Installation Overview


Installation Overview
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Jamit Job Board 3.0.x series
By Jamit Software
Updated 2007-Junt-26
Installation & Configuration Manual.
For the latest information see:
Installation & Customization instructions
The following installation instructions are general instructions for most servers. For
more specific instructions for Linux/Cpanel based hosting with screenshots, please
1. Uncompress all the files, keeping the directory structure intact. Upload the files to
your server.
Give write permission (chmod 666) to the following files:
lang/english.php (or the language file which you will be using)
Give write permission (chmod 777) to the following directories:
The files should be uploaded with an FTP client, see as an example.
PHP must be able to read and write to the above files & directories
The job board can be uploaded to the main document directory, or to a sub
directory, such as ‘jobs/’
2. Create a new database on your MySQL server. (You may choose any name for the
database). Assign a username to this database. The database username must
have permissions to create / modify tables.
3. Go to the Jamit Job Board Administration panel: Open your web browser and go to
the admin/install.php script, relative to where you uploaded the job board.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
4. Enter your MySQL Database hostname, database name, username and password.
Enter your paths and locations. The script will recommend the settings for you.
Site’s HTTP URL – The URL to your job board
Image path – The full path to upload_files/images/ directory
Images URL – The URL to the upload_files/images directory
Files path – The full path to upload_files/docs/ directory
Files URL – The full path to upload_files/docs directory
The path to the Image Magick ‘convert’ executable file. You may skip and set
this setting later in the Main Config. Later, You can also configure the job
board to use the GD Library if you do not have Image Magick.
Click the “Continue” button.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
5. Once your database connection is configured, click “Install Database”. Your
database will be installed.
6. Go to the Main Configuration. The Main Configuration allows you to configure the
static website variables such as: Directory names, Logos, Enable / disable features,
Mail Server, and other settings. Edit your main configuration variables carefully, and
save when done.
The Main Configuration section is described in more detail later in this document.
7. Edit Email templates. Look at each email template, and customize for your
You may test your website at this point. Check that confirmation emails are
sent out correctly when a signs up, that the posting system works, that the
application email is working, etc.
The Email Templates are described in more detail later in this document.
Your job board is now installed. You may test it, or continue with
customization (See the Configuration sub-menu in the Administration
8. Languages:
NOTE: If you want your job board to be only in a single language, set
your desired language as default, and de-activate all other languages.
Also, go into the Main Configuration, and turn off the options for users
selecting a new language.
TIP: Do you want to edit some of the strings / wording of the job
board? You can use the Translation Tool to do this. Just choose your
desired language and click on the Translation tool link.
Here is how to set up a new language:
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
a. Create a new file with any name that describes your language. For example, if
you are creating Japanese, then name this file japanese.php
b. Place the new language file in the lang/ directory. This file needs write
permissions (chmod 666) so that it can be edited using the Translation tool.
c. Go to the Languages screen from the Administration panel. Use the form to
add a new language.
d. Use the translation tool to translate from English to your desired language.
See the later sections of this manual for a more detailed description of the language
9. Edit Categories. You may start by editing the various categories for the job
Postings. Some categories were included as an example. You may delete these
categories and include your own.
The Category editing section is described in more detail later in this document.
10. Customize Forms (and edit the Codes). The Posting Form, Resume Form and
Profile can be edited from the web without any custom programming. The current
forms are given as an example. You may delete/edit all the fields for your own
purposes. Careful, the changes that are made here result in permanent changes to
the database structure!
The Form Customization section is described in more detail later in this document.
TIP: After modifying the form fields, always remember to click
“Save Changes”.
NOTE: You may notice reserved form fields are marked with an
“R”. These fields are reserved by the system, and must exist on
the form. Click on the “R” icons to find out what they are used for.
Further explanation of reserved fields is given in this document.
11. Customize the theme. The default theme is located in the
include/themes/default/ directory. You may begin customizing the look of the
site by modifying the index-header.php , index-footer.php and main.css files.
There are many other files that can be customized there.
If you want to create a custom theme then create your own directory in the
include/themes/ directory, for example mytheme/ and copy the default/images
images to your new directory and any other files that that you want to customize.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
NOTE: In the index-header.php template file, the job board will
display the appropriate meta tags by calling the
JB_echo_index_meta_tags() function. This function exists in the
include/themes.php file. This call should be made between the
<HEAD></HEAD> tags.
NOTE 2: The following charset should be used by your website, no
matter what language your job board is in. This is because the job
board uses HTML entities to encode Unicode characters. This allows
the job board to display multiple encodings on one page, and it does
not introduce any other complications
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
NOTE 3: For some features to work properly, the job board will need
a base path specified in the index-header.php file:
<base href="<?php echo JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH; ?>">
NOTE 4: The URL to the main.css file is given like this:
<link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo
JB_get_maincss_url(); ?>" >
Theme Customization section is described in more detail later in this document.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
12. You may want to replace some of the original graphics with your own graphics.
These are in include/themes/default/images directory. It is better to create your
own custom theme directory and copy all the default/images to your own images/
inside your custom theme directory, and change the images there.
• If you want to use your own map, replace the small-map.gif with your own
map image. Yellow-pin.gif can also be replaced
• Replace the logo.gif image
• Replace the default logo for the RSS feeds. The maximum width and height
for the RSS logo is 144 x 400
13. Customize prices and products for Posting and Subscriptions.
14. Set up cron/cron.php script to run on a Cron Job.
For more information about setting up a Cron job, please see the ‘Cron Info’ section
in the Admin. The page gives further explanation and it also suggests some useful
commands that you can use.
Tip: Most PHP / MySQL hosting packages allow you to edit Cron-Jobs via
the web console. This is the icon for Cron-Jobs in the popular CPanel web
hosting control panel:
If you do not have Cron available, then please turn on Cron Emulation in
the main config.
Install and Configure Payment Methods.
You’re welcome to modify the source or create new plugin.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
16. IMPORTANT: Secure the admin/ directory to be password protected. If you are
using Apache web server, this is done using a .htacess and .htpasswd file. With
some hosting providers, this can be easily done using the administration features
found in CPanel / Plesk / Ensim etc.
Register Globals
On some servers the Job Board may report that it is running with
Register Globals turned on. For good security practice, the
register_global PHP setting should be turned off in your PHP
configuration, and you can set it to Off if you have access to your
php.ini file. If you do not have access to this file, you may also do it
via the .htaccess file. The .htaccess file should be in your home html
directory if you have an Apache server. For more info, Google
keywords are: register_globals htaccess
In your .htaccess file, append the following line:
php_flag register_globals Off
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Administration Panel – Overview
The administration panel, or simply the ‘Admin’ allows an administrator to perform
configuration and setup tasks, as well as the usual every day tasks of managing
orders and user accounts
Employer Admin
Allows Administrators to maintain employer accounts. You can
edit Employer’s accounts, change their passwords, delete their
accounts and modify posting credits.
