w h a T iS C r y S T al M e T h


w h a T iS C r y S T al M e T h
CMA Conference Approved Literature
©2009 Crystal Meth Anonymous
4470 W. Sunset Boulevard
Ste 107 PMB 555
Los Angeles, CA 90027-6302
Crystal Meth Anonymous
What are the Twelve Steps? What about alcohol and other drugs? how can i stay clean?
*The Twelve Steps of Crystal Meth Anonymous have been
adapted with the permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World
Services, Inc. Permission to reprint and adapt the Twelve Steps
and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous does not mean
that Alcoholics Anonymous is affiliated with this program. AA is
a program of recovery from Alcoholism only—use of AA’s Steps
and Traditions, or an adapted version of its Steps and Traditions
in connection with programs or activities which are patterned
after AA, but which address other problems, or in any other nonAA context, does not imply otherwise.
1. We admitted that we were powerless over
crystal meth and our lives had become
2. Came to believe that a power greater
than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives
over to the care of a God of our understanding.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory
of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another
human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all
these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked God to remove our
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and
became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever
possible, except when to do so would injure
them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and
when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to
improve our conscious contact with a God
of our understanding praying only for the
knowledge of God’s will for us, and the power
to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as a
result of these steps, we tried to carry this
message to crystal meth addicts, and to
practice these principles in all of our affairs.
what is crystal meth
The Twelve Steps of
Crystal Meth Anonymous*
What is Crystal Meth Anonymous?
Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of
men and women who share their experience,
strength and hope with each other, so they may
solve their common problem and help others
to recover from addiction to crystal meth. The
only requirement for membership is a desire to
stop using. There are no dues or fees for CMA
membership; we are self-supporting through
our own contributions. CMA is not allied with
any sect, denomination, politics, organization
or institution; does not wish to engage in any
controversy; and neither endorses nor opposes
any causes. Our primary purpose is to lead a
sober life and carry the message of recovery
to the crystal meth addict who still suffers.†
What are the Twelve Steps? The Twelve
Steps of CMA are a set of principles designed to
produce a spiritual awakening. Including prayer
and meditation, the Steps guided us to a more
honest way of living and helped us to repair
the damage caused by our addiction to crystal
meth. By working the Steps, we learned how to
lead fulfilling, sober lives.
How does CMA work? Like other Twelve
Step fellowships, CMA’s approach to recovery
consists of three basic components:
1. Meetings and fellowship. We attend
meetings regularly to learn how others have
stayed sober and to find support in our
efforts to cope with fear, loneliness, grief
or other emotions that might overwhelm
us from time to time. After a meeting, we
often go out as a group for dinner or coffee.
At fellowship, we discuss the ideas we have
just heard and get to know other members
on a more personal level. Our experience has
shown that daily attendance of Twelve Step
meetings and fellowship are among the most
effective ways to stay sober.
2. Sponsorship and Step work. A sponsor is
another recovering addict whom we choose
to offer us guidance in working the Twelve
Adapted with permission of the grapevine of alcoholics anonymous
Steps of CMA. They also share with us how
they have stayed sober and make suggestions
to help us stay sober as well. Sponsors do not
tell us what to do; the choices we make in
recovery are ours alone.
3. S
ervice and commitments. We strengthen
our sobriety by helping other addicts. We
volunteer to do service. For example, we agree
to make coffee, stock recovery literature,
keep a group’s finances, or stand by the door
to offer a warm hello to a newcomer. These
commitments keep us attending meetings
regularly, help others in the fellowship get to
know us and provide us with the satisfaction
of following through on our promises.
addicts. We came to understand that our
addictive behavior could easily be transferred
to other substances. Physicians, psychologists
and other professionals familiar with the
treatment of our disease refer to this as crossaddiction. This is a very real danger. Further,
cocaine, marijuana, alcohol or other drugs
have often led us right back to crystal meth.
For some of us, it took time, but for most it
happened fairly quickly: Our innocent escape
to the neighborhood bar sent us back to our
crystal meth dealers in search of our drug of
choice. It is important for us to remember
that alcohol is a drug, period.
How is CMA different than other
Twelve Step fellowships? We have found
We experienced great relief when, in time,
the desire to use crystal meth was lifted.
We know that it is easier to stay clean than
to get clean. Relapse never had to happen,
but when it did, it was crucial for us to be
rigorously honest about our using, and in any
self-examination that followed. We returned
to meetings immediately, called friends in
the fellowship, and discussed our obsession
to use. We did not risk being further caught
in the familiar patterns and torment of our
addiction. We tried to accept our mistake,
without being embarrassed. CMA members
welcomed us back, listened and often made
helpful suggestions as we redoubled our efforts
in recovery.
that we relate best to other crystal meth addicts
because they understand the darkness,
paranoia and compulsions of this particular
addiction. The Twelve Steps of CMA were
adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous. We
do not believe we are better or worse than
those in other Twelve Step fellowships. At the
same time, many of us fail to fully identify
with “a falling-down drunk” or, in the case of
a heroin addict, “a nodding-off junkie.” The
hyper-extended length and intensity of crystal
meth’s effects, be it compulsive cleaning or
sexual activity, were unique. Many of us have
attended other Twelve Step meetings, but the
feeling of identification in the Rooms of CMA
has helped us to keep coming back. After all,
who but another meth addict understands
the insanity that accompanies the high and,
finally, that seemingly bottomless drop into
depression that makes us desperate to use
still more?
What about alcohol and other drugs?
Many of us struggled with the suggestion that
we give up alcohol and other unprescribed
drugs, along with crystal meth. The first step
in our recovery was for us to admit we were
What about relapse prevention?
Why one day at a time? The idea of
never using crystal meth again was impossible
for us to comprehend. In early recovery, we
were encouraged to make a commitment each
day not to use just for that day. This pledge
was still too much for some of us. In these
instances, we promised ourselves something
along these lines: “I won’t use crystal meth,
just for the next hour.” This helped us to stay
in the here and now and not to get caught up
in what might be. For these reasons, we say we
stay sober one day at a time. n
*The Twelve Steps of Crystal Meth Anonymous have been
adapted with the permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World
Services, Inc. Permission to reprint and adapt the Twelve Steps
and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous does not mean
that Alcoholics Anonymous is affiliated with this program. AA is
a program of recovery from Alcoholism only—use of AA’s Steps
and Traditions, or an adapted version of its Steps and Traditions
in connection with programs or activities which are patterned
after AA, but which address other problems, or in any other nonAA context, does not imply otherwise.
Conference Approved Literature
©2010 Crystal Meth Anonymous
4470 W. Sunset Boulevard
Ste 107 PMB 555
Los Angeles, CA 90027-6302
Crystal Meth Anonymous
1. We admitted that we were powerless over
crystal meth and our lives had become
2. Came to believe that a power greater
than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives
over to the care of a God of our understanding.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory
of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another
human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all
these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked God to remove our
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and
became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever
possible, except when to do so would injure
them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and
when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to
improve our conscious contact with a God
of our understanding praying only for the
knowledge of God’s will for us, and the power
to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as a
result of these steps, we tried to carry this
message to crystal meth addicts, and to
practice these principles in all of our affairs.
The Twelve Steps of
Crystal Meth Anonymous*
The purpose of this pamphlet is to
help answer some of the questions
newcomers may have about recovery
through Crystal Meth Anonymous. This
pamphlet has been written by members
of our fellowship, all of whom have
found recovery through CMA.
What is Crystal Meth Anonymous?
Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship
of men and women who share their
experience, strength and hope with each
other, so they may solve their common
problem and help others to recover from
addiction to crystal meth.
The only requirement for membership is
a desire to stop using. There are no dues
or fees for CMA membership; we are
self-supporting through our own
contributions. CMA is not allied with any
sect, denomination, politics, organization
or institution; does not wish to engage in
any controversy; and neither endorses
nor opposes any causes.
Our primary purpose is to lead a sober
life and carry the message of recovery to
the crystal meth addict who still suffers.†
Adapted with permission of the grapevine of alcoholics anonymous
Am I an Addict?
Only you can answer that question.
For many of us, the answer was clear.
We could not control our drug use.
Our lives had become unmanageable.
Have you tried to stop using crystal meth
and found that you couldn’t? Do you
find that you can’t control your use
once you start?
If so, you may be suffering from the
disease of addiction. The fellowship of
Crystal Meth Anonymous can help.
Can I Recover?
There is a solution. Our experiences may
differ externally, but internally we believe
they are very much the same.
Many of us that had been arrested, lost
our jobs and the trust of our family and
friends, now lead productive, honest and
purposeful lives. To do so, we place our
sobriety before all else and remain open
to a spiritual life. If you want what we
have, and are willing to go to any lengths
to get it, then you are in the right place.
We encourage you to stay close to the
CMA fellowship and experience recovery
with us.
How Can I Stay Sober?
1. Attend meetings and fellowship.
Meetings are where we find the support
of others who are recovering from
crystal meth addiction. We suggest
attending 90 meetings in 90 days in
order to get a better understanding of
how Twelve Step recovery can help you.
2. Get a sponsor and do Step work.
A sponsor is a person in the fellowship
that helps guide us in working the
Twelve Steps.
3. Get involved in service.
One of the best ways to stay sober is to
help others in recovery. Even a person
with only two days sober can help
someone with one day.
What About God?
Crystal Meth Anonymous is a spiritual
program, but we believe our members
can define what spirituality means
for themselves.
