What can we learn from smart city pilot projects?


What can we learn from smart city pilot projects?
What can we learn from smart city pilot
A framework for learning in sustainable niche
15th Annual STS Conference Graz 2016 on Critical
Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies
9 May 2016
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
Urban innovation is of major importance for the energy
Smart city pilot and demonstrations projects
Variation: Large number of smart city projects to find
promising solutions
How to deal with this diversity?
What can, what should we learn from these projects?
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
The Project
Smart City demo project (National research programme)
12 partners; coordinated by the Österreichisches Institut für Bauen
und Ökologie (IBO)
Municipality is strongly involved
Masterplan „Korneuburg 2036“, Vision: Energy autonomy & CO2neutral city
Duration of the project: 07/2015-06/2018
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
Aims of the Project
Planning and realization of a residential housing project
Comprehensive approach
Energy efficient renovation and newly constructed building
Green mobility concept
Participation and information concept
Peer-to-peer education
Role model function
Research, monitoring and learning
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
Status quo (2015)
Plan (2018)
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
pos architekten ZT gmbh
Accountability versus Learning in Niche Experiences
Divergent needs, goals and methods
Accountability (evaluation for the funding agency)
Assessing the outcomes
Effectiveness and efficiency
Feedback on how money was spent
Learning (evaluation for system innovation)
Insights for improved action
Mutual learning between actors
Supporting reflexivity
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
Source: Regeer, B. et al. 2016
Learning in Niche Experiments
Transition Management (TM)
> Deepening, Broadening, Scaling-up and replication
Strategic Niche Management (SNM)
> First and second order learning, social learning, reflexive, broad
Technology Assessment (TA)
> Side effects, unintended consequences, risks
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
Learning in Way2Smart Korneuburg
Project level and project in society
Project as transition element
3 internal workshops
Desk research (internal reports)
Technical monitoring
Socio-technical scenarios for Korneuburg
Backcasting workshop with partners and relevant local actors
Role of facilitator
Quality standards
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari
Thank you for your attention!
Michael Ornetzeder
Leo Capari
A-1030 Vienna, Strohgasse 45/5
Tel: +43 (1) 51581 6589
Fax: +43 (1) 7109883
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
WWW: www.oeaw.ac.at/ita
Michael Ornetzeder & Leo Capari