Candidate Admin
Allows Administrators to maintain candidate accounts. You can
edit Candidate’s accounts, change their passwords and delete
their accounts. Accounts need to be suspended before they are
Browse and Edit uploaded resumes.
Job Post Admin
List / Edit / Approve / Disapprove and delete job advertisements.
Purge expired posts from the database.
Allows you to view and manage job posting orders, subscription
orders and membership orders. Also you can view the transaction
history form here.
Website Reports
View the payment module log and see who’s online.
See who is currently online
Price Admin
If you enable the PayPal IPN, go here to configure your products
Create and Edit Job Posting plans. Packages can be configured for
standard posts and Sponsored posts, and vary on how many
credits can be purchased
Create and Edit subscription plans for viewing resumes. Plans
vary depending on duration.
Send newsletters to employers and candidates
Outgoing Email
View the outgoing email queue of email that is on the queue and
email that was sent. Run the Resume Alerts and Email Alerts.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Main Configuration (Configure, Website name & details, database,
files and locations, Set the Theme, Email Server, etc. etc.)
Payment Modules – Install and enable payment modules.
Plug-ins – Enable / Disable plug-ins
Edit Categories – these are used on forms, and on main page for
job posts.
Edit Codes – these are used on forms as <select> fields (eg AU =
Australia), Radio buttons and Check boxes
Languages – Insert / Activate / deactivate languages. You can
also use the Editing / Translation tool from this menu to edit the
wording of your job board.
Email Templates – Customize your correspondence.
MOTD – Insert a ‘Message Of the Day’ for users who log in
Customize Forms
Posting Form – Add / Edit / Delete form fields
Resume Form – Add / Edit / Delete form fields
Profile Form – Add / Edit / Delete form fields
Employer Signup Form – Add / Edit / Delete form fields
Candidate Signup Form – Add / Edit / Delete form fields
System Info – Display PHP information, MySQL stats and
other related information.
Cron Info – Display information about Cron including stats
and tips for how to set it up.
Jamit Home – Go to the Home page of
- XML Export – Configure XML feeds to export Job Postings
form your website
- Email Monitor – Scan your POP mail box for bounced email
to automatically unsubscribe users form the email alerts /
- Mod Rewrite – SEO optimize your category names by
specifying a custom filename for each URL, Title,
Description and Keywords.
- Database Tools – Index your database to gain
performance, Scan and repair your tables.
- Fun Game – Just in case you need a break.
- Logout form the Admin
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Main Configuration
Options on this page affect the running of the entire website, including the paths,
database settings, look-and-feel, business logic, and more.
Note: Make sure that config.php has write permissions turned on (chmod 666)
when editing this form. You should turn off write permissions after editing this form
or when modifying the plug-in settings.
1. Website – Board’s Name and Headings
a. Site Name – Your website title
b. Site Heading – Shown on the <head> tag for the front page
c. Site Description – Shown on the front page
d. Site Keywords – Placed in META tag for search engines
e. Site Logo URL – Logo URL, displayed when logging in / logging out of
the website
Site Contact Email – Administrator’s Email Address. Notification
emails and other messages are sent to this email address.
2. Paths and Locations
Edit the paths and locations to the job board’s resources.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
The job board will try to detect the correct paths, and highlight them as
‘Recommended’ at the bottom of the field.
Sometimes the job board will display warnings in red if it detects an incorrect
a. Boards HTTP URL – The full URL to your job board
b. Candidate’s folder – The name of your candidate’s directory.
c. Advertiser’s folder name – The name to your advertiser’s directory.
d. Images Path – The full path to the images directory on the server.
e. Images URL – Images path, as seen from the browser
Files Path – The full path to the directory where uploaded documents
are stored on the server.
g. Files URL – Files path, as seen from the browser
h. Path to Image Magick ‘convert’ executable – This should point to
the ‘convert’ command line program. ImageMagick is available for
Windows and *nix here:
If your system does not support it, check the ‘Do not use Image
Magick’ option.
Path and Filename to RSS feed – The full path to the file on your
server. The rss.xml file is the default filename.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
3. MySQL Settings
You may edit the following values:
a. MySQL database username
b. MySQL database name
c. MySQL database host
d. MySQL database password
4. Cache Settings – Yes / No. Once you have installed the job board and you are
familiar with it, you may try to turn on this feature to help increase
performance. This feature tries to minimize the amount of SQL queries
required per page refresh by saving some frequently access data in a file.
Check the “Use Serialize” option if you do not have PHP 4.310/5.0.3
5. Cron Emulation Settings – Yes / No. If your hosting account does not support
Cron / scheduled taks, then turn this feature on. Otherwise please see the
Cron Info section in the Admin about setting up a cron job.
6. Features – Disable / Enable Optional Features
This allows you to switch different features of the job board.
a. Enable Map – If enabled, a map will be displayed when inserting on
editing job posts. This map is a javascript program, and it allows
advertisers to pin-point the location of the job. You change the map by
simply replacing the default images with your own. If enabled, the
map is placed in the 2nd section of the posting form.
The image for the map is stored in the images/ directory of your
current theme.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Example of a map:
b. Enable ‘Mouseover’ Preview of images on Resume list - If
enabled, this feature will display a thumbnail preview of the
candidate’s photo when a mouse is moved over their name.
Example of thumbnail preview, when the mouse is over a name.
NOTE: This feature requires that you have a field with the
following parameters on the resume form:
”Field Type” = Image
“template tag” = IMAGE
This field exists on the form by default.
