Intro to Soil Mechanics
Intro to Soil Mechanics
Intro to Soil Mechanics: the what, why & how Thursday, June 23, 2011 José E. Andrade, Caltech The What? Thursday, June 23, 2011 What is Soil Mechanics? erdbaumechanik The application of the laws of mechanics (physics) to soils as engineering materials Karl von Terzaghi is credited as the father of erdbaumechanik Thursday, June 23, 2011 sands & gravels Thursday, June 23, 2011 clays & silts The Why? Thursday, June 23, 2011 Sandcastles Thursday, June 23, 2011 what holds them up? Palacio de Bellas Artes Mexico, DF Thursday, June 23, 2011 uniform settlement The leaning tower of Pisa differential settlement Thursday, June 23, 2011 ! Teton dam Thursday, June 23, 2011 dam failure Niigata earthquake Thursday, June 23, 2011 liquefaction Katrina New Orleans Thursday, June 23, 2011 levee failure MER: Big Opportunity Thursday, June 23, 2011 xTerramechanics MER: Big Opportunity Thursday, June 23, 2011 xTerramechanics The How? Thursday, June 23, 2011 Topics in classic Soil Mechanics • Index & gradation • Soil classification • Compaction • Permeability, seepage, and effective stresses • Consolidation and rate of consolidation • Strength of soils: sands and clays Thursday, June 23, 2011 Index & gradation Definition: soil mass is a collection of particles and voids in between (voids can be filled w/ fluids or air) solid particle fluid (water) Each phase has volume and mass gas (air) Mechanical behavior governed by phase interaction Thursday, June 23, 2011 Index & gradation Key volumetric ratios Vv e= Vs Vv η= Vt void ratio [0.4,1] sand [0.3,1.5] clays porosity [0,1] solid water+air=voids Key mass ratio water content Mw w= <1 for most soils Ms >5 for marine, organic Key link mass & volume ρ = M/V moist, solid, water, dry, etc. Vw S= Vv Thursday, June 23, 2011 saturation [0,1] ratios used in practice to characterize soils & properties Gradation & classification Grain size is main classification feature sands & gravels • can see grains • mechanics~texture • d>0.05 mm clays & silts • cannot see grains • mechanics~water • d<0.05 mm Soils are currently classified using USCS (Casagrande) Thursday, June 23, 2011 Fabric in coarsely-grained soils “loose packing”, high e “dense packing”, low e relative emax greatest possible, loosest packing emin lowest possible, densest packing ID = emax −e emax −emin relative density strongly affects engineering behavior of soils Thursday, June 23, 2011 Vv e= Vs Typical problem(s)xb in Soil Mechanics • Compact sand fill • Calculate consolidation of clay • Calculate rate of consolidation • Determine strength of sand • Calculate F.S. on sand (failure?) • Need: stresses & matl behavior SAND FILL PISA CLAY ROCK (UNDERFORMABLE, IMPERMEABLE) Thursday, June 23, 2011 Modeling tools Thursday, June 23, 2011 Theoretical framework • continuum mechanics • constitutive theory !s " "# • computational inelasticity x X !f • nonlinear finite elements f "# x2 x1 Thursday, June 23, 2011 Theoretical framework • continuum mechanics • constitutive theory • computational inelasticity • nonlinear finite elements balance of mass ṗ +∇·v φ Kf ∇·σ+γ = −∇ · q = 0 balance of momentum Thursday, June 23, 2011 Theoretical framework • continuum mechanics • constitutive theory q σ̇ ! • computational inelasticity k darcy hooke permeability tensor controls fluid flow • nonlinear finite elements cep Thursday, June 23, 2011 = k · ∇h ep = c : "˙ mechanical stiffness controls deformation Theoretical framework • continuum mechanics !$ • constitutive theory tr !n+1 !n+1 Fn+1 • computational inelasticity Fn !n • nonlinear finite elements !" Thursday, June 23, 2011 !# Theoretical framework • continuum mechanics • constitutive theory • computational inelasticity • nonlinear finite elements Displacement node Pressure node Thursday, June 23, 2011 Finite Element Method (FEM) • Designed to approximately solve PDE’s • PDE’s model physical phenomena • Three types of PDE’s: • Parabolic: fluid flow %!"!#$ ) & '(1 '(0 '(0 '(/ '(/ '(. '(. '(- '(- '(, '(, '(+ '(+ '(* '(* '() '& ' '() '() '(* '(+ '(, '(- !!"!