EZ Registration - Master The Possibilities


EZ Registration - Master The Possibilities
January-May, 2014
From the desk of Ken Colen, President
On Top of the World Communities
Even though the iconic KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON poster was
conceived during a dark period of 20th century history, the bombing
of London, the maxim still rings true in so many situations. Indeed
it is sage advice. Master the Possibilities modified the message to
read KEEP LEARNING AND CARRY ON. This embodies the mission
and purpose of lifelong learning. We learn not only to survive but
to prevail…to carry on with a meaningful life.
The growth of our lifelong learning program is testimony to the
mindful curiosity and need to keep learning. Master the Possibilities
has been fortunate to have the support of over 8,000 students,
the expertise of 150+ instructors and the dedication of a staff who
have pushed the envelope of lifelong learning. All of these groups
continue to carry on and we are better for their interest and efforts.
It is truly a cooperative venture.
In this publication, the largest to date, we hope you see the
number and variety of offerings. We strive to listen to what
interests you and transform those interests into presentations. The
more we learn from you, the better we can develop our program
and support the need to keep learning.
Throughout this catalog you will see quotes from students and
faculty endorsing what happens at MTP. These serve as reminders
that what we do does make a difference. You will also notice
more “NEW” banners than ever before. The curriculum needs to
be fresh. Most importantly I hope you know that you are always
welcome at this Center.
Let’s all KEEP LEARNING and
we will all CARRY ON!
When Master the Possibilites began in 2006, our first year’s enrollment was a very respectable 3,000. Now it is not uncommon to have 3,000
enrollments in a month and annual numbers exceeding 25,000. Within this growth context we continue to put the first emphasis on quality and
variety. You expect it and we demand it. With success there also come some changes and modifications in policies and procedures in how we
do business. Here’s a “top ten list” of things we want you to know in order to make the administration of this program mutually beneficial.
1. NEW REFUND POLICY. Since we began over eight years
ago, the refund policy was simple: If you paid for a class and didn’t
attend, you received your full tuition back…regardless of when you
let us know. Unfortunately, this has caused some problems. Class
costs are dependent on tuition; when we plan on a certain number
of paid students and have less, our programming ability is affected.
Many of our classes have wait lists. If someone doesn’t show up at
the last minute, we can’t get to the wait list to accommodate these
anxious students.
We want to be as generous as possible…so here’s what we have put
in place in the Winter/Spring (January-May) 2014 season. Students
will still be asked to pay within a week of their registration. There will
be full tuition refunds up to a week before the class begins. (We can
provide a check, credit your card or issue a voucher.) Students who
cancel within the week before the class start date will forfeit the full
tuition paid. If, for whatever reason, MTP has to cancel a class at any
time, full tuition paid by students will be refunded.
Let’s hope that this system works for all of us. If you have any
questions, please contact the MTP office at 861-9751. Thank you
for your support.
2. REGISTRATION. We are committed to have a variety of
ways for you to register. You can stop by the office during business
hours, use our registration telephone line 24/7 (854-3699) or
register online at www.MasterThePossibilities.com. That being said,
we encourage you to use the online alternative. Over 8,000 people
use MTP and online registration is the most cost and time effective.
We will gladly help you navigate online registration and answer any
questions you have. Register any time 24/7 and receive immediate
3. EMAIL ALERTS. When you register online, please take
advantage of signing up for our email alerts. They don’t automatically
come. You’ll need to request it online or fill out a request at the
center. These alerts will let you know what’s coming up the next
week as well as notify you of any new classes added that are
not in the semester catalog. There are usually a dozen or two
new classes that are primarily advertised online or via email alerts
for every season. Only about a quarter of you who use online
registration have signed up for these alerts. (Of course, you a can
opt out anytime you want.)
4. REGISTER EARLY & OFTEN. Early registration is highly
encouraged for all classes. (You can always cancel...up to a week
before with no penalty.) At times, people will refrain from registering
for free classes, thinking “There’s always room.” The problem with
this is that we decide to cancel classes based on the enrollment
numbers. We need to know how many are coming. Further, if
you don’t register and we cancel or postpone, we have no way of
notifying you.
5. CHANGES TO CLASSES. When classes are cancelled by us,
you will receive an email notice (if we have your email address) and/
or a call. We will also do the same if the date or time is changed. In
either of these cases, you can opt out of the class with no financial
penalties if this is a tuition class that you have paid for.
6. WAIT LISTS. Wait lists are important. If the class you want is
full, we encourage you to sign up on the wait list. Why? As people
drop out we try to contact those on the wait lists, in the order of
their sign up, to invite them to attend. To be fair, we will not allow
students not on the wait lists to attend if they show up...even if
there’s room. Wait listed people need to be recognized.
7. HOW ARE WE DOING? The late Mayor Koch was fond
of saying “How am I doing?” We need to know how our faculty is
doing. We will have simple evaluation cards in every classroom. Take
a minute to fill out and drop off in our office. We will share these
with the instructor. The MTP office is open and you should feel free
to let us know what we do well, and what we can do better. “How
are we doing?”
8. CLASS SUGGESTIONS. Let us know if you have suggestions
for topics. If we can find a credentialed instructor, we may be able
to incorporate in our curriculum. We take what we do seriously and
we are not just a “brokerage” for any kind of class. We are selective...
just like you.
9. FACULTY. Interested in teaching? Provide a proposal and
resume. We are selective but we are always looking for credible
classes and experienced, credentialed instructors. Work with us.
Our goals are the same...to provide the best in lifelong learning.
Our success is a function of your satisfaction.
10. STRESS FREE. Let’s have some fun. Learning and sharing is a
wonderful process. Let’s declare MTP is a “stress free zone.”
Syracuse University
Pace University
St. Mary’s University
Adelphi University
New York Theological
University of New Haven
American University
Northern Virginia College
University of New York Albany
Arizona State University
Northrup University
University of Oklahoma
Augusta Technical College
Ohio State University
University of Rochester
Bangalore University
Rochester Institute of Tech
University of South Florida
Cheyney University
Rowan University
University of St Louis
Concord College
Southern Baptist Seminary
University of St. Thomas
Cornell University
St. John’s Seminary College
University of Tampa
DePaul University
St. Thomas University
University of Tennessee
DeVry University
University of Arizona
University of Texas
Drew University
University of Chicago
University of Wisconsin
Duquesne University
University of Connecticut
University of Miami
Glassboro State College
University of Detroit
Virginia Tech University
Hunter College
University of Florida
Wagner College
Indiana University
University of Georgia
Washington and Lee University
John Hopkins University
University of Hawaii
Washinton University
Long Island University
University of Illinois
Wayne State University
Marist College
University of Louisville
Widener University
Massachusetts Institute of Tech
University of Maine
Yale University
Munich University
University of Maryland
Youngstown State University
New Brunswick Theological
University of Massachusetts
Since we began over eight years ago, the refund policy was simple: If you paid for a class and didn’t attend, you received your full
tuition back…regardless of when you let us know. Unfortunately, this has caused some problems. Class costs are dependent on
tuition; when we plan on a certain number of paid students and have less, our programming ability is affected. Many of our classes
have wait lists. If someone doesn’t show up at the last minute, we can’t get to the wait list to accommodate these anxious students.
We want to be as generous as possible…so here’s what we have started. Students will still be asked to pay within a week of their
registration. There will be full tuition refunds up to a week before the class begins. (We can provide a check, credit your card or issue a
voucher.) Students who cancel within the week before the class start date will forfeit the full tuition paid. If, for whatever reason, MTP
has to cancel a class at any time, full tuition paid by students will be refunded.
Let’s hope that this system works for all of us. If you have any questions, please contact the MTP office at 861-9751.
Thank you for your support.
This Winter/Spring catalog is the largest we have ever published. Although you can choose from hundreds of programs presented here, we
will add up to another hundred new, unadvertised classes as the season progresses. We begin planning for Winter/Spring in the Summer.
We finalize the catalog about two months before classes start. In the meantime, we want to be able to take advantage of opportunities not
available before catalog distribution. How can you find out about these special events? The easiest way is to regularly check the Master the
Possibilities homepage online at masterthepossibilities.com. If you would like to receive our weekly email alerts that feature upcoming and
new programs, please sign up for the alerts online. You can also request to be included by letting us know in the office. Of course, our door is
always open, so just ask “What’s new?” and our staff will be happy to fill you in on the latest additions.
It’s a pleasure to bring you the best in lifelong learning
and your interest and support is most essential.
Thank you!
Master the Possibilities Education Center • January 30 - April 24
Thursday mornings 9:00-11:00 a.m.
The Sheriff’s Citizens Academy and Partnership (CAP) program is a free educational
course about the operations of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. This 14-week course will
meet weekly and highlight all units within the Sheriff’s Office, giving citizens an in-depth
understanding of what the agency is doing for the community. Each week will focus on
a different aspect of the agency: personnel, equipment, policies, procedures and overall
function. Students will have an opportunity to view specialty unit equipment and hear from
experts in the field of law enforcement, investigations, corrections and prosecution.
Socrates Café
Instructor: Allie Gore
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Mondays, January 6, 20, February 3, 17,
March 3, 17, April 7, 21, May 5 & 19, 2014
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
All NEW participants in this group should attend an informational class in order to be
oriented to what the “Socrates Café” is all about. Informational classes are offered first
Monday of the month, 1:45 - 2:30 pm. Participants in Socrates Café come together with
the expectation that in the process of discussing the topic of the day, personal opinions,
ideas, dogmas and beliefs will be shared and questioned. By listening to each other and
considering how we each came to our personal beliefs on any given topic, we learn
about ourselves. Christopher Phillips, author of Socrates Café, writes, “People like us
come together to share an experience which allows and even expects that we will forever
question rather than agree with one another. Socrates’ questioning was intended to help
people become more thoughtful and tolerant and rational.” We resemble a church service
— but for heretics. What connects us is the sincere desire to question and challenge even
our most cherished assumptions. Each gathering gives us an opportunity to benefit from
the perspectives of others. Class is limited to 20.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Take Charge of Your
Type-2 Diabetes
Instructor: Nancy Gal
Classroom: Studio 1
Tuesdays, January 7, 14, 21, 28,
February 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1 & 29, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(Except 1/7 Begins at 9:00 AM
AND 2/25 & 4/29 Begin at 9:30 AM)
The University of Florida/IFAS Extension in Marion County is offering an educational
program to help adults with type-2 diabetes control their blood glucose to feel better
and reduce risk of health complications. The program will include ten classes taught
by a team of qualified educators and health professionals. Class topics will include
information on the types of diabetes, blood glucose monitoring, standards of medical
care, medications, cardiovascular disease, nutrition management, carbohydrate counting,
physical activity, sick day management, and foot care. Three health assessments (weight
and blood pressure measurements) are included. The initial health assessment will be on
January 7, 2014 from 9:00 to 10:00 am. The $45 program fee includes the educational
classes, program materials and health assessments. Support person is free. Deadline
for paid registration is Friday, January 3rd. Checks are made payable to Marion County
Extension Advisory Committee.
Resident: $45 / Non-Resident: $45
Aging Well
This presentation series examines healthy aging and caregiving through the movies,
using film clips to catalyze discussions.
Instructor: Tom Rinkoski
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Tuesdays, January 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2014
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Inventing the Future at IHMC
Instructor: Row Rogacki, Ph.D.
This presentation offers an overview of the IHMC research program, which focuses on
human centered computing, robotics, cyber defense and leveraging and extending
human capabilities.
Classroom: LOH
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
“We are so for tunate to have this outstanding program
to learn something new right in our backyard.” — JE
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Keeping Current on Events
Classroom: 2
Join a group of individuals who want to look “behind the headlines” and discuss the
important events of the day. A panel of three facilitators will lead the way to a better
understanding of what’s going on in the national and world events. The goal is objectivity
without judgment.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Instructor: Eva Scranton, Kathy O’Connell
OR Wednesday, January 22, 2014
OR Wednesday, February 5, 2014
OR Wednesday, February 19, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 5, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 19, 2014
OR Wednesday, April 2, 2014
OR Wednesday, April 16, 2014
OR Wednesday, May 7, 2014
OR Wednesday, May 21, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Socrates Café — Friday
Instructor: Allie Gore
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Fridays, January 10, 24, February 14, 28, March 14,
21, April 11, 25, May 9 & 23, 2014
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
All NEW participants in this group should attend an informational class in order to be
oriented to what the “Socrates Café” is all about. Informational classes are offered first
Monday of the month, 1:45 - 2:30 pm. Participants in Socrates Café come together with
the expectation that in the process of discussing the topic of the day, personal opinions,
ideas, dogmas and beliefs will be shared and questioned. By listening to each other and
considering how we each came to our personal beliefs on any given topic, we learn
about ourselves. Christopher Phillips, author of Socrates Café, writes, “People like us
come together to share an experience which allows and even expects that we will forever
question rather than agree with one another. Socrates’ questioning was intended to help
people become more thoughtful and tolerant and rational.” We resemble a church service
— but for heretics. What connects us is the sincere desire to question and challenge even
our most cherished assumptions. Each gathering gives us an opportunity to benefit from
the perspectives of others.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Beginning German: Level 1
Instructor: Mary Hamblen
You will learn the phonetics of the German language in order to read and to speak the
language. Simple German conversation will be taught to converse in German when one
is traveling to Germany.
Classroom: 4
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
Saturdays, January 11, 18, 25,
February 1, 8 & 15, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
“Through MTP, I’ve met other adults who, like me, are interested in continued learning
and keeping their brains active and engaged. We’re also having fun!” — AJ
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Payment for all tuition-based classes is due in full within five (5) days of your registration.
This ensures that you have reserved a place in the class. If we do not receive payment, we need to register others.
Thank you for your attention!
Payments may be made (1) over the phone (861-9751) with a major credit or debit card,
(2) by mailing a check payable to “SCA” to 8415 SW 80th Street, Ocala, FL, 34481,
indicating your classes in the memo line, or (3) by stopping by the MTP office in the Education Center.
The Thoroughbreds of
Marion County: An Overview
Mondays, January 13 & 21, 2014
A short drive from home in any direction will take you past lush horse farms. No wonder
that Ocala is called “The Horse Capital of the World.” In this introductory class you’ll
learn the basics from breeding to the starting gate. This two-meeting course will be
divided into classroom time and a field trip. Each class has a related field trip the same
month to the Ocala Breeder’s Sale. (Many of these equine athletes will fetch upwards of
$100,000!) You are living in horse country, and this is a great primer on the Sport of Kings
.... and Queens!
OR Tuesdays, April 15 & 22, 2014
Resident: $40 / Non-Resident: $50
Instructor: Thomas Sweeney
Classroom: 3
OR Tuesdays, June 10 & 17, 2014
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
OR Mondays, March 3 & 11, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Health Week: Stress Relief
Instructor: Lyn Hill
Classroom: 3
Monday, January 13, 2014
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Learn how response to the major stressors of loss, life-change, fear, frustration,
performance, environmental conditions and boredom can be decreased through simple
management techniques. For most of us, our days are divided into four zones: self, home,
occupation and leisure. How much time we devote to each area is determined by our
comfort level. When any of the seven major stressors impinge on our normal routine, the
time we spend in each of the zones is altered and stress multiplies. Either the duration
of major stressors or the number of stressors endured can cause physical or emotional
damage. Learn to identify the stressor and manage it.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
AARP Driver Safety Program
OR Monday & Tuesday, May 5 & 6, 2014
The AARP Driver Safety Program will be offered here at MTP. This course is a classroom
based refresher designed especially for drivers age 50+. Tuition includes: Driver Safety
Program workbook, Florida Supplement workbook and a recorded certificate. (Note:
Successful completion of this class may result in an insurance rate reduction.) Payment
for this class is made by check ONLY, payable to AARP and given to the instructor on the
first day of class. If you are an AARP member the cost is $15; if you are not a member the
cost is $20.
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
AARP Member: $15 / Non-AARP Member: $20
Instructor: Ed Hobbs, Joe Briggs
Classroom: 4
Monday & Tuesday, January 13 & 14, 2014
OR Thursday & Friday, February 20 & 21, 2014
OR Monday & Tuesday, March 10 & 11, 2014
OR Monday & Tuesday, April 14 & 15, 2014
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Low Back Pain?
What are my Options?
Instructor: Dr. Quang “Wayne” Nguyen
This class presents the common causes of low back pain and the non operative treatment
options currently available.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: 1
Monday, January 13, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Health Week: Forgotten Killer:
The 1918 Flu Pandemic
Instructor: Bryant Shaw, Ph.D.
Classroom: 1
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
In just over a year, the 1918 influenza pandemic killed 675,000 Americans, more than all
US battle deaths in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam combined. Global death estimates
range from 40-100 million. Where did the flu start? How did it spread? How did Americans
cope? What were the repercussions for America and the world? These and related issues
are the focus of this presentation/discussion.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Health Week: Don’t Talk
Yourself Over the Hill:
A Perspective on
Psychological Aging
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
As the years go by, people have physical problems that need medical attention. However,
psychological aging gets little attention. This happening occurs when individuals reach
a certain age that society expects them to be “old.” People may begin to doubt their
abilities and actually think that because they are of a certain age (say 75) then they
must be old and “over the hill.” The person begins to play “helpless old person.” This
presentation will define psychological aging and how it has developed in the last five
decades. Research-based on Kuypers-Bengtsen’s social reconstruction model, we will
discuss examples of psychological aging as encouraged in films, advertisements, and
especially cartoons. In addition, we will also discuss how you can fight “talking yourself
over the hill.”
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Health Week: Muscle Tissue
Changes with Age and
How to Maintain Functional
Join Adam Geril for this presentation on the normal change of strength and power
through the years and how it can impact your ability to stay independent. The lecture
will be focused on: (1) The science of functional change through the years. (2) What
factors create this change. (3) What can be done to slow down or reverse this change.
(4) Lifestyle modifications that can be made at any age that will have a positive impact
on independent living.
Instructor: Adam Geril
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Instructor: Dr. Evelyn B. Kelly
Classroom: LOH
Classroom: 1
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
“I can always find something going on at Master the Possibilities.” — LS
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Dental Health
Classroom: 1
This presentation will help people regain their dental health through education and
prevention. The instructor will talk about nutritional aspects of both periodontal and
other dental diseases and also discuss good and bad foods for your teeth and gums and
how to keep them healthy.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Instructor: Dr. Jamie Amir
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Ocala Equine Rescue Farm Tour
Instructor: Jennifer Beckman
Classroom: Trip
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
OR Wednesday, February 12, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 12, 2014
OR Wednesday, April 9, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Ocala Equine Rescue program is located on a 40 acre farm in Ocala. They are a
nonprofit 501c3 charitable corporation run by Jennifer and Howard. During this wonderful
tour students will be introduced to rescued horses and learn about their individual stories
of how they came to OER. Learn about the racing horse industry and how many old
horses are abandoned and what happens thereafter. Students will learn how Ocala
Equine Rescue rehabilitates these foals, often helping them making a complete recovery.
While enjoying the tour you will see the horses at feeding time and learn about special
dietary needs. Each rescued animal has a personality. Get to know them if you chose to
brush or pat or give a carrot to two! Refreshments will be served. We are asking for a $15
donation at the door. OER is located at 13201 NW 97th Place, approximately 18 miles
from MTP. You can drive from MTP with a group leaving at 10 AM or meet the group
there at 10:30 AM.
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $15
Health Week: The Importance
of Clinical Trials
Instructor: David Huckabee
Classroom: 1
We encourage people to volunteer for clinical trials in their area by presenting unbiased
information about this subject to alleviate fears and illustrate the benefits of such trials.
NOTE: This class will not endorse any specific trial and is not in conjunction with any
company/organization engaged in clinical trials.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
What is Rhinitis and
How to Treat this Condition
Instructor: Dr. G. Edward Stewart II
Classroom: 1
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Join Dr. Stewart on this most interesting and informative presentation on rhinitis. This
condition is identified as an irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside
the nose. Common symptoms of rhinitis are a stuffy nose, runny nose and post-nasal
drip. The most common kind of rhinitis is allergic rhinitis, which is usually triggered
by airborne allergens such as pollen and dander. Allergic rhinitis may cause additional
symptoms, such as sneezing and nasal itching, coughing, headache, fatigue, malaise and
cognitive impairment. The allergens may also affect the eyes, causing watery, reddened
or itchy eyes and puffiness around the eyes. Dr. Stewart will discuss several treatment
options as well as how we are affected here in Central Florida.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Health Week: Tai Chi
for Beginners
Instructor: Art Stalbow
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Learn how you can improve your balance, concentration and overall health with the
gentle movements and postures of Tai Chi. This presentation will be part discussion and
part demonstration of some of the simple, yet effective aspects of Tai Chi. Come to sit
and listen or participate by doing some of the safe and easy movements and breathing
techniques of this ancient art. Tai Chi can be done standing or sitting. It will be completely
up to you.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
What is InterStim Therapy?
Instructor: Dr. Derek J. Thompson
Classroom: LOH
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
InterStim Therapy is a proven neuromodulation therapy that targets the communication
problem between the brain and the nerves that control the bladder. If those nerves are
not communicating correctly, the bladder will not function properly. InterStim Therapy
was approved by the FDA in 1997 for urge incontinence and since 1999 for urinary
retention and urgency-frequency.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Instructor: Dr. Zafer Sabawi
The science and art of acupuncture has existed for centuries. Only recently has it become
a very popular complementary therapy in the West. Join Dr. Zafer Sabawi for a discussion
of acupuncture: what it does, how it does it, and if it can be helpful for you.
Classroom: 1
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Basic Survival Italian I
Classroom: 2
This course is designed to teach travel survival Italian communication skills to those
who have little or no knowledge of Italian. It will emphasize having fun while acquiring
speaking and listening comprehension skills around possible travel situations: greetings,
ordering in a restaurant, buying in the marketplace, etc.
Thursdays, January 16, 23, 30 & February 6, 2014
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Health Week: FUNctional
Fitness Should be FUN!
Instructor: Cammy Dennis
Classroom: LOH
Thursday, January 16, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Functional fitness training is among the top industry trends for good reason; this type of
training supports how we function in real life. We all want to function well but we don’t
all want to exercise! The objective of this class is to demonstrate how you can create your
own training program that is FUNctional and FUN. Discussions on aging often highlight
the importance of ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living) and the vital relationship these have
on independence. This ‘show & tell’ discussion will examine ADL’s and present various
opportunities for you to support function and preserve independence. When you put a
little FUN into FUNctional fitness, it won’t seem so much like exercise and will keep you
coming back for more!
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Basic Survival Spanish I
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: 2
Thursdays, January 16, 23, 30 & February 6, 2014
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Health Week: Posture Proud —
Caring for our Carriage
Instructor: Jessica Pinkowski
Classroom: 1
Thursday, January 16, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
This course is designed for students who have taken Basic Survival I or have some prior
knowledge of Spanish. It will emphasize having fun and using Spanish in practical
situations. Some new vocabulary and structures will be introduced. You will need to
purchase Spanish Made Simple by Judith Nemethy (ISBN 13: 978-076915410 available at
Amazon.com for $9.04).
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
As the result of certain circumstances in the aging process, we may become more
susceptible to deviations in our posture. The unfortunate consequence resulting from
not holding your ‘carriage’ properly is poor movement mechanics, or in simpler terms…
we don’t walk, bend, lift, reach or balance as well. This workshop will focus on the
importance of dynamic and static postures, along with tips on how to ‘care for your
carriage’ and improve your posture. This class will implement some basic movements
that you can do at home to improve your posture and reduce your risk of injury. Join this
empowering discussion and walk away ‘Posture Proud’ with tools that will help you to
achieve immediate results.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Self Care Options for
Pain Relief with Ortho-Bionomy
Instructor: Luann Overmyer
Classroom: LOH
Friday, January 17, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Developed by a British osteopath, Ortho-Bionomy is a healthcare modality that uses
comfortable positioning and gentle movement to address aches and pains, tight, stiff
joints, and limited mobility. Based in osteopathic principles that the body has its own
resources of self-correction, Ortho-Bionomy assists this natural ability to return to ease,
and empowers you in the process of self-healing. Don’t allow pain to become a limiting
factor in your life. Explore your options for resolving painful conditions without drugs
and medications. Discover simple positions and gentle movements your body can use
to relieve pain, increase flexibility, and restore comfort. Learn easy isometrics you can
use anywhere to increase range of motion and restore tone. No matter what your age
or condition you can find ways to ease discomfort and increase well-being with OrthoBionomy Self Care.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Health Week: Introduction
to Senior Karate
Friday, January 17, 2014
This presentation, which is part talk and part demonstration, will give you an introduction
to Senior Karate as taught here. Black Belt instructor, Art Stalbow, will explain how you
can learn the martial arts in a safe, supportive environment. Our classes are modified
for the needs and abilities of those of us in our senior years. You can start as a beginner
and work your way up the ranks toward the coveted Black Belt. Don’t worry, there is
no sparring, no falls and rolls, and no fancy flying kicks. However, you will get a good
workout in your Senior Karate class.
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Humanist Panel Discussion:
Humanism in the Autumn
of Life
All of us know what it is to lose someone to debilitating illness or death, or to celebrate
births, commitments and other life transitions. How do Humanists experience these
events? How does their ethical perspective help them make choices? Join us for a series
of three panel discussions where you will learn about the lifestance of Humanism from
knowledgeable Floridians.
Instructor: Art Stalbow
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Instructor: Gin Kohl Lieberman,
Jennifer Hancock, Joe Beck
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Classroom: LOH
Saturday, January 18, 2014
OR Saturday, March 15, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Bridge for Beginners
Instructor: Cindy Brown
Classroom: 3
Mondays, January 20, 27,
February 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2014
Have you ever wanted to learn to play bridge? Well, now is the time. Everyone will be
a true beginner. All you need is patience, commitment, time, a willingness to learn and
a sense of humor. You will learn the basics; however, the only way to become a “bridge
player” is to play. The game can be fun and challenging and keeps you thinking, which is
good brain activity. This course is an introduction to the class.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
OR Wednesdays, January 22, 29,
February 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
“We are thrilled with the courses being offered at MTP.” — VR
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Edgar Cayce Study Group
Instructor: Dr. Pat Wellington
Join like-minded people with an interest in Edgar Cayce for one hour monthly on Mondays.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: 2
Monday, January 20, 2014
OR Monday, February 17, 2014
OR Monday, March 17, 2014
OR Monday, April 21, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
New to Medicare?
Do you need some guidance navigating Medicare A, B, D and Medicare Choice Plans? Do
you know if your doctor accepts assignment? Do you know what preventative services
are available to new Medicare enrollees? A seminar for those who will become eligible
for Medicare this year will answer these and other questions and start you in the right
direction. (Enrollment is limited to 20 students.)
Instructor: Allen Fertic
Classroom: 2
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
OR Tuesday, February 18, 2014
OR Tuesday, March 18, 2014
OR Tuesday, April 15, 2014
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
League of Women Voters:
What’s It All About?
Instructor: Allie Gore
The League of Women Voters was founded in 1920 six months before adoption of the
Nineteenth Amendment which gave women the right to vote. Join members of the
Marion County League of Women (and Men) Voters who will introduce you to the Marion
County League of Women Voters.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Classroom: 3
Thursday, January 23, 2014
OR Thursday, March 13, 2014
OR Thursday, May 15, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Conversational Spanish
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: 2
Fridays, January 24, 31, February 7 & 14, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
OR Thursdays, May 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2014
This course is designed to improve your mastery of conversing in Spanish. We will utilize a
hands-on approach derived from everyday experiences such as scenes at airports, stores,
supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, etc. All students will participate in a dynamic
teamwork approach. We will also discuss subjects of general interest from newspapers,
magazines, TV and DVDs. The student must have a knowledge of Spanish and/or have
completed “Basic Spanish I and II and Intermediate Spanish.” Join us for a journey of
boundless joy and adventure through the land of this beautiful language.
Resident: $40 / Non-Resident: $45
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
“Great courses…great teachers.” — LM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Longevity, the Latest
For those who took this course last year, we will again do the 100 question test to see
how we are improving toward longevity and wellness. If you have not taken the course
yet, sign up and learn some of the latest findings on healthy living towards a long and
vibrant life. Laughter is found to be healthy for all of us and so Ed will probably do part
of his comedy routine on “Health, Wealth, and What.” The emphasis of this lecture will
be on “The Seven Vital Steps for Longevity.”
Instructor: Dr. Ed Tenhor
Classroom: LOH
Friday, January 24, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
World War I, The “Great War”:
A DVD Lecture Series
Instructor: MTP Staff will Facilitate
Classroom: LOH
The First World War came as a dreadful surprise to those who experienced it, due to its
magnitude, global expanse, unprecedented violence, and shattering impact on Western
civilization. This course explores the continuous series of brutal surprises and shocks that
the first example of a “total war” brought, a conflict not limited to armies, but pitting
entire societies against each other in mortal struggle. An estimated 70 million men were
mobilized and approximately 9 million died.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
“World War I, The ‘Great War’” Schedule:
Friday, January 24 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
The Century’s Initial Catastrophe
Europe in 1914
Towards Crisis in Politics and Culture
Friday, January 31 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Causes of the War and the July Crisis, 1914
The August Madness
The Failed Gamble – War Plans Break Down
Friday, March 7 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
The War State
Propaganda War
Endurance and Stress on the Home Front
Friday, February 7 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
The Western Front Experience
Life and Death in the Trenches
The Great Battles of Attrition
Friday, March 21 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Strains of War – Socialists and Nationalists
Russian Revolutions
America’s Entry into the War
Friday, February 14 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
The Eastern Front Experience
The Southern Fronts
War Aims and Occupations
Friday, February 21 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Soldiers as Victims
Storm Troopers and Future Dictators
The Total War of Technology
Friday, March 28 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
America at War – Over There and Over Here
1918 – The German Empire’s Last Gamble
The War’s End – Emotions of the Armistice
Friday, April 4 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Toppled Thrones – The Collapse of Empires
The Versailles Treaty and Paris Settlement
Aftershocks – Reds, Whites, and Nationalists
Friday, February 28 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Air War
War at Sea
The Global Reach of the War
Friday, April 11 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Monuments, Memory and Myths
The Rise of the Mass Dictatorships
Legacies of the Great War
Friday, March 14 – 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Dissent and its Limits
Remobilization in 1916 – 1917
American Massacres – Tipping into Genocide
“Keep up the good work!” — EW
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Conversational Italian
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: 2
Fridays, January 24, 31, February 7, & 14, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
OR Thursdays, May 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2014
This course is designed to improve your mastery of conversing in Italian. We will utilize a
hands-on approach derived from everyday experiences such as scenes at airports, stores,
supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, etc. All students will participate in a dynamic
teamwork approach. We will also discuss subjects of general interest from newspapers,
magazines, TV and DVDs. The student must have a knowledge of Italian and/or have
completed “Basic Italian I and II and Intermediate Italian.” Join us for a journey of
boundless joy and adventure through the land of this beautiful language.
Resident: $40 / Non-Resident: $45
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Peace River Refuge
& Ranch Tour
Instructor: Lisa Stoner
Classroom: Trip
Monday, January 27, 2014
OR Friday, March 21, 2014
The sanctuary provides lifetime care for nearly 200 abandoned and confiscated animals,
with species ranging from deer, skunks and tortoises to big cats, bears and monkeys. Lisa
and her husband, Kurt, founded the rescue operation 14 years ago and are aided by two
full-time and two dozen part-time volunteers. Lisa Stoner is vice president of the nonprofit animal rescue. NOTE: A minimum donation of $20 is paid at the door via check or
cash. If you would like to caravan from MTP, departure time is 12:30 PM. Tour will start at
1:30 PM. The ranch address is 640 NE 170th CT., Silver Springs, FL 34488.
Resident: $20 / Non-Resident: $20
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
A Singer and His Friends:
Sharing the Stage
Instructor: Sherrill Milnes
Classroom: CSCC
Monday, January 27, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Meet legendary Metropolitan Opera baritone Sherrill Milnes in person and on film with
many of his friends (Carol Burnett, Tony Randall, Burt Lancaster, Placido Domingo, Luciano
Pavarotti and others) as he shares video clips of his vast 40 year career on the stage and in
film. Mr. Milnes, now retired from the operatic stage and now a mentor to young singers,
will be talking about his career in opera around the world as well as his friends from other
parts of the entertainment world with whom he shared the stage. It’s an afternoon of fun
stories and great music!
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Infectious Diseases
and Human History
How have infectious diseases have influenced human history? This overview of the
origin of some of the major infectious diseases offers some examples of their impact on
significant historical events.
Instructor: Bryant Shaw, Ph.D.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: 1
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Modern American Canasta
Instructor: Sharon Carey
Classroom: 4
Tuesdays, January 28, 29,
February 5, 7, 25 & 26, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This class is for people who love to play cards and want to learn a challenging game that
will provide hours of fun for you and your friends. Modern American Canasta is a version
of Classic Canasta and a more intricate version of the popular Hand ‘n Foot and Samba
card games. The word ‘canasta’ actually means “basket” in Spanish and probably referred
to the tray that was originally used to hold the discards. The game may be played with
2, 3, or 4 players but is best played with partners. Learn the rules of the game, strategies
for better game play, and how to keep score. Play the game and go home with a packet
that includes the rules and your own score pad.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Life’s Purpose: Spirituality with
a Touch of Zen, An Introduction
Classroom: 1
This is an introduction class to the “Life’s Purpose” class. Whether you’re a believer, an
atheist or in between, this non sectarian course is for you if you want to learn to live
in the moment…if you want to be the best you can be…if you want to transcend all
suffering…if you want to find your purpose in life…if you want to live a life of peace, love
and joy…if you want to be enlightened. This and more is all doable. You are programmed
for success.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Instructor: Don Lubov
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Operation S.A.F.E.
(Stop Adult Financial Exploitation)
Instructor: Iris Collier, Jeff Atwater
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater launched Operation S.A.F.E. (Stop Adult Financial
Exploitation) as a part of his On Guard for Senior initiative to help inform, empower,
and protect Florida’s seniors from financial scams and fraud. Seniors control 70% of the
nation’s wealth, which makes them prime targets for financial exploitation. Operation
S.A.F.E. aims to protect seniors through education and awareness and a free workshop
titled Be Scam Smart. The workshop will teach seniors, their families and caregivers how
a scam works, how to spot a scam, and how to avoid identity theft.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Brain Booster
Instructor: Cammy Dennis
Classroom: LOH
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
OR Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Lower your brain age! This informative and interactive session has “brain exercises” that
can help with memory retention, critical thinking skills and creative reasoning. “Brain
Booster” includes activities such as puzzles, games and simple movement patterns that
provide a mental workout to boost the brain while having fun. NOTE: Each class will have
different exercises; therefore register for one or for ALL.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
OR Wednesday, March 26, 2014
OR Wednesday, April 16, 2014
OR Wednesday, May 28, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sheriff’s Citizens Academy
Instructor: Sheriff’s Support Services
Master the Possibilities is proud to host the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy. The Sheriff’s office
is sponsoring a 13-week course to teach about the Marion County Sheriff’s operations.
See Page 5 for more information.