If you do not want to allow images on resumes: Edit your
resume form, then change the image field to another type, such
as Text Field or Separator. You can also move the field to another
section. Then turn off this feature from the Main Configuration.
c. Enable multiple languages for employers - If enabled. it will allow
employers to select their preferred language when signing up, and
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
allow them to select a languge from the menu.
d. Enable multiple languages for candidates - If enabled will allow
candidates to select their preferred language when signing up, and
allow them to select a languge from the menu.
e. Enable Job Alerts for candidates - If enabled, candidates will see
an option to setup Job Alerts from their account. You can specify the
duration of the interval between days. (If you do not have job alerts
set up for your job board, then turn this option to ‘No’)
Enable Resume Alerts for employres – If enabled, employers will
see an option to setup Resume Alerts from their account. You can
specify the duration of the interval between days. (If you do not have
resume alerts set up for your job board, then turn this option to ‘No’)
g. Enable Online Applications – Candidates can apply to the jobs
online via the website. They can attach up to three documents with the
h. Enable ‘Tell a Friend about a Job’ feature – When enabled, users
will be given a form where they can email their friend about a job
Enable ‘Save Job’ feature – Job Seekers can save jobs in to their
private area for later refrence.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
7. Localization – Time and Date
Allows you to set the date format and time-zone of your job board. This is
very useful if your job board is hosted on a web server that is on another
a. Display Date Format – This is a string which specifies how dates are
formatted. The default is d-M-Y. More information about this format is
available here:
Note: The date format specified must be correctly parsed by the PHP
strtotime() function.
b. Input Date Sequence – The order in which the date is inserted. Eg.
YMD will cause the date input field to have the Year first, then Month,
then Day.
c. GMT Difference - How many hours difference from your time zone
and the Greenwich Mean Time.
d. SCW Date Display Format – SCW is the javascript pop-up calendar
tool. You can set the date format for this field type.
e. SCW Date Input Sequence – Like above, but for the SCW pop-up
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
8. Categories
Allows you to control some aspects of formatting categories.
a. Max Sub-categories to show – How many sub-categories to show
before showing the [More] link, and let the user to expand the
categories if they want to see more.
b. How many columns on front page – Categories are formatted into
tables when they are displayed. Enter a number of columns that you
want the rendered table to have on the front page.
c. How many columns on the category page - Categories are
formatted into tables when they are displayed. The category page is
rendered when a user goes to browse by category. Enter a number of
columns that you want the rendered table to have.
d. Format sub-categories in to tables? – This will place the categories
in the main page in to a table layout. Enabled by default.
e. Cut-off category names? – If the category name is too big, it will
trim the name, eg. Australia will be changed to Aust…. If 4 characters
are the maximum.
Indent sub-categories, shown on the selection list – If Yes, the
categories on the search form will be indented to save space.
g. Show category counters next to category names? – If Yes, it will
show how many records are in the category.
h. Mod Rewrite – If Yes, to be used with in conjunction with the Apache
server Mod_rewrite module. It will basically rewrite the category urls
of ?cat=22 to something more meaningful like
jobs/categories/accounting-jobs.html – See more about this option by
clicking the ‘see here’ link. Please note that this option is highly
advanced and we can only provide limited support since this may
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
involve the settings of your server software.
Rewrite Directory – Specify the directory name for your meaningful
category files.
9. Data Cleaning
The system is able to strip unwanted data when it is inputted. The system
also has some additional defenses from entrusted input.
a. Strip unwanted HTML tags – If enabled, the system will strip
unwanted HTML tags form Text-Editor and HTML-Editor fields. Note
that HTML tags are not allowed in other fields, and are always escaped.
It is recommended that you turn this feature on.
b. Break long words – If Yes, the job board will put a space between
very long words before saving them to the database. Eg.
Asdfghahgsfadsgdgfdsgdgffdhafa would become asdfghahgsfads
gdgfdsgdgffdhafa. HTML tags should not be affected by our algorithm,
assuming that the HTML is valid.
c. Strip characters that aren’t valid ISO-8859-1 – If enabled, the
system will strip any illegal characters. This can happen when users
paste data from Word documents, or their browser sends data in the
incorrect character encoding. The system always expects the data to
be in ISO-8859-1 Latin 1 character set, or similar (such as windows1252). This Charest is the standard for HTML.
d. Trim white-space from strings - If Yes, then any blank characters
form the ends of the strings will be stripped before saving to the
NOTE: The job board will display characters of different languages
in Unicode, which are formatted into the Latin character set using
HTML entities. For example, the Korean word for hello “안녕” will
be represented as &#50504;&#45397; It is assumed that the
web browser will make the correct conversion when a form is
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
e. Enable Bad word filter – This is a basic filter, which will stop bad
words. (Assuming that the correct spelling is used). Enter your word
list, separated by commas.
File Uploads – Allowed extensions – Which files are allowed to be
uploaded to the job board during Applications and attach to resumes.
Enter your list separated by commas.
g. Image Uploads, allowed extensions – Which image types are
allowed. Enter your list separated by commas.
h. File uploads maximum size – Enter the maximum allowed size for
uploaded file. The value is set in bytes.
10. Accounts and Permissions
a. Candidate’s accounts need to be activated - If enabled,
candidates cannot log into the system until they are approved by the
administrator. Don’t forget to edit the email template titled “Candidate
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Signup” after changing this setting.
b. Employer accounts need to be activated - If enabled, employers
cannot log into the system until they are approved by the
administrator. Don’t forget to edit the email template titled “Employer
Signup” after changing this setting.
It is also possible to deny access to the Resume DB until the account is
approved, or deny access to the Resume DB until the user had posted
an ad.
c. Impose a limit on how many free posts an employer can have –
If enabled, an employer will have a limit on how many free posts they
can make at one time. This stops the employer from spamming your
job board, and forces them to delete their old posts. This feature only
works if standards posts are for free (no billing).
d. Employers begin with how many free credits for Premium Posts
– How many free Premium Post credits to give to an employer at
Note: To combat the problem of employers re-signing up for
accounts, employers cannot sign up for a new account with the same
email address.
e. Employers begin with how many free credits for Standard Posts
– How many free Standard Post credits to give to an employer at
Allow the Admin to login to employer’s and user’s accounts
using the Admin password? – When enabled, the Admin will be able
to access user’s accounts by using the Admin password as their
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
11. Menu Options – Allows you to set the menu type to use for your users.
a. Candidate’s Menu – JavaScript Menu or Text based Menu
b. Employer’s Menu - JavaScript Menu or Text based Menu
12. Anonymous fields and request system
a. Enable Resume’s ‘anonymous fields’ and request system – When
enabled, candidates will be able to set their Resume to anonymous.
Employers will need to send a request for permission to view.
Candidates are able to Grant or Deny permission.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
13. Membership Fields
a. Enable membership fields - If enabled, the fields marked as
‘Members Only’ will not be viewable until the user pays the
membership fee.
14. Blocked fields
a. Enable blocked fields system – When enabled, selected fields on
the resume will show as ‘Blocked’ for non-subscribed employers.
