
February 27 General Membership Meeting
– Everyone Invited!
Consumer Protection Agency Tips, Tricks and
Advice to Save Money and Avoid Ripoffs
Join us Thursday evening February 27 to hear a presentation by Debbie Brown, Investigator II and Community Education Coordinator for the Hillsborough County Consumer Protection Agency. She will tell us about the agency, its mission
and the latest information on consumer fraud trends including home solicitations, hiring a contractor, tax return fraud and
more. Education and information is considered the first line of defense in the battle to protect consumers from victimization. In addition to a power packed program, she will provide numerous take-home materials to help you avoid common
consumer problems.
Hillsborough County's Consumer Protection acts as the intake agency for consumer complaints alleging various unfair or
deceptive business practices involving the purchase of everyday goods and services. This department also regulates and
administers County ordinances and issue licenses for the Pain Management Clinics and Personal Injury Protection Medical Providers. The Consumer Protection Agency has also developed award-winning community outreach and education
programs, working actively in the community to provide information and assistance with issues relating to unfair and deceptive business practices.
The meeting begins promptly at 7:30 PM, following our popular 7:00 PM social hour featuring FREE pizza, sandwiches,
wings, other snacks and soft drinks. Have dinner and enjoy an informative program. Guests are invited and we encourage
first-time attendees - new residents or old! Great door prizes at the end of the evening. The meeting will be held at the
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church Family Life Center, 6100 Memorial Hwy. Please enter from the driveway
on the west side and drive to the parking lot adjacent to the Family Life Center building at the rear.
Are You More Proud of Your Home Than Your Trash Cans?
If you are, please
keep your trash
containers out of
sight on noncollection days.
Monday, February 10, 2014
7:00 PM, Town ‘N Country
Regional Library
All residents invited
Thank You!
Holiday Boat Parade
Sheriff’s Crime Report
Santa Visits Bay Crest Drive
Bay Crest on Your Side
Special Events
Useful Info for Residents
Tax District Report
Interesting Facts
Gardening Hints
Neighborhood Services
Cartoons & Humor Important Phone Numbers
…and more
Published Quarterly by the
Bay Crest Park Civic Association
PO Box 261116 Tampa FL 33685
Ken Broome, President …………………….…927-7932
Theresa Shell, Vice-President…………………885-1510
Jann Poulos, Secretary………………….…..…240-3399
Todd Moran, Treasurer……………….…….… 361-4499
Newsletter Editor – Gene Milas
Call 884-5511 for copy and ad deadlines. Published
in February, May, August and November.
Norm Coffman……………………………….…..885-5090
John Housand …………………………………290-0626
Jay Lovelace ………………………….………..317-4189
David May……………………………………..…299-6448
Gene Milas………………………………………884-5511
Scott Purol………………………………… ...….597-1122
Paul Sullivan……………………………………..765-7297
1/8 Page (Business Card)…$50.00
1/4 Page…$85.00
1/2 Page…$140.00
Full Page…$180.00
10% Discount to Resident Association Members
Keep Up With Bay Crest Park
On the web – baycrestpark.org
Feedback – [email protected]
Receive Enews – [email protected]
Info for New Advertisers
Sizes for Bay Crest Park Newsletter ads are:
Business Card – 3.5” wide x 2” deep
Quarter Page – 3.5” wide x 5” deep
Half Page – 7.5” wide x 5” deep
Full Page – 7.5” wide x 9.5” deep
Chris Roberts, President………………....….…323-3761
Damon Shields, Vice-President ………………454-5612
Jan Lentowicz, Secretary/Treasurer..…….. ...290-9535
Mark Mariani ……………………………...…….690-2012
Jerry Miller……………………………………….
Mike Perotti………………………………………242-5100
Jeff Dodd……………………………………805-797-7721
Finished copy may vary slightly in size, based on page
content, borders, fonts, and other graphics variables.
Additional charges for off-size or non-camera ready
copy. We cannot insert other materials such as
flyers or envelopes.
Send comments, concerns or suggestions to the Bay
Crest Special Dependent District (the “Taxing District”)
at [email protected]. Also use this address
for information on boat ramp permits.
Ken Broome
I welcome all residents both new and old to another fine year of living in the community of Bay Crest Park. We
have seen many changes in this neighborhood over time and I am pleased to state that most of them are for the better.
While we have our share of issues as in any large neighborhood, we seem to rise above this and continue to improve with
each passing year. As an example, our new forced main sewer project is complete and I want to thank all residents for
your patience and perseverance. Now we can all benefit from these necessary improvements that we can enjoy for many
years to come.
We need to stay focused and support the people that make this happen. By this I mean our Association officers and board
members and the trustees of our Special Taxing District that work tirelessly behind the scenes to continue to improve the
standard of living that we all appreciate. In addition to all the appointed and elected positions, we are always fortunate to
have superb volunteers that always step forward to help with our community projects.
I urge you to help us make this year the best in obtaining our goal of total membership participation. Last year we
achieved a membership total which was a little less than half of our neighborhood population. This is great, but in the past
we’ve approached 70 percent of all our families. I ask all of you to meet with your neighbors and urge them to join our
combined efforts to continue the activities and functions that set us apart from other communities. As President for the
past two years, I’ve met with many other neighborhood organizations and they always wonder how we do the things that
we do in Bay Crest. As examples, we have the annual picnic, holiday boat parade, community cleanups, children’s
Christmas and July 4 parades, community yard sales and an outstanding newsletter. We do it all because we all want to
assure our neighborhood is always safe, secure, desirable and attractive.