Classroom: LOH
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Thursdays, January 30, February 6, 13, 20, 27,
March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2014
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Mahjong for Beginners
Instructor: Mary Ehle
Classroom: Studio 3
Thursdays, January 30,
February 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Mahjong is a traditional Chinese game, played by four people around a square table but we
may need to improvise using a rectangular table depending on how many students register.
The game is played with tiles rather than playing cards. Rules for playing and scoring vary
drastically in China; however you will be taught by Mary Ehle, who has been teaching for
over 13 years. This class is for beginners. Tiles will be provided but the additional card will
have to be purchased by students. It is available at the Market of Marion or Mary will be
able to order them direct if you prefer. This game is very popular and everyone enjoys
playing as many times a week as they can get a game together. You will learn strategy and
techniques. Hope you will join us and become a fan of this game, too.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Marion County Major Crimes
and Cold Case Crimes
Classroom: LOH
The term “cold case” has become familiar to most of us due to TV drama. It’s a fascinating
area that combines the best of police work and deductive reasoning. You may not know
this but Marion County has an active and successful “cold case unit.” Now is your chance
to learn about this process and, most importantly, meet the professionals that bring this
unit to life. Ask the questions that you have and get insights into the way old cases are
brought to life...and solved!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Instructor: Sheriff Chris Blair
OR Thursday, February 27, 2014
OR Thursday, March 27, 2014
OR Thursday, April 24, 2014
OR Thursday, May 22, 2014
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
The Dead Sea Scrolls:
Jerusalem, Qumran, and
Masada in the Year 66 CE
Instructor: Dr. Ed Tenhor
While scholars were doing archaeological work at Qumran, Jerusalem, and Masada, a
discovery was made that links the three sites together. By way of models of the sites
and a power point presentation, insights into the latest findings will be shared and
discussed. You’ve heard about the ancient Temple at Jerusalem, about the mysterious
scrolls at Qumran, and about the siege at Masada; now actually learn about important
and interesting events that took place at these sites.
Classroom: LOH
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Friday, January 31, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Humanism: What’s It All About?
Instructor: Allie Gore
Classroom: 3
Friday, January 31, 2014
OR Friday, February 21, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Humanism is defined by the American Humanist Association as a progressive philosophy
of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms one’s ability and responsibility to lead
an ethical life of personal fulfillment that aspires to the greater good of humanity.
Guided by reason, inspired by compassion, and informed by experience, Humanism
continues to evolve through the efforts of thoughtful people who recognize that values
and ideals, however carefully wrought, are subject to change as our knowledge and
understandings advance.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
OR Friday, March 14, 2014
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
OR Friday, April 18, 2014
OR Friday, May 30, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Chess: The Game of Kings
Instructor: Kevin Ledzian
Classroom: 4
Mondays, February 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2014
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Put down that Sudoku puzzle and come learn how to play chess, “The Game of Kings.”
Using a mixture of chess artifacts, old school demonstration boards and interactive
internet training sites, Certified Chess Coach and Club Tournament Director Kevin
Ledzian will help you become more proficient at all aspects of this timeless game. The
course is appropriate for absolute beginners through those with United States Chess
Federation Ratings of 1200. The material will be presented in two (2) hour blocks. We will
meet once per week for four (4) weeks. The cost of the course includes a training binder
for future reference.
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $20
Frauds, Scams and Identity
Theft for Older Adults
Instructor: Lynda Spence
This program provides consumers with information about detecting and avoiding fraud
and deception. Participants will learn how to exercise their rights if they become a victim.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Classroom: 3
Monday, February 3, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Basic Survival French
Instructor: Dick Riberdy
Classroom: 4
Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18, 25,
March 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2014
This class is open to students who are eager to learn the basics of French conversation
and getting along in France or Quebec or to brush up on the basics. The curriculum will
be molded to the class’ needs and interest. Soyez le bienvenu! NOTE: You will need to
purchase French Made Simple by Pamela Rose Haze (Ed. ISBN 0-7679-1859-2 available at
Amazon.com, on Kindle or at Barnes & Noble for $8 - $13).
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Basic Survival Italian II
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: 2
Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Intermediate French
Instructor: Dick Riberdy
Classroom: 4
Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18, 25,
March 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2014
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Basic Survival Spanish II
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: 2
Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This course is designed for students who have taken Basic Survival I or have some prior
knowledge of Italian. It will emphasize having fun and using Italian in practical situations.
Some new vocabulary and structures will be introduced. You will need to purchase Italian
Made Simple by Christina Mazzoni (ISBN 13:978-0767915397 available at Amazon.com for
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
This class is designed for those students who already have a knowledge of French and
wish to improve or refresh their language skills. The curriculum will be molded to meet
the class’ needs and interests. Tous les francophones sont invités à participer avec nous
dans ce voyage linguistique. NOTE: You will need to purchase Read & Think French w/
audio CD (Paperback, ISBN 78-0-07-170233-1 available at Amazon.com or at Barnes & Noble
for $11- $20).
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
This course is designed for students who have taken Basic Survival I or have some prior
knowledge of Spanish. It will emphasize having fun and using Spanish in practical
situations. Some new vocabulary and structures will be introduced. You will need to
purchase Spanish Made Simple by Judith Nemethy (ISBN 13:978-076915410 sold at
Amazon.com for $9.04).
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
“During the last 4 years that I have lived here, I’ve taken many different programs
that MTP has offered....their quality is superb.” — PRP
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Life’s Purpose-From Stress to
Enlightenment, Part One
Instructor: Don Lubov
Classroom: 2
Wednesdays, February 5, 19, 26,
March 5 & 12, 2014
This is spirituality with a touch of Zen. The focus of this five week course is on learning why
we humans are here...the non sectarian, spiritual reason for our existence. It introduces
my “Six-Step Path” and how following this path helps eliminate stress and anger and
shows how to live fully in the moment. You will learn to be the best you can be. Your life’s
purpose is revealed. We have a text and an open, friendly discussion.
Resident: $55 / Non-Resident: $60
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Alpaca Magic
Instructor: Jean Riley
Classroom: Trip
Thursday, February 6, 2014
OR Thursday, March 20, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Located just east of Historic Homosassa Springs, in Homosassa, Florida, Alpaca Magic
USA is the home of about 100 suri and huacaya alpacas. It started in 1996 with just 2
pregnant females and has grown to become one of Florida’s largest alpaca farms. Alpaca
Magic USA is a family owned and run business. Jean Riley and her son, Kent Mylin, and
his wife, Doreen, work together to raise, breed and market these wonderful creatures. If
you would like to caravan with the MTP group please, meet in the office at 9:15 AM. The
group will depart at 9:30 AM. If you would like to meet the group at the farm, the tour
starts at 10 AM. Alpaca Farm is located 30 minutes from MTP at 4920 W Grover Cleveland
Blvd., Homosassa, FL 34446.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Writing Your Memoir,
An Introduction
Instructor: Lyn Hill
If you are interested in taking the two day workshop, come and learn more about this
offering. This is the introduction.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Classroom: 3
Friday, February 7, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Get Away Farm Tour
Instructor: Larry Anderson, Manuel Andrade
Classroom: Trip
Friday, February 7, 2014
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Join us on a tour of this most beautiful farm located on 100 acres. Get Away Farm is a full
service breeding, boarding, lay-up and sales-prep facility. Mr. Andrade bought what was
then known as Breakaway Farm in 2005 and renamed it Get Away Farm. We will have the
wonderful opportunity to learn some insights into this farm directly from Mr. Andrade
and or Larry Anderson. Mr. Anderson is a native Ocalan and veteran horseman. Anderson
entered the Thoroughbred world 20 years ago. The farm is home to the well known
stallions/sires, Double Honor, Imperialism and Two Step Salsa. We may get lucky and be
able to see some of the breeding or new foals.
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
“This program is informative and thought provoking on so many levels.” — JA
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Writing Your Memoir
Instructor: Lyn Hill
Classroom: 3
Monday & Wednesday, February 10 & 12, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
A number of people have asked about writing their memoirs, not for publication, but
to share with family and friends, so this class is designed for beginners. A memoir is
a personal narrative of a memorable period of your life. It is also possible to write a
memoir of another person from interviews and chronicles made by them. Memoir is
highly dependent on description; of person, places, things and especially events. As in
all writing, organization is key to an interesting tale. The information might be family
history or about your life in an historic period. You may want to recall family traditions
or create a remembrance of family stories. It could even be a holiday cookbook using the
special recipes donated from family and friends with a paragraph about each person as
you remember them. Getting started is half the fun of writing about a part of your life
that you want to share. It’s amazing how the memories flood onto the page when you
start the process of life review and how satisfied you can feel sharing these moments
with others. In two two-hour sessions students will examine the basics of beginning
a memoir, select a time frame or theme, learn what needs to be included to give your
stories sparkle and write the first story. Once a format is established you should be able
to complete about ten pages in this short period of time.
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
Beyond the Headlines:
Detainee Operations
Instructor: Frank DiPiero
Classroom: 1
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
A recurring point of interest, sometimes contention, is the treatment of detainees in
the Afghan War. Join Col. Frank DiPiero (retired USAF) for insights into the movement of
detainees from Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay. Frank was one of the officers responsible
for the secure and safe transport of these individuals. Go beyond the headlines and hear
about this (mostly) untold story.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Stained Glass Workshop
Instructor: Sami Odeh
Classroom: Studio 3
Join us in Studio 3 for these seven weeks to do your Stained Glass project. Only experienced
students are accepted.
Resident: $110 / Non-Resident: $115
Wednesdays - Fridays, February 12, 13, 14, 19,
20, 21, 26, 27, 28, March 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19,
20, 21, 26, 27 & 28, 2014
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Introduction to Beekeeping
Instructor: Chappie McChesney
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Rosewood (Movie)
In 1923, a black town in Florida was burned to the ground. This tragic part of Florida
history is portrayed in the film Rosewood. The director John Singleton said of this film
“I am concerned about the absolute historical accuracy to an extent but I’m really more
worried about being truthful to the essence of what happened at Rosewood . . . I am
making a movie that people will respond to.” Joe Veres will provide historical context,
follow up and discussion.
Instructor: Joe Veres
Classroom: LOH
Thursday, February 13, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Join Master Beekeeper, Chappie, for this unique opportunity to get information
on beekeeping. This lecture will present the costs of becoming a beekeeper, tools of
the trade, location of bee hives, Florida laws on beekeeping, hive maintenance (time
involved), products of the hive, disease and pests of honey bees. Chappie will also provide
information on mentoring and bee clubs.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Self-Editing for
First-time Authors
Instructor: Lyn Hill
Classroom: 3
Too many first time authors go into self-publishing with unprepared manuscripts,
actually with what is a first draft. Proofreading is not sufficient examination to consider
a manuscript edited. This lecture provides a set of questions for self-editing and assisting
the writer in producing a content edited manuscript.
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
Monday, February 17, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Florida’s Insects
Classroom: 1
Insects are an integral part of our ecology, especially here in Florida. Tom Miller is an
entomologist with over three decades of teaching experience. Join him as he presents
insights into these creatures, their habitat and habits and their place in our ecology —
a fascinating subject!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Instructor: Tom Miller
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Tour of Custom Windows
Instructor: Robert Colen
Classroom: Trip
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
The Greater Ocala area is your home and we want to introduce you to some of the places
that truly comprise the economic and educational foundations of this community. Each
month, join Robert Colen for an opportunity to visit and learn about some of the known
and lesser known business and public organizations around Ocala. After participating in
these tours, you will gain a deeper understanding of the economic, educational and public
foundations of Ocala/Marion County and what makes this a great place to live, work and
play. MTP in coordination with Central Florida Windows and Doors, will host a tour of
Custom Window Systems, a large manufacturer of windows and doors. Appropriate dress
is required. No open toed shoes. Be prepared to walk.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Florida Week: We Ain’t
From Around Here
Instructor: Kathy Dobronyi
“Them Seminoles come up now and again in Florida history, but just who are they? Come
and learn Dolores’ stories about those Florida Indians who ain’t from Florida.”
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: 4
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Good Life in Ocala:
What’s New To Do?
Take a tour through Ocala’s newest diversions and recent “daycation” openings with
Ocala’s Good Life Editor Dean Blinkhorn. In one quick hour, you’ll have more than enough
suggestions to fill the rest of your year!
Instructor: Dean Blinkhorn
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: LOH
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
“I enjoy the wonderful curriculum...it keeps us involved in the world.” — ME
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Florida’s Fabulous Spiders
Instructor: Tom Miller
We have all seen them. Many of us fear them. Few of us understand them. Come join
Tom Miller as he attempts to dispel the many myths and “old wives tales” that surround
Florida’s fabulous spiders.
Classroom: 1
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Florida’s Fascinating Snakes
Instructor: Tom Miller
Classroom: 1
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Marion County History &
Points of Interest, Part I
Florida has approximately 50 species of snakes. All of these play a vital role in maintaining
the health of the ecosystem in which they live. Only a few are venomous and present any
threat to mankind, but how many? And, which ones? Where do they live? Come to Tom
Miller’s class and find out. Do you suffer from OPHIDIOPHOBIA (fear of snakes)? Relax and
come anyhow; there will be no live specimens in the class!!!
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Instructor: Joe Veres
This presentation will show interesting events and places that shaped Marion County
after the Civil War ended in 1865. A comparison will show the difference between early
landscapes and the present. This is a two part series presented by Joe Veres, a docent at
the Silver River Museum. In Part II additional information will be presented.
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Thursday, February 20, 2014
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Mindquake! The Upside-Down
World of the Early 20th Century
Instructor: Bryant Shaw, Ph.D.
Think things are changing fast today? Hold on a minute...a glimpse at revolutions in
science, art, music and politics of the late 19th/early 20th centuries gives a perspective
that might make us feel better and provide a hint at how massive change happens and
how we’ve dealt with them.
Classroom: 1
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Thursday, February 20, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Marion County History &
Points of Interest, Part II
Instructor: Joe Veres
A continuation of Part I, this presentation will show additional interesting events and
places that shaped Marion County after the Civil War ended in 1865. A comparison will
show the difference between early landscapes and the present. This is a two part series
presented by Joe Veres, a docent at the Silver River Museum.
Classroom: LOH
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Friday, February 21, 2014
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
“We can’t wait to get star ted on our learning curve with MTP!” — RB & DG
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Recycling in Marion County
Instructor: Clay Puckett
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Friday, February 21, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Scams, How to Protect Yourself
Instructor: Joseph S. Pine
Classroom: 1
Friday, February 21, 2014
Of Florida’s 67 counties, our own Marion County ranks second at 45%. It is one of only
nine counties that exceeded 40%. Join Clay Plunkett, Territory Manager for Florida Waste
Management, for an interesting and very informative presentation. Learn about what we
can do, how to do it better and why. There will be plenty of time for your questions. Let’s
move Marion County up just one place!
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
We will be discussing caller ID scams, Medicare scams, grandkids scams, how to
protect yourself from identity theft and hotel safety when traveling. This is thorough
presentation of information that class particpants can easily understand. You will leave
feeling confident that you are better aware of what is going on around you.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
A Spartan Game
Instructor: Terry Tibbetts
Classroom: LOH
Monday, February 24, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Even after forty years, the Vietnam War is a painful memory for many Americans. The
U.S. presence originally was to save the country from Communism, but we lost the war
and lost 56,000 soldiers. Virtually no one knows when, how, or why things began to turn
bad. But Terry Tibbetts, in his book A Spartan Game, has spelled out the truth. It was at
10:00 in the morning of October 17, 1967 at the battle of Ong Thanh. The battle was
poorly planned, resulted in disaster, and was covered over with lies to the media. The
media never again trusted the military and passed that distrust to the American public.
Mr. Tibbetts will lay out the complete story with the assistance of Clark Welch and Jim
Shelton, two Florida residents and former Army officers who were there, who tried in
vain to prevent the disaster and have spent their lives since with sorrowful reminiscences.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Money Habitudes
Instructor: Lynda Spence
Classroom: 3
What is your “money type”? Why do you handle your money the way you do? Learn to
strategize to match your values and goals.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Monday, February 24, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Living History: The Lusitania
Instructor: Patricia Tallon
Pat Tallon has a fascinating true story to tell us. Her grandmother was a survivor of the
Lusitania. Pat will share this story, photos and artifacts that are cherished family heirlooms
from this disaster that took 1,195 lives. Don’t miss this living history opportunity.
Classroom: 1
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Manhunt: The Search
For Bin Laden
This presentation tells the tale of the ten-year search for the leader of al-Qaeda as well as
the operation that killed the terrorist responsible for 9/11 and the murder of thousands
of innocent men, women and children.
Instructor: Frank DiPiero
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: 1
Friday, February 28, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The Psychology of the Scam
Instructor: Kevin Ledzian
Classroom: 1
Monday, March 3, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
They’re masters of persuasion, tailoring their pitches to match the psychological profiles
of their targets. They look for Achilles heel by asking seemingly benign questions about
our health, family, political views, hobbies, or prior employers. Once they know which
buttons to push, they’ll bombard you with a flurry of influence tactics, which can leave
even the savviest person in a haze. Learn how to recognize the subtle tricks used by sales
professional to “seal the deal.” Whether you’re shopping for an appliance, an automobile
or an investment, learn how to protect yourself.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Museum Masterpieces:
The Louvre: A DVD Lecture Series
Instructor: MTP Staff will Facilitate
This series of DVD lectures introduces the greatest of universal museums. The focus
is narrowed to just one of seven curatorial departments of the Louvre: he single most
famous, the Department of Paintings, which is responsible for European paintings from
the Middle Ages until the mid-19th century.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Classroom: LOH
“Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre” Schedule:
Monday, March 3 – 6:00 - 7:30 PM
1. Palace to Museum: The Story of the Louvre
2. Leonardo and the Origins of the Collection
Monday, March 24 – 6:00 - 7:30 PM
7. De La Tour, Le Nain, and 17th Century Painting
8. Claude and Poussin – French Painters in Rome
Monday, March 10 – 6:00 - 7:30 PM
3. Italian Renaissance and Baroque Painting
4. Spanish School of Painting
Monday, March 31 – 6:00 - 7:30 PM
9. Watteau and Chardin
10. Boucher, Fragonard, and the Rococo in France
Monday, March 17 – 6:00 - 7:30 PM
5. Rubens and Flemish Painting: Early German
6. Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Dutch Painting
Monday, April 7 – 6:00 - 7:30 PM
11. Jacques-Louis David and His School
12. Delacroix and Ingres – The Great Dialectic
The Boom in U.S. Natural Gas;
Changing Our
Energy Outlook
Instructor: Dr. Paul Albats
Classroom: LOH
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
The price of U.S. produced natural gas has been driven to historic lows because of the
large gains in production achieved through horizontal drilling combined with hydraulic
fracturing. We have suddenly gone from a potential shortage of gas to a large surplus!
How will this change U.S. energy use? What is hydraulic fracturing (fracking)/horizontal
drilling? Is this really good news? Can we manage the environmental risks and build
public acceptance? We will examine these topics guided by the 2012 book, “Energy for
Future Presidents”, by R. Muller. Muller led the Berkely Earth Temperature project which
was funded by both the Koch brothers and Bill Gates. The implications of the projects’
results — the earth’s climate change — for our energy policy will be discussed.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
“I made a New Year’s resolution to get involved....took 9 classes this past semester
and found them very enjoyable and informative.” — CH
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Making Healthy Food Taste
Great: A DVD Lecture Series
Instructor: MTP Staff will Facilitate
Classroom: LOH
Think healthy food has to taste bland or boring? Think again! With this 3-lecture course
(2 sections per course) created by the renowned Culinary Institute of America, you can learn
to make healthy meals that taste amazing. Filmed on location at the Institute’s Greystone
campus in the heart of Napa Valley, these lessons are packed with scientific insights and
tasty dishes that will get you excited about healthy cooking and eating whether you’re
a novice cook or a seasoned home chef. MTP will distribute at the beginning of each
session a copy of the recipes mentioned in the presentation.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
“Making Healthy Food Taste Great” Schedule:
Wednesday, March 5 – 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Good, Better, Best Strategies
Nutritious and Satisfying Whole Grains
Wednesday, March 12 – 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Adding Flavor with Healthy Oils
Protein – Understanding Your Choices
Wednesday, March 19 – 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Powerful Micronutrients – Cooking with Color
Making Healthy Cooking a Lifestyle
Bridge: The Next Step
Instructor: Cindy Brown
If you have taken “Bridge for Beginners” or have the basics of playing bridge, here is a
new class for you. The only way to become a “bridge player” is to play. Join Cindy for this
next class.
Classroom: 3
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27,
April 3 &10, 2014
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Genetics 1:
Quirky Human Genetics
Instructor: Tom Miller
How come my son looks like his uncle instead of me? My wife and I both have brown
eyes yet our kids eyes are all blue!!! How is this possible? What does “Rh” mean? Find the
answers to these and many more questions dealing with the fascinating study of “quirky”
human genetics!!
Classroom: 1
Resident: $5 / Non-Resident: $10
Monday, March 10, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Appleton Museum of Art:
Current and Upcoming
Appleton Museum of Art’s Curator of Exhibitions Ruth Grim will provide an update on
the current and upcoming temporary exhibitions scheduled at the museum in the next
few months. The presentation will also include details on the Appleton’s permanent
collections, the Trips ‘N’ Tours program and musical events.
Instructor: Cindy Morrison
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Classroom: 2
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Cycles of American Political
Thought: A DVD Lecture Series
Instructor: MTP Staff will Facilitate
American institutions are rooted in, and have developed from, explicitly philosophical
origins. This DVD lecture series is about the origins and development of that thought and
the philosophical cycles that have spun off from it. Tracing these cycles will take us from
Plymouth to the present.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Classroom: LOH
“Cycles of American Political Thought” Schedule:
Tuesday, March 11 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. America – The Philosophical Experiment
2. Historical Passage
3. Theoretical Baggage
Tuesday, April 22 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. Inclusionist Stirrings – Douglas and Stanton
2. The Organic Socialism of Brownson
3. American Feudalism – The Vision of Fitzhugh
Tuesday, March 18 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. A Puritan Beginning
2. Expansion and Individualism
3. The Revolutionary Context
Tuesday, April 29 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. Constitutionalizing the Slave Class
2. Lincoln’s Reconstitution of America
3. Equality in the Law and in Practice
Tuesday, March 25 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. The Road to the Declaration of Independence
2. A “Natural” Revolutionary – Thomas Paine
3. The Unconscious Dialectic of Crevecoeur
Tuesday, April 1 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. John Adams – “Constitutionalist”
2. A Political Constitution
3. A philosophical Constitution – Faction
Tuesday, May 6 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. Social Darwinism and Economic Laissez-Faire
2. Looking Backward, Looking Forward
3. Teddy Roosevelt and Progressivism
Tuesday, May 13 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. Supreme Court and Laissez-Faire
2. The Women’s Movement and the 19th Amendment
3. Eugene V. Debs and Working-Class Socialism
Tuesday, April 8 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. A Philosophical Constitution - Structure
2. A Philosophical Constitution - Interpretation
3. Disorganized Losers – The Anti-Federalists
Tuesday, April 15 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. The “Genius” of Thomas Jefferson
2. Jacksonian Democracy – The “People” Extended
3. Iconoclastic Individualism – Thoreau
Tuesday, May 20 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. Hamilton Means for Jeffersonian Ends
2. FDR, The New Deal, and the Supreme Court
3. The Racial Revolution
Genetics 2: Human Genetics
Instructor: Tom Miller
Classroom: 1
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Genetics 3: Human Blood Types
Due to the overwhelming volume of material in “Quirky Human Genetics” we have
added “Human Genetics II” to enable us to continue to unravel the mysteries of why “My
son looks like his uncle instead of me!” Or, how brown eyed parents produce blue eyed
children. These answers and many more await your discovery. Come join us as we answer
questions and create even more. It does make sense…really!!
Resident: $5 / Non-Resident: $10
Classroom: 1
How come my son looks like his uncle instead of me? Learn the mysteries of human
blood types. What is a universal donor? What is a universal receiver? How serious is the
Rh factor in humans and what causes it? Time permitting, we will discuss some of the
problems created by chromosome abnormalities such as Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Resident: $5 / Non-Resident: $10
Instructor: Tom Miller
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Tuesday, May 27 – 3:00 - 4:30 PM
1. The New Egalitarianism and Freedom
2. The Reagan Revolution
3. Cycles of American Political Conversations
Retirementology: Rethinking
the American Dream in a
New Economy
Learn how our emotions and subconscious behaviors affect how we make financial
decisions in the wake of the 2008 market crash. Come join us for a light-hearted
examination of your psychological relationship with your money and your finances. Class
materials are based on the best-selling book by Gregory Salsbury, Ph.D.
Instructor: Kevin Ledzian
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: 1
Monday, March 17, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Genealogy: “A Strategy for
Research Success: How to
Analyze Your Evidence and
Plan Your Next Step” and
“What Happened to Grandma
at the Altar”
First Hour: Finding documents and evidence about your ancestors is just the beginning.
Whether your research is successful depends upon your ability to analyze what you find
and to plan the next step. You must learn to see the big picture. Second Hour: Female
ancestors’ lives changed significantly when they said “I do.” For many generations
women legally ceased to exist when they married. Why did this happen? This lecture will
focus on the laws that governed them, the records they created, and ways some women
got around the system.
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $15
Instructor: Sharon Tate Moody
Classroom: 1
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Half the Sky: Turning
Oppression into Opportunity
for Women Worldwide
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
The movie is a passionate call to arms, urging us not only to bear witness to the plight
of the world’s women, but to help to transform their oppression into opportunity. Take
an unforgettable journey with six actresses/advocates and New York Times journalist
Kristoff to meet some of the most courageous individuals of our time, who are doing
extraordinary work to empower women and girls everywhere. These are stories of
heartbreaking challenge, dramatic transformation and enduring hope. You will be
shocked, outraged and brought to tears. Most important, you will be inspired by the
resilience of the human spirit and the capabilities of women and girls to realize their
staggering potential.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Civil War — Part I, II, III
The American Civil War was the most momentous struggle in the history of the United
States. When it was finally over, the American society founded by men such as Washington,
Adams, Jefferson and Madison had been reshaped and is still being reshaped. Jerry Colen
will discuss the war from its beginning at the Battle of Ft. Sumter through the Battles of
Vicksburg and Gettysburg. He will tell us about the war and its major combatants. Jerry
will ask us to suspend our knowledge of the outcome and journey with him, looking
forward from 1861 where the outcome was uncertain, rather than looking backward
in time and thinking that the outcome was inevitable. In fact, as Jerry will explain, the
outcome was often in doubt and Northern victory was never assured.
Instructor: Allie Gore
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Instructor: Jerry Colen
Classroom: CSCC
Tuesdays, March 18, 25 & April 1, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Borat and the Road
to Cultural Competency
Instructor: Dennis Meredith
This class takes a look at the nature of culture and the meaning of cultural competency
for those who have traveled or will travel to another culture. The fictional character
“Borat” is used to provide a humorous look at three common cultural practices in the
U.S.: garage sales, high school prom and tailgate parties. Don’t miss this one!
Classroom: 1
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Florida State Fire College Tour
Instructor: Robert Colen
Classroom: Trip
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Did you ever fantasize about being a firefighter when you were a kid… or an adult.
Master the Possibilities invites you to tour one of the most prestigious Fire Colleges in
the World. The Florida State Fire College is world renowned, with participants from all
over the world coming to Marion County to train. The United States Military also sends
firefighting crews to the College for training. We will have the opportunity to tour the
campus and see firsthand what it takes to become a firefighter. Participants will also learn
about the economic impact that the fire industry plays in Marion County. This promises to
be one of the most exciting classes offered through our Economic Development Institute.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Life’s Purpose-From Stress
To Enlightenment, Part Two
Instructor: Don Lubov
Classroom: 3
Wednesdays, March 19, 26, April 2, 9 & 16, 2014
The focus for this five week course is advancement on the path to enlightenment (finding
our true selves). It adds historical and contemporary teachings that complement the “SixStep Path.” These teachings are from such sages as: Siddartha, Alan Watts, Neil Donald
Walch, Eckhart Tolle, Lawrence G. Bolt, Huang Po, Paul Reps, Gary Zukov, Jean Klein,
Depak Chopra and John Kabat-Zinn. This class is an open, friendly discussion.
Resident: $55 / Non-Resident: $60
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Grieving: Facing Death,
Illness and Other
Classroom: 1
Aging well includes facing our losses with grace and acceptance. We are faced with
many different kinds of loss: families moving far away, chronic illnesses that limit our
movements, death of loved ones, and many more. These are turning points that can
affect how we continue to mature in our elder years. Join us in a journey into the faces
of loss and how we can move through these difficult times creating better selves and
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Instructor: Tom Rinkoski
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Who Gets the Plate?
Who Gets the Rod and Reel?
Instructor: Lynda Spence
Classroom: 2
Monday, March 24, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
This 90-minute program informs participants about how to develop a plan to transfer
non-titled property, whereby reducing stress associated with end of life issues. You will
learn about the Florida Statute, how to match sentimental objects with an intended
recipient and identify a rationale for the match, how to tell the story behind the object,
how to select a distribution method to fit their goal, and different ways to broach the
subject with loved ones. As participants share experiences, you realize you are not alone
when it comes to this matter. You will benefit from learning how to strategize for positive
emotional and financial health.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Our Energy Future: The
Outlook for Clean Renewables
Instructor: Dr. Paul Albats
Classroom: LOH
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Over the last ten years it has become clear that ever increasing emissions from burning
fossil fuels is the main component causing global warming. China’s economic growth
goes directly with growth in coal consumption. In the developed world, the windfall of
low cost natural gas (with half the greenhouse emissions of coal) is important in reducing
harmful effects. This is touted as “a bridge” to clean energy. But what are possible clean,
renewable energy options? Is nuclear really clean? How about the waste storage issues?
What is a realistic role for solar energy? Why does it produce only limited power in
Australia when there are huge available areas for solar farms? We will use R. Muller’s
latest book “Energy for Future Presidents” as a guide.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Tunisia: Tipping Point
of the Arab Spring
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Come with me to the beautiful, unknown land of Tunisia. You will see the best Roman
ruins and remnants of the ancient city of Carthage. However, there is a modern twist.
The day after we left, a man set himself on fire in the market place of Tunis. This event
staged the downfall of the dictator Ben Ali and started what has been dubbed as the
Arab Spring. According to our contacts, that struggle is still going on. You will be
enthralled by the beautiful deserts, friendly people that we met, and the importance
of this unknown land.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Authors Day at MTP
We scheduled eight authors to present their work on this day as follows. Come and
support your local authors. Please attend as many as you want. No registration is required.
Instructor: Dr. Evelyn B. Kelly
Classroom: LOH
Instructor: MTP Staff will Facilitate
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Monday, March 31, 2014
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00am - 9:45am............ Colleen Pallamary presenting: Scammunition
10:00am - 10:45am........ Cherry Jones presenting: More Than Petticoats: Remarkable Alaska Women;
Myths and Mysteries of Alaska
11:00am - 11:45am........ Lynn Hill presenting: Dynasty; Breaking Points; Self-Editing for Beginners; Managing Chronic Pain
12:00pm - 12:45pm....... Ed Tenhor presenting: That Rabbi from Nazareth; That Messiah from Qumran;
A New Life of Christ
1:00pm - 1:45pm........... Peter Messmore presenting: Philip and Olympias: A Novel of Ancient Macedon;
Pherick Morton: A Life and Beyond; Emergia: A Chronicle of the Future; Alexander the King:
The Sequel to Philip and Olympias
2:00pm - 2:45pm........... Evelyn Kelly presenting: Genetic and Genetic Disorders; Stem Cells, and Gene Therapy; Obesity
and Encyclopedia of ADHD
3:00pm - 3:45pm........... Don Lubov presenting: Memoirs of a Boomer; The Six-Step Path; Creativity Manifesto
4:00pm 4:45pm............. Bill Crowell presenting: Wharf Rat, the Jamie Stories; Iceberg Alley,
Suspense in the North Atlantic
Savvy Caregiver Training
Instructor: Paulie McClain
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Thursday, April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1 & 8, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Savvy Caregiver is a six week training bringing together current information from
occupational and physical therapy, geriatric medicine and research. Our goal is to
not only increase knowledge about dementia and Alzheimer’s but how caregivers can
best work with their persons at each different stage in the progress of the disease. In
learning new skills and acquiring a new perspective, we believe we can lessen stress and
improve care. This training is brought to you by Elder Options, the Mid Florida Area
Agency on Aging.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Identity Theft: Protect Yourself
Instructor: Kevin Ledzian
Classroom: 1
Monday, April 7, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The New Aging: How the
Arts Transform Lives
Instructor: Dr. Regina Kyle
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. Every day, people
have personal information stolen and the results can be devastating. In this informative
workshop, you will learn how identity theft occurs and most importantly, how you can
take steps to prevent it. This is an extremely valuable presentation. In the past three
years, there has been a significant increase in identify thefts. Don’t let this happen to you!
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Dr. Regina Kyle will present an overview of how research on the brain and the impact
of the arts on aging has changed our understanding of the aging process. Exploring the
implications of these developments for our daily lives, she will suggest ideas for every day
practice from her book in progress.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Classroom: 1
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Basic Survival Italian III
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: 2
Wednesdays, April 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Basic Survival Spanish III
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: 2
Wednesdays, April 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Blueberry Growing Tips and
Fun Picking Tour
If you’re past the beginning state of learning Italian, you’ll find plenty here to expand
on your knowledge: lessons, articles and guides to using your newly acquired language.
This level tackles topics such as gender, articles, adjectives conjugations, and more
complex grammar structures. The student must have some command of Italian and/or
have completed “Basic Italian I and II” and will need to purchase Italian Made Simple by
Cristina Mazzoni (ISBN 13:978-0767915397 available at Amazon.com or at Barnes & Noble
for $7.50 - $12).
Resident: $35 / Non-Resident: $40
If you’re past the beginning state of learning Spanish, you’ll find plenty here to expand
on your knowledge: lessons, articles and guides to using your newly acquired language.
This level tackles topics such as gender, articles, adjectives conjugations, and more
complex grammar structures. The student must have some command of Spanish and/or
have completed “Basic Spanish I and II” and will need to purchase Spanish Made Simple
by Judith Nemestry (ISBN 13:978-076915410 available at Amazon.com or at Barnes & Noble
for $7.50 - $12).
Resident: $35 / Non-Resident: $40
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
It is the best time of year when the blueberry season comes. Join Emery Abshier as he
shares tips on growing blueberries. Emery has been growing blueberries for 5 years in
his backyard, literally. We all have heard about the health benefits of blueberries. Now
you can come and pick or buy blueberries directly from the farm. Abshier Farm is located
19 miles from MTP. Join us on this tour and blueberry picking. A group will depart MTP
at 9:30 AM and the tour will start at 10 AM. If you would like to meet us at the farm the
address is 3960 S.E. 115th Street, Belleview, FL 34420.
