Verifying Ray Tracing Based CoMP–MIMO Predictions with Channel
Verifying Ray Tracing Based CoMP–MIMO Predictions with Channel
Verifying Ray Tracing Based CoMP–MIMO Predictions with Channel Sounding Measurements 1 Dresden Richard Fritzsche1 , Jens Voigt2 , Carsten Jandura1 , and Gerhard P. Fettweis1 University of Technology, Vodafone Chair for Mobile Commnications Sytems, Dresden, Germany 2 Actix GmbH, Dresden, Germany, [email protected] {richard.fritzsche, carsten.jandura, fettweis} Abstract— Multiple-Input Multiple–Output (MIMO) technology is ready for deployment in commercial cellular networks in the very near future. Thus, the need of incorporating this technology into radio network planning and optimization rises dramatically for network operators. The main question to answer is how accurate MIMO channel models reflect the real MIMO channel. In this contribution we verify a detailed ray tracing channel simulator with channel sounding measurements in the 2.53 GHz range by comparing simulated and measured eigenvalue characteristics for various Single–User (SU) downlink scenarios in a Coordinated Multi–Point (CoMP) environment. From our comparison we can conclude that carefully performed Geometrical Optics based ray tracing simulations are an adequate prediction model to reflect main characteristics of SU– MIMO channels even in a CoMP scenario. I. I NTRODUCTION Due to spectral efficiency enhancements MIMO technology is used in next generation communications systems. For a reliable planning and optimization of cellular radio networks accurate channel prediction models are required. An established method to comprehend radio wave propagation is ray tracing. Applying MIMO channels into ray tracing simulations was little analyzed in the past, especially for cooperative network structures (CoMP). A suitable method to verify the model accuracy is comparing simulations with measured channel data. In this contribution ray tracing simulation results are compared with results from channel sounding, regarding SISO (Single–Input Single–Output) channels, polarization MIMO (POL–MIMO) as well as three different spatial SU–MIMO scenarios. All cases are illustrated in Fig. 1. The measurement campaign was performed in a European city cellular network with three base stations having three sectors each. Our general comparison methodology is illustrated in Fig. 2. The comparison for the four MIMO cases is based on the evaluation of the MIMO channel matrix H ∈ CM ×N , where N and M denotes the number of transmit and the number of receive antennas, respectively. The matrix elements are obtained from the channel impulse response hm,n (k) ∈ C applying a combining scheme (e.g. selection combining), where k denotes the sample index in time domain. Considering a cellular network with multiple antennas at each base station sector, index n can denote an antenna element of an uniform linear array (ULA), a single column sector antenna, where the alternative sectors are placed at the same base station (SEC – sector), or a single column sector antennas, where the Fig. 1. Classification of SISO, polarization MIMO (POL) and spatial SU– MIMO (ULA, SEC, and NET) channels. Green arrows represent spatial links, blue arrows are polarization links. alternative sectors are places at different base stations (NET – network), also known as CoMP. At the receiver, m can denote an antenna array element assigned to a single user or one of multiple users (MU) equipped with single antenna terminals. The SU–MIMO cases presented in this paper are illustrated in Fig. 1. The MU–MIMO cases are analyzed in [1] using the same measurements and evaluation methodology. MIMO channel measurements in a similar frequency range are documented in the literature, see e.g. the recent publications [2]–[5], without comparisons in CoMP–MIMO scenarios however. This paper is organized as follows: In Section II the channel sounding measurement campaign is introduced, where in Section III the ray tracing channel simulator is presented. In Section