Newsletter Fall 2012
Newsletter Fall 2012
IBB Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology Newsletter Fall 2012 01 Division News n n n n n n n n 07 Campus Talk n n n 12 Accomplishments n n Division held 2012 IBB Workshop from Mar. 5 to 6, 2012 at POSTECH Biotech Center New graduate students welcome party was held on Mar. 5, 2012 at POSCO International Center The First Symposium of the Institute for Basic Science in 2012 was held in April 27 POSTECH graduate program information session was held in May 13, 2012 at the POSCO Center in Seoul Immune Homeostasis & Regulation R&D Group (IHRRG) Symposium held from Jun. 14 to 15, 2012 in Gyeongju Joint symposium of Seoul St. Mary’s Hosp CRCiD, POSTECH IBB and Jilin Univ. IIJU was held at Catholic University on Jun. 18, 2012 2012 Summer IBB internship program held from July 2 to 27, 2012 for 4 weeks Evening Festival for Bio-members at POSTECH was held on Jul. 12, 2012 at POSTECH Biotech Center Expand your horizon by interacting each other/ written by Professor Ki-Hean Kim Looking Back Through Time : My First Year / written by Hee-Young Yoo IBB Laboratory Tour : T cell Biology Laboratory Faculty : Appointment / Publications Graduate students : Award & Honors Division News Division held 2012 IBB Workshop from Mar. 5 to 6, 2012 at POSTECH Biotech Center Together with all IBB members Division held 2012 IBB Workshop for 2 days from March 5 to 6, 2012 at POSTECH Biotech Center. Twenty faculty members in the division attended the workshop as speakers, and about 60 IBB graduate students and researchers attended the workshop. The workshop started with an opening remark by division chairman, professor Inhwan Hwang, after that, with the start of presentations of newly join professors Yongwon Choi and Seung-Woo Lee, each IBB professor presented their research interests and current research information to the attendance at the workshop. After presented, it was followed by question and answer session. The purpose of the workshop is to assemble all IBB members of professors and students in a place at POSTECH to exchange current research information and find a way to develop joint researches between the laboratories. This was the third IBB workshop held by division since 2009, and division is planning to hold 2013 IBB workshop at the beginning of spring semester in 2013. 01 IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 1. Opening remarks by Chair of IBB, Prof. Inhwan Hwang 2. Presentation at the workshop 3. 2012 IBB Workshop programs Division News New graduate students welcome party was held on Mar. 5, 2012 at POSCO International Center Dinner with IBB professors and students At the beginning of the 2012 spring semester, we invited division professors and graduate students for the welcome party of 2012 IBB new graduate students at POSCO International Center on Mar. 5, 2012. In the welcome party of this year which was held after the first day of 2012 IBB Workshop finished, 17 division professors and 42 graduate students including 20 new graduate students attended. The party started with a complimentary address by professor Wonhwa Cho, and the 2012 JH fellowship award ceremony was followed. The JH Fellowship was conferred on two new graduate students in division, JiYoung Seo and Seo-Yeon Bok by division chairman, professor Inhwan Hwang. After that, it was following by self introduction of all attending IBB students and division professors’ welcoming speech. It was good opportunity for all IBB members of professors and students to know each other well with conversation freely in a relaxed atmosphere. Division is pleased to announce that 23 new graduate students, admitted through the four rounds of entrance exams in 2011, joined IBB graduate program (combined master’s and doctoral program) in 2012 spring semester. POSTECH is proceeding 3 times of entrance exams for graduate programs in the year of 2012. If you would like more information about admission to IBB, please visit division website 1. Self-inductions by IBB students 2. JH Fellowship award ceremony 3. Greetings from IBB professor Jonathan Sprent IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 02 Division News The First Symposium of the Institute for Basic Science was held in April 27, 2012 The first symposium of the institute for basic Science (IBS) was held in different places depending on research fields of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Life Science on April 27, 2012. This symposium, organized by Institute for basic science which was established with the goal of creating a world-class research institute in the basic sciences, provided a good opportunity for scientist to exchange ideas and learn the latest research trends including new and innovative technologies. Professor Charles Surh in division was invited at the symposium as a speaker presenting in the field of life science which was held at