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Instructor: Emery Abshier
Classroom: Trip
“I have enjoyed and learned so much at every class I have taken.” — JF
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Social Security In Peril:
The History and Woes of
the Social Security System
Instructor: Kevin Ledzian
Classroom: 1
Back in 1935, Congress overwhelmingly passed the Social Security Act, an enormous
program that now supplies benefits to nearly 58 million Americans while consuming over
21% of the federal budget. Come learn about Social Securities’ history, its demographic
challenges and the many possible solutions that might be implemented to improve the
programs’ long-term viability.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Monday, April 21, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Older Adults and Adult
Children: Important
Instructor: Lynda Spence
Classroom: 3
How is your health? Are your finances in order? Are you afraid of being a victim? Your
adult children are concerned about your well-being. When should you ‘let them in?’ Now
is a good time to initiate dialogue. You may be groaning right now. After all, who enjoys
talking about these things, but doing this now can help avoid potential heartache and
even strengthen relationships.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Monday, April 21, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Instructor: Don Lubov
Classroom: 3
Wednesdays, April 23, 30, May 7, 14 & 21, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
What is it? Is it only for a select few? If it’s for all, how do I get it? Can I put myself in
a “creative” state? How do I do this? What would I do with this creativity? Where do
I apply it? What are the “right” activities for me? Have these “right” activities always
been the same? What skills should I been practicing? These are some of the questions
we ask ourselves when it comes to creativity. In this class we will answer these questions
and more. Through our exploration of quotes on creativity from some of the world’s
great minds, we will learn what it takes to be creative. We will also delve deep within
ourselves to uncover our own creativity and encourage it to emerge and blossom. An
open, friendly discussion.
Resident: $55 / Non-Resident: $60
Life in Saudi Arabia, 1977-1982
Instructor: Bill Shampine
Classroom: LOH
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1932, but major development was postponed until
after World War II. By the ‘60s and ‘70s the Saudi government had lots of money, but
was not quite sure how to spend it wisely in order to advance the welfare of its citizenry.
Public infrastructure was poor, agriculture was largely subsistence farming, water was in
short supply, and money was everywhere. The Saudi government decided to seek outside
expertise to help them move forward. Among other things, Saudi Arabia established a
program with the United States Government in 1975 (or 1976) called the United States
– Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation; or USREP/JECOR as known
by the participants. The program was funded at a level of about $500 million (all Saudi
money), with the U.S. Government charged with providing technical expertise in a very
broad range of activities. Bill Shampine, who was a hydrologist with the U.S. Geological
Survey, was part of a small team of hydrologists who moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with
their families in order to serve as technical experts in the Ministry of Agriculture and
Water. He was there for six years, from January 1977 through 1982. In the late ‘70s and
the early ‘80s Saudi Arabia was very much like a boom town in the old California gold
rush days, and a very interesting place to work. Bill will provide a brief history of Saudi
Arabia, pictures showing what the country looks like, a display of Bedouin jewelry, several
ceremonial knives, and some regional clothing. He also will describe what life was like for
him and his family.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
Bonsai Basics: What is Bonsai?
Instructor: Peter Wood
Classroom: 2
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Artist Peter Wood presents “Bonsai Basics,” basic horticultural and artistic principles. He
will answer the question, “How does that tree grow in that small pot?” This class presents
bonsai history and the art’s unique basics of styling and proper applications of soils,
watering and fertilization. A great class for someone curious about bonsai.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Demo: The Artistic and
Horticultural Elements
of Bonsai
Artist David VanBuskirk, bonsai artist and owner of D&L Nursery presents a live
demonstration on the creation of a bonsai tree from stock material. David has a unique
skill that combines artistry and horticultural principles. He will also be there every day
during the exhibition working on trees and answering any questions you have.
Instructor: David Van Buskirk
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Classroom: 2
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
“I find the variety of offerings in this program its major strong point.
There is something for everyone from practical home maintenance, wildlife information
and local community activities to liberal ar ts, science and philosophy.” — JW
“The classes at Master the Possibilities have always exceeded my expectations.
The instructors and topics offered rival any college courses.” — BC
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
May 16, 2014
The Summer Catalog (June, July & August) will be published May 16.
Raw Food Demonstration Series
Instructor: Gina Hudson
Classroom: Studio 3 / 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: $30 per class / Non-Resident: $35 per class
Why Raw
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Learn about the benefits of and the science behind a raw food diet in this informative talk
by Gina Hudson. Gina is a certified gourmet raw food chef, raw pastry chef and advanced
instructor and is certified in the Science of Raw Food Nutrition Educator courses.
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Forget Cooking
Eating healthy foods has never been so delicious and easy. After this class, you will have
the skills to prepare a variety of dishes for daily breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Basic
knife skills and equipment use (blenders and food processors) are taught by Gina Hudson, a
certified gourmet raw food chef, raw pastry chef and advanced instructor.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Raw Italy
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Divine Desserts
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Everyone loves Italian food, but traditional dishes are heavy in wheat and cheese. With
Raw Italy, simple substitutions allow you to enjoy this classic cuisine. In Raw Italy you will
learn to make vegan Caesar salad, hearty and hot winter soup and zucchini fettuccine in
minutes with delicious sauces and dairy- and wheat-free lasagna.
Raw desserts are ideal for anyone who loves sweets but is trying to avoid refined
carbohydrates and sugars, dairy products, and unhealthful fats. In Divine Desserts you will
learn to make chocolate truffles, foolproof dairy-free ice cream and a gourmet chocolate
cake in 10 minutes flat.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Science Fiction Book and Movie Discussion Group
Instructor: Elaine Smith
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Ever since Mary Shelley gave birth to the science fiction genre with Frankenstein, many renowned scientists have predicted the future
through their science fiction stories. For example, Isaac Asimov predicted a world where robots have become almost human. Join us
in reading, viewing and discussing the vehicles that have predicted the future of the universe, the earth, humanity and society. How
prescient have these writers been? The group will alternate between reading and discussing books and viewing and discussing movies.
We will meet on the first Wednesday of every month from 1pm to 2pm on book days and from 1pm to 3:30pm on movie days.
Movie: “Fahrenheit 451”
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Book: “I Robot” by Isaac Asimov
Classroom: 2
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Movie: “War Games”
Classroom: LOH
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Book: “1984” by George Orwell
Classroom: 2
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Movie: “Logan’s Run”
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Guy Montag is a fireman. In his world, where television rules and literature is on the brink
of extinction, firemen start fires rather than put them out. His job is to destroy the most
illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden.
Montag begins to question everything he has ever known when his wife attempts suicide
and his neighbor disappears. He starts hiding books in his home, and when his pilfering
is discovered, the fireman has to run for his life.
“I Robot” is a collection of nine science fiction short stories. The stories originally
appeared in the American magazines Super Science Stories and Astounding Science
Fiction between 1940 and 1950. The stories are woven together as Dr. Susan Calvin tells
them to a reporter in the 21st century. Though the stories can be read separately, they
share a theme of the interaction of humans, robots and morality, and when combined
they tell a larger story of Asimov’s fictional history of robotics.
“War Games” is a 1983 American Cold War science-fiction film. A young hacker,
David Lightman, unwittingly accesses WOPR, a United States military supercomputer
programmed to predict possible outcomes of nuclear war. Lightman gets WOPR to run
a nuclear war simulation, originally believing it to be a computer game. The simulation
causes a national nuclear missile scare and nearly starts World War III.
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a classic novel in content, plot and style. Many of its terms
and concepts have entered everyday use since its publication in 1949. Moreover, 1984
popularised the adjective Orwellian, which describes official deception, secret surveillance,
and manipulation of the past by a totalitarian or authoritarian state. In 2005, the novel
was chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923
to 2005.
Logan’s Run is a 1976 American science fiction film directed by Michael Anderson
and starring Michael York, Jenny Agutter, Richard Jordan, Roscoe Lee Browne, Farrah
Fawcett and Peter Ustinov. It depicts a dystopian future society in which population
and the consumption of resources are managed and maintained in equilibrium by
the simple expedient of killing everyone who reaches the age of thirty, preventing
overpopulation. The story follows the actions of Logan 5, a “Sandman”, as he runs from
society’s lethal demand.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Health Care Options: The Hospice Alternative Series
Instructor: Lisa Varner
Classroom: 2 / 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
What Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell
You About End-of-Life Care
Monday, January 13, 2014
Ever leave the doctor’s office feeling frustrated? Today, technology and test results
often override how the patient feels. Learn how to talk to your doctor about end-of-life
issues to get the answers you need to make good healthcare decisions for yourself and
your family.
Telemonitoring: Feel Better to
Live Better
Easy-to-use and non-invasive, telemonitoring units give patients peace of mind while
providing your medical team with real-time data about your health status. Learn how
these tools help manage your health so you will feel better and live better.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Ethics in End-of-Life Care
Monday, March 17, 2014
Barriers to Hospice Care
Monday, April 21, 2014
What is Palliative Care?
Monday, May 5, 2014
Ethical issues near the end of life often arise because of concerns about how much
and what kind of care make sense for someone with a limited life expectancy. There is
often conflict between physicians or nurses and family members about what constitutes
appropriate care. Many of these conflicts can be avoided by clarifying who makes the
difficult decisions to limit care and by advance care planning.
Hospice can provide a valuable service to dying patients and their families, but doctors
and patients are often reluctant to discuss using hospice until it is too late for them to
derive many of the benefits the service offers. We will discuss the role and services of
hospice, explore misconceptions about hospice care, barriers to discussing the issue, and
suggest what to say to facilitate conversations.
Palliative Care is a holistic approach for individuals of any age who have a chronic, lifelimiting illness that is affecting their quality of life. Patient-centered, family-focused care
targeting quality of life issues, comfort care and symptom management is provided by an
integrated multidisciplinary team with the goal of relieving suffering whether physical,
spiritual or psychosocial. This presentation will be given by a medical professional from
the Center for Comprehensive Palliative Care, an affiliate company of Hospice of Marion
County, Inc.
“Master the Possibilities is the common ground that joins many learners.
It’s a great place to meet neighbors and exercise the brain...” — LH
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Africa Series
Instructor: Bryant Shaw, Ph.D.
Classroom: 1
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
A Brief Overview
Monday, January 13, 2014
Want to learn about one of the world’s least understood regions? This overview of subSaharan Africa highlights geography and its influence on the region’s political, social and
economic history.
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The African Side of
the Slave Trade
We often view the slave trade from an American perspective, but how did it look from
Africa? This presentation covers the influence of geography and disease, along with other
factors that made the slave trade possible, and profitable, within Africa itself.
Monday, February 10, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Colonial Africa
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Between the 1880s to the 1960s, Europeans colonized almost the entire African continent.
What prompted them to do so? How did they manage this vast undertaking? Most
important, what were the after-effects for Africa?
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Rwanda: Prelude to Genocide
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The San of Southern Africa
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Between April-June 1994, 800,000 Rwandans were killed in a pogrom of ethnic violence,
executed primarily by Hutu communities against the Tutsi. We will explore the background
of this horrendous event; the inaction of the world community, including the UN and
the United States; and the disastrous consequences for security in central Africa, which
continue today.
The hunter-gatherers (“Bushmen”) of southern Africa’s Kalahari Desert represent the
oldest existing genetic and linguistic links to the human family. This presentation
explores how San-speakers, with their distinctive “click” languages, have adapted to
this difficult environment. It covers aspects of San history, economy and religion, and
includes anecdotes of personal experiences.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Advanced Bridge Series
Instructor: Marie Fiorillo
Classroom: 4 / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: $25 per class / Non-Resident: $30 per class
The Takeout Double
Mondays, January 13, 20, 27,
February 3 & 10, 2014
The Weak Two Bid
Mondays, February 24,
March 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2014
The Strong 2-Club
Artificial Opening Bid
Mondays, April 21, 28, May 5, 12 & 19, 2014
The purpose of this class is to develop an understanding of the meaning of the Takeout
Double so that the partnership can use the call with confidence. The Takeout Double is a
competitive bridge tool. What do I need to make a Takeout Double? How do I respond to
a Takeout Double? Please bring a deck of cards.
The Weak Two Bid is a defensive bridge tool. The objective of this bid is to make life as
difficult as possible for the opponents. What does a Weak Two Bid look like and how do
we respond? Come join us so that we can work together to improve our bridge bidding.
Please bring a deck of cards.
If you know how to use the Weak Two Bid then you must know how to bid a strong hand.
The 2-Club is used as an all purpose strong opening bid. What kind of cards do you open
2-Club with? How do you respond when a partner opens with 2-Club? These questions
will be answered during this session. Please bring a deck of cards.
Cardiology Series
Instructor: Dr. Ali Nasser
Classroom: 1 / 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
AFIB Choosing the Best
Blood thinners are used to treat some types of heart disease. The medications used are
called anticoagulants. This means that they help prevent clots from forming in the blood.
Dr. Nasser will discuss the range of medications available.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Open Forum
Bring all your questions about heart disease, cardiac medications and treatment.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Diagnostic Testing
Cardiac Patients
Join Dr. Nasser as he discusses the ABC’s of diagnostic tests for heart disease. He will focus
on both invasive and non-invasive testing, giving the pros and cons of each.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Cardiac Risk Factors
Dr. Nasser will discuss lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of heart disease.
Monday, April 21, 2014
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Florida Landscaping Series
Instructor: Kathleen Patterson
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Plants to Avoid in the
Landscape and Why
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Plants for Marion County
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Spring Gardening
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Landscaping in a Deed
Restricted Community
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
There are many plants that are used in Florida that are not recommended or may cause
you stress in the future. We will cover poisonous plants, invasive plants and nuisance
plants to avoid and why.
This class will cover annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees, palms and ornamental grasses. We
will discuss size, location, growing habits, pruning and insects and disease issues.
This class will help you prepare for the spring gardening season. What to do, when to
do it and why it is necessary. Following these recommendations will lead to a healthier
landscape that is environmentally friendly and requires less maintenance.
Recent passage of new legislation (SB2080) now allows homeowners in deed restricted
communities the opportunity to incorporate Florida friendly landscaping. Join us to learn
more about the new laws and how they affect you and your landscape. Also, learn about
getting professional services and advice and how to deal effectively with your landscape
review committee.
“MTP always has classes that can sooth your soul.” — RE
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Ophthalmology Series
Instructor: Dr. Shalesh Kaushal
Classroom: LOH / 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Macular Degeneration & Retina
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Diabetes and Macular
Cases of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are rapidly increasing in the modern
world. In this talk, we will discuss what causes this disease, why it is becoming more
common, and how doctors treat this condition.
Diabetes is a common disease that can have a profound impact on the structures of
the eye that allow us to see. This lecture will cover the link between diabetics and
macular degeneration and steps everyone can take to help prevent the manifestation
of these ailments.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Stems Cells and Retina
Stem cell therapy is a topic widely publicized by the media. In this session, we will discuss
how advancements in this promising area of research can be applied to the treatment of
a variety of retinal disorders.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014tbd
Novel Retina Therapies
In this talk, we will discuss new advancements in the treatment of disorders related to
the retina, such as gene therapy in patients with macular degeneration. We will also
cover preventative measures you can take to lower your risk of developing this and other
retinal diseases.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Legal Series: Advance Directives
Instructor: Jerry Colen
Classroom: CSCC / 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
End of Life Decision Making
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Florida Law
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Given the biomedical advances and proliferation of laws, we need to address this very
important topic in a thoughtful and objective fashion. In this presentation, attorney Jerry
Colen will frame the issues and help us understand the actions that need to be taken.
With plenty of time for questions and answers, he will go step by step through a sample
living will.
Have you ever wondered what there is about Florida laws that may be different than the
laws of some other state, perhaps the state where you used to live? Attorney Jerry Colen
will be here to discuss some of Florida’s laws that may have a significant impact on you.
Included in his discussion will be topics such as Florida Homestead and Florida Homestead
Exemption, the Save Our Homes Cap, Revocable Trusts, Florida Probate proceedings and
Florida taxes. As always, Jerry will stay to answer your questions.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Science for Today Series
Instructor: Martin Hoffert
Classroom: LOH / 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: $30 per class / Non-Resident: $35 per class
Our civilization, as enabled by several scientific and industrial revolutions, runs on fossil fuel energy like the Roman Empire ran on
slavery. But fossil fuels are limited in several ways. True, there’s enough energy in “unconventional” sources like tar sands and shale
oil and gas accessible though “fracking” for a few centuries or more at some environmental cost. Unfortunately, the fossil fuel carbon
dioxide greenhouse global warming already in progress is qualitatively different, with well-documented sea level rise, more intense
storms, disappearing sea ice and alpine glaciers, melting Greenland and Antarctic ice caps, and shrinking habitats for species like Polar
Bears, all predicted decades ago by climate scientists, including this instructor. It could turn Earth into a climatically different planet; in
some ways similar to the mid-Cretaceous when sea level was a hundred meters higher and dinosaurs roamed a green Antarctica.
All the world’s national academies of science including the US agree human-caused global warming is real and potentially a huge threat
to civilization. But governmental action to combat it is politically gridlocked and scientifically ill-informed. Unchecked, human-caused
climate change is far enough along, and the prospects for reversing the increasing fossil fuel CO2 emissions driving it in time to matter
are bleak. A sizable contingent of researchers believe planetary scale “geo engineering,” like seeding the stratosphere with sunlightreflecting aerosol layers sprayed from aircraft, will be needed to slow, if not reverse, it. In addition a transition to renewable and/or
nuclear energy is needed in any case for a sustainable high tech civilization of seven billion humans.
An Introduction
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Martin Hoffert is offering 3 science classes at Master the Possibilities Winter Session. In
this introduction period, professor Hoffert will explain the format of the classes with brief
description on their content.
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Renewable Energy
A practical introduction to low carbon-dioxide-emitting solar, wind and biomass energy.
Could we, for example, cost-effectively power the lifestyle of typical retired seniors in
Central Florida retirement homes with current technology? (The instructor is performing
a real-life solar panel experiment in his new OTOW home to determine this.) Can we in fact
break our present-day addiction to coal, oil and natural gas now running our homes,
cars, manufacturing and commercial transportation infrastructure through market
mechanisms? How much fossil fuel is left? Oil and natural gas “peaks,” nuclear power
and safety, and the biggie, climate change from the fossil fuel, are discussed; as is energy
demand reduction in green homes, transportation and manufacturing. Also covered
(lightly) are capital versus levelized costs of solar and wind electricity, solar hot water,
photovoltaic electricity from rooftops and solar farms, net metering, hybrid and plugin
electric cars and the energy storage bottleneck. Finally, we delve into future expansion
and breakthroughs, subsidies, rebates and feed-in tariffs.
Mondays & Wednesdays, January 22, 27, 29,
February 3 & 5, 2014
Earth and Cosmos
Mondays & Wednesdays, February 10, 12, 17,
19 & 24, 2014
A shorter updated version of an NYU course I taught to undergraduate non-science
majors. From the original syllabus: “We live at a unique time in history. Science, by the
early 21th century, has created for the first time a coherent story of the creation and
evolution of our Universe (there may be more than one) from the first moments of the
Big Bang to the appearance of human intelligence. This story — essentially a scientific
account of Genesis—should be a part of the intellectual foundation of all educated
persons.” Topics include the nature of stars and galaxies, the origin of planets, the Earth
System (the atmosphere, oceans, lithosphere and biosphere), the evolution of lifeforms by
natural selection, including Great Apes and modern humans, evolutionary psychology,
the neolithic revolution, human technologies and their environmental impacts, global
warming as inadvertent planetary engineering, space exploration and the search for
extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
Science and Politics
Turning from the farthest reaches of the cosmos to earthly politics, we conclude by
exploring the breach between scientific understanding and realities of political systems
viewing scientists as just another special interest, like lawyers lobbying for paymasters. Is
there even an objective reality out there, some politicos say, that scientists have special
access to? Influential US Congresspersons have said “no,” often attacking scientists
as messengers. Challenges by authorities to science are as old as Galileo. Issues today
are different: denials of climate science, the efficacy of immunization, even Darwinian
evolution. Astronomer Carl Sagan warned of this danger in “The Demon-Haunted World:
Science as a Candle in the Dark,” one of his last books. Scientists can no longer, if they
ever could, simply offer their findings in the expectation that political leaders will do the
rational thing. On a positive note, it is encouraging that science-inspired entrepreneurial
heroes, like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Elon Musk, whose dreams our stuff is made of, offer
alternatives to science denialists leading the public down blind alleys. Implementing the
best science-based options, whatever one’s values, will, as always, require political action.
Mondays & Wednesdays, February 26,
March 3, 5, 10 & 12, 2014
League of Women Voters Series
Instructor: Allie Gore
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Iron Jawed Angels: Lead, Follow
or Get Out of the Way
Classroom: LOH
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Not For Ourselves Alone:
The Story of Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Women Who Make America
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 12, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 19, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Taking a fresh and contemporary look at a pivotal event in American history, IRON
JAWED ANGELS tells the true story of how defiant and brilliant young activists Alice Paul,
played by Hillary Swank, and Lucy Burns, played by Frances O’Conner, took the women’s
suffrage movement by storm, putting their lives at risk to help American women win the
right to vote.
This documentary tells the dramatic, little known story of one of the most compelling
friendships in American history. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony were born
into a world ruled entirely by men. By the time their lives were over, they had changed
for the better the lives of a majority of American citizens. Their personal relationship
was often turbulent but they never wavered in their shared belief that equality was the
birthright of every woman, and for more than half a century they led the fight to make
that dream a reality.
This documentary tells the story of the most sweeping social revolution in American
history, as women have asserted their rights to a full and fair share of political power,
economic opportunity and personal autonomy in the last 50 years. It’s a revolution that
has unfolded in public and private, in courts and Congress, in the boardroom and the
bedroom, changing not only what the world expects from women, but what women
expect from themselves. Makers brings this story to life with priceless archival treasures
and poignant, often funny interviews with those who led the fight, those who opposed
it and those first generations to benefit from its success.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Miss Representation
Writer/director Jennifer Siebel Newsom interwove stories from teenage girls with
provocative interviews from the likes of Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Lisa Ling, Nancy Pelosi,
Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow, Rosario Dawson, Dr. Jackson Katz, Dr. Jean Kilbourne and
Gloria Steinem to give us an inside look at the media and its message. As the most
persuasive and pervasive force of communication in our culture, media is educating yet
another generation that a woman’s primary value lay in her youth, beauty and sexuality
— and not in her capacity to lead, making it difficult for women to obtain leadership
positions and for girls to reach their full potential. This film accumulates startling facts
and statistics that leave audiences shaken, armed with a new perspective, and asking the
question, “What can we do?”
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Half the Sky: Turning
Oppression into Opportunity
for Women Worldwide, Part I
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Half the Sky: Turning
Oppression into Opportunity
for Women Worldwide, Part II
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
This documentary inspired by Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn’s groundbreaking
book of the same name takes on the central moral challenge of the 21st century: the
oppression of women and girls worldwide. Take an unforgettable journey with six
actresses/advocates and New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristoff to meet some of
the most courageous individuals of our time, who are doing extraordinary work to
empower women and girls everywhere. These are stories of heartbreaking challenge,
dramatic transformation and enduring hope. You will be shocked, outraged and brought
to tears. Most important, you will be inspired by the resilience of the human spirit and
the capabilities of women and girls to realize their staggering potential.
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide is a passionate
call-to-arms, urging us not only to bear witness to the plight of the world’s women, but
to help to transform their oppression into opportunity. This documentary inspired by
Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn’s groundbreaking book of the same name takes
on the central moral challenge of the 21st century: the oppression of women and girls
worldwide. Take an unforgettable journey with six actresses/advocates and New York
Times journalist Nicholas Kristoff to meet some of the most courageous individuals of our
time, who are doing extraordinary work to empower women and girls everywhere. These
are stories of heartbreaking challenge, dramatic transformation and enduring hope. You
will be shocked, outraged, brought to tears. Most important, you will be inspired by the
resilience of the human spirit and the capabilities of women and girls to realize their
staggering potential.
“Offers an impressive variety of classes and a user-friendly atmosphere,
highly professional and affordable. What more could you want?” — DAL
“I think your program is outstanding.” — AP
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Eye Series
Instructor: Cathy Ranges
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Heart Disease,
High Blood Pressure
Understand how these and other systemic diseases can affect your precious vision. Learn
steps you may be able to take to help protect your vision and your lifestyle.
Classroom 2
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Custom Cataract Surgery
Classroom 1
Cataracts will affect one’s vision and lifestyle at some point. Knowing when and if to
have surgery is an individual decision. Learn questions to ask your surgeon as well as the
questions you should ask yourself. Are you a possible candidate for visual freedom?
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Healthy Eyes, Healthy Body
Classroom: 2
Learn how diseases and conditions will affect your eyes as you age. Conditions such
as arthritis, high cholesterol, glaucoma, cataracts, dry eyes, and many more will be
discussed. Learn what you can do and what to be aware of before a problem develops.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Diabetes and My Vision
Classroom: 1
What should I know? What should I do? Learn how this disease can impact your vision
and your quality of life. Diabetes can lead to blindness; early detection may prevent
irreversible damage.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Macular Degeneration
and Glaucoma
Classroom: 1
Will I go blind? What can I do to save my vision? Learn how early detection and treatment
of these diseases as well as others may help maintain and possibly save your vision.
Diseases such as these can cause loss of freedoms such as driving, shopping, cooking and
even paying your own bills.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
“As a Baby Boomer who recently chose to retire early, I was pleasantly surprised
and excited to have so many unexpected and interesting learning oppor tunities
offered through Master the Possibilities.” — AJ
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Internal Medicine Series
Instructor: Dr. Yousef Elyaman
Classroom: 1 / 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Allergic Rhinitis
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
OR Thursday, March 27, 2014
Functional Nutrition
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Living in a Toxic World
Thursday, March 13, 2014
The Gut Gateway to Disease
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The Root Cause
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Allergic Rhinitis is a very common condition that is on the rise! It currently affects up
to 40% of children and 10-30% of adults in the United States. It is characterized by
annoying nasal symptoms including discharge, itching, sneezing, congestion and
pressure. It commonly leads to sinus infections. In this lecture, Dr.Yousef Elyaman will
discuss prevention and treatment of this common condition.
Despite our advancements in medicine, chronic disease is on the rise. Unfortunately,
everyone seems to focus only on medication and ignore diet and lifestyle changes. In
this class, Dr. Yousef Elyaman will discuss ways of treating disease starting with diet and
There are over 80,000 chemicals unleashed in our environment today. Decreasing our
toxic exposure can be overwhelming. In this workshop Dr. Elyaman will go over some
easy, cost-effective ways of decreasing the body’s toxic burden.
Although usually overlooked, the gut is responsible for a lot more than just digestion
and absorption. It produces 75% of our body’s neurotransmitters, contains two thirds
of the body’s immune tissue, and 10 times more cells than the rest of the body. It is also
metabolically greater than the liver. In this course, Dr. Yousef Elyaman will show you how
the gut is the gateway to disease.
Instead of just dismissing chronic disease to our genes, we need to take a different
approach. The truth is that disease is affected by our genes but most importantly by our
environment. There are 7 clinical imbalances that cause all disease. Instead of just taking
a particular drug for a particular disease we need to look at the underlining cause of the
disease. Our goals should be finding the root cause, stopping it from getting worse, and
reversing the damage as much as possible. This will hopefully be the first in a series of
lectures focused on “the root cause” of disease.
“The Master the Possibilities education program is a star in this community.” — AG
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Italian Film Series
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Thursday, January 16, 2014
The Sicilian Girl
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Golden Door
Thursday, March 6, 2014
The course of a lifetime reflects the evolution of a country as young Peppino
takes work as a shepherd to support his family in the Sicilian town of
Bagheria, nicknamed “Baarìa” by its residents. During the next five decades
he experiences the passionate love of his life, undergoes a powerful political
awakening and discovers a destiny he could have never imagined. A visual feast
featuring a powerful score by legendary Academy Award-winning composer
Ennio Morricone, Baaria captures the past century with a mesmerizing beauty
and rare cinematic power.
Based on the true story of Rita Atria and Judge Paolo Borsellino, The Sicilian
Girl is the dramatic retelling of Atria’s story: how a 17-year-old Sicilian whose
father and brother were both Mafia members (and victims) breaks the vow
of silence that enshrouds that world, and gives evidence to famed antimafia judge Borselino. Drawing upon Rita’s extensive diaries, director Marco
Amenta tells her story, beginning in Sicily in 1985. A small child experiences
her beloved father as a respected member of the community, a man to whom
the neighbors turn for help when a rapacious landlord orders their eviction.
Soon after, he’s shot dead in the sun drenched village square as his daughter
looks on. Six years later, her brother is murdered.
Sicilian peasant Salvatore yearns for a better life, one he believes exists only
in the fabled land known as America where carrots grow taller than men,
rivers flow with milk and golden coins rain from the trees. He sells everything
he owns to make the trans-Atlantic passage with his two sons and elderly
mother. On the perilous steamship crossing, Salvatore meets a mysterious,
worldly Englishwoman, Lucy (Charlotte Gainsbourg), and an unexpected
romance unfolds. But neither Salvatore nor Lucy is prepared for the arrival at
Ellis Island, where families are inspected, interrogated and split apart. They
will have to bravely face their personal and collective dilemmas in order to
become part of the American dream.
“The teachers are knowledgeable and informative. We loved our Italian class.” — RF
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Sweet Revenge Film Series
Instructor: Dr. Pat Wellington
Classroom: LOH / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Double Jeopardy
Double Jeopardy is a 1999 thriller film directed by Bruce Beresford and starring
Ashley Judd, Tommy Lee Jones and Bruce Greenwood. The film is about a
woman who is framed for the murder of her husband.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
The Count of Monte Cristo
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Thursday, February 6, 2014
A young officer, falsely imprisoned by his jealous “friends,” escapes and uses
a hidden treasure to exact his revenge.
Michael “Jay” Cochran has just left the Navy after 12 years. He’s not quite sure
what he’s going to do, except that he knows he wants a holiday. He decides
to visit Tiburon Mendez, a powerful but shady Mexican businessman who
he once flew to Alaska for a hunting trip. Arriving at the Mendez mansion in
Mexico, he is immediately surprised by the beauty and youth of Mendez’ wife
Miryea. Their attraction to each other is undeniable, but Cochran is aware
that Mendez is a powerful, vindictive and very possessive man who does not
tolerate betrayal.
On the run from an abusive husband, a young mother begins to train herself
to fight back.
Read, Think and Discuss Book Group
Instructor: Allie Gore
Classroom: 3 / 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Limited to 12 participants, this group will choose books that have something to say...make us think...and promote a spirited discussion.
Much like the Humanists group and Socrates Café, this class is intended to challenge with the goal of understanding others and ideas better.
How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character
by Paul Tough
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Beyond Outrage: Expanded Edition; What Has Gone Wrong With Our
Economy and How to Fix It by Robert Reich
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation
by Steven Johnson
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality
by Richard Heinberg
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer
and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class by Jacob S. Hacker
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Black History Month Film Series
Instructor: MTP Staff will Facilitate
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Pinky 1949
Thursday, February 6, 2014
The Butler
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
12 Years a Slave
Live Oak Hall
Based on Cid Ricketts Sumner’s novel about a young woman who passes for
white who leaves her career and fiance behind in New York to return to her life
as a black woman in the deep South. Academy Award Nominations: 3, including
Best Actress Jeanne Crain.
The Butler is a 2013 American historical drama film directed by Lee Daniels,
written by Danny Strong, and featuring an ensemble cast. Inspired by the reallife account of Eugene Allen, the film stars Forest Whitaker as Cecil Gaines,
an African-American who eyewitnesses notable events of the 20th century
during his 34-year tenure serving as a White House butler.
42 is a 2013 American biographical sports film written and directed by Brian
Helgeland about the life of baseball player Jackie Robinson, who wore jersey
number 42. The film stars Chadwick Boseman as Robinson and Harrison Ford
as Branch Rickey. Christopher Meloni, John C. McGinley, Lucas Black, and
Nicole Beharie appear in supporting roles. 42 was released in North America
on April 12, 2013.
In the antebellum United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from
upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Mississippi Burning
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Two FBI agents with wildly different styles arrive in Mississippi to investigate
the disappearance of some civil rights activists.
Master Gardener Series
Instructor: Jo Leyte-Vidal
10:00 AM / 11:00 AM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Know Your Palms
Classroom: 1
Friday, January 17, 2014
Growing Vegetables in Containers
Classroom: Studio 1
Friday, February 21, 2014
Each time one goes to the plant nursery or box store to buy a palm for the yard,
questions come up. There are so many choices of palms out there. Which one
should I buy and how do I take care of it? What do I do if my palm is attacked
by a bug? Come with your questions for a Master Gardener.
Fresh vegetables can be grown anywhere: in raised beds, fields, buckets,
flower gardens, hanging baskets, flower pots, or anything that will hold soil.
Learn how to grow your tomatoes or cucumbers in containers and enjoy fresh
produce at your fingertips.
Why is that plant called an herb and not a vegetable? Imagine having an
herb garden on your windowsill or outside your kitchen door where you
can pick fresh flavors when cooking. Take home tips on growth and use of
aromatic herbs.
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Friday, March 14, 2014
Explore Tropical Vegetables
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Have you noticed some strange vegetables in the produce section of the grocery
store? Yucca? Malanga? Find out how they grow and how they are prepared.
Some wonderful new flavors will be found that can expand your palate.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Beautiful Butterfly Gardens
Classroom: Cypress Hall
Friday, May 9, 2014
A beautiful butterfly garden can be one plant, a Milkweed for Monarchs or a
Firespike for Zebra Long Wings. It can be a garden with a variety of butterfly
attracting plants. The best part of all is the colorful beauty that will be flitting
about in the air. Come find out how you can create one.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Master the Possibilities.
This retired school teacher really appreciates you!!” — AK
“Master the Possibilities is probably one of
the best ideas anyone ever dreamed up.” — C&A K
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Chiropractic & Wellness Series
Instructor: Dr. Pedro A. Orta
Classroom: 1 / 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Friday, January 17, 2014
Foot, Knee & Hip Problems
Friday, February 21, 2014
Are You Experiencing
Digestive Problems?
Friday, March 21, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
Come learn the causes of Neuropathy and how to heal from it naturally. Is
numbness, burning, or pain affecting your ability to enjoy walking or doing
things with your hands? You may be suffering from Neuropathy. Some of the
causes are: diabetes, sleep apnea, snoring, acid reflux and artificial sweeteners
such as aspartame.
Is the thought of taking a walk or going to the store something you think
twice of because of the pain in your fee, knees and or hips? Did you know that
25% of the bones in your body are in your feet? If you suffer from foot, knee
and or hip pain of any kind, come find out what can be done naturally to solve
or relieve your problem.
Have you experienced heartburn, acid reflux, bloating or gerd? Did you know
that 80-94% of gerd sufferers have hernias? Reflux of acid can cause chest
pains that mimic a heart attack or gall bladder disease. Symptoms of gerd
can be extremely irritating to the esophagus lining. Gerd that persists for an
extended period of time can cause changes in the esophageal lining which
can lead to a pre-cancerous condition called Barrett’s esophagus. All of these
health issues are treatable naturally.
