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LourdesNews - Amazon Web Services
Lourdes News 23 30 July 2014 I m p o rt a nt D at e s J u ly 30-1 31 Grade 5 Camp to Maggie Gilroy Open Day (6-7) A u gu s t 1 5-6 6 7-8 NAIDOC Day @ Gowrie Book Fair School Mass Blue vs Gold Sports Carnival 8 Vinnies Sleepover 11 Full Assembly in Menegon 13 Italian Speech Competition 15 Barnes Cup 18-22 Ingham Arts Festival 23-24 First Holy Communion 27 Prep Open Day 29 Fully Assembly in Menegon From the Principal ... Dear Parents It is only week thee and it is amazing just how much we have already packed into this term with so much more go. This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week. A week in which we celebrate all the wonderful aspects of a Catholic Education. This year's theme highlights the way our schools strive to provide our students with learning experiences and opportunities that enable them engage more fully in life. It is not only our academic endeavours, but also our sporting, cultural and spiritual opportunities that allow out students to be the very best person they can be. This term alone, our students will, or have already, participated in sporting carnivals, Mulkadee and Ingham Arts Festival, school masses, meditation and a concert with Michael Mangan. In today's Herbert River Express, there are many wonderful articles about our Catholic schools. One of the highlights of Catholic Education Week is our district Catholic Education Week mass. Today’s celebration was wonderful; it is one of the few times that our students gather to celebrate as one with the other Catholic schools. Today our very excited Year 5 students headed off to Magnetic Island with Mr Gori, Mrs Kemp Mrs Stevens and the NET team for this Year's Leadership camp. We wish them safe travels and hope they enjoy this time together as the work through leadership and team building activities. Tomorrow our Year 6 and 7 students head off to Gilroy Santa Maria College for an Open Day. This is an opportunity for these students and families to experience firsthand the quality education and facilities that the College has to offer. I encourage our Year 6 parents in particular to attend the information session offered to help gain a better understanding of what Year 7 in a secondary setting will look like. Finally, this Friday we will continue to celebrate with our district schools with our year 6 and 7 students attending NAIDOC celebrations at St Teresa's College, Abergowrie. Happy Catholic Education Week! Paula Martin—Acting Principal From the APRE ... Register today ! Our Combined Schools Mass for Catholic Education Week was beautiful this morning. Students from St. Teresa's, Gilroy Santa Maria, St. Peter's, Mary MacKillop and Our Lady of Lourdes sounded glorious as our NET team lead them in song. Each year our local Catholic Schools come together for this Mass during Catholic Education Week to celebrate. It is always a wonderful experience and this year was no exception. Thank you to all our staff, parents and students across our schools who contributed and helped prepare our Mass this morning. Also thank you to Fr Damian, Fr Cipriano and Fr Pius for bringing our Mass to life. The theme this year for Catholic Education Week is: Come, live life in all its fullness. You certainly could feel and see that in our students this morning! Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know Ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves: we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Many blessings, Melissa Pavin - Acting APRE 18 Abbott Street / P.O. Box 1553, Ingham Qld 4850 Ph: (07) 4776 2719 Fax: (07) 4776 3882 Email: [email protected] Web: www.olltsv.catholic.edu.au Lour des News Page 2 Congratulations to Friday’s Award Winners ... Achievement Awards Prep VV Justin Venturato … for his insightful thinking in classroom discussions and for beginning to master addition in numeracy. Prep AG Maddison Blair … for using her reading strategies to work out sentences on worksheets and when reading books. 1DM Sophee Lepinath … for outstanding application towards her maths activities and for writing a wonderful retell about “Silly Birds”. 1MB Breanna Patane … for being a fantastic scientist who used great scientific words when explaining how ice melts. 2PC Louise Poggio … for settling back into Lourdes School so well, and for contributing positively during class discussions. 2/3CA Jacob Minato … for showing an excellent understanding of 3 times number facts, using doubles accurately and adding numbers by making to the nearest 10 or 100. 3PB Claire Groundwater … for answering questions frequently and confidently in class. 4ED Nicholas Di Bella … for working hard to improve his spelling results. 4/5MG Georga Shailer … for excellent work with her number facts this week. 5SK Jordan Robinson … for working very hard to write interesting and creative poems. 6CT Matthew Biasi … for consistently working hard this week and for his understanding of ‘fractions of a group’. 6MQ Porsche` Lynch … for demonstrating quality leadership skills and being an active and engaged learner. 