Daejeon Convention Center (DCC), Daejeon. Professor Charles Surh presented with the title of ‘T cells and commensal microbiota : homeostasis and mutualism’. After the symposium, professor Charles Surh was appointed as the directors for the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) which is core research institute established by the International Science and Business Belt. 1. Presentation by Prof. Charles Surh 2. Together with POSTECH members at the symposium 3. Audience at the symposium POSTECH graduate program information session was held in May 13, 2012 at the POSCO Center in Seoul POSTECH graduate program information session was held in May 13, 2012 at the POSCO Center in Seoul. This information session is held every year in Seoul to give more detailed information for the students interested in studying at POSTECH graduate program with opportunity to meet their preferred professors. Division takes part in this information session as one of POSTECH graduate courses every year since organized at 2009. The chair of division graduate committee, Professor Sung-Ho Ryu introduced IBB graduate courses and regulations for the award of the degrees and entrance examinations for admission. After that, division professors and attending students had free conversation with questions and answers in the relaxed atmosphere. As the representative of division, Professor Wonhwa Cho, G-One Ahn, David Somers and Sung-Ho Ryu attended the information session this year and total 26 students visited division of IBB. 03 IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 1. Introduction of POSTECH at the opening ceremony 2. Presentation on IBB program by Prof. Sung-Ho Ryu 3. Conversation with IBB professors Division News Immune Homeostasis & Regulation R&D Group (IHRRG) Symposium held from Jun. 14 to 15, 2012 in Gyeongju All members in IHRRG at the symposium Immune Homeostasis & Regulation R&D Group (IHRRG) at POSTECH held, for the first time, IHRRG Symposium from Jun. 14 to 15, 2012 for 2 days in Gyeongju. In POSTECH, many laboratories from the various departments have been focusing their efforts to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanisms of immune homeostasis and regulation as well as to translate their discoveries into clinical developments. The symposium aims to bring all the immunology research groups at POSTECH together and provide the opportunity to share their up-to-date research activities to promote multi-laboratory and multi-disciplinary collaborations and lay a foundation for establishing a world-renowned immunology research hub at POSTECH. Ten professors at POSTECH and 65 graduate students studying in the field of immunology attended this symposium. The symposium was composed of 3 sessions with 16 speakers selected from all attending students and the speakers presented the outcomes of their research in order to share ideas with all members in IHRRG. The symposium was completed with closing remarks by division overseas professor Charles Surh. It was good experience for the students studying in the field of immunology at POSTCH to obtain more information regarding their research fields and get to know each other in the group. 1. Presentation at the symposium 2. Participants listening to a presentation 3. Closing remarks by Prof. Charles Surh IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 04 Division News Joint symposium of Seoul St. Mary’s HospitalCRCiD, POSTECH IBB and Jilin Univ. IIJU was held at Catholic University on Jun. 18, 2012 Joint symposium on Translational Research in Immunology was held at Catholic University on June 18, 2012. It was organized by division of IBB, POSTECH, Convergent Research Consortium for Immunologic Disease (CRCID)- St. Mary's Hospital and Jilin University (IIJU), China. The overall purpose of the symposium is to facilitate the advancement of both basic and translational research in immunology by promoting mutual inspiration and new collaborations. The symposium started with opening remarks by Prof. Chul-Woo Yang, chair of CRCiD, and was followed by each presentation by the symposium speakers. As representative of POSTECH, Professor Youngchul Sung, Joo-Yeon Yoo, Seung-Woo Lee and Dr. Donghoon Choi gave a talk on their research topics. Also students from POSTECH and Catholic University took part in a poster session aimed toward young researchers and had an opportunity to present their major research achievement. 