Headaches are one of the most frequent health complaints with 76% of
woman and 57% of men. Do headaches keep you from doing the things you
love to do? There are different types of headaches: tension, cluster, migraine,
rebound and sinus headaches. Do you know the cause of your headache?
If you can find the cause it is very possible to fix the problem. Come and
find out the many causes of headaches and see if yours can be taken care
of. Some of the symptoms are soreness near temples, pressure sensation,
nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and pain around the sinus.
Payment for all tuition-based classes is due in full within five (5) days of your registration.
This ensures that you have reserved a place in the class. If we do not receive payment, we need to register others.
Thank you for your attention!
Payments may be made (1) over the phone (861-9751) with a major credit or debit card,
(2) by mailing a check payable to “SCA” to 8415 SW 80th Street, Ocala, FL, 34481,
indicating your classes in the memo line, or (3) by stopping by the MTP office in the Education Center.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Birds of Florida Series
Instructor: Norman Lantz
Hawks of Central Florida
Classroom: LOH
Tuesdays, January 21 & 28, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Birds that hunt for a living are among the most interesting of all! Some sit and
wait patiently for their prey; others course over fields and meadows in search
of mice, moles, voles and other “critters.” Some soar majestically overhead
while searching the landscape below for food and others dive at over 200
miles per hour in pursuit of elusive targets. Learn why raptors are our friends
and what invaluable services they perform for us. We couldn’t live without
them! This course will concentrate on the Accipiters, Buteos and Falcons, which
regularly occur in Florida. You will find it is easy (well, at least easier) to quickly
and confidently identify these wonderful birds with just a glance when you
know the right clues.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Florida Birds — An Introduction
Introduction to the birds of Florida. Light and entertaining!
Classroom: 3
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Birding in Florida
Classroom: 1
Tuesdays, February 25 & March 4, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
What bird is that? Which bird is making that awful sound? Are bats really nasty
creatures? Are all bird seeds created equal? How do I get rid of squirrels? For
those interested in learning to identify by sight and by sound all the different
birds around us an introductory class is being offered. This course will include
lots of basic information for beginners but will also include tips on improving
skills for more advanced birders. We will try to answer all your birding questions.
Offered in a light, often-humorous manner the course promises to be an
enjoyable experience for anyone interested in learning more about some of
nature’s most fascinating creatures. Birding is the second largest hobby in this
country today, ranking closely behind gardening, and is enjoyed by millions of
people of all ages. It is a relatively inexpensive hobby that can provide hours of
pleasure from your front window, while on a walk, while playing your favorite
outdoor sport or on “bird walks” with fellow enthusiasts.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Birds of the Rainbow River
Classroom: 2
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
AND Tuesday, March 18, 2014
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Rainbow River offers an outstanding opportunity to learn about all the
wading/water birds you are likely to encounter in Florida. Lots of songbirds,
too! Enjoy a leisurely 3-hour ride on a wonderful, comfortable pontoon boat
through the “real Florida.” We start with a classroom session where we will
look at a Power Point presentation and discuss all the birds we hope to see.
You should be able to accurately identify most of them by the end of this class.
The boat ride trip is with an experienced river Captain who will share many
facts about the river with you. Enjoy up close and personal views of magnificent
birds with great photo opportunities. We will close with an optional lunch at
one of the riverside cafés. A $20.00 fee was added for the boat ride.
Resident: $45 / Non-Resident: $50
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Romance in the World of Birds
Where do all the little baby birds come from? Do birds really mate for life? Is
there any “hanky-panky” going on? Do families stay together forever? All the
questions you ever wanted to ask about the secretive world of avian mating
systems will be answered. It’s a fascinating world with many rites and rituals.
You will enjoy bird watching to a much greater degree when you know the
telltale signs to look for during nesting/mating season. Learn what all the
different activities, calls, songs and other non-verbal communication really
mean. This is a light, easy-going presentation that will enlighten you to the
trials and tribulations our feathered friends go through to ensure the wellbeing of their species. Join us for a fun walk through romance in the birding
Classroom: 2
Tuesdays, April 1 & 8, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
OTOW Topics Series
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $10 per class
Digital Communication Media
Products & Services Seminar
Instructor: Christy Klabunde
Classroom: 4
We are your cable TV, Internet, and DCM voice phone provider (for Candler
Hills, Indigo East & Renaissance Park neighborhoods). This is your opportunity to
get to know us! Topics covered will be: What is included in your Community
Service Fee that we provide; Benefits of bundling DCM services; DCM Voice
setup, cost & features; What Internet speed do you need; Cable TV plans, cost,
and equipment.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
WATER Behind the Scenes Field Trip
Instructor: Bryan Schmalz
Classroom: Trip
Friday, February 21, 2014
Water is a valued commodity, especially here in Florida. Learn more about the
complexities of water procurement, treatment and waste water disposal right
here at On Top of the World. This 3-hour field trip is fascinating. Join staff
behind the scenes and tour the facilities. Limited to 14 students; registration is
required. The van leaves at 9 AM but you need to check in first at Master the
Possibilities Education Center. (Please bring drinking water.)
OR Friday, April 18, 2014
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Basic Plumbing
Instructor: Dennis Hisey, Jason Zick
Classroom: 1
Friday, February 28, 2014
Did you ever want to just fix that dripping faucet or repair a running toilet
yourself? How about fix and maintain other plumbing components in your
house that take little time and effort? This class is a continuation of our
Construction and Home Maintenance Series that will provide you with handson training to save money and save water. Students will also be introduced to
water conservation ideas that they can use around the house.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Digital Communication Media
(DCM) 101
Instructor: Jud O’Connor
If you live in On Top of the World or Stone Creek, chances are you have DCM
services. If you have questions about operation of the cable box, remotes,
modems, routers or digital phone, this presentation should be informative
and helpful. Plenty of time for Q&A.
Classroom: 3
Friday, March 7, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Energy Efficiency in Construction
Field Trip
Instructor: Sheryl Johnson
Join Construction Manager Sheryl Johnson for a first hand tour of building
sites here at On Top of the World. Learn about all construction stages as well
as exactly what ENERGY STAR® entails. Transportation provided. (Please wear
comfortable clothes and shoes ... no open toed shoes.)
Classroom: Trip
Friday, March 14, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
What You Need to Know
About Your AC
In Florida, the summers throughout the state are long, hot and fairly humid;
air conditioning is a necessity here. Learn about the components of an
HVAC system. Understand what proper maintenance entails. Reject common
misconceptions about A/C systems by becoming aware of the facts and prepare
yourself with the knowledge necessary to avoid costly and unnecessary repairs
and investments in new equipment.
Instructor: Dennis Hisey
Classroom: 1
Friday, April 11, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
How to Operate Your Hunter
Pro-C Irrigation Controller
This class will cover irrigation controller operation for Hunter Pro-C controllers.
Learn how to set date and time, set start time, set run time, use the seasonal
adjust feature, run manually, identify the location of your backflow and
winterize your backflow preventer. Learn about common mistakes made by
homeowners and how you can avoid high water bills. This class is designed for
On Top of the World and Stone Creek residents. It is being taught by On Top of
the World Landscape Superintendent, Phillip Hisey.
Instructor: Phillip Hisey
Classroom: 4
Friday, May 2, 2014
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
How to Operate Your Rainbird ESP
Modular Irrigation Controller
Instructor: Phillip Hisey
Classroom: 4
Friday, May 2, 2014
This class will cover irrigation controller operation for Rainbird ESP Modular.
Learn how to set date and time, set start time, set run time, use seasonal adjust
feature, how to run manually, how to identify the location of your backflow and
how to winterize your backflow preventer. Class will cover common mistakes
made by homeowners and how you can avoid high water bills. This class is
designed for On Top of the World and Stone Creek residents. It is being taught
by On Top of the World Landscape Superintendent, Phillip Hisey.
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
“Excellent program!”
— RH
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Nurse Practitioner Series
Instructor: Frank Dowe
Classroom: 1 / 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Advanced Lipid Testing,
Thinking Beyond Statins
Did you know that 50% of heart attacks happen to people with “normal”
cholesterol? Is there something more to it than the standard cholesterol panels
we run? The short answer is ”yes.” In this lecture, Frank Dowe will discuss
advanced lipid testing and both conventional and alternative management.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
OR Thursday, March 6, 2014
How to Start on a Gluten Free Diet
Thursday, February 6, 2014
OR Thursday, May 15, 2014
Non Invasive Pain Management
Thursday, April 3, 2014
“Oh My Aching Bones”
Frank Dowe, ARNP-C, has presented the basics of a Gluten Free Diet. Now he will
speak on how to begin a gluten free diet. The benefits of gluten free eating far
outweigh the time and energy it takes to get there. Frank will provide gluten free
tips and tricks to make the change much more comfortable and easy.
This lecture will present non invasive pain management options available.
There will be plenty of time for Q&A.
Osteoarthritis affects 33% of Americans age 65 and older. In this lecture,
Frank Dowe will explore the types of osteoarthritis and both conventional and
alternative management.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
World Culture Series
Classroom: LOH / 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Puerto Rico
Instructor: Dennis Hisey
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Puerto Rico, officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, is an unincorporated
territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean, east of
the Dominican Republic and west of both the United States Virgin Islands and
the British Virgin Islands. Puerto Rico comprises an archipelago that includes
the main island of Puerto Rico and a number of smaller islands, the largest of
which are Vieques, Culebra, and Mona. The main island of Puerto Rico is the
smallest by land area of the Greater Antilles. It ranks third in population among
that group of four islands, which include Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic
and Haiti), and Jamaica. Official languages of the island are Spanish and English,
with Spanish being the primary language. Join Dennis for a journey to this
beautiful island, its authentic foods, and more.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Instructor: Jennifer Beckman
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Instructor: Magelia Taparan
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Instructor: Joerg Stadlmueller
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Instructor: Sofia Hanabergh
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
England is part of the United Kingdom sharing land borders with Scotland to
the north and Wales to the west. Most of England comprises the central and
southern part of the island of Great Britain which lies in the North Atlantic. The
country also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the
Isle of Wight. Jennifer, a native of England, will make this presentation very
entertaining and informative covering things like population, government,
religion, tradition and much more. Jennifer will include the historic gems of
that lovely country. Time permitting, she will also touch on academic history,
Oxford and Cambridge.
The Philippines, officially known as the Republic of the Philippines, is a
sovereign island country in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean.
Located in Southeast Asia, the country is an archipelago consisting of more
than 7,100 islands, of which more than 800 are inhabited. The major island
groupings are Luzon in the north, the Visayas in the center and Mindanao in
the south. With a population of more than 98 million people, the Philippines
is the seventh most populated Asian country and the 12th most populated
country in the world. Join this presentation to learn a about the culture, food,
language, economy and most interesting places to visit.
Romania is a country located at the intersection of Central and Southeastern
Europe, bordering on the Black Sea. Romania shares a border with Hungary
and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and Moldova to the northeast and east, and
Bulgaria to the south. At 238,391 square kilometres (92,043 sq mi), Romania
is the eighth largest country of the European Union by area, and has the
seventh largest population of the European Union with 20,121,641 people
(20 October 2011). Its capital and largest city is Bucharest, the sixth largest
city in the EU. With all this unexpected geography (who would have thought
Romania was so large and in consequence so important in a unified Europe?)
come centuries of being “suspended” between Orient and Occident. Wedged
between the central European Austro-Hungarian Empire (“k & k”) and its
Hungarian predecessor and the for centuries expansive Ottoman Empire, it
spent much of its history (ca. 1450 to 1866) as a tributary or vassal of the latter.
Before that it often bravely defended the Christian cause against Islam. Today,
Romania, with its knowledge, its insights and its tradition spread “between
Orient and Occident” can be and is destined to be a bridge, uniting these
two worlds. A Roman province since emperor Traian in AD 106 conquered it,
it is also the eastern outpost of Latinity in Europe — Romanians love France
and all things French — set in a sea of Slaws (Bulgarians, Serbs, Ukrainians,
Russians). When you speak Romanian, you can fake speaking Italian as the
two languages are so similar. “Hors d’oeuvres” of the Romanian’s delightful
take on communication (always witty, succinct and based solidly in an agrarian
tradition) will be served throughout the talk, free of (additional) cost. Join
Joerg, a native of Romania, ethnic German, for this one hour presentation
in which he will share a little about the history, culture, current politics and
economy, religion, photo highlights of this beautiful country and much more.
Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a sovereign state and a member state
of the European Union. It is located on the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern
Europe. It is one of three countries (Morocco, France) to have both Atlantic and
Mediterranean coastlines. Spain occupies 85% of the Iberian Peninsula, which
it shares with Portugal. Come learn about Spain’s history, monarchy, economy,
religion, tradition and places of interest.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Florida Thoroughbreds Breeders’ & Owners’ Association Series
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: $5 Donation at the Door / Non-Resident: $5 Donation at the Door
The class fee is a donation to the Florida Thoroughbred Charities that provides youth scholarships and supports the Second Chances
Thoroughbred Retirement Farm located at the Lowell Correctional Institute. There inmates learn life skills and an equine certification
while working with the retired thoroughbreds and later are placed in the horse industry. Bring your cash donation to class.
An Insider’s View of the
Thoroughbred Industry
Instructor: Lonny T. Powell, Tammy A. Gantt
Friday, January 24, 2014
OR Friday, March 21, 2014
Picking A Winner! Are you a
Seabiscuit or a Secretariat?
Instructor: Tammy A. Gantt
Friday, February 21, 2014
Kentucky Derby Trails,
Tails and Tales
Instructor: Brock Sheridan, David Allen, Tammy A. Gantt
Friday, April 25, 2014
This class presents trivia and stories about the racetrack life, champions, the
big score, Derby lore, and the history of Florida Thoroughbreds in Ocala. Also,
it will discuss how the horses are named, what their tattoos are for and other
interesting tidbits from the world of horse racing from longtime thoroughbred
horse racing veterans. Plus, learn why Marion County is considered the Horse
Capital of the World and how the industry provides a positive economic impact
to the county and the state and is a leader worldwide in thoroughbreds. The
Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ & Owner’s Association’s mission is to promote
the Florida thoroughbred and has provided many innovations that were later
adopted by other states. Florida ranks number 2 in the Thoroughbred industry
in North America and also stands a few of the top sires internationally here in
addition to record-breaking horse sales.
Ever wanted to go to the track but were intimidated because you did not
know how to place a bet, read the tote board or decipher the racing program
and Daily Racing Form. This class is designed for beginners who want to learn
about how the odds are calculated, learn about morning line odds, layovers,
visual handicapping, reading the past performances, betting at the track and
how to calculate your winnings. The class also teaches you how to match the
bet with your personality — do you like a winner or a longshot? Do you like
to have a back-up plan so you always come out ahead? After this, you will
impress your friends at your next day at the races!
Learn about the pageantry, traditions and clever characters that created the
world’s most legendary horse race, the Kentucky Derby, held on the first
Saturday in May in Louisville, Kentucky. Also, learn why the Ocala area is
the training grounds for many past Kentucky Derby winners and learn more
about our nation’s last Triple Crown winner, Florida-bred Affirmed. We revisit
the historic win of Needles in 1956, Florida’s first Kentucky Derby winner that
led to Marion County becoming the Horse Capital of the World. In addition,
the Florida Equine Publications team of editors will share their picks going
into the big race.
“No complaints. Wonderful classes. Thank you.” — JFK
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Book Club Series
Instructor: Dr. Pat Wellington
Classroom: 2 / 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Light Between the Oceans by M. L. Stedman
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Coming Clean — A Memoir by Kimberly Rae Miller
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The Round House by Louise Erdritch
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Book (To Be Announced Later)
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Book (To Be Announced Later)
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Veterinary Series
Instructor: Dr. Thomas Lane
Classroom: 1 / 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Human Animal Bond
Friday, January 31, 2014
Florida Wildlife
Friday, February 21, 2014
The bond that exists between humans and animals is an extraordinary one.
Join Dr. Tom Lane in a fascinating discussion of this phenomenon. His insights
from over 40 years of veterinary practice and research combined with your
experience will make this a memorable interchange.
Our state has some of the most diverse, interesting and vibrant wildlife in the
United States. Join veterinarian Dr. Tom Lane in a discussion and overview of
the creatures that share our state.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Pharmacology Series
Instructor: UF Pharmacology Students
Classroom: 1 / 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Friday, January 31, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Seasonal Allergies
Friday, March 28, 2014
Pet Medications
Friday, April 25, 2014
Headache, Migraine and Tension
Friday, May 23, 2014
If you don’t know what your prostate is or what it does, you’re certainly not
alone: most men don’t. But you really should. More than 30 million men
suffer from prostate conditions that negatively affect their quality of life. This
presentation will discuss the prostate and various conditions that can affect
your health.
A review of treatment options for menopause will include the following:
1) a discussion of the different options available for treatment of menopause
symptoms, 2) safety concerns, and 3) a discussion about non-drug options for
the treatment of mild menopause symptoms.
A review of treatment options for seasonal allergies will include the following:
1) a discussion of the different options available for treatment of allergies,
2) safety concerns, and 3) a discussion about non-drug options for the
treatment of seasonal allergies
Has anyone ever given you the various types of medications available for
pets? You will get a list of medications used for dogs and cats. We will discuss
the effects and directions for use. Also we will talk about over-the-counter
medications that can be used for pets.
Millions suffer from these common causes of headaches. This lecture will
discuss the current mediations for the prevention and treatment of migraine
and tension headache.
“The entire program leaves one longing for more time to be more deeply involved.
The scope of what is offered, the quality of the teachers and content of their classes,
meeting others from the area....all help to confirm that my decision
to move here was the right one.” — SM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
French Film Series
Instructor: Dick Riberdy
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Bienvenue Chez les CH’TIS
(Welcome to the Sticks)
In this zany comedy Philippe Abrams lives comfortably as the postmaster in
a quiet, warm village on France’s southern coast. He wants to raise his wife’s
spirits by moving to a more exciting locale in the Cote d’Azur, the French
Riviera. Unfortunately his antics backfire and he finds himself being relocated
to the “Siberia” of France, a frigid region on the Belgian border where even the
language is strange to his ears. After many struggles and upheavals, Philippe
comes to grips with his new venue.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Audrey Tautou (Nathalie) hits yet another homerun in this comedic drama.
Nathalie, a successful Parisian business executive suddenly loses her husband of
three years to a tragic accident. She copes with her grief and loss by throwing
herself wholeheartedly into her work. Finally, after a somewhat extended period
of grieving she finds herself once again thrust into life and love is rekindled
by a very unlikely source—a gauche, average-looking office subordinate who
is genuinely surprised by her interest. Together they must overcome a host
of obstacles including everyone else`s judgmental perceptions as well as their
own self-doubts.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Mon Meilleur Ami (My Best Friend)
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Daniel Auteuil plays a very credible French businessman who is so busy making
money as a ruthless antique/art trade he doesn’t have time for friends. When
a colleague dares him to produce a true friend, the race is on. François takes
the challenge not realizing just how difficult this quest can be. Ultimately he
does find a friend but not where he, or most people, would expect.
Revolutionary Russia & the Last Imperial Family Film Series
Instructor: Dr. Pat Wellington
Classroom: LOH / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Nicholas and Alexandria
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Doctor Zhivago
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Czar Nicholas II, the inept monarch of Russia who is insensitive to the needs of
his people, is overthrown and exiled to Siberia with his family.
Life of a Russian doctor/poet who, although married, falls for a political
activist’s wife and experiences hardships during the Bolshevik Revolution.
An opportunistic Russian businessman tries to pass a mysterious impostor as
the Grand Duchess Anastasia. But she is so convincing in her performance
that even the biggest skeptics believe her.
Code Breaking Series
Instructor: Dr. James Kuzmanovich
Classroom: LOH / 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
In recent years there have been movies, television shows, books and articles devoted to the breaking of the German Enigma coding
machine during WWII. Code breaking’s role in the Pacific war is equally interesting and just as important, but other than the movie
Midway, less attention has been paid to it. While the Enigma story is primarily British, this story is almost entirely American. The
purpose of this series of classes is to give the history of American code breaking, give the human stories involved, and describe the role
code breaking played in the conduct of the war in the Pacific.
The Beginnings of U.S. Army
Code Breaking Efforts
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
The Beginnings of U.S. Navy
Code Breaking Efforts (Cont.)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Code Breaking’s Role in
the Pacific War
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Topics include: the creation shortly after WWI of the first American code
breaking group under the direction of the inimitable poker-playing character
Herbert O. Yardley; its termination by Hoover’s Secretary of State Henry L.
Stimson (“Gentlemen don’t read each other’s mail.”); Yardley’s tell-all best seller
entitled The American Black Chamber; the book’s impact in Japan because of
its revelations about the United States’ use of code breaking in negotiating
the Washington Naval Treaty; the transfer of Yardley’s files to the Army which
created a code breaking group under the direction of William F. Friedman; and
the breaking of the Japanese encryption machine Purple by Friedman’s group.
Topics include: U.S. Navy code breaking which started with the creation of
OP-20-G under Laurence Safford; Agnes Driscoll, a master cryptographer who
was responsible for training Navy code breakers in advance of WWII; Joseph
Rochefort who was in charge of Station Hypo in Honolulu; the breaking of the
Japanese naval code JN-25 by Rochefort’s group; The Battle of the Coral Sea;
the Battle of Midway; and what happened to Joseph Rochefort (no good deed
goes unpunished).
Topics include: the use of code breaking in U.S. submarine warfare; the
shooting down of Yamamoto; Japanese Army codes; MacArthur’s use of signals
intelligence; the Navajo code talkers; the sinking of the USS Indianapolis,; and
what did we know before Pearl Harbor.
“The credentials of the instructors are impressive.” — ML
“MTP is the best thing since sliced bread...” — AR
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Gilbert & Sullivan Film Series
Instructor: Richard Belz
Classroom: LOH / 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Cox and Box
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Princess Ida
Thursday, April 3, 2014
The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Not a “true” Gilbert & Sullivan production, it was composed by Sullivan after
the partnership with Gilbert ended, but Gilbert didn’t write the libretto. Briefly,
Cox and Box is the story of two men who each rent a room. Since one works
days and the other nights, the enterprising landlord figures why not just rent
one room to both of them. He will double his profit and no one will be the
wiser. Of course, things go rapidly downhill when the men inevitably meet
and discover they are both betrothed to the same woman. Finally, in true G&S
fashion a long lost secret is revealed and all is made well.
In a world gone mad with languid ladies and affected gentlemen, the
lovesick maidens of Castle Bunthorne forsake their handsome soldier
suitors to pursue poet aesthete - and fake - Reginald Bunthorne. But, he
loves the village milkmaid, Patience, who doesn’t like poetry or understand
love. When Patience does finally learn what love is, she falls in love with
Reginald’s rival. Oops.
King Hildebrand and his son, Hilarion, are in their castle awaiting the arrival
of King Gama and his daughter, Princess Ida. The royal offspring have been
betrothed for 20 years, since they were children. When Gama arrives without
Ida he explains that she has renounced men and formed a women’s university
from which males of all species are barred. Gama is held hostage, while
Hilarion and two of his friends determine to storm Ida’s castle and woo her
into submission. This being G&S, you can guess the likely outcome.
This film, from 1953, is somewhat different from Topsy Turvy, the film which
began the series. Topsy doesn’t really go into their lives and focuses more on
the creation of The Mikado. After seeing this film you will have a much better
understanding of what made the Gilbert-Sullivan-Carte partnership work so
well, and what supposedly led to its undoing (even after all these years there is
still disagreement as to what actually happened).
“Just as we go to the fitness center to exercise our bodies,
we go to MTP to exercise our mind’s intellectual power.” — MR
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Best Foreign Films of 2013 Series
Instructor: Richard Copeland
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Every year the Academy Awards recognizes excellence in international films. While we are almost exclusively American movie aficionados,
often times we think that we may be missing out on something important. If you ever thought you’d like to sample the international
marques, now is the time. Here is a selection of five movies nominated including the winner from 2013. They represent different nations
and diverse topics.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
War Witch
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
A Royal Affair
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
A biography from Norway, “Kon-Tiki” tells the story of anthropologist Thor
Heyerdahl who built a balsawood raft and sailed 4,300 miles from Peru to
Polynesia in 1947 to prove his theories to the scientific community.
Mexican heartthrob Gael Garcia Bernal plays Rene Saavedra, a Chilean
advertising executive who works with opponents of the Pinochet regime to
defeat Augusto Pinochet in the 1988 referendum.
This Canadian production, which aired at Tribeca, follows Komona, a young
girl who is kidnapped by African rebels at the age of 12. She is forced to kill
her own parents and become a child soldier fighting against the government,
but the supernatural twist in the story gives her the title War Witch.
Mads Mikkelsen (who played the Bond villain in Casino Royale) plays a
Hamburg doctor named Johann Struensee who falls in love with Queen
Caroline Mathilda, married to the mad King Christian VII. The Washington
Post wrote, “Mikkelsen easily proves why he’s Denmark’s leading man, playing
Struensee with a combination of reserve and quiet sex appeal.”
This year’s favorite, from Austria, is about a retired music teacher and her
husband of sixty years who struggle with her failing health. As Georges cares
for the increasingly unhappy Anne, the pair finds the nature of their life
together irrevocably changed. “Amour” is also nominated in the Best Picture
category. The Daily Beast noted it’s the first film not in the English language
to earn that honor since 2006’s “Letters from Iwo Jima.”
“I find the variety of courses offered to be stimulating
and they encourage me to think.” — MR
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Bad Bette (Davis) Film Series
Instructor: Dr. Pat Wellington
Classroom: LOH / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
A haughty headstrong Southern Belle in Antebellum Louisiana loses her fiancé
due to her stubborn vanity and pride and vows to get him back.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The Letter
The wife of a rubber plantation administrator shoots a man to death and
claims it was self-defense; a letter in her own hand may prove her undoing.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
The Little Foxes
The ruthless, moneyed Hubbard clan lives in, and poisons, their part of the
deep South at the turn of the 20th century.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Lewis & Clark Film Series
Instructor: Richard Belz
Classroom: LOH / 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
As we all know, in 1804 President Thomas Jefferson sent his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, on a journey to explore the newly
obtained Louisiana Purchase. Since the United States now ended at the spine of the Rocky Mountains there was obviously more to
the story in ordering Lewis to continue on to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson wanted to find a water level route to the Pacific so America
could easily trade with China and Japan. Although there were a few tense moments with Native American tribes, almost all of their
interactions were peaceful. Indeed, without their help on several occasions the outcome might have been serious. Finally, it is important
to remember that Lewis, Clark, and the others were totally “off the grid” during almost the whole time. If disaster had struck it is
entirely possible that no one would ever have known what became of them. Quite a difference from today’s space explorers, who are
in constant radio and video communication with earth and can attempt to obtain advice and assistance if anything goes wrong. Who
can forget the words from Apollo 13, “Houston, we have a problem.” In this series we will look at two versions of the expedition. The
first is Ken Burns’ “The Journey of the Corps of Discovery.” The second is National Geographic’s “Lewis & Clark Great Journey West” and
both offer valuable insights. Finally, we will take a look at the Lewis & Clark Trail today.
Ken Burns’ Lewis & Clark, Part I
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Ken Burns’ Lewis & Clark, Part II
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Overly simplified, Burns’ approach was to focus more on Lewis and less on the
actual day-to-day actions of the men. Part I begins with the planning of the
expedition and its early struggles against the current of the Missouri River to
reach the last outpost known to Americans at the time, the Mandan villages.
Here the company built a fort and settled in for the winter.
Part II continues the journey across the “Most Terrible Mountains” which put
to rest all thoughts of a water route across America. Finally, the Pacific, “O!
The Joy”, a wet and rainy winter at Fort Clatsop, the journey home in 1806,
and the tragic end of Lewis.
The National Geographic’s
Lewis & Clark, Part I
The National Geographic took more of a re-enactment approach and it is
possible to get a real feeling for the difficulties encountered as the men faced
raging rivers and wild animals.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
The National Geographic’s
Lewis & Clark, Part II
Part II goes behind the scenes and is called, “The Making of Lewis and Clark.”
Without giving away the secrets now, you will see how the “wild animal” and
other scenes were staged.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
The Lewis & Clark Trail Today
If you were to travel in the footsteps of Lewis & Clark today, what would you
see? Surprisingly, once you get past the cities and towns the landscape today
looks remarkably similar. In our fifth and final episode we will follow along
as a group tries to get a feeling for what the explorers saw on their journey.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Reel Aging Film Series
Instructor: MTP Staff will Facilitate
Classroom: LOH / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Second Hand Tiger
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Nobody’s Fool
Thursday, May 22, 2014
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Thursday, May 29, 2014
When a group of trespassing seniors swim in a pool containing alien cocoons,
they find themselves energized with youthful vigor.
A coming-of-age story about a shy, young boy sent by his irresponsible mother
to spend the summer with his wealthy, eccentric uncles in Texas.
Sully is a rascally ne’er-do-well approaching retirement age. While he is
pressing a worker’s compensation suit for a bad knee, he secretly works
for his nemesis, Carl, and flirts with Carl’s young wife, Toby. Sully’s longforgotten son and family have moved back to town, so Sully faces unfamiliar
family responsibilities. Meanwhile, Sully’s landlady’s banker son plots to push
through a new development and evict Sully from his mother’s life.
British retirees travel to India to take up residence in what they believe is a
newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than its advertisements, the Marigold
Hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways.
“Going online and being able to find classes by day or categories is very good.” — BM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Florida Friendly Landscaping Series
Instructor: Kathleen Patterson
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: FREE
Part I
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Part II
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Part III
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Part IV
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Introduction to principles of Florida Friendly Yards; landscape planning and
design; identification of plants and trees (including palms) suitable for Marion
County; proper techniques for choosing plants/trees; guidelines on proper
planting and maintenance techniques.
Everything you need to know about irrigating your lawn and landscape. Let’s
talk timers, irrigation controllers, new water saving devices and installing
micro irrigation and how to save significant amounts of water. Mulch types,
how to apply and why it is important for our landscape.
Turf, turf and more turf…which turf is best…which is worst? How to manage
your turf grass including irrigation practices, fertilization of turf, timing and
insect ad weed control. Can you have a perfect lawn? Don’t miss this class!
Insect and disease problems and how to correct them. Attracting more birds,
butterflies and pollinators into your landscape. Using native plants.
Payment for all tuition-based classes is due in full within five (5) days of your registration.
This ensures that you have reserved a place in the class. If we do not receive payment, we need to register others.
Thank you for your attention!
Payments may be made (1) over the phone (861-9751) with a major credit or debit card,
(2) by mailing a check payable to “SCA” to 8415 SW 80th Street, Ocala, FL, 34481,
indicating your classes in the memo line, or (3) by stopping by the MTP office in the Education Center.
“I am excited about MTP because of the many oppor tunities to talk with people that
have hands on experience, not just academic experience. There are nuances that
just heighten the enjoyment of learning from people with first-hand experience.” — JS
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Saturday, January 18, 2014 · 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM · Studio 3
Master the Possibilities will kick off a day of FREE demonstrations and “make and take” art.
Join our art faculty for demos, “make and take” projects, and answers to questions.
We will offer over 90 art classes this semester with something for everyone from novice to experienced.
Private Guitar Lessons
Instructor: Guy Bruno
Join Guy Bruno for a private 45 minute guitar lessons every Monday starting at 11 AM.
You schedule directly with the instructor by calling 237-8072. Guy will teach you to read
music, tablature, and to play by ear. You will soon be playing for your family and friends.
Classroom: 4
Resident: $25 per lesson / Non-Resident: $25 per lesson
Lacy Vases
This class is designed for absolute beginners to advanced pottery students. Come and
have fun. Remember to wear old clothes. All materials will be provided. Samples in
MTP lobby.
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
Classroom: Studio 2
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: $25 per session / Non-Resident: $30 per session
Session I
Fridays, January 3 & 17, 2014
OR Monday, January 6 & Friday, January 17, 2014
OR Wednesday, January 8 & Friday, January 17, 2014
Session II
Fridays, April 4 & 25, 2014
OR Monday & Friday, April 7 & 25, 2014
During the month of February, Master the Possibilities will host for the second year an Art Exhibit for our students.
If you have a framed piece, please bring into the office by January 15, 2014.
Please be sure to tape to the back your name and phone number.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Pen & Ink with Watercolor
Here’s a special technique that Tina uses to enhance her watercolor paintings. She uses pen
and ink to bring out all the details in her painting and then goes over it with watercolor to
add in the colors and shading. Come try this special technique of painting watercolors as
Tina will take you “step-by-step” at an easy to follow along pace through to a completed
project in only 4 hours! The use of all supplies and 11”X14” mat is included. Wearing old
clothing is suggested. See display at MTP to view all of Tina’s painting projects.
Instructor: Tina Carchia
Classroom: Studio 1
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Resident: $40 per class / Non-Resident: $45 per class
Potting Shed
Black-capped Chickadee
Window Box
Cardinal House
Monday, January 6, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
Karlyn Holman’s
Watercolor Workshop
Instructor: Karlyn Holman
Classroom: Studio 3
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday,
January 8, 9 & 10, 2014
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
This motivating workshop is for beginners as well as experienced painters, and everyone
finds success because of Karlyn’s daily step-by-step demonstrations, ample hands-on
painting for students with individualized instruction and informative critiques. Karlyn
nurtures each student’s success and inspires new ideas with the emphasis being on the
development of their unique expression and painting style. This comprehensive 3-day
workshop will provide a daily focus on painting techniques, value, color, composition,
developing a center of interest and FUN. Karlyn’s high-spirited, humorous style of
teaching is welcoming and affirming so no matter your level of experience, every student
is immediately comfortable and willing to stretch beyond his/her comfort zone, reaching
for their own artistic vision. Karlyn is author of four wonderful books on painting and
she has taught workshops around the world. Additionally she has maintained a teaching
studio and gallery in Washburn, WI for more than 40 years. A supplies list is available
online and at MTP.
Resident: $265 / Non-Resident: $265
“Since my move to Ocala, I have learned so much through
Master the Possibilities education programs.” — RH
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
One StrokeTM Painting
Instructor: Cheryl Ohler
Classroom: Studio 3
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
OR Wednesday, January 22, 2014
OR Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Donna Dewberry’s One Stroke™ method is the painting technique that has captivated
beginning painters and intrigued experienced painters around the world! Here’s a fun,
fast way to blend, shade and highlight all in one stroke. Detailed instructions are provided
as well as hands-on help, if needed. All surfaces, paints and supplies are provided for the
class. We will be using acrylic paints that clean up easily with water. Wear comfortable
clothes and come have some fun painting the One Stroke way. See samples on display
at MTP.
Resident: $45 / Non-Resident: $50
OR Wednesday, February 19, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 5, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 19, 2014
OR Wednesday, April 9, 2014
OR Wednesday, April 23, 2014
OR Wednesday, May 7, 2014
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Knitting Socks
Instructor: Rita Miller
Classroom: 4
Fridays and Tuesdays, January 10, 14, 17, 21, 24 &
28, 2014
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Learn to Knit
Instructor: Rita Miller
Classroom: 4
Fridays and Tuesdays,
January 10, 14, 17, 21, 24 & 28, 2014
Knitting experience is required. Do your feet feel a little chilly these cool “winter” days?
