

Arc Enterprise
Installation and Configuration
Version 5.1.x
© 2003 - 2010 Arc Solutions (International) Ltd. All rights reserved
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4th Edition, June 2009 (This manual covers software version 5.1.x)
5th Edition, February 2010 (This manual incorporates changes made in software version 5.1.1)
Written by Mark Kent
Printed in England
The equipment complies with all the relevant
conditions if used in accordance with the manual.
Section 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................1 - 1
Text Conventions in This Guide ............................................................................................................. 1 - 1
Section 2: License Agreement ................................................................................................2 - 1
Section 3: Important Information ............................................................................................3 - 1
Compatibility between Arc Connect 5.1.x and CallManager ......................................................... 3 - 1
Music on Hold ....................................................................................................................................... 3 - 1
TAPI Resilience ...................................................................................................................................... 3 - 1
Busy Lamp Field .................................................................................................................................... 3 - 1
Busy Lamp Field - Fixed (all versions) .................................................................................................. 3 - 2
Busy Lamp Field (scalable - version 5.0.2 onwards) ......................................................................... 3 - 2
Call Park ................................................................................................................................................ 3 - 2
Auto Answer .......................................................................................................................................... 3 - 2
Other Information to consider ............................................................................................................ 3 - 2
Requirements for Arc Connect Suite (SQL Server Version) ................................................................ 3 - 2
Registration ............................................................................................................................................. 3 - 3
Registering the software ...................................................................................................................... 3 - 3
Viewing Licenses .................................................................................................................................. 3 - 4
Section 4: Product Overview ...................................................................................................4 - 1
CallManager Numbering Plan for a sample installations .................................................................. 4 - 2
Performance Information ...................................................................................................................... 4 - 3
Arc Enterprise Premium Hardware and Software Requirements ...................................................... 4 - 4
Support for Windows 2008 Server/CUCM Telephony Service Provider 7.1 .................................... 4 - 4
PC Server ............................................................................................................................................... 4 - 4
Microsoft SQL 64bit Support ................................................................................................................ 4 - 6
Arc Enterprise Premium Client Software ............................................................................................ 4 - 7
Backups ................................................................................................................................................. 4 - 8
Server Redundancy ............................................................................................................................. 4 - 9
Security Considerations ....................................................................................................................... 4 - 9
Network Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 4 - 9
Database Considerations - Microsoft SQL Server ............................................................................. 4 - 9
Database Collation .............................................................................................................................. 4 - 9
............................................................................................................................................. Phonetics 4 - 10
Section 5: Contact Information and Services Available ......................................................5 - 1
Section 6: Installation Checklist ..............................................................................................6 - 1
Installation and Configuration Checklist ............................................................................................. 6 - 1
Section 7: Installation of Arc Connect Components ............................................................7 - 1
Installation - Initial Common Screens ................................................................................................... 7 - 1
Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/Vista/7 ................................................ 7 - 3
Installation of the Arc Connect Server and Administration ............................................................... 7 - 4
Creating a CTI Reference point ........................................................................................................... 7 - 8
Arc CTI Server .......................................................................................................................................... 7 - 9
Installation of Arc Enterprise Console Operator ............................................................................... 7 - 12
Installing Console Operator on Windows 2003/2008 and Windows 7 ............................................ 7 - 16
Installation of the Arc Voice Server .................................................................................................... 7 - 18
Installation of Arc Call Connect Agent ............................................................................................. 7 - 21
Installation of Arc Connect Supervisor ............................................................................................... 7 - 24
Arc CUPs Server .................................................................................................................................... 7 - 27
Installation of Arc Connect Wallboard .............................................................................................. 7 - 31
Installation of Arc Connect XML Agent ............................................................................................. 7 - 34
Installation of Arc Web Connect ........................................................................................................ 7 - 38
Section 8: Creating Databases ...............................................................................................8 - 1
Administrator Logon ............................................................................................................................... 8 - 1
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Creating a New Configuration Database ...........................................................................................8 - 1
Creating a New Logging Database ....................................................................................................8 - 2
Creating Indexes ....................................................................................................................................8 - 3
Viewing Licenses ...................................................................................................................................8 - 3
Section 9: Arc Connect Resilience ........................................................................................ 9 - 1
Installation of Publisher ...........................................................................................................................9 - 1
Installation of Subscriber ........................................................................................................................9 - 7
Section 10: Arc Connect Configuration (for Publisher) ...................................................... 10 - 1
Configuring Arc Connect Primary Server (Publisher) ........................................................................10 - 1
Change Password ..............................................................................................................................10 - 1
Creating Indexes ................................................................................................................................10 - 1
Configuring the CT Gateway ..............................................................................................................10 - 2
General Properties ..............................................................................................................................10 - 2
Dial Plan Groups .................................................................................................................................10 - 5
Rule Manager ..................................................................................................................................10 - 9
Resource Groups ..............................................................................................................................10 - 12
Resource Group Devices .................................................................................................................10 - 13
Host PBX Gateway Devices ..........................................................................................................10 - 13
Pre CT Gateway Devices .............................................................................................................10 - 14
Service Queue ...............................................................................................................................10 - 15
Call Parking ....................................................................................................................................10 - 16
Voice Mail ......................................................................................................................................10 - 17
User ..................................................................................................................................................10 - 18
CLI Tag ...............................................................................................................................................10 - 18
DDI Tag ..............................................................................................................................................10 - 20
Queue Priority ....................................................................................................................................10 - 21
Host Servers ........................................................................................................................................10 - 22
Communities .......................................................................................................................................10 - 22
Communities .....................................................................................................................................10 - 23
Community Elements .......................................................................................................................10 - 24
Contact Management ......................................................................................................................10 - 25
General ..............................................................................................................................................10 - 25
Internal Contacts ..............................................................................................................................10 - 25
Adding a new Contact ................................................................................................................10 - 26
External Contacts .............................................................................................................................10 - 30
Contact Properties ...........................................................................................................................10 - 33
Job Titles .........................................................................................................................................10 - 34
Regions ...........................................................................................................................................10 - 35
Important Keywords for Notes .....................................................................................................10 - 36
Quick Search .....................................................................................................................................10 - 37
Directory Groups ...............................................................................................................................10 - 37
Directory Group Contacts ...............................................................................................................10 - 38
Import/Export ....................................................................................................................................10 - 39
LDAP Synchronisation .........................................................................................................................10 - 40
Scheduled Sources ...........................................................................................................................10 - 40
Source Details ................................................................................................................................10 - 40
Container .......................................................................................................................................10 - 42
Schedule .........................................................................................................................................10 - 43
Fields Mapping ..............................................................................................................................10 - 44
Rules ................................................................................................................................................10 - 46
Rules Directory Group ...................................................................................................................10 - 47
Messaging ...........................................................................................................................................10 - 48
Paging ................................................................................................................................................10 - 48
General ...........................................................................................................................................10 - 49
Page Request ................................................................................................................................10 - 50
Page Response ..............................................................................................................................10 - 51
Page Groups ..................................................................................................................................10 - 53
Page Group Contacts ..................................................................................................................10 - 53
SMS ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 - 54
General .......................................................................................................................................... 10 - 54
Vendor ............................................................................................................................................ 10 - 55
Vendor Details ............................................................................................................................... 10 - 55
Parameter Mapping ..................................................................................................................... 10 - 57
Error Mapping ................................................................................................................................ 10 - 57
Test SMS .......................................................................................................................................... 10 - 59
SMS Request ................................................................................................................................... 10 - 59
Users ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 - 61
Permissions ......................................................................................................................................... 10 - 61
Permission Groups ......................................................................................................................... 10 - 61
Permissions Assignment ................................................................................................................. 10 - 63
Differentiating between Communities and Permission Groups .................................................. 10 - 63
Supervisors ......................................................................................................................................... 10 - 64
Wallboards ........................................................................................................................................ 10 - 65
Agents ................................................................................................................................................ 10 - 67
Agent Properties ............................................................................................................................ 10 - 67
Agent Options ............................................................................................................................... 10 - 68
Operators .......................................................................................................................................... 10 - 69
Reason Codes .................................................................................................................................... 10 - 70
Unavailable Reasons ....................................................................................................................... 10 - 71
Break Reasons ................................................................................................................................... 10 - 72
Skill Priority .......................................................................................................................................... 10 - 73
Call Completion ................................................................................................................................. 10 - 73
Completion Code ............................................................................................................................ 10 - 74
Completion Groups ......................................................................................................................... 10 - 74
Completion Code Groups .............................................................................................................. 10 - 75
Arc Presence Management ............................................................................................................. 10 - 75
General Settings ............................................................................................................................... 10 - 76
Status Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 10 - 76
Call Connect ACD Configuration .................................................................................................... 10 - 78
Skills ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 - 78
Skills .................................................................................................................................................. 10 - 78
Skill Set Template ........................................................................................................................... 10 - 79
Template Assignment ................................................................................................................... 10 - 80
Agent Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 10 - 80
Queues. ............................................................................................................................................. 10 - 81
Queue Details ................................................................................................................................ 10 - 81
Service ............................................................................................................................................ 10 - 82
Queue overflow ............................................................................................................................ 10 - 83
Queue Completion Groups. ........................................................................................................ 10 - 84
Queue Alarm defaults ..................................................................................................................... 10 - 84
Call Filters ........................................................................................................................................... 10 - 85
Break Hours ....................................................................................................................................... 10 - 87
Queue Breaks ................................................................................................................................ 10 - 88
Break Hour Templates ................................................................................................................... 10 - 89
Template Assignment ................................................................................................................... 10 - 91
Arc Voice Connect Server Configuration ....................................................................................... 10 - 91
Voice Server Setup ........................................................................................................................... 10 - 91
Voice Connect Configuration .......................................................................................................... 10 - 95
General ............................................................................................................................................. 10 - 95
Phrases ............................................................................................................................................... 10 - 96
Messages ........................................................................................................................................... 10 - 96
In Queue Messages ......................................................................................................................... 10 - 98
Voice Scripts ..................................................................................................................................... 10 - 99
Voice Sessions ................................................................................................................................. 10 - 102
Voice Call Filters ............................................................................................................................. 10 - 103
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Break Hours ......................................................................................................................................10 - 104
Break Hour Templates .................................................................................................................10 - 105
Template Assignment .................................................................................................................10 - 108
Console Connect Configuration ....................................................................................................10 - 108
Console Queues .............................................................................................................................10 - 108
Operator Queues ...........................................................................................................................10 - 110
Operator Groups ............................................................................................................................10 - 110
Directory Groups .............................................................................................................................10 - 111
Page Groups ...................................................................................................................................10 - 111
Console Call Filters ..........................................................................................................................10 - 112
Routing Tag Groups ........................................................................................................................10 - 114
Break Hours ......................................................................................................................................10 - 114
Queue Breaks ...............................................................................................................................10 - 115
Break Hour Templates .................................................................................................................10 - 115
Template Assignment .................................................................................................................10 - 118
Web Connect Configuration ..........................................................................................................10 - 119
General Settings .............................................................................................................................10 - 119
Skills ...................................................................................................................................................10 - 119
Skill Set Template ............................................................................................................................10 - 121
Template Assignment .................................................................................................................10 - 122
Agent Skills .......................................................................................................................................10 - 122
Queues ............................................................................................................................................10 - 123
Data Filters .......................................................................................................................................10 - 124
Chat Phrases ...................................................................................................................................10 - 125
Break Hours ......................................................................................................................................10 - 126
Queue Breaks ...............................................................................................................................10 - 126
Break Hour Templates .................................................................................................................10 - 127
Template Assignment .................................................................................................................10 - 129
Section 11: Arc Connect Configuration (for Subscriber) ................................................... 11 - 1
Configuring the CT Gateway ..............................................................................................................11 - 1
General Settings .................................................................................................................................11 - 1
Resource Group Devices .....................................................................................................................11 - 3
Host PBX Gateway Devices ...............................................................................................................11 - 3
Pre CT Gateway Devices ...................................................................................................................11 - 4
Service Queue ....................................................................................................................................11 - 4
Call Parking .........................................................................................................................................11 - 4
Voicemail ............................................................................................................................................11 - 5
Contact Management ........................................................................................................................11 - 5
Import/Export ......................................................................................................................................11 - 5
Call Connect Configuration ................................................................................................................11 - 6
Call Connect Configuration - Queues .............................................................................................11 - 6
Call Connect Configuration - Call Filters .........................................................................................11 - 7
Voice Connect Configuration ............................................................................................................11 - 7
Voice Sessions .....................................................................................................................................11 - 8
Voice Call Filters ..................................................................................................................................11 - 8
Console Connect Configuration ........................................................................................................11 - 9
Console Queues .................................................................................................................................11 - 9
Console Call Filters ............................................................................................................................11 - 10
Section 12: Uninstalling Publisher/Subscriber ..................................................................... 12 - 1
Uninstalling Publisher ............................................................................................................................12 - 1
Uninstalling Subscriber ..........................................................................................................................12 - 5
Appendix A - Arc Connect Resilience ..................................................................................A - 1
Scenario One - Basic Resilience ........................................................................................................... A - 1
Scenario Two - TAPI Resilience ............................................................................................................. A - 2
Scenario Three - Full Resilience ............................................................................................................ A - 2
Redundancy .......................................................................................................................................... A - 3
Recovery ................................................................................................................................................ A - 3
Restoring Arc Connect ....................................................................................................................... A - 3
Disaster Recovery Backup .................................................................................................................. A - 4
Appendix B - Feature Management ......................................................................................B - 1
Supervisor ................................................................................................................................................ B - 2
Operator .................................................................................................................................................. B - 9
Appendix C - Arc Connect Resilience FAQs ........................................................................ C - 1
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Section 1: Introduction
Welcome to the Arc Connect Installation Manual. This document provides an overview of the Arc
Enterprise Product suite, as well as describing the installation procedures of the applications and
It also contains the trouble shooting tips and potential workarounds.
This document assumes that the reader has knowledge of:
z Cisco CallManager,
z Windows 7/2008/2003/2000/Vista (32bit)/XP,
z Microsoft TAPI 2.1,
z Cisco CallManager TSP
This document should be read in conjunction with the Arc Connect Solutions Design Guide available
from the Arc Solutions Website,
Text Conventions in This Guide
The following conventions will be used throughout this guide to help differentiate between the
different actions required.
Navigation around the operating environment or products such as Cisco CallManager or Arc
Console via menu or hyperlinks are denoted in bold with > as a separator. An example being Start >
Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options or File > Start CT Server
Fields that require data entered in are denoted in Bold typeface. An example being Add Device
Range, From and To
Fields that have previously been entered, or have been defined in a previous stage are defined in
bold italic. For example when changing a password, where you have to enter a User Name
operator1, (where the Operator1 account would have been set up prior to this point in the
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Section 2: License Agreement
Arc Solutions (International) Ltd. (the “Licensor”)
grants you an exclusive license to use the Software
subject to these terms and conditions (the “License”).
In consideration of the Licensor granting the License,
you agree to adhere to these terms and conditions.
Your License shall commence on the acceptance of
these terms and conditions and will terminate
automatically if you fail to comply with any of the
terms and conditions of this License.
Termination of this License does not affect either
parties accrued rights and obligations as at the date
of termination.
Upon termination of this License for whatever reason,
you shall cease to make any use of the Software and
you will destroy the Software together with all copies
in any form.
All provisions of this License, the survival of which are
necessary for the interpretation or enforcement of a
party’s rights or obligations, shall survive termination of
this License and shall continue in full force and effect.
You are permitted to do the following:
load the Software on one system only as long as that
system is under your control at all times;
use the Software as an operator console with
additional modules as purchased;
make one backup copy of the Software in support of
your permitted use of it.
You are prohibited from doing, or allowing others to
do, the following:
using or copying the Software except to the extent
permitted by this License or by statute;
accessing or using the Software via any kind of
computer network;
transferring the Software, and/or the License to any
other individual or entity whether on a permanent or
temporary basis. If you transfer possession of any copy
of the Software to another person, your License is
automatically terminated;
distributing, selling, renting, loaning, sub-licensing or
otherwise dealing in the Software;
altering, adapting, merging, modifying or translating
the Software in any way for any purpose, including,
without limitation, for error correction except to the
extent permitted by statute;
reverse-engineering, disassembling or decompiling
the Software except that you may decompile the
Software to the extent permissible by law.
Licensor makes no representations about the
suitability, reliability, timeliness and accuracy of the
Software for any purpose. The Licensor hereby
disclaims and excludes all warranties and similar terms
and conditions with regard to the Software, including
all warranties, terms and conditions of
merchantability, satisfactory quality and fitness for
purpose whether implied or otherwise.
By accepting the terms of this License, you are
acknowledging that the exclusions of liability
contained herein are reasonable.
You acknowledge that software is in general not
error-free and agree that the existence of such errors
shall not constitute a breach of this License.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
You hereby undertake to the Licensor that you will,
without prejudice to any other right of action which
the Licensor may have, at all times keep the Licensor
fully and effectively indemnified against all and any
liability (which liability shall include, without limitation,
all losses, costs, claims, expenses, demands, actions,
damages, legal and other professional fees and
expenses on a full indemnity basis) which the Licensor
may suffer or incur as a result of, or by reason of, any
use of the Software by you or any breach or nonfulfilment of any of your obligations in respect of this
In no event will the Licensor be liable for any direct,
indirect, consequential, incidental, or special
damage or loss of any kind (including without
limitation loss of profits, loss of contracts, business
interruptions, loss of or corruption to data) however
caused and whether arising under contract, tort,
including negligence, or otherwise.
The Licensor does not exclude or limit liability for death
or personal injury resulting from an act or negligence
of the Licensor or any other liability from which it is
precluded from excluding by law.
You undertake to promptly notify the Licensor of any
threatened or actual infringement of any proprietary
rights in the Software which comes to your notice and
shall, at the Licensors request and expense, do all
such things as are reasonably necessary to defend
and enforce any such proprietary rights in the
A failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or
remedy provided by this License or by law by a party
does not constitute a waiver of the right or remedy or
a waiver of those rights or remedies. No single or
partial exercise of a right or remedy provided by this
License or by law prevents further exercise of the right
or remedy.
This License shall be subject to, and construed and
interpreted in accordance with, English Law and the
parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the English Courts.
This License constitutes the entire agreement of the
parties and supersedes all prior communications,
representations, agreements or understandings,
either verbal or written, between the parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof. Notwithstanding
any of the above, nothing in this paragraph is
intended to or shall operate as an exclusion of liability
for any fraudulent act or wilful default of either party.
This License may not be altered, modified, amended
or otherwise changed except by supplemental
written agreement signed by duly authorised officers
of both parties. Neither party may assign its rights or
obligations under this License without the prior written
consent of the other.
If any provisions of this License shall be held invalid,
illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or
enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in
any way be affected or impaired.
The headings to clauses in this License are for the
purpose of information and identification only and
shall not be construed as forming part of this License.
Section 3: Important Information
Compatibility between Arc Connect 5.1.x and CallManager
The current compatibility matrix can be obtained from Enter the
Support area for the respective region and select the Enterprise documents section. Then choose
Cisco Compatibility Matrix from the Articles list.
3.1.1 Music on Hold
Arc Connect supports Music on Hold (MoH) from CallManager in the following areas:
Between in-queue messages,
When an operator holds a call,
During a blind transfer,
During a re-established transfer,
During a camp-on.
A music source must be selected on the relevant devices to enable this functionality. The use of music
in both the queuing and hold scenarios is controlled via settings on the Arc Server.
3.1.2 TAPI Resilience
CallManager allows a TAPI client to communicate with a primary and backup CTI Manager to
receive TAPI information. This allows the Arc Server and clients to carry on functioning if a failover
occurs. The backup CTI Manager should be the CallManager server to which the phones fail over.
For more information see Appendix D
3.1.3 Busy Lamp Field
Arc Enterprise have two types of Busy Lamp Field. The two types of BLF monitoring can be run
z Fixed - which provides the operator with a constant on screen display of the status, via the
directory window.
z Scalable - which provides an on demand status (the operator presses F2 to see presence
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
3.1.4 Busy Lamp Field - Fixed (all versions)
This type of Busy Lamp Field monitors a fixed number of devices. This format requires that the devices
are Associated within the CallManager. Due to the system demands there is a recommended limit of
2000 devices per Arc Connect Server. (See the Arc Solutions Design Guide for more details, this is
available from
Paging from the Operator Console requires that the receiving devices are associated and
included in this type of BLF.
3.1.5 Busy Lamp Field (scalable - version 5.0.2 onwards)
With the release of version 5.0.2 onwards, functionality has been introduced which provides an on
demand monitor, which removes the upper limit of the devices that can be monitored. The new Arc
Enterprise CTI (Computer telephony Integration) server provides cluster wide BLF status information on
demand for:z Device presence information
z Contact device features (set Do Not Disturb and Call Forwarding)
z Contact call information features (displays calls and provide device pickup)
Using scalable BLF functionality negates the requirement to associate devices for BLF
monitoring within the Cisco Unified CallManager. (See the Arc Solutions Design Guide for
more details, this is available from
3.1.6 Call Park
The operator transfers the call to a device then contacts the intended recipient to take the call. The
recipient can then dial a number to connect to the device where the call is parked.
3.1.7 Auto Answer
This feature forces calls down to the Operators and automatically answers it. The calls that revert to
the Operators can also be automatically answered.
3.1.8 Other Information to consider
z The Arc Connect Server should not be installed on a machine that will act as the CallManager
z Headset operation is supported.
z Arc recommends that you take a backup copy of the log before purging the data.
Requirements for Arc Connect Suite (SQL Server Version)
It is recommended that SQL Server is installed onto the Arc Server machine(s), for both Publisher and
Subscribers, especially if the new resilience database replication is being deployed. (See Section 4.3
Arc Connect Hardware/Software requirements for SQL version information.)
To view the licencing information open the Arc Connect Administration and select Help>
The Registration Information screen displays all of the Products, including Status, Serial Number and
Registration Information.
The Arc trial license lasts for 45 days, after this specific products will need to be licensed individually.
3.3.1 Registering the software
To load a new license, click on the Register button.
To get a new license key you will need to contact your Supplier. Make a note of the Registration Code
as this is the information you will need to give to get your license key.
The registration information will be given to you in one of two ways:
z You will either be given a serial number and a registration key that you enter into the system or
z You will be sent a file that you can browse to. After browsing to this file click the Register button.
Your license will then automatically become valid at midnight. Alternatively you can stop and start
the server for the license to take immediate effect.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Items that can affect your license key include the MAC address of your network card and changing
the time of day by too large a period.
3.3.2 Viewing Licenses
From the registration screen, which is accessed by selecting Help> Registration, there is an option to
view Licencing.
Click on View License.
There are two screens:z Queues
This screen provides the management of the Queues that have been configured. When the software
is purchased a number of queues will be provided within that purchase. It is possible to create more
queues than the licensed amount, and they can be configured from this screen.
z Contacts
This screen provides the management of the Contacts that are available. Arc Premium edition has a
capacity for 20,000 Contact Licenses. When this number is exceeded the initial contacts will be
moved into the Log database. This screen provides the facility to restore any archived contacts into
the live system.
Section 4: Product Overview
The Arc suite is a portfolio of Client-Server Computer Telephony Applications, specifically designed to
integrate with the Cisco Unfied CallManager (CUCM)
The Arc server component integrates into the CUCM via TAPI (Telephony Application Programming
Interface) and is used to control calls through the telephony system. This provides customers with
intelligent call routing functionality such as; identifying, prioritising and queuing calls and performing
actions on calls such as transferring, playing voice messages and diverting to appropriate alternative
The applications in the Arc Suite that are described in this document are briefly explained below:-
Arc Enterprise Console
This is a screen based operator attendant console that has been developed to work completely with
CallManager. Taking traditional telephone switchboard working practices, we have enhanced them
into a Windows based application, making it visually appealing, operator configurable, and more
user friendly.
Arc Call Connect
It is a soft application that provides a complete Call Centre solution for a general business
incorporated with full Call Control, quick Call Routing and proficient Management Information
System. Call Connect design is modular and supplies the core routing engine in the form of a ClientServer application. The main features for Call Connect are:
Full Call Control
Agent Screen
Remote Agent working
Skill-based Routing
Call Filters
Historical Reporting
Arc Voice Connect
This server based application has been designed to enhance the voice resource on a PBX. Voice
Connect is used for creating an Auto Attendant that routes the calls to the desired destination of the
caller. In addition to that, In-Queue messages can be recorded and played for the callers waiting for
the operators in call queues.
Arc Supervisor
This add-on module to the Arc Suite provides a client based application with the following
Historical Reporting
Real-Time Reporting
Graphical Analysis
On-the-fly changes to the System
Online Messaging
Supervisor Connect will monitor and control Arc stand-alone modules. These modules are:
z Console Connect
z Voice Connect
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Arc Wallboard
This soft Wallboard application displays the current statistics of the Call Centre. It is easy to configure
and customise and reflect a variety of call related figures such as:
z Real-time statistics of the Entire System
z Real-time statistics by Queue/Department
z Real-time statistics by Use (examples of this might include call duration times or volumes)
Arc Web Connect
It is a Client-Server application that allows answering the web enquiries. This application is suitable for
a business, which deals with the customers online. The customers can contact the Agents through,
z Web Site Collaboration
z Web Call
z Web Chat
The main features of the Web Connect are,
Web Agents
Web Queues
Agent Skills
Data Filters
CallManager Numbering Plan for a sample installations
Device Name
Arc Function
Arc Connect
Device Type
Queue Location for
Console Connect
CTI Route
Queue Location for
Voice Session
Voice Connect
CTI Route
DDI translation point
Console Connect &
Voice Connect
CTI Route
DDI translation point
Console Connect &
Voice Connect
CTI Route
DDI translation point
Console Connect &
Voice Connect
CTI Route
Gateway ports for
holding Calls
CTI Port
Gateway ports for
holding Calls
CTI Port
Gateway ports for
holding Calls
CTI Port
Gateway ports for
holding Calls
CTI Port
Gateway ports for
holding Calls
CTI Port
Ports for Console Service
Console Connect
CTI Port
Device Name
Arc Function
Arc Connect
Device Type
Ports for Console Service
Console Connect
CTI Port
Ports for Console Service
Console Connect
CTI Port
Ports for Console Service
Console Connect
CTI Port
Ports for Console Service
Console Connect
CTI Port
Voice Ports for playing
and recording messages
Voice Connect
CTI Port
Ports for Console Call
Console Connect
CTI Port
Ports for Console Call
Console Connect
CTI Port
Ports for Console Call
Console Connect
CTI Port
Ports for Console Call
Console Connect
CTI Port
Ports for Console Call
Console Connect
CTI Port
Ports for retrieving
Personal Call Park calls
Console Connect
CTI Route
Table 4 - 1: CallManager Numbering plan for a sample installation
Performance Information
Performance of Arc Connect can be measured in several ways:
z Number of Agents
z Number of operators
z Number of calls that can be held prior to distribution
z Number of monitored devices in the Busy Lamp Field (fixed) (Not a factor with version 5.0.2)
Performance Item
Maximum (per Arc Connect Server)
Number of ACD Agents
Number of Console Operators
Number of Holding Calls
Maximum Console BHCA
6000 (Cisco Certified)
Max Devices in BLF (fixed)
4000 (subject to a minimum of 1 Publisher, 2 Subscriber)
Max Devices in BLF (scalable v5.0.2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager supported device
limitations (for a single cluster)
Note: Using the CTI Server
Table 4 - 2: Performance Information
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Arc Enterprise Premium Hardware and Software Requirements
The information provided below gives details of the minimum hardware/software required to run the
Arc Enterprise suite of products.
PC Server - Arc Premium Enterprise Connect is a client server application. The server side will need to
run on a dedicated PC Server. No other applications must run on this server.
The tables in this section detail the minimum specification required by the Arc Premium Enterprise
Server application.
4.3.1 Support for Windows 2008 Server/CUCM Telephony Service Provider 7.1
Products affected:z Arc Enterprise Premium 4.x, 5.x
z Arc Enterprise (SolutionsPlus) 4.x, 5.x
z Arc Call Connect 4.x, 5.x
The products listed above plus CUCM 7.1.x TSP with Windows Server 2008 R1 32bit have successfully
passed several courses of extensive testing in-house at Arc Solutions. Arc Solutions assures customers
and partners of its full support for Windows Server 2008 Release 1 (R1) 32bit. Support for Windows Server
in 64bit mode is not available. Furthermore, Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM)
Telephony Service Provider (TSP) is compatible only with 32bit installations of the Windows Server at
this time.