Please send in your 2014 family dues donation today and help us continue to better our way of living. Best regards to all
for a happy and prosperous New Year!
Todd Moran
As we start a new year, our membership and treasury balances are low and we must call on our residents to make dues
donations. In December, we ended 2013 with a membership of 422 families, or about 45% of the 935 homes in Bay Crest.
With a new year, we request that all Bay Crest residents help in covering costs of community services provided by your
Civic Association. Help your Officers, Board and volunteers in keeping Bay Crest a clean, safe and attractive
Please renew your membership the easy way, by mailing a check today. The suggested dues donation is $10, or more if
you desire. For proper credit, please be sure to include your Bay Crest address on your check.
Send to:
Bay Crest Park
Civic Association
PO Box 261116
Tampa FL
Jann Poulos
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Broome at 7:37 pm. Ken welcomed all to Wesley Memorial United Methodist
Church for the General Membership meeting. The board and attending members pledged allegiance to the Flag, led by Gil Lembach.
The minutes from the last General Membership Meeting were approved as published in the prior newsletter. Todd Moran reported the
association’s latest balance to be $429.94 with 421 paid members as of November 20, 2013.
President Ken asked for all new families in Bay Crest to please stand and the membership welcomed the Rex Jawers family of Bay
Crest Drive. Norm Coffman welcomed all to Wesley Memorial and reminded everyone that the Church provides a food bank for senior
adults with fixed incomes. All contributions are appreciated.
Gene Milas introduced the Speaker for the evening, Ms. Sandy Murman, District 1 County Commissioner.
After thanking us for our community activism and her attendance at our annual picnic, she provided a “State of the County” program,
introducing her newsletter and board meeting notes that she publishes. She brought everyone up to date on the biking/walking trail
parallel to the Courtney Campbell Causeway. She also discussed that county revenues were still behind prior years, the county is
financially strong with $2 million in reserves.
The Commissioner said that Hillsborough County is poised for smart growth with well defined housing and transportation. Next year
should be good in the areas of transportation and jobs with all major groups in the county working together. Auto manufacturers were
here recently to preview the area for import (port) and export (roads). At the same time, the county also recognizes the need to replace
old infrastructure such as stormwater drainage. A majority of the county’s budget (60%) is for the Sheriff’s Department and Fire Safety.
Of concern, according to Commissioner Murman, is the Upper Tampa Bay Trail, with plans to navigate through this area being
discussed. Due to constituent input, Sandy is trying to slow the project by looking at alternative routes. The project is under further
evaluation. On a positive note, she indicated that plans were underway to develop Skyway Park with a wellness trail or dog park to
connect with the Causeway Trail. There will be no sports complex there (much applause!). The commission is also working on uniting
DOT, SWFWMD and the county to research grants for our much needed canal dredging. Finally, Commissioner Murman informed us
that there were several legislative bills addressing the federal issue of flood insurance rate increases for property owners in flood zones.
These bills address a proposed affordability study or even a moratorium for two years. Many people are working on a delay in
implementation of these increased rates.
Questions from the audience included 1) What is the status of the I-4 corridor development? Commissioner Murman said that the
infrastructure is not readily available yet but they are working with Plant City in a joint effort, and 2) What about a monorail from
Westshore to the Airport? Commissioner Murman said they are working on increase of use of public transportation as well as types of
rapid transit like dedicated lanes and other “people mover” types of transportation. Hillsborough County is ready to invest and there is
federal money available. Concluding, Commissioner Murman thanked the group and wished us all Happy Holidays!
President Ken opened discussion on old business: Norm Coffman said that 39 homes participated in the November community yard
sale. Because of rain, it was delayed for a week. Vice President Theresa Shell reported that the Picnic was successful and some
Sweetwater and other guests were greatly impressed. There was a great round of applause for Theresa’s efforts and she said she
could always use more help for next year! Also noted was the damage to the flagpole on Lopez Drive, probably due to recent road
construction. Replacement was estimated at $800, so a member of the Taxing District volunteered to research repair or replacement.
(The flagpole has since been straightened by volunteer Board members). Lynette Peel asked if we were interested in continuing
Dumpster Day. There was a unanimous yes and she said she would apply for the grant.
Moving on to new business, resident Terry Fortino asked for donations for Michelle’s Kids, a toy drive (tax deductible) to provide for
children that would not have a Christmas gifts.
John Housand reminded everyone of the Bay Crest Boat Parade on December 7. This is the 14th year for the parade with some great
prizes. Gene Milas also reminded all that Santa would be visiting Bay Crest on December 15 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at Peel Park.
Jan Lentowicz, a Trustee of our Taxing District asked that we come to their meetings (second Monday of each month). They decide
where our Bay Crest special tax funds will be spent and would like ideas to benefit our community.
President Ken said that new Bay Crest is getting new street signs (a Taxing District project) with Middle and Old Bay Crest to follow.
The project should be completed by summer.
Vice President Theresa drew door prize winners:
Jann Poulos - $25.00 – Alyssa Nicole Salon
Sheila Erich - $25.00 -Pho Quyen Restaurant
Rex Jawers – $25.00 – Alyssa Nicole Salon
Betsy Wood - $20.00 – Longbar & Grill
With all business concluded, Ken adjourned the meeting at 9:01 PM.
November 21 Membership Meeting
Commissioner Sandy Murman
Updates Residents on County Issues
At our November General Membership Meeting, we were honored to have our District 1
County Commissioner, Sandy Murman, present a discussion program on issues and
actions in County government.
