January 31, 2016 - San Pedro Catholic Church
January 31, 2016 - San Pedro Catholic Church
Rev. George Packuvettithara Administrator 852-5372 Ext. 101 Ysmery Reyes Parish Bookkeeper 852-5372 Ext. 102 Mimi Macias Secretary 852-5372 Ext. 100 Mary Ann Don Children’s Choir 743-5738 Marysia Wronka Adult Choir 509-4009 Deborah Fisher Director of Religious Education 451-0878 Ministry to the Sick 852-5372 Ext. 110 Office Hours Monday—Thursday 9:00a.m.—12:00 p.m. 1:30p.m.—4:00p.m. Friday closed Mass Schedule Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00a.m. Saturday: Vigil 5:00p.m. Daily Mass: Monday, Thursday & Friday 8:30a.m. Eucharistic Service: Tuesday—8:30a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday of the Month 9:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m. Confessions are heard before all weekend Masses or by Appointment by calling the Office. San Pedro Church 89500 Overseas Highway P.O. Box 456 Tavernier, FL 33070 (305) 852-5372 Fax: (305) 852-3315 Website: www.sanpedroparish.org Welcome to San Pedro Catholic Church. San Pedro is the first Catholic Church in the upper keys since the Spanish missionaries preached to the Caloosa Indians in the eighteenth century. Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley of the Diocese of St. Augustine selected the name “Mission De San Pedro.” San Pedro was dedicated as a mission in 1955 by Archbishop Hurley. San Pedro is a Stewardship parish. We depend on the generosity and faith of the community and parishioners to support this beautiful parish. We look forward to people giving of their time, talent and treasure. Although we are small, we provide a variety of ministries. We have the San Pedro Women’s Guild and Men’s Club who gather for parish events and fellowship. Our Youth Group meets every other Sunday evening in Williams Hall. Religious Education classes are taught Sunday mornings. There are daily masses and Eucharistic services. Each year San Pedro sponsors the famous “Christmas Bazaar” and “Art Under the Oaks”, arts and crafts shows. Since we are a seasonal parish, we invite all visitors to join our fellowship and hospitality while you are here in the Florida Keys. San Pedro Catholic Church January 30 & 31, 2016 SPONSORS FEBRUARY 2016 Mass Intentions of the Week Saturday January 30, 2016 5:00 pm Mass +IN LOVING MEMORY OF: +Antonio & Magdalena Hernandez From Julie & Tony +Jack Gerken & +Court & Polly Paul Sunday – January 31, 2016 9:00 am Mass +IN LOVING MEMORY OF: +Douglas Martin Allison – Richard & Diane Allen +Carol Steinbock – Lee Arthur *HEALING* Bob & Catherine Guadagno From: Glenn & Patricia Taylor 11:00 am Mass +IN LOVING MEMORY +William Scheler – From Sandy +Ernie Euler – Patty Cook *HEALING* - Maria May From Susana May Monday - February 1, 2016 8:30 am +IN LOVING MEMORY: +Pat Hillis +John Kenny – From Cathy Law +Linda Miksza – From John Milcek Tuesday, February 2, 2016 8:30 am Eucharistic Service ALTAR CANDLES +IN LOVING MEMORY + Pignore Family & Ana Cinelli + Hugo May – Susana May *HEALING* for Maria May – From Susana May ALTAR WINE +IN LOVING MEMORY OF: + Zukowski Family and + Haught Family From Barbara Zukowsky Haught CHURCH FLOWERS +IN LOVING MEMORY Alice, Mickey & Lisa Vlach From Molly Vlach TO MY MOTHER JOSEPHINE COLOMBO From Linda Ellis HOSTS **SPECIAL INTENTIONS** From Tony & Julie **SPECIAL INTENTIONS** – The Lodge Family SANCTUARY LAMP THANK YOU, JESUS ! – Buz To Sponsor call: 852-5372 Ext. 100 Blessing of Throats In honor of the feast of St. Blaise (Wednesday, Feb. 3rd), Blessing of Throats will take place a er 8:30 Mass, Thursday February 4th. Wednesday, February 3, 2016 - No Mass Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:30 am Mass IN LOVING MEMORY OF: +Ray Glover +Nora Jacobs – From Roseanne Grolman Friday, February 5, 2016 8:30 am Mass – +IN LOVING MEMORY OF +Carlos Manuel Macias – Luis & Mimi *SPECIAL INTENTION for LIAN* – Flagherty Family Please pray for Special Healing for the sick of our community, especially: Maria Elena, Maria