Why not knit socks? Join the latest knitting craze and try a pair of socks. You will need 2
skeins of sock yarn and a set of size 2 double pointed needles (these come in sets of 4 or
5 needles and are 5 to 7 inches long). Bamboo needles rather than the traditional metal
needles are suggested as they are easier to work with. Needles and yarn are available at
Joanns, Michaels and Hobby Lobby.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Knit 1, Purl 1 - Did you ever wish you could knit a fuzzy scarf to send to your grandkids
up north? Or, maybe a cotton dish cloth or warm slippers for a little gift. If so, come give
“knitting” a try. NOTE: This class is strictly for beginners. You will learn the basic stitches
needed to make the above items. A list of supplies will be given out at the first class.
These items are available at Walmart, JoAnns, Michaels and Hobby Lobby.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
“This program offers numerous learning oppor tunities with a variety
of topics and class times to cater to anyone’s interests and schedule....
this is like a dream come true.” — ST
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
An Introduction to Oil Painting
Instructor: Tony Carchia
Classroom: Studio 1
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Have you ever wanted to do an oil painting but were not sure if you have what it takes or
even know where to begin? Artist/instructor Tony Carchia will take you “step-by-step” at
an easy to follow along pace through to a completed oil painting in only 3 fun-filled hours.
The use of all supplies is included for this project. Wearing old clothing is suggested. See
display at MTP to view all of Tony’s painting projects.
Resident: $40 per class / Non-Resident: $45 per class
Sunlit Brook
Country Barn
Red Flower Vase
Cottage by Lake
Monday, January 13, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Beginning Drawing
Instructor: Carole Drost Lopez
Classroom: Studio 3
Mondays, January 13, 20, 27 & February 3, 2014
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Themed Paper Crafting
If drawing is on your bucket list of things to do when you retire, join Carole Drost as
she leads you to render nature, flora and fauna, animals, houses and barns. You will
be introduced to graphite and pastel pencils as well as different papers and surfaces.
Beginners and not so beginners will find the classes rich in activities to help you progress
in your ability. Supplies are provided.
Resident: $50 / Non-Resident: $55
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis and Trish Desotell
Join Maria Luisa and Trish to create an assortment of cards. You will be using various
stamps and different techniques such as wax, napkins, bleach and punch art to create a
spectacular card.
Classroom: 3
Resident: $25 per class / Non-Resident: $30 per class
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
St. Valentine
Mothers Day
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Metal Embossing
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
These workshops will teach you how to complete a beautiful piece of art. Maria Luisa will
assist you individually with each project. You may take a one hour break for lunch or you
can stay and work until you finish. Supplies are included. See samples on display at MTP.
Anniversary Plate
Classroom: Studio 1
Wednesdays, January 15 & 22, 2014
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Resident: $90 / Non-Resident: $95
Easter Plate
Classroom: Studio 3
Wednesday & Thursday, April 2 & 3, 2014
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Resident: $75 / Non-Resident: $80
Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Instructor: Tina Carchia
Classroom: Studio 1
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Acrylic is a water based paint that is thicker than watercolors but thinner than oils and
dries within minutes. Try this type of painting as Tina takes you “step-by-step” at an
easy to follow along pace through to a completed project in only 4 hours! The use of all
supplies is included. Wearing old clothing is suggested. See display at MTP to view all of
Tina’s painting projects.
Resident: $50 per class / Non-Resident: $55 per class
Great Blue
Cool Breeze
Egret Flying
Southern Living
Monday, January 20, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Furniture Painting
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
Classroom: Studio 2
Mondays & Wednesdays,
January 13, 15, 27 & 29, 2014
You can paint with or without brushes for beautiful results. There are lots of ideas, books,
clippings, stencils, stamps, etc. Bring a small piece of furniture, i.e. nightstand, table,
chair, curio shelf or doll furniture (if you can’t lift it, don’t bring it). All other paints and
materials are provided. Samples in MTP lobby and Studio 2. NOTE: Additional Studio
time available 1 - 3 PM on Friday, January 31.
Resident: $60 / Non-Resident: $65
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Doodle Shoes
Do you have a pair a canvas shoes in your closet that you hate to throw away because
they are “old friends” but they need a face lift? Bring your favorite canvas shoes, of
any style, to this class to make them look pretty and unique! Enjoy decorating them in
this fun-filled doodle class. We will be doodling them with black permanent marker fine
point pens. If you would like yours doodled in a different color, then bring it to class. All
materials, except the shoes, will be supplied. Canvas only shoes, any style, preferably
white or any light color.
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Studio 3
Monday, January 20, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: $8 / Non-Resident: $10
Fun in the Studio
From beginner to intermediate, it’s time to have fun painting with watercolor. If you’ve
always wanted to try watercolor but didn’t want to invest in all the supplies initially,
let us loan you the necessary paints and brushes. If you’ve painted watercolors before
you probably have a painting or two you’d like to complete or perhaps you like the
experience of a class to inspire your continued painting. Whatever your need, come paint
with Sue, learning at your own pace with plenty of time in class and at home to paint and
experiment with this wonderful medium. The four sessions, two and a half hours each,
meet every other Thursday.
Instructor: Sue Primeau
Classroom: Studio 1
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Session I
Resident: $80 / Non-Resident: $85
Thursdays, January 23, February 6, 20 &
March 6, 2014
Session II
Thursdays, March 20, 27, April 3 & 10, 2014
Fused Glass Jewelry
OR Wednesday, February 12, 2014
This will be a unique opportunity to learn the exceptional technique of glass fusion from
our very own visiting art instructor, Beth Cox. You will create at least two fused glass
brooches and/or pendants. The pendants can be used as a focal point for a stand-alone
necklace or as part of a beaded necklace, offered in the Beaded Glass Jewelry class. This is a
beginner class; no glass cutting experience is required. Students receive a quick overview
of glass compatibility, design and firing process. This class is all inclusive; projects will be
fired and distributed a week after the class. See samples at MTP.
OR Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Resident: $40 / Non-Resident: $45
Instructor: Beth Cox
Classroom: Studio 3
Thursday, January 23, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
OR Wednesday, February 5, 2014
OR Thursday, March 6, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
“This is the greatest program...” — BM
“The classes are fantastic, especially the ar t classes!” — NP
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
An Oil Painting Workshop
Here’s your chance to paint a larger oil painting with artist/instructor Tony Carchia. Learn
some of Tony’s special techniques as he takes you “step-by-step” at an easy to follow
along pace through to a completed oil painting, all in one single painting session. The
use of all supplies is included for this painting project. Wearing old clothing is suggested.
See display at MTP to view all of Tony’s painting projects.
Instructor: Tony Carchia
Classroom: Studio 1
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Resident: $85 per class / Non-Resident: $90 per class
Quiet Stream
Egret in Flight
Monday, January 27, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Doodling Art
Instructor: Sami Odeh
Classroom: 2
Monday, January 27, 2014
OR Monday, February 24, 2014
It is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing
structured patterns. It is an empowering and uplifting experience to learn that you can
deliberately relax and intentionally direct your attention while creating beautiful works
of art. The instructor will demonstrate many patterns and will display in class several
examples of finished art. See samples in MTP lobby. Supplies are included.
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
OR Monday, March 24, 2014
OR Monday, April 28, 2014
OR Monday, May 26, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(Polish Paper Cutting)
Instructor: Betty Peebles
Classroom: 3
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Wycinanki (vee-chee-non-key) is a Polish folk art reflecting the life, religion and folklore
of the county. Originally the art form was done by peasants using sheep shears and
brightly colored papers. The paper was folded and cut with intricate designs and then
used to decorate their dwellings after they were whitewashed in the springtime. Each
area in Poland has developed its own distinctive design. These designs reflect events
and incorporated farm animals, birds and local foliage. In class the instructor will show
some of her Wycinanki and also some from Poland. Students will cut small size Wycinanki
and larger ones suitable for framing. Fee includes a kit which includes scissors, patterns,
paper, cards and everything else you need. See samples at MTP.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Floor Rug Painting
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
We will paint approx. 2’x3’ rug and you don’t have to use a brush. There will be a variety
of books, clippings, stencils and stamps. All materials are included. Samples in Studio 2
and 3.
Classroom: Studio 2
Resident: $60 / Non-Resident: $65
Mondays & Wednesdays,
February 3, 5, 10 & 12, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Photo Adventure Workshop
Instructor: Robert Levin
Classroom: Studio 3
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
AND Tuesday, February 11, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Join us on a one day Photo Adventure followed by a session a few days later in the
classroom to go over your results. We will travel together to a fabulous picture taking
location within an hour or so from MTP. Picture taking suggestions and instructions will
be provided and the instructor will be with you all day to answer questions and help you
make the right settings on your camera. You will have free time during the day to go off
on your own or with a partner. We will meet for a pleasant lunch break and share photo
opportunities we have discovered at that location. Then we will head back to MTP in
early afternoon. (Transportation will be arranged through carpooling.) The second part of
this class will be scheduled a few days later where we all meet in a regular MTP classroom
to go over the results of our efforts, answer questions and view your projected images.
Learn by doing and have fun. Class size will be limited so register early. For these types of
events payment is required at the time you register. If you are unable to attend for some
reason, the payment will be credited to a future trip.
Resident: $35 / Non-Resident: $40
Fun with Calligraphy
Classroom: 3
Join instructor Estelle and you will learn a new skill and have fun with a broad edged pen.
You will learn several alphabets: uncial, italic, Roman and gothic. In the last class we will
make all-occasion cards using heat-embossing methods. Supplies are all included. Just
come and have fun.
Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18, 25 & March 4, 2014
Resident: $45 / Non-Resident: $50
Instructor: Estelle Siegel
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Choco Box
(Chocolate Square or Gift)
We’ll be making lovely, small gift boxes that are a treasure even empty. You can use them
for chocolate squares, like Ghiardeli, for small gifts like earrings, etc., or keep them for
yourself for pretty storage containers. All materials supplied.
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Resident: $8 / Non-Resident: $10
Classroom: Studio 2
Monday, February 10, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
iPad Drawing and Painting
Instructor: Carole Drost Lopez
Classroom: Studio 3
Mondays, February 10 & 17, 2014
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
The iPad has become an amazing tool for artists. The iPad has plenty of great drawing
applications. These include applications that are as simple as finger painting and others
apps that are pretty powerful and complex. Did you know you can draw and paint on
your iPad and send them to friends right from your iPad? Artist and instructor of the
drawing and painting classes, Carole Drost Lopes will help you draw and paint using your
iPad. Taking a trip? Sitting at your doctor’s office? Waiting at an airport? You will enjoy
your sketching and painting time.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Knitting 102 . . .
A Little Bit More
Classroom: Studio 3
This intermediate class is a follow-up to the “Learn to Knit” classes offered previously. It is
not a beginners class. However, all knitters are welcome as long as they have knowledge
of the basic knitting stitches. Students may select a more advanced project such as a hat,
scarf, purse or simple sweater. Or, if you have an unfinished project that you’ve tucked
away, you’re welcome to bring it. A meeting will be held prior to the class so I can see
what you plan to work on, or help you select an appropriate project.
Tuesdays, February 11, 14, 18, 21, 25 & 28, 2014
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Instructor: Rita Miller
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Pottery Bowls
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
Class is for all levels including beginners who want to learn slab construction. You will
learn slumping, draping, glazing techniques and much more. All material are included.
See samples in MTP lobby and Studio 2.
Classroom: Studio 2
Resident: $50 / Non-Resident: $55
Mondays, February 17 & 24, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Beaded Glass Jewelry
Instructor: Beth Cox
Classroom: Studio 3
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
OR Thursday, March 20, 2014
This class would be for beading the finished glass pendants from the Fused Glass Jewelry
class, or if you have a pendant you would like to add to a beaded necklace, bring it along.
Also, the instructor, Beth Cox, will have fused glass pendants available for purchase.
This is a beginner class; no previous experience is required. All supplies and tools will be
provided, unless you would like to use your own tools and/or beads. See samples at MTP.
Resident: $35 / Non-Resident: $40
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Finding the Painting
in Nature Workshop
AND Tuesday, February 25, 2014
This workshop is designed for artists who are looking to enhance the use of nature in
their work. Being in the outdoors can lift your spirit and stock your creativity, yet often
the scale of a natural seascape or landscape can be so overwhelming that it can be hard to
find a painting in it. Rather than try to copy some impressive vista, sometimes it is better
to isolate a feature within and build a painting around it. Students will address nature this
way and explore some simple design techniques and aids. Building on these found designs,
students will work on overall page design and the employment of limited palette colors to
create drama and maintain unity. This class is open to all two-dimensional mediums, and
each student is required to bring all supplies needed for their medium of choice.
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Resident: $80 / Non-Resident: $85
Pottery Vases
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
Class is for all levels including beginners who will learn two piece slab construction. You
will learn underglazing and carving techniques. All materials are included. Samples in
MTP lobby and Studio 2.
Classroom: Studio 2
Resident: $50 / Non-Resident: $55
Instructor: Robert Yonke
Classroom: Studio 3
Monday, February 24, 2014
Mondays, March 3 & 10, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Acrylic Paint on Velvet
Instructor: Claudia Cajas
Claudia will let students get a feel for the brush, fabric and the basics strokes prior to
engaging in the project. The effect of acrylic paint on velvet is unique and creates a
stunning painting. All supplies included; just come and have fun.
Classroom: Studio 1
Resident: $60 per class / Non-Resident: $65 per class
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Cat with Luminous Eyes
Black Cat with Golden Eyes
Silver Cat
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Classroom: Studio 3
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Advanced Pottery
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
Classroom: Studio 2
We will incorporate layout and design of dimensional pottery. PREREQUISITE: Must be
approved by instructor.
Resident: $100 / Non-Resident: $105
Mondays & Wednesdays, March 5, 7, 12, 14, 17,
19, 24, 26, 28 & 31, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Batik on Rice Paper
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Join Maria Luisa for this full day workshop, utilizing watercolor batik on rice paper,
following the technique of the famous artist, Kathie George. Samples on display at MTP.
All the supplies are included except matt and picture frame.
Classroom: Studio 3
Thursday, March 6, 2014
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Resident: $70 / Non-Resident: $75
Violet Magnolia
Classroom: Studio 1
Tuesday & Wednesday, May 6 & 7, 2014
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Resident: $85 / Non-Resident: $90
Ginger Jar & Lemons
Classroom: Studio 1
Tuesday & Friday, May 20 & 23, 2014
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Resident: $85 / Non-Resident: $90
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Beaded Bracelet
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Studio 2
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Learn how to make a simple, elegant, casual, inexpensive braided and beaded bracelet
to stack on your arm, to give to family or friends, or to make with your children and
grandchildren. All materials supplied.
Resident: $8 / Non-Resident: $10
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Beginning Guitar
Instructor: Guy Bruno
Classroom: 4
Mondays, March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14 & 21, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The guitar is the most popular musical instrument in the world and in just 6 weeks, in a
one-hour lesson each week, you will be reading music and playing songs like Love Me
Tender, When the Saints go Marchin’ In, Red River Valley, Michael, Row the Boat Ashore,
and Amazing Grace. Guy Bruno, your instructor, has been playing guitar since 1962 and
worked his way through college playing the “Animal Circuit” (the Elks, Eagles, Orioles, and
the Moose clubs) and giving guitar lessons. Classes are limited to 10 students to allow
personal attention in each class, so sign up early. You will be playing guitar for the holidays!
Instructional material is included in the registration fee and you will need to have your own
guitar. Help can be provided to guide you in selecting the right instrument that will fit your
needs. It has been proven that studying music improves the memory. This will be one of
the most rewarding things you have ever done for yourself. Come join us.
Resident: $75 / Non-Resident: $80
Oil Rouging: Lighthouse
Classroom: Studio 3
The technique of oil rouging is very simple. First a pattern is transferred onto a surface.
Then, using pen and ink, you will ink the details of the design. The drawing is sprayed
with a protective sealer and you will start adding oils with scramblers and blenders. You
will take home the finished Lighthouse project.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Resident: $55 / Non-Resident: $60
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The Art of Reversed Glass
Paining: Butterflies & Tulips
Instructor: Tina Carchia
Classroom: Studio 1
Monday, March 31, 2014
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Watercolor and Pastels
Instructor: Carole Drost Lopez
Classroom: Studio 1
Mondays, April 7, 14 & 21, 2014
Come learn something quite different as Tina teaches you the art of Reverse Glass
Painting. The combination of pen and ink along with oil paints on glass makes for a very
unique finished piece. Tina will take you “step-by-step” at an easy to follow along pace
through to a completed project in only 4 hours! The use of all supplies and Plexi-glass
is included. Wearing old clothing is suggested. See display at MTP to view all of Tina’s
painting projects.
Resident: $40 / Non-Resident: $45
Beginners and not so beginners wanting to paint landscapes, trees and ocean will
be introduced to the materials used in watercolor and pastel as well as step by step
progression of skills to use them. Supplies are provided.
Resident: $55 / Non-Resident: $60
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Beaded Necklace
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Studio 2
In this class you will learn how to make a simple and fun beaded necklace that can be
elegant to wear out or casual to wear every day. All materials supplied.
Resident: $8 / Non-Resident: $10
Thursday, April 17, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Photo Mounting and
Framing Workshop
Instructor: Robert Levin
Classroom: Studio 3
Tuesday & Thursday, April 22 & 24, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Learn to produce professional photo displays at home for less than one third the usual costs
that shops charge. No special equipment or custom tools required. The first project will be
a canvas print gallery wrap. When you register for the class you will receive a list of options
from the instructor for securing a canvas print of one of your images which you bring to
class. On day one the instructor will demonstrate and you will follow the same steps to
produce your first gallery wrap print. These prints require no glass or external frame and
are ready to hang when you bring home. Class fee includes one kit with the ready to use
components for one gallery wrap. Extra kits available separately. Class fee does not include
canvas print. These must be obtained separately and typically cost under $20 for the size
we will be using. The second class will include techniques for mounting and framing prints
with conventional materials. These methods will be demonstrated. A class handout lists
resources for these ready to use framing materials at the very best pricing. The time saving
professional tips and tricks you will learn in this class can also be applied to any artwork,
needlecraft or other object you would like to hang for display in your home. Mounted and
framed prints make wonderful gifts. Share the magical moments you capture with friends
and family in the most cost effective way. They can enjoy your work for years to come. Class
size will be limited, so register early. Because materials are purchased for these workshops,
payment is required at time of registration.
Resident: $35 / Non-Resident: $40
Color Pencils: Poppy Trio
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: Studio 1
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Colored pencil is a simple, versatile medium that can be used to replicate the look of oils,
watercolor or acrylic on various surfaces. Come to see how to achieve a brilliant, richly
colored composition by layering and creating texture and depth with Prismacolor pencils
and watercolor soluble wax pastels. We will paint a beautiful Poppy Trio on suede board.
All necessary supplies are furnished; you simply bring your smile and patience.
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Resident: $55 / Non-Resident: $60
Memory Mosaics
Classroom: Studio 2
Bring old jewelry, odd earrings, plastic, metal pieces, all those odds and ends that you
just can’t discard. We have glass marbles, shells and stones in studio. All other materials
will be provided. Please stop by MTP lobby to see samples and get ideas before class
date. Wear old clothes and come have fun.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Drawing Studio with Carole
Instructor: Carole Drost Lopez
Classroom: Studio 1
Mondays, April 28, May 5, 12, 19, 26 &
June 2, 2014
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
This six week course is ideal for absolute beginners who want to learn rudimentary
drawing skills. It is also suitable for more experienced artists who wish to progress their
skills. Through a series of easy to understand step-by-step drawing exercises, you are
encouraged to refine your skill of observation and comparison (most people use this skill on
a daily basis). This course contains a delicate blend of traditional methods handed down
from the great masters combined with contemporary knowledge. One of the six lessons
will be drawing on location at Sholom Park where students will be directed to render a
scene from nature. Do not miss out on this opportunity and register early.
Resident: $50 / Non-Resident: $55
Teapots Plus
Classroom: Studio 2
If you took this class last year, there will be additional teapot styles to choose. Bring all
you doodle patterns and come have fun. This class is for absolute beginners to advanced
students. All materials will be included. Samples in MTP lobby. This class is all day, so
bring lunch or order from Sid’s Coffee Shop & Deli
Monday, May 5, 2014
Resident: $50 / Non-Resident: $55
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Fishtail Bracelet
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Studio 2
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
A fishtail bracelet is a simple style of weaving that is easy to learn and is similar to a
braided bracelet without the beads. We will be making 2 or 3 of these in class and they
are perfect for pairing with other bracelets. All materials supplied.
Resident: $8/ Non-Resident: $10
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Color Pencil: Virgin and Child
Instructor: Maria Luisa DeCurtis
Classroom: Studio 3
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday,
May 12, 13, 14 & 16, 2014
This four-day workshop will inspire you to experiment with colored pencils that are a
portable, inexpensive, nontoxic and satisfying medium. Then we will decorate the piece
with metal embossed which will add a delightful dimension to this tender portrait of the
Virgin and Child.
Resident: $170 / Non-Resident: $175
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Surprise Class
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
Wear old clothes and come have fun. We usually do a mixed media project.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Classroom: Studio 2
Monday & Wednesday, May 12 & 14, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Surprise Class II
Instructor: Lee Ann Oliver
Classroom: Studio 2
This will be a different project, but rules still apply – old clothes plus lots of laughter
and fun.
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Monday & Wednesday, May 19 & 21, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Fernando’s TECH Series:
Instructor: Fernando Chonqui
Classroom: 3 / 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Resident: $7 per class / Non-Resident: $10 per class
iPhone + iPad = I CAN
Monday, January 13, 2014
OR Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Learn how to operate your iPhone and iPad using the new IOS 7. Learn how to
set up your email and iTunes account, use your camera for videos and photos,
use pictures of your kids/grandkids as wallpaper, learn how to create shortcuts
when texting, and use facetime calling (video calling).
OR Monday, March 10, 2014
OR Wednesday, April 2, 2014
OR Monday, April 14, 2014
Navigating the New IOS 7 for iPhone,
iPad and iPod Touch
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
OR Monday, January 20, 2014
OR Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Social Networking
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Basics of Android Smartphones
Monday, February 3, 2014
OR Monday, March 3, 2014
Learn how to access this new operating system’s features: control center,
multi-tasking windows, iTunes radio, notification center, the camera’s new
features, airdrop sharing, Internet, apps and more. You will become familiar
with the new operating system and remove the fear of updating your devices.
Students will also learn how to update their devices if they haven’t done it
yet. Not sure why you should update? Come and find out the real reasons
behind Apple’s software updates.
Learn how to create your own Facebook page and how to upload pictures/
videos, add friends, post comments and write to your loved ones; also,
discover how to create a Twitter account and a Skype user name.
Join Fernando, our newest technology instructor, on these one and a half
hour workshops where you will learn how to operate your Android portable
device, how to take pictures, add contacts, text, download apps, and more.
OR Monday, April 7, 2014
Apps 101
Monday, February 17, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Apps 102
Monday, February 24, 2014
So you have a smartphone/tablet, now what? With this workshop learn how
to download some of the most popular apps in the market. Learn how to use
Facebook and Twitter. Learn how to upload videos on to YouTube, or pictures
to Instagram. Don’t know what a “#” or a “@” stands for? Here is the perfect
place to find out.
Missed a payment on your credit card? No problem! In this workshop you
will learn how to pay your credit card from your phone, check your bank
statement, buy from of Amazon, Wal-Mart or Target, make your phone a
gaming device and discover how to text family members that are overseas.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Digital Photography Series
Instructor: Robert Levin
Classroom: 4 / 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Resident: $5 per class / Non-Resident: $8 per class
Working with Pictures from
Your Android or iPhone
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Understanding Exposure the
Foundation of Good Photography
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Bring your Digital Photography
to the Next Level without Buying
Expensive Equipment
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Using Your Camera’s Controls
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Making Digital Greeting Cards
with Your Photos and Videos
Thursday, March 20, 2014
An Introduction to HDR
(High Dynamic Range) Photography
Thursday, March 27, 2014
If you are using a modern smartphone there are probably more pictures on it
than you know what to do with. This class will detail the process of offloading
those images and putting them into digital albums to share with friends
and family. Rather than waste those captured moments, join us for an easy
to understand, casual class and learn how to turn these assets into easy to
access, lasting memories.
Learning how to make the correct exposure is the best way to really enjoy
picture taking. Whether you use a point and shoot camera or a high end
DSLR the fundamentals of good exposure are the same. Information will be
presented as a live demonstration of picture taking with the results appearing
on screen as the pictures are taken. Join us and begin to really have fun with
your camera.
Even the average point and shoot digital camera these days has features that
allow the user to capture stunning images. Learn how to use these features.
Learn about inexpensive accessories that add a whole new dimension to your
picture taking. Create images you will be proud of and want to share with
family and friends.
Many people leave their camera set on Automatic for every picture taking
situation. Learn how easy it is to use other settings and get results you did
not think the camera was capable of. Handouts will include a quick step guide
for typical subjects. Non-technical presentation that average people can really
make use of. Don’t let good pictures be an accident that only happens on
occasion. Put the odds in your favor and take consistently better pictures.
Create exciting, professional video slide shows with your digital photos and
videos. No software or equipment to buy. Use them as holiday greetings or
just say “Hi” to cheer someone up. Your friends and family will be amazed.
This is easy to do even for computer beginners. In a few short steps you
will have a video greeting card that you can download and forward or send
with an invitation via email. They can watch it online as many times as they
want. You use your photos; pick a theme, the music and the online service
does the rest.
All photos are in effect an image of light passing through or reflecting off a
subject. What the camera sees is different than what the human eye sees. The
HDR process allows you to change what the camera sees into what you see
with your eyes. The result is often stunning and is being used by professionals
everywhere. No expensive equipment is required. This can be done even with
point and shoot cameras.
Take Professional Looking Portraits
with Simple Flash
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Creating a Still Life Photo
Learn professional tips and tricks for taking amazing portraits using a simple
light source. Many digital cameras have a built in flash. Using a direct flash
from this unit often produces less than attractive results not to mention red
eye. Learn tricks professionals use to modify the light from the built in flash to
produce pleasing results. We will also cover using the built in flash to trigger a
single inexpensive external flash head. Get flash pictures to be proud of.
In this class we work together to set up and shoot a still life photo. As we shoot,
each image will be projected on a large screen simultaneously. See step by step
how the lighting is built up to produce a “style.” Each student who signs up
for this class will get an individual note listing a choice of some small common
items to bring to class. They will arrange these items for their picture and will
get a free 8 x 10 print of their arrangement. Join us for this mini-workshop.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Digital Darkroom Series
Instructor: Robert Levin
Classroom: 4 / 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Resident: $5 per class / Non-Resident: $8 per class
Downloading, Sorting and Storing
Photos from Your Camera
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Correcting Overall Exposure,
Color and Contrast
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Sharpening and Other Filters
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Selecting and Changing Portions
of a Picture
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Whether using Organizer in Photoshop Elements or Bridge in Photoshop CS,
sorting and placing your images in folders is the first step in creating a good
digital image working environment. This class will go over all the options
available to you. We will also cover the details of working in Camera RAW and
the advantages of using Smart Objects.
Due to constantly varying lighting conditions that we all encounter, perfect
exposures out of the camera are a rarity. Just about every image will require
some tweaking to look its best. Learning to use the tools provided in these great
programs to accomplish this is the focus of this class. You can easily enhance an
average shot and give it attention grabbing snap.
Every digital image brought into an editing program can stand some sharpening.
Learn how to do this correctly. Too much sharpening can be worse than none
at all. There are a whole host of filters in these programs that for the most part
remain unused. Learn what they do and how to use them. The transformations
they can produce are truly amazing.
All of the effects learned in the previous classes are “global” changes. They
affect the entire image. Many times you only need to apply these effects to a
portion of an image. Both of the Photoshop versions provide a number of tools
to make a selection of part of an image. Learning these selection methods and
mastering them is a must if you want to use the enhancement tools effectively.
Join us for an easy paced session covering this material.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Integrating Several Pictures
and Picture Elements
Bringing together elements from several pictures can often achieve spectacular
results. Unlike those who shoot for National Geographic most of our everyday
picture taking is not done as a photojournalistic endeavor requiring us to
only record what was actually seen in person. It is an art form allowing us to
express ourselves and “make” a picture as opposed to just “take” a picture.
With a few easy steps you can add magic to your photos.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Basic Retouching
Back in the early versions of these programs removing dust spots, blemishes
and other distractions were a chore. Today the tools for retouching are truly
magic wands. Learn about the “Content Aware” tools and how to use them
to make your pictures perfect. Learning to use these tools is the first step
in mastering the art of Photo Restoration. This class will also cover the use
of masking.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Using Plug-ins
Several companies offer programs that work within Photoshop and other
programs. They are considered plug-ins. These programs offer features to
further enhance your images. They typically have a number of presets or preformatted steps that are applied to the image and change the appearance.
The picture takes on a unique look. The results are often stunning and these
programs have become very popular. We will cover the most popular offerings.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Resizing and Preparing for Printing
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Many questions arise regarding resizing images. Understanding the options
available for making these changes within Photoshop can answer these
questions. There are several file formats that images can be saved in. Each one
has its own properties. Which ones you use will depend on the end use of the
images. Preparing your images for printing has its own set of requirements.
We will cover both these subjects in detail.
Digital Photography Lightroom Series
Instructor: Robert Levin
Classroom: 4 / 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Resident: $5 per class / Non-Resident: $8 per class
Organizing Your Images As You
Import Them (Library Module)
Lightroom has a number of features to help organize your photos as you
import them. Learn to use keywords, flags and the automatic numbering
system in Lightroom so you can find any photo in an instant.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Correcting Overall Exposure,
Color, Contrast and Detail
(Develop Module) Part 1
Every image can stand some tweaking to their best. Using the tools provided
can be as detailed as you like. Or, click on a preset and get results immediately
that appeal to your taste.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Correcting Overall Exposure,
Color, Contrast and Detail
(Develop Module) Part 2
Every image can stand some tweaking to their best. Using the tools provided
can be as detailed as you like. Or, click on a preset and get results immediately
that appeal to your taste.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Create a Photo Book Within
Lightroom (Book Module)
Create a stunning photo book with your images. This is a great way to share
your photos with family and friends. Using templates Lightroom does all the
work. You just choose the options.
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Create a Professional Slide Show
(Slide Show Module)
Create a slide show with music to share your images with friends and family.
This module does not just place the images in order. It allows you to change
all aspects of how the images are displayed. It includes an opening and closing
screen and identity plate and many other features. You will love the results.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Print Your Images (Print Module)
Learn to use this full featured printing module and get stunning results.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Post Your Work Online (Web Module)
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Create a web gallery and share your work online. Feature includes optional
watermarking to protect your images from unauthorized usage. This gallery
can be posted on any service you are now using. Class will include options
available for free online posting so you can email a link to family or friends.
Larry’s TECH Series
Instructor: Larry Rourke
Classroom: Cypress Hall / 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5 per class
Digital DNA and Your Internet
Personal Profile
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Facebook with Emphasis
on Privacy
Thursday, March 6, 2014
This course is important for anyone that uses the internet or has digital mobile
devices such as phones, tablets, etc. Emphasis will be placed on understanding
what your personal digital profile is and why everyone has one. The course
will help class participants see when/where/how your personal information
is gathered and what is done with it. More importantly, every participant will
receive a handout describing how to minimize the information gathered on
you as an educational tool. Plenty of time will be allocated for Q&A.
This course will be tailored to those participants that have minimal amount of
Facebook familiarity and those who do not know how to set privacy policies.
Participants will be shown, in real-time, a Facebook account reviewing user
controlled features/functions and where security/privacy controls are located.
A comprehensive review of how to set security and privacy settings, critical to
using the site, will be shown. Q&A opportunities will be provided.
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Google Map Capabilities
Thursday, March 13, 2014
GPS Basics
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Social Media Trends
Impacting Seniors
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Trends in Tablet/Smartphone
Mobile Digital Devices
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Vehicle Connectivity Trends
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Google mapping is becoming the focal point in the market for vehicle and
mobile device mapping. This course will explore the Google Map capability
available through the Google internet site and show class participants, in realtime, how to use all of the important features and functions for that site. Many
of the newer digital mobile devices are using Google Maps as their integrated
or downloadable map application and many new vehicles will incorporate this
mapping service via wireless links to personal tablets and smartphones. Many
of these to be hands free operable. Knowing the internet site capabilities will
provide an easier transition to mobile device inclusion trends.
With the proliferation of digital devices monitoring your physical location
this course will provide the basics for how this technology has evolved. GPS
applications and the latest in technology (products) will be reviewed. This
technology has evolved very rapidly and the market opportunities are significant.
Yet, there are privacy issues that need to be resolved and these will be discussed.
Plenty of opportunity for Q&A will be incorporated into the course.
This course will identify social media sites that could be of particular interest to
seniors and provide recommendations of those that should be on every senior’s
radar. The more important sites will be explored online to help participants feel
more comfortable with accessing those sites. Any issues with security, or lack
of, will be addressed as each site is reviewed. Plenty of time will be allocated
for Q&A.
The predominant market trend worldwide in mobile digital devices is associated
with tablets and smartphones. These two mobile device categories are becoming
blurred from an attribute standpoint. This course will explore the trends in
tablets and smartphones over the next few years and what will differentiate
the two. If you are considering purchasing a phone, a smartphone, a laptop, or
a tablet in the next few years then this course may be a prerequisite. Trends in
feature/function attributes and manufacturer design differences/costs will be
reviewed with plenty of time for Q&A.
Vehicle manufacturers are placing significant effort into delivering vehicles with
internet connectivity for real time infotainment connectivity. Some of these
solutions integrate mobile digital devices (such as smartphones or tablets) via
Bluetooth, etc. The market indicators show that this is a very fast and evolving
strategy. Most of these trends will be using voice activation (such as Apple’s
SIRI) due to government and legal issues with handheld devices. This course
will help participants understand what vehicle manufacturers are delivering
within the next few years
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
ONLINE: Computer Related
AVAILABLE 24/7 • Online Instructor: Robert Levin
Cost $25 per class or $60 for a set of 3 classes
NOTE: Students have access to the class material for two months.
Those taking a three class series online have six months access of all the material.
Buying a New Computer
Be an educated shopper. This class covers the various types of computers in the current marketplace. Learn about your choices
from desktops to laptops and everything in between. Find the right computer to meet your needs at the best price point. Learn
where to shop and what questions to ask so you get what you pay for. You will understand how to pick components and order a
machine online from the major manufacturers. Whether you are shopping for a notebook, laptop or desktop computer, this class
can save you a lot of money.
Buying a Printer
Answer the question, “Which is the right printer for me?” Taylor your choice to the work you intend to do. Making a selection
from the myriad of choices out there is much easier with a little guidance. Stay within your budget and still narrow down the right
candidate for your needs. Use the right supplies to keep your investment working well into the future.