15. Billing System Options
a. Subscription: Enable subscription billing for employers – When
enabled, employers will need to purchase a subscription package in
order to view resumes.
b. Enable billing for standard posts - When enabled, an option for
premium posts will appear in the employer’s menu. Employers will
then be able to purchase credits for premium posts. New: You can
choose to have the standard posts automatically upgraded to premium
posts. This may be useful for some types of job boards.
c. Enable billing for premium posts – When enabled, an option for
premium posts will appear in the employer’s menu. Employers will
then be able to purchase credits for premium posts.
d. Enable billing for Candidate Memberships – When enabled,
candidates will be required to pay for membership before they can do
anything or view certain fields on the job list.
e. Enable billing for Employer Memberships – When enabled,
candidates will be required to pay for membership before they can do
anything or view certain fields on the job list
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Invoice ID to start from – Enter the number to seed the Invoice ID
serial identification number.
g. Default Payment method – The default payment method that is
automatically selected when the payment option list is shown.
16. Posts
a. Posts need approval – If enabled, administrators will need to
manually approve each post before it can go live.
b. Number if jobs displayed per page - How many jobs to display
before braking into a new page.
c. How many days until expired – How many days until a post has
been expired. Expired posts will no longer be displayed in the posts list
/ search result.
NOTE: Search engines such as Google, archive job posts into their
index. It is common that expired posts turn up in the search
engine results. Therefore, expired posts are not be deleted. A
message saying that the post has been expired will be displayed
to the user. It is possible to delete expired posts if disk space
becomes an issue.
d. Show Description Preview in posts list headings – If enabled, a
snippet of the DESCRIPTION will be shown below the title when listing
posts. Example:
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
e. Show ‘Posted By’ in the post list heading – If enabled, the value
of POSTED_BY will be shown on the job list. Example:
Show ‘Category’ in posts list heading – If enabled, the value of
JOB_TYPE will be shown when listing jobs. By default, this field is a
category type. Example:
(You can modify the ‘Category’ string using the Language translation /
Editing tool.)
g. Show the day, and how many days elapsed – If enabled, the jobs
on the job list will be grouped by day. The current day will be shown.
This feature displays the day names in English. Example:
h. Show number of hits to the public – If enabled, the number of hits
a post received will be shown to the public. Example:
NOTE: Here is an example of the job list with features from d. to g. (above) turned
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
How many days until premium post expires: How many days the
premium post will stay at the top.
Premium posts per page – how many premium posts to list per
k. Group premium posts by day of week – If enabled, the posts will
be grouped by day of week.
Display number of views column for premium posts only – If
enabled, will add a ‘views’ column to the premium list which shows
how many times a job posting was viewed.
m. Post Manager – Show Posts Per page – How many posts to show per
page in the Employer’s Post Manager section.
17. Resumes
a. Resumes need approval – If enabled, resumes will be placed in to an
approval queue.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
b. Resumes per page – How many resumes to display per page.
18. Theme Settings
a. Select a theme – A drop down list with the possible themes. The
themes are listed form the include/themes/ directory.
19. Plugin Settings
a. Enable Plugins – If enabled, the system will look for plugins in the
include/plugins/ directory and include them.
20. Email Settings
a. Use SMTP Mail for sending email – If Yes, you will be required to fill
in your SMTP setting below. Sending email via SMTP can be more
reliable, and if needed for scalability, you can use a separate SMTP
server to handle the load. If you cannot send via SMTP, please set this
option to No. Setting this option to No will send the email by using the
standard PHP mechanism, and will not require you to fill in the SMTP
b. Hostname – The hostname of the local web server. Used when
logging into the SMTP server.
c. SMTP Server address – Domain name of your mail server
d. POP Server address – Domain name of your POP server, usually the
same as the SMTP server.
e. SMTP/POP3 Username – Password to the account on your mail
server SMTP / POP account
SMTP/POP3 Password – Password to the username above
g. SMTP Authentication Hostname – When logging into the SMTP, this
is the server used for authentication. Usually the same as the SMTP
h. POP3 Port – Port of the POP server, 110 is the default.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
POP before SMTP – Enable this option if your server requires POP
before SMTP
Include a signature in emails – Appends a single line to email
messages: “This email was sent from SITE_NAME”. String is
changeable in english.php or other language files.
k. Send application receipts to administrator – When a candidate
applied for a job, sends to the administrator a copy of the application
email that was sent to the employer. (Not including attachments).
Send application receipts to candidates – When a candidate
applied for a job, sends to the candidate a copy of the application
email that was sent to the employer. (Not including attachments)
m. Send email to admin when a new employer signs up – Sends to
the administrator a copy of exactly the same email that was sent to
the employer.
n. Send email to admin when a new job is posted – Sends via email
the Title, Description, Posted By and Date of the post to the
o. Send email to a customer when a membership had expired –
Sends a notification to employer / candidate when their membership
p. Send email to an Employer when a subscription had expired –
Send a notification to an employer when their subscription to view
resumes had expired.
q. Email debug mode – If enabled, will output status messages to the
Replace @ sign with image when displaying addresses – If
enabled, will replace the @ sign with images. This is to foil any
attempts by unscrupulous spammers who use the job board to harvest
email addresses.
s. Outgoing email Queue – these settings control the processing of the
outgoing email queue.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Payment Modules
Payment modules can be managed from the Admin.
As of version 2.7.x, the job board supports the following payment modules:
2Checkout, (SIM), Bank deposit, ccAvenue, Check / Money Order, EGold,, NOCHEX, and PayPal.
Configuring the PayPal module
1. Click on the PayPal module name, then click the Install button
2. Fill in the required parameters. The module will recommend some settings to
a. PayPal Email Address – This is your PayPal business email address
b. PayPal Identity token - Required for PDT (Payment Data Transfer). You
can find the Identity token under Profile -> 'Website Payment Preferences'
page in your PayPal account
c. PayPal Server Host – This is the address of the PayPal server the billing
script will talk to. For live websites, choose If you
want to test the billing functions, use
d. PayPal IPN URL - This is the URL of the script that processes posting
credits. This script connects to the PayPal server through HTTP. It also
receives messages from PayPal through HTTP. Use the recommended IPN
URL for this option. Use the recommended IPN URL for this option.
e. PayPal return URL (employers) – After a successful payment, this is
the URL where the employer will return to.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
PayPal Cancelled return URL (employers) – This is the URL where the
employer will return after a cancelled payment.
g. PayPal return URL (candidate) – After a successful payment, this is the
URL where the candidate will return to.
h. PayPal Cancelled return URL (candidates) – This is the URL where the
candidate will return after a cancelled payment.
PayPal Page Style – Set the style of the checkout / payment page on The style is configured in your PayPal account.
PayPal Currency – Select the currency that you want to receive.
k. PayPal Button Image URL – Set the URL for the button’s image. Should
be on a https server.
