is present for less than
1/2 of the designated me he/she will be marked absent for that day.
Disciplinary consequences for an unlawful absence/tardiness may include, but are not limited
to, parent(s)/legal guardian(s) conference, deten on, in-school consequence, or Saturday
School. Addi onally, legal charges against the student and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may
result in deten on, confinement in jail or fines. If student absences become excessive, the
school may require medical verifica on to excuse further absences from school.
Disciplinary consequences for unexcused tardiness to school are:
First unexcused tardy-Verbal warning
Second unexcused tardy-One lunch deten on
Third unexcused tardy-Two lunch deten ons
Fourth unexcused tardy-One a er school deten on
Fi h unexcused tardy-Two a er school deten ons
Sixth unexcused tardy-Referral to an administrator and Saturday School for a endance
Unexcused tardiness is cumula ve for each quarter of the school year.
Excused Absences
Excused absences include:
Illness of the student
Death in the immediate family
Observance of a religious holiday
A court summons
Suspension/Exclusion for health reasons
Family Vaca on (when approved in advance)
Absence may be considered unlawful if the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) does not provide a
lawful explana on of the absence in a wri en note, fax, e-mail, or phone call within five
days of the student returning to school.
ReporƟng Absences
Every absence must be verified. We will accept the following from the parent or legal guardian:
A telephone call to 410.386.4433 before 9:30am on the day of the absence (no follow-up
note required)
An email to MVHA [email protected] (no follow-up note required)
A faxed note to 410.386.1561 (no follow-up note required)
A wri en note upon return of the student
We will a empt to contact parents if we have not received any communica on by the specified
me. Parents are required to no fy the school within two days following any absence, via phone,
fax, email, or note, otherwise the absence will be coded as unlawful and unexcused. Students are
not permi ed to report their own absence.
ADA Compliance Statement
The Board of Educa on of Carroll
County does not discriminate on
the basis of disability in employment or provision of services,
programs or ac vi es. Persons
needing auxiliary aids and services
for communica on should contact
the Office of Community and Media Rela ons at 410.751.3020 or
[email protected], or
write to Carroll County Public
Schools, 125 North Court Street,
Westminster, MD 21157. Persons
who are deaf, hard of hearing, or
have a speech disability, use Relay
or 7-1-1. Please contact the school
system at least one (1) week in
advance of the date the speech
accommoda on is needed. Informa on concerning the Americans
with Disabili es Act is available
from the Director of Facili es
(410.751.3177) or the Supervisor
of Community and Media Relaons (410.751.3020).
Students may not carry any medica ons,
prescrip ons or otherwise, while in school.
All meds need to be kept in the health
room and must be transported by a parent. Also, no medica ons can be administered without orders. The medica on
order form is on the back of this page.
Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen can be
administered with just a parent signature;
all other medica ons require a physician’s
No stock medica ons are kept in the
health room. The nurse cannot administer
ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or any other
medica on to your student unless YOU
have provided the medica on to the
Students may carry their own cough
drops. A supply is kept in the health room
for emergencies, but students should not
rely on them for regular use.
If your child feels poorly during the day
and wants to go home, please encourage
HOME directly. They must come to the
health room to be assessed by the nurse
first. They may face disciplinary consequences for tex ng during school.
Nurses can administer medica ons (prescrip on and over-the-counter) ONLY when ordered
by a licensed prac oner (physician, nurse prac oner, etc.). The medical director of the
Carroll County Health Department has agreed to give a standing order to the school nurses
to administer Ibuprofen (Advil) and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) in over-the-counter doses to
students in Carroll County Schools with parent consent. This means that no addi onal doctor’s order is needed for these two medica ons. All other medica ons must have a doctor’s
order and wri en permission from the parents if the medica on is to be administered in
school. A medica on consent form signed by the appropriate individuals must accompany all
medica on.
Only Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may bring medica on to school. Medica ons should be in their
original containers. The following are items not considered to be medica ons and, therefore,
students may carry them without being in viola on of our drug and alcohol policy:
Chaps ck/lip balm
Hand creams and lo ons
Non-medicated cough drops (example: Ludens’, Hall’s)
Saline eye drops or Saline nose spray
Individually wrapped an bacterial hand wipes
On the back of this page is the medica on consent form which is needed if your son/
daughter is required to take medicines during school mes. This includes all over-thecounter medica ons, as well as prescrip on drugs. A doctor’s signature is required for prescrip on drugs. Please fill out the medical consent form in its en rety. An approved inhaler is
the only medica on students are permi ed to carry during school hours. MVHS cannot administer prescrip on drugs without a wri en doctor’s order. Please review the county handbook for regula ons on all health-related topics.