What is crucial to recovery is an adherence
to spiritual principles. Among these, there
are three—honesty, open-mindedness and
willingness—that are vital. With these, we
will not be defeated. n
What does a sponsee do? It is suggested
that sponsees contact their sponsors regularly.
Many of us called our sponsors every day, even if
it was just to check in. We also met in-person
with our sponsors. Most sponsors told us how
often they expected us to call and meet with
them. However we communicated with our
sponsor, we found it was important to be honest
and keep an open mind. We were willing to take
suggestions and did the work our sponsors
recommended. Our sponsors guided us, but it
was made clear that we were responsible for our
own recovery. We could not expect our sponsors
to work harder on our recovery than we
did ourselves.
Sometimes we worried about being a burden,
and our sponsors always told us that we were
helping them a lot more than they were helping
us. We came to understand that by using our
sponsors, we helped them recover. Our sponsors
often told us that they could only keep what they
had by giving it away. n
CMA Conference Approved Literature
©2009 Crystal Meth Anonymous
4470 W. Sunset Boulevard
Ste 107 PMB 555
Los Angeles, CA 90027-6302
Crystal Meth Anonymous
what ABOUT
job to be a landlord, loan company, lawyer, doctor,
accountant, psychiatrist, financial broker,
marriage counselor or therapist. Sponsors who are
in those professions leave that role at the door of
CMA. Here they are like us: one addict trying to
help another.
Sponsors do not keep up the pretense of being
right all the time. If they do not know the answer,
they may quickly admit this, and help us find
other sources of information including
professional guidance when needed.
What a sponsor is not It is not a sponsor’s
Although CMA members differ in their approach
to sponsorship work and in the time they can give,
nearly all see it as an opportunity to enrich their
own spiritual growth and experience the
satisfaction that comes from working with others.
Sponsorship One of the first suggestions
offered in CMA is to get a sponsor. Just what is a
sponsor? How do we get a sponsor, use a sponsor
and be a sponsor?
What is a sponsor? An addict who has
made some progress in 12-Step recovery and
shares that experience on a continuous,
individual basis, with another addict who is
attempting to attain or maintain sobriety.
Sponsorship responsibility is a basic part of the
CMA approach to recovery from addiction
through the 12 Steps.
What does a sponsor do? There is no
single best way to sponsor. All members are
free to approach sponsorship as their own
personalities may suggest, using their own
individual experiences. A sponsor is a
person who:
• Can often relate to the situation and care
• Leads by example, focusing on humility,
responsibility, anonymity, honesty, and
building trust.
• Provides a guide through the 12 steps,
• Encourages the sponsee to attend meetings,
find a home group, get a service
commitment, and attend service events.
• Encourages work with other addicts.
• Makes suggestions to help the sponsee live by
the principles of the program
• Introduces recovery literature
• Notes progress that the sponsee may not be
able to see
• Helps the sponsee identify character defects
How to get a sponsor All we had to do
was ask. Some of us asked CMA members
whose recovery we admired. Some of us asked
our friends in CMA to recommend someone.
Others asked for help getting a sponsor when
we shared at meetings. Some meetings have
Sponsorship Coordinators or Matchmakers
who could help us.
When we got the courage to ask for help, we
usually got a positive response. Many of us
were told “yes, I’d be happy to” right away.
Some of us were invited to meet and discuss
it to see if it seemed like a good match.
Sometimes someone agreed to be an
“Interim Sponsor,” sponsoring us for the
short-term or to try it out.
How to choose a sponsor When we
were at meetings, we listened to what people
said. We looked for people who had something
we wanted. We looked for people whose recovery
we respected, who demonstrated the principles
of the program in their day-to-day lives. A
potential sponsor’s continuing ability to live a
sober, happy, productive life was self-evident.
Many of us picked sponsors whose experience
was similar to our own. It helped us relate to
them. Some of us picked people with experiences
that differed from our own. Both ways worked.
A sponsor is like a “safari guide” that we
choose to lead us through territory that is new
for us but familiar to them. We will inescapably
be exposed to the personality of our guide, as
part of the process. Agreement with
personalities and opinions is not essential to
recovery, but acceptance of the principles of the
program is indispensable.
It was suggested to us that we not pick anyone
to whom we had a strong sexual attraction.
Such attractions can get in the way of recovery,
complicating the honest sharing between
sponsor and sponsee.
Who can be a sponsor? We suggest
that sponsors have a working knowledge of the
12 Steps and personal experiences dealing with
life in recovery. We discussed this matter with
our sponsors.
When to get a sponsor It is never too
soon or too late to get a sponsor. Many of us got
sponsors right away. Some of us needed to take
time to decide who we wanted to ask. Some of
us resisted getting a sponsor. Looking back on
it, that made our early recovery more difficult.
It has been proven through our experience that
working with a sponsor makes recovery easier.
While we looked for sponsors, we were
sometimes approached by people offering to
sponsor us. Sometimes we said yes, but didn’t
have to accept an offer that didn’t feel right.
Sponsorship does not have to be a life-long
relationship. Many of us began with an interim
sponsor until we found someone available for a
more permanent relationship. Some of us
changed sponsors if it wasn’t working.
How sponsorship works CMA is based on
the value of people who share a common problem
helping each other. With our sponsors, we began
to believe that we could do together what we
could not do alone.
Our sponsors were our hotlines. We called
them when something triggered us to think
about using, or when unpleasant memories
came up that used to send us to dealers, bars,
or the Internet. Our sponsors identified with
our feelings and gave us hope that, in spite of
how we felt, we did not have to use.
Our sponsors acted as sounding boards when
we had to make decisions. We found it a good
idea to discuss major decisions with our
sponsors, not so they could make the decision
for us, but so they could share their own similar
experiences. Sponsors unfamiliar with a
particular dilemma often directed us to
someone else in the fellowship who has had
related experiences.
Our sponsors made suggestions based on their
own experience. Our sponsors sometimes gave us
advice. We tried to be willing to accept the help
being offered.
Sponsors help not only when times are confusing
or tough but also when things are going well.
Success and hope are also shared with a sponsor.
By simply sharing we find unconditional love,
selfless giving, patience, tolerance, honesty and
trust in this crucial relationship. ➤
Are You a Tweaker?
It doesn’t matter what you call it. It doesn’t matter how you did it. It brought us to our knees,
because without exception, that’s what it does.
Is speed a problem in your life? Are you an addict? Only you can answer those questions.
For most of us who have admitted defeat, the answer is very clear. Yes, we had a problem with
speed, and no, we couldn’t fix the problem by ourselves. We had to admit defeat to win. Speed
was our master.
We couldn’t control our drug use. What started out as weekend or occasional use became daily
use, and we soon found ourselves beyond human aid. We truly suffered from a lack of power to
fix our problem.
Some of us used speed as a tool to work harder and longer, but we couldn’t keep a job. Others
picked at their faces and arms for hours and hours or pulled out their hair. Some of us had
uncontrollable sexual desire. Others endlessly tinkered with projects, accomplishing nothing,
but found ourselves so busy we couldn’t get to work on time.
We deluded ourselves into thinking that staying up for nights on end was OK, that our tweaking
was under control, and that we could quit if we wanted to, or that we couldn’t afford to quit, or
that or using didn’t affect our lives.
Maybe we saw a friend go to jail, or lose their apartment, or lose their job, or lose the trust of
their family, or die, but our clouded minds wouldn’t admit we were next.
Most of us saw no way out, believing that we would use until the day we died.
Almost universally, if we had an honest moment, we found that our drug use made seemingly
insurmountable problems in our lives.
The only way out was if we had the courage to admit that speed, our one time friend,
was killing us.
It doesn’t matter how you got here. The courts sent some of us, others came for family or
friends, and some of us came to CMA on our own. The question is, if you want help and
are willing to go to any lengths to change your life.
CMA Conference Approved Literature
"Early Sunday"
9:00am - One Hour
Triangle Club (Middle Room)
Open, Chips
"... and Now About Sex"
7:15pm – One Hour
Triangle Club (Top Floor)
Sex and Relationships in Recovery
"Back to Life"
3:00pm – One Hour
Triangle Club (Small Room)
Round Robin Format
8:30pm – One Hour
Triangle Club (Top Floor)
Open, Chips
"Monday Night Meth-Busters"
8:30pm - One Hour
Triangle Club (Middle Room)
Beginner’s Meeting
Alternating Speaker & Steps 1-3
Open, Chips
"Saturday Solution"
7:15pm – One Hour
Dupont Circle Club (Front Room)
Open, Chips
"Tuesday Night Steppin' Up"
7:15pm – One Hour
Dupont Circle Club (Sun Room)
Step Study/Discussion
Triangle Club**
2030 P Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(above Lustre Cleaners)
"Mid-week, No-tweak"
7:15pm – One Hour
Triangle Club (Top Floor)
Relapse Prevention
Closed*, Chips
Dupont Circle Club**
1623 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Second Floor
Washington, DC 20009
* Closed meetings are for those with a desire to stop using; open meetings are open to all, respecting always
the principle of anonymity.