IV the comparison methodology is introduced. We present our comparison results in Section V, before we conclude this contribution in Section VI. TABLE I PARAMETERS FROM THE MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGN Parameter Center Frequency Bandwidth Transmit Power Time Window Samples K Base Stations / Sectors Tx Antennas Rx Antennas Inter Site Distance Average Rx Velocity Snapshots per Route Fig. 2. Approach to compare measured and simulated channel data. II. C HANNEL S OUNDING M EASUREMENT C AMPAIGN This work is based on channel sounding measurements carried out in downtown Dresden, Germany, in August 2008 in the 2.53 GHz range. The map in Fig. 3 shows the deployment and measurement scenario. The campaign was arranged in Value 2.53 GHz 21.25 MHz 44 dBm 12.8 µs 273 3/3 XX-POL (BS1), X-POL (BS2, BS3) PUCA 8 ≈ 750 m 4.2 m/s ≈ 450.000 and [2]. During the campaign, Nw = 29 routes were measured using the RUSK HyEff channel sounder [6]. Every 5.2 ms a snapshot was recorded, consisting of a channel impulse response (sampled with K = 273 taps and the sampling interval ∆τ = 46.9 ns) for each of the 192 (96) links between a base station and the receiver array, where numbers in brackets refer to one–column sector antennas. Thus 12 (6) transmitter elements (Ns = 3 sectors with Nt =2 (1) antenna columns and Nq = 2 polarization directions per column) sent to 16 receiver elements (Nm = 8 patch antennas with Np = 2 polarization directions per patch). For other measurement parameters refer to Table I. Measurements with a similar equipment have been reported in e.g. [6] and further references of this group of authors. For every measurement snapshot µr ∈ Mr the channel between a transmitter and a receiver element is represented by the channel impulse response hM (k, νp , νq , νm , νn , µr , νw , νb ), (1) where the arguments denote the following indices: k νp νq νm νn µr νw νb Fig. 3. Map of the measurement area in downtown Dresden. The dashed green lines show the measurement routes. Base Stations with sector orientations are given as red ellipses. terms of a cellular network structure with three base stations and three sectors per base station in a standard tree-fold sectorization, see Fig. 4 (a). We use one– (BS 2 and BS 3) and two–column (BS 1) cross–polarized (slanted ±45◦ ) sector antennas with a gain of +18 dBi. The distance between the antenna elements at BS 1 is 0.6 λ. At the mobile station side a uniform circular array with eight dual polarized patch antennas was mounted onto the measurement car’s roof, see Fig. 4 (b) — — — — — — — — sample index in time domain polarization component at receiver side polarization component at transmitter side receiver patch (at UE) transmitter element (at BS) snapshot measurement route base station According to the channel sounding data structure we constitute νn = (νs − 1)Nt (νb ) + νt , (2) where νs and νt indexes the sector and the antenna column, respectively. The number of available columns depends on the base station: ( 2 for νb = 1 Nt (νb ) = (3) 1 for 2 ≤ νb ≤ 3 Regarding (2), νn represents the νt -th antenna column of the νs -th sector at base station νb . The polarization are set to νp = [1/2] , [horizontal/vertical] and νq = [1/2] , [−45◦ / + 45◦ ]. Furthermore, M symbolizes the measurements. The measured channel impulse response (1) includes Additive White Gaussian Noise n ∼ CN (0, σn2 ). For noise reduction, every sample k that does not fulfill the constraint |hM (k, νp , νq , νm , νn , µr , νw , νb )|2 > σn2 (4) is excluded from any further evaluation. To estimate the noise power threshold σn2 , the algorithm presented in [7] was applied. (a) Transmitter Fig. 4. (b) Receiver Antennas at the base station (a) and the mobile station (b). III. R AY T RACING C HANNEL S IMULATION several meters, see Fig. 5 at a height of 1.8 m above the DEM. The electrical beam pattern of the transmission and receiver antennas were included in the ray tracing algorithm. B. The full 3D GO/UTD Ray Launching Approach We simulate the