If you have any quesƟons, please contact Mrs. Tesch at 410.386.1673
Obtaining a Learner’s Permit
The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administra on (MVA) requires all applicants
under the age of 16 to have their
school a endance verified before
receiving their Learner’s Permit.
Please refer to the MVA website to download
the Maryland MVA Learner’s Permit
School A endance Cer fica on Form
(DL-300). Students may also pick up
the form from either the Main Office
or the Counseling Office.
Please complete Sec on A of the
form and submit to the school office
clerical for verifica on. We will compile the a endance informa on and
complete the form within 24 hours.
IMPORTANT: An absence from school
to obtain a Learner’s Permit will be
marked unexcused.
CCPS’s Home Access Center allows parents/guardians of middle and high school
students to receive gradebook email alerts
every Thursday evening. If you would like
to receive an email containing your child’s
gradebook informa on for the current
marking period then you will need to take
the following steps for each of your children:
Go to the Home Access Center under
the Quick Links tab on the CCPS Home
page (
Login to Home Access Center (NOTE:
if you have never logged in before
click on “Request Password” and follow the direc ons on the screen. If
you have forgo en your password
click the “Forgot Password” link.
Do you OWE?
Students owing obliga ons WILL NOT
be issued any school materials, including textbooks, extracurricular
equipment (including athle c uniforms), parking permits or be permi ed to purchase ckets to any
dance un l their obliga on has been
resolved. If you know that your child
has an outstanding obliga on, please
encourage him or her to either return the materials or pay any monies
that are owed.
Payments to MVHS
We strongly encourage parents to
pay by check or money order when
sending monies to school. This will
alleviate the possibility of the student losing cash or having it stolen,
and provides a paper trail. Please be
aware that any check wri en to
MVHS that is returned is subject to a
$12.00 returned check fee.
If you have more than one student in
Carroll County schools then you will
be prompted to select a student.
A er you select the student let the
cursor hover over your name on the
top right corner of the screen.
Click on My Alerts.
Check the box for “Classwork Alerts”.
You can also check the box for
“Receive A endance Alerts” - those
emails are sent every day, ONLY IF
your child is marked tardy, absent or
early dismissal that day.
If you have any other middle or high school
students you will need to follow these
same steps for each child.
Parents who subscribed to receive these
alerts last year will need to re-subscribe
this year. This informa on does not carry
over each school year.
Par cipa on in extracurricular ac vi es, public performances, and/or student leadership posions is regarded as an important privilege for students. Par cipa on in such ac vi es supports students’ personal growth and achievement and also gives students the opportunity to
be representa ves of and ambassadors for their school. Carroll County Public Schools is commi ed to developing and maintaining a high level of confidence by the student body and the
school community. Therefore, students who desire to par cipate in extracurricular ac vi es
are expected to meet standards in three major areas: academics, a endance, and conduct.
Failure to meet appropriate standards in any one, or more, of these areas will result in a student losing the privilege of fully par cipa ng in extracurricular ac vi es.
Eligibility Standards, Guidelines, Informa on
A student becomes ineligible for academic reasons if he/she earns less than a 2.0
weighted GPA for that marking period or receives a grade of F for any course in which the
student is enrolled during the marking period.
A grade of Incomplete (I) is considered an F un l the work is sa sfactorily completed, unless an excep on is made by the principal due to extenua ng circumstances
such as an extended illness.
An indica on of Withdrawal Failing (WF) is considered an F for the specific marking
period in which it is received.
All students entering 9th grade for the first me are eligible, based on academics, during
the first marking period of the 9th grade school year.
Quarter grades are used to determine eligibility. Eligibility for the first quarter of the year
is based upon the fourth quarter grades of the previous year.
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Permission to Photograph, Videotape or Audiotape
Throughout the school year, the Carroll County Public School System frequently covers school ac vi es and may use
your child’s photograph, video image, or voice for educa onal, informa onal, or public rela ons purposes, with or without
iden fica on by name.