1. Presentation at the symposium 2. Together with all speakers at the symposium 3. Joint Symposium poster 2012 Summer IBB internship program held from July 2 to 27, 2012 for 4 weeks Division held 2012 IBB Summer internship program from July 2 to 27, 2012 for 4 weeks for the students who are interested in IBB graduate study. The purpose of this program is to give an opportunity to know more details about IBB graduate courses to domestic junior and senior under-graduate students and encourage them to apply for the IBB graduate program in the future. Staying at campus dormitory, all attending students took part in the research activities of laboratories where they were engaged in every day and had firsthand experience of POSTECH campus life. On the last day of the program, division conferred the completion certificate of IBB internship program on participating students who finished the 4 weeks internship program successfully and all students attending the program had an opportunity to present their research work conducted during the internship program. Total 11 students were chosen to participate in the program this summer. Division is providing this program to the students interested in IBB graduate study every year at summer and winter vacation. 1. Together with all members attending the program 2. Lecture by Prof. Per-Olof Berggren 3. 2012 Summer Internship Program poster 05 IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 Division News Evening Festival for Bio-members at POSTECH was held on July 12, 2012 at POSTECH Biotech Center Special lecture by Mountaineer Young-Ho Hur Evening Festival for Bio-members studying at POSTECH was held on July 12, 2012 at POSTECH Biotech Center. This program is sponsored by chair of IBB, Prof. Inhwan Hwang and jointly organized by three bio-related departments at POSTECH - Department of Life Science, Division of Integrative Biosciences and Biotechnology (IBB) and School of Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Bioengineering (I-Bio). The program is composed of special lecture, dinner buffet and house concert. For the special lecture, Mountaineer Young-Ho Hur was invited as a guest speaker and, with the title of “Constant challenges and overcomes”, he gave a talk about why people should take the lead of their lives and how he overcame the difficulties while he conquered 3 highest peaks of the poles and 7 continents. It gave the audience hope and courage to achieve anything if people set their sights on a goal. For dinner, all audience moved to the outdoor and had dinner on the lawn around POSTECH Biotech Center. After dinner, house concert, composed of Piano Solo, Guitar Solo and Piano concerto with 3 pianists started and played a couple hours making wonderful performance to the audience. The festival was a good chance for POSTECH Bio-members to come out to relieve stress built up from studying and enjoy themselves with beautiful music in a summer night. Division expressed the deepest thanks to professor Inhwan Hwang who presented this wonderful summer night festival at POSTECH. 1. Dinner buffet on the lawn 2. Musical performance by House concert 3. Evening festival for Bio-members at POSTECH poster IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 06 Campus Talk Expand your horizon by interacting each other Dr. Peter So. My work was to develop advanced nonlinear microscopy, more specifically high-speed twophoton scanning fluorescence microscopy. The new system I developed could image samples much faster than the conventional one, and it attracted some of people’s interest for collaborative studies. One of these was to visualize transdermal transport of hydrophilic and hydrophobic drug models in large sections while maintaining submicron resolution, and the other was to screen mitotic recombination in an animal model which was genetically engineered to carry YFP turn-on sensor of mitotic recom- 07 IBB is an interdisciplinary graduate program empha- bination. Through these collaborative works, I found sizing on both bioscience and biotechnology. IBB is that learning other disciplines through collaboration composed of faculty members of biology, chemistry was really fun. We sat together during imaging and in the science side, and mechanical, chemical engi- talked about how the samples were made, how the neering in the engineering side. Although most of imaging were taken, how data would be analyzed IBB students have biology background, there are still etc. I also found that the more I learned about what a few students from engineering and I think this collaborators wanted to do, the better results we diversity is an important asset of IBB. Interaction of could get. A minor factor, which also helped collabo- students from different backgrounds can help to ration, was the floor map of MIT buildings. Most of expand their horizon each other by exchanging MIT buildings are connected each other so that you knowledge of science and engineering. I like to tell can go almost anywhere without going outside you my personal story in order to emphasize the (especially in the long winter season). After getting importance and joy of learning both science and the PhD degree I moved to Massachusetts General technology. Hospital (MGH) as a postdoctoral research fellow. It I was trained as a traditional mechanical engineer was to extend my research