**Both locations accessible from the Dupont Circle Metro station (red line)
Type Format
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
7:45 PM
8:30 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:15 PM
7:30 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:15 PM
7:15 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
7:15 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:30 PM
11:00 PM
Big Book
Hearing Impaired
S = Small Room
M = Medium Room
L = Large Room
O = Open to all
C = Closed
AA: Alcoholics Anonymous
ACOA: Adult Children of Alcoholics
AL: Al-Anon
BDA: Business Debtors Anonymous
CoDA: Co-Dependents Anonymous
CMA: Crystal Meth Anonymous
NA: Narcotics Anonymous
OA: Overeaters Anonymous
SCA: Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
SLAA: Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous
Hearing Impaired
D = Discussion
RR = Round Robin
S = Step
SG = Study Group
Sex in Recovery
Triangle Club Website
Triangle Club Mailing List
UPDATED 5/18/2012
10:00 AM
12:30 PM
7:15 PM
11:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
3:00 PM6
3:00 PM
7:15 PM
7:15 PM
8:30 PM
11:00 PM
1623 Connecticut Avenue, NW #200 Washington, DC 20009-1013
(202) 234-STEP (234-7837)
Updated: November 12, 2012
8:30 am AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
10:00 am AA (women’s step and traditions) - Middle room
10:30 am AA - Milton J. room
12:00 noon AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
12:00 noon NA - Middle room
1:30 pm AA (“We Agnostics”) – Milton J. room
4:30 pm AA (closed big book meeting) - Middle room
4:45 pm ACOA - Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA (speaker/discussion) – Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA (step meeting) - Middle room
6:00 pm (last Sundays) SLAA Intergroup - Sun room
7:15 pm DA - Sun room
7:15 pm MA - Middle room
7:15 pm SLAA (speakers’ meeting) - Milton J. room
8:30 pm AA – Milton J. room
7:30 am AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
12:00 noon AA - (step meeting) Milton J. room
12:00 noon NA (45 minutes) - Middle room
3:00 pm AA (literature/discussion) – Milton J. room
4:30 pm AA (steps / traditions) - Milton J. room
4:30 pm AA (speaker/discussion) - Middle room
6:00 pm Nicotine Anonymous - Sun room
6:00 pm AA (step meeting) - Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA/Dual Diagnosis - Middle room
7:00 pm GA - Sun room
7:15 pm Al-Anon – Milton J. room
7:15 pm SCA - Middle room
8:30 pm AA (beginners’ chip meeting) - Milton J. room
8:30 pm AA (closed men’s speaker/step) - Middle room
7:30 am AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
12:00 noon AA - Milton J. room
12:00 noon NA (45 min.) - Middle room
4:30 pm AA - Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA (women’s chip meeting) - Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA - Middle room
7:15 pm Visions - Sun room
7:15 pm SLAA - Middle room
8:30 pm AA (big book meeting) – Milton J. room
10:00 pm AA (speaker / discussion) - Middle room
7:30 am AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
12:00 noon AA - Milton J. room
12:00 noon NA (45 minutes) - Middle room
4:30 pm AA - Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA - Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA (women’s big book meeting) - Middle room
6:00 pm AA/Dual Diagnosis - Sun room
7:15 pm NA Women’s Rap - Middle room
7:15 pm Workaholics - Sun room
8:30 pm AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
8:30 pm AA (6th & 7th step meeting) - Middle room
7:30 am AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
12:00 noon AA (big book meeting) - Milton J. room
12:00 noon Al-Anon - Sun room
12:00 noon NA (45 minutes) - Middle room
3:00 pm AA (literature/discussion) – Milton J. room
4:30 pm AA (big book meeting) - Milton J. room
4:30 pm AA (speaker/discussion) - Middle room
6:00 pm AA - (literature meeting) Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA (“Beginners’ Basics” chip meeting) - Middle room
6:00 pm AA/Dual Diagnosis - Sun room
7:10 pm OA - Milton J. room
7:15 pm AA (big book meeting) - Middle room
7:15 pm CMA (step meeting) - Sun room
8:30 pm NA - Milton J. room
8:30 pm AA (step meeting) - Middle room
7:30 am AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
12:00 noon AA - Milton J. room
12:00 noon NA (45 minutes) - Middle room
4:30 pm AA - Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA (big book meeting) - Milton J. room
6:00 pm AA (beginners’ chip meeting) - Middle room
7:15 pm AA (speaker / big book meeting) - Milton J. room
7:15 pm MA - Middle room
7:15 pm SIA - Sun room
8:30 pm AA (literature / discussion) - Milton J. room
8:30 pm AA (big book meeting) - Middle room
8:30 am AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
10:30 am AA Men’s Rap - Milton J. room
10:00 am ACOA (90 mins.) - Middle room
12:00 noon AA (chip meeting) - Milton J. room
12:00 noon Al-Anon - Middle room
12:00 noon NA - Sun room
4:30 pm AA - Middle room
5:30 pm CoDA - Sun room
6:00 pm AA - Middle room
6:00 pm SLAA - Milton J. room
7:15 pm AA (11th step / meditation meeting) - Middle room
7:15 pm CMA - Milton J. room
8:30 pm AA (anniversary / speaker) - Milton J. room
8:30 pm AA (step meeting) - Middle room
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA/Dual Diagnosis: (addiction and mental health issues)
(relatives and friends of alcoholics)
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Co-dependents Anonymous
Crystal Meth Anonymous
Debtors Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous
Marijuana Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Nicotine Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Survivors of Incest Anonymous
(Living your vision)
Chesapeake & Potomac Region of NA
Meeting List for January 2013 (last updated January 9, 2013)
For more info, go to www.cprna.org
call: 1-800-543-4670 or 202-399-5316
mail: PO Box 8160, Silver Spring MD, 20907
KEY: Meetings ordered by Day of Week, Area, and Time of Day.
Please email [email protected] with questions or changes.
75/90: 75/90 min (all else 60)
E: Candlelight
J: Just For Today
O: Open (public welcome)
A: Beginners 1-2-3 Step
F: Topic
K: Speaker
P: Information Pamphlet
B: Basic Text study
G: Step Working Guide
L: Literature study
Q: Question/Answer
C: Closed (addicts only)
H: Childcare Available
M: Men
S: Step
D: Discussion
I: It Works How & Why
N: Newcomer/Beginner
T: Tradition
For meetings in Baltimore, Annapolis and other areas in Maryland, call the Free State Region of NA
For meetings in Fredericksburg, Richmond and other areas in Virginia, call the Central Atlantic Region of NA 1-800-777-1515
V: Format Varies
W: Women
WA: Wheelchair Access
Y: Young People
Z: Meditation
Battlefield Area
8:30 PM All Things Considered O,D,WA,J.
St. Marks UMC 7803 Well Street,
Central Maryland Area
10:00 AM Breakfast Club O,D,WA. College
Park Youth Service, 4912 Nantucket Rd,
College Park
10:00 AM Easy Like Sunday Morning
O,D,WA,90. Springhill Lake Rec Ctr, 6101
Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt
11:00 AM Starting Over O,V,WA. Laurel
Regional Hospital (Conf. Room), 7100
Contee Rd, Laurel
7:00 PM Small Wonders C,D,WA. University
Christian Church (Belcrest Rd), 6800
Adelphi Rd, Hyattsville
7:30 PM Savage Survivors O,D,WA. Savage
UMC, 9050 Baltimore St, Savage
District of Columbia Area
7:00 AM Open Door To Freedom O,B,A,75.
Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St NW
9:00 AM Sunday Morning Spiritual
S/T,WA,90. Veterans Administration Med
Center, 50 Irving St NW
10:30 AM Coffee Hour O,D,WA,90.
Providence Hospital (ground floor lounge),
1150 Varnum St NE
11:00 AM Sunday Morning Steps &
Traditions O,S/T,WA,90. Howard Univ
Hospital, 2041 Georgia Ave NW
1:30 PM Another Level of Awareness O,S,90.
Community for Creative Non-Violence (2nd
Fl), 425 2nd St NW
5:00 PM Sunday Step Study O,D,WA,J. First
Rising Mt Zion Ch, 602 N St NW
6:00 PM Family Circle O,D,WA. Providence
Hosp., 1150 Varnum St NE
6:30 PM Freedom's Chance O,A,90. St
Martin's Ch., 1908 N. Capitol St NW
7:00 PM Sunday Night Spiritual Group
O,D,S/T,90. St Mary's Ch (Church Hall),
717 5th St NW
7:30 PM Joyful Start O,S/T,90. Mt Zion
Baptist Church, 5101 14th St NW
Dulles Corridor Area
9:45 AM To Tell The Truth O,D,WA,J,90.
Community Center (Hunters Woods), 2310
Colts Neck Rd, Reston
5:00 PM Principles Before Personalities.
O,D,S. Loudoun Club 12,
58 Sycolin Rd, Leesburg
6:30 PM Third Tradition O,D.
Community Center (Hunter Woods), 2310
Colts Neck Rd, Reston.
East of the River Area
9:00 AM Sunday Morning Spiritual O,D
WA,75. VA Hospital, 50 Irving St NW
3:30 PM Sunday Step Guide C,SWG,90. St
Luke's Ctr, 4923 E Capitol St SE
8:00 PM Spiritual Meeting O,WA,A. The
Chess House, 4322 Sheriff Rd NE
Frederick Area
11:00 AM Sunday Morning NA O,D,J. Kemp
Hall, 4 E Church St, Frederick
6:30 PM Just For Today C,K,S,WA,90.
CrossRoads Center, 203 Broadway St,
8:00 PM Bring Your Book C,G,90. The Club,
400 E Church St, Frederick
Montgomery Area
7:45 AM Squeaky Clean O,D.