If you do not wish to have your child’s voice reproduced on tape or to have his/her image appear in such things as a
video, a photograph, or the school website, please no fy the school principal in wri ng. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their children being audiotaped, photographed, videotaped, or having their image placed on a school website
by the school system unless such no fica on is received.
There are also occasions when the media cover certain school events (such as when a government leader visits a
school). If you do not wish to have your child’s name or likeness published by the media, you should address your concerns
directly to the school involved so that the media is so advised. Please be advised that the school system has no control over
the media when they are covering ac vi es such as spor ng events and musical programs that are open to the public.
Use of Student Work on Websites or in PublicaƟons
The Carroll County Public School System recognizes that it may not claim ownership rights, property rights, or the copyright to student work. However, there may be mes throughout the year when the school system wishes to display student
work on school websites or in publica ons. If you do not wish to have your child’s art, poetry, wri ng, etc. appear on school
websites or in publica ons, please no fy the school principal in wri ng. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to
their child’s work being displayed on school websites or in publica ons unless such no fica on is received.
Revised 7/3/03
Revised 7/1/04
Revised 7/11/07
Revised 7/8/09
Revised 6/9/15
S›Ùò®‘› L›ƒÙĮĦ HÊçÙÝ: OÖÖÊÙãçÄ®ãù
NCRC In-house would like to offer an opportunity for service hours to your high school student(s). There are two ways they
can provide us with assistance and earn service hours for gradua on.
Sign up to work the scorer’s table for games during the season.
A. Run the clock or keep the official scorebook
B. Games are every Saturday from December to early March
i. Some playoff games happen on weekday evenings
C. They would get an hour of service per game
i. Depending on response and availability, they could earn up to 7 hours a Saturday.
Sign up as assistants for one of our boys’ or girls’ clinics
A. Clinics are every Saturday AM from January to early March
i. Clinics are for girls and boys K-2nd grade
If you are interested in receiving Service Learning Hours for this ac vity, please contact Liz Piper for further informa on.
Her contact informa on is:
Phone: 410.235.6882 Ext. 120
Email: [email protected]
Fƒ½½ Bʑ‘› Bƒ½½!
Bocce Ball is the Carroll County Fall Corollary Sport. The Corollary Athle c program is a totally integrated
program where all students, with and without disabili es, male and female, par cipate and compete on a
sports team together.
The program is designed for students who are interested in playing a sport but do not have the skill and/
or desire to play on a varsity or JV team.
All par cipa ng athletes must turn in a CCPS physical exam form along with an emergency
contact card.
Par cipants must pay a reduced athle c fee of $50 for each season.
Par cipants must meet conduct and a endance eligibility.
Par cipants must have their own transporta on home from school following prac ces and
PracƟce and Match Schedule
Beginning September 9, 2015, prac ces will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30 un l
3:45 un l matches begin. Once matches begin, prac ces will be held once each week--on either
Monday or Wednesday.
Beginning the last week of September and running un l the middle of November, matches against
other Carroll County high schools will be held each week.
Please send your quesƟons to Coach Thomas at [email protected].
Please complete the form below and return to Coach Thomas along with the completed AthleƟc Physical form by September 9, 2015.
My student ________________________________________ has permission to par cipate in Bocce Ball.
I will provide prompt transporta on home from school a er all prac ces and matches.
_______________________________________ ______________________________________
Student Athlete signature
Parent signature
Parent email ___________________________________________________________________
Come support the
Manchester Valley
Marching Band
August 8 & 15
All proceeds to benefit transporta on expenses and our Kings Dominion Trip!
C½ƒÝÝ Ê¥ 2019 - PƒÙ›Äã BÊÊÝã›ÙÝ
The Class of 2019 is cur ently recr iting parents to be par of the Fresh‐
man Class Parent Booster Team. Are you interested in suppor ing the
Class of 2019 by volunteering to organize, suppor , or just be available to
help out during the school year at Freshman class events? If so, please
send an email to Tom Davidson, tbdavid@car or Sara Smith, se‐
“CÊʽ K®—Ý CƒÃփ®¦Ä”
The Manchester Valley FBLA and The Dutch Corner Restaurant will be holding an All Day fundraiser at the
Dutch Corner Restaurant on Thursday, August 13th from 7:00am-1:00pm. Proceeds from all sales will go towards Jus n Berk and the Cool Kids Campaign during his “Crossing Maryland for Cool Kids Bike and Hike.”