PayPal Subscription button URL – Set the URL for the button’s
subscription. URL should be https
Click ‘Save’ to save changes.
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3. Click the ‘Enable’ button to activate the module.
NOTE: Your PayPal account will need to have PayPal IPN
turned on. To do this, log into your PayPal account, go to
"profile". Then go to “Instant Payment Notification
Preferences”. Click “Edit” and turn it on.
Also, please turn on ‘Auto Return’ option.
TIP: Before going live, you may test the PayPal IPN scripts
by setting the PayPal server to in
the Main Configuration section.
Configuring other Payment Modules
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Other payment modules are configured in the same way as the PayPal module shown
above. Please click the ‘Install’ button to enable the module, fill in the details then
click the ‘enable’ button.
NOTE: Bank and Check payment methods support a feature for crediting the
customer in advance. That is, the customer can be given the posting credits,
subscription or membership before the payment is collected. An invoice email (Order
Confirmation) is sent to the customer with the payment details and the order status
will be ‘Pending’. To have this feature enabled, set the ‘Advance Credits’ option to Yes
when configuring these modules.
TIP: If you are testing, there is an easy way to order without paying. Simply place
the product on order and then go to Admin and click the ‘Complete’ button to
complete the order.
Configuring Subscription Plans
1. Adding a new subscription plan
a. Select “Subscription Plans” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
b. Click on the ‘New subscription plan’ button.
c. Enter a descriptive name for the subscription, description, the price,
the duration, and select what kind of access the subscription can have.
Click “Add” to save.
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2. Editing a subscription plan
a. Select “Subscription Plans” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
b. Select the subscription plan that you would like to edit by clicking on
the radio button next to the plan’s name.
c. The subscription plan will become editable, and you may modify the
values. Click “Update” to save.
3. Deleting a subscription plan
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
a. Select “Subscription Plans” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
b. Select the subscription plan that you would like to delete by clicking on
the radio button next to the plan’s name.
c. Click the “Delete” button. Click “Yes” to confirm that you want to
Configuring Posting Plans
4. Adding a new posting plan
a. Select “Posting Plans” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
b. Click on the ‘New Package’ button
c. Enter a descriptive name for the posting plan, enter the price, the
quantity, and select the type of post (Premium/Standard). Click “Add”
to save.
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5. Editing a Posting plan
a. Select “Posting Plans” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
b. Select the posting plan that you would like to edit by clicking on the
radio button next to the plan’s name.
c. The posting plan will become editable, and you may modify the values.
Click “Update” to save.
6. Deleting a posting plan
a. Select “Posting Plans” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
b. Select the posting plan that you would like to delete by clicking on the
radio button next to the plan’s name.
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c. Click the “Delete” button. Click “Yes” to confirm that you want to
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Configuring Membership Plans
1. Adding a new membership plan
d. Select “Memberships” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
e. Click on the ‘Add New Membership’ button.
Enter a descriptive name for the membership, the price, the currency,
the duration, and the user type. Click “Add” to save.
2. Editing a membership plan
g. Select “Memberships” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
h. Select the membership plan that you would like to edit by clicking on
the ‘Edit’ link next to the plan’s name.
The membership plan will become editable, and you may modify the
values. Click “Submit” to save.
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3. Deleting a membership plan
Select “Memberships” from the Price Admin menu on the left.
k. Select the membership plan that you would like to delete by clicking
on the delete link next to the plan’s name.
Click “Yes” to confirm that you want to delete.
Configuring Plugins
Plugins are components that plug-in to the job board to provide custom functionality.
They minimize the need to upgrade the entire job board just to get a new extra
feature. The default installation of the job board contains two basic example plugins:
StatsBox and OnlineUsers.
1. Enabling a plugin
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
a. Select ‘Plugins’ from the Admin Menu
b. Click on the Enable button.
2. Configuring a plugin
a. Select ‘Plugins’ from the Admin menu
b. Click the “Configure” button
c. Edit the Plugin’s configuration options and save changes. Each plugin
has it’s own custom configuration form. Some plugins may not have
any configuration options.
3. Disabling a plugin
a. Select ‘Plugins’ from the Admin menu
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
b. Click on the ‘Disable’ Button
4. Installing New Plugins
Plugins are located in the include/plugins/ directory. Each plugin is located in
it’s own sub-directory. To install a new plugin, upload the whole plugin folder
to your include/plugins/ directory.
Here is a screenshot of an FTP program showing the upload of a module
called ‘Custom Field’. Notice that the entire folder is uploaded to the
include/plugins/ directory.
Once the plugin folder is uploaded, you will be able to enable your plugin in
the admin. Please make sure that your config.php file has write permissions,
and that your language file has write permissions too.
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Configuring Categories
The diagram below introduces some of the features of the category editor.
The job board has support for unlimited number of categories. Each category can
have zero or more child-categories. The current path is displayed at the top of the
editing page. Categories can be added, edited or deleted.
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1. Adding a category
a. Select “Edit Categories” from the Configuration menu on the left.
b. Navigate to the category that is to be edited. (Click on the categories
to go down a level)
c. Use the text input to enter a new category name and click “Add”. Untick the checkbox if you do not want records to be added to this
d. The new category will appear on the category list. This list is
alphabetical order.
2. Editing a category name
a. Select “Edit Categories” from the Configuration menu on the left.
b. Navigate to the category that is to be edited. (Click on the categories
to go down a level).
(Edit) icon next to the category name. Use the text
c. Click on the
input to edit the category name and click “Save”
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d. You will see the edited category appear on the category list. This list is
alphabetical order.
e. List Order: When editing category names, you will also see the ‘List
Order’ setting which allows you to put the category names in to a
special order. Entering 1 in the category will place it to the top of the
list. Entering a 2 will make it 2nd, 3 will make it 3rd, etc.
3. Deleting a category
a. Select “Edit Categories” from the Configuration menu on the left.
b. Navigate to the category that is to be edited. (Click on the categories
to go down a level).
c. Click on the
(Delete) icon next to the category name. Click “OK” to
NOTE: For safety, the system does not allow deleting categories
which have job posts under them.
NOTE 2: As of version 2.1, Job, resumes and profiles can be
categorized. However, only job posts can be browsed by category
by default.
Configuring Codes (Radio & Checkbox options)
Codes are used to populate the options of radio boxes and check boxes.
