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1986 : Cassette : Mythical music from the 21 st century 1995 : CD : The ritual of the rave 1997 : Split 7 inch : Hybryds / P.A.L. - Yasnaïa ( DAFT -B ) ( SPECTRE -NOCTURNUS -B) 1996 : vinyl, 7 inch, picture disc limited art edition : Ein Phallischer Gott 1998 : CD : Tectonic overload Cyberpunk - noise packed in LP cover (3RIOART -B) 1988 : vinyl , 7 inch, 1 side recorded. : Octahedron50 first copies with full color cover and cardset ( ANTZEN -Germany) ( ANTZEN -Germany) ( 3RIOART -B) 1996 : vinyl, 12 inch, limited art edition Cyberpunk - noise : Mistrust Authority Promote Decentralisation 1991 : MCD : The ritual should be kept alive - part 1 ( 3RIOART B) ( SOMETHING WEIRD -Iceland) 1996 CD : Dreamscapes from a dark side -Dark ambient 1992 : CD : The ritual should be kept alive - part 2 ( DAFT -B) 1992 : MCD : The ritual should be kept alive ( different live version, limited art edition on DISCORDIA 1992 Germany) 1996 : vinyl, 7 inch, limited : Madhr (ARTHUR’S ROUND TABLE) -Austria) colloboration with Moon Hidden & Hybryds 1992 : CD : Music for rituals - Limited art edition 1996 CD : Oniro - First SOLO CD from Yasnaïa ( WORLD SERPENT -UK) (ARTWARE Germany ) 1992 : CD : Music for rituals - normal edition 1996 CD : Cortex Stimulation Electro Cyberpunk (ARTWARE Germany ( DAFT -B) 1993 : CD : Soundtrack voor het aquarium ambient 1997 vinyl : HYBRYDS LIVE, Ritual music limited audiophelic vinyl pressing (Released by ANTWERP ZOO -B) ( OBUH -Poland) 1994 : MCD : The atavistic Fetisj , hard electro-limited art edition in plastic envelope with erotic cardset. 1999 : first tape release now on limited 12 inch picture disc : Mythical music from the 21 St Century (TRITON -Germany) 1999 : CD : Virtual Impact - live recordings Leipzig, cyberpunk noise- Stockholm, with videoclip ( DAFT-B ) 2000 : CD ROM ('Cat's Heaven - Germany) with art by Magthea and Yasnaïa, video : Hybryds Live, info, interviews, interactive discography, digital poetry, VR scenes and much more.For MacOs9 and Windows NT/ 95/98. 2001 : CD : Na-DHA, voices without a sound ( INDIESTATE-RUSSIA) 2001 : vinyl,10 inch, Na-Dha " BYAKUYA", Cyberpunk - noise (OLD EUROPACAFE Italy) 2002 : CD : Hybryds, TryptykhUnreleased liverecordings, 1991,1993,1996. Released with many different covers (TANTRIC HARMONIES, RUSSIA) 1997 CD : Ein Phallischer Gott compilation ritual music ( CROWDED USA) 2002 : CD: Hybryds, "ElectrikVoodoo", Trip hop ritual dub 1997 CD : Clavis -with color cardset based on story from Nebulon ( OLD EUROPA CAFE -Italy) 2002: vinyl 12 inch: Hybryds, "Lust" vocals and text Miss PolyEster- trip hop erotic dub ( Daft Belgium) ( 3RIOART B) 1994 : CD : The rhythm of the ritual ( CHARNEL HOUSE USA) 1995 : CD : Soundtrack for the aquarium 1997 : Picturedisc - 7 inch : Onokoro by Yasnaïa ( ANT ZEN Germany) ( DAFT -B) (Spectre Belgium) 2008 : Dreambient, beautiful digipack with DVD video and CD music and mini poster. Released October 2008 2009 :Ritual Anthology, a selection of the very best ritual music by Hybryds