#$ • Hyperbolic: wave eqn • Elliptic: elastostatics Thursday, June 23, 2011 ) '(1 '(. '(/ '(0 '(1 ) ' FEM recipe Strong from Weak form Galerkin form Matrix form Thursday, June 23, 2011 Multi-D deformation with FEM ∇ · σ + f = 0 in Ω u = g on Γg σ · n = h on Γh equilibrium e.g., clamp e.g., confinement Γg Constitutive relation: Ω given u Γh Thursday, June 23, 2011 get σ e.g., elasticity, plasticity Modeling Ingredients 1. Set geometry 2.Discretize domaiin 3. Set matl parameters 4. Set B.C.’s 5. Solve H4.417 B Thursday, June 23, 2011 Modeling Ingredients 1. Set geometry 2. Discretize domain 3. Set matl parameters 4. Set B.C.’s 5. Solve Thursday, June 23, 2011 Modeling Ingredients 1. Set geometry 2. Discretize domain 3. Set matl parameters 4. Set B.C.’s 5. Solve Thursday, June 23, 2011 Modeling Ingredients 1. Set geometry !r 2. Discretize domain 3. Set matl parameters 4. Set B.C.’s 5. Solve Thursday, June 23, 2011 !a Modeling Ingredients 1. Set geometry 2. Discretize domain !r 3. Set matl parameters 4. Set B.C.’s 5. Solve Thursday, June 23, 2011 !a FEM Program TIME STEP LOOP ITERATION LOOP ASSEMBLE FORCE VECTOR AND STIFFNESS MATRIX ELEMENT LOOP: N=1, NUMEL GAUSS INTEGRATION LOOP: L=1, NINT CALL MATERIAL SUBROUTINE CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE T = T + !T Thursday, June 23, 2011 constitutive model Material behavior: shear strength • Void ratio or relative density • Particle shape & size • Grain size distribution Engineers have developed models to account for most of these variables • Particle surface roughness • Water • Intermediate principal stress • Overconsolidation or pre-stress Thursday, June 23, 2011 Elasto-plasticity framework of choice A word on current characterization methods Direct Shear Pros: cheap, simple, fast, good for sands Cons: drained, forced failure, non-homogeneous Thursday, June 23, 2011 Triaxial Pros: control drainage & stress path, principal dir. cnst., more homogeneous Cons: complex Material models for sands should capture • Nonlinearity and irrecoverable deformations v • Pressure dependence A • Difference tensile and compressive strength • Relative density dependence !v p C B • Nonassociative plastic flow log -p’ Thursday, June 23, 2011 Material models for sands should capture • Nonlinearity and irrecoverable deformations • Pressure dependence q (kPa) • Difference tensile and compressive strength 200 !’vc 191 kPa 241 310 380 100 • Relative density dependence 0 • Nonassociative plastic flow Thursday, June 23, 2011 100 200 -p’ (kPa) 300 Material models for sands should capture • Nonlinearity and irrecoverable deformations • Pressure dependence !’$ Von Mises Mohr Coulomb • Difference tensile and compressive strength • Relative density dependence • Nonassociative plastic flow !’" !’# Loose sand Thursday, June 23, 2011 Dense sand • Nonlinearity and irrecoverable deformations • Pressure dependence "!#$! a r" (kPa) Material models for sands should capture • Difference tensile and compressive strength 1000 800 600 !a 400 !r 200 0 0 • Relative density dependence 2 4 6 8 10 %a (%) 4 3 2 %v (%) • Nonassociative plastic flow Thursday, June 23, 2011 1 0 -1 Dense Sand Loose Sand Material models for sands should capture • Nonlinearity and irrecoverable deformations • Pressure dependence q Yield Function Plastic Potential Flow vector • Difference tensile and compressive strength • Relative density dependence • Nonassociative plastic flow Thursday, June 23, 2011 -p’ Elasto-plasticity in one slide Hooke’s law σ̇ = c : �˙ e p Additive decomposition of strain �˙ = �˙ + �˙ Convex elastic region F (σ, α) = 0 p g := ∂G/∂σ Non-associative flow �˙ = λ̇g, ep K-T optimality c ep λ̇F = 0 λ̇H = −∂F/∂α · α̇ Elastoplastic constitutive tangent 1 e e e e =c − c :g⊗f :c , χ=H −g :c :f χ Thursday, June 23, 2011 Examples Thursday, June 23, 2011 Example of elasto-plastic model !3 "=1 q "=7/9 N=0 N=0.5 $ #i v M !2 !1 CSL CSL (a) (b) F = F (σ , πi ) v1 #i � Figure 3: Three ~ invariant yield surface on (a) deviatoric plane at different values of � and (b) " at different values of N . meridian plane vc v2 p' with # G = G(σ , π̄i ) M [1 + ln (πi /p� )] η= � � N/(1−N ) � ln-p’ M/N 1 − (1 − N ) (p /πi ) � if N = 0 H = H(p , πi , ψ) � if N > 0. (2.4) -p’ -!i The function ζ controls the cross-sectional shape of the yield function on a deviatoric plane Thursday, June 23, 2011 model validation: txccompression and ps Figure 2.4:drained Triaxial calibrations, (a) and (c), and plane strain compression predictions, (b) and (d), versus experimental data for loose and dense Brasted Sand specimens. Thursday, June 23, 2011 undrained txc loose sands Thursday, June 23, 2011 true triaxial b=constant Thursday, June 23, 2011 H − H̄L Plane-strain liquefaction numerical simulation Thursday, June 23, 2011 H − H̄L Plane-strain liquefaction numerical simulation Thursday, June 23, 2011 250 200 150 100 50 (a) Pore Pressure (in kPa) .0025 .0020 .0015 .0010 .0005 .0000 (b) Deviatoric Strain ELASTIC 600000 400000 200000 H − HL Thursday, June 23, 2011 0 Field scale prediction Levee failure (recall Katrina) References Thursday, June 23, 2011