lockout-tagout [loto] (cfr 1910.147) why choose esc services
lockout-tagout [loto] (cfr 1910.147) why choose esc services
LOCKOUT-TAGOUT [LOTO] (CFR 1910.147) LOCKOUT-TAGOUT PROCEDURE ESC Area: Utilities Revn: 0 Date: N/A Reviewed by Revised by ESC Equipment #: 866.773.7541 Origin Date: 12-Jan-12 NOTE Isolation Points to be Locked and Tagged 5 Developed by OSHA CFR 1910.147 Description: Air Compressor #2 Building: South Utility Building Only shut down Air Compressor #2 when Air Compressor #1 is fully operational. Shutting down both compressors will affect facility operations. NEXT AUDIT DUE NEXT AUDIT DUE NEXT AUDIT DUE JAN 2013 JAN 2014 JAN 2015 Southeast Side View NEXT AUDIT DUE JAN 2016 Northeast Side View CP-1 1 locks/tags West Side View E-2 W-2 W-1 E-1 P-1 ALWAYS PERFORM A MACHINE STOP BEFORE LOCKING OUT DISCONNECTS ID Source Device Electrical 4,400V Electrical 480V Cooling Water W-1 Inlet - 60 PSI Cooling Water W-2 Outlet - 60 PSI Pneumatic P-1 120 PSI Kinetic Energy Pulley - 600 RPM Thermal Energy 500 F Location Isolation point located on MCC-L7274M. Method Move E-1 disconnect "Air Compressor #2" to off. Lock out. Check Attempt restart at CP-1. E-1 Padlock E-2 Padlock Isolation point on North Move E-2 disconnect to off. side of compressor. Lock out. Padlock Isolation point Northeast of comp. Turn W-1 valve to closed position. Lock out. Verify pressure has bled off. Cable device Isolation point Northeast of comp. Turn W-2 valve to closed position. Lock out. Verify pressure has bled off. Cable device Isolation point North of Turn P-1 valve to closed position. compressor, overhead. Lock out. Open bleed valve. Attempt restart at CP-1. Verify pressure has bled off. Be sure to wait until all moving parts have come to a complete stop. If necessary, use a block or chain to prevent equipment from moving while servicing. Be sure to wait until heat has dissipated from machine until cool to touch before servicing. Wear proper PPE before beginning work. OPENING A GUARD DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A LOCKOUT Any machine modifications must be shown in procedure. Contact safety department to update procedure. 866-773-7541 Safety Is Your Responsibility! Page 1 of 1 LOTO - Air Compressor Example 2 WHY CHOOSE ESC SERVICES FOR YOUR LOCKOUT-TAGOUT COMPLIANCE NEEDS? WE ALSO OFFER: CORE FOCUS & OWN YOUR PROGRAM CONTACT US TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE: CUSTOM 866.773.7541 OU A R HE ARDING T OF T C GU 12 M ODUC R E P AGOUT & IN OH&S 20 T/T A K L C H O QUICK YE Patent Pending Lockout-Tagout is what we LOCKOUT-TAGOUT COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST OTHER LOCKOUT-TAGOUT OPTIONS “