Sandy, our long-time friend and advocate of Bay Crest and other neighborhoods she serves,
gave an overview of progress and problems from her County Commission perspective and
answered numerous questions from the audience.
She provided a “State of the County” program, introducing her newsletter and board meeting
notes that she publishes. She brought everyone up to date on the biking/walking trail
parallel to the Courtney Campbell Causeway. She also discussed that county revenues
were still behind prior years, the county is financially strong with $2 million in reserves.
The Commissioner said that Hillsborough County is poised for smart growth with well defined housing and transportation.
Next year should be good in the areas of transportation and jobs with all major groups in the county working together.
Auto manufacturers were here recently to preview the area for import (port) and export (roads). At the same time, the
county also recognizes the need to replace old infrastructure such as stormwater drainage. A majority of the county’s
budget (60%) is for the Sheriff’s Department and Fire Safety.
Of concern, according to Commissioner Murman, is the Upper Tampa Bay Trail, with plans to navigate through this area
being discussed. Due to constituent input, Sandy is trying to slow the project by looking at alternative routes. At this point,
the project is under further evaluation.
On a positive note, she indicated that plans were underway to develop Skyway Park with a wellness trail or dog park to
connect with the Causeway Trail. There will be no sports complex there (much applause!). The commission is also
working on uniting DOT, SWFWMD and the county to research grants for our much needed canal dredging.
Health nuts are going to feel stupid
someday, lying in hospitals
dying of nothing.
Sheriff’s Crime Map Report
The listing shown is a Sheriff’s summary of reported crime incidents in the Bay Crest Park area during the three
month period from October 24, 2013 to January 24, 2014.
It does not include
traffic accidents or
incidents or minor
civil actions such
as warrant serving.
The data on the
website are public
may be accessed
by anyone.
On the site, you
can pick the zip
and types of crime.
select an address
Hillsborough County
and track crime occurrences within a specified distance from that point.
The web address of the Sheriff’s Crime Mapping database is: gis.hcso.tampa.fl.us/crimemapping/.
Some Thoughts on Becoming Old
Consider these:
Your kids are becoming you......but your grandchildren are perfect!
Going out is good.. Coming home is better!
You forget names. But it's OK because other people forgot they even knew you!
You realize you're never going to be really good at anything.... especially golf.
The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do
care that you don't care to dot hem anymore.
You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It's called
You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch..
You tend to use more four-letter words ...like "what?” or "when?"
Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it's not safe to wear it anywhere.
You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"
What used to be freckles are now liver spots.
Everybody whispers.
You have three sizes of clothes in your closet....two of which you will never wear.
But Old is good in some things: Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, Old Friends!
- contributed by resident Norm Wetzel
The Benjamin Macht
Mortgage Group
I am a Bay Crest Park resident offering special mortgage lending service and
discounts to all current and future residents and to servicing Realtors® and brokers.
Mobile: (502) 523-4594
Email: [email protected]
Websites online soon: besttampabaymortgage.com
Santa Visits Bay Crest Drive
Santa Claus (a.k.a. resident Gil Leimbach) arrived on Bay Crest Drive at 2:30 PM on Saturday, December 15. Greeted
by a number of expectant children and their parents, the old elf was delivered to the end of Bay Crest Drive with a load of
gifts on a golf cart. As shown in the photo, children also crowded into Santa’s cart for a short ride
Event Chairperson Lorraine Mathes and assistant “elves” arranged the annual event and assisted Santa with his duties.
Snacks and soft drinks were provided for all.
Photos contributed by Kim Macht and Gwyn Leimbach
Your Neighborhood Real Estate Professional
Certified Distressed Property Expert
 Bay Crest Resident’s discounts on commissions and closing costs!
 I can sell or rent your home fast!
 Looking for a home? Let me help you find a great deal!!
 Do you qualify for a short sale? Call me & I can help you find out!
Traci Chadbourne, CDPE
Experience Counts!
[email protected]
Licensed Realtor in Tampa since
Exit Bayshore Realty
Damon Shields
Happy New Year from the Bay Crest Park Taxing District! As the New Year opens the Taxing District is pressing
forward with the initiatives that we have been working through over the course of 2013. I am excited to announce that we
are starting the next phase of the street sign project and that the initial phase of the sign project has been completed. Our
vendor will be starting with Phase II – Middle Bay Crest in the next few weeks. As in Phase I – New Bay Crest, we will be
replacing the county’s signage with new signs on new poles. We are all very thankful to the many people who have
provided such positive feedback on the project. The new signs really do improve the appearance of our neighborhood and
I know many people have expressed excitement about having the signs on their street replaced. We anticipate that we will
begin Phase III – Old Bay Crest in the late spring with an anticipated completion sometime in June.
The Taxing District continues to operate and maintain the neighborhood boat ramp and we really appreciate the
contributions and efforts of our board member Mark Mariani. Mark has done an outstanding job being responsive to the
needs of the users of the ramp, working with residents to keep our records accurate and even spearheading some
initiatives to continuously improve our resource. Let’s all please continue helping Mark in his efforts by keeping the area
clean, letting us know when you have had a vehicle change, and remembering that the boat ramp is only open during
daylight hours. Like all of the common areas in Bay Crest, it is up to each of us to do our part to make our neighborhood
the best in town!
We continue to maintain the stormwater drains in the neighborhood. We have been adding new baskets each fiscal year
since the project started and FY2014 is no different. We have budgeted to add an additional 13 baskets this year and will
continue working with our vendor to maintain and clean the drainage baskets. Each year this program literally keeps
TONS of garbage from finding its way into our canals and Old Tampa Bay and the Tax District is very committed to
continuing this important effort.