Drop in and grab a bite to eat and support this important fundraiser. For more informa on call 410-2398100.
The Performing Arts Boosters wish to welcome all new and returning parents as well as our new Vocal Music
director, Lauren Warner, to another great Manchester Valley school year! We will kick off the year at the
STAMPEDE. Come see us at our table there! Our Indoor Concession stand will be open for our home Volleyball games and we will have a 50/50 raffle at all home football games. Grab a snack or "the winning cket"
when you come out and cheer on our Mavericks! We welcome any and all who wish to support our performing students with some volunteer me in our concession stand or our many other fundraising opportunies. We are always open to new ideas that will support our music and drama departments. The Boosters
meet the third Thursday of every month in the Chorus Room and we would love to see you there! If you have
any ques ons or would like more informa on about the Performing Arts Boosters and how we support these
talented students, please contact us at [email protected]. We are excited to see you all soon!!
MƒÄ‘«›Ýã›Ù A㫽›ã®‘ BÊÊÝã›ÙÝ
The 7th Annual Maverick Stampede will be held on Wednesday, September 2nd. The event kicks off at 5 pm
with our Community Marketplace, followed by the 1 mile run/walk from the carnival grounds to Manchester
Valley High School. The evening culminates in the stadium with the announcing of race winners, community
sponsors and our fall athle c programs. If you’re interested in being either a runner or sponsor, please call
410-371-4506 or email MVHSathle [email protected] for addi onal details. The fall Meet the Coaches
night will be held on Wednesday, August 19th. It is mandatory for all fall athle c par cipants to a end. Your
respec ve coach will provide you with your respec ve team mee ng mes and mee ng rooms. The Athle c
Boosters will be selling team colored socks, compression shorts, hats, and top and bo om base layers on
Main Street. We will also be selling old inventory at bargain prices. Please be sure to stop by between 6 – 8
pm. The Athle c Boosters meet on the second Wednesday of each month. Mee ngs are open to all parents
who have students involved in the athle c program. We are excited about the upcoming 2015-2016 school.
Go Mavericks!
MƒÄ‘«›Ýã›Ù Vƒ½½›ù H®¦« S‘«Êʽ ~ 2015-2016 S‘«Êʽ Cƒ½›Ä—ƒÙ Ê¥ Eò›ÄãÝ
August 4
August 6
August 8
August 10-11
August 12
August 15
August 18
August 19
August 27
August 31
Open House for Freshman and New Students, 9:00am-12:00pm
Yearbook Workshop
Marching Band Car Wash, 10:00am-2:00pm, in front of the school
ImPACT Concussion Baseline Tes ng, 2:30pm and 3:30pm, Room C225
Meet the Principal 7:00-8:00am, Cafeteria / Fall Sport Tryouts begin / Athle c Boosters Mee ng, 7:00pm
Marching Band Car Wash, 10:00am-2:00pm, in front of the school
Senior Portrait Makeup Day, 8:30am-3:00pm
Fall Sports “Meet the Coaches” Night, 7:00pm
Freshman/New Student Orienta on, 1:00-3:00pm / Back-to-School Event for Returning Students, 5:00-7:00pm
Schools Open - First Day for Students
September 2
September 7
September 9
September 10
September 14
September 15
September 19
September 21
September 23
September 25
September 26
September 29
Maverick Stampede, 5:00-8:30pm
Schools/Offices Closed - Labor Day
Excellence Breakfast (for marking period 4 of last year) 9:00-11:00am / Athle c Boosters Mee ng 7:00pm
NHS Student Leadership Day 8:00am-1:00pm
Schools/Offices Closed - Rosh Hashanah
Schools closed for students, Professional Development Day for Teachers
Senior Crab Feast 12:00-3:00pm
Advisory Council Mee ng 7:00pm
Schools/Offices Closed - Yom Kippur
CCSGA General Assembly 9:00-am-1:00pm
Fall Fest and Down on the Farm Day 8:30am-12:30pm / MAMA & FBLA Car Show 7:00am-3:00pm
Senior Portrait Makeup Day 9:00am-4:00pm
October 3
October 5
October 5
October 5-9
October 9
