br,t"le ,`.`l` Jool adv`n`n .JnNtu-"YJ
br,t"le ,`.`l` Jool adv`n`n .JnNtu-"YJ
No,ne^-rlilti d^-Z'l k N'4 /*td,. ,t Iotn^a' ('J'+ spzo';o'li"Jb'; ' d D'.'/. 1oo7 ad^tn 'ttri luurvpRsrry oF cA,,rcur.-. { ;"-g,i-(/e /er,:/:r^!^ t) (Ab ,,,I D X b)6.s.o7 M.A. West Asian Studies Nomenciatu;e changed to M.A. politics (with Specialization in West Asian Studi,::s), i?errised regulation and syllabus implemented - approved - Orde:s issu:c. GENERAL AND AC"A,DEMIC 3"r.+.i{C}X No.GAI/Btl9s2O/03. - I 'B' SECTION Datec, Caiicut University P.O, 05.07.2006. Read: Minutes of the meeting of the Board oi Studies in West Asian Studies held on 23.03.2006. ORD$;{ At the meeting of the Board oi St-urdies in West Asian Studies held on 23.03.2006, it was resolved that the M.A in V7est Asian Studies be re-named as MA Politics (with specialization in West Asian Studies) and approve the revised scheme and syllabus for the course. The meeting recommenried the follor,ving papers for the two year four Semester course + dissertation. I Semester Paper I I Research Methodology Introduction to Political Thought Qe't';11..4 "nb.W\ rdr_&cJ il Jnlqnolift; p'..d. Semester Paper I II III IV III {Oo aJ 4 aol"'n Political Theory State and politics in India Economic Develo Foreign Langu-age (A:'ai-,:c.,/iR--rssian/French/Persian) Semester Paper I II * International Relatror.:,s - Taeories West Asia in Internalionai Politics tive Politi Foreign Language (A:'abic R.ussian French Persian Memester Paper I II III IV International Relatlons - S]rstem Foreign Policy of Iniia Ideolory & Conflict in \,t/est Asia Indian Ocean Studies + Dissertation The meeting also resolved the fo-lc';ir:,;: * br,t"le ,'.'l' D: \SyamaJa\GA Jool adv'n'n I\B sec\Order\9520-03 .JnNtu-"YJ: (O5. 07 r)6).doc .r t Adnto ,.); v The students who have alread1, .-e,---.-ir N{.A. west Asian Studies degree be given the optior_tg compler_e the _o.-:i,,_:.g new four papers offered for the restructured MA in politics {Spe,:ializai-ce .i -.f.est Asian stuaies;. 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction to political Thoughi political Theory State & politics in Indie Comparative politics e taken the MA Degree in West Asian MA in politics (with Specialization in i completion of the above mentioned r::rlxiz-num of four chances to complete In view of the urgency of the matter iiie vice-chancellor has approved the minutes of the meeting or ihe Board cf Str::ies in west Asian Studies held on 23'03'2006 for implementation fronr 2f,1tla admission subject to report to Academic Council. The vice-chancellor has a-lso app:'cvei iire change of the nomenclature of MA west Asian studies to h,'IA potiiics (wittr specialization in west Asian Studies). Orders are therefore issued accordingiy. sd/DEPUTY REGTSTRAR (c&a-rl For REGISTRAR To The HeaC of the Department. West Asian Studies University of Calicut. Copy to: Controller of Examina,:ions/Ii)GAI-A/F Sec./SFlDF /FC Se c7 Lib.iary'/SDE / Forwarded/By Order D:\S,i'a:nala\cA I\B sec\Order\9520-03 (C5 i): r)(;) doo \\ chn-t) Page- 0i Proposed Revised Syllabus for the Cour5g - M A Politics (Specialization in West Asia), KM Center for West Asian StuOLs, University of Calicut I SEMESTER Paper I - Research'Methodology A. Science and Social Science Research Methods rn Socrai Sctences Scientrfic Meihod: Bastc steps tn scientific method: Concepts, hypothesis and theory 'l ) lnduction and Deduction and Spuriousness. Depencient and lndependent Variables Falsificatron and Bias in Research Foi'mulation of a Researcl-r prcblem 6 F.esearch Desrgn Types of reseai'ch destgn- Descriptive, Dtagnosttc, Expioraiory 4 and Expertmentai Sources anrl Techntcles of Date Ccllectron' i. ii s o Docuilentary soLirces Fielci sources Oi:senretron interview. schedule, questionnaire and case study Analysis and Interpretation of Data. Qualitative Analysis: Content Analysis, Document Analysis and Comparative Analysis. . Quantitative analysis: Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Dispersion and Correlation Reading List Apier David The BA i/ Sharma et Polttics of Maciernzarion al Research (fricaSo, Unrversity of Chicago Press. 196) Methoclstrt Socra/Scienceflelhi, Sterling, 198, Biackbrrrri P,obin (ed )' lcieologv in Si>cnisciet;ce ,7eading in Critical social theory Btaiock Ann (eds ) Metltoclolog.y rn Scrcra/ -sctence Researcnfuew York, McGraw Mill. Dasgupra Sugqta Metlto,lology ol Socla/ Scle;rce Reseatc/t Ghosir E H Scrertl fic Methoriattc Sccia/ ne.searcn,@lhr j{ :l { @'n. Stertrn) lmpex 196) 196) r a=)?' ')/- SG &HatePK Methodsissocral GooCe f,r,;rai ivr! Scl i'i itii,aductioil ia Reseaia!i ti' irciai S Jan Rrtchre and Jane Lewis, Qualitatrve Researcli fract,ce[New \- Delhr, Sage,20031 Kosambi D D, Sclerice, socrety anc Peace (New Delhr PPH 1996) Kuhn, 'Ihonras. The Structure of Screntific Revolutions (Chicago. University Press 1970) (Delhi Itiaha1an, Gurpreet. Exp!analict-r ancl tinoerstandinE rrt i-iurrtan Sciences OUP 1997i Popper Karl, The logic of scientific Discovcn/ (London Routledge 2002) r Delhi' in IResearch Methodology in Socia/ Science in lndta lNew tet't'tts tt' t 'tTraining Rarnachand rant p. \- ;;;il ;1# / Roseneau Jan'res (ed.). Colrtenting approaches Tandoii, B C Research llethcCciogy in Social Open Untversity Pres-' Tinr May, Soclal research:/-ssues Methods and Prccess(AtrcXingfram, \2001 t Paperll - lntroduction to PoliticalT'hought 1 2 -q .4 5 6 7 8 g Piato Episiemoiog,v - loea of Justrce - tdeal Siate - P!'rilosopher King - Education Arrstotle Methoctologv - Critlcrsm of Plato - Farnilv - Slavery - S'tate and Government Revolution Machiavelli: Meihods of securing iegitirt-'acy of Staie Soc.ial Contractualis'ts: HobDes, l-ccke and Rousseau tvleihods - State of Nature - Sovereignty - Sociai Contract Prospects of Revolution tJtilitarians: Bentham ani J S It{ill - State, Civil Society and Liberty lndran Political thinkers -"rtilya. Gandhi. M N Roy Ciassical Marxrsm - Hegei l\,'iarx, Engel's, Lettin and Mao - Dialecticaland Historical Materialrsm - Siate and Classes - Surplus Value - Revolution Dictatorship of the Proletariat - Party an,J Cotnmtrtttsm. C,ontemporary Marxist Tlic.:trghi - Pc.rlanyi and Greai Transformation - Gramsci on Hegen'rony, Herbert Marr:l:se s One Dimensional Man: Louis Althusser on ldeology: Sailre s Existentialisrrt :! I Page- Reading List Aiii-iusse.r L-, Lenirr and pltiiosctphy artt) Ctiier Essa,,;.s (Londoi.i Nev_,Left Books tg,7ri Barker, Earnest, potttrcar.Thoughl(Jarpur p,ntweil pubrishers. 