field to medicine and to until my master degree: my research was elasticity of learn new optical imaging technology. The laboratory solid mechanics. I began my career in bioengineer- I worked was supervised by Dr. Johannes de Boer, and ing, when I entered Ph.D. program at Massachusetts we did many translational clinical studies as well as Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1997. I wanted to do the development of new optical imaging systems. I something new and found the booming of biomed- was involved several clinical studies including burn ical engineering at that time. The laboratory I worked study, vocal fold study of patients. Clinical studies was advanced microscopy laboratory supervised by were quite intense, because they required smooth IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 Campus Talk Learning technology will be a long way to go. However, you can start simply by talking to your colleagues from engineering. Simple adaptation of technology may ease your research in some cases. If you are able to keep your interest in technology during graduate school, it will bring you to higher levels of biological research. operation of the custom built instruments. I remem- ing graduate school, it will bring you to higher levels ber I spent quite some time to improve the system of biological research. Another thing I like to suggest in both hardware and software. In these clinical is to learn computational software such as Matlab. studies, I tried to interact with medical collaborators Matlab is mathematical software originally devel- as much as possible. Medical doctors at MGH did not oped for matrix calculation. Matlab is easy to learn, have tight schedules like those in Korea, and we and it allows you to do any kind of computation you spent quite some time to discuss technology and can think by learning in a few days. Examples are experiment. Learning about the specific medical statistical analysis, system modeling, and image pro- problems I worked on was not difficult, because cessing etc. In terms of hardware you may want to there are many good internet resources maintained upgrade your microscope by introducing new light by NIH or other health organizations in the US. sources or detectors, or you may even like to build a Biology deals with complex systems and the under- simple microscope for specific applications. When standing of biological systems has been enhanced you tried to do, you can always get some help from with the help of technology. An example is invention your colleagues of engineering or even from me as of two-photon microscopy (TPM) and revolution in well. neurobiology: TPM enhanced knowledge of neurons I wish that you will have lots of joy and do some and related brain diseases by visualizing their behav- good research by interacting with your colleagues ior inside intact brain. I think that biology will be during your time in IBB and will develop your careers more heavily dependent on technology in the as connecting people who know both science and future, and the better you understand technology technology. the more opportunity you will have. Learning technology will be a long way to go. Written by Professor Ki-Hean Kim in the division. However, you can start simply by talking to your colleagues from engineering. Simple adaptation of technology may ease your research in some cases. If you are able to keep your interest in technology durIBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 08 Campus Talk Looking Back Through Time: My First Year smooth. Being a Global PhD Fellow, my advisor has high expectation from me and from time to time I felt like I couldn't meet his expectation. However, this is part of the journey of learning as a graduate student. It pushes me to work even harder to overcome my limitation. I know somewhere in my advisor's heart, the tough journey he gave me wasn't meant to pull me down but knowing that I can do it at the end of the day. Furthermore, knowing that I am working with one of the best experts in the field, this itself is a privilege. Not all the time life in IBB Somers Lab is full of The impromptu call for me to contribute an article downs. It has its ups too. As IBB consist of many to the newsletter can be thought of as very timely. international students/researchers in this lab. Being After spending hours of deciding what should I a Korean in this "international" lab, this creates an write, I decided to share my reflection of my first opportunity for me to help assimilate my fellow col- year experience as a graduate student in IBB. I leagues into Korean life. This not only helps me in would summarize the journey is like a rollercoaster, my communication and people skills, which would full of its ups and downs but full of wonders and be very useful when I attend conference and do excitements. Let me begin my story with the downs some