kosi : a himalayan blunder
kosi : a himalayan blunder
PageI of3 Dear Chairman SrnceI do not subscribeto Hindustan Times the request for submissionsto the KosiFlood lnquiry Commissionescaped by notice. However,my old friend Himanshu Thakkar'semail intimationgave me this opportunity. I have worked as a groundwater/ environmental geologistin Bihar for for more than ten years from 1957 onwards and remainedin charge of GS/'s Drought work in Bihar during in 1965-66( Hope I have the years correctly! SrnceI don't have time enough , I am fonaardingan afticle of mine that was publishedin "RearWindow"of The Sundaylndian ( Atn-14th.Sept.'1|)( basedon an interuiew)I I shallremain gratefulif this alsoconsideredas a feedback. TSI Flo o dF u r y : BLUNDER KOSI: A HIMALAYAN Tamperingwith Himalaya,makingdams and roadswill causemajorfloodsin the future E /irl . **Su b r a ta Sinha I Peopleare The entireKosiflood issuehas been understoodin the wrongperspective. blamingriverslike Kosiand Teesta,but it is not the riversthat havegone haywireand disaster.The primesourceof the problemlies in and foreseeable causedthis preventable play the fool with the Himalayas,it will hit back. the Himalayamountainchain.lf we basin:the Tamperingwith the Himalayaaffectseverythingin the Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra bul ko f o u r s u b -co n ti n e n t. The governmenthas damagedthe Himalayaeverywhere.Dams,borderroads...wherever you haveborderroads,thereare landslidesbelowthat.Theselandslidesin turn raisethe floodsin the valleys.Yet, thereare lotsof riverbedsby silt deposition,causingdevastating to Arunachal,including existingand proposeddams and Hydelprojectsfrom Uttaranchal in Arunachal Pradesh,despitelocal Sikkim,and colossaldams are also underconstruction resistance. l..l:i:till::vlltl'1ill,yill:rl;*!;1*]]Ii|l11ii.li'J]!*].f.:.j|.liii:iii:l,-rlliLt:lltl.||lr:..vilid' iill;ill1r.:l;irlqjl.ii|r*Ll*)lli:l.l;:;:l:;:.i'::ri1!llit-;:ll:l-':l..:i.ilrli:l':1*|r'ripilrc.lrt.rl*|ayanChain.ate,hrlg| ,jrt|tli:ltl;l!1.i;t:;:1l.iliiiii:l;:,.;i1..ir]]:l'li:li*;ttll.;l,iiil.}':i.:1rlrl:l;li|i;i,.;i;ld*;it0NV!y&nm pr*ns ta innunefablg i*ini:ils ,r\rijthl* if-i*ii*i* t*r;ii:rrr:nilv *r *xilerr:*lys*n*itivesystenn, q ) , l l l r l ; : : : A :* 1 -'. i,,. r l l : : r - j 1, . . ; l i, ; ' 1 , . . ; S i l t t r f l l J and Thesemountainsare basicallysedimentsthat were folded,crumpled,metamorphosed Deccan Plateau and the between the when squeezed heavedup from the TethysSea, ar e fr agileand highlyer osion A s i a nm a i n l a n dT. h u sth e ro ckyma te rialin thesem ountains p ro n e .M a y I c orn p a reth e H i ma l a yaw i tha hum anhead,and any inter fer ence akinto a paralyses has a huge river the country too thrombosis the entirebody.Likethe body, ?nopop https://www.maiLnic.i n/uwc/webrnai l/popup.html t6-03-2009 Page2 of3 networklikethe veinsand arleries,and a 'thrombosis' affectsthe entirecountry. 