7MB Kymmy Stifanic … for excellent work on problem solving activities in mathematics. Keep up the great work Kymmy. School Spirit Awards … Understanding, Tolerance & Inclusion Prep VV Sahara Shaw … by being a helpful friend to all of her classmates. Prep AG Eamon Serra … by being a compassionate classmate who looks after his friends, in class and in the playground. 1DM Harrison Muller … by always including others in classroom activities and in the playground and for showing understanding by listening attentively in class. Well done! 1MB Brandon Hamilton-Kaurila … by being a caring and thoughtful friend who gave up his own sticker to give to a friend who missed out. 2PC Olivia Rosenberger … by helping others and being kind and understanding towards them. 2/3CA Brady Catalano … by playing fairly with his friends and including others in his games. 3PB Mia Serra … by assisting within the classroom and displaying understanding and inclusion towards students in our class. 4ED Belle Bourke … by working well with others and encouraging classmates to do their best 4/5MG Lachlan Giuffrida … by listening to other class members in group tasks and respecting their opinions. 5SK Bianca Marano … by always listening and considering other class members’ opinions in classroom discussions. 6CT Jayden Scott … by working well with others during group activities. 6MQ Cheylsea Molloy … by being enthusiastic and making a praiseworthy effort of settling into her new school. 7MB Luci Muftic … by treating her classmates with respect and understanding. Book Fair - 5 to 6 August - Reading Gives Us Superpowers! We will be holding a Book Fair in the Library on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th August. The theme is ‘Reading Gives Us Superpowers!’ The library will be open from 8am to 8:30am and 3:00pm to 3:30pm on both of these days, so please feel free to call in and see what our Book Fair has to offer. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Lour des News Page 2 Sports News Lower School Field Events for Blue vs Gold Sport Carnival All students from Prep to Grade 3 will participate in modified field events on Friday, 8 August from 9.00am to 10.50am. Events will include our very own versions of throw the chicken (plastic, of course!), long jump, high jump, shot put, and javelin. They will be held in and around the Menegon Centre. Children in these grades will then be involved in sprints and ball games on the Friday as well. Blue & Gold Inter-House Athletics Carnival Time 12.00 - 12.45pm Thursday 7 August 12.50 - 1.40pm 12.00pm to 2.45pm High Jump, Shot Put and Long Jump 2.00 - 2.45pm (10-13 yrs) Friday 8 August 9.00am to 10.15am Modified Field Events (Preps to Grade 3) 8.40am to 11.00am High Jump, Shot Put and Long Jump (10-13 yrs) From 11.30am Sprints (running from Preps to 13 yrs) Time followed by Relays 8.40 - 9.20am then Ball Games (Prep to Grade 7) 9.20 - 10.00am Approx. 2.30pm Presentation of Trophies 10.00 - 10.40am All children are to wear their sports uniform on Friday. Years 4 to 7 can also wear their sport uniform on Thursday if possible/practical. High Jump Long Jump Shot Put 12/13 yrs Boys 12/13 yrs Girls 11 yrs Boys 10 yrs Boys 10 yrs Girls 12/13 yrs Boys 12/13 yrs Girls 11 yrs Boys 11 yrs Girls High Jump Long Jump Shot Put 10 yrs Girls 10 yrs Boys 12/13 yrs Girls 11 yrs Boys 11 yrs Girls 10 yrs Boys 11 yrs Girls 12/13 yrs Boys 10 yrs Girls Date Claimers: Barnes Cup—Friday 15 August NQ Athletic Carnival—Tuesday, 26 August No Electronic Devices on School Trips Please note that it is school policy that NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES such as ipods, ipads and laptops are to be taken on ANY school bus trips to excursions, camps, etc. If found, they will be held in the office for safekeeping. P&F Update The P&F held a meeting on 23rd July. Here is only a snapshot of what was discussed: As you are probably aware, Lourdes is 100 years old next year and we are currently planning a weekend of celebration. As a school, we are very grateful to Darren Firth (past student and current parent) who has volunteered to head the organisation of these events. There is lots to do, so we are seeking current parents and/ or past Lourdes students who want to be involved in the Centenary preparations to make yourselves known to Darren directly, or via our school office. The Grade 5 children are off to camp at Magnetic Island this week and the year six and seven children will be heading to the Whitsunday Adventure Park next term. These trips are highly beneficial for our children’s education and form many happy memories for the rest of their lives. The P&F is proud to provide money to subsidise these trips to help keep the cost per child down for parents. The school will soon be getting some resources for the new History and Geography curriculum and some new readers funded by your very own P&F. Come along to the next meeting on 20th August to find out more—7pm in the Staffroom—all welcome! f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 4 Lour des News Mulkadee Last week, 14 of our Grade 5 to 7 students, accompanied by Mrs Sonya Kemp, attended the Mulkadee workshops in Townsville. Children from all over our Diocese participated