The Cisco's TSP 7.1 Developer Guide confirms that the Cisco TSP 7.1 is supported with the attendant
console products listed above.
The developer guide can be found here:
Customers or partners with any questions regarding this are advised to contact Cisco Systems directly.
4.3.2 PC Server
Arc Connect is a client server application. The server side will need to run on a dedicated PC Server.
No other applications must run on this server.
The following table details the minimum specification required by the Arc Connect Server application
Applies To
Arc Connect
PC Specification
Pentium 4 2.8 GHz
72 GB Hard Drive
Network Card
SVGA (1024x768) display card with correct drivers
Windows 2003 Server SP2/Windows 2008 R1 (32bit) Server
.Net Framework v3.5 .
SQL Server Standard or Enterprise 2005 with SP3, or SQL 2005 Express with SP3
for smaller installations where resilience is not required.*
SQL Server Standard or Enterprise 2008 (32bit), or SQL 2008 Express for smaller
installations where resilience is not required.*
Microsoft Excel for Directory Importing
* If an Off-box (remote) SQL server is used within your configuration then it must have
.Net Framework v3.5 installed.
SQL Server 2005/
2008 Licencing
There are two methods of licencing:
Per Processor license
This gives you unlimited connections to the Database. Therefore, there will not
be any issue with using Arc Connect with a Per Processor licensed version of
SQL Server & CALS license
The other way to license SQL Server is using CALS (Client Access Licenses).
Effectively, you purchase 1 CAL per connection to the SQL Database.
To understand exactly how the Arc Connect system uses SQL and how many
connections are needed, this is broken down as follows. Only the applications
which use licenses are documented:
Arc Server - 2 Connections
Supervisor - 1 Connection per logged in Supervisor
Console Operator - 1 CAL per operator
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Applies To
SQL Scalability
PC Specification
The performance limitation that SQL Server Express possesses is that it can
access only a single CPU and 1 GB of RAM with a maximum database size of
In sites where one or more of the following are expected;-A large number of operators - more than 10,
-A high call volume - greater than 500 calls per operator per day,
-A Large Directory - greater than 10,000 contacts;
The use of SQL Server Standard or Enterprise should be strongly considered.
Where a system out grows the SQL Express deployment, or issues are
experienced that are related to the use of SQL Express, the Standard or
Enterprise versions of SQL can be used to upgrade the existing
implementation with minimal effort.
For future versions of Arc Enterprise to benefit from some features, SQL Express
will not be an option and SQL Standard or Enterprise will be required.
The Server should be connected to the network via the TCP/IP protocol.
The Arc Server will require the appropriate Operating System Licenses.
Arc Enterprise Suite of software is not supported within a 64 bit Operating System.
Arc Enterprise Suite of software is not supported in an off box 64 bit SQL environment.
The Arc Server is not supported in Remote Desktop (RDP) and Terminal Services (TS)
environments as these applications can cause problems with the required Wave Driver
However, Arc does offer support for VMWare virtual server environments as detailed in the
Arc Enterprise VMWare statement issued in December 2009 Arc Enterprise VMWare
statement Dec 09.pdf.
With Windows 2008 Server, the Admin, CT Server Manager & LDAP Server Manager must be
run as an Administrator to enable them to read and write to the configuration files/registry.
If the report functionality is required then it is advisable to disable the User Account Control
when operating the Arc Enterprise Connect Server is running on Windows 2003 / 2008 and
Windows 7.
Table 4 - 3: Server Software - PC Specification
4.3.3 Microsoft SQL 64bit Support
Arc Solutions advises customers and partners that support for Microsoft SQL Server (2005 and 2008) is
offered for 32bit versions of the operating system only. Arc cannot offer support for 64bit SQL at this
time, either in an on-box or off-box configuration.
There are two significant areas of functionality dependent upon 32bit files that are incompatible with
64bit mode, and that cannot be removed from the Arc system. These features rely on several DLL files*
that need to be placed on the SQL server machine itself. Since the files have been compiled in 32bit
mode they will not run on a 64bit SQL machine.
Arc Solutions has reviewed the work to provide the files in 64bit mode and is unable to offer timescales
on doing so in the short to medium term. This is because not all of the files are in a development
language that lends itself to being simply 'recompiled' in 64bit mode, and they would need to be
rewritten. Arc's development roadmap is resource-committed until Q1 2011 and we are unable at this
time to insert a project of this magnitude into the schedule as it would jeopardise other customer
commitments. Arc is, however, committed to move to a 64bit architecture and plans to do so in 2011.
For more information please contact [email protected]
*Technical detail
The following files are 32bit and so are not compatible with 64bit SQL server: The following files are required for phonetic searching
The following files are required for Resilient Server operation
z ASR.dll
z AXPR.dll
4.3.4 Arc Enterprise Premium Client Software
The minimum specification required by each of the Arc Connect Client applications is as follows:
Applies To
Arc Connect Client PC
running the following
1. Supervisor
PC Specification
Pentium 4 Entry 2.4 Ghz
400MB available Hard Drive space
Network Card
Connected to Network via TCP/IP
SVGA (1024x768) display card
Windows XP Professional SP3 / Windows Vista Business (32 bit) /
Windows 7 (32 bit)
If the report functionality is required then it is advisable to
disable the User Account Control when operating Supervisor is
running on Windows 2003 / 2008 and Windows 7
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Applies To
2. Console Operator
3. Arc Wallboard
PC Specification
Pentium 4 Entry Level Specification
1GB available Hard Drive space
Network Card
Connected to Network via TCP/IP
SVGA (1024x768) display card
17” Monitor highly recommended
Windows XP Professional SP3 / Windows Vista Business (32 bit) /
Windows 7 (32 bit)
USB 1.0/2.0 Port for Arc Console Keyboard
SoundBlaster compatible sound card and speakers are required for
the Console Operator and Arc Wallboard.
4. Arc Agent (Call
Pentium 4 Entry Level Specification
256 MB RAM
1GB available Hard Drive space
Network Card
Connected to Network via TCP/IP
SVGA (1024x768) display card
Windows XP Professional SP3 / Windows Vista Business (32 bit) /
Windows 7 (32 bit)
Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
USB 1.0/2.0 Port for Arc Console Keyboard
SoundBlaster compatible sound card and speakers are required for
the Console Operator and Arc Wallboard.
5. XML Agent
Compatible with the following Cisco Unified IP phones running Skinny
Call Control Protocol (SCCP) 7940G / 7941G / 7960G / 7961G / 7970G
/ 7971G
Phone MUST be set to Headset mode as this module requires "Auto
Answer" to be configured on the device.
With Windows 2008 running IIS7, the following roles must be added:
z IIS6 Management Compatibility
z ASP Extensions
Applies To
PC Specification
Arc Enterprise Suite of software is not supported within a 64 bit Operating System.
With Windows Vista and Windows 7, in order to make changes to the client applications
settings and for them to stay applied after restart, the client application must be run as an
If the Arc Operator Console is installed on Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 Operating
System then 'Data Execution Prevention (DEP)' must be disabled.
4.3.5 Backups
Table 4 - 4: Client Software - PC Specification
As with all systems, we advise that backup facilities are utilised to ensure application and data
integrity, should an unforeseen circumstance arise. This is at the discretion of the Customer to source
and maintain a suitable Backup policy.
It is recommended that a solution offering a one step disaster recovery is used. That is a solution that
has the ability to restore the complete contents of a hard drive from a bootable disk and the restore
4.3.6 Server Redundancy
We strongly recommend that the PC Server should be a redundant system with the following
redundancy methods. This is at the discretion of the customer:
Multiple hot-swap power supplies
Hot-swap Hard Drive arrays
UPS / power conditioners
4.3.7 Security Considerations
All servers in a Windows environment have a requirement for Anti Virus software, and the ARC
Connect Server(s) are no exception to this rule.
4.3.8 Network Requirements
The following table outlines the network requirements for running the Arc Connect Server and Client
Applies To
All Network Types
Network Specification
The network will need to support/run TCP/IP.
Arc Connect Server application will need to run under an Administrator
profile. (Local Administrator is acceptable)
Microsoft Windows
If the network uses DHCP then the PC Server will need a static IP address
allocated to it.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Table 4 - 5: Network Requirements
If you require further information, please contact Arc Technical Services Centre on 0870 220 2205 (or
+44 118 943 9205 from outside the UK) or email address [email protected]
4.3.9 Database Considerations - Microsoft SQL Server
Arc requires Microsoft SQL Server for all database operations including logging, configuration and
directory storage. Versions supported can be found in the Hardware and Software Pre-requisites
document AND the release notes for each release. Note that Arc does not support 64bit SQL in any
form (indeed no 64bit OS platforms are supported either due to Cisco TAPI restrictions and Arc
Arc requires two databases to function, and these must be created using the Arc Admin application.
These databases can be on the local machine i.e. the Arc Server (both Publisher and Subscriber), or
can be hosted remotely. If resilience using replication is to be used ONLY the local SQL option is
SQL licences are required for every Arc application/client on the system, due to them using the SQL
data either directly or indirectly in order to function.
4.3.10 Database Collation
It is preferable for a new SQL installation to be built solely for Arc database use. This is because during
installation, installers are recommended to make sure that default collation of SQL server is set to the
Locale defined in the table below.
It is not possible to support more than one language at the same time and will be restricted to current
SQL collation setting (see table below)
Arc will support English and one non English language at one time as of today per the following table.
The SQL collation setting and Locale must be set as defined by the languages below.
SQL Collation Setting
OS Locale Setting
Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
Cantonese (Hong Kong)
Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.,
Chinese (PRC) [Simplified
Chinese (Simplified (PRC))
Chinese (Taiwan) [Traditional
Chinese (Taiwan)
Danish (Denmark),
Dutch (Netherlands)
French (Parisian),
4 - 10
SQL Collation Setting
OS Locale Setting
Japanese (Japan),
Korean (Korea),
Norwegian (Norway),
Portuguese (Portugal),
Portuguese (Portugal)
Russian (Russia),
Spanish (Traditional),
Swedish (Sweden)
The OS locale can also affect additional functionality of the Phonetics feature. The table above will
need to be considered when planning your deployment and in order to best support your Phonetics
searching requirements.
Note that in Arc 5.1.2 (due for release in June 2010), the restrictions above will be removed and Arc
will be able to support more than two languages from one server.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
4 - 11
4 - 12
Section 5: Contact Information and Services
The Arc Technical Services Centre (Arc TSC) has the ability to provide support to its partners and endusers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, subject to the customer having the relevant
maintenance contract. A standard Business Hours contract provides access to the Arc TSC from
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm (excluding local public holidays). A 24x7x365 maintenance contract
option is also available. All customers or partners must have a valid maintenance contract to raise a
case with the Arc TSC.
For further information regarding the Arc Solutions support options, please contact your reseller or
your Arc Solutions account manager.
Contact details for the Arc TSC are as follows:
UK & Ireland - 0870 220 2205 or +44 (0) 118 943 9205 from outside of the UK.
Europe, Middle East & Africa - +44 (0) 118 943 9205
Americas - +1 877 956 0272
Asia Pacific – +61 1300 797 724 or +44 (0) 118 943 9212
[email protected]
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Section 6: Installation Checklist
This checklist is designed to guide you through the installation process for Arc Connect Server in an
easy to follow step-by-step sequence. A certain amount of preparation is required to ensure that a
quick setup is achieved.
The following checklists are designed to guide you through the installation process in a step by step
sequence. These include a series of prerequisites that are required to ensure that the installation and
configuration process takes in to account some required elements.
Installation and Configuration Checklist
Step 1 Preparation
Decide on Queues and Operators required
Study Design Guide and formulate system numbering plan
Host PBX Gateway (Max calls queuing at one time)
Service Q (Operator Held Calls, call in transfer, Recalls)
Park (Max Parked Calls at any point in time)
Queue Locations (1 per queue)
Pre CT Gateway Devices (for call filtering)
Static Voice Port
When considering the numbering plan it is recommended that a CTI
reference point is included. This is a CTI port with the lowest alphabetical
name in the Call Manager Configuration. An example may be
AAA_CTI_Port_1000 1000[DN].
This port should not be used in the configuration, and should not be
amended or deleted once it has been associated as a static device with
the profile.
Table 6 - 1: Step 1 - Installation and Configuration Checklist
Step 2 Install and Configure Arc Connect Server
Install Arc Server and Admin applications
Disable the User Account Control if using Windows 2003/2008
Open Administration Application
z Create Configuration database
z Create Arc Log Database
Configure resilience support by providing Publisher and Subscriber details (Optional)
Configure CT Gateway section for System Devices and Directory
z General Settings
z Resource Groups Devices
z Directory Groups if required
Configure Communities
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Step 2 Install and Configure Arc Connect Server
Configure Contact Management
Configure LDAP Synchronisation if required
Configure Messaging (including SMS options)
Configure Users
Permissions Groups
Console Operators
Configure Console Connect
Console Queues
Name and Location
Distribution Type
Max Calls
Max Waiting Time
No Operators logged in
Assign Operators to Queues (Operators Queues)
Assign Directory Groups to Operators (Operators Groups)
Add Call Filters
Add Break Hours for each queue as required (Breaks are on a 24 hour basis, to set a
break overnight set a break up to 23:59:59 and another break from 00:00:00 to the
start of the working day)
Click OK to complete Arc Console configuration
Table 6 - 2: Step 2 - Install and Configure Arc Connect Server
Step 3 CallManager Configuration
Create partition and Calling Search Space or add to existing ones (We recommend
that all Arc devices need to be reached for all extensions and gateways, and be
able to dial all devices and gateways)
Create CTI Route Points for Queue Locations and Pre CT Gateway devices
Create CTI Ports for Host PBX Gateway, Service Queue, Park and Static Voice ports
Create User Profile and enable CTI usage, associate all device to be used by Arc
CTI Ports
CTI Route Points
Phones for Operators
All devices to be monitored in Busy Lamp Field (Fixed - such as Paging)*
Table 6 - 3: Step 3 - CallManager Configuration
* Important - With version 5.1.0 (onwards) there is no requirement to associate devices to be
monitored in Busy Lamp Field. Doing this with the extended number of devices will severely
increase the traffic on the server which in turn will slow the service provided.
Step 4 Install Cisco TSP on Arc Connect Server
Browse to CallManager configuration and select Application > Install Plugins
Select Cisco Telephony Service Provider and run the install following the onscreen
After rebooting the Server configure the TSP, making sure to allow for enough
Automated Voice Lines (CTI Ports that will be used by Arc)
Install Cisco TAPI Wave Driver (instructions are in the TSP readme file)
Reboot the server
Table 6 - 4: Step 4 - Install Cisco TSP on Arc Connect Server
Step 5 Test TAPI
Use Phone.exe (TAPI Soft Phone) from to test that a) all Associated
devices appear in the line list, and b) that a CTI Ports can be monitored and a call
made to a nearby handset.
Table 6 - 5: Step 5 - Test TAPI
Step 5a Install and Configure Arc Voice Connect (Optional)
Install Voice Server on same machine as Arc Server
Reboot if requested
Open Voice Server application and select Configuration > Voice Ports to select
your static voice port.
Start Voice Server
From Arc Administration application, select Voice Connect
Configure General Settings (you must select a default In-Queue Position Message
even if not using this type of message)
Record any new phrases
Create new messages from recorded phrases
Add in-queue messages to each queue as required
If using Auto Attendant, create new scripts
Create Voice Sessions
z Name and location
z Select script
z Overflows
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Step 5a Install and Configure Arc Voice Connect (Optional)
Add Break Hours for Voice Sessions
Click OK to complete configuration
Table 6 - 5a: Step 5a - Install and Configure Arc Voice Connect (Optional)
Step 6 Install Operator and Additional Arc Enterprise Products
Install and Configure any additional Arc Enterprise elements that are
required within the organisation such as Console Attendant Operator,
Supervisor, Agent, Wallboard etc.
Although these products may be referenced in this manual, they all have
supporting documentation to assist with installation, configuration and
Disable the User Account Control if using Windows 2003/2008
Set DEP (Data Execution Protection) on if using Windows 2003/2008 and
Windows 7
Table 6 - 6: Step 6 - Install Operator and Additional Arc Enterprise Products
Step 7 Test Console Connect
Start Arc Server
Log in Operator
Make test calls dialling Queue Location or Pre CT Gateway device.
Table 6 - 7: Step 7 - Test Console Connect
Section 7: Installation of Arc Connect Components
The installation procedures described in this section are about the Client-Server applications in Arc
Connect. They include;z
Arc Connect Server
Arc CTI Server
Arc Enterprise Console (Operator)
Arc Voice Connect Server
Arc Agent
Arc Supervisor
Arc CUPs Server
Arc Wallboard
XML Agent
Arc Web Connect
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CDROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved.
Select the installing location from My Computer or Windows Explorer to view the directories on
the CD. The directories are named according to the applications they contain.
Installation - Initial Common Screens
The initial couple of screens within the installation of Arc Connect software are similar, consisting of a
Welcome screen, License Agreement and Read Me Information.
The initial window that appears displays a welcome note and instructions on installation.
Click Next.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Confirm that you accept the License Agreement by clicking on I Agree to continue.
If you do not agree with the license, clicking on I Disagree will exit the installation.
The Read Me file contains essential information. Once this information has been read, click Next
to proceed.
Please ensure that you read this file because it contains important information for the
Registration Information. Enter the Name and Company of the license holder, and click on Next.
Please ensure the correct spelling of this information.
Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/Vista/7
If you are installing the Arc Enterprise Premium suite of software on Windows 2003/2008/Vista/7, there
is an additional process that you need to complete by disabling the User Account Control. This is
required on both Server and client machines.
To do this perform the following steps:
To complete this procedure you will need to have administration rights.
The Screens used in the following steps may vary between Window Versions. The ones used
are based on Windows 2008.
Select the Control Panel, and go to User Accounts.
Click on Turn User Account Control on or off.
De-select the tick box, Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer. Then
click on OK.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
You will be asked to Restart the machine for the change to take affect.
Installation of the Arc Connect Server and Administration
User should run the Arc_Console_Connect_Setup.exe application first. Install it on a machine
that is allocated to run the Arc Connect Server.
The first few screens of this installation are described in 7.1 Installation - Initial Common Screens.
Summary they are:
Welcome Screen - Click Next
Customer License Agreement - Click I Agree (Or I Disagree to cancel the install)
Read Me information (Important please read ) - then click Next
Registration information - Enter Name and Company and click Next
The following window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
default location is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc Connect.
By using the Browse button, you can select a different path and directory.
There is also an information box that shows how much free space there is before and after the
Click the Next button.
Specify a Server Type, either Publisher (Primary Server) or the Subscriber (Secondary Server). This
functionality is used to provide resilience (backup) to your Arc Connect Server.
Click the Next button.
Enter the Name (or IP Address) of the machine onto which the Primary Server application is
being installed. In case you have chosen to install Subscriber, you will enter the IP address or
machine name where subscriber is to be installed. Click Next.
The graphic above shows the screen after Publisher has been selected. Clicking Subscriber
and Next will show a slightly different screen.
If you are unsure of the machine name, it is possible to find out through the Control Panel >
Network. This must be done on the machine that runs the Arc Connect Server application.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Enter the Name (or IP Address) of the machine where SQL Server is installed. Click on Next.
Enter the Name (or IP Address) of the machine where the Call Recording Server is installed. If no
Call Recording Server is being used then leave blank.
Click the Next button.
Ticking this checkbox will Add an Icon for Arc Connect Server and Arc Connect Administration
on the desktop.
Click the Next button to proceed.
This next window is for selecting a location for backup files. If Yes is selected (which is
recommended in a live environment) you can then specify a directory into which the backup
files will be placed. The default location for backup is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc
Click Browse to select a different path and directory.
Click Next.
These backup files will be altered or replaced by the installation routine.
10. A Ready to Install window will appear. If you are happy that the selections you have made are
correct, click on Next to start the installation script. Clicking Back will take you back to change
a selection.
11. When the installation has completed, a confirmation screen will appear.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Click Finish to complete the installation.
12. It is necessary to restart the PC after the installation of Arc Connect Server and Administration
has completed.
Click OK to restart the PC.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
Creating a CTI Reference point
For Arc Enterprise to work in an optimum way it is recommended that a reference CTI Route Point must
be created having the lowest alphabetical name in the whole call manager configuration.
To set up this reference CTI Route Point
Create a CTI Port having lowest alphabetical name in the whole Call manager Configuration.
An example could be:- AAA_CTI_Port_1000 1000 [DN]
Disassociate all the devices with the Call Manager user.
Restart the machine where Cisco TSP is installed.
Associate all the static devices to the user profile including the one created in step # 1.
Restart the machine where TSP is installed again.
Please make sure the CTI Port created in Step 1 must not be used anywhere in the
configuration. Also this device must not be amended/deleted once it is associated as a
static device with the profile.
Also the device name of the device created in 1 should be the lowest among all the devices.
Arc CTI Server
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved and run Arc CTI Server.exe.
Confirm that you accept the License Agreement by clicking on Yes to continue. There is also an
option to Print out the agreement.
If you do not agree with the license, clicking on No to exit the installation.
The Read Me file contains essential information. Once this information has been read, click Next
to proceed.
Please ensure that you read this file because it contains important information for the
The following window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
default destination is C:\Program Files\Arc\
Click Browse to select a different path.
Click Next to proceed.
Enter the Arc CTI Server Name/IP Address.
Click on Next to proceed.
Enter the Name/IP Address for the Primary DRM (CUCM) Server . The Default for the Primary DRM
7 - 10
Port No is defaulted to 443.
Click on Next to proceed.
Enter the Primary DRM Username and Password.
Click on Next to proceed.
Prior to files being copied a review screen will confirm all of the information that has been
entered. If the information is incorrect than use the Back button to go back to the relevent
screen. If the Information is correct click on Next to continue with the installation.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
7 - 11
When the installation is complete you will be prompted to Restart the PC. Click on Finish to
complete the installation.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
Installation of Arc Enterprise Console Operator
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved and run OPR_Setup.exe
The first few screens of this installation are described in 7.1 Installation - Initial Common Screens.
7 - 12
Summary they are:
Welcome Screen - Click Next
Customer License Agreement - Click I Agree (Or I Disagree to cancel the install)
Read Me information (Important please read ) - then click Next
Registration information - Enter Name and Company and click Next
The follwing window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
default destination is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc Connect\
By using the Browse button, you can select a different path and directory.
Click the Next button.
Enter the IP Address of the machine running the Arc Connect Primary Server (Publisher).
If this is stated incorrectly then the Console Operator will not be able to connect up to the
Server and will therefore not function.
If a Secondary Server (Subscriber) has been setup, enter the IP Address of the machine where it
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
7 - 13
has been installed.
Click the Next button.
If no Secondary Server is installed then this box can be left blank.
Select the required language for the application.
Click the Next button to continue.
7 - 14
Ticking this checkbox will Add an icon for Arc Console Operator on the desktop.
Click the Next button to proceed.
Prior to files being copied a review screen will confirm all of the information that has been
entered. If the information is incorrect than use the Back button to go back to the relevent
screen. If the Information is correct click on Next to continue with the installation.
The final window displays the confirmation that Arc Console Operator has been installed
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
7 - 15
Click the Finish button to complete the installation.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
Installing Console Operator on Windows 2003/2008 and Windows 7
If you are installing Arc Enterprise Console Operator on Windows 2003/2008 or Windows 7, there is an
additional process that you need to complete by setting Data Execution Protection on. To do this
perform the following steps:
When installing the software you will need to have administration rights.
Right Click on My Computer and select Properties.
The System window will open. Select Advanced System Settings. Note the screens may vary
7 - 16
between the different versions of Windows.
Windows 2003
Windows 2008
Select the Advanced tab. Under the heading Performance, click on the Setting button.
The Performance Option Dialogue Box will open. Select Data Execution Prevention tab.
On the Data Execution Prevention tab select the option to Turn on DEP for essential windows
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
7 - 17
programs and services. Click on Apply and OK to close this dialogue box.
Alternatively if you require to have DEP enabled on your operating system you can select Turn
on DEP for all Programs and Services except those I select and Add the Arc Enterprise
Console Operator to the list.
Installation of the Arc Voice Server
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved and run VSR_Setup.exe
The first few screens of this installation are described in 7.1 Installation - Initial Common Screens.
Summary they are:
Welcome Screen - Click Next
Customer License Agreement - Click I Agree (Or I Disagree to cancel the install)
Read Me information (Important please read ) - then click Next
Registration information - Enter Name and Company and click Next
The following window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
default destination is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc Connect\Voice Server.
By using the Browse button, you can select a different path and directory.
There is also an information box that shows how much free space there is before and after the
7 - 18
Click the Next button.
Enter the Name (or IP Address) of the machine where the Arc Connect Server has been
The following window allows the user to choose the destination directory for the Voice scripts.
This directory must be shared on the local drive or a shared network drive. The Arc Connect
Administration application and Voice Connect Server access this directory.
Ticking this checkbox will add an icon for Arc Voice Server on the desktop.
Click the Next button to proceed.
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This next window is for selecting a location for backup files. If Yes is selected (which is
recommended in a live environment) you can then specify a directory into which the backup
files will be placed. The default location for backup is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc
Click Browse to select a different path and directory.
Click Next.
A Ready to Install window will appear. If you are happy that the selections you have made are
correct, click on Next to start the installation script. Clicking Back will take you back to change a
Click Next to proceed.
When the installation has completed, a confirmation screen will appear. click Finish to
7 - 20
complete the installation process.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
Installation of Arc Call Connect Agent
Insert the Arc Call Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved and run AGT_Setup.exe
The first few screens of this installation are described in 7.1 Installation - Initial Common Screens.
Summary they are:
Welcome Screen - Click Next
Customer License Agreement - Click I Agree (Or I Disagree to cancel the install)
Read Me information (Important please read ) - then click Next
Registration information - Enter Name and Company and click Next
The following window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
default destination is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc Connect.
By using the Browse button, you can select a different path and directory.
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There is also an information box that shows how much free space there is before and after the
Click the Next button.
Enter the Name (IP Address) of the machine running the Arc Connect Primary Server (Publisher).
If this is stated incorrectly then the Arc Agent Connect will not be able to connect up to the
Server and will therefore not function.
If a Secondary Server (Subscriber) has been setup, enter the Name (or IP Address) of the
machine where it has been installed.
Click the Next button.
If no Secondary Server is installed then this box can be left blank.
Select the Agent type that will be installed. For an office based agent then select Local, or
7 - 22
Remote for a home-working agent..
Click the Next button.
Ticking this checkbox will Add an icon for Arc Connect Agent on the desktop.
Click the Next button to proceed.
A Start Copying Files window will appear. If you are happy that the selections you have made
are correct, click on Next to start the installation script. Clicking Back will take you back to
change a selection.
Click the Next button to install the Call Connect Agent.
The final window displays the confirmation that Arc Call Connect Agent has been installed
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Click the Finish button to complete the installation.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
7.10 Installation of Arc Connect Supervisor
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved and run SUP_Setup.exe
The first few screens of this installation are described in 7.1 Installation - Initial Common Screens.
Summary they are:
Welcome Screen - Click Next
Customer License Agreement - Click I Agree (Or I Disagree to cancel the install)
Read Me information (Important please read ) - then click Next
Registration information - Enter Name and Company and click Next
The following window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
default destination is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc Connect\Supervisor.
7 - 24
By using the Browse button, you can select a different path and directory.
There is also an information box that shows how much free space there is before and after the
Click the Next button.
Enter the Name (or IP Address) of the machine running the Arc Connect Server.
If this is entered incorrectly then the Console Operator will not be able to connect up to the
Server and will therefore not function.
Type the Name (or IP Address) of the machine onto which the Microsoft SQL Server is installed.
Click the Next button.
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Ticking this checkbox will Add an icon for Arc Connect Supervisor on the desktop.
Click the Next button to proceed.
Select Yes to have a backup. If Yes is selected which is recommended on a live site, select a
directory into which the backup files will be placed. The default location for backup is
C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc Connect\Supervisor\Backup.
Click Browse to select a different path.
Click Next to proceed.
A Ready to Install window will appear. If you are happy that the selections you have made are
correct, click on Next to start the installation script. Clicking Back will take you back to change a
7 - 26
Click the Next button to install the Supervisor.
A confirmation window will appear when the installation has completed successfully. Click the
Finish button.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
7.11 Arc CUPs Server
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved and run Arc CUPS Server.exe.
