Volume 8, Issue 29, July 24, 2015 Presented By
Volume 8, Issue 29, July 24, 2015 Presented By
Volume 8, Issue 29, July 24, 2015 Section Events & Results National Spotlight Section Spotlight Chapter Events Membership News Birthdays The North Florida PGA Member Update (your newsletter sent by email and posted on the web every Friday) is one-stop shopping for everything North Florida PGA. We encourage all Members and Apprentices to review the Member Update each week for news regarding your Association and its activities. Presented By Sup pported By We look forward f to o seeing yo ou there ffor a greatt Champio onship! Proud d Supporte er of our PGA P Professsional Ch hampionsh hip Click on mini leaderboard th hen "info" ta ab for starting times t and groupings Inaugural NFPGA National Car Rental Pro-Scratch Championship Monday, August 3, 2015 Presented By Over $7000.00 added to Purse thanks to National Car Rental! Click HERE For National Car Rental Emerald Club Enrollment Form To Be Eligible For Purse At the Spectacular Stone Creek Golf Club in Ocala! Our host will be Stan Cooke, PGA 9676 S W 62nd Loop, Ocala, FL 34481 Phone: (352) 854-1272 www.stonecreekgolfocala FORMAT: 8:30 SHOTGUN 18 Holes: Four Ball Stroke Play (1 best ball of two) Female participants are encouraged and will play from approximately 85% of men’s yardage. ELIGIBILITY: All NFPGA Members and Apprentices Classifications in good standing except A-3, IN, and F. Team consists of one Professional or Apprentice and one Amateur. No Pro-Pro or Pro-Apprentice teams. ENTRY FEE: $200.00 per team/$100.00 per person. Optional Skins game, $20 per team. Lunch after golf included! Professional purse will be money, Amateurs will receive gift certificates. ONLINE Registration Only, Please. ENTRIES CLOSE: Registration Deadline is Thursday July 30 at 5:00 p.m. Click Here to Register Online Only, Please. Professional Responsible To Pay For and Register The Team… Click HERE For Flyer with more details… Back to the Top August 3-6, 2015 Miramont CC, Bryan TX Good Luck to our NFPGA Junior Championship Medalists! Rachel Silverman and Anton Serafini One of junior golf's major championships, the Junior PGA Championship is where the best in the world get their start. The Championship celebrates its 40th anniversary in August 2015. Begun in 1976, at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Fla., the Championship has been a popular stop on the national junior circuit for many of today's PGA and LPGA touring professionals. Past Junior PGA Championship competitors who have gone on to successful professional careers include: Billy Andrade, Stewart Cink, Chris Couch, Trevor Immelman, Cristie Kerr, Justin Leonard, Phil Mickelson, D.A. Points, Pat Perez, Sean O'Hair, Grace Park, In-Bee Park, Lexi Thompson, Jordan Spieth and Tiger Woods. David Toms, 1984 Champion, won the 2001 PGA Championship at Atlanta Athletic Club. Sean O'Hair, 1998 Champion, was the 2005 PGA Tour Rookie of the Year. Trevor Immelman, 1996 Champion, was the 2006 PGA Tour Rookie of the Year and in 2008 won the Masters. In 2014 a 2-year agreement was reached between the PGA of America, which conducts the Junior PGA Championship, the Valero Texas Open and the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic. The agreement will give the boys' division champion an invitation to the PGA Tour's Valero Texas Open and the girls' division champion will receive an invitation to the LPGA's Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic. Follow them and all the action at www.pgatournaments.com Membership Service Requirements Beginning 2015 Cycle ** Please Note the Education Changes Click HERE For MSR Details… Effective July 1, 2015, apprentices have Term Life insurance coverage. The annual premium of $34 was included with the annual dues for fiscal year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The insured’s benefit is based upon age at the time of death: Under Age 35 = $15,000 and Age 35 and over = $10,000. One of the requirements of having a life insurance policy is to designate primary and/or contingent beneficiary (ies). It is extremely important that the beneficiary designation (s) be provided in a timely manner. Please click here now to access the electronic form. The beneficiary (ies) designated on this form will remain in effect until such time as you notify the PGA of America, in writing, of any changes. Thank you for your most immediate attention to this important matter. Please feel free to contact the Membership Services Department at (800) 474-2776 with any questions. The North Florida PGA is proud to be the first Section supporting the PGA of America’s Program Manager. Please utilize this valuable tool for clinics, lessons, Get Golf Ready, and other program registrations including tournaments, etc. This tool is for your benefit, and the North Florida PGA is fortunate to be the first Section allowed to utilize this new tool. Get started today by visiting www.pga.org/programmanager Learn more in our Wednesday Webinars. Each week at 1:00 PM (Eastern) we conduct a call-in