My introduction to


My introduction to
My Introduction to
Curly Haired Horses
by Shawn Tucker
photography by ©Shawn Tucker
My Introduction To Bashkir Curlies
Beyond My Wildest Dreams
It was one of the most depressing days of my life, and yet, it
would set in motion the events that would eventually make
my equine aspirations come true, beyond my wildest dreams.
I was in college at the time and considering a career in the
equine industry due to my love and natural talent for all things
having to do with horses. Each semester, I would take one of
the offerings in the equitation program offered by the University of Kentucky where I was studying as my ‘fun’ class- a class
I actually enjoyed taking! Dressage, jumping- whatever they
were offering each semester, and I loved my time ‘studying’
for these courses! Only trouble was that I had developed
severe allergies to horses by this time, something I hadn’t
experienced earlier in my life.
In preparation for each class, I would stuff every pocket I had
with as many tissues as they could possibly hold. My classmates
would laugh at my bulging pockets. By the end of each class,
my nose was running profusely, my eyes were watering so
much I could barely see, and it was all I could do to breathe.
It was like someone had their fists clenched around my lungs
as I struggled to take each breath.
These symptoms lasted for a couple of days, and since the
classes were every other day, about the time I was better, it
was time for my next class and the process would start all
over again. So, being stubborn about these things and not
willing to give up my dreams, it was time to attempt to tackle
the problem head-on, so I went to see an allergist to see what
could be done to alleviate my horrible symptoms when I was
around the horses I loved so much.
I Have Never Seen Anyone This
Allergic To Horses!
I was tested for many things, including horses. I was also shown
to be allergic to other things like cats, feathers and celery (which
I hate anyway and now had a good excuse to pick it out of my food!
Sometimes you have to look at the bright side of some situations!)
But, the area on my arm where they applied the solution to
test for allergies to horses swelled up to an unbelievable
size - quadruple the size of any other test sites for any other
allergens. The doctor was most impressed. His comments were
“WOW! I have never seen anyone this allergic to horses!”
and “I have never seen anyone react this badly to horses
Saddle And Stirrups Magazine • Issue 28
have never
seen anyone
this allergic
to horses!”
My Introduction To Bashkir Curlies
My Dreams Drifting Away
Unfortunately, what was exciting for him was most depressing for me. With each statement he made, I just
shrank smaller and smaller and the reality of the situation sank in as I saw my future and my dreams with
horses drifting away. I started on the typical allergy shots given to build up immunity, but I had to start with
such a small dosage, it was going to take many years for them to do any good. So, I gave them up, along
with any plans of a career in the horse industry, which surrounded me since I lived in central Kentucky- the
“horse capitol of the world”.
Life Goes On
So, life goes on. I completed my college courses, got a job and married a wonderful man named Louis, and
we had a son, Trevor. We built a wonderful log home where we lived just outside of Lexington, KY.
Still, horses surrounded me and made me sad I couldn’t have them in my life. We had family and friends
who knew of my love for horses, that would offer to let me come over and see them and to ride, etc., but
I usually passed on the opportunities because the hour or so of time with the horses would cause several
days of misery with my allergies.
I told my husband that I still wanted horses in my life someday and that we would get
some in early spring, I was just going to have to be miserable and my body was just
going to have to deal with it and get over it. I was going to have horses in my life one
way or another!
Saddle And Stirrups Magazine • Issue 28
My Introduction To Bashkir Curlies
Along Comes Fate
As fate would have it, a very nice 40 acre farm came up for sale near where we lived and we bought it. Our
plans were to build a house on it and we started looking at improvements to make it a wildlife sanctuary.
About this same time, I took my son Trevor on a school field trip to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington,
KY. I could handle being around horses at a distance as long as I didn’t get too close or touch them, my
allergic reactions would be minimal.
We made our way to the small arena where they do the ‘Parade of Breeds’ and picked a good seat as the
program was about to start.
The American Bashkir Curly
They brought out several different breeds of horses and riders all dressed in costumes from their native
country of origin and told their history, uses and the characteristics of each breed. Then, a breed of horse
I had never heard of entered the arena. The breed was called an American Bashkir Curly and they were
described as being very calm, hardy and intelligent and the announcer told of history dating back to the
old west including cowboys and Indians- intriguing.