in drama, choral, instrumental and dance instruction which culminated in a wonderful concert on Friday night at the Townsville Entertainment Centre. It was a fantastic experience for all students involved and we thank the Catholic Education Office in Townsville for their enormous efforts in organising such a worthwhile event for our students. Michael Mangan Concert Last Friday, our school, together with our friends from St. Peter’s School, were treated to a lively performance by renowned singer/songwriter, Michael Mangan in the Menegon Centre. Our students sing many of Michael Mangan’s songs at our masses, liturgies and prayer time … and often with great gusto! Thank you Mr Mangan for visiting our school and sharing your wonderful songs with us! School Fee Contribution to Diocesan Services Accounts for Term 3 school fees will be sent on Monday with your eldest child —please check your child’s bag. As was the case last year, you will note that included in your school fees for this term is a charge of $10 per family—a Diocesan Contribution. Catholic education is a vital part of our Diocesan Family, but we are finding that fewer people are in a position to contribute to the Parish Planning Giving Program. The Diocese depends on a portion of this income to meet the running costs of the Diocese. The call for services to support parishes and schools is continually growing. This contribution from you will assist the Diocese in maintaining these services. Some of these services are: welfare programs, educational assistance, liturgical commission, Parish and community support, to name a few. While many of these do not impact directly on Catholic schools, indirectly our schools benefit significantly because of the work of the Bishop and the staff of the Diocesan Offices. Please note this is a voluntary contribution. Thank you in anticipation of your support. Please contact the office if you have any further questions. Thank you. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 5 Lour des News NAIDOC Trip This Friday, 1 August, students in Grade 6 and 7 will travel by bus to Abergowrie, along with the other Catholic school in our district, for NAIDOC celebrations hosted by the College. A permission slip must be returned for children to attend—those who do not have a permission slip will need to remain at school with the younger grades. The buses will leave LOURDES School at 8.45am SHARP. Parents, we would ask you to ensure children are here by this time, so we do not delay buses, and children do not miss out on any of the activities. All children will need to bring their water bottles and hat – they may wear their day or sports uniform. They will not need to bring any lunch as morning tea (cake, fruit and poppers), and a sausage sizzle lunch are being provided by the College. Should you child require anything different, they will need to bring their own packed lunch. Traditional Food will be on sale, and the canteen will be selling sweets, so children may bring a small amount of money, preferably in a little purse/wallet or zip-lock bag CLEARLY MARKED WITH THEIR NAME. Parents are more than welcome to attend, however they will need to make their own way to the College (entry is $5 for parents etc.) Do you have any old books you don’t need??? Dr Charly Muke, a teacher at Abergowrie College, is collecting books to send to the Jiwake Province in Papua New Guinea to enable 10 rural schools in the province to set up their first ever school library. These schools have no reading books and students do not have any access to books at home. Please drop any books you no longer need into the Lourdes School office—we will be collecting for the WHOLE YEAR, in the hope that we can fill a shipping container by Christmas! Please help! Get Started Sports Club Funding Round 4 Get Started is now open …. Voucher applications close on Wednesday, 15 October 2014, or earlier if all available vouchers are allocated. Vouchers must be presented to a Get Started club by Saturday, 15 November 2014. For more information, visit www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/getinthegame f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 6 Lour des News We celebrated Catholic Education Week … We celebrated Catholic Education Week today with a combined schools Mass at St. Patrick’s Church, with Father Damian, Father Cipriano and Father Pius. Students and staff from St. Peter’s School, Gilroy Santa Maria College and St. Teresa’s College, Abergowrie, Mary Mackillop Early Learning Centre and Lourdes came together to celebrate Jesus and importance of his example in our school and home life. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 7 Lour des News f aith … mer cy … education … hope Lour des News Page 8 6CT’s Forensic Fun p as sing u ing s e r d I liked es and hav ir. a iv detect ensic Fun F r the Fo ew Matth I loved reading my story to my mum and dad. Thomas WHO KILLED SPONGE BOB? I liked it when I saw different people come and smile at the booth when they dressed up with their friends. Shinae I liked my stall and watching the plays. Oriana I liked the food, our stations and all of the costumes. Nicholas The best part of the Forensic Fun Fair was when we told our mystery narrative’s to everyone. Jayden I liked painting people’s faces and I enjoyed the play that I did. I loved all the costumes and the food looked cool. Kaila f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 9 Lour des News YOU CAN DO IT! PROGRAM Our Lady of Lourdes School is a You Can Do It school. The You Can Do It program was developed in Australia, at the University of Melbourne, by American psychologist, Professor Michael Bernard, it has been used extensively in the US, the UK, and across Australia, including many schools in and around Brisbane. It is a program with the goal of fostering the social and emotional development of children, assisting them to develop to their full potential. Within a common theme of developing RESILIENCE, the program focuses on the five key foundations of CONFIDENCE, PERSISTENCE, ORGANISATION, GETTING ALONG and EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE. A program such as this becomes all the more successful when it is embraced by as many as possible in the student’s world—this means parents can have an important role in reinforcing this message. For the next five weeks, teachers and students will be focusing on RESILIENCE. Young children who are resilient can calm down soon after being extremely upset (down, worried, angry) without needing the immediate help of an adult. They can also control their behaviour (not fighting, returning to work or play within a reasonable period of time) when they become extremely upset. EXAMPLES OF RESILIENT BEHAVIOUR IN YOUR CHILD 1. Stays calm and does not fight with a friend who will not share. 2. Stays calm and does not fight when someone says something mean to them. (Even if it is about their mother) 3. Stays calm and does not fight and seeks help from a parent or teacher when pushed by a sibling or friend. 4. Calms down within a reasonable period of time when they think someone has acted unfairly towards him/her. 5. Stays calm and does not worry too much when he/she misses the bus and has to wait to be picked up. 6. Stays calm and does not get upset when he/she is not the best at something. He/She still does his/her best. WAYS TO PRAISE YOUR CHILD FOR RESILIENT BEHAVIOUR 1. “I can see that even though you are a bit nervous, you are going to try to do it anyway.” 2. “Even though you are finding this hard, you are not getting too upset about it.” 3. “I can see you are making the right choice not to fight.” 4. “Good for you, you didn’t let yourself get too angry.” TEACH YOUR CHILD THE FOLLOWING RESILIENT THINKING 1. When upset, it is good to find someone to talk to. 2. When upset, it is good to find something fun to do. 3. When upset, it is good to think “calm down” take three breaths “everything will be ok”. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 10 Lour des News Get to know your Staff ... Moris Gori Grade 4/5 Teacher Tell us a little about your work history? How long have you been teaching? How long have you been at Lourdes? At the age of 15 I started part-time work at Coles. I worked there on Thursdays and Saturdays to earn pocket money until I finished Year 12. I then left to complete my teaching degree at James Cook University in Townsville. Once completing my Bachelor of Education I started my first teaching job at Our Lady of Lourdes in 1994, teaching Year Four. After three years at Lourdes I took leave for a year and went on an overseas working holiday to the United Kingdom and Europe. I worked in a number of London schools to help fund my travels around Europe. Teaching in the United Kingdom really made me appreciate how great Lourdes is. I then returned to Lourdes where I worked up until 2010. In 2010 I moved to Townsville and worked at Good Shepherd Catholic School, however, my love of family and fishing drew me back to Ingham. I have been working at Our Lady Lourdes ever since. I am now in my 20th year of teaching and eighteen of those have been spent at our wonderful school. Tell us a little about you personally? Your family? Where did you grow up & go to school? I was born in Ingham and have lived here for the majority of my 42 years. My dad and mum moved to Ingham from Italy in the 50’s and 60’s and built a house and raised my brother and I in Neame Street. My parents worked very hard in the family butcher shop and restaurant to provide for their family. My lunches were frequently envied by friends and work colleagues. As a child growing up, I spent a lot of time outdoors playing many different sports with my neighbourhood friends. I loved all sports but my favourite was cricket. In my primary years I attended Our Lady of Lourdes until Grade Four and then I moved to Gilroy to complete my schooling from Grade Five to Grade Twelve. In Grade 12, I was O’Meara Sports Captain. As a child I rode my pushbike everywhere and played every sport I could, sport was a passion of mine. I still made time to do my homework though!! I am now married to my beautiful wife Tracy and have a baby daughter Ruby, who is the light of our lives. What do you like to do in your spare time/on weekends? If the weather is good (sometimes even if it isn’t) I