AISH Learning Center, 11418 Old
Georgetown Rd, Rockville
12:00 PM Progress in NA
O,S/T,WA,90. Holy Cross Resource
Center (Room 7), 9805 Dameron
Dr, Silver Spring
6:00 PM Talking Heads O,D. Chevy
Chase UMC, 7001 Connecticut Ave,
Chevy Chase
7:00 PM NA at PRC O,D,WA. Mont.
County PRC, 11651 Nebel St,
7:30 PM Today's Recovery O,D,WA.
Seneca Creek Community Church
(use front entrance), 13 Firstfield
Rd, Gaithersburg
7:30 PM The Alternative O,D,WA,E.K
Silver Spring Presbyterian Church,
580 University Blvd E, Silver Spring
9:00 AM NA in Delray O,V,WA,90.
Mt. Vernon Hospital (ENGH Conf
Rm), 2501 Parkers Lane,
10:30 AM NA Farsi O,D. Unity Club
(Farsi spoken), 116-B W. Broad St,
Falls Church
12:00 PM Just For Today Group O,J,D
75m. Unity Club, 116-B W. Broad St
Falls Church
4:00 PM NA Back Room O,S,WA,I,
75. Rebos Club, 12902 Occoquan
Rd, Woodbridge
6:00 PM NA As Such C,D. St. Johns
UMC, 5312 Backlick Rd, Springfield
7:00 PM Another Look O,D,WA,75.
Franconia UMC, 6037 Franconia
Rd, Alexandria
6:00 PM Sunday Sanity O,D,K
,WA,90. Arlington Pres Church,
3507 Columbia Pike, Arlington
Rock Creek Area
10:30 AM Sunday Morning Miracles
O,D,WA. Psychiatric Institute of
Washington (Auditorium), 4228
Wisconsin Ave NW
12:00 PM Midday Meditations and
Miracles O,J,Z,D. Dupont Circle
Club, 1623 Connecticut Ave NW
5:30 PM Progressive Recovery
O,D,L,90. Luther Place Memorial,
1226 Vermont Ave NW
7:00 PM Clean On The Hill C,D.
Capitol Hill UMC (enter on 5th St,
ring bell),
421 Seward Sq SE
8:00 PM Footsteps O,D,S. Grace
Episcopal Church (Between K & M
Sts), 1041 Wisconsin Ave NW
South Potomac Area
6:30 PM The Best Step & Tradition
Meeting Around O,S/T. Carmody
Hills Baptist Church, 6501 Seat
Pleasant Dr, Carmody Hills-Pepper
Mill Village
7:00 PM Closed Sunday C,V,S/T,90.
Bells UMC, 6016 Allentown Rd,
Tri-County Area
2:00 PM Walk the Walk O,D.
Immaculate Conception Church
Hall, 28297 Old Village Rd,
7:00 PM Basket Case O,D,75 (60 last
Sun.). St Andrew's Church (Rt 4 S)
44078 St Andrew's Ch Rd, California
7:30 PM Stepping Into Traditions &
Concepts O,D,S/T. St Joseph's
Church, 4590 St Joseph Way, Pomfret
7:30 PM Another Chance O,WA,B.
Calvert Memorial Hospital (Rms 2 & 4
Basement Cafeteria), 100 Hospital Rd,
Prince Frederick
Battlefield Area
7:00 PM Together We Can O,D,V
Reynolds Memorial Baptist Church
3948 Sperryville Rd Sperryville 22740
7:00 PM Grateful Heads O,D,B. St Marks
UMC (@ Leland Ave; meeting
downstairs), 7803 Well St, Manassas
8:30 PM Getting Centered O,D. Church
of the Ascension, 13941 Braddock Rd,
8:30 PM Learning How to Live O,D.
Gainesville Presbyterian Church,
16127 Lee Hwy, Gainesville
Central Maryland Area
East of the River Area
8:30 AM Let Go and Let God O,D,J,75.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
10:00 AM Fresh Start O,D,90.
St Luke's Ctr (Mon, Wed & Fri),
4923 E Capitol St SE
1:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,A,90.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
3:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,D.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
6:00 PM Beginner's Steps O,A. Mt Moriah
Baptist Church, 1636 E Capitol St NE
6:00 PM HOW O,P,I,A,90. Congress
Heights Comm Ctr (2nd Fl.), 3720 Martin
Luther King Jr Ave SE
6:30 PM Second Chance O,D,90. Mt.
Horeb Baptist Church (side entrance),
2914 Bladensburg Rd NE
8:00 PM Monday Night Step O,A,90. St
Luke's Center (@ 17th St),
4923 East Capitol St SE
8:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,L.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
Frederick Area
12:00 PM Noon Group O,WA,B,J. Kemp
7:00 PM It Works: How and Why
Hall, 4 E Church St, Frederick
C,WA,I,H,75. Holy Cross Lutheran
Church, 6905 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt 7:00 PM Monday Night Miracles by
Candlelight O,D,WA,B,J. Grace Trinity
7:00 PM Laurel Basics 1-2-3 O,WA,A.
United Church of Christ,
Laurel Regional Hospital (2nd flr, PRC
9501 Baltimore Rd, Frederick
Room), 7100 Contee Rd, Laurel
8:00 PM Hope Fiends O,WA,A,90. Prince 7:30 PM Addicts Only C. Concordia
Lutheran Church,17906 Garden Lane,
George's Hospital (1st Fl Auditorium),
3001 Hospital Dr, Cheverly
PM The Journey Continues C,L. Kemp
District of Columbia Area 7:30
Hall, 4 E Church St, Frederick
12:00 PM Noon at the Shack
8:00 PM The Smokehouse
O,D,WA,90. Emory Shelter 1725
Connection:Grassroots in Recovery B,C
Lincoln Rd NE
503 Brunswick Street, Brunswick
12:00 PM New Hope Group O,D,WA. St.
8:00 PM Late But Straight O,V.
Martins Church, 1908 N Capitol St NW
Beth Shalom Community Center,
12:00 PM Courthouse Recovery
1011 N. Market St, Frederick
O,D,WA. First Trinity Luth Church (2
Montgomery Area
Fl. Library), 541 4th ST NW
12:00 PM Freedom in the Village O,D,B
6:30 PM Redlight Recovery O,I,90.
WA, Christ the Servant Lutheran 9801
Walker Memorial Baptist Church,
Centerway Rd, Montgomery Village
2020 13th St NW
7:00 PM Lesbian and Gay C,D. Foundry 12:00 PM NA at Noon O,WA,J. Christ
Congregational Church, 9525 Colesville
UMC, 1500 16th St NW
Rd, Silver Spring
7:00 PM Hanna Women's Rap C,W,90.
4:00 PM New Way of NA O,D.
Hanna House, 612 M. St NW
Rockville Metro Club, 12319 Washington
7:00 PM New Endeavors Women's Rap.
Ave, Rockville
O,N,B,K,W. New Endeavors, 611 N St
7:00 PM Illness in Recovery O,D,WA,L.
Millian Memorial UMC, 13016 Parkland
8:30 PM Foggy Bottom Step O,Step.
Dr, Rockville
United Church of Christ, 1920 G St
7:15 PM Step Working Addicts Group O,G
Rockville United Church 355 Lithicum St
Dulles Corridor Area
12:00 PM Not High at Noon O,J. Ashburn
7:30 PM Beginning Miracles O,E,A. Chevy
Presbyterian Church 20962 Ashburn
Chase UMC,
Rd., Ashburn
7001 Connecticut Ave, Chevy Chase
6:30 PM Exact Nature Men's Meeting
8:00 PM Oasis O,D,S. Prince of Peace
O,D, M, WA,J,75. Community
Lutheran Church, 11900 Darnestown Rd,
Lutheran Church, 21014 Whitfield Pl,
8:00 PM Monday Miracles O,D,S,90.
9:00 PM Free To Live O,D,WA,J,75. St.
Montgomery Hills Baptist Church,
Matthew's Episcopal Church, 201 E.
9727 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring
Frederick Dr., Sterling
8:30 PM Creative Action of the Spirit O,L.
8:30 PM Tribe of Recovery O,D,J.
Transfiguration Episcopal, 13925 New
Loudoun Club 12, 58 Sycolin Rd,
Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring
8:30 PM Keys To Recovery O,A,D.
Veirs Mill Baptist Church (Rm 209), 12221
Veirs Mill Rd, Silver Spring
6:30 PM Women's Choice O,D,W,75.
Fairlington Presbyterian Church,
3846 King St, Alexandria
7:00 PM In The Heart Of O,D,WA,90.
Charles Houston Rec Center,
905 Wythe St, Alexandria
7:00 PM Just For Today Meditation
O,WA,I,90. Ashlawn Building,
4921 Seminary Rd, Alexandria
7:00 PM Step and Tradition Blues O,S/T. St.
Alban's Episcopal Church,
6800 Columbia Pike, Annandale
7:00 PM The Cracker Box O,D,WA. Fairfax
Presbyterian Church, 10723 Main St,
8:00 PM Step Over the Hump O,S,WA,75.
Prince William Homeless Shelter, 14945
Jefferson Davis Hwy, Woodbridge
8:00 PM Monday Night Freedom O,L, Bush
Hill Presbyterian Church 4916 Franconia
Rd Franconia
Rock Creek Area
12:00 PM Midday Meditations and Miracles
O,J,Z,D. Dupont Circle Club, 1623
Connecticut Ave NW
7:15 PM O St Women's Rap O,L.