Here is an example of a field that has 3 codes for displaying 3 checkboxes:
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When [Edit Options] is clicked, the codes for this field will be displayed in a popup
window. You may edit / delete the codes for the field. Here is an example of the code
editing window:
1. Adding a code
a. Find the code group that is to be edited. The code group can be found
on the Form Editor, or from the configuration menu by clicking “Edit
b. In the pop-up window, enter the code and the name of the code. Click
“Save” when done. The new code must be unique from all other
codes, and it must not be similar. It is recommended that the new
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
code is at least 3 characters.
2. Editing a code
a. Find the code group that is to be edited. The code group can be found
on the Form Editor, or from the configuration menu by clicking “Edit
b. Select on the code that is to be edited.
c. Edit the field, and click “Save” to save changes.
3. Deleting a code
a. Find the code group is to be deleted. You may find the code group on
the Form Editor, or you may go to it directly from the configuration
menu, and click “Edit codes”.
b. Select the code that is to be deleted.
c. Click on the ‘delete’ button to delete the code.
4. Changing a code id
a. Sometimes you may make a mistake and may want to change the
code id. Also, the options in the forms are ordered by
alphabetical order of the code. In that case Click the ‘Change ID’
button to change the ID of the code.
b. Enter a new unique ID and click the ‘Change’ button. The system will
work and change all the codes, and update any existing records with
the new code.
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Configuring Languages
1. Adding a new language
a. Create a new file for the language. For example, if you want to add
Japanese, create a file named japanese.php
i. Upload this file to the /lang directory
ii. Make sure that the file has write permissions (chmod 666)
b. Select “Languages” from the Configuration menu on the left.
c. Click the ‘Add Language button. Fill in the form to add a new language.
Click “Submit” when finished.
Language name – The name of the language
Language code – choose a unique language code
Language file – select the file used for the language
Image – Icon for the language. About 26 x 18 pixels.
FckEditor language file – FCKEditor is the name of WISIWIG
HTML Editor. Here you can tell the FCKEditor which language
file to use.
vi. Language Direction – left or right, or right to left.
d. The new language will be listed in the languages list on top of the page.
Click on the “Translation / Editing Tool” to edit your new language. See
the instructions for the translation tool later in this manual.
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2. Setting the Default Language
A Default Language is the language which is loaded first when a user visits
the website for the first time.
a. Select “Languages” from the Configuration menu on the left.
b. Find the language on the list that is to be set to default, and click “Set
3. Activating / Deactivating a language
Languages can be activated or de-activated. A deactivated language will not
be visible / selectable to the users of the website.
a. Select “Languages” from the Configuration menu on the left.
b. Find the language on the list that is to be changed, and click either on
“Activate” or “Deactivate”
4. Language translation Tool / Editor.
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This tool eases the editing of all the strings found in the language files. The
screen is split into two columns. The column on the left has the original
source language strings in English, while the column on the right has all the
strings that are to be translated. Here is a diagram showing the Translation
tool screen:
a. Editing a language
There are two types of editing modes. To select the editing mode, click
on one of the radio buttons.
i. Edit as text – Use this editing mode for general editing. This
mode helps to preview characters which otherwise do not
exist in HTML character sets. It also allows you to edit text
with HTML, while viewing your language’s character set.
ii. Edit with encoded HTML Entities - use this editing mode
when making a final save. This mode displays characters
that are non-standard HTML characters encoded as
‘HTML Entities’. For example, the Korean word for hello “안녕”
will be represented as &#50504;&#45397
NOTE: Before making a final save, it is strongly recommended
that the special HTML characters which are not allowed inside
HTML tags are converted to their proper HTML entities. Special
characters are characters such as &, <, >, “, etc.. Here is a basic
Characters not allowed inside
Change to:
HTML tags
& (ampersand)
< (less than)
> (greater than)
“ (double quote)
‘ (single quote)
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
b. Translating a String
i. Find the string that is to be translated.
ii. Translate the source string on the left with the new translated
version on the right.
Variables in language strings.
Sometimes the strings can contain variables. These are
substituted with a value once the job board is running. Variables
are enclosed using % signs. For example %EMPLOYER_NAME%
will be substituted as the actual name of the employer.
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Configuring Email Templates
There are 9 different email types that can be configured. They are grouped into for
groups. Here is the table of Email Templates as shown in the Configuration:
Email Name
Candidate Signup
Employer Signup
Forgot Password
Request Candidate’s Details
Resume Alert (text)
Resume Alert (html)
Job Alert (html)
Job Application
Job Application receipt
P. Confirmed - Bank
P. Confirmed - Check
P. Completed
Sub. Confirmed – Bank
Sub. Confirmed - Check
Sub. Completed
Sub. Expired
Mem. Confirmed – Bank
Sends a sign-up confirmation details to candidates.
Sends a sign-up confirmation details to employers.
Sent to Employer or Candidate with a new temporary
Sent to candidates when an employer requests a
candidate’s contact details. (For candidates that have
chosen to block their contact details to the public)
Sends a list of newly posted resumes to employers,
the text part of the message
Sends a list of newly posted resumes to employers,
the HTML part of the message
Sends a list of newly posted jobs to candidates, the
text part of the message
Template for the job application email.
Sends a list of newly posted jobs to candidates, the
HTML part of the message
Posting Order confirmation when the Bank payment
method is selected
Posting Order confirmation when the Check / Money
Order payment method is selected
Posting Order successfully completed
Subscription Order confirmation when the Bank
payment method is selected
Subscription Order confirmation when the Check /
Money Order payment method is selected
Subscription order to view resumes successfully
Sent to an employer when a subscription to view
resumes expires
Membership Order confirmation when the Bank
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Mem. Confirmed - Check
Mem. Completed
Mem. Expired
payment method is selected (Employers and
Membership Order confirmation when the Check /
Money Order payment method is selected (Employers
and Candidates)
Membership order to view resumes successfully
completed (Employers and Candidates)
Sent to a user when a membership expires
1. Editing Email Templates
a. Select “Email Templates” form the Configuration menu
b. Click on the template that is to be edited.
c. Edit the template. Click “Save Template” when done.
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Configuring MOTD – Message of the day
A message can be displayed to the employers or job seekers after they log in. This is
useful to remind your users about some important news, or to place your sales pitch
for the employers.
Candidate’s MOTD – Message of the day for Candidates (Job seekers).
Employer’s MOTD - Message of the day for Employers (Advertisers).
Editing the MOTD
1. Select the language that you want to work in.
2. Display MOTD – Yes / No
3. Motd Message – Write your message and click save when done. You can use
any of the features of the HTML editor.
Configuring Forms - Form Editor Overview
Customization of the forms is done visually from a web based interface. The interface
is very similar to visual developer tools such as Visual Basic or Delphi. You will notice
the following menu in the Form Editor:
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View Form – Preview the form as it is presented to the user on the website.