networking with international researchers, it but I will end with the ups as an encouragement to also helps my English tremendously. all readers out there. Being in the "international" lab also gave me some Life as a graduate student is never easy. My research "culture" shock. In Korea, we must address our advi- is related to understanding the role of homodimer- sor as Professor as a sign of deep respect. However, ization of certain protein called TOC1 in the circadi- my fellow colleagues address our advisor by first an system of a plant. This means there are a lot of name! To them, calling by first name shows a more experiments involved. The experiments can be time friendly gesture. I am still coming to term with this consuming and it alters my own circadian system. but hopefully soon enough I would have the At times I have to spend long hours and even courage to call my advisor by his first name. “camp” in the lab. To make things worse, when the Learning new culture from these international results were bad, I do feel that all my efforts have researchers has also opened my eyes to the world not been paid off well. However, when the results out there, which I have yet to experience. are good, it really motivates me to work even better. My advisor spends his time between here and the The journey through my first year was never States. No matter where he is, he still care about 09 IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 Campus Talk My journey is indeed like a rollercoster, no matter the ups and downs, I appreciate every moment of it as I know each moment comes with its priceless experience that I would appreciate for the rest of my life. our progress and we have weekly Skype meeting ney of first year graduate student, I would be able with him to update our weekly progress and get his to the States for this opportunity. Thank you IBB and opinion and further ideas of our research. I enjoy OSU for making this possible for me. I hope to learn this moment as I get to show some of the progress as much as I can in the States and use every oppor- I've made thus far, I get to see his face and he gets tunity I have to apply it back in IBB when I return 3 to see mine. I get to listen to his nice English and months later. hope to improve myself more. Looking back this one year, my journey is indeed like In Korea, Teachers Day is a very important day. Our a rollercoaster. However, no matter the downs and lab gave our advisor a surprise teacher's day cele- ups, I appreciate every moment of it, as I know each bration. We prepared flowers, thank you card and moment comes with it a priceless experience that I even made a lab t-shirts for our advisor. To us he is would appreciate for the rest of my life. not only our "boss" and advisor; he is also like a father, mentor and friend. He is like a SUPERMAN to us and thus we made him this card. Our advisor was surprise and I hope he was touched by our gesture. This fall, I have been given opportunity to go to the States for 3 months as an exchange student. Doing exchange is almost a dream for most graduate students and being given this opportunity, I must say Written by Hee-Young Yoo who has studied in the IBB graduate program since 2011 spring semester. IBB does have a good reputation worldwide and I am privileged to be able to do this. I could never have imagined throughout my ups and downs jour- IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 10 Campus Talk IBB Laboratory Tour T cell Biology Laboratory Research Background Domesticating the host is the better long-term strategy for pathogens. We should think of each host and its parasites as a superorganism with the respective genomes yoked into a chimera of sorts. Nobel laureate Joshua Lederberg (Science, 2000) The immune system evolved to protect the host from invasion by the microorganisms present in the environment. Despite the strong ability of the immune system to repel infections by pathogenic microbes, it is now clear that the immune system co-exists with vast numbers of commensal microbiota in all the mucosal surfaces exposed to the environment. As the late Nobel laureate Joshua Lederberg presciently suggested in 2000 that the microbes and their host should be considered a “super-organism”, the commensal microbiota of a typical adult human is comprised of almost 1000 different species, is 10-times larger than the host in terms of total cell numbers, and contains 100-150fold more genes than the host. The vast genetic diversity of the commensal microbiota, viewed as the microbiome, is increasingly appreciated as being essential for the health of the host. The commensal microbiota are beneficial to the host in many respects, including aiding absorption of nutrients from food, production of vitamins, and protection from pathogenic microbes. Imbalance of the commensal microbiota, called dysbiosis, is thought to be responsible