October 10
October 13
October 14
October 16
October 19
October 22
October 24
October 29
October 30
SAT Tes ng 7:00am-2:00pm
2 Hours 45 Minute Early Dismissal System-wide; Professional Mee ng Day for Teachers
College and Career Fair at Carroll Community College 6:00-8:00pm
Spirit Week
Homecoming Game
Homecoming Dance
Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00pm
College and Career Readiness Day (PSAT/ASVAB tes ng) / Athle c Boosters Mee ng 7:00pm
Schools closed for students and 10-month staff
Advisory Council Mee ng 7:00pm
Mystery, Music and Masterpieces, 7:00-8:00pm
Class of 2017 Bingo
Conference Night / Senior Class Mee ng 7:00pm
CAMFEL Assembly, 1:00-2:30pm
November 4
November 6
November 11
November 13-14
November 14
November 16
November 19
November 20-21
November 25
November 26-27
Blood Drive / Keynote and Awards
2 Hour 45 Minute Early Dismissal System-wide / End of Marking Period 1
1st Quarter Report Cards / Athle c Boosters Mee ng 7:00pm
Fall Musical 700-9:00pm
Meet the Principal 8:00-9:00am / 1st Day of Winter Sports Tryouts / It’s Academic 10:00am / Veteran’s Day Dinner 4:00-6:00pm
Advisory Council Mee ng 7:00pm
Performing Arts Boosters Mee ng 7:00pm
Fall Musical 7:00-9:00pm
2 Hour 45 Minute Early Dismissal System-wide / Excellence Breakfast for Marking Period 1
Schools/Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
December 1
December 5
December 8
December 14
December 15
December 17-18
December 21
December 24-31
NSH Fundraiser - Lip Sink/Dancing with the Stars
FEA Holiday Babysit
Athle c Boosters Mee ng 7:00pm
Advisory Council Mee ng 7:00pm
Instrumental Concert
Spring Play Audi ons 2:45-5:00pm
Choral Concert
Schools/Offices Closed - Winter Break
MƒÄ‘«›Ýã›Ù Vƒ½½›ù H®¦« S‘«Êʽ ~ 2015-2016 S‘«Êʽ Cƒ½›Ä—ƒÙ Ê¥ Eò›ÄãÝ
January 1
January 4
January 18
January 21
January 22-23
January 23
January 25
January 28
January 28
January 29
January 29-30
January 30
Schools/Offices Closed - Winter Break
Schools/Offices Reopen
Schools/Offices Closed - Mar n Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Regional Night
Interna onal Thespian Society Showcase, 7:00pm
It’s Academic Airs on WJZ, 10:00am
Advisory Council, 7:00pm
Marking Period 2 Ends
Senior Class Trip
Schools closed for Students / Teachers work on End of Marking Period Items
Interna onal Thespian Society Showcase, 7:00pm
Class of 2019 Bingo, 5:00-10:00pm
February 10
February 15
February 22
February 24
February 26
Athle c Boosters Mee ng, 7:00pm
Schools/Offices Closed - President’s Day
Advisory Council Mee ng, 7:00pm
Marking Period 2 Excellence Breakfast, 9:00-11:00am / Conference Night
CCSGA General Assembly, 9:00am-1:00pm
March 1
March 5
March 8
March 9
March 12
March 15
March 19
March 21
March 22-23
March 24-29
March 30
First Day of Spring Sports Tryouts
Meet the Principal, 8:00-9:00am / Relay for Life
2 Hours and 45 Minute Early Dismissal System-wide, Professional Mee ng Day for Teachers
Athle c Booster Mee ng, 7:00pm
SGA Pancake Breakfast / Spring Play, 2:00-4:00pm
Mock Interviews / Talent Show Rehearsal, 3:00-6:00pm
Class of 2018 Bingo, 5:00-10:00pm
Advisory Council Mee ng, 7:00pm
Senior Directed Once Act Audi ons, 3:00-5:00pm
Schools/Offices Closed - Spring Break
Schools/Offices Reopen
April 1
April 9
April 12
April 13
April 18
April 22
April 26
April 28
April 29
April 30
Blood Drive
It’s Academic (If won on 11/14) / Spotlight on Youth
2 Hour and 45 Minute Early Dismissal / Earth & Service Day / End of Marking Period 3
Athle c Boosters Mee ng, 7:00pm
Advisory Council Mee ng 7:00pm
Ba le of the Books / Drama Fest at CCC, 8:00am-2:00pm / Cocoa House, 3:00-9:00pm
Schools/Offices Closed - Primary Elec on Day
Excellence and Gold Bar Breakfast, 9:-00-11:00am
CCSGA General Assembly
Cram and Jam / It’s Academic (if won on 4/9)
May 2-13
May 7
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 17
May 23
May 26
May 30
May 31
