2010 Annual Report


2010 Annual Report
freedom ability togetherness humility family trustworthiness women hope community
honor honesty recovery De Paul works with individuals, families, and communities to
compassion creativity men values truth character kindness acceptance enrichment love
inclusion wisdom youth treatment helping honesty giving humanity dignity understanding
create freedom from drug and alcohol addiction faith celebrate respect vision dignity
trust imagination freedom ability togetherness humility family trustworthiness inclusion
freedom ability togetherness humility family De Paul serves the community and those affected by
the disease of addiction. Using proven and effective treatment strategies, De Paul strives to build
healthy and hopeful communities in recovery. honor truth recovery treatment love hope character
Board of Directors
David Culpepper
Keith Witcosky
President Elect
Naomi Levelle-Haslitt
Bridget Barton
Gary Branden
Mark Charpentier
Dennis Doherty
James E. Hayes
Jay Minor
Austin Raglione
Paul Rosenbaum
Michael Smith
Sam Wheeler
Thanks to you, 2010 was a great year for De Paul! We took the first step in realizing
our long time dream of providing transitional housing and continuing support for our
clients when we acquired the Alder House. We began offering specialized services for
pregnant women and increased our medical staff to provide detox for adults. No organization achieves success alone and our partnership with you and many others helped
us create new programs and enhance those already in place. Most importantly, your
support helped us provide treatment to men, women, youth, and families who would not
otherwise have access to services.
Our partnership with Meyer Memorial Trust allows us to continue providing family services. Project Metamorphosis continues to increase access and demand for treatment for
homeless youth. Living Yoga provides classes to our adult and youth residential clients
at no cost to De Paul. Medical Teams International brings their dental van to our adult
residential center monthly and provides much needed dental care for our adult clients.
De Paul and Legacy Health Systems Primary Care Clinics are collaborating to increase
access to substance use disorder treatment services for their patients.
These are only a few of the partnerships that enhance the quality of our services and
we are extremely grateful for your support. We believe recovery happens in the context
of relationship and community. Together in community, we are creating freedom from
3 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
Over 30,000 people
have been served
by De Paul since
our incorporation
as an independent
non-profit in 1978.
freedom ability togetherness humility hope vision compassion enrichment “De Paul has given the
hope and the knowledge to live life clean and sober. ” De Paul Youth Graduate humanity dignity
family trustworthiness hope community honor truth recovery character kindness acceptance love
For more than 30 years, De Paul has been providing addiction
treatment services regardless of an individuals’ ability to pay.
Accredited by the
Commission on Accredidation
of Rehabilititaiton Facitlies
We recognize that addiction is a complex, chronic and
treatable illness resulting from the interaction between human
biology, environment and behavior.
We believe all individuals have within them the innate health
and capacity to recover.
We respect the dignity and recognize the uniqueness of each
individual and the need for individualized treatment and health
not only for the individual establishing recovery but for the
family and the community as well.
De Paul utilizes comprehensive, multidisciplinary, culturally
competent and evidence-based practices that address the
needs of the whole person, family and community.
5 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
Services Include:
DUII Services
Integrated Family Services
Residential Treatment
Intensive Outpatient & Outpatient Services
High Risk Pregnancy Services & Support
Health Care & Self Care Education
De Paul Alternative High School
Recovery Counseling
Case Management
freedom ability togetherness humility hope vision De Paul provides treatment for the entire family
and prepares all members for the shifting roles and responsibilities associated with treatment and
recovery. compassion character kindness acceptance enrichment humanity dignity values wisdom
Families are a main source of support, both
during and after treatment. Family members are
critical resources in seeking treatment and in
supporting their loved ones through treatment
and recovery. Through groups and individual
counseling for family members of our clients, we
assist families with strategies for learning more
about themselves and for developing a network
of support.
7 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
75 % of residential clients who
participated in Family Therapy
Services successfully
completed treatment compared
to a 46% completion rate for those
who did not participate in Family
Therapy Services.
freedom ability togetherness humility hope vision We strive to always reflect in our work the core
values of faith, humility, love, trust, integrity, creativity, courage, respect, and unity. compassion
character kindness acceptance enrichment humanity dignity values wisdom love dignity wisdom
We help remove the barriers that prevent
our clients from enjoying ongoing sobriety
and assist them in understanding how the
treatment and recovery process allows them
to improve their lives, help create lasting
healthy support systems and make informed
decisions that are in their own best interest.