'll:*r*r::r'r*f.riri*r:r t"]f i*i'li'lritiirffiiay* ir, l:il *r"r**nilyhy il giganticmonsoon,which no othef,hlgh r:r***tnin *n3'wh*r*r*i** si";ff*f* li ;s a bim**al *y*t*nr: it poursfor twp rnonthsand the {egl *fth*y*elli*ft.hi;;I*nr*i*ry,,}lt*r*}}y'fh*r*igmngsivser0$|aLduflngM f*rg*t that *r*sj*n h*pp*l"isth* y**r r"*und.h*enu*ethe sleqpslopesof the mountainsare dry *ncl ****r:rc l**s*" iilh*n th* n*xt r*in* r*me. ihese dqpositsacrc$$sameatlhq g*filt*$*r rrvL:i*ts iur;:i:l*d*'.vn,l,vtlfr d*v**l*tir"ig**nseEUences. Thereis anothermajormisconception. Peopleneedto underqtand that riversll and Kosiare partof the same integratedsystem,with a huge,connectedalluvialbas-in.lt is not as if the riversare completelycut off from each other,So any actionon ArcjXqpgglelhe other,but few realisethis singularpoint.Then there are the qven rnO{Cl dengercU$ embankments. The Kosiflood happenedwhen such an embenkmenl1y-as burstby surging waters.Embankments interferewith the naturalplaygroundof the mightyrivers.!n betrryeqn any two embankments, thereis silt deposition, whichraiseslhe fryef !eg!q,so the nexttime duringmon$oon,the chancesgo up of a moredevastating plgyiousones.We flqad_than haverepeatedly warnedthe governments. I did so as Director,Land Usjl Boardin West Ben g abl u tt o n o a va i l . One must understandalso that water finds its own course;it ig€ ja$fe{rucjple AtXatUe. Humanshave to live with it The latestreportis that the Koslfloqdlvatefghqvelaundlhetl way intothe Gangathrougha new channel.Thatwill tremendously increasethe flow in Gangaas well as Hooghlyrivers.As its stands,overlandflow duringthe monsoongoes into the ocean.I apprehendthat the entireRajarhatindustrialbeltwill act as a wall and forcethe flowfrom up the valleyinto Bangladeshand Kolkata.SimilarlySingurand its adjoining industrial spreadshallcompelthe Hooghlyand otherriversto changecourse.Another Teesta-Kosi situationmay be triggeredthen.Thereare floodsin the northeastnow.The additional dangerthere is, beingin the foothillsof the Himalaya,most of the erosionleaves behindcoarsesediments- pebblesand bouldersraisingthe riverbeds even higher,and alsoincreasing the forceof the water.Besides,recentlystartedsurfacewaterirrigationin areaswith massiveunconfinedaquiferswill leadto permanently waterlogging. ilri ihr:vrr>: *l rr fli. ijlel{j rii i:lai:{i brrrrgl:r:ilit::Arurrrchall-rrallesh, nearthe syqtqlig!bendol$elllfflglgyqs. "tr**r"s h** h**n n* *xt**:rr:ph!* *:nrth*uxk*in th* !*{imalaynn mqq1tAlnbellfot decades; !:ui s*rrcr*i*f l****r t*l*nsityh** **;:p*r:**. &llnnystinntistfeel that the s*isrnicgap:lhe r*';i*itir:gi11n *l* *pi**ntre iS 1QV-V,Sle$lng. !i**r$ **tv;**r"lii fr',rl:,:;''1r'.f1,;,r.:i'r llthe "big ":,.:n.+".,1,..rjlrast*r,S*in th*r* a g*lutioIl Yes: gA }aqklA nqlg1e. *:ln;" {:ilfJ-r**. lli*l ,ri'i,"{ li*vrv* ih* *g*-*ir:ix;ll**lti;r*l liv*lif:*** *y*i*nr r,viri*hsaluteghQl&ei* qWfilhfnlfnqAnd *cirnv*s n*l*ttltrr; t* h*r wlsh**. lJp in lfi* i-'{irnalay;}, g* for extensivewatershed rnfril;i!}*flr*rt*yst*n:* xt th* p**pl*'* **;al*. not g*vcrnmcnlAlqg_ale-fhig will completely *h*ng* th* ***r;af .{.,;Jli-] vfiLlt* l:1,:*iljv*tijtnarcund. *" l'$1fi:*r ill-1fi riSi Wi;r;iis*tr*nri:*t *{ [,4]*]ilF- ilnv. &pp.il*n:n":itt**sf*r Rivcr valley& Hydel Projects https://www.nT ail.nic.in/uwc/webmai l/popup.htn-rl ?nopop 16-03-2009