As always, I would like to remind all residents that the Bay Crest Park Taxing District meets on the second Monday of
every month at 7:00 PM at the Town ‘N Country Public Library on Paula Drive. We encourage residents of the
neighborhood to attend, share ideas and bring any questions
you might have.
Finally, I would like to recognize the contributions of two of
our Tax District board members. First, I would like to
welcome Jerry Miller as our newest district member. Jerry
stepped into his role on the board in November of 2013 and
has already brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to
the table. As with any organization, ours has had an unsung
hero and that person, in our case, is Jan Lentowicz. Jan is
filling a dual role as both Secretary and Treasurer and, as
such, sets up our meetings, handles almost all of our
correspondence, oversees most of our projects and is
generally a tremendous resource for both the Taxing District
and Bay Crest Park as a whole. I am very thankful to all of
the Taxing District Members and all of the residents who work
with us to make Bay Crest Park the wonderful place to live
that it is.
Next Taxing District Meeting
Monday, February 10
7:00 PM Town ‘N Country
Regional Public Library
Current water restrictions. As of December 13, 2013 outdoor water use for irrigation of established lawns and
landscaping is restricted to ONE day per week according to a property’s address. Irrigation must be accomplished prior to
8:00 AM or after 6:00 PM. Any one zone of a property may only be watered once during the allowable day, NOT both in
the morning and evening. The prescribed days are as follows: 1) Addresses ending in the number 0 or 1: Mondays 2)
2) Addresses ending in the number 2 or 3: Tuesdays 3) Addresses ending in the number 4 or 5: Wednesdays 4)
Addresses ending in the number 6 or 7: Thursdays and 5) Addresses ending in the number 8 or 9: Fridays.
Out of sight. On non-collection days, Hillsborough County code requires that all garbage and recycling containers be
placed out-of-sight on residential properties. For some, this has proven challenging because they still have the old cans
and lack space for the new carts. If you no longer use the old bins or trash cans, you may place them inside your GRAY
roll cart for disposal. They will be melted and converted into energy at Hillsborough's Solid Waste Energy Recovery
Facility. (If your old trash can does not fit inside of the gray cart, place it on the curb on a trash pickup day with a large
sign asking for it to be taken away. If the driver misses your can, call Republic Services at 265-0292 and they will send the
driver back to your address.) Hand watering of lawns is permitted only on the designated day.
Seniors can save some cash. Did you know that the Public Utilities Department offers a 25% senior citizen's discount for
solid waste disposal to residential customers? To find out if you qualify for this discount, please complete the application
found online at www.hillsboroughcounty.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/461 or call 272-5680.
Final needs planning seminar March 11. The Town ‘N Country Senior Center, in concert with Blount & Curry Funeral
Home is presenting a complementary seminar event on Tuesday March 11, 2014 at 11:00 AM. The seminar will provide
valuable information about final-needs options, financial considerations, planning and more. The seminar is totally free,
and will offer a luncheon, door prizes, and a variety of final needs planning information. You must RSVP for the event as
soon as possible, to facilitate planning for the luncheon. Call (813) 814-444 to reserve a spot. You may also contact the
Senior Center Manager, Lori Radice, at (813) 873-6336 or [email protected].
Advertise in the Bay Crest
Newsletter, published in
February, May, August and
November. See rates and ad
sizes on page 2.
Bay Crest
on the Web
Check it Out!
Call 884-5511 for more
information, or email
[email protected]
Keep their lawns mowed and edged, and yards
free of trash and debris
Keep cars and boats off the lawn
Place trash out for collection the night before,
not days before
Keep the sidewalks clear
Keep trash cans out of sight
Watch out for their neighbors
Are YOU a Good Neighbor?
car windows – free
Good neighbors respect their property
and their neighbors. Good neighbors:
Decals for home or car
-free with paid membership
High quality aluminum front
license plate – only $5 to members
American Flags
3’ x 5’ cotton/polyester, $10
3’ x 5’ embroidered, $20
All items available at
membership meetings
14th Annual Bay Crest Holiday Boat Parade Sparkles
For the 14th consecutive year, brightly decorated boats took
to the Bay Crest Park canals Saturday evening, December 7.
This year, 14 boats participated, plus a number of residents
entered the dock decorating contest. This year’s event also
featured a prize pool of over $2000 in merchandise and gift
certificates generously donated by local businesses. Overall,
about 33 businesses contributed, most of them from our local
Photos included here represent only a sample of the decorating
skill of our boating community, and can’t do justice to the
fantastic variety of colors and the enthusiasm of the crews and
Prizes were given for First, Second, and Third places plus
Honorable Mentions in both boat and dock decorating. John and
Barbara Housand’s entry, “Under the Sea with Dolphins and
Jellyfish” took First Place for boats, and Rex North took First
Place for docks with synchronized lighting and Christmas tree. A
complete list of winners for boat and dock decorating is shown
below, and a list of prize donors on the next page.
This year, the weather was perfect! Special thanks to John and
Barbara, Donna Corona, and all the captains and committee
members for a great event. As is the tradition, this was a
wonderful opportunity for residents to have parade-watching
parties and backyard cookouts, with many visitors coming from
outside Bay Crest to view the event.