from 1986-1993 ( 3RIOART B) 1994 : CD : The rhythm of the ritual 1997 CD : Clavis -with color cardset based on story from Nebulon ( OLD EUROPA CAFE -Italy) ( CHARNEL HOUSE USA) 1995 : CD : Soundtrack for the aquarium 2002: vinyl 12 inch: Hybryds, "Lust" vocals and text Miss PolyEster- trip hop erotic dub (Spectre Belgium) 2008 : Dreambient, beautiful digipack with DVD video and CD music and mini poster. Released October 2008 1997 : Picturedisc - 7 inch : Onokoro by Yasnaïa ( ANT ZEN Germany) ( DAFT -B) 2009 :Ritual Anthology, a selection of the very best ritual music by Hybryds from 1986-1993 On demand of many, 3RIOART has released extreme limited editions of Hybryds live gigs after 2000. CD-R and DVD-R releases have printed surface and full color cover, copied 1/1 CD-R :The Magthea & Codetrippa live project ( 2 live recordings) Track 1-6 Brugge 2002, Belgium, 05/09/02 : Cultural City of Europe. Spectre's event on Stubnitz boat.-Track 7-10 on 01/11/03 Kultureel Centrum Luchtbal, Antwerpen. 11 de editie Seat's 'n' beats. : Visit also : t DVD-R Hybryds : Recorded live at Gorlice, Ambient festival, Poland, 17 July 2004. Music: Magthea & Ah-CamaSotz, Martin Franklin DVD-R: NaDha new Hybryds project by Magthea Live vocals Katharina & Madeline (Schattenkinder ) Dresden 2005 Recorded live Club Debil Credits : All music by Magthea and Ah-Cama-Sotz (2), Martin Franklin (1&3), Darek Kalinski (4) CD-R: Na-Dha new Hybrydsproject by Magthea Recorded live 15-11-03, JC DE BOGAERD GEEL, The Event III 1-All is erotic 2-Breath 3-Crocc 4-Indus 5-Sub CD-R: Na-Dha new Hybrydsproject by Magthea Recorded live Rue des Magazins4 Brussel, Belgium 1-touch 2- breath 3-lust 4-pain 5-schreie Sounds from down below 16/03/02 HYBRYDS LIVE BEFORE 2000: DVD-R Hybryds: Nursery Injection festival, Sweden 1998. The ritual should be kept alive,recorded live 1993 Nurnberg Germany. Documentaries :De melkbrigade : Belgium TV, 1996-De Nachtrijder : Holland satelite TV 1995. Interview by the stubnitzcrew All source material from VHS video tapes. CD-R: Lust: Na-Dha new Hybrydsproject by Magthea Original released as a limited fetish vinyl by Spectre 1-love 2-Lust 3-Pain 4-Envy (text & voice : Miss Polyester) 5-LUST remix by Codetrippa from the album “ Electrik Voodoo” - DAFT Official discography Official discography 1986 : Cassette : Mythical music from the 21 st century (3RIOART -B) 1988 : vinyl , 7 inch, 1 side recorded. : Octahedron ( 3RIOART -B) 1991 : MCD : The ritual should be kept alive - part 1 ( 3RIOART and different live version, limited art edition on DISCORDIA ‘92 -Germany) 1992 : CD : The ritual should be kept alive - part 2 1992 : CD : Music for rituals - Limited art edition and normal edition (ARTWARE - Germany ) 1993 : CD : Soundtrack voor het aquarium ( ANTWERP ZOO -B) 1994 : MCD : The atavistic Fetisj , limited art edition ( 3RIOART B) 1994 : CD : The rhythm of the ritual ( CHARNEL HOUSE -USA) 1995 : CD : Soundtrack for the aquarium ( DAFT -B) 1995 : CD : The ritual of the rave ( DAFT -B ) 1996 : vinyl, 7 inch, picture disc limited art edition : Ein Phallischer Gott ( ANTZEN -Germany) 1996 : vinyl, 12 inch, limited art edition : Mistrust Authority - Promote Decentralisation ( SOMETHING WEIRD -Iceland) 1996 CD : Dreamscapes from a dark side ( DAFT -B) 1996 : vinyl, 7 inch, limited : Madhr (ARTHUR’S ROUND TABLE -Austria) Moon Hidden & Hybryds 1996 CD : Oniro - First SOLO CD from Yasnaïa ( WORLD SERPENT -UK) limited box edition sold out. 1996 CD : Cortex Stimulation ( DAFT -B) 1997 vinyl : HYBRYDS LIVE, limited audiophelic vinyl pressing ( OBUH -Poland) 1997 CD : Ein Phallischer Gott ( CROWDED -USA) 1997 CD : Clavis ( OLD EUROPA CAFE -Italy) 1997 : Picturedisc - 7 inch : Onokoro by Yasnaïa ( ANT ZEN -Germany) 1997 : Split 7 inch : Hybryds / P.A.L. - Yasnaïa ( SPECTRE -NOCTURNUS -B) 1998 : CD : Tectonic overload ( ANTZEN -Germany) 1999 : first tape release now on limited 12 inch picture disc : Mythical music from the 21 St Century (TRITON -Germany) 1999 : CD : Virtual Impact ( DAFT-B ) 2000 : CD ROM ('Cat's Heaven - Germany) with art by Magthea and Yasnaïa, video : Hybryds - Live, info, interviews, interactive discography, digital poetry, VR scenes and much more.For MacOs9 and Windows NT/95/98. 2001 : CD : Na-DHA, voices without a sound ( INDIESTATE-RUSSIA) 2001 : vinyl,10 inch, Na-Dha " BYAKUYA", (OLD EUROPACAFE -Italy) 2002 : CD : Hybryds, Tryptykh (TANTRIC HARMONIES, RUSSIA) Unreleased liverecordings,1991,1993,1996. 2002 : CD: Hybryds, "ElectrikVoodoo", ( Daft Belgium) 2002: vynil 12 inch: Hybryds, "Lust" (Spectre Belgium) 2002: Na-Dha new Hybrydsproject by Magthea CD-R; Recorded live Rue des Magazins4 Brussel, Belgium, Sounds from down below 16/03/02 (3RIOART) 2002: CD-R : The Magthea & Codetrippa live project ( 2 live recordings) Brugge Cultural City of Europe 2002, Belgium, 05/09/02 & 01/11/03 Kultureel Centrum Luchtbal, Antwerpen. 11 de editie Seat's 'n' beats.(3RIOART) 2003: HYBRYDS LIVE BEFORE 2000: DVD-R Hybryds: Nursery Injection festival, Sweden 1998. The ritual should be kept alive, recorded live 1993 Nurnberg Germany. Documentaries:De melkbrigade : Belgium TV, 1996-De Nachtrijder : Holland commercial TV 1995. Interview by the stubnitzcrew.(3RIOART) 2003: Na-Dha new Hybrydsproject by Magthea CD-R; Recorded live 15-11-03, JC DE BOGAERD - GEEL, The Event III.(3RIOART) 2004: Lust: Na-Dha new Hybrydsproject by Magthea CD-R: Original released as a limited fetish vinyl by Spectre (text & voice : Miss Polyester) & remix by Codetrippa(3RIOART) 2004: DVD-R :Hybryds : Recorded live at Gorlice, Ambient festival, Poland, 17 July 04. Music: Magthea & Ah-Cama-Sotz, Martin Franklin, video : Hybryds.(3RIOART) 2005: DVD - video - Na-Dha new Hybrydsproject by Magthea with Live vocals Katharina & Madeline (Schattenkinder) Dresden 2005 - Recorded live Club Debil.(3RIOART) 2008 : Dreambient, DVD video and CD music by Hybryds featering vocals by Madeline Arndt. ( 2009 :CD : Ritual Anthology, a selection of the very best ritual music by Hybryds from 1986-1993 ( 2010: CD : Urban Rituals, on Sleepless in Berlin
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