19g9; Blaklay, Georgina (Ed ). contemporary Political cortcepts; A critical lntroduction [London: pluto Press. 20021 Bcttcnr ore Tom, A Dictionarlr cf |rlarxislrhougttt (oxford Brackiveir, 1gg 1I Brecht, Ai'nold. Potitrcai Theory. The Foundations of Twentieth century political rhought (Bonrbay: Times cf lndia press, 1g70) Bronner, Stephen Eric (ed ), Twentieth cenlury Potiticatrheory (New york. Routeledge 1997) Das Gupia K.K- , Essenttars of rilarx Dunning w A Depot 1988) Dunning s capitai(New Derhr. sterring i9g4; A History of Polittcal Theories. Luther to Montesqul'ea (Allahabad. Centrat Book w A ,4 History of Potiticat Theory Rousseau Depot,'1988) Ebestein W to spencer(Aitahabad cenirai gook Politicai Tnought in perspectiye Gettei Hlslory of PclrticatThouqht (New Dethi. surjeet publications 19g1) JrdcJer:s Anthonl; A Cu'tternporar:t ()ritque of Historical lvlateriaiism lLondon. Macmrllan 19g1) iirrii( iarnes I Virrceni'V l'horsbv Rinehart 1969) (eds ) Conlemporan/ politicat Tttoitght(New york Holt, GramsciA , Se/ecfrons front prison Note Books Hobswbam E^c, The Htslory of Marxisrn (New Derhi serect Servicel Mehta, Y R. lnclian poirtrcatTttougttt [New Dethi] Mrller Coienran, el 1 987) al Tiie Blacklveil Encyt:top"Ci, of potiticatTt.tottglt!(Oxford Basri Blackwell .t {{ X. 0?t Page- and K Pantham Thon-'as 1 L Deu"scl'r (ecs t Poli!'tcalTttought 986) anct Thornas Patc,krr ' Btkhu Panihatr'' re'Jr' i Poulantzas N Polittcal Power an'r-l (Neiri Delhi Sage tn Modern lndra Et:Pioratiarts Poiiiical Dtscoi'irse weslern SociatClasses Or' ii' !iltiteri al'd 1973) 'r'--r^^ trtew New Left BookS' (liondon' SabrneGeorgeAHistoryofPoliticatTheory(NeralYork'HenryHoltlgaT) (caTbrrdge cai'*nridge pcriucarThougr,iz vois Skrnner e UnrversitY The Foundati,ns Press' 1 978) of Nloderti (Delhi Ajanta 1988) East and West of Tomlin, Philosophers 1986) Delhr Bl Pubiications Wayper-C r- PoliticaiThot:gttt(New Paper llt 1 - in West Asia Politics State and of the Regton the Political Geography to lntroduciion in \^,/est Asia ResLir gence Nationairsm' . paiestine Arab i{ariorralrsr.:r comrnunist politicai [v]overnents 2 -Mou"r=nt-', lslamic 3Stateandldeolcgy.NasserrsmrnEgvpt.Zionismrnlsrael.Baathrsminlraq, Iran 35fl lraQ lslam in Saudi Arabra' 4 Staie poiitrcai De\.i eicprlieirt PoIlcv ar-rc Foreign SaudiArabta lran lsrael' Lebanon' Arab-israelt Paieslrne Question War and American rtre Guif Debates Movements and Opuositron lnternal Reforms Pariicipation ancj F':oliiical for 6 Strr.rggle on Clvll society /.c',.t'arr, Ivi \ S Air SlrErkh P. Conten'rnorary V/es.l,a.s,a [f.i",r, Delhi: Har-Anand pr-rblrcations f g95\ L Orl an1l Pi1',,u-gi polilrcat Dyrtanics trt til' / M,(.tclle Easl Asad, Talal and^oger Owen, Sociology of Devetoppg Soaeties The Mddle East(Loncon, Macmitlan 1983 \-' ) Ayubi Nazrh N Over 1 Statin.cS the t:'ab State. Politics ar;d Socieiy in the Midciie Easl (London 9951 Bromeiy Srrnon Rethtnking Miccile East poiitics(t'te,+; york, pclity r go) \, Cobban, Helena, The Paiestine Liberation arganization People Power anc| politics Crystall Jill "Authoriiarianisnr and iis Adversaries in tne Arab world". Wortd Pcliiics voi,46 nc,2 (January '1994i Edward. Saio -7ne Qt1esl,.o/r of palesr^ri:e El-Kody Ahmed and Eti Loet The Arao Wor.tcl ano the Mrddte East. Farah. Tawfic E red ) Poirticai behavioi in the aiab srates iBoulder, West vierv Press 1g€-?) Hadawi, S6mi Eiiier Haryest patestine igro-U, Halliday F red, Arabia without,Su/tans Haliiday Fred /,'ap D:ciatorsho artd Develocmer! .Hanna, tsatalLr, Poltttcal PoWpr Ci'ocm Hetnr 1980 attcl Socrat Slrr-rclrrre tit Arab Society; Cot'ttinutty and Ch,ange, / \londcn Heikal. Mohanrmec Sphinx and the Cornnls.sar Ihe Rise anc! fallof Sovrel lnfluence! Micldte East Helnrs, Cnistina, Cotresion in the cf Saudi.Araliia Hrro Dilip lrtside the Mtddle East Hoopward Derek (ed ) Araoran Peninsula Socrety anci Politics (London, Allen and Unwrn, 1922) v Page- 06 ' Hopkins.Nicho^lasSandSaadEddinEbrahim'(:1'^l(,oSoctety,C/assGenderPowerand American Unrversity Press 1997 ) i"i",,,"otr",t@ari'o HoprvooC Dei'ek (eci i' arto Politics The A'ra,:ran Petilttsttia Societ'1 |smayel' Tarek Y , Mid(le UniversitY Press' 2001) and East Pclitics Toda:i; Gove.rnmerlt / Ctvilsoclet{lorida. Florida JohnDlxon'ed-SocialWelfareinthetVlrddleEast(Lcndon:CroomHelm,1987) Kanrrava.Mehrarr..Ncn-cjenlocraticStatesanoPoliticalLiberalrzationintheMiddleEastA vol' 19' structural Analysis " Third World Quarlerly AjanrrFouad'TheArabPredicament.ArabPolittcalThoughtandPracticesincel96T KhaldoLrnHasan.alNaqeeb-SocietyandStateintheGulfandArabPeninsula(London Rutledge 1u961 iit t-ebanan Khalidi, Walid, Cottfltct ancl Violence attd P'evalutir')n Khcrneini, Ayatcllah. Ruhollah lslan Koranv,Bahgat.RexBrynenandPauiNobi...:,r.oltllcatLiberalizattonandDenlocratizaioninihe 2 (Boulder Lynne Rienner' 1998) Aratt world comparative Experiences.volume in vVotlcl Affairs Lenczcurski George, The Midctle East Peace i\.Ierrdel scrr. Eirerett, A Compassionate Morttmei', Edltard. Faith Nicholas s ar'td Pottter The Poliitcs of lslam (cairo' Arab society Social Science Perspectives Hopkins and saad Eddin lbranim- American UniversitY Press, 1985) Odeli Peter R . O/ artd World Power I owen,Roger'statePowerandPolittcsTheFormationoiModernf'tttddleEast(.