for many of the host’s physical ills, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory diseases, cancer, allergies, asthma, and autoimmunity. The relationship between the host immune system and the commensal microbiota is highly complex because these microbes possess many of the same traits as pathogenic microorganisms. Hence, the immune system must co-exist with commensal microbiota and maintain a state of tolerance to self and innocuous environmental Ags, yet be able to vigorously repel invasion by a wide spectrum of pathogens. The various mechanisms operating to regulate these responses are yet to be clearly defined, but they probably converge and intertwine with each other indicating that our immune system needs to be viewed in the 11 IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 context of a super-organism. Our lab is focused on how the host immune system, especially adaptive immunity, interacts and establishes mutualism with the commensal microbiota and how such interactions affect the host tolerance to self and immunity to foreign antigens. For these studies, we have established axenic (germ-free) mice facility and are preparing other necessary infrastructure to perform projects that will increase our understanding of these issues. Location Room 207, POSTECH Biotech Center Research area Homeostasis between the immune system and the commensal microbiota Role of commensal microbiota in autoimmunity, allergic diseases and response to pathogens Development and homeostasis of naive and memory T cells Modulating T cells populations for treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases n Professors Res. Assist. Prof. n Graduate Students n n Member Professors Jonathan Sprent / Charles. D Surh Research Assistant Professor Bo-Gie Yang Post-doc Researcher Kwang-Soon Kim Students Jun-Young Lee / Ji-Sun Jung / Ju-Hee Kim / Jaeu Yi / Kyung-Jin Jo Technician Tae-Kyu Kim / Jung-Wook Seo Administrator Hyo-Jin Park n n n Technicians n n n Administrator Post-doc. Accomplishments Faculty >> Appointment Professor Charles Surh was appointed as the director for the Institute for Basic Science (IBS). The selected director will be provided with yearly financial support and given authorities such as overseeing overall operation and independence of research. Publications Byeang Hyean Kim n S. P. Patil, H. S. Jeong, B. H. Kim. A lowmolecular-weight supramolecular hydrogel of riboflavin Chem. Commun., 48, 8901. (2012) n S. -Y. Hwang, H. -Y. Sun, K. -H. Lee, B. -H. Oh, Y. J. Cha, B. H. Kim and J. -Y. Yoo. 5’Triphosphate-RNA-independent activation of RIG-Ivia RNA aptamer with enhanced antiviral activity, Nucleic Acids Research, 40, 2724. (2012) Charles Surh n Carrette F, Surh CD. IL-7 signaling and CD127 receptor regulation in the control of T cell homeostasis. Semin Immunol. 24(3):209-17. Epub (2012) n Sprent J, Surh CD. Interleukin 7, maestro of the immune system. Semin Immunol. 24(3):149-50. Epub (2012) n Boyman O, Krieg C, Letourneau S, Webster K, Surh CD, Sprent J. Selectively expanding subsets of T cells in mice by injection of interleukin-2/antibody complexes: implication for transplantation. Transplant Proc. 44(4):1032-4. (2012) n Surh CD, Sprent J. TGFputs the brakes on homeostatic proliferation. Nat Immunol. 19;13(7):628-30.(2012) David Somers n Kim Y, Yeom M, Kim H, Lim J, Koo HJ, Hwang D, Somers D, Nam HG. GIGANTEA and EARLY FLOWERING 4 in Arabidopsis exhibit differential phase-specific genetic influences over a diurnal cycle.(2012) n Somers D.E. The Arabidopsis clock: time for an about-face? Genome Biol. 13(4):153. (2012) Dong-Woo Cho n Hyun-Wook Kang, Dong-Woo Cho. Development of an indirect stereolithography technology for scaffold fabrication with a wide range of biomaterial selectivity Tissue Engineering, Accepted. (2012) n Jin Woo Jung, Hyun-Wook Kang, Tae-Yun .. Kang, Jeong Hun Park, Jaesung Park and Dong-Woo Cho. Projection Image-generation Algorithm for Fabrication of a Complex Structure using Projectionbased Microstereolithography International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol.13 No.3 pp.445-449.(2012) n Aeree Kim, Dong-Hyun Kim, Hae-Ryong Song, Won-Hwa Kang, Hak-Jun Kim, Hong-Chul Lim, Dong-Woo Cho, Ji-Hoon Bae. Repair of rabbit ulna segmental bone defect using freshly isolated adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction Cytotherapy, Vol.14 No.3 pp.296305.(2012) n Jung Min Hong, Bum Jin Kim, Jin-Hyung Shim, Kyung Shin Kang, Ki-Joo Kim, Jong Won Rhie, Hyung Joon Cha, Dong-Woo Cho. Enhancement of bone regeneration through facile surface functionalization of solid freeform fabrication-based threedimensional scaffolds using mussel adhesive proteins Acta Biomaterialia, Vol.8 pp.2578-2586.(2012) n Jongwan Lee, Seung Yong Lee, Jinah Jang, Young Hun Jeong, and Dong-Woo Cho. Fabrication of patterned nanofibrous mats using a direct-write electrospinning Langmuir.