Martinetti, Dusty, Venzi, Nina, Clifford, Bronislaw, Eva Buch, Carole, Sandi, Andy, Kathleen, Luke, Jack McCormick, Caitlyn, Richard, Catherine Homes, Maria Peredo, Barbara, Nhyla Ross & Norma Kula. Please join us in Williams Hall after 9:00 Mass. Coffee and donuts will be served! February 10, 2016 Ash Wednesday Distribution of Ashes Masses: 8:30 am & 6:00 pm San Pedro Catholic Church January 30 & 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 THE GREAT HYMN TO LOVE It is doubtful that Saint Paul, when he sat down to write what we now know as the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, knew that he was penning what was to become one of the keystones of Christian ethics. In this brief passage, he set down ideals about love that have held fast through the centuries. Sometimes we may think that because these are ideals to which we aspire, we are excused from them in our daily living. But what Paul was writing was a letter to his friends, providing them with some sound advice about what it meant--and still means--to live in love, day by day, as a and they loved referring to follower of Christ. the miracle at the wedding We find in his words to his feast of Cana. Still, even friends a broadening of the when Christianity became great commands of Jesus to the official religion of the empire in 380, marriage love God and neighbor. remained a family matter. Today we hear what this On wedding days people love must look like in our gathered in the bride's own actions, and how it ought to guide our relation- house, where the father would "give her hand" to ships with others. her husband, draping a garland of flowers over the TREASURES FROM couple. There were no OUR TRADITION official words to say, there was no blessing to be given. For the first four centuries Everyone walked in procesor so, there seems not to sion to the bride's new home have been a sense of marriage as a church institu- for the concluding rites and the feast. tion. Christians followed civil law, which kept the wedding in a family setting. In the Eastern Empire, it soon became customary to Bishops wanted people to be good citizens insofar as invite a priest or bishop to possible, and so they recog- give a blessing at the meal nized the government's role or the day before. It was a in marriage. In general, they nice thing to do, completely expected Christians to know optional, but had a "photothat marriage was good, that op" feel to it that was widemarriage to other Christians ly emulated. Before long, at was best, and to take it easy least in the East, it looked as on the wild wedding parties. if the priest were joining the couple in marriage and They agreed that marriage was a divine institution, that blessing the union. Christ blessed it especially, READINGS FOR THE WEEK Tuesday Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Wednesday 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11 TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19. Psalm -- Psalm 71. Second Reading -- 1 Corinthians 12:31 -- 13:13 [13:413]. Gospel -- Luke 4:21-30. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Tuesday The Presentation of the Lord; Groundhog Day Wednesday St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; Blessing of Throats (Thurs. 8:30am) Friday St. Agatha; First Friday Saturday St. Paul Miki and Companions; First Saturday A FORETASTE Faith is the foretaste of that knowledge which hereafter will make us happy. --St. Thomas Aquinas WANTING Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can. --Ralph Waldo Emerson San Pedro Catholic Church January 30 & 31, 2016 ABCD: Give and You Shall Receive Our church is a place to pray, to give thanks, to mourn and to celebrate. A place for us all to unite—in need and abundance—to have mercy, li each other up and ease pain and suffering. A place people turn to in their me of need. We are all instruments of God’s mercy and peace. Our church, our family uni ng to help those in need. Thank you to all who have already