-London. Rutiedge. 1ss2) AKPasna-IireGulfinTurmotl'AGlobalResponse(NewDelhiLancersBook.sl992) :PashaA.K(Ecl)Conten.lporary,GulfStale.Socrel.vEconomyandForeignPolic;t(NewDelhi Detente, {:l' 19!19) (^ PagePrrmakov, Y M C,: Anatomy of the Middle East Confiict Ror.;inserr [,laxrni, !srael and the Ataiis Rodrnson. Maxim, Manism and the Musltm Wodd Ruthven Malise, lslam in the World Saad Eddrn ibrahim (ed Schwecler. irllian, 1 ) Ihe Cdsis of Democracy in the Arab World (Beirut, (ed.\ Toward Civtl Scciety tn the Middle 1984) East A Primer London, Boulder, 995 Shariatr, Ali, On ihe Sociology of lslam. f alnizAhmad - Reforrn in the Arab world: External lnfluAnces and Regional Debates (New Delhi lnr-jra Researcn Press. 20C5i Whire, 4 Paulj and [/illiam S Logan, Remakingthe Middle East Oxford, Oxford University Press raj- Zahrh. Stepehi lran since lhe Revolutton P^.>pS-T / , D f>tA PdL-h''-g euce U vglA D"AT --- 1 The tsackEround 2 ihe Cold War 3 Decolonization in Asia and Afrrca 4 Non 5 Kcrean Crisis War in Vietnam 6 Soviet Union and. Easiern Europe - Disrntegration of the Soviet Union - Yugoslavia 7 Delc=irte and Deterrence I The Unrted States'and Latin Ame[ica - Aligned Movement 'l Cuban Missiie Crisis, New conservaiisln Emergence of Socralist Regimes in Latin Amerlca ! 4x - in US - v Page- 08 10 The World rn lhe 21" Century - Globalization - and ResrstanCe Democraiization lntegration/Fragmentation, Environmental lssues Human Rights lssues. Denuclearization - Pail* u* Crockatt Richard and Steven Smith (ed.), The Cold.War. Past and Present (London. Allen and Unwin, 1987) Gifford, Prosser and Williarn Roger Louis (ed ) The Transfer of Power in Africa Decolonization 1940-1960 (New Haven Yale University Press 1982) Held David et al, GlobalTransformations: Poiittcs Economics and Culture (Stanford: Stanford Universitv Press 1999,1 Jeffrey Robrn(et )Asra fne Winning of lndeperidence (London'Macmillan 1981) Kennedy, Paul The Rise and fal!of Greet Powers (London Fontana 1988) Kotz, David with Fred Werr ,Revo/ution from Above The Demise of the Soviel System (Londcn Routledgc. 1 9971 Lowenthal, Abraham F (Ed \ Expoftrng Democracy The Uniled Sfafes and Latin America (Baltimore: John Hopkrns University Press,1991r Lynch, Allen, Ihe Cold War is Over- Again.(Boulder West view. 1992) Manor, James. Rethinking Third World Politics. ILondon Longnran '1991j Calvocoressi, Peter World Potitics since 1945 (London Longrnan, 1996) O' Balance Edgar Korea 1950-53(London: Faberand Faber 1g69) Short, Antony. The Origns of the Vietnam War (London Longnran, '1989) Walker Martin The Cotd l,/rzai-(Londoii Vintage '19g3) II SEMESTER Paper I - Political Theory 1 lntroduction to Political Theory Scope and relevance: Classrcal, modern and postmodern perspectives, Marxian and Neo-Marxian Approaches Liberal and Neoliberal traditions _t o Page- 09 2 Posiiivisnn Historicism anO Hermeneutics 'i Titeary of Stare Licerai,:-iibei-ai lrtarxtan anii Tliird Woi-irj perspectives 4 Behaviouralrsm and Posi-behavrouralism. Changing Phases of Politrcai Sclence; Theory; Structural-Fu nctionalism Systems 5 Modernrzation and Political Deveiopment Western, Marxian and Thrrd Worlo Perspectrves, Critrque of Modernity 6 Basrc Concepts in PoliticalAiialysrs Sovereignty - Liberiy - Equalrt'; - Rrghts - Jusrice - Excluston and lnclusion - Power. Authorrty and Legitimacy - Politrcal Cutture Multiculturalism - Ethnicrty and Fundamentalism - Crvil Society - Democratic Struggles Citizenship A.hrnacl, Elttrsham, Jean Dreze Jolrn t'1iils and Countries (Oxfcrc!: Clarendon Press,'1991 Amartya Sen leds ), Social Secui'rty in Deveioping ) Almcnd G..a. and Poweli, Comparairve Politics lBoston. Little Brown, 1966) Almond G A. Jam-os Coleman, The Pcittrcs of Developing Areas (Princeton Prrncetcn Unrversril, Press. 196C1 Almond G A Sidney Verba The Civic Culture Revisited (New Delhi: Sage '1989). Almond G.A., A Disciplrrre Divrded. Schools and Sects rn Poliircal Siience (New Delhi Sage, 1 e89) Alihusser L i-enrn arrcl Philosophy and Other Essays iLonrlon New Left Bocks 197'1i Apter, David, Rethinking Development: Modernizatiorr, Dependency and Postmodern Politics (New Delhi Sage 1987) Beitz Cnarles R Pr:lrtrcal Theory and lnternational Relatrons (New Jersey Prrnceton Universrty Pru-ss 1979) Bellamy. Richard, Theories and Concepts of Politrcs (Manchester. Manchester Urriversiiy Press 1 993) Bi'echt. A.rnold, Poirtrcai Theory The Foundatrons of Twentreth Century Politrcal (Bontbay Times of !ndra Press '1970) Thought ., :l :i: 4 '! Page E:'r; rccl Bronner Siepnen CaiTreroii, Ks1'ireti- :":':",,, l'l':' ' I''6ig'rirer.F 1L 1997r (New York Rutledge Theory Cenitll'y Political l-iclei'ce lt'(atr'isrr' rl-it an.J the srate \A/.rram, Lesrtimacy r-rf Socrei)l rMassachusetts (New york Berqrr' & Gar';t':i New york uni'versitv press 1984) ct and the Possrbility Deconstruction Carlson and David Gray Michel Rosenfeld Cornell, Drucilla' 1992) lr.t,"" f **; York' Rutledge Vol2 (llii''rors No:'ti' lnternationarRerations po*cy arrd po,trcs. comparative crotty Wrrrram (ed.) ;;;;"r^ UntversttY Press 19e1) Vol '! practice of polttrcal science and Future The Theory Lookrn,g ro the croity witham (ed ), 1991) Unrversity Press (lllrnors t'lorttt western DahiF.ouer.tivlrior}rt.r|rolrtrcaiAnatysrsiEngtewooriClrftsNG.Preniir;eHail'195-1i 1985) University Pr-ess' (cambrrdge. cambrrdge Modern Dunn. John Rethrnking poritrcarTheory Chtcagc Press The Untversrty of {Cl-rrcago Life Analysrs of Polrircal Easlon Davrd' A Sysiems 1979) Eisenstadt S N (ed ) Prnter' 1987) :rnity (London Fracer Patierns of Modt EllictandRaytedsyKeyContemporarysocta/rheolrslsLondon,Btackwell'2003 