9 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
“Beginning today,
I will create a new
future by creating
a new me.”
De Paul Graduate
freedom ability togetherness humility De Paul inspires and leads the community in eliminating
the stigma of addiction so that chemical dependency is perceived compassionately and in the
same way as other chronic illnesses. family trustworthiness hope community honor truth recovery
Housing is a key area of need for our clients.
For years, the De Paul Board of Directors and
staff have envisioned an expansion of De Paul
where our clients could access treatment,
continuing support, and housing.
In 2010, De Paul became the owners of Alder
House, a 132 unit single residency occupancy
apartment building adjacent to our Adult Center.
The acquisition of Alder House is making this
dream a reality.
11 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
freedom ability togetherness humility hope vision compassion kindness 94% of all clients agree that
services provided are making a positive difference in their life. humanity dignity values family ability
trustworthiness hope community honor truth recovery character enrichment acceptance love faith
In 2010 De Paul Treatment Centers served 516 youth and 1853 adults.
Youth Residential
Adult Residential
Youth Outpatient
Hispanic 8%
Other 4%
Native American 2%
African American 9%
Asian 1%
Adult Outpatient
Caucasian 76%
96% of clients feel De Paul provides quality care.
13 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
Statement of Financial Position
Cash on hand
Contracts receivable
Accounts receivable
Contributions receivable
Intra-organizational receivables (payables)
Deposits and prepaid expenses
Property and equipment
Total Assets:
Accounts Payable - trade
Accounts Payable - construction
Accrued Payroll and related expenses
Deferred Revenue- programs
Deferred revenue-special events
Total Liabilities:
June 30, 2010
Temporarily Permanently
Unrestricted Restricted Restricted
Net Assets:
Available for programs and general operations 343,962
Net investment in capital assets
Temporarily restricted for program development,
capital, and technology acquisition
Permanently restricted for endowment
Total Net Assets:
Commitments and contigencies
Total Liabilities and Net Assets:
Client Fees
Service Fees
Service Fees
Client Fees
Investment Return
$ 7,243,355
Program Services
Program Services
$ 7,262,125
freedom ability togetherness structure hope “Freedom to me is the willingness and ability to be open
to new ideas, dreams, and opportunities.” De Paul Client family trustworthiness women groups
values inclusion wisdon freedom helping creataivity youth resources honesty dignity people hope
The 11th Annual De Paul Freedom Award
was presented to Dennis Doherty. Over
400 people honored Dennis by attending
the luncheon. Over $100,000 was raised
to support youth treatment.
Pumpkin Ridge hosted the 8th Annual De
Paul Treatment Centers Charity Golf
Tournament. Over 100 golfers and volunteers
raised over $32,000 to support the De Paul
Youth & Family Center.
Presenting: Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund;
Gold: O’ Donnell Clark & Crew LLP
Silver: Cascade Corporation, Kaiser Foundation
Health Plan of the Northwest, Northwest Medical,
Thede Culpepper Moore Munro & Silliman LLP,
Union Bank of California
15 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
Gold: Northwest Medical
Silver: Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund,
Kaiser Permanente, MSBD
Hole: Ivory Trading, Jay & Duff Minor,
Lockhart Realty LLC, McKinstry, Oregon Aire,
Ron & Liz Christensen, Thede Culpepper
Moore Munro & Silliman LLP, Wells Fargo
Private Bank, ZRT Laboratory
freedom ability togetherness structure family trustworthiness women groups community values inclusion wisdon freedom helping creataivity youth resources honesty dignity people understanding
humanity kindness compassion giving togetherness creativity inclusion honesty acceptance values
Give back and make a difference. Help
at an event, join a committee, learn what
we do.
When you join De Paul as a staff
member, you become part of a motivated
team who provides innovative and
evidence based programs and services.
Donations of money, good and services are always appreciated. Your
support makes our important work
possible. We are committed to being
the best possible stewards of your
Join us at our annual Freedom Award
luncheon, donor appreciation events,
or our golf tournament.
See first hand how your support
changes lives. Meet our staff and
obtain a sense of the work we do.
Contact us at (503) 535-1161 for more information.