Edit Fields – Edit properties of each field, or delete fields. Click “Edit Fields” and
then click on the field that you want to edit. The field’s parameters will be visible on
the right.
New Field – Click to add a new field to the form. You can specify the field’s
parameters on the right.
Job List – Edit the columns that are displayed in the job list.
The above screenshot shows the main features of the forms editor. You will
notice that forms are split into several sections. The default Posting Form has
3 numbered sections (1 - head, 2 - middle and 3- footer). This allows you to
group your fields.
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Form Editor – Adding, Editing and Deleting the Fields
Adding a New Field to the form
The following shows you how to insert a new field into a form.
1. Click on “New Field” from the menu on the top.
2. You will see the Field Property Editor. Fill in the following:
a. Input the Field Label. (Some fields do not need labels, such as a blank
b. Select the Type – Select the type of field. You may select a Text Field,
Separator, HTML Editor, Text Editor, Category, Check Boxes, Date,
Image, File, Radio Buttons, Note, Blank Space, etc.
c. (Optional) Input the initial value
d. Select the section – You will notice that the form fields are grouped
into sections. Select the section that the new field will go into.
e. (Optional) Validation Check – If “Is Required” is checked, the system
will validate the field before it is saved in the database. If “Is
Required” is checked, the “Type of Check” option must also be
selected. (Type of Check: Must not be empty, Valid Email, Valid Date)
The error message is displayed when the data in the field fails the
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Display settings:
i. Check “Is it on search form” if you want this field to appear
on the search form. You can give the field a sort order (a
number). Sort order of 1 will make the field appear 1st, sort
order of 2 will make it 2nd and so on.
ii. Template Tag: This is required. You must enter a unique
variable name for this field. You will notice that you cannot
change this field for reserved fields.
g. Parameters
i. Width – If field type is Text Field, Text Editors or HTML Editor
ii. Height – If field type is Text Editors or HTML Editor
iii. Is hidden from website? Check if this field is to be viewed
only when editing the form. NOTE: This field is checked for
the Job Description by default. This is because the Job
Description is displayed outsides of the form.
iv. Can be anonymous – For resumes only. Check if you want your
candidates to hide this field from employers, and allow viewing
only to Approved Employers.
v. Is blocked – When the blocking system is enabled in Main
Config, this field will be subject to blocking. Only subscribed
members will be able to view this field (Resume forms only)
vi. Is Members Only – When memberships are enabled, this field
will be viewable by members only.
vii. Pre-Fill – When checked, the system will try to fill in the data
from the current users’ previous record. This only works for Job
Postings, and is designed to save time so that advertisers do
not have to re-enter some fields when re-posting a job.
viii. Field comment – Input the comment for the field that you want
the user to see.
ix. Select the Category: Use this field to set the initial category,
only if the field is of type “Category”. Click on the “Select
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
3. When finished making changes, click the “Save” button on top of the form.
Editing Form Fields
1. Click on “Edit Fields” from the menu on the top.
2. The form will be displayed in Edit mode. Click on the Field Label, marked as a
blue link to edit the Field.
3. You will see the Field Property Editor appear on the right. Use the Field
Property Editor to change the properties of the field.
4. Click “Save”. There is no need update the database, so you do not need to
click “Save Changes”.
Moving Form Fields Up / Down
1. Click on “Edit Fields” from the menu on the top.
2. The form will be displayed in Edit mode. Click on the Up and Down arrows to
movie the field up or down.
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Deleting Form Fields
3. Click on “Edit Fields” from the menu on the top.
4. The form will be displayed in Edit mode. Click on field that you want to delete.
5. You will see the Field Property Editor appear on the right. Click on the
“Delete” button. Click “OK” to confirm delete.
Including / Excluding a field on a Search Form
1. To include a search on the search form, click on Edit Fields.
2. Click on the field that you want to include
3. You will see the Property Editor on the right. Check / Uncheck the “Is on
search form” field.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
You can give the field a sort order (a number). Sort order of 1 will make the
field appear 1st, sort order of 2 will make it 2nd and so on.
4. Click “Save” to save changes.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page to preview your search form
Setting fields to be required
1. To make a field required when inserting / updating the data, click on Edit
2. Click on the field that you want to make required
3. You will see the Property Editor on the right. Check / Uncheck the “Is
Required” field.
If “Is Required” is checked, the system will validate the field before it is
saved in the database. If “Is Required” is checked, the “Type of Check”
option must also be selected. (Type of Check: Must not be empty, Valid
Email, Valid Date, Must be numeric)
The error message is displayed when the data in the field fails the check.
Types of Fields
The Form Editor allows for adding virtually unlimited about of fields to the form. A
large variety of field types are possible.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Field Type
Blank Space – No
label or filed is
Example Screenshot
Category –
category selector
Check – A group of
See Text Field. This field can be entered as a decimal, and is
displayed with the default currency sign.
Date – Day, Month,
and Year.
Date – Date entry
field with a pop-up
Calendar for
selecting the date.
File – Upload a file,
such as PDF, Doc,
etc.. Video
(Users can record their video straight form their web-cam,
without leaving your website. Service is provided by
Image – Upload
and image and
create a thumbnail.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
See Text Field. Integers cannot have a decimal point. Use this
field if you want your fields sortable.
Editor – A fully
featured HTML
Multiple Select –
Similar to
See Text Field. This field should be used for numeric data, if
you want your column to be storable. Numeric fields can have
decimal values.
Radio buttons
Separator – Field
Single Select
Text Area –
Standard multi-line
Text Field –
Standard text field
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YouTube Video
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Customizing columns on the lists
All columns on the lists can be customized. The job board displays a list of records
for the following record types: Jobs, Resumes, Employer’s Profiles, Employers (user),
Job Seekers (users).
To customize a list, first go to where you customize the record’s form, eg click
Customize ‘Posting Form’. Then click on the ‘Job List’ Tab to go to the List Editor.
1. Adding a new column to the list
a. Select the column that you would like to add to the list.
b. Enter the order of the column in which it will appear on the list,
ordered ascending, left to right. 1=1st, 2=2nd etc.
c. Choose whenever to link the column name. When linked, users will be
able to click on the value in this column to see the full record
d. Choose whenever this column is to be displayed for the admin only.
e. Choose whenever to clean the formatting of the column’s data values.
This will
Is in bold?
Choose whenever to display this field in bold.
g. Choose whenever to make the field storable, when column name is
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
h. Choose whenever to allow the column’s data to wrap inside the cell
Choose whenever to truncate the column data
Click ‘Save’ to add the column.