spend a large proportion of my spare time fishing. Nothing beats being out on the water, with my mates, and the challenge of catching fish. I never thought it was possible but since the birth of my daughter Ruby, fishing has now become my second favourite pastime. I find it very difficult to tear myself away from my family! f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 11 Lour des News Do you have any pets? At this present stage I do not have any pets. I did have a dog for fifteen years that I became really attached to but since then have not taken on the responsibility of owning a pet. I am sure that will change in years to come as I love animals. What is your favourite TV show? I don’t really have any but I enjoy watching some of the reality TV shows such as MKR and X Factor. I enjoy watching any fishing shows that come on TV. What is your dream holiday destination? I don’t have anywhere in particular. As long as it is not camping, my family are with me and there are some good restaurants around, I’m happy. What do you like the most about being a teacher? The best part about being a teacher is seeing the children’s smiling faces every day and hopefully making a positive influence in their lives. Seeing the children being happy to learn motivates me to come back every day. Teaching is such a rewarding experience and every year you are faced with different challenges that make it all the more rewarding. I enjoy teaching children about sport as this was something I did a lot of when I was a child. Seeing them succeed in sport or learn something new for the day reminds me why it is great to be a teacher. What/who inspires you? My mum, dad and brother are the people who have inspired me throughout my life. To see and live the pain and hurt that my family experienced while my brother was really sick inspires me to live life to the fullest and enjoy every minute. My dad has always been the joker of the family and I like to think that I have carried that on. Also if I can be half the parent my mum and dad are I know I am doing a good job as they did everything for their children, no matter how hard it was. They inspire me to be the best I can be. I also take inspiration from my brother who battled sickness for most of his life. To see what he went through for many years, the countless days in Intensive Care and the numerous operations and all he wanted was to live life. He was very tough and strong willed which enabled him to live as long as he did and this inspires me the most. He was a champion! If you could invite ANY 3 people to dinner, who would they be? The first person I would invite is my brother Adrian! I have so much to tell him and I would love for Ruby to meet her uncle. The other two, of course, are my wife Tracy and daughter Ruby. This was a dinner I never had the chance to have. f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 12 Lour des News Join our school community for OUR SECOND and movie night friday, 8 AUGUST Menegon centre From 6pm To raise awareness and funds for Australia’ s homeless Current students and parents only Bring your own Bedding and drinks Come for a sausage sizzle dinner and stay for a hot breakfast on Sat. morning! Hot drinks and popcorn will be available. RETURN YOUR registration form TODAY! f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 13 Lour des News f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 14 15 July 2014 Lour des News f aith … mer cy … education … hope Page 15 15 July 2014 Lour des News f aith … mer cy … education … hope Lour des Noti cebo ard Page 16 TUCKSHOP HELP URGENTLY NEEDED! Calling mothers and grandmothers!!! Can you help on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, once a month? Please see Raylee Minato in the Tuckshop or contact the office. Thursday, 31 July Chicken Fajitas (2) $4.50 Friday, 1 August NO SPECIAL TODAY Friday Roast … Beef Monday, 4 August Crumbed Steak Burger $5.50 Crumbed Steak & Salad $6.50 Wednesday, 6 August 2 Chicken Legs & Mash $5.00 Thursday, 31 July S Thompson, HELP NEEDED! Friday, 1 August S Hamilton, J Shailer Monday, 4 August C Dametto Wednesday, 6 August S Henney, A Muller, A Dezolt Thursday, 7 August A Pappin, N Jorgensen Friday, 8 August J Butler, HELP NEEDED! Monday, 11 August T Merker Thank you! Tuckshop Specials Tuckshop Roster Wednesday, 13 August J Copley, L Torrisi Tuckshop Wallets Makes placing your child’s tuckshop order a breeze! With pre-printed order forms … or make your own with your child’s favourite order! $10 each Available from the office LOURDES PLAYGROUP Each Tuesday 9.00am to 10.30am At Lourdes School in Prep Outside Area 3.00 per family BYO Morning Tea All children under 5 and their parents welcome!! Change of Awards Assembly As we have all Grade 5 to 7 students away this Friday, we will hold over our weekly Award presentations until Monday, 4 August. Ingham Catholic Parishes Weekend Mass Times St. Patrick’s, Ingham Sat. Vigil 6pm Sunday 8.30am, 7pm St. Peter’s, Halifax Sunday, 7am Canossa Chapel, Trebonne Sunday, 10am St Teresa’s, Abergowrie Sunday, 10am 15 July 2014 f aith … mer cy … education … hope
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