The Glass with an Eco-Profile. - Schott Zwiesel


The Glass with an Eco-Profile. - Schott Zwiesel
The Glass with an Eco-Profile.
Tritan® crystal glass. Sustainably manufactured for pure pleasure.
The glass of the professional.
Appreciation through perfection.
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The glass of the professional.
Appreciation through perfection.
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Economic, ecological and social responsibilities are more
closely inter-linked in the 21st century than ever before. To
meet these responsibilities on a global level is of the utmost urgency, especially for businesses whose products are
“made in Germany.”
Ecological and social principles create competitive
advantages and optimise performance, so they are decisive
for business success. The “whole planet” perspective is just
as important as regional commitment. modern businesses
must confront these challenges and are called upon to
strive each day for safer environment and a more humane
society. reliable data is needed to achieve measureable and
long-lasting improvements. only on the basis of objective
standards can businesses evaluate the current situation,
critically examine their policies, and implement corresponding improvements. a valid and obligatory certification system provides guidance and reassurance for customers who
purchase a company’s products and services.
for these reasons, the TüV rheinland [Technical monitoring authority of the rhineland] has for many years made
available to interested parties impartially evaluated, precise,
comprehensible data and documents relevant for “certifica-
tion of the ecological balance sheet of products.” we have
developed a five Step process to enable company’s to participate in a green certification programme and to achieve
an ecologically sound balance sheet.
ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS has successfully undertaken
the first of these five steps. with each successive step taken
in the certification process, more aspects of the business
will be modified to achieve the long-term goal of ecological
and social optimisation.
The flow of energy and raw materials required for the
manufacturing process, as well as its resulting emissions,
are evaluated at the entry-level stage. a comprehensive
evaluation of ecological and social parameters associated
with all aspects of a product’s manufacture, distribution, usage and disposal takes place at the highest stage. ZwiESEL
KriSTaLLGLaS aG has chosen a good path and is progressing
in the right direction.
aiko Bode, managing Director customer relations cSr and
Sustainability, TüV rheinland Group
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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PEoPLE aND ThEir iDEaS caN
maKE ThE DiffErENcE.
The Bavarian forest is the cradle of the art of glassmaking
and the geographical heart of Germany’s glass industry.
The people here have deep roots in their region and in this
unique craft. Year after year, they have consistently developed creative ideas and contributed new technical improvements. one intention has always been at the core of all
these efforts: the desire to create useful, long-lived and aesthetically high-quality products. among the other changes
currently occurring in these complex tasks is the fact that
nowadays one can no longer confine one’s thinking to one’s
own region. in a networked and mobile world, the time has
come to realise that one’s own actions impact on increasingly many people and that the “general situation” has long
since come to affect each individual region.
That is why sustainability in plans and actions is a daily
requirement and not merely a matter for theoretical considerations at ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS. This necessarily entails
taking responsibility for our employees, for the people in
our region, and for our customers and partners throughout
the world. resource-efficient manufacturing and non-toxic,
long-lived products are the most important quality characteristics for ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS aG. Trailblazing patent-
ed inventions, e.g. Tritan® crystal glass, along with numerous other technical advancements, have distinguished our
business as an innovative leader. although a large amount
of energy is needed to melt glass, this material is better suited for recycling than many other substances. That’s why the
raw materials, the production sequences and the design are
mutually fine-tuned so that the design, the durability, the
surface hardness and the return cycle of the materials all
combine to create a harmonious whole.
ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS has already implemented
many aspects of sustainable production within the context
of the iSo 14001:2004 certified environmental management system. our objective is to achieve an holistic and sustainable ecological balance sheet for all our processes and
products. Together with the TüV rheinland, we have drafted
an eco-profile that includes our productions entire process
chain: from the origin and extraction of the raw materials to
the shipping of the finished products to our customers. This
carbon footprint represents the resources used in manufacturing our products and it reflects their co2 balance, which
we continually strive to improve in all our daily processes.
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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TriTaN® crYSTaL GLaSS. ThE LoNGLiVED GLaSS wiTh aN Eco-ProfiLE.
