EU-PolarNet connecting science with society N. Biebow & K. Lochte, AWI Co-designed research proposals, involving stakeholders from the outset, will ensure that scientific outcomes are directly relevant and beneficial to society and our economies Our ambition • Initiate, conduct and sustain on-going dialogue and cooperation with all relevant units of the European Commission • Improve the co-ordination of European research in the Arctic and Antarctic to develop an integrated European polar research programme co-designed with all relevant stakeholders • Design a resource-oriented European infrastructure access and usage plan to support an integrated research programme • Improve and strengthen international cooperation in polar research and to implement the Transatlantic Research Alliance Who we are • The world’s largest consortium of expertise and infrastructure for polar research • 17 countries represented by 22 of Europe’s internationally-respected multi-disciplinary research institutions • Professional teams from many disciplines The EU-PolarNet Consortium EU-PolarNet Cooperation Partners Work packages WP1: Management of the Consortium, International Integration and Policy Guidance AWI, Germany SCIENCE WP2: Polar Research for Science and Society CNRS, France WP4: Interaction with Stakeholders and end-users CNR-DTA, Italy STAKEHOLDERS EUPolarNet INFRASTRUCTURES WP3: Infrastructures, Facilities and Data NERC-BAS, UK Work Package 1 – Objectives Lead AWI (Germany) • Conduct the financial and contractual management of the project • Guarantee an effective day-to-day management and create group dynamics and integration for the whole consortium • Improve and strengthen international cooperation and implement the Transatlantic Research Alliance • Support the implementation of the EU’s international commitments in the Polar Regions Work Package 1 Lead AWI (Germany) Management of the consortium, international integration and policy guidance Task Title Partners Lead T1.1 Contractual and financial management of the EU-PolarNet Project All task leaders AWI T1.2 Operational management, coordination of work package and task leaders, consortium internal communication All project partners AWI T1.3 Strengthen international cooperation and implement the Transatlantic Research Alliance GINR, WOC, WP1 partners AMAP, IPEV T1.4 Evidence-based policy guidance All project partners AWI, CNRS Task 1.3 – Objectives Strengthen international cooperation and implement the Transatlantic Research Alliance • Supporting the EU-PolarNet consortium in connecting to international partners by continuously scanning international polar activities. • Identifying the most important third-country partners and recommend an International Cooperation Strategy for European Polar Research. • Actively implementing the Transatlantic Research Alliance. • Providing European and international scientists with a platform to interact. • Regularly informing international partners and organisations of the progress made in EU-PolarNet. • Working towards sustaining international cooperation by preparing collaborative agreements. Examples TRILATERAL EU ▪ US ▪ CANADA WORKSHOP Workshop on Transatlantic Cooperation in Arctic Research Tromsø, 21. January 2015 Discussion of three potential research topics to be funded in Horizon2020 and co-funded by Canadian and US organisations. TRILATERAL EU/JAPAN/US WORKSHOP Toyama, 27. April 2015 EU-PolarNet gave advice to Horizon 2020 work programme for 2016/2017: The Arctic dimension in Horizon2020 Topic 1: Unified integrated Arctic Observing System (2016) Scope: The “Unified Arctic Observation system” should close critical gaps with innovative solutions, as well as improve the integration and interoperability of existing observation systems.... The activity shall support and promote integrated use of Arctic land, ocean, ice and atmosphere in-situ and space-based observations from Europe, US, Canada and other international partners. Community-based observing programmes that draw on indigenous and local knowledge should be included and form the basis for participatory research and capacity-building within Arctic communities. Type of action: Research and innovation actions Horizon 2020 work programme for 2016/2017: The Arctic dimension in Horizon2020 (cont.) Topic 2: Impact of Arctic changes on the weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere (2016) Scope: To develop innovative approaches to improved descriptions and modelling of the mechanisms, processes and feedbacks affecting Arctic climate change and its impacts on the weather and climate of the Northern hemisphere for further developing state of-the-art climate models and predictions. Model performance should be assessed, and the capacity of representing the linkages between polar and lower latitudes should be evaluated through coordinated model experiments. Type of action: Research and innovation actions Horizon 2020 work programme for 2016/2017: The Arctic dimension in Horizon2020 (cont.) Climate impacts on Arctic permafrost, with a focus on coastal areas, and its socio-economic impact (2017) Scope: The action should assess through a holistic and transdisciplinary approach – in a co-design process with stakeholders – the impact of permafrost thawing on Arctic (natural and human) coastal systems and its effect on availability/accessibility of resources, on stability of infrastructure, on the growth of potential new economic activities, as well as on pollution and health, considering the needs of and the impacts on indigenous populations, local communities and economic actors operating in this vulnerable region in a sustainable development context. Type of action: Research and innovation actions Work Package 2 – objectives Lead CNRS (France) • Improve coordination in European Polar Research and develop an Integrated European Polar Research Programme co-designed from the outset with all relevant stakeholders • Support the coordination and optimisation of