Declaration of Karen Ahmed
Declaration of Karen Ahmed
FILED 12 JUN 29 AM 11:21 1 THE HONORABLE CAROL SCHAPIRA KING3:30 COUNTY MOTION NOTED FOR ORAL ARGUMENT ON JULY 10, 2012 AT P.M. 2 SUPERIOR COURT CLERK E-FILED CASE NUMBER: 12-2-21829-3 SEA 3 4 5 6 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING 8 9 GEOFF TATE and SUSAN TATE, a married couple, 10 Plaintiffs, Case No. 12-2-21829-3 SEA DECLARATION OF KAREN AHMED 11 v. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 EDDIE JACKSON and TERESA GOLDENJACKSON, a married couple; SCOTT ROCKENFIELD and MISTY ROCKENFIELD, a married couple; MICHAEL WILTON and KERRffi LYNN WILTON, a married couple; TRI-RYCHE, CORPORATION, a Washington corporation; QUEENSRYCHE MERCHANDISING, INC., a Washington corporation; and MELODISC LTD., a Washington corporation, Defendants. I, Karen Ahmed, declare as follows: 1. I worked at Rhino Entertainment as a vice-president of artists and repertoire from 2000 through October, 2006. During that time, I had occasion to work with the band Queensryche before and after the release of Operation: Mindcrime II. 2. My experience working with the band was almost solely with Geoff Tate and Susan Tate. Geoff Tate, almost solely, engaged in the business, development and promotional activities I was involved with at Rhino. I had very little contact with other members of the Veris Law Group PLLC DECLARATION OF KAREN AHMED 1809 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1400 Seattle, Washington 98101 TEL 206.829.9590 FAX 206.829.9245 1 band regarding business affairs, project development or production. 2 member of the band from which we would receive responses, questions, thoughts, and ideas 3 and approvals. 4 and idea and the creative process. I cannot remember any time that the other members 5 undertook such efforts. 6 3. Geoff was the only Geoff would come to the offices and assist in the development of concepts I was the executive producer of a DVD Queensryche filmed at the Moore 7 Theater in Seattle in 2006. 8 Mindcrime and Operation: Mindcrime II. Geoff was involved in every aspect of the film, from 9 development through production, and assisted and directed the film and production crew to 10 develop the best end product possible. The other band members were uninvolved during pre- 11 production, filming and recording. 12 13 The DVD featured the band's performance of Operation: I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington this ^t/ day of June that the foregoing is true and correct. 14 15 16 17 Karen Ahmed 4849-5402-0112, v. 1 is" 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Veris Law Group PLLC DECLARATION OF KAREN AHMED 2 1809 Seventh Avenue Suite 140 Seattle, Washington > 98101 ° TEL 206.829.9590 FAX 206.829.9245