webinar. In just 45 minutes you' ll learn how you can put the PROGRAM MANAGER to work at your course. For more information and to sign up, go to this link: http://goo.glNFpDjr Did You Know? The PGA has a new Marketing Resource Center For You! Click HERE To link to pgalinks for all the details...Good stuff! Did you know that the National Office also puts out an informative monthly newsletter? It’s called “Membership Matters”. It is very well written and interesting. Click HERE to read the latest version. Back to the Top Reminder… East Central and Southwest Chapter Elections coming up! You will receive more info and details from your Chapter Leadership. Southwest Chapter Elections will be held on August 10 at 5:30 pm at Laurel Oak. Click HERE For Details and Nomination Procedures East Central Chapter Elections will be held on September 21 at 5:30 pm at Crane Lakes. Click HERE For Details and Nomination Procedures Get Better North Florida Fellow NFPGA Professionals, I am the Chair of our Section's Instruction Division. I have started a campaign called "Get Better North Florida". These are Teaching Expos that I would like to conduct in each of our 4 Chapters. These are typically 9-1pm, 7-8 instructors needed at each site. Open to the public to come in for a day of instruction from our great teachers. Super way to showcase your talent and business. I will oversee each event but need help from Professionals in each Chapter to set dates, get host facilities, recruit teachers etc... Please e mail me at [email protected] if you are interested in getting involved. ProGolfWeather, the official weather provider for PGA North Florida, is offering a generous 60-day, money-back, satisfaction guarantee on their dynamic digital signage system. With ProGolfWeather, golfers can see the weather as it’s happening at your course. You can also promote upcoming tournaments, real estate opportunities, and pro shop or restaurant specials. Real-time weather maps, an information scroller bar and real-time lightning strike data are displayed on a high definition television screen, along with side bar or full-screen ads. Plus, a ProGolfWeather subscription includes FREE access to weatherTAP.com (an online weather tracking service) and real-time lightning strike notifications by text or email. Sign up today--with the 60-day, money-back guarantee, there’s no risk. For more information or a custom proposal, call 877-621-GOLF(4653) or call Eddie Woods directly at 931-335-9810. www.progolfweather.com Contact Jeff Dyer [email protected] 865-310-2401 Welcome New Partners! The North Florida PGA is excited to announce 2 new partnerships. Both were present at the North Florida PGA University seminars held at Reunion Resort to explain their product’s benefits and how they will help support the North Florida PGA Members and Section initiatives. Connie Charles and Peter Fox from ImapMyGolf explained how managing your feelings and thinking is the last leg of your journey to become a complete golfer and imapMyGolf is your answer. ImapMyGolf identifies these “inside-you” events, specifically for you, so you’ll recognize them in real time. Then it shows you how to manage them. In golf there are many swing doctors and mental gurus. Both often miss the point. It’s not always the swing or the strategy that cause bogies. Sometimes it’s in your belly or your spirit. Situations, competition, hazards, gamesmanship, or even off-course stressors cause emotional reactions which directly affect physical performance. imapMyGolf identifies specific-to-you internal events and maps your safe routes to shed what you dread. They also offered incentives for PGA Professionals to pass along their unique and proven strategies to their members and customers in the corporate environment. GolfGameBook’s CEO Mikko Rantanen and Sales Manager Antii Hiltunen flew in from Finland to introduce their fast growing app for pro-style live scoring. This app is easy to set up and use and introduces a social media aspect of facebook and twitter to live scoring as well. Golfers from all over Europe have already engaged with this unique and fun live scoring experience. GolfGameBook is now ready to take the US golfers by storm. It’s been proven that once a golfer starts to use the app, they are hooked. GolfGameBook can be utilized in Section and Chapter tournaments as well as club tournaments, league play and personal golf games. Golf GameBook app is fun, fast and easy way to keep your score while playing golf. It’s free to download and free to use. The era of paper and pencil is over. May 4, 2015 - FlightScope®, a world leader in sports technology, today announces the re-vamped MyFlightScope.com, an online tool for helping players improve technique and overall game performance. The platform works with the FlightScope software and mobile applications to automatically upload all of a user's data from a training session directly into the site's reporting system, allowing players from across the world to compare their data against thousands of others. My FlightScope.com gives golfers the option to track and compare their data individually per session, over time, or to PGA professionals and other MyFlightScope.com users in various demographics through live leaderboards. The ability to track their progress against other FlightScope users gives teachers and students alike a simple, graphically rich tool to see their progress advance over time and develop appropriate benchmarks. "Our team is constantly looking for innovative ways to help FlightScope users take advantage of the imperative data reported during a session," said Henri Johnson, Inventor and CEO of FlightScope. "The MyFlightScope.com interface is a great way for players and coaches to review their game analysis and session reports. 