single–input single–output (SISO) channel impulse response using a ray launching algorithm operating in the above introduced 3D environment model as a deterministic channel model. This algorithm regards a bundle of rays, emanating from a transmitter source using a transmit angle interval of 1◦ that are all traced along until their field strength falls below a defined noise threshold. For our simulations the smallest noise level threshold estimated from measurements is applied, compare (4). This algorithm accesses the 3D topographical database of the buildings and the ground (see Section III-A) to determine the nearest obstacle in the current propagation direction of the ray. Once a ray hits an obstacle the ray launching algorithm includes the radio wave propagation effects specular reflection, diffraction, and diffuse scattering in its ongoing calculation based on the algorithms of Geometrical Optics, the Uniform Theory of Diffraction, and the Effective Roughness approach, see Fig. 6. This algorithm calculates all properties of the electromagnetic field (four complex polarimetric amplitudes, direction of departure (DOD), direction of arrival (DOA), and time delay of arrival (TDOA)) for every transmitter–receiver combination. Parameters of the ray launching simulation are given in Table II. A. Environment Model For simulation purposes, the environment of the measurement campaign as shown in Fig. 3 was modeled in a three– dimensional vector building model that was placed on top of a Digital Elevation Matrix (DEM) modeling the ground, see Fig. 5 for a part of this environment model highlighting the level of detail in it. This vector building uses polygons of any shape and position to model the buildings in three dimensions. The transmission antennas were placed in the exact position Fig. 6. Building model of the whole measurement environment with receiver planes, placed along the measurement routes. C. Diffuse Scattering Fig. 5. Three–dimensional building model of the environment. with real azimuth and mechanical tilt values. Receivers are modeled by horizontal square planes with a lateral size arx of As strongly suggested by e.g. [8] and [9], we also implemented a diffuse scattering model into our ray launching algorithm. In general we use the Effective Roughness approach of [10]. Due to the characteristics of our dense urban environment (having coarser irregularities like windows and ornaments), we decided to use the Directive Model to determine the amplitude and direction of scattered rays, hereby reducing the power (density) of the specular reflected ray accordingly. This model steers the scattering lobe more into the direction of the specular reflection than the conventional Lambertain Model, see especially [9] for a description and discussion. See again Table II for the parametrization of the diffuse scattering. D. SISO Channel Impulse Response The direct result of the ray launching algorithm is the time– invariant (one sample point) and flat fading (symbol duration root mean square delay spread) complex polarimetric (polarization–dependent) impulse response of a single link radio channel, that can be described as: X −j2πdl al (νp , νq )exp δ(τ − τl ), (5) h(τ, νp , νq ) = λ scattered rays. As alternative, we introduce two ways to obtain a polarization direction of a scattered ray: • random polarization • mean polarization The first option randomly distributes the sum power to the co– and cross– component. Mean polarization, which is used for the simulations discussed in this paper, assigns equal power to the co– and cross– component. From (5) we can write 1 |h(τ, i, i)|2 + |h(τ, j, i)|2 , 2 (6) where h and h̃ represent the channel before and after diffuse scattering, respectively. |h̃(τ, i, i)|2 = |h̃(τ, j, i)|2 = l In (5) the following additional representations are used: l al (νp , νq ) dl τl λ — — — — — one propagation path the complex attenuation of path l the length of path l the propagation delay of path l the carrier wave length In contrast to the measurements, in