(2012) n Se-Jin Lee, Dong-Woo Cho, Jae-Bok Song. Novel Sonar Salient Feature Structure for Extended Kalman Filter-Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping of Mobile Robots Advanced Robotics, Vol.26 No.8-9 pp.1055-1074.(2012) n Hwang SH, Kim SY, Park SH, Choi MY, Kang HW, Seol YJ, Park JH, Cho DW, Hong OK, Rha JG, Kim SW. Human Inferior Turbinate: An Alternative Tissue Source of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, online published.(2012) n Dong-Woo Cho, Jin Woo Lee, Jong Young Kim, Taeyun Kang. Chapter 31 Solid Freeform Fabrication Method Applied to Tissue Scaffolds, Chapter contribution in The Handbook of Intelligent Scaffold for Regenerative Medicine Pan Stanford Publishing, pp.609-631.(2012) n Dong-Woo Cho and Hyun-Wook Kang. (Textbook) Chapter 21 Microstereolithography-Based Computer-Aided Manufacturing for Tissue Engineering COMPUTER-AIDED TISSUE ENGINEERING, Vol.868 pp.341356.(2012) n Jeong Hun Park, Jinn Woo Jung, HyunWook Kang, Young Hoon Joo, Jung-Seob Lee, and Dong-Woo Cho. Development of n n n n n a 3D bellows tracheal tracheal graft: graft: Mechanical behavior analysis, fabricationion and an in vivo feasibility study Biofabrication, Vol.4 No.3 pp.035004, Online Published.(2012) Jung-Seob Lee, Hwang Do Cha, Jin-Hyung Shim, Jin Woo Jung, Jong Young Kim, Dong-Woo Cho. Effect of pore architecture and stacking direction on mechanical properties of solid freeform fabrication based scaffold for bone tissue engineering Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, Vol.100A No.7 pp.18461853.(2012) Jin-Hyung Shim, Jung-Seob Lee, Jong Young Kim, Dong-Woo Cho. Bioprinting of a mechanically enhanced three-dimensional dual cell-laden construct for osteochondral tissue engineering using a multi-head tissue/organ building system Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.22 No.8 pp.085014.(11pp) (2012) Jin-Hyung Shim, Jung-Bo Huh, Ju Young Park, Young-Chan Jeon, Seong Soo Kang, Jong Young Kim, Jong-Won Rhie, DongWoo Cho. Fabrication of Blended Polycaprolactone/Poly (lactic-co-glycolid acid)/ -Tricalcium Phosphate Thin Membrane using Solid Freeform Fabrication Technology for Guided Bone Regeneration Tissue Engineering, Part A, Accepted.(2012) Kwang-Sook Park, Kyoung Je Cha, In-Bo Han, Dong-Ah Shin, Dong-Woo Cho, SooHong Lee, Dong Sung Kim. Mass-producible nano-featured polystyrene surfaces for regulating the differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells Macromolecular Bioscience, Accepted.(2012) Hyun-Ju Kim, Jung Min Hong, Kyung-Ae Yoon, Nacksung Kim, Dong-Woo Cho, JeYong Choi, In-Kyu Lee, Shin-Yoon Kim. Early growth response 2 negatively modulates osteoclast differentiation through upregulation of Id helix-loop-helix proteins Bone, Accepted.(2012) Geunbae Lim n Seong J. Cho, Hyoryung Nam, Taechang An, and Geunbae Lim. Replicable and Shape-controllable Fabrication of Electrospun Fibrous Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, accepted for publication.(2012) n June-Kyoo Lee, Kyung-Woo Park, GeunBae Lim, Hak-Rin Kim, and Seong-Ho Kong. Variable-focus Liquid Lens Based on a Laterally-integrated Thermopneumatic Actuator, Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, Vol. 16(1) p. 22-28.(2012) n Taechang An, WooSeok Choi, Eunjoo Lee, Seong J. Cho and Geunbae Lim. Fabrication of Conducting Polymer IBB POSTECH NEWSLETTER Fall 2012 12 Accomplishments n Micro/Nanostructures Coated Gold Nanoparticles, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 12 (6)pp. 4975-4978.(2012) Chang Sup Kim, Bong-Hyuk Choi, Jeong Hyun Seo, Geunbae Lim, Hyung Joon Cha. Mussel adhesive protein-based whole cell array biosensor for detection of organophosphorus compounds, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, accept.(2012) Jonathan Sprent n X Loebbermann J, Thornton H, Durant L, Sparwasser T, Webster K, Sprent J, Culley FJ, Johansson C, Openshaw PJ. Regulatory T cells expressing granzyme B play a critical role in controlling lung inflammation during acute viral infection. Mucosal Immunol 5: 161-72. (2012) n Boyman O, Letourneau S, Krieg C, Webster K, Surh CD, and Sprent J. Selectively expanding subsets of T cells in mice by injection of IL-2/antibody complexes: implications for transplantation tolerance. Transplant Proc 44:1032-34. (2012) n King C, Sprent J. Emerging cellular networks for regulation of T follicular helper cells. Trends Immunol. 33: 59-65. (2012) n Boyman O and Sprent J. The role of interleukin-2 during homeostasis and activation of the immune system. Nature Rev Immunol 12: 180-90. (2012) n Boyman O, Kreig C, Homann D, Sprent J. Homeostatic maintenance of T cells and natural killer cells. Cell Mol Life Sci 69: 1597-08.