1/6 APPLICATION FOR PILOT EXAM Male Female Application for
1/6 APPLICATION FOR PILOT EXAM Male Female Application for
APPLICATION FOR PILOT EXAM PART 1 – APPLICANT DETAILS APPLICANT NAME First: Gender: Middle: Male Last: Female Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy) GCAA FILE No (if available): Nationality: GCAA License Number (if applicable) Name of Employer: UAE National ID Number (if available) Tel. No. (Residential): Tel. No. (Office): Mobile Number: Email: Facsimile No. (if any) UAE Postal Address: PART 2 – Application Check list Exam Type Application for Examination For GCAA Use only Air Law exam 1. Request letter from employer/school 2. One Full color photo with White background, size (35 x 45 mm). with less than 6 months old. Wearing glasses are not acceptable as well as head coverings unless for religious reason 3. Passport copy 4. Examination fee -Dhs.200/5. Fast Track Application – additional Dhs.200/- (Within ten working days) ATPL/Frozen ATPL exam 1. Request letter from employer/school 2. One colored photo (White background) size 3.0 x 3.5 cm 3. Letter from approved GCAA School confirming theoretical knowledge course completion. 4. Copy of passport with visa page or immigration work authorization. 5. CPL/IR certificate (not required for Frozen ATPL applicant) 6. Copy of UAE Class I medical certificate 7. Examination fee -Dhs.200/- Form (AC-01) Revised on 01 Nov 10 1/6 8. Fast Track Application – additional Dhs.200/- (Within ten working days) CPL Exam 1. Request letter from employer/school 2. One colored photo (White background) size 3.0 x 3.5 cm 3. Letter from approved GCAA School confirming theoretical knowledge course completion. 4. PPL Exam 5. Copy of UAE Class I medical certificate 6. Examination fee -Dhs.200/- 7. Fast Track Application – additional Dhs.200/- (Within ten working days) 1. Request letter from employer/school 2. One colored photo (White background) size 3.0 x 3.5 cm 3. Letter from approved GCAA School confirming theoretical knowledge course completion. 4. Instructor rating Ground Examination Copy of passport with visa page or immigration work authorization. 5. Copy of UAE Class II medical certificate 6. Examination fee -Dhs.200/- 7. Fast Track Application – additional Dhs.200/- (Within ten working days) 1. Request letter from employer/school 2. One colored photo (White background) size 3.0 x 3.5 cm 3. Letter from approved GCAA School confirming theoretical knowledge course completion. 4. Instrument Examination Copy of passport with visa page or immigration work authorization. Copy of passport with visa page or immigration work authorization. 5. Copy of UAE CPL or ATPL License 6. Copy of UAE Class I medical certificate 7. Examination fee -Dhs.200/- 8. Fast Track Application – additional Dhs.200/- (Within ten working days) 1. Request letter from employer/school 2. One colored photo (White background) size 3.0 x 3.5 cm 3. Letter from approved GCAA School confirming theoretical knowledge course completion. 4. 5. Copy of passport with visa page or immigration work authorization. Copy of UAE CPL or ATPL License Form (AC-01) Revised on 01 Nov 10 2/6 6. Copy of UAE Class I medical certificate 7. Examination fee -Dhs.200/- 8. Fast Track Application – additional Dhs.200/- (Within ten working days) PART 3 – LICENSE AND MEDICAL DETAILS: If you are holder of UAE License, please state the details: License Type: ATPL Category : MPL Aeroplane CPL PPL Helicopter ○Hot Air, Gas Filled, ○Pressurized, ○Combination Gas/Hot Air, ○Balloon Group Rating with an envelop Capacity ) Balloon ( Group Ratings: S/E Land M/E Land Aircraft Type Ratings: Instrument FI English Language Proficiency: ELP S/E Sea Land IRI CRI Level: 4 5 SFI 6 M/E Sea Land STI TRI MCCI Re-assess date: …………………… Do you hold Foreign Pilot license? Yes No Authority:……………………… License Number: ……………… Expiry Date: …………………. Foreign R/T License No…………………. License Type: ATPL Category : MPL Aeroplane ELP level………………………. CPL Re assess date………………….. PPL Helicopter ○Hot Air, Gas Filled, ○Pressurized, ○Combination Gas/Hot Air, ○Balloon Group Rating with an envelop Capacity ) Balloon ( Group Ratings: S/E Land M/E Land S/E Sea Land M/E Sea Land Ratings: Instrument FI CRI STI English Language Proficiency: ELP IRI Level: 4 Yes Number: ……………… Class: …………………………… Do you hold UAE Medical? Yes Number:……………… Authority: …………………………… Do you hold Foreign Medical? 5 SFI 6 TRI MCCI Re-assess date: …………………… No Expiry Date: …………………. No Class: ……………………… Has any license (UAE or foreign) ever been suspended or revoked? Yes If Yes, please submit details: Expiry Date: …………….. No Has your Medical Certificate ever been refused, downgraded, issued with a waiver, or issued with a limitation (except for use and carriage of glasses)? Yes No If Yes, please submit details: Form (AC-01) Revised on 01 Nov 10 3/6 PART 4 –APPLICATION DETAILS FOR EXAM Applied Category : Aeroplane Helicopter Balloon Exam Types: Air Law examination PPL examination by applicant attending approved course. CPL examination by applicant attending approved course. Frozen ATPL FCL Based examination. Instrument Rating examination. Instructor Rating Ground examination. Flight Examiner Examination Frozen CPL FCL Based examination. VR Communications IR Communications General Navigation Radio Navigation Instruments Meteorology Airframe/Systems Performance Mass Balance Optional Procedures Air Law Principles of Flight Flight Planning Human Performance of limitations Form (AC-01) Revised on 01 Nov 10 4/6 PART 5- APPLICANT DECLARATION Photo With White background Size 3.0 x 3.5 I hereby declare and certify that I have read and understood all the questions and notes set forth in this application and the answers I have furnished on both pages of this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of this application or the revocation/suspension of the license or rating. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT (sign inside the above box) DATE: ________________ Form (AC-01) Revised on 01 Nov 10 5/6 Part 6 – For GCAA Use Only- Inspector Remarks 1- Age Acceptable Not acceptable 2- Knowledge Acceptable Not acceptable 3- Skill Acceptable Not acceptable 4- Experience Acceptable Not acceptable 5- Medical Acceptable Not acceptable Recommended Not Recommended Additional Documents Inspector Internal comments: Inspector External comments: Name of the Inspector ______________________________ Date:______________ RESET Signature____________________ PRINT Form (AC-01) Revised on 01 Nov 10 6/6
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