Dupont Circle Club 1623 Connecticut Ave
8:30 PM Living Proof O,D,WA,L. St
Columba's Episcopal Church (Rm 206),
4201 Albermarle St NW
South Potomac Area
7:30 PM Monday Night Step O,S,90.
Unity Presbyterian Church,
4401 Brinkley Rd, Camp Springs
Tri-County Area
7:00 PM Cover To Cover O,D,WA,B,75. St
Andrew's Church (Rt 4 S), 44078 St
Andrew's Church Rd, California
8:00 PM A New Lease on Life O,L. Jude
House, 9505 Crain Hwy S, Bel Alton
8:00 PM Time To Change O,S,W. Lifestream
Church of the Nazarene, 5105
Leonardtown Rd, Waldorf
Battlefield Area
7:00 PM Warrenton Step C,D,S. Warrenton
Baptist Church (6th St),
123 Main St, Warrenton
8:00 PM Just For Today O,D,J. St Marks
UMC (Leland Ave)(downstairs), 7803 Well
St, Manassas
8:30 PM Making a Difference O,D Bull Run
UUC (church street) 9350 Main Street,
Central Maryland Area
7:00 PM Firm Believers O,WA,A,90.
Glenarden Town Hall (1st Flr.), 8600
Glenarden Pkwy, Glenarden
7:30 PM AWOL O,D. Greenbelt Step Club
(Behind Dominos Pizza), 155 Centerway
Rd, Greenbelt
7:30 PM Serenity on Sandy Spring O,D,S.
Holy Trinity Church, 7607 Sandy Spring
Rd, Laurel
8:00 PM Just Relationships O,D,WA,75.
Laurel Municipal Pool, 901 Main St, Laurel
8:00 PM Shot of Hope O,D,WA. Mt Rainier
Christian Church (Bunker Hill Rd), 4001
33rd St, Mt Rainier
District of Columbia Area
12:00 PM Noon at the Shack O,D,WA,90.
Emory Shelter, 1725 Lincoln Rd NE
12:00 PM New Hope Group O,D,WA. St.
Martins Church, 1908 N Capitol St NW
1:00 PM Head to the Sky O,A. St Aloysius
Church (Side entrance), 900 N Capitol St
6:30 PM Freedom To Change O,A,90. St
Martin's Church, 1908 N. Capitol St NW
6:30 PM Start to Live O,S,90. Johnson
Memorial Baptist Church, 800 Ridge Rd
6:30 PM A New Way of Living
O,D,WA. Patsy Hartsfield
Community Center (3rd Fl.), 2026
Maryland Ave NE
6:30 PM Steps to the Courthouse
O,S,90. St Mary's Church (G St
entrance), 717 5th St NW
7:00 PM New Way O,D,WA. Clean
and Sober St, 425 2nd St NW
8:30 PM Miracles on P St O,D.
Triangle Club, 2030 P St NW
Dulles Corridor Area
7:00 PM Girlfriends O,I,W,WA. Faith
Bible Church, 2193 Potomac View
Rd, Sterling
7:00 PM How it Works S,L. Reston
Community Center, 2310 Colt Neck
Rd, Reston
7:30 PM Bottom of the Mountain O,D.
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,
711 W. Main Street, Purcellville
8:00 PM New Attitudes O,D,WA,70.
Sterling UMC (no children, side
bldg), 304 E Church St, Sterling
East of the River Area
8:30 AM Let Go and Let God
O,D,J,75. Anacostia Young People
Club, 1215 Good Hope Rd SE
1:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,A,90.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
3:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,D.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
6:30 PM Give Yourself a Chance O,D.
Holy Christian Missionary Baptist
Church, 5110 Burroughs Ave NE
8:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,L.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
Frederick Area
12:00 PM Noon Group O,WA,B,J.
Kemp Hall, 4 E Church St,
7:00 PM Vision of Hope O,D. The
Club, 400 E Church St, Frederick
Montgomery Area
12:00 PM New Way of NA O,J.
Rockville Metro Club, 12319
Washington Ave, Rockville
12:00 PM Freedom in the Village
O,D,P,WA Christ the Servant
Lutheran Church 9801 Centerway
Rd Montgomery Village
12:00 PM NA at Noon O,WA,J. Christ
Congregational Church, 9525
Colesville Rd, Silver Spring
5:30 PM New Way of NA O,D.
Rockville Metro Club, 12319
Washington Ave, Rockville
7:30 PM Main St Recovery O,J,D.
Damascus UMC (Rts 108 & 124,
below Thrift Shop), 9700 New
Church St, Damascus
7:00 PM Lie is Dead O,D,A. Rockville
UMC (Enter back of church thru
daycare door, upstairs), 112 W
Montgomery Ave, Rockville
7:30 PM All About Change
O,D,WA,90. Seneca Creek
Community Church (use front
entrance), 13 Firstfield Rd,
7:30 PM The NA Way L,B,I,J. Warner
Memorial Pres Church (Park across
St, dwnstrs in S. Hall) 10123
Connecticut Ave, Kensington
8:00 PM Meetin' in Wheaton
C,S/T,90. Hughes Methodist, 10700
Georgia Ave, Silver Spring
6:30 PM Recovery at Walter Reed
O,D,90. Walter Reed Recreation
Center, 2909 S 16th St, Arlington
7:00 PM NA in LA O,D,S,WA,90. Lee
Ctr, 1108 Jefferson St, Alexandria
7:00 PM Choose Life O,D. Unity Club,
116-B W Broad St, Falls Church
7:15 PM Edsall Park C,D. St John's
UMC, 5312 Backlick Rd, Springfield
7:30 PM At the Top of the Hill O,A.
St Paul's UMC, 1400 G St,
8:00 PM Rose Hill Recovery O,J,D,75.
Bush Hill Presbyterian Church, 4916
Franconia Rd, Franconia
8:30 PM Comfort Zone O,A,D,WA,75.
VA Hospital Ctr (Cafeteria- enter Gold
Lot to 1st floor or Emer. Room),
1701 N George Mason Dr, Arlington
Rock Creek Area
12:00 PM Midday Meditations and
Miracles O,J,Z,D. Dupont Circle Club,
1623 Connecticut Ave NW
7:00 PM Stepping Out of Trouble into
Study C,G,90. Plymouth Cong,
Church, 5301 North Capitol St NE
7:30 PM Glad to be Alive O,S,WA.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
4900 Connecticut Ave NW
7:45 PM New Life Recovery O,D,A.
First Baptist Church (enter O btwn
16th & 17th), 1328 16th St NW
8:30 PM Fire Barrel O,D,WA. Psychiatric
Institute of Washington (Auditorium),
4228 Wisconsin Ave NW
8:30 PM Dupont Circle NA O,D. Dupont
Circle Club, 1623 Connecticut Ave NW
South Potomac Area
6:30 PM Search For Serenity O,WA,A.
Prince George's Health Dept (D
Leonard Dyer Regional Health Ctr),
9314 Piscataway Rd, Clinton
7:30 PM Keep Coming Back O,A,S,I,90.
St Barnabas Church, 5203 St
Barnabas Rd, Temple Hills
Tri-County Area
7:00 PM Spiritual Principles O,D,WA. St
Paul's UM Church (Classroom #8),
25550 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown
7:30 PM Off Campus Recovery O,D,WA.
Grace Lutheran Church (Rts 6 & 488),
1200 Charles St, La Plata
7:30 PM Life Recovery O,V. South
Community Center, 20 Appeal Lane,
8:30 PM Canopy Recovery O,D. Church
of the Ascension, 21641 Great Mills
Rd, Lexington Park
Battlefield Area
7:00 PM Solid Foundation O,D,WA. St.
Marks Methodist (Leland Rd), 7803
Well St, Manassas
8:00 PM Alive & Free O,D,J,WA
Culpeper Regional Hospital 501
Sunset Ln, Culpeper
8:30 PM Welcome Home O,D,E. Bull
Run UUC (Church St)(downstairs),
9350 Main St, Manassas
Central Maryland Area
7:00 PM Women do Recover O,D,S/T,W,
WA. St. Marks Church (8th & West
St), 601 8th St, Laurel
7:00 PM Back to the Basics O,WA,B.
Savage UMC, 9050 Baltimore St, Md
7:00 New Wave O,D 90 Glenarden Town
Hall (2nd floor), 8600 Glenarden Pkwy,
7:30 PM Steps to Recovery O,S,WA,B.
Lion of Judah Church (rear of
building), 9901M Business Parkway,
8:00 PM STAR O,D,S/T. First UMC (5th
St), 424 Main St, Laurel
District of Columbia Area
12:00 PM New Hope Group O,D,WA. St.
Martins Church, 1908 N Capitol St NW
12:00 PM Courthouse Recovery
O,D,WA. First Trinity Luth Church (2
Fl. Library), 541 4th ST NW
12:00 PM Noon at the Shack
O,D,WA,90. Emory Shelter, 1725
Lincoln Rd NE
6:00 PM Just For Today O,J.
Mount Moriah Baptist Church,
1636 E. Capitol St NE
6:30 PM Way Out Recovery O,A,90. St
Martin's Church, 1908 N. Capitol St NW
7:00 PM Ultimate Weapons O,A,D,B.
Johnson Memorial Baptist Church,
800 Ridge Rd SE
7:00 PM Beginner's Steps to Freedom
C,WA,A. Woodridge Library (Rm 3), 1801
Hamlin St NE
7:00 PM Into Action O,D,WA. Clean and
Sober St, 425 2nd St NW
7:00 PM Steps To Recovery C,S,WA,B.