Getting the Most From Your Computer Investment
This class will be a complete overview of utilities and program features you already have in the Operating System and Browser on
your computer. There is nothing to buy. It’s easy. No programming or special skills required. Work at your own pace. The course
has exercises to demonstrate how the computer can help complete your chores.
How to Set Up a Home Network Wired or Wireless
If you are in a household with more than one computer, connecting them on a network should be a priority as it offers many
advantages. The technology involved to do this is well within the understanding of the average user. This class will show you the
steps to accomplish a wired or wireless network set up. Besides sharing contents like documents and images you will be able to
share a printer or scanner and a host of other devices. Learn about the various types of devices that connect you to the Internet
and how they accomplish this safely and securely.
Keeping Your Computer Contents Safe and Secure
Although computer activities can be fun and offer endless learning opportunities, the fact is the digital world is often a threatening
place. Protecting yourself from this threat is not difficult if you follow a few simple procedures. This class will help you make your
computing environment worry free. Get the information on how to download and use an antivirus program (considered one of the
best by experts) that is absolutely free.
Organize Your PC Once and Find What You Need Every Time
All of us that have used computers for a time know how easy it is to “misplace” a file we want to see again. This detailed class
series of videos and exercises will cover setting up your storage “area,” including learning about the naming. Then we will cover
in detail the tools you have to help you find what you put away. You will learn about Auto-Save, Key Wording and Hidden Files.
Never “lose” a file or image again.
Things Anyone Can Do to Keep Their Computer Happy and Healthy
This class is an in-depth tour of System Tools and features already on your computer. This class addresses a myriad of potential
problems before they happen and helps you keep your computer contents safe and sound. It also covers backups of every type.
ONLINE: Microsoft Office 2010 Programs
AVAILABLE 24/7 • Online Instructor: Robert Levin
Cost $25 per class or $60 for a set of 3 classes
NOTE: Students have access to the class material for two months.
Those taking a three class series online have six months access of all the material.
Primary Version Microsoft Excel 2010
The Primary version is for computer users who have not used any version of Excel previously.
User Update Microsoft Excel 2010
The User Update version is for Excel users who are familiar with earlier versions of Excel but are new to Excel 2010.
Primary Version Microsoft Word 2010
The Primary version is for computer users who have not used any version of Word previously.
User Update Microsoft Word 2010
The User Update version is for Word users who are familiar with earlier versions of Word but are new to Word 2010.
Access 2010
Microsoft Access 2010 is all about simplicity, with ready-to-go templates to get you going and powerful tools that stay relevant as
your data grows. Access 2010 empowers you to make the most of your information — even if you’re not a database expert. And,
through newly added Web databases, Access amplifies the power of your data, making it easier to track, report, and share with
others. Your data will never be further away than your closest Web browser.
Outlook 2010
Microsoft Outlook 2010 offers premium business and personal e-mail management tools to more than 500 million Microsoft Office
users worldwide. With the release of Outlook 2010, you get a richer set of experiences to meet your communication needs at
work, home, and school. From a redesigned look to advanced e-mail organization, search, communication and social networking
features, Outlook 2010 provides you with a world-class experience to stay productive and in touch with your personal and business
PowerPoint 2010
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 gives you more ways to create and share dynamic presentations with your audience than ever before.
Exciting new audio and visual capabilities help you tell a crisp, cinematic story that’s as easy to create as it is powerful to watch. In
addition, PowerPoint 2010 enables you to work simultaneously with other people or post your presentation online and access it
from virtually anywhere using the Web or your smartphone.
Publisher 2010
Microsoft Publisher 2010 helps you create, personalize, and share a wide range of professional-quality publications and marketing
materials with ease. With Publisher 2010, you can easily communicate your message in a variety of publication types, saving you
time and money. Whether you are creating brochures, newsletters, postcards, greeting cards, or e-mail newsletters, you can deliver
high-quality results without having graphic design experience. Get the job done right the first time with Publisher 2010.
Visio 2010
Microsoft Visio 2010 advanced diagramming tools help you simplify complexity with dynamic, data-driven visuals and new ways
to share on the Web in real time. Whether you’re creating an organizational chart, a network diagram, or a business process, the
new tools and more intuitive interface in Visio 2010 make it easier to bring your diagrams to life.
ONLINE: Digital Photography
AVAILABLE 24/7 • Online Instructor: Robert Levin
Cost $25 per class or $60 for a set of 3 classes
NOTE: Students have access to the class material for two months.
Those taking a three class series online have six months access of all the material.
Working with Pictures from your Android or iPhone
If you are using a modern smartphone there are probably more pictures on it than you know what to do with. This class will detail the process
of offloading those images and putting them into digital albums to share with friends and family. Rather than waste those captured moments,
join us for an easy to understand casual class and learn how to make these assets into easy to access, lasting memories.
Understanding Exposure — The Foundation of Good Photography
Learning how to make the correct exposure is the best way to really enjoy picture taking. Whether you use a point and shoot camera or a high
end DSLR, the fundamentals of good exposure are the same. Information will be presented as a live demonstration of picture taking with the
results appearing on screen as the pictures are taken. Join us and begin to really have fun with your camera.
Bring your Digital Photography to the Next Level without Expensive Equipment
Even the average point and shoot digital camera these days has features that allow the user to capture stunning images. Learn how to use these
features. Learn about inexpensive accessories that add a whole new dimension to your picture taking. Create images you will be proud of and
want to share with family and friends.
Using your Camera’s Controls
Many people leave their camera set on Automatic for every picture taking situation. Learn how easy it is to use other settings and get results
you did not think the camera was capable of. Handouts will include a quick step guide for typical subjects. Non-technical presentation that
average people can really make use of. Don’t let good pictures be an accident that only happens on occasion. Put the odds in your favor and
take consistently better pictures.
Making Digital Greeting Cards with your Photos and Videos
Create exciting, professional video slide shows with your digital photos and videos. No software or equipment to buy. Use them as holiday
greetings or just say “Hi” to cheer someone up. Your friends and family will be amazed. This is easy to do even for computer beginners. In a few
short steps you will have a video greeting card that you can download and forward or send with an invitation via email. They can watch it online
as many times as they want. You use your photos; pick a theme, the music and the online service does the rest.
An Introduction to HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography
All photos are in effect an image of light passing through or reflecting off a subject. What the camera sees is different than what the human eye
sees. The HDR process allows you to change what the camera sees into what you see with your eyes. The result is often stunning and is being
used by professionals everywhere. No expensive equipment is required. This can be done even with point and shoot cameras.
Take Professional Looking Portraits with Simple Flash
Learn professional tips and tricks for taking amazing portraits using a simple light source. Many digital cameras have a built in flash. Using a
direct flash from this unit often produces less than attractive results not to mention red eye. Learn tricks professionals use to modify the light
from the built in flash to produce pleasing results. We will also cover using the built in flash to trigger a single inexpensive external flash head.
Get flash pictures to be proud of.
Creating a Still Life Photo
In this class we work together to set up and shoot a still life photo. As we shoot, each image will be projected on a large screen simultaneously.
See step by step how the lighting is built up to produce a “style.” Each student who signs up for this class will get an individual note listing
a choice of some small common items to bring to class. They will arrange these items for their picture and will get a free 8 x 10 print of their
arrangement. Join us for this mini-workshop.
ONLINE: Digital Darkroom
For users of Photoshop Elements or Photoshop CS • AVAILABLE 24/7 • Online Instructor: Robert Levin
Cost $25 per class or $60 for a set of 3 classes
NOTE: Students have access to the class material for two months.
Those taking a three class series online have six months access of all the material.
Downloading, Sorting and Storing Photos from Your Camera
Whether using Organizer in Photoshop Elements or Bridge in Photoshop CS sorting and placing your images in folders is the first
step in creating a good digital image working environment. This class will go over all the options available to you. We will also
cover the details of working in Camera RAW and the advantages of using Smart Objects.
Correcting Overall Exposure, Color and Contrast
Due to constantly varying lighting conditions that we all encounter, perfect exposures out of the camera are a rarity. Just about
every image will require some tweaking to look its best. Learning to use the tools provided in these great programs to accomplish
this is the focus of this class. You can easily enhance an average shot and give it attention grabbing snap.
Sharpening and Other Filters
Every digital image brought into an editing program can stand some sharpening. Learn how to do this correctly. Too much
sharpening can be worse than none at all. There are a whole host of filters in these programs that for the most part remain unused.
Learn what they do and how to use them. The transformations they can produce are truly amazing.
Selecting and Changing Portions of a Picture
All of the effects learned in the previous classes are “global” changes. They affect the entire image. Many times you only need to
apply these effects to a portion of an image. Both of the Photoshop versions provide a number of tools to make a selection of part
of an image. Learning these selection methods and mastering them is a must if you want to use the enhancement tools effectively.
Join us for an easy paced session covering this material.
Integrating Several Pictures and Picture Elements
Bringing together elements from several pictures can often achieve spectacular results. Unlike those who shoot for National
Geographic most of our everyday picture taking is not done as a photojournalistic endeavor requiring us to only record what was
actually seen in person. It is an art form allowing us to express ourselves and “make” a picture as opposed to just “take” a picture.
With a few easy steps you can add magic to your photos.
Basic Retouching
Back in the early versions of these programs, removing dust spots, blemishes and other distractions were a chore. Today the tools
for retouching are truly magic wands. Learn about the “Content Aware” tools and how to use them to make your pictures perfect.
Learning to use these tools is the first step in mastering the art of Photo Restoration. This class will also cover the use of masking.
Using Plug-ins
Several companies offer programs that work within Photoshop and other programs. They are considered plug-ins. These programs
offer features to further enhance your images. They typically have a number of presets or pre-formatted steps that are applied to
the image and change the appearance. The picture takes on a unique look. The results are often stunning and these programs have
become very popular. We will cover the most popular offerings.
Resizing and Preparing for Printing
Many questions arise regarding resizing images. Understanding the options available for making these changes within Photoshop
can answer these questions. There are several file formats that images can be saved in. Each one has its own properties. Which
ones you use will depend on the end use of the images. Preparing your images for printing has its own set of requirements.
We will cover both these subjects in detail.
ONLINE: Digital Photography Lightroom
AVAILABLE 24/7 • Online Instructor: Robert Levin
Cost $25 per class or $60 for a set of 3 classes
NOTE: Students have access to the class material for two months.
Those taking a three class series online have six months access of all the material.
Adobe Lightroom (Version 2 and up). For users of later Lightroom versions (4 and up) we will cover the GPS features built in
Lightroom. Adobe Lightroom is the consummate tool for working with your digital images for photographers. Easy sorting,
archiving and organizing of your images. Correct the color balance, exposure and just about every other aspect of your
images. The program comes with endless presets to choose from. Just click and you are done. Share your images with family
and friends in a professional slide show or post them online easily.
Organizing Your Images As You Import Them (Library Module)
Lightroom has a number of features to help organize your photos as you import them. Learn to use keywords, flags and the
automatic numbering system in Lightroom so you can find any photo in an instant.
Correcting Overall Exposure, Color, Contrast and Detail (Develop Module)
Part 1
Every image can stand some tweaking to be their best. Using the tools provided you can be as detailed as you like. Or, click on
a preset and get results immediately that appeal to your taste.
Correcting Overall Exposure, Color, Contrast and Detail (Develop Module)
Part 2
Every image can stand some tweaking to be their best. Using the tools provided you can be as detailed as you like. Or, click on
a preset and get results immediately that appeal to your taste.
Create a Photo Book Within Lightroom (Book Module)
Create a stunning photo book with your images. This is a great way to share your photos with family and friends. Using
templates Lightroom does all the work. You just choose the options.
Create a Professional Slide Show (Slide Show Module)
Create a slide show with music to share your images with friends and family. This module does not just place the images in order.
It allows you to change all aspects of how the images are displayed. It includes an opening and closing screen and identity plate
and many other features. You will love the results.
Print Your Images (Print Module)
Learn to use this full featured printing module and get stunning results.
Post Your Work Online (Web Module)
Create a web gallery and share your work online. Feature includes optional watermarking to protect your images from unauthorized
usage. This gallery can be posted on any service you are now using. Class will include options available for free online posting so
you can email a link to family or friends.
Each new concept will be demonstrated by the instructor in a video and viewed online by the student. Students have access to the class
material for two months. Those taking a three class series online have six months access of all the material. A handout with a practice
assignment covering this new concept will be downloaded by the student. Students will do these assignments and send their finished work
to the instructor via FTP. Complete instructions for doing this will be provided. Comments and suggestions will be returned by the instructor.
Payment for all tuition-based classes is due in full within five (5) days of your registration.
This ensures that you have reserved a place in the class. If we do not receive payment, we need to register others.
Thank you for your attention!
Payments may be made (1) over the phone (861-9751) with a major credit or debit card,
(2) by mailing a check payable to “SCA” to 8415 SW 80th Street, Ocala, FL, 34481,
indicating your classes in the memo line, or (3) by stopping by the MTP office in the Education Center.
Computer Maintenance
Classroom: Computer Lab
This class will teach you how to maintain your computer, both hardware and software,
including running popular utilities to speed up your PC and free up space and memory.
Also, some practical lessons will be given in running your PC on a home wireless network
with internet access.
Monday & Tuesday, January 6 & 7, 2014
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
OR Wednesday & Thursday, February 5 & 6, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
OR Thursday & Friday, May 8 & 9, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Windows 8 Basics
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This class teaches the basics of using computers running Windows 8. This class is for
beginners to intermediate level and will cover the differences between the desktop
and the Metro or Start screens, navigating between the two screens, opening, closing
and adding apps, organizing and purchasing apps, customizing the desktop, using the
desktop like Windows 7, files and folder management, using the internet on both screens,
shortcut keys to make navigation easier and questions brought up in class. You may bring
your Windows 8 laptop (remember to bring passwords and power cord) with you or use the
Windows 8 lab computers. The lab computers are touch or mouse, as you prefer.
OR Monday & Tuesday, March 10 & 11, 2014
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Computer Lab
Monday & Tuesday, January 6 & 7, 2014
OR Monday & Tuesday, April 28 & 29, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Windows 8.1
If you have upgraded your computer to the new Windows 8.1 and need help navigating,
we would be happy to create a class based on interest. Sheri Fertic would teach this class as follows:
• Put your name on the list for this class in the office with your preferences for AM or PM
• On the day of the class bring your laptop with power cord and passwords, or sit with another student
• We will confirm class date and times based on interest (class will have same format as Windows 8 class,
including price; except you will not be in the computer lab)
Classroom: Computer Lab
Learn to buy and sell products on eBay from the comfort of your home. Do you have
“stuff” cluttering up your garage or spare room; would you like to sell it? This class is just
what you need: instruction on setting up an eBay site with pictures and using PayPal to
collect your money. Windows knowledge is helpful.
Monday & Tuesday, January 13 & 14, 2014
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
OR Monday & Tuesday, March 3 & 4, 2014
OR Tuesday & Wednesday, April 1 & 2, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Photo Restoration Using Picasa
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
Classroom: Computer Lab
Wednesday & Friday, January 15 & 17, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Picasa is a free photo editing program that is equipped with an editor and organizer you
can download from the website www.picasa.com. This class we will demonstrate with
Picasa how you can download and organize your photos as you display them as a slide
show and many other innovative effects. We will explore all the tools provided as we
execute Picasa’s exciting built-in effects and features.
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
OR Monday & Wednesday, February 10 & 12, 2014
OR Tuesday & Wednesday, March 25 & 26, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Microsoft Word for Beginners
OR Wednesday & Tuesday, March 5 & 18, 2014
This program is used to create professional-style letters and other types of documents.
Learn the components of “The Ribbon” and how to customize the “Quick Access Toolbar”
to create, save, open, close and print your documents the easiest and quickest way
possible! Also learn how to format text, create tables, charts, graphs, insert pictures,
clip art, shapes, word art, text boxes and hyperlinks. Take your documents to the next
level and get the most out of this program. No need to take notes as all participants
will have access to the step-by-step instructions for how to do every skill you learn in
class. *It would be helpful to already have basic computer skills before taking this class.
OR Wednesdays, May 7 & 14, 2014
Resident: $40 / Non-Resident: $45
Instructor: Sharon Carey
Classroom: Computer Lab
Wednesday & Thursday, January 15 & 16, 2014
OR Thursday & Wednesday, February 6 & 12, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Irfanview Photo Editor
OR Monday, March 17, 2014
Irfanview is a very fast, compact, innovative and easy to learn FREEWARE application that
allows you to view, edit and save photos and graphics. It is designed to be simple enough
for beginners and powerful for professionals. Irfanview is perfect for editing photos
before sharing or publishing to the web. It also has features that allow you to change the
color, sharpness and saturation of your photos or images. This class is at a beginner level
but is so easy to learn and use that we may have time to go into more advanced features.
Bring your laptop if you wish (don’t forget passwords and power cord) or use one of the
computers in the Computer Lab.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Computer Lab
Monday, January 20, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
“MTP is the best thing about living here.” — CK
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Basic Video Editing
for Beginners
Learn how to easily edit your videos and make photo slide shows using movie maker live.
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
Classroom: 1
Monday, January 20, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
OR Thursday, May 15, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Microsoft Excel Basics
OR Tuesday, March 25, 2014
This class will be taught using Windows 8 and is for those who already have basic
computer skills or have taken the class “Basic Computer Skills.” This is a spreadsheet
program that is used to create and format workbooks in order to analyze data, write
formulas to perform calculations on that data, and present the results in a variety of
professional looking charts. Learn all about cells, how to format text and numbers within
a cell, apply cell borders and shading, and create formulas using addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
OR Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
Instructor: Sharon Carey
Classroom: Computer Lab
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
OR Tuesday, May 20, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Basic Computer Cleanup
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
Find those files and email attachments you saved months ago by learning simple file and
folder organizing methods. This two hour class will also help you master several tips for
backing up important files using flash, external drives and CD/DVD burning techniques.
Classroom: 1
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
OR Wednesday, February 19, 2014
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
OR Friday, March 21, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
OR Thursday, April 17, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Working with
Excel Spreadsheets
Instructor: Sharon Carey
Classroom: Computer Lab
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
This class will be taught using Windows 8 and is for those who already have basic
computer skills or have taken the class “Basic Computer Skills.” It is not necessary but
would be helpful if you have already taken “Microsoft Excel Basics.” You will create a
personal budget from scratch (without the use of a template) using simple formulas and
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
OR Wednesday, February 19, 2014
OR Wednesday, March 26, 2014
OR Wednesday, April 16, 2014
OR Wednesday, May 21, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Computer Lab
Thursday, January 23, 2014
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Have you heard your friends talk about Pinterest and wonder what this is? Pinterest is
a virtual picture bulletin board. Pinterest is a fun and addictive tool for collecting and
organizing things you love. Millions of people are using Pinterest in their lives and work.
Join Sheri for this fun class. NOTE: Bring your laptop (with power cord) to class if you wish;
otherwise you will be working on a Win 8 desktop.
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
OR Thursday, March 6, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Create a Website
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: 3
Thursday, January 23, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This class is an introduction to creating your own website and is intended for beginners
and those with some experience. We will review the basics of what you need to know
before you start creating your site, what options would be best for you, what it will
cost (some are free) and how to get started. This class is a pre-requisite to attending the
specific web creating classes of Shutterfly, Weebly, Wix and Blog. NOTE: Bring your
laptop (with power cord) to class if you wish; otherwise you will be working on a Win 8
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
Excel Spreadsheet Workshop
Instructor: Sharon Carey
Classroom: Computer Lab
Thursday, January 23, 2014
OR Thursday, March 27, 2014
This class will be taught using Windows 8. It is an experimental class limited to four
students and is ONLY for those who have already taken “Microsoft Excel Basics.” Bring
in a spreadsheet that you are working on but need help improving or getting to work
properly. You must also bring in all data and/or materials that you need to complete your
Resident: $25 / Non-Resident: $30
OR Thursday, April 17, 2014
OR Thursday, May 22, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
Classroom: Computer Lab
You will learn how to create a slide show presentation for club, business, church or
personal use. Learn to insert pictures, charts and text. Design your own slide layouts or
use one provided in the program. Enhance your slide show by applying special effects,
sound and transitions. Record it to a CD and present it on any computer or DVD player.
Tuesday & Wednesday, January 28 & 29, 2014
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Photoshop Elements 10
Demonstration Class
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
Classroom: 1
Monday, February 3, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
OR Monday, February 24, 2014
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
OR Thursday, March 20, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Learn the how Photoshop Elements can enhance your photos with some simple tools and
tricks. This class is a demonstration class but feel free to bring your laptop.
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
Create a Website with Wix
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Computer Lab
Tuesday & Thursday, February 4 & 6, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This class will teach you how to use the free web site builder offered by Wix. We will
actually be building websites in class, so please bring an email address and password with
you. You can also bring pictures on either CD or thumb drives. A pre-requisite to this class
is the “Create a Website” class. NOTE: Bring your laptop (with power cord) to class if you
wish; otherwise you will be working on a Win 8 desktop.
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $20
OR Thursday, April 3, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
AND Wednesday, April 9, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Basic Computer Skills
OR Tuesday, March 4, 2014
This class will be taught using Windows 8 and is for people who need help getting started
or who want to build up their confidence using their computer. Learn basic skills that are
common to all programs (email, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and many others). These
skills include: mouse operations, opening, closing and printing documents, naming files,
creating folders, moving and deleting files, and using commands such as save, save as,
copy, paste, repeat, undo and others. This class or equivalent is required before taking
Microsoft Word Basics or Excel Basics.
OR Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Resident: $40 / Non-Resident: $45
Instructor: Sharon Carey
Classroom: Computer Lab
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
OR Tuesday, May 6, 2014
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Kindle Workshop
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: 2
Monday, February 10, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
OR Monday, March 17, 2014
Bring your Kindle of any kind to this informal workshop and learn what you don’t already
know about it. If you have questions about your Kindle or just want to know how to
better use it, how to navigate or just general info, come to this class. I will also show you
how to manage the content on your Kindle from your Amazon account on the internet.
Please be sure your Kindle is fully charged, bring your power cable and don’t forget to
bring your password if you have set one on your Kindle.
Resident: FREE / Non-Resident: $5
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Computer Lab
Tuesday & Thursday, February 11 & 13, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
OR Thursday & Friday, April 24 & 25, 2014
Shutterfly is an easy-to-use website that allows you to create a place to share your photos
with family and friends. Learn how to set up your own Shutterfly web space, upload your
photos, make slideshows, invite friends to view your photos or albums, comment on
your photos, and view your calendar. If you have been looking for a way to share special
events in your life without using Facebook, this class is for you. A pre-requisite to this
class is the “Create a Website” class. NOTE: Bring your laptop (with power cord) to class if
you wish; otherwise you will be working on a Win 8 desktop.
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $20
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
“It’s a true delight to see the incredibly wide range of courses
offered through this program.” — BCS
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Understanding Cloud Computing
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
Classroom: 1
This class will demonstrate a simplified understanding of how you can utilize the cloud
with your home computer and other additional benefits of this new technology.
Resident: $10 / Non-Resident: $15
Monday, February 17, 2014
OR Thursday, March 13, 2014
OR Tuesday, April 15, 2014
OR Tuesday, May 6, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Weebly: Create a Website
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Computer Lab
Tuesday & Thursday, February 18 & 20, 2014
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
OR Thursday & Friday, April 3 & 4, 2014
This class will walk you through signing up and using the free website builder on Weebly.
It’s fun and easy to use their pre-configured templates. You will be able to add pages,
pictures, text, columns, and even a blog to your new Weebly website. Please bring an
email address and password (if you wish to sign up for a free Google email, please do so before
the class). You can also bring your own laptop (please bring power cord and any needed
passwords) with pictures or bring a CD of your pictures to class. You may also use the lab
computers which are Windows 8 OS. You can only add pictures to your new website if
you bring them to class with you either on a laptop or a CD.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Resident: $30 / Non-Resident: $35
Create a Blog
This class is intended for beginners to intermediate level. This class will cover the
considerations for creating a blog and we will actually be creating a starter blog for you
in class. We will discuss the difference between a blog and a website and which one to
choose. We will also cover security and administration of the blog. Please sign up for a
Google email and bring the email address and password with you to class. You may sign
up for a free Google email at google.com. You may bring your laptop (with passwords and
power cord, please) with you or use the Windows 8 lab computers.
Instructor: Sheri Fertic
Classroom: Computer Lab
Tuesday & Thursday, February 18 & 20, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $20
Windows 8 Simplified
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
If you have been struggling with Windows 8, this class is for you. We can help you set up
you Windows 8 desktop looking like a more familiar environment you had with earlier
Windows Operating Systems.
Classroom: Computer Lab
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $20
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
OR Monday, April 21, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Exploring Multimedia
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
If you would like to learn how to search, download and organize your music files, look
no further. This class can help. You will also learn the common tools in Windows Media
Player that can help organize your media files which are an App in Windows.
Classroom: Computer Lab
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $20
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
E-Z Registration – Call 854-3699 or register online at www.masterthepossibilities.com
Classroom: Computer Lab
This class will demonstrate the process by which you can convert your old VHS video
tapes to DVD. Using inexpensive software and hardware, you can monitor the process
and edit the video before you convert it. You can also make your old VHS tapes look
professional by adding special effects such as transitions and more.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Resident: $15 / Non-Resident: $20
Instructor: Bill Sanchirico
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Classrooms 1, 2, 3, 4 and Computer Lab are located in the MTP Education Center
Studios 1 & 2 are located right behind the MTP Education Center — park in the back for best access
Studio 3 is located between the MTP Education Center and The Town Square
CSCC is Circle Square Cultural Center
Live Oak Hall (LOH) and Cypress Hall are located next to the MTP Education Center — park in the back
SW 79th
St. Rd.
On Top of the World
Design Studio
& Offices
1 Sid’s Coffee Shop & Deli
2 McLeod Financial Group
3 Visiting Angels
4 Artful Gifts by Marion Cultural Alliance
5 Mr. B’s Big Scoop
6 Boyer Singleton
7 Candler Hills Restaurant (not shown)
8 Senior Health Plus
9 Digital Video Services
Future R
Future R
9 2
Master the
1 Possibilities
Education Center
On Top of the World
Homes Sales Center
The Town Square
• Farmer’s Market
• Weekend Entertainment
• Festivals
Circle Square
Cultural Center
The Ranch Fitness
Center & Spa
Golf Cart Barn
SW 80th
Candler Hills
Golf Pro Shop
and Restaurant
Candler Hills
Community Center
Emery Abshier
Owner, Abshier Farms
Sheriff Chris Blair
Dr. Paul Albats
BS, University of Chicago
PhD, Cornell University
Faculty, Case Western Reserve University
Schlumberger Oil Field Services, Research Scientist
& Technical Leader (18 years)
Marion County Sheriff
BA, Criminal Justice, UCF
Graduated from Southern Police Institute,
University of Louisville, KY
Chairman of the North Florida Violent Crime Council
Dean Blinkhorn
Publisher/Editor, Ocala’s Good Life
David Allen
Joe Briggs
Assistant Editor, Wire to Wire
AARP Instructor
Dr. Jamie Amir
Cindy Brown
University of Florida Lectures
BDS, Guy’s King’s and St. Thomas’ (London)
MS, Periodontology
Larry Anderson
BS, Mathematics, Glassboro State College in NJ
BA, English, Rowan University in NJ
MA, Student Personnel Services, Rowan University
MA, Psychology, Rowan University
Manager, Get Away Farm
Guy Bruno
Manuel Andrade
Owner, The Music Factor in Ocala
Music instructor for over 40 years
Owner, Get Away Farm
Claudia Cajas
Jeff Atwater
Joe Beck
Founder of the Humanists of the Treasure Coast
Licensed social worker and family therapist
Tina Carchia
Chief Financial Officer, Florida Dept. of Financial Services
Jennifer Beckman
Worked with horses for over 25 years
Yoga Instructor E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance/
British Wheel Of Yoga certified
Ayurveda certified in Pancharkarma of Cleansing technique,
Ayurvedic Institute
Yoga & Ayurveda certified, American Vedic Institute
Currently instructs at The Ranch and
On Top of the World fitness centers
Richard Belz
OTOW Genealogical Society Member
Presented genealogy classes at Master the Possibilities
for the past six years
BA, Marist College, NY
Juris Doctor, University of Florida College of Law
MFA, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia
Graphic Designer
Craft Artist
Cat advocate and foster for Sheltering Hands Rescue
Member of T.E.A.M. (Teachers & Educators of Art Materials)
Self-taught in oils, watercolor, acrylics, and pen & ink
Teaches Painting for Pleasure with Tony Carchia
Tony Carchia
Certified Instructor for Alexander Art, Koh-I-Noor/Grumbacher
Certified Instructor for Winsor Newton/ColArt companies
Member of T.E.A.M. (Teachers & Educators of Art Materials)
Sharon Carey
BS, Elementary Education, Concord College in Athens, WV
Computer Operations Manager for IBM Southeast for 25 years
Fernando Chonqui
Completing BAS, Organizational Management, CCF
Auditioning for some Fine Arts colleges around the nation
Technology is his hobby
Faculty education and experience information provided by the instructors.
Jerry Colen
Kathy Dobronyi
BA, Ohio State University
JD, University of Texas School of Law
30 years of practice in Florida, specializing in real estate,
simple & complex estate and financial planning, wills,
probate, trust administration and elder law
BA, University of Arizona
Folgers Scholar at Folgers Institute, Washington, DC
Robert Colen
BA, American University
MBA, University of Florida
Director, Sholom Park
Park Board of Directors, Horticultural Arts and Parks Institute
Iris Collier
Communications Specialist
Florida Department of Financial Services,
Division of Consumer Services
Beth Cox
Teaches glass working classes in several states
Faculty of Bay de Noc Community College in Escanaba, MI
Glass blowing demonstrations and workshops
Demonstration Artist at Bristol and Ft. Lauderdale
Renaissance Fairs
Owner/instructor of Perronville Art Studio
Studied various glass techniques over 20 years
Maria Luisa DeCurtis
MSC, Pharmacology, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Three years of High School in Italy
Member of Color Pencil Society of America
Certified Instructor for MercArt.USA/Metal Embossing
Member of the Society of Decorative Painters
Cammy Dennis
BS, Business Administration, Rochester Institute of Technology
Fitness Director, On Top of the World Communities
ACE & AFAA Certified Instructor
SCW Fitness Education Faculty Member
Family Nurse Practitioner, Absolute Health
Masters of Science in Nursing, University of Florida
Mary Ehle
Mahjong instructor for over 13 years
Dr. Yousef Elyaman
MD, UTESA (Dominican Republic)
Board Certified, Internal Medicine
Board Eligible, Pediatrics
Allen Fertic
BA, University of Tampa
Using Apple Macs and Microsoft Windows based PC’s
Building and upgrading computers as a hobby
for the past 20 years
Co-teaching computers at MTP for 3 + years
Sheri Fertic
AA, Computer Programming, Augusta Technical College
E-mail and Network Administrator for 10 years
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
Microsoft Certified Email Administrator
Novell Certified Network Analyst
Marie Fiorillo
BS, Adelphi University Garden City, NY
Certified Bridge Director
Nancy Gal
BS, Food and Nutrition, University of Georgia
MA, Agriculture, University of Florida
On faculty of University of Florida Extension Service for 21 years
Tammy A. Gantt
Frank DiPiero
BS, Biology, Youngstown State University
MS, Education, Youngstown State University
Col USAF (retired)
Frank Dowe
Director, Membership Services & Events,
Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ & Owners’ Association
Contributing Editor, The Florida Horse & Wire to Wire
Faculty education and experience information provided by the instructors.
Adam Geril
David Huckabee
BA, University of Florida
Masters of Health Administration, University of Florida
Program Coordinator, Alzheimer’s Association
BS, Exercise Science, University of Massachusetts
MS, Physical Therapy, Boston University
Clinical Doctorate, University of St. Augustine, December 2010
Board Certified in Orthopedics by
the American Board of Clinical Specialists
Nationally certified and state licensed as an Athletic Trainer
Allie Gore
AAS, Nursing, Northern Virginia College
Oncology Nurse, Administrator Home Health Agency,
Charlotte NC
Patient and Family Care Coordinator for Hospice of
York County, SC and Hospice of Avery County, NC
Mary Hamblen
BA, German & Secondary Education, Midland Lutheran College,
Fremont, NE
Attended the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität (University of Freiburg,
Germany) and studied Germanistik for about a year
Graduate studies in German, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jennifer Hancock
BA, Liberal Studies from the University of Hawaii at Manoa
Author of The Humanist Approach to Happiness:
Practical Wisdom
Producer of An Introduction to Humanism on DVD
Former executive director for the Humanists of
Florida Association
Publishes the Happiness Through Humanism blog and podcast
Writes a freelance column about Humanism for
the Bradenton Herald newspaper in Manatee County, FL
Lyn Hill
BS, Occupational Therapy, Wayne State University
MS, Syracuse University
Emeritus Professor, Utica College of Syracuse University
20 years teaching experience
Ed Hobbs
AARP Certified Instructor
Martin Hoffert
BS, Aeronautical Engineering, 1960
MS, Astronautics, 1964
PhD, Astronautics, 1967
MS, Liberal Studies, Sociology, Economics, 1969
Gina Hudson
Traveling Chef and Instructor, Living Light Culinary School
Personal Raw Food Chef in Florida
Personalized Vegan and Raw Food Coaching
Fitness Trainer
Massage Therapist
Dr. Shalesh Kaushal
BS, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Yale University
MD, Johns Hopkins University
Board Certified, American Board of Ophthalmology
Dr. Evelyn B. Kelly
BA, University of Tennessee
MA, Southern Baptist Seminary
PhD, University of Florida
Taught 37.5 years in Marion County
Adjunct professor St. Leo University
Author of numerous articles; has published 19 books and
has 2 currently in press
Dr. James Kuzmanovich
BS, Mathematics, Rose-Hulman, 1965
PhD, Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, 1970
Dr. Thomas Lane
BS, DVM, Cornell University
Emeritus Professor, University of Florida School of
Veterinary Medicine
Founder, International School of Equine Sciences
Norman Lantz
BA, Widener University
Competed courses in birding biology,
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Teacher of birding classes and seminars for last 20 years
Former antiques dealer specializing in repair and
restoration of antique furniture
Faculty education and experience information provided by the instructors.