FarleyLavlrettceT.Plelriscitesan<lSoverergntyTheCrlsisofPoliticailllegitrmacyiEoulder '1986) West view Press 1999) GiborrrsJohttR,andBoReinrer,l-hePoirticsofFcstnrociernity.AnlntroductloniL, poliitt und Culture (London: Sage contempora'v GostinLarry(ed)CivilLrbertiesrnConflict(LondonRutledge.l98S) 1998) Siate (Deihl Worldvrew 3nd the Modern Held Da':ri:l PolrircaiTheoly A'en & Unwrn Society (Londcn: g35i5 .,f rnternationar Statehood. The Jarnes Ararr sover.eign 1 986) Kantra'iaMelrr.ariUnderstandrngComparatrve[rolrttcslLondonRutledge,i996) Page- r i Kernohan, Andrer,,r Liber-arrsm. Equality anc cuiiural oppression icamorioge, cambndge Unrversity press, 199g). Kubalkcrva A A crr'rick Shank Marxism-Lenrnrsrn anc rheory of lnternational Relations (London Ruriedge i 9g0r i'J:^r;;;"lia 'Dosma, Praxis and Religrcus Perspective on Mutticutturism,,, Miilennium, Vot.29 (ed Lilrl'i;r?urpreet ) Democracv Difference and Sociat Justice (New Dethi: oxfoi.d Universiry Mc Naughton lrJeri' Success in Poliiics' Poliiics. A comparatrve study forAdvanced for Advanced Level (Lor lLonoon. lonn Murray 1996) llilibanci R , Marxism and poritics (London oxictrd University pr.ess. .r977) Narain. lqbal Polilical Dimensions of Devetopment (Jaipur: Rawat publishers j9g.l) Panlham Thon'ias Pclitlcai rheci'ies ard sucral Reconstruction llrJew Delhr sage. 1995; Ranney' Austin Governing. An lntrodr-rction ic Politrcar science (London pr-entice-Hall 1996i shiils Edward' Poltticai Deveiopmeut rn ine New srate (The Hague. prenrrce-Haii. 19=96) stephen Hopgood "Reading the Smali Frint in Global civil society: The lnexorabie hegemony of the Liberat Setf' Miilennium. Vot 29 Nc I 2000 Tonquist' olle Paper ll 1 Politics and Developmenr a c|riical lntroduction (London sage 1g-o9) - State and politics in lndia Hrstorlcal Roots lrrtpaci of British lnrperraiisiri - Social Backgrouncl of lnoian Natrorialrsm 2 State and Society Nature of ccntempoi'ary Indian Siate arrd poliiy Drfferent lnterpretations specificlty of social Formatron rn lndia classes. Nationalists, and oflrer Ethnic Gi.oups. Natronality euestion in lndia 3 State and Economy Role of lndian stare rn Economic Development - welfare Agenda AQrarran Lobby and capitalisr orgar:izatrons - Indian state in the era oi Globalrzatron Page- 12 4 State and Pcliiics Em--rging Trends in Federaiism Changing Nature of Pa(y Sysiem Coaliiror-r Governrnents and Regional Parties Decentralization and Panchavati Raj Roie of women rn politics Revisicn of Constitution 5 State and Clvil Society: CasteanC Class in lndian Politics: Dalit Movements and social Justtce Reservation Question, Protest Movements - Role of NGOs 6 Communa[sm Religious movenrents - Socioiogical and Htstorical Factors Reading List Bardhan Pranab Political Econom-v of Development rn lndia (Delhi. Oxford Universtty Press. 1984) Chancra Bipan, Nationalism and Colonralrsm in India (New Delhi: Orient Longman 1379) Chandra Bipan, lndia after lndependence 1947-20A0 Chatterlee, Partha, Natron and lls Fragmenls Desai, A 1 R. lnclra's Path of Devetopirierrt A ll4arxist Approach (Bombay Popular Prakashan 984) Engineer, Asghar Ali, Communalism and CommunalViolence in lndia An AnalyticalApproach [New Delhl; 1978). Frankei, Francine. and M S A Rao (eds Oxford University Press, 1989-90) Gough, K and H Sharma (ecls Monthly Review Press, '1973) 1 Dominance and State Power rn lndia 2 vols (Delhi ) lmperialisnr and Underdevelopment rn South Asia (New York Hassoi, Zo;r;:. -S N -tha ?nr1 Fash€,edr':.1-in i(han (eds ), The State Polrtical Process and ldentrty Reflections on Modern lndia (New Delhr Sage 1989) Kohir. Atul, Democracy and Drsconteni lnoia s Growing Crisis of Gcvern abrliiy (New Delhi' Foundation Books'1991) Kcthari, Rajnr, Caste in lndrarr Politrcs (New Delhi Orient Longman 1970) Nayar, Baldev Raj, lndia's Mixed Economy The Role of ldeology and lnterests in its Develcpnrent t ).. i Page- i3 PanikxarKNCcmmunalisminlnciraHistor)/P(-Jl'iicsandCulture(NewDelhiManchatl99l; Patrrail.|..rled)AgrarianRelailonSandA'ccumulatronTireMooeoiProduc.tronDecateinlndta (New Delhi Oxford University Press, 1990) Silrgh,Randhrr'ofMar.xismandlndianPoiitics(NewDelhr:Ajanta,1990) in the Era of Economic Reforms New varshney Ashutosh. and Nirupam Bajpai (eds ) lndia i:)r'iltt (-)/.irt, ljillt'ersttY Fress 9!9 .1 ; t)ee/f A*lo -a4 *ilrr-d g Wr%r* i:r l.tatural F.esources Depleting Stocx and Aliernatlves bHumanResouices.DerncgraphySkiligeneraiicnirnmigrailtl-abcranciMigration c a e Agricttltrire Land Reform' Productivity and Technology Technciogy and Burden of Employment lrldttstriaiizatiotl. Choice oi lndustry, Nature of Urbanrzaiton, urban and lnconre btas Ecor-tornic lnfrastrtrcture ancl socia/ Sector 2. Oil and DeveloPment a Regton Growih and Strucii;re of the Oil lndustry tn the blmpactofoilRevenueonDeveloptttettt.lntra-regionalDispariiresandEmergingRegionai Stratiircation 3. Development Strategies: An Appraisal a b c d Economy State and Economy Reforms in the Rentier State and the MarKet Privatization Pians and Planntng Nature of Economic Regtmes 4 Economic Organizations and Co-operation: OPEC OAPEC GCC Arab lVlonetary Fund .Y r Page- 5. West Asia and the Wortd EconomY a Role oI f rade,n the De'e'oFrn'ienl oi ttie Regton oFoi'etgnlnvesir-irentl"idertcioe'uipr'cbienloftite'Regicri: c d Corporaticns lntegration to World Economy - Multr national Gulf Economies in the Global Strategic context 6. West Asia and lndian EconomY a Oii Politics and its lmpact on lndran F-conottty b lndia's Trade and lnvestments with West Asia c. lrnpact of Petrodollar in the Economy of Malabar cj lndian Migrant Laborers rn WesiAsia Reading List ABC i988) A N Jha- lndia s Economic Dipiomacy in itie Guif (irlevri Deiiri. I and lntegrationllolorado Gireeiouer, The Probiem of Ar"ab Ecorronrtc