AP Exams
SAT Tes ng, 7:00am-1:00pm
Athle c Booster Mee ng, 7:00pm
It’s Academic (if won on 4/30)
Advisory Council Mee ng, 7:00pm
Small Ensembles Concert, 6:00-9:00pm
Art Show / Chorus Concert, 6:00-9:00pm
Service Awards Breakfast, 9:00-11:00am
Schools/Offices Closed - Memorial Day
Service Learning Awards Breakfast, 9:00-10:30am
June 1
June 3
June 6
June 7
June 8
Senior Exams / Athle c Awards, 9:00-11:00am
Senior Exams / Senior Picnic, 2:30-5:00pm
Senior Exams Make-up / Senior Dinner Cruise
Gradua on Prac ce and Ticket Distribu on, 9:00am-12:00pm
Gradua on Prac ce, full a re, 9:00am-12:00pm /
Athle c Boosters Mee ng, 7:00pm
June 9 Community Awards Ceremony
June 11 Gradua on Prac ce, 8:00-10:00am / Gradua on 1:30pm
June 15 2 Hour and 45 Minute Early Dismissal / Last Day for Students /
End of Marking Period 4
The Calendar may be altered due to snow days. The calendar includes five (5) emergency closing days. If addi-
Ɵonal emergency days are required, the board may shorten spring break, extend the school year, or request a
waiver from the State Board of EducaƟon.
Students of Carroll County Public Schools are required to groom themselves in a manner that is modest, clean,
appropriate, decent and not disrup ve to the educa onal process. Students are expected to abide by this dress code
from their arrival to the school building un l the end of the school day.
Requirements include, but are not limited to:
Head Coverings – Hats, sunglasses, or head coverings of any kind, including bandanas and visors, shall not be worn in
the school building unless approved for religious or medical reasons. Certain headbands, scrunchies, etc., which are
used to hold hair in place and do not cover the en re head, are permi ed.
Shirts – Shirts shall:
• Cover the en re back, i.e., no cutout backs, no shirts that e in back
•Cover the midriff area, i.e., bo om of the shirt must meet the top of the lower a re at all mes
•Cover undergarments, (tank-top undershirts and skin- ght compression shirts are considered undergarments and
must have a shirt over them)
•Not be see-through
•Fit modestly so that cleavage area is covered
•Have two straps, one on each shoulder (no tube tops or halter tops)
•Skirts, skorts, and shorts should not be excessively short. The guideline for “excessively short” is clothing that does not
reach the student’s finger ps when the student is standing with arms extended at the side.
•Pants shall cover undergarments at all mes and not be excessively long so that they drag the floor.
•No shoes with wheels shall be worn.
•No bedroom slippers or pajamas shall be worn.
•No chains which could inflict significant bodily harm if used as weapon, spiked clothing or accessories shall be worn.
•No mu lated, cutout or ragged clothing shall be worn that exposes bare skin between the upper chest and mid-thigh
or creates a significant distrac on.
•Underwear shall not be showing and shall not be worn as outerwear.
•Clothing shall not convey adver sements for condoms or other birth control devices, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or
weapons stated or implied.
•Clothing shall not convey messages that express hate, racial slurs, or sexual harassment.
•Clothing shall not convey establishments or products whose names can be directly interpreted or construed as
carrying a “double meaning” involving sexual innuendo, gang symbols, or sexual ac vity.
ViolaƟons: A student found wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change or remove the item and will be
given the opportunity to do so. Should the student not be able to change or remove the item, clothing may be provided
by the individual school. All student dress code viola ons will be addressed in a respec ul manner. Students who fail to
cooperate will be referred to an administrator. Any student not complying with the direc on of the administrator may