Our Board for 2015 – 2016 Duty Roster for Meetings 2015


Our Board for 2015 – 2016 Duty Roster for Meetings 2015
BULLETIN – July 2015
(P O Box 853, Palmerston North, 4410)
Our Board for 2015 – 2016
2015-2016 Committees –Well Done & Farewell
Christine Daykin
1st VP
Jeanette Izod
2 VP
Lynette Templeton
Lynne Grayson
Minute Secretary
Linda Husband
Anne Russell
Past President
Jan Kent
Social Committee
Christine Woodhouse
Community Committee Barbara Daly
Finance Committee Jeanette Izod
Tail Twister
Barbara Allen
Lion Tamer
Pat Bowers
Janet Toogood
Bulletin Editor
Christine Higgie
Social Committee – Christine W, Jan W, Janet T, Judith,
Jensine, Ngaire, Kandi, Lynne G, Yvonne, Judy L, Pam, Trish,
Bev, Marion, Adie.
Finance Committee – Jeanette, June, Lynette T, Anne R,
Janet B, Elaine, Carmel, Linda H, Pat, Wendy, Raelene,
Adrienne, Christine H, Jan K, Ann D.
Youth &Community Committee – Barbara D,Barbara A,
Jenny, Robyn, Ria, Noeline, Gayle, Daryl, Susan.
Business Meeting – 2nd Tuesday of month
Social Meeting – 4th Tuesday of month
Fellowship/Greeter 5.30pm,
Dinner served 6pm at Capers Café,
Meeting starts 7pm.
Apologies to Yvonne McEwen
(Tel 2804482/0272236544 or email [email protected])
By Sunday prior to meeting (esp if a dinner booking)
Please contact Janet Toogood (Almoner) if you know of any
members who are not well or have bereavements on 3588897.
Duty Roster for Meetings
11 August
Greeter (5.30pm)
Invocation (6pm)
Thought for Night
Jan Kent
Jeanette Izod
Raeleen Dyer
25 August
8 September
22 September
Barbara Daly
Lynne Grayson
Ngaire Burridge
Linda Husband
Pam Stephens
Wendy McCrae
Christine Higgie
Robyn Pedersen
Yvonne McEwen
Susan Goss
Judy Law
Gayle Lewis
If you are not available on the date allocated would you please organise a replacement or swap.
Greeters please be ready to welcome members from 5.30pm onwards.
Invocation – ask the Secretary or President for the Lions Invocation, if you need it.
What a wonderful Bra Artz we had at the Home Show. We had an excellent site in an
eye catching position. The Bra's were delightful with a lot of work put into them and
the witty names were impressive. Congratulations to the winners. Thank you
everyone who made this happen, whether you designed a bra or were a volunteer,
without you this could not happen. Thank you Jeanette for all the hours you spent on
duty and to Christine Woodhouse for arranging for us to have the site.
Thank you also to our valuable members who assisted SANDS with the catering for the exhibitors. Your efforts
were very much appreciated and I was so proud of you all over the three days.
On Saturday, Janet and I wandered over to Whanganui for the Presidents Dinner at the Kingsgate Hotel. It was
almost like being at Club with our Heartland members being on Cabinet there was no need to feel strange. It was
an enjoyable evening with speakers talking about the WILD BASE UNIT to be built at The Esplanade, the
earthquake devastation in Nepal in particular Kharikhola and the immense damage to Kowhai Park in Whanganui
caused by the floods. There will be more about these in the coming weeks.
Those of us who wished Yvonne Happy Birthday at Rendezvous had a great time. The food was good and the
company excellent. We all enjoyed the surprise on Yvonne's face when she saw us. We certainly know how to
enjoy ourselves.
Jensine, Jan and I visited Papaioea Rose City and listened to Gretchen speaking about Caz their Assistance Dog
which they had had for three weeks. They have two Downs Syndrome Children and the dog has been specifically
trained for their needs plus Gretchens.
