PS-Spartan-6 Kit Demonstration Manual


PS-Spartan-6 Kit Demonstration Manual
PS-Spartan-6 Kit
Demonstration Manual
This package of demonstration projects can be used to illustrate all the features of the Spartan-6
FPGA Starter Kit. Each chapter of this document will provide a brief overview for a basic
demonstration of some of the Board components and capabilities. In each chapter, there are
details of the hardware required, version of Xilinx tools required, included support files and
instructions to perform the demonstrations.
The Spartan-6_Starter_Kit_Demo zipped folder contains this manual and directories for each
chapter. In each chapter directory there are source files, compiled bit files, and documentation
files for any additional hardware used. All projects were developed in Xilinx ISE 11.4
Table of Contents
Preface ............................................................................................ 2
Ove r vie w ................................................................................................................. 2
Ha rd wa r e R eq ui re d: ...................................................................................................... 1
So ftw a r e R eq uir e d: ........................................................................................................ 1
Inst r uc ti on s: .................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 1: LED Demo ....................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Switch Demo ................................................................... 6
Chapter 3: LCD Demo ....................................................................... 7
Chapter 4: GLCD Demo ..................................................................... 8
Chapter 3: Relay Demo ..................................................................... 9
Chapter 5: Buzzer Demo ................................................................. 10
Chapter 5: UART Demo ................................................................... 11
Chapter 6: ADC Demo ..................................................................... 13
Chapter 7: DAC Demo ..................................................................... 14
Chapter 8: Push Button Demo ........................................................ 15
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit
In every chapter, the board will need to be connected and programmed. This section describes
how to accomplish this.
Hardware Required:
Spartan-6 Starter kit
9V 1A Power Supply
JTAG Cable
Software Required:
Xilinx ISE 11.4 or higher
Connect the 9V 1A Power Supply to the Spartan-6 Starter kit
Connect the JTAG cable from JTAG port on the FPGA to the PC parallel port
Switch ON the power switch on the FPGA. The Power LED will be illuminated
Open iMPACT Tool.
Start > All Programs > Xilinx Design Tools > ISE Design Tools > Accessories
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
When the iMPACT window appears select NO in the automatically create
Now Select Cancel in New iMPACT Project Dialog Box.
Double Click Boundary Scan on left pane and then Right Click right pane and
select Initialize chain.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
Now FPGA Board Devices will appear (XC6SLX9, XCF04S) FPGA and PROM.
It ask for bit file. Select .bit file
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
After Bit file selection, Right Click XC6SLX9 and select Program.
After Successful Completion. It Display Program Succeeded.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
Chapter 1: LED Demo
This is a simple demo that Blink the entire user LEDs (D2-D17).
Additional Hardware Required:
- none
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are the most commonly used components, usually for displaying pin’s digital
states. The LEDs 0-15 (D2-D17) will Turn ON/OFF every 1sec. To change the speed of Led Blinking change the
Counter value in the VHDL code.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
Chapter 2: Switch Demo
This is a simple demo that check the entire user Switches (sw2-sw17).
Additional Hardware Required:
- none
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
The Switches 0-15 (SW2-SW17) interfaced with LED (D2-D17). Changing Switch State make LED ON/OFF.
Switch up state makes LED OFF and down state makes LED ON.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
Chapter 3: LCD Demo
This is a simple demo that Display Character in the 2x16 LCD.
Additional Hardware Required:
- Place Jumper J4 at the LCD Position
- Place LCD from 3rd pin to 18th Pin of J3 Connector
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
2x16 LCD Displays Pantech Solutions at the second row. To change the character displaying on the LCD,
ASCII value must be changed.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
Chapter 4: GLCD Demo
This is a simple demo that Display Graphical image in the 128x64 GLCD.
Additional Hardware Required:
- Place Jumper J4 at the GLCD Position
- Place GLCD from 1st Pin to 20th Pin of J3 Connector
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
128x64 GLCD Display Pantech Solutions as Graphical image.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
Chapter 3: Relay Demo
This is a simple demo that demonstrate SPDT 5v Relay.
Additional Hardware Required:
- none
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
ON/OFF SPDT Relay every 1sec. LED is connected for indication.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration Manual
Chapter 5: Buzzer Demo
This is a simple demo that Blink the entire user LEDs (D2-D17).
Additional Hardware Required:
- none
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
ON/OFF Buzzer every 1sec
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration
Chapter 5: UART Demo
This is a simple demo to communicate Pc with FPGA through UART.
Additional Hardware Required:
- none
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
The UART Communicate data from PC to FPGA Receiver and again send back to PC through Transmitter pin.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration
Chapter 6: ADC Demo
This is a simple demo convert analog to Digital Data.
Additional Hardware Required:
- Place Jumper
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
The ADC Channel 1 connected to trim Pot.
ADC outputs 12-bit data through SPI communication.
The Data received at FPGA is transmit through UART.
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration
Chapter 7: DAC Demo
This is a simple demo convert Digital to Analog data.
Additional Hardware Required:
- Connect CRO Probe to PTB header to check output waveform
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
Digital Sine wave samples converted to analog waveform. Output can be monitored with the help of CRO or
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration
Chapter 8: Push Button Demo
This is a simple demo to use Push Button.
Additional Hardware Required:
- Place Jumper J4 at the LCD Position
- Place LCD from 3rd pin to 18th Pin of J3 Connector
Software Platforms:
- Xilinx ISE 11.4
Supplied Files:
- ISE project files
1. Setup and program the board as described in the “Connecting / Programming Spartan-6 Kit” section
When Push Button Pressed, Current state is displayed on the LCD
SPARTAN-6 FPGA KIT Demonstration