Development A Arrrrn, Galal. Modernizaiton of Povertv B S r\ [rSz+ \- 1gE, ) Turner, Caprtalism and Class rn the Charles lssawi, Economic History'lirtdl Clement. Henrv Micldler;'rst M of Deveiopnerti ln ihe arrd Robefi Sprrngr-rorg Glohalizatnn ar! the Polilics canlbriclgE LJnrversrty Press' :cor / @rnrrldge (London, 1970) ccok M A, stucjies in the Economic History of the Mid<jie East El 1984) Azhafl lmpact oi (irl Revenue on Ara'o Guil L)eveloptlent iLondon F Halliday, Arabia without Sr.rrtan Qgzf Activtty qnd Fergariy trl Reoent frerlcls in Palicipaliori in Ecortotnic ,1O@ti'o':ntn'"shkat Publishers 1995) Egypl Reseercri N.:tes t" Freirl t"1ic;iiei tnside ihe Arab w'orlc/ [L.ondon John Murrey 1']94 d _* 4 ] Open Unernployntent tn PageFrank, Andre Gunder, ,,Nationalism and Class Strugote 22, no 3 Jutv- August 1 970 in thO Arab \A/or-ld' . Monthiy Review. vci f:rank Andre Gurrder ''social Revoiuiion rn the Arab \l/orid,,. Monthly Re,.,iew vcl 1g, no g Fecruary 1965 Frank, Andre Gunder. "Deveropmeni of Underdeveropment , Monthly Review, vor. 41, January 1989 pp 37_51 p Hallwoe_:<j. I Ori Debt and Derretoprnent (Loncio n no.z 1gE1i lbrahlm' Aiab Resources. The Transformation of society [Georgetown University. 1gg3 lbrahrm' s J I J S E'' The New Arab social order: A study of the sociar lmpact of oil wealth clarke and HB Jones, change anc Deveropment in the lVridcile East(!ndon: Birk & cA Srncrair Ar"ab Manpower The cr.rsis oi Deveropment,[Loncjon C Sii:cjies rrr indlan Drasporei in Wesi zisia Essairs Delhi lrlational pubtishrng House. 200i) L' Jatn, P rr.i ] b*) rsa) rgeJ Comparative DemoEi.aphy (Nevi, ' stucies rn lndian Diasporas in west As,ia Past and present (Anthology) (New Delirr. vlanohai zoo6) Javed Ahmad Khan- rndia's Energy securitv arid the Arabran Gurf (New Derhi Anse Publishers 2005) .,1 L Long & J Kerr' The Poor Rrch Arr lnqurry into the Dralect ions of capital Abundances and Underdevelopment in the Middle ,lgg1] East [Budapest M A cook Malcctrn H (ed ) studres in the Economic History of the Middre East, [London 1970 Kerr ai,rJ ES yassirr, Rrch and pocr Siates in the Mrddre East,(Bouroe ] , rcaz) Mohammed Azhar- contemporary Gulf Econornrcs and lndo-Gulf Relations (New Delhi, New Horrzons, 1gg9) Nrbiock r socrai and Economic Deveiopnrent P l'ior and T 'irrrner Oiland rn the Arab Gutf (London 1gg2) Class Struggte(t_onCcn rOAO) \_/ :i. } 4 i5 (- v Page- t0 pant Girilesh (Ed) The Politrcal econonry of West Asia: DemograOhy Democracy and Economic Reforms (Manak New Delht 1994t Arati Grirf Economies lssues of Development [New Delhr Har Anancl _ 19861 Parikh, Bhikhu, Gurharpal Singh anci S Vertovec (Eds.), Culture and Economy in the lndian Diaspora (Rutledge London. 2003) Peter Mansfrelci The Mrddle Eastr A Politrcal and Economic SurveV,(ynOon) Rrcharcis A,lten and \lJaterbLrry, John. A Political Economy of the Middle East, (Carro AUC 1990i Saad Eddrrr lbrahirri, New Arab, Socia! Order. A Study of Social lmpact of OilWealth. [Boulcier 1982 l Sarner Arnin Tlre Maghreb in tlre Mo<jern \r'Jorlcl 6rr) Samrr A.min, Mo(ernization of Poverty A Sirrdy Counl,ries April1974 rn TN the Polrtical Economy of Growth in Nine Arab Nrbicck SocialandEconomrcDeveiopnrenttntheArabGulf[London CroomHelm 1980] Y A iiayrgh rirarr Cil Polrcies rn the i970s: Oppchunrty and Responsibility 1983 Y A Sayigh. Detern:inants of Arab Economic Development,[onOon. 197J Youssef , Sarn rr i\4, "The Egyptian Private Sector and the Bureaucracy" , Middle Eastern Sludies, vol 30 no 2 1991 Zaaiouk Malak. Pouler.C/ass and For-^r1in Capilei (Lon,lon. Zed Rnaks 1989) iJ1 fsrln! Thn ol"n,tiiie ltiev,'Eourgeoisie \_t i ., I Pag::' "': Paper IV - Foreign Language (Optional) 't . Russian Language Aims and Oblectives The coui'se airls af a) Developing the skills cf Listening, Speakrng Reading and Writing b) lntrodLrctng Learners to the wrltten system of Russian Language c1 Deveioping Learners aDrltty to rnake use of basic grantmattcai siructure & vocabulary of Russian. and d) Acquairrtrng Learners with aspects of R.ussian iife and culture Content of the Course Basrc Russian phonetlcs proper Basic Russian vocabulary (inclr,rdes Russran words relating to classi'oom situation. kinship narfles, Nature, Russian iife & cirlir-:re and itterai'lre possesslve Basic Russian Grammar (includes Russian Nouns, Adjectives Adverbs, Pronouns iessons ('i tn the given ancj denronstratrrre, Verb aspeci, Cases of nor-ins and orai speech habits 9) of the Text book Prescribed) Duration of the course: 'l Semester Text Book prescribed: ,,Russran for Beginners' Course unrts '1 - y B. Ovsivenku, Russian Language Publisner-s, tuloscow 1989 (Matn to 9) Books for reference: 1''Russtan' 2 -v N wagner& Y G ovstvenko Russran rri Exercises - Khavtotrtna .r _} v_ Page '18 Scheme of Examination li siiaii consisi of one rruritterr exaf,liifieti..ji1 roC rnai'ksr and an oral iest (vrva-vocel -2A matks) The written paper shalt include o r o ' Questrons on Grammar (40 rnarks) Jwo knovrn passages for Translation from the prescribed Text from Russian into English (carrying 20 marksl, Jen sentences in English for translation into Russian (carrying .l 0 rnarl<s) Write a short note in Russian on anv one topic (out of the three gtven), carrying 10 marks Topics are: About Oneself, My Family My Day, Our CityA/illage Our University. Hostei Russian language class etc 2. Arabic Language. Arabic for Beginners Pari A (40 Mar-ksi ReaCrng and writtng Book Duroosu-l-Lugha AL-AraUryya \,ici I by Dr V Abclur.Rahri,r Published by lsiamic Fciinr:laiior,r Computer CD: Lean Arabic for Non Rr.aoic speakers part I Published by Sharikath El Ariss tit computer, Beirut, Lebanon e-mail Pari B (40 fl/arks) Conimurrication Bnrk Orrroos tr! Arabiyr/a pa;.. Pubtrshecj by Par-t I Gcvt of LrDya C (20 lvlarks). Listening