Metro Baptist Church, 1225 R St NW
Dulles Corridor Area
12:00 PM Not High at Noon O,J. Ashburn
Presbyterian Church 20962 Ashburn Rd.,
7:00 PM Survivors O,D,WA. Community
Center (Hunters Woods) (Room A), 2310
Colts Neck Rd, Reston
8:30 PM New Hopefuls O,V,WA. St.
Timothy's Episcopal Church (upstairs),
432 Van Buren St, Herndon
East of the River Area
8:30 AM Let Go and Let God O,D,J,75.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
10:00 AM Fresh Start O,D,90. St Luke's Ctr
(M,W,F), 4923 E Capitol St SE
1:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,A,90.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
3:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,D.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
6:00 PM HOW O,P,I,A,90. Congress
Heights, 1649 Good Hope Rd, SE
6:30 PM A New Gift Called Life O,D,90.
Grace Memorial Baptist Church (in rear),
2407 Minnesota Ave SE
7:30 PM The Rd Home O,D. Covenant
Baptist Church, 3845 S Capitol St SW
8:00 PM Wednesday Night Live
O,S,Q,L,90. St Luke's Ctr, 4923 E Capitol
8:00 PM Men's Rap O,D. St Luke's Ctr,
4923 E Capitol St SE
8:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,L.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
Frederick Area
12:00 PM Noon Group O,WA,B,J. Kemp
Hall, 4 E Church St, Frederick
7:30 PM Principles Before Personalities
O,WA,D. Frederick Community Center
(Cafeteria), 100 S Market St, Frederick
7:30 PM Welcome to Life O,D. Jefferson
United Methodist Church (Rt 180), 3882
Jefferson Pike, Jefferson
Montgomery Area
12:00 PM Freedom in the Village O,D,I,WA
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church 9801
Centerway Rd, Montgomery Village
12:00 PM NA at Noon O,WA,J. Christ
Congregational Church, 9525 Colesville
Rd, Silver Spring
4:00 PM New Way of NA O,D.
Rockville Metro Club, 12319 Washington
Ave, Rockville
7:00 PM Fresh Air C,WA,B. Cedar Lane
UUC, 9601 Cedar Ln, Bethesda
7:00 PM Focus on Women O,W,G.H
Warner Memorial Pres Church, 10123
Connecticut Ave, Kensington
7:30 PM Never Alone O,D,WA,J. Christ the
Servant Lutheran Church (Mont.Village
Ave & Centerway Rd), 9801 Centerway
Rd, Montgomery Village
7:30 PM Wednesday's Willingness
O,S/T,90. First Baptist Church of Silver
Spring (Ring bell if door is locked), 8415
Fenton St, Silver Spring
8:00 PM Another Way O,J. Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church (small bldg in back),
11900 Darnestown Rd, Gaithersburg
8:00 PM People's Recovery O,A,D,WA.
People’s Community Baptist Church (Next
door), 41 Norwood Rd, Silver Spring
7:00 PM Stepping Out of the Hole
O,S/T,WA,90. Cora Kelly Rec Center, 25
Reed Ave, Alexandria
7:00 PM Plan B O,A,D. Unity Club, 116-B W
Broad St, Falls Church
8:00 PM Came to Believe O,S/T,B. Cameron
UMC, 3130 Franconia Rd, Alexandria
8:00 PM Over the Hump O,D,WA. Prince
William Homeless Shelter, 14945 Jefferson
Davis Hwy, Woodbridge
11:59 PM Public Mayhem O,D. Cyberground
Internet Cafe, 8630 Lee Highway, Fairfax
Rock Creek Area
12:00 PM Midday Meditations and Miracles
O,J,Z,D. Dupont Circle Club, 1623
Connecticut Ave NW
7:00 PM Southwest Free Way C,Lit.
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St
8:00 PM Conscious Contact Step C,S,WA.
Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, 1
Chevy Chase Circle NW
8:30 PM Conscious Contact Beginners
O,A,D,WA. Wesley UMC (@ Jenifer St),
5312 Connecticut Ave NW
South Potomac Area
7:30 PM Clean Being O,D,WA. Unity
Presbyterian Church, 4401 Brinkley Rd,
Camp Springs
Tri-County Area
12:00 PM NA in the Day O,V. Body of Christ
Church, 12379 Kaine Place, Waldorf
7:00 PM Tower of Power O,WA,J. Mount
Hope Community Center (Off Rt 2), 100
Pushaw Station Rd, Sunderland
7:00 PM A Positive Alternative O,D,WA.
Good Samaritan Church (Near Rt. 5
N/Billingsley Rd.), 13025 Good Samaritan
Dr, Waldorf
7:30 PM Life Support O,D,WA. Callaway
Baptist Church (bldg next to church),
20960 Point Lookout Rd, Callaway
Battlefield Area
8:00 PM Ties That Bind Us O,D,WA.
Warrenton Bible Fellowship,
46 Winchester St, Warrenton
8:30 PM The Ultimate Weapon O,D,S. Bull
Run UUC, 9350 Main St, Manassas
Central Maryland Area
12:00 PM Not High Noon O,D,S/T,WA.
Greenbelt Step Club, 155 Centerway Rd,
7:00 PM Journey Into the Steps O,S,
WA,B,90. Abyssinia Baptist Church, 4705
Addison Rd, Capitol Heights
7:00 PM Just For Today O,D,WA. Laurel
Regional Hospital, 7100 Contee Rd, Laurel
7:30 PM More Will Be Revealed O,S,D.
Trinity Lutheran Church, 6600 LaurelBowie Rd, Bowie
8:00 PM Spiritual Awakenings O,WA,B. Oshe
Shalom Synagogue, 7515 Olive Branch
Way, Laurel
8:15 PM How Ya Livin? O,T,WA,75. 180
Degree Club, 5100 Baltimore Ave,
District of Columbia Area
12:00 PM Noon at the Shack O,D,WA,90.
Emory Shelter, 1725 Lincoln Rd NE
12:00 PM New Hope Group O,D,WA. St.
Martins Church, 1908 N Capitol St NW
1:00 PM Head to the Sky O,D. St Aloysius
Church, 900 North Capitol St NW
6:30 PM Gay Beginners Step 123
C,A,M,WA,90. Us Helping Us, 3636
Georgia Ave. NW
6:30 PM Steps on the Hill O,Step,75. Mount
Moriah Baptist Church, 1636 East Capitol
7:00 PM Stone Soul Recovery O,D,S,90. All
Souls Church, 1500 Harvard St NW
7:00 PM Daily Principles O,S/T,WA,90. 7:30 PM Old Time Recovery C,D.
Providence Hospital (Lecture Hall),
Langston-Brown Center, 2121 N.
1150 Varnum St NE
Culpeper St, Arlington
8:00 PM Just For Today O,D,S. St
8:00 PM So Happy It's Thursday O,D.
Augustine's Ctr, 1419 V St NW
Bush Hill Presbyterian Church, 4916
Franconia Rd, Franconia
Dulles Corridor Area
8:30 PM At the Top of the Hill O,S/T,90.
4:30 PM Afternoon Delight O,D.
St Paul's UM Church, 1400 G St,
Loudoun Club 12, 58 Sycolin Rd,
Rock Creek Area
7:30 PM Keyhole To Recovery O,I.
Galilee UMC (Rt 7 & Rt 28), 45425
12:00 PM Midday Meditations and
Winding Rd, Va
Miracles O,J,Z,D. Dupont Circle Club,
8:30 PM Common Thread O,A. Unity
1623 Connecticut Ave NW
Life Church, 4444 Brookfield Corp
5:30 PM Whole Lava Love O,D. St
Dr, Chantilly
Stephen's Church (at 16th & Newton
Sts), 1530 Newton St NW
East of the River Area
6:00 PM Open Doors O,D. St Martin's
8:30 AM Let Go and Let God
Church, 1908 N. Capitol St NW
O,D,J,75. Anacostia Young People
6:30 PM Coming Out from the Bottom
O,A,K. Us Helping Us, 3636 Georgia
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
Ave NW
1:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,A,90.
7:00 PM Meeting on the Market O,L,S.
Anacostia Young People Club,
5608 Broad Branch Rd NW
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
7:30 PM The Meeting O,D. Dumbarton
3:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,D.
UMC, 3133 Dumbarton St NW
Anacostia Young People Club,
8:30 PM Men's Rap C,D,M. West Side
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
Club, 1341 Wisconsin Ave NW
6:30 PM Under New Management
8:30 PM Prime Time O,L,D. The Festival
C,S/T,WA. First Baptist Church,
Center (free parking in rear), 1640
3440 Minnesota Ave SE
Columbia Rd NW
6:30 PM Hope & Strength O,D.
South Potomac Area
Congress Heights Comm Ctr, 3720
7:00 PM Bright Hope Group O,D
7:00 PM 50/50 Recovery O,S/T,WA.
Carolina Missionary Baptist Church
Bethlehem Baptist Church, 2458
9901 Allentown Rd Fort Washington
Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
8:00 PM Literature Study O,L,90.
8:00 PM Steps to Life O,S,90. Oxon Hill
Perfecting of the Saints Deliverance
UMC, 6400 Livingston Rd, Oxon Hill
Ministry (Enter side), 6041 Dix St
Tri-County Area
7:00 PM Steps to Serenity O,S. St.
Frederick Area
Nicholas Lutheran Church, 1450 Plum
12:00 PM Noon Group O,WA,B,J.