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Confirm that you accept the License Agreement by clicking on Yes to continue. There is also an
option to Print out the agreement.
If you do not agree with the license, clicking on No to exit the installation.
The Read Me file contains essential information. Once this information has been read, click Next
to proceed.
Please ensure that you read this file because it contains important information for the
The following window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
default destination is C:\Program Files\Arc\
Click Browse to select a different path.
Click Next to proceed.
7 - 28
Enter the Arc Connect Server IP Address.
Click on Next to proceed.
Enter the Name/IP Address for the CUPs Server. The Default for the CUPs Port No is defaulted to
5060. There is also facility to enter the Realm information.
Click on Next to proceed.
Prior to files being copied a review screen will confirm all of the information that has been
entered. If the information is incorrect than use the Back button to go back to the relevent
screen. If the Information is correct click on Next to continue with the installation.
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When the installation is complete you will be prompted to Restart the PC. Click on Finish to
complete the installation.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
7 - 30
7.12 Installation of Arc Connect Wallboard
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse the directory to which the
downloaded installation files are saved and run WBRD_Setup.exe
The first few screens of this installation are described in 7.1 Installation - Initial Common Screens.
Summary they are:
Welcome Screen - Click Next
Customer License Agreement - Click I Agree (Or I Disagree to cancel the install)
Read Me information (Important please read ) - then click Next
Registration information - Enter Name and Company and click Next
The following window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
default location is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc Connect\Wallboard.
By using the Browse button, you can select a different path and directory.
There is also an information box that shows how much free space there is before and after the
Click the Next button.
Enter the Name (or IP Address) of the machine where the Arc Connect Server is installed.
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If this is entered incorrectly then the Console Operator will not be able to connect up to the
Server and will therefore not function.
If a Secondary Server (Subscriber) has been setup, enter the Name (or IP Address) of the
machine where it has been installed.
Click the Next button.
If no Secondary Server is installed then this box can be left blank.
Ticking this checkbox will Add an Icon for Arc Connect Wallboard on the desktop.
Click the Next button to proceed.
This next window is for selecting a location for backup files. If Yes is selected (which is
recommended in a live environment) you can then specify a directory into which the backup
files will be placed. The default location for backup is C:\Program Files\Arc\Arc
7 - 32
Click Browse to select a different path and directory.
Click Next.
A Ready to Install window will appear. If you are happy that the selections you have made are
correct, click on Next to install of the Wallboard application. Clicking Back will take you back to
change a selection.
The final window displays the confirmation that Arc Connect Wallboard has been installed
successfully. Click the Finish button to complete.
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Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
7.13 Installation of Arc Connect XML Agent
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved and run XML_AGT_Setup.exe
The Install Wizard prepares to install screen will appear before a welcome screen appears.
Click Next.
The first few screens of this installation are described in 7.1 Installation - Initial Common Screens.
Summary they are:
7 - 34
Welcome Screen - Click Next
Customer License Agreement - Click I Agree (Or I Disagree to cancel the install)
Read Me information (Important please read ) - then click Next
Registration information - Enter Name and Company and click Next
Enter the Arc Connect Server Name/IP Address. Click on Next.
If a Secondary Server (Subscriber) has been setup, enter the Name (or IP Address) of the
machine where it has been installed.
Click the Next button.
If no Secondary Server is installed then this box can be left blank.
The following window shows the destination directory that the software will be installed in. The
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default destination is C:\Program Files\Arc\XML Agent.
By using the Browse button, you can select a different path and directory.
Click the Next button.
Prior to files being copied a review screen will confirm all of the information that has been
entered. If the information is incorrect than use the Back button to go back to the relevent
screen. If the Information is correct click on Next to continue with the installation.
7 - 36
A Setup Status screen will show the progress of the installation.
A Window appears to install the CiscoURLProxy. Click on the large installation button.
There is an option to change the installation directory if required. By default it is the folder
C:\Program Files\CiscoURLProxy\.
A dialogue box displays the installation progress, and eventually a confirmation screen appears.
10. The final window displays the confirmation that Arc Connect XML Agent has been installed
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Click the Finish button to complete the installation.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
7.14 Installation of Arc Web Connect
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CD ROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved and run Arc Web Connect.exe
The initial window that appears displays a welcome note and instructions on installation.
Click Next.
7 - 38
Confirm that you accept the License Agreement by clicking on Yes to continue.
If you do not agree with the license, clicking on No will exit the installation.
The Read Me file contains essential information. Once this information has been read, click Next
to proceed.
Please ensure that you read this file because it contains important information for the
Registration Information. Enter the Name and Company of the license holder, and click on
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Please ensure the correct spelling of this information. The follwing window shows the
destination directory that the software will be installed in.
Choose a destination location for the software to be installed. The default destination is
C:\Program Files\Arc\.
By using the Browse button, you can select a different path and directory. Click on Next to
7 - 40
Enter the Arc Web Collaboration Server Name/IP Address. Click on Next to continue.
10. Enter the Arc Scheduler Server Name/IP Address. Click on Next to continue .
Enter the Arc Connect Primary Server Name/IP Address. Click on Next to continue.
11. If a Secondary Server (Subscriber) has been setup, enter the Name (or IP Address) of the
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machine where it has been installed.
Click the Next button.
If no Secondary Server is installed then this box can be left blank.
12. Ticking this checkbox will Add an Icon for Arc Connect Server and Arc Connect Administration
on the desktop.
13. Click on Next to proceed.
14. Prior to files being copied a review screen will confirm all of the information that has been
entered. If the information is incorrect than use the Back button to go back to the relevent
screen. If the Information is correct click on Next to continue with the installation.
7 - 42
15. A dialogue box will reflect the installation progress. When the installation is complete a
confirmation screen will appear. Click on Finish to complete the installation.
Important - Remember to set ‘Disabling the User Account Control in Windows 2003/2008/
Vista/7’ on page 3.
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Section 8: Creating Databases
After the Arc Connect components have been installed, you are required to create two databases.
This is set up in Arc Connect Administration. The two databases are:
z Configuration
This database contains the configuration information for Arc Connect. Arc CT Server consults
the configuration database to check parameters for different applications and operations.
There is no limit to the number of configurations the user can create for the Arc Connect Server.
However, only one can be active at any given time. While the system is running changes can
be made to the database, but they will not take effect until the Arc Server has been stopped
and restarted. The user can also make online changes to the database using the Arc Connect
Supervisor application.
z Logging
The Logging database keeps a record of all events and call activities. The user can create more
than one logging databases but only one of them can be active at a given time.
Administrator Logon
The Configuration Utility has an authentication mode for the users. The Configuration Utility is
accessible only to the Administrator for making new configurations or updating them. The default
Logon Name and Password is ArcAdmin.
This Logon process can be configured so that it is not required to access Arc Connect Server
Administration. It is recommended that this policy is only adopted if the software is installed
on a machiine with alternative security arrangements so that it can not be tampered with
without adequate training or system awareness.
To logon to the Administration application.
Open the Arc Connect Administration utility.
Select File > Logon from the main menu.
The Logon window will open.
Enter Login Name and Password, and click Login.
Creating a New Configuration Database
To create configuration database
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Logon to Arc Connect Administration.
From the main menu bar, select Database > Config DB
Go to Maintenance tab. Click New.
Enter a Name and Description for the database.
Enter the SQL Server name or click Browse to select the SQL Server from the list of all available
SQL Servers on the network.
Enter the SQL Server User Name and Password.
Click OK. The new database has a status of closed when it is first created.
Go to the Select tab, select the new database and press Open. The database is now available
to the Arc Connect Server.
Click OK to finish.
Creating a New Logging Database
To create a logging database:
Login to Arc Connect Administration.
From the main menu bar, select Database > Log DB
Select the Maintenance tab and click New. The default logging database name is ArcLogDB.
Give the SQL Server name or click the Browse button to select the SQL Server from the list of all
available SQL Servers on the network.
Enter the SQL Server User Name and Password.
Click OK. The new database has a status of closed when it is first created.
Select the new database and click Open.
Click OK to finish.
Creating Indexes
This menu option (Database > Index) allows the user to apply indexes on fields in the contact
database that the operator application uses in order to perform optimised search operations. This
page displays the following tab:
z Contact: This tab displays the Database fields to be indexed. The user can select the fields to be
indexed from the Available Fields list and by clicking on the directional arrows, move them to the
Indexed Fields list.
When a field is indexed, it will be available for the operator to use to sort their directories on.
z There is also a directional arrow to move a field from Indexed to Available, if required.
Once the fields to be indexed have been selected, click Update to save the changes.
The following fields are always indexed and cannot be moved to Available Fields list,
8.4.1 Viewing Licenses
From the registration screen, which is accessed by selecting Help> Registration, there is an option to
view Licencing.
Click on View License.
There are two screens:-
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
z Queues
This screen provides the management of the Queues that have been configured. When the software
is purchased a number of queues will be provided within that purchase. It is possible to create more
queues than the licensed amount, and they can be configured from this screen.
z Contacts
This screen provides the management of the Contacts that are available. Arc Premium edition has a
capacity for 20,000 Contact Licenses. When this number is exceeded the initial contacts will be
moved into the Log database. This screen provides the facility to restore any archived contacts into
the live system.
Section 9: Arc Connect Resilience
Arc Connect provides backup for the configurations made through Arc Connect Administration. In
case of a server failover, the backup or the secondary server, also known as the Subscriber, will be
active and keep Arc Connect running. You will not be able to use the Subscriber for updates to the
system configuration, however, the system will remain active based on the settings made through the
Publisher, avoiding disruption in the call flow and call controls.
Arc Connect ensures that the Subscriber holds the updated configurations at all times. When the
Publisher is active, the Subscriber restarts every five minutes and the information held in the Subscriber
database is updated.
Server backup is achieved through resilience between the Publisher (Primary Server) and Subscriber
(Secondary Server). Please make sure you have the following installed on the system where the
Publisher/Subscriber is to be installed,
z MS SQL 2005 Server SP3 Standard or Enterprise(including Hotfix provided with the Arc Enterprise
installation) or MS SQL 2008.
z Windows 2003 Server SP2 or Windows 2008.
Installation of Publisher
While installing, you must make sure that the Publisher and Subscriber are installed on separate
machines. Before installing the Publisher, please make sure of the following:
z The setup is run from the machine where SQL Server is installed.
z If the system has the Subscriber installed, do not install the Publisher on the same machine.
z Interchanging Publisher and Subscriber machines is very risky; therefore, you must avoid it. Any
previous replication settings must be disabled.
z If you have a Publisher configuration already installed with your network, DO NOT create another
Publisher configuration on another machine with the same database name.
z If there are replication monitor issues prior to installing Publisher, fix them before starting the installation process.
z The replications settings in SQL Server Enterprise Manager must remain unchanged.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
To Install Arc Connect Resilience
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CDROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved. Run Arc_Resilience_Setup.exe
The Welcome screen displays a message on installing Arc Connect Resilience on your system.
Click the Next button to install Arc Connect Resilience.
You must accept the license agreement in order to proceed with the installation. There is facility
to print out aa copy if required.
If you accept the terms of the license, click Yes. Click on No to exit the installation.
The following window displays important Read Me information. Once this information has been
read, click Next to proceed.
The Registration Information, Name and Company of the license holder will appear, Click Next.
Select the type of Arc Server to be installed on the machine. Choose Publisher (Primary Server)
and click Next to proceed. IMPORTANT - Note information on page 9-1 prior to continuing.
Prior to files being copied a review screen will confirm all of the information that has been
entered. If the information is incorrect than use the Back button to go back to the relevent
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
screen. If the Information is correct click on Next to continue with the installation.
A dialogue box will reflect the installation progress. When the installation is complete a
confirmation screen will appear.
When the copy process is complete, A Welcome screen will appear for Arc Connect Publisher.
You will now be able to create replication. Please make sure that you have the necessary
privileges and access rights on the network domain and SQL server. Click on Next.
10. The next window will restart the NT replication services with a user account that belongs to the
Administrator Group having appropriate privileges and access rights on the network domain.
Inadequate privileges may result in the replication process stopping.
Publisher and Subscriber must be run under the same user account.
If you do not wish to restart NT Replication Services, you may uncheck the Change
Service checkbox and click Next. The following message box will be displayed.
Before confirming this message box, it is important to check that both the MSSQLSERVER and
SQLSERVERAGENT are still running. If it is not running the installation will continue through to
completion, but it will have failed to install correctly.
Click Yes to keep the replication services active under the current user account
Click Next to proceed.
11. The Installation Progress will be displayed on the screen, for the creation of transactional
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
replication and the initialisation of the snapshot job.
12. When the installation has successfully completed a message box will confirm this. Click OK on
the message box. Click Finish on the Installation Progress window.
13. A window will confirm that Arc Connect Resilience has successfully been installed.
Click Finish to complete the process.
Subscriber cannot be installed until the snapshot has been successfully created. The status of
the snapshot can be viewed through SQL Enterprise Manager > Replication Monitor >
Publishers > (System name) > (DB name).
Installation of Subscriber
IMPORTANT The Subscriber configuration can not be run on the same machine as one
configured as a Publisher.
Before installing the Subscriber, please make sure of the following:
z The setup is run from the machine where SQL Server is installed.
z If the system has the Publisher installed, do not install the Subscriber.
z New databases have been created using the Arc Connect Administration. The databases cannot be upgraded in this case.
z Before installing you must make sure that the snapshot for the publisher database has been successfully created. This can be viewed through the SQL Enterprise Manager. The status of Snapshot must be displayed as Succeeded.
z Interchanging Publisher and Subscriber machines is very risky and should be avoided. Any previous replication settings should be disabled.
z If there are replication monitor issues prior to installing Publisher, fix them before starting the installation process.
z The replications settings in SQL Server Enterprise Manager must remain unchanged.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Insert the Arc Connect CD into to the CDROM, or browse to the directory where the
downloaded installation files are saved.
The Welcome screen displays a message on installing Arc Connect Resilience on your system.
Click the Next button to install Arc Connect Resilience.
Confirm that you accept the License Agreement by clicking on Yes to continue.
If you do not agree with the license, click on No to exit the installation.
The Read Me file contains essential information. It is recommended that you read before
Click Next to proceed.
The Name and Company of the owner of the application will appear. Click Next.
Select the type of Arc Server to be installed on the machine. In this instance choose Subscriber
(Secondary Server). Click Next to proceed. IMPORTANT - Note information on page 9-7 prior to
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Enter the Name (or IP Address) of the machinethat will be used as Publisher. This is required in
order to enable communication between Arc Connect Secondary Server and Arc Connect
Primary Server. Click Next.
Prior to files being copied a review screen will confirm all of the information that has been
entered. If the information is incorrect than use the Back button to go back to the relevent
screen. If the Information is correct click on Next to continue with the installation.
9 - 10
10. A dialogue box will reflect the installation progress. When the installation is complete a
confirmation screen will.
11. When the copy process is complete, the Arc Connect Subscriber Welcome screen will be
displayed. You will now be able to create the Subscriber to provide resilience in case the
primary server fails. Please make sure that you have the necessary privileges and access rights
on the network domain and SQL server. Click on Next to start the installation.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
9 - 11
12. Specify the name of the Server where the Publisher database is installed.
If you have a choice to select either Windows or SQL Server Authentication. If you
choose Use SQL Server Authentication, enter the User Name and Password.
Click on the drop down list to select the publisher Database, you may have to wait for
the Server to populate the list with publisher databases available. Select the required
Database and click Next to proceed.
13. The next window will restart the NT replication services with a user account that belongs to the
Administrator Group having appropriate privileges and access rights on the network domain.
Inadequate privileges may result in the replication process stopping.
The Publisher and Subscriber must be run under the same user account.
9 - 12
If you do not wish to restart NT Replication Services, you may uncheck the Change
Service checkbox and click Next. The following message box will be displayed,.
Before confirming this message box, it is important to check that both the MSSQLSERVER and
SQLSERVERAGENT are still running. If it is not running the installation will continue through to
completion, but it will have failed to install correctly.
Click Yes to keep the replication services active under the current user account
Click Next to proceed.
14. The installation progress of the subscriber will be displayed across the screen. When the
installation is complete, a message box will be displayed. Click OK.
Click Finish.
15. An Installation complete window will confirm that that Arc Connect Resilience has successfully
been installed.
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9 - 14
Section 10: Arc Connect Configuration (for Publisher)
Configuring Arc Connect Primary Server (Publisher)
This section will guide you through configuring Arc Connect running under Arc Connect Primary
Server (Publisher).
10.1.1 Change Password
The Administrator can change the password after logging into the application.
To Change Password.
Select File > Change Password from the main menu. The Change Password dialogue box will
Enter the User Name in the text box, i.e. ArcAdmin.
Enter the Old Password in the text box.
Type the New Password in the next text box.
Confirm the New Password again in the second box.
Click Ok.
10.1.2 Creating Indexes
This menu option (Database > Index) allows the user to apply indexes on fields in the contact
database that the operator application uses in order to perform optimised search operations. This
page displays the following tab:
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10 - 1
z Contact: This tab displays the Database fields to be indexed. The user can select the fields to be
indexed from the Available Fields list and by clicking on the directional arrows, move them to the
Indexed Fields list.
z There is also a directional arrow to move a field from Indexed to Available, if required.
Once the fields to be indexed have been selected, click Update to save the changes.
The following fields are always indexed and cannot be moved to Available Fields list,
Configuring the CT Gateway
Open the Arc Connect Administration application by selecting Start > All Programs > Arc
Connect > Arc Connect Administration
File Logon
Enter Logon name and Password
From the main menu bar, select Configuration > CT Gateway
The following settings can be performed In the CT Gateway section.
10.2.1 General Properties
The first screen to open is the General tab. This tab allows configuration of the Gateway Details, Break
Hour settings, Resource Group and Default Destination Queues. This tab is further divided into the
following three sub-tab pages:
10 - 2
z General Properties
z Default Settings
z Recall Timers
The following is a brief description of these sub-tabs.
General Properties
Gateway Defaults: This section heads three default settings.
Delay Defaults
CT Answer Delay
This feature allows the user to set a time limit on how long a ringing
call should go unanswered at User's extension, before passing the
call to another User or forwarded to a different destination.
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10 - 3
Default Wrap Up Time
Wrap-up time is the amount of time given to take any notes after
completing each call. By default, this is 10 seconds for new
configurations. The time that user will set here applies across all
queues. However, it will be overridden on particular queues where
a wrap-up time has been stated in the configuration for that
queue. Where no wrap up time is configured for a queue, then the
time user sets in General Settings/ Defaults will be applied.
Data Answer Delay
This feature allows the user to set a time limit on how long a 'Web
Enquiry call' should go unanswered in a Web Connect Queue for
a Web Connect Agent, before passing the call to another agent
(Web Connect) or forwarded to a different Web Connect Queue.
Voice Mail
Default Voice Mail Number
The voicemail property allows user to configure a Default
Voicemail Number. This number will be used as a default
forwarding destination in case a call is redirected.
Default Settings
Default Destination Queue:
Default Destination Queue
It can be set after one or more Queues have been created. It
ensures any call routed into the Arc system is routed somewhere
even if there is no filter match against the call.
Default Data Destination
User can set any Web Connect Queue for the Web Enquiry Calls
that do not match any Data Filter Criteria. All the Queues from
Web Connect are visible in the combo box. Normally user can set
Support/Enquiries queue.
Default Break Hours Overflow: This section has two setting options.
Default Forward Destination
Break Hours are configured to deflect incoming calls to a certain
destination when the required destination is not available. The
user can select the type of destination where incoming calls
should be sent after deflection. This can also be configured during
the Break Hour configuration.
Default Forward Destination
The user is required to provide address of the extension where he
wants to route incoming calls during the Break Hours. This can also
be configured during the Break Hour configuration.
Default Resource Group: The users can configure default resource group is this section.
Resource Group
This section has an option list for the Resource Groups. The option
list shows all resource groups. These groups are created in the
Resource Group section and are displayed in this list.
Call Park Location
Local Call Parking: This section has two fields.
This is the extension number assigned to the Pre CT Gateway that
holds the local parked calls.
Resource Group
This is an optional field where you can specify a resource group for
local call parking.
Remote Call Parking: This section has two fields.
10 - 4
This is the extension number assigned to the Pre CT Gateway that
holds the remote parked calls.
Resource Group
This is an optional field where you can specify a resource group for
remote call parking.
Recall Timers: This section has four options with Hours, Minutes and Seconds timers.
Hold Recall
This is the Maximum Time Limit A Call can be Put on Hold by
Transfer Recall
When an Operator Transfers a call, and if the person or Device
does not get the call for the time as set in 'Transfer Recall' then it
will come back to the same or Operator who had transferred the
Camp on Recall
This time is used in Operator Application. When an operator wishes
to transfers a call to some extension, but that person or that
device is busy then Operator can put that call on Camp On. Call
will wait for that extension to be free for the time as set in 'Camp
on Recall' Timer. After that time call bounces back to the
Call-Park Recall
This time is used in Operator Application. An Operator can park
the call on another extension for the other Operator to receive it.
Each section has its own Update button. Click to save the settings.
Table 10 - 1: Configuring CT Gateway - General Settings (Publisher)
10.2.2 Dial Plan Groups
This tab includes the Dial Plan details. This is split into three areas:-
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z General: This tab includes the ability to specify the maximum digits of Internal devices; specify
prefix and postfix characters on internal, external, International numbers; define an Area code
and record Forced Authorisation Code (FAC) and Client Matter Code (CMC).
A minimum requirement is that a default Dial Plan must be configured which will include
elements from this General tab.
Setting up a Dial Plan using elements of the General tab will replicate how the Arc Enterprise
server has operated in previous versions.
Dial Plan Groups
Dial Plan Group Info: .
Dial Plan Group Description
This is the title given tothe specific Dial Plan that is being created
or edited.
Minimum Internal Device
This text box requires you to input the minimum number of digits
being used for an internal device.
Maximum Internal Device
Digit Length
This text box requires you to input the maximum number of digits
being used for an internal device.
Internal Numbers
This is used to dial an access number automatically when making
a call to an internal extension. This can be in the form or a prefix or
External Numbers
This is used to automatically dial the access number when making
a call to an external number. This is automatically detected when
the number length exceeds the maximum internal number of
digits. This can be in the form or a prefix or postfix.
International Numbers
This is used to dial the access number automatically when making
a call to an external number out of country. This can be in the form
or a prefix or postfix.
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Area Code (country)
This defines the originators area (country) code. If the number has
a different area code then it will be handled as an international
call and apply prefix or postfix as required.
Force Authorization code
The user is required to provide Force Authorization Code here. This
code is configured in CallManager and is used to authorise
Console Operators to make External Calls and Consult Transfer.
This is required if anycalls are to be made via the service queue
and will require a code to make that call. The server will append
this code when necessary.
Client Matter Code (CMC)
The user is required to provide Client Matter Code here. This code
is configured in CallManager and is used to authorise Console
Operators to make External Calls and Consult Transfer.
This is required if anycalls are to be made via the service queue
and will require a code to make that call. The server will append
this code when necessary.
Rules can also be created, edited, tested and updated from this tab.
Create a new Dial Plan.
When an existing Dial Plan has been changed click on the Update
button to save the settings.
Test Group
This will test the Dial Plan Group and display the output.
z Inbound Rules: Create and manage rules that will modify the number from its original format into
a structure that will be presented to the Operator application.
Dial Plan Groups
Inbound Rules
Inbound Rules Management:
Rule Name
This is the title given to the Rule that is being created or edited.
Call Origin
Select between defining the call as internal or external.
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Inbound Rules: This window will show which order rules are being applied in. Rules can be moved
up and down the order by using the arrow buttons.
Rules can be deleted, updated or copied by selecting them.
Rules can also be created, edited, tested and updated from this tab.
Create a new Inbound Rule.
Edit Rule
This will open the Rule Manager to either create or edit an
Inbound Rule.
Test Rule
This will test the selected rule and display the output.
When an existing Inbound Rule has been changed click on the
Update button to save the settings.
z Outbound Rules: Create and manage rules that will identify and modify an outbound call and
determine the correct dialling string, such as using ITU E.164 telephone numbering standards and
associated with specific prefix information.
Dial Plan Groups
Outbound Rules
Outbound Rules Management
Rule Name
This is the title given tothe Rule that is being created or edited.
E.164 Post Processing
Select this tickbox if the rule requires E.164 Post processing
If the rule requires a Prefix, it needs to be entered here.
If the rule requires a Postfix, it needs to be entered here.
International Prefix
This is an optional field where you can specify a prefix to be
added at the start of an international number.
International Postfix
This is an optional field where you can specify a postfix to be
added at the end of an international number.
Area Code
This determines the area code automatically when making a call
to another geographical area within the country.
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Force Authorization code
If the rule requires a Force Authorization Code it is entered here.
This code is configured in CallManager and is used to authorise
Console Operators to make External Calls and Consult Transfer.
This will overide any FAC code information defined on the general
Client Matter Code (CMC)
If the rule requires a Client Matter Code it is entered here. This
code is configured in CallManager and is used to authorise
Console Operators to make External Calls and Consult Transfer.
This will overide any FAC code information defined on the general
Outbound Rules: This window will show which order rules are being applied in. Rules can be moved
up and down the order by using the arrow buttons.
Rules can be deleted, updated or copied by selecting them.
Rules can also be created, edited, tested and updated from this tab.
Create a new Outbound Rule.
Edit Rule
This will open the Rule Manager to either create or edit an
Outbound Rule.
Test Rule
This will test the Outbound Rule and display the output.
When an existing Outbound Rule has been changed click on the
Update button to save the settings. Rule Manager
When either an Inbound or Outbound rule is created or edited, you will click on the Edit Rule button
to open the Rule Manager. This section is broken into 4 areas.
Dial Plan Rule
The initial tab is the Dial Plan Rule, which provides an overview of the information contained within
the rule. The information is broken into Patterns, Modifiers and Sub Rules.
To include Sub Rules within the Dial Plan it will have to be edited or originated from an
external XML editor.
As well as seeing a break down of the rule, into Patterns, Modifiers and Sub Rules, there is facility to:Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
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z View Rule XML: This will open a window that will display the Rule in its XML format. This is view only.
z Copy Rule XML: This take a copy of the XML out to the local clipboard.
z Paste Rule XML: This button will paste XML from the local clipboard into the application.
Rule Dial Patterns
The second tab, Rule Dial Patterns is where regular expressions are added to identify Patterns within
numbers that are presented to the Arc environment.
The tab shows a table of the Dial Patterns. There is no requirement with Dial Patterns for them to be
presented in a specific sequence, so there is no requirement for them to appear in a specifc order.
To create a new Dial Pattern;
Click on New, and enter a Description to identify the Pattern
Enter the expression, then click on Update.
Once a Dial Pattern has been created, it can be tested by entering a number into the Test Dial
Pattern box and clicking the Test button. The results will come back saying if the number entered falls
into the Pattern that is selected..
Rule Modifiers
The third tab, Rule Modifiers is where regular expressions are added to take a number that is presented
to the Arc environment in a certain Pattern and modify the number before it is actioned.
The tab shows a table of the Patterns. These patterns may need to be actioned in a certain order. The
order can be changed by selecting a pattern and using the Up and Down arrows to change the
To create a new Rule Modifier;
Click on New, and enter a Description to identify the Modifier
Enter the expression, to capture the Pattern that you want to match.
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Enter the expression that will be substituted to create the required number format.
Click on Update to save the Rule Modifier.
Once a Modifier has been created, it can be tested by entering a number into the Test Modifier box
and clicking the Test button. The results will come back with the new number that has been modified.
There is also functionality to delete a Rule Modifier. Select it from the table of Patterns, and Click on
Delete to remove.
Test Rule
The Test Rule tab allows for the whole rule to be tested using the Dial Plan components. Either a single
number can be added or a path and filename that contains a list of numbers can be entered. Once
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the test rule button has been clicked, the logging output from the Dial Plan Component will be
streamed to the results edit box.
The example test screen above shows the number has been tested through six Dial Patterns
and several Modifiers including domestic services and E.164 processing before reaching the
end result.
10.2.3 Resource Groups
A Resource Group is a partition or subset of devices or queues available to the user. The Users can
create a number of partitions or subsets of available devices and assign different functionality to
devices and queues in each queue.
A user may wish to set Music on Hold (MOH) specifically for different call types such as English
speaking, French speaking etc. In this instance the user would create a resource group for
the English speaking MOH, and another for the French speaking MOH. These Resource groups
would then be associated to respective Resource Group Devices.