compreriensroir Computer CDs 'l) At Noono-Hadva Ai_tvloiricco 2) Super sonic space (Arai.lrc) pari 3) Wasiyath urlmee I !a Page I 9 III SEMESTER Faper I - International Reiations 1 - Theories lntroduciron to International Reiatrons Theorv Theoiy l;urirjtng in interrrai^ionai lielatrons, Thi'ee l'vialor Debates Ciassicat Posrtr,;rsi and Posi-positivrst Phases Lrr-rrls ani.i Pcis,<rbrlrijes 2 Realrsni NeoRealism oi iltei paradigm Debate rrr iR ano Subaltern Realrsm 3 LiDeral lnternationalism and Neoliberaiism /r PositrvisiiErnprncal Theoiies oi irieinational Relations lnternatronal Systems Tneory Comrnunicatrons Theory, Game and Decision-makrng Thecries Theories of Confiir:i Resoltrtion and Peace Research 5 l/iarxrsm and lnternatronai Reiaiions Questroi'rs on ilriperialism arid iiegerrony Political Economy of World Systern 6 Pcsl-posiirvist Perspectives of lriernatronal Reiations. Posirrroderri/Post siruciurai,rPcslcolonrai Writings on lR 7 Glcbailzation and lnternationa! Relations Theory Reading List linrin Si:rrrii- Caprtalrsni in iilr Agi:j of Glot,alizatir-:l-t (Lcndorr Zed Ailin Eooks .i 3!,7) Samir, Speciers of Caprrtaiisni A Critique of Current lntellectual Fashicns (Deihi Rainbow Publistrers 'i999) -Y '! v D=;ro ' 'rU- Bertz Char-!es P Poitticai llrerir-Y ?ric t\iat.'ZttCiei ileiarions iNe.'& Jeis.iY Prlnceici A:'-.. L UI^rivEr-sri'; Press 1979; [-]1,;rlllii 3i.i.)i't a..'\) 7'11;lii;;'i; i rt],tt.r:' t:::t': Martrn s Tr';',:;:: ;;'ir'i:-tii,)\lcitel i:]e;;i''" ' 1:'';;'t1' " :. '' Press 1996) Chattg!-jee Shib,asl-,i-c Ne,;ieajism in inleii,2tiOi-rai Reiaticns" lniernational Studies Voi 34 No Chenoy, Aunu;radha M jantes , 1 Brrngrng Genaer into National Sect.rriiy anC lnternational Relaticrrs' Roi;eii i P Falizgta:, l,r,;tiiti^tdiitg Theories Cf iriiernatlonai Ri::iatlOlS (Phrladelphra JB Lipprncot', Cornpany i 9,;1) DCuqner-ti, E Seri 'NGO:- Slocrai Change arrd ihe Tran:;fot'i:raiion of Hunien Relatronships. A 21'' Centuly Ctvrc geniia Tntrci Wori6' Ouartelly t/ol 2i No 4 Er.lwlrrds. l\4iCiraei and Glt;r Frarrkei Josepl-r Ccnten:'-'orrlrv internatroitailrrearii and the Beha'",ior of Siates Gidoens Ar'rthoi-ry, The Consequeltc,pe rsf Grii Stephen Gramsci Ur:rversiiy Prc:;:, i'J!3r l-j l,ltderni'i iCanrbridge Pr:litv Pr"ess 1990) islorical it/iaier raiisnr ilril !nte,i'r;rii,-rilal Relaiir:;rts iCarnbrtdge CanlDi'rritii Grifftl-rs, I;1ai'tir; Fift;; i-hirrr<ers,r'r intern.alt,rtai I-+ralrc'rs r[-or],lo:: iiriledge 1999t Halliday, Fred. Rethinkrng internaiional Relatrcns (Londcn Macmiiian '1994) Hccgveli Ankie lnternatrcnai Reiairons in tne Posl colilirrai \fuorld Kessit-'i' Ciive i,:i 'Giooalrzatlcir /ii'roiher'{alse Urrrversaiisrrr Ihit-C \,'Vortd Quarteriy, Voi 2-1 Itlo 6 Kirit'rari, Rajni, Transforrnatron ancl Si:i'r,ival ln Search of Hunrai-, Worid Order (Delhi: Ajanta 1 988) l"ubaikova \; A Rutleclge 1930; A Cl'urr:kslralli" f,*eryisrr an,-l Lrght tulargot an,J A i R Grot.,ir (ed;c I Tl-rer-.! )J of lniet|attonai Relatlons {Lonrlorr internatronai Reiations A Handbook of Curreni t: a-\ tt page ' Linklater. Andrew (ed,1 lnternational Relations. CriticalConcepts rn political Science Volumes 1-5 (London. Rufledge.2000). Neumann stephanie 1 G lnternational Relaiions Thecry and the Thirc world (London N{acnrillan 9987 Ordeshook, Peter C , Game Theory and Political Thbory (Cambridge; Cambridge University press,19g6) Philopott, Danrel 'The Religious Roots of t\4odern lnternationat Relations., Wcrld potitics Vol 52 No2 Ramakrishnan A.K . "The Gaze of Orientalism Reflections on Linkrng post colonialism ano lnternationar Rerations", rnternationar studies, Vor.36, No.2. .r999 Richard Fatk. Globatization and lR Theory Snai'n'ra Satisn K., (ed ) Multicultarism and Eihnicity in Global Contexi(Jarpur Rawai 1gg6) Smith Steve, Ken Booth, (Eds) lnternational Relations Theory posrtivism and Beyond (Can:bridge: Cambridge University press ig96) Spergeie Roger D , Political Reaiism rn lnrernational Theory (Carnhridge Cambrrcjqe Universrty Press, 1996). Strange Susan, The Retreat oithe State. The Drffusion of Power in the Worlci Economy (Cambridge Cambridge, University press 1996) . - Taylor^ Treiror.(Ed ). Approaches and Theor.y ir: lnternational Reiations (London Longman. Thornton A P .1 _o7g) lmperialism in ihe Twentietlr Century (l\4rnnesota Macmrllarr 19gZ; Viotti Paul R , international Relatrons Theory Realisrn, Pluralism Giobalism (New ycr.k Macmiltan, 1987). VtralkL:r R B i lnsicielOutside lnternaltonai Relatrons as Politrcal Tneory iCarnbnctgs Carno1;rj.e University Press, 1 993) Wiliiarns Mare, lnternational Relations in the Tweniieth Century. A Reader (New york New york Unrversrty press. 1 9g9) i ?1 i 21 v Page Paper ll .1 - ?t West Asia in lnternationai Poiitics The US and West-Asia The Eisenhower Doctrine Truman Doctrine - Ntxon Docirlne Henry Kissinger and the Shuttle Diplomacy - Jimmy Carter and the Camp DaviC - Agreement 2 3 4 F.ise and Decline of Sovtet lnfluence in West-Asia Nature of Foreign Policv of Major West Asian States; lran, Turkey, lsrael and Egypt pacis and ,r\rnrs Proiiieratroi-r in West Asia r,//eapons of Mass Destruction - Deferrse Mrlriary Alltances ai Peace in West Asia - The tJN and 5 The iJN 6 the G,-rlf War (199i 1999 2003) Oit Power and oit Politics - Formation of the OPEC, OAPEC and its lmpact, Oil Politics of Saudr Arabia, lran and the Gulf Countries Nationaltzation and Collaboratton - Arab ancJ the paiestine Question - UlrJ Atternpts 'rs A.rab Unrty TRegionalCo-operaticnintA/estAsia:TheArabLeague'TheGulfCo-operatlon Nationalism I Council. Aims and objectrves, The Arab States and OIC Religrous Revivalisnr, Fundamentalism terrorism and lnternattonal Poiittcs Clash and Diatcgue of civilizations Raading List Ahari. M E (ed ), Change and Coniinuiiy in the Middle East Conflict resciutron and