Boat Decorating Winners
1st Place
John & Barbara Housand Under the Sea Theme with Dolphins and Jellyfish
2nd Place
Todd Moran
Party Boat with Santa in a Hammock
3rd Place
Mike Bayle
Honorable Memtion
Tom & Donna Corona
Peacock with Sleigh
Dock Decorating Winners
Rex North
Synchronized Lights with Tree on Boathouse
Al & Sandy Shingle
Hawaiian Theme with Volcano and Dancing Santa
Steve Winter
Blue Theme with Fireworks
Honorable Mention (Tie)
Charles & Amy Orial
Christmas Story with Animals
Honorable Mention (Tie)
Patrick & Theresa Shell Dock and Entire Backyard with Lights
14th Annual Bay Crest Holiday Boat Parade
Thanks to the generosity of the many sponsors and donors listed below, a total of over $2000 in prizes and gift certificates were given to event winners in all categories.
Many of these businesses have supported our boat parade over multiple years; please consider them when shopping for a
product or service they provide.
620 WDAE
Best Western Bay Harbor Hotel
Boaters Republic
Florida Aquarium
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
Mix 100.7
Pho Quyen Cuisine
Piper’s Marine
Safety Harbor Resort and Spa
Signature Massage
Village Inn
Whiskey Joe’s
2 Square Pizzaistro
Alyssa Nicole Salon
Charann’s Tavern
Expressions Nail & Spa
Hair Concepts
Hungry Howie’s
Longbar Pub & Grill
Outback Restaurant
Pet Sitting by Lorraine
Philly Phlava
Red Lobster
Tampa Bay & Company
The Family Flower Shoppe
The Terrace Café at Bon Appetit
Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Westshore Pizza
Follow the parade on Facebook at “Bay Crest
Holiday Boat Parade.” Send photos or videos
to John Housand at
[email protected].
Photos by Gene Milas and Kim Macht
Town ‘N Country Spring
Expo and Plant Sale
Saturday, April 5, 2014
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
6100 Memorial Highway
PLANT SALE: Plants grown by Garden Circle members at great prices!
EXPO: Gardening-related vendors and other plant societies
FOOD TRUCK RALLY: 12 Trucks for a great variety!
TOOL SHARPENING: Services by Bill Hebert – Reasonable prices
For more information or to reserve a craft table:
Sharon T. Cooper (813) 727-2947, (813) 886-2015, or [email protected]
Sheriff Installs Permanent Drug Drop-off Boxes At District Offices
While maintaining its annual Operation Medicine Cabinet drug collection event,
Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has installed permanent drug drop-off boxes at its
four patrol district offices. The drop-off boxes are available 24 hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.
“Citizens are now able to properly dispose of unwanted, unnecessary and expired prescriptions,
over-the-counter medicines and veterinarian prescriptions,” said HCSO Public Information
Officer, Larry McKinnon. Officials said the initiative expands the current prescription and overthe-counter drug take-back program in Hillsborough County. The permanent drug drop-off
initiative does not replace the department’s annual Operation Medicine Cabinet campaign.
Serving the Brandon and South Shore area communities since its inception in 2006, the annual event has collected more
than 6,000 pounds of prescription drugs and medications, as it works in conjunction with Home Instead Senior Care.
The new permanent take-back sites will provide multiple options for residents of Hillsborough County to safely dispose of
unwanted and unused medications. The four District Office locations are:
District 3: 7202 Gunn Hwy. in Tampa (Serving Bay Crest Park)
District 1: 14102 North 20th Street in Tampa
District 2: 2310 North Falkenburg Road in Tampa
District 4: 503 33rd Street SE in Ruskin
Information provided from a an HCSO news release. For more about HSCO, visit www.hcso.tampa.fl.us.
A clear conscience is the sign
of a fuzzy memory.
Some Good Stuff for Bicycle Riders
Thanks to our friends in the Dana Shores/Pelican Island neighborhoods. This information
was found in their newsletter, Shore Lines.
We recently went on the hunt for a great (but inexpensive) set of bicycle lights. Here are our
Our Favorite Headlight: Schwinn 1W Head Light [Best price we found: Walmart.com for $10.89] Super bright LED and
easy to install, offering steady and flash modes.
Our Favorite Taillights: Bontrager Flare 1 Taillight [Best price we found: www.trekbikes.com for $14.99] OR M-Wave
Helios 3.3 S LED Taillight [Best price we found: Walmart.com for $14.99] Both are bright red LED lights. They’re easy to
install and use AAA batteries. They offer 3 different flashing patterns.
Bicycle theft is on the rise in Tampa. To reduce this risk on your outings, lock your bike to a bicycle rack or stand. Place
the lock through the frame and both wheels.
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office offers a bicycle registration program, which they use to return lost or stolen
bicycles to their proper owner. For a copy of the registration form and related information, visit www.hsco.tampa.fl.us, type
bicycle registration in the search box, and select Go .
Pastor Ernie
invites you
to stop by
and say Hi!
Meet our new Lead Pastor,
Ernie Post. Pastor Ernie
came to Wesley in July. He
was born in Paterson, NJ
and attended Frankfurt
American High School in
Germany. He went on to
undergrad and graduate
studies at Virginia Tech in
Blacksburg, VA, and then
completed postgraduate
studies at Princeton
Seminary. He was the
founding pastor at West
Oaks United Methodist
Church and Ocoee UMC.