27 data parameters are available to give a complete picture of ball and swing performance." More than one billion total yards and four million shots have been taken on FlightScope applications and reported to the platform while tracking ball flight, club and swing performance. Performance is tracked with specific parameters such as ball speed, launch angles, smash factor, dynamic loft, angle of attack, club path and more to help players better understand and hone in on areas needing improvement. Players can also create custom Skills challenges that allow them to challenge friends and earn a spot at the top of the leaderboards. "Besides being able to compare their statistics to other FlightScope users or friends, we knew it was important for players to be able to see how they stack up against PGA Tour players," continued Johnson. "MyFlightScope.com seamlessly connects with the Skills Combines to give users the ability to make comparisons between PGA averages and themselves." To learn more about or register for the platform visit, MyFlightScope.com Contact FlightScope to see how FlightScope Can Help YOU! www.flightscope.com [email protected] Sales: 407-967-7121 Click HERE For Your Exclusive FlightScope Financing Options and Benefits! Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIZXocYwPVA Thank You For Donating The Shirts For Our NFPGA PGA Professional Championship! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - CHASE54's NEW Fall 2015 Collection made its debut with Will Wilcox wearing the new styles to place second in the PGA TOUR's Barbasol Championship in Auburn, AL. The rising star and Alabama native birdied the final two holes, including dropping a 58-foot putt on the 72nd green, for a 4-under 67 on Sunday. That followed rounds of 66, 70 and 65 to finish at 16 under. Wilcox's second-place finish was the best of his PGA Tour career, and secured full status for the 2015/2016 season including a spot in the 2016 Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass. "It's the first week I wore the new CHASE54 styles and I finished second," Wilcox says. "While it was the hottest week of the year, I was extremely comfortable out there. The clothes breathe so well and don't restrict my swing," he adds. "The styles fit me great, and they're tailored perfectly. I can say it's better than what I'd been wearing for the past three years," he adds. "I'm loving the broader selection of shirts. I have a whole new box of clothes to choose from and I want to bring them all with me, but my bag is only so big," he says. Wilcox adds that the new C54 logo is more pro-looking. "The new clothes and logo are just more interesting," he says...everybody's complimenting me and I get to look a little different ...it's great." "Will is playing great and looking great in our new collection," says Lulu Faddis," Creative Director and Chief Designer of CHASE54. "Exceptional performance is something CHASE54 prides itself on, whether it's in our fabrics or a member of TEAM54," Faddis adds. "When Will received the new styles, he sent us a note with huge props and was impressed with how we continue to innovate in color, style and fabrics," she adds. "All of us at CHASE54 are incredibly proud of Will and his journey. We are not only fortunate to have Will's talents on our team, but his modest nature and cool persona are reflective of our growing brand," she adds. For more information on CHASE54, visit chase54.com or contact Amy Yanda-Lee- Marketing & PR Director - [email protected] or 877-718-2121 X801. ABOUT CHASE54: Based in New York and with a design room and showroom in La Quinta, CA, Chase54 is a lifestyle brand created by golfers for golfers and beyond. Founded and backed by 30 years of garment manufacturing excellence and more than 400 million garments produced, Chase54 offers golf apparel for both men and women with phenomenal styling and superior fabrics, all at an affordable price. To learn more about the brand, visit www.chase54.com. Proud supporter of our PGA Professional Championship Like those tees we give you at our Tournaments? Courtesy of Don Niepoth at Evolve Golf The #1 Performance Golf Tee on Tour! Contact Don Niepoth 706-549-7046 [email protected] www.evolvegolf.com Put your logo or event on the tee! They also have quality divot tools and ball markers! Q. A player elects to take relief from an immovable obstruction