Pomander Walk Property - The Meadowlands Conservation Trust
Pomander Walk Property - The Meadowlands Conservation Trust
10 Pomander Walk Property Teaneck, NJ 202 14 201 POMAN DER WA L K B:212, L:2 3 4 11 5 2 1 6 212 12 LEGEND Pomander Walk property Block Limit Lot Limit Units: US Survey Feet Datum: North American Datum 1983 Coordinate System: NJ State Plane Data Source(s): NJMC GIS, NJDEP 2008 Aerial Imagery 0 13 0 25 50 1 inch = 50 feet Disclaimer: This map was created using New Jersey Meadowlands CommissionGeographic Information System digital data. The information provided on this map are provided “as is” with no warranty of any kind. This is neither an official state map nor state authorized; it is for information and representation purposes only. Parcel configurations on this map reflect lot lines taken from municipal tax maps. Some areas may not show current subdivisions. For further information, please contact the office of the NJMC. 101 100 Ft