existing polar monitoring and modelling programmes and related infrastructure • Bring together and critically review the polar-related research priorities identified by international and national bodies to establish priorities of particular relevance to Europe • Facilitate a more effective dialogue between a wide range of stakeholders, to allow them to present their views and identify their needs from the European research community Work Package 2 Lead CNRS (France) Polar research for science and society Task Title Partners Lead T2.1 Identification of key polar research questions for Europe All project partners RCN, CNRDTA, RUG T2.2 Development of co-designed White Papers addressing urgent polar research questions All project partners MINECO, NERC-BAS T2.3 Optimisation of existing monitoring and modelling programmes AWI, IPEV and CNRDTA) AMAP, VUB T2.4 Integrated European Polar Research All project partners Programme CNRS, AWI Work Package 2 Lead CNRS (France) Major deliverables D2.1 Report on the key questions in polar research and prioritisation of these questions, M12 (CNR-DTA) D2.3 Release of the inventory of existing monitoring and modelling programmes, M18 (AMAP) D2.5 Strategic analysis of the different monitoring and modelling programmes and related infrastructures, M30 (VUB) D2.6 Roadmap for optimisation of monitoring and modelling programmes, M36 (AMAP) D2.8 Set of white papers addressing priority questions in polar research and targeting funding agencies and policy makers, M48 (NERC- BAS) D2.10 Integrated European Polar Research Program (M57) (CNRS) D2.11 Implementation plan for the Integrated Polar Research Programme, M59 (AWI) Work Package 3 – objectives Lead BAS (UK) • Design a resource-oriented European infrastructure access and usage plan for the Integrated Polar Research Programme • Work towards a coordinated European polar research data infrastructure and improve open access to quality-controlled data • Determine the best approach to wider and more coordinated use of space-based assets, spanning satellite communication, navigation and observation, to support European polar operators • Interact with businesses that operate infrastructure in Polar Regions and work towards charged usage of these infrastructures Work Package 3 – objectives Lead BAS (UK) Infrastructure, facilities and data Task Title Partners Lead T3.1 Polar Platforms: research ships, stations, aircraft and autonomous instrumentation NERC-BAS, AWI, SPRS, CSIC IPEV, IGOTUL T3.2 Satellites, communication and remote sensing RCN, CNR-DTA NERC-BAS, IPEV T3.3 Data Management and Interoperability AWI, all WP3 partners RBINS, AMAP, CNRDTA Work Package 3 – objectives Lead BAS (UK) Major deliverables D3.2 European Polar Infrastructure Catalogue, M16 (IPEV) D3.4 Survey of polar industry stakeholders, M28 (WOC) D3.5 Data management recommendations for polar research data systems and infrastructures in Europe, M32 (AMAP) D3.6 Gap analysis highlighting the technical and operational requirements of the European Polar Research Programme for satellite applications, M36 (NERC-BAS) D3.7 White paper on European polar infrastructure access and interoperability, M40 (IGOT-UL) D3.8 White paper on European polar data accessibility, M48 (RBINS) D3.9 Model for a co-ordinated management system for access and interoperability, including joint programming, of European Polar Infrastructure, M55 (IGOT-UL) Infrastructures of EU-PolarNet Partners Work Package 4 – objectives Lead CNR-DTA (Italy) • Initiate, conduct and sustain an on-going dialogue and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders for the Polar Regions • Support meaningful interactions between scientists and stakeholders to shape the future polar research agenda, exchange key information and priorities, and foster joint involvement in the research process • Establish trans-disciplinary collaboration on polar research by bringing together natural scientists, social scientists and stakeholders • Equip EU-PolarNet participants with “tools” and resources to development engagement plans Work Package 4 – objectives Lead CNR-DTA (Italy) Interaction with stakeholders and end users Task Title Partners Lead T4.1 Identification of stakeholders: existing and potential WOC, GINR, all WP4 partners RUG T4.2 Identification of stakeholder needs RUG, WOC; GINR and all WP4 partners UOULU T4.3 Communication and outreach AWI, all project partners NERC-BAS, CSIC Work Package 4 Lead CNR-DTA (Italy) Major deliverables D4.1. EU-PolarNet website set-up, M2 (NERC-BAS) D4.5 A “stakeholder map”, M 12 (RUG) D4.7 Awareness sessions within the first Town hall meeting to set out aims and objectives and timeline for delivery, M16 (RUG) D4.14 Completed stakeholder consultations, report on the needs, gaps and opportunities produced, M50 (UOULU) D4.15 A white paper describing status of stakeholder engagement in polar research based on existing knowledge, M54 (UOULU) Our approach Public & private decision makers, research funding organisations, European Commission Stakeholders and end-users Knowledge from EU and national research projects European society, European policy EUPolarNet Transatlantic & international partners, networks, organisations SCAR & IASC science planning results National research plans Upcoming meetings Kick-off 1rst GA EC/ESA WS Mar 2015 ASSW 2015 Apr 2015 May 2015 EU Arctic Stakeholder workshop Trilateral Infrastructure Workshop, Halifax Sep 2015 COP21 PARIS ATCM 2015 Jun 2015 YOPP Summit Jul 2015 COMNAP-ARC 2015 Aug 2015 Arctic Consultation Conference COP21/CMP11 Arctic Circle 2015 Oct 2015 Polar Data Forum II ArcticNet, 2015 Annual Meeting Nov 2015 AGU 2015 Dec 2015 Arctic Frontiers 2016 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 EU-PolarNet Townhall Meeting ASSW and 2nd GA 2016 Mar 2016 SCAR open science conference 2016 Apr 2016 May 2016 Jun 2016 Jul 2016 Aug 2016 Thank you very much for your attention © Daniel Steinhage, AWI
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