Caz has been taught to detect low blood sugar levels in a diabetic plus act as a guide dog. Every dog that goes
through training is particularly trained for the needs of their new owner.
Jenny Brown
Introduced herself, spoke of her family and
her passions/pastimes – walking, gardening
and now has reawakened an interest in art.
Spoke of her job as a PARKING OFFICER,
employed part-time for the last 13 plus
years for Palmerston North City Council with
now six other staff members. Reminded
members of the old style parking meters
and spoke of the new FROG system– which
the city acted as a test dummy for. Initial
problems but now people know how to
work system – use call centre or 0800
number if needed. Jenny enjoys the job –
out in all weathers – safety conscious and
on your feet for 7 hours a day- noticed all
sorts of the street – and that behaviour has changed – eyes and ears of the Police at times. Specially trained by
ex-Police to deal with verbal and physical abuse whilst working – told two stores of being harassed by unhappy
and frustrated ticketed customers. She is happy to continue with her job despite the occasional unpleasant
Ngaire Burridge
Ngaire’s 3 min talk was about the numerous
jobs she has had during her life. The variety
was very interesting, from knitwear
Fashions to a courier driver. What was
probably more astonishing, was that out of
the nine jobs she told us about, five and a
half of the jobs Ngaire was made redundant
from. Even her latest job at Pumpkin Patch
they tried to make her redundant, but to no
avail, they needed her too much and so nine
years later she is still there. In my opinion
the two most important jobs in Ngaire’s life,
that she will never face redunanacy in, is
Club Reminders:
Please remember the change to the system on arrival at Capers. From next meeting, 11 August PLEASE place the
dinner money ($16) in an envelope and write your name on the outside of the envelope. There will be a new
roster to organize a member to collect the money and tick your name on the list. No cheques please.
All subs are now due, invoices have been given out.
Welcome to Adie
President Christine’s first Induction of the new lions year, was Adie Transcom.
Adie was sponsored by Kandi Humphries and Inducted by Daryl Pollock.
Rock and Gem Catering
We had a great response to our "Cafe" at the show. We had lots of compliments on how lovely the food was,
so to all that made and brought down food, or contributed with any of the extras we needed a very big thank
To those that got the SOS call on the Saturday afternoon late..to help with extra food..go shopping, etc.....( as
we had sold Sunday's supply on Saturday) a very big thank you also. People in Our Lions group are just
What a great return we made over the weekend, well done to all.
Bra Artz
Another very sucessful Bra Artz Project completed. Many
man hours go into running this project not only before,
during the 3 days on show, but afterwards too. The postive
comments from the public and generous donations make it a
fun and worthwhile project,
OO Pres ident and OO
Lions Club International
Welcome International President Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada
During our 98th convention held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, of Minokamo, Gifu,
Japan was elected as the association's 98 president.
President Yamada has been a member of the Minokamo Lions Club since 1985. During his time as a
Lion he has held many offices, including district governor and GLT constitutional area vice leader.
In recognition of his service to the association, President Yamada has received numerous awards,
including the Humanitarian Partner Award, 10 International President's Awards and an Ambassador
of Good Will Award. He is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
President Yamada is a Neuro Surgeon. He and his wife Dr Toshiko Yamada, also a Lion, have a son
and a daughter along with 3 Grandchildren.
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)
Dear Lions,
When I first became a Lion in 1974, I made a commitment to serving my
community. That commitment grew for the next 40 years, and then I became
president of Lions Clubs International. Now, more committed than ever, I am
honored to serve as Chairperson of Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).
The Foundation is something I believe strongly in and is a vital part of Lions'
international service efforts. LCIF is our Foundation. LCIF supports our
compassionate works, providing grant funding for your local and global
humanitarian efforts. LCIF helps all Lions serve. Your contributions to LCIF have
helped people all around the world by providing disaster relief, saving sight,
supporting youth and meeting humanitarian needs.
LCIF sets a funding goal every year to meet Lions' humanitarian needs
worldwide. We're still closing the books for the 2014-15 fiscal year, but we
expect that you Lions donated more than US$39 million. That means we've surpassed our annual goal by more
than US$1 million! Just think of all the people we have helped because of your generosity.
As we kick off another new year, the future is bright for LCIF. With your involvement, we will continue to make
the world a better place for everyone. Thank you for your dedication to our Foundation!
Sincerely, Joe Preston
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation
We held our first Zone 2 meeting Thursday 6 August 2015 at Addis House, Ruahine St. PN
and this was very well attended. Chairman Jan commenced the meeting with a
welcome to the representatives of the 5 clubs and 1 Leo club attending, and it was
pleasing to see 6 members of Cabinet and 1st Vice DG Charles Thurston. A report was
given from each club and Cabinet members and we had good discussion topics from
For the first time I invited a mystery guest speaker and this time it was Lyal Brenton (who is a Rotarian!) and
Manager of the Methodist Social Services and 3 Goodwill second hand shops. Lyal also has young people doing
community service working with him, and is very generous helping families who urgently need blankets and
warm clothing.
2 people at the meeting had blankets in their cars to be donated, and were happy to give them to Lyal before
he left. Lyal has already sent clothing and blankets to families in Wanganui and after discussion with Charles, is
able to send more.
We discussed with him the benefit of Lions and Rotary working together on certain projects and this was well
received by everyone.
We finished our meeting with a lovely homemade supper by Pat Bowers (a member of Heartland) and of
course much more discussion.
Our next Zone 2 meeting will be held on Monday 23 November 2015.
Committee Reports
Youth and Community (Barbara Daly, Chairperson)
We were asked to help “SANDS” with their Kitchen project at the Home Show on the Friday Night. We helped
with the catering for the Home Show Exhibitors and the function to Thank and Farewell Rob and Christine
Woodhouse (Peacock Promotions).
Some projects that are coming up are Daffodil Day, Odd shoe Day and Youth Speech Competitions.
SOCIAL COMMITTEE (Christine Woodhouse, Chairperson)
We have already started with our first Munch morning with a great turnout! This monthly coffee morning will
continue at Jacos 1st Thursday of the month.
Another continued activity this year will be our members 3minute speeches, so if you haven’t already done one
expect a tap on the shoulder.
We have some exciting Speakers planned as well as some good activities for our Social Meetings for this year.
FINANCE AND FUNDRAISING (Jeanette Izod, Chairperson)
Well what a busy month it has been. Catering at the Rock and Mineral Show...running out of food on the Saturday
night and having to send out SOS's to members for food to sell on Sunday. The crowds through the door was the
best ever so the R & M club say. It was a great return for our club also. Thanks to all that took a turn in the kitchen
and supplied such lovely food for us to sell. We had many great comments on how yummy the food was.
Last weekend was full on also with the Bra Arts at the Home Show.
What a lot of fun this was. I am sure all of you that once again helped out with this was amazed at the foot traffic
that went past our site. What a lot of clever people we have in our club, some of those bras entered by our
members were fantastic.
The winners in all sections received lovely prizes donated to us by some very generous retailers and also club
members. Thank you once again. I am sure you all know the $$$ 's we made for Breast Cancer Research. $1800!!!
That is sooo mighty.
I am going to take this opportunity as I am sure you all read the bulletin,
to have a de-brief on Bra Artz. I.e. Would you please take a moment to e.mail me and let me know what and how
we can improve this annual event. You may have a very good idea that the F&F committee have not even thought
about. Good or bad please do take the time to let me know your thoughts......really appreciate you doing this.
Quiet times for my committee for a while ahead. Striders coming up but Jan is doing all the organising re coordinating names for this. (Hope it does not rain that day!!)
Regards Jeanette
o 01 Noelene Thomas
o 02 Christine Daykin
o 12 Ken Wilson
o 17 Pat Bowers
o 21 Keith Pollock
o 27 Jenny Brown
o 31 Ross Allen
Janet Toogood – Introduced her Birthday “Bird Box’ and wished July birthday congratulations to Christine W, Lynne , Ngaire ,
Jude , Yvonne and Elaine.
Yvonne celebrated a ‘big’ birthday with a surprise of a larger gathering of family and friends. Cheers and lots of them!
Our condolences go to Jan Willis on the passing of her Mum.
Ria has Laryngitis we wish her a speedy recovery.
Christine W had hurt her back, which is fine now, but she now has the flu instead.
I see Bev still has her arm in plaster, hope that’s not for much longer!
There must be other members who are and have been unwell, especially through the winter gloom.
Take Care Out There
An Indian Doctor can't find a job in a Hospital in the US, so he opens a clinic and puts a sign outside
An American lawyer thinks this is a great opportunity to earn $100 and goes to the clinic...
Lawyer: "I have lost my sense of taste."
Indian: "Nurse, bring medicine from box no. 22 and put 3 drops in patient's mouth."
Lawyer: "Ugh... this is kerosene."
Indian: "Congrats, your sense of taste is restored. Give me $20."
The annoyed lawyer goes back after a few days to recover his money...
Lawyer: "I have lost my memory. I cannot remember anything."
Indian: "Nurse, bring medicine from box no. 22 and put 3 drops in his mouth."
Lawyer (annoyed): "This is kerosene. You gave this to me last time for restoring my taste."
Indian: "Congrats. You got your memory back. Give me $20."
The fuming lawyer pays him, and then comes back a week later determined to get back $100.
Lawyer: "My eyesight has become very weak I can't see at all."
Indian: "Well, I don't have any medicine for that, so take this $100."
Lawyer (staring at the note): "But this is $20, not $100!!"
Indian: "Congrats, your eyesight is restored. Give me $20"
Hats off to brilliant doctors from India!
Upcoming Events
6th August Zone Meeting
9th August Striders Marshalling
10th August Board Meeting
11th August Business Meeting
13th August K & K Fashion Night
18th August Middle Districts Charades Night
25th August Social Meeting
28th August Daffodil Day
July Social Meeting
Our Guess Speaker Sonja de Lange
Sonja came to live in New Zealand seven years ago with
her family from Pretoria, South Africa. She works for The
Red Cross as the Humanitarian Services Manager. Sonja is
a trained Social Worker and she oversees the area from
New Plymouth, to Palmerston North and over to Hastings
and up to Gisborne. The Red Cross organisation has 14000
volunteers and works in the humanitarian field with
Disaster relief, Meals on Wheels, Red Cross Book Sale,
Curtain bank, First Aid Training, a Knitting group and antiBullying programmes. A big part of her work was with
Refugee resettlement and she explained the different
types and processes that are used to integrate the new
arrivals into New Zealand. She explained what assistance
refugees obtain from the Red Cross
My wife - the pilot
My wife started taking flying lessons about the time of our divorce and
she got her license shortly before our divorce was final, later that same year.
Yesterday afternoon, she narrowly escaped injury in the aircraft she was
piloting when she was forced to make an emergency landing somewhere near
Durban because of bad weather.
The CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) issued a preliminary report, citing pilot error: She was flying a single
engine aircraft in IFR (instrument flight rating) conditions while only having obtained a VFR (visual flight
rating) rating.
The absence of a post-crash fire was likely due to insufficient fuel on board.
No one on the ground was injured.
The photograph below was taken at the scene and shows the extent of damage to her aircraft.
She was very lucky…
Yes we are taking up the challenge
from Middle Districts Lions!
Our President Christine has already
given us a training session and
chosen a team to compete in the
Charades Playoff. We have all been
encouraged to attend and loudly
support our team.