generously responded to this year’s ABCD. Your support strengthens the ministries that serve our Archdiocese and allow the Church to form new disciples. As Scriptures remind us, Give and it shall be given to you. Your neighbor needs you. You are the answer to someone’s prayers, and together, we are changing lives. If you have yet to respond to this year’s ABCD, please take a moment to reflect upon the many blessings the Lord has given you and how He is calling you to respond this incredibly important annual campaign. To make a gi , you can obtain a pledge envelope from the parish office or you can make a gi online at www.isupportabcd.org. Let us all unite through our support of this year’s ABCD so that we can be One in Faith, One in Hope and One in Charity. Thank you. Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy For the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis is granting indulgences to people who visit four papal basilicas or a cathedral where they live, to anyone who “performs just one of the traditional works of mercy;” and also to prisoners, those suffering from illness, or elderly people who attend Mass or pray wherever they can. In the Archdiocese of Miami, the following churches have a designated Holy Door: St. Mary Cathedral, Miami, Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea, Key West, Our Lady of Charity National Shrine, Miami, Gesu Church, Miami, St. Anthony Church, Fort Lauderdale, and Our Lady of Mercy Church, Deerfield Beach. SEWER PROJECT UPDATE A big THANK YOU to all of you who supported generously to the sewer project. We are still short of the funds we need for the project. Please prayerfully consider making a donation in support of this project if you have not already done so. With your help we will be able to meet our obligation to the Village of Islamorada. San Pedro very much depends on each and every one of you for your assistance. San Pedro Catholic Church January 30 & 31, 2016 Legal Assistance for Immigration Issues On Friday, February 5th in Key West , and Saturday February 6th in Marathon and Key Largo, there will be an opportunity to meet with immigration lawyers for individual consultations . These consultations are free of charge. However, you must make an appointment and complete a pre-consultation form prior to being seen. To find out more information or to set up an appointment, you may call Nory Gonzalez 305-394 – 2032 (Spanish and English speaking) or Patrice Schwermer 305-807-4503 (English speaking only). Please call to make an appointment and to verify location and time for your personal consultation. San Pedro Catholic Church - Calendar of Events February - May 2016 Date Event Ministry Place & Time February 6th - Saturday YARD SALE Women’s Guild Williams Hall, 8 am—4 pm February 13th - Saturday Valentine’s Pig Roast Dinner SP Helps Ministry Williams Hall, 4 pm – 8 pm February 28th - Sunday Spaghetti Dinner Women’s Guild Williams Hall, 3 pm - 7 pm March 13th - Sunday St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Men’s Club Williams Hall, 3 pm – 8 pm March 20th - Sunday Pancake Breakfast Men’s Club Williams Hall, 8:30 am - 1 pm May 7th Sat - Sun Mother’s Day Orchid Sale Women’s Guild Sat. & Sun. After Masses Gold and Silver Wedding Anniversary Mass ************ All couples married in the Catholic Church celebrating their Silver, Gold or 50 plus wedding anniversary in 2016 are invited to Mass at St. Mary Cathedral on Saturday, Feb. 13 and be blessed by Archbishop Thomas Wenski. Couples interested in having their picture taken with Archbishop Wenski should be there at 4 p.m. Mass starts at 5:30 p.m. There will be designated sitting according to anniversaries. All couples should contact the parish to register for the Mass. San Pedro Catholic Church San Pedro Youth Group Meetings 2016 Sundays - Williams Hall 6:30pm to 8:00pm ****************************** January 10th January 24th February 7th February 21st March 6th March 13th April 10th April 24th May 1st We look forward to