The figure below shows the tab used to create, modify and delete the resource groups.
To create a new Resource Group:
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In the Resource Groups tab, click New
Enter a new Group Name.
Select a Dial Plan to associate with this Resource Group
Click Update to finish. The new group will appear in the Resource Group list.
10.2.4 Resource Group Devices
This tab allows the users to configure devices for Resource Groups. It shows available groups on the
left hand side and five sub-tabs on the right hand side. These sub-tabs are:
Host PBX Gateway Devices
Pre CT Gateway Devices
Service Queue
Call Parking
User Host PBX Gateway Devices
These are the devices upon which calls can be held prior to them being delivered to Operator. The
more devices configured, the more calls can be held in the Arc Connect system waiting to be
answered. Once a call is delivered down to an Operator, the Gateway device becomes free for
another call.
This sub-tab allows the user to configure Host PBX Devices for available Resource Groups.
To configure devices:
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In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Host PBX Gateway Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of
devices or Add Device to configure a particular device.
Select a Dial Plan to be associated with the Resource Group Devices.
Leaving the Dial Plan set to none will mean that the devices configured will take on the Dial
Plan specified on the Resource Group tab.
Then select one of the following actions:
z Click Add to configure devices.
z If you require to remove an item from the list, highlight it and click the Delete button. If you
need to remove all of the items from the list click Clear.
z Click Sort to order the devices in the list.
Click Update to save the action. Pre CT Gateway Devices
The Pre CT Gateway devices are required to pass calls into the Arc Connect. Once a call dials in a
Pre CT Gateway port, it is taken into the Arc CT Gateway. If the Arc Server is not functioning or the
Gateway devices are full, then a call is held on the Pre CT Gateway port until it can be routed into
the Gateway. Alternatively, a Forward on No Answer can be set on the port to provide a level of
Resilience, by routing to another device or group of devices.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Pre CT Gateway Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of
devices or Add Device to configure a particular device.
Select a Dial Plan to be associated with the Pre CT Gateway Devices.
Leaving the Dial Plan set to none will mean that the devices configured will take on the Dial
10 - 14
Plan specified on the Resource Group tab.
Then select one of the following actions:
z Click Add to configure devices.
z If you require to remove an item from the list, highlight it and click the Delete button. If you need
to remove all of the items from the list click Clear.
z Click Sort to order the devices in the list.
Click Update to save. Service Queue
The Service Queue allows calls to be put on hold by the Operator. It also adds functionality to
CallManager by providing Transfer Recall and Camp on facilities on the Operator's phone. It requires
a number of configured CTI Ports. The number of CTI Ports configured, determines the number of calls
that can be Held, Camped on or Recalled at any one time.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Service Queue Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of devices
or Add Device to configure a particular device.
Select a Dial Plan to be associated with the Service Queue Devices.
Leaving the Dial Plan set to none will mean that the devices configured will take on the Dial
Plan specified on the Resource Group tab.
Then select one of the following actions:
z Click Add to configure devices.
z Use Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
z Click Sort to order the devices in the list.
Click Update to save.
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10 - 15 Call Parking
This sub-tab is used to configure Call Parking devices for Resource Groups.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Call Park Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of devices or
Add Device to configure a particular device.
Select a Dial Plan to be associated with the Call Park Devices.
Leaving the Dial Plan set to none will mean that the devices configured will take on the Dial
Plan specified on the Resource Group tab.
Then select one of the following actions:
z Click Add to configure devices.
z Use Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
z Click Sort to order the devices in the list.
Click Update to save.
10 - 16 Voice Mail
This sub-tab allows the user to configure voice Mail devices.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Voicemail Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of devices or
Add Device to configure a particular device.
Select a Dial Plan to be associated with the Voice Mail Devices.
Leaving the Dial Plan set to none will mean that the devices configured will take on the Dial
Plan specified on the Resource Group tab.
Then select one of the following actions:
z Click Add to configure devices.
z Use Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
z Click Sort to order the devices in the list.
Click Update to save.
When configuring a device range, the value in From field must be less than the value in To
The user can remove a selected device in a Resource Group using the Delete button.
Similarly, all selected devices can be removed using Clear button. The Sort button is used to
sort all configured devices in a Resource Group.
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10 - 17 User
This sub-tab allows for the configuration of user devices.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the User Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of devices or Add
Device to configure a particular device.
Select a Dial Plan to be associated with the User Devices.
Leaving the Dial Plan set to none will mean that the devices configured will take on the Dial
Plan specified on the Resource Group tab.
Then select one of the following actions:
z Click Add to configure devices.
z Use Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
z Click Sort to order the devices in the list.
Click Update to save.
10.2.5 CLI Tag
A majority of incoming calls will have a Calling Line Identifier (CLI) presented at the same time as the
call. This is the number from where the caller is making the call. By attaching some meaningful
information as a tag to the number can help users when they receive calls from a particular number,
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for example VIP, #1 Customer etc. User can also add a point of reference as well, such as a company
name or contact. All the Numbers added in CLI Type Call Filters will also appear in this Listing.
To Create a New CLI Tag:
In the CLI Tag Properties section, click New.
Enter CLI Number, Tag and Reference Data.
Press Update to finish.
To Amend a CLI Tag:
Select the CLI Tag you want to amend from the tag list
Change details and press Update.
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To Delete a CLI Tag,
Select the CLI Tag you want to delete from the tag list.
Press Delete.
Click Update to complete the action.
To search an existing tag, type the number in the Search field.
10.2.6 DDI Tag
A DDI is the number that the caller has dialled (Direct Dial Inbound). As user configures the call filters
with the ICD areas any DDI(s) that are entered will automatically be added to this list. Alternatively, a
user can enter any of the DDI tags here.
To Create a New DDI Tag:
In the DDI Tag Properties section, click New.
Enter Number and Tag.
Press Update to finish.
To Amend a DDI Tag:
Select the DDI Tag you want to amend from the tag list.
Change details and press Update.
To Delete a DDI Tag:
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Select the DDI Tag you want to delete from the tag list.
Press Delete.
Click Update to finish.
To search an existing tag, type the number in the Search field.
10.2.7 Queue Priority
The users can decide the prioritisation of the Queues to ensure important incoming calls are
answered. This tab allows the user to select the order of call delivery. The users will create Queues in
the Call Connect, Web Connect etc. These Queues will appear in the list in the Queue Order Priority
If all Users are busy and a call is waiting in each Queue, then the call in the Queue that has
top priority will be delivered when a user becomes free.
To assign Queues a Priority
From the Queue Priority section, select a routing option from the following:
z Queue – Queue Prioritisation: Call routing through Queue Prioritisation
z Call – Call Prioritization: Call routing through Call Prioritisation
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z Filter – Filter Prioritization: Call routing through Filter Prioritisation
2. Select the Queue Name from the Queue listing (Queue name will appear in the Queue Name
text box under the Queue listing)
Assign the Priority using the up and down buttons. The choice is between 1 to 5 with the higher
number representing the lower priority.
Click the Update button.
To assign priority to another Queue, repeat the procedure.
10.2.8 Host Servers
The Host Servers tab allows for the configuration of the servers hosting the Web Campaigns.
z Web Chat: Set this box to reflect the name of the machine where you have installed the Web
Server for Chat phrases to be used by the Web Agents during Text chats. To change the Computer, click on the Browse button to search for the computer on network.
z Web Collaboration: Set this box to reflect the name of the machine where you have installed the
Web Collaboration module. To change the Computer, click on the Browse button to search for
the computer on network.
To configure Host Server,
Click the Browse button for the Web Chat option and locate the machine where the Campaign
Connect for outbound dialling is installed.
Repeat the same process for Web Collaboration.
Press Update to finish.
In order to support multi-tenancy, the Arc configuration can be fragmented into smaller subconfigurations called communities. A community defines the configuration boundaries for a
company (tenant), department or a business unit.
Users/Tenants will not have knowledge of, or have access to, any resources outside of the community
they have been configured for.
To configure communities:
From the main menu bar, select Configuration > Communities.
The user will see the tabs that allow configuration of the communities.
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The following tabs allow the user to make the necessary configurations:
10.3.1 Communities
This area allows the user or service host to create/modify communities in order to support multitenancy in Arc applications.
The following configurations are allowed in this tab.
To create a new community:
Click New.
Enter a Name for the community.
Associate a Resource Group with the community by selecting a resource group from the
available list.
Select the Full Access checkbox if required.
Select an SMS Vendor from the drop down selection box.
SMS Vendors
When an Operator sends an SMS the Vendor set for a Region default will be used before the
Community default. If neither have been configured then the system default will be used.
Click Update.
Communities with full access do not have any access restrictions. Such communities are able to
manage all aspects of the Arc Connect configuration and have create, delete and amend access
When a community is assigned full access, the community elements are automatically configured
with full access rights for that particular community.
To create a copy of an existing community:
Select a community from the list.
Click Copy.
Edit the community name in the Name field if required.
Click Update.
A copy of the community will be created with the same configurations as the original community.
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To update an existing community:
Select a community from the list.
Change the details as required.
Click Update.
To delete an existing community:
Select a community from the list.
Click Delete.
10.3.2 Community Elements
A community element is a facet of Arc Configuration covering a specific within the community.
This tab allows the user/host to assign access rights to individual elements of Arc configuration to a
To configure the elements for a community:
Select a community from the list.
Assign Create/Delete rights for each element as required.
From the list of Available Instances, select the instances for each element to be assigned to the
selected community. Community instance is an item that represents a community element. For
example, Queue is a community element and the Sales queue would be a community
Assign rights to Amend an instance as required.
Click Update.
In order to avoid data exchange and information leak between customers/tenants, it is
advised not to assign an instance to more than one community.
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Contact Management
The Contact Management section manages all the contacts that have been saved either in the Arc
database or import contacts for other external databases. The user can create new internal/external
contacts, assign directory/page groups and specify a number of properties for each contact.
To manage contacts:
Select Configuration > Contact Management.
The user will see a window displaying the progress of the loading of contact management
The following sections are available for the user to manage the contacts and their information:
10.4.1 General
The first tab that the user will see is the General tab, that allows the user to select the Contact
Database Source.
The following checkbox is provided in this section:
z Operator uses direct database access: If this option is selected, the operator will directly connect to the Arc Contact Database in order to perform contact searches. Click Update once the
database has been selected. If this tick box is not selected then the Operator console is in Memory model (up to five thousand contacts maximum).
10.4.2 Internal Contacts
The Internal Contacts tab contains all extensions and data that the Operators will see both in their
Internal Extension displays. The devices can be entered manually as individual contacts with
additional information in the table that appears.
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The user can also filter the contacts displayed in the list according to their own convenience and
requirement. The filters available are as follows.
Available Filters
Last Name
This filter displays all contacts with the last name as specified in the field.
It displays contacts that belong to the department specified in the field.
Displays contacts with extension that is specified in the Extension filter.
Quick Search
Within the operator console, multiple fields can be designated for inclusion to be
available for this Quick Search functionality.
Table 10 - 2: Internal Contacts - Filters Adding a new Contact
Click on the New button on the Internal Contact and the following window will open for entering
details for a New Contact. The users can add General information for the Operators, their working
category, and their contact details. The Details are spread across a series of tabs
Contact Notes
Directory Groups
Console Contact
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The table below will provide a detailed explanation for each tab in the New Contact form.
General: This tab allows the user to enter general information for the contact to be created. The
fields specified in the tab are explained as follows:
The user can assign a title to the contact in this field.
The initials for the new contact can be entered here.
First Name
The first name of the contact must be specified here. The user can also
enter an alternate for the first name.
Middle Name
The middle name of the contact must be specified here.
Last Name
The last name of the contact must be specified here. The user can also
enter an alternate for the last name.
Enter a valid email address for the contact.
Email 2
Enter a valid second email address for the contact.
Email 3
Enter a valid third email address for the contact.
These four lines are reserved for the address of contact. Each line can be
searched separately.
Post Code
Enter the Post Code here for the contact.
User Fields (1 to 3)
Three fields are reserved. User may use these for any other data regarding
the contact.
The region can also be specified for the contact. This field is available for
Console Contacts only
Personal Numbers: The user can save the personal numbers of the new contact in this section.
Main Extension
This is the actual extension of the internal contact.
Use Device Name
This tick box will enable the use of the Device Name.
If you are using extension mobility then this needs to be un-ticked,
as the extension will be linked to a variety of devices, depending
on where the contact is logged in.
Device Name
This is the name allocated to the device within the CallManager.
Business 1
Give the contact's business phone number here
Business 2
User can give another business phone number for the contact here.
Give the home phone number of the contact.
Give the fax number of contact.
Give the mobile phone number of the contact.
Give the pager number of the contact.
Pickup Ext
This is another extension in the office that a contact can monitor.
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Assistant/Alternate Numbers: This section allows the user to specify alternate numbers for the
contact. Here, the number for the contact's assistant can also be entered.
The user can specify an assistant's number for a contact by clicking on the
Add button. The required assistant can then be selected from the list that
opens in a new window.
NOTE: Only one assistant can be specified for a contact.
Alternate Contacts
The user can specify an alternate contact by clicking on the Add button.
The required alternate can then be selected from the list that opens in a
new window. There is also facility to Delete if required.
Company (Information): Following information can be given in the contact Company Information
Name of the company.
Room Name
Room number where the contact is usually located.
Job Title
Job title for the contact.
Name of section assigned to the contact in the company.
Location or address of the contact's company.
Cost Center
Give the name of the cost center of the company related to the contact.
Department for the contact. This is to be selected from the drop down
box. Departments are created in Contact Properties Tab.
Keywords: Keywords can be added for a contact for searching in the records. These Keywords will
become specific for the contact.
In this section the user can Add, Replace and Delete keywords.
Contact Notes: This is an extra piece of information about the contact created or added to the
Internal Contacts.
Contact Notes Icon
This field is used to specify the colour for the contact notes icon colour.
This field is used to specify some additional information for a contact.
Absent Message
User can enter a note here in case a contact is absent or not available.
Directory Groups: This tab allows the user to assign directory groups and page groups to a contact.
Directory Group
The user can select the directory group to which he/she wants the
contact to be associated with.
By selecting the Associated Groups checkbox, the user can specify if the
contact is to be listed in the Busy Lamp Field (BLF) or not.
Page Group
The user can select the page group to which he/she wants the contact
to be associated with.
Console Contact:
Windows Login
This field contains the windows login of the contact used for Arc Presence.
This is the code that is required in order to access the remote personal call
park locations. There must be a unique PIN configured for each contact.
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Table 10 - 3: Internal Contact - Available fields
On completion, click Update. A new contact with the given information will be created.
To change properties of a contact:
Select a contact from the Internal Contacts list.
Click Properties button.
A new window will open containing the details for the selected contact.
Make changes if required.
Click Update to save changes.
Click Close to close the window.
To copy a contact:
Select a contact from the internal contacts list.
Click Copy button.
A new window will open containing the details for the selected contact.
Make changes if required.
Click Update to save changes.
Click Close to close the window.
To delete a contact:
Select a contact from the internal contacts list.
Click Delete button.
A confirmation will pop up in order to make sure that the user actually wants to delete the
Click Yes.
In order to clear the entire list of contacts, click Clear button.
Users will only be able to modify the contact fields that have NOT been mapped for LDAP
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10.4.3 External Contacts
The External Contact tab is for contacts outside of the core community (an example might be
contractors, or third party suppliers). Information associated with the External Contact will be shown
to the Operators. In this window you will see the List of Contacts below the filters.
The user can also filter the contacts displayed in the list according to his/her own convenience and
The filters available are as follows:
Available Filter
Last Name
This filter displays all contacts with the last name as specified in the field.
It displays contacts that belong to the company specified in the field.
Displays contacts with the number that is specified in the Number filter.
Table 10 - 4: External Contacts - Filters
To create an external contact, click New and provide the following information,. The Details are
spread across a series of tabs
Contact Notes
10 - 30
z Directory Groups
General (Information): This tab contains the following information for an external contact:
Enter the salutation: Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc.
Enter initials of first and middle names.
First Name
Give the first name of the external contact being entered.
Middle Name
Enter the middle name of the contact.
Last Name
Enter the last name.
Type the email address for the contact.
Email 2
Type the second email address for the contact.
Email 3
Type the third email address for the contact.
4 fields available for address information
Post Code
Enter the Post Code.
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User Field 1
Enter a field, the user wants to add for the contact but is not listed in the section.
User Field 2
Enter a field, the user wants to add for the contact but is not listed in the section.
User Field 3
Enter a field, the user wants to add for the contact but is not listed in the section.
Personal (Numbers): This tab contains all the contact numbers available for an external contact.
Business 1
Enter the business type for the contact.
Business 2
Enter the second business type for the contact if it exists.
Enter the home address.
Enter the fax number.
Enter the mobile number for the contact.
Enter the Pager number for the contact.
Company (Information): This tab contains information related to the company the external
contact works for.
Type the company's name.
Room Name
Room number where the contact is usually located
Job Title
Job title for the contact.
Name of section assigned to the contact in the company.
Location or address of the contact's company.
Cost Centre
Give the name of the cost center of the company related to the contact.
Enter the working department of the contact.
Keywords: Keywords can be added for a contact for searching in the records. These Keywords will
become specific for the contact.
In this section the user can Add, Replace and Delete keywords.
Contact Notes: This is an extra piece of information about the contact created or added to the
External Contacts.
Notes Icon
This field is used to specify the colour for the contact notes icon colour.
This field is used to specify some additional information for a contact.
User can enter a note here in case a contact is absent or not available.
Directory Groups: This tab allows the user to assign directory groups and page groups to a contact.
The user can select the directory group to which he/she wants the contact to be
associated with.
Table 10 - 5: External Contacts - Available fields
10 - 32
To delete an external contact, select it from the list and click Delete. The user can also change details
of an external contact.
To change external contact details:
Select the External Contact you want to amend.
Click Properties button.
Change details as required.
Click Update to finish.
To copy an external contact:
Select a contact from the External Contacts list.
Click Copy button.
A new window will open containing the details for the selected contact.
Make changes if required.
Click Update to save changes.
Click Close to close the window.
To delete an external contact:
Select a contact from the external contacts list.
Click Delete button.
A confirmation will pop up in order to make sure that the user actually wants to delete the
Click Yes.
In order to clear the entire list of contacts, click Clear button.
Users will only be able to modify the contact fields that have NOT been mapped for LDAP
10.4.4 Contact Properties
The Contact Properties tab is used to support the web directory facility. It consists of the following sub
tabs Job Titles, Regions, Branches, Departments and Icons
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
10 - 33 Job Titles
This tab is used to create job titles for the users. These job titles are later assigned to the Internal
Contacts. User can create job titles here. The New button creates new job titles. Previous records can
be updated or deleted also.
To create a new job title:
Click New button.
Type the Full Job Title and Job Code.
Press Update. The new title will be added to the list.
To amend a job title:
Select the Job Title you want to amend.
Change details and press Update to finish.
To delete a job title:
Select the Job Title you want to delete from the list.
Click Delete.
Click Update to finish.
10 - 34 Regions
This tab is used to create or update Regions of the company.
To create a region:
Press New and type a Name of the region.
Enter the Voice Mail number. This number will be assigned as a forwarding destination for the
specified region.
Select an SMS Vendor from the drop down selection box.
SMS Vendors
When an Operator sends an SMS the Vendor set for a Region default will be used before the
Community default. If neither have been configured then the system default will be used.
Press Update. The newly created region will appear in the Regions list.
To amend a region:
In the Regions list, select the region you want to amend.
Amend the Region Name.
Amend Voice Mail number.
Click Update to save changes.
To delete a region:
In the Regions list, select the region you want to delete.
Click Delete.
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Click Update to finish.
To find a region:
In the Region Name text field, type the first letter(s) of the region you want to find.
Press Apply. The matching regions will appear in the Regions list.
Click Clear to view all regions. Important Keywords for Notes
This sub-tab allows you to create keywords. These keywords are used for contacts with Contact Notes
in Arc Console Connect.
To create a new Keyword Detail:
Click New and type the Keyword and Description.
Click Update to add it to the Note Keywords table.
To amend a department details:
Within the Notes keyword, select the Keyword that you want to update.
In the Keyword Details section, amend the Keyword details as required.
Click Update to save changes.
To delete a department:
Within the Notes keyword, select the Keyword that you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Update to finish.
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10.4.5 Quick Search
The Quick Search tab provides a configuration option so that when an operator searches for a
contacts details using the Quick Search area, specific fields will be included within that search.
Database Fields to use for Quick Search
This tab contains Available Fields and Quick Search Fields. The fields selected here will be included
when the operator attempts a search using the Quick Search field. This includes both internal and
external directories.
To configure keywords:
In the Available Fields list, select the field you want to add to the Quick Search Fields.
The user can remove search filters from Quick Search Field list by pressing the
button. The selected field will be added to the Quick Search Field list.
button to select add all fields.
Similarly all filters can be removed by pressing the
Click Update to save changes.
10.4.6 Directory Groups
Operators see this information in their Busy Lamp Field or Internal Directory of the Console Operator.
Depending on the business scenario in place, these groups have two functions. In a single business
scenario a Default list of all extensions may be enough, allowing the Operators to see all extensions.
In a multi-tenant environment a Directory Group can be set up for each company, so that when a
call arrives, the Operators see only the relevant extensions in their display. A directory group is
assigned to a call filter, and if a call arrives via the assigned filter the operator will only see those
contacts in the Directory Group as they answer the call. Once the call is over, the display will revert
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to their configured Operator Group. A directory group may contain internal and/or external
To add a new Directory Group:
Click New.
Give the Directory Group Name and Description for the new group.
Click Update to save changes.
To update the details for a Directory Group:
Select the Directory Group.
You can change the Name or Description of that group.
Click the Update button and the details for the Group will be updated.
To Delete a Directory Group from the List:
Select the Group from the listing, and click the Delete button.
Remember user cannot delete the Default Group from the List.
10.4.7 Directory Group Contacts
Directory Group Contacts are internal and external contacts that are associated with a particular
directory group.
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This section allows the user to do the following:
To add internal contacts, click on Internal Contacts tab and click Add to select devices to be
added in the directory group.
z Set the BLF field property for the required Extensions.
Setting BLF here means that the device will be permanently monitored. This is restricted to
2500 devices and will register everything that device does.
To add external contacts, click on External Contacts tab and click Add to select contacts to be
added in the directory group.
The user can also Remove or Remove All internal/external contacts by selecting a contact and
clicking on the respective button.
For convenience, the internal/external contacts displayed in the Directory Group Contacts view
pane can be sorted according to the following fields:
z Company
z Department
z Extension
z Last name
The user can sort the displayed information by clicking on any one of the above-mentioned fields in
the view pane header.
10.4.8 Import/Export
To Import a Directory through Wizard:
Select the option Wizard on the Import/Export tab.
Select the Contact Type you want to import (Internal, External or Both).
Click Import.
The Directory Import Wizard will open that will guide the user through the process of importing
contacts to the Internal/External Directory from a Microsoft Excel Workbook.
Specify the File name and select the field names to be given in the Excel file.
A Microsoft Excel file with all the field names will open, when the import is complete.
The Excel file will contain a few more fields than the number of fields that are usually specified
for contacts.
To Export a Directory as an Excel File:
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In order to export LDAP contacts as well, select the Include LDAP Contacts checkbox.
Select Export Contact Type that you require.
Click the Export button.
Give the output file name and path in the browsing window.
Click the Save button.
File will be saved on the disk.
To export a directory in this format you have to have Excel installed on the server.
When importing from an Excel spreadsheet, if you want to have Use Device Name defaulted
to un-selected then you will have to enter Null for the entries in the column Main Extension
MAC Address.
If this is not done and a change is required then each contact will have to be manually
LDAP Synchronisation
Select Configuration > LDAP Synchronisation from the main menu.
10.5.1 Scheduled Sources
This is the main tab of the LDAP Synchronisation. The users can create copy, edit and delete
scheduled LDAP Directory source here.
To create a new Directory source users have to move gradually through the six sub-tabs provided.
To create a new Scheduled Source
Click the New button.
The given options in the Source Details tab will become active. Source Details
The information provided here is used to create an authenticated connection between LDAP Server
and the LDAP Directory Server.
The tab has three sections:
z General
z Connection
z Authentication
10 - 40
General: This section allows the users to enter the information for the Source and its platform.
Source Name
This is the name of the Source.
The user can select an option from the drop down box, iPlanet, CUCM (AXL) or
Microsoft Active Directory. This selected option will allow the LDAP Server to
operate according to the LDAP Directory Server.
Status Active
Select to activate the status of the LDAP Directory Server.
An inactive Directory Server is unable to synchronise data to the Arc Contact
Connection: This section allows the users to give the host information and its protocol version.
Host Name
The user is required to enter the IP Address or the Name of the host i.e. the
machine on which the LDAP Directory Server is installed.
Host Port
This is for the number of the port to which the LDAP Directory Server is
Protocol Version
Users will select an option from the drop down box. The values are the versions
of the LDAP Server. The selected version is used to connect to the LDAP
Directory Server.
This is not required if CUCM platform is selected.
SSL (Secure
Socket Layer)
Ticking this box will enable SSL encryption protocol.
Authentication: This section is for entering secure information for the user name and password.
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User Name
The users are required to enter the user name for authentication to the LDAP
Directory Server.
Enter a password for the User DN.
Click this button to save the information entered or changed.
Click this button to validate the information entered by the users.
*Appears as TEST AXL Connection if CUCM is the selected protocol.
Table 10 - 6: LDAP Synchronisation - Source Details Container
This tab will not be available if CUCM is the selected platform.
This tab requires information about the basic storage place of the objects and classes. This storage
place is in the LDAP Directory Sever. The LDAP Server will use these objects and classes to synchronise
contacts to the Arc database.
It has three sections:
z Container Settings
z Notifications
z Search Settings
Container Settings: In this section the users can define the objects and classes used for the
synchronisation of contacts.
Base DN
10 - 42
It is the distinguished name of the domain that contains the objects and the
classes. This will also have the complete path of the container hierarchy
through which the objects and classes are taken.
Object Class
It is the type of the objects and classes specified in the container.
Arc LDAP server is only able to see attributes of multiple object
classes, were the Auxiliary is derived from the default class. Such that
where an Auxiliary class has been created (ABCuser) and is not
derived from the default class (inetOrgPerson) selecting the default
class will not show all attributes of both classes, only if the Auxiliary
class is derived from the default class will all attributes be available.
Data Access
This is an option box, Read, Write and Both. Select a value to specify whether
the user is allowed to only read, write the container or do the both.
It has three options, Base Level, One Level, and Sub Tree Level. Select one
option to define the scope of the container.
Click the button to validate the information entered in this section.
Monitor Change
It is a checkbox. If the users select this option then Arc LDAP Server starts
monitoring change notifications for the LDAP Directory Server.
Search Settings
Search Max Retry
This specifies the number of retries for a search. If the value specified is zero, it
will be set to 25 by default.
Search Retry
Here the user can specify the delay between search retries in case a search
request fails or timeouts)
Click to save the information.
Table 10 - 7: LDAP Synchronisation -Container Schedule
This tab requires information on the scheduling of the synchronisation. It has a section, Schedule
This section is further divided into three sub-sections:
z Start Date/Time
z Execute
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z Auto Synchronization (including On Reconnect)
Source Settings: This is the main section of the tab that consists of three sub-sections allowing users
to set the schedule at the basis of date and time.
Start Date/Time: It allows the users to select the date and time to set the schedule.
This drop list opens a calendar for selecting date. This is to set date to start the
Click the up and down arrows to change and set time. The value of the time
selected will change only.
For example, if the user selects the PM value and clicks the arrow, it will change
to AM but the Hours, Minutes and Seconds will not.
Execute: The users can set the execution periods in this section.
This is an option list. It has None, Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly options. The
synchronisation will take place on the basis of the type selected.
The caption for this option changes with the selection of the Type. For
example, Every 2 Week(s) or Every 1 Day(s).
Auto Synchronisation: The users can set preferences for the automatic synchronisation.
On Start up
If this checkbox is selected then the synchronisation is started when the Arc
LDAP Server starts.
On Reconnect (following a lost connection): If this check box is selected then the synchronisation
will start again after the reconnection of the LDAP Server. This is in case of disconnection.
CT Server
If this checkbox is selected the synchronization with CT Server will start again
after reconnection of the LDAP Server.