(2012) n Chang P-P, Lee SK, Davey G, Duan G, Cho J-H, Karapiah G, Sprent J, Heath WR, Bertram EM, Vinuesa CG. Breakdown in repression of interferon-gamma mRNA leads to accumulation of self-reactive CD8 T cells. J Immunol 189: 701-10. (2012) n Polhill T, Zhang GY, HU M, Sawyer A, Zhou JJ, Saito M, Webster K, Wang Y, Grey ST, Sprent J, Harris DCH, Alexander SI, Wang YM. IL-2/IL-2 Ab complexes induce regulatory T cell expansion and protect against chronic proteinuric renal disease. J Amer Soc Nephr in press. (2012) n Surh CD and Sprent J. Guest Editors - IL-7 In The Immune System: Development And Function. Sem Immunol 24: 149-240. (2012) n Sprent J and Surh CD. Editorial Interleukin 7, maestro of the immune system. Sem Immunol 24: 149-150. (2012) n Surh CD and Sprent J. TGF puts the brakes on homeostatic proliferation. 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Real-time detection of acetylcholine release from the human endocrine pancreas Nature Protocols 7: 1015-1023.(2012) n The pancreatic beta cell as a paradigm for advances in inositide research.CJ BARKER & P-O BERGGREN. Advances in Biological Regulation 52:361-368.(2012) Sang Joon Lee n S.Y. Jung and S.J. Lee. Development of a compact X-ray particle image velocimetry for measuring opaque flows, part II: 3D velocity field reconstruction, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.83(4), 046102. (2012) n K.H. Nam, E.S. Yeom and S.J. Lee. Extracorporeal bypass model of blood circulation for the study of microvascular hemodynamics, Microvascular Research, Vol.83, pp. 372-375. (2012) n D.H. Kwon and S.J. Lee. Impact and wetting behaviors of impinging microdroplets on superhydrophobic textured surfaces, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.100, 171601. (2012) S.Y. Jung, S.M. Lim and S.J. Lee. Investigation of waterseepage through porous media using X-ray imaging technique, J. of Hydrology, Vol.452, pp. 83-89. (2012) B.H. Kim, J.H. Lim and S.J. Lee. Synchrotron X-ray microscopic computed tomography of the pump system of a female mosquito, Microscopy Research and Technique, Vol.75, pp. 1051–1058. (2012) Young-Chul Sung n So-Shin Ahn, Bo-Young Jeon, KwangSoon Kim, Jung-Yeon Kwack, Eun-Gae Lee, Ki-Seok Park, Sang-Nae Cho, YoungChul Sung. Mtb32 is a promising tuberculosis antigen for DNA vaccination in preand post-exposure mouse models. Gene Therapy;19(5):570-575(2012) n Doo-Jin Kim, Kwang-Soon Kim, Mi-Young Song, Sang- Hwan Seo, Su-Jin Kim, Bo-Gie Yang, Myoung-Ho and Sung YC. Delivery of IL-12p40 ameliorates DSS-induced colitis by suppressing IL-17A expression and inflammation in the intestinal mucosa Corresponding Clinical Immunology, ;144(3):190-199 [Epub ahead of print] (2012) Youngsook Lee n Jaoon Y. H. Kim, J. W. Lee, W. S. Lee, H. H. Ha, M. Vendrell, Jacqueline T. Bork, Y. Lee, and Young-Tae Chang. Combinatorial Solid-Phase Synthesis of 4,6-Diaryl and 4Aryl, 6-Alkyl-1,3,5-triazines and Their Application to Efficient Biofuel Production, ACS Comb. Sci., 14(7) 395398. (2012) Graduate Students >> Awards & Honors Division graduate student Young-Eun Kim was selected as the Global PhD Fellowship awardees in the year of 2012. The Global PhD Fellowship is a national HR education program which supports PhD students in domestic universities with tuition and living expenses so that they can focus on their study and research. Division graduate student Hee-Young Yoo was awarded this Fellowship in the year of 2011. Campus Map 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Administration Building(Head quarter) Science Building I Hogil Kim Memorial Hall Science Building II Science Building IV Student Union Building Science Building V Science Building III Auditorium Mathematical Science Building RIST Administration Building RIST Research Building I RIST Research Building II RIST Research Building III RIST Research Building IV POSTECH Information Research Laboratories LG Cooperative Electronics Engineering School of Environmental Science and Engineering Sports Field POSCO International Center Jigok Community Center Student Dormitories Graduate Student Apartments 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Pohang Accelerator Laboratory National Center for Nanomaterials Technology Life Science Building Machine Shop Mechanical Engineering Laboratories Building Wind Tunnels Chemical Engineering Laboratories Building Industrial and Management Engineering Laboratories Building Chemistry Building Gymnasium Indoor Tennis Courts Faculty Apartments East Gate Nakwon Apartments Tae-Joon Park Digital Library POSTECH Biotech Center Jigok Research Building Pohang Institute of Intelligent Robotics Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology Pohang Institute of Metal Industry Advancement Main Gate Log Cabin Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology Pohang University of Science and Technology Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology Division of Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology San 31, Hyoja-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang 790-784, Korea Tel: +82-54-279-8282~8283 Fax: +82-54-279-8289 Homepage: