The Pittsburg Gazette
The Pittsburg Gazette
The Pittsburg Gazette, Thursday, October 13, 2016 • 9 Residents are reminded to be aware of Outdoor Burning Ordinance Continued from page 1 In an effort to allow citizens an opportunity to burn appropriate materials within the city limits, nationally recommended standards for outdoor burning were adopted by the City of Pittsburg. These nationally recommended standards have been put in place to reduce the potential threat of uncontrolled fires as well as reduce the amount of smoke that settles when burning materials such as leaves. Daily weather conditions applicable to the Outdoor Burn Ordinance will be available on the City of Pittsburg’s website page. The Outdoor Burning Ordinance specifically list items that are always prohibited to burn within the city limits. These items are referenced in the TCEQ Outdoor Burning Rules and are listed in the ordinance. The ordinance also has specific weather parameters that must be meet before one is allowed to burn outdoors. Materials, which are allowed to be burned must follow the following parameters set by the Pittsburg City Council and are subject to violation enforcement if are not followed: • All burning within the city limits must occur and be completely out (not smoldering) between the hours of 10 a.m. and one hour prior to sunset. • All burning within the city limits must occur when the wind is over five (5) miles per hour and less than fifteen (15) miles per hour. • All burning within the city limits must occur when the relative humidity is above forty (40) percent and less than sixty (65) percent. Materials that cannot be burned include: household trash, plastics (including fiberglass resins), rubber (natural or synthetic), petroleum products, non-wood construction or demolition materials, treated lumber, furniture, carpet, appliances, electrical insulation, chemical wastes and potentially explosive materials. Any violation pertaining to the burning of above materials shall constitute a Class C Misdemeanor punishable by fine not to exceed $500 for each offense. If one is unsure of whether or not they can or cannot burn, it is best to contact the Pittsburg Fire Department at 903-856-6392. Classifieds Student Leader and Cypress Bank Bandsman of the week Photo by ELLIS KNOX The Pirate Band Student Leader of the week is (left) Desiree Barrera. Desiree always steps up when called upon and can always be counted on to do her best. The Cypress Bank Bandsman of the week is Conor Bell, another who can always be counted on to do his best for the Band. Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. To place an ad, call 903-856-6629 FREE KITTENS to good home. Most are long haired. 7 weeks old, weaned and litter box trained. Willing to meet. 903-563-6506 NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION (AVISO DE ELECCION GENERAL) To the registered voters of the Count of Camp, Tex as; (A los votantes registrados del Condado de Camp, Tex as) Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., November 8, 2016, for voting in a general election to elect (presidential electors, if applicable), Members of Congre e er of the egi l t re n t te i trict co nt n recinct officer otifi e e or l re ente e l c ill elector le cit o e rir n e e l h t las 7 p.m. el 8 de noviembre de 2016 para votar en la Eleccion G eneral para elegir (electores presienci le ie lic le ie ro el ongre o ie ro e l egi l t r ofici le el e t o distrito, condado y del precinto.) On Election Day, voters must vote in their precinct where registered to vote. (El Dia de Eleccion, los votantes deberan votar en su precinto donde estan inscritos para votar.) L ocation of Election D ay Polling Places Include Name of Building and Address (U bicacion de las casillas electorales el D ia de Eleccion) ncl ir o re el ificio ireccion Fire Station, 5 15 S. G reer Blvd. H igh School Auditorium, 300 N. Tex as St. D ouglass Community Center, 408 N. Terry. St. Courthouse, 126 Church St. Precinct Number(s) (Numero de precinto) 1 2 3 4 For early voting, a voter may vote at any of the locations listed below: (Para Votacion Adelantada, los votantes podran votar en cualquiera de las ubicaciones nombradas abajo.) L ocations for Early V oting Polling Places Include Name of Building and Address (U bicacion de las casillas electorales de votacion adelantada) ncl ir o re el ificio ireccion D ays and H ours of O peration D ias y H oras H abiles Courthouse Room B-2 Pittsburg, Tex as O ctober 24-November 4, 2016 Monday-Friday 8 .m. to 5 p.m. Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (L as solicitudes para boletas de votacion adelantada por correo deberan enviarse a: ) Elaine Y oung County Clerk (Name of Early V oting Clerk ) (Nombre del Secretario de la V otacion Adelantada) 126 Church Street, Room 102 (Address) (D ireccion) Pittsburg, Tex as 75 686 (City) (Ciudad) (Z ip Code) (Codigo Postal) Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on: O ctober 28, 2016. olicit e r olet e ot cion el nt or correo e er n reci ir e r el fin e l horas de negocio el: 28 de O ctubre de 2016) Issued this the 5 th day of O ctober, 2016. (Emitida este dia 5 de O ctubre. 2016.) Advertise Your Business or Event in The Pittsburg Gazette Classifieds! od Call T ay! 856-6629 ORDINANCE NO. 815-16 AN O RD INANCE AMEND ING PRIO R O RD INANCES ESTABL ISH ING CERTAIN FEES IN TH E EV ENT O F NO NPAY MENT O F ACCO U NTS, RETU RNED CH ECK S, AND W ATER METER D ATA CO L L ECTIO N REPO RTS AND AMEND ING AD MINISTRATIV E FEES AND ANIMAL CO NTRO L FEES FO R TH E CITY O F PITTSBU RG W H EREAS, the City Council of the City of Pittsburg has reviewed current fees and has considered establishing fees relating to nonpayment of accounts, returned check s, and request for water meter data collection reports and amending administrative fees and animal control fees for the City of Pittsburg; and W H EREAS the City Council is of the opinion that the City of Pittsburg should amend ex isting ordinances and Appendix A Fee Schedule to the Code of O rdinances to provide for fees for nonpayment of accounts, returned check s, and water meter data collection reports and amending administrative fees and animal control fees for customers of the City of Pittsburg; IT IS TH EREFO RE O RD AINED BY TH E CITY CO U NCIL O F TH E CITY O F PITTSBU RG , AS FO L L O W S: SECTIO N 1. That Appendix A Fee Schedule to the Code of O rdinances of the City of Pittsburg shall include the following fees: Appendix A shall include the following additional sections and fees stated therein: Section A1.1001 AD MINISTRATIV E FEES (a) Basic Report Fees $ 2.00 Section A2.001 IMPO U ND MENT AND BO ARD ING FEES (a) Animal Impoundment Fees: Prior to Sheltering 1st within 1 year… . $ 25 2nd within 1 year… . $ 35 3rd within 1 year… . $ 45 4th within 1 year… . $ 5 5 Each additional impoundment within 1 year of 1st impoundment… . $ 65 (a) Animal Impoundment Fees: After Sheltering (1) As prescribed by Mt. Pleasant, Tex as, City O rdinance (2) Small livestock… . $ 35 + $ 18 per day D oes not include transportation or other medical fees (1) Animal U nder Q uarantine… . As prescribed by Mt. Pleasant, Tex as, City O rdinance Section A9.033A NO NPAY MENT FEES If an account is not paid by 8 a.m. on the 21st day of the month when due, a $ 40 nonpayment fee shall be added to a customer’ s bill. If the 21st day of the month falls on week end, or recogniz ed City of Pittsburg holiday, the nonpayment fee shall be assessed if the account is not i on the fir t ine following ch wee en or recogniz ed City of Pittsburg holiday. Section A9.001 RETU RN CH ECK FEE fee of h ll e ch rge for n in fficientl f n e chec tendered to the City of Pittsburg for utility deposits, monthly payments or fee fter two in fficientl f n e chec eing ten ere a customer, said customer must pay by cash or money order payable to the City of Pittsburg. Section A9.040 D ATA CO L L ECTIO N FEE There will be no charge for a data collection report on a water meter if such report is requested by the City of Pittsburg. There will be no ch rge the fir t t collection re ort re e te c to er for water meter serving the requesting customer’ s property. A fee of $ 25 shall be charged for any second or subsequent request from a customer requesting a data collection report for the same water meter serving the requesting customer’ s property. SS O on fir t re ing on Se te er 2016. PASSED AND APPRO V ED on second reading on O ctober 3, 2016. Maycee Animal ID A33653158 Breed DSH Gender Female Adoption Fee $63.00 Adopt ER a SHELT L ANIMA For more information or to adopt, please call 903.575.4174 Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter 1500 N. Mulberry Street NEED A NEWSPAPER ON WEDNESDAY? PUBLIC NOTICE OF TEST OF AUTOMATIC TABULATIONG EQUIPMENT Notice is hereby given that the automatic tabulation equipment that will be used in the G eneral Election held on November 8, 2016 will be tested on O ct. 17, 2016 at 9 a.m. at Camp Count Courthouse to cert in th t it will cc r tel co nt the ote c t for ll office n on all measures. Sign t re of Officer AVISO PUBLICO DE PROBAR EL EQUIPO PARA TABULAR AUTOMATICAMENTE Por lo presente se da aviso que el equipo para tabular automaticamente que se usara en las Eleccion G eneral que se llevara a cabo el 8 de noviembre de 2016 se probara el 17 de octubre de 2016 a las 9 a.m. en el Condado de Camp en la courte para determiner si el equipo contara con ex acitud los votos para todos los puestos ofici le o re to o lo ro ecto e le ir el/ el Ofici l C h eck ou t th ese local r etailer s: Villager #1 Stop Pittsburg Exxon Brookshire’s Corner Express Wag-A-Bag Los Mismos Dickson Street Package Store Mr J’s Gazette office Big Earl’s 10 • The Pittsburg Gazette, Thursday, October 13, 2016 Classifieds ORDINANCE NO.816-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR ORDINANCES CONCERNING GARBAGE RATES FOR THE CITY OF PITTSBURG W H EREAS, the City of Pittsburg has reviewed garbage rates in the City of Pittsburg; and W H EREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the City of Pittsburg should amend ex isting ordinances to ro i e o ifie g r ge r te for c to er of the it of itt rg IT IS TH EREFO RE O RD AINED BY TH E CITY CO U NCIL FO R TH E CITY O F PITTSBU RG ; AS FO L L O W S; SECTIO N 1. That the O rdinances of the City of Pittsburg concerning Solid W aste shall be amended as follows: Appendix A: Fee Schedule Section 8.900 Service Fees for H and Collected Customers The rate for hand collected residences will be $ 15 .76 monthly. Section 4.3 (d) Commercial hand collection fees per month as follows: No. of 30 G allon Bags 1 per week 2 per week 0 to 5 $ 14.34 $ 23.90 5 to 10 $ 23.90 $ 35 .03 Section 4.4 Poly Cart Pick -up fees 1 per week 2 per week 1 Toter $ 18.99 $ 31.77 2 Toter $ 31.77 $ 47.67 Section 4.5 Service fees for container Customers Commercial container fees per month, as follows: Container Siz e 1 per week 2 per week 3 per week Ex tra pick -up 2 Y d FEL Container $ 68.34 $ 112.90 $ 138.36 $ 27.97 3 Y d FEL Container $ 78.02 $ 15 2.5 7 $ 201.01 $ 35 .84 4 Y d FEL Container $ 107.5 7 $ 177.14 $ 25 7.5 7 $ 5 1.02 6 Y d FEL Container $ 133.5 8 $ 248.03 $ 374.93 $ 5 9.5 2 8 Y d FEL Container $ 15 5 .74 $ 305 .25 $ 439.8 $ 75 .27 L ock able Service $ 8.31 $ 8.31 $ 8.31 Casters $ 8.31 $ 8.31 $ 8.31 Roll O ff Per Pick -up Mo. Rent D elivery Roll-off D ry Run Fee 20 Y d O pen Top $ 460.32 $ 5 5 .69 $ 95 .64 $ 92.75 30 Y d O pen Top $ 5 5 6.5 1 $ 79.45 $ 95 .64 40 Y d O pen Top $ 621.19 $ 95 .64 $ 95 .64 Compactor Per Pick -up Equipment Rental 30 Y d Compactor $ 604.16 $ 338.35 35 Y d Compactor $ 65 1.85 $ 338.35 40 Y d Compactor $ 706.81 $ 338.35 U nscheduled Pick -ups Poly Cart 2yd $ 27.97 1x 3 $ 5 5 .69 3yd $ 35 .84 2x 3 $ 66.79 4yd $ 5 1.02 1x 4 $ 5 5 .68 6yd $ 5 9.5 2 8yd $ 75 .27 Com. Container 2Y D X 4 $ 225 .82 H and Collect D plx $ 31.42 3Y D X 4 $ 306.29 X 1-11-15 Bags $ 35 .03 4Y D X 4 $ 35 4.31 X 2-11-15 Bags $ 5 4.07 6Y D X 4 $ 496.06 X 3-0-5 Bags $ 47.66 8Y D X 4 $ 610.47 X 3-6-10 Bags $ 71.5 7 4-8Y D X 2 $ 1,210.03 X 311-15 Bags $ 95 .37 ` ` 6 Y D Compactor $ 483.81 42 Y D Compactor $ 722.66 SS PASSED AND O APPRO V ED on fir t re ing on Se te er on second reading on O ctober 3, 2016. Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. To place an ad, call 903-856-6629 NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE Pursuant to an O rder of Foreclosure Sale and to V acate and a J udgment order, both dated May 16, 2016, entered in U nited S tates of Amer ica v . Paul M ayb en, S usan M ayb en and V ir ginia M ayb en W ar d in the U nited States D istrict Court for the Eastern D istrict of Tex as Marshall D ivision, Case No. 2:13-cv00631-RW S-RSP, the U nited States will offer to sell at public auction the real property located at 645 ngerfiel itt rg e long with ro i tel cre ni ro e l n for tot l of approx imately 23.1 acres. For complete legal description please visit Date: November 15, 2016 Time: 10:00 am Location of Sale: 647 Highway 11, Pittsburg, TX 75686 Minimum Bid: $75,000.00 Property may be inspected: November 14, 2016 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and November 15, 2016 one (1) hour prior to sale. The properties will be offered for sale at public auction and sold to the highest bidder, under the terms and conditions of sale that are set forth below, foreclosing all of the right, title and interest of the defendants. The successful bidder shall be required to deposit at the time of the sale with the IRS, Property Appraisal and L iquidation Specialist, 20% of the minimum bid with the deposit to be made by the property being struck off and awarded to the highest and best bidder. Before being permitted to bid at the sale, bidders shall display to the IRS proof that they are able to comply with this requirement. No bids will be received from anyone who has not presented that proof. The balance of the purchase price for the properties shall be paid to the IRS, Property Appraisal and i i tion S eci li t no l ter th n ece er certifie or c hier chec le to the nite St te i trict o rt f the cce f l i er f il to f lfill thi re ire ent the e o it h ll e forfeited and shall be applied to cover the ex penses of the sale, with any amount remaining to be applied to the federal tax liabilities of Paul and Susan Mayben. The real property shall be again offered for sale under the terms and conditions of the order of sale, or alternatively, sold to the second highest bidder if the second bid meets at least the minimum bid. he le of the ro ert will confir it elf within thirt fi e fro the te of le nle o eone o ect to the le on the confir tion of the le the S h ll e ec te n eli er ee con e ing the en er on l re i ence to the rch er On confir tion of the le ll intere t in lien g in t or cl i to the en er on l re i ence th t re hel or erte n rtie to thi action are discharged and ex tinguished; the property will be sold without appraisal. The government reserves the right to rej ect any bids and to withdraw the property from sale. The sale shall be subj ect to il ing line if e t li he ll l w or in nce n go ern ent l reg l tion incl ing il ing n oning or in nce ffecting the re i e n e e ent n re triction of recor if n The property is offered for sale “ where is” and “ as is” and