Directory Server
If this checkbox is selected the synchronization with Directory Server will start
again after reconnection of the LDAP Server.
10 - 44
Click to save the information in the tab.
Table 10 - 8: Schedule Fields Mapping
There is no option to select Use device Name during an LDAP import, this means that if it is
required as a default option it needs to be configured on this screen. To do this:1. Select a Source field that will be empty.
2. Set the Destination Field to RID (Resource Identification Device or Device Name)
3. Enter a Default Value of Null.
This will result in Use Device Name set to off.
The users can configure settings to map the External sourced contacts to the Arc database.
This tab has two sections:
z Property Settings
z Fields Mapping
Property Settings: This section allows the users to set properties for the source attributes.
Unique Property
This is an option list that displays the source attributes defined in the source
and the object class. It allows the users to select a unique property for the
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Native Property
If this check box is selected, then users cannot select an option from the
Unique Property.
This will be set to native if CUCM platform is selected.
Fields Mapping
Source Fields
It is an option list that contains the fields specified in the object class given in
the Container tab.
Destination Fields
All the contact properties within the Arc Database will display in this option list.
Default Value
Enter a default value if required for the Fields Mapping.
Direction Type
It has three options, Read, Write and Both. Users can select one to create a
contact property from LDAP Server to Arc Server and vice versa.
Click to add the information in the table below
Click to update information in the table.
Click to delete information from the table.
Click this button to save information in the Fields Mapping tab.
Table 10 - 9: Fields Mapping Rules
The users can select and define the type of contacts i.e. Internal or External required to synchronise
for the Arc Console Operator. The LDAP Server will synchronise the defined set of contacts from the
10 - 46
LDAP Directory Server to the Arc Contact database according to the rules. It has a section, Rules
Mapping. This further has a sub-section, Rules having another sub-section, Filter.
Rules Mapping: This section contains a list that shows the Rules and Filter.
Rule Name
Enter the name of the rule user is going to create.
Contact Type
Select an option from the list, Internal Contacts and External Contacts.
This will be set to Internal Contact and disabled if CUCM platform is
BLF (Busy Lamp
If this check box is selected, the LDAP Server will synchronise the internal
contact properties from the LDAP Directory Server to the Arc Console
This will be disabled if CUCM platform is selected.
Do Not Import
Ticking this box will stop disabled accounts being imported during the LDAP
Filter: After the above information, users can enter information for the filters.
This option list shows the fields that are used to build Filters.
It has a set of comparison operators to create a Filter.
Enter value of a Filter to be created which will be used for the comparison.
Click to add the filter in the table.
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Click to update filter in the table.
Click to delete filter in the table.
Click to create a new Rule.
Click to update a Rule.
Click to delete a selected Rule. Rules Directory Group
Table 10 - 10: Rules
The users can relate the created Rules to the Directory Groups in this tab. It has two sections. One
shows a list of Rules and Group Count. The second is Directory Group Rules.
Directory Group Rules
Available Groups
This list contains the available Directory Groups.
Max Records
Entering a number here will restrict the number of records that are
synchonized. This may be required if the source directory is particularly large.
Rule Groups
This list contains the Rule Groups added from the Available Groups.
Click to save the Directory Rule Groups.
Table 10 - 11: Rules Directory Group
10 - 48
The following tab provides the configuration settings for the use of Paging and SMS (Short Message
Service) which can be sent from the Operator Console to end users within the corporate community.
This tab is split into the two sub sections. To configure these settings, select Configuration > Messaging
from the main menu, and select from the following two types of messaging.
z Paging
This tab allows the Administrator to configure settings for page messages. The page messages are
useful means of communication between Console Operator and IP Phone users. An operator can
send a page message with a call (if required) to a single IP Phone or a group of IP Phones. There are
five sub sections including General, Page Request, Page Response, Page Groups and Page Group
Paging requires that the receiving devices have been associated within the CallManager
configuration and BLF (fixed) has been enabled.
This tab provides the configuration settings for the use of SMS (Short Message Service) which can be
sent from the Operator Console to an end user within the corporate community. This tab is split into
three sub sections, General, Vendor and SMS Request.
10.6.1 Paging
This tab page is further divided in five sub-tabs. These are explained in the following sections.
Paging requires that the receiving devices have been associated within the CallManager
configuration and BLF (fixed) has been enabled.
This section is further divided into five sub-sections:
Page Request,
Page Response,
Page Groups
Page Group Contacts
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
10 - 49 General
The General sub-tab allows the Administrator to configure the time-out durations, Group
Messages and Notifications.
General Properties
Page Time Out
This is the time after which a Page Request expires if not actioned by
any recipient.
Call Page
This is the time after which a Page Request with Call expires and returns
to the sender if not taken by any IP Phone user.
Click to save the Directory Rule Groups.
Group Messages
When a message is sent to a group and the number of recipients (as
configured here) dismisses the message, it returns to the sender. For example,
the value is 16. Now, when a message is sent to a group of 20 users and 16
users dismiss the message. The message will return to the sender.
Override Phone
This allows the sound played to advise of an incoming message, to use our
sound level rather than the phones sound level.
Use this slider to adjust volume.
Notification Media
Click Browse to select the desired sound file (.wav). Beep.wav is the default
file used.
Reminder: Select this checkbox to enable/disable recurring sound alert. The reminder is used to
inform the IP Phone user if there is any pending message to be attended on the IP Phone.
10 - 50
Reminder Media
Click Browse to select the desired sound (.wav) for reminder.
Reminder Interval
Set interval for the reminder.
Click to save the changes to the configuration that have been set. Page Request
This sub-tab allows the Administrator to create, update or delete groups of messages. Each
page group can contain page requests or messages of similar type. This allows the Operator
to easily find and send desired messages.
To create a page request group:
1. Click the New button.
2. In Page Request Details section, enter Display Name and Description. This name is
displayed in Operator's paging window.
3. Select Automatically Expand checkbox. If selected, the group list is expanded in
Operator's paging window and displays all messages in the group. In this checkbox is
not selected, only page group are displayed to the Operator in tree table format.
However, the Operator can manually expand the group to view page requests or
4. Press Update to finish. The newly created page group will be displayed in the Page
Requests list.
5. The order of page request groups in the list can be changes using the Up and Down
buttons. Press Update button after changing the order.
Once a page request group has been created, the Administrator can associate messages
to each page request group.
To add page request item to a page group:
1. In the Page Requests list, select the group to which you want to add a message.
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In the Request Details section, type the Name and text of the page request. The name
and text typed here are displayed on recipient's IP Phone screen.
Set Priority level. A greater number represents lower priority level.
Select Allow Free Format Message checkbox. This will enable the operator to add
additional message to the page request.
Click Add to finish. The newly created message will be shown in Page Request Items list.
To add another page request item:
1. In the Page Request Items list, highlight the Display Name.
Type in the New Name, and add any additional information required.
Then press Add button.
To amend page request item details:
1. In the Page Request Items list, select the message you want to amend.
2. Make changes and press Replace button.
To change page request order:
1. Select the page group for which you want to change the message order.
2. The messages added to the group will appear in the Requests Items list.
to change order.
Press Update to finish.
To delete a page group:
1. In the Page Requests list, select the page group you want to delete.
2. Press Delete.
To amend a page group:
1. In the Page Requests list, select the group you want to amend.
2. Make changes to the group
3. Click Update to save changes. Page Response
This sub-tab allows the Administrator to manage page replies. These replies are sent in
response to page requests through an IP phone. Page replies can be created, updated and
deleted in this section.
10 - 52
To create a reply:
1. Click New button.
2. Enter Display Name and Message Text.
3. Press Update to finish. The newly created reply appears in the Page Response list.
To amend a reply:
1. In the Page Response list, select the reply you want to amend.
2. Amend details and press Update to save changes.
To change order of a Page Response:
1. In the Page Response list, select a page response.
to move the selected Page Response
Click Update to save changes.
To delete a reply:
1. In the Page Response list, select the reply you want to delete.
2. Press Delete.
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10 - 53 Page Groups
The Administrator can create Page Groups in this sub-tab. A Page Group is a set of contacts
or page recipients. The Operator can use a page group to send page messages to multiple
recipients simultaneously.
To create a page group,
1. Press New button.
2. Enter the name and Description of the group.
3. Select a Region from the list.
4. Press Update to finish. The newly created page group will appear in the Page Group list.
To amend a page group,
1. In the Page Group list, select the group you want to amend.
2. Change details as required.
3. Press Update to save changes.
To delete a page group,
1. In the Page Group list, select the page group you want to delete.
2. Press Delete Page Group Contacts
The Administrator can associate a contact with a page group in this sub-tab. The
Administrator can also associate one or more contacts to a group. Similarly, contact
associations can be created or removed here.
To associate a contact to a group,
1. In the Page Group list, select a group.
2. Press Add button. This will open a new window.
3. In the new window, select the contact you want to associate with the selected group.
The Administrator can also search a contact from the directory using different search
criteria in this window. Only console contacts can be associated to a group.
4. Press Add. The contact will be added to the selected group and displayed in the
Contacts Used in Page Group section. These are the contacts configured in the Internal
Contacts as Console Contacts.
10 - 54
To remove a contact from group
1. In the Page Group list, select the group from which you want to remove a contact.
2. All contact associated with the group will appear in the contacts list.
3. Select the required contact and press Remove. The Remove All button removes all
contacts from the selected group.
For the users convenience, the contacts displayed in the Page Group Contacts view panel
can be sorted according to the following fields;z
Last Name
The user can sort the displayed information by clicking on any one of the above-mentioned
field headers in the view panel.
10.6.2 SMS
The following tab provides the configuration settings for the use of SMS (Short Message Service) which
can be sent from the Operator Console to an end user within the corporate community. This tab is
split into three sub sections.
z General
z Vendor
z SMS Request. General
On this tab a Default Vendor can be specified. This can only be set after an initial vendor has been
configured. The Vendor set here will be the default one used whenever an SMS is sent without a
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Vendor being specified. Default Vendors can be set at Region level as well as Community level. If
neither have been configured then this Default setting will be used.
By default there will be a list of Vendors available for selection. An account will be required
with the vendor to use this functionality. The inital list of vendors will include the following
ClickATell Vendor
This tab contains all of the configuration information for the Vendors. There are three sub tabs on this
z Vendor Details
z Parameter Mapping
z Error Mapping Vendor Details
This information is provided by your Vendor.
General: This section contains the general parameters for the Vendor.
Vendor Name:
10 - 56
The name of the vendor.
The method of submitting data to the vendor. Selected from either Get or
Host (URL):
The submission website that is used by the vendor to send the SMS to its
Account Details
Username of the SMS account.
Password of the SMS account.
Provides a form to enter information for a test SMS. See Section Testing
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10 - 57 Parameter Mapping
Parameter Mapping Details:
Response Prefix:
When an SMS is sent; a response is received from the vendor's side. The
response can either be a success message, or an error report. In case of
success, each vender will assign the SMS an ID, and return that ID. The
constant part in the return string is a substring that precedes the ID.
This information will be provided by the Vendor when the account has been
SMS Message
The maximum characters a vendor allows in one SMS. It will be used to
determine where a message is split when multiple SMSs are sent. By default this
is set to 160 characters.
When sending an SMS, the vendor will require certain parameters for it to be
able to process the message. These parameters can be information such as
the telephone number to send the message to, account information and the
message itself. It is possible that vendors will have different names for each of
these parameters therefore the user can enter the vendor parameter name
and then map it to a 'token'.
Parameter Value
These are the ‘Token’ values set against the Vendors parameters. Tokens are
static keywords that the user has to insert into the values of the parameters.
[TO] - The destination number of the SMS message.
[FROM] - The number/name that the SMS message appears to have come
[TEXT] - The actual SMS message content.
[USERNAME] - The username of the account with the vendor.
[PASSWORD] - The password of the account with the vendor.
It is also possible to type in a “Token” value, this would be down to the
requirements that the SMS Vendor has. Error Mapping
When an SMS sent results in a failure an error message is generated. This tab links the Vendor message
to the SMS error codes that are within Arc Enterprise. It is important that these are configured as it will
10 - 58
help diagnose any issues that might arise during operation. If a value is not assigned then it will default
The Complete list of the Vendor’s error codes is usually available at the vendor’s website, or
can be requested from the Vendor.
This is an exhaustive list of all the possible response from the SMS component. All Vendor errors will be
mapped to these values.
Error Message
The SMS was sent successfully
Vendor name was not specified or
The specified vendor does not exist or
The vendors Interface could not be instantiated.
A recipient has not been specified
An originating number must be specified
No message text has be passed
The message text length is incompatible with the selected Vendor
Login/Account related error
A parameter has been misconfigured
Credit Related Error
An Internal Process
Invalid Number
Error message Expired
Error Invalid Request
A communication error between vendor and SMS API has occurred
General Error
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Error Message
An error whilst using the number processor regular expressions
occurred. Test SMS
This facility allows for the SMS process to be tested.
z Vendor - The name of the vendor that we want to test SMS for.
This field is read-only.
z To - A numeric only field. User should fill this with a valid mobile
number in international format. The SMS will be sent to this
number, so this should be a number of a mobile that user can
check SMS instantly on.
z From - This will be automatically filled with the product short
name 'Arc Connect'.
z Text - This will be automatically filled with a test message to
z Send - This will send the SMS to the vendor.
z Status - After pressing Send, this is where the result of the SMS
will be shown. It will either show Successful or the Error Message
related to the Failure*.
* If No Error Mapping Detail have been entered then it will display “General Error”. SMS Request
This sub-tab allows the Administrator to create, update or delete standard SMS messages. These
messages can be grouped (typically by potential audience; eg. For Agents, Managers, Sales Team)
which will provide the Operator with easy to find and send generic SMS requests.
To create an SMS Request group:
Click the New button.
In the SMS Request section, enter Display Name and Description. This name will be displayed in
the Operator's SMS window.
Select Automatically Expand checkbox. If selected, the SMS group list is expanded in the
Operator's paging window and displays all messages in that group. If the checkbox is not
10 - 60
selected, only SMS group are displayed to the Operator however, the Operator can manually
expand the group to view page requests or messages.
This screen reflects the Send SMS dialogue box from the Arc
Console Operator. Note that For Agent is expanded and For
Manager is not.
This is controlled with the Automatically Expand control.
Press Update to finish. The newly created SMS group will be displayed in the SMS Requests list.
The order of SMS Request groups can be changes using the
Update button after changing the order.
buttons. Press
Once an SMS Request group is created, the Administrator can associate messages to these groups
by using the Request Details section.
To add an SMS Request item to an SMS group:
In the SMS Requests list, select the group to which you want to add a message.
In the Request Details section, type the Name and text of the SMS request. The name and text
typed here will be displayed on recipient's IP Phone screen.
Set Priority level. A greater number represents lower priority level.
Select Allow Free Format Message checkbox. This will enable the operator to add additional
text to the page request.
Click Add to finish. The newly created message will be shown in SMS Request Items list.
To amend an SMS Request Item details:
In the SMS Request Items list, select the message you want to amend.
Make changes and click Replace.
To change SMS Request List order:
Select the SMS Request group for which you want to change the message order.
The messages added to the group will appear in the SMS Requests Items list.
Press Update to finish.
to change order.
To delete an SMS Request group:
In the SMS Request Items list, select the SMS Request you want to delete.
Press Delete.
To amend an SMS Request group:
In the SMS Request group list, select the group you want to amend.
Make changes to the group
Click Update to save changes.
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Users are defined as the persons who would be using the Arc Connect applications in a Call Centre.
These include Supervisors, Wallboards Agents and Operators.
Open the Arc Connect Administration application by selecting Start > Programs > Arc Connect
> Arc Connect Administration
Select Configuration > Users.
For each user that is created, the permissions are also defined in order to identify which area of an
application is accessible to the user for configuration.
10.7.1 Permissions
All Arc applications connecting to the Arc Server are assigned a permission group. A permission group
is assigned to a community in order to further control a tenant's access to different areas of Arc
This tab allows the user or service host to create and modify permission groups in order to support
multi-tenancy. A permission group is associated with a community. It grants access rights to features
but is limited to the Arc configuration supported by the community.
The configurations for permission groups can be done through the following sub-tabs:z Permission Groups
z Permission Assignment Permission Groups
This tab allows the user or service host to create/modify permission groups. The user can perform the
configurations shown in the image below.
To create a new permission group:
Click New.
Enter Name for the permission group.
From the drop down list, select a Community to associate the permission group with.
Select the Super User checkbox if required.
Click Update.
The Super User status allows a user to have full and unrestricted access to all the features of their
application. However, users are limited to the Arc configuration supported by the community.
10 - 62
Therefore, access rights denied by the community will override access rights granted to a permission
A user will have unrestricted access to all the application features and the whole Arc
configuration when assigned to a permission group with Super User status and where the
group is assigned to a community with full access.
To create a copy of an existing permission group:
Select a permission group from the list.
Click Copy.
Edit the permission group name in the Name field if required.
Click Update.
A copy of the permission group will be created with the same configurations as the original permission
To update an existing permission group:
Select a permission group from the list.
Change the details as required.
Click Update.
To delete an existing permission group:
Select a permission group from the list.
Click Delete.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
10 - 63 Permissions Assignment
This tab allows the user/host to assign features of Arc configuration to a permission group. It enables
users to select features from a list for each application and assign the features to the permission group
with appropriate access rights.
To assign permissions:
Select a permission group from the list.
Select an application from the permission group.
From the list of Available Features for the selected application, select the features to be
assigned to the permission group. A complete list of features is provided in the Appendix for
Feature Management.
Assign Create/Delete/Amend rights for each feature as required.
From the list of Available Feature Instances, select the instances to be assigned to the selected
Click Update.
Access rights denied by the community will override access rights granted to a permission
group. Therefore, the features denied access rights by the community would be disabled.
Features marked by * in the Available Features list denote there are instances available for
that feature.
10.7.2 Differentiating between Communities and Permission Groups
Communities and Permission Groups both have a similar purpose - to assign access rights. However,
both of these areas can be clearly differentiated. Communities specify the configuration boundaries
for a particular tenant; whereas, Permission Groups are created in order to assign rights to access
specific areas of selected Arc applications.
A community is created for each tenant in order to specify the configurations that a user can make.
The host can create a community; select the community elements such as Queues and Users and
10 - 64
assign create/delete rights. For each community element, community instances can then be
selected and assigned access rights to amend those instances. These settings are configured at a
company/department/business level, determining what area of the call center operations the
tenant can control.
Different permissions are associated with a community in order to configure access rights at a user
level. Not all users within a community have the same access/modification rights. Keeping this in view,
several permission groups are created with different rights assigned for the features within each
application. Once the permission groups are configured, the host can assign a permission group to
a user at the time of user creation.
Once a permission group is associated with a community, the features that will appear for each
application will only be the ones that are related to the community elements that have appropriate
access rights. Access rights denied by the community will override access rights granted to a
permission group.
10.7.3 Supervisors
These are the day to day Administrators in the Arc environment responsible for the correct
configuration of Arc Connect applications. Supervisors will be using Arc Supervisor application in
order to keep their configuration running in the most efficient manner. To help them the Arc Supervisor
application provides a number of Online and Historical Reports in graph and text formats.
To make effective changes in configuration, online updates are available for each module.
Select the Supervisor tab,
To add a new Supervisor:
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Click the New button to create a new Supervisor.
Enter name of the Supervisor in the Name text box.
Enter a Login Name. This name is used to login into the Supervisor application.
Enter Password and then confirm it by re-entering it in Confirmation. This password will be
entered along with the Login Name to enter Supervisor application. Click Reset Password to
change existing password.
Select the Permission Group the Supervisor is to be assigned to.
Select a Module Available such as Console Connect to which the Supervisor will have access.
The given modules are Call Connect, Console Connect, Web Connect and Voice Connect.
Select Reporting if required from the Features Available list.
Click Update to finish.
To change details of a Supervisor:
In the Supervisor Name list, select the Supervisor for which you want to change details.
Make changes and click Update to finish.
To delete a Supervisor:
In the Supervisor Name list, select the supervisor you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Update to save changes.
10.7.4 Wallboards
The Wallboard application provides a display of call statistics either via the PC or projected onto a
screen for the attention of the relevant Agents.
It is fully configurable, and provide information related to Queues or Agents. The information can be
changed easily and simply. Alarm Thresholds acn be configured to alert Agents , either by flashing,
or changing colours to indicate that performances are below the standards set in specific areas.
To log on to the Wallboard application, User Name and Password are required. In this window the
Users for the Wallboard application are configured giving their required information for logging.
Select the Wallboard tab:
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To add a new Wallboard:
Click the New button to create a new Wallboard.
Enter the name of the Wallboard in the Name text box.
Enter a Login Name. It is used to login into the Wallboard application.
Enter the Password and then confirm it by re-entering in the Confirmation.Click Reset Password
to change existing password.
Select the Permission Group the Wallboard user is to be assigned to.
Select the Modules Available. Wallboard will have access to the modules selected here. The
given modules are Console Connect and Voice Connect.
Click Update to finish.
To change details of a Wallboard:
In the Wallboard Name list, select the Wallboard for which you want to change details.
Make changes and click Update to finish.
To delete a Wallboard:
In the Wallboard Name list, select the Wallboard you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Update to save changes.
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10.7.5 Agents
This tab allows you to set up all of the relevant Agents on your system. An Agent is defined as any
person who will be taking calls within Call Connect. An Agent can be anyone from the Managing
Director downwards, and can cover the whole organization, if required.
There are two types of Agents that can be configured from here.
z ACD (Call Connect) Agents
Call Connect Agents are configured to work in a Call Centre environment. There is no need for all the
Agents to be located together in one premise, but all must be able to log onto organizations
computer network using Arc Agent Application.
z Web Connect Agents
A Web Agent is a person who handles web enquiry calls or chat requests using Arc Web Connect
Agent. These enquiry calls or chat requests are sent to Arc Connect through a web site. Web Connect
Agents are configured primarily to answer the Support/Enquiry requests from web site visitors These
Agents can also answer other calls as forwarded to them. There is no need for all the Agents to be
present in the same premises, but all must be able to log onto organizations computer network using
Arc Web Connect.
There are two aspects to setting up an Agent, the first are the properties which include Name, Login
details and Permission Groups.
The second set of aspects are the options available to the agent. These are broken down into sets
across a series of tabs which include, Call Processing, Features, Campaign Options and Web
Directory. Agent Properties
To add a new ACD Agent,
Enter Name of the Agent.
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Enter the Login Name and Password.
Confirm password.
Select the Permission Group the agent is to be assigned to.
Select Agent Type i.e. ACD and/or Web.
To Amend User Details
In the User Name list, select the User you want to amend.
Make the required changes and click Update button to complete.
To Reset Password,
In the User Name list, select the User whose password requires resetting
Click Rest Password.
This will result in the Users login name being used as the password to access the account. Agent Options
Apart from the general properties about the Agent, options must be set against their account to work
more effectively within the relevant modules.
This section has following four tabs,
Call Processing
Campaign Options
Web Directory
Dial Plan
Call Processing: The ACD Agents and Web Agents can make use of this tab. It has the following
Remote Agent
This is the number from which an Agent can log in to Arc Connect Server as a
Remote Agent.
Auto Login
This is the extension number on which the Agent will automatically login when
Arc Connect Server is restarted.
Device Options
This section allows the Administrator to permit or restrict the selected Agent
from using certain device types at log on. The following options are available,
z Headset
z Handset
z User Preference
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Select from features such as:z Call recording
z Click-to-dial
z Screen-pop
Campaign Options: The options available in this tab are useful for the ACD and Web Agents only.
The options are as follows.
Inbound Scripting
If this box is checked, then scripts will be available on inbound calls for this
If this box were checked, then Agent would be able to dial outbound calls
using Campaign Connect.
Web Directory: In order to make this Agent a Web Directory user, the Web Directory check box has
to be selected.
Windows Login
The user enters to login which will be searched in the Arc Configuration
database, if found the user will be allowed to login to the Web Directory.
Web Directory
The extension given here should be dedicated to that particular Agent.
Dial Plan: The following options can be configured to link an Agent to a specific Dial Plan.
Dial Plan Group
Select a specific Dial Plan from the drop down selection to be associated with
the Agent’s account.
Dial Plan Pass
Ticking this box will force the Dial Plan associated with the Agent to be applied
to any service queue that it goes through (e.g. a Blind Transfer, Call Park).
10.7.6 Operators
This tab allows you to set up all of the relevant Console Operators on your system. An Operator can
be anyone from the Managing Director downwards, and can cover the whole organization, if
This tab also allows you to set up all of the relevant Operators on your system.
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Console Operators are configured to attend calls within Console Connect Queues. These Operators
will be using the Arc Console Operator application.
To add a new Operator:
Click the New button to create new Operator.
Enter the Name of the Operator.
Enter Login Name. The Operator uses it to log into the respective Arc application.
Enter Password and then confirm it by re-entering it in Confirmation. The Operator will enter the
password along with the login name.
Select the Permission Group the operator is to be assigned to.
The administrator can also set Device Options by either assigning a headset, handset or User
Preference to the operator's choice of the device they would like to use.
Select the required Features Available. This section provides the ability to enable or disable
Operators from accessing certain Licensed products when they Logon.
Select a specific Dial Plan Group from the drop down selection to be associated with the
Operator’s account.
Ticking Dial Plan pass Through will force the Dial Plan associated to the Operator to be applied
to any service queue that it goes through (e.g. a Blind Transfer, Call Park).
10. Click Update.
Reason Codes
Fom the menu bar select Configuration > Reason Codes.
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10.8.1 Unavailable Reasons
These are the reasons that a call or web connect agent must select from when they make themselves
unavailable. The selected reason will be displayed on the Agent Activity report and also within the
Supervisor current activity tables.
This window is used to create the reason codes. The agents enter these reason codes when they
make themselves unavailable. Select the Unavailable Reasons tab,
To add a new Unavailable Reason
Click New to add a new unavailable reason.
Enter Code in the Unavailable Reason Properties.
Enter Description.
Click Update when done.
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10.8.2 Break Reasons
While configuring the Break Hours for the Queues the user will have to select the reason for the Break
Hours. These reasons are called the Break Reasons in Arc Connect. These reasons are configured in
this section and will be used in other sections while setting Break Hours for the Call Queues.
This window is used to create the reason codes that user will be selecting while setting Break Hours for
the Call Queues. Select the Break Reasons tab,
Adding a new Break Reason:
Click New to add a new Break Reason.
Enter Code.
Enter Description.
Click Update when done.
To delete a Break Reason:
In the Break Code list, select the reason you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Update to save changes.
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10.8.3 Skill Priority
There are 3 skill levels available by default; High, Medium and Low.
Within the system these are represented by number 1,5 and 9.
This tab allows for additional levels to be added, and the ability to move the skills up and down the
order. High, Medium and Low will be shown as a default and cannot be changed.
The new skills can be added between High and Medium (Levels 2,3 and 4 effectively), and between
Medium and Low (levels 6,7 and 8).
The new Skill Levels are added they will appear in the Skill Level Description list, and using the up and
down arrows, can be put into a preferential order, however you will not be able to move the 3 default
skill levels i.e. you cannot put Medium above High!!
Call Completion
Call Completion codes are a way of recording a status or outcome against a call. The outcome of
the call is selected from a list once the call is completed. These codes are assigned to the Queues in
Call Connect and are used as reference or note for every call. These codes are defined in
Configuration utility according to the requirement.
This section has following three tabs,
z Completion Codes - Individual codes across the whole configuration.
z Completion Groups - Made up of the codes and used system wide.
z Completion Code Groups - links the codes to the groups.
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10.9.1 Completion Code
A Completion Code can be Good, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory and any other as defined by the user.
Within this tab you can enter a Code and a Description for that code.
To add a new Completion Code,
Click New to enter a new Completion Code.
Enter Code of the group.
The length of a completion code is restricted to five characters.
Enter the Description. Click Update when done.
10.9.2 Completion Groups
Within the Completion Groups tabs you can allocate a Group search as Sales, Support etc. There is
also a facilility to control if Multiple codes can be selected within a group.
To add a new Completion Group,
Click New to enter a new completion group.
Enter Name of the group.
Enter the Description.
Click Update when done.
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10.9.3 Completion Code Groups
This tab is used to associate the Completion Codes to the Completion Groups.
To Associate Codes with a Group,
In the Group Name list, select the Group you want to assign a code.
In the Available Completion Codes list, select a Code.
Click Add button.