or abnormal ground condition and lifts his ball. He then realizes that the only area in which he may drop under the Rules is such that his ball, when dropped, will almost certainly be unplayable. He replaces his ball and plays it from its original position. What is the ruling? Answer is on our home page at www.nfpga.com in the bottom of left sidebar... ARE YOU WEARING YOUR RED SHIRT TODAY? It’s Freedom Friday. Let’s never forget! New Name! FL Golf Central is now Southern Golf Central! Click HERE To Read The Latest Interactive Issue Back to the Top NORTHERN August 12 - NC Stableford; Ponte Vedra Inn & Club August 23-25 - Gate Petroleum Invitational September 1-3 - NFPGA Section Championship; Reunion Resort EAST CENTRAL August 15 - ECC Pro Junior; Championsgate August 24 - ECC Pro Am; Country Club of Orlando September 1-3 - NFPGA Section Championship; Reunion Resort September 21 - ECC Pro Pro, Meeting & Elections; Crane Lakes WEST CENTRAL August 10 - Gary Koch Pro Junior; Temple Terrace August 24-25 - WCC Match Play; Westchase September 1-3 - NFPGA Section Championship; Reunion Resort SOUTHWEST August 10 - Kevin Mark Memorial Pro Pro Meeting & Elections; Laurel Oak August 24 - University Park Alternate Shot August 28 - Venetian Golf & River Club Senior Junior September 1-3 - NFPGA Section Championship; Reunion Resort September 5-6 - Englewood Open; Lemon Bay & Myakka Pines Back to the Top Employment Changes between 6/01/2015 and 6/30/2015 for Section Employee William D Brown, PGA Dave A. Clark, PGA Mark C Codianna Stanley E Cooke, PGA Kevin M. Courteau, PGA Peter F Dooley Robert M. Duquette, PGA Hannah M Espy Tyler D. Hitchcock, PGA Derek J. Meglio, PGA Gary S. Nicoll, PGA Robert W Parks Jr. Richard T. Podwalski, PGA Mark Rummings, PGA Joseph J. Salvaggio, PGA Rob C. Spiars, PGA Brian B Todd Lanier E Waters, PGA Class A-1 A-6 B-4 A-13 A-8 B-14 A-13 B-8 A-8 A-1 A-6 B-1 A-8 A-4 A-21 A-1 B-8 A-8 Facility Bayou Club Core Golf Learning Center Black Diamond Ranch Golf & CC Stone Creek Golf Club Timber Greens Country Club Lake Jovita Golf & C.C. Golf Club @ Cypress Head Carrollwood Country Club Walt Disney World Golf/Palm Magnolia Metrowest Golf Club Hernando Oaks Golf Club The Preserve at Turnbull Bay TPC Sawgrass Ritz-Carlton Memb GC Sarasota Victory Golf Management Renaissance Vinoy Resort Pelican Pointe Golf & CC Cove Cay Country Club Start Date 6/10/2015 6/17/2015 6/20/2015 6/8/2015 6/8/2015 6/16/2015 6/2/2015 6/23/2015 6/10/2015 6/9/2015 6/26/2015 6/30/2015 6/10/2015 6/1/2015 6/10/2015 6/17/2015 6/24/2015 6/5/2015 Class and Section Changes Current Section# 135 135 Old Section# 190 200 Name Corey Hamlin, PGA Michael T Arrigoni, PGA From Date 6/9/2015 6/30/2015 Expire Date 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Class A-9 A-6 Init Code Section Section 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 10 290 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Daniel J. Merrell, PGA Jackie R. Glover Jr., PGA William D Brown, PGA Rob C. Spiars, PGA John Reger, PGA Lanier E Waters, PGA Derek J. Meglio, PGA Mark Rummings, PGA Robert M. Duquette, PGA 6/10/2015 6/2/2015 6/10/2015 6/7/2015 6/14/2015 6/5/2015 6/9/2015 6/1/2015 6/2/2015 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 A-6 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-13 A-8 A-1 A-4 A-13 Section Section Class Class Class Class Class Class Class New Members Name Tyler D. Hitchcock, PGA Richard T. Podwalski, PGA Joseph J. Salvaggio, PGA Facility Walt Disney World Golf/Palm Magnolia TPC Sawgrass Victory Golf Management Back to the Top 7/24 John Attard Andrew Corry Mitchell Heitsch Gordy Powell Kenneth Powell Kevin Sackville Jason Sproat 7/25 Benjamin Addis Richard Bianco Hank Davis Kyle Dotson 7/26 Kyle Bourassa Daniel Hatcher Jason Hill Patrick Leahy Roy Livingstone Michael Tsouklaris John Wright 7/27 John Bell Dave Creighton Brett Devita Stephen Knott Robert Larensen Kenneth Smith Scott Wickham 7/28 Brian Blackburn John Hayes Franklin Lickliter Brian Richter Matthew Williamson 7/29 James Beckett Kyaw Htet John O'Leary 7/30 Anthony Austin R. John Brott Graeme McDowell Justin Rose Anthony Sartini President Vice President Secretary Honorary President Mike Lynch, PGA John Hughes, PGA John Hughes, PGA Tony Johnson, PGA Tournament Chairman Director, District 13 Career Services Consultant, District 13 Dave Hronek, PGA Jack Binswanger, PGA Mike McCollum, PGA Northern Chapter East Central Chapter West Central Chapter Southwester Chapter Greg Lecker, PGA President Brendon Elliott, PGA President Rick Sopka, PGA President Glen Murray, PGA President Jim Lohbauer, PGA Vice President Jason Kuiper, PGA Vice President Chris Slattery, PGA Vice President Kevin Paschall, PGA Vice President Executive Director/CEO Office Manager & Member Services Coordinator Operations & Events Manager Tournament Director Administrative Assistant Rich Smith, PGA Jan Olier Steve Morris, PGA Ben Herring Brandi Williams North Florida Section PGA of America 7593 Gathering Drive Kissimmee, FL 34747 PHONE / FAX (386) 256-1221 / (386) 675-1478 WEB SITE www.nfpga.com