without recourse against the U nited States of eric he nite St te e no g r nt or w rr nt of con ition of the ro ert or it fitne for any purpose. The U nited States will not consider any claim for allowance or adj ustment or for the rescission of the sale based on failure of the property to comply with any ex pressed or implied representation. he le i or ere n er S n n i e witho t right of re e tion Additional information can be found at w w w . ir sauctions. gov and/ or by calling Patty H all, the Property Apr i l n i i tion S eci li t t NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE Pursuant to an O rder of Foreclosure Sale and to V acate and a J udgment order, both dated May 16, 2016, entered in U nited S tates of Amer ica v . Paul M ayb en, S usan M ayb en and V ir ginia M ayb en W ar d in the U nited States D istrict Court for the Eastern D istrict of Tex as Marshall D ivision, Case No. 2:13-cv-00631RW S-RSP, the U nited States will offer to sell at public auction the real property located at 647 E H ighway 11, Pittsburg, Tex as 75 686 more particularly described as: Being a 2.20 tract of land located in the E. Matthews Survey, A-83, Camp County, Tex as. Said 2.20 acre tract being out of the Northeast corner of a 35 .5 acre tract conveyed to H .R. Maybe by Paul M Matk in and recorded in V ol. 87, page 267 of the Camp County D eed Records. Said 2.20 acre tract being more particularly described as follows: The Gazette NOTICE The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) posted Request for Proposals (RFP) at for the following: Office/School Supplies, Products, Services (Full Service National Providers) RFP#161001. Electronic proposals are due and opened Friday, Nov.11, 2016, 3:00 PM local time. Awards are tentatively scheduled for 1-26-2017 Region 8 ESC Board meeting. Call 866-839-8477 for problems with website. Beginning at the Northeast corner of said 35 .5 acre tract. Said corner being in the South line of State H ighway No. 11; Thence South 9 deg. 00’ 40” East with a fence on the East line of said 35 .5 acre tract for a distance of 274.92 feet; Thence South 76 deg 27’ 5 0” W est for a distance of 375 .0 feet; Thence North 11 deg 31’ 10” W est for a distance of 232.8 feet to a point in the south line of State H ighway No. 11; Thence in a Northeasterly direction with a curve to the L eft (having a radius of 2925 .0 feet, a central angle of 2 deg 33’ 24” , a long chord North 71 deg 13’ 30” East 130.5 0 feet) for a distance of 130.5 2 feet; Thence North 69 deg 5 7’ 23” East with the South line of H ighway No. 11 for a distance of 260.22 feet to the point of beginning. Date: November 15, 2016 Time: 10:10 am Location of Sale: 647 Highway 11, Pittsburg, TX 75686 Minimum Bid: $225,000.00 Property may be inspected: November 14, 2016 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and November 15, 2016 one (1) hour prior to sale. The property will be offered for sale at public auction and sold to the highest bidder, under the terms and conditions of sale that are set forth below, foreclosing all of the right, title and interest of the defendants. The successful bidder shall be required to deposit at the time of the sale with the IRS, Property Appraisal and L iquidation Specialist, 20% of the minimum bid with the deposit to be made by the property being struck off and awarded to the highest and best bidder. Before being permitted to bid at the sale, bidders shall display to the IRS proof that they are able to comply with this requirement. No bids will be received from anyone who has not presented that proof. The balance of the purchase price for the properties shall be paid to the IRS, Property Appraisal and i i tion S eci li t no l ter th n ece er certifie or c hier chec le to the nite St te i trict o rt f the cce f l i er f il to f lfill thi re