The group will go to the Assigned Completion Codes list. Click Update button to save changes.
To Remove Association of Codes with a Group,
In the Assigned Completion Codes list, select the code you want to remove
Click Remove button.
Click Yes button in the confirmation window to remove association.
Click Update button to save changes.
10.10 Arc Presence Management
Arc Presence Status is the current status of an internal contact. Each contact can set a presence
status that can be viewed in the Console Operator's Internal Directory and Busy Lamp Fields, thus
letting the operator know whether the contact is ready to take calls or not. The Administrator can
create new status and configure the attributes as well.
Administrator can manage Presence Status as follows:
From the main menu bar select Configuration > Presence Management.
This section has following two tabs,
z General
z Status
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10.10.1 General Settings
The General tab allows the user to select and update the Date Format for the Presence Status
attribute where date needs to be entered.
This section provides the following date formats:
European Style Date Format: This date format displays date as dd/mm/yyyy, where day, month
and year are specified respectively. (e.g. 27/08/2005).
American Style Date Format: This date format displays date as mm/dd/yyyy, where month, day
and year are specified respectively. (e.g. 08/27/2005)
The user can also specify the Default Authentication Domain. This is done so that the Presence Web
user does not need to specify the domain at the time of login.
Once you have selected the Date Format click Update to save changes.
10.10.2 Status Configuration
The Status tab allows the user to create new status that can be selected by the internal contacts to
show their availability details. All the statuses that have been created are displayed in a list on the left
side of the tab.
The Administrator can edit or delete any of the statuses from the list by simply selecting the status and
clicking on Delete or Update.
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Each status that is created has a number of Attributes associated to it. These attributes are the
properties associated with a particular presence status and are as follows:
Status Details: This section allows the users to set
The field allows the user to enter a name for Presence Status that is being
created or modified.
Status Properties:
Do Not Disturb
Selecting this checkbox would display a Do Not Disturb message when an
internal contact selects a status that has this option enabled.
Auto Redirect
The user can also select Auto Redirect for the status being created. When
selected, this option allows calls to be automatically redirected to the
extension on which this status has been set. This sets Call Forward All on IP
When status is set user needs to specify: This section allows the user to configure the category for
the following Additional Attributes.
Expiry Date
This attribute specifies the date on which the presence status for contact will
expire. This is only an indication. The contact has to manually end all statuses.
Expiry Time
This attribute specifies the time at which the presence status of contact will
This attribute specifies the alternate number to which the call must be
forwarded. This sets Call Forward All on IP phones.
Free Format Text
This attribute specifies a note entered by the contact that must be displayed
along with presence status.
Table 10 - 12: Status Configuration
As mentioned earlier, the Additional Attributes are the properties that are set once the user has
selected a status. Therefore, the Administrator can categorise these attributes as follows:
z Required: This category specifies that the user must enter a value for the attribute.
z Not Required: This category specifies that the user does not need to enter a value for the
attribute. The attributes configured as Not Required are disabled and do not accept an input.
z Optional: This category specifies that the user may or may not enter a value for the attribute.
To add a new Status:
Click New.
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Enter the name of the status in the Status field.
Select the Do Not Disturb or Auto Redirect checkbox if required.
From the dropdown boxes, select the categories for Additional Attributes.
Click Update to save Status Details.
10.11 Call Connect ACD Configuration
The next set of steps will allow you to set-up an ACD system using all Queues, Agent Skills, Skill Levels
and Call Filters. The screens follow a logical sequence of events.
This area is split into 6 tabs;
Agent Skills
Queue Alarm Defaults
Call Filters
Break Hours
10.11.1 Skills
The skills that are set-up here are subsequently allocated to the Agents and Call Queues. Any Agent
with a skill that matches the skill allocated to a call Queue will receive calls from that Queue.
The Skills tab comprises of further three tabs,
z Skills
z Skill Set Template
z Template Assignment Skills
In this sub-tab, the users will add new skills and give their descriptions. Also they are able to edit
according to requirements. It contains two sections, Skill's list and Skill Properties.
To add the Skills,
Click the New button.
Enter the Name of the skill.
Type a Description for the skill.
Click the Update button.
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The skill will appear in the list of available skills. Skill Set Template
In this tab, the users can create templates of skills and skill levels which can be subsequently assigned
to agents. This is especially useful where there are a number of agents who will require exactly the
same skill sets. Once allocated the individual skill levels can be adjusted in the Agent Skills section.
The tab has two sections, a list of available Templates and Template Configuration. Within Template
configuration there is the Name and the Skill Properties.
To create and assign skills to it,
Click the New button to create a new skill template.
Enter a Name.
Select a skill from within the Skill Properties > Available Skills box.
Click the Add button.
Click Update to save the template.
10 - 80 Template Assignment
In this tab a skill template can be assigned to the Agents created in the Users tab. This tab has two
sections, a list of available Agents, and the Skill Set Templates.
To assign a Template,
Select an Agent from the list.
Select a Template in the Skill Set Templates section.
Click Update.
The sales queue will have the sales skill allocated to it. This means that any calls sent to the
sales queue will be offered to the highest skilled Agent with the sales skill who is available to
take a call.
10.11.2 Agent Skills
The Agents are given their relevant Skills and Skill Levels in this tab. There are up to nine active levels
of skills that are used. An Agent with a high skill will always be more likely to receive a call than an
Agent in the same Queue with a medium or low skill.
To assign Skills to Agents,
Select the Agent Skills tab. The currently configured Agents will appear in the left column and
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the available skills in the right column.
Select the AGENT.
Select the Skill.
Select the Skill Level.
Click Add to assign the selected skill at the selected level to the AGENT.
Remember that the high skilled Agents will receive calls before the low skilled Agents.
10.11.3 Queues.
The calls are routed into these Queues prior to being delivered to a skilled Agent. A number of
important factors are configured on this tab that control the functionality of calls within the Queue
including overflow settings.
This section has four sub tabs within it,
Queue Details
Queue Overflow
Queue Completion Groups
Also available on this screen is a table displaying the list of the total number of Licenses that are
available, including a break down of the those that are allocated. Queue Details
To Add a new Queue,
Click on New.
Enter the Name of the Queue.
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Enter the Location number. This is the number that is dialled internally to reach this Queue. And it
is configured on the host PBX as per the switch specific documents.
Select the skill of the Agents who are required to receive calls from this queue.
If Skill level is ticked, skills based routing will be used for this Queue. The call can go to the agent
who has been waiting the Longest for a call, or to each agent in strict rotation (Circular). This
setting is individual to each Queue.
Auto Unavailable.
z An Agent is made unavailable through this checkbox. If an Agent is unable to answer a
call, it is withdrawn and passed to another Agent. In this process, the former Agent is considered Unavailable.
z This event will be logged in the Arc Log database for Supervisor reports.
z The call will ring at the Agents extension for the time set in the Default Answer Delay as set
in the General tab.
z This setting is individual to each Queue.
Wrap up enabled.
z If enabled, Agents will have this duration of time allocated to them between calls. This is
set as Hours, Minutes and Seconds.
z The Agents can end this time prematurely if required.
z This setting is individual to each Queue
Click on Update to save changes. Service
This tab is used to set parameters that will be available in both the reports and in realtime on the
Wallboard and the Supervisor Application as well as the Agent’s own Wallboard. Times can be set to
measure Service Level Agreement (SLA), Grade of Service (GoS), and the threshold for Abandoned
Select a Service Level Agreed Answer Time. This is set as seconds.
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Service level Agreement (SLA) defines the maximum time a caller should have to wait before
they are connected to an Agent.
Enter a Grade of Service setting for level 1 and 2. This is set as seconds and a % of calls.
Abandoned Calls allows for a time to be set where abandoned calls can be included or
excluded from the Stats. E.g. if it is set to 10 seconds, then any calls abandoned before that time
will be excluded from the stats. if a call is abandoned at 11 seconds then it will be included.
Click on Update to save changes. Queue overflow
This functionality enables you to set up rules that govern how long a call can wait in a Queue before
being routed to another destination - either a device or another Queue.
There are three features, which are used to regulate a call waiting in a Queue.
z How much time a call should spend in a Queue before being overflowed
z How many calls are allowed to wait in a Queue at any one time.
z If there are any Users logged in the Queue.
A call may be overflowed for one of four reasons;
z Emergency: This field allows the users to set a Forward Destination Type and Forward Destination
in the event of sudden requirement such as a fire alarm.
z Maximum Call Wait Time: The user can set time for which a call is permitted to remain in a Queue
before going to Overflow. So, if a call is not routed to an agent before this time expires, it will go
to Overflow.
z Maximum Calls: This field allows you set the total number of calls that can be waiting in a Queue
at any given time.
z No Agents: If there is no Agent logged into the queue, the call will be immediately overflowed.
For each of these four reasons it is possible to set the following information.
Forward Destination Type: When calls are overflowed, the user must specify how the system
should handle them.
z None: shows that the users do not want to set any forward destination.
z Queue: This option allows the user to overflow the call on another Queue.
z Console Queue: will allow the user to select any one of the available Console Connect
z Voice Session: This option allows the user to select any of the available voice session.
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z Device: It will allow the user to enter the device number where the user wants the call to be
Forward Destination: The options in this box are available according to the selected Forward
Destination Type.
Overflow Data: It allows the users to select the Hours, Minutes and/or Seconds for the selected
Forward Destination. Queue Completion Groups.
By selecting the checkbox Use Completion Groups, Agents will be able to tag Call Completion codes
with all the incoming Queue calls. A maximum of three groups can be assigned to a Queue.
Completion Timeout is the time given to an agent to select the completion code that is required after
completing each call. Time that the user sets here applies only to a particular Queue. However,
Agents can end the completion timeout manually.
There are three Completion Group Sections for selecting the values from the options list.
To Assign a Call Completion Group to a Queue,
In Queue Name List, select a Queue.
Select Use Completion Group option.
Set Completion Timeout limit for agents in this Queue.
Select a completion group from drop down options. Up to three of these can be assigned to a
queue. If Selection Required is checked then the Agent must choose a code. If they don’t then
whatever is checked when the timeout is reached will be used. If nothing is checked then a
default code will be recorded.
Click Update to save changes.
10.11.4 Queue Alarm defaults
If the user requires using the Arc Connect Wallboard, then the defaults settings for each Queue and
category can be set here. These values will be used upon first opening up each wallboard
application. Users can then individually change the parameters as they wish on the application. The
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values set here in the configuration remain as defaults and each wallboard can be reset to these
values if required.
z This section is used to configure the default alarms for the warnings that are used in the Supervisor
and the Wallboard applications.
z Each time that a Supervisor or Wallboard logs into the server; these settings are used.
z These defaults can be overridden on an individual basis for each Supervisor and Wallboard
To set the Alarm Properties
Select the Queue Alarm from the list. The following properties can then be modified,
z Font Colour: The colour of the text that will be used when threshold value exceeds.
z Background Colour: The background tile colour, which will be displayed as the threshold
z Threshold Value: This is the value that must be exceeded for the alarm to be triggered i.e. if set at
4 calls waiting, the alarm will be raised as soon as a fifth call is waiting to be answered.
z Raise Warning on Alarm: If checked this ensures that the alarm is immediately made visible when
triggered, using the colour parameters set above.
z Flash on Alarm: When selected this option not only displays the alarm colours set but flashes
between the alarm state and the normal state of the tile.
2. Click on Update to save the changes.
10.11.5 Call Filters
Call Filters are crucial to the effective running of Call Connect. It is the filters that determine which calls
are routed into which Call Queues. The information that can be used for filtering is the caller's number
10 - 86
(CLI or ANI) and the number that they called (DDI or DNIS). Filters are prioritised so that a CLI filter
takes precedence over a DDI filter.
This section is used to filter incoming calls to their intended destination.
To set Call Filters,
Highlight the Queue that is the required destination
Highlight the required Filter.
Click on New.
Select a Resource Group.
Enter the Number criteria in the Number text box.
Enter the required text in the Routing Tag field.
Set a Priority for the filter.
Click on Update to complete the process.
Ensure that all required Agent applications have the routing tag enabled in their call
information to display this text.
The available filter types are:
CLI exact match filter
Any calls with this exact CLI will be sent to the required Queue.
CLI pattern match filter
Any calls matching this CLI pattern will be filtered to the required
Queue. For example, all calls that are CLI begin with 020849884*
and are filtered to the required Queue.
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DDI exact match filter
Any calls matching this DDI will be filtered to the required Queue.
DDI pattern match filter
Any calls matching this DDI pattern will be filtered to the required
Queue. All calls that's DDI begins with 020849884* will be filtered
to the required Queue.
Divert exact match filter
All calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT
Gateway, will arrive in the Queue in which this filter is applied.
Divert external call filter
All External calls that have been diverted from a device to any
Pre CT Gateway and could not be caught by any divert filter will
arrive in the Queue in which this filter is applied. User does not
need to give any number in case of this filter. This filter will be
applied only once in any call queue in the system.
Divert internal call filter
All internal calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre
CT Gateway and could not be caught by any divert filter will
arrive in the Queue in which this filter is applied. User does not
need to give any number in case of this filter. This filter will be
applied only once in any call queue in the system.
Divert pattern match filter
All calls that have been diverted from a device (with a number
that matches the pattern given in this filter) to any Pre CT
Gateway, will arrive in the Queue in which this filter is applied. If
user has given a number i.e. 300 in this filter then all calls from 3005
and 3006 diverted to a Pre CT Gateway will arrive in this queue.
No call Divert match filter
All calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT
Gateway and could not be caught by any divert filter will arrive
in the Queue in which this filter is applied. User does not need to
give any number in case of this filter. This filter will be applied only
once in any call queue in the system. This filter will work in the
absence of Divert internal call filter and Divert external call filter.
Users must also be familiar with the following Call Filters:
z No Call Match Filter: This filter is created by default. In case a call does not match any of the
above-mentioned call filters, it is filtered through No Match Call Filter to the Default Destination
z Queue DDI / DNIS Match Filter: This filter is created by default. Each queue has a number
assigned to it. This number is used to specify the queue location where the call is to be routed.
Therefore, this filter is used in order to route a call to the queue location the call is intended for.
10.11.6 Break Hours
Break Hours allow the configuration of multiple breaks times during any single 24 hour day, and allow
for each break to have calls routed to different destinations.
This tab is further divided into three tabs;
z Queue Breaks
z Break Hours Templates
z Template Assignment
10 - 88 Queue Breaks
It sets up the times and days of operation for each Queue. It allows specific days of the week and
dates to be entered for when a Queue will not operate, i.e. Sunday, Christmas Date (25th
To Add New Break Hours for Days:
Select the Queue Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Day radio button.
Select the Day in which Break is required on weekly basis.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
Newly added Break Hour will be seen in the list.
To Add New Break Hours for Date:
Select the Queue name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Date radio button.
Select the Date for the Break.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
Newly added Break Hour will be seen in the list.
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10 - 89 Break Hour Templates
This tab is further divided into two tabs. It sets up Template that can then be assigned to the Queues.
This makes it easier to configure queues with identical or similar profiles.
A Break Hours Template is a pattern that is devised by the administrator for applying later on a group
of Queues. This functionality reduces the time and effort as Template can be assigned to more than
one Queue in the Template Assignment tab. This is useful especially for the Break Hours times that will
be common for most of the Queues. For example, a template can have Saturday and Sunday as Off
days. This template can then be assigned to most of the Queues apart from those in which calls are
to be forwarded on these two days.
To Create a new Template:
Click the New button with the Template Name text box.
Give a Name for the new Template.
Click Update.
To Copy a Template:
In the Template Name list, select the template you want to copy.
Click Copy Template button. This will create a copy of the selected template.
To Set a Break Hours Template as Default:
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In the Template Name list, select a template.
Click on the Set as Default button to set this Template as Default.
Break Hours specified in this template will be applied on every new Queue created in this
To Delete a Template:
In the Templates list, select the template you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Update to finish.
Templates Configuration
The user can assign Break Hours in the Templates created in Templates tab.
To Add New Break Hours for Days:
Select the Template Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Day radio button.
Select the Day in which Break is required on weekly basis.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
To Add New Break Hours for Date:
Select the Template name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Date radio button.
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Select the Date for the Break.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
To Delete a Break Hour:
In the Template Name list, select the template from which you want to delete a break hour.
The break hours related to the template will be displayed in the relevant section, that is, Day or
Select the break hour you want to delete and click Delete.
Press Update to finish. Template Assignment
Every newly created Queue is assigned a Break Hours Template that has been set as Default. User can
change the Break Hour Template for the specific Queue.
To assign Break Hour Template to a Queue:
In the Queues Name list, select a Queue.
Select the temple you want to assign to the Queue from the Templates drop down list.
Click Update to finish.
10.12 Arc Voice Connect Server Configuration
Before you can configure any voice settings for In Queue messaging or Auto Attendant, you will need
to start up the voice server. Firstly the ports for the server need allocating to a TAPI user.
Cisco CallManager supports full music on hold where the Arc Voice Server plays messages to calls
while they are sitting on the Host PBX Gateway Ports. You will need to set up a single Voice Port (CTI
Port) for recording and playback of Phrases and Messages whilst configuring the system.
10.12.1 Voice Server Setup
Open the Voice Connect Voice server. Start > Programs > Arc Connect > Arc Connect Voice
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Server. The following screen will appear:
The Voice ports that were configured on CallManager now need to be added. Select
Configuration > Voice Ports.
This form allows the Voice ports that were configured on CallManager to be allocated to the
Voice Connect Server.
From the drop down select the Port(s) required.,
If the Voice ports do not appear in the Available ports section of this form, review the following:
z Is TAPI configured correctly on the computer that is running the Voice server? See the TAPI installation document in the switch specific documents section.
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z Does the TAPI wave drive need to be removed and reinstalled?
z Are the Voice ports configured correctly on the CallManager?
5. End the call and click on Add. This port will now appear in the used ports column.
Click OK when complete. The Voice Server should appear as follows, showing the configured
Select Configuration > Server.
These are the locations of the various files that will be used by the Voice Server. These directories must
be shared local drives or shared network drives. The Arc Connect Administration application and
Voice Connect server access these directories. These files do not need to be changed under normal
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Under the General tab, the following sections display,
This check box allows the Minutes phrase to play automatically after the time phrase has been
played, in an estimated answer time message.
For example, if this box is selected and a message is set as follows:
Phrase 1'Your call will be answered in'
Phrase 2'Six'
Phrase 3[no phrase]
"Your call will be answered in six minutes" will be heard. If this feature is used, the server will
also differentiate between minute and minutes such as 1 minute or 2 minutes.
Auto Start functionality starts the Voice server automatically after the operator starts the server
machine in the event of a failure of any sort. i.e. network failure or TAPI failover..
10. Auto Restart tries to restart the Voice server after the specified seconds.
11. Select Ok.
12. The Voice Server configuration is now complete.
13. Select Voice Server and restart the server.
The Device Status will change from Not Monitored to Ready.
An additional tab for logging can also be accessed from here. This is normally only used by Arc
Support if a fault has been reported. A series of parameters can be selected and a location and file
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size can be set for these files. This is normally only configured during a faultfinding process and
instruction will be given by the Arc Customer Support team.
10.13 Voice Connect Configuration
Select Configuration > Voice Connect from the main menu:
10.13.1 General
The General settings apply across the Voice Connect application. Minimum and maximum
parameters are set if In Queue Position or Estimated Answer Time messages are being used. For
example, to tell the first five callers exactly where they are in the Queue, and play a generic message
to all other callers.
In Queue Position Defaults
The selected message is played after the selected number of calls in the Queue has reached the limit.
This means that if the threshold is set to five, the sixth caller will get the selected message. For example,
if you have a message that informs the caller of their position in the Queue, you may not want the
callers to know that they are eleventh in the Queue. You would then construct a neutral message
informing the caller that they are in a Queue and not their position. The threshold would be set to ten
and only the first ten callers would be informed of their Queue position. Once the caller moves from
11th to 10th they will start to hear the Position message.
Estimated Answer Time Defaults
If the call answer time is below the minimum threshold, usually the call is going to be answered quickly;
therefore the selected message could inform the caller that their call will be answered shortly. If the
answer time is above the maximum threshold, then a message telling the caller that all users are busy
could be played.
Please note that if you are to use either of these message tabs you must select a default
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message and threshold for the type of message you will be playing. Failure to set this will result
in callers not getting played any of these message types.
10.13.2 Phrases
Phrases are used to make up messages. By default the phrases shown below (except Welcome) are
included. From the list the phrases "Your call is" and "in the Queue" are used as a position message i.e.
"Your call is fourth in the Queue." Standard phrases can also be turned into messages for playing.
Select the Phrases tab:
Select a Phrase Type - User phrases or System phrases. User phrases are phrases that are
produced by the end user. System phrases are phrases that are used by the system when
constructing an in-queue position or estimated answer time message.
Select a Phrase Description.
Phrase Properties -
z Connect. This button is used in conjunction with the Local Device drop down menu. The local
device drop down menu will show all devices in the TAPI list. From this, select the number of the
phone nearest to you. Click Connect and the phone will ring. This is the phone from which the
phrase recording will play.
z Play. Highlighting a phrase and selecting play will allow you to hear the selected phrase.
z Stop. This stops the playing message.
z Delete. This will delete the selected Phrase.
z New. Pressing the New button will move the cursor to the Phrase Description line. Enter the name
of the phrase that you are about to record.
z Record. This will allow you to record a new phrase.
10.13.3 Messages
They can be composed of a single phrase (Standard) or two separate phrases (In Queue position IQP
or Estimated Answer Time EAT). They are selected to play either in the Queue messages or within a
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Select the Messages tab,
Adding a Phrase:
Enter a Message Description.
Enter a single or phrase in Start Phrase.
Select a Message Type. It can be Standard, Estimated Answer Time or Queue Position.
Enter the final part of the phrase(s) in End Phrase.
Select a Test Value. This selects a value for testing the new IQP or EAT message. The values 1 60 and First to sixtieth are supported.
Start Phrase:
'Your call is…'
Message Type: Queue position
End Phrase:
'in the Queue…'
Test Value
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This would produce the message, 'Your call is third in the Queue'.
10.13.4 In Queue Messages
Any Queue can have messages selected to play to callers if they are held awaiting a USER. Voice
Connect supports the use of both messages and scripts being played to callers while holding, subject
to licensing.
Select the In Queue Messages tab,
Entering Queue Message:
Enter a Queue. This is the Queue where the message or script plays.
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Select an In Queue Message. This will show the time of the call when the current Queue
message was played.
Select Play Message and Play Script to play in the currently selected Queue.
Select Start Playing After the time when the In Queue Message should start playing.
Select Repeat Every time how often the message should be repeated.
Select Repeat For to set how long the In Queue Message should be played for.
Clicking Update will add the selected message or script to the in the Queue message list.
10.13.5 Voice Scripts
Voice Scripts allow the user to set up multi-level auto attendant. A box within a script can either simply
play a message and route the call to a single destination (Message Box below) or it can require a
caller to make a decision to help route their call to it's final destination (Decision Box below). Single
digit tones can be used within a script.
Select the Voice Scripts tab,
Clicking New will open the Script Starting Box,
Enter the Name of your script.
Enter the Type of the script required to display. The options are Message Box, Decision Box or
DTMF Capture Box. Selecting Message Box and OK will produce an icon on the script tree
Message Box
Highlighting this icon and selecting properties will produce the Box entry form,
Reception window opens up.
Enter the Description of the box.
Enter the Greeting Message, which the caller will hear at the time of calling.
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Box Type is displayed for information..
Select an Action how the call will be processed once the greeting has played.
Select Details. These are the details of the action. eg. if the selected Action is transfer to
extension, the details section will show a list of all available extensions.
Decision box
Selecting Decision Box and OK will produce an icon on the script tree section. Highlighting this
icon and selecting properties will produce the Box entry form.
Enter the Description of the box.
Box type will show Decision Box for information.
Select a Greeting Message that the caller will hear.
In the Digit Options, note that there are 12 possible digits (1 to #), each representing the digits
on a telephone keypad. Action and Details, this decides the type of destination for the call.
For multi level auto attendants select Goto Box. The New button will be highlighted. Now you
can create a new box. Once the box is created, it can be edited from the main Voice Scripts
tab; any existing boxes will be listed in the details section.
Select an Agent from the list of the currently configured Agents in Transfer to Agent.
Select a Queue from the list of the currently configured Queues in Transfer to Queue.
The call will be transferred to the device number that is in the Transfer to Device you entered in
the Details section. This can be an internal or external number.
10. For the End Script, the caller will be cut off.
11. Invalid Digits. If the caller presses a digit that has not been configured, i.e. this digit has an
action setting of None then the actions of the invalid digits section will apply.
12. Maximum Retries. This is the number of attempts that a caller has to enter the correct response.
13. Message. The message that is played after a caller has pressed an invalid digit.
14. Action. This action will occur when the maximum retries limit has been exceeded.
15. Details. The destination for the action.
16. Time Out. This is the action that will be followed if the caller does not press anything. This is also
useful if the caller is using a pulse dial phone.
17. Time out X seconds. The duration of time in seconds that the script will wait before the Action will
18. Action. The required action upon timeout.
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19. Details. The destination for the action.
Please note that once a voice script is updated by using the Update button it will become
live on your system. A script change only will not require you to stop and start your Arc Server.
DTMF Capture Box
DTMF Capture allows for the capture of digits and apply a data label for the input. Typically these may
be used to associate data to a call (an example may be an account number).
The Data is not validated during this process, so the Operator or Agent would do the
necessary security checks when the call reaches its designation.
When DTMF Capture Box is selected you will be presented with the properties box.
The details you will need to enter are as follows:To Set up a DTMF Capture Box:General
1. Enter a Name for the DTMF Capture Box.
Specify a Description.
Select a Greeting Message. This will encourage the caller to enter the required digits.
You can specify the Maximum digits that can be entered. 0 to 40 characters.
Capture Options
By ticking Enforce Full Number of Digits they have to enter the number designated in the
Maximum Digit box.
Entering a Break Out Digit will allow the caller an option to escape from the script. Valid
characters: ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘0’, ‘#’, ‘*’
5. A Data Label can be associated with the processed call. This will remain with the call
Then finally you need to add the required actions that will be taken.
10 - 102
Cancel Digit - designate a character to cancel the process. Valid characters: ‘1’, ‘2’,
‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘0’, ‘#’, ‘*’
Enter an Action and Details - This could include Transfer to a Device (Specify the Device),
Transfer to a Queue (specify a Queue), Go to another Script box (Specify box), or End
Invalid capture
Maximum Retries - specify a number of attempts allowed following an invalid capture.
Enter an Action and Details - This could include Transfer to a Device (Specify the Device),
Transfer to a Queue (specify a Queue), Go to another Script box (Specify box), or End
Time Out
Time Out - measured in seconds (1to 59).
Enter an Action and Details - This could include Transfer to a Device (Specify the Device),
Transfer to a Queue (specify a Queue), Go to another Script box (Specify box), or End
Valid Capture
Enter an Action and Details - This could include Transfer to a Device (Specify the Device),
Transfer to a Queue (specify a Queue), Go to another Script box (Specify box), or End
7. Click on OK to save the DTMF Capture.
10.13.6 Voice Sessions
Voice Sessions are set up in the same way as other Queues. The calls are routed directly to Voice
Sessions where the user requires all callers to be greeted in the same manner. Then, depending on
the script, calls will be routed onwards.
Select the Voice Sessions tab.
Once a voice script has been constructed, this screen will allocate a location number to it in the
same manner as the allocation of a location number to a Queue. In the above figure, dialling
603 will call the developed script.
Note that overflows options can be configured in the same way as a Queue.
Select New.
Enter the Name of the Session e.g. Welcome.
Enter the Location Number. This is the number that will be dialled internally to reach this queue.
This location should be configured on the host PBX as per the switch specific documents.
Session overflow. If there are more than XX calls waiting or the call has been waiting longer than
X hours, X minutes and X seconds, then overflow is set to the forward destination. This setting is
individual to each session. No Voice is the most important and will overflow a call immediately if
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there is no connection between the Arc CT Server and the Voice Server.
Click Update when done.
10.13.7 Voice Call Filters
Voice Call Filters work in the same way as Queue Call Filters. Any filters entered here will result in these
calls being routed to the Voice Session.
Select the Voice Call Filters tab.
This section is used to filter incoming calls to their intended destination.
Highlight the session that is the required destination.
Highlight the required filter and click New.
Enter Resource Group.