Prospects for Peace (Nevv York St. Martins press 1996) A.lrrneC, A:1az t2lC4) lraq. Afgher:rstan anC tl're lmperiaiism of OurTiniE rLefiwct-d i'lew Delhi) Aiair S rliir'iy and others, lsrael at the lviiddie East and US lnterest Avr Shalim- The laon Wall: lsrael and the Arab World (New Delhi, Pengurn 20C0) Brrabani Sen Gtrpta The per.sran Ciriiand South Asia M*) I p*e ililLi , SrrtL Edward W Saici - The Question of Palesttne Fisk Robert (2005), The Great War of Civilrzation: The Conquest of the Mtddle East (London, 4th Edttrorr) Fouarj Atarrl- The Arab Predir:anterit iCatl'ortdge. CUP. 1992) { {t r) Page 23 G Gopakumai', ec - lraq War and the Futdre World Order'(New Delhr lcon. 2006) George Lerrczowsiki The Mrcjcjie East in Gulshan Dretl Dulles Era - Vvc,ricL Aifari's Amerrcans Enters West Asia Hans Blix- Disarming lraq The Search for Weapons bf Mass Destruction (London: Bloomsbury 2004) Jolrn Muttarrr Arms anci in Security in ihe Persian GLrlf K P Fabran- The Commonsense of War on lraq (New Dethi. Somaiya, 2003) R Singh The Persran Gulf Karen Armstrong - A History of Jerusalem M S Agwanr The Gulf in Transrtion [New Delhr South Asra '1984] M.S Agwani The WestAsian Crisis [Meercrt 1970] Martin Mc Cauley, Russra America and the Cold War 1949-91 Mohammed Ayoob. -Ihe tulrocjle Easr in Giobai Porrtics Palmer & Perkins lnternational Relatrons Pasha. A K , (2003), lraq Wars arrr-l Sanctrons (New Delhr, Sterling) Pasha AK lndra. lraq and the Gurf IDellir Academrc. 2006] Peter Mansfield Super Power lntL:r'ventton tn the Middle East Peter Shearrnan ei al The Sugrer Powers and the Mrddle East R P Anand- UN and the Gulf Crrsrs (New Delhi. Banyan, 1994; SA H Haqqi, West Asia srnce Can-rp David .T an v Page 21 Sherkh R Air Otl and Po,ver S1,rt'qe; ljli.:\6;: L - (eO I Tfre Polrtrcai Dynamrcs in the Middie East Arai i:,,iirlii Sedia it Thomas IMC Naugher, Arms and ori- tO; '-eaC.e iijcui<le, i,:;g2i US Mrlrtary strategy and the persian Gutf Tibi Bassam Conflict and War in the Middle East From lnterstate War to New Security (New York St Martin's Press, 1998) Paper 1 lll- Compaiative Politics Nature, Evolutiop and scope of comparative politics Features of socio-polrtical process in Develcping couniries 2 Ttreories of Comparatrve Politics System Theories, Ctrlture -ilieories Class Thecrres Deveiopment Theories 3. Federalisnr and Political Processes 4 A survey on-Rute Makrng Ri.ile Apphcaiion anc Rule Acl;uorcatron Functions. 5 lnteresl Aggregatrons Party' s'vsterns and coaliticn Poiriics Comparative Analysis 6 lnterest Articulation and lnierest Groups. A Comparatrve Anaiysrs of pressure Gioups 7 Corrrparative Politrcs and (irr:oairzaiion rssues anrj processes Aiex Dragnich et al- Politics artcl Goi,ernments (Nev,,Delhr: Affrlratecl East West press, 19gg) Arerd l-rlphart -- Democi'ocies Patterns of Majorrtarran ancl r-lons;ensus Governrlent rn Twenty Orre Countries Choicc;tte R H - Theor.ies of Compar"ative (Cr-:lora.lio Wesi vrew Frress 1g96l politics The Search for a Parad gm Revisited i' ? ') Page'25 ' Chrrstopher Claphan'r - Third World Politrcs An lntroductron (London Rutledge 19g2) Coieman David The Fciiiics of Deveioping Areas December Green & Laura Luehrmann 2004) G A G A Almcnd and Powell (Eds and !EH Ne+r Deil'ri 1976) 1 Atmond, G B ) - - Comparative Politics of the Thrrd World (New Dethi: Comparative Politics A Developmental G B Approach (Oxford Poweli (Eds ) - Cornparatrve Politrcs A Wodd View (Bosion: Litile Brovrn, e8C) Guy lreless B -Conrparatrve Politics Theorres Hat-rija, Berry and Goldman IV'liiflrn Co, Jeffrey - -The ancl Methocls (Lcndon Ir/acnrrliarr Press 19961 Challenqe cf Dernocracy Gcvernnrent rn Anierrca (llanqhtcn Dallas i992) Cornparative Politics Globalizrng V/r':r'lci (Cambridge 2005 The Constitutron cf the .Jnrted Staias A,n tJnfoldrng Stoi'y (Chicago. The - Joseph T. Keenan ) Dcrsey Press. 1998) Lav,'rence C lvleyer Sage PLrblications, M - Redefinrng Coarpa.rative Politics Promise vs Perfor;nance 1 989) D lrish and E Frank-An lntroduciion r.o Ccnrparative Politics iA,ppleton Mark ts - (New Deihi: Tweive Natron --states century-croft (New York 1972) Warrerr - Democracy anc ilrst (Carnr;r'idge. Cambridge Univr:rstty Fress 1999) Maitel Dogan and - Comparirrg Nations Concepts. Strategies. Aii Kananc;gil lEcls) substance (Oxford: Blackweil,'l 994) P Snaran-Government Partha Cl-ratterjee (Ed)- andPolrtrcsr-rf Chiria(NewDelhr MetropoittarrBoci<Co 1983t *ctate and Poirtics in india (Calcutta, Oxfcrd Unrr.,ersrtV Press, 1997) Paul Camrnach, Pavid Pool Vr/illiarn Tordoff lntrotluction (London tulacmillan JT 1998.; - Third World Politrcs. A Ccnrparatrve and v+Page 26 Robert D Putnam -:Makrng Democracy work Crvrc-l'radrtrons in Modern italy (New Jersey Princeton U niversity press 1 993) Rc;c llag';r: I'lariin M - Comparairve Pcirtrcs An lntrcductton (London fJlacmillan press gg6i .,1 Roy l\4ercedes (Ed) S N Ray - Hall 1999) - Modern Political systems. Europe (New Jersey prentice Hall, 197g) Modern Comparative Politics 'Approaches Methods and lssues (New Delhi. prentice Stephen YJhite, Judy Batt and Paul G Lewis (Eds) Devetopments rn East European politics Hampshrre Duke University press and Macmrllan press, i9g3. Subrata Mukherjee and Sushila Ramaswamy (Eds.) Deep and Deep 1996) - lssues rn comparaflve politics (New Delhi Paper lV - Foreign Language (Optional) 1. Russian Language The cottrse ainrs at enabltng the students to acquire basic skills of reading anc translating Russian Literary. Technical and Comnrercial texts Duration of the course 1 Senrester. Text Books prescribed: 1 Russtan for Beginners - by Y Ivlain Course: Units T0-17 2 G ovsryenko (Russian Language Fubirshers. Russian Popr'rlar science Texts (selected terminology & word conrbinations for translation) Books for reference 1 Mosco' lggg, F:irssian -byVN Wagner& y G Ovsiyenko 2 Ri.lssran as we speak it - S A Khavronina 'l Russian for Bu.sinessmen _ S -t A Khavronrna Page 27 Scheme of Examination Qiiestron i'e1'er oaliern Total o,r,r, lii) (ai*20; Written examrnation: 80 marks & Oral (vtva-voce) 20 marks Wi'iiten paper shall consist of the follcwing: 1 Turo known passages (out of four) into English chosen from i-essons 'l 0-i 7 of the prescribed Russian Texi Book. carrytnJq 10 marKs each (1C x 3 = 30 marks) Translation of Ten Russian phrases 2 - words & expressions/sentences rnio English based on the lexical and grammatical unit of the lessons prescribed, carrying 10 marks 3 Translation of Literary Technical & CommercialTerminology (elementary only) from Russian into English and vice-versa cai'r,,, 20 mark 4 Write in Russian a composition on any one of the following iopics (ttloscow city your favorite hobby favorite writer/poet favcrite sports, your state). carrying 20 marks 2, Arabic Language (Optional) Arabic for Modern Living Part A (40 Marks): Composition and Comprehension Book Duroosul Lugha Al,Arabryya Voi il & lll By Dr V AbdurRahinr Comp. CD. Lean Arabic Part ll & lll Part B (40 Marks) Communication Book Duroosul Arabryya tBy Lrbyan Govt ) Part il & lli Part C (20 Marks;: Listening Comprehension Comp CDs 1)Al Muhaqqiq - Koc'nan t; }. r{ I v I I Page 28 2t Cinderella (Arabrc; 31 jazeetaiui - 4) Ai Bui.r:ar-. - lbn Ai bar (Al-fiim erectronicr IV SEMESTER Faper I - International Relations - Systems 1 Evoltttton of lnternational System: State System - Treaty of Westphalia - Nation Building and state burlClng - Modein international system - Multi polar to unrpolar system The State and GloE,alizatron 2 Pov'ter and lnternational Relations. Naironal Povuer Balance of Power and Collective Securit;v Coliectr';e security tn the 2'l 't century 3 Forergn Poticy Natronai lnterest 4 and ldeoiog Diplomacy DeJrnrtlon, Scope ancl Drrrrensrons intenrention 5 The l..Jniterj trlaticns: Strurciures anO Utalor Denrocratisation cf the IJN - 6 lniernaiionar Law Nature - Coercive Diplomacy and humanitarian Conflicts Expansion of Security Council Reievance oi UN and Scope sources of lnternational - Lar{ Schools of lnternational Lauv Ahmed Rashro Taiiban lstam Oit and The New Great Garrre in Central Asia,tondo) Akehurst M.. A Moriern lntroductron to lnternational Law .Y ) Page 2'it Alagappa Muthrgir and Tat<ashi lnogucni (eos) lnrernatron{ecurity Management anci ihe [Jnrted l.Jatrcns [1r<ro i]nrted r,uations tJnrversiry Press 1c:gg ) (ed 7,/''siariSr-curti; Practice Materral anc lceationai lnfiuerices(tanroro Stanford Unrversriy Press, 1gg) Annan, Kofi A. \l/e the P^eo4rles The Roie of the Unjted York United Nations, Arttolrj. Guy Nations rn the Twenty Century,[ew 200, WorlcJ Gcveinment by Sieaiih The Fuiur-e of t-initeC ruations/t-onOon L,/ ) Ralttrnere; [\la"rrlanri The Jehns lenkrns llntrrorqity PreSs. 1gg&, Baylrss and Smith, 'Ihe Globalrzation of World Potitics Bull Hedley, The Anai'chical Scoetv C R Gharekhan- The Horse Shce Table A.n lnsrde vrew of the UN Secui'iiy Council (New Deliri. Pearson. 2006) Cassells, AIan, ldeology and interrratronai ftelations in the Modern V/orld Chiranlrt Dets A.nrar, lndia's Per.fcrrrnance rn lhe Securitv Councri llJew Delhr South A.sian Fublishers 2005) Cla|k, lan, Globaltzation anC Fraqnten!tstiort !nternaiicnal Re/atlcns in tlie Za't'Cenlu4., INew York. Oxforc 1997l Coubry Hrllarie, and NrEel D Whrte Interriaiional Crganization and Civil War.-s [Hampshrre: Darimouth Publishrng Co . 1995 I Coulombs ancj Wolfe, lnternatronal Relations Power and Justice [London: I DL Bror,ryn, ed B Tauris. 2O0O - The Utility of lnternatronal Econornrc Sancticns (London, Croom ] Helm 1gB7; Drpankar Banerjee - Rethrnkrng Securrri., Uirl and the Nevy Threats (New Delhr lndia Research Press 2005) Frankel Joseph The Making of Forergn Polrcy: an Analysis of Decisron-Makrng, [London. Oxford University Press, 1963 l v D:-t:-'--' ()alq Cial -i,JSati Airirs i-,cni!- nl H?lit, i( !' lt )r-ilailo lriegotlaiir Jqs lraAol'rerreilis ii-on'ion ]31r, 'ttlt'a aitla .-),.tairC,|ii: ih+ 7.2:,i.')a c,i C)tgiti-;'iAai Helc D eI ai GioDai Transformaiions Holsir. K J lnternational Poiitics A Framework for Anal)'sis l-luritirrgtcrn Sarnuel The Third Wave Derlcrci'atization irr the lat'e 2oth Centur'y (L-c.'ndr.:n !"lor'rlai-i 1 9CrC ) Kegley and Wrttkipf . 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Oiivier, The Failure of Political lstarl Saddrq al-Assam, Critique of Orientalisrtr li 3 v Pz1.-te-, Seniir Arrriri lvlaghrec in the i\"{ooer.l snaiar,r iiisirarri lr,latrona!isin ai';ri iievciulici': rn the Arab \ivor-lc liairyz Avmalan Mrdciie East' past ar.irl preseilt Yousef M Choueri - lslamic Fundanrentalism Paper lV - Indian Ocean Studies fi e,t ltci I i t.ti L {rcat to n a n cj [i es c r-i i.ce s l)ri:if':tai.:i.qrorr:rc Df r;or;iar arrci econornlc rrrteraction tiri the eaci tfiLili:,| cf E:i.;icr:e=rr coroniiii ?nd rfiriir;i'iai ,Jornrirarce itiJr \rVorid c_,f the 1{i,,,cer.,tLiiy war iri Marliime fr:de. Shipprno - lrrpalct ori irtrjra .dn(i K.;li:ii3 lnqil3x Diesp;ora rn tha indtarr Ocean Regron Dr::i-'i::t rr;:';tic:n L,recio I riir t ilrccess S,lper-Fcwer' ,t,.iailiyairc-i ir-i,; ri ..:estion,-rf peace Garcia Bases - facilities it,.-;i;.,i.r,,ri I ivaii ies i ncjia- Fai,rsi et,, |t t. z!ri-rc. iir irF-, tirdian oceai-;- zri Pe"i ccic war perior:i greal pc:wer rn[erventtor;s foiicivinc the KL;rrv,ait crisrs; oi Augtr.-'sl lggc the vvci c!-t iercrisr-,i, lraq War ll, rise of iadlcai lslair I i'r*: r'-'t-reiC'., CriSiS anCl lnd;an (lC,_.,.1r: F.,,,:trr,:;>.; i.,ct-;p6yi'itLor'l ()rg=ni.z;1,.t,_rr.,s lrrd;a ani-'i En-rer'ging Ciralienges .1 4 ASE/\i.t SAAh:C GCC AOR_ARC etc rr the ln,Jian Ocear.t a: v, A. 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