Join Us in December for the Christmas Season
Worship Celebration
9:00 AM Traditional Worship - Chancel Choir
10:00 Education Classes – Adult, Youth, Children
11:15 AM Contemporary Worship
Band and Praise Team, Childrens’ Church
Loving Child Care 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
KidZone Ministry
Wednesday Night Live – Preschool to 5th Grade
6:30-8:00 PM
Family Dinner 5:30-6:30 PM
Sunday Children’s’ Classes – Elementary (1st – 5th),
Preschool, Kindergarten 9:00 – 12:15 PM
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Lead Pastor Ernie Post
Your Neighborhood Church
6100 Memorial Highway
Phone (813) 886-2536
Weekday Child Care at BRIDGES 882-9921 [email protected]
Mount Rushmore Honors US Presidents
As we approach Presidents Day February 17, here are a few
facts about one of the country’s most significant monuments:
The southeastern face of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota's
Black Hills National Forest is the site of four gigantic carved
sculptures depicting the faces of U.S. Presidents George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore
Roosevelt. Led by the sculptor Gutzon Borglum, work on the
project began in 1927 and was finally completed in 1941. Over
that time period, some 400 workers erected the sculpture under
dangerous conditions, removing a total of 450,000 tons of rock in
order to create the enormous carved heads, each of which
reached a height of 60 feet (18 meters). In sculptor Borglum’s
original design, the four presidents were meant to be represented
from the waist up, but lack of funding stopped the carving after
completion of the faces. Known as the "Shrine of Democracy," the
monument welcomes more than two million visitors every year, and is one of America's most popular tourist attractions.
On July 4, 1930, a dedication ceremony was held for the initial sculpture of Washington. After workers found the stone in
the original site to be too week, they moved Jefferson's head from the right of Washington's to the left; the head was
dedicated in August 1936, in a ceremony attended by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In September 1937, Lincoln's head
was dedicated, while the fourth and final head--that of FDR's fifth cousin, Teddy Roosevelt--was dedicated in July 1939.
Borglum died in March 1941, and it was left to his son Lincoln to complete the last details of the monument in time for its
final dedication ceremony on October 31 of that year.
You Are Invited to Join The Friends of the
Town 'N Country Regional Library
Family membership is only $10 annually, and funds are
used to help enhance the appearance and ambience of
our regional library.
The Friends have supplied the library with a number of
amenities that would not have been available to the
Library without the Friends assistance of approximately
$42,000. Friends funds are derived from membership
dues and the sale of gently-used, donated books at the
Bargain Street Book Store. In the past, the Library Friends
have supplied:
The wrap-arounds on the children's check-in desk and
in the main library.
The hanging mobiles (birds) in the children's section.
The end panels of the book shelves in the children's
library and in the main library.
The round tables and leaf-back chairs in the children's
section of the library.
An on-going contract for foliage rental and
maintenance in the downstairs lobby and main library.
An annual contribution of $10,000 for special
programs for seniors, adults and children.
The Friends also provide Books on Wheels to the Town ‘N
Country Hospital and sends books to members of our
armed services overseas. All funds raised are used at our
own library.
“We want a cozy, secluded 20-acre farm
surrounded by hills, trees, and streams,
within walking distance of shops, restaurants,
schools, theaters, and hot night spots.”
Neighbors Introduce Bay Crest Organic Food Co-op
Interested in local organic produce? Join the new Bay Crest co-op with Tampa Bay
A "co-op" is simply a way for people to come together as a group and buy something in bulk
at a savings. Many local farms use the co-op model. Tampa Bay Organics delivers to one
stop in the neighborhood for no charge, which eliminates the need for individual residents to
make trips to an organic farm or market.
You chose the produce from what's in season that you like, in an amount that fits your size household, delivered right to
our neighborhood. No membership fee, no delivery fee, no commitment! For more information contact:
Julie Santelices (co-op leader), Driftwood Drive, [email protected], (202)641-0935, or Erin Greaser, Bay Crest
Lane, [email protected], 813-391-2125.
Anyone in the neighborhood can visit the source website www.tampabayorganics.com. They have locally grown organic produce boxes that are priced at $35, $45, and $55 (small, medium, large). With a co-op of at least 4 members
each delivery day we get a 10% discount off the top. There is an introductory “say hello” promo code to receive 50% off
your first order. You can order every week, every other week, or only when you feel like it. You can receive all fruit, all
vegetables, or a combination of both. You select your preferences each week from what is in season, so you only get
what your family eats. It’s free to sign up, and you don't get billed until delivery day. Everyone gets billed individually only
for what they order and when they order it, so there is no owing neighbors money, no getting billed on weeks you didn't
want a box. To try it out, select “Bay Crest Park” on the signup page.
The difference between
stupidity and genius is
that genius has its limits.
Tampa Bay
Orchid Society, Inc.
Saturday and Sunday, March 1-2, 2014
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Egypt Shrine Center Activities Bldg.
4050 Dana Shores Drive
Tampa, FL 33634
(Adjacent to the A La Carte Event Pavilion)
Orchid Repotting Available
American Orchid Society Judging
Artistic Orchid Displays. Including Arts & Crafts
Orchids, Supplies and related items on sale
Educational Workshops
Hourly Door Prizes
Admission $5
Ample FREE Parking
Goodbye, Terry
One of our friends and a long-time newsletter advertiser, Terry Kimball, has closed
his automotive repair business and retired
to New York State.
Terry and his wife Dana owned Auto Care
of Town & Country at 6012 Eleanor Drive.
They had been in the area and provided
quality service for about 30 years!
Good health and good fortune to them in
their retirement, with thanks for all the quality work and the many friendships made in
Bay Crest Park.
Do Your Pipelines a Favor:
Put Grease Where It Belongs with C.O.R.E
You’ve got used cooking oil and grease. The County wants to recycle it. Pick up a cooking
oil recycling jug and return it – or bring your own container – to a recycling station at any
time. Look for the brightly-colored, free-standing cabinet with the C.O.R.E. identification.