Enter the number criteria in the Number text box.
Enter the required text in the Routing Tag field. Ensure that all required User applications have
the routing tag enabled in their call information to display this text.
Select a Priority for the filter.
Select a filter from Types of filter.
CLI exact
match filter
Any calls with this exact CLI will be sent to the required Queue.
CLI pattern
match filter
Any calls matching this CLI pattern will be filtered to the required Queue. For
example, all calls that are CLI begin with 020849884* and are filtered to the
required Queue.
DDI exact
match filter
Any calls matching this DDI will be filtered to the required Queue.
DDI pattern
match filter
Any calls matching this DDI pattern will be filtered to the required Queue. All calls
that's DDI begins with 020849884* will be filtered to the required Queue.
Divert exact
match filter
All calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT Gateway will arrive
in the Queue in which this filter is applied.
external call
All External calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT Gateway
and could not be caught by any divert filter will arrive in the Queue in which this
filter is applied. User does not need to give any number in case of this filter. This filter
will be applied only once in any call queue in the system.
10 - 104
Divert internal
call filter
All internal calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT Gateway
and could not be caught by any divert filter will arrive in the Queue in which this
filter is applied. User does not need to give any number in case of this filter. This filter
will be applied only once in any call queue in the system.
Divert pattern
match filter
All calls that have been diverted from a device (with a number that matches the
pattern given in this filter) to any Pre CT Gateway will arrive in the Queue in which
this filter is applied. If user has given a number i.e. 300 in this filter then all calls from
3005 and 3006 diverted to a Pre CT Gateway will arrive in this queue
No call Divert
match filter
All calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT Gateway and could
not be caught by any divert filter will arrive in the Queue in which this filter is
applied. User does not need to give any number in case of this filter. This filter will
be applied only once in any call queue in the system. This filter will work in the
absence of Divert internal call filter and Divert external call filter
Table 10 - 13: Voice Call Filters
Select New.
Highlight the session Welcome.
Select DDI exact match filter.
Enter the DDI number that will be used for Welcome into
the Number field.
5. This number will vary according to the DDI digit
presentation of the switch. I.e. if the full DDI number is
020 8498 7904, then the switch will present 7904 if four
digit presentation is used.
6. Enter the required text into the routing tag field.
7. Multiple filters can apply to a single session.
10.13.8 Break Hours
This allows times and days of operation to be set for each Voice session. It allows specific days of the
week and dates to be entered for when a Queue will not operate, i.e. Sunday, Christmas Date.
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To Add New Break Hours for Days:
From the Queue Break tab:1.
Select the Voice Session Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Day radio button.
Select the Day in which Break is required on weekly basis.
Select Reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
Newly added Break Hour will be seen in the list.
To Add New Break Hours for Date:
Select the Voice Session name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Date radio button.
Select the Date for the Break.
Select Reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
Newly added Break Hour will be seen in the list. Break Hour Templates
This tab is further divided into two tabs. It sets up Template that can then be assigned to the Queue.
This makes it easier to configure queues with identical or similar profiles.
A Break Hours Template is a pattern that is devised by the administrator for applying later on a group
of Queues. This functionality reduces the time and effort as Template can be assigned to more than
one Queue in the Template Assignment tab. This is useful especially for the Break Hours times that will
be common for most of the Queues. For example, a template can have Saturday and Sunday as Off
10 - 106
days. This template can then be assigned to most of the Queues apart from those in which calls are
to be forwarded on these two days.
To Create a new Template:
Click the New button with the Template Name text box.
Give a Name for the new Template.
Click Update.
To Copy a Template:
In the Template Name list, select the template you want to copy.
Click Copy Template button. This will create a copy of the selected template.
To Set a Break Hours Template as Default:
In the Template Name list, select a template.
Click on the Set as Default button to set this Template as Default.
Break Hours specified in this template will be applied on every new Queue created in this
To Delete a Template:
In the Templates list, select the template you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Update to finish.
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Templates Configuration
The user can assign Break Hours in the Templates created in Templates tab.
To Add New Break Hours for Days:
Select the Template Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Day radio button.
Select the Day in which Break is required on weekly basis.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
To Add New Break Hours for Date:
Select the Template name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Date radio button.
Select the Date for the Break.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
To Delete a Break Hour:
In the Template Name list, select the template from which you want to delete a break hour.
The break hours related to the template will be displayed in the relevant section, that is, Day or
10 - 108
Select the break hour you want to delete and click Delete.
Press Update to finish. Template Assignment
Every newly created Queue is assigned a Break Hours Template that has been set as Default. User
can change the Break Hour Template for the specific Queue.
To assign Break Hour Template to a Queue:
In the Queues Name list, select a Queue.
Select the temple you want to assign to the Queue from the Templates drop down list.
Click Update to finish.
10.14 Console Connect Configuration
The following steps will set up Call Queues, apply the Filters (that allow calls to reach the correct
Queues) and, if applicable, allocate Directory groups to incoming numbers in a multi-tenant scenario
for the Console Solution.
Open the Arc Connect Administration application by selecting Start > Programs > Arc Connect
> Arc Connect Administration.
Select Configuration > Console Connect.
10.14.1 Console Queues
These are the Queues to which the Operators will be allocated. The Queues can be departments or
whole companies in a multi-tenant scenario. You can allocate one or more incoming call numbers
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(DDI/DNIS) to each Queue, however, if you have only a single inbound number there is no need of
more than one Queue.
There is a box displaying the Queue Licenses that are available on the system. The figure is broken
down into Total Queue Licenses, Allocated Queues Licenses and Remaining Queue Licenses. These
figures are generated by the software and can not be edited, and will allow more queues to be
configured than licenses that are available. Queues can be moved between licensed and
unlicensed via Database > Licenses if required.
Add a Console Queue:
In the Queue Detail tab, click New.
Type the Name and Location for the Queue. Location is the number configured in CallManager
as a CTI Route Point. Dialling this number internally allows calls to be routed into the Queue
If Forced Delivery is selected, the call can be routed straight to an available Operator who has
been waiting the longest for a call, or to each Operator in strict rotation. This setting is individual
to each Queue.
Go to the Queue Overflow tab. The Queue Overflow allows calls to be overflowed to other
destinations. A call may be overflowed because of any of the following reasons:-
z Emergency - a destination that can be used in an emergency situation. This can quickly be
activated by Supervisors with the appropriate privileges (Supervisory Access)
z Max Call Waiting Time - the call has been waiting longer than X hours, X minutes and X seconds can be - overflowed to a different destination.
z Max calls - if there are already XX calls waiting in the queue, subsequent incoming calls
can be overflowed until the queue backlog falls below the threshold again.
z No Operators - calls will be overflowed if there are no Operators logged in and available in
the queue. This does NOT include operators who are logged into the queue but are currently on calls.
z Service Queue Missing
Select a Forward Destination Type such as a Queue or a device and select the Forward
Destination. The default destination type is Device and default destination is 100. The following
destination types are available.
If selected no overflow will occur.
If using the Console Connect, this allows calls to be routed to any configured
console Queue.
Voice Session
If using Voice Connect Auto Attendant, you can overflow to any session that
has been configured.
10 - 110
Console Queue
Overflow to any other Console Connect Queue
Any device can be used for overflow. This can be an internal device selected
from the drop down list in the Forward Destination, any other internal device
or an external device. Simply type in the device number if either of the last two
options is required.
Click Update to finish.
Table 10 - 14: Forward Destination Types
10.14.2 Operator Queues
This tab allocates call Queues to Operators and allows specific Queues to be allocated to certain
Operators. They will only be able to take calls from the Queues that are allocated to them.
To allocate Queues:
In the Operator Name list, select the Operator whom you want to assign a Queue.
Select a Queue in the Available Queues list.
Click Add.
Click Update to finish.
To remove a Queue from an Operator:
In the Operator Name list, select the Operator from whom you want to remove a Queue.
In the Operator Queue list, select the Queue you want to remove and click Remove.
Click Update to save changes.
10.14.3 Operator Groups
Operators can be assigned with two kinds of groups:z Directory Group - These are groups of contacts that an Operator will see as default in the Internal
and External directory displays. This could be one main group, a combination of groups or could
be left blank with the Operator only seeing contacts when calls arrive in a Multi-Tenant scenario
(See Routing Tag Groups).
z Paging Group - Specific grouping of contacts to which the same XML messages can be sent.
These groups are created under the message options.
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10.14.4 Directory Groups
The Operators can be assigned Directory Groups that were created in the CT Gateway configuration.
This has been explained below,
To associate an Operator with a directory group:
In the Operator Name, select an Operator.
Select a group in the Available Groups list.
Click Add. The selected group will appear in the Operator Groups list.
Click Update to finish.
To de-associate an Operator from a group:
In the Operator Name, select an Operator.
Select a group in the Operator Groups list.
Click Remove.
Click Update to finish.
10.14.5 Page Groups
To associate an Operator with a page group:
In the Operator Name, select an Operator.
Select a group in the Available Groups list.
10 - 112
Click Add. The selected group will appear in the Operator Groups list.
Click Update to finish.
To de-associate an Operator from a group:
In the Operator Name, select an Operator.
Select a group in the Operator Groups list.
Click Remove.
Click Update to finish.
Page groups can only contain internal contacts.
10.14.6 Console Call Filters
This is where you configure which incoming calls get routed into which Console Queues. These filters
can be against either a CLI/ANI or a DDI/DNIS.
The available filters are:
CLI exact match filter
Any calls with this exact CLI will be sent to the required Queue.
CLI pattern match
Any calls matching this CLI pattern will be filtered to the required Queue.
For example, all calls that are CLI begin with 020849884* and are filtered
to the required Queue.
DDI exact match filter
Any calls matching this DDI will be filtered to the required Queue.
DDI pattern match
Any calls matching this DDI pattern will be filtered to the required Queue.
All calls that's DDI begins with 020849884* will be filtered to the required
Divert exact match
All calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT Gateway will
arrive in the Queue in which this filter is applied.
Divert external call
All External calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT
Gateway and could not be caught by any divert filter will arrive in the
Queue in which this filter is applied. Operator does not need to give any
number in case of this filter. This filter will be applied only once in any call
queue in the system.
Divert internal call
All internal calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT
Gateway and could not be caught by any divert filter will arrive in the
Queue in which this filter is applied. Operator does not need to give any
number in case of this filter. This filter will be applied only once in any call
queue in the system.
Divert pattern match
All calls that have been diverted from a device (with a number that
matches the pattern given in this filter) to any Pre CT Gateway will arrive in
the Queue in which this filter is applied. If operator has given a number i.e.
300 in this filter then all calls from 3005 and 3006 diverted to a Pre CT
Gateway will arrive in this queue
No call Divert match
All calls that have been diverted from a device to any Pre CT Gateway
and could not be caught by any divert filter will arrive in the Queue in
which this filter is applied. Operator does not need to give any number in
case of this filter. This filter will be applied only once in any call queue in the
system. This filter will work in the absence of Divert internal call filter and
Divert external call filter
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New External Call
Any calls that do not meet any of the above criteria, yet are external will
be filtered to the required Queue. A number does not need to be entered,
as all external calls will be filtered.
New Internal Call Filter
As above but for internal calls.
VIP Filter
Some calls can also be filtered by putting them on high priority so that
when queues receive calls from such numbers, they are answered
Table 10 - 15: Console Call Filters
Users must also be familiar with the following Call Filters:
z No Call Match Filter: This filter is created by default. In case a call does not match any of the
above-mentioned call filters, it is filtered through No Match Call Filter to the Default Destination
z Queue DDI / DNIS Match Filter: This filter is created by default. Using the unique Queue location
assigned to it.
In addition to creating a filter, a Routing Tag can be allocated. If a Salutation is added on this screen,
the Operator will see a prompt advisng them how to answer the call. The Operator on screen with the
call can see this, and it also can be allocated to a Directory Group so that an Operator only sees
relevant extension in the Busy Lamp Field display when they answer a call.
A Priority is allocated to a call filter. This dictates the order in which calls are handled when they arrive
in the Queue. A higher number represents lower priority.
To allocate a call filter:
In the Queue Name, select a Queue.
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Select the filter type from Available Filters list.
Click New and select the relevant Resource Group.
Enter the number, which is to be filtered.
Type a routing tab in the Routing Tag text field.
Type Salutation if required and set Priority.
Click Update to allocate the filter.
10.14.7 Routing Tag Groups
It allows a Routing Tag (see Console Call Filters) to be attached to a Directory Group. In a Multi-Tenant
scenario an Operator can only see relevant devices. The result is that when a call arrives on a certain
routing tag, the Operator will only see devices in the relevant Directory Group on their Internal or
External Directories, thus making it easier to find a contact and transfer the call.
To allocate a Routing Tag Group:
Select the Queue from the Queues drop down list.
The relevant routing tag for the Queue will appear in the Call Routing Tag list.
Select a routing tag from the Call Routing Tag list.
In the Available Groups list, select the desired group.
Click Add.
Click Update to finish.
To remove a Routing Tag Group:
Select the Queue from the Queues drop down list.
The relevant routing tag for the Queue will appear in the Call Routing Tag list.
In the Routing Tag Groups list, select the group you want to remove.
Click Update to save changes.
10.14.8 Break Hours
This tab is further divided into three tabs.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
10 - 115 Queue Breaks
It sets up the times and days of operation for each Console Queue. It allows specific days of the week
and dates to be entered for when a Queue will not operate, i.e. Sunday, Christmas Date (25th
To Add New Break Hours for Days:
Select the Queue Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Day radio button.
Select the Day in which Break is required on weekly basis.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
Newly added Break Hour will be seen in the list.
To Add New Break Hours for Date:
Select the Queue name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Date radio button.
Select the Date for the Break.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
Newly added Break Hour will be seen in the list. Break Hour Templates
This tab is further divided into two tabs. It sets up the Default Template and assigns it to the Queues.
10 - 116
A Break Hours Template is a pattern that is devised and can be applied to a group of Queues. This
functionality reduces the time and effort as Template can be assigned to more than one Queue. This
is useful especially for the Break Hours times that will be common for most of the Queues. For example,
a template can have Saturday and Sunday as Off days. This template can then be assigned to most
of the Queues apart from those in which calls are to be forwarded on these two days.
To Create a new Template:
Click the New button with the Template Name text box.
Give a Name for the new Template.
Click Update.
To Copy a Template:
In the Template Name list, select the template you want to copy.
Click Copy Template button. This will create a copy of the selected template.
To Set a Break Hours Template as Default:
In the Template Name list, select a template.
Click on the Set as Default button to set this Template as Default.
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Break Hours specified in this template will be applied on every new Queue created in this
To Delete a Template:
In the Templates list, select the template you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Update to finish.
Templates Configuration
The user can assign Break Hours to the Templates created in Templates tab.
To Add New Break Hours for Days:
Select the Template Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Day radio button.
Select the Day in which Break is required on weekly basis.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
To Add New Break Hours for Date:
Select the Template name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Date radio button.
Select the Date for the Break.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
To Delete a Break Hour:
10 - 118
In the Template Name list, select the template from which you want to delete a break hour.
The break hours related to the template will be displayed in the relevant section, that is, Day or
Select the break hour you want to delete and click Delete.
Press Update to finish. Template Assignment
Every newly created Queue is assigned a Break Hours Template that has been set as Default. Any of
the settings can be changed for the specific Queue in the Queue Break tab.
To assign Break Hour Template to a Queue:
In the Queues Name list, select a Queue.
Select the temple you want to assign to the Queue from the Templates drop down list.
Click Update to finish.
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10.15 Web Connect Configuration
The following section outlines how to configure the Web Connect. The user will set up the General
Settings for Web Connect, Web Agents, Web Queues, Skills, apply Filters that allow calls to reach
correct Queues and, allocate Skills to the Web Agents.
From the main menu bar select Configuration > Web Connect.
10.15.1 General Settings
This tab allows the user to configure the settings that apply to all Web Connect.
Call Back Retries: Arc Web Connect will try to contact the Enquirer for the number of times as
the number configured here. For example, entering 2 will tell the System to try call back for two
Busy Retry Delay: This is the time Web Connect will wait before dialling again, on the busy
response from the other side. If the user enters 1 minute then the Web Connect will wait for one
minute before dialling again once the busy tone is detected.
Unanswered Retry Delay: This is the time Web Connect will wait for before dialling again, on the
unanswered response from the other side. If the user enters 1 minute here then Web Connect
will wait for one minute before dialling again on the unanswered reply.
Click the Update button, to save all settings.
10.15.2 Skills
The skills created are subsequently allocated to the Web Agents and the Web Queues. Any Agent
with a skill that matches the skill allocated to a call Queue will receive calls from that Queue.
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To enter a new Skill.
Click the New button.
Type the Name of the Skill.
Type the Description for the Skill.
Click the Update button.
Use this tab to enter the Skills and the Skills Description. These skills will be allocated to the Web Agents
on the Agent Skills tab. These skills will also be assigned to the Queues.
10.15.3 Skill Set Template
In this tab, the users can create templates of skills and skill levels which can be subsequently assigned
to multiple agents. This is especially useful where there are a number of agents who will require
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exactly the same skill sets. Once allocated the individual skill levels can be adjusted in the Agent Skills
The tab has two sections, a list of available Templates and Template Configuration. Within Template
configuration there is the Name and the Skill Properties.
To create and assign skills to it,
Click the New button to create a new skill template.
Enter a Name.
Select a skill from within the Skill Properties > Available Skills box.
Click the Add button.
Click Update to save the template.
10 - 122 Template Assignment
In this tab a skill template can be assigned to the Agents created in the Users tab. This tab has two
sections, a list of available Agents, and the Skill Set Templates.
To assign a Template,
Select an Agent from the list.
Select a Template in the Skill Set Templates section.
Click Update.
The sales queue will have the sales skill allocated to it. This means that any calls sent to the
sales queue will be offered to the highest skilled Agent with the sales skill who is available to
take a call.
10.15.4 Agent Skills
In this tab, the Web Agents are associated with their relevant skills and the skill levels. There are 3
active levels of skills that are used – High, Medium and Low. The Agent with the High skill will always
be more likely to receive an enquiry call than an Agent in the same Queue with a Medium or Low skill.
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Configured Web Agents will appear in the left column, and the available skills will appear in the right
To add a Skill.
Select the Agent name.
Select the Skill.
Select the Skill Level.
Click Add to assign the selected skill at the selected level to the Agent.
Click the Update button.
To remove the skill from an Agent.
select Agent Name.
Select Skill, and click the Remove button.
Click the Update button.
10.15.5 Queues
Queues are the Web enquiry Queues in which the Web Agents handle Web enquiry calls. A number
of important factors are configured in this tab that govern the functionality of the Queues including
overflow and Night Service Destination settings.
To add Queues.
Select New.
Enter the Name of the Queue e.g. Web Queue.
Select the Skill of the Web Agents who are required to take calls in this queue.
Check the check box Wrap Up Time Enabled.
Select the Wrap up Time.
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Select an overflow type from the Overflow Properties. For example, select Max Call Waiting.
Select a Forward Destination Type.
Select a Forward Destination.
Select an Overflow Data.
10. Once the Queue is configured click the Update button.
10.15.6 Data Filters
This is essential for the functioning of Web Connect. These are the filters that determine, which calls
are to be handled in which Web Connect Queues.
The information that can be used for filtering is, the Data that is sent by the enquirer with the request
through the web page.
Types of filter:
z Web Data Match: This will match the data entered in this filter with the Application Tag set on the
Web Page. If matched, the Web call will be routed the Queue, in which the relevant Data Filter
has been added.
z Web Queue Label Match: If the web page is allowing the caller to submit Data & Label with Call
Me Request, the call will be routed through this filter.
The Server will route the calls first using Web Data Match filter, if no Data is matched then it uses Web
Queue Label Match, if it still cannot match, the call is routed to the Default Data Queue.
To add a new Data Filter.
Select the Data Filters tab.
This section is used to filter incoming requests to their intended destinations.
Highlight the Queue that is the required destination.
Highlight the required type of filter.
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Enter the text in the Data text box.
Enter the required text in the Routing Tag field, which will be shown along with the request.
Enter the Data Label in case of Web Queue Label match.
Ensure that all Agent applications have the Routing Tag enabled in their call information to
display this text.
Click the Update button to add the filter.
1. Select New.
2. Highlight the queue Web Queue.
3. Select the Web Data match filter.
4. Enter the text in the Data text box that needs to be matched.
5. Enter the text into the routing tag field.
6. Multiple filters can be applied to a single Queue e.g. there may be multiple Data texts to be
matched for a single Queue.
10.15.7 Chat Phrases
Phrases are constructed for the Web Agents to be used in their chat sessions. The Web Agents can
use these phrases instantly by selecting it from a drop down box within the Arc Agent application. The
Web Agents can have the answers ready with them as Chat Phrase.
This will save time and will leave good impression on customers, as they get a speedy answer to their
Apart from creating the Chat Phrases, joining and leaving phrases can also be updated and
changed with the Defaults. These Phrases will appear in the chat window when the Agent starts or
leaves a chat session.
This tab is used to create Chat Phrases to be used by the Web Agents during Chat sessions with the
10 - 126
To add Chat Phrases.
Click the New button.
Enter the Phrase Description.
Click the Update button.
The body of the phrase will appear in the list on the left side.
To upload the Phrase on the Web Server to be used afterwards, enter the machine name where
Web Server is installed.
Enter the User Name and the Password for the user of that machine.
Click the Upload button.
Now the Web Agents can use this uploaded phrase during their chats. To delete an existing Phrase,
select the phrase from the list and click the Delete button.
10.15.8 Break Hours
This tab is further divide into three tabs.
z Queue Breaks
z Break Hour Templates
z Template Assignments Queue Breaks
It sets up the times and days of operation for each Web Queue. It allows specific days of the week
and dates to be entered, when a Queue will not operate, i.e. Sunday, Christmas Day.
To Add New Break Hours for Days.
Select the Queue Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
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Select Day radio button.
Select the Day in which the Break is required on weekly basis.
Selectthe Reason for the Break.
Set the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Overflow (Forward Destination) where the calls will be forwarded during the Break Hours.
Click Update button.
The newly added Break Hour day will appear in the list on the left side of the window.
To Add New Break Hours for Dates.
Select the Queue Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Date radio button.
Enter the Date in which the Break.
Selectthe Reason for the Break.
Set the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Overflow (Forward Destination) where the calls will be forwarded during the Break Hours.
Click Update button.
The newly added Break Hour date will appear in the list on the left side of the window. Break Hour Templates
This tab is further divided into two tabs. It sets up the Default Template and assigns it to the Queues.
A Break Hours Template is a pattern that is devised and can be applied to a group of Queues. This
functionality reduces the time and effort as Template can be assigned to more than one Queue. This
is useful especially for the Break Hours times that will be common for most of the Queues. For example,
a template can have Saturday and Sunday as Off days. This template can then be assigned to most
of the Queues apart from those in which calls are to be forwarded on these two days.
To Add a new Template.
Click the New button with the Template Name text box.
Give a name for the new Template.
10 - 128
Click the New button given at the right bottom side of the tab.
Add Break Hours on Weekly basis or/and for specific Dates in this Template.
Click on the Update button given on the right bottom side of the tab after adding details for
each Break Hour Interval.
After completing the details, click on the Update button at the top.
Name for the new Template will be added in the list.
To Set a Break Hours Template as Default.
Select the Template Name from the list on the left side of the tab.
Click on the Set as Default button to set this Template as Default.
Break Hours specified in this template will be applied on every new Queue created in this
Templates Configuration
User can assign Break Hours in the Templates created in Templates tab.
To Add New Break Hours for Days,
Select the Template Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Day radio button.
Select the Day in which Break is required on a weekly basis.
Select reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
Newly added Break Hour will be seen in the list.
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To Add New Break Hours for Dates.
Select the Template Name from the drop down list.
Click the New button.
Select Date radio button.
Select the Date for the Break.
Select Reason for the Break.
Set the Break Properties. Select the Start and End Time of the Break.
Set a Forward Destination where calls would be forwarded during the Break Hour.
Click Update button.
Newly added Break Hour will be seen in the list. Template Assignment
Every newly created Queue is assigned a Break Hours Template that has been set as Default. User can
change the Break Hour Template for the specific Queue.
Figure 10 - 1: Web Connect - Break Hours - Template Assignment tab
To change the Break Hour Template assigned to a Queue.
Select the Queue from the list in the upper portion of the tab.
Select the Template from the drop down list box in the lower portion of the tab.
Click the Update button to save the changes.
10 - 130
Section 11: Arc Connect Configuration (for
Arc Connect Administration running under Arc Connect Secondary Server (Subscriber) does not
allow you to edit or modify information other than the following areas,
z Resource Group Devices
z Queue Locations
z Filter number for DDI exact match filter and DDI pattern match filter
11.1 Configuring the CT Gateway
Open the Arc Connect Administration application by selecting Start > Programs > Arc Connect
> Arc Connect Administration
File > Logon
Enter Logon Name and Password
Select Configuration > CT Gateway
The tabs that appear under the CT Gateway Configuration are:z
Resource Groups,
Resource Group Devices,
CLI Tag,
DDI Tag.
11.1.1 General Settings
Under the General tab there are three sub sections.
z General Properties (Read-Only)
z Default Settings
z Recall Timers (Read-Only)
The only tab that has any fields that can be edited is the Default Settings tab, where it is possible to
edit the Call Park Locations.
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The following table gives a brief description of the Default Settings area that can be modified or
Default Settings
Call Park Location
Local Call Parking: This section has two fields.
This is the extension number assigned to the Pre CT Gateway that holds the local
parked calls.
Resource Group
This is an optional field where you can specify a resource group for local call
Remote Call Parking: This section has two fields.
This is the extension number assigned to the Pre CT Gateway that holds the
remote parked calls.
Resource Group
This is an optional field where you can specify a resource group for remote call
Update: Each section has its own Update button. Click to save the settings.
Table 11 - 1: Configuring the CT Gateway - General settings
11 - 2
11.2 Resource Group Devices
This tab allows the users to configure devices for Resource Groups. It shows available groups on the
left hand side and five sub-tabs on the right hand side.
The sub-tabs are:
Host PBX Gateway Devices
Pre CT Gateway Devices
Service Queue
Call Parking
11.2.1 Host PBX Gateway Devices
These are the devices upon which calls can be held prior to them being delivered to Operator. The
more devices configured, the more calls can be held in the Arc Connect system waiting to be
answered. Once a call is delivered down to Operator, the Gateway device becomes free for
another call.
This sub-tab allows the user to configure Host PBX Gateway Devices for available Resource Groups.
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To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Host PBX Gateway devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of
devices or Add Device to configure a particular device.
Click Add to configure devices.
Use Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
Click Sort to sort devices in the list and click Update to save.
11.2.2 Pre CT Gateway Devices
The Pre CT Gateway devices are required to pass calls into the Arc Connect. Once a call dials in a
Pre CT Gateway port, it is taken into the Arc CT Gateway. If the Arc Server is not functioning or the
Gateway devices are full, then a call is held on the Pre CT Gateway port until it can be routed into
the Gateway. Alternatively, a Forward on No Answer can be set on the port to provide a level of
Resilience, by routing to another device or group of devices.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Pre CT Gateway Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of
devices or Add Device to configure a particular device.
Click Add to configure devices.
Use Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
Click Sort to sort devices in the list and click Update to save.
11.2.3 Service Queue
The Service Queue allows calls to be put on hold by the Operator. It also adds functionality to
CallManager by providing Transfer Recall and Camp on facilities on the Operator's phone. It requires
a number of configured CTI Ports. The number of CTI Ports configured, determines the number of calls
that can be Held, Camped on or Recalled at any one time.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Service Queue Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of devices
or Add Device to configure a particular device.
Click Add to configure devices.
Use Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
Click Sort to sort devices in the list and click Update to save.
11.2.4 Call Parking
This sub-tab is used to configure Call Parking devices for Resource Groups.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Call Park Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of devices or
Add Device to configure a particular device.
Click Add to configure devices.
11 - 4
Use the Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
Click Sort to sort devices in the list and click Update to save.
11.2.5 Voicemail
This sub-tab allows the user to configure voicemail devices.
To configure devices:
In the Resource Group list, select the group for which you want to configure devices.
In the Voicemail Devices section, select Add Device Range to configure a series of devices or
Add Device to configure a particular device.
Click Add to configure devices.
Use Delete button to remove a selected or click Clear to remove all devices from the list.
Click Sort to sort devices in the list and click Update to save.