2. Editing a column on the list
a. Click on the Edit icon next to the column name
b. Edit the column settings and click ‘Save’
3. Deleting a column from the list
a. Click on the Delete icon next to the column name
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Note: The following section of the manual is for advanced users
Field Parameters – What is the ‘Template Tag’? (Advanced)
When customizing fields on a Form, the Template Tag allows you to give your field a
unique name. This unique name is then used to display / print the value of the field
on web pages. Template tags are like variable names. You will see that using
template tags is very easy, and it they help to simplify code modifications /
Template tags are used when displaying the following:
a) List of Recods: Display data formatted in a list of records returned from the
database. The list is usually a result from a search query, such as lists of
posts, or lists of resumes.
Display a record: Display data formatted in a record. Eg. When viewing a
single job post or resume.
How do I make my new Template Tags display when showing a
Temple tags are added automatically in Record Display type functions. You do not
need to make any modifications to the code. The values will be loaded and displayed
on the screen without any modification.
However, template tags are not automatically added to Record List type functions.
Read on for more information.
How do I make my new Template Tags display in a Record List?
If you have added a new temple tag, or renamed an old template tag, and you want
it to display in a Record List in one of the columns, you will need to modify the
source code with the new template tag name. This is simple to do as you generally
need to modify the code in one function. Before we show you which files to modify,
let’s introduce you to some important functions first:
How does the source code work - Loading values into tags:
Use the JB_get_template_value(string, form_id) function to load the template value
into a variable. ‘string’ is a parameter is the Template Tag name. The function
returns the template’s value.
You will need to initialize the forms before using the JB_get_template_value() values.
The forms are initialized by requiring the relevant *.inc.php file for the form type.
require (‘include/’) // require the posts form, this will
initialize the posts form
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Form ID
DB table
Module to require
Job Posts
Job Seeker
Eg. This will PHP load the template tag named ‘TITLE’
$TITLE = JB_get_template_value (“TITLE”, 1);
Displaying template tags:
Once you have loaded a template tag, displaying them is simple:
echo $TITLE;
How does the source code work - Fetching template column names:
When producing a Record List, each column name is given a label at the top of the
table. The JB_get_template_field_label (string, form_id) function is useful for getting
the Label of the field, and displaying the returned result as the column name
$title_label = JB_get_template_field_label (“TITLE”, 1)
Read on to find out in which section to modify.
What if I want to customize the way the individual records are
displayed on the field?
See the above table to find the code for displaying individual records. A very good
example of customized record display can be found in themes/include/default/
display-post.php template file. You will see that the Date, Title and Ad Text are
displayed first, before the other information.
Note: has been separated from the rest of the code and made
in to a template file so that it is easier to customize.
Reserved Fields
Reserved fields are fields who are Template Tag cannot be changed or deleted.
These fields are critical by the system.
To do: write about reserved fields
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
What are the ‘Admin’ and ‘Edit’ modes?
Records can be displayed in ‘Admin’ or ‘Edit’ modes, depending on what parameters
were specified to the function. When displaying records to the public, the mode is
neither ‘Admin’ nor ‘Edit’
Miscellaneous Notes
1. When changing the HTML footer, if you want to keep the Map and Pin JavaScript
functionality, you must include a snippet of PHP/JavaScript code which must be
before the end of the </body> tag. Here is the snippet of PHP code:
(if you do not want to display a map, you can turn off this feature in the Main
if (($_REQUEST['post_id'] != '') && (JB_MAP_DISABLED=="NO")) {
$pin_y = $prams['pin_y'];
$pin_x = $prams['pin_x'];
// echo the javascript to position the pin on the map
JB_echo_map_pin_position_js ($pin_x, $pin_y);
} ?>
2. Dynamic Title, and search engine optimization (SEO)
You may want to have the title of your HTML pages displayed to the title of the
job advertisements. This is practical if you want search engines to index your site,
as many of the search engines will give more weight to the keywords in the title.
Here is the code to include in themes/default/index-header.php file:
<?php echo JB_echo_index_meta_tags();?>
The above code is already included in the default header file.
3. Overlib in the Advertiser’s and Admin area.
Overlib is used to display pup-up of the resume photo if one exists. The following
code must be included in the header:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”../overlib/overlib.js”><!-- overLIB © Erik
Bosrup --></script>
and the following code after the <body> tag:
<div id=”overDiv” style=”position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;
Configuration Notes.
Board’s Name and Headings
The site name should be the name of the website, as short as possible.
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
The site heading will appear in the <title></title> section, and should be
optimized for search engines. When viewing a job ad, the site heading will be
replaced with the post’s heading.
Path name and Locations
You may place the script into any directory.
Don’t forget the trailing / at the end of path names
Set the path to the ImageMagick ‘convert’ program for resizing images. See for more information
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Licenses and Acknowledgments.
Some portions of Jamit Job Board source code are licensed from:
HTML editor (FCKEditor) (based on LGPL license) Copyright © 2003 - 2006
Frederico Caldeira Knabben, and all source code is included.
Javascript Menu (mygosuMenu 1.4.2) COPYRIGHT: © 2003,2004 Cezary
Tomczak, released under the BSD license.
wz_dragdrop.js Javascript library. Copyright 2002-2003 Walter Zorn. Released under LGPL and all source code is
‘SCW’ Date Selection field, Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Anthony Garrett
Jamit Job Board License
Copyright 2007
Jamit Software
License: (1 License for Jamit Job Board – for a single domain).
* Jamit Software retains full ownership and copyright of the software.
* This license grants permission for the Client to use the software on the
domain specified. This software is to be used in conjunction with a Web
Hosting account, a domain name and any type of web server software or
operating system supported by the PHP programming language.
* The intended use of the software is to run a Job Board. A Job Board is
defined as a 'classified ads' service for advertisers / employers and
job seekers, where the primary aim is to advertise job vacancies.
* This license grants permission for the Client to modify the source code for
the purpose of customization & integration with an existing website.
* The Client will not sell, license or distribute the software, either in its
entirety or modified form to a third party, or use in any other products,
unless agreed under different terms by Jamit Software. This restriction also
implies the use of this software as a 'hosted' service for other websites,
which includes either renting, leasing, selling or giving away the services
offered by this software to other websites or webmasters.
* Removal of any copyright notices in the source code is not permitted.
Jamit Software
PO BOX 232
Thornleigh, NSW 2120
[email protected]
Please see
Jamit Software – Jamit Job Board Installation & Configuration
Knowledgebase for more information
and tips.