Point Rd, Huntingtown
Kemp Hall, 4 E Church St,
7:00 PM Outsiders O,D,S/T,WA. Church
of the Ascension (Near Rescue
7:00 PM Inner City O,WA,A. Frederick
Squad), 21641 Great Mills Rd,
Community Center, 100 South
Lexington Park
Market St, Frederick
7:30 PM Chaptico Under The Stars O,D.
7:30 PM Thursday Night Candlelight
King/Queen Parish Hall (Off Rt 234,
O,E. St Joseph's Church, 5843
east of circle), 37501 Zack Fowler Rd,
Manor Woods Rd, Frederick
7:30 PM Off the Beaten Path O,D.
8:00 PM Brandywine O,D. Union Bethel
St. James Episcopal Church (Main
Church, 6810 Floral Park Rd,
Bldg upstairs), 1307 North Main St,
Mt Airy
8:00 PM Indian Heads O,B. St James
Episcopal Church (Rt 210 & Potomac
Montgomery Area
Ave), 7 Potomac Ave, Indian Head
12:00 PM New Way of NA O, J.
Rockville Metro Club, 12319
Washington Ave, Rockville
12:00 PM Freedom in the Village
Battlefield Area
O,D,WA,F Christ the Servant
6:30 PM Gimmee Shelter O,WA,I.
Lutheran Church 9801 Centerway
Buckhall UMC, 10251 Moore Dr,
Rd Montgomery Village
12:00 PM NA at Noon O,WA,J.
7:00 PM Alive & Free O,D,A and tools of
Christ Congregational Church,
recovery Culpeper Regional Hospital,
9525 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring
501 Sunset Ln, Culpeper 22701
4:00 PM New Way of NA O,D.
8:30 PM Keep It Simple O,D. Bull Run
Rockville Metro Club,
UUC (Church St)(Downstairs), 9350
12319 Washington Ave, Rockville
Main St, Manassas
7:30 PM Serenity in the Park
8:30 PM Lighthouse O,E,V The Meeting
Place 26 South 3rd St, Warrenton
Mt Calvary Baptist Church,
Central Maryland Area
608 N Horners Ln, Rockville
12:00 PM One Promise NA Noon
8:00 PM CrossRoads O,D,WA.
O,K,WA,L. First Assembly of God
Montgomery General Hospital (6th
Church, 1102 Montgomery St, Laurel
Fl), 18101 Prince Phillip Dr, Olney
7:00 PM Friday Nite Live C,S/T,WA. Holy
8:00 PM Making A Difference O,D.WA
Cross Lutheran Church, 6905
Silver Spring Christian Reformed
Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt
Church (@ Kemp Mill Rd, Rm 3),
7:00 PM Miracles on Main St O,D,WA.
1501 Arcola Ave, Silver Spring
St. Philips Episcopal Church, 522 Main
8:30 PM Stepping Free O,S.
St, Laurel
Fairhaven UMC, 12801 Darnestown
7:30 PM Walk The Walk O,WA,L. Our
Rd, Gaithersburg
Savior Lutheran Church, 13611 LaurelNORVANA
Bowie Rd, Laurel
7:00 PM Glad To Be Back O,D,90.
8:00 PM New Start O,D Queens Chapel
Third Baptist Church, 917 Princess
United Methodist Church 7410 Old
St, Alexandria
Muirkirk Rd Beltsville 20705
7:30 PM We Do Recover O,D.
8:00 PM Gateway to Recovery O,S,T 90
Alexandria Substance Abuse
7411 Village Terrace Landover 20785
Center, 2355 Mill Rd, Alexandria
10:00 PM Keeping It Real O,S,75.
Cross Roads (2 Fl.), 102 Washington
Blvd, Laurel
District of Columbia Area
12:00 PM Noon at the Shack O,D,WA,90.
Emory Shelter, 1725 Lincoln Rd NE
12:00 PM New Hope Group O,D,WA. St.
Martins Church, 1908 N Capitol St NW
12:00 PM Courthouse Recovery O,D,WA.
First Trinity Luth Church (2 Fl. Library),
541 4th ST NW
6:00 PM Decision and Choices O,D,WA.
HIPS, 1309 Rhode Island Ave NE
7:00 PM One Step at a Time O,S/T,90. 14th
and Decatur NW Bus Barn (Metro's
community room), 4729 14th St NW
7:00 PM Lighthouse O,D,75. Israel AME
Church, 557 Randolph St NW
7:00 PM O Street Steps 123 O,A,90.
SOME (Dining Hall), 71 O St NW
7:00 PM Get Right Friday Night C,D,90.
Clean and Sober St, 425 2nd St NW
7:30 PM Jump Start to Recovery
O,L,S,T,WA 90. 25 53rd Street NE
8:00 PM Yellow Brick Rd O,D. VA Medical
Center, 50 Irving St NW
8:00 PM Help Somebody O,A,75.
Providence Hospital (St Catherine Hall),
1150 Varnum St NE
8:30 PM Trust Gay NA Way C,D,90. Metro
Community Church, 474 Ridge St NW
Dulles Corridor Area
12:00 PM Not High at Noon O,J. Ashburn
Presbyterian Church 20962 Ashburn Rd.,
7:00 PM Bedrock O,D. Loudoun Club 12,
58 Sycolin Rd, Leesburg
7:30 PM Gut Level O,D,WA. A New
Beginning, 4213 Walney Rd, Chantilly
7:30 PM Just For Today O,WA,J,Z,H.
Community Lutheran Church, 21014
Whitfield Pl, Sterling
East of the River Area
8:30 AM Let Go and Let God O,D,J,75.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
10:00 AM Fresh Start O,D,90. St Luke's Ctr
(M,W,F), 4923 E Capitol St SE
1:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,A,90.
Anacostia Young People Club, 1215
Good Hope Rd SE
3:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,D.
Anacostia Young People Club, 1215
Good Hope Rd SE
6:00 PM Recovery & Relapse O,D. Mt
Moriah Baptist Church, 1636 E Capitol St
6:30 PM Shine In Time C,D. Congress
Heights Comm Ctr (Basement), 3720
Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
7:30 PM Jump Start to Recovery O,V,90.
Hughes Memorial Methodist Church, 25
53rd St NE
8:00 PM Relationships O,D,90. Holy
Comforter Church (Side entrance,
basement), 1357 East Capitol St SE
8:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,L.
Anacostia Young People Club, 1215
Good Hope Rd SE
10:00 PM Let Go and Let God O,D.
Anacostia Young People Club, 1215
Good Hope Rd SE
Frederick Area
12:00 PM Noon Group O,WA,B,J. Kemp
Hall, 4 E Church St, Frederick
7:30 PM We Do Recover C,V,Step. Carver
Apts. Community Center 207 Lee Alley
9:00 PM Friday Night Candlelight
O,K,WA,E. Evangelical Lutheran Church,
26 East Second St, Frederick
11:00 PM Late Night Miracles O,L,WA. 511
West South Street, Frederick
Montgomery Area
12:00 PM Freedom in the Village
O,D,WA,J. Christ the Servant Lutheran
Church 9801 Centerway Rd,
Montgomery Village
12:00 PM NA at Noon O,WA,J. Christ
Congregational Church, 9525 Colesville
Rd, Silver Spring
4:00 PM New Way of NA O,D. Rockville
Metro Club 12319 Washington Ave,
7:00 PM Older Toddlers O,S,WA. Cedar
Lane UUC, 9601 Cedar Ln, Bethesda
8:00 PM Upcounty NA O,D,90. Emory Grove
UM Church, 8200 Emory Grove Rd,
8:00 PM Live and Let Live O,L. Fairhaven
UMC, 12801 Darnestown Rd,
8:30 PM Get Down O,D,WA. Cedar Lane
UUC, 9601 Cedar Ln, Bethesda
8:30 PM SYA O,D.
Norbeck Community Church,
2631 Norbeck Rd, Silver Spring
8:45 PM Back to the Basics O,WA,A. Kolmac
Clinic (behind 7-11), 15932-B Shady Grove
Rd, Gaithersburg
7:00 PM Recovery on the South Side
O,D,WA,90. Lee Center, 1108 South
Jefferson St, Alexandria
7:00 PM NA for Life O,D,WA,90. Walter Reed
Recreation Center, 2909 S 16th St,
7:00 PM Circle of Hope D,W. St Johns UMC,
5312 Backlick Rd, Springfield
7:15 PM Church Basement Recovery
O,D,WA,75. Arlington Baptist Church, 714
S Monroe St, Arlington
7:30 PM One Route To Recovery O,D,WA.
Mount Vernon Hospital (ENGH Conf. Rm),
2501 Parkers Lane, Alexandria
7:30 PM With or Without C,D. St.
Christopher's Episcopal Church, 6320
Hanover Ave, Springfield
8:00 PM I'm Somebody O,A,D,Z. Lewinsville
Pres Church, 1724 Chain Bridge Rd,
8:30 PM Better Here Than There O,A,D,WA.
Fairfax Hospital (ECC Bldg), 3300 Gallows
Rd, Falls Church
8:30 PM Simplicity is the Key C,B. Unity
Club, 116-B W Broad St, Falls Church
8:30 PM Still Around O,D,WA. Rebos Club,
12902 Occoquan Rd, Woodbridge
Rock Creek Area
12:00 PM Midday Meditations and Miracles
O,J,Z,D. Dupont Circle Club, 1623
Connecticut Ave NW
8:00 PM Clean Works O,B. First Baptist
Church of Washington (Church Parlor),
1328 16 St NW
8:00 PM Solo Por Hoy O,V,90. Neighbors'
Consejo, 3118 16th St NW
10:00 PM Late Nite Friday Nite O,D,WA,75.