Tritan® crystal glass is a milestone in the history of glass
manufacturing: it is lead- and barium-free and contains no
toxic additives, thus setting new ecological standards. This
glass compound has a favourable eco-profile and a carbon
Thanks to its longevity and its outstanding resistance to
breakage, Tritan® crystal glass is “the” material of the future.
its especially hard surface protects it against corrosion and
scratching, even when subjected to long-term stress, thus
making Tritan® crystal glass a sustainable product. its long
lifespan conserves resources which would otherwise be
consumed in manufacturing and transport. Tritan® crystal
glass is manufactured with the most efficient use of energy,
e.g. with computer-controlled kilns and laser processing
technology. This avoids placing any unnecessary burdens on
the environment.
our Tritan® crystal glass collections unite all the characteristics needed for perfect enjoyment: functional design, longlasting brilliance, and the satisfaction of knowing that this
glassware is produced by a company which respects mankind and the environment. Together with the TüV rheinland,
we constantly endeavour to achieve further optimisations
in the ecological properties of Tritan® crystal glass.
The glass compound with an eco-profile and a small
carbon footprint (co2 balance sheet)
Brilliant, break-resistant, dishwasher-safe
Lead- and barium-free
iSo 14001:2004 certified environmental performance
and iSo 14040:2009 eco-profile
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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The owners and chairmen of ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS:
Dr. robert hartel and Dr. andreas Buske
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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oUr fiVE-PoiNT PLaN for a
SUPErior Eco-ProfiLE.
1. raw Materials
analize all required raw materials to avoid creating toxins
and to assure that recyclable materials are used. rely on
regional raw materials and recycled glass from our own
production, thus avoiding unnecessarily lengthy transport
pathways and reducing consumption of fossil fuels.
4. Comprehensive Quality
ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS has implemented an environmental
management system to guarantee a sustainable business
concept while simultaneously upholding the high quality
of our products. The production process and the lifecycle of
the products will undergo ongoing optimisations from the
viewpoint of environmental technology.
2. Efficient use of Energy
5. Ecological and Social responsibility
To minimise the amount of energy needed for the glass melt,
ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS is committed to continually optimis- Taking responsibility begins with knowledge. That’s why
ing its production processes. a closed cycle for coolant water, ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS has built up a dedicated and comthermo-retrieval techniques, as well as ultraviolet and laser petent team. ongoing education programs for our employtechnologies all contribute toward reducing our overall en- ees assure this knowledge keeps growing and increases our
staff’s awareness of the importance of ecological issues.
ergy consumption.
we support and encourage our employees to contribute
positively to this ongoing process of social and ecological
3. reduced Emissions
Unnecessary emissions into the water and the air must be change. Together with the TüV rheinland, we continually
avoided. filtration systems and closed cycles for materials find ways to optimise the ecological aspects of our produchelp to achieve this goal. a newly installed melting tank tion.
significantly reduces emissions of co2 and nitrogen oxides,
thus making it a focal point for our production’s ecological
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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whaT wE haVE achiEVED for ThE
ENViroNmENT ThroUGh iNNoVaTioNS iN TEchNoLoGY aND iDEaS.
The cornerstones of a sustainable environmental policy are
heightened awareness about the use of raw materials and
energy, closed cycles for materials (wherever possible), and
the avoidance of unnecessary emissions. ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS has dedicated itself to this process for many years. our
goal has been to become a little bit better with each passing
day – and that is exactly what we have achieved so far.
1. Materials from the region
Natural raw materials, especially quartz sand, are extracted
in the nearby vicinity then internationally evaluated and approved for usage by rEach (registration Evaluation authorisation of chemicals). we also prioritize regional sources of
energy for the manufacturing process.
2. More Efficient use of Energy
The use of laser technologies in the production processes
has led to significant reductions in the consumption of
water and energy. Seventy percent of our coolant water remains within the closed cycle; and the water we release into
the environment is cleaner than it was when it entered our
3. reduced Emissions of CO2 und nitrogen Oxides
a new melting-tank technology has already reduced overall
co2 emissions by 30% and lowered emissions of nitrogen
oxides by 70%.
4. Improved Quality
our Tritan® crystal glass compound significantly reduces
the breakage rate compared to conventional crystal glass,
thus reducing the need for replacement production.
5. Ecological responsibility
all glass waste created during production is fully recycled.
ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS has developed an holistic wasteseparation concept for its administration, production and
warehousing. all packaging, including padding fillers are
manufactured from environmentally friendly, recyclable
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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a BriGhT aND SafE fUTUrE wiTh
TriTaN® crYSTaL GLaSS.
after having committed ourselves to autonomous and longterm optimisation of environmentally friendly production
under the iSo 14001:2004 certified environmental management system, ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS has now taken another step toward an environmentally friendly future with
the iSo 14040:2009 eco-profile for Tritan® crystal glass.
The goal of our efforts is a holistic and long-lasting
ecological balance sheet for all our processes and products.
our Tritan® crystal glass compound has already received an
eco-profile from an impartial institute. we are also striving
to further reduce our carbon footprint by continuing to optimise our daily processes.
in addition to encouraging general improvements, the
iSo 14001:2004 also relies on targets which each business
sets for itself. The eco-profile (Lci certification from the TüV
rheinland) assesses the environmental effects of the entire
consumption of raw materials and energy.
according to the “cradle-to-Gate” principle, the pathways of arriving raw materials and outgoing products are
meticulously charted to evaluate their environmental impact. a lifecycle inventory assesses the entire course of the
products’ lives.
all this forms the basis for an holistic ecological balance
sheet that also considers subsequent processing steps. The
application, usage and consumption attributes of the product are presently undergoing evaluation; ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS will prepare for further improvements after this stage
in the certification process has been completed.
Through this continuous optimisation process, our
business consistently contributes toward improving the
environment. consideration of the entire lifecycle of each
product is just as important as curtailing emissions and reducing consumption of raw materials. it is a daily challenge
that we willingly accept.
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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Ecologically sensible action hasn’t only reached the mainstream of society,
but has also always been an aspect of gourmet enjoyment. who would
want to drink an excellent wine nowadays if he or she knows that its cultivation exhausts the soil or harms the environment? respect for the objects
at hand and the joy of sharing them have always been inherent facets of
connoisseurship and savoir vivre. That’s why ecology is also an important
theme for the VDP. we’re pleased to see that vintners aren’t the only people
who are thinking about how improvements can be made.
Steffen christmann, chairman of the VDP – Die Prädikatsweingüter [association of Vintners of Special-Quality wines]
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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oNLY ThE BEST ProDUcTS for oUr
cUSTomErS – aT homE, iN hoTELS
Glass is an important component of daily culture. a wineglass can reveal an entire universe of sense impressions: it
highlights the glowing colour of the wine, and its vitreous
surface is a tactile pleasure for the hand that holds it. The
multi-faceted aromas of beverages and foods are accentuated by the shape of the glassware. This sensory process calls
for pure glassware, free from toxins, unsightly scratches or
Tritan® crystal glass is uncommonly pure. more so
than any other glass, it epitomises long-lasting and carefree
enjoyment. Glassware comes into direct contact with food
every day, so it goes without saying it must be tested to ensure potential toxins remain strictly within legally stipulated limits.
internationally patented Tritan® crystal glass not only
satisfies all standards, it also goes several steps beyond: it is
entirely free of heavy metals such as lead and barium, its uncommon hardness provides better protection against external influences, and its unique formula guarantees healthy
and pure enjoyment.
more than 3,000 restaurants and hotels around the
globe appreciate the quality of SchoTT ZwiESEL’s glassware. ours are the most frequently used drinking glasses in the
world’s finest restaurants. in the final analysis, conscious enjoyment is always the focal point – in hotels, restaurants and
bars, as well as in our customers’ homes.
SCHOTT ZWIESEL. The glass of the professional. appreciation through perfection.
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Products made by ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS are continually evaluated with regard to their quality, function and
design. Ecological awareness plays a central role in this process. ZwiESEL KriSTaLLGLaS and the SchoTT ZwiESEL brand have been awarded the following seals of quality and/or have been recommended by the following
associations and organisations.
Zwiesel ®
Dr.-Schott-Strasse 35
94227 Zwiesel/Germany
fon +49 (0) 99 22 / 98-0
fax +49 (0) 99 22 / 98-300
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The glass of the professional.
Appreciation through perfection.
08.02.10 20:56