ire ent the e o it h ll e forfeited and shall be applied to cover the ex penses of the sale, with any amount remaining to be applied to the federal tax liabilities of Paul and Susan Mayben. The real property shall be again offered for sale under the terms and conditions of the order of sale, or alternatively, sold to the second highest bidder if the second bid meets at least the minimum bid. he le of the ro ert will confir it elf within thirt fi e fro the te of le nle o eone o ect to the le on the confir tion of the le the S h ll e ec te n eli er ee con e ing the en er on l re i ence to the rch er On confir tion of the le ll intere t in lien against, or claims to, the Maybens’ personal residence that are held or asserted by any parties to this action are discharged and ex tinguished; the property will be sold without appraisal. The government reserves the right to rej ect any bids and to withdraw the property from sale. The sale shall be subj ect to building lines if established, all laws, ordinances, and governmental regulation (including building and z oning ordinances), affecting the premises, and easements and restrictions of record, if any. The property is offered for sale “ where is” and “ as is” and without recourse against the U nited States of eric he nite St te e no g r nt or w rr nt of con ition of the ro ert or it fitne for any purpose. The U nited States will not consider any claim for allowance or adj ustment or for the rescission of the sale based on failure of the property to comply with any ex pressed or implied representation. The sale is ordered under 28 U .S.C. § § 2001, 2002 and 2004, and is made without right of redemption. Additional information can be found at and/ or by calling Patty H all, the Property Appraisal and L iquidation Specialist at (214-422-7386). The Pittsburg Gazette, Thursday, October 13, 2016 • 11 Classifieds Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. HELP WANTED If you have a medically documented disability and would like to work part time on an outside work crew, call Mark at 903856-6822 between the hours of 6 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. Or come in and visit at 523 Elm Street, just west of Pirate Football Stadium. To place an ad, call 903-856-6629 Pittsburg Nursing Center is looking for a RN Wound Care Nurse Full Time Apply in Person 123 Pecan Grove • Pittsburg Pittsburg, Tx 2 BRICK HOMES available today with EASY financing, low down, no closing costs! 218 Lynn St., 3br/2bath in town -OR752 CR 1130 on 1 acre Call Kevin Oliver 855-847-6806 Camp County Service Industries SOLD ANOTHER ONE! Employing HandiCAPABLE adults since 1985 The Mexia News is looking for a full-time Press Operator to assist with daily production on our Goss Press. The work includes preparing the presses for production, operating the presses or any of their components, cleaning the presses and the pressroom, maintaining the mechanical readiness of the presses, and other duties as assigned. Every member of the pressroom staff constantly strives to achieve the following goals, and the contribution of every press operator is necessary for success: This position requires a high school education or equivalent. Experience in web offset printing is required. Mechanical ability and familiarity with computers is preferred. Candidates should have the ability to adapt to change, prioritize work, handle multiple tasks, remain flexible and interact with people while demonstrating patience. A press operator spends most working hours on his/her feet. In addition to long periods of standing, a press operator is required to climb stairs on the two-level press structure. Operators engaged in press maintenance and some cleaning activities will be required to stoop, kneel, crouch and crawl. They often work in confined areas. Color vision