St Alban's Church, 3001 Wisconsin Ave
10:00 PM Recovery Alley C,D,Can. St
Stephen's Church (corner of 16th &
Newton), 1530 Newton St NW
South Potomac Area
7:30 PM Living the Program O,M,S, WA,J,90.
St. Barnabas Church, 5203 St. Barnabas
Rd, Temple Hills
7:30 PM Women Do Recover O,S/T,W Bells
UMC, 6016 Allentown Rd, Suitland
8:00 PM Gateway to Recovery O,S/T,90. ,
7411 Village Green Terr, Landover
8:30 PM Friday Night Free at Last
O,D,K,S,WA. Ft Washington Christian
Church, 10900 Indian Head Hwy, Fort
Tri-County Area
6:00 PM North Beach Group O,V. Union
Church, 8912 Chesapeake Ave, North
7:07 PM 7:07 PM O,D,P. Trinity
Lutheran Church (at S. Essex),
46707 S Shangri La Drive,
Lexington Park
7:30 PM Work 'Em Or Die
O,S,WA,B,90. Grace Lutheran
Church (Rts 6 & 488), 1200 Charles
St, La Plata
Battlefield Area
7:00 PM It Work, How and Why
O,L,S,T Gainsville Presbyterian
Church 16127 Lee Hwy, Gainsville
Central Maryland Area
12:00 PM Walking in the Spirit O,D
Turner Memorial AME Church 7201
16th Place Hyattsville 20783
5:00 PM Fear to Faith O,D,WA. St.
John's Episcopal Church, 11040
Baltimore Ave, Beltsville
6:00 PM Central MD Flat Book Group
120,O,V. PG Hospital (Auditorium),
3001 Hospital Dr, Cheverly
6:00 PM Write to Work O,WA,L,B.
180 Degree Club, 5100 Baltimore
Ave, Hyattsville
7:00 PM Gut Bucket O,D,S/T,WA,90.
Springhill Lake Recreation Center,
6101 Cherrywood Ln, Greenbelt
7:00 PM How O,D,WA,75. St Mary's
School (Behind B/G Club), 114 St
Mary's Place, Laurel
8:30 PM Tracks to Recovery
O,D,WA,B. Unity Place, 8610
RailRd Ave, Bowie
District of Columbia Area
9:00 AM Better Way O,D,V,WA,90.
Emory Shelter Clinic, 1725 Lincoln
11:00 AM I Can't We Can O,T,A.
Luther Place Memorial Church,
1226 Vermont Ave NW
11:30 AM Mens Step Rap C,D,WA.
United Medical Center (Basement
Auditorium), 1310 Southern Ave SE
11:30 AM Women's Rap W,90.
Brentwood Rec Center, 2311 14th
12:00 PM Mount Olivet Recovery O,
WA. 1306 Vermont Ave NW
2:00 PM Gay Men's Rap C,D,M,90. St
Martin's Church, 1908 N. Capitol St
6:00 PM Uptown O,D,90. Twelfth St
Christian Church, 1812 12th St NW
6:00 PM Work the Steps or Die
S/T,90. Twelfth St Christian Church,
1812 12th St NW
6:00 PM 11th Step Meeting O,S,90. St
Martin's Church, 1908 N. Capitol St
7:00 PM HIV the NA Way C,D,WA.
Howard University Hospital (Rm 5E17), 2041 Georgia Ave NW
8:00 PM Gift of Life O,A. St. Martin's
Church, 1908 North Capitol St NW
Dulles Corridor Area
7:00 PM HOW O,D. St Anne's
Episcopal Church, 1700 Wainwright
Dr, Reston
7:00 PM Literally Speaking O,L,H.
Community Lutheran Church,
21014 Whitfield Pl, Sterling
8:30 PM Saturday Night Live O,D.
Community Lutheran Church,
21014 Whitfield Pl, Sterling
East of the River Area
12:00 PM Women's Step O,W,S,90. St
Martin's Church, 1908 N Capitol St
6:00 PM Growing Together O,D,90.
Bread for the City Center, 1640 Good
Hope Rd SE
6:00 PM In the Gardens O,S/T,WA,90.
Potomac Gardens, 700 12th St SE
7:00 PM 818 Miracles O,S/T,WA,90.
Christ Love Baptist Church, 818
Bladensburg Rd NE
8:30 PM Let Go and Let God O,A,90.
Anacostia Young People Club,
1215 Good Hope Rd SE
Frederick Area
7043 Wimsatt Rd, Springfield
10:30 PM Late But Straight C,D,WA,90.
Arlington Presbyterian Church,
3507 Columbia Pike, Arlington
11:59 PM Public Mayhem O,D.
Cyberground Internet Cafe, 8630 Lee
Highway, Fairfax
Rock Creek Area
7:00 AM Saturday Morning Relief O,T,A,90.
Metro Community Church, 474 Ridge St
12:00 PM Midday Meditations and Miracles
O,J,Z,D. Dupont Circle Club, 1623
Connecticut Ave NW
12:00 PM Saturday Surrender O, D. First
Baptist Church, 1328 16th St NW
7:30 PM Hope Fiends O,D,E. Luther Place
Memorial Church (at N St, in library),
1226 Vermont Ave NW
8:00 PM Beachcomber's Electric Coffee
Test C,D,B. St Alban's Ch (Saterlee Hall),
3001 Wisconsin Ave NW
11:00 PM Stayin' Alive O,D. St. Margaret's
Church Enter thru driveway behind
church, upstairs, 1830 Connecticut Ave
9:00 AM Women's Rap O,D,W,90.
Kemp Hall, 4 East Church St,
9:00 AM Kickin' it Raw O,D,M,90.
Kemp Hall, 4 East Church St,
12:00 PM Noon Group O,WA,B,J.
Kemp Hall, 4 E Church St, Frederick
6:30 PM Downtown Recovery (Writing
Meeting) C,K. Kemp Hall, 4 East
Church St, Frederick
7:30 PM Off the Beaten Path 2 O,B.
South Potomac Area
St. James Episcopal Church,
10:00 AM Spiritually Speaking S,L,90. Unity
1307 North Main St, Mt Airy
Presbyterian Church, 4401 Brinkley Rd,
8:00 PM Saturday Night Special O,S,WA.
Camp Springs
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
12:00 PM Walking in the Spirit O,D Turner
1415 West 7th St, Frederick
Memorial A.M.E Church 7201 16th Place
Montgomery Area
Hyattsville 20783
11:00 AM Share On Saturday O,WA,BT.
7:30 PM Keep it Simple O,S/T,90.
Holy Cross Hospital (Private Dining
St Barnabas Church, 5203
Rm 1), 1500 Forest Glen Rd, Silver
St Barnabas Rd, Temple Hills
10:00 PM Candlelight O,D,E. Forestville
12:00 PM Hugs not Drugs O,V.
UMC (Annex Building across parking lot),
Woodside United Methodist Church
3111 Forestville Rd, Forestville
(Park in back) 8900 Georgia Ave.
Tri-County Area
Silver Spring
7:00 PM Leonardtown Beginners O,D,A,75.
2:00 PM New Way of NA O,G. Rockville
St Paul's UMC (Brubecker Hall), 25550
Metro Club, 12319 Washington Ave,
Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown
7:00 PM Tower of Power O,D,WA. Mount
4:00 PM IP@4 O,P.WA Silver Spring
Hope Community Center, 100 Pushaw
Reformed Church at Kemp Mill Rd,
Station Rd, Sunderland
1501 Arcola Ave, Silver Spring
7:00 PM Making Miracles O,D,WA,90.
5:30 PM SOS O,D. Rockville
Good Shepherd Church, 305 Smallwood
Presbyterian Church, 215 W.
Drive, Waldorf
Montgomery Ave, Rockville
10:30 PM Serenity Group O,D,WA. Good
7:00 PM A Good Deal O,D. St John's
Shepherd Church, 305 Smallwood Drive,
Lutheran Church (Fellowship Hall),
4629 Aspen Hill Rd, Rockville
7:30 PM Fresh Start O,D,WA,75. Shady
Grove Adventist Hospital (Left of
People I can call…
Emergency Room), 9901 Medical
Center Dr, Rockville
8:00 PM Speakeasy O,D. Calvary
Lutheran Church 9545 Georgia Ave,
Silver Spring
10:00 PM Poolesville 12 O,S/T. St
Peter's Episcopal Church, 20100
Fisher Ave, Poolesville
11:00 AM Sisters in Recovery V,W,90.
Fairlington Presbyterian Church, 3846
King St, Alexandria
3:00 PM Keep on Stepping O,S,90.
Charles Houston Recreation Center,
905 Wythe St, Alexandria
6:00 PM Who Wants to Live O,S/T,90.
Gum Springs Community Center, 8100
Fordson Rd, Alexandria
7:00 PM NA Pavilion O,V,90. Greenbrier
Baptist Church, 5401 7th Rd S,
7:00 PM Free Yourself O,D,WA.
Providence Presbyterian Church, 9019
Little River Turnpike, Fairfax
7:00 PM Saturday Night Pre-Fights O,D.
Independence Club,
Keep coming back!