Nest Rehab


Nest Rehab
Nest Rehab
Vol. 1 Issue 1
NEST Rehab Facility located at the NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island is a partnership/collaboration between NEST
and NCARI with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission as overseer of permits and activities.
June 2009 — March 2010
NEST Rehab Report
A record number of sea turtles have been treated and released from the NEST Rehab Facility located at the North
Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island. The precipitous drop in temperature in mid-winter caused numerous cold-stunned turtles
to need treatment. Our program
requires that each turtle be tested
prior to admittance. Although our
veterinarian, Dr. Mary Burkart,
generously volunteers her time, the
initial screening tests cost $160.58
per turtle. Additional care often
increases the expenditures (has
been as much as $200.00 more).
© Photo by Teresa Kelly/NCRI Aquarium
Due to the limited space in our facility,
some turtles were transported to
other aquariums
after being tested.
Using ingenuity,
a drill, and her
The turtles survival
personal time,
rate has steadily
Aquarist Christian
increased due to
Legner managed
the quick response
to separate eight
sea turtles in
of our volunteers
each of our large
who contributed
tanks. Those with
1831.6 hours and
infections and/
traveled 6463.4
or wounds were
miles this year.
kept in tanks by
The graphs on
side 2 cover June,
2009 through March, 2010.
© Photo by Teresa Kelly/NCRI Aquarium
(above) Kaye Lyerly returning a green turtle to a
portable tank after the water has been changed.
(right) Kathy and Al Fitz cleaning and changing
water after feeding is over.
© Photo by Teresa Kelly/NCRI Aquarium
NEST is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. Please consider a tax deductible
donation using PayPal on this website.
Dr. Mary Burkart (right) and Christian Legner
(left) confer at Roanoke Island Animal Clinic
about one of the many cold-stunned loggerheads from Okracoke February 6.
Note: It is our intention to provide periodic newsletter updates about NEST Rehab via
e-mail. To receive these NEST Rehab updates, please e-mail your address to:
[email protected].
NEST Rehab Data
June, 2009—March, 2010
What species did we see?
How many days were they in Rehab?
Where are they now?
Thank You!
We would like to thank the following organizations
and supporters for their assistance:
Maylon White Director, NC Aquarium at Roanoke Island
Buster Nunnemaker Public Relations, NC Aquarium at Roanoke Island
Christian Legner Aquarist, NC Aquarium at Roanoke Island
U.S. Coast Guard Hatteras, N.C. amd Ft. Macon, N.C.
Max Radio of the Carolina’s WCMS FM 94.5 and WCXL FM 104.1
East Carolina Radio WERX FM 102.5 and WRSF FM 105.7
WNCT-TV Channel 9
WAVY-TV Channel 10