is required. We offer competitive pay with a full benefits package. Interested persons should send resume to [email protected] EOE 4 USED HOMES 2 and 3 bedrooms starting at 5,900. Must see. RBI 36579 Strube ProPertieS BIG SALE OCT. ONLY 2 B R - N o rth to w n A p ts. 1 B R - Village A p ts. 903-524-2050 $10,000 off every doublewide & $5,000 every singlewide home in stock RBI 36579 903-524-2050 RBI 36579 903.946.4888 903-524-2050 Check us out online at Oct. 20, 21, 22 • 8am-5pm 20670 Hwy. 11 East • Winnsboro, TX Hopkins County Yard Sale Oct. 13–15 • 8am-4pm CR 2602 Thunderbird Point (follow signs) ‘78 Silver Streak camper, ‘06 M. Mountaineer SUV, shop equip., Christmas/ Halloween yard decor, two boats, patio furniture, household items, BBQ pit, weed eater, and much more. 3 Family Garage Sale Sat. Only • 8 a.m. 110 Magnolia Street Furniture, decor, toys, clothing and more! GARAGE SALE 92 CR 2208 • Pittsburg Oct. 14–15 • 8am–5pm Tools, beautiful children’s clothes, and household goods. OUTSIDE SALE Sat. • Oct. 15 • 8am-5pm 212 CR 4162 - Meadow Creek New fall wood crafts, crocks large size clothes, etc. GARAGE SALE 226 CR 2110 (Across the street from the Church of Nazarene) Friday & Saturday • Oct. 14 -15 A little bit of everything. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Walker Creek Village 22 PR 54607 Pittsburg, TX 75686 903-855-0311 Now accepting applications Mark your calendar for this one! For more info. or directions, contact Danna Stevens Bain at 903-439-7091. IN DAINGERFIELD Call for appointment RENTERS WANTED Furniture, steel bumper w/wench, yard tools, Shawnee pottery, Kubota Tractor w/Finishing Shrdr., ‘64, ‘68 & ‘70 model Chevy Trucks, vintage fishing items and much more!! Pine Hills MOBILE HOME PARK 2 & 3 bedrooms - 2 full baths 300 deposit, all electric Appliances included Section 8 welcome Serious Inquires Only No Credit Check New Homes ESTATE SALE 903-856-6606 E-Z SELF STORAGE Hwy 271, Pittsburg 903-856-3611 Clean, insulated, card operated security gates, 24 hour access. Moving supplies and U-Haul Dealer. Pittsburg Storage Sizes from 5x10 to boat size. • Multi-Family Affordable Housing • 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Apartments • CH/A • Patio • Appliances • W/D connections • On-Site Laundry • Community Room • Social Services • Office Open 8-5 Weekdays Equal Housing Opportunity Welcome Jack and Janet Drewien! Call us today to take care of your real estate needs. LAKEHAVEN, REALTORS® 2780 FM 115 DEBBIE CHENEY Mt. Vernon, TX 75457 HENRI KING 903-253-8756 903-855-2224 Each office is independently [email protected] owned & operated. [email protected] 903.856.3526 Elaine 577-4668 Being Your Realtor ... Becoming Your Friend Brenda Nationwide Advertising 767-0158 Handicap Accessible Pending Reduced! $139,500 10 ac. Custom Country 4br. 2 mi. out $172k Totally Updated Across from Delwood Park. Mt. Pleasant Custom built 2012. Neat as can be! $105k Updated 4br. Island kit. It’s Nice! Only $97k Extras Galore! “Must See” Nice Shop 1.6 ac $279k 3/2. Not far from Sandlin. Apx 1 ac. $49,500 903-856-3491 GARAGE SALE Camp County Service Industries 523 Elm Street Sat. • 10-15 • 8am-3pm Boys and Mens clothes. Garage Sale Thursday & Friday 8am - 1pm 4147 FM 556 • Pittsburg Clothing Subscribe to The Gazette Quitman St. NEW PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET! Twin $109, Full $129, Queen $149 & King $229! Still in plastic! With Warranty! NEW DISCOUNT RUGS $19.95 & Up! Huge selection! Affordable Furniture Warehouse 2910 South Lake Dr. 903-276-9354 Prime Development Land. 21.8acs. $113,900 1/2ac. lot. Beautiful Whisp Hills. Only $8k Pending 3/c Spac Liv. w/Fp Fenced yd 1ac $139,500 Our Goal: to carry you from “Contract to Closing” with ease! 3.6acs. Commercial bldg. site in downtown Pittsburg. Lots of possibilities! Call