Then, at the end of his description on the breed, he added that they were HYPO-ALLERGENIC for most
people suffering with allergies to horses!! What?!! Did I hear him correctly??
I nearly leapt off the bleachers and couldn’t get to the announcer’s booth quick enough
to see where I could get more information!!
“they were described as being
very calm, hardy and intelligent”
My Introduction To Bashkir Curlies
The announcer just happened to have a brochure there at the booth from the American Bashkir Curly Registry! I couldn’t get home fast enough to get on the internet to research and learn more about this breed!!
Maybe, my horse dreams could come true after all, and without the suffering that was sure to come with them!!
So, it wasn’t long before we were on our way to visit a curly horse farm to see if I could be around this newly
discovered breed without all the maladies that usually came along with contact to horses. Being a fairly
rare breed, there were not many farms around that bred curly horses, so we traveled way down into the
backwoods of Tennessee to find a family who bred them and would let us come to visit.
As anyone with allergies can tell you, I was hesitant. It was hard to drop my guard that I had built up all these
years. Even though I had the opportunity to be around horses occasionally, I rarely touched them because I knew
I would pay the price if I did.
So, that first touch was kind of hard to force. But, those soft curls were irresistible and it was all downhill as
they say from there! It was wonderful being able to put my hands and face into the horse’s soft coats and
not have any reaction! I was amazed! And, on top of that, they were extremely calm and friendly horses!
OK- I AM HOOKED!! Where can we get some?!!! So, we head back home where I spent many hours on the
internet looking at the curly horses that were available and checking out pedigrees, etc. We settled on
two mares, one of which was in foal, both from several states away and made arrangements to have them
shipped to our farm in Kentucky.
Talk about excited!!
Finally, they day arrived when the first mare would be delivered to our farm. It was a cold, dark night in early
March when Maizzie, a beautiful buckskin/dun and very pregnant mare walked off the transport truck and
into our barn. I was crying tears of joy and just couldn’t believe this was really happening!
The very next day, a gorgeous black mare named Katee joined Maizzie on our farm. Looking back we had no
idea how these two beautiful girls would change our lives- for the better of course! In a few weeks, Maizzie
delivered her foal and we had 3 curly horses and there was no looking back!
Saddle And Stirrups Magazine • Issue 28
My Introduction To Bashkir Curlies
Nagi’s split double mane
Saddle And Stirrups Magazine • Issue 28
My Introduction To Bashkir Curlies
Our first intentions were just to have a couple of
horses to be able to ride for our family. But, after
the privilege of being able to witness the birth
of our new foal and the joy of interacting with all
of them, we quickly realized we wanted to have
MORE babies! Even though we loved our little
farm, there were only about 12 acres cleared on
it as the rest were in woods- great for trail riding
but not enough room for very many horses to
have pasture!
So, we started the search for a larger farm.
We found a 154 acre farm an hour outside of Lexington with lots of room for more horses and
great trail riding on sight as well. We have been
raising, breeding and training curly horses for
10 years now and love every minute of our time
with them. Having the babies is an extra special
privilege. And, there is nothing that compares to
getting your hands and nose into the soft curls
of a newborn curly baby!
Pemni’s curly eyelashes
2013 filly - TFN Warrior’s Wase Pemni
Saddle And Stirrups Magazine • Issue 28
My Introduction To Bashkir Curlies
We love our life in the country and living on the farm with the horses. They are such a blessing to us! We
hope to be able to continue to be involved with these wonderful horses for many more years to come!
We became involved with this breed due to my allergies to horses. But, I tell people all the time, that once
we discovered this breed, they are the only breed for us- with or even without the allergies! Their personalities are even more amazing than their unique curly hypo-allergenic coats and they have a marvelous and
mysterious history that is still being unraveled today.
But, to hear more about those things - you’ll have to come back for parts 2 and 3 of
the story to be included in the next two issues of Saddle and Stirrups!!
Shawn Tucker
Three Feathers Native Curly Horses
Lawrenceburg, KY
Useful Links Our farm-
ABC Registry-
ICHO Registry-
Curly Horse Country-
Saddle And Stirrups Magazine • Issue 28