seeing you ! January 30 & 31, 2016 2016 Religious education January 10 January 17 January 31 February 7 February 14 – President’s Day/No Class February 21 April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 March 20 – Easter Break/No Class March 27 – Easter Break/No Class Planned Giving Charitable Gift Annuities may offer more attractive rates than many CDs, provide a significant tax deduction, and are excellent ways to help pass on our Catholic heritage. PREPARINGFORLENT….. “OperationRiceBowl” For more information, contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at 305-762-1110. Boxes will be distributed during the Weekend of February 6th & 7th Saturday, February 6th 8AM – 12 PM San Pedro Parish Hall - Mm 89.5 Accepting donations at Williams Hall, Mon. 2/1 to Fri. 2/5 12pm-5pm Bring clothing, small kitchen appliances, gadgets, tools, children's equipment and clothes, books, picture & art frames, mirrors, vases etc. Please no large furniture, computers, printers, TVs or exercise equipment. **Accepting broken or unwanted jewelry** Sponsored by San Pedro Women’s Guild San Pedro Catholic Church January 30 & 31, 2016 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OCTAVIO A. VERDEJA, CPA ~ Parishioner ~ 305-446-3177 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 VERDEJA & DE ARMAS, LLP [email protected] 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made • Custom Design • Diamond Setting • Jewelry Repair (305) 852-4881 — 91200 Overseas Hwy., Tavernier 882700 San Pedro Church (B) www.jspaluch.com TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 THE CUSHION LADY Interior & Exterior Designs Tailoring & Alterations Reasonable & Fast Serv. 305-433-0458 ALLEN-BEYER FUNERAL HOME Family Owned and Operated Phone: (305) 451-1444 101640 Overseas Highway Key Largo, Florida 33037 email: [email protected] Everyone Loves a Gentle Dentist Dr. Sandy Brito, DMD Now at our New Location MM90 Bayside Tavernier Marathon Cinema 305.852.5099 (305) 743-0288 ISLAMORADA - MM 85.5 OCEANFRONT DINING (305) 664-8400 Serving Key Largo, Marathon, Key West & N. Carolina KEY LARGO - MM 97.5 OCEANFRONT DINING Sam & Dorothy Nekhaila (305) 852-0595 Parishioners Beth Braznell, CPA Buttonwood Realty, Inc. TONY HERNANDEZ Capital Objective, Inc. Accounting & Taxes QuickBooks Proadvisor 305-853-5895 [email protected] Real Estate Broker Parishioner [email protected] MM97 WITH A FULL OPEN BAR 97630 OVERSEAS HWY. (305) 440-2023 305-852-0700 MM99 99700 OVERSEAS HWY. KEY LARGO, FL 33037 (305) 451-0913 HANY & CHRISTINE HAROUN PARISHIONERS OF SAN PEDRO Mimi (Noemi) Macias J.S. Paluch Company Bulletin Advertising Sales Division Parishioner • Realtor Realty Group 305-282-0721 “To Love And Serve In All” DISCOUNTS ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You AUTO INSURANCE Patronize One of Our Advertisers 800.929.0259 guybrickman.com Brickman Ins. & Fin. Services, Inc. Guy Brickman, CLU, ChFC, CASL Parishioner • Aggressive Advertising Sales Representative Needed • Excellent Benefit & Commission Plan • Earning Potential 60K+ Per Year • Must Have Strong Prospecting Skills • English/Spanish Bilingual Helpful But Not Necessary MASTER STYLISTS & COLORISTS Our Master Stylists and Colorists will give you a fresh look! 305-664-0088 • MM 82.6 Vivian Murciano email resume to [email protected] www.jspaluch.com Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Islamorada leaners since 1977 call jim: 3 0 5 . 8 5 2 . 4 0 4 4 cell: 3 0 5 . 6 6 4 . 1 6 8 0 carpet • furniture • tile • grout • stone • flood emergency Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA VERNIS & BOWLING DIRK M. SMITS MANAGNG ATTORNEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW • EST. 1970 Islamorada Professional Center 882700 San Pedro Church (A) • Home Owners • Wind & Flood • Auto • Health • Life 81990 Overseas Hwy. 90144 Overseas Hwy. ~ Tavernier Islamorada, Florida 33036 (305) 852-3234 Tel. (305) 664-4675 www.jspaluch.com Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240