Kevin Ledzian
Rita Miller
BS, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Certification in Education, Clarion University of Pennsylvania
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech
BS, Forestry, Virginia Tech
Registered Professional Engineer
Chartered Financial Engineer
Certified Senior Advisor
Registered Securities Principal
Robert Levin
Industrial Engineering, Long Island University
Owner/Operator of Data Image — Digital Imaging
Computer Solutions for Business
Currently the Advice Desk for the National Association
of Photoshop Professionals — NAPP
Jo Leyte-Vidal
BS, Biology
MA, Journalism, USF
PhD, Communication, USF
Florida Humanist Association (HFA) member and
past editor of the HFA newsletter
Carole Drost Lopez
Placed 1st for pastels in Spring 2008 Ocala Arts Group Contest
41 years teaching pastel, oil, acrylic, and watercolor arts
Member Citrus Art League, Ocala Art Group, and
Ocala Plein Air Painters
Don Lubov
MS, Education
Chappie McChesney
Master beekeeper/lecturer/mentor with a life time of
experience working with honey bees
Promoting beekeeping by founding many new beekeeping
clubs and helping them work together as the North Central
Florida Beekeepers Association
Training new beekeepers to extract honey
Dennis Meredith
Sherrill Milnes
Metropolitan Opera Baritone Singer
Sharon Tate Moody
Graduate of the FBI National Academy
Board of Certification of Genealogists (BCG)
Director, Appleton Museum
Gin Kohl Lieberman
BS, Indiana University of PA
MS, Clarion University of PA
32 years teaching experience, Warren County School District, PA
Cindy Morrison
Master Gardener
Tom Miller
BA, Washington and Lee University
BS, University of Wisconsin
Graduate work at Purdue University
High school foreign language teacher for 14 years
Dr. Ali Nasser
MD, Bangalore University, India
Residency, Schesterman Center, University of Oklahoma
Fellowship, Cardiology University of South Florida
Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging, Mallinckrodt Institute,
Washington University, St. Louis
Board Certified, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Comprehensive
Adult Echo, Nuclear Medicine
Dr. Quang “Wayne” Nguyen
Doctor of Medicine, USF
BS, Molecular and Microbiology, UCF
Board Certified Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Southeastern Integrated Medical Rehabilitation Medicine
and Interventional Pain Management Division
Kathy O’Connell
BA, Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, MA
38 years teaching experience (American Government,
Economics, US History)
Jud O’Connor
Network Administrator, Digital Communication Media
Technician for Doorstep Techs
CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) & A+ Certified
(IT Technician)
Faculty education and experience information provided by the instructors.
Sami Odeh
Lonny T. Powell
BA, St. Mary’s University
Fifteen years working with stained glass (self taught)
CEO & Executive Vice President, Florida Thoroughbred
Breeders’ & Owners’ Association
Cheryl Ohler
Sue Primeau
Certified Donna Dewberry One Stroke™ Instructor since 2001
Lee Ann Oliver
Involved in Ceramic Technology for 25 years
and in Fiber Arts for 30 years
Has taught pottery, glass painting, book binding,
and other classes to adults, children, and
special-needs groups
Dr. Pedro A. Orta
DC, Life College School of Chiropractic
Holistic Chiropractic Physician/Wellness Consultant for 16 years
Luann Overmyer
Undergraduate studies in Pre-Med
BA, Psychology, UCLA with minor in Education
Trained in massage therapy and therapeutic bodywork
Trained in Ortho-Bionomy
Trained in “The Process of Psychotherapy”
Trained in Function Anatomy
Trained in Eutony
Training in Cranial work
Training in Body Mind Centering
Training in Esoteric Healing
Kathleen Patterson
Florida Certified Horticulture Professional
Private Pesticide Applicator, 2002
Master Gardener for 12 years
Senior Instructor Green Industries Best Management Practices
Joseph S. Pine
Founder/Board Member, Metro Crime Prevention
Security Consultant for 37 years
Jessica Pinkowski
AFAA certified in group fitness and personal training
National Posture Specialist
MBA, Human Resources, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
BS, Industrial Technology, Cheyney University, Cheyney, PA
Owner, Teaming Pond, Inc.
Full time artist, exhibitor, and watercolor instructor
Member Florida Watercolor Society and Ocala Art Group
Cathy Ranges
Certified Ophthalmic Technician
and Ophthalmic Scrub Technician
Lead Training Clinical Technician & Refractive Coordinator,
Central Florida Eye Institute
Specialist in community education
and professional organization contacts
Dick Riberdy
Two years of intensive French instruction
with Les Pères de LaSalette
BA, French, University of Connecticut
MS, English, University of Maine
Taught French in Brunswick, Maine for 17 years
Taught High School in Fort Meyers, FL for 24 years
Tom Rinkoski
Trained in Savvy Caregiver by the lead researcher,
Kenneth Hepburn, Ph.D.
MEd, Boston College
Professional educator/trainer for the past 40
Row Rogacki, Ph.D.
Associate Director, IHMC
Director, UF Research and Engineering Education Facility (REEF)
Director of NASA’s Space Transportation Directorate
at Marshall Space Flight Center
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington
MS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington
BS, Engineering Mechanics, U.S. Air Force Academy,
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Faculty education and experience information provided by the instructors.
Larry Rourke
Bryant Shaw, Ph.D.
BS, University of Rochester/Syracuse University
MBA, University of Rochester
Advanced Graduate studies at:
UCLA Computer Science
University of Rochester Aerospace Engineering
University of Detroit
State University of NY Albany
University of Arizona
University of Wisconsin
University of Dayton
Sadtler Research Laboratories
Past technical advisor to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office
of Emergency Management
Retired R/E Product and Business Manager
at Xerox Corporation
Snowsports Industry Consultant and Nationally Certified
PSIA alpine instructor
Dr. Zafer Sabawi
AP, Florida
MBBCh, Cairo, Egypt
Diplomat, Tuberculosis and Chest Disease, UK
Graduate, Institute of Classical Acupuncture,
University of Florida
Instructor, Anatomy and Physiology,
Santa Fe Community College and Webster University
Bill Sanchirico
BS, Technical Management, DeVry University
MS, Project Management, Keller Graduate School
of Management
Certified in Comptia’s A Plus and Microsoft
and Novell’s 20 computer networking MCP
Owner/Instructor, InfoBytes Computer School
Has taught computer classes at CTAE
and Marion County schools for 8 years
Brock Sheridan
Editor, The Florida Horse
Estelle Siegel
Graduate of Hunter College
Studied Calligraphy at the Parsons School of Design
Owned The Calligraphy (clients included Nordstroms,
Macys, Dun & Bradstreet, Delta and Epsilon)
Elaine Smith
League of Women Voters
Lynda Spence
BS, University of Florida
MS, Family Youth and Community Sciences,
University of Florida
Member, National Extension Association of Family
and Consumer Services, and Florida
Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Specializing in aging and financial management education
Joerg Stadlmueller
PhD, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Munich University
MS and BS, Chemistry, Munich Institute of Technology
Art Stalbow
Bryan Schmalz
Senior Utility Operations Manager, Bay Laurel Center
Bill Shampine
BS, Florida State University
Hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey (43 years)
BS, Philosophy, St. John’s Seminary College, Boston MA
MA, African Affairs, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
PhD, African history, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor of History/Department Chair,
Troy University, 10 years
Professor of History, USAF Academy, 6 years
Director of Academic Affairs, National Defense University,
2 + years
USAF career included extensive work in sub-Saharan Africa
Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana (southern Africa), 2 + years
BS and MS, Political Science, SUNY New Paltz
Certified Easy Tai Chi™ Instructor
Certified NESTA Mind-Body Fitness Specialist
Certified 4 Minute Fitness™ Instructor
Author of 6 e-books on health and healing
Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do
Black Belt in Aikido
Founder/Owner of Personal Energy Training, Inc.
Who’s Who in American Teachers
Faculty education and experience information provided by the instructors.
Dr. G. Edward Stewart II
Joe Veres
BS, University of Tennessee
MD, University of Tennessee
Fellowship, Allergy and Immunology,
University of South Florida
American Board of Allergy and Immunology
Lisa Stoner
Dr. Pat Wellington
Vice President, Peace River Refuge & Ranch
AA, Henry Ford Community College
Retired USN
Retired, Detroit Edison
Volunteer, Florida State Park Services
Volunteer, Marion County School Board Silver River Museum
Thomas Sweeney
BA, MA, University of Maryland
PhD, Florida State
Taught at University of Miami for 30 years
Licensed Owner, Trainer, Blood Stock Agent in Florida,
California, Arizona and Ireland since 1979
Peter Wood
Magelia Taparan
BS, Nursing, West Visayas State University, Iloilo Philippines
ICU Unit Nurse, Munroe Regional Medical
Dr. Ed Tenhor
BA, Drew University
MA, Wagner College
BD, Mdiv, New Brunswick Theological
DMin, New York Theological
Robert Yonke
Dr. Derek J. Thompson
BS, Aero Engrg., Northrop University
MBA, University of New Haven
NO LABELS Citizen Leader, Marion County
(“Stop Fighting-Start Fixing”)
Involved in the art of Bonsai for 15 years
Member, Bonsai Society of Florida, Central Florida Bonsai Club,
and Marion County Bonsai Society
Chaired EPCOT/Disney International Flower
and Garden Festival Bonsai exhibit for 6 years
BS, Georgia State
BA, Georgia Southern University
MD, Medical College of Georgia
Fellowship in Pediatric and Reconstructive Urology
Medical Director, Urology Health Team of Ocala
Owner, Appalachian Studio
Member of the Garrett County Arts Council, The Pittsburgh
Watercolor Society and the Participating Artists
of the Turkeyfoot Highlands
Terry Tibbetts
MA, Broadcast Journalism, Indiana University
25 years in Radio and TV Sportscasting & Journalism
12 years in Public Relations
Lisa Varner
BS, Public Relations, University of Florida
Community Outreach Coordinator at Hospice
of Marion County for five years
Faculty education and experience information provided by the instructors.
Enjoy a delicious snack before or after your
class at Sid’s Coffee Shop & Deli, located in
the Master the Possibilities Education Center.
Featuring sandwiches, salads, bagels, desserts
and more.
Review your class notes while enjoying a
delightful, creamy ice cream from Mr. B’s Big
Scoop, located on The Town Square.
352-237-4777 (Except Mondays)
352-236-5447 (Except Sundays)
ONLINE: Computer Related
Buying a New Computer............................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......84
Buying a Printer..........................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......84
Getting the Most From Your Computer Investment.................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......84
How To Set Up A Home Network Wired Or Wireless................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......84
Keeping Your Computer Contents Safe And Secure.................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......84
Organize Your PC Once and Find What You Need Every Time................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......84
Things Anyone Can Do to Keep Their Computer Happy And Healthy....................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......84
ONLINE: MIcrosoft Office 2010 Programs
Primary Version Microsoft Excel 2010........................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
User Update Microsoft Excel 2010.............................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
Primary Version Microsoft Word 2010.......................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
User Update Microsoft Word 2010............................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
Access 2010.................................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
Outlook 2010...............................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
PowerPoint 2010.........................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
Publisher 2010.............................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
Visio 2010....................................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......85
ONLINE: Digital Photography
Working with Pictures from Your Andriod or iPhone...............................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......86
Understanding Exposure — The Foundation of Good Photography......................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......86
Bring Your Digital Photography to the Next Level Without Expensive Equipment................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......86
Using Your Camera’s Controls....................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......86
Making Digital Greeting Cards with Your Photos and Videos..................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......86
An Introduction To HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography..................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......86
Take Professional Looking Snapshots With A Single Flash........................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......86
Creating a Still Life Photo...........................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......86
ONLINE: Digital Darkroom
Downloading, Sorting and Storing Photos from Your Camera................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......87
Correcting Overall Exposure, Color and Contrast.....................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......87
Sharpening and Other Filters.....................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......87
Selecting and Changing Portions of a Picture...........................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......87
Integrating Several Pictures and Picture Elements...................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......87
Basic Retouching.........................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......87
Using Plug-ins..............................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......87
Resizing and Preparing for Printing...........................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......87
ONLINE: Digital Photography Lightroom
Organizing Your Images as You Import Them..........................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......88
Correcting Overall Exposure, Color, Contrast and Detail, Part 1.............................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......88
Correcting Overall Exposure, Color, Contrast and Detail, Part 2.............................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......88
Create a Photo Book Within Lightroom....................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......88
Create a Professional Slide Show...............................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......88
Print Your Images........................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......88
Post Your Work Online................................................................................................................................Online........................... 24/7.............. 24/7.......88
1/3/14........Lacy Vases (Session I)........................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 65
1/6/14........Pen & Ink with Watercolor: “Potting Shed”................................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 66
1/6/14........Computer Maintenance........................................................................................ Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 89
1/6/14........Lacy Vases (Session I)........................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 65
1/6/14........Windows 8 Basics................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 89
1/6/14........Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
1/7/14........Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
1/7/14........Computer Maintenance........................................................................................ Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 89
1/7/14........Raw Food Demonstration Series: Why Raw..............................................................Cypress Hall..................10:30 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 33
1/7/14........Windows 8 Basics................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 89
1/7/14........Aging Well.................................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
1/8/14........Karlyn Holman Watercolor Workshop............................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 66
1/8/14........Inventing the Future at IHMC............................................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM....... 6
1/8/14........Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
1/8/14........Lacy Vases (Session I)........................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 65
1/8/14........ Science Fiction Book and Movie Discussion Group: Movie — “Fahrenheit 451”.......Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 34
1/8/14........One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
1/9/14........Karlyn Holman Watercolor Workshop............................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 66
1/9/14........Digital Photography Class Series: Working with Pictures79
from Your Android or iPhone..................................................................................................... 4.................. 10:00 AM......11:00 AM....... 79
1/10/14......Karlyn Holman Watercolor Workshop............................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 66
1/10/14......Knitting Socks..............................................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 67
1/10/14......Learn to Knit................................................................................................................................4.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 67
1/10/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
1/11/14......Beginning German — Level 1......................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM....... 7
1/13/14......An Introduction to Oil Painting: “Sunlit Brook”............................................................. Studio 1....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 68
1/13/14......The Thoroughbreds of Marion County: An Overview................................................................3....................9:30 AM...... 11:30 AM....... 8
1/13/14......Health Care Options, The Hospice Alternative Series:
What Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You About End-of-Life Care..................................................... 1.................. 11:00 AM......12:00 PM....... 35
1/13/14......Health Week: Stress Relief...........................................................................................................3.................. 12:30 PM........ 2:00 PM....... 8
1/13/14......Africa Series: A Brief Overview....................................................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 36
1/13/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Takeout Double............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
1/13/14......AARP Driver Safety Program.......................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 8
1/13/14......Furniture Painting............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 69
1/13/14......Beginning Drawing.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 68
1/13/14......Low Back Pain? What are my Options?.......................................................................................1.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 9
1/13/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: iPhone + iPad = I CAN.........................................................................3.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
1/13/14......Cardiology Series: AFIB Choosing the Best Anticoagulant.........................................................2.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 37
1/13/14......eBay........................................................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
1/14/14......Knitting Socks..............................................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 67
1/14/14......Health Week: Forgotten Killer: The 1918 Flu Pandemic.............................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM....... 9
1/14/14......Florida Landscaping Series: Plants to Avoid in the Landscape and Why.................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 38
1/14/14......Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
1/14/14......Themed Paper Crafting: St. Valentine........................................................................................3..................10:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 68
1/14/14...... Health Week: Don’t Talk Yourself Over the Hill: A Perspective on Psychological Aging......... LOH...................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM........9
1/14/14......Health Week: Muscle Tissue Changes with Age
and How to Maintain Functional Independence....................................................................... 1...................12:00 PM........1:30 PM........ 9
1/14/14......Learn to Knit................................................................................................................................4.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 67
1/14/14......Ophthalmology Series: Macular Degeneration & Retina..................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 39
1/14/14......AARP Driver Safety Program.......................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 8
1/14/14......Aging Well.................................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
1/14/14......Legal Series: Advance Directives: End of Life Decision Making...........................................CSCC.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 39
1/14/14......Dental Health...............................................................................................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 10
1/14/14......eBay........................................................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
1/15/14......Health Week: The Importance of Clinical Trials..........................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 10
1/15/14......Ocala Equine Rescue Farm Tour............................................................................................. Trip..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 10
1/15/14......Photo Restoration Using Picasa............................................................................. Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 90
1/15/14......Metal Embossing: Anniversary Plate............................................................................... Studio 1..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 69
1/15/14......Science for Today Series: An Introduction............................................................................ LOH..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
1/15/14......Health Week: Tai Chi for Beginners...........................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 10
1/15/14......What is Rhinitis and How to Treat this Condition......................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 10
1/15/14......Microsoft Word for Beginners............................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 90
1/15/14......Furniture Painting............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 69
1/15/14......League of Women Voters Series: Iron Jawed Angels:
Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way...................................................................................... LOH.....................2:00 PM........4:00 PM....... 41
1/15/14......Eye Series: Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure..........................................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 43
1/15/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: Navigating the New IOS 7 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.............3.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
1/15/14......Internal Medicine Series: Allergic Rhinitis...................................................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 44
1/15/14......What is InterStim Theraphy?................................................................................................. LOH.................... 5:00 PM........ 6:30 PM...... 11
1/15/14......Acupuncture.................................................................................................................................1.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:00 PM...... 11
1/16/14......Digital Darkroom Class Series: Downloading, Sorting
and Storing Photos from Your Camera...................................................................................... 4.................. 10:00 AM......11:00 AM....... 80
1/16/14......Basic Survival Italian I..................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 11
1/16/14......Health Week: FUNctional Fitness Should be FUN!................................................................ LOH..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 11
1/16/14......Health Week: Posture Proud — Caring for our Carriage............................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 11
1/16/14......Italian Film Series: Baarìa...........................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 45
1/16/14......Sweet Revenge Film Series: Double Jeopardy....................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 46
1/16/14......Microsoft Word for Beginners............................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 90
1/16/14......Basic Survival Spanish I................................................................................................................2.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 11
1/17/14......Knitting Socks..............................................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 67
1/17/14......Master Gardner Series: Know Your Palms..................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 48
1/17/14......Self Care Options for Pain Relief with Ortho-Bionomy........................................................ LOH..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 12
1/17/14......Photo Restoration Using Picasa............................................................................. Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 90
1/17/14......Health Week: Introduction to Senior Karate............................................................Cypress Hall..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 12
1/17/14......Learn to Knit................................................................................................................................4.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 67
1/17/14......Chiropractic & Wellness Series: Neuropathy..............................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 49
1/17/14......Lacy Vases (Session I)........................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 65
1/18/14......Art Demo Event............................................................................................................... Studio 3..................10:00 AM........ 2:00 PM...... 65
1/18/14......Beginning German — Level 1......................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM....... 7
1/18/14......Humanist Panel Discussion: Humanism in the Autumn of Life............................................ LOH.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 12
1/20/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 12
1/20/14......Acrylic Painting on Canvas: “Great Blue”....................................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 69
1/20/14......Edgar Cayce Study Group...........................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 13
1/20/14......Basic Video Editing for Beginners...............................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 91
1/20/14......Irfanview Photo Editor.......................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 90
1/20/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Takeout Double............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
1/20/14......Doodle Shoes................................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 70
1/20/14......Beginning Drawing.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 68
1/20/14......Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
1/20/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: Navigating the New IOS 7
for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch................................................................................................ 3.....................3:00 PM........4:30 PM....... 78
1/21/14......New to Medicare?........................................................................................................................2....................9:00 AM...... 10:30 AM...... 13
1/21/14......Knitting Socks..............................................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 67
1/21/14......The Thoroughbreds of Marion County: An Overview................................................................3....................9:30 AM...... 11:30 AM....... 8
1/21/14......OTOW Topics Series: Digital Communication Media Products & Services Seminar..................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 51
1/21/14......Birds of Florida Series: Hawks of Central Florida.................................................................. LOH..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 50
1/21/14......Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
1/21/14......Learn to Knit................................................................................................................................4.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 67
1/21/14......Microsoft Excel Basics............................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
1/21/14......Aging Well.................................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
1/21/14......Basic Computer Cleanup.............................................................................................................1.................... 5:00 PM........ 7:00 PM...... 91
1/22/14......Science for Today Series: Renewable Energy........................................................................ LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
1/22/14......Metal Embossing: Anniversary Plate............................................................................... Studio 1..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 69
1/22/14......Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
1/22/14......Working with Excel Spreadsheets......................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
1/22/14......One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
1/22/14......Nurse Practitioner Series: Advanced Lipid Testing, Thinking Beyond Statins...........................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 53
1/22/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 12
1/22/14......World Culture Series: Puerto Rico......................................................................................... LOH.................... 7:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 53
1/23/14......Pinterest................................................................................................................. Computer Lab....................9:00 AM...... 10:30 AM...... 92
1/23/14......Digital Photography Class Series: Understanding Exposure
the Foundation of Good Photography...................................................................................... 4.................. 10:00 AM......11:00 AM....... 79
1/23/14......Basic Survival Italian I..................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 11
1/23/14......Create a Website..........................................................................................................................3..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 92
1/23/14......Excel Spreadsheet Workshop................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 92
1/23/14......Fused Glass Jewelry.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 70
1/23/14......Sweet Revenge Film Series: The Count of Monte Cristo...................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 46
1/23/14......Fun in the Studio: Session I............................................................................................. Studio 1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 70
1/23/14......Basic Survival Spanish I................................................................................................................2.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 11
1/23/14......League of Women Voters: What’s It All About?..........................................................................3.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 13
1/24/14......Knitting Socks..............................................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 67
1/24/14......Conversational Spanish...............................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 13
1/24/14......FTBOA Series: An Insider’s View of the Thoroughbred Industry..............................Cypress Hall..................10:30 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 55
1/24/14......Longevity, the Latest............................................................................................................. LOH..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 14
1/24/14......Learn to Knit................................................................................................................................4.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 67
1/24/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
1/24/14......Conversational Italian..................................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
1/24/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
1/25/14......Beginning German — Level 1......................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM....... 7
1/27/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM....... 7
1/27/14......An Oil Painting Workshop: “Quiet Stream”.................................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 3:30 PM...... 71
1/27/14......Science for Today Series: Renewable Energy........................................................................ LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
1/27/14......Doodling Art................................................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 71
1/27/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Takeout Double............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
1/27/14......Furniture Painting............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 69
1/27/14......A Singer and His Friends: Sharing the Stage.......................................................................CSCC.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 15
1/27/14......Beginning Drawing.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 12
1/27/14......Peace River Refuge & Ranch Tour.......................................................................................... Trip.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 15
1/28/14......Knitting Socks..............................................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 67
1/28/14......Birds of Florida Series: Hawks of Central Florida.................................................................. LOH..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 50
1/28/14......Infectious Diseases and Human History......................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 15
1/28/14......Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
1/28/14......Learn to Knit................................................................................................................................4.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 67
1/28/14......Modern American Canasta..........................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
1/28/14......Wycinanki (Polish Paper Cutting)..................................................................................................3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 71
1/28/14......Book Club Series: Light Between the Oceans.............................................................................2.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 56
1/28/14......Read, Think and Discuss Book Group: How Children Succeed:
Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough......................................... 3.....................2:00 PM........3:00 PM....... 46
1/28/14......Aging Well.................................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
1/28/14......Microsoft PowerPoint 2010................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 92
1/29/14......Life’s Purpose: Spirituality with a Touch of Zen, An Introduction..............................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
1/29/14......Operation S.A.F.E. (Stop Adult Financial Exploitation) Workshop...............................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 16
1/29/14......Science for Today Series: Renewable Energy........................................................................ LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
1/29/14......Furniture Painting............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 69
1/29/14......Modern American Canasta..........................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
1/29/14......Brain Booster......................................................................................................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 16
1/29/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: Social Networking...............................................................................3.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 78
1/29/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 12
1/29/14......Microsoft PowerPoint 2010................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 92
1/30/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
1/30/14......Digital Darkroom Class Series: Correcting Overall Exposure, Color and Contrast....................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 80
1/30/14......Basic Survival Italian I..................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 11
1/30/14......Sweet Revenge Film Series: Revenge.................................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 46
1/30/14......Italian Film Series: The Sicilian Girl...........................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 45
1/30/14......Mahjong for Beginners.................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 16
1/30/14......Basic Survival Spanish I................................................................................................................2.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 11
1/30/14......Marion County Major Crimes and Cold Case Crimes........................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 17
1/31/14......Conversational Spanish...............................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 13
1/31/14......Pharmacology Series: Prostate....................................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 57
1/31/14......The Dead Sea Scrolls, Jerusalem, Qumran, and Masada, in the Year 66 CE......................... LOH..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 17
1/31/14......Veterinary Series: Human Animal Bond......................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 56
1/31/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
1/31/14......Conversational Italian..................................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
1/31/14......Humanism: What’s It All About?..................................................................................................3.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 17
2/1/14........Beginning German — Level 1......................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM....... 7
2/3/14........Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 12
2/3/14........Chess: The Game of Kings...........................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 17
2/3/14........Pen & Ink with Watercolor: “Panther”............................................................................ Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 66
2/3/14........Photoshop Elements 10 Demonstration Class............................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 92
2/3/14........Science for Today Series: Renewable Energy........................................................................ LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
2/3/14........Advanced Bridge Series: The Takeout Double............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
2/3/14........Floor Rug Painting........................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 72
2/3/14........Beginning Drawing.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 12
2/3/14........Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
2/3/14........Fernando’s TECH Series: Basics of Android Smartphones..........................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
2/3/14........Frauds, Scams and Identity Theft for Older Adults.....................................................................3.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 18
2/4/14........Photo Adventure Workshop............................................................................................ Studio 3....................9:00 AM........ 3:00 PM...... 72
2/4/14........Basic Survival French...................................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 18
2/4/14........Basic Survival Italian II.................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 18
2/4/14........Create a Website with Wix.................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 93
2/4/14........Fun with Calligraphy...................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 72
2/4/14........Raw Food Demonstration Series: Forget Cooking.......................................................... Studio 3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 33
2/4/14........Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
2/4/14........Intermediate French....................................................................................................................4..................11:30 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 18
2/4/14........Basic Survival Spanish II...............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 18
2/4/14........Basic Computer Skills............................................................................................. Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 93
2/5/14........Life’s Purpose-From Stress to Enlightenment, Part One.............................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 19
2/5/14........Science for Today Series: Renewable Energy........................................................................ LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
2/5/14........Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
2/5/14........ Science Fiction Book and Movie Discussion Group:
Book — “I Robot” by Isaac Asimov................................................................................................. 2......................1:00 PM.........2:00 PM....... 34
2/5/14........Floor Rug Painting........................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 72
2/5/14........Modern American Canasta..........................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
2/5/14........One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
2/5/14........Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 12
2/5/14........Computer Maintenance........................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 89
2/5/14........Fused Glass Jewelry.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 70
2/6/14........Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
2/6/14........Digital Photography Class Series: Bring your Digital Photography
to the Next Level without Buying Expensive Equipment.......................................................... 4.................. 10:00 AM......11:00 AM....... 79
2/6/14........Alpaca Magic.......................................................................................................................... Trip..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 19
2/6/14........Basic Survival Italian I..................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 11
2/6/14........Create a Website with Wix.................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 93
2/6/14........Black History Month Film Series: Pinky 1949............................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 47
2/6/14........Mahjong for Beginners.................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 16
2/6/14........Microsoft Word for Beginners............................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 90
2/6/14........Sweet Revenge Film Series: Enough..................................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 46
2/6/14........Fun in the Studio: Session I............................................................................................. Studio 1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 70
2/6/14........Basic Survival Spanish I................................................................................................................2.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 11
2/6/14........Nurse Practitioner Series: How to Start on a Gluten Free Diet..................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 53
2/6/14........Computer Maintenance........................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 89
2/7/14........Conversational Spanish...............................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 13
2/7/14........Writing Your Memoir, An Introduction.......................................................................................3.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 19
2/7/14........World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
2/7/14........Conversational Italian..................................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
2/7/14........Modern American Canasta..........................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
2/7/14........Get Away Farm Tour............................................................................................................... Trip.................... 2:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 19
2/8/14........Beginning German — Level 1......................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM....... 7
2/10/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 12
2/10/14......Chess: The Game of Kings...........................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 17
2/10/14......An Introduction to Oil Painting: “Country Barn”........................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 68
2/10/14......Africa Series: The African Side of the Slave Trade......................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 36
2/10/14......Choco Box (Chocolate Square or Gift)............................................................................... Studio 2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 72
2/10/14......Science for Today Series: Earth and Cosmos......................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
2/10/14...... Health Care Options, the Hospice Alternative:
Telemonitoring: Feel Better to Live Better..................................................................................... 2................... 11:00 AM.......12:00 PM....... 35
2/10/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Takeout Double............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
2/10/14......Floor Rug Painting........................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 72
2/10/14......Writing Your Memoir...................................................................................................................3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 70
2/10/14......iPad Drawing and Painting............................................................................................. Studio 3.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 72
2/10/14......Kindle Workshop.........................................................................................................................2.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 93
2/10/14......Photo Restoration Using Picasa............................................................................. Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
2/11/14......Basic Survival French...................................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 18
2/11/14......Shutterfly............................................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 93
2/11/14......Basic Survival Italian II.................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 18
2/11/14......Fun with Calligraphy...................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 72
2/11/14......Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
2/11/14......Intermediate French....................................................................................................................4..................11:30 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 18
2/11/14......Knitting 102 . . . A Little Bit More................................................................................... Studio 3.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 73
2/11/14......Ophthalmology Series: Diabetes and Macular Degeneration.............................................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 39
2/11/14......Basic Survival Spanish II...............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 18
2/11/14......Black History Month Film Series: The Butler.............................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 47
2/11/14......Photo Adventure Workshop............................................................................................ Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 72
2/11/14......Beyond the Headlines: Detainee Operations..............................................................................1.................... 1:30 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 20
2/11/14......Book Club Series: Coming Clean — A Memoir...........................................................................2.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 56
2/12/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/12/14......Ocala Equine Rescue Farm Tour............................................................................................. Trip..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 10
2/12/14......Science for Today Series: Earth and Cosmos......................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
2/12/14......Introduction to Beekeeping......................................................................................Cypress Hall..................10:30 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 20
2/12/14......Floor Rug Painting........................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 72
2/12/14......Fused Glass Jewelry.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 70
2/12/14......Writing Your Memoir...................................................................................................................3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 20
2/12/14......Microsoft Word for Beginners............................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 90
2/12/14......League of Women Voters Series: Not For Ourselves Alone:
The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.................................. Cypress Hall.....................2:00 PM........4:00 PM....... 41
2/12/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: iPhone + iPad = I CAN.........................................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
2/12/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 12
2/12/14......Photo Restoration Using Picasa............................................................................. Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
2/13/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
2/13/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/13/14......Digital Darkroom Class Series: Sharpening and Other Filters....................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 80
2/13/14......Shutterfly............................................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 93
2/13/14......Mahjong for Beginners.................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 16
2/13/14......Rosewood (Movie).................................................................................................................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 20
2/14/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/14/14......Conversational Spanish...............................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 13
2/14/14......Knitting 102 . . . A Little Bit More................................................................................... Studio 3.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 73
2/14/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
2/14/14......Conversational Italian..................................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
2/14/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
2/15/14......Beginning German — Level 1......................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM....... 7
2/17/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 12
2/17/14......Chess: The Game of Kings...........................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 17
2/17/14......Acrylic Painting on Canvas: “Cool Breeze”..................................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 69
2/17/14......Edgar Cayce Study Group...........................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 13
2/17/14......Science for Today Series: Earth and Cosmos......................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
2/17/14......Self-Editing for First-time Authors..............................................................................................3.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 21
2/17/14......Pottery Bowls................................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 73
2/17/14......iPad Drawing and Painting............................................................................................. Studio 3.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 72
2/17/14......Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
2/17/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: Apps 101..............................................................................................3.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
2/17/14......Understanding Cloud Computing...............................................................................................1.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 94
2/18/14......New to Medicare?............................................................................................................ Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 10:30 AM...... 13
2/18/14......Basic Survival French...................................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 18
2/18/14......Birds of Florida Series: Florida Birds — An Introduction............................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 50
2/18/14......Florida’s Insects............................................................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 21
2/18/14......Tour of Custom Windows....................................................................................................... Trip..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 21
2/18/14......Basic Survival Italian II.................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 18
2/18/14......Fun with Calligraphy...................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 72
2/18/14......Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
2/18/14......Weebly: Create a Website...................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 94
2/18/14......Florida Week: We Ain’t From Around Here.................................................................................4..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 21
2/18/14......Intermediate French....................................................................................................................4..................11:30 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 18
2/18/14......Knitting 102 . . . A Little Bit More................................................................................... Studio 3.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 73
2/18/14......Digital Darkroom Lightroom Series: Organizing Your Images As You Import Them................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 81
2/18/14......The Good Life in Ocala: What’s New To Do?........................................................................ LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 21
2/18/14......Create a Blog......................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 94
2/18/14......Basic Survival Spanish II...............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 18
2/18/14......Beaded Glass Jewelry....................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 73
2/18/14......French Film Series: Bienvenue Chez les CH’TIS (Welcome to the Sticks)....................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 58
2/18/14......Legal Series: Florida Law.....................................................................................................CSCC.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 39
2/19/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/19/14......Florida’s Fabulous Spiders...........................................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 22
2/19/14......Florida Landscaping Series: Plants for Marion County.............................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 38
2/19/14......Life’s Purpose-From Stress to Enlightenment, Part One.............................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 19
2/19/14......Science for Today Series: Earth and Cosmos......................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
2/19/14......Florida’s Fascinating Snakes........................................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 22
2/19/14......Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................4..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
2/19/14......Working with Excel Spreadsheets......................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
2/19/14......One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
2/19/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: Navigating the New IOS 7 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.............2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 78
2/19/14......Basic Computer Cleanup.............................................................................................................1.................... 5:00 PM........ 7:00 PM...... 91
2/19/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 12
2/20/14......Marion County History & Points of Interest, Part I..................................................Cypress Hall....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 22
2/20/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
2/20/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/20/14......AARP Driver Safety Program.......................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 8
2/20/14......Weebly: Create a Website...................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 94
2/20/14......Themed Paper Crafting: Easter...................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 68
2/20/14......Create a Blog......................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 94
2/20/14......Mindquake! The Upside-Down World of the Early 20th Century...............................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 22
2/20/14......Mahjong for Beginners.................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 16
2/20/14......Black History Month Film Series: 42..........................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 47
2/20/14......Fun in the Studio: Session I............................................................................................. Studio 1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 70
2/21/14......Marion County History & Points of Interest, Part II............................................................. LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 22
2/21/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/21/14......AARP Driver Safety Program.......................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 8
2/21/14......OTOW Topics Series: WATER Behind the Scenes Field Trip................................................... Trip....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 51
2/21/14......Master Gardner Series: Growing Vegetables in Containers........................................... Studio 1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 48
2/21/14......FTBOA Series: Picking A Winner! Are You a Seabiscuit or a Secretariat?.................Cypress Hall..................10:30 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 55
2/21/14......Veterinary Series: Florida Wildlife...............................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 56
2/21/14......Knitting 102 . . . A Little Bit More................................................................................... Studio 3.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 73
2/21/14......Chiropractic & Wellness Series: Foot, Knee & Hip Problems......................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 49
2/21/14......Recycling in Marion County......................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 23
2/21/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
2/21/14......Humanism: What’s It All About?..................................................................................................3.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 17
2/21/14......Scams, How to Protect Yourself..................................................................................................1.................... 2:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 23
2/24/14......An Oil Painting Workshop: “Fruit-n-Nuts”...................................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 3:30 PM...... 71
2/24/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 12
2/24/14......Chess: The Game of Kings...........................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 17
2/24/14......Finding the Painting in Nature Workshop...................................................................... Studio 3....................9:30 AM........ 4:00 PM...... 73
2/24/14......Science for Today Series: Earth and Cosmos......................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 40
2/24/14......Doodling Art................................................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 71
2/24/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Weak Two Bid...............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
2/24/14......Pottery Bowls................................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 73
2/24/14......A Spartan Game..................................................................................................................... LOH.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 23
2/24/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: Apps 102..............................................................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
2/24/14......Money Habitudes........................................................................................................................3.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 23
2/24/14......Cardiology Series: Open Forum..................................................................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 37
2/24/14......Photoshop Elements 10 Demonstration Class............................................................................2.................... 5:00 PM........ 7:00 PM...... 92
2/25/14......Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1....................9:30 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
2/25/14......Finding the Painting in Nature Workshop...................................................................... Studio 3....................9:30 AM........ 4:00 PM...... 73
2/25/14......Basic Survival French...................................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 18
2/25/14......Birds of Florida Series: Birding in Florida....................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 50
2/25/14......Basic Survival Italian II.................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 18
2/25/14......Fun with Calligraphy...................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 72
2/25/14......Intermediate French....................................................................................................................4..................11:30 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 18
2/25/14......Knitting 102 . . . A Little Bit More................................................................................... Studio 3.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 73
2/25/14......Living History: The Lusitania.......................................................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 23
2/25/14......Basic Survival Spanish II...............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 18
2/25/14......Black History Month Film Series: 12 Years a Slave................................................................ LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 47
2/25/14......French Film Series: Delicacy......................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 58