the simulation only horizontal and vertical polarization directions were used, thus νp/q = [1/2] , [horizontal/vertical]. E. Polarization Issues Since all measurement antennas have two polarization directions, polarization MIMO properties were also accessed during the channel sounding measurement campaign. Consequently, the ray tracing algorithm also needs to model cross–polarization issues correctly in order to make its results comparable with the measurements. Polarization issues need strongly to be divided into two parts (e.g. [11]): • The polarization de-coupling of the antennas. This is described by the cross–polarization discrimination (XPD), which is an antenna property. • The polarization behavior of the channel. This is described by the cross–polarization ratio (XPR), which is a property of the channel. Our modeling approach for both parts is described below. 1) Polarization Behavior of the Channel: In order to correctly model the polarization behavior of the channel, a polarimetric (polarization–dependent) calculation of the propagation effects specular reflection, diffraction, and diffuse scattering is necessary. The GO/UTD algorithms described in Section IIIB correctly handles the polarization decoupling during specular reflections and diffractions and gives the four complex polarimetric amplitudes as results. The Effective Roughness based approach of diffuse scattering instead only calculates the amplitude of the scattered rays. Phases and polarization characteristics are unknown due to the incoherent nature of the Effective Roughness approach, see [9]. Consequently, [9] suggests a complete incoherent handling of the power of 2) Polarization Properties of the Antenna: The polarization properties of an antenna due to their XPD property need to be differently handled at the transmission and receive antennas. The depolarization handling due to transmission antenna XPD is calculated from (5) by 2 |h̃(τ, i, i)|2 = (1 − β) |h(τ, i, i)| , (7) 2 |h̃(τ, j, i)|2 = β |h(τ, i, i)| , (8) the depolarization handling due to receive antenna XPD is considered by 2 2 2 |h̃(τ, i, i)|2 = |h(τ, i, i)| −β(|h(τ, j, j)| +|h(τ, j, i)| ), (9) 2 2 2 |h̃(τ, i, j)|2 = |h(τ, i, j)| + β(|h(τ, j, j)| + |h(τ, j, i)| ), (10) XPD where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 2, i 6= j and β = 10− 20 . Furthermore, h and h̃ denote the channel impulse responses at the input and the output of the antennas, respectively. F. Uniform Antenna Arrays In order to extend the ray tracing result towards a MIMO channel impulse response matrix, the MIMO antenna type is to be taken into account, see e.g. [12]. Because of the approximated building structures in our 3D environment, a separate placement of transmitter and receiver antenna elements at a ULA with a distance of several centimeters is not reasonable in a ray launching model. Thus, for ULA antennas, links between antenna array elements are constructed from the direct SISO channel impulse response (5) (from tx array center to rx array center) using the path wise phase shift ∆γi,l between the array center and the antenna elements i (plane wave assumption). The phase shift ∆γi,l can be obtained from the path wise angle of departure (AOD) and angle of arrival (AOA) and the array composition ∆γi,l = −2πdi cos(ϕi − ϕl ), λ (11) where di , ϕi , and ϕl denote the distance between the array center and element i, the direction of element i, and the direction of path l, respectively (see Fig. 7). A. Position Mapping As mentioned in Section III a receiver plane in the ray tracing simulation has a lateral size of arx = 10 m. During the channel sounding measurements, the car’s speed was about 4.2 m/s (see Table I), while a snapshot was taken every 5.2 ms. This leads to about 450 measurement snapshots per simulated receiver plane. Based on geographical snapshot information (xµr , yµr , zµr ) a set M(νr ) including the indices of all snapshots lying inside the receiver plane νr is introduced Fig. 7. Calculation of the path wise phase shift at the