N e t w ise M obile a n d w e b t e x t com m u n ica t ion N FTH W or k sh op, Re yk j a vik M a y 2 0 0 5 Be t here, everywhere Te x t a n d voice ove r I P: m obile a n d w e bb Focu s 1. Cent ral plat form wit h gat eways 2. Types of calls wit h web and m obile based client s 3. Voice Carry Over and Hear Carry Over Be t here, everywhere Pla t for m se t u p du r in g t h e t r ia ls Text Relay Service Internet Telephone Network Web Client (text and voice) Downloads via the web A B C D E F G H SELECTED ON-LINE Textphone Gateway for text and voice Marvin MMX server MTX client • GSM/3G • Text Be t here, everywhere W e b clie nt Sum m ary ¾ Regist er and log- in ¾ Feat ures ¾ Types of call: t ext phones and m obile t ext client Com m unicat ion ¾ Charact er- by- charact er in real t im e ¾ Text and voice Be t here, everywhere M obile t e x t clie n t Sum m ary ¾ Regist er and log- in ¾ Feat ures ¾ Types of call: t ext phones and m obile t ext client Com m unicat ion ¾ Word- by- word or chat ¾ Text Be t here, everywhere Tr a dit ion a l t e x t ph one s Sum m ary ¾ Text and voice ( VCO, HCO) ¾ Types of call: web client and m obile client Com m unicat ion ¾ Charact er- by- charact er in real t im e ¾ Voice ( VCO, HCO) Be t here, everywhere Pilot t e st Types of calls ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Web < < > > web Mobile < < > > m obile Web < < > > m obil Web > > t ext phone Mobile > > t ext phone Be t here, everywhere M M X M ult iM e dia e Xch a n ge Ba ck gr ound in for m a t ion a nd cur r e nt inst a lla t ions N ETW I SE I N SW ED EN Be t here, everywhere M M X a t a gla n ce MMX ISDNvideophone Multimedia services (relay, e-learning, Interpreters, etc.) Textphones Mobiles GSM/GPRS,3G Video and text gateways Telephones SIP-video, text and voice Be t here, everywhere Te ch n ica l ove r vie w Server: ¾ MMX is a plat for m for m ult im edia serv ices. ¾ Build using a Java applicat ion server ¾ A com plet e m ult im edia soft swit ch for v oice, video and t ex t ¾ The VoI P prot ocol used is SI P and H.323. Client : ¾ Java m ult im edia client ¾ Web- based client ¾ Mobile t ex t client ¾ OR any SI P or H.323 phones or videophones Gat eway s: ¾ Radv ision ( I SDN, 3G, v ideo and voice) ¾ Cisco ( V.21 t ext phones, VoI P) ¾ Eicon ( V.18 t ext phones) ¾ Ericsson ( 3G) Be t here, everywhere Ca ll ce n t e r fe a t u r e s 9 Call dist ribut ion ( ACD) 9 One plat form < > several services ( skills- based rout ing) 9 I nform at ion t o call cent re agent s 9 Can be int egr at ed int o t he organisat ion’s PBX 9 Charging and st at ist ics ( CDR) 9 Call cent re m anager Be t here, everywhere Vir t u a l m u lt im e dia ca ll ce n t r e Web client, videophones (SIP/H.323) Service 1 Telephone network (PSTN, GSM, UMTS) Internet Internet gateway Service 2 Agent - service 2 (home office) Customer support Be t here, everywhere M M X in st a lla t ion s ¾ DK: TDC – Relay services ¾ SE: Eniro, Nat ional Labour Aut horit y, Nat ional Aut horit y for Special Schools, Count y Governm ent s of Örebro and St ockholm ¾ FI : Novacall – Relay services ¾ ES: Am ena ¾ UK: Brist ol Universit y, ProVu New Proj ect 2005 ¾ Nat ional Post and Telecom Agency – int ernet - based t ext services, replacem ent of 12.000 old t ext phones. Be t here, everywhere Cu st om e r : Sw e dish Vide o Re la y Se r vice s Financed by the National Post and Telecom Agency SIP videophones 3G Mobile Telephone network PSTN/ISDN/GSM UMTS MMX Web client Internet Radvision/3G Radvision/ISDN ISDN videophone Be t here, everywhere Sign Interpreter Marvin MMX Intranet Cu st om e r : Am e n a Second largest 3G and internet operator in Spain: over 16 million customers 3G Ericsson’s VIG Download: amenavideo.exe Video and audio Be t here, everywhere Dowload Stand-alone client Cu st om e r : Sw e dish Au t h or it y for Spe cia l Sch ools 250 PCs are logged in during a normal day, making 9.000 external calls/year 600 Videophones at schools - Videophone via the web • Virtual multimedia PBX • 6 schools, dorms, offices • 38 addresses Telephone network Internet Textphones Marvin MMX Relay services Be t here, everywhere Cu st om e r - M M X pla t for m in Ör e br o: Se lf- se r vice s a n d se r vice s- on - de m a n d Mobil text phone 3G phones SIP videophones - 2005: 65 clients - Target 2006: 500 clients Telephone network PSTN/ISDN 3G Internet textphone Gateways ISDN videophone Marvin MMX Internet/Intranet Relay services (text and video) DATABASE Be t here, everywhere Cu st om e r : Te x t r e la y se r vice s in D e n m a r k Call centre for text relay services (280.000 calls/year) Integrated with TDC Directory Assistance Internet PSTN Textphones/ WEB client Relay services PC Marvin MMX Ericsson/OPS Mobilephone (Java enabled) Be t here, everywhere N e w se r vice s w it h M M X The following new services are current ly being discussed wit h cust om ers in Sweden: ¾ I nt er pret ers for m inorit y languages ¾ Governm ent aut horit ies – web assist ance for filling out form s, et c. ¾ Telem edicine Be t here, everywhere Con t a ct infor m a t ion Thor Nielsen Manager, Business Developm ent Tel 0046- 8 633 7479 Mobile 0046- 70 516 5901 t hor.nielsen@net Be t here, everywhere