15 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
love faith humiliy Each year with the compassion from individuals, foundations, corporations,
and grants, De Paul has the opportunity to make people’s lives and our community a better
place. Thank you for your generous contributions. humanity dignity values family ability creativity
Gary & Melinda Alton
Thomas Anderson
Michael & Claire Arthur
Ken & Cecelia Austin
Jordan Bader
Stephen Bailey
Heath & Tiffany Bailey
Anno Ballard
Rudy Banda
Bridget & Curtis Barton
Amber Bathon
Louanna Battams
Dustin Beck
Trevor Becker
Sarah Behrman & Francis Rosica
Peter Benson
John & Patricia Bentley
Chuck Benton
Axel Bergman
Ashley Berman
Brenda Berning
Jeffery Berry
Jim & Lori Beseda
John Billingsley
Dave Blaydon
John & Helen Bledsoe
Kristen Boyd
Gary Branden
Christine Branden
Damian Brayko
Henry & Mary Breithaupt
John & Peggy Brockamp
Susan Brooks
Vernon Brown
Kris Brownell
Grace Bruns
Scott Burleigh
Donald & Lucinda Burns
Robert & Kathleen Burtchaell
Laura Cadiz
Dale & Linda Campbell
Darin Campbell
Charles & Suzanne Carlbom
Amanda Carter
Barbara Casey
Mike Castor
Mike Cavanaugh
Rick Cecchini
Mike & Sandra Cerdan
Greg Chaille
Mark & Linda Charpentier
Richard & Helen Cheek
Ron & Liz Christensen
Richard & Tracey Clark
Brenda Clark
17 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
Elizabeth Clark
Jack & Mary Clinton
Frieda Cohen
Susan Coit
Michael Collins
Ann Condon
Bob Cornell
Leslie Costandi
Jacob Coulter
Kathryn Coyle
Mike Cranston
Janet Crawford & Margaret Taft
Susan Crocker
Scott Crosby
Dougal Cullen
David & Marie Culpepper
Linda Curtis
Charles Cutz
James & Linda Dalrymple
William Dalton
Kathleen & Kevin Daly
John D’Amico
Judy Dauble
John Davidson
Matt & Susan Davis
Mark De Francisco
Dennis & Marianne Doherty
Tim Doherty
freedom ability togetherness structure family trustworthiness women groups community values inclusion wisdon freedom helping creataivity youth resources honesty dignity people understanding
humanity kindness compassion giving togetherness creativity inclusion honesty acceptance values
Kevin & Shelley Doherty
Jonathan Donehower
Kathleen Donnellan
James & Mary Dooney
Greg & Jane Drew
Greg Dufault
Norman & Elizabeth Duffett
Mitzi Ellis
John Estey
Robert & Chris Farentinos
Mike Farrell
Eugene Feltz
Caroline Fenton
Dale Flick
Sean Fogarty
Terry & Stacy Forrest
Keith Forrester
Steve Forsythe
Roger & Sarah Friedel
Christina & Dan Friedhoff
Susan Gayfield
Barbara Gibbs & Robert Difranco
Christine Gibert
Yvonne Giese
Kerry & Diane Gilbert
Suzanne & W.H. Gillison
Patrick Gilmore
Linda Girard
J. Michael Gleeson
Steve Goebel
Greg Goodman
Mike Goodwin
Mary Kate Graham
Michael Grant
Austin Gray
Roger Gray
Richard & Kristina Greiling
Elizabeth Groff
Racquel Hager
Wanda Halbakken
C. Robert Hall & Georgia Douglas
Lansing R. Hamilton
James Hampton
Robert & Marion Hango
Mike & Rochelle Hart
Gary & Lynne Hartshorn
Nancy Hawkins
James Hayes
Laura Heller
Georgann Helmuth
Elizabeth Henry
Kenneth Hergenhan
Michael-Ann Herring & James Phelps
Margaret Hill
Ralph & Carolyn Holland
Andrew & Beverly Honzel
Jack & Kristen Hopkins
Julianne Hopkins
Joe Hopkins
Paul Howard
Kathryn Hoyt
Marylin Huletz
Gerald & Beth Hulsman
Ken Hume
Stephanie Hunter
Dylan Hydes
Eric Iverson
Chris Jaeger
Patrick Johnson
Brenda Johnson
Deborah Kafoury
Nick Kahl
Herb Kawashima
Neal & Virginia Keefer
Loura Keesis
George Kelly
Sheryl Kelsh
Terry Kemnitz
Don & Marian Knight
Clayton & Donna Knodell
Rob Kremer
Lawrence & Lynn Krupa
Mark Lackey
Frank Lagesen
Andy & Patricia Lange
Maureen Larsen
J. P. Leary
freedom ability togetherness structure family trustworthiness women groups community values inclusion wisdon freedom helping creataivity youth resources honesty dignity people understanding