All cooking oils – including frying oil, and bacon and hamburger drippings - can cause
problems in home plumbing and the sewage collection system. Here’s what to do:
Carefully pour cooled cooking oil into a large, sturdy plastic or wax-coated container, such as the original
container, a juice carton, or a C.O.R.E. jug (available for free at the C.O.R.E. station listed below).
Cap the container. If the container is not the original or a C.O.R.E. jug, label it as holding cooking oil.
Store the container in a cool, safe location until it is full.
Don’t mix the grease with any other liquids or products.
Once the container is full, bring it to a C.O.R.E. station or to a Hillsborough County Household Chemicals
and Electronics Collections center.
The C.O.R.E. Station nearest to Bay Crest is at the Town ‘N Country Pump Station, 5505 Town ‘N Country Boulevard,
Tampa 33615 (east side of Town ‘N Country Boulevard, north of Hillsborough Avenue).
Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes.
That way, you will be a mile away and he won’t have any shoes.
Pets Lost and Found. If you have lost or found a dog or cat in Bay Crest, call Daphne at 967-4777. She will coordinate
information with owners and finders to reunite pets with their families. Give her a description of the lost or found animal,
location where found, and any other pertinent information. Leave a voice mail message if needed.
The residents listed below offer services to their Bay Crest neighbors. If you would like to get your name on this list
or have it removed, call 884-5511. The Association does not endorse any person listed or guarantee their service,
but only provides names as a convenience.
NOTE: Neighborhood Services listings are offered only to those residents who have made a current annual
dues donation. A name may be listed in only one services category for any issue of the Newsletter.
Service Offered
Adult Care
Sidrah Audifferen
Grace Moran
Home Repairs & Maintenance
Robert Fredley
Home Security – CCTV Sales, Service, Repair
John Delage
Lawn Mowing and/or Landscape Maintenance
Parker Moran
Pet Care
Lorraine Mathes
Plumbing, Electrical, General Home Repair
Andy Tom
Real Estate Sales / Mortgage Loan Services
Rhonda Augustine
Mario Larrea
Benjamin Macht
Discounts to residents
Solar Energy/Pool Heating
Joel Gray
A+ BBB Rating
Jan Lentowicz
Certified Babysitting
18 Years Experience
Certified Veterinary Tech
A+ BBB Rating
Report Animal Emergencies, Cruelty and Neglect
If you are experiencing or witness an animal emergency or animal related crime such as
an animal locked in a vehicle, abuse or neglect, a sick or injured animal, dog bites or attack, or
a blood sport, such as dog or cockfighting, do not hesitate to contact the Sheriff’s Office at
247-8200, dial 911, or call Animal Safety and Enforcement at 813-744-5660.
Common signs of animal neglect include abandonment, clearly visible wounds, protruding bones, skin issues, lack of
veterinary medical care, lack of clean water, wholesome food, and proper shelter from the elements, heat stroke
symptoms (e.g., animals locked in a vehicle).
Board of Directors Meeting – Wesley Memorial - 7:00 PM. …. Last Tues of month (except general meeting months & Dec)
General Membership Meetings - Wesley Memorial – 7:00 PM .………...….February 27, May 29, August 28, November 20
Hazardous Household Waste Accepted at Sheldon Road – 8:00 AM -2:00 PM ……...……..... First Saturday of each month
Taxing District Board Meetings – Town & Country Library – 7:00 PM…………Second Monday of each month (except July)
Animal Cruelty Hotline …………………..…….744-5550
Animal Services ………………………………..744-5660
Auto Problems (Lemon Law)…..…………800-321-5366
Bay Area Car Pooling Service ….……. .……..282-8200
Building Permits….…………………………..…272-5600
> Code Compliance…………………………….635-7313
Canals - Permits/Questions …………………..905-7678
Chamber of Commerce……...………………...855-4233
Child Abuse (Emergency)...……………………224-9911
Child Care Licensing………………………….. 272-6487
Child Neglect………………………………800-962-2873
Citizen Action Center ………………………..272-5900
Code & Housing Enforcement………………...274-6600
> Illegal Sign Removal…………………………274-6600
Consumer Protection Agency…………………903-3430
Contractor Problems……………………………272-5600
County Commissioners:
Sandy Murman (District 1) ..…..… .272-5470
Ken Hagan (At Large ) .……...…… 272-5725
Kevin Beckner (At Large) ………… 272-5730
Mark Sharpe (At Large) ……..……. 272-5735
Crisis Center ……………………………………..……211
Elder Help Line …………………………………273-3779
Elder Net Services……………………...….…..964-1577
Electronics Equipment Recycling……….…….621-2319
Environmental Protection (County) ……….….627-2600
Environmental Deputy …………………………690-8564
Florida DEP Marine Patrol ………………….…632-7600
St. Joseph's……………...……..870-4000
Shriner’s Children’s…….…888-665-5437
Tampa General …………….….844-7000
Town & Country………………..888-7060
VA Hospital……………………..972-2000
Library (TN’C Regional)………………………..273-3652
Medicaid (State of Florida)……………….....…871-7600
Mosquito Control .........................................635-5400
Parks & Recreation .....................................635-3500
Pets, Lost & Found in Bay Crest ..................967-4777
Poison Control Center………………….800-222-1222
Port Authority (Dock Permits) ......................905-5031
Post Office (Paula Drive) ……………………..888-6839
Price Gouging Hotline………………..…..866-966-7226
Public Service Commission .................. 800-342-3552
Public Works Department (County)…………..635-5400
Rental Property Inspections ……………….…274-6651
Roadway Maintenance (WSU) ..........………554-5006
Roadway Maintenance (State) .……………..744-6038
Roadway Maintenance (City of Tampa) ….....622-1940
R-O-W Mgt. Office (Permits) .......................274-6500
School System ............................................272-4000
Sewer Department (County) ...................... .272-6680
> (Emergency) ............................................744-5600
Sexual Predators (FDLE)……………..…888-226-1140
Sheriff (Main Office Dispatcher) …………..247-8200
>District III Office…………………………..…..247-0330
>Environmental Abuse ............................... .247-8605
>Marine Patrol Unit .....................................276-2608
Small Claims Court .....................................276-8100
Solid Waste (County)………………………….272-5680
State Rep. Dana D. Young ...................... ..835-2270
State Senator John Legg …...………………909-9919
Tampa Electric Co ……………..223-0800 or 228-1111
>Emergency Reporting …...……………..877-588-1010
>Malfunctioning Street Lights…………………223-0800
Traffic Sign Repair (County) ........................635-5400
Trash Pickup (Republic Waste Service) …... 265-0292
Truancy Reporting …………………………..975-2018/9
US Rep. Kathy Castor………………………..871-2817
Veterans Affairs ..........................................975-2181
Water Department (City - Emergency) .........274-7400
Water Resource Services (County)…………..272-6680
West Service Unit ....................................... .554-5006
Zoning Department .…………………………...272-5920
Code Enforcement Issue? Our Bay Crest Code Enforcement Investigator is Mr. William Langford.