2/25/14......Modern American Canasta..........................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
2/25/14......Read, Think and Discuss Book Group: Beyond Outrage: Expanded Edition;
What Has Gone Wrong With Our Economy and How to Fix It by Robert Reich....................... 3.....................2:00 PM........3:00 PM....... 46
2/26/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/26/14......Life’s Purpose-From Stress to Enlightenment, Part One.............................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 19
2/26/14......Science for Today Series: Science and Politics...................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 41
2/26/14......Modern American Canasta..........................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 15
2/26/14......Brain Booster......................................................................................................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 16
2/26/14......Eye Series: Custom Cataract Surgery..........................................................................................1.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 43
2/26/14......Windows 8 Simplified............................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 5:00 PM........ 7:00 PM...... 94
2/26/14......Bridge for Beginners....................................................................................................................3.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 12
2/26/14......World Culture Series: England.............................................................................................. LOH.................... 7:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 54
2/27/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
2/27/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/27/14......Digital Darkroom Class Series: Selecting and Changing Portions of a Picture..........................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 80
2/27/14......Larry’s TECH Series: Digital DNA and Your Internet Personal Profile......................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 82
2/27/14......Black History Month Film Series: Mississippi Burning..............................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 47
2/27/14......Mahjong for Beginners.................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 16
2/27/14......Revolutionary Russia & the Last Imperial Family Film Series:
Nicholas and Alexandria........................................................................................................ LOH.....................1:00 PM........3:00 PM....... 58
2/27/14......Internal Medicine Series: Functional Nutrition...........................................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 44
2/27/14......Marion County Major Crimes and Cold Case Crimes........................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 17
2/28/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
2/28/14......Pharmacology Series: Menopause..............................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 57
2/28/14......Knitting 102 . . . A Little Bit More................................................................................... Studio 3.................. 12:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 73
2/28/14......Manhunt: The Search For Bin Laden...........................................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 23
2/28/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
2/28/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
2/28/14......OTOW Topics Series: Basic Plumbing..........................................................................................1.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 51
3/3/14........Pen & Ink with Watercolor: “Black-capped Chickadee”................................................. Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 66
3/3/14........Science for Today Series: Science and Politics...................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 41
3/3/14........The Thoroughbreds of Marion County: An Overview................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 8
3/3/14........The Psychology of the Scam.......................................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 24
3/3/14........Advanced Bridge Series: The Weak Two Bid...............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
3/3/14........Pottery Vases................................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 73
3/3/14........Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
3/3/14........Fernando’s TECH Series: Basics of Android Smartphones..........................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
3/3/14........Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre....................................................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 24
3/3/14........eBay........................................................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
3/4/14........Acrylic Pain on Velvet: “Cat with Luminous Eyes”.......................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 74
3/4/14........Basic Survival French...................................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 18
3/4/14........Birds of Florida Series: Birding in Florida....................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 50
3/4/14........Fun with Calligraphy...................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 72
3/4/14........Raw Food Demonstration Series: Raw Italy.................................................................... Studio 3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 33
3/4/14........Intermediate French....................................................................................................................4..................11:30 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 18
3/4/14........The Boom in U.S. Natural Gas; Changing Our Energy Outlook........................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 24
3/4/14........Digital Photography Lightroom Series: Correcting Overall Exposure,
Color, Contrast and Detail, Part 1.............................................................................................. 4.....................1:00 PM........2:00 PM....... 81
3/4/14........French Film Series: Mon Meilleur Ami (My Best Friend).............................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 58
3/4/14........Basic Computer Skills............................................................................................. Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 93
3/4/14........eBay........................................................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
3/5/14........Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/5/14........Life’s Purpose-From Stress to Enlightenment, Part One.............................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 19
3/5/14........Science for Today Series: Science and Politics...................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 41
3/5/14........Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
3/5/14........Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/5/14........Microsoft Word for Beginners............................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 90
3/5/14........Science Fiction Book and Movie Discussion Group: Movie — “War Games”....................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 34
3/5/14........One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
3/5/14........League of Women Voters Series: Women Who Make America................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 41
3/5/14........Fernando’s TECH Series: Apps 101..............................................................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
3/5/14........Making Healthy Food Taste Great: A DVD Lecture Series.................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:00 PM...... 25
3/6/14........Bridge: The Next Step.................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 25
3/6/14........Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
3/6/14........Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/6/14........Batik on Rice Paper: Hollyhocks...................................................................................... Studio 3....................9:30 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 74
3/6/14........Digital Photography Class Series: Using Your Camera’s Controls..............................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 79
3/6/14........Pinterest................................................................................................................. Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 92
3/6/14........Larry’s TECH Series: Facebook with Emphasis on Privacy.........................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 82
3/6/14........Beaded Bracelet............................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 75
3/6/14........Italian Film Series: Golden Door................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 45
3/6/14........ Revolutionary Russia & the Last Imperial Family Film Series: Doctor Zhivago........................ LOH..................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM.......58
3/6/14........Fun in the Studio: Session I............................................................................................. Studio 1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 70
3/6/14........Nurse Practitioner Series: Advanced Lipid Testing, Thinking Beyond Statins...........................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 53
3/6/14........Fused Glass Jewelry.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 70
3/7/14........Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/7/14........Themed Paper Crafting: Spring..................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 68
3/7/14........OTOW Topics Series: Digital Communication Media (DCM) 101...............................................3.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 52
3/7/14........World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
3/7/14........Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/10/14......AARP Driver Safety Program........................................................................................... Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 8
3/10/14......An Introduction to Oil Painting: “Everglades”................................................................ Studio 1....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 68
3/10/14......Genetics 1: Quirky Human Genetics............................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 25
3/10/14......Science for Today Series: Science and Politics...................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 41
3/10/14......Windows 8 Basics................................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 89
3/10/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Weak Two Bid...............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
3/10/14......Pottery Vases................................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 73
3/10/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: iPhone + iPad = I CAN.........................................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
3/10/14......Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre: A DVD Lecture Series.................................................. LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 24
3/11/14......AARP Driver Safety Program........................................................................................... Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 8
3/11/14......Basic Survival French...................................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 18
3/11/14......Birds of Florida Series: Birds of the Rainbow River.....................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 50
3/11/14......Code Breaking Series: The Beginnings of U.S. Army Code Breaking Efforts....................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 59
3/11/14......Florida Landscaping Series: Spring Gardening.........................................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 38
3/11/14......The Thoroughbreds of Marion County: An Overview................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 8
3/11/14......Windows 8 Basics................................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 89
3/11/14......Intermediate French....................................................................................................................4..................11:30 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 18
3/11/14......Appleton Museum of Art: Current and Upcoming Exhibitions..................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 25
3/11/14......Ophthalmology Series: Stems Cells and Retina.................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 39
3/11/14......Africa Series: Colonial Africa........................................................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 36
3/11/14......Fused Glass Jewelry.......................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 70
3/11/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
3/11/14......Exploring Multimedia............................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 94
3/12/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/12/14......Genetics 2: Human Genetics.......................................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 26
3/12/14......Life’s Purpose-From Stress to Enlightenment, Part One.............................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 19
3/12/14......Ocala Equine Rescue Farm Tour............................................................................................. Trip..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 10
3/12/14......Science for Today Series: Science and Politics...................................................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 41
3/12/14......Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/12/14......League of Women Voters Series: Women Who Make America................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 41
3/12/14......Making Healthy Food Taste Great: A DVD Lecture Series.................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:00 PM...... 25
3/13/14......Bridge: The Next Step.................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 25
3/13/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
3/13/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/13/14...... Digital Darkroom Class Series: Integrating Several Pictures and Picture Elements......................4...................10:00 AM......11:00 AM.......81
3/13/14......Larry’s TECH Series: Google Map Capabilities..........................................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 83
3/13/14......Revolutionary Russia & the Last Imperial Family Film Series: Anastasia.............................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 58
3/13/14......League of Women Voters: What’s It All About?..........................................................................3.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 13
3/13/14......Internal Medicine Series: Living in a Toxic World.......................................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 44
3/13/14......Understanding Cloud Computing...............................................................................................1.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 94
3/14/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/14/14......Genetics 3: Human Blood Types..................................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 26
3/14/14......Master Gardner Series: Herbs...................................................................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 48
3/14/14......OTOW Topics Series: Energy Efficiency in Construction Field Trip........................................ Trip..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 52
3/14/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
3/14/14......Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/14/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
3/14/14......Humanism: What’s It All About?..................................................................................................3.................... 3:15 PM........ 4:15 PM...... 17
3/15/14......Humanist Panel Discussion: Humanism in the Autumn of Life............................................ LOH.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 12
3/17/14......Acrylic Painting on Canvas: “Egret Flying”..................................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 69
3/17/14......Kindle Workshop.........................................................................................................................4....................9:30 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 93
3/17/14......Edgar Cayce Study Group...........................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 13
3/17/14......Beginning Guitar.........................................................................................................................4..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 75
3/17/14......Health Care Options, The Hospice Alternative Series: Ethics in End-of-Life Care......................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 35
3/17/14......Retirementology: Rethinking the American Dream in a New Economy....................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 27
3/17/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Weak Two Bid...............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
3/17/14......Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/17/14......Irfanview Photo Editor.......................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 12
3/17/14......Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
3/17/14......Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre....................................................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 24
3/18/14......Birds of Florida Series: Birds of the Rainbow River.....................................................................2....................8:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 50
3/18/14......New to Medicare?........................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 10:30 AM...... 13
3/18/14......Acrylic Paint on Velvet: “Black Cat with Golden Eyes”................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 74
3/18/14......Basic Survival French...................................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 18
3/18/14......Code Breaking Series: The Beginnings of U.S. Navy Code Breaking Efforts........................ LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 59
3/18/14......Genealogy: “A Strategy for Research Success: How to Analyze Your Evidence
and Plan Your Next Step” and “What Happened to Grandma at the Altar”........................... 1.................. 10:00 AM......12:00 PM....... 27
3/18/14......Intermediate French....................................................................................................................4..................11:30 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 18
3/18/14......Digital Photography Lightroom Series: Correcting Overall Exposure,
Color, Contrast and Detail, Part 2.............................................................................................. 4.....................1:00 PM........2:00 PM....... 82
3/18/14......Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide..........Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 27
3/18/14......Microsoft Word for Beginners............................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 90
3/18/14......Civil War — Part I..................................................................................................................CSCC.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 27
3/18/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
3/19/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/19/14......Borat and the Road to Cultural Competency.............................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 28
3/19/14......Florida State Fire College Tour............................................................................................... Trip..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 28
3/19/14......Life’s Purpose-From Stress To Enlightenment, Part Two............................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 28
3/19/14......Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
3/19/14......Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/19/14......One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
3/19/14......Grieving: Facing Death, Illness and Other..................................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 28
3/19/14......League of Women Voters Series: Women Who Make America................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 41
3/19/14......Eye Series: Healthy Eyes, Healthy Body.......................................................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 43
3/19/14......Making Healthy Food Taste Great: A DVD Lecture Series.................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:00 PM...... 25
3/20/14......Bridge: The Next Step.................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 25
3/20/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
3/20/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/20/14......Digital Photography Class Series: Making Digital Greeting Cards
with Your Photos and Videos..................................................................................................... 4.................. 10:00 AM......11:00 AM....... 79
3/20/14......Alpaca Magic.......................................................................................................................... Trip..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 19
3/20/14......Larry’s TECH Series: GPS Basics.................................................................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 83
3/20/14......Oil Rouging: “Lighthouse”.............................................................................................. Studio 3..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 75
3/20/14......Beaded Glass Jewelry....................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 73
3/20/14......Fun in the Studio: Session II............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 70
3/20/14......Gilbert & Sullivan Film Series: Cox and Box.......................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 60
3/20/14......Photoshop Elements 10 Demonstration Class............................................................................1.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 92
3/21/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/21/14......Basic Computer Cleanup.............................................................................................................1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 91
3/21/14......FTBOA Series: An Insider’s View of the Thoroughbred Industry..............................Cypress Hall..................10:30 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 55
3/21/14......Chiropractic & Wellness Series: Are You Experiencing Digestive Problems?.............................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 49
3/21/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
3/21/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
3/21/14......Peace River Refuge & Ranch Tour.......................................................................................... Trip.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 15
3/24/14......An Oil Painting Workshop: “Egret in Flight”.................................................................. Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 3:30 PM...... 71
3/24/14......Beginning Guitar.........................................................................................................................4..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 75
3/24/14......Doodling Art................................................................................................................................3..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 71
3/24/14......Who Gets the Plate? Who Gets the Rod and Reel?....................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 28
3/24/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Weak Two Bid...............................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
3/24/14......Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/24/14......Cardiology Series: Diagnostic Testing Cardiac Patients.............................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 37
3/24/14......Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre....................................................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 24
3/25/14......Basic Survival French...................................................................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 18
3/25/14......Code Breaking Series: Code Breaking’s Role in the Pacific War........................................... LOH..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 59
3/25/14......Intermediate French....................................................................................................................4..................11:30 AM...... 12:30 PM...... 18
3/25/14......Our Energy Future: The Outlook for Clean Renewables....................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 29
3/25/14......Microsoft Excel Basics............................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
3/25/14......Book Club Series: The Round House...........................................................................................2.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 56
3/25/14......Read, Think and Discuss Book Group: Where Good Ideas Come From:
The Natural History of Innovation by Steven Johnson.............................................................. 3.....................2:00 PM........3:00 PM....... 47
3/25/14......Civil War — Part II................................................................................................................CSCC.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 27
3/25/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
3/25/14......Photo Restoration Using Picasa............................................................................. Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
3/26/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/26/14......Life’s Purpose-From Stress To Enlightenment, Part Two............................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 28
3/26/14......Tunisia: Tipping Point of the Arab Spring............................................................................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 29
3/26/14......Working with Excel Spreadsheets......................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
3/26/14......Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/26/14......Best Foreign Films of 2013 Series: Kon-Tiki..............................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 61
3/26/14......Brain Booster......................................................................................................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 16
3/26/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: Social Networking...............................................................................4.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
3/26/14......Photo Restoration Using Picasa............................................................................. Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
3/26/14......World Culture Series: Philippines.......................................................................................... LOH.................... 7:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 54
3/27/14......Bridge: The Next Step.................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 25
3/27/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
3/27/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/27/14......Digital Photography Class Series: An introduction
to HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography.............................................................................. 4.................. 10:00 AM......11:00 AM....... 79
3/27/14......Larry’s TECH Series: Social Media Trends Impacting Seniors...................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 83
3/27/14......Excel Spreadsheet Workshop................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 92
3/27/14......Fun in the Studio: Session II............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 70
3/27/14......Gilbert & Sullivan Film Series: Patience................................................................................ LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 60
3/27/14......Internal Medicine Series: Allergic Rhinitis...................................................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 44
3/27/14......Marion County Major Crimes and Cold Case Crimes........................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 17
3/28/14......Stained Glass Workshop.................................................................................................. Studio 3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 20
3/28/14......Pharmacology Series: Seasonal Allergies....................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 57
3/28/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
3/28/14......Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/31/14......The Art of Reversed Glass Paining: “Butterflies & Tulips”.............................................. Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 75
3/31/14......Authors Day at MTP..................................................................................................Cypress Hall....................9:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 29
3/31/14......Beginning Guitar.........................................................................................................................4..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 75
3/31/14......Advanced Pottery............................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 74
3/31/14......Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre: A DVD Lecture Series.................................................. LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 24
4/1/14........Acrylic Paint on Velvet: “Silver Cat”................................................................................ Studio 3....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 74
4/1/14........Birds of Florida Series: Romance in the World of Birds..............................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 51
4/1/14........Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
4/1/14........ Digital Photography Lightroom Series: Create a Photo Book Within Lightroom.........................4..................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM.......82
4/1/14........Basic Computer Skills............................................................................................. Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 93
4/1/14........Civil War — Part III...............................................................................................................CSCC.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 27
4/1/14........Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
4/1/14........eBay........................................................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
4/2/14........Life’s Purpose-From Stress To Enlightenment, Part Two............................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 28
4/2/14........Metal Embossing: Easter Plate........................................................................................ Studio 3..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 69
4/2/14........Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
4/2/14........Science Fiction Book and Movie Discussion Group:
Book — “1984” by George Orwell............................................................................................. 2.....................1:00 PM........2:00 PM....... 34
4/2/14........Best Foreign Films of 2013 Series: No.......................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 61
4/2/14........Fernando’s TECH Series: iPhone + iPad = I CAN.........................................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 78
4/2/14........eBay........................................................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 90
4/3/14........Bridge: The Next Step.................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 25
4/3/14........Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
4/3/14........Digital Darkroom Class Series: Basic Retouching........................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 81
4/3/14........Create a Website with Wix.................................................................................... Computer Lab..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 93
4/3/14........Larry’s TECH Series: Trends in Tablet/Smartphone Mobile Digital Devices.............Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 83
4/3/14........Metal Embossing: Easter Plate........................................................................................ Studio 3..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 69
4/3/14........Savvy Caregiver Training...........................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 29
4/3/14........Weebly: Create a Website...................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 94
4/3/14........Fun in the Studio: Session II............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 70
4/3/14........Gilbert & Sullivan Film Series: Princess Ida........................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 60
4/3/14........Nurse Practitioner Series: Non Invasive Pain Management.......................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 53
4/4/14........Themed Paper Crafting: Mothers Day........................................................................................3..................10:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 68
4/4/14........World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
4/4/14........Lacy Vases (Session II)....................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 65
4/4/14........Weebly: Create a Website...................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 94
4/7/14........Pen & Ink with Watercolor: “Window Box”.................................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 66
4/7/14........Beginning Guitar.........................................................................................................................4..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 75
4/7/14........Identity Theft: Protect Yourself...................................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 30
4/7/14........Lacy Vases (Session II)....................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 65
4/7/14........Watercolor and Pastels.................................................................................................... Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 75
4/7/14........Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
4/7/14........Fernando’s TECH Series: Basics of Android Smartphones..........................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
4/7/14........Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre: A DVD Lecture Series.................................................. LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 24
4/8/14........Birds of Florida Series: Romance in the World of Birds..............................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 11:30 AM...... 51
4/8/14........Raw Food Demonstration: Divine Desserts..................................................................... Studio 3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 33
4/8/14........The New Aging: What It Means for You.....................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 30
4/8/14........Ophthalmology Series: Novel Retina Therapies................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 39
4/8/14........Africa Series: Rwanda: Prelude to Genocide...............................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 36
4/8/14........Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
4/8/14........VHS TO DVD.......................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 95
4/9/14........Basic Survival Italian III................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 30
4/9/14........Life’s Purpose-From Stress To Enlightenment, Part Two............................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 28
4/9/14........Ocala Equine Rescue Farm Tour............................................................................................. Trip..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 10
4/9/14........Basic Survival Spanish III.............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 30
4/9/14........Best Foreign Films of 2013 Series: War Witch...........................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 61
4/9/14........Create a Website with Wix.................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 93
4/9/14........One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
4/10/14......Bridge: The Next Step.................................................................................................................3....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 25
4/10/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
4/10/14......Digital Photography Class Series:
Take Professional Looking Portraits with Simple Flash.............................................................. 4.................. 10:00 AM......11:00 AM....... 79
4/10/14......Larry’s TECH Series: Vehicle Connectivity Trends.....................................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 83
4/10/14......Savvy Caregiver Training...........................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 29
4/10/14......Fun in the Studio: Session II............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 70
4/10/14......Gilbert & Sullivan Film Series: The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan......................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 60
4/11/14......Master Gardner Series: Explore Tropical Vegetables................................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 48
4/11/14......OTOW Topics Series: What You Need to Know About Your AC.................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 52
4/11/14......World War I: The “Great War”: A DVD Lecture Series.......................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 14
4/11/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
4/14/14......AARP Driver Safety Program.......................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 8
4/14/14......An Introduction to Oil Painting: “Red Flower Vase”....................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 68
4/14/14......Beginning Guitar.........................................................................................................................4..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 75
4/14/14......Watercolor and Pastels.................................................................................................... Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 75
4/14/14......Fernando’s TECH Series: iPhone + iPad = I CAN.........................................................................2.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 78
4/15/14......New to Medicare?........................................................................................................................2....................9:00 AM...... 10:30 AM...... 13
4/15/14......AARP Driver Safety Program.......................................................................................................4....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 8
4/15/14......The Thoroughbreds of Marion County: An Overview................................................................3....................9:30 AM...... 11:30 AM....... 8
4/15/14......Digital Photography Lightroom Series: Create a Professional Slide Show................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 82
4/15/14......Florida Landscaping Series: Landscaping in a Deed Restricted Community............Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 38
4/15/14......Microsoft Excel Basics............................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
4/15/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
4/15/14......Understanding Cloud Computing...............................................................................................1.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 94
4/16/14......Blueberry Growing Tips and Fun Picking Tour...................................................................... Trip....................9:30 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 30
4/16/14......Basic Survival Italian III................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 30
4/16/14......Life’s Purpose-From Stress To Enlightenment, Part Two............................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 28
4/16/14......Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
4/16/14......Working with Excel Spreadsheets......................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
4/16/14......Basic Survival Spanish III.............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 30
4/16/14......League of Women Voters Series: Miss Representation.............................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 42
4/16/14......Brain Booster......................................................................................................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 16
4/16/14......Eye Series: Diabetes and My Vision.............................................................................................1.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 43
4/17/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
4/17/14......Digital Darkroom Class Series: Using Plug-ins............................................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 81
4/17/14......Beaded Necklace.............................................................................................................. Studio 2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 75
4/17/14......Bad Bette (Davis) Film Series: Jezebel................................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 62
4/17/14......Excel Spreadsheet Workshop................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 92
4/17/14......Savvy Caregiver Training...........................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 29
4/17/14......Internal Medicine Series: The Gut Gateway to Disease..............................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 44
4/17/14......Basic Computer Cleanup.............................................................................................................1.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 91
4/18/14......OTOW Topics Series: WATER Behind the Scenes Field Trip................................................... Trip....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 31
4/18/14......Chiropractic & Wellness Series: Headaches................................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 49
4/18/14......Humanism: What’s It All About?..................................................................................................3.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 17
4/21/14......Acrylic Painting on Canvas: “Southern Living”............................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 69
4/21/14......Edgar Cayce Study Group...........................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 13
4/21/14......Beginning Guitar.........................................................................................................................4..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 75
4/21/14......Health Care Options, The Hospice Alternative Series: Barriers to Hospice Care.......................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 35
4/21/14......Social Security In Peril: The History and Woes of the Social Security System............................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 31
4/21/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Strong 2-Club Artificial Opening Bid...........................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
4/21/14......Watercolor and Pastels.................................................................................................... Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 75
4/21/14......Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
4/21/14......Older Adults and Adult Children: Important Conversations......................................................3.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 31
4/21/14......Cardiology Series: Cardiac Risk Factors.......................................................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 37
4/21/14......Windows 8 Simplified............................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 94
4/22/14......The Thoroughbreds of Marion County: An Overview................................................................3....................9:30 AM...... 11:30 AM....... 8
4/22/14......Africa Series: The San of Southern Africa...................................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 36
4/22/14......Photo Mounting and Framing Workshop....................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 76
4/22/14......Book Club Series: Book To Be Determined Later........................................................................2.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 56
4/22/14......Read, Think and Discuss Book Group: The End of Growth:
Adapting to Our New Economic Reality by Richard Heinberg.................................................. 3.....................2:00 PM........3:00 PM....... 47
4/22/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
4/23/14......Basic Survival Italian III................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 30
4/23/14......Creativity......................................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 31
4/23/14......Basic Survival Spanish III.............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 30
4/23/14......Best Foreign Films of 2013 Series: A Royal Affair......................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 61
4/23/14......Lewis & Clark Film Series: Ken Burns’ Lewis & Clark, Part I.................................................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 62
4/23/14......One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
4/23/14......World Culture Series: Romania.............................................................................................. LOH.................... 7:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 54
4/24/14......Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.................................................................................................... LOH....................9:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 16
4/24/14......Digital Photography Class Series: Creating a Still Life Photo.....................................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 79
4/24/14......Color Pencils: Poppy Trio................................................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 76
4/24/14......Shutterfly............................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 93
4/24/14......Bad Bette (Davis) Film Series: The Letter.............................................................................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 62
4/24/14......Photo Mounting and Framing Workshop....................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 76
4/24/14......Savvy Caregiver Training...........................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 29
4/24/14......Nurse Practitioner Series: Osteoarthritis: “Oh My Aching bones”.............................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 53
4/24/14......Marion County Major Crimes and Cold Case Crimes........................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 17
4/25/14......FTBOA Series: Kentucky Derby Trails, Tails and Tales...............................................Cypress Hall..................10:30 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 55
4/25/14......Pharmacology Series: Pet Medications.......................................................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 57
4/25/14......Shutterfly............................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 93
4/25/14......Lacy Vases (Session II)....................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 65
4/25/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
4/28/14......An Oil Painting Workshop: “Rock-n-Robin”.................................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 3:30 PM....... 7
4/28/14......Doodling Art................................................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 71
4/28/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Strong 2-Club Artificial Opening Bid...........................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
4/28/14......Memory Mosaics.............................................................................................................. Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 76
4/28/14......Windows 8 Basics................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 89
4/28/14......Drawing Studio with Carole............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
4/29/14......Take Charge of Your Type-2 Diabetes............................................................................. Studio 1....................9:30 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 6
4/29/14......Digital Photography Lightroom Series: Print Your Images........................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 82
4/29/14......Life in Saudi Arabia, 1977-1982............................................................................................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:30 PM...... 31
4/29/14......Windows 8 Basics................................................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 89
4/29/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
4/30/14......Basic Survival Italian III................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 30
4/30/14......Creativity......................................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 31
4/30/14......Basic Survival Spanish III.............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 30
4/30/14......Best Foreign Films of 2013 Series: Amour.................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 61
4/30/14......Lewis & Clark Film Series: Ken Burns’ Lewis & Clark, Part II................................................ LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 62
5/1/14........Digital Darkroom Class Series: Resizing and Preparing for Printing..........................................4..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 81
5/1/14........Conversational Italian..................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 15
5/1/14........Bad Bette (Davis) Film Series: The Little Foxes...................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 62
5/1/14........Conversational Spanish...............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 13
5/1/14........Savvy Caregiver Training...........................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 29
5/2/14........ OTOW Topics Series: How to Operate Your Hunter Pro-C Irrigation Controller...........................4.....................9:00 AM......10:00 AM.......52
5/2/14........ OTOW Topics Series: How to Operate Your Rainbird ESP Modular Irrigation Controller............4...................10:30 AM......11:30 AM.......52
5/5/14........Pen & Ink with Watercolor: “Cardinal House”................................................................ Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 66
5/5/14........Teapots Plus..................................................................................................................... Studio 2..................10:00 AM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/5/14........Health Care Options, The Hospice Alternative Series: What is Palliative Care?.........................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 35
5/5/14........Advanced Bridge Series: The Strong 2-Club Artificial Opening Bid...........................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
5/5/14........AARP Driver Safety Program.......................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 8
5/5/14........Drawing Studio with Carole............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/5/14........Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
5/6/14........Batik on Rice Paper: Violet Magnolia.............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 74
5/6/14........Bonsai Basics: What is Bonsai?....................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 32
5/6/14........Fishtail Bracelet................................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/6/14........AARP Driver Safety Program.......................................................................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 8
5/6/14........Basic Computer Skills............................................................................................. Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 93
5/6/14........Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
5/6/14........Understanding Cloud Computing...............................................................................................1.................... 6:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 94
5/7/14........Creativity......................................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 31
5/7/14........Batik on Rice Paper: Violet Magnolia.............................................................................. Studio 1..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 74
5/7/14........Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
5/7/14........Demo: The Artistic and Horticultural Elements of Bonsai..........................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 32
5/7/14........Microsoft Word for Beginners............................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 90
5/7/14........ Lewis & Clark Film Series: The National Geographic’s Lewis & Clark, Part I........................... LOH..................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM.......63
5/7/14........ Science Fiction Book and Movie Discussion Group: Movie — “Logan’s Run”.............Cypress Hall..................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM.......34
5/7/14........One StrokeTM Painting..................................................................................................... Studio 3.................... 1:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 67
5/8/14........Conversational Italian..................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 15
5/8/14........Reel Aging Film Series: Cocoon............................................................................................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 63
5/8/14........Computer Maintenance........................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 89
5/8/14........Conversational Spanish...............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 13
5/8/14........Savvy Caregiver Training...........................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 29
5/8/14........Internal Medicine Series: The Root Cause..................................................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 44
5/9/14........Master Gardner Series: Beautiful Butterfly Gardens................................................Cypress Hall..................10:00 AM...... 11:00 AM...... 48
5/9/14........Computer Maintenance........................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 89
5/9/14........Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
5/12/14......An Introduction to Oil Painting: “Cottage by Lake”....................................................... Studio 1....................9:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 68
5/12/14......Color Pencil: “Virgin and Child”...................................................................................... Studio 3..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 77
5/12/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Strong 2-Club Artificial Opening Bid...........................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
5/12/14......Surprise Class................................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/12/14......Drawing Studio with Carole............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/13/14......Color Pencil: “Virgin and Child”...................................................................................... Studio 3..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 77
5/13/14......Digital Photography Lightroom Series: Post Your Work Online................................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 2:00 PM...... 82
5/13/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
5/14/14......Creativity......................................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 31
5/14/14......Color Pencil: “Virgin and Child”...................................................................................... Studio 3..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 77
5/14/14......Surprise Class................................................................................................................... Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/14/14......Lewis & Clark Film Series: The National Geographic’s Lewis & Clark, Part II....................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 63
5/14/14......Microsoft Word for Beginners............................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 90
5/14/14......League of Women Voters Series: Half the Sky:
Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, Part I.................... Cypress Hall.....................2:00 PM........4:00 PM....... 42
5/14/14......Eye Series: Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma......................................................................1.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 45
5/15/14......Conversational Italian..................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 15
5/15/14......Basic Video Editing for Beginners...............................................................................................1.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
5/15/14......Conversational Spanish...............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 13
5/15/14......Florida Friendly Landscaping Series: Part I...............................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 64
5/15/14......Reel Aging Film Series: Second Hand Tiger.......................................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 63
5/15/14......League of Women Voters: What’s It All About?..........................................................................3.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 13
5/15/14......Nurse Practitioner Series: How to Start on a Gluten Free Diet..................................................1.................... 4:00 PM........ 5:00 PM...... 53
5/16/14......Color Pencil: “Virgin and Child”...................................................................................... Studio 3..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 77
5/19/14......Acrylic Painting on Canvas: “Rooster”............................................................................ Studio 1....................9:00 AM........ 1:00 PM...... 69
5/19/14......Advanced Bridge Series: The Strong 2-Club Artificial Opening Bid...........................................4.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 37
5/19/14......Surprise Class II................................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/19/14......Drawing Studio with Carole............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/19/14......Socrates Café.............................................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 2:30 PM........ 4:00 PM....... 6
5/20/14......Batik on Rice Paper: Ginger Jar & Lemons...................................................................... Studio 1..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 74
5/20/14......Microsoft Excel Basics............................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
5/20/14......Book Club Series: Book To Be Determined Later........................................................................2.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 56
5/20/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
5/21/14......Creativity......................................................................................................................................3..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 31
5/21/14......Keeping Current on Events.........................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM....... 7
5/21/14......Working with Excel Spreadsheets......................................................................... Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 91
5/21/14......Surprise Class II................................................................................................................ Studio 2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/21/14......Lewis & Clark Film Series: The Lewis & Clark Trail Today..................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:30 PM...... 63
5/21/14......League of Women Voters Series: Half the Sky:
Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, Part II................... Cypress Hall.....................2:00 PM........4:00 PM....... 42
5/21/14......World Culture Series: Spain................................................................................................... LOH.................... 7:00 PM........ 8:00 PM...... 54
5/22/14......Conversational Italian..................................................................................................................2..................10:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 15
5/22/14......Conversational Spanish...............................................................................................................2.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 13
5/22/14......Excel Spreadsheet Workshop................................................................................ Computer Lab.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 92
5/22/14......Florida Friendly Landscaping Series: Part II..............................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 64
5/22/14......Reel Aging Film Series: Nobody’s Fool.................................................................................. LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 63
5/22/14......Marion County Major Crimes and Cold Case Crimes........................................................... LOH.................... 6:00 PM........ 7:30 PM...... 17
5/23/14......Batik on Rice Paper: Ginger Jar & Lemons...................................................................... Studio 1..................10:00 AM........ 5:00 PM...... 74
5/23/14......Pharmacology Series: Headache, Migraine and Tension............................................................1..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 57
5/23/14......Socrates Café — Friday..............................................................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM....... 7
5/26/14......Doodling Art................................................................................................................................2..................11:00 AM...... 12:00 PM...... 71
5/26/14......Drawing Studio with Carole............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
5/27/14......Read, Think and Discuss Book Group: Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington
Made the Rich Richer and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class by Jacob S. Hacker................ 3.....................2:00 PM........3:00 PM....... 47
5/27/14......Cycles of American Political Thought: A DVD Lecture Series............................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:30 PM...... 26
5/28/14......Brain Booster......................................................................................................................... LOH.................... 3:00 PM........ 4:00 PM...... 16
5/29/14......Florida Friendly Landscaping Series: Part III.............................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 64
5/29/14......Reel Aging Film Series: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel....................................................... LOH.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 63
5/30/14......Humanism: What’s It All About?..................................................................................................3.................... 2:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 17
6/2/14........Drawing Studio with Carole............................................................................................ Studio 1.................... 1:30 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 77
6/5/14........Florida Friendly Landscaping Series: Part IV.............................................................Cypress Hall.................... 1:00 PM........ 3:00 PM...... 64
6/10/14......The Thoroughbreds of Marion County: An Overview................................................................3....................9:30 AM...... 11:30 AM....... 8
6/17/14......The Thoroughbreds of Marion County: An Overview................................................................3....................9:30 AM...... 11:30 AM....... 8