humanity kindness compassion giving togetherness creativity inclusion honesty acceptance values
Sharon Leary
Rebecca Lee
Peter & Heidi Leineweber
Wes and Nancy Lematta
Joyce & Ted Liljeholm
Sarah Linden
David Lister
Patrick & Rosemary Lockhart
Dick Lodewick
Ron Love
Trent Luiz
Simon Luthi
Mark & Andrea Lynn
Thomas Mace
Robert Macer
Mitchell Mack
Treasure Mackley
Frank & Pamla MacLean
Andrew MacRitchie
Les Madden
Dan Mancuso
Steven & Chelsea Mandler
Anna Marti
Don Martin
Robert Martin
Rick (William ) & Debbie Martson
Joseph & Ruth Matarazzo
Jackie Matzer
Steven & Laurie Mc Dowell
Mary Lou McClung
Kristin McClure
Paul & Sally McCracken
Diane McKeel
Kevin McPhail
Laura & Roger Meier
Mark Merrill
W. Page & Lynn Mesher
Bob Mesher
Benson Meyers & Catharina Vander Steen
Ava Mieher
Ann & Ira Miller
Andrew Miller & Kelly Muskat
Amy & Sam Miller
Bradley Miller
Verl Miller
James Milne
Jay & Duff Minor
David & Robin Minor
Stephen Moore
David & Ginny Morthland
Shannon Moss
Tina Moyer
Chris Munro
Warner Munro
Father Timothy Murphy
Kathryn Neely
Le Roy & Carolyn Nelson
Amy Nist & Doug Lyons
19 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
Sheila North
Amanda O’brian
Anthony & Angie Oehlert
Norman & Sherry Olson
Chris Overton
Melissa Owens
Mike & Linda Owens
Michael & Sheryl Page
Piper Park
Jessica Parrish
James Pasero
James Patterson
Patricia Peters
Dan Peterson & Mary Ellen Petersen
Nicole Peterson
Angela Pettit
Steve Plass
Karl Pond
John Powers
Don Pullin
Douglas Querin
Austin Raglione
Guy & Kimberly Randles
Sheila Reilly Edwards
Ruppert Reinstadler
Pam & Allen Resnik
Al Reverman
Jean Richard
James & Shirley Rippey
freedom ability togetherness structure values“I like working for De Paul because I get to experience
individuals regaining their potential.” De Paul Staff family trustworthiness women groups values
inclusion wisdon freedom helping creataivity youth resources honesty dignity people hope kindness
Kathleen & David Ris
Kathryn Roberts
Martha Rocks
John & Charlene Rogers
Charlene Rogers
Cindy Rogers
Rick Rouch
David Rumpf
Julie Rutherford
Julie Sakellariadis
Pete Samson
Mark Santangelo
Lynne Saxton
Deborah Schauffler
Mark Seid
Jonathan & Laura Shepard
John Sherman
Judy Shiprack
Helene Silberstein
Cathie Skreen
Loretta Smith
Deborah Soloway
Allyson Spencer
Andrew Spiak
Dan & Helen Stancil
Alan & Sharon Steiger
Ken Steiner
Ernest Stoddard
Gary Strachan
Kate Warren & Malek Hall
Bill & Colleen Strick
Matthew Washchuk
Audrey Strong
Randy Watson
Marko Susnjara
Margaret & Ronald Weil
Holli Sword
Henry Wessinger
Talena Sword
Harold Westby
Robert & Jane Sylvester
Mark Wexler
Diane & Jon Tang
Sam Wheeler
Rachel Taylor
Thomas & Jill Wheeler
Jeff Tellvik
Charles & Lori Wheeler
Andrew Thaler
Nile Wheeler
Jerry Thiringer & Elizabeth Crary
Robert & Barbara Wiest
Michael Truax
Wayne Wilcox
Linda Tucker
Stanley and Roslyn Wilson
Shawn Uhlman
Aimee Wilson & Christine Kotek
Benjamin Unger
Harry B. Wilson
Melissa Unger
Harry & Ann Wilson
Patricia Vakarcs
Keith Witcosky
Patty Van Antwerp
Mike Wong
Carol Van Natta
Randy Wright
Gigi & Pierre Van Rysselberghe
Todd Wyche
Tonya Van Walleghem
Dan Yates
Charles Vesley
Jacqueline Yerby
Tyler Volm
Leslie Young
Nate Waddle
Ivan Zirdum
Glenda & Marshall L. (Rocky) Wade
Joshua Walker
Zach Walker
These lists represent gifts given July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010. We
Bruce Warner
have made very attempt to ensure the accuracy of this list and ask
that you please contact us if you find an error or omission.
freedom inclusion ability togetherness structure family trustworthiness women groups community
values“I have chosen a different path in life, a sober one.” De Paul Youth Client love hope
kindness love compassion dignity giving togetherness creativity inclusion honesty acceptance values
Corporate & Foundation Donors
A-dec, Inc.