Bill can be reached at [email protected] or call 813-274-6600.
Suspected Code issues can also be reported anonymously online at www.hillsboroughcounty.org.
Bay Crest Park Civic Association
P.O. Box 261116
Tampa FL 33685
PERMIT #3093
Gardening Tips
- from the Hillsborough County Extension Service
FLOWERS: Annuals: Ageratum, Alyssum, Arctotis, Asters, Baby's Breath, Balsam, Begonia, Bracteantha, Browallia, Calendula,
California Poppy, Carnation, Diascia, Dianthus, Dusty Miller, Foxglove, Gaillardia, Geranium, Lobelia, Marguerite Daisy, Nemesia,
Ornamental Cabbage/Kale, Osteospermum, Pansy, Petunia, Snapdragon, Strawflower, Sunflower, Sweet Pea, Vinca, Viola
VEGETABLES: Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cantaloupes, Carrots, Celery, Collards, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Endive, Green
Onions, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mustard, English Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radish, Squash, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watermelon.
HERBS and SPICES: Anise, Basil, Bay Laurel, Borage, Caraway, Cardamon, Chervil, Chives, Cilantro/Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Ginger,
Horehound, Lemon Balm, Lovage, Marjoram, Mexican Tarragon, Mint, Nasturtium, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Thyme.
BULBS: Achimenes, African Lily, Alstroemeria, Amaryllis, Amazon Lily, Aztec Lily, Blackberry Lily, Caladium, Calla, Canna, Crinum,
Crocosmia, Dahlia, Gaillardia, Gladiolus, Gloriosa Lily, Hurricane Lily, Kaffir Lily, Lilies, Louisiana Iris, Morea, Rain Lilies, Society Garlic,
Tiger Lily, Tritonia, Tuberose, Voodoo Lily, Walking Iris, Watsonia,
Plant or transplant cold hardy trees and shrubs.
Fertilize citrus trees if not done in January.
Fertilize annuals and vegetables.
Prepare vegetable and flower gardens for spring planting. Till soil and add organic matter such as manure, compost or peat. Test pH of
soil (Contact your county Cooperative Extension Service) and add lime or sulfur if necessary.
Prune, mulch and fertilize roses. Roses that are older than 1 year require a major pruning each year. Remove one-third to one-half of
the top growth and any unproductive growth. Strip all leaves from remaining to rid plant of latent diseases and insects.
Control scab disease on citrus. Scab fungus causes light brown, corky areas on fruits and leaves of susceptible citrus varieties. Spray
Murcott, Page, and Temple varieties with a copper fungicide when new growth emerges and again when 2/3 of petals have fallen.
Fertilize lawn and trees. Shop for a fertilizer that contains slow- or timed-release nitrogen. Broadcast the fertilizer over the soil or mulch
and water. The nutrient and water absorbing roots of trees and shrubs are concentrated in the upper 6 to 12 inches of soil so there is no
need to punch holes in the soil--simply water in. Apply mulch to all plant beds. A 2-3 inch layer of mulch will discourage weeds and
retain moisture in the soil.
Apply pre-emergent weed killer to lawn. Pre-emergent herbicides kill weed seeds as they germinate. Some fertilizers contain preemergent herbicide. Do not apply them near trees and shrubs or in areas where any seed will be planted.
Fertilize shrubs. A good lawn fertilizer such as 12-4-8 or 15-5-15 or the like is usually adequate. Shop for a product with 30% to 50% of
the nitrogen in a water-insoluble or slow-release form. Acid-loving plants (Azaleas, Hollies, Gardenias, Camellias, etc.) will benefit from
an acid-forming balanced fertilizer such as 6-6-6 or 8-8-8 . Broadcast the fertilizer on the soil surface and water in.
Start vegetable and flowers from seed. Sow seeds in flats or pots in a light, sterile mix. Plant seed no deeper than twice the seed's
thickness. Place in a sunny spot; keep warm and moist. Watch new growth for aphid infestation. Aphids feed on the undersides of new,
tender leaves causing curled, distorted growth. Most broad-spectrum insecticides control aphids, but soap solutions also effective.