array element i. M(νr ) = {µr |xζ(νr −1)+1 ≤ xµr ≤ dx (νr − 1)arx , yζ(νr −1)+1 ≤ yµr ≤ dy (νr − 1)arx }, From (12) a generic channel impulse response considering a uniform array at transmitter and receiver can be written as: X h(τ, νp , νq , νm , νn ) = al (νp , νq )δ (τ − τl ) · ... l (12) 2πd (−j λ l +∆γνrx +∆γνtx ) ,l ,l m t ψνm ,l · e , where the transmitter elements are indexed by νn = (νs − 1)Nt (νb ) + νt , (13) (16) where the instantaneous route direction is formulated as dx (νr ) = sgn(xζ(νr ) − xζ(νr −1)+1 ), (17) dy (νr ) = sgn(yζ(νr ) − yζ(νr −1)+1 ). (18) The function ζ maps the last element of M(νr ) to νr 0 for νr = 0 ζ(νr ) = max µ for 1 ≤ νr ≤ Nr r (19) µr ∈M(νr ) according to the notation from Section II. Note that we model magnitude variations between array elements at the receiver, e.g. due to fading effects, with the random variable ψνm ,l ∼ N (1, σa2 ), where σa2 denotes the variance of the magnitude of a in order to lower the correlations between the ULA antenna elements further than the phase shift of the plane wave model. Notice that ψνm ,l is only considered in the ULA scenario. Otherwise we constitute ψνm ,l = 1. Furthermore, we sample the channel impulse response obtained from (12) to Z k∆τ h(k, νp , νq , νm , νn ) = h(τ, νp , νq , νm , νn )dτ. (14) The mapping procedure is illustrated in Fig. 8. By calculating M(1) the first snapshots of a route are mapped to the first receiver. The final receiver position is got from the average of the related snapshot positions. The procedure is applied until all snapshots of a route are mapped to receivers. At the (k−1)∆τ For the discussions in Section IV the channel impulse response is written depending on the receiver plane νr , the measurement route νw and the base station νb , compare to (1) hS (k, νp , νq , νm , νn , νr , νw , νb ), (15) where S represents the simulation. Fig. 8. TABLE II PARAMETERS FOR THE R AY L AUNCHING A LGORITHM Parameter Center Frequency Relative Permittivity, real part Effective Roughness [8], [9] Scattering Directivity [8], [9] Transmit Angle Interval Max. Number of Reflections per Ray Max. Number of Diffractions per Ray Value 2.53 GHz 4.0 0.3 4.0 1◦ ∞ 2 IV. C OMPARISON M ETHODOLOGY In this section we describe the mathematical approach to map the ray tracing simulation results and the channel sounding measurements to each other in order to be able to compare them. Illustration of the mapping function ζ. simulation a receiver νr collects each wave front hitting its plane. From M(νr ) we want to find the snapshot that received the most dominant of these wave fronts. Hence, we select the snapshot with the highest power. Based on (1) and (15) a selection function can be written as follows: XX µ̂r (νr ) = argmax pM (νm , νn , µr ) (20) µr ∈M(νr ) νm νn with pM/S (νm , νn , µr ) = XXX k νp |hM/S (k, νp , νq , νm , νn , µr )|2 , νq (21) where we disclaim to explicitly note the arguments νw and νb . B. SISO Channel Property Analysis We compare the pathloss between the ray tracing simulation and the channel sounding measurements as the main SISO channel property. For this comparison the antenna element ν̂m of the receiver array νr with the highest receive power during the measurements is chosen: X ν̂m (νr ) = argmax pM (νm , νn , µ̂r (νr )). (22) 1≤νm ≤Nm ν n The pathloss is calculated out of the measurement results by selecting the patch ν̂m at the receiver and the antenna element ν̂n (νs , νb ) at the transmitter, where we appoint νt = 1 (selects always the first column of a two column sector antenna) from (21): LM (νr ) = 10 log10 pM (ν̂m , ν̂n , µ̂r (νr )) . (23) The pathloss from simulation results is obtained again from (21) by LS (νr ) = 10 log10 pS (ν̂m , ν̂n , νr ) . (24) for later comparison. Thereby the channel impulse response of a link has to be reduced to a single channel coefficient. We considered selection combining (selection of the sample with the highest power). 