Babylonia Medo - Persia Greece Rome Revived Roman Empire
Babylonia Medo - Persia Greece Rome Revived Roman Empire
The Four Empires 626B.C. Babylonia Daniel's 2nd Dream Daniel 8 600 B.C. Daniel's Dream Daniel 7 Nebuchadnezzer's Dream Daniel 2 Dan 2:38 Nebuchadnezzer 45 yrs GOLD 539 B.C. 500 B.C. Lion Daniel 7:1-4 Medo - Persia Dan2:39 Darius and Cyrus Daniel 8:20 Media and Persia 400 B.C. 330 B.C. 300 B.C. Ram Daniel 8:3-7 SILVER Bear Daniel 7:5 One horn Goat Daniel 8:5-7 Greece 200 B.C. BRONZE Greece - Daniel 8:21-22 Alexander the Great 100 B.C. 4 Horn Goat Daniel 8:8,9 Leopard Daniel 7:6 63 B.C. Rome IRON 0 Gap of 2000 years; Times of the Gentiles are fulfilled Luke 21:24; Romans 11 "Fullness of Gentiles" Ten Toes - Daniel 2:40-44 Ten Kings - Daniel 7:24 Ten Horns - Daniel 7:7 & 24 Great Tribulation Matt. 24:21 Revived Roman Empire Tribulation Period End Times Dan. 8:17;11:40 Anti-Christ's Reign FREDERICK M RICKETTS:C:\My Docs\Church\Park Comm\Nebuchadnezzer dream 10/07 Revelation 13:1-8 IRON & CLAY Western Division Papal Church Fourth Beast Daniel 7:7 Eastern Division Eastern Church 100 A.D.