Spring Summer 20015
Spring Summer 20015
Spring Summer 2015 Collection net az. ydi .ol www BORN IN CARACAS 1972 VISUAL ARTIST, COMBINED MEDIA EDUCATION 2012 PUBLIC POLICIES STUDIES IN GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ,WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, CAF, UNIVERSITY CATHOLIC ANDRES BELLO 1998‐1999 CAMBERWELL COLLEGE OF ART LONDRES ,ENGLAND, MASTER IN FINE ART COMBINED MEDIA , LONDON, ENGLAND. 1997‐1998 CHELSEA COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN LONDON, ENGLAND, POST‐GRADUATE STUDIES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MODERN ART. 1991‐1996 INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN PLASTIC STUDIES ARMANDO REVERON, BACHELOR IN FINE ART , PAINTING, CARACAS , VENEZUELA. SCHOLARSHIPS 1997‐1999 FUNDATION GRAN MARISCAL AYACUCHO CARACAS VENEZUELA 1995 CONAC CARACAS VENEZUELA 1994 MUSEUM OF SCIENCE CARACAS VENEZUELA 1993 GOBERNACION DE CARACAS FEATURED EXHIBITIONS 2013 THE GLADSTONE HOTEL,NY ,USA, HYDE PARK ART CENTER,CHICAGO,USA, CLEANERS AT THE ACE HOTEL,PORTLAND,OR,USA, SAN FRANCISCO CENTER FOR THE BOOK,SAN FRANCISCO,CA,USA, IAM8BIT, LOS ANGELES,CA, USA. SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2010 FUNDATION JUAN CARMONA SALA ALTERNATIVA BARQUISIMETO VENEZUELA 2010 ALLIANCE FRANCAISE MEMORIA GLOBAL CARACAS VENEZUELA 1997 ALLIANCE FRANCAISE DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS BARQUISIMETO VENEZUELA 1994 CULTURAL CENTER DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS BARQUISIMETO VENEZUELA COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 2013 BROOKLYN ART LiBRARY, BROOKLYN, NY, USA 2013 CO‐LAB PROJECT SPACE, AUSTIN, TX,USA 2013 MASS COLLECTIVE,ATLANTA, GA, USA 2013 CURATORS VOICE ART PROJECTS CONTEMPORARY ART MIAMI FLORIDA USA 2013 XIII VELADA DE SANTA LUCIA, MARACAIBO, VENEZUELA 2012 VELADA DE SANTA LUCIA HAMBURGO ALEMANIA 2012 XII VELADA DE SANTA LUCIA MARACAIBO VENEZUELA 2012 WORLD BANK ART PROGRAM, CHANGE, LATIN AMERICAN ART, WASHINGTON DC, USA 2012 SCHOOL OF ART MARTIN TOVAR Y TOVAR BARQUISIMETO VENEZUELA 2012 CARTAZINI BIENNIAL CARTAZINI GALLERY PARIS FRANCE 2011 GALERY RAFAEL MONASTERIOS UCLA BARQUISIMETO VENEZUELA 2010 65 BIENNIAL ARTURO MICHELENA VALENCIA VENEZUELA EXHIBITED ALSO IN DIFFERENT GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS IN VENEZUELA AND UNITED STATES MASON MUSEUM, ATLANTA, USA. QUINLAN VISUAL ART CENTER, GAINESVILLE, USA,VENEZUELAN EMBASSY,NY , USA ,FIA, IBEROAMERICAN ART FAIR , CARACAS VENEZUELA CHELSEA COLLEGE OF , LONDON, ENGLAND, MENDOZA AWARD, GALERIA MENDOZA CARACAS VENEZUELA, MUSEUM JACOBO BORGES CATIA Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Bowling Style +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ olyd iaz. net Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Weekend bag +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ o lydi az.n et Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Envelope +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ olyd iaz. net Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Credit Card Wallet +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ olyd iaz. net Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Mini Messenger +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ olyd iaz. net Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Panama Grande +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ olyd iaz. net Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Panama Mini +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ olyd iaz. net Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Mini Art +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ olyd iaz. net Every Item in the Oly Diaz Collection is handcrafted in Spain using original Artwork and Genuine Leather. Yours is Unlike any other in the world. Piramide +34 672 3206 53 ( Spai n) oly@ olyd iaz. net ing Spr mer Sum ion ect oll 5 C 201 www.olydiaz.net