Ashforth Pacific, Inc.
Beau Monde College of Hair Design
Beaverton Foods, Inc.
Beecher Carlson Insurance
Benge Family Foundation
Black Bear Diner
BNSF Railway Company
Boy Scouts of America Pack #504
Capital Pacific Bank
Cascade Corporation
Chart House Restaurant
Chinook Winds
Clark Family Foundation
Close Knit
D & L Electric, Inc.
De Paul Industries
Dollar Tree
Eagle Landing Golf Course
Echo Music
Eiting Foundation
Employees Community Fund of Boeing Portland I
Environmentally Conscious Recylcing
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Glory Foundation
Hair M
Hazelden Springbrook
Innovative Landscaping
Integrated Data
Ivory Trading Co.
Jane and Bill Gilpin Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Joan Griffith, Party-Lite Candles
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the NW
L & L Exhibition Management, Inc.
La Salle Catholic College Preparatory, Community 101
Lamb Foundation
Laura S Meier Trust
Legacy Health Systems
LifeWise Health Plan of Oregon
Living Yoga
Local Independent Charities of America
Magnum Opus
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
McKinstry Company Portland
McLellan Minor Family Trust
Meyer Memorial Trust
Miller Nash LLP
Mimosa Studios
Muscle Bound Cleaning, Inc.
Nest Design Studios LLC
21 De Paul Treatment Centers Report to the Community
freedom ability togetherness structure family trustworthiness women groups community
values iwisdon freedom helping creataivity youth resources honesty dignity people understanding
humanity kindness compassion giving togetherness creativity inclusion honesty acceptance values
Donations Given in
Network for Good
Robert W. Mulligan Co., Inc.
Memory of...
Nike Employee Matching Gift Program
Norm Thompson Outfitters
Northwest Medical Inc.
OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation
O’Donnell Clark & Crew LLP
Off the Wall Magnetics
Oregon Community Foundation
Oregon Partnership
Oregon Zoo
Oregon-Aire, Inc.
PacificSource Health Plans
PGE Noon Meeting
Point Monitor Corporation
Portland Community College, ASPCC
Portland Nursery
Portland Spirit
Portland State University
Portland Trail Blazers
Providence Addiction Treatment Services
Providence Health & Services
Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
Quintiles Transnation Corp.
R.V. Kuhns & Associates
Red Tail Golf Center
Rejuvenation Day Spa
Renaissance Foundation
Restaurants Unlimited
Samuel T. & Mark K. Naito Foundation
SIRRAH Corporation
Smith Painting, Co., Inc.
St. Martin de Porres Trust
Standard Insurance Company
Stumptown Coffee Roasters
Sundeleaf Painting Co.
Swigert Foundation
Terra Global
The First Christian Church
The Grotto
The Partners Group
The Victory Group
Thede Culpepper Moore Munro & Silliman LLP
Union Bank of California
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette
Walsh Construction Co/Oregon
Wells Fargo Bank Private Client Banking
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wheeler Foundation
Wintz Family Foundation
Workplace Network
Wyss Family Foundation
YRG Communications
ZRT Laboratory
Jane Burgard
Julie Hopkins
Craig Joplin
Doris Knight
Randy Morrison
Bradely Spojalric
Enid Tosi
Evan Wolfe
Donations Given in
Honor of...
Ken & Joan Austin
Jim Butterfield
Dennis Doherty
Matt Dooney
George Helmuth
David Kinzer
Lauren Livesay
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
Lisa Shelton
Gus & Vince Slonecker
Joyce Stachan
Sam Wheeler
Harry Wilson
Pranee Yerby
Steve Yokum
De Paul Adult Residential & Outpatient Center
1312 SW Washington Street
Portland, Oregon
De Paul Youth & Family Center
4310 NE Killingsworth Street
Portland, Oregon
De Paul Hillsboro Outpatient Center
205 SE 3rd Suite 100
Hillsboro, Oregon
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3007
Portland, Oregon 97208
(503) 535-1151