1) POL–MIMO: The elements of the polarization MIMO channel impulse response matrix HPOL ∈ C2×2 for the measurements are obtained from (1) by POL,M (k, νr , νw , νb ) = hM (k, i, j, ν̂m , ν̂n , µ̂r (νr ), νw , νb ). (27) Since the measurement transmit antennas use different polarization directions than the respective antennas in the simulation case, the ±45◦ polarization at measurement transmit antennas is shifted back to horizontal/vertical polarization (like the transmit antennas at the simulation) using the rotation matrix 1 1 1 (28) T= √ 2 −1 1 h̄i,j and calculating POL,M HPOL,M = H̄ C. MIMO Channel Property Analysis The quality of the MIMO channel can be described by the MIMO channel capacity. For an equal power distribution for all antenna elements at the transmitter side the capacity in the White Gaussian Noise channel can be calculated by rH X σS2 (25) log2 1 + 2 λi , C= σN i=1 where rH is the rank of H and λi are the eigenvalues of 2 is H HH . The ratio of signal power σS2 to noise power σN called Signal–to–Noise–Ratio (SNR). To obtain independence from SNR only the distribution of the normalized eigenvalues are considered for the following analysis, compare e.g. [13]. In this contribution MIMO systems with a maximum rank rH ≤ 3 are used. Because in this case the smallest eigenvalue is usually negligible in reality, we assume that the consideration of the two strongest eigenvalues is sufficient. As a reasonable statistic to describe the MIMO channel structure we introduce the eigenvalue ratio: max (λj ) j=1,...,rH |j6=i , reig = 10 log10 (26) max (λi ) i=1,...,rH where the second best eigenvalue is divided by the best eigenvalue. We now give the formulas to calculate the elements of the channel impulse response matrices for the simulation and measurement case for all four MIMO setups (compare Fig. 1) that we used for our comparison: • polarization MIMO (POL–MIMO), • spatial MIMO with a ULA at transmitter (ULA–MIMO), • cooperation of different sectors at the same site (SEC– MIMO), • cooperation of sectors at different sites (NET–MIMO). Then, a respective channel matrix is constructed for every setup and used to calculate the eigenvalues and their ratio T. (29) The elements of the polarization MIMO channel impulse response matrix for the simulation are obtained from (15) by (k, νr , νw , νb ) = hS (k, i, j, ν̂m , ν̂n , νr , νw , νb ). (30) hPOL,S i,j 2) Spatial MIMO: For the three spatial MIMO cases a reduced channel impulse response is used, where one polarization component is selected at the transmitter (νq = 1) and the both resulting polarization components at the receiver are added. From the matrix elements of (29) and from (30) we get M/S h̃ X (k, νm , νn , νr , νw , νb ) = POL,M/S hi,1 (k, νm , νn , νr , νw , νb ), (31) i taking νm and νn into account. a) ULA–MIMO: Based on (31) the coefficients of the channel impulse response matrix for the ULA case HULA ∈ C8×2 are selected by M hULA,M (k, νr , νw , νs ) = h̃ (k, i, νn (j, νs ), µ̂r (νr ), νw , 1) i,j (32) from measurement results and by S hULA,S (k, νr , νw , νs ) = h̃ (k, i, νn (j, νs ), νr , νw , 1) i,j (33) from simulation results. Because BS 1 is the only base station using two–column sector antennas, it is the only one used for ULA analysis. b) SEC–MIMO: The elements of the channel impulse response matrix for SEC–MIMO HSEC ∈ C8×3 are obtained by M hSEC,M (k, νr , νw , νb ) = h̃ (k, i, νn (νb , j), µ̂r (νr ), νw , νb ) i,j (34) from measurement results and by S hSEC,S (k, νr , νw , νb ) = h̃ (k, i, νn (νb , j), νr , νw , νb ) (35) i,j from simulation results, both from (31). We obtain the selected transmitter elements by νn (νb , j) = (j − 1)Nt (νb ) + 1. (36) Remember, as mentioned in Section II, Nt = 2 for BS 1 and Nt = 1 for BS 2 and BS 3. In the case of SEC–MIMO only one column of the two–column antennas at BS 1 is used for analysis. c) NET–MIMO: The elements of the channel impulse response matrix for NET–MIMO HNET ∈ C8×3 are obtained by (k, νr , νw , νs , νb ) = hNET,M i,j M h̃ (k, i, νn (νs , νb , j), µ̂r (νr ), νw , νb ) Fig. 9. Comparison of the pathloss and its deviations between measurements and simulation. (37) for the measured channel and by S hNET,S (k, νr , νw , νs , νb ) = h̃ (k, i, νn (νs , νb , j), νr , νw , νb ) i,j (38) for the simulated channel, both again from (31). The transmitter elements are taken from νn (νs , νb , j) = (νs − 1)Nt (νb ) + 1. (39) Obviously not every combination of sectors and base stations is reasonable. Hence, preselections of sectors that cover the same area were done. V. R ESULTS Fig. 10. Comparison of the eigenvalue ratio for measurements and simulation for POL–MIMO. A. SISO Analysis The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the simulated pathloss (24) is compared to the CDF of the measured pathloss (23) on the left side of Fig. 9. The point-by-point deviation between simulation and measurement results (∆L = LS − LM ) is shown on the right side of Fig. 9. The results indicate that for 75% of the analyzed receiver positions in our environment the pathloss deviation between simulation and measurement is less than 10 dB. The average value of the difference is 0.11 dB. B. MIMO Analysis 1) Polarization MIMO: For POL–MIMO the channel impulse response matrices are given in (30) for simulation data and in (27) for measurement data. The result of the eigenvalue difference is shown in Fig. 10. The separation of the results into line–of–sight (LoS) and non–line–of–sight (NLoS) situations illustrates a better fitting for NLoS scenarios. The difference for LoS is considerably smaller when the XPD properties of the transmission and receive antennas are correctly handled in the ray tracing simulation, see Section IIIE.2. Enabling the diffuse scattering option in the ray tracing simulation results in negligible differences in the eigenvalue ratio deviation for POL–MIMO only, compare Fig. 11. Fig. 11. Eigenvalue ratio deviation for POL–MIMO with and without Diffuse Scattering option in the simulation. 2) Spatial MIMO: For the three different spatial MIMO setups ULA–MIMO, SEC–MIMO, and NET–MIMO the channel impulse matrices for simulation and measurements are given in (32) to (38). As can clearly be seen from Fig. 12, for ULA–MIMO more than 98% of all receiver positions have an eigenvalue ratio deviation of less than 10 dB in the case of ψνm ,l ∼ N (1, σa2 ), see (12). For the case of ψνm ,l = 1 in (12), the ULA scenario has an average deviation of -17.63 dB between measurements of simulation, compare Fig. 12. The In contrast to the influence of diffuse scattering to the receive power reported in [8] and [9], we could not observe noticeable differences in POL–MIMO comparisons by enabling our diffuse scattering option in the ray tracing simulator, however. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank Mr. C. Schneider and Mr. G. Sommerkorn of Ilmenau University, Germany, and Mr. S. Warzügel of MEDAV GmbH, Germany, for the assistance during the measurement campaign as well as Mr. Karthik Kuntikana Shrikrishna of IIT Madras, Chennai, India, for his help and fruitful discussions in the correction of the ULA– MIMO simulation results. The work presented in this paper was partly sponsored by the German federal government within the EASY-C project under contracts 01BU0630 and 01BU0638. R EFERENCES Fig. 12. Comparison of the eigenvalue deviations between measurements and simulation for ULA–, SEC–, and NET–MIMO. difference in the eigenvalue ratio is less than 10 dB in the SEC–MIMO scenario for about 65% and in the NET–MIMO scenario for about 85% of all considered receiver positions, in both cases for ψνm ,l = 1 in (12). Mean value and standard deviation are summarized in Table III. TABLE III R ESULT OVERVIEW Channel Type SISO POL-MIMO ULA-MIMO SEC-MIMO NET-MIMO Statistic ∆P L ∆reig ∆reig ∆reig ∆reig Mean [dB] 0.11 0.04 2.04 -4.31 1.08 Std. Deviation 9.27 dB 7.57 dB 3.94 dB 10.47 dB 7.27 dB VI. C ONCLUSIONS We compared channel sounding measurements with detailed ray tracing based channel simulations in a European test CoMP–MIMO network at 2.53 GHz for several MIMO scenarios. 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