When configuring a device range, the value in From field must be less than the value in To
The user can remove a selected device in a Resource Group using the Delete button.
Similarly, all selected devices can be removed using Clear button. The Sort button is used to
sort all configured devices in a Resource Group.
11.3 Contact Management
The Contact Management section manages all the contacts that have been saved either in the Arc
database or any other external database that is being used with the Arc Suite. The user can create
new internal/external contacts, assign directory/page groups and specify a number of properties for
each contact.
To manage contacts:
Select Configuration > Contact Management.
The user will see a window displaying the progress of the loading of contact management
11.3.1 Import/Export
The import feature is disabled when Arc Connect Administration is running under the Subscriber.
However, the user can export the contacts to a file.
To Export a Directory as an Excel File
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11 - 5
To save the list of all contacts in Excel Sheet,
In order to export LDAP contacts as well, select the Include LDAP Contacts checkbox.
Select the Export Contact Type that you want to export from either Internal, External or Both.
Click the Export button.
Give the output file a name and path in the browsing window.
Click the Save button.
File will be saved on the disk.
11.4 Call Connect Configuration
Arc Connect Administration running under Arc Connect Secondary Server (Subscriber) does not
allow you to edit or modify information other than the following areas,
z Resource Group Devices
z Queue Locations
z Filter number for DDI exact match filter and DDI pattern match filter
11.4.1 Call Connect Configuration - Queues
The calls are routed into these Queues prior to being delivered to a skilled Agent. A number of
important factors are configured on this tab that control the functionality of calls within the Queue
including overflow settings.
Select the Queues tab,
11 - 6
Please note that under subscriber mode you can only edit the location of a queue.
Select a queue from the Queue Name list.
Edit the Location Number. This is the number that is dialled internally to reach this Queue. And it
is configured on the host PBX as per the switch specific documents.
Click Update.
11.4.2 Call Connect Configuration - Call Filters
Call Filters are crucial to the effective running of Call Connect. It is the filters that determine which
calls are routed into which Call Queues. The information that can be used for filtering is the caller's
number (CLI or ANI) and the number that they called (DDI or DNIS). Filters are prioritised so that a CLI
filter takes precedence over a DDI filter.
The Number field for the following call filters can be modified under subscriber mode,
z DDI exact match filter - Any calls matching this DDI will be filtered to the required Queue.
z DDI pattern match filter - Any calls matching this DDI pattern will be filtered to the required
Queue. All calls that's DDI begins with 020849884* will be filtered to the required Queue.
Users must also be familiar with the following Call Filters:
z No Call Match Filter: This filter is created by default. In case a call does not match any of the
above-mentioned call filters, it is filtered through No Match Call Filter to the Default Destination
z Queue DDI / DNIS Match Filter: This filter is created by default. Each queue has a number
assigned to it. This number is used to specify the queue location where the call is to be routed.
Therefore, this filter is used in order to route a call to the queue location the call is intended for.
11.5 Voice Connect Configuration
When a voice script is updated by using the Update button it will become live on your system.
A script change only will not require you to stop and start your Arc Server.
You can make changes in Voice Connect configuration in the following areas:
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11.5.1 Voice Sessions
Voice Sessions are set up in the same way as other Queues. The calls are routed directly to Voice
Sessions where the user requires all callers to be greeted in the same manner. Then, depending on
the script, calls will be routed onwards.
Select the Voice Session tab,
You cannot update any information other than the Location number. This is the number that will be
dialled internally to reach this queue. This location should be configured on the host PBX as per the
switch specific documents. Click Update to complete the change.
11.5.2 Voice Call Filters
Voice Call Filters work in the same way as Queue Call Filters. Any filters entered here will result in these
calls being routed to the Voice Session. This section is used to filter incoming calls to their intended
Select the Voice Call Filters tab:
Select a Session.
Highlight the required filter and click New.
Enter the number criteria in the Number box for any of the following call filters.
DDI exact match filter
Any calls matching this DDI will be filtered to the required Queue.
DDI pattern match
Any calls matching this DDI pattern will be filtered to the required Queue.
All calls that's DDI begins with 020849884* will be filtered to the required
Table 11 - 2: Voice Call Filters
11 - 8
11.6 Console Connect Configuration
11.6.1 Console Queues
These are the Queues to which the Operators will be allocated. The Queues can be departments or
whole companies in a multi-tenant scenario. You can allocate one or more incoming call numbers
(DDI/DNIS) to each Queue, however, if you have only a single inbound number there is no need of
more than one Queue. When Arc Connect Administration is running under subscriber mode, you can
only edit the queue location for the console queue. The rest of the information will be displayed as
A Queue Licenses dialogue box displays the Total Queue Licenses, and a break down of the number
of Queues that have been allocated and remain available.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
11 - 9
11.6.2 Console Call Filters
This is where you configure which incoming calls get routed into which Console Queues. These filters
can be against either a CLI/ANI or a DDI/DNIS. The available console filters have been described
earlier in the previous section. All call filters are read-only for subscriber mode other than the following:
DDI exact match filter
Any calls matching this DDI will be filtered to the required Queue.
DDI pattern match
Any calls matching this DDI pattern will be filtered to the required Queue.
All calls that's DDI begins with 020849884* will be filtered to the required
Table 11 - 3: Console Call Filters
Please note that you can only edit the Number field for the above-mentioned call filters.
To edit the number field for a call filter:
In the Queue Name, select a Queue.
Select the filter type from Available Filters list. Only DDI Exact match filter and DDI pattern match
filter can be modified.
Enter the Number, which is to be filtered.
Click Update to allocate the filter.
11 - 10
Section 12: Uninstalling Publisher/Subscriber
In order to uninstall Publisher or Subscriber you will have to run the uninstall wizard
Arc_Resilience_Uninstall_Setup. The Publisher/Subscriber are uninstalled in order to stop the
replication for resilience. This may be required in case the replication fails and the system needs to be
12.1 Uninstalling Publisher
To uninstall Publisher select Arc_Resilience_Uninstall_Setup.exe
The Welcome screen displays the instructions you need to follow before you start uninstalling
the Publisher.
Click Next.
The Customer License Agreement is displayed. You must read the terms carefully. If you agree
to the terms and conditions mentioned, click I Agree.
If you do not agree with the terms, click I Disagree and exit the uninstall.
Enter the Name and the Company of the registered owner of Arc Connect Resilience.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
12 - 1
Click Next.
Select the server type installed on the machine. This information is required in order to determine
which server is to be uninstalled. Select Publisher.
Click Next.
Enter the IP Address or Machine Name for the machine where the Publisher database has been
installed. This would enable the IP Communication between the Publisher and SQL database.
12 - 2
You are now ready to uninstall the Publisher. Click Next to proceed.
If you wish to edit any information entered in the previous screens, click Back.
The Welcome screen for uninstalling Publisher will appear with instructions on uninstalling the
Click on Next to continue with the uninstall.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
12 - 3
The progress of the uninstall is diaplayed on the screen.
When the Uninstall is complete a message box will be displayed to confirm that it is completed.
Click OK.
10. Click Finish on the progress window.
12 - 4
11. The next window will display that the Publisher has been successfully uninstalled.
12.2 Uninstalling Subscriber
To uninstall Subscriber select Arc_Resilience_Uninstall_Setup
The Welcome screen displays the instructions you need to follow before you start uninstalling the
Click Next.
The Customer License Agreement is displayed. You must read the terms carefully. If you agree
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
12 - 5
to the terms and conditions mentioned, click I Agree.
If you do not agree with the terms, click I Disagree and exit the uninstallation.
Enter the Name and the Company of the registered owner of Arc Connect Resilience.
Click Next.
Select the server type installed on your machine. This information is required in order to
determine which server is to be uninstalled. Select Subscriber.
Click Next.
12 - 6
Enter the IP Address or Machine Name for the machine where the Subscriber database has
been installed. This would enable the IP Communication between the Subscriber and SQL
You are now ready to uninstall the Publisher. Click Next to proceed.
If you wish to edit any information entered on the previous screens, click Back.
The Welcome screen for uninstalling Subscriber will appear with instructions on uninstalling the
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
12 - 7
Sspecify the name of the Server where the publisher database is installed.
If you have a choice to select either Windows or SQL Server Authentication. If you choose Use
SQL Server Authentication, enter the User Name and Password.
Click on the drop down list to select the publisher Database, you may have to wait for the Server
to populate the list with publisher databases available. Select the required Database and click
Next to proceed.
10. The progress of the uninstall is diaplayed on the screen.
11. When the Uninstall is complete a message box will be displayed to confirm that it is completed.
Click OK.
12 - 8
12. Click Finish on the Progress window.
13. The next window will display a message stating that the Subscriber has been successfully
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
12 - 9
12 - 10
Appendix A - Arc Connect Resilience
There are 3 levels of resilience that can be provided:
Basic Resilience - Calls forwarded to CallManager if Arc Server stops.
TAPI Resilience - CallManager ensuring calls are handled in the event of a CallManager crash.
Full Resilience - Covering the eventualities of a CallManager and/or an Arc Server crash.
Scenario One - Basic Resilience
This level of resilience should be configured on all Arc/CallManager installations. It provides for all
incoming calls to be routed to a CallManager extension in the event of a failure of the Arc Server, or
a re-homing of CallManager devices to a server that cannot be monitored by Arc.
To set resilience up simply enter a Forward No Answer destination on each of the Pre-Gateway device
CTI Route Points.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Once the forward has been set it will activate immediately if the Arc Server is no longer monitoring
the CTI Route Point. There are two scenarios where this may happen, a) If the Arc Server is stopped,
including if the machine crashes, and b) the phones being monitored rehome to a different
CallManager that is not being monitored by the TAPI user on the Arc Server machine. In release 3.0
of CallManager the TAPI user can only monitor a single CallManager. Release 3.1 the TAPI user is setup
to monitor two CTI Managers, meaning that even if phones rehome, the TAPI seamlessly carries on
monitoring the TAPI devices on the failover CallManager.
Scenario Two - TAPI Resilience
With the release of 3.1 of CallManager a TAPI user can monitor two CTI Managers. This feature allows
auto failover of TAPI devices to a separate CallManager, while allowing the TAPI user to continue
monitoring the devices against the same User profile. The Arc Server will be out of action for just a few
seconds while the devices rehome. The Arc client users will see a message that their Device has gone
out of service. The message will disappear from the screen once the device comes back into service.
They can then carry on as normal. No action needs to be taken by the client. These CTI Managers
reside as a service on a CallManager server.
To provide this resilience, set up a backup CTI Manager on the TAPI configuration as shown:
Scenario Three - Full Resilience
Full resilience can now be provided for Arc installations. This covers all eventualities including the two
above, but also in the event of an Arc Sever machine crash a second Arc server can take and
process the incoming calls.
On the CallManager there should be set up two identical configurations using different numbering
plans. Then set up a new User Profile for the second Arc Server machine. This allows a second Arc
Server to be active and ready to take calls.
The User simply has to switch between the Main Arc Server and the Alternate Arc Server. This is done
very easily from the relevant GUI.
Within CallManagerCallManager the Forward No Answer on the primary CTI Route Points that are the
Pre CT-Gateway ports simply point to the relevant Route Point that is set for the secondary Arc Server.
Once the call is routed to the new Route Point it will be routed into the Gateway set on the Secondary
Server and then onto the clients, who have re attached himself or herself to the secondary server. A
3rd level of Arc resilience can be set by putting a Forward No Answer from the secondary Route Points
to a CallManager device as in scenario One.
To summarise full resilience,
Failed Application
First CallManager
CallManager Response
Phones and CTI Manager Rehomes
to secondary CallManager
Arc Response
Arc Server uses backup CTI
Manager and automatically
monitors rehomed extensions.
Client extensions go Out of Service
for a few seconds and then client
can carry on as normal.
First Arc Server
Forwarding on CTI Route Points
sends calls to secondary Route
Secondary Arc Server will
automatically start receiving calls.
They will be processed
accordingly. Clients must manually
point their applications to the
secondary server.
Second Arc Server
Calls forwarded from primary Arc
Server will be forwarded again to a
third destination, likely a
CallManager destination.
Table A - 1: Full Resilience - Summary
The methods used to ensure the redundancy in the event of integration failure are,
Multiple hot-swap power supplies
Hot-swap Hard Drive arrays
UPS / power conditioners
The software recommended for the backup recovery is Veritas Backup Exec 8.6.
The steps to be followed for taking backup with Veritas Backup Exec 8.6 are as follows:
This backup can be completed while the Arc Connect Server is started. The following sections of Arc
Connect need to be backed up if a disaster recovery backup is not required.
The complete contents of C:\Program Files\Arc\. This assumes that the default destination
directory is used.
The following section of the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arc Solutions
The Arc Log database, the location for SQL Server database files would be C:\Arcdata by
default. This database needs to be backed up.
The Configuration database, the location for SQL Server database files would be C:\Arcdata by
default. This database needs to be backed up.
A.5.1 Restoring Arc Connect
Prior to restoring Arc Connect, ensure that the operating system with all service packs has been
installed and the Host PBX TSP has been installed and configured.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Please remember that the Arc Connect solution as a whole will need to be re-registered and
that the Arc Connect Server will not start until this is done. Please contact your reseller for new
registration codes.
A.5.2 Disaster Recovery Backup
Simply ensure that the Arc Connect Server PC is backed up as a whole. The Arc Connect server can
remain started throughout the whole backup procedure.
Please ensure that the open files upgrade has been installed into Backup Exec. This is required
as all the above files and directories will be open / contain open files. If this is not done, any
restore procedures will not work.
Appendix B - Feature Management
Once a permission group is associated with a community, the features that will appear for each
application will only be the ones that are related to the community elements that have appropriate
access rights. The rest of the features will not be visible to the tenant > user. Therefore, for users'
reference, the following table shows the list of features and the applications these features are
associated with.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Menu Reference
Send Messages
Message > Send
Configuration > Preferences
Manage User
Configuration > User Groups
Database > Database Maintenance
General Monitor
Arc Connect > Monitor Templates > Create New Templates
Overview Reports
Arc Connect > Reports > Overview
Call Tracking
Arc Connect > Reports > Call Tracking
Manage Job Titles
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Contact Properties >
Manage Job Titles
Manage Regions
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Contact Properties >
Manage Regions
Manage Branches
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Contact Properties >
Manage Branches
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Contact Properties >
Manage Departments
Manage Internal
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Internal Contacts > Manage
Internal Contacts
Manage Directory
Group Details
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Directory Groups > Manage
Directory Group Details
Manage External
Arc Connect > Online Updates > External Contacts > Manage
External Contacts
Manage CLI
Arc Connect > Online Updates > CLI Numbers > Manage CLI
Manage DDI
Arc Connect > Online Updates > DDI Numbers > Manage DDI
Manage Keywords
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Keywords > Manage
Manage Community
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Communities > Manage
Community Details
This feature requires the user to be associated with a
community with full access.
Menu Reference
Manage Permission
Group Details
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Users > Manage Permission
Group Details
Manage Wallboard
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Users > Manage Wallboard
Manage Supervisor
Arc Connect > Online Updates Users > Manage Supervisor
Manage Break
Periods Reason
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Reason Codes > Manage
Break Periods Reason
Manage Page
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Messaging > Page Request
Manage Page
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Messaging > Page Response
Manage Page
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Messaging > Page Groups
Manage Page
Group Contacts
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Messaging > Page Group
Manage Local Call
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Personal Call Park Location
> Local Call Parking
Manage Remote
Call Parking
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Personal Call Park Location
> Remote Call Parking
Manage Presence
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Presence Status
Manage Operator
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Users > Manage Operator
Call Connect (ACD)
Manage Agent
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Users > Manage Agent
Unavailable Reason
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Reason Codes > Manage
Break Unavailable Reason
Manage Completion
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Completion Codes >
Manage Completion Codes
Manage Completion
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Completion Codes >
Manage Completion Groups
Manage Completion
Group Codes
Arc Connect > Online Updates > Completion Codes >
Manage Completion Group Codes
Agent Monitor
Call Connect > Monitor Templates > Create New Templates
Agent Activity Tables
Call Connect > Current Activity Tables
Agent Queues
Graphical Analysis
Call Connect > Graphical Analysis > Queue
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Menu Reference
Agent Users
Graphical Analysis
Call Connect > Graphical Analysis > Agent
Agent Overflow
Graphical Analysis
Call Connect > Graphical Analysis > Overflow
Agent Night Service
Graphical Analysis
Call Connect > Graphical Analysis > Night Service
Agent Overview
Call Connect > Reports > Overview
Agent Queue
Call Connect > Reports > Queue
Agent User Reports
Menu Reference
Call Connect > Reports > Operator
Manage Agent Log
Console Connect > Online Updates > Agent Control\Log In
An Agent
Manage Agent Log
Console Connect > Online Updates > Agent Control\Log Out
An Operator
Amend Agent
Call Connect > Online Updates > Agent Control > Amend
Agent Activity
Manage Agent Skills
Call Connect > Online Updates > Agent Details > Manage
Agent Skills
Set Skill Templates
Call Connect > Online Updates > Agent Details > Manage
Agent Skills
Assign Skill
Call Connect > Online Updates > Agent Details > Manage
Agent Skills
Take a ACD Queue
out of Service
Call Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Take a
Queue Out of Service
Put a ACD Queue in
Call Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Put a
Queue in Service
Take a ACD Queue
out of Emergency
Call Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Take a
Queue out of Emergency Mode
Put a ACD Queue in
Emergency Mode
Call Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Put a
Queue in Emergency Mode
Manage ACD
Queue Details
Call Connect > Online Updates > Queue Details > Manage
Queue Details
Manage ACD
Queue Thresholds
Call Connect > Online Updates > Queue Details > Manage
Queue Thresholds
Manage ACD Call
Call Connect > Online Updates > Call Filters > Manage Call
Manage ACD Break
Call Connect > Online Updates > Break Hours > Manage
Break Hours
Console Monitor
Console Queues
Graphical Analysis
Console Connect > Monitor Templates > Create New
Console Connect > Graphical Analysis > Queue
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Menu Reference
Console Users
Graphical Analysis
Console Connect > Graphical Analysis > Operator
Console Overflow
Graphical Analysis
Console Connect > Graphical Analysis > Overflow
Console Overview
Console Connect > Reports > Overview
Console Queue
Console Connect > Reports > Queue
Console User Reports
Console Connect > Reports > Operator
Console Operator
Log Out
Console Connect > Online Updates > Operator Control\Log
Out An Operator
Manage Operator
Console Connect > Online Updates > Operator Details >
Manage Operator Queues
Manage Operator
Console Connect > Online Updates > Operator Details >
Manage Operator Groups
Menu Reference
Manage Operator
Page Groups
Console Connect > Online Updates > Operator Details >
Manage Operator Page Groups
Take a Console
Queue out of Service
Console Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Take a
Queue Out of Service
Put a Console
Queue in Service
Console Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Put a
Queue in Service
Take a Console
Queue out of
Emergency Mode
Console Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Take a
Queue out of Emergency Mode
Put a Console
Queue in
Emergency Mode
Console Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Put a
Queue in Emergency Mode
Manage Console
Queue Details
Console Connect > Online Updates > Queue Details >
Manage Queue Details
Manage Console
Call Filters
Console Connect > Online Updates > Call Filters > Manage
Call Filters
Manage Console
Route Tag Groups
Console Connect > Online Updates > Call Filters > Manage
Route Tag Groups
Manage Console
Break Hours
Console Connect > Online Updates > Break Hours > Manage
Break Hours
Voice Overview
Graphical Analysis
Voice Connect > Graphical Analysis > Overview
Voice Session
Graphical Analysis
Voice Connect > Graphical Analysis > Session
Voice Break Hours
Graphical Analysis
Voice Connect > Graphical Analysis > Night Service
Voice Overflow
Graphical Analysis
Voice Connect > Graphical Analysis > Overflow
Voice Overview
Voice Connect > Reports > Overview
Voice Session
Voice Connect > Reports > Session
Manage Voice
Voice Connect > Online Updates > Messages > Manage
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Menu Reference
Manage Voice
Voice Connect > Online Updates > Messages > Manage
Manage Voice
Voice Connect > Online Updates > Voice Scripts > Manage
Voice Scripts
Manage Voice
Voice Connect > Online Updates > Voice Sessions > Manage
Voice Sessions
Manage In Queue
Voice Connect > Online Updates > In Queue Messages >
Manage In Queue Messages
Manage Voice Call
Voice Connect > Online Updates > Call Filters > Manage Call
Manage Voice
Break Hours
Voice Connect > Online Updates > Break Hours > Manage
Break Hours
Web Connect
Web Monitor
Web Connect > Monitor Templates > Create New Template
Web Activity Tables
Web Connect > Current Activity Tables
Web Queues
Graphical Analysis
Web Connect > Graphical Analysis > Queue
Web Users Graphical
Web Connect > Graphical Analysis > Agent
Web Overflow
Graphical Analysis
Web Connect > Graphical Analysis > Overflow
Web Night Service
Graphical Analysis
Web Connect > Graphical Analysis > Night Service
Web Overview
Web Connect > Reports > Overview
Web Queue Reports
Web Connect > Reports > Queue
Web Agent User
Menu Reference
Web Connect > Reports > Agent
Manage Web Agent
Log Out
Web Connect > Online Updates > Agent Control > Log Out An
Amend Web Agent
Web Connect > Online Updates > Agent Control > Amend
Agent Activity
Manage Web Agent
Web Connect > Online Update > Agent Details > Manage
Agent Skills
Set Web Skill
Web Connect > Online Updates > Agent Details > Manage
Agent Skills
Assign Web Skill
Web Connect > Online Updates > Agent Details > Manage
Agent Skills
Take a Web Queue
out of Service
Web Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Take a
Queue Out of Service
Put a Web Queue in
Web Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Put a
Queue in Service
Take a Web Queue
out of Emergency
Web Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Take a
Queue out of Emergency Mode
Put a Web Queue in
Emergency Mode
Web Connect > Online Updates > Queue Control > Put a
Queue in Emergency Mode
Manage Web
Queue Details
Web Connect > Online Updates > Queue Details > Manage
Queue Details
Manage Web Data
Web Connect > Online Updates > Data Filters > Manage Data
Manage Web Break
Web Connect > Online Updates > Break Hours > Manage
Break Hours
Table B - 1: Feature Management - Supervisor
Menu Reference
Options > Preferences
Emergency Mode
Options > Emergency
Table B - 2: Feature Management - Operator
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
B - 10
Appendix C - Arc Connect Resilience FAQs
The following questions and answers provide troubleshooting information regarding Arc Connect
Resilience. If the answers below do not satisfy your query, please contact us.
The contact information is provided in Section 5 of this document.
Q1: What happens if the network connection is lost?
Ans. When a network connection is lost, while inactive, the publisher database keeps updating its
distribution database residing on the same server where publisher machine is. Once Subscriber
machine pings the Publisher machine, the Subscriber pulls the updated information again from the
Publishing server
Q2: What happens if the Subscriber restarts?
Ans. When the Subscriber SQL Server agent service runs at start-up, changes are automatically
updated at subscriber end.
Q3: What happens if the Publisher restarts?
Ans. When Publisher SQL Server agent service run at start-up, subscribers are automatically
connected with publisher.
Q4: What happens if the user for SQL Server Agent service changes?
Ans. Both Publisher and Subscriber need to be run under an account, which can communicate with
both machines on administrative level. The Snapshot agent needs IPC Share path to perform its
operation and therefore inadequate privileges may result in replication process to stop.
Q5: What happens if SQL Server agent does not run on a user account with administrator
Ans. If Publisher and Subscriber do not run under the same user account and are not assigned
administrative rights, the data from the snapshot folder is not shared and the replication will stop.
Q6: Can I change data on the Subscriber?
Ans. Other than devices, queue location and Filter number for DDI exact match filter and DDI pattern
match filter, the data cannot be modified.
Q7: Can I create new configuration and log database while in replication mode?
Ans. No, Replication is installed on a database level; if you need to create a new database, you
would need to reinstall the replication. Arc provides a facility to drop the existing replication.
Q8: While creating replication, I keep getting the following error, "Cannot generate SSPI
context". What do I do?
Ans. This can be resolved through the following steps,
Verify date/time settings on server and client.
Shutdown any third-party time services and enable Windows Time Service.
Verify DNS settings/name resolution.
Run SETSPN -L <ServerName> from the client where the error was found.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
SPN uses the DNS name of the server. If the DNS name is incorrect verify if the issue is with the
client or not by running IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS or restart client machine.
SPN creation requires domain administrator rights.
Re-run SETSPN or verify DNS name of server from client machine.
If DNS name is still incorrect contact your networking group.
Removing the SPN entirely should resolve the issue -- Run SETSPN -D <SPN> <ServerName>.
Q9: While creating replication I keep getting error "Unable to start distribution agent. It is
failing with the following error:
“21036: Another distribution agent for the subscription(s) is running"
Ans. This error can occur on a running system. Sometimes it is possible that an orphan process could
be running with the same name as the distribution agent, and restarting SQL Agent may not terminate
it. This will prevent the user from starting the distribution agent.
You can verify this orphan process by querying sysprocesses. Under Replication Monitor, Agents,
Distribution Agents, right click on the distribution agent and select Agent Properties. From the
properties dialog box, copy the name of the distribution agent and execute the following query.
select * from master.sysprocesses where program_name = 'Name_of_the_agent'
From the output verify the waittype.
If you restart the SQL Server, this problem will be solved. If you cannot restart SQL Server, then copy
the spid of the distribution agent from the above agent and kill it using the Kill command. E.g: Kill 21
Q10: The call filters and numbers assigned to queue locations are not working properly. What
do I do?
Ans: MSSQLSERVER should have -T8207 as a start up parameter in order to make the call filters and
queue numbers to work properly.
To configure the SQL Server with this parameter following steps are required:
Stop the MSSQLServer service.
In the SQL Enterprise Manager, right-click the server name
Click Properties.
In the Properties dialog box, click the General tab, and then click Startup Parameters.
Add -T8207 in the Parameter field.
Click Add.
Click OK to save
Start the MSSQLServer service.
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual
Appendix D - List of Tables
10 - 1
10 - 2
10 - 3
10 - 4
10 - 5
10 - 6
10 - 7
10 - 8
10 - 9
10 - 10
10 - 11
10 - 12
10 - 13
10 - 14
10 - 15
11 - 1
11 - 2
11 - 3
CallManager Numbering plan for a sample installation..................................................... 4 - 3
Performance Information........................................................................................................ 4 - 3
Server Software - PC Specification ........................................................................................ 4 - 6
Client Software - PC Specification ......................................................................................... 4 - 8
Network Requirements ............................................................................................................ 4 - 9
Step 1 - Installation and Configuration Checklist ................................................................. 6 - 1
Step 2 - Install and Configure Arc Connect Server .............................................................. 6 - 2
Step 3 - CallManager Configuration ..................................................................................... 6 - 2
Step 4 - Install Cisco TSP on Arc Connect Server.................................................................. 6 - 3
Step 5 - Test TAPI....................................................................................................................... 6 - 3
Step 6 - Install Operator and Additional Arc Enterprise Products ...................................... 6 - 4
Step 7 - Test Console Connect ............................................................................................... 6 - 4
Configuring CT Gateway - General Settings (Publisher) ................................................... 10 - 5
Internal Contacts - Filters ..................................................................................................... 10 - 26
Internal Contact - Available fields ..................................................................................... 10 - 29
External Contacts - Filters .................................................................................................... 10 - 30
External Contacts - Available fields ................................................................................... 10 - 32
LDAP Synchronisation - Source Details .............................................................................. 10 - 42
LDAP Synchronisation -Container ...................................................................................... 10 - 43
Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 10 - 44
Fields Mapping ..................................................................................................................... 10 - 45
Rules....................................................................................................................................... 10 - 47
Rules Directory Group.......................................................................................................... 10 - 47
Status Configuration ............................................................................................................ 10 - 77
Voice Call Filters ................................................................................................................. 10 - 104
Forward Destination Types ................................................................................................ 10 - 110
Console Call Filters ............................................................................................................. 10 - 113
Configuring the CT Gateway - General settings................................................................ 11 - 2
Voice Call Filters ..................................................................................................................... 11 - 8
Console Call Filters ............................................................................................................... 11 - 10
Full Resilience - Summary ....................................................................................................... A - 3
Feature Management - Supervisor ........................................................................................ B - 9
Feature Management - Operator ......................................................................................... B - 9
Arc Enterprise Installation and Configuration Manual