2012 Boy Scout Adventures


2012 Boy Scout Adventures
ATTENTION: TROOP LEADER 20121nformation Enclosed 2012 SCOUT GROUP RATES Great Opportunities for Your Troop:
• An admission price of only $34.99 (ages 3 to 61 AND 48" tall or taller) and $14.99 (ages 3 to 61 AND under
48" tall-OR- ages 62 and above) per person for Scouts, their families and their friends- valid for the 2012
public operating season!
• A SPECIAL TENT CAMPING PRICE as low as $6.75 per person/per night-valid for the 2012 public
operating season. Your TROOP LEADER CAMPS FREE and a second troop leader camps free with
groups of 10 or more camping!
• Use of campground facilities and grounds for your special needs. DESIGN YOUR OWN MERIT BADGE
• CHALLENGE DISCOVERY will offer special pricin~ for groups of I0 or more! Experience a day of team
building in an exciting outdoor environment less than 112 mile from the Park.
• EVENT PATCHES will be available to all Scouts!
Campground Facilities
• Located less than I mile from Kings Dominion
• Open Year Round (Park is not open all year)
• Swimming Pool open Memorial Day through Labor Day
• Restrooms and Showers with hot water
• Full Utilities, Pull-Through and Shaded Sites
• Game Room
• Camp Store
• Playground
• Dump Station
• Tents Welcome
• Call for winter rates
Create your next Scouting program at our campground!
• Fields for Activities
• Tent Pavilion
• Swimming Pool for Activity Use
Contact: 800-922-6710 or email: Events@ KingsDominion.com
Camping Rates for ZOlZ
Tent Only (up to 4 campers) ....................................... . 527.59 (+tax) per site Tent Only for parties of 5 or more.....................................$6.75 per person Your troop leader and a second leader camp FREE with camping orders of I0 or more. To reserve sites for travel trailers, 5th wheels, pop-ups or motor homes call the campground directly at 800-922-6710. Please refer to these prices when reserving a campsite on the Ticket Order Form. Campground Information
The Kings Dominion Campground offers beautiful sites for tents or vehicle camping. For additional campground
information and regulations please call804-876-3006 or 800-922-6710.
Winter Camping
Campground is open year-round! Call 800-922-671 0 for winter rates and reservations.
KINGS DOMINION IS OFFERING GREAT SCOUT RATES FOR 20121 An entire season of fun, camping and excitement especially designed for Scouts of all ages! Attention Scouts!
Challenge Discovery and Kings Dominion are
teaming up to offer an exciting opportunity for
Scouts participating in Scout Adventure 2012. The
Challenge Discovery Adventure Learning Center is
a beautiful wooded environment located behind the
Kings Dominion Campground , which offers great
convenience for your troop! Challenge Discovery
will help your troop build relationships and improve
teamwork through thoughtprovoking, action­
learning experiences. Challenge Discovery's programs are non-competitive and use a "challenge-by-choice" philosophy;
even individuals with less athletic ability or interest are never left out. All participants will know that they have not only
contributed to the team's success but also experienced a rewarding personal accomplishment while helping each other
work towards a High Adventure or Climbing badge! The Challenge Discovery Ropes Course Complex is certified by
the Association of Challenge Course Technology. They also exceed the Association of Experiential Education standards.
If you have additional questions regarding safety or guidelines at Challenge Discovery, please caii877-337-TEAM (8326).
Programs that will change the way your troop works together!
Challenge Discovery's programs focus on the following objectives:
• Building camaraderie and teamwork
Open Weekends
Saturday & Sunday - April 7- May 20
AlsoFriday-Aprii6,May4, II, 18, &25
Spring Break Open for a limited schedule
Monday, April 9- Friday, April 13
Open Daily May 26- September 3
Park Open September 8 , 16, 23
Park Closed September 9, 15, 22
Open Weekends
Friday night, Saturday & Sunday
September 28- October 28
Open for Halloween Haunt
Friday nights- September 28;
October 5, 12, 19 & 26
Saturday - September 29, October 6, 13, 20 & 27
Sunday - October 7, 14, 21 , 28
WaterWorks Open at 12 noon
Regular Park Operating Days from
May 26- September 3
• Supporting one another
Go to KingsDominion.com
for a complete operating calendar.
• Developing leadership
• Having fun together
• Improving self-esteem
How do you participate?
To make reservations and anrange payment, contact Challenge Discovery directly.
Reservation Deadline:
6 to 8 weeks in advance
Minimum Group Size:
10 or more
Contact Information:
phone: 877-337-TEAM (8326)
Events@ KingsDominion.com
Or write:
Kings Dominion
Scout Adventure 20 12
P.O. Box2000
Doswell, VA 23047-2000
website: challengediscovery.com
Age Groups: Activities are for Scouts in the 5th grade and up.
Pricing: Mention Kings Dominion Scout Adventure 20 12 when making your reservation to receive the best rate! Basic
pricing, program information and company philosophies are availalble on-line at challengediscovery.com.
It's a great deal for an invaluable learning experience
that your troop will remember for years to come!
Have a catered lunch for your group of 25 or
more members in our picnic pavilion. It's very
affordalble and fun!
Call 804-876-5340 for details.
Challenge Discovery operates as a separate company from Kings Dominion. Please do not contact Challenge Discovery
regarding Park tickets or camping reservations. Instead, use the fonn on this brochure to arrange for these activities.
For a list of preferred hotels please call the
Kings Dominion Information Center at
Act Now to Purchase Your Tickets in Advance!
• Please postmark your order two weeks prior
to visiting the Park.
• Complete the ticket order form on this brochure.
• Mail it with your full payment to Kings Dominion.
• Groups must purchase a minimum order of I0 tickets and will receive one complimentary ticket for every I0 tickets purchased. • If you would like to participate in Challenge Discovery you must make separate reservations with them at least 6 to 8 weeks in advance of your visit. • You will be able to buy additional Park admission tickets the day you attend for the group sales gate price of $35.99 (ages 3 to 61 AND 48"tall or taller) or $25.99 (ages 3 to 61 AND under 48" ta/1--0R-----<~ges 62 and above). These tickets may be purchased at the Group Admissions building which is located at the front gate area. Ages two and under are free all season. These albove prices are for Scouts, their families and their friends. © 20 12 Dale Earnhardt, Inc. Intimidator"' 305 takes its name from Dale Earnhardt, "the Intimidator". © 20 I 2 Peanuts Worldwide LLC, Peanuts.com © 2012 Cedar Fair, LP. KD 12-080 • No refunds, exchanges or rainchecks will be given.
Prices, policies and programs are subject to change without notice. • Please reserve your camping on the Ticket Order
Form and your pre-paid reservation will be sent to
our campground.
Kings Dominion is conveniently located 75 miles
south of Washington, D.C. and 20 miles north of
Richmond, VA Take exit 98 off 1-95.
DATE(S) you plan to visit Kings Dominion*:
(Tickets wiff be dated and valid for the day your group is visff:ing the Park. If you are visff:ing two consecutNe days (two day tickets), please fist both dates.) * Pfease view our operating calendar in this brochure for a listing of Public Operating Days. ConbctName__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Billing Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Mailing Address To Send Tickets (No P.O. boxes.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Troop/ Pack/Post# _____________ Council N a m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­
Phone Number (Mon-Fri, 9-5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alternate Phone Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
TICKET ORDER We need the following tickets:
x $34.99 each
_ _ junior/Senior One-Day General Admission Tickets
x $24.99 each
Order and payment must be received at
Kings Dominion at least two weeks prior to
the date you plan to visit
_ _ Regular Two-Day General Admission Tickets
x $52.00 each
_ _ junior/Senior Two-Day General Admission Tickets
x $44.00 each
_ _ Regular One-Day General Admission Tickets
0 We have ____ people (5 or more) camping
OR x $6.75 per person/ per night (tax included)
Guests ages 3 to 61 AND 48" tall or taller.
x_ _night(s)
We have ____ 4 or fewer people tent camping for a flat fee
of $27.59 ( + tax) per site/per night
Guests ages 3 to 61 AND under 48" tall
OR ages 62 and above.
x_ _night(s)
Please mail ticket order form and payment to:
We need ____ souvenir event patches for our group (optional)
x $2.00 each
_ _ Purchase your tickets to Dinosaurs Alive!
Kings Dominion
Scout Group Rates 20 12
P.O. Box 2000
Doswell, VA23047-2000
x $5.00 each
Processing Fee
Total Enclosed
$ _ _ __
Prices, programs, policies and operating schedule subJect to change
or cancellation w ithout notice. N o refunds, exchanges or raincheck.s.
Park ck>sed to public: September 9. I5. 22. 20 12.
Your troop leader camps FREE! For camping orders of I0 or more, a second troop leader also camps FREE!
(Refer to previous page for camping prices.)
# of Complimentary Troop Leaders (2 max.) ______
We will receive ONE complimentary t icket(s) for every I0 purchased in advance. (Free tickets do not include camping.)
#of Complimentary Ticket(s) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
0 Troop Check
Credit Cards Accepted:
(check one) Make checks payable to Kings Dominion. 0 Money Order
0 Certified Check
0 MasterCard
0 Cashier's Check 0 Discover
OAMEX AccountNo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Exp . D~e
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name of Cardholder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Check in Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Total Number of Tents: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Check Out Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Total # of Campers:
ta --,t--p,--l-d,­
roo ea ers.
To make travel trailer, 5th wheel, pop-up or motor home reservations, contact the campground directly. If you have additional questions regarding camping, please call800-922-671 0.
DEADLINE: Tickets will be shi pped via UPS prior to your arrivaLPlease mail payment two weeks in advance of your visit.
Phone Credit Card Payments